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She took questions over whether a president could legally pardon himself and whether her involvement in the disputed election of 2,000 disqualify her should it happen again this year but much of the inquiry had harsh political overtones. Shannon bream has highlights tonight from the confirmation hearing room. Date 2 of questioning was marked by some technical problems and some delays but we also got a look at professor barrett today, she was fielding questions time and time again from senators, but she also spent time breaking down complex legal issues and asking some questions of her own. Shes going to the court, the seat at the table is waiting on you. Republicans sounded confident but for Supreme Court nominee judge Amy Coney Barrett, it might of felt like groundhog day, date 2 of questioning by members of the Senate Judiciary committee, she repeatedly faced the same accusations of democrats leveled on day 1, that the president is fast tracking her nomination in order to speed her on the Supreme Court in time to strike down the Affordable Care act and hand him the 2020 election. U, justice kavanaugh, and chief Justice Roberts who worked on behalf of the Republican Party in matters related to the bush v gore case, do you think thats a coincidence . All these questions, youre suggesting that i have animus or cutting a deal with the president and i was very clear yesterday that is and what happened. The larger challenge here is not what you said about your views on cases, but what the president who has nominated you has said about his goals and his objectives for your service on the court to. I assure you i have my own mind. She used it to explain the concept to the key to the exportablAffordable Care act cae Supreme Court will hear in november, the individual mandate law and the rest of the law survives. A jank again, can you pull one out, will it all stand or if you pull two out, will it still stand . Barrett said the nomination process had been excruciating, knowing that she would be mocked. For me to say im not willing to undertake it even though i think this is something important would be a little cowardly and i wouldnt be answering a call to serve my country in a way that i was asked. Twice today the hearing was shut down when the audio went out, normally that would be an inconvenience but today its different and in the edge of the pandemic because some senators wanted to skype in and do it remotely through zoom including senator Kamala Harris. If they had to continue, there was worried that a delay would delay the entire process, this is on a tight timeline and schedule so republicans say they are determined to get this nominee seated before the election. All of the public questioning of her is now done, they are in a private session going through her fbi background check, it will be back here at 9 00 a. M. Tomorrow. Bret shannon, thanks. The election cycle tradition of an october surprise possibly being fulfilled tonight by the allegation that joe biden may have had a meeting he has vehemently denied, the Biden Campaign still denies it tonight but emails allegedly from his son hunter biden said the meeting was at least being set up. This about hunter biden and a powerful ukrainian businessman. If we have Fox Team Coverage tonight, and how social media is dealing with what many are saying censoring this story. A senior Political Correspondent mike emanuel has the specific spirit of and explosive story at a critical stage in his president ial campaign, newly released emails allegedly from joe bidens son hunters computer leading the capitol hill investigators starting a probe. The Homeland Security committee is now investigating a hard drive brought forward by a whistleblower, an attorney from Rudy Giuliani set a repair man came forward with a laptop and hard drive he says belong to hunter biden, he said it was dropped off at a shop and never picked up. If fox is told that has an estimated 40,000 emails, 1,000 text messages, and salacious photos and videos of a former Vice President s son, nelson at investigators are working with the whistleblower to confirm the information. He is legally blind, uses a monocle to do his job, and cannot confirm it was hunter who dropped off the laptop. I was concerned that somebody might want to look at it and i wanted out of my shop. Fox news has obtained an april 17 email, a source tells fox it came from the computer in question, its from a senior official from Ukrainian Energy firm burisma, he thinks hunter biden for inviting him to washington and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. When joe biden was Vice President. The Biden Campaign said it reviewed his official schedules at the time and no meeting ever took place but this has been a very sensitive subject. Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing that it was the company wanted access to you . Youre saying things you do not know what youre talking about, who said that . Theres also a email that mentions the hunter biden we urgently need your advice on how you can use their influence to convey a message, signal et cetera to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions. At that time, hunter biden was being paid up to 50,000 per month by burisma while his father the Vice President was the point man for the Obama Administration on ukraine. Less than a year after the 2014 meeting where hunter introduced his father, the ukrainian prosecutor was fired, something joe biden bragged about in 2018. I said if the prosecutor is not fired, youre not getting the money. Well son of a bitch, he got fired. The Trump Campaign notes the Biden Campaign doesnt dispute the authenticity of the emails, fox news has reached out to ask of these ares emails and we havent gotten a response. Bret we know the owner turns it over to the fbi, do we know the providence of that, how it happens, when it happens . We understand there ha it has