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Government, and that has a lot of people concerned about spying and how committed are our european allies to putting troops on the ground in syria to prevent a resurgence of isis plus democratic congressman ben mcadams is here with a member of the Blue Dog Coalition what does he think of his freshman colleagues like illham omar and alexandria ocasiocortez making waves and also tom fitton reacts to the Top Republican on the Judiciary Committee releasing the full transcript of bruce ohr s closed door testimony on how the doj and fbi went about getting that controversial fisa warrant all those stories coming up on sunday morning futures. And we begin with President Trump set to unveil his proposed budget for fiscal year 2020 tomorrow morning were learning this morning that that budget will include a requested 8. 6 billion in border wall funding. This as the senate prepares to vote this week on a resolution blocking the president s declaration of a National Emergency on the southern border some republican lawmakers already saying they plan to break rank, and vote with the democrats, they are Susan Collins of maine, Lisa Murkowski of arkansas, rand paul of kentucky, im sorry, of alaska rather and rand paul of kentucky and thom tillis of north carolina. Joining me right now in an exclusive interview republican senator from wyoming John Barrasso the chairman of the Senate Republican conference, he also chairs the Senate Committee on the environment and public works and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and senator its great to have you on the program. The vote is this thursday, how are you going to vote . Im going to support the president i think the president is absolutely right on declaring the emergency here, and there is an emergency at the southern border today, 130 americans will die of drug overdoses in the United States. So much of that is coming in from mexico, we have a security issue and also a humanitarian issue i want the president to be able to accomplish the things that he has promised the American People. Maria why are so many of your republicans not standing with the president your republican colleagues . Well all of us are united that we need to do things in terms of Border Security in terms of a barrier, in terms of technology, manpower some would rather he not use the Emergency Powers that are granted to all president s they would rather this go through the appropriations process. Well, i agree with that approach but we have democrats who have in the past voted for Border Security, for hundreds and hundreds of miles of barrier who now call it immoral and are calling for tearing down the wall. President obama, president clinton said we had to do more at the southern border. Now, those democrats are heading the other way, some of them even want to eliminate this immigration and customs enforcement. Maria like by the way alexandria ocasiocortez keeps saying that look we often show this picture of the wall that separates san diego and tijuana. This is a wall in Nancy Pelosis state. Shes never asked about the idea that, you know, she keeps calling wall immoral and yet theres a wall in her own state which obviously is working. I dont understand playing politics with this issue. Is this all about the president getting his, you know, Campaign Promise delivered, knowing what the facts are in terms of the Human Trafficking, the drugs, et cetera . Well i think the day that donald trump was elected president democrats still couldnt believe and they said were going to do everything we can to stop him from accomplishing anything whether its good or bad for america. That does seem to be the way theyve headed certainly with Border Security because they have flip flopped theyre now against something theyve been for and voted for, in the past, and that to me, is the most disturbing nature of all of this , because we need the Border Security. I just met this other day the other day with the secretary of homeland security, and were on a path to having a million, a Million People stopped at the border trying to come into the country and many get here illegally. Weve also weaponized the laws in the United States whereas with Human Trafficking if they bring a child and call themselves a family unit, then they say they can only be held 20 days thats what the law is released into the United States, and they dont come back for a hearing and they stay forever so our laws are being used against us and the system is broken. Maria okay so the senate vote on thursday, they only need four republicans to get in with them. The democrats, so that it will pass, and then it heads to the president s desk he said he will veto it. Is that what youre expecting and how this plays out . Im meeting a couple of times this week with the president hes going to veto this and then his veto will be sustained they will not be able to override the veto of the president. Maria you dont think there will be any chance they will be able to override it . No. Maria let me ask you about the budget numbers because all of this even those who accept the idea that this is a crisis right now are debating the amount of money allocated to the wall, to defense in general, the budget of course is going to be unveiled tomorrow. How does he arrive at 8. 