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Drugs and knowledge. I feel better than i did 20 years ago. Some of that might be the steroids talking but it probably goes without saying that that message, aside from being a complete insult to the families of the almost 210,000 americans who have lost their lives because of the coronavirus amounts to dangerous medical misinformation about a serious illness from which trump himself is likely not yet out of the woods. Just ask trumps doctor in a briefing confirming trumps impending discharge just in the last hour. Though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet, the team and i agree that all our evaluations and most importantly, his clinical status, support the president s safe return home where hell be surrounded by world class medical care. The seven to ten days, i dont think were there yet so do you have concerns about potential worsening and what are your plans if that were to happen . Were in a bit of uncharted territory when it comes to a patient that received the therapies he has so early in the course. So were looking to this weekend. If we can get through to monday with him remaining the same or improving, then we will all take that final deep sigh of relief. As i said, 24 7 world class medical care surrounding him down there. Were not going to miss anything that we would have caught up here. Let that sink in. Medically speaking, as a patient, donald trump in uncharted territory. As unsettling as that response might be, even more un ssu suse are the crucial questions that dr. Connolly didnt answer like what the president s imaging shows and doesnt show, what President Trump had his last negative test for covid which would give us a good indication of how many people he might have put at risk. Can you tell us when he had his last negative test . Was it thursday, wednesday . Do you remember . I dont want to go backwards. Contact tracing for people who were around him . I understand. The Contact Tracing as i understand it is being done. Weve done routine standard imaging. Im just not at liberty to discuss. Youre actively not telling us what those lung scans showed, just to be clear . So, there are hipaa rules and regulations that restrict me in sharing certain things for his safety and his own health and reasons. Going backwards is the whole idea of Contact Tracing, one of the tools at our disposal, testing, Contact Tracing and Wearing Masks and social distancing, but lets not go backward. Later in that briefing when pressed further on the same questions, dr. Connolly again declined to answer and ended the briefing, and of course if you were unsure how much stock to put into any assessment from him, trumps doctor, you would be forgiven. The white house and trumps doctors communicating with the public about the president s health have sent confusing and mixed messages since the news first broke early friday morning that donald trump is sick. Since then his doctor, sean connolly, has admitted on camera to giving misleading information about the president s condition. Watch. Why were you so reluctant until today to disclose that the president has been administered oxygen . Thats a good question. Thank you. I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team, the president , that his course of illness has had. I didnt want to give any information that might steer the course of illness in another direction, and in doing so, it came off that we were trying to hide something which wasnt necessarily true. The fact of the matter is that hes doing really well. Now, if i was trying to be upbeat to donald trump telling bob woodward that he downplayed it on purpose, we might be onto something. Of this admission from dr. Connolly, the Washington Post writes this, quote, the episode continued what has been a days long opportunitorrent of falseh imprecision as he faces the greatest threat to a president s health in decades. From the white house doctor to the president s chief of staff, the inability to provide clear, direct and consistent information about trumps condition has been widespread since the coronavirus began rapidly circulating in the west wing. Today questions remain about how to keep the white house safe from the infectious president as it becomes a hot spot all on its own. A dozen in trumps orbit testing positive, most recently his maskless press secretary, kaleigh mcenany. If there was any hope that trump would be focused on limiting the spread to his staff any further, those hopes were dashed last night when trump endangered his entire secret Service Security deal so that he could wave from his car. A photo op with deadly consequences. Donald trump now one of 7 million positive coronavirus cases in the United States but in uncharted territory medically is where we start with our friends. Peter baker, White House Correspondent for the New York Times, some of that remarkable reporting we already quoted, the author of the book the man who ran washington. Former democratic senator claire mccaskill. Lori garrett, contributor to Foreign Policy magazine. Global Health Policy expert dr. Gupta is here. Peter baker, let me start with you on the latest white house reporting. Take me through whether there are pieces of the plot line that i missed or that deserve more context. I think you got it exactly right. Weve gotten a series of conflicting and contradictory messages from this white house, from the medical team, not just the political side of the house, and its only raised more questions than they have answered. The fact that he wouldnt talk about the imaging is very interesting because he cites hipaa law on that fact only and not the only details. That suggests then that the patient himself may have not wanted that particular information out. The president can be monitored at the white house obviously much better than the rest of us could be at home. They have a pretty full scale medical unit. He could be returned to walter reed in quick order if necessary but the message hes sending with that tweet that basically, dont be afraid of covid, nothing to see here almost, is the message is rather concerning, obviously not medical professionals but a lot of Public Policy and Public Health experts who are worried that the message, the lesson of this particular episode has not come home to the one person who has the ability to tell the rest of the country how we should be thinking about this pandemic. Lori garrett, that tweet must have landed like a body blow to people who im thinking of the young woman who spoke at the Democratic National convention about losing her father to covid after he trusted Donald Trumps recommendations to ignore the stayathome orders and not wear a mask. I imagine this message should will land among his supporters in very much the same way, that a segment of the population in a lot of instances has some of the same Underlying Health condition as the president does, his age, sometimes his weight, may read that tweet as nothing to see here, youll be fine. But the truth is literally the doctor said today the president is in uncharted medical territory. Nobody has access to the care hes been given over the last se my goodness, nicolle, when i saw that, i literally was overwhelmed. Its so horrible, so destructive. To say i feel better than i have in 20 years, that i feel spectacular, it reminded me of ball son arrows statements in brazil where he told the people, this is nothing. I didnt even feel as sick as when i had the flu. Of course the president famously back in march referred to this as nothing more than a bad flu. We have no idea what his actual state of mind is at this moment. He is taking a cocktail that no human being has ever taken before, so its not just uncharted territory, its a complete experiment. No one has ever been given this combination of drugs to treat this disease or any other disease. Are we hearing and is he tweeting through side effects . Are we seeing a healing human being or is this typical of what we see with a lot of Covid Patients where you begin in a state of decline, you go through some treatment and feel a bit euphoric and youre on the path to recovery and then, boom. Claire mckcaskilccaskill, ita distressing moment, not just in the trump presidency, the thing that you and i gather and talk about most days but in terms of the history of the american presidency. Never before have we been given some cherry picked information from a doctor clearly performing not for peter baker and his colleagues but for the patient himself, and never before has the patient missed so many off ramps from the path of disposition, denial and endangering the people he represents. This was an opportunity and no one wanted the president to get sick, lets be clear. Nobody here, nobody wanted this countrys president to be sick. But once sick, you thought, i dont know, maybe hell see how serious this is. Maybe a part of his brain will say, not everyone can take a helicopter to walter reed and be monitored on day two after the diagnosis by world class physicians. Maybe this is really serious. The opposite seems to have happened. I actually thought that there could be a turning point here for the president for him to acknowledge that, yes, this is something to be taken seriously. As you say, just the opposite has occurred. I have so many questions. Theres two stories here, nicolle. There is the medical story and there is the political story. They are both very important. The medical story is nuts because they are experimenting on the president of the United States. Think about that for a minute. Is that the person you want to start this experiment with . How did that come about . Secondly, were not getting the right information, were not getting clear information. You cant cherry pick hipaa. You cant tell the American People every detail about his oxygen level and his heart rate and all of that and then selectively say, oh, no, i cant tell you about his lung scan because of hipaa. Thats not the way this works. He is taking drugs that say this is very serious. They are treating him as if its not serious. Hes acting as if its not serious. Theres such a medic medical disconnect and maybe well have time today to talk about the political side because as somebody who ran communications in the white house, this group is the larry, moe and curly of white house communications. I have never seen more malpractice in