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I will sit down with john malcolm who help put together the president s initial judicial list. Our allies are bracing for his arrival in brussels later this week and the president s up coming summit with vladimir putin. I will get reaction to that in an interview with the u. S. Ambassador to germany. All eyes will be on capitol hill thursday when peter strzok testifies publicly before the House Judiciary Committee about his antitrump Text Messages and his role in both the clinton and trump investigations. I will ask one committee member, congressman andy biggs what he wants to hear from strzok as we look ahead to sunday morning futures. Out of the gate this morning, a fox news alert, at least four boys have now been recovered from that flooded cave in northern thailand. Thai navy seals backed by an International Team of divers and experts pulling off a remarkable feat here in just the last couple hours. This Dangerous Rescue Mission has just begun and could last for quite some time. President trump tweeting out his support just moments ago, writing on twitter, quote, the u. S. Is working very closely with the government of thailand to help get all of the children out of the cave and to safety. Very brave and talented people. Jeff paul is live on the ground in thailand this morning with the breaking news. Jeff, where does everything stand right now . Well, blake, im just getting some new information in to our hands that another operation to free more boys will commence in 10 to 12 hours. Thats according to the governor here in this province where we are. 40 thai divers are currently involved in the rescue operation thats been confirmed now by governor has freed at least four of the boys. Obviously they are trying to get them out as quickly as possible. Its been very rainy out here, making those rescue operations only more complicated. Yesterday while we were out near the cave site, lots of mud out there. But certainly lots of resources, lots of people working around the clock to get these boys to safety. We do know that those boys who have been rescued are being taken to the hospital to be checked out. We do not know their condition. The governor said that he had spoken with at least one of them and said that they are in perfect this is a perfect situation. He didnt go into much detail about their condition. But it sounds like they are getting the care they need right now, and more boys could be headed to safety very soon. Blake . Jeff, great to hear this morning a story we will follow all throughout the day here. Jeff paul from thailand this morning. Jeff, thanks. Meantime, the countdown is still on this morning to president Trumps Supreme Court nomination as he prepares to name the Second High Court pick of his presidency. That will come tomorrow night, 9 00 p. M. Here on the east coast. Six Appellate Court judges are believed to be on the short list with three possibly maybe four candidates emerging as the top contenders. The president also bracing for a confirmation fight, no doubt about it that will come afterwards, with a very slim republican majority in the senate. Joining me now john malcolm, the Vice President of the institute for Constitutional Government at the heritage foundation. And a former Deputy Assistant attorney general. He also compiled the list of Supreme Court justice recommendations in 2016. Seven of the eight that you compiled ended up getting on to that list. Not a bad ratio. Not bad at all. One of them was Brett Kavanaugh. Lets start there. Hes 53 years old, yale law graduate, d. C. Circuit court of appeals, a local there, but there are also concerns from some that he is not conservative enough and that he has ties to the w 43 bush administration. We know what the president thinks about the bushes in some cases. Are the critiques that hes not conservative enough accurate . Well, i dont think so. I think the world of Brett Kavanaugh in addition to going yale, he clerked for kennedy on the Supreme Court. He then worked for under ken starr at the office of Inspector General for five years. He was a Senior Advisor to president bush. Hes written over 300 opinions in his 12 years on the d. C. Circuit. He is highly regarded by judges across the country. Hes a committed originalist. Cares a lot about separation of powers. Not in favor of giving undue deference to agencies. There have been a couple of opinions in which he actually ruled the way conservatives would want him to rule in terms of reaching the right outcome, but he didnt give the most pure conservative reasons for reaching that outcome. And thats caused some criticism, but he sits on a court with a majority of democrats and he has to appeal to the Supreme Court too. Raymond kethledge 51 years old out of the 6th circuit. University of michigan law grad so not necessarily in the mold of the ivy league. The story in the New York Times that mcconnell has pointed to kethledge as one of the two that could have the easiest nomination path. He hasnt attracted the kind of criticism from a few conservatives that Brett Kavanaugh has. He has a long judicial track record, on the sixth circuit for ten years possibly longer. Also clerked for kennedy, university of michigan is a fine law school. Also wrote a book recently about leadership that i think was well done and attracted a lot of attention. He would also do a fine job as associate justice. Amy barrett, 46 years old, 7th circuit, on the federal court of appeals since november i believe. Youre talking seven eight months. Theres some questions about whether or not her resume is long enough and notre dame law graduate. Is the resume there . She hasnt been a judge for very long. But shes been a very distinguished