6 billion . Well hes asked the experts where should we be putting our best efforts and theyve come up with 10 specific locations along the border and said these are the spots where if we could put barriers it would make make a fundamental significant difference in protecting the border, the border is about 2,000 miles and so the president s not asking for the full 2,000 miles hes saying give us those 10 locations that the experts say are the key locations, thats where hes getting his numbers. Maria yeah because there are some areas that may not need a wall and the president has said that. Yes. Yes, there are places where manpower works some places best with technology and some places a physical barrier is key its critical thats what the president wants the money for. Maria how is this going to play out given the worries over 22 trillion in debt the country is facing right now. Youve got the debt ceiling debate coming up as well. Well, the democrats are going to continue, i believe to block anything the president wants to accomplish and the president has done wonderful things for the country in terms of the economy, in terms of regulatory reform, tax relief, two judges on the supreme court, im really proud of the record that President Trump has but the democrats just continue to have taken this hard left turn kind of heading off the cliff, socalled Green New Deal is a part of it but also, with Border Security is a big big issue. Maria yeah, Border Security wasnt always a big issue for them. They all say that they are for Border Security and they want more technology and more manpower they just dont like the idea of a wall. They were good for the first 70i calls it a 701stmile, immoral. Maria yeah, right. All right met me ask you about the broader set of issues here weve got this south by southwest conference going on and alexandria ocasiocortez is defending per position on the Green New Deal basically saying whats such a big deal about going from 10 better than garbage. I mean, she actually called the u. S. Policies right now garbage. How do you react to that . Well this new deal its a crazy new deal. Its a bad deal. Id take a look at what they proposed what she has introduced and 11 members of the senate have is whats the cost, what are the consequences and will it work . Well the cost is staggering, astronomical. 93 trillion. That would empty everyones bank account in america from Warren Buffett all the way on down, so the country cannot afford it. Individually, the consequences are people are going to lose their jobs and its going to be about 65,000 per family per year plus Higher Energy costs, higher heating costs. They want to get rid of airplanes, anybody that works in an Airline Industry theyre going to be out of work. The Energy Industry out of work and what about the air force . You get rid of airplanes, Vladimir Putin is not going to get rid of his air force just if we get rid of ours and the question of will it work, maria, it will not work. We cannot allow it. Maria i want to reiterate your Knowledge Base coming at this, because youre the chairman of the committee on environment and public works. You are an author it tate ever voice on knocking down this deal in this capacity and urls a boardcertified orthopaedic surgeon in private practice for 24 years so you have real opinions in terms of medicare and medicaid. Why wont it work . Explain to our viewers, based on your Knowledge Base. Well, right now, in terms of emissions, global emissions and a global issue the United States puts forth only 13 of those. China and india, 33 , so you cant power the country on Wind Turbines and solar panels alone. Thats only 8 of our energy, we just cannot allow our bodies, ourselves to follow this chicken little, sky is falling approach of these socialistic democrats like ocasiocortez and the president ial candidates on the democrat side of the aisle. We cannot follow them over the cliff. It is going to hurt jobs, hurt peoples ability to pay their mortgage, hurt our economy, hurt our nation in terms of National Security. If you want to do something actually something significant and big there are some solutions to this that i propose and im working with people on a bipartisan way on it. Sure we need more renewable energy, but we need carbon captures, sequestration, utilizing the carbon, make it a valuable product. We passed pieces of legislation, signed into law, called the future act and we had a hearing on another one yesterday, all related to last week all related to carbon capture, and the other is Nuclear Power. New age Nuclear Power where the react ors are smaller, better, safer thats all part of it. Maria im glad you mentioned all of this because youve worked with your democratic colleagues on this, and youve recognized Climate Change as an issue. Do you think she just doesnt understand the issues . I mean, how is it possible that the party seems to be being led by her and her ideas, the whole conversation, the debate that were having is based on her ideas. What are your colleagues on the left say about this . Well some are very concerned with the position that the party has taken and the president ial candidates have taken. I think nancy pelosi is unnerved by this new group of democrats in the house, who are trying to take the entire party and are succeeding in taking the party on this sharp left hand turn thats going to as the New York Times today said careening off the cliff. Maria yeah. Thats where theyre heading maria it certainly feels that way i want to take a short break and when i come back i want to get your take on the medicare end of this and healthcare today plus Senate Judiciary chairman Lindsey Graham promised a deep dive on alleged fisa abuse will Republican Leadership back him up, then ahead National Security advisor john bolton reacting to reports that north korea has been observed ramping up act. Follow me on twitter at Maria Bartiromo on instagram at Maria Bartiromo and at sunday futures, and let me know what youd like to hear from a big lineup today stay with us as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Im off to college. Im worried about my parents retirement. Dont worry. 