Political Communications than i have seen over the last three days. It is stunning. Larry, moe and curly are now down with covid, at least kayleigh and hope hicks, but the truth is the team that is responsible for briefing and its not about the press, its through the press. Theyre there asking questions for the American People. They have a lot of illnesses in their ranks now. There are four White House Correspondents who are infected now. It has now become hazardous to do your job on that beat if that is your assignment. I was reaching for my glasses because i want to read to dr. Gupta the list of drugs that donald trump has. I also want to point out that Donald Trumps friend and debate pl prepper, Chris Christie, is laying in a hospital bed in new jersey also receiving hospitalized care. No one wants anyone on the president s team to have fallen ill, but now that they are ill, dr. Gupta, id love for you to explain some of the therapies and treatments theyre receiving and tell us how much of this is the standard protocol for a covid patient. Doctors have said theyve given trump remdesivir, regeneron antibody cocktail, a steroid called dexamethasone, supplemental oxygen which they first didnt tell us about, some zinc, vitamin d, famotidine, melatonin and aspirin. Of Covid Patients about a day after learning of their diagnosis get that regimen, dr. Gupta . Nicolle, good to see you. Thats a fantastic framing. Who gets essentially an aggressive kitchen sink approach within 24 hours of hitting a hospital bed . Ill tell you who gets it, those people who have unfortunately covid pneumonia. They have essentially, their lungs are filled up with inflammatory debris and their airways are not functioning the way you would expect so people experience shortness of breath as the president reportedly was experiencing. They experience importantly, nicolle, low oxygen levels as he was reportedly also experiencing a few times, prompting the supplemental oxygen. Remdesivir and dexamethasone, lets be very clear here because the doctors at the brief were not precise and clear, neither one of those medications is approved by the fda for use for any other reason than for severe covid related low oxygen levels. Hypoxemia is what we call that technically. You dont get it to stave it off. What you would do is pose the president a significant list of side effects. If you gave him remdesivir, he didnt actually need it because it causes liver injury. Dexamethasone can cause your bones to fracture, high glucose levels, you to feel delirious. Theres lots of reasons not to give these medications willy nilly. Thats number one. Number two, the fact that they werent willing to talk about ct scans i brief families all the time who are not necessarily able to access privileged information. What i can say is i can speak about if im speaking about lab values and vital signs which the doctors are doing, im happy to talk broadly about a ct scan. The fact that theyre not willing to talk about his chest imaging says enough, in addition to his clinical course, that he has covid pneumonia. It is case shut, he has it. Its okay that he has it. Its treatable but lets be vigilant about the next seven days because he can be better but he can also decline in the next seven days. Theres no rope to hieason to h. Its silly to hide it. Can i go ahead. I just want to tell our viewers something. Joe biden has started to speak. Were going to go to that in a second but go ahead. Dr. Gupta, id like to throw to you, we also know that even before he took ill trump was already taking propecia, crestor and a drug for high psa count. How might we be seeing cross interactions and to what degree do we know what the drug interactions might be given the highly experimental nature of many of his medications right now . Thats a great point. That raises the specter of to what degree should we be giving the president of the United States an experimental therapy like the regeneron cocktail thats not fully vetted. Its very promising. Infectious disease experts are very high on it but for the reasons you mentioned, thats why we have to be very cautious. Its a hosts dream when yall talk amongst yourself. Peter baker, what questions do you have for the president s team that havent been answered . What medical mysteries remain at the top of your list . A few things. One, you heard the reporters ask and still not get answered when was the last time the president had a negative test. As you mentioned in your opening, that would help us understand better the course of the virus and the spread. And when was the first positive test . Weve been told that the president had a rapid test on thursday evening before he went on sean hannity and said he was still waiting for his test. That was not disclosed to the public. They still havent officially confirmed that although theyre not denying it. Was that the first one . We dont know. Did he have one possibly taken before he went to bedminster, because in fact, at that point they knew that hope hicks was feeling sick and they had every reason to worry about the president. Did they have a positive test and didnt trust it or they had a negative test that turned out to be false . Theres a lot of other questions as well. This is a white house thats always been stingy with information about the president s health. Probably every white house is to some extent, this one more than most. I think all the questions that dr. Gupta and others have talked about in terms of the imaging, in terms of what hes actually damage might be to his lungs or the side effects of all these different drugs and particularly the steroids. We have a detailed timeline of where we know there are a bunch of people who are now infected who were together maskless and not socially distanced. Do we have time to go through the timeline . Let me get into this. Again, if joe biden starts were going to have to cut this short. The timeline of trumps contacts with staffers and supporters in the days since the rose garden event, at least eight participants from the naming of a Supreme Court nominee would eventually test positive. Later that night trump also hosted a rally in pennsylvania accompanied by hope hicks. Three days later, three days during which hours of maskless debate occurred were going to go through this timeline with our experts. Lets listen in to joe biden first. My daughter, wife, family has learned, if there are any angels in heaven, theyre nurses and doctors. Docs let you live and nurses make you want to live. I really mean it. Theyre there at tough times. By the way, thank you for your service in the military but also thank you for at the beginning of this pandemic being a surgical nurse wasnt easy when there wasnt the ppe available to all of you as you walked into those operating rooms and dealt with all the problems. I know my son is a physician. My soninlaw is a physician, surgeon in philadelphia, and the stories at the beginning of this process when we should have had everything available, so thank you not only for your skill and your courage but for your bravery in doing what youve done. I want to thank you for the care and dedication that you and all your fellow members, all your nurses that show up and struggle with illness, coping with the loss of a loved one at terrible times. So many of you had to hold a phone to a patients ear to say goodbye to a Family Member because they couldnt be there, couldnt see them in the hospital as they passed. I want to thank victoria for sharing her familys journey with us today. Victoria and i were talking a little earlier. I was in south asia speaking with a president and he asked me what made america unique and i said immigration because thats the history of this country. He looked at me funny and said why is that . I said because almost everybody whos come here other than those who came in campaighains 400 yeo came because they were escaping something that took enormous courage. I really mean this, think about this. Enormous courage to leave everything they knew, everything that was familiar, sometimes leaving Family Members to get on a boat, plane, train, whatever the means was, to be able to leave and start a new life. To do that, you have to have optimism, courage. You have to be resilient. You have to be willing to bho f believe you can make things change for the better. Thats what built this country, immigrati immigration. We are a nation of immigrants. Thats why were the most unique and strongest nation in the world. Families like yours and esthers have made the country what it is. The richness and beauty of miami is built from the connections of family, culture, values that we shared with our friends throughout the caribbean and latin america. Early this afternoon i visited little haiti. It had been some years since ive been there when the earthquake occur red and i came to deliver assistance to the Haitian Community as well as making sure we had temporary protective status. Its a cultural complex and now here at the site named for one of cubas most celebrated poets and thinkers. This city is living proof of incredible strength we draw from families and communities from every culture, choosing america. Thank you, victoria, for choosing us, and im really honored that youre going to vote for me in your first election. I promise you i will not let you down. [ applause ] i promise i will not let you down. Let me also say my prayers continue with the president and first lady for their health and safety. Like so Many American families dealing with covid19, i was glad to see the president speaking and recording videos over the weekend. Now that hes busy tweeting campaign messages, i would ask him to do this, listen to the scientists. Support masks. Support a mask mandate nationwide. Require a mask in every Federal Building and facility and interstate travel. Urge every governor in america to do the same. We know it saves lives. His Administration Just rejected a mask mandate for Public Transportation on friday. They came along and said we need to be protected and they said no. I believe that was wrong and not very rational. Experts say that universal masking could saifz between now and january 100,000 lives. Let me say that again. Between now and january mandatory masking could save 100,000 lives. I backed that mandate months ago. He should back it now. Since the president entered the hospital on friday, more than since friday, more than 100,000 more people have been diagnosed with covid. This week at least 5,000 more will die. Cases and deaths are climbing in many states. I hope the president s recovery is swift and successful but our nations covid crisis is far from over. Today my prayers are with the families of the 210,000 americans who died from the virus. All those families who got up this morning and there was an empty chair at the breakfast table, tonight an empty chair at the dinner table where one should be, a husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, father, and nearly 7. 