Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 6PM 20101116 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 6PM 20101116

somehow doors and windows are fortified to keep out cops and robbers. they are often illegally wired. >> in some of these cases we're finding firearms, drugs, methamphetamine, mdna, lsd. >> reporter: he says there's more houses in marijuana grow houses. >> they are trying to jump on and get the people who need the medicinal marijuana. >> there's little the neighbor can do. >> the neighbor does look best but the best thing that one can do is get to know your neighbors. >> reporter: because no one knows how many more grow houses are out there. in san jose, len ramirez. they just turned down a plan to turn the old naval base into a place. >> better pot than casino, better pot than gambling all the way. >> i would prefer the casino over the pot-growing. >> why? >> operation. well, again, jobs. >> that was the debate today on the streets of richmond as city officials try to decide what next for the historic point molati naval academy. whether to stick with a development or try something new like maybe a giant pot farm. >> ask richmond, you know, welcome to richmond. >> for the past 6 years richmond and a developer have been trying to get a casino hotel and housing deal off the ground. but it's been slow going. >> the final eir has never been published, they haven't gotten any of their federal government approvals they need to make this a go, and i just don't think it is ever gonna happen. >> so residents were asked what they thought should go out here. they took those and ran them by a consultant to see what was the most viable. >> a giant pot farm. >> what do you think about that. >> kind of interesting. >> like a lot of people they would prefer to see it turned into an historic park. another idea? how about a big green energy center, nice thought but accord to go the developer -- >> the economic realities is that the greenest universities in the world, the uc berkeley, they are running out of money. where they invented it. >> reporter: but eh, if they want to trade the slots for pot they say. >> give us a security contract and a lawn chair and we'll be fine. >> reporter: as we know california voters just turned down legalizing marijuana. but in politics and in development you go for the long ball. so what voters say no to today they might say yes to tomorrow. in fact, hooking at the lights of the san francisco behind us maybe they'll second-think even a casino out here. >> phil matier in richmond, thank you. we have an update now on that fatal tree trimming accident in concord. a worker was tied to a tree when the rope got tangled in the wood chipper chewing up the linement the man fell out of the tree, hit his head on the chipper and died. it happened on south lavvin. they identified him as an tone i don't barajas of concord. san francisco police are investigating a disturbing discovery at golden gate park. someone found a severed arm laying near a month low field yesterday. a little bit later a man's decomposing body was also found in the park. not clear if the body was missing an arm. no word on the cause of death. tonight investigators say two teenagers practicing their shooting skills shot at least two people riding motorcycles in san mateo county. it happened on skyline boulevard this weekend in the king's mountain area. don knapp reports the investigators say the shootings could easily have turned deadly. don? >> dana, getting hit by a pellet from an air gun may not seem all that bad even if it's a high velocity pellet as in this case. but if you get hit by that pellet while driving a motorcycle on skyline boulevard it could not only be dangerous, it could be deadly. skyline boulevard's scenic twists and surgeons attract motorcyclists from around the bay area especially on weekends. it is challenging enough a ride without having to dodge snipers. two riders yesterday passing through this stretch of skyline in the king's mountain area were hit by high velocity pellets from an air gun fired from trees be lining the road. >> both victims it penetrated the leather gear they were wearing. one it went through a leather glove, through a finger, and out the glove, and the other person it went through a leather riding suit pants. >> reporter: a woman rider's finger was pierced. a woman's finger was was hit in the knee. both were taken to the hospital. a third rider got hit and wept pleading to a sheriff's office. they say it's one more thing to worry about. >> our lives are a little more at risk compared to people that are driving their cars on their cell phones not paying attention, you know. all my altercations with cars are people not seeing me pulling a left turn or a u-turn in front of me so added gunfire doesn't really make me very happy. >> reporter: so san mateo county deputies raced to the area and quickly found the snipers. two teenaged boys who had been shooting birds and targets decided to find larger targets and