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Of a white house meeting with Republican Leaders today, as President Trumps handling of the virus leaves some republicans to break ranks in their responses and, of course, we have the latest on that breaking news on a new vaccine coming out of europe well tell you about that in a moment first, lets get to nbce at th haake on capitol hill for us carol, we have all these new signs, things are heading in the wrong direction, statistically, numerically in almost every state. But President Trump as we saw over the weekend still seems to be downplaying what is happening. Reporter yeah, thats right, ayman. The president continues to be on defense when it comes to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic he continues to say that things are better than they are, in terms of what were seeing in states across the country. And he was asked about this multiple times in his interview on Fox News Sunday and repeatedly every time he was ask, really found different ways to downplay the spike in cases that we have been seeing lets take a listen to what he had to say im glad we did what were doing. But we have more tests by far than any country in the world. But, sir, testing is up 37 thats good. I understand. Cases are up 194 . It isnt just the testing has gone up, it is that the virus has spread the Positivity Rate has increased many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day. They have the sniffles and we put it down as a test. It is going to disappear ill say it again. It is going to disappear and ill be right. Reporter there you have it, ill be right eventually in terms of the virus disappearing. Thats where the president is right now on coronavirus and where hes been since the beginning of the pandemic t comes against the backdrop of these negotiations that are looking like theyre going to be a lot tougher than previous negotiations with congress over another Economic Relief package and there is a lot of pressure to come up with something. And particularly this time on the president , given there are signs that the voters trust in his handling of the economy, largely stable throughout this, might be wavering. Lets dig into the possible relief bill, were approaching the end of the month, eviction notices, people say there may be a tsunami of if it if there isnt some kind of relief bill making its way through congress. Walk us through what is happening there, what are the biggest sticking points and is there anything both parties consider as must have haves . Reporter this negotiation starts off with both parties much further apart than they have been in previous negotiations we know what House Democrats want they passed a bill back in may the heroes act, outlining a 3 trillion plan for relief that includes things like extending those plussed up unemployment benefits, thats something that democrats would very much like to see be in a final bill that gets to the president s desk what were waiting on is word from republican senators, the senatecontrolled by republicans, they have yet to produce a bill of their own. We know one is being written by the Majority Leaders Office in senator mcconnells office we know that will be a topic of discussion and that white house meeting today. And we know the republicans want some things that democrats are less than entirely thrilled about including wide spectrum Liability Protection for corporations, for schools, for folks going back to work, who might then get sick with the coronavirus. And we know that they do not want to see the extension of that extra 600 a month in plussed up unemployment benefits, a number of republicans said at the time that those would disincentivize people from coming back to work. Those are two of the issues on which these sides are very far apart and the clock is ticking as you said, to get this done. All right, carol lee, garrett haake, thank you for starting us off this hour. And now some pretty significant breaking news, just this hour regarding a vaccine trial that researchers say is on pace to be ready before the end of the year just a few minutes ago, Oxford University released the results of its phase one trial that found the vaccine does create double immunity antibody cells and kills tcells. Lets translate that for you they are ready to move forward with more aggressive testing, including Clinical Trials right here in the United States. And nbc News Senior International correspondent keir simmons is in london with more on the results so give it to us in laymans terms. A lot of people may not necessarily understand the science, but how significant are the trial results here reporter it is early stage trials, but they are significant without a doubt. Just referencing what you just mentioned, im told by the researchers at Oxford University theyre preparing for a trial of 30,000 people there in the u. S. , that they think will start in just a few weeks so there is more testing to go, but what they have found and this is published in the lancet in the past hour, is that it does produce an immune response and that it is safe according to this early trial of around just over 1,000 people, and you mentioned it, one of the important aspects of this is that it appears to give you a double defense, so it acts at the antibody level and at the cellular level, so it allows