5 million americans have been infected with the virus to date. This pandemic and the economic collapse has hit the has hispanic communities particularly hard. Nationally the infection rate among his sppanics are almost te times higher than white, nonhispanics. More than 40,000 hispanics have died from covid19 devastating families in close knit communities. Here in florida where hispanics make up about one quarter of the population, they make up 37 of the covid deaths. Nearly 3 million hispanics are unemploy unemployed. Break that down, unemployment for Hispanic Women and hispanic youth actually went up last month. One in three hispanic Small Business owners have taken a hit and many are likely to have to close permanently. Some economists are calling this kshaped recovery. It means those at the top, they keep going up, their income. But everyone from the middle and lower income, it keeps going down, keeps getting worse. It means that essential workers, so many of them whom are hispanic, who have sacrificed to keep us going through the pandemic, are being left behind by the most unequal recovery in modern American History because while workers are struggling, this is a shocking statistic but its true, the top 100 billionaires in america have done pretty well. Just since the covid crisis they have made an additional 300 billion. The top 100 made an additional 300 billion. Everyone else though, they get the bottom half of that k, downward, a downward slide. Youre left to figure out how youre going to pay your bills, put food on the table, pay the rent, or if youre lucky enough to own a home, do you have enough money to pay the mortgage, how to balance doing your job with being a teacher to your kids because their school has gone remote. Youre asked to risk your neck because you cant work from home or the risk of covid mostly kept outside. Because youre one of our First Responders or a nurse like esther or on an Assembly Line or working in Customer Service or tourism or at a checkout counter or police officers, firefighters. I know this isnt an easy time but i also think this pandemic has just helped us rip off the blinders in this country as to how inequitable so many things are. People didnt even realize. Until now theyve seen it. I truly believe we have a tremendous opportunity to turn this moment of crisis into a moment of great progress for the country. Thats why ive laid out a comprehensive agenda not just to rebuild our communities but to build them back, make bold verm investments in them so we can build back better than before the crisis. An independent analysis, the president loves to talk about wall street. He never talks about moodies on wall street that pointed out they did a detailed assessment of my economic plan and his. Heres what moodies concluded. They projected my economic plan will create 18. 6 million jobs, 7 million more jobs than the president s economic plan will in four years and 1 trillion more in growth than the president s plan. Heres how it works. Im not going to raise taxes on anyone who makes less than 400,000 a year. You wont pay a penny more, i guarantee you. Im going to ask the big corporations and the super wealthy to begin to pay their fair share. Its not punishment. Its just about time you start paying your fair share. The money we raise from making sure they pay their fair share will allow me to invest it in working people and a growing middle class. When i announced i said i wanted to rebuild the backbone of this country, working folks, the middle class. They werent built by wall street. It was built by labor. Advance Racial Equity across the economy to make sure everyone is included in the deal this time. Were going to invest in creating millions of good paying jobs, union jobs in manufacturing and technology, making sure our future is made in america, in infrastructure, building roads, bridges, highways, ports and airports like i was able to do when i ran the recovery act for our administration putting billions of dollars in the port of miami, creating good, hard working people with good, decent union jobs. Well accommodate the super tankers coming through the canal, generating some stability. My plan will make sure hispanic communities benefit from hundreds of billions of dollars in investments, install broadband, close the digital divide, create spaces to live, work and play safely, and clean energy, upgrade 4 million buildin buildings, weatherize 2 million homes, create 1 million good paying jobs and save us millions and millions of barrels of oil. Were going to meet the threat of climb change and invest in strengthening Climate Resilience where we are already dealing with a threat to climate change. I dont have to tell you in miami. I dont have to tell you in south florida or in my state which has the lowest sea level lowest degree of high from sea level than any state in the nation, stronger, more frequent hurricanes, rising tides, flooding. No matter what the president says maybe you should consider dropping an atomic weapon on a hurricane coming our way, its not a good idea. It doesnt work. Thats not some distant future in miami or south florida. Were dealing with it right now. What do you have to do, get knocked in the head to understand it . Were going to make sure the Small Businesses come out the other side of this crisis with access to capital and the ability to deal with their debts. My plan will get 50 billion in capital flowing to Small Businesses which will get repaid in employment and taxes, especially minority owned Small Businesses and make another 100 billion in low interest loans available to those businesses to get back on their feet and stay alive. You know as well as i do that the communities are the heartbeat, the center of the community, whether its a grocery store, a beauty shop, a barber shop, the hardware store, the essence of a community. Were going to make investments to increase incomes as well. Its long past time. Ive worked with Governor Cuomo to get it done in new york and other governors across the country. No one should have to work two jobs to be able to be 40 hours a week so theyre above the poverty rate. 15 should be a minimum wage in the United States of america, period. For our essential workers, im not just going to praise you, were going to begin to pay you a good wage, make sure you have strong benefits. Were going to ease the burden of the major costs in your life, and what are they . Health care. Were going to build on the Affordable Care act which gave 4 million hispanic people in this Country Health insurance by adding a new Health Insurance option, a not for profit public option. Were going to give private insurers a competitor, increase subsidies to our premiums are lower and you can afford plans with lower deductibles and lower out of pocket expenses. Were going to take on the pharmaceutical industry, a plan that slashes the cost of prescription drugs by 60 . You think im making these numbers up, if we just let medicare negotiate independently for all the drugs they purchase, i promise you the rates are going to fall through the floor. Affordable and accessible. Every 3 and 4yearold will have access to free quality preschool. All the studies at your great universities and the ones around the country have shown that no matter what zip code a child comes from, what background, if they go to preschool, not daycare, preschool, in school at 3, 4, 5 years old, they increase exponentially, over 50 of prospect theyll go through all 12 years and many beyond. Well make sure that low and middle income by the way, the total cost of that is called title one program, we now spend 15 billion in School Districts that dont have high tax rates. Guess what, you change that to 45 and you can put every one of these kids in school and pay the teachers a legitimate rate and make sure you have School Psychologists and social workers. Were going to make sure that for child care for someone under the age of 5, 6 no one ever has to pay more than 7 of their income for their Young Children to get quality child care. If you truly want to reward work in this country, we have to ease the financial burden of the care that families are carrying. Even before the pandemic, millions of working families faced enormous financial and personal strains trying to raise their kids and care for their parents and loved ones living with a disability. Its going to sound strange, but when i first got elected when i was 29 years old in the senate, right after i got elected my wife and daughter were killed. My two sons survived after they were hospitalized for a long time. I needed help to do my job. I could not possibly afford child care. Even though i was making a really good salary of 42,000 a year, more than i had ever made, but i couldnt afford it. Being a single mom or dad for a family that has two people, windowi working with Young Children, its incredibly costly. By the way, the professional care givers out there, Home Health Care workers, child care workers, where more often women of color and immigrants and too often underpaid, unseen and undervalued, thats why my plan will elevate the Compensation Benefits and dignity of care givers and workers and Early Childhood educators. Thats what were going to do. Were also going to invest in education beyond high school. If you qualify to get into community college, youll automatically be able to go and go for free. If you are qualified to get into a fouryear Public School in your state, public college, and your family makes less than 125,000 a year, you get to go free. If youre buying your first home, youre going to have a tax credit up to 15,000 to get there. What happened after the Great Recession in this one . An awful lot of you range in age from the millennials who started after 9 11 all the way to the people graduating this year are not in a position to do that because your jobs have been postponed or nonexistent. Provided an opportunity, we can get you into the system. Were also going to protect Social Security, increase it is benefits for millions of seniors. Were going to do that all in partnership in lockstep with the hispanic community. By the way, the president s proposal to eliminate the tax you pay when you get your paycheck for Social Security without any means by which to replace it, the actuary at Social Security said Social Security will be bankrupt by 2023. Theyve never liked it to begin with. So look, success and prosperity of the hispanicamericans are indispensable to the success and prosperity of the United States and all of america. Hispanic families are responsible today for 2. 