which, by the way, is exactl the kind of thing that was alleged in the trump organization weisselberg cas that just resulted i convictions in november. so, those give the da a lot of room so even if there is a attack on one or two of them particularly the state crime of tax fraud and the ami false statement charge, seem ver solid. it seems very hard to imagine motion to dismiss that's going to knock out all of that and reduce all of the charges to misdemeanors >> and it doesn't mean tha when you describe, andrew, the district attorney as havin laid out a lot of differen paths by which he can get to a felony, sometimes, like, whe you see that in a movie script or something, you think, oh, they knew a whole bunch of different options, because the don't have one good strong one but in this case, you're sayin that's not a sign of weakness, that's a sign of strength of the case because even if one of the gets knocked out, there's stil other viable means >> yeah, absolutely, what would charge, and i'm sure catherine when she charged obviously if you have a really weak one, you don't want t