the body to attack the virus when it is inside human cells, and also to attach itself to the virus to prevent it getting intocells thats laymans language just spoke to the lead researcher and he explained it a little more. Take a listen. Were getting both sides of the immune system stimulated and that is fairly unusual for vaccines we do get good antibody responses that are functionable, and neutralize the virus, they stop it infecting cells. In addition, were getting this cellular immune response with lymphocytes that can kill infected cells thats an advantage, we think that will increase the chances that this type of vaccine will be effective. Reporter just reading a little more from the news release that has just been published. It says the immune responses may be even greater after a second dose according to a subgroup of ten participants the overall test just over a thousand people and it talked about minor side effects that can be reduced by taking it. Keir simmons live in london i want to bring in ashish jha into this conversation, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute dr. Jha, always a pleasure to have you on. On days like this, when were trying to make sense of what is the Science Behind this, the Oxford University phase one trial seemingly significant, are you as optimistic as researchers there are and does this mean that we could possibly see a vaccine ready to go this year . Certainly, ayman, thank you for having me on this is good news, unequivocally this is good news for two reasons. One is as the researchers pointed out pretty much everybody got an immune response from this vaccine. And then there are two arms of your immune system, we think of humoral antibodies and t cells im pleasantly surprised by this vaccine does seem to stimulate both and that gives us that much more hope that were going to have a vaccine that will be really effective against this virus. The timeline, im not as optimistic well have it sometime this fall as i know some of the folks brought up im looking at early 2021. I would love to be wrong about that. How does Something Like this get scaled into production when youre looking at a world map that has infections in every corner on this earth and you have this company that is this university, excuse me, and we have other Companies Like moderna and other as are workin on their own trials. How does Something Like this go from a university to being scaled to meet the demands around the world right, so thats part of the challenge for why people who sort of hoped that we could have a vaccine this fall, i think are maybe being unrealistic. We have got to produce hundreds of millions, probably billions of doses of these vaccines and, you know, this is an adenovirus, you have to take a virus and modify it to get the right protein expressed. All doable, we have the technology, but to make billions of doses in a way that is safe and consistent, it is a lot of work and there are a lot of places that could fall apart. So i think, again, great news, but i dont think we want to jump the gun here. Plus, it hasnt yet really shown that it prevents infection, what it has done is shown us it has generated an immune response thats what the next phase of the Clinical Trial has to do for us is show us that. I may be thinking a few steps down the road here, but watching how the mask debate has been politicized in this country. I can only imagine what will happen when vaccines are being rolled out and you have people say take the vaccines, dont take the vaccines. How do you assure the public in this current climate that a vaccine that has some shortterm positivity in fighting the coronavirus may not have longterm side effects how do you even measure whether or not Something Like this could have a side effect five, ten, 15 years down the line . Yes, so we probably wont be able to obviously do the study for five, ten years, but from other vaccines, you dont need studies that long. Most of the negative effects will become apparent much sooner than that. But this is why we need a large scale phase three and i like the 30,000 people that they have set up in their theyre going to study in phase three and we have to follow all those people this is why, again, early fall is unrealistic, we need the time to follow people to make sure theyre not having Adverse Reactions to this vaccine. I think it is doable early 2021, im pretty optimistic were going to have or one of the other vaccines, but it is going to be hard to get it done before then. Let me switch gears for a moment and talk about how were handling the wave were in yesterday nih director Francis Collins appeared on meet the press to talk about the coun y countrys struggle to get ahead of the virus he pointed to places that did a good job that is questionable early on, but he admits that elsewhere the situation seems to have broken down listen to what he said steps were put in place and if you look to see what is happening now in those areas, they came down very close to zero but meanwhile, the rest of the country perhaps imagining this was just a new york problem kind of went about their business, didnt really pay that much attention to cdcs recommendations about the phases necessary to open up safely, and jumped over some of those hoops. Should states like florida and california, two red zone hot spots, be reverting