6 trillion of our Gross Domestic Product and growing. If that was a stand alone economy, a country all by itself, it would be the eighth largest economy in the world. Think of that. Imagine how much more that would grow if everyone had access to the tools they need to succeed by investing in hispanic communities. Were making the smartest possible investments with the greatest possible returns that our nation could make, period. Youve been listening to joe biden who is addressing voters in miami, florida. Its ahead of a town hall this evening that will be monitored by our own lester holt. Florida, interestingly, the center of two big political stories. It is the last day to register to vote in that state, and joe biden and donald trump are in a statistical tie, although biden is ahead two points in a state that would mean big Electoral Prospects for joe biden should he come out ahead on election day. Lori garrett, just watching joe biden, former Vice President biden, candidate who has worn a mask seemingly without any of the hangups that donald trump has about masks then, now and it would appear into the future, it is a contrast without opening his mouth. Its just so interesting to watch the two men, one still living in a parallel universe where the steroids that he got for a serious form of potentially covid pneumonia is tweeting about feeling better than he has in years. The other one just going about his winning campaign, at least if you accept todays polls as a snapshot, wearing his mask and really not making such a big deal about it. I felt really the contrast is in the heart. I just heard a man talking directly to First Responders, directly to doctors and nurses, directly to people who have lost their recoverloved ones, the 21 families, speaking with compassion and with real concern about their lives and what it will mean to try and rebuild from this great pain. Meanwhile, donald trump and the whole white house lets just say, okay, hes sick, hes not thinking clearly. But nobody in the white house has issued a single word of compassion regarding the fundraisers who were president at bedminster, new jersey for an intimate gathering with him where Chris Christie may have gotten infected if not earlier or about the home of marty davis in minnesota where another group of high rollers gathered in support of the president in another intimate occasion, both of these after it is presumed he got infected at the rose garden gatheri gathering. We havent heard a word from him or anyone else in the white house of compassion and concern saying, look, if you are a supporter of the president and you were present at this occasion, this occasion, this occasion, please get tested. Send us your results. Let us know so we can keep track. Let us please do what we can to put you in touch with top of the line medical care if indeed as a result of attending these events on behalf of the president and the white house you became infected. We have not heard a word like this, and the cdc has been forbidden from getting in the middle of investigating. No ones turned over a list of the names of all of this potentially exposed people at the airports since september 26 where hes gathered in pennsylvania, in minnesota, in new jersey. Its a quantum scale differential on just one word, compassion. Claire mccaskill, it is the enduring contrast of the entire race and ive always maintained at some Cellular Level donald trump knew that he could not measure up and that is why he was willing to be impeached to take joe biden out, that there was some threat that his rep til yan sort of political sensory system could detect more than a year ago when he thought this guy is different than the other, however many there were, 15, 16, 17 people running to replace me in the democratic primary. Pick up on what lori said. Becoming one of the 7 million Covid Patients might represent some fraction, some shard, an epiphany for donald trump and even in that universe lori articulated, the people he could have breathed on and infected, he might have followed up with a phone call to say, hey, can i send you to a testing facility or share with you anything they learned from treating me like a guinea pig. My friend, i dont think either one of us were saying that we thought donald trump would come out the other side of this experience and having covid a changed man. I guess i did hope he would not Say Something as stupid as dont be afraid of covid. Of course you should be afraid of covid and how disrespectful that is to the thousands of families who have lost loved ones who didnt get a chance to even say goodbye. Its just heartbreaking that he could be so unbelievably callous towards these people, these americans that hes supposed to serve. You know, heres the problem that donald trump has. He thought he could demonize the other candidates running for president. So he began, when joe biden became the nominee, to try to demonize him. Its very difficult to demonize joe biden because you know what joe biden is, hes a really nice guy who cares about other people. He just shows it with everything he does, everything he says, whether it was on the debate stage or whether its behind a podium like we just heard. He cares about people, and this is something, as hard as they have tried, joe biden still has a net positive which you well know, nicolle, thats amazing this close to the election for a president ial candidate to have a net positive. Its very hard to do. Yeah. Its such a good point. It is the part of the conversation i think that youre inching toward at the beginning, claire, the political. I think when you work on campaigns you have to think you can push and nudge things but so much of it is structural and the structural reality of this election is that the country is in crisis. Were in the middle of a [blebl spp bleeping pandemic and if youre lucky enough to work from home like joe biden said youre teaching your kid, getting yourself organized, in my case, down to the basement in time for work. Joe biden also importantly speaking to all the people that dont have that luxury, the people who are First Responders, the people who have to go to work if they want a paycheck. Those people are largely invisible to donald trump. I want to get back to this timeline because so too are his own staffers, his own donors. This is that timeline of trumps contacts with staffers, donors and supporters in the days since that rose garden event that we believe covid was present, covid was spread. Saturday evening, that event had indoor and outdoor components, at least eight participants at those events would eventually test positive for coronavirus. Later that night trump also hosted an outdoor rally in pennsylvania and hope hicks was with him for that trip. Three days later hours of debate prep occurred indoors. Several aides have tested positive including Chris Christie, bill stepien. Donald trump shared a debate stage with joe biden, several members of trumps family refused to wear a mask and also showed up too late to get tested. Chris wallace said in an interview a couple days ago that they got there too late to do the mandatory testing which was on a, quote, honor system. Lesson learned, right . The next day, wednesday, trump was flying on air force one with hope hicks and others to a fundraiser in minneapolis. He later attended a rally in duluth. Hours later hope hicks whos been with trump and staff for days started to feel sick and they said kwauquarantined on air force one. She may have sat alone but she exposed whom ever was on the flight with her. And here is where the time line raises the most serious question about what could have been done differently. Thursday hope hicks is showing serious symptoms. Donald trump traveled to new jersey for a fundraiser. A couple of people Wearing Masks, as marine one is taking off, hope hicks learned of her positive test. The fundraiser proceeds any way, even though trump has been locked in a room for debate prep and in the house without a mask on and trump begins to show symptoms later that day. Takes a test and the test is positive. Something of a coverup is already underway. The wall street journal wrote that trump at some point asked an adviser not to disclose their own positive test. The white house was hoping to keep hope hicks positive illness from getting out after news was made public by a reporter thursday night, even after trump has gotten a positive test result back himself. He doesnt disclose it in a phoner with sean hannity. A little cagey thursday night. He waits hours after getting a second test back before he tweeted that he and the first lady are positive and within hours of that his condition deteriorates rapidly with a high fever, falling rox jen levels and transported to walter reid. We have an adviser on Counter Terrorism issues until august and works are republican Political Alliance for integrity and reform and endorsed joe biden. Olivia, i know youre not surprised by this conduct but it is still shocking. Does that make sense . It makes complete sense. I would hope that something had changed, but as youre seeing, i mean, this is what it is like to work in a trump white house. And it is really about him. I always, i was shocked that they would have let hope hicks on to air force one. I feel bad for her. I hope that she is doing okay. But the exposure to the rest of the staff on that flight, much less the president , is just astonishing to me. And just like the lack of following the protocols to protect the commanderinchief is just shocking. But then it isnt. Because were watching the rhetoric coming out of his briefings on how hes doing