been in the fbis possession since 2019, its not clear how it got to an attorney with ties to Rudy Giuliani, the fbi is not talking about its possession of it, its turned over to the u. S. Attorneys office in delaware which would not confirm nor deny an investigation was underway. We understand there is some concern about whether the fbi had kept it, a guy kept a copy of it and passed it on to Rudy Giulianis camp and thus it ended up in public domain, at least part of it. Bret days from an election. If more to the scum of the social media reaction to the story has been fascinating and also highly controversial. Here is fox media analyst howard kurtz, this is quite something. It is indeed, the details of todays New York Post story may be in dispute but one thing is not two social media giants dont want you to see it. After the tabloids disclosed emails indicating a meeting between bidens father and that Energy Executive in ukraine, facebook said it would limit the stories distribution while an outside factchecker reviewed it, which is done if we have signal that a piece of content is false. Twitter is resorting to censorship of blocking its users from sharing the post peace even through direct messages, the post saying that twitter has now locked its account by arguing the paper has violated its rules against sharing packed material, thats a quote. This will feel criticism by President Trump and many others that Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg and twitter chief jack dorsey have acknowledged that their companies are accused of being biased against the right. Top repor reporters who challene document are taking heat from the left, the New York Times says the sketchy story left unclear when Rudy Giuliani obtained the document. Liberal times columnist Michelle Goldberg responded theyre really going to help giuliani and steve bannon it longer this through the new cycle . And senator ted cruz accused twitter of an obvious and transparent attempt to influence the election and hypocrisy for allowing shoddy or stories about other politicians. A top producer for Msnbcs Lawrence Odonnell tweeted no one should link to or share the New York Post report. But it may be backfiring bring even more attention to this story. Bret mount a reaction for the Biden Campaign, correspondent peter doocy has the latest from wilmington, delaware. Joe biden brought a story about his son hunter on the campaign trail this week. The reason i went home is the same reason why all you tried to, and that is that to be there in the evening when my kids went to bed in the morning, my sons and my daughter ashley. He defended hunter on the debate stage. Speak up my son, like a lot of people you know at home at a drug problem. Hes overtaken it, he is fixed it, hes worked on it and im proud of him. Now his campaign claims they cant find any evidence to support reporting that his son introduced his dad to a ukrainian business partner. Weve reviewed joe bidens schedules and no meeting as alleged by New York Post ever took place. The campaign insists previous investigations cleared him. He was on a phone call telling voters just got on off the phone with warren buffett, we are in a position to lead the whole world in a way that no one else can. He has favored virtual or small socially distance events while calling out large trunk rallies. So reckless. Covid19 cases have been linked to multiple trump events and a biden event as well, at least one case has been traced to a stop biden made at the end of last month in minnesota. Hello minnesota, its good to be back. As his running mate, let harris attend Supreme Court nomination hearings, biden says Amy Coney Barrett should be confirmed but she seemed like a decent person and despite his big lead over trump in the polls. Im one of those superstitious guys, it aint over till its over. Its a day closer to being over but biden is not in a battleground state, instead hes here at home in delaware. Hes going to deliver pretaped remarks to a muslim is making change and he did attend that virtual fundraiser with 37 donors. Bret peter doocy in wilmington. President trump has once again spent the dinner hour on the road tonight making it Campaign Stops in des moines, iowa, he is scheduled to speak to as many as 10,000 people at the top of the hour. The hunter biden story im sure would come up. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts joins us now. You can bet thats probably going to be in the repertoire tonight. You and i have both been aboard air force one and we know they serve good food so its not the worst place to spend yet another dinner hour but the president keeping up an intensive schedule in these last three weeks of the campaign and is got something new to chew over with with voters tonight. As the president left for a rally in iowa, his campaign and white house officials pumping up reports in the New York Post about Hunter Bidens emails that suggest hunter introduced his father joe biden to a Ukrainian Energy executive and colleague on the board of burisma. Vice President Biden has some serious questions to answer, and i hope the media will press him on this. This afternoon the report was partially censored by facebook and twitter, missouri senator josh hawley, a member of Homeland Security tweeting this is amazing. Now Twitter Joins facebook and censoring the New York Post reporting on biden, you almost get the idea big tech wants to buy this election. The president expected to talk more about it in iowa, making attacks on hunter biden stick to his father joe has proven difficult. President trump is also expected to praise his pick for the Supreme Court tonight, the president happy with what he has seen so far in confirmation hearings. And he is doing a fantastic job, i think shes doing an incredible job. Hoping a swift confirmation will energize his base to come out and vote, the real clear politics pulling average showing the race neck and neck in iowa, a state