academic for a long time. She was a gw and university of virginia since 2002 she was at notre dame. She has compiled an impressive body of scholarship supported by scholars across the political aisle around the country during her confirmation hearing and held up as grace under fire during her confirmation hearing. Theres also thomas hardiman. We were led to believe he finished second last go around to neil gorsuch. If you finished second last time, theres an opening this time. Why wouldnt hardiman be the pick if you are the president . Well, the calculus changes with each pick and a whole new ballgame. Hardiman has been a judge the longest. He was a District Court judge in 03 and sat on the 3rd circuit since 06. A very distinguished judge, close of course to the president s sister. Very solid opinions on religious liberty, the 2nd amendment so it doesnt surprise me hes in the final list. Whether he will get the nod or not, remains to be seen. Democrats are rallying around roe versus wade. There will be if this nominee whoever it is goes through a fifth nominee that was put on a high court by a republican president. Take a listen to what then candidate trump said. Do you want to see the court overturn . You just said you want to see the court protect the 2nd amendment. Do you want to see the court overturn roe v. Wade . If we put another two or perhaps three justices on, thats really whats going to be that will happen. That will happen automatically in my opinion because im putting prolife justices on the court. I will say this, it will go back to the states and the states will then make a determination. If it is one of those three, what happens to roe do you think . I think that the concerns about roe versus wade being overturned any time in the near future are sort of overblown. Theres only one justice on the Court Clarence Thomas who has called to revisit roe. The justices move very slowly with respect to any kind of precedent. Of course with john roberts on the court, you never know exactly which way he would go if roe was squarely presented to the Supreme Court. The president has also said hes not going to have a litmus test and i take him at his word. There are some who say i want to see a conservative woman on this court. That would be amy barrett in this case. Is that something for someone like you who watches the court and compiles a list, is that something that you would like to see happen at some point down the line . There are a number of highly qualified women on the president s list. If he picked any of them, that would be great. All right. Prediction time, who do you think the president will pick . Slight nod to Brett Kavanaugh but it could why . Experience, dealt with a lot of sits on the second most Important Court in the land, deals with a lot of the issues that the administration will care about, but amy barrett, Raymond Kethledge why is there a Whisper Campaign against kavanaugh right now i think everybody in washington has their favorites. It is a little bit like a match where only one person emerges. Whisper campaigns happen to proprototheir candidate. Promote their candidate. If you had the selection, who would you choose . If i had the selection it would be kavanaugh but the others would be outstanding. Thank you very much, john malcolm, we appreciate it. You put the initial list together, it might come to fruition with the kavanaugh pick. We will see. Thank you very much. Big week ahead coming up for the president as he prepares for two summits. One of those meetings is with the russian president putin. We will have an interview with the u. S. Ambassador to germany next. Also we continue to follow the developments out of thailand where four boys have now been rescued from the flooded cave. We just got word the next phase of the rescue operation will begin in about 10 to 12 hours from now. We will stay on top of this throughout the morning and throughout the day. Stay ahead with us as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Blake fox news alert. We continue to keep our eyes peeled in thailand. The northern part of that country. The rescue operation there to save the boys and their soccer coach from a flooded cave is now on pause. The next phase will begin we are led to believe in about 10 to 12 hours or so. This first phase successful so far as four of those children have been rescued. We will continue to watch the developments out of thailand. Meantime, it is a big week ahead on the world stage for President Trump as he prepares to leave for europe thursday. Tuesday rather starting with the nato summit in brussels followed by a visit to Great Britain where he will meet with the Prime Minister may and along with first lady queen elizabeth. Then a week from tomorrow, he has his highly anticipated summit, his sitdown facetoface with vladimir putin. That will happen in finland. Lets bring in now the u. S. Ambassador to germany, he joins us from berlin this morning. Mr. Ambassador, thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. Theres the nato summit coming up in brussels, the president has talked about wanted to extract more defense spending specifically the country you are in right now germany he talks about how they only spend 1 of their gdp on defense. Will he continue to push for that and more so specifically what can he do about it considering it is the other nations who have to up their defense spending . Well, look, this is a very important issue for the readiness of nato, for the readiness of europe, it is a very pro europe position to ask countries in europe specifically germany to increase their defense spending. This is going to create a stronger transatlantic alliance. This is very pro europe and currently the germans dont spend enough. They made this commitment back in 2014 and they made a commitment that it would take ten years to get their defense spending up to 2 of their gdp by the year 2024. Currently theres a plan on the table to get defense spending up to 1. 