today and quite frankly i was actually of the belief that maybe this would also change the messaging coming out of the white house. But i just knew that they would find an opportunity here to change their message to say, hey, covid is not so bad. I got it and everything is great and im doing just fine and that is just not reality. You know, olivia, when you see how many people have been sickened, Chris Christie is in a hospital in new jersey, hes got some serious asthma and hospitalized and receiving extraordinary care. And were all glad for that and glad for the president s extraordinary care but to your point how it is all about him, even his covid experience is not one that he could share with a single human being. Nobody has been given the drug therapies hes been given. Nobody gets hospitalized the day theyre infected unless their deteriorate dramatically and have to call 911 because they cant breathe, because if that happened to donald trump, that has not been shared with the public. What do you think about the tone hes already striking . That i feel 20 years younger. Covid is not so bad, guys. He seems like he could be more dangerous to people who trust him which is mercifully only 26 of the public . That is exactly it. And this is a moment that is possibly even more dangerous than the rhetoric that he was already saying beforehand. And honestly, this is my greatest fear. It is my fear that he would use this as an opportunity to continue to downplay this pandemic that is already infected so many lives and cost lives of loved ones and people. But it is frightening. But this is in line with who the president is. Im not surprised. I fear for the staff, hes going to go back, the staff of the residence, all of the people exposed and i have no idea whether they will implement full ppe in the white house to protect these people. This is just i would say it is unbelievable but it is not because this is who trump is and he doesnt care about anyone else but himself and the campaign and his messaging. Olivia, im sure you saw dr. Fauci said in an interview today that he has absolutely no role in the president s treatment and any we just went through the timeline assembled by the press. Hes not been involved in any of the Contact Tracing or trying to prevent an outbreak and it is sort of what he does. So just how broken is the task force if the task force isnt involved in the white house as a hot spot . I think that shows you firsthand just how unfortunate the situation is right now. I mean, the president has these incredible experts who really know what theyre truly doing. Theyve been doing this their entire career at his disposal and he hasnt called them. The fact that he hasnt called dr. Fauci, firsthand, dr. Fauci was the first person i called when katie miller tested positive for covid. I was scared and i was worried for my family and i exposed them and he was on my speed dial and i was grateful and i knew how lucky i was to have him on line like that. Because mother americaother ame have that. And im quite shocked. I wonder if dr. Conley or the staff have leaned on the experts because they are truly the ones that really understand how to counter this virus. And i guess it is reassuring that joe biden, who we listen to for much of this hour, has said his first call, if he wins, will be to dr. Fauci. Olivia, laurie, claire, three of the best human beings available on the planet. Thank you for spending the hour with us. Were grateful. Another busy hour of news to come. The next hour of deadline white house starts right after a quick break. Dont go anywhere. Dont go anywhere. But i like it, i love it, i want some more of it i try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is get a dozen double crunch shrine dollar with any steak entree. Only at applebees. I hope its an indication that this physicians have given him permission to do this. We pray for the president s crom for t comfort and a speedy recovery for him. He has to know that his words weigh a ton as president of the United States. If hes acting frivolously with this virus as hes done all along, this is dangerous for the American People. Hi, again, everyone. Nearly 72 hours after arriving at the Walter Reed National military medical center, donald trump to about to head back to the white house. The president tweeted this afternoon that he plans to leave walter reed at 6 30 p. M. Eastern time. It is about 90 minutes from now. Even though he said hes feeling better. He seems to be downplaying the virus that has killed more than 210,000 americans and sickened him and more than 7 million others. In his tweet he wrote dont be afraid of covid. Dont let it dominate your life. Not long after that tweet, his doctors provided an update on the president s health. While dr. Sean connelly gave a rosie picture, he was evasive when reporters asked him whether the virus caused any lung damage. Or any inflammation in his lungs at all. So weve done routine standard imaging. Im just not at liberty to discuss. So youre actively not telling us what thats lung scans say just to be clear. So there are hip pa rules an regulations that restrict me in sharing certain things for his safety and his own health and reasons. The president s dismissal of the dangers of covid and his doctors evasiveness underscore the National Security risk that trumps diagnosis could represent as the Washington Post puts it today, the timing could not have been worse. Quote, the president is hospitalized with a virus he refused to treat as a grave threat in the final weeks of an election whose results he will not pledge to accept. As the nation confronts a struggling economy and unyielding pandemic and racial unrest. The combination of the crises has plunged the United States into a vortex of potential vulnerability that is said to be without precedent, the country is in a poor position to respond to vad oakation by adversaries to advance its Foreign Policy interest with support from allies or serve as a model as a functioning democracy, former National Security officials said. That is where we start this hour. Some of our favorite reporters and friends. Physician dr. Lippy roy is here. Also with us New York Times White House Reporter annie carney and from florida david jolly is with us. All of them are msnbc contributors. And annie, first, kron congratulations on a body of reporting from the nano second we learn of hope hickss positive diagnosis with covid but take me through the plot twists i might have missed. It seemed like it was questioning from journalists who revealed dr. Conley was not saying it straight and revealed that he was trying to do what donald trump confessed to doing in the woodward tapes. Downplay some of the gravity of the president s condition. Well, thank you for the comment on our work and certainly the persistent questions and reporting from reporters are why we know most of this. Hope hicks diagnosis, they did not want to reveal. Jennifer jacobs of Bloomberg News broke that story. Positive cases in the residence. Those were told to keep it quiet. So this huge outbreak, the white house did their to keep as much of this behind closed doors as possible. The overly rosie and optimistic briefing that conley gave on the first day that the president was at walter reed was also revealed to be false thanks to mark meadows, the chief of staff who in a very strange twist tried to talk to reporters off the record and tell them that it was much grimmer and the worst was still to come and it was really touchy and the next couple of days and then that was caught on camera. So his attempt to kind of spin behind the scenes for motivation unclear, didnt work. But the twist and turns, we still dont know the full fallout of this. We still dont know, we dont have a firm grasp on exactly how sick the president is or what the next few days will look like. Dr. Conley said if we could get to monday, ie, a week from today, well sigh a big sigh of relief. Ie, it is not a big sigh of relief just because the president is leaving the hospital. Kayleigh mcenany tested positive today. There is going to theyre expecting more positive cases to come out. But that is not stopping them from sending people back on the campaign trail who were exposed to these positive cases simply because theyve already tested negative. Doctor roy, four journalists have also tested positive including one of annies colleagues. I want to ask you about the risk to anyone who is around a covid positive symptomatic patient like donald trump . Nicolle, there is so much going on. It is hard to keep track of all of the information coming in and changing. The short answer is, and this is really nothing new, weve been seeing this since the beginning, which is that if you are in contact with anybody who is covid positive, you need to selfquarantine for in the beginning it was 14 days and now it is down to 10 to 14 days. And if you test positive, then you need to isolate for 10 to 14 days. Here is the question. The president , who we believe tested positive but were not quite sure exactly when he tested positive, after hes discharged today, is he going to remain isolated at the white house. That is what the key is going to be. But could i share with you the four questions that i want to ask the medical team. I want to ask them please. Whether was his first positive test and lost covid negative test and what is the actual results of the chest imaging, chest xray and ct because does he have viral n pneumonia and what is the degree and does he have underlying bacterial infection. Because remember, he received steroids. Really powerful steroids. Dexamethasone could increase risk of infection because steroids suppress your immune system. And then the last, fourth question i want to know is did the medical team at walter reed, excluding sean conley, the actual medical team of specialists, i. D. Doctors, pulmonologists, Critical Care doctors, did they approve the president s joy ride and his discharge today with zero political interference. That is what i want to know. Well, let me play dr. Conley fielding that question. This is not the source that youre looking for that answer to be delivered from. But here is what theyve put on the record so far. Lets watch that. The president has been a phenomenal patient during his stay here. And hes been working hand and glove with us and the team and today got to the point hes Holding Court