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Maria and im back with republican senator from wyoming John Barrasso, and senator, let me ask you one more about this Green New Deal, because the reports show that american households would have to pay up to 65,000 a year to pay for this new deal, and the medicare end of it is also incredible, Bernie Sanders is talking about medicare for all but that would wipe out the entire private insurance industry, 150 160 Million People get their insurance from the private Health Insurance industry. And people tend to like what they have when they get their insurance through work and through private healthcare, but yes, this socalled medicare for all wipes out all of that. It does a number of Different Things as a doctor ive seen it taking care of patients from all different walks of life, and the thing about the socalled medicare for all, it eliminates private insurance, it leads to the kind of care that people now have in england or canada, where you have to wait in line, so taxes would have to go up to pay for it, choices would have to go down and people would wait in line. Maria, ive actually operated on people from canada, where healthcare is free, because they couldnt afford to wait the time for their free operation. We now, right now after you see a generalist in canada to try to get to see an orthopaedic surgeon like myself the wait can be up to nine months. People in america arent going to tolerate that. Maria unbelievable and youre not really seeing pushback from the leadership. Nancy pelosi had a hard time denouncing congresswoman omars comments yesterday, and they were obviously antisemetic and bigoted so, this is the leadership of this party. That is the leadership of the party, the tail is wagging the dog as they say, nancy pelosi seems to be unnerved by it but omar should have been called out by name in the resolution. She should have been removed from the Foreign Affairs committee in the house of representatives, the democrats with these antisemetic comments were afraid to do anything. Maria unbelievable well talk with ben mcadams coming up get his response as a democrat in the house. Let me ask you about what your colleague Lindsey Graham is doing because hes been with me on this program a number of times saying hes going to do a deep dive into the abuse at the fisa court after the behavior of the fbi top doj during the 2016 election. Is the Republican Leadership in the senate going to back Lindsey Grahams efforts . Absolutely lindsay is a pitbull he will do a great job on this, all they had to do was watch the kavanaugh hearings where lindsay laid into the democrats on how unfair they were being, and the double standard so lindsay is going to go after this, fully and i think its important that he does. Maria your expectations for william barr the new attorney general in terms of seeking the truth in this regard. We know what took place in the 2016 election and yet were hearing a lot about the Mueller Report possibly dropping soon, and yet, now, hes no longer important to adam schiff. Adam schiff has his own investigations going on. This Mueller Report, this has gone on too long. It is time to get the report. I think the American People deserve transparency. Weve heard from attorney general bar in his testimony to congress that he plans toe the American Public sees whats in it. Its time to get it done. This has been going on way too long. Its time to move on. Maria real quick the budgets going to be unveiled tomorrow by the president. Is he going to get what he wants on his 8. 6 billion . Well no president gets exactly what they want. The budget is a recommendation my colleague from wyoming is the chairman of the Budget Committee in the senate hes committed to Border Security as well. Maria senator good to have you on the program. Thank you so much for joining us senator John Barrasso there. When we come back my interview with National Security advisor john bolton, he thoughts on north korea and china as we look ahead on sunday morning futures back in a moment. Ron soh really . Going on at schwab. Thank you clients . Well jd power did just rank them highest in Investor Satisfaction with full Service Brokerage firms. Again. And online equity trades are only 4. 95. I mean you cant have low cost and be full service. Its impossible. Its like having your cake and eating it too. 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I think its important to get all the evidence before we make a decision. The president has obviously said he would be very disappointed if thats the direction north korea were going in, but i dont want to get out in front of the facts we actually know at this point. Maria why did the president leave earlier than expected . Why did the summit break down . Well i dont really think it broke down. I think the president did exactly the right thing. He and kim jongun had had a number of conversations about what might be done to denuclear ize north korea and kim offered a partial deal, you know the president has been very clear that he doesnt want to make the same mistakes as past administrations, and he proposed to kim what he talked about really going back to singapore is what he called the big deal. The north korea completely denuclearize and in exchange for that there was a very bright Economic Future for the north Korean People and they went around on this several times. They had a full exchange of views as the saying goes and it was clear they werent going to reach agreements so what the president did was he put it, to walk away in a friendly way from the discussion, he said hes prepared to beat kim jongun again and no date is set or anything like that, but its possible that north korea will go back and rethink the position they came in with and come back to talk to the president about the big deal. Maria yeah, switching gears to china, there has not been a date set yet for the president to meet with at maralago as the president has