that president won by nearly ten points in 2016. In johnstown pennsylvania, President Trump looking to turn around his fortunes with suburban women, appealing to them with his message of law and order. I ask you to do me a favor, suburban women, will you please like me . Please. I saved your neighborhood, okay . The president today focusing on getting america back to work, speaking to a group of economic insisting trials for up to one for Coronavirus Vaccines temporarily put on hold, the nation is still on track for mass inoculation. We are on track to deliver at least 100 million doses of a vaccine before the end of the year with hundreds of millions more to quickly follow. The president warning of a dramatic decline in Economic Growth if he is defeated in november. The choice facing america is simple. Its the choice between historic prosperity under my proamerican policies, or very crippling poverty and a steep depression under the radical left and thats what youll have, its a depression. Polls continue to show voters trust President Trump more than they do joe biden to handle the economy, the president is going to need that trust if he hopes to win reelection. In an interview that well air very soon on cbs news, dr. Anthony fauci saying it will likely not be until april that a Coronavirus Vaccine is widely available, that means the economy will not go into full recovery until some months from now. Going to the experts of the president s speech that he will give in des moines, Nothing Specific about hunter biden in the excerpts, though i expect the president will probably go there. Bret john roberts live on the north lawn. First Lady Melania Trump says her 14yearold son baron has tested positive for coronavirus but has no symptoms. Officials initially said he had tested negative after both of his parents tested positive for earlier this month. The first lady says a subsequent testing has shown barron has also come down with covid19, she says her latest test came back negative. Late today, President Trump was asked about all of this, he said his son barron is just fine. Up next, a member of the Senate Judiciary committee on todays hearings and the other big news of the day first heres what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 2, husbandandwife charged with felonies waving guns at protesters at their streets, pleaded not guilty. They were indicted by a grand jury last week with unlawful use of a weapon and tampering with evidence. In philadelphia, city officials reach an agreement to close a homeless encampment that has occupied the ben franklin parkway since june 10th, an estimated 150 people have agreed to leave their tents by the end of the week. This is a live look at San Francisco from our affiliate fox 2, a big story there, Pacific Gas Electric warns nearly 54,000 customers in 24 countries that they may lose their electricity starting tonight. The nations largest utility is expected to make a decision whether to implement preemptive electricity cuts to prevent fires during extremely high fire conditions featuring heat, bone dry humidity, and high winds. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report, well be right back. Keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. 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Side effects include indigestion, fatigue, belly pain, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. I have it within me to lower my a1c. Ask your doctor about trulicity. Bret joining us now to talk about todays biggest stories, a member of the Senate Judiciary committee interviewing judge Amy Coney Barrett today and yesterday, john kennedy, a republican senator from louisiana thanks for being here. First i want to ask you about the judge, how you think it has gone, how she has survived some of the tough questions on the democratic side and where you think this is right now. After about 20 hours of testimony, i think any fairminded person would have to conclude that judge barrett is imminently qualified, she is a very impressive intellect, she has integrity, she has wonderful judicial temperament, and she has very studied, disciplined judicial philosophy. I happen to agree with it, but even if you dont agree with her judicial philosophy, its not some frivolous belief. She spent a lot of time thinking and writing about it and shell maccabee a great addition to the United States Supreme Court. Bret this is the Vice President ial nominee senator Kamala Harris talking about this process, take a listen. Sadly my Senate Republican colleagues are doing great harm with this illegitimate process and if they are successful, it has potential to do great dama damage. I believe that damages the people of our country and the United States. Bret i senator tillis this last night, i think everyone believes that if democrats were in the same position, that they would move forward to fill the vacancies, but what would republicans do in this same position on the side the democrats are now if it was president obama filling this seat 20 days before an election . If you look at the history, heres what i think it shows. When the democrats are in control and by that i mean they have control of the presidency and the senate and theres a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court, they fill the vacancy. They do what they think is right and that means filling the vacancy. I think you can say the same thing about the republicans. I think thats what our founders intended. The provisions in the constitution about vacancies on the United States Supreme Court are unaffected by the electoral capital. When there is a vacancy, if the president s chooses to feel it and nominate someone, then the Senate Advises and consents and thats all we are doing, we are following the constitution. Bret i want to ask you about this other story thats breaking in the New York Post, im sure youve read it, about emails from Hunter Bidens computer that talked about a meeting