with those of us around him, the whole team going over all of the specifics, the testing, what the future is, and we have been back and forth on what is safe and what is reasonable and he has never once pushed us to do anything that was beyond safe and reasonable practice that we all first wanted so, dr. Roy, that seems to contradict the universal condemnation from medical experts of that joy ride yesterday. And a patient Holding Court doesnt really sound like a patient on the receiving end of medical care and science. What did you hear on that as a doctor, as a physician . Well, nicolle, i have to be honest, im quite skeptical about what were hearing. Because its all being filtered through a man i believe in his medical credentials but filtered and shaped and altered as a medical professional i want to hear actual data, actual vital signs, 02 stats and oxygen staturation and why he got the medication cocktail that he got. Mr. Trump is the only person on the planet as far as we know that has received the combination of potent steroids, dexamethasone and remdesivir and in addition to the side effects of the medications and the steroids alone have so many side effects including agitation and irrit ablts, weight gain and mood changes and a plethora of others. I want to know what the rational was for that, they were throwing the kitchen sink at the president and i want to know. And i dont agree with the rosie picture that dr. Conley is presented because we dont all have all of the data, nicolle. So, david jolly, the list of drugs eve been given is almost as long as my list of all caps tweets he sent out this morning but we put it up there. Hes getting extraordinary care that we hope the current american president would get. Here is how hard they tried to keep this a secret. This is from the wall street journal this morning, as the virus spread among the people closest to him he asked one adviser not to disclose results of their own positive tests. Quote, dont tell anyone, according to someone familiar with the conversation. Quote, dont tell anyone, mr. Trump said, is where i get stuck. And having been in contact with someone who has ended up positive, who havent seen the president since tuesday, it would seem to me, david jolly, that this is an outbreak, a superspreading sort of circumstance, whether it doesnt meet the technical medical and scientific qualifications for an actual superspreader, that is the president at the center. Yeah, nicolle, we have a covid hot spot at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. And i think as we absorb that as a country, we have to be careful and deliberate to not conflate our expectations of information around the president s health with expectations of his behavior and responsible behavior. And what i mean by that, is look, nations have only one president at a time. Ours has been stricken by a virus that is deadly for some in his peer group. He want more information about his health but it is unusual about a member of congress, a senator, Supreme Court justice to protect that information. And on examining the president s health, the baseline question is has he been rendered unable to fulfill his duties as a result of the condition of covid. I think doctors are saying no, that is not the case. Beyond that were intrigued as to his treatment and the course it is running. But on questions of the president s behavior, both as a patient now who is contagious with a virus that could be deadly, and also as the leader of our nation with a bully pulpit on all matters Public Health, that is where it is right to render judgment on behavior that proves incredibly irresponsible, from the joy ride to questions around Contact Tracing, to hiding the positive results which is appears if not only for him, but for those around him and hidden from those in contact with him to say it is no big deal. That is a lie. Yesterday it killed 500 americans. Covid did. So i give the president and frankly dr. Conley a little more license on discussing his health if they want to have a tight lip on that, fine. So be it. I would like to know more, but okay. But on questions of the president s behavior, he continues to fail every test and that is what will have the political implications for the president in a few weeks. Annie, take me inside that the people are saying and feeling and doing about this culture and this reporting that trump wanted positive tests kept secret and this culture that hasihas impact on mask wearing because they rip their mask off before they talk to reporters and four reporters have tested sick and the polls that seem to have a snapshot of last week after the debate and up to the diagnosis are just devastating for donald trump. Think there is a lot of anger and shock inside of the campaign and the white house at the behavior of certain people. There is people inside serving in the administration who look at the way theyre colleagues are behaving and think it is irresponsible. Didnt understand why the press secretary would have kept coming to work after being told by the white house medical unit that she has been in direct contact with hope hicks during the time she may have been contagious. The white house explanation is that kayleigh was a essential worker and wasnt told to stay home. But, then the mask wearing has been a problem in this white house from day one. And that is really a culture that started from the top. It wasnt hard to see if you wanted to please the boss, you didnt wear a mask in his presence and he made it clear by his public statements to reporters, he made it clear in private meetings where he told someone just take that mask off with disgust if he saw someone wearing it and that trickled down. And i think part of the visceral dislike of masks in the west wing, where people are now Wearing Masks more, by the way, is because they all trusted this testing system. They all thought if were all getting tested every morning, then this is a safe space. And if you wear a mask in a safe space it is giving a signal that maybe this isnt a safe space and it is testing their infallibility bubble which is false and this is proven that it was false. So theyre shocked, theyre confused. There is a lot of people in the dark about there is a lot of not a lot of leadership. Mark meadows the chief of staff didnt send out any memos to staff until late last night telling them how to behave and what to do in the coming week. So there is just a lot of questions there, too. You know, dr. Roy, testing, i guess we could look to professional sports to see what testing gets you and doesnt get you. In the nba, testing in almost a hermetically seals bubble has been effective and testing wild people were still in communities seemed to be susceptible to whatever is going on in the community. Miami marlins were the first team to deal with a major outbreak. So talk about a testing protocol absent mask wearing and social distancing and gathering in nonvent lated closed in spaces. This is a great topic to discuss and to clarify. Just to follow up on annies point about the testing and the fact that it seems like the white house, individuals in the white house and including the president and chief of staff mark meadows, theyve been justifying not Wearing Masks. Because they get tested regularly. So lets be clear testing is a diagnostic tool, not a preventive one. The only way that we could prevent getting this disease is by wearing a mask, it doesnt have to be an n95 like i have, but wearing a mask and physical distancing. And the physical distances is more effective than the masks. Those are the only two things that we have to reduce the transmission of this virus, nicolle, and weve been seeing this for months now. Testing is critical to your point, nicolle. Im a hockey fan an the nhl did the same thing as the nba. Keeping players in the bubble and no contact with fans or nobody, it is not a coincidence that the nhl and the nba and have very low any positive cases. There is a reason for that. That is not coincidence. All the decisions were based on science and data. Testing is critical and needs to help for diagnostic reason and for surveillance. But at the end of the day it is masks and it is going to be distancing that is going to save lives, nicolle. You know, david jolly, let me give you the last word here. They acted as though the testing gave them license to be covid promiscuous and i mean showcasing during their Convention People in chairs smushed close together, not a mask in those crowds of supporters or attendees. I mean, it really seems to have have had potentially deadly consequences. I think one question the American People will judge donald trump on on november 3rd is did he risk the lives of the American People and did he unnecessarily contribute to the deaths of americans as a result of his irresponsible handling of the covid outbreak. We know from his confessioned to bob woodward but we could look at his behavior, having rallies and ordering his administration to downplay the Public Health guidance. Making fun of a reporter on the white house lawn asking a question with a mask on, making fun of joe biden. And what this diagnosis has done, for this last three weeks of the campaign, nicolle, it is reminded every american of Donald Trumps irresponsibility on covid which is likely what this election will be decided upon. Donald trump does not have time to get away from this issue between now and november 3rd as a result of the personal diagnosis. All right. No one is going anywhere. Whether we come back, weve seen donald trump corrupt entire departments of our government. And bend them, seek to bend them to his political whims. Are we seeing the president doing the same thing with the medical team charged with caring for him. And plus seth meyers joins us. We talk about the president ial race and the upcoming debates and his now talking politics in prime time. And with the election just over four weeks away, joe biden is opening a big lead as he looks to press his case in the biggest battleground state in the country. Deadline white house is back offer a quick break. Dont go anywhere. Nywhere. While keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo its tsleep numberp numbe360 smart bed. 