Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150319 : vima

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150319

>> chp dispatch was alerted by a 911 call and when the emergency personnel got on scene, they discovered two pedestrians laying on the roadway of the on ramp. >> reporter: both the woman and the baby boy are being described as with major injuries. the driver stayed on the scene and is coorap witting with investigators. they have ruled out drugs and alcohol, and the driver is not under arrest, but the in investigation continues. the chp says that any violations of the law are found to be contributing factors to the accident, they will recommend that charges be filed against the driver, but he in the meantime a woman and the baby are in the hospital with life threatening injuries and again, this this the crosswalk and the street light above that crosswalk, and that street light is out and at this point, that could be part of the investigation, a wund of the many things that the chp is looking into as to what caused this accident that landed a woman and the baby boy in the hospital. reporting live for bay area news. >> thank you. similar accident in san francisco a 5-year-old girl and her mother in a crosswalk hit by a car. this is a few blocks north of the san francisco state campus. both of them were rushed to the nearby hospital and the little girl with serious injuries. it is not clear if the driver an 86-year-old woman will face charges. she did stop and cooperate with police. >> new at 11:00, get ready for new water restrictions. tomorrow, governor brown is going to announce emergency water restrictions. this is two days after the water control board announced new emergency measures to curb water use. last year the governor urged californians to conserve water by 20%, and a majority of the e people did not meet that voluntary goal, so as for the new restrictions, the governor will detail that plan tomorrow. >> and now a cold case that could link a multimillionaire to the case. robert durst is possibly linked. now there are questions if he could be also connected to the death of a bay area teenager. cheryl hurd is at the headquarters, and it may be another chapter for hbo? >> yes shgs, indeed. i spoke to a member of the crimes unit, and he was here when the man went missing, but he is not saying that durst is a suspect, but he is saying that he is not ruling anything out. >> reporter: her mysterious disappearance made headlines in the bay area, and across the country. in 1997 the woman disappeared after finishing her shift in a coffee shop in the galleria. she had been living in oakland for only a matter of weeks after fin theishing her first year in college. oakland police tried to connect real estate heir to the case in 2003, but nothing would stick. durst has been back nin the spotlight after being profiled on h bshgsbo after he allegedly confessed to several murders, and the high profile case has shed light to the one-time link to the unsolved disappearance. >> i dont noe't know if people get their hopes up, but i do. i am ready to. but i still do. i mean i have to hope that, because i want to bring her home. >> reporter: joan petruski e heads up a group in north carolina which is dedicated to helping the families find their loved ones. and the evidence being pulled from the real estate heir's had the family hoping that investigateors could find a link. the family is keeping a low profile, but kristen's family spoke out through a letter. >> it is possible that the ongoing investigation of durst by law enforcement taking place right now could uncover new information of value and lead to the truth of what happened to kristen. >> reporter: oakland police are telling me to night that this is still the an open case. they are hoping with all of the at terngs and after all of this time that someone will come forward. reporting live in oakland, i'm cheryl hurd for bay area news. >> thank you, cheryl. now, in the deadly accident of the waters in dillon bay. the sheriff's department says that two kayakers got into the bay of nik's cove and they decided to turn the around in dillon's beach. and that is when one of the kayakers turned around and they could not rescue them because of the heavy surf. the victim was not wearing a life jacket. the san francisco zoo keeper says that zoo management has been spying on them, and that i have been calling a news conference to talk about the eaves dropping device. the technology is to have them listening to the devices. late tonight the zoo said that it did not spy on the employees, and the zoo said that once the monitoring feature was discovered, it was turned off. it is not holy water used to spray homeless people outside of st. mary's. a and the sprinkler system that caused a uproar is dismantled and the church is back pedalling, and terry mcsweeney has more. >> well, the bishop is making a apology of sorts to a degree and you will hear it in a moment. this is at the time that the city of san francisco is excited about the navigation center which is designed to deal with the exact same problem. >> reporter: tonight the homeless have returned to st. mary's cathedral sleeping under the overhang in this waterproof tarp which he no longer needs. >> it is not the church's intention to douse homeless people with water. >> reporter: they say that the sprinklers were installed to wash away feces and other materials left by the ohmless. to today, they got a permit. >> we understand that it was ill conceived. >> they are are human beings, and you should treat them better, and you should know better. >> reporter: and the catholic church knows bert. >> and the largest site is at st. mary's. >> reporter: and seven deputies in charge of the homeless assistance program, and excited for the city's navigation program. >> we believe it is a game-changer. >> reporter: coming this month to the former high school and mission on 16th street