back to a total shutdown like we saw here in new york early on well, again, im going to go off of the white houses own guidelines that were leaked out last week, theyre recommending they go back to phase one. Phase one is no gatherings greater than ten people, no bars, no indoor dining, we really do need to pull way back in these states. And if we dont do that now, by the way, universal masking, Everybody Needs to be Wearing Masks outside. If we dont do those things, were a step away from total shutdown which we want to avoid. I dont think we can avoid in these hot spots right now many of the things that people are not taking seriously enough. Dr. Ashish jha, thank you very much, covering a lot of grounds there this morning i appreciate your time as always. The breaking news, a massive manhunt is under way after a federal judges son is dead and her husband in Critical Condition after a man dressed as a Delivery Driver opened fire at their new jersey home. The judge ester salas was reportedly in the basement of the home at the stim and was not injured in that shooting salas is an obama appointee and first hispanic federal judge from the state of new jersey she handled several high profile cases including the sentencing of two real housewives stars salas is also overseeing a lawsuit charging Deutsche Bank officials with failing to flag suspicious transactions made by jeffrey epstein. The gunman is still at large and well bring you any developments as they happen much more news ahead about the pandemic including a fact check on President Trumps claims that the u. S. Is seeing more covid cases because we have increased testing believe it or not. And were going to honor the life and legacy of civil rights icon congressman john lewis. Up next, new clashes involving protesters in portland, oregon, overnight, days after the Trump Administration ignited tensions by sending federal agents to the city, were going to talk to congresswoman Suzanne Bonamicci who says the officers with not welcome in her state and are calling for inspectors general to investigate these actions stay with us thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Be in your moment. Ask your doctor about ibrance. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Overnight, clashes continue to escalate in portland, with the Trump Administration deploying federal agents to the city and protesters gathering for the 53rd straight night. The protests have been going on there since the death of george floyd two months ago but they were done they were down to just dozens of people until those federal agents arrived about a week ago now the white house is actually facing widespread backlash for the increased federal presence it has ordered there the state of oregon now suing federal agencies for allegedly violating protesters civil rights and congress is calling for new investigations into this crackdown. As for President Trump, he says hes trying to help portland, oregons governor and the citys mayor say they never asked for washingtons help, but the head of Homeland Security said this morning they dont need an invitation i dont need invitations by the state, state mayors or state governors to do our job. Were going to do that whether they like us there or not. Thats our responsibility. Nbcs Erin Mclaughlin is in portland this morning. What exactly is happening there on the ground . Reporter hey, ayman. At the moment, it is pretty calm here outside of the federal courthouse this has been the flashpoint night after night, certainly was the flashpoint last night, protesters storming this steel fencing that you see here and some places breaking it down but now as you can see the situation is under control once again. It was a real Cross Section of people out last night. We spoke to one mom, selfdescribed mom, mother of two, first time protester, she said that she saw federal agents arresting people here in portland, putting them into unmarked vehicles and it made her so upset, she felt she needed to come out and exercise her constitutional right take a listen to what Beverly Barnum had to say. Why was it important for you to be here at the federal courthouse last night . I think it just boils down to humanity, humanitarian rights being violated over and over again. And also i see a segment of our population being violence and i figure if i can get some moms out here, maybe we would quell some of the violence, people wouldnt feel the need to throw Water Bottles or throw rocks or throw bricks they would have us to protect them reporter and barnum was out last night with the socalled wall of moms they were holding daisies, one of the daisies there in the fence this morning, left behind from the nights chaos in terms of what we can expect Going Forward today, it is possible that the attorney general will be in court, we dont have exact timing on that, but she said she intends to fill a temporary restraining order against the department of Homeland Security to stop federal agents from abusing what she argues is making unlawful arrests. Meanwhile, the department of Homeland Security tweeting out that one federal agent was injured in last nights chaos, reiterating theyre here to protect federal property ayman . Erin mclaughlin for us this morning, thank you, erin, stay safe. Joining us now is congresswoman suzanne bonamici, democrat from oregon, her