been expecting, was the north korean news a teachable moment for the chinese and now, worried about setting up that meeting before a deal is actually done . How close is a deal between the u. S. And china . Well i think on the teach able moment point youve really put your finger on something and i think this is important, what the president did in hanoi not just in negotiations with north korea on their nuclear program, but also with china on trade, and also with russia on arms control and other countries, despite all the media speculation and goodness knows there was an awful lot of it before hanoi, the president turned out not to be desperate for a deal. He didnt have to come away with the success in the pursuit of American National interest, he was prepared to risk people characterizing the hanoi summit as a failure, because he wasnt going to accept terms that werent in our National Interest and i do think thats a message for others that were involved in significant negotiations with now in terms of china specifically, you know, we just concluded another round of negotiations here in washington, bob lighthizer, the u. S. Trade representative, santa monica, steve mnuchin, i believe the negotiators think they made a lot of progress but would also say theres work to be done so its true as you say theres no date set for the next summit but it could be just a short time thereafter. Were going to have to have some more conversations and do the additional work. Maria well you know the work that is left to be done is really what we want to focus on because weve been covering this china story now for more than a year and a half, and i think its the biggest story of our time and of course now we know the Chinese Telecom giant huawei is suing the United States government. The Chinese Foreign minister has spoken in support of huaweis lawsuit against the United States, praising the company for refusing to suffer u. S. Attacks like silent lambs. Whats your reaction to the lawsuit against the u. S. Government . Well you know, there are a couple of aspects to this. Number one the United States along with a number of other countries, allies and friends of ours, some time back decided not to procure huawei equipment for our National Securityrelated Telecommunication Systems and i think for very very good reasons people sometimes call the concern the manchurian chip problem that something gets into the telecommunication system that can be activated down the road. This is a very serious threat, so let huawei do whatever legal maneuvers they want to do. Im confident of the outcome of that. You know the Justice Department also indicted the chief Financial Officer of huawei. That was not a political act either she was accused of financial fraud, the extradition proceedings have begun in canada if an American Company with an american cfo had done what the Justice Department accused huawei of, wed throw the book at them. Its just as simple as that so i dont think anybody is going to argue at least. Id be surprised if they did that a Foreign Company or a foreign cfo ought to get better treatment than an American Company and an american cfo would get. Maria its bigger than that. This company is saying that the u. S. Is destroying huaweis reputation. We had secretary of state mike pompeo in the studio just two weeks ago when he came back from his europe trip and he basically told our european friends, if youre using Huawei Telecom infrastructure, were probably going to have to share less information with you because these are National Security risks. How much of a threat in terms of National Security is huaweis telecom . Well its significant and thats why we suspended the u. S. Government procurement of their system. This is particularly applicable in fifth generations, telecommunications, where the presence of suspect material really almost anywhere in the system, not at the Key Communications nodes but throughout the system can be used for espionage or disruption purposes. This is the manchurian chip issue so this is a very serious problem were in intense discussions absolutely unrelated to trade issues with friends and allies partners all over the world on how to deal with this. Nobody should minimize how serious this is. Its not just china were worried about. Lets be clear. Were worried about compromising the security of sensitive American Communications really on a global basis. Maria but thats what im getting at. I mean, when you take a look at the culture of china, i mean, espionage, forced transfer of technology, ip theft, all of these things have been in the chinese culture, so i want to get your take on that. I mean, i recognize that china can buy more stuff from the u. S. And they can open up their markets to Financial Services, but what else really can we do to move the needle on this . John bolton stay with us were going to take a short break and come back and finish on that topic because this culture is really the issue. Well be right back with john bolton. Lode of softserve ice cream . I got cones, anybody wants one oh, yeah get ya some no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Ed ed we struck sprinkles [cheers] believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Maria and were back with National Security advisor john bolton, and before we went to the break, sir, i mentioned the culture, that we all know, is chinese, and that is the ip theft, i mean ive got a list of companies here, who have sued huawei and zte for stealing trade secrets and then settled lawsuits with them including cisco and motorola and tmobile, microsoft et cetera. How do you move the needle on that . Well if i were back at the American Enterprise institute and a fox news contributor, i would discuss that at length. Ill just say this. I think President Trump has identified exactly the