began shooting cars and motorcycles. lieutenant ray lenny says it was an extremely dangerous act. >> could have been hit in the face and either gone -- ridden into oncoming traffic or gone off the road and, as you know, that's very wooded so they could have hit a tree and killed themselves. >> reporter: the two 15-year- olds have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon and related charges. the sheriff says while there may have been other people out there hit by pellets, the sheriff's office would like to hear from them. reporting live, don knapp, cbs5. newark police are looking for three men who held up a chuckie cheese restaurant over the weekend. it happened saturday night just before 10:00. witnesses say the masked gunmen stormed inside the restaurant and herded roughly 40 employees and customers including children into a store room where police say somebody called 911. investigators say that luckily the customers were not the targets. >> it doesn't appear than any of the patrons of the restaurant were actually robbed. the focus was on the cash registers inside the restaurant. >> nobody was hurt and the again men had left by the time police arrived. investigators say that apparently they left without the money. police have arrested 5 suspects accused of pepper spraying people around san francisco. two adults, three juveniles were arrested over the weekend. police say they sprayed and then robbed the victims last week. there were five attacks, all in various neighborhoods in the city, no one thank goodness seriously hurt. police are still seeking witnesses to these and other pepper spray attacks. seven people were hurt in a crash that caused a van for disabled people to overturn in san francisco this morning. this happened at al a mainy and crescent avenue. police say the van was making a left turn on to crescent when a car hit it. that pushed the van on to a parked car. 6 people in the van and the driver were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. just how hard is it to stop speeders? maybe not that tough. where drivers are slowing down thanks to nobody. >> email, that's so last- decade. facebook's plan for something new. and why a whole lot of people just won't like it. >> reporter: i'm ann notarangelo. last year the city of concord got about $4 million worth of free advertising for its tree. we'll see what the city has planned this year. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, year. and this year, the city of 's not gi it may just have been the most famous christmas tree this the country last year and this year the city of condor says it is not giving up on its so- called charlie brown christmas tree. but ann notarangelo says it may have some competition. >> reporter: it is easy to spot it. it is the only one that's brown. it's not pretty but it is sure getting a lot of attention. >> it's on life support. it's not been declared officially dead. >> reporter: who would have thought this charlie brown tree could look any worse. it's a poor pathetic cedar that didn't like well water and turned brown. this city received international attention when it turned that in to the holiday tree to save money. >> i don't think it's new york, it's concord, so i think it's fitting for the neighborhood and i thought it acted character, you though, instead of getting this giant thing and ship it in and ship it out, i just like the charlie brown tree. >> it was the combination really of the community support across the country that ealy inspired us to continue. we knew we wanted to do the trees again this year, as you pointed out, the economy has thought changed enough for us to do anything different. so again, our whole team is making the best of what we had. >> while the idea has been a hit with many for its fiscal responsibility and charm, the charlie tree as they call it, like the economy, isn't making an exactly rousing come back. the city's arborist says the brittle branches can't stand ornaments and light. >> our concept is to decorate around the charlie brown tree, a circle of trees to pay homage to the tree. >> reporter: but because of the overwhelming support they got they are asking people to donate a 3-foot or smaller tree decorated or undecorated that will circle the charlie tree. those trees will be donated to local groups. they are also continuing their linus blanket drive for the homeless. >> it's another experience to help bring people downtown for their businesses but allows them to come back with their families. >> reporter: for some people it's not the same. >> i like the big tree. i think the big tree was a lot nicer. >> i think it's a sign of the times, it's just sad. >> reporter: for those looking for a more traditional tree, one of the downtown businesses donated money for a live blue spruce that will eventually be planted and become the city's holiday treat. this year it will be on display. >> the water will be turned off, security anchored on a platform the guys are doing on their own time because they