with joe biden and what the Company Expects hunter biden to do for it. Theres other stuff on that computer as well. We cant get to the provenance of how it gets to the fbi and how it gets to Rudy Giuliani through an attorney, we are trying to dig into this and a lot to learn. Twitter and facebook have prevented people from linking to it, i want to get your take on the story and about the social media reaction to it. Three points. Number one, these accusations are as serious as four heart attacks and strokes. Now we are talking about a Major Party Nominee for president of the United States of america with an election right around the corner. Every single responsible News Organization needs to be investigating the veracity of these allegations and these emails. Number 2, the New York Post is a responsible, reputable News Organization. It is subject to the libel laws and the defamation laws of our country. Its social media its playing favorites and trying to pick winners and losers and discriminating against the New York Post because it doesnt like the article that is wrong if thats whats going on. Number 3, while we are trying to figure this out, heres what we do know and its important. President obama put Vice President biden in charge of americas Foreign Affairs with two countries, ukraine and china. And in both cases, his son, mr. Hunter biden walked away with millions of dollars of contracts. Im not accusing anybody of anything, but im telling you this this is the message that is sent to the rest of the wor world. The Foreign Policy of the United States of america can be bought like a sack of potatoes and thats a disservice to america and to the world. Bret this close to an election, trying to get to the authenticity of these emails the Biden Campaigns at the meeting didnt happen by their calendar, they hav havent pushd back on the authenticity of the computer but do have problems of the Treasury Department called the man that was meeting with Rudy Giuliani an active russian agent for more than a decade, do you have problems with the story 20 days to the election as we are looking into the authenticity of all of this . I think many people have questions right now. We want to get this right, its important that we get this right but there is an answer. Every responsible News Organization in america and frankly the world needs to be investigating the veracity of these accusations and those emails. This is important and we need to get this right. Thats why we have the First Amendment and why we have a free and fair supposedly fair media. Bret senator kennedy, we appreciate your time, we are in the process of digging as well. Up next, a dispute over whether President Trump has ordered the Justice Department to release its findings on what he calls the russia hoax. Hmm . Hmm . Hmm . woman on porch vo can we vote by mail here . grandma vo youll be safe, right . daughter vo yes four girls vo the polls voted grandma vo go out and vote its so important man at poll vo woo grandma vo its the most important thing you can do to save you up to 60 . These are all great. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Bret a Trump Administration is welcoming the release of two u. S. Citizens from iran backed fighters in yemen, first reported by the wall street journal, they were freed in exchange for the return of more than 200 militants in yemen, the remains of another american also being repatriated. If President Trump wins reelection, he might be in the market for a new attorney general. That is the word on the street, corresponded davids font is with us tonight from the Justice Department, what are they saying about that . Quite a story, a Senior Administration official tells fox news they are defending attorney general bill barr after President Trump criticized him in an interview airing on newsmax this evening, the president said reportedly he is not happy and he has no comment when asked if he would keep attorney general bill barr for a second term. I want to read this statement it says the great irony in the president s remarks is he is only a position to complain because bill barr saved his presidency and everyone knows it. , the president put a tweet last week i have fully authorized the total declassification of any and all documents pertaining to the single greatest political crime in american history, the russia hoax. Likewise the Hillary Clinton email scandal, no reductions. This week attorneys said hold on, the declassification of information was not in order to the department of justice to declassify materials in this case, im told they will declassify on an asneeded basis. Secretary of state mike pompeo says he is on a mission to declassify and release some emails from his predecessor, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and he says this is not political. Well continue to do the right thing, well make sure all these emails get to the right place and we will do everything we can to make sure the American People get a chance to see as much as we can equitably produce. Secretary of state pompeo says hes not on any timetable to release emails but he will do so until he is no longer secretary of state. Bret within 20 days, we thank you. We also understand the department of justice may have come up dry in this investigation into unmasking . The Washington Post reporting this unmasking investigation is not yielding any charges and there will be no report. This is something President Trump has talked about extensively we first reported on this unmasking back in may, we reported several obama era officials at top levels requested to reveal the name or unmask someone in a report that turned out to be former National Security advisor michael flynn. Bill barr farmed out the investigation into the u. S. Attorney in west texas john bash, he left the department of justice last week, the doj is declined to comment on that investigation and more news from the department of justice, a few hours