district includes portlands western suburbs. Thank you for joining us i want to give you a chance to respond both to President Trump and the acting chair acting secretary of the department of Homeland Security. Here is what President Trump said in his tweet, were trying to help portland, not hurt it. The leadership has for months lost control of the anarchists and the agitators. Im sure you heard the sound bite of chad woolf saying he doesnt need an invitation to be in portland to do his job. Your response to those thank you, ayman, for having me on the show and President Trump said hes trying to help portland. No, hes not if he were trying to help portland, and oregon, he would have a National Strategy for coronavirus. Hed send more testing wed have more personal protective equipment, he wouldnt be standing in the way of getting funds to our schools so they can open safely. Hes not helping, theyre not welcome to bring these federal officials into our community because they are making things worse and theyre hurting people you might have seen the story a week ago saturday, 26yearold man, peacefully protesting, shot in the head, still in the hospital and over this last weekend, a woman was there, elected official, healthcare provider, a doctor, she was with a group of healthcare professionals, peacefully protesting, she was teargassed and then you had the clip of the gentleman who is a veteran, served our country in the navy, was so concerned about what he saw happening, what these anonymous federal officials are doing, he came downtown to protest. They beat him with batons and doused him with tear gas this is the United States of america. It is unacceptable they are enflaming people, theyre making things worse. And we want them to leave now before anyone else gets hurt. So let me pick up on that point for a moment you and a group of oregon democrats, you sent a letter demanding that attorney general bill barr and dhs immediately remove the special forces from your state have you heard back from them . Is it your understanding that they need some type of local invitation or local permission to be there on the ground or are you just requesting that they do so to deescalate the situation, bought theyre not legally mandated to do so . We are we want answers were demanding answers. Under what authority are they there . You heard about how these officers, theyre not identified, the secret police are in authoritarian countries, not the United States. That takes away accountability we need to know who they are, under what orders theyre following, and were demanding that they leave because they are not helping. We have seen the protests increase im so glad you showed the wall of moms, that shows what portland is really about moms getting together, linking arms, holding flowers, exercising their First Amendment rights people in this country have their right to protest and they have the right to be free from unreasonable search and see ziz and when our communities heard that these unidentified camoclad agents were pulling people into cars and whisking them away for questioning, that is enflaming people and it is making tensions higher we dont need them to be there we dont want them to be there we have to remember why people are protesting theyre protesting because black lives matter theyre protesting because they want to see change to systemic racism in our communities and in our country. And i have to say, i dont know if this was on the cognitive awareness test that the president is bragging about passing, but you dont address the issues of Police Brutality and the protests against Police Brutality with more Police Brutality. It is making our communities less safe. We demand that they leave. Let me ask you what Else Congress should be doing in your view right now, can they be doing something more well, we are calling for oversight, were demanding answers to these questions and were taking steps to address the issues, we passed in the house the justice and policing act we need our communities to come together our local, state and federal officials. And Work Together to make our communities safe, to address the systemic racism, to make changes in our Public Safety so that it works for everyone. We want all our communities to be safe and to feel safe and these federal agents who are there are not making us safer. Theyre enflaming tensions, we need them to leave now before anyone else gets hurt. Congresswoman suzanne bonamici, thank you for joining us this morning. I appreciate your time. Thank you straight ahead, the number of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations hitting crisis levels in florida as the mayor of los angeles and california says the city is on the brink of new restrictions to stop the surge. Were going to take you live to both coasts next wayfair has everything outdoor from grills to play sets and more one of a kind finds. It all ships free. And with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. Get your Outdoor Oasis delivered fast so you can get the good times going. Wayfair. Youve got just what i need. We are the thrivers. Women with metastatic Breast Cancer. Our time for more time. Has come. Living longer is possible and proven in postmenopausal women taking kisqali plus fulvestrant. 