structure all issues that youve referred to, the enormous damage, thats been done to the United States over a period of decades by chinese stealing intellectual property and forced Technology Transfers this is critical reversing pattern to get this right in the negotiations, so i dont think it should be surprising that its complex and that china is faced with some very difficult choices here thats what our negotiators have been pursuing and thats really much of the work that remains to be done. Not only had to reach an agreement on these issues but how to enforce them over the long term. Maria well this is the key and this is whats been talked about most recently some kind of action that the u. S. Government can come up within terms of enforcement, and Enforcement Actions should the chinese turn around and not keep their promises which of course we know theyve done in the past many times. What is the enforcement action that could be possible here to make sure that beijing follows up with these promises . Well i dont want to steal Bob Lighthizers thunder on this they are in the middle of the negotiations now, there are going to be more talks next week certainly at the highest levels of the government, were working as hard as we can to pursue the president s agenda here. Maria would you put paris back in place . Sure that would be a possibility, thats one way of doing it thats one of the options thats out there and thats one of the reasons honestly look im a freetrader but one of the reasons that the president i think was right and imposing tariffs on china is that it got their attention, and i think thats been all to the good. Maria but i want to zero in on the National Security issues because youre really going to give us some important color on this, and we know that this is not just Economic Warfare. This is also military aggression s, they are, you know, setting up islands in the South China Sea. Theyre putting military bases on those islands. Theyre putting military bases across the world right on the borders and the ports as far as jabuti, according to the former head of Intel Committee devon nunes whose been on this program many times can you talk about the military aggressions and if theres anything the u. S. Can do to stop that . Look the way to handle china for the United States, i think, is the existential security question of the 21st century and its identified as such in the president s National Security strategy and its been a focus of much of the preparation of the budget request that will be announced here shortly, were looking exactly at things like what chinas doing in the South China Sea, contrary to every pledge its made before, to engage in peaceful negotiations, to resolve territorial claims. It is taking over these rocks and islands Building Military bases on them, its completely unacceptable. Its why we continue to do freedom of navigation exercises, and look at other ways to stop this effort in effect to create a new chinese province. People may say but the South China Sea is so far away. Its twice as big as the Mediterranean Sea and between 40 and 50 of the worlds shipborn e commerce goes through the South China Sea so if they change it to chinese territorial waters its a huge shift for southeast and east asia. Maria on the Economic Warfare its not just the obvious force transfer of technology when beijing spends a lot of their money to acquire an Energy Company or a Financial Services company a Technology Company in the u. S. Its also about academia. Can the u. S. Do anything about that . Weve talked a great deal on this program about Confucious Centers these institutes which call themselves think tank nonprofits but in fact can act as another center that is sucking up u. S. Intelligence. How worried are you about these . Very worried. This is an effort by china to influence opinion in america that makes the Election Hacking weve been talking about by russia. Look, as one senior u. S. Official intelligence called it, the jv effort. What chinas doing what Vice President pence explained some months back in a very important speech about these efforts, really, is far greater in magnitude than any other foreign effort weve seen in history to influence american opinion, and its not just confined to the United States. Theyre doing it in australia, other countries, Close Friends of ours so this really goes to the core of how you maintain a free and open society in this country when other countries are trying to influence it the way that china has. It goes well beyond just Election Hacking, although we certainly have been concerned about china doing that as well. Maria john can you give us an update on syria . I want to switch gears because i want to get as much in with you as possible this morning on the heels of the u. S. Journal story the u. S. Is hunting for allied cooperation in syria. The administration did not secure commitments from key european allies to send military forces to syria passing the target set for friday. Where are we . Well i think the journal may be a little bit behind the curve on that i can tell you ive spoken to my british and french counterparts this past week and they are looking to pry and participant, we havent formalized it yet a lot of work remains to be done chairman of the joint chiefs of staff joey d unford and his colleagues at the pentagon have been moving heaven and earth to try and get this accomplished were still optimistic we can do it but its still moving in the right direction. We think its very important that we get this right. Maria well, the president would like our allies to pay up, in terms of the u. S. Troops on the ground, have you gotten any response from the president s proposals . Well were doing a lot as you know in nato to get the allies to increase their spending to meet the commitment they