are so excited about being able to do this. >> reporter: last year the city of concord got about $4 million of free advertising because of all the media coverage. it's hard to imagine they are getting that much this year but -- >> are the arborists giving up on that tree, is it done? >> reporter: it's not dead. however, the branches are very brittle. >> hmm. >> reporter: and it can't withstand the weight of an ornament so that kind of tells you they are losing hope. but they are not gone yet. >> as long as it is standing we'll have a celebration. >> reporter: exactly. >> all right ann, thank you. dollar for dollar officer bob smith is the hardest working officer on the belvedere police force. without lifting a finger he is forcing drivers to slow down. mike sugerman on how he is doing it. >> reporter: law enforcement isn't brain science, some are dumbies. >> oh my gosh. >> joaquin county in the lush town of belvedere they have a problem with speeders. that's why bob is here to help. >> it's a fake policeman in a police car. >> reporter: officer bob joined the belvedere police force about a year ago and he has been a model employee. never complains, asks for too much vacation, or minds working 24 hours a day 7 days a week. >> he is low cost. his pension plan is reduced, salary is reduced. i think there are messages here for the federal government. >> while some might argue we don't need more dumbies in the federal government no one is arguing. >> i think somebody broke in because usually there is a donut there too. >> reporter: people were tight lipped. they weren't able to appear on camera to talk. officer, officer. he doesn't do all police work well. give me directions to tiburon. hello? but as a decoy he is smart enough to dummy up. >> i'm sure they love that we outed bob. >> you know what, people are still gonna, i do, i go by him and -- oh, yeah, it's that guy. i don't know, we don't fall for that though do belo better take. >> oh no. >> no. >> whatever you were saying. >> you know what, i have to admit you know what i was thinking about? i know i'm going to get in trouble for this, i was thinking about your blue kitty. have you found her? >> no. >> kitty is still missing. >> but the whole community is out looking for her so i want to thank everybody. all my facebook friends are looking for her. i had a friend who tweeted me from deli and is looking for her. >> might be far awa . >> you didn't have to go far away to get record temperatures. san francisco tied a record at 80 degrees, 84 shattered their old one, san mateo, record- breaking temperature. there's more. oh yeah, we tied in moffat fields, napa and santa rosa at 84 degrees. yeah, the offshore flow will continue, tonight it's going to be a starry night. right now currently still in the 70s and even 80 degrees towards the tri-valley. tonight will bottom out between 49 degrees in santa rosa, the low 50s across the santa clara valley, the winds have been blustery, going to dial back out of the northwest at 10 to 15 miles per hour. one more day again tomorrow with the offshore, the ridge is beginning to break down so the temperatures are coming down. still very pleasant, nearly 70 in pative ca, mid-70s in san jose when the average high temperature is at 66 degrees. northwest breeze, 5 to 15 miles per hour, east of the bay as well. 67 degrees in berkeley, out of the 80s tumbling into the 70s, but still not bad for tomorrow. the 16th day of the month. 62 degrees in bodega bay to the mid-70s in sonoma, napa, glen ellen. looks like we'll see rain back into the forecast. not by the end of the workweek. we'll cloud up on friday with a slight chance, it's more likely we'll see the rain over the weekend. blustery conditions. they were talking about the possibility of snow in the local mountains. >> what a turnaround. >> we'll talk more about that later in the program. >> roberta, we'll see you then. not having your ducks in a row, without having your bank account cleaned out, that's in 2 minutes. wow! when you spend ! unlike other stores... ...we don't make you come back to save. earn jcp cash -- ten dollars off when you spend twenty five, two days only! who knew shopping could be so rewarding? 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[ female announcer ] there's only one you. that's why sutter health created, where you can find a doctor based on criteria important to you. and because it's sutter health, you can choose a doctor from some of the most respected medical groups and hospitals in northern california. find your doctor today at earn ten dollars off on the spot when you spend twenty five! wow! unlike other stores... ...we don't make you come back to save. earn jcp cash -- ten dollars off when you spend twenty five, two days only! who knew shopping could be so rewarding? jcpenney. cost air-duct cleaning for your home. bu maybe you've seen them. coupons that come in mailings or the newspaper. advertising low-cost air duct cleaning for your home. but what happens when you call? as julie