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Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. And update now on the covid19 crisis inside hospitals. New warnings, hospitals face a crunch unlike anything they have seen so far. One of the biggest concerns, icu beds filling up with no signs the need for them will be slowing down anytime soon. Nbcs jo ling kent is in los angeles for us and sam brock in miami beach. Youre outside a hospital in l. A. County, where hospitalizations, they are significantly up in just the last few days. What are local officials there saying about what could happen next reporter they are issuing dire warnings, ayman right now we have 2800 new confirmed covid cases. Of that number, more than half are for people under the age of 41 and that has the l. A. Mayor Eric Garcetti saying that l. A. , the city, is on the brink of reclosures and new restrictions. But really jumped out, though, is that state wide hospitalizations are up 22 . And this has the l. A. County Public Health director issuing the strongly worded statement. Dr. Barbara fairer says right now young adults are being hospitalized at a rate not seen before no matter how young you are, she says, you are vulnerable to this virus. And shes urging everyone to take collective responsibility, stay physically part from people you dont live with, wear that proper Face Covering when youre outside your home, but stay home as much as possible. So as we see this dangerous surge continue here in the state of california, governor gavin newsom is also saying that 33 counties are currently on his watch list for schools reopening in the fall for in Person Learning and if you are a county on that watch list, youre not able to open for in Person Learning, and then if you are not on that list, which would be a good thing, you have to hit a new fivepoint criteria that the governor put out on friday and that includes safe in person schoolbased data, based on the local health data in your area, strong mask requirements, physical distancing requirements, regular testing and dedicated contact tracing, and rigorous Distance Learning available as well. So were waiting more guidancen colleges and universities. Many of those have already decided theyre going to go to all Virtual Learning come this fall but this dangerous surge continuing to have major repercussions throughout the state as we continue to monitor what is going on here. But that number of all those young people getting hit with these covid cases is certainly ala alarming. Jo ling kent live for us in los angeles. Sam brock here on the east coast in florida sam, what is the story for hospitals in that state . Reporter ayman good morning. The hospitalizations in the state of florida now about 9,400 covid19 patients. What does that mean . It is hard to show, because we dont have a base point. The governor here ron desantis just started publishing that information hospitalizations and hospitalization rates four months into a pandemic you heard from jo a second ago, we have 350,000 cases of covid19 in florida now. Just past that milestone, they have 390,000 in california, were nipping at the heels of the gold state even though california has twice the population of florida. That gives you some perspective for how bad this is. In terms of the hospital numbers, the state is reporting 18 available icu beds here, 15 available beds in Miamidade County but if you look at what numbers the county is publishing, theyre saying 127 above capacity, clearly a huge disconnect there, local congresswoman donna shalala, the hhs secretary under bill clinton, said it is time to lock things down. It is terrible. We have community spread, which means the virus is out of control. The lack of leadership in the white house and in our Governors Office they simply have not hit this with a hammer, which is what we needed to do, so it is the working poor, it is seniors, it is now young people, and it is totally out of control. We need to close down in florida. Reporter the latest steps, curfews in miamidade, miami beach across the bay from where i am and Broward County as well. Well see if that works in curving this Community Wide transmission sam brock, jo ling kent, thank you both for joining us. In sundays interview with foxs Chris Wallace, President Trump dismissed concerns that coronavirus cases are rising here in the United States while they shrink overseas in places like europe and elsewhere. The president repeating the claim that america only appears to be worse off because europe barely tests or only tests those who are very sick so here is a quick fact check. And with us is nbcs willem marks. How did the president s remarks hold up to what were seeing overseas give us that fact check. Reporter worth examining what the president said in the interview yesterday repeating that the higher number of tests is what is behind the higher number of cases individuals turning up in the u. S. Data. Lets listen to a part of his interview with Chris Wallace from fox news. Cases are up because we have the best testing in the world. And we have the most testing no country has ever done what we have done in terms of testing. We are the envy of the world, they call, and they say, the most incredible job anybody has done is our job on testing you look at other countries, they dont do tests. They do tests if be . Wa if somebody walks into the hospital, theyre sick, theyre really