themselves made in wales in 2014 to get to 2 of Gross National product by 2024 and that wasnt an accidental decision at wales in 2014. It was after the russians moved into Eastern Ukraine and our friends in europe began to realize that the history had not actually ended. It was still going on and they were living on a continent with a real threat, so this is also true in terms of base rentals and other costs that the president has looked at. I think hes following through on many of the things barack obama said, hes just being more effective. Maria we will leave it there john bolton its good to see you thanks so much. Thank you maria. Maria well see you soon National Security advisor john bolton. And straight ahead democratic common Devon Mcadams is here a member of the Blue Dog Coalition how much are they setting the future agenda of the Democratic Party, right here. With 25 million bookable [can we switch sides . ] [yeah ] in hotels. [maybe, like tilt] resorts. Homes and more. [you got it . ] [oh thats good, yeah] bookers always find what theyre looking for. Be a booker at booking. Com danny after a long day of hard work. You have to do more work . vo automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. danny every day youre nearly fried to a crisp, professionally vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. Quickbooks. Backing you. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Morhave discoveredour their irish roots. 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What does this mean for the future of the Democratic Party joining me is utah democratic congressman ben mcadams member of both the Blue Dog Coalition and house Financial Services committee and common good to have you on the program this morning. Thank you so much for joining us were one of 15,000 dems to not support nancy pelosi for speaker of the house i want to make that clear because you have been one of the democrats to pushback on some of these pie in the sky ideas. How is it going with that . You know, i think that with the election of the democrats taking control of the house, the caucus actually moved to the center and now you wouldnt get that sense watching the Media Coverage but because some of the more progressive members are far more outspoken but we elected a lot of progressives the Blue Dog Coalition doubled in size, the largest caucus in the congress is the new democrats, theyre a group of moderates as well and i think that really is the center of gravity of the democrats in congress. Maria you wouldnt get that from the media and you also wouldnt get that from watching alexandria ocasiocortez this morning shes at the texas conference south by southwest and she said that the Current Situation in america is garbage, and that her ideas are 10 better and whats wrong with 10 better than garbage . You know, i think thats, we are the greatest country in the world. We have a capital its system that has created opportunity, cured diseases created a middle class and you know, certainly there have been failures of capitalism, but we shouldnt be throwing out a system that has made us the greatest country in the world. Lets look to fix some of our, some of the people who have been left behind in a capital its system but lets fix it and move forward. Maria i dont hear any of your colleagues pushing back. Most of the Democratic Candidates right now who are running for president in 2020 say that they agree with alexandria ocasiocortezs green deal, we just had a doctor and an expert on Climate Change, senator barosso on the program who said it doesnt make any sense. You also have nancy pelosi yesterday really unwilling or unable to denounce congresswoman omars antisemitism, why . You know, i think we had just elected the most Diverse Congress in history. Maria right you said that. With that diversity comes the diversity of opinions and weve got to be willing to embrace all of those opinions that includes the center and so my voice isnt going to be quieted by people who are pushing the more liberal agenda. I was elected by a very moderate district. Its who i am and thats the district that im going to represent. Maria and frankly, i think thats where much of america is. I mean most people are hanging out in the middle you might lean to the right on some issues you might lean to the left on other issues but as your voice really being heard by your party . Because it seems like every day were debating Bernie Sanders 32 trillion bet on medicare for all, or alexandria ocasiocortez s 93 trilliondollar bet on a new green deal or elizabeth warrens tax on wealth or Kamala Harris tax on income . I think theres clearly radical ideas that at the end of the day i think we can focus what the we can agree on and thats republican, democrats, moderate, left and center and right and that is i think we want to transition to a clean energy economy. We want to expand healthcare coverage and control the cost, and then lets have a debate about whats the best way to do that but to stake out a radical agenda and then not allow other voices to come to the table, i think, is losing the diversity the strength of the diversity that we have, and so as a former mayor, in a very red state one of the things that i found was that reaching across the aisle listening to people, republicans and who saw things differently but were trying to accomplish the same goal we could actually make our ideas better by listen ing and then actually get stuff done instead of just advocating for positions that would have very slim likelihood of ever becoming law, reaching across the aisle and taking pragmatic view to things, you have real world experience lifting people out of poverty helping people overcome addiction, get out of the criminal justice system, creating jobs, and we do that by working in a collaborative bipartisan fashion. Maria well youve got to speak to the other people in the room, and well be watching that. Im certainly going to be hoping that youll come back and well talk more about some of your priorities, because they seem to differ from some of the radicals on the left. Good to see you sir thanks very much for stopping by this morning we will see you soon. A surprise move from the Top Republican in the house Judiciary Committee congressman doug collins unilaterally releasing the transcripts of the closed door of one Senior Department official, bruce ohr tom fitton of Judicial Watch is here. Only a tiger costume, were finally going on the trip ive been promising. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. Maria welcome back. The ranking republican of the house Judiciary Committee doug collins releasing the full transcript of bruce ohrs testimony behind closed doors last summer. Ohr remembers the former associate Deputy Attorney general under Rod Rosenstein whose wife, nellie ohr worked for fusion gps and i want to bring in tom fitton the president of Judicial Watch tom good to have you on the program and thank you, Judicial Watch for doing the work that youre doing your takeaways from that testimony of bruce ohr . Well, it confirms to a shocking degree, how closely the Justice Department and how dishonestly the Justice Department and the fbi were working with this clinton operative Christopher Steele, remember, he worked for hired by fusion gps who was paid for by with Clinton Campaign and dnc funds to create dirt on candidate trump and then President Trump. He was dealing with ohr through 2016 into the campaign and then through the mueller investigation, in 2017 and well after he had been fired by the fbi, and frankly, this is kind of follow the leader with congress, because Judicial Watch first released the documents showing 60 communications more or less between ohr and steele and you can tell it was a friendly relationship and of course youve got this compromised relationship because ohrs wife nellie worked for fusion gps and was a colleague of Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele and this get trump conspiracy run out of the doj and through the Mueller Operation deserves a lot of attention. Maria and you mentioned your batch of documents of the conversations between ohr and Christopher Steele, that you released a couple of the texts included i hope the firewalls holdup that was after james comey was fired another one was thank you for supporting our cause, that was steele to bruce ohr and now its confirmed that adam schiff on the house Intel Committee prepped Michael Cohen for more than 10 hours, 10 hours , schiff prepped cohen, before cohen testified. I mean, is this justifiable for an ethics investigation . I mean, why was he prepping him for 10 hours . I dont know if he was involved or his staff was involved but its highly unusual for staff to get with a witness for 10 hours beforehand, especially on mr. Cohen, who had already testified, and whats really problematic is that schiff denied any substantive communications with cohen and cohen said no i talked to him about topics, we were to discuss and it wouldnt be a big deal other than cohen perjured himself again it looks like before the committee, so youve got an ethics scandal for adam schiff as a result of he and his staffs involvement in setting up and collaborating with Michael Cohen on testimony that virtually everyone who watched it agrees is perjuring including independent media like our friends even at cnn. Maria and yet, you know, adam schiff continues to ignore what we now know happened in the 201e members of the fbi and the doj tried to change an election and take down a dulyelected president. Last week on this program we had devon nunes on the Ranking Member on intel and he said hes got a list of 30 names, 32 names which he shared with us on the show last week and theyre all connected to clinton. He says he wants to question them he wants them down for testimony to further unveil what took place. Why is this important . Because its still un investigated the full cooperation and collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the fbi and doj that looks to continue. I mean, look, cohens represented by clinton allie davis and shes still running the show in many respects and her dossier is still being used by the Justice Department and mueller to investigate and harass President Trump. Why is hasnt mrs. Clint clinton been asked questions about her communication with fusion gps . This is sort of the basic information that needs to be followed up on by a confident congress or an honest and fair Justice Department. Instead the Justice Department is protecting that relationship. We fought to get these documents out, showing the collusion between fusion gps and the doj. It took us over a year, Even Congress had to take steps on its own to release the ohr transcript because doj was withholding approval for its release transparency is key here and the president should step in and look at the other material thats being withheld and authorize its release. Maria well see if he declassifies any time soon tom its great to get your insight thanks so much. That will do it for sunday morning futures ill see you tomorrow on fox business mornings with maria have a great sunday. Todays goals. All while helping you to and through retirement. Can you help with these . Were more of the plan, invest and protect kind of help. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Carl, i as my broker. Invite here. What am i paying you to manage my money . Its racquetball time. Carl, does your firm offer a satisfaction guarantee . Like schwab does. Guarantee . Carl, can you remind me what youve invested my money in. Its complicated. 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