5 by 2024 and so what we are doing is urging the germans to keep their commitment and other countries to keep their commitments to that nato pledge, increase nato spending, by 2024. Thats the commitment that they made, and although steps have been made, more needs to be done to keep that 2 commitment. Lets go around the world for a second because afterwards the president from nato then goes over to the u. K. , and then its over to finland to meet with putin, in germany, there are many who are saying that they are a bit uneasy that after meeting with allies the president is then going to sit down with putin. To those who have concerns in the part of the world where you are right now, should they be concerned . Look, i see a lot of people here in germany that are very pleased with the United States sanctions on russia. We have held the russians and president putin accountable for their malign activities. I think people see the facts. And it just makes sense to have a meeting and sit down to talk about issues where the president is going to be defending Americans National security, but make no mistake about it, we have large sanctions on russia, and those will continue. Blake want to talk about something that you are very close to which is the trade imbalance with the european union. The president spoke to Maria Bartiromo about this eight, nine, ten days ago. Listen to what he said. Ly get your reaction i will get your reaction. Germany, and all of the countries, scotland, theyre still in there, they are still hanging in there; right . We will see what happens with brexit. But they treat us very badly. They treat us very unfairly. Blake so the president says they treat us unfairly, the eu has already retaliated with tariffs. One of the things i know you are involved with is the possibility of the president deciding hey we need to put a 20 tariff on cars. Could be 0 if walked back, could be 20, what is the likely scenario as you see it right now on car imports into the u. S. From the eu . Look, i think the likely scenario is unknown, but the facts are that we inherited a broken trade policy. Its just not fair. I think the president is exactly right, and im pleased that hes focused on it. Just take the car situation. The car tariffs, the facts are, blake, that the eu puts 10 tariffs on us. And we have a 2 1 2 tariff on them when it comes to autos. Of course they want to continue this process. They want the status quo, but the president has been committed. In the campaign, committed to defend americans interests and the Auto Industry is one of those. What were trying to do is create some momentum. Were talking to the government of germany and the Auto Industry in germany to try to see if theres a path forward for 0 tariffs. We dont know if there is. What were trying to do is get the facts. Talk to the industry, talk to german government, which obviously this issue is all about the eu, but what were trying to do here in berlin is create some momentum, create some good news that could surround this eu trade deal, and we think that the Car Industries are a huge part of this. Im working very closely with secretary ross and those at the white house, Peter Navarro and others to try to make sure that we get as much information from these industries to see if we can create a little momentum for the eu trade deal. Blake lets move on to iran because the u. S. Government had said as they stepped away from the nuclear deal, hey, to all the businesses in europe, you shouldnt be doing business with iran. I know this is something that you are in the middle of right now trying to get businesses not to work with iran but to try to get them to pull back and do business with the u. S. What are the incentives right now for these companies in germany to do this . Look, to be honest, it is an easy sell. When i talk to ceos of Large Companies, they say, you know, there really isnt a difference between the u. S. Market or the iranian market, and again, they get to choose. They can either choose to do business in iran, or they can choose to do business with the United States. But weve made it clear that youre not going to be able to do both. And so what i hear from Large Companies is that its a nobrainer. They are immediately choosing the United States and are walking that back within the time frame that they have been given. What were trying to do in berlin, though, is talk to the medium sized and the Small Companies in germany that are doing business in iran. What wed like to do is give them an incentive, give them a new market, like the United States market, get them to turn away automatically. The small and Medium Sized Companies just it makes sense that it is more difficult for them to turn away, if they have contracts, and so what were trying to do is aggressively reach out to these companies to say hey what we would like to do is help you have access to a larger market in the United States, what can we do to help . Were getting a pretty good response. Blake a lot going on on that side of the atlantic and in the middle of it is all the u. S. Ambassador to germany. Thank you for joining us this morning. We appreciate it. Coming up, the fbi official peter strzok returning to capitol hill on thursday. He will speak publicly at a joint House Committee hearing. A congressman is one of the lawmakers who will pose questions to him, he will join me next as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Stay with us. To most people, i look like. Most people. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. 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Earn a 50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com this wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Blake welcome back. Peter strzok heading back to capitol hill this week. He will testify thursday and do so in an open hearing at the house judiciary and oversight committees following his closeddoor session with lawmakers last week. Joining me now is congressman andy biggs. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. Blake peter strzok testified behind closed doors. What do you hope to learn from him this time around out in the opening considering you have heard from him behind closed doors . Dont forget while he was sitting behind closed doors he had two attorneys kind of filtering questions and answers. Theres a lot left to get to. I think we will go back and talk about the biases, how he conducted the investigation. Dont forget, he was the the ig said he was the lead investigator on the Hilary Clinton investigation. He was the lead investigator on the russia collusion and then somehow he ended up on mueller investigation. Theres still a lot of meat on that bone regarding the bias and whether he actually was enacting some of that bias in his investigations. Blake Peter Strzoks attorney has said there is a transcript before peter strzok testifies, release it out to the open so everyone can see it. Whats wrong with that . Well, i dont have a problem with that, but i think you are talking and his attorney knows this, if you are ever done a deposition or worked with courts, getting a transcript done and getting it done right takes time because i mean, he was there for 11 hours. So its a lengthy transcript. He gets to go through it and say wait a second that wasnt quite right. Typically before it gets released publicly. Blake there is another investigation speaking of documents, the doj document request that yourself and others on the hill have been calling for, saying you want more documents, they did produce more documents. Are you satisfied with where things stand right now . Im completely dissatisfied. Im glad they are finally dribbling them through. Think about this, we have some requests that have been out almost a year now that they havent fully responded to. But you know, they are getting some out, but i think the public just like me are fed up. They want the documents. Lets get them. Quit dribbling them out. Let us see them. So im glad they are giving us some, but if they are not going to give them to us, then we need to take the next steps. We cant just beg them anymore. Blake help me bridge the gap, though. If you want those documents quickly but you say the transcript needs them. If you want everything quickly b shouldnt the strzok transcript be out there . It will be out there in a timely fashion, i think. Dont forget, like i said some of these requests that we have made by subpoena to doj have been out there for almost a year now. Thats a long time. Thats longer than a week. Blake let me ask you about a different investigation out there and that is the one into the president. The president one of his top attorneys giuliani saying in an interview with the New York Times over the weekend that theres two conditions that he is setting forth for the president to sit down with robert mueller. One, that there is evidence that the president committed a crime. And two, that it would be essential to ending the investigation. Heres what Rudy Giuliani told the New York Times. He said quote if they can come to us and show us the basis and that it is legitimate and that they have uncovered something, we can go from there and assess their objectivity. Do you think thats a smart play there from mr. Giuliani and the president s legal team . Well, it may be a good pr move. I think it is a bad legal move myself. I mean, the authority thats out there is only if the president is, you know, if hes committed a crime, then the remedy is impeachment, then once out of office, then you can proceed with the criminal investigation and conclusion to that. I dont think he should sit down. I dont think that this is going to be objective in any way. I think its been skewed from the start. I mean, the fact just take a look at the mueller investigative team. They wont even give us the names of the people but we know the people that are on there have been revealed to be highly biassed against this president , which to me indicates that maybe the investigation itself is tainted. I would not subject the president to that interview. Blake congressman, sit there right there if you can for a minute. I want to get your thoughts on immigration. I know you have been to the southern border recently and your thoughts as well on one of your colleagues there in the House Freedom caucus. Stay there with us. Meantime we continue to watch what is happening out in thailand in the northern part of that country. Stay with us and we will be right back here on sunday morning futures. Blake fox news alert. We continue to watch the rescue operation in thailand to save several boys and their coach from the flooded cave. The rescue mission is on pause. The next phase will begin in about ten to twelve hours from now. However this first phase of at least the rescue part of getting children out which has happened this morning has been incredibly successful because four boys have been pulled from that cave to safety. That means there are currently eight more children and their soccer coach in that cave. We will continue to watch this throughout the show. And the morning. Meantime, we are back now with congressman andy biggs who serves on the judiciary committee. Thank you for sticking with us this