Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160809 : vimarsana.c

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160809

mike is tracking the traffic trouble. >> let's take you right out here for a big look at the bay. the sensors are not showing any slowdown because the traffic is light. traffic is getting by. this crash scene just north of industrial way. it's getting by in just two lanes. half the freeway is blocked by this deadly crash. this is impacting the freeway traffic flow at the scene. for how long and what actually caused this crash or what was involved in this crash, we have bob redell out there. bob, we're going to hand it right back to you at hayward. >> reporter: good morning, mike. we're just north of that accident scene. you're looking at the headlights coming in a northbound direction. those yellow lights on the side of the road on top of that truck trailer is where the accident took place. we choke briefly with chp. they told us too leave the scene because they're getting ready to reopen the two northbound lanes of 880 just before the industrial parkway, the overpass here in the foregone of our shot is industrial parkway. this accident happening just before 2:00 this morning. there was a box truck heading north with three people in the cab when that truck slams into the back of a disabled big rig. unfortunately there are three men in that cab. one of the men died here on the scene. the other two taken to the hospital with what has been described as major injuries. and then you also have the driver inside the big rig. he was also hurt when his head slammed into his windshield. his condition is unknown. we do know he was transported, hour. so again, those two right lanes of northbound 880 just before industrial boulevard should be reopening at any moment. we know the wreckers have been there within the past 20 minutes trying to remove the vehicle involved in this overnight fatal condition. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. also making. this time out of fisherman's wharf where burglars are on the run after a van smashed into an electronics store at the digital center store right near jefferson and leven worthworth. the thief bolted with an unknown about of merchandise but we're working to find out exactly how much. pete suratos is at the scene to bring a live report in the next half hour. team usa is just getting warmed up as we see the olympic flame and the americans are holding a comfortable lead through three days into day four of rio. these are live pictures from rio de janiero this morning. there should be more celebrating to come. top american athletes are considered major medal contenders for several more events today as we enter day four of the summer games. >> two high profile sports, swimming and gymnastics again take center stage. jay gray is looking at how the u.s. team is doing in rio. >> reporter: team usa continues to make a splash in rio. lily king swims gold in the 100 meter breaststroke. >> so excited. you know, proud to represent usa and get that gold for our country. >> reporter: the americans grabbed more gold in the men's 100 backstroke, ryan murphy charging from fourth to first in the finals. david boudia and steele johnson got silver in the synchronized platform, best showing ever for a u.s. team. and kerri walsh jennings and april ross had little trouble putting away china under the lights on copacabana beach. >> this is match number two. we have five more match toes win. >> reporter: swimming stars michael phelps and katie ledecky won't have to wait that long. they've got a chance at gold in the olympic pool tonight. jay gray, nbc news, rio. >> so exciting. and we're going to take you back out live to rio this morning. our coverage will continue throughout the morning as well. our own jessica aguirre is in rio bringing us a live report coming up in the next half hour. back home. new details on what sickened 19 teenagers and children at a party in san francisco. investigators now say it was candy that was laced with pot. partygoers were enjoying quinser in a party. many. >> reporter: eating gum my rings and then got sick. 19 people showed up at half dozen hospitals in san francisco, all demonstrating similar symptoms. 13 of the patients were children. one only 6 years old. >> the gentleman was holding his chest and then the young lady was gasping for air. she couldn't even talk. >> as for the cause, officials do say the gum my rings tested possible for thc. investigators say an open catering company provided that food but an inspection did not find any evidence that cannabis was used there. all 19 patients are now out of the hospital. coming up, the heat is back. we have small break, kari, but it didn't last. >> we will see 90s across parts of the inland areas in the bay area. up to 90 degrees in fairfield. we will talk about how hot it gets and a little bit of a break coming up in the microclimate forecast. >> live look at the san mateo bridge over on the right side. there is a truck just behind our logo saying that the road work is ahead. that truck is clearing and so is that road work. we'll let you know whether or not other clearing that crash in hayward. ncaa take it a step further and start requiring this of schools? >> well, that's a question i ask, too. >> he's in charge of student health for college athletes. i'm senior investigative reporter. 