watts reports in this consumer watch investigation you could get a lot more than you bargained for. >> immediately saw the wire into the plug right here. >> reporter: norm valleys got a surprise on a recent visit to his father's home. a small silver box was attached to the furniture. >> he didn't even know what it was. >> reporter: the device was installed by pure air, an emeryville chemo had hired to clean his air ducts for an advertised $65. >> he called based on a coupon he got in the mail in a pact. >> reporter: but 85-year-old ernest violent said pure air convinced him he needed more than duct cleaning, he needed that ultraviolet light to clean air. >> i thought maybe i should have clean air in the house. >> reporter: the. >> the installer said it was something to make him breathe easier. >> reporter: that hit home to mr. violent who recently lost his wife to lung cancer. >> i figured maybe it's good for me for the future, that's why i bought it. >> reporter: all told the visit which included a system cleaning, sanitizers and filters ended up costing more than $1,300, way more than that $65 he was expecting. >> it's low power, less than 100 watts. >> reporter: the doctor who is an air quality expert teaches at uc, we showed him pictures. >> most of these household cleaners are not very effective mainly because ofth light intensity is not great enough.? >> reporter: we were curious about clean air so we set up a duct cleaning of our own with the help of a duct cleaning expert volunteer. we've got this one for $77. to technicians came in and attached a giant hose to the keeping vent and used a paint brush to wipe off the first floor vents. then came the assessment. >> your heater is liking. >> reporter: they didn't try to sell us the $600 uv light. >> what you should do is take out the mother, brush it, remove all the dust inside. >> reporter: but they did try to convince us to have the motor in our furniture cleaned for $375. even though that motor was just 3 months old. >> it's not the right type. >> reporter: they also tried to sell us a $99 air filter to replace the one just changed 6 weeks earlier. >> help are up selling. >> reporter: he knows all about up selling, they investigated 6 companies including clear air that all advertised air duct cleaning for under $80. >> they are using the price as an opportunity to get in the home to upset the additional services. >> reporter: after we contacted pure air at their emeryville offices they decided to refund him most of his money. they all is removed that light from his home. a light we found on ebay for just $145 with the filter. as for the velch's, they say when it comes to duct cleaning, they have seen the light. >> it's so easy to talk you into things. >> reporter: the rule of thumb, you should have those air ducts cleaned about every five years, less if you don't have pets, more if you live in a dusty area or had cleaning. it should cost you about $150, not 80 bucs. 888-5-helps you, it's another one of those cases if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. >> it's one of those areas of the house you really don't know anything about, don't think about. >> you see the dust piling up and you know when it comes to lung problems, it's not a bad idea. you just got to be careful to get a reputable company. >> thank you. >> uh-huh. you know google is big but did you know it has an appetite? >> just have to hope that doing will doesn't want the building you're looking at. >> how a tech giant can dominate an entire real estate market and why that may not be necessarily a good thing. the integration across all the ways people communicate including email but not just email. >> the next big thing. why email is suddenly a dinosaur and, a bigger question, how much tech can we all take? >> and california's massive property deal that could cost you money. why more and more people are lining up to oppose the sell- off. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ came in last night at half past 10:00 ♪ ♪ that baby of mine wouldn't let me in ♪ ♪ so move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move over, little dog, 'cause the big dog's movin' in ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a dog & a chevy, what else do you need? ♪ over. simon perez looks at the next generation of electronic commu d facebook boss mark zuckerberg served notice today email is over. sigh men perez looks at the next generation of electronic communication and what it means for the old-fashioned kind. >> we don't think that a modern messaging system is gonna be email. >> reporter: what? email isn't modern? mark zuckerberg, the latest greatest thing says he talks to high school kids about how he communicates, email for them has become passi. >> it's too formal. right? i mean the wait and the friction of having to, you know, think of the address of the person that you want to send an email to, think of a subject line, write "eh mom" at the top to introduce it, write"love mark" at the end to conclude