here. I know you were on the southern border recently. Curious for your thoughts as to what exactly you saw there. And then theres these reunification deadlines to put children back with their families under 5 years old by tuesday, older than 5, by july 26th. Do you think thats attainable . I think it is going to be very hard to meet that goal and also we need to see where are you going to put these folks. Are you going to keep them in federal basically federal housing and where are they going to be located . Are you reunifying the families into a tough situation . And theres a lot going on, a lot of quarterbacking going on but think the deadlines that are there are difficult to fulfill. Blake what happens if they are not met, the deadlines . They can issue some sanctions. But the reality is they are going to have to recognize that its kind of an unrealistic goal, if you will. And so i think that the federal government is going to continue to try to reunite these families, but its going to take a while. Going to take a little bit of time. Blake want to ask you about i. C. E. , theres been a bush from democrats to abolish i. C. E. Theres been a push from democrats to abolish i. C. E. An oped a couple days ago said we should not abolish i. C. E. And instead we should essentially reform it. He said quote if americans dont like i. C. E. s current policies the public should demand a change in those policies or a change in the leaders who promulgate those policies. During the vietnam war millions of americans demanded an end to the war no one seriously demanded we abolish the entire defense department. Obviously that would have completely compromised national security. Do you agree with the former head of the department of Homeland Security there . Obviously you dont think i. C. E. Should be abolished but would you be willing to possibly reforming it to make the institution better in its current state . Certainly you can make some reforms. I agree with him on that. But understand that johnson and many people who are on that side of the issue, opposite of where i am, they want to perpetuate the catch and release and so when i see people that actually promulgated the catch and release under mr. Johnson, under his predecessor Janet Napolitano they are serving in supervisory positions even under this administration, you still have catch and release. Thats one of the big incentives for people to come to this country illegally and to make statements that asserting that they are asylum and Refugee Status and so they know they will be release and thats a problem. Reforms need to be made but not necessarily the ones he wants to see. Blake finally, jim jordon there are more allegations out this morning from members of the Ohio State Wrestling Team that during their days they say congressman jordan was aware of sexual abuse against some of those student athletes. A story in the washington post, others have come out and said jim jordan would not have known of such a thing. The congressman denies knowing any of this. The allegations, though, do continue to mount one after the next. Do you stand by mr. Jordan . And do you think that he should continue to potentially pursue the speakership of the house . Yeah, i stand with jim. Im all in with jim. Ive talked with him. I believe him when he says he didnt know. And i will just tell you that some of the allegations are coming out he should have done or must have known, and that tells me more about the accuser rather than the accused. Those are just statements saying i knew something why didnt he know or he should have known. I dont buy into that. I think the timing suspect as well. I think jim is a man of integrity and honor. And im with him all the way. Blake congressman andy biggs out of arizona we will see what happens with congressman jordan. We appreciate you joining thus morning. Thank you very much. Joining us this morning. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Mike pompeo fresh off two days of talks with north korea claiming progress. But the kim regime called the negotiations quote deeply regrettable and saying the u. S. Is making quote gangster like demands on the north. Lets bring in the former governor of new mexico, Bill Richardson also former u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations and former secretary of energy under the Clinton Administration and someone who knows this issue deeply. Thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you, blake. Blake help me walk through the time line here. The secretary of state mike pompeo after the meetings came out and said they were productive. The North Koreans then after pompeo made those comments said they were regrettable. And then there was a pompeo press conference in the overnight hours and he said the North Koreans know exactly what is on the table. Listen to the secretary of state here. Theres no difference. But most importantly is what the North Koreans understand, we had lengthy discussions about the scope of what complete denuclearization means over the past two days. They acknowledge that this is broad. As my two colleagues have said, from Weapons Systems to the material to the production facilities enrichment facilities, across the range of weapons and missiles, its a broad definition of denuclearization, the North Koreans understand that. And have not challenged that. Second, they also understand that denuclearization makes no sense absent verification. Blake whats going on here . Is this negotiating tactics from the north . This is typical negotiating tactics from the north. Ive negotiated with them before. They delay. Then they say this rhetoric, gangster like stuff, but theres still the problem here is that theres significant gaps in what we