sick, theyll test them then or at a Doctors Office they dont have massive areas of testing and we do. Reporter ayman, im outside the parking lot of a building called the millennium dome, it is not a hospital, it is not a doctors clinic, it is a concert venue, thats a fact ive been talking to epidemiologists, Public Health officials, and they say that essentially the idea that higher testing numbers would cause higher case numbers is nonsensical, it is the opposite. They say the u. S. Is a larger country that many of the countries that President Trump is making comparisons to, so the numbers are meaningless. Even if you take the ratio of tests overall population, that doesnt tell you that much either you might have a much larger scale of outbreak in a country like the u. S something the epidemiologists experts like to look at is Positivity Rate, the ratio of those being tested that come back positive and if you look at that number, it groiives you a handle on how widespread the pandemic is in your country. The numbers are around 9 . Here in the uk, 0. 6 in countries like italy, around 0. 6 in france, in spain, they have seen very, very serious outbreaks as well, that number above 1 in germany, the number also around half a percent. I spoke to one of the senior government advisers on the pandemic modeling in germany, he told me that right now the situation in germany, when you use that particular ratio, is promising and he said when you look at the number, the similar number in the u. S. , the situation looks, quote, very serious. Willem marks with the fact check, thank you for breaking that down for us, i appreciate it. One programming note, every monday we are exploring the issues surrounding the reopening of the American Education system were talking with experts and administrators about what is at stake for students, parents, the country at large watch pandemic back to school with chris jansing, who is in for craig melvin today that every monday at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, only on msnbc stick around, next were remembering long time congressman and civil rights giant john lewis with one of his colleagues who knew him well stay with us dear freshpet, tank was overweight and had no energy. Until freshpet. Put the puppy back in my dog. Well, welcome back, everyone moments ago a black drape was draped over the house, you see it there, these are pictures were getting in now, a black draping draped over the door of congressman, the late congressman john lewis office there on capitol hill. Paying tribute to the late civil rights icon and politician this morning, also on capitol hill, flags have been lowered in honor of the late congressman john lewis, who is obviously a towering figure. Next hour, House Speaker nancy pelosi will preside over a moment of silence on the house floor, and, of course, last night tributes in the streets of new york and even in his hometown of atlanta. These tributes started within just hours of his death on friday after a months long battle with cancer the long time georgia congressman served in the house since 1987, where his colleagues often referred to him as the conscience of congress he was beaten to the ground on the Edmund Pettus bridge as he matched for Voting Rights back in 1965. Now many are renewing recent calls that that bridge be renamed to bear his name Edmund Pettus was a grand wizard of the ku klux klan take his name off that bridge and replace it with a good man, john lewis, the goodness of america. With us now is congressman hank johnson, he represents georgias 4th congressional district, one that borders john lewis in the atlanta area he, like the late congressman, is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus congressman, thank you for joining us this morning. It is a pleasure to talk to you again. I know that obviously john lewis is going to be remembered as a civil rights icon, a great man in this country, the conscience of congress. But what did he mean to you personally he was an example of how a human being should live life he was a statesman, he was greater than just a politician he was a political official, an elected official, but he rose above politics and he tried to do what was right by way of all people, not just one group of people, but humanity was his aspiration to advance the cause of humanity. And that called for people to be able to have basic rights. And for black people, the essence of the rights that john lewis fought for was the right to vote. That right to vote, he used to say, is a sacred right and it is almost important, i mean, it is it is the manifestation of the ability to speak, so the First Amendment freedom of speech, i mean, how can you speak in a Free Society Without being able to elect your leaders. And so john lewis fought for everyone to have that right to vote, and for people to exercise that right to vote and then people voted for him because he fought for the people, everything he did was about the people that he served, and i was just proud to serve with him for the last 14 years in congress. Let me ask you about that Voting Rights for a moment, i know you two marched together in atlanta, back in 2012, fighting fighting for Voting Rights and nthen in 2017 you wen to the Atlanta Airport to help people during the Trump Administrations muslim ban where people were being detained