4:39. an investigative unit exclusive this tuesday morning. student athletes say there's a crisis in college sports that's often ignored. the mental health of young people competing at that elite level. >> many schools in california fail to even screen the athletes who could be suffering. how is the ncaa addressing this crisis? here's senior investigative reporter vicky nguyen. >> we're talking about young athletes competing at an elite level who suffering with hill little help. we traveled to indiana to talk to the first ever chief medical officer for the nca, a in charge with student health. 21,000 athletes found a spike in students reporting mental health issues. medical experts say eating disorders are particularly concerning because they're the deadliest of all mental health diseases. unlike concussions and heart disease, the ncaa does not require schools to train or educate students and staff about eating disorders. and as we first reported in february, many schools in california don't even screen for this disease. while difficult february tive numbers are hard to come by a 1999 surveyry vealed a third of student athletes in the ncaa are at risk for some form of an eating disorder. in march the group released a manual for best practices for addressing mental health but it's not required for colleges. it is something that dr. hanline and others are working to change. this is our second report on this issue to see that investigation and also to hear from a volleyball player who successfully recovered in this story, go to our website and click on the investigations tab. >> vicky, thank you. if you have a tip for our unit give us a call at 888-996-tips or send us an e-mail to bruce boche spent the night at the miami hospital. he'sn't at the game last night. giants are only saying the skipper felt ill and that he expects to be back with the team today at marlins park. you may recall last year bruce bochy had a small heart procedure done. more tension now almost as much as the athletes. up next, ancient therapy getting some modern attention. what is cupping and why is olympic swimmer michael phelps using it? environmental stewardship at whole foods market is really built into the foundation of the company. whole foods market is engaged with pg&e on many levels, to really reduce energy and reduce our environmental footprint. for a customer like whole foods, saving energy means helping our environment, and we can be a part of that. helping customers save energy is a very important part of what pg&e does. we can pass those savings on to the environment, the business, and the community. pg&e really is an expert in saving energy, and that partnership is extremely exciting. together, we're building a better california. . 4:44 on tuesday morning. working our way through the workweek here. and kari has a look at the forecast for us. >> it looks a little bit warmer today. we will start to see the heat building later this week after we catch a little bit of a break. here's a live look outside at the castro. you see that we do start out with clouds this morning. we will see them clearing out as we go through the day. looks like we could see the clouds moving out more quickly than in the days past. right now it's 57 degrees there. as we look at all of our microclimates. 55 in the peninsula. 60 degrees in the south bay. and the north bay starts out at 52 degrees. highs this afternoon reaching 90 in the tri-valley. 84 degrees in the south bay. and mid 80s for the north bay. while san francisco tops out at 70. we do have a shift in that wind direction. coming in from the north and it will pick up as we go through the day. we had a nice breeze yesterday evening. expect the same thing again today but it won't bring in relief as far as the cooler apps. we do get a stronger onshore flow tomorrow that will help knock back the temperatures. you will notice more effort inland areas but it's just a few dries before our temperatures ramp right back up for thursday and friday. looking at oakland today. we'll start out with clouds this momping. 60 degrees. and by noontime it's 67 degrees. 70 at 4:00 as you get ready to head home. we do have an area of low pressure well to the north of us. once again, that will provide that stronger onshore flow tomorrow, a few more clouds during the morning. but then high pressure quickly moves in. and by the end of the week, we will see that our temperatures going up as well. so 70 degrees can be expected today. in san francisco, some 60s throughout the rest of the week. and also early next week, no major changes there. you will see little bit more of a fluctuation of the temperatures for the inland areas reaching 90 today. 