ago the Senate Intelligence committee released some transcripts of fbi interviews with former doj employee bruce ohr, he was involved in what was called the back channel for the steele dossier. We are told in those notes, he let people know at doj, the fbi and Hillary Clinton campaign at some of the contents of that steele dossier and we also found out that bruce ohr left the department, he quit or go weeks ago. Bret its like drinking from a fire hose here. We dont think theres any summary or anything from john durham coming out in the next 20 days. At this point, we have heard for a year and a half that this john durham investigation would be wrapping up, i was told by a source it would be wrapping up by the end of summer i said when is that going to be, they said summer the latest we are getting from several sources over here, the Justice Department it does not appear this is going to come before the election. As you said, the election just three weeks away. Things could always change but at this point it doesnt look like it. Bret okay, davids font at the department of justice. Up next, the latest on Coronavirus Relief negotiations on capitol hill first beyond our borders tonight, talks between Great Britain and the European Union over a post brexit trade agreement remain unsettled. The e. U. Summit begins thursday, british Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that date as the deadline for a deal. First of its kind to clergy sex abuse trial begins in the vaticans tribunal, a priest accused of abusing an altar boy and another priest accused of covering it up. The abuse allegedly occurred within vatican city itself. Just some of the stories beyond our borders tonight, well be right back. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa she always wanted her smile to shine. Now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. crowd cheering therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. Sh. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Bret the dow lost 166 today, the s p 500 was off 23, the nasdaq drop the 95. House speaker Nancy Pelosis says she had a productive discussion with treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin about a new Coronavirus Relief package, Congressional Correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill. It probably is in the eye of the beholder on that front, there are a lot of democrats were pressuring House Speaker nancy pelosi to get some sort of deal. If she is being defensive about it, listen. Members of your own caucus want to accept this deal, 1. 8 trillion. I dont know why youre always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the republican position. Ro khanna, thats nice, that is and what we are going to do and nobody is waiting until februa february. I want this very much now because people need help now. They talked again today for an hour, they will speak again tomorrow, theyve been talking to haley since midseptember remain. Getting something done before the election and executing on that would be difficult given where we are and the level of details but we are going to to continue to work through these issues. President trump implored lawmakers to go big or go home on a coronavirus bill, that was a 180 for the president , he had canceled coronavirus negotiations he urged Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell to focus only on confirming Amy Coney Barrett, but then mcconnell announced the senate would consider a thin 500 billion coronavirus bill next week, democrats are confused. It would sure be great if the president and senator mcconnell were speaking to one another and had a common approach but what i hear from senator mcconnell is take a little peace and be satisfied, what i hear from the president is the opposite. Can the two of them sit down and agree, wouldnt that be a breakthrough . Pelosi is reluctant to deal, the reason she only wants to go through this process once, going through it twice is a lot hard harder. Bret up next, the panel joins me for the first time to look at date 3 of the barrett confirmation hearings and also breaking news about that New York Post story. burke well, heres Something Else with your farmers policy perk, new car replacement, you can get a new one. customer that is Something Else. burke get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum omnipod delivers insulin through a discreet waterproof pod. To help simplify life. No more daily injections. Its gamechanging. And the wireless controller helps deliver the right amount of insulin. Plus, take your insulin anywhere with a small tubeless pod. Get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial today. Go to omnipod. Com for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. Consult your Healthcare Provider before starting on omnipod. Simplify diabetes. Simplify life. Omnipod. Simplify life. Im dorothy hamill. As i look toward 65, im thinking about medicare. I know i want coverage that connects all the different parts of my health care to keep me aging actively. Keep doing what you love. Thats the aetna medicare advantage. Bret youre looking live, des moines, iowa, air force one getting ready to land there, the present will hold an event in which we are just hearing he will change his speech about adding this hunter biden story thats in the New York Post among other things about joe biden, the president will say he lied to you over and over and over because hes trying to cover up a massive pay for play scandal at the heart of his vice presidency. This is about a New York Post story, you can see the cover of the story about emails they say they recovered from a computer, a man who had a Computer Shop who he says hunter biden comes into the shop with the computer and leaves it it is a long, sordid and frankly sketchy tale about how this comes to be, here is the owner of that Computer Shop talking about how it gets to the fbi. Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position . Knowing that it was because that company wanted access to you . Why did you flag the fbi . Fear, the New York Post later handed over the copy to the u. S. Attorney. Anytime giuliani could provide some publicity or cover for you . Bret the first sound bite you heard was Savannah Guthrie, will not get to that in a bit with joe biden, we are here with our panel. Charlie hurt, marc thiessen, amy stoddard okay. Where are we on this, we are trying to figure out the authenticity of this story, we are trying to figure out the authenticity of the emails. The Biden Campaign put out a statement saying the meeting between miss burisma official and Vice President biden never happened according to their calendar. They didnt get into the authenticity of the emails. What do you think about this 20 days from an election . Well, i guess its may be another example of 2020, it is definitely strange. There are parts of this story that seems sketchy but not nearly as sketchy as the idea that the son of the Vice President would get 15,000 a month from a Ukrainian Gas Company and not do something for them on their behalf using his connections to the white house. There are lots and lots of questions that need to be answered here but the only wrong answer to this is to not try to get to the bottom of it. The idea that you have social Media Companies wanting to censor this stuff, not only is it completely idiotic and a violation of everything we believe in about free speech and open debate, robust debate in an election, i also think it wont work because youre not holding back an interesting, curious information like this by squelching certain twitter or facebook users. Bret heres what senator kennedy said about that just moments ago. These accusations are as serious as four heart attacks and stroke. Every responsible News Organization in america and frankly the world needs to be investigating the veracity of these accusations and these emails this is important and we need to get this right. Thats why we have the First Amendment while we have a free and fair supposedly fair media. Bret your thoughts on this, we have a world in which russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election, the Treasury Department as i mentioned to senator kennedy identified someone who is interacting with Rudy Giuliani, a russian agent for years. There is a sensitivity to it but yet it could be authentic, we are looking into it. Right, there are a lot of warnings given by our own government, as well as senator ron johnson who is investigating burisma about their sources and the fact they are dealing with people who are conduits for russian disinformation in that Current Campaign against joe biden in the 2020 election. That aside, if this were to be true, it is not a pay to play scandal, its not a heart attack or stroke like senator kennedy described because the New York Post got it wrong about Vice President biden. He was behind an International Coalition to get rid of a prosecutor general who was not investigating corruption in ukraine, in many companies, including burisma. Had that happened, it would have been a problem for burisma and therefore hunter biden part of the Group Supporting that coalition included republicans like senator ron johnson and its documented from 2016 that he was behind it. The New York Post reported that incorrectly in the piece. You played that clip from Savannah Guthrie, what this arrangement was about was absolute influence peddling, nepotism that is completely legal and that our government permits. Bret i think we can make you that, the Savannah Guthrie sound bite and will not cure the joe biden stuff and i will show this email and we are trying to get to the authenticity of it take a listen. Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing that that company wanted access to you . Thats not true, youre saying things you do not know what youre talking about. No one said that you said that . Bret in one of these emails, hunter said we urgently need your advice on how we could use her influence to convey a message signal for what we consider politically motivated actions, the company tried to use hunter biden. Thats likely why he was paid a bunch of money every month, but it is important to remember that all of this although its incredibly wrong is legal. Jared kushner and a bucket made 300 million in this administration while working inside the white house on staff. Heres the problem with the analysis, it does touch on joe biden because joe biden was told by his own son that he was working for burisma, he knew that his son was making money off of his name and we just heard during the hearings come all the Senate Democrats say you have to recuse yourself on obamacare and you have to recuse yourself on the election because conflict of interest what about joe biden . He had the appearance of a conflict of interest because his son was making millions of dollars fighting this prosecutor. Even if he did nothing wrong, he had the appearance of a conflict of interest and democrats are hypocrites on this. Bret time is running out but the headline from your interview with President Trump. It is a fascinating interview, a side of President Trump you dont see and the most interesting part is he talked about, something im never seen him talk about how he plans to unite the country if he wins reelection, 56 of the country says they are better off now than they were four years ago which is during a pandemic, he thinks if he can win reelection, the democrats are going to come around to start working with him and he talks about how he can do that. Bret sorry we ran out of time thank you. When we come back, something to agree about at the amy coney hearings. 2020 lowest 5year cost to own brand, and most trusted brand for six consecutive years. 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He will be, as you might suspect, focusing on t

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