it. just kind of all this extra stuff. >> it would take too long. all you got to do is sign love and go upon back again? the message? >> reporter: so facebook today announced it is lending all kinds of way to communicate, email, text, instant message? five years from now you're going to have this full rich history of all the communication that you have with each of your friends and the people around you. >> i do send email, i can use it to send photos and picks. but sending letters, i don't know, just seems to have disappeared. it's been at least a year, i think i sent a little note in one christmas card last year. i think i sent two christmas cards, a little personal note. >> but what happens to us as a society when we spend more time face down in our phones than face up interacting physically verbally communicating with others, who can argue it hasn't helped us communicate cheaply over long distances, but is that communicating better. >> here to talk about that is doctor jim taylor, he is an adjunct professor, he holds a ph.d. in psychology and involved with the psychology of communication. thank you for being here jim. >> thanks. >> is it the old foe geese, we don't get it, the young kids, better for them. >> the fact is that for people over 25 or 30 this is all new stuff. now we're getting kids who were raised in this world so it's just what they do. normal doesn't necessarily mean it is healthy or positive. >> what is the appeal of electronic communications for anybody? >> first the access to information. able to gain knowledge from a universe of knowledge out there. the other is connect activity. to be in touch with friends, colleagues, business people, everybody instantly is an incredible attraction and a draw for people. it also has a dark side. >> it also is the rub there, are you really connecting with people when this is it. >> a degree of connect activity. one thing i write a lot about in my blogs is whether, how technology is affecting the quality of our relationship. if you're going like this all the time i run up and rent a lot, i see groups of kids not talking to each other but playing on phones, i wonder if they are texting each other sitting next to each other so it's really a matter of using it as a tool to build on it and develop healthy relationships and real relationships from there. >> we were talking earlier about this idea it was only retroactive if you can city if it's good or not. >> technology is advancing at such a rapid place we only have time to explore the implications of all these developments on our -- on human behavior anderson relationships in the rear-view mirror. by then technology is well entrenched, it's what we do, a lot of people get addicted to it. >> last question, what's the best case scenario and worst- case scenario if this keeps evolving this quickly and we all keep using it? >> it will chemo involving quickly. a little child, we'll grow up and learn how to use it in a deliberate shovel healthy way. the worst-case scenario is that it takes over our lives and we become these little computerized ought ma tons that connect at a real level. it will just be a matter of time to see what happens. >> if we are auto ma tons, if i never speak, pick up the phone and talk to you, never go out to lunch with you, what does that mean for me as, in theory, a sociable human being. >> it will affect us in healthy ways in our ability to connect with way more people to build relationships, shared activities and interests and so on. at the same time i guess i'm still a little old school, this is where the goingy part comes in, i still believe in blood and guts relationship. we can connect with people at a very direct electrical, you can hear and smell them and all the things that have gotten them to where we are today. might be effective. >> scientifically, what is that, the difference between texting. >> the texting you only have a limited amount of information. the words on the screen. but in a real relationship there are all the other senses, facial expressions, body language, emotional content, that you simply can't get with electronic technology, except manitoba a little smiley face which is a pretty weak replacement for real emotions. >> agreed. all right doctor taylor, thank you very much for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> all right allen, back to you. >> no texting during the newscast. >> turn off the technology. i have the computer open right here. no doubt google has a huge presence. now the physical presence also increasing in the peninsula. show us the new frontier at nasa. thuy? >> reporter: that isn't just at nasa but all around the headquarters it wants to agree. there is no doubt doing will is the giant and now that giant wants a bigger stomping ground. the 800-pound gorilla is about to get a lot bigger. google wants to build a new corporate campus on 42 acres of land at nasa's mountainview site where the company's could founders already house a fleet of personal and corporate jets at moffat