87 degrees on wednesday. and then for the weekend you will see we will have low to mid 90s. that carries us into the start of next week. let's head over to mike now. he's tracking the investigation in hayward. >> that's right. the investigation after the overnight deadly crash. half the freeway for 880 had been blocked. let's zoom into the area. the sensors not showing slowing including this area in hayward. i just got the update seconds ago from bob redell confirming it on the scene. northbound 880. all lanes just cleared of this big rig crash just north of industrial. now, there's still activity on the shoulder. it will be a distraction where traffic is very light. just south of that san mateo bridge you see it's light flow there. oakland coliseum north of there, i'll turn that camera in that northbound direction. these headlights show you the lighter volume of traffic so folks were able to get by the scene without any problems. again, all lanes are clear through hayward. heading up toward the bay bridge, the toll plaza shows a light volume of traffic. no problems for the east shore or the maze. easy drive into san francisco via the north bay and golden gate bridge as well. back to you. at 4:47 this morning, delta is scrambling to get thousands back in the air after a massive outage yesterday that's also impacting bay area travelers. it looks like the financial hit will be a costly one. >> still plenty of flights canceled or delayed. for that and the rest of the news before the bell we turn to landon dowdy live from cnbc's world headquarters. >> futures are higher this morning as the stock market comes off of a slightly down day. meanwhile, crude oil jumping by nearly 3% to close just over 43 bucks a barrel. look for data today on productivity and earnings from disney. dow down 14 points, 18529. nasdaq fell 8, 5213. delta air lines expects to cancel another 100 flights today as it continues to recover from the crippling computer outage yesterday. the airline scrapped more than 700 flights and delayed 1600. delta plans to hand out refunds and $200 in vouchers to compensate travelers for the system failure. a george power spokesperson blames a piece of electrical equipment on delta's side for the outage. burger king, burrito, beef, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, pickles inside a flour tortilla. back over to you. >> i think it looks delicious. i don't think laura is sold at all. >> i don't remember that being in my grandmother's recipe book. >> it's not old world for sure. >> certainly not. >> thank you, landon. google's big plan to provide lightning fast fiber internet service to silicon valley has hit an unexpected glitch. google is telling mountain view it wants to put google fiber construction plans on hold to look at cheaper alternatives. palo alto, san jose, sunnyvale have held similar talks with google to receive the same kind of networking upgrade. it's believed google is facing higher installation costs than the company initially projected. any kind of roll out date is years away. happening right now, the olympics. you see the red circles on the back of michael phelps and some of his fellow olympians there. >> it's a form of therapy called cupping. it's an ancient treatment getting modern love. here's "today in the bay" to explain. >> reporter: eve seen michael phelps with gold around his neck and shoulders. what about purple? it's the result of cupping therapy. a cup that sucks up skin and muscle to supposedly increase flood flow. >> kind of like an inverted deep tissue massage, instead of pressing in to break everything up it pulls up. >> reporter: leave them on for five minutes. doctors have mixed reviews on whether or not the therapy actually works. it started in ancient china. caught on with prominent athletes like 12-time plm medalist natalie coughlin. >> i have always responded well to it and it spread amongst the swim team over the years. >> reporter: centers like a acupuncture in san jose is thanking olympians for the increased call. >> it feels exactly exactly what i expected it would. >> reporter: it doesn't hurt. there's some pressure but, hey, in the end you leave looking like an olympian. well, you know what i mean. ian cole, nbc bay area news. >> a cupping badge. 4:40. do not, we repeat, do in the try this at home. >> it's hard because i don't have that at home. >> we don't have the luxury. looking at a popular climbing destination in norway known for a shape called goat horns tower. one brave man you see right there some theatrics mid-air. he took a step further to get from one horn to the other. basically somersaulting across a five-foot gap. he says his heart was pounding even though he was tethered to a safety line. he said his mom is not terribly happy. mothers everywhere. >> that's what i was thinking. >> when she heard about his risky little flip there. at least she heard about it after the fact. >> no, that's exactly what i was i thissing. his mother is not happy. get off of those rocks now. you could hit your head. oh, my goodness. go to your room. see the bumper stickers all the time, keep tahoe blue. now environmental researchers really need your help to keep the bay area's favorite getaway clear. the coast guard rescues and revives a kitten drowning by using massage and mouth to mouth after children on the shore drew attention to its plight. you can find that story on our facebook page. and just a reminder nbcbayarea is your olympic headquarters. check out