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If someone at the rose garden event reached out finger tips, how many people would they hit . Half a dozen, more. There is a reason looking like it was a superspreader event. Second, in public, wear a mask over your nose and mouth. We heard joe biden mothe presid biden. And not only did he attend a fundraiser at the Trump National golf club but skipped out on wearing a mask again. Putting all of his donors that were there at risk. And in keeping with that theme, a third cdc recommendation, stay home when your sick except to get medical care. Perhaps the most obvious rule of all, if youre sick or if youve been in contact with someone who is sick or might be sick, stay at home. Isolate. Get, again, the rules do not apply to donald trump. He left the hospital while he was still sick to wave from the back of his car potentially risking the lives of those seated in the car that had windows around him. And if you thought he learned his lesson. Here is his tweet, quote, dont be afraid of covid. Joining our investigation, carol len eck and dr. Lippy roy and our guests are still with us. Weve had an extraordinary body of reporting and almost everything we know, we know because of journalists like yourself and like annie and your colleagues. So just a collective thank you for that public service. But your by line is on a couple of pieces of reporting about dr. Conley and secret service. Just take us through what youve reported . Thank you very much, nichol. There are a lot of reporters at my paper and many others of our competitors, theyre exhausted. But you know, it is our job, it is our duty and were proud to do it. The story that my colleague robert ohara and i wrote today was about the president s physician and how much hes been sort of pressed around and manipulated into not really telling the full story. And probably it seems manipulated into allowing the president to take a joy ride outside of Walter Reed Hospital while he is infected and going through a course of five days of is he veerus medication that is reserved for people with severe covid cases. I spoke with two doctors who are veterans in treating Covid Patients and they told me they would have been fired on the spot if they have allowed a patient of Donald Trumps age and a case like his to leave the hospital. It would be inappropriate per rule number three of the government, dont leave the house if youre sick. It is a big issue. Meanwhile, doctors are looking closely at that hermetically sealed sufficient that the president decided to ride in, because lets be honest, the covid virus that he tells us we shouldnt be afraid of is teaming in that vehicle. And whoever is driving him, a secret service agent, and whoever is sitting alongside him, a secret service agent, has a much increased risk of getting covid as a result of being in that truck with him. You know, carol, you have had great reporting in the early stages of the pandemic about a facility where they created a hermet cally sealed workplace and they didnt want donald trump in because they didnt want him potentially bringing the petri dish that was and is the white house into their facility. It is such a Long Distance from that sort of common sense and it wasnt a political statement, it was a safety statement, so what the secret service is subjected to. Talk about what theyre enduring. There is a really interesting divide in the secret service. And maybe one thing that is important to say for those of your viewers who dont know this, the secret service has a kind of dna which is, yes, sir, whatever you need to do, sir, well get it done, sir. No matter what the risks. No matter if it is a lifethreatening event. They will be there and they will do it. They will do things that are physically, financially sort of physiologically nearly impossible if the commander in kme chief needs it done. They will quibble over whether it is appropriate for the president s security and theyll have big arguments about that. But when it comes to their own safety, they are a cando organization. Tor the first time a president is testing that genetic element of a secret service agent. Hes testing the culture of this agency. Because so many of the people that ive spoken to say secret Service Agents are saying should i really be putting myself in this kind of harm when it is avoidable and unnecessary. Should i really be bringing home to my family and perhaps my child with a health risk, should i or my elderly Family Members, should i bring that home because the president wants to go to south dakota for a fireworks show. That is sort of a historic past that this president is pressing on this unusual and very special agency. You know, david jolly, it is such an interesting point. And it goes back to how much we relied on norms. There are no law that said that you cant be sick and go somewhere and your secret service, as carol is talking about, it is their culture to go with you and fall in front of you when you are threatened by any enemy or anyone that seeks to harm you. But we have never tested them in this way. And i think to carols point, and i think that is why we tried to broaden this frame out, he has tested law enforcement, he has tested National Security agencies, he has tested in some instances broken the apolitical norms of the pentagon and now testing both his medical staff and his protective agents. Yeah. And im glad youre bringing this up. Because this is more than just testing institution. This is a testament of moral failing and lack of assigning dignity to those who work for him or for his protection. It is true, the secret Service Agents, they trained and they have signed up to give their life for the president of the United States. But that is based on a certain social bond. A certain understanding of trust between the principal, donald trump and the protective agents, that donald trump will not engage in behavior that would put all of them at risk. Hes not going to sneak out of the west wing at night and go down to the burger shack down the street without telling the secret service because it would shatter protocols and create unnecessary risk. Here is a president who knows hes contagious with a deadly virus willing to put the people who work around him and for him in danger. In danger of their own lives so donald trump is a man who does not care about the people around him. He cares about his own self interest. That is one of the theme for his career and the three and a half years of his presidency and on the eve of the election we are reminded that donald trump is a careless person about the people around him or the people he serves. Thank you so much for spending some time with us. Annie carney is sticking around longer. When we return, seth meyers will join us. I will ask him how he threads the needle as only he could do between deadly serious and uproariously funny. Dont go anywhere. Dont go anyw. This week on the upper hands. Special guest flo challenges the hand models to show off the ease of comparing rates with progressives home quote explorer. International hand model jonjon gets personal. Your wayward pinky is grotesque. Then a high stakes pattycake Battle Royale ends in triumph. You have the upper hands its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Only on the upper hands. Traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. Thats why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. Which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. To keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. And measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. Relieve traffic. Reduce pollution. Rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. According to a new poll 41 of voters expected President Trump to win tonights debate. The other 59 think hell lose and claim the loss on his 2020 tax return. Form former Joe Biden Campaign raised 3. 81 million and same said therapists. Laughter feels like it is in short supply these days but that is never the case when our next guest is behind his desk on late night. Seth meyers did the show from an attic and now back in the studio. Although there is no live audience. While seth meyers aims to provide his viewers with a laugh, he breaks down the big political moments, speaks to his viewers honestly about the tough stuff taking place in our county and in our politics. Joining our conversation is seth meyers. He is of course the host of late night with seth meyers on nbc. This week hes hosting a prime time special, closer look thursday, airing this thursday at 8 30 p. M. Eastern and pacific. Thank you for spending some time with us. Thank you for making it clear i dont have a studio audience after showing a couple of jokes. I think that is important for them to know. They didnt bomb that badly. In the baseball games they have a clapping track and i wonder, is it weird to not have anyone in there . Yeah. We gave a laugh track to a crew member but he only presses it when he thinks it is funny and he hasnt used it yet. That is a power play. Youve never skewed to the soft side of any of the stories, not a trump story has perceived your razor sharp pursuit of it and when the president after ignoring every guideline is himself infected with covid. It is a classic roller coaster that never go down and go up again and mcup speed and when you spend the weekend trying to navigate through your own emotions empathy and it wasnt contagious as though the president would walk out the doors of walter reed having a better sense of the human beings who have gone through this and not had the access to the medical care or all of the people who lost loved ones. So it is a reminder of how we want to be the best versions of ourself, that is not something that exists in the white house. And i mean, these are such, these are such tough and painful times, and how do you you seem to every night find that right balance. You, yourself, take us down that roller coaster because that is what were living in and then bring us back up. How do you figure that out every day. Were blessed to have an incredible writing staff. And for us it is cathartic to go through the news by writing jokes about it and hopefully for our audience it is serving the same purpose. When i was at snl, the weeks were better with a week off and now it is more stressful for us because then we dont have the home audience to tell jokes to and we just mutter to ourselves. So were lucky to have a show and a few people who want to hear about all of this stuff again at 12 35 at night. No, i have told you and