they say that the homeless will have a new direction. >> if you are not successful in housing because of the mental health or substance abuse, you will go to treatment or homeward bound and the city has been able to get people to the reconnect with family that have taken them in. >> reporter: and duffy says that only one-third of the people return to the street. >> as callous as i have seen it. >> reporter: and the out raged advocates are hoping that the city has changed its way than what it did in the 2008 video, hosing down the homeless which they say is not done intentional intentionally. >> to avoid the housing crisis you put them in the street, and then you hose them down. that is trickle-down economics. >> reporter: they say they will be there next week, and the justices, and the bishops say they will start helping with the advocates to deal with the city's homeless problem. >> thank you, terry. if you were impacted by target the's massive data breach you could get paid. they have set aside $10 million to settle the class action suit. it affected 40 million target shoppers. and 70 million had information taken. each person could receive up to 10,000 from that fund and those filing for the fund must provide documentation that they suffered. and target is putting additional security protocol in place. and why did he do it? chp does not know why a davis man took them through a high-speed chase through four counties. the man is in a medical center tonight, and refusing to cooperate with authorities. he is on a 72-hour hold following a dramatic race. they say that alcohol has been ruled out, and now the man is being tested for a variety of drugs. he led numerous chp units through alma mee da and contra kosta and through two more counties before he flipped his suv. a five-hour standoff slowed traffic, and ended with a woman jumping off of an overpass. chp officers shutdown two lanes of 880 in san jose near brookhoff road. officers tried to convince the woman to climb off of the retaining wall where she went about 10:00 a.m., and there she stood for 5 five hours where she jumped. she survived the fall but died of her injuries sghoochlt you may recall a woman who died after her suv was hit by a train in menlo park. now, patrons want answers. >> i want to know what the city is doing in the short term, and in two week, and not next year. >> for me, this has been quite difficult, and what it does is that it heightens ainge psyty and expeditiousness in doing more more. >> and some of the discussion included adding more cur,s, and median to better warn pedestrians. and now, to daiday, one person was sent to the hospital in the new apple campus in cupertino after a construction worker was take taken to the hospital. osha is now investigating the incident, but no word on whether it is going to be setting back the project. the apple head kwartquarters known as the spaceship is set to open next year. >> getting ready to rent a car? why cameras are going to be installed inside of some rental cars. >> and why some people like to watch the cooking shows, but you may not like what they are doing to the waistline. and science and creativity come together to help dogs find an per permanent home. and i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri, and a near record-setting day. and stanford atp 76, and we will let you know how high into the 80s we will reach in a few moments. taunting chp officers while leading them on a high speed chase is what a motorcyclist did through two southern california counties. the cyclist started to be chased at 6:00 and the police were going after him for reckless driving. then after reaching speeds of 100 miles per hour the cyclist climbed up on the seat and rode with no hands. then he went into the gas station, and surrendered to police. and now, rental cars with bells and whistles is in high demand, but what isn't is cam cameras. according to published reports one of every eight hertz cars have a camera inside. cameras are actually an invasion of privacy, but the public reaction is mixed. >> if they want to watch me in the car, i don't care, they won't see anything very interesting so it does not bo bother me at all. >> i feel uncomfortable with someone potentially watching me all of the time. >> and hertz says that the cameras are not operation alal, and they won't be used to listen in or watch drivers. >> big brother in the kitchen. panera bread is going to start recording employees who make food. then managers will review the items to make sure that the items are prepared correctly. they say that the dirty secret is that 1 in 7 orders are wrong, and panera says that 1 in 10 is wrong, but that is too high for executives executives. >> and now, a little hope for dna testing for dogs is helping many dogs leave the pound for permanent homes. the "who's your daddy" campaign is go ging to test dogs that are a mix of breed or muttts and then the staff the of the humane society have the task of coming up with a new breed. >> this is an alaska chihuahua-schnauzer. >> and there is a golden pinch pincher. >> so far, the dogs found loving homes, and the cheek test costs about $60 a doshgs and they will continue as long as the humane society can afford it. and now shgs, the cooking shows can be associated with putting on a few extra pounds. a cornell university study associated cooking shows with a higher body mass index. the watchers have a higher body mass index. and so the average view serer is a female who is watching late at night. >> yes, because you want to run out to the kitchen and make it. and now, it is hot again today, because the pressure is sitting on the west coast, and good fuf to push us a few degrees away from a record up to santa rosa up to 77 degrees, and it lwill stay with us tomorrow for more hot weather back in the mix. let's go to the sky network here and it is clear and mild here in san jose with 56 and also looking at the east bay of 76 and