what memories or stories are sticking with you the most this morning . Well, the fact that john lewis never thought that getting out into the streets and being active, being an activist. He never that was never too low for him. That was his bread and butter. And he would take it to the streets, he would take it to the floor of the capitol the house chambers in the capitol, to have a sitin about gun safety, you know john lewis was an activist who acted. He didnt just talk the talk, he walked the walk. And i was proud to be able to walk with him on many occasions, and it was all for the betterment of america, also for america to be be delivered to her true creed, her true potential. And we still have a lot of work to do. John lewis would tell you we have come a long way but he would also say we have got a long way to go and we got to keep getting into good trouble, dont give up, dont give in, dont give out. Keep your eye on the prize right. And dont be afraid to get into trouble good trouble, necessary trouble is what he used to talk about. And so, you know, it has been a sad couple of days, but today i can remember all of the experiences that i had with him, and all the things i learned from him, and today it is time to take things forward and, of course, we still grieve that our friend and mentor is no longer with us, but we know that he would expect us to continue the fight that he led for so long let me ask you, your thoughts about renaming the Edmund Pettus bridge, in selma after him what message would that send and should it be renamed after him or renamed after the general movement, the Civil Rights Movement in general, something more than just about the life of one man . Yeah, i agree with my colleague, jim clyburn, another civil rights giant, that that bridge should be named after john lewis i dont think there is anyone who has meant more to the symbolism of that bridge, a bridge is like a way a route for connecting two different entities, two different sides of something. And when john walked across that bridge in 1965, he did it to unite the country. It has taken this long and we still got a ways to go for unity to take place in this country. It seems like were further apart now than in a long time, but a bridge is so such after john lewis and to take the name of a divider off of that bridge and put the name of someone who brought us all together on that bridge i think it would be fitting and this Movement Needs to continue all across the country with dividers and traitors have been honored throughout the years its now time to replace those monuments of division with unity and human rights and all of the good stuff that people have stood for. No doubt we have a long way to go in this country to honor the late congressmans legacy. Hank johns, onthank you very much for joining us. Were going to have a lot more stay with us thank you gimme two minutes. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. 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All right so that was Clint Frazier with a home run in a very quiet, well, except for that piped in crowd noises you heard in the being. Citi field in queens 40,000 empty seats as Major League Baseball kicked off its season this weekend in a coronavirus world. The sports world though, has been at odds over how u to safely return to fields as Baseball Players got back out there. Football players took their own stand. Many demanding the nfl adopt more health mote proteprotocols them safe. As the nfl weigh it move, lets talk baseball. The first Major Sports League to reopen von is in phoenix with more. How did things go over the weekend . You know, it was James Earl Jones famous monologue from a 1989 film, field of dreams, where he said quote, the one constant thrill has been baseball and there was a good moment this summer where it looked like there would be no baseball, but we saw exhibition games. You saw the likes of Matt Scherzer giving up a home run to bryce harper you saw the likes of dodgers stadium pumping in the artificial crowd noise entrance squad game rs as are happening now including here now. Well see little of the action ourselves, but this is a big moment its a quest for normalcy. Major League Baseball is now testing players every other day in order to ensure that players and their family rs a able to keep safe. Theres been about a dozen players who have been opted out of the season and a couple of players on most squads that have tested positive, but Major League Baseball intends to see the 60game season through i want to say, nfl training camp, also opens up this week and there are some players sounding the alarm saying quote, Russell Wilson saying we want to play football, but we want to protect our loved ones nba season as well as the nhl season open up in two weeks. Not to offend any soccer fans out there, including myself. Mls has also reopened one of the major sports thank you so much. Preeappreciate thanks for watch thg hour of msnbc live after a quick break, my colleague, chris jansing, picks it one a special report and look at how were getting back to school. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. With spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. Iredefined the wordng thschool this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. 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