youre one of the last humans that i saw prepandemic. I was lucky to be there the last week, the building where we work was still fully staffed and fully operational. Those were the days when people brushed my hair and put eye shadow on my eyelidsch, i miss them so much. What is this like for your family and this new normal . It is been, on the off side and the Silver Lining is i spent more time with my kids because i was doing the show in the same house that they lived. On the down side, they definitely think i could do the show in an attic all of the time. Theyre not that impressed with the fact that i have a tv show. It is definitely strange to tell your kids to be quiet because youre about to do a Television Show even at 2 and 4, theyre like, are you . It is more manageable than a lot of people are going through right now. So were constantly counting our blessings throughout it. Im really only in demand when my 8yearold wants my code to buy a new game on the ipad. I want to ask what youre doing this week and what we could expect and if it is a regular thing. Because i think everybody could use a regular thing. Were doing one right now. Well see what happens. But were doing a live closer look at 8 30 on thursday. And before you ask what it is going to be about, we should note if you asked me yesterday what tonights show would have been about i would have been wrong. It would change, right . It would change. Were writing an improv show in that we get a suggestion around 10 00 a. M. Every morning and have to do our best to pull it together. So the nice part about that is you dont stress now. There is no reason to stress about what were doing on thursday. You guess that it will have something to do with the Vice President ial debate, but of course there is a chance that something happens to the Vice President ial debate that is so interesting that the president feels the need to rest that attention away from pence and harris, i wouldnt put that past him. Well and just as last week passes furlong, we thought we would talk about the dramatic performance that donald trump turned in tuesday. He was a covid patient and hospitalized by friday so the news is on an accelerated pace. If you could put this moment in the history of comedy for us. I was happy to see snl back. And turn to you every night and quoting penal on interviews. There is a sort of a flattening and newsroom makers are doing it from zoom in their living room. So me that feels like another upside. People seem more comfortable talking to all of us. The only thing ill say about comedy these days and obviously what youre saying, and it is true for you as well, people at home have a sense forage en f authenticity. So that is a nice moment in comedy. You have to be living in the present and when i think back to even 2008 when i was working on snl and we all thought the sarah palin sketches were as crazy as it would ever get and then you realized that now seems quaint. So i think it is hard to guess. I think were better when we talk about how it is now and that is how we find we are on this show. I think for all of us, and i feel the same way, we make a plan in the morning and sometimes it changes by 4 00 when we come on the air and then changes sometimes again by the time were sitting down watching you. Youre a little lucky, not to interrupt, at least youre live. Well do our show and then before people see it, a lot happens. So i tip my cap to you. Live is lucky. And youre always welcome. Thank you. Well be watching. Im so excited for this. Thank you for spending this time with us. Everybody will be watching closer look this thursday at 8 30 p. M. Eastern and 8 30 pacific on nbc. Whether we come back, with just about four weeks until the election and two days until the president ial debate, donald trump is falling further behind joe biden and running out of time to catch up. That story, next. O catch up that story, next it didnt lead our show, but it is still really important. The election. It is 29 days from today. Donald trump already had his work cut out for him catching up to joe biden but his diagnosis with covid further complicates his political situation. Hes running out of time. Joining our conversation is New York Times chief National Correspondent and msnbc contributor, art liebovich and annie is back with us. I wanted you both here for the reality check. We got into this at the top of the show. But mark, the political reality for donald trump is bleak turning bleaker. And i wonder what you think the two big pillars that pierce through any conversation in this country with the exception of maybe the canceled football games, but the debate performance, which even among his supporters was bruising and difficult to watch. And his diagnosis with covid, something that he has now confessed on tape to downplaying intentionally, caught up with him . Well i think it is obviously too discrete things but theyre related. I think the debate did not go well for the president. I think polls, there is enough body of polling from that at this point to know that that was not a good night for the president. We dont really have a sense of how the president getting sick has played and will play with the electorate and as an election force. But i do think there was actually a strategic take on this where if he had from the very beginning taken it very humble stand on this and said, look, im sick and im taking this seriously and gone away for however long it took to get better, that might have been strategically a better move. But obviously, you know, the president sees the Campaign Following him into the hospital even when hes supposedly very sick. So this is i dont know how this is going to all play. It is unchartered territory to use the cliche of this entire presidency, but i cant imagine this is going to reassure voters, it is going to reassure swing voters and a net plus going forward, especially with the uncertainty of the debates and the Supreme Court nomination and all that he has to answer for as far as the contagiousness he might put people around him, including in the white house. You wrote this, mark, ultimately the prevailing lesson of recent days as it timeless as basic to washington as it is illusive. The capital magts contain the most poefl people in the world but there is humility in remembering their future and the nations rest elsewhere with voters, laws voters over to you. And ive started to feel that way, too. Voters have all the information they need. Over to you, is that where we are . I mean, i guess. It will be in a month. Look, at the very least, voters seem to have a hell of a lot of information that they need to make a decision on. Yeah. I mean, its not like at this point there are going to be any new character reveals in either of these guys, especially President Trump. I mean, Everybody Knows what hes about. If everything weve seen for the last four years is okay with people, theyll vote for him. If not, they wont. It doesnt seem to be trending in the right direction. What weve seen the last few days or weeks is this epidemic of famous last words. Its not just that people are getting sick, but everyone has a video attached to them for when they sort of downplayed the virus and chief among them being the president. So theres no way this virus is going to be something that isnt the seminal issue in the moment, certainly for the next, you know, few weeks until the voting starts or the election day comes and goes. Annie, i would be remised to leave out the latest polling numbers. The latest nbc poll has joe biden at 53 , donald trump at 39 . Its the largest lead joe biden has had. In arizona, john mccains home state, biden has an eightpoint lead. The maps getting tougher by the hour, it would appear, to donald trump. Yes. And his campaign actually did have a bounceback strategy after this. The thought was if that he could kind of get back on the trail once hes better and address the pandemic from what hes learned experiencing it personally. They know who theyre dealing with, so its not that hes sunltd goi suddenly going to come out of walter reed and expressing empathy for the 200,000 lives lost. Thats not who he is, but they thought there could be a way he could talk about his own experience and talk about the way hell deal with the pandemic going forward. The president in the tweet today, i found that tweet pretty shocking. Kind of made it clear that that strategy is unlikely to happen, even before he left the hospital. He basically said that having covid was he felt 20 years better, younger. He made it sound like it was three days at a spa that he just spent at walter reed. So thats not the kind of rhetoric that the campaign was hoping would help them kind of reshape the narrative, go into the next debate, and kind of finish strong with rallies again p and a new line on the pandemic. That wasnt the line they were hoping for. Yeah, that will not do it. Annie karni, mark leibovich, were lucky to get to talk to both of you. Thank you so much for spending some time with us. When we return, remembering lives well lived. Ok, just keep coloring there. And sweetie can you just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. So one of his former students put it this way. Quote, anyone who goes into teaching at a middle school willingly is a saint. And then add music to that. Norman spent decades instructing Young Musicians in georgias Public Schools. Long enough in fact to have taught multiple generations of the same family. According to the New York Times his life started in peru where at age 7 he was awarded a scholarship to study violin in lima. When it was time for college, he came to the u. S. Norman worked until he earned his doctorate in violin performance at ball state university. But aside from his immeasurable talent, you might say teaching was his calling. With supreme patience and the utmost care, he instilled a love of music, particularly stringed instruments, that stayed with his students a lifetime. Norman died of the coronavirus last month at the age of 75. But in the hearts of all of those he instructed and everyone who loved him, his legacy lives on. In the next hour we are going to see donald trump leave walter reed medical center. Brian williams will join me for ongoing coverage after a quick break. The calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy

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