field. it's all so sent a letter to the city asking for permission to build housing near company headquarters. >> kind of a complete neighborhood where you have different amenities out in the north bay shore as well as having the potential for residential. we think that's something that potentially could be very positive in the future. >> reporter: google already occupies more than 4 million square feet of office space and sure it offers free snacks and drinks plus foosball and pool tables but the latest plan kicks things up a notch. the nasa location would offer fitness and daycare facilities, the north bay shore area around the headquarters would be filled with stores in addition to housing. >> it's been phenomenal for the city. obviously for the real estate markets as well. >> reporter: greg davies is with the commercial real estate firm cassidyterly. he says while the office vacancy rate is high in south mountainview it is tight around where companies are looking for space for that area. >> you have to hope that google doesn't want the building you're looking at. >> reporter: google is one of mountainview's biggest tax players forking over $14 million a year with the company's continuing rapped expansion does the city risk becoming a one-company town. >> it's certainly a concern but we also feel the success that google has had from an innovation standpoint has been really positive. some people that have actually worked for google that started their own companies, those are some of the things that were, you know, which we find very exciting. >> reporter: now google's housing development request will be debated by, here at city hall by council members, as they pick up the city's largest plan for growth. they haven't said how many housing units they are looking for so tomorrow the council will simply be talking and deciding on the broader concepts for growth. allen? >> you don't want to get in a bidding war with google because game over. >> you lose. >> you're done. >> thuy vu, thank you. we have plenty for sale, the only problem is the deal could lose money, why it may happen anyway. >> for weeks we have been showing you these birds collared with beer cans, how rescuers were finally able to get one of them so help. mike singletary named smith the starting quarterback. is it troy or alex. the ballots have been counted. we'll tell you if buster posey is the rookie of the year coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that's even tho 's a controversial deal to sell some prime california real estate got the green light today. that, even though the state's top 2 financial officers voted against it. mike lourie reports on the billion dollars plan to sell off some state office buildings. >> we're leaving close to a billion dollars on the table. the state lost a billion dollars today. >> reporter: biting comments today from an army of comments to sell 24 state buildings and the land surrounding them. symptom me put, this covers our current needs at the expense of the future. >> today at the capitol the top two financial officers, the state comptroller and state officer voted no on what they say a bad deal. to sell and lease back these state properties, doing so will raise money now for a cash- starved state but cost taxpayers $1.4 billion in the long run. accord to go the non-partisan legislators offices, those with rival plans came forward to say they were shutout of the process. >> this is a very strange process we have been through. very odd. i have never seen it before. we're not allowed to talk to the legislators, directors of general services. >> i. >> reporter: but supporters terse of the deal representing the governor's office won the day voting 3-2 in favor have the sale. >> i believe this has not been a rush to judgment. this has been a process carefully studied and analyzed. there has been transparency and there has been an equal footing. >> reporter: it was good news for the winning bidder, california first. >> this the again rating money for the state over the long- term. it benefits the state because it put it into efficient ownership. >> reporter: the deal is now in escrow. it doesn't look like anything can stop it at this point. it represents $1.2 billion for this year's budget which is already 125 billion-dollar in the hole. in sacramento, mike lourie, cbs5. there was a parade of patriotism today for a teenager who took a stand for old glory. code die glace just last week, a campus supervisor ordered him to remove an american flag from his bicycle. the district superintendent said it was for his safety. that's because there were previous racial tensions after some students brought mexican flags to school for cinco de mayo. country >> means a lot to me. really nice that all these people are supporting me and just, yeah. apol to c >> a lot of people in denature said that it was important to show the country that their town is not anti-american. the district has since apologized to cody. >> big lesson for everybody. >> coming up after the break a jelly fish invasion, crab season and help for one of those beer can firms. >> otherwise it was a great day to head to the beach today. record highs across the bay area. now the day that you will need your jacket as "eyewitness news" continues right here on cbs5. ,,,, we gave it a more powerful duramax turbo diesel and allison transmission to help it move over 21,000 pounds. and then we gave it an advanced exhaust brake system, to help slow it down. saving wear and tear on your brakes. and on you. with a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles... introducing the new chevy silverado hd. our most powerful heavy duty ever. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? several birds have been spotted around san francisco recently. this gull was was captured at lake merced. rescue workers first noticed the bird in the area about two weeks ago, but were not able to capture it until today. they cut the can off, and examined the bird.... but it wasn't easy. 15:06:47 "it took a really long time. a lot of different strategies we tried. he was really worried because someone had already caught him and hurt him, so it was harder to draw him closer to us." the bird was healthy enough to be released. the rescue group is asking the public to watch for other collared birds. there is a three-thousand dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for abusing the birds. today was the official opening day for the commercial crab season in the bay area. crab boats from san francisco and other local harbors were ready to go out today. but . today was the official opening day for the commercial crab season in the area. crab fishermen were ready to go out but crabbers and processors couldn't agree on quality and price so most boats didn't go out. but just about an hour ago the word went out that crab trawlers from the point would go out tomorrow. the recreational season began last week. we're also on the jetty fish watch tonight. did you see this? more than 10,000 dead moon jelly fish litered san francisco's ocean beach over the weekend. it's believed a large swell brought them ashore. we did a check, most of those things went back out to sea. biologists are still scratching their heads over this one. >> that's the way the site works. >> i've been stung lots of times out in the ocean. i wish honestly i had a dollar today for each time somebody asked me if this was earthquake weather. >> earthquake weather? >> can i just leave now? do you see the hair rising on the back of my neck? they know that it gets to you so that's why they ask. >> that's why they do it. right? we certainly did have an unusual day today. we had record warmth right here in the bay area. the scene right now looking out towards the transamerica building, clear skies, clear temperatures in the 60s after 78 degrees today. santa rosa, record san francisco, tied an event set back in 2008 at '08 degrees usually this time of year 64, 74 degrees, we tied an event at moffat fields at 84 degrees. offshore flow continues tonight with the clear sky so if you're out and about the numbers are still in the 60s to the low 70s, coast is definitely clear, in fact, tomorrow, we'll see another day with that offshore component. tonight overnight a starry night. 56 degrees in oakland. here is the deal. it's high pressure, everybody is asking why is it so warm? it's high pressure, very strong ridge of high pressure. it continues to divert the storm track well to the north of us. however, it's beginning to break down ever so slightly so each and every day we'll notice cooling and less wind. but still tomorrow out of the northwest, las altars 75 in san jose, east of the bay the temperatures came tumbling undertake of the 80s to the mid- 70s, pleasant and in some neck of the woods 10 degrees above normal. 65 in richmond and low 70s in haywood. north of the golden gate bridge these are going to be tricky depending on the wind. 57 degrees in santa rosa down from 84 today. low 70s around mill valley. take a look at this. i want to spend some time with this. cooling, cloud up on friday with a slight chance of north bay rain. but nevertheless we'll have a rainmaker on saturday and sunday. that will not be the main story. it will be cold and blustery. that will be the headline. also, with the light precipitation and the cold air mass there is a chance of snow in our local mountains down to 2500 feet over the weekend. showers possible on monday. so let's just take this all in for a moment. okay? today's record high temperature today. again you out did yourself from for the fun stop. i like saying that. for the fun stop. >> much better at answering the earthquake question. coming up on eyewitness news at and at 11 on c-b >> okay roberta, thanks. >> it's a new weapon in fight against for closure. coming up, a new weapon, how some east bay homeowners stopped their bank from foreclosing 10 times. gerald ford was president the last time a giants player won rookie of the year until today. which myth will