our home page to see our daily 5 to see what you should be watching today so you don't miss out on favorite competitions throughout the day. back in two minutes. some adjustments are being made .. to the controversial new red "bus- only" lanes on san francisco's ssio some adjustments being made to the controversial new red bus only lane on san francisco's mission street. the lanes run between 14th and 30 streets while they're speeding up travel for bus commuters other drive rrs are seeing red because it's forced drivers to make right turns all along that corridor. now the mta is announcing changes. it includes eliminating two forced right turns. and taxi drivers will have even more leeway to turn left. while we're talking about the roads, santa clara bus rest getting a makeover and it means a cleaner and greener ride for south bay computers. transportation authority is getting 2 $1/2 million from the federal government to purchase a fleet of zero i'm mission buses. the money is going to go to buying charging station, upgrading maintains facility and training drivers. it's going to provide free connections between metro light rail station in san jose, airport, and caltrain commuter rail station in santa clara. in a story you will see only on nbc bay area, a talk is in the works. the wastes dates back decades along the bay near crockett. that's where smelting plant once operated. when it shut down abruptly in 1971, 2 million cubic yards of toxic wastes were left behind. last week california's department announced the long-term clean-up plan. residents are opening that clean-up comes quickly. >> i think the whole thing was out of sight, out of mind. the waters here, we eat out of the fish, we eat the food. expert says the site is particularly problematic because the waste contains toxic heavy metals including lead and arson anything believed to be leeching into bay waters. scientists are turning to an old source to get a better grip on the problem of algae growth in lake tahoe. we hear the sounds of the splashing. uc davis researchers last week announced the lake's water clarity is worsening but they're less certain about all gee growth because it's only been monitored for a decade and a half. asking the public to help out. check your photo albums because they would like to see pictures of the lake, old pictures of the lake, ideally with a ballpark date a tamped to them to get a better sense of the historic algae levels. the team is working with the university of nevada, reno, archivists to look at the problem. 4:57. coming up, as the summer winds down for bay area kids getting ready to go back to school, temperatures creep up a little bit. kari has our forecast. >> cool weather today if you live farther inland. but it will be cooler along the coast. right now we start out in the 50s. ville a look at the microclimate forecast coming up. >> our look shows you what traffic is like right now across that san mateo bridge. headlights westbound. we had the overnight road crews on both directions clear from the span. we'll talk about hayward and what's going on at industrial and up the date on that crash coming up. plus, kari was talking about pools. plenty of action going on in the olympic pools in rio as we take a live look again of the flame from rio. jessica aguirre is there. she's going to preview day four for us coming up right after this break. . good morning. i'm bob redell with breaking news here in the east bay where the collision between a box truck and big rig kills one man, sends three more to the hospital. that story coming up. and more breaking news. burglars plow through a san francisco electronics store overnight. it's raining gold for team usa. day four of the summer games in rio and today olympians could bring home more hardware. competition is on tap coming up in a live report. "today in the bay" starts right now. a very good now tuesday morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. we have a lot to get to this morning. mike is tracking developments on the roadways. we're going to get to that in one second. first, though, summer, i wouldn't say it's winding to an end but a lot of kids are going to be back to school and starting to feel like summer. >> i got the letter that orientation starts next week for school to start. yes, looking at these temperatures thinking it is not seem like it's about to start. with the school year. so we do have a lot of 90s in the forecast. we'll talk about that as we get a look at all of our microclimates now. nice and cool to start. 56 degrees in the tri-valley with highs there topping out at 90 today. mid 80s for the north bay and south bay and 79 today in the peninsula. so we will take a look ahead to some more 90s over the next several days. let't

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Miami , Florida , United States , Norway , Nevada , Oakland , California , Mountain View , China , Indiana , San Francisco , Americans , American , Kerri Walsh Jennings , Jessica Aguirre , Ryan Murphy , Steele Johnson , Natalie Coughlin , Michael Phelps , Vicky Nguyen , April Ross , Santa Clara , Bruce Bochy , Sam Brock ,

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