want on denuclearization missiles when the North Koreans are prepared to do. Blake can those gaps be bridged if they are significant . Yes, i think they can be bridged. But its going to take years. Its not going to be instantaneous. And i think secretary pompeo, im going to give him some credit. You know, hes had three visits to north korea. Hes two out of three in baseball parlance, the first two, the setup, the summit were good, but this one i dont think turned out well because of the difference that we have in terms of what each side wants to achieve. And the North Koreans, you know, they i think we made the mistake, blake, of going first and saying were going to stop some of the military exercises with south korea. North koreans always want you to go first, and then when its their turn, like they should have accounted for all their inventory of missiles, of nuclear activities, they should have given us some kind of deadline, time lines on when they are going to destroy or find ways to curb the use, verification, which is the most important issue, i think these were discussed, but not much agreement. Now, even the mia, the remains of our soldiers, they said they were going to hand over 200. They havent done that. Well, theres a meeting in july 16th. Ive dealt with them on that issue. The North Koreans. They want payment for that. You know, so theres just a lot of gaps. But i think secretary pompeo needs to continue this effort. The president needs to back him up. But the president has got to stop saying mission accomplished. It is not. It hasnt even started. So i think heres a case where weve got to be patient. Weve got to push forward. It is going to be tough. The North Koreans will be playing games throughout. But its worth pursuing because tensions have lessened in the peninsula. Blake governor stay right there we want to get this and more with you when we come right back. Also want to ask you about the anticipated meeting with the president and putin one week from tomorrow as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Stay with us. Blake welcome back now. We are with former governor of new mexico, also former u. S. Ambassador to United Nations, former secretary of energy under the Clinton Administration and a north korea expert, governor Bill Richardson. Thank you for sticking with us. You had mentioned that you thought the secretary of state pompeo was two or three in his visits to north korea. That would get you into the hall of fame in baseball. But some critics would say this was a pretty big strikeout in the sense that he did not meet facetoface with kim jongun himself this time. Why do you think kim jongun made the decision not to meet with the secretary of state when he traveled over there to north korea . Well, he was sending a message. I dont think it is a devastating message, but he was saying, look, now it is up to my secretary of state, your secretary of state, our technical people, our nuclear people, but it was a little bit of a jab. And i think this is what we have to understand. On the positive side, they did say the North Koreans they still trust that the United States, President Trump, the results of the summit. But i can tell you from negotiating with the North Koreans, they are going to continue being difficult, shifting. Their existence depends, blake, on keeping some nuclear weapons. They have about 60. But our objective and the worlds objective should be to curb their use, to have some stringent efforts to stop proliferation. To freeze some of those weapons. To find verification methods. I mean we have to continue this effort, but it is going to take time. It is not going to take one year. It could maybe over two years significant efforts can be made. But you know, weve got to be patient. Weve got to give pompeo that flexibility to continue these efforts to push hard and see where we end up. The status quo right now is really not a good option because theres enormous tension in the peninsula. Weve got troops in south korea and japan. Weve got our allies, japan and south korea right now, their populations are very vulnerable, and the United States too, some of their missiles could hit our country or guam or alaska. This is worth pursuing. Blake real briefly theres another summit coming up one week from tomorrow, President Trump set to meet with putin in finland. The president was critical of the Media Coverage earlier this week, during his rally in montana and he said this, i want to get your reaction on the other side. Watch. We dont have that, but the president essentially said that vladimir putin, hes going to be prepared, and he said or that the president said that he will be prepared and he characterized putin as someone who is we have that now. Watch. Will he be prepared . Will he be prepared . And i might even end up having a good relationship, but they are going, will President Trump be prepared . You know, president putin is kgb and this and that. You know what . Putins fine. Hes fine. Were all fine. Were people. Blake real briefly, is that the right message to send heading into this . No, thats not the right message especially saying hes fine. Now, i dont have a problem with the president meeting with putin. I know hes been criticized for that. What i worry about is the content of the meeting, and my worry is this, blake, that the president is going to make it a rosy summit like he did with kim jongun and said maybe im going to take sanctions off, im glad the ambassador said he wouldnt. I think the president has to stick with our nato allies. They are worried about nato. They are worried about putin. We have to say to putin, look you cant meddle in u. S. Elections anymore. Secondly, youve got to be sensible on crimea. Youve got to be sensible on ukraine. Youve got to stop meddling in syria helping assad. Weve got a whole range of issues where if we work together, i think the situation worldwide security wise will improve. But i worry that the president goes into these summits maybe not listening to his advisors and gives away part of the store. And im really worried about the sanctions. Weve got to keep those sanctions on russia or russia is going to take full advantage of us as they have been in my judgment. Blake governor richardson, we have a Supreme Court pick coming up, a nato trip, a meeting with the Prime Minister of the u. K. And then this. What a ten days coming up. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you. Blake President Trump making a primetime announcement tomorrow night on his choice to replace the Supreme Court Justice Anthony kennedy. The panel is standing by for the politics of the Supreme Court pick in a midterm year. Stay with us. You like to be in control. Especially when it comes to important stuff. Like, say. Your car. Well, good news. The esurance app lets you keep an eye on your repairs when your car is in the shop. Its kinda like being there, without being there. Which is probably better for everyone. Thats insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Blake the president will announce his nominee to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice Kennedy in a prime time address tomorrow night that you can watch here on the fox news channel. Our panel former Campaign Manager for president reagan and James Freeman the assistant editor at the wall street journal editorial page. Both fox news contributors. Thank you for joining us. Great to be here what a sunday. A lot of action. We ran through the candidates you know the top three at this point. Do you have any reservations of any of them . No, i think these are superb choice. I was on president ial selection on reagan administration, these are all conservatives, every single one has a great record. If i had a choice, obviously i dont, i think judge barrett would be an extraordinary judge, and i think she would send a loud message as a good conservative woman. Blake does kavanaugh worry you at all . A little bit. I would echo in what ed said in terms it is a great list. You are talking about very accomplished bright qualified eminently qualified people but there is a little bit of a concern about kavanaugh maybe a little too much in the roberts mold of caring a lot what beltway establishment thinks of him, possibly could be pressured toward the political consensus rather than the correct legal reasoning. Blake roe versus wade, the democrats are bringing up as the issue, whoever the president puts up there, democrats are going to fight it no matter what. They are going to try to tie this roe versus wade no matter what. For that reason alone, do you think the president should lock in on this and maybe nominate barrett . Well, i would nominate barrett no matter what, any judge that gets appointed basically would be if they had a choice would probably vote to overturn it. But thats not going to probably happen. They are going to basically limit abortion and let the states see what comes before them. But shes articulate, woman candidate, we have never appointed a conservative. Sandra day oconnor was reagans appointment she didnt turn out to be conservative on all issues. I think she would be a great judge. Shes got it all in terms of you are talking about intellectual star to eds point would play very well politically. The rising attack from the media seems to be that shes into some kind of weird cult because she likes to gather for barbecues with christians and maybe do some community service. I think most of the country will look at her as a very welcome impressive addition to the court. Blake do you worry at all that susan collins, lisa murkowski, whoever the pick is, that they might be an issue for the republicans on this to get them on board . If the three women basically go against her for some reason, were not going to win, but at the end of the day, i dont think they will. I think at the end of the day, shes a very persuasive, articulate candidate who has a very strong record, and i think it is a detriment im saying in general. I would say shes qualified. I mean maybe theres a concern about collins, but i think you look at the record, very hard to say theres a problem here unless youre a single issue politician, trying to sort of impose your views on the law. I think the problem is really on the democratic side, where in these ten trump states where democratic incumbents are seeking reelection, whether its north dakota, montana, joe donnelly in indiana where professor barrett is located, these are tough votes against her. So i think its probably more of a problem for democrats. Blake ive got ten seconds. Give me a last name, who the president picks. I think he picks her. Yeah, lets go with garrett. Blake we will see and find out tomorrow night. That does it this morning for sunday morning futures. Im in for Maria Bartiromo. Shes back next weekend. You can watch both of us during the week on the fox business network. We will see you bright and early tomorrow morning. Media buzz is up next after this quick break. Howie well have a report on the rescue efforts in thailand. But President Trump prepares to pick a Supreme Court mom flee tomorrow and the media investigates the candidates. Every person on this list has been vetted by the Federalist Society saying they would be willing to overturn roe versus wade. I think people are overestimating the importance of roe. Its a calling card for the left, not the right. In roe is going to go, he can point to

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