the north bay is dropping to 51, you have seen the shot behind the anchor tonight, and look at how mag magnificent full screen across downtown, and the patchy fog across the golden gate bridge. tomorrow morning, looking at the clear skies to begin, and the temperatures which is to be normal with the interior valley with the clear start, and the clear start again to the south bay, and 50 degree ss. over to the microcast format as we go closer to the weekend, if we can't get the rainfall, we can get the awesome weather in here and los gatos is one of the warmer temperatures tomorrow and 81 11 degrees. it is not a hot date the beaches with 76 at pacifica, and we won't have the warm wind to push the temperature ss into the 70s, but if you are downtown in san francisco, pushing to the 70s. so if you are out in the sun, and thinking mid-70s and a lot of the restaurants will have outdoor eating tomorrow and a lunch meeting, and stretch extra for you. so going to the north the bay, and the east bay, and the tri-valley, you will see anselmo valley with the upper 70s, and the tri valley is the warmest with danville at 80 degrees. so we talked about the high pressure producing the heat, and the sunshine. if you are looking at the rather long reach into the pressure and we won't see it high but rather lately we will have it warm up and we will see it cool down, and rainfall coming in but that is going to be off to the north. and the onshore wind will come in, and that is going to be helping the cooler temperatures from the coastline to the south bay bay. now, looking at the result of the clouds and the cooler winds as you will see from the hottest day thursday, and 78 in san jose jose, and 72 saturday, and still mild and above average, and then the possibility of the rainfall as we head through monday, and going for san francisco as well. as we leave here tonight, we will look at the potential rainfall, and the european model has a quarter to half inch from napa to santa rosa and we will continue to fine tune that but possibly some measurable rain. >> what does that mean measurable rain? >> rain from the sky. hmm. barbeque beer and coffee. we love them all. >> and jimmy. >> will ferrell is going to be my guest tonight. and plus, music from the roots. and it is going to be a great show. you have to watch next. we want to get you back to the breaking news at hayward where a suv hit a mother and her baby in the crosswalk and both are now in the hospital with major injuries. >> and nbc's jeanne was there to get information for us. >> yes and they were in the crosswalk, but above the crosswalk, that light was out. chp says a woman oin a white suv hit the woman and the 1-year-old boy, and the impact sent them on to the 880 on ramp roadway and both of them have injuries and are in the hospital tonight. the driver is not under arrest, and drugs and alcohol are not factors in the collision, but the investigation continues. as that invest is gags continues at this point, a young woman and her baby boy are in the hospital tonight with major injuries. the investigation continues tonight tonight. we wish them the best. geraud moncure is up next. good evening. geraud moncure here in the comcast sportscenter. with klay thompson out with a sprained ankle. tonight was different with aunndre iguodola doing what he does. he dropped in 21 off of the bench, and the warriors had draymond green getting the shot off with the delight of 19,996. and steph curry off of the back to andre barbosa and the warriors warriors win the 54th game hands down. 114-95. and finally in oakland, there is a sports sanctuary of sorts to e helhep the young men find their way through the rough environment through the sport of rugby. >> work on getting low even when you are tired. >> reporter: nestled above the rough streets of oakland, lies what could be described as a field of dreams on the merritt college campus in what life lessons prevail. >> i don't want to be at your funeral, bro. >> this is where the ooakland warthogs practice. most of the players come from disadvantaged households and most with single parents. the rugby club has been keeping teens off of the streets, and for higher education. >> most of them come with team values, and being commit and value and improving the character is one of the biggest things, and to give them opportunities to see things that they don't see in oakland. >> and when you come through the program, you leave here much better than you began. rugby is secondary. >> most people go out or the rugby, and the conditions are not great. >> living in oakland, it is a lot of negativity. >> reporter: and while some of them are attending different high schools, the camaraderie is life-changing. life-changing. >> ever since i come here, i feel like everyone cares about me, and whenever i come here -- sorry. >> it is okay. >> yeah i love this team with all of my heart. i want people to come here. this is the greatest team on the earth. i'm never going to have this experience again. >> the warthog coaches are all volunteer, and if you want to help out with donations, you can call the head coach at 650-867-4292 and more news is coming up okay. ever heard of a pop-up village? it is the newest attraction at at&t park. it is made of rerecycled shipping contain the er sors out there in lot a and it is called the yard at mission rock and it features a rock garden and barbeque and it officially opens friday and will be open year-round. >> you can start at the coffee bar and then lunch and to the beer garden and just stay there all year. >> and yes, make friends with somebody who has season ticket, oh, yes. >> and you can see on the san francisco shot right now, a beautiful night and for tomorrow morn g morning, a nice start with the upper 40s to low 50s and upward 70s inland tomorrow. >> and baseball is coming up. thank you for joining us. see you tomorrow. >> yes.

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