start sunday for the 49ers. alex or troy? coach singletary makes his call next. day to break ground on san francisco's latest bocce ball courts. the ceremony had two special guests: mayor gavin , organizers could not have planned a better day to break ground on san francisco's latest bocci ball court. the ceremony had two special guests, mayor gavin newsom and 7-time u.s. bocci ball champion benjie toe see. the court will be located on the south lawn of the justin herman plaza. >> wow. madden won't be moving his tournament, will he. >> that's a beautiful venue for it, isn't it it's one of the best bocci ball courts in the world. nice to see you guys wearing your stanford colors. it's game week. we'll get to a little baseball. been 35 years since the giants last won the rookie of the year award. that was john monday a causes oh. they beat out jason hayward for the national league's top rookie. >> couldn't ask for a better baseball player in the game right now. that's as electrifying. >> posey was called up from fresno at the end of may. one month later he took over as the team's every day catcher when they traded bengie molina. all he did was hit .305 with 18 home runs andled the best pitching staff in the national league. >> to be able to take our staff which is already good but make us better, hit four hole, be 23 and get game-winning hits time after time. >> he caught every inning of the giants post-season games and in game 4 of that world series they hit a home run that they'll never forget. >> everybody said that the dream come true for a kid, what did it feel like? >> gosh you know, i think it's one of those things that's gonna sink in for me you know down the road a little bit, but i mean i think i -- there are moments sitting on the bench where i thought i got a home run in the world series, a pretty cool moment. >> reporter: today's announcement is simply the latest in a season full of pretty cool moments for posey and the giants. >> let's enjoy this today, tomorrow, for a week, maybe even a month, and let's get back to work and make another run at it. >> not a bad way to start your career. 49ers, quarterback, alex smith or troy smith? that question was put to mike singletary today. >> as of right now, smith will be the starter. [ laughter ] >> we're going to go with troy. >> look, he is smiling, all smiles at 49er headquarters right now. troy smith through for a career high 356 yards, the most by a niner quarterback since 2004. he is accurate, mobile, won two straight, injected some life into an offense that got the second fewest points in the nfl this season. >> collectively you achieve things and if you come in and just tell guys, you know, what the bottom line is, i don't think that that's how you deal with men. i think you reason with men. i think you give men the opportunity and the chance to showcase their talents and their abilities and we'll all move forward. >> the broncos blue off out the chiefs last night 49-29, after the game hailey refused to shake josh mcdaniel's hand. it means the raiders move into a first place in the a.f.c. west. woo. >> woohoo. >> that is the bottom line. and you can see the first-place raiders take on the steelers sunday morning, 10:00, cbs5. your proud home of your oakland raiders. ad the media for the first time since they >> what happens after that? >> i have come around. what can i say? i have come around. joe lacob and peter guber address the media for the first time since they became the official owners of the warriors. let's just say these guys won't be keeping a low profile. >> i'm a man, i'm 40. >> i want winners. >> a three-letter word. every guy thinks about. the idea is we want to make this fun. the idea is this isn't the cure for cancer, you know. maybe the cure for cohan, but not the cure for cancer. >> guber is a hollywood producer so you can see he is writing a script already. if you spent all weekend win triesing your ski boat here is what you missed. third hole in one of the tournament.. >> 2008 winner -- >> the miracle classic. only fitting that davis love the third hits the home run of the tournament.'ses the par 315th hole. willter son had an easy touchdown. he chose to take a seaten the 4- yard line so his team could run out the clock. 9-1 for the first time since harry truman was in the oval office. they are 8-0, perfect half time entertainment, not so successful. down goes frazier,. the finish of the weekend in jacksonville. >> flyers, by walker, shot down. >> unbelievable. >> as a defender you're taught just knock it down. don't try and intercept it, knock the ball down, and he does. >> wow. >> say that again about the raiders. >> they have come around. i'm on your look. i got raider colors. >> not you. what about the raiders? >> first place. >> thank you. >> first place. >> on the bandwagon -- >> why not? g to progressive >> we'll see you back at 7:00. >> the home of the oakland raiders. feed me! saving you m- now, that's progressive.

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