sat with them and took the time to go through the police reports, any cad calls. make them clear about why they were there. what we felt that they needed to remediate and go through, step through a list of the requirements being added to the security plans and gave them an option and time to ask questions if they weren't clear on it. we consider this the first step in our practice of discipline. any violation becomes a violation of their condition. the orders directing this plan are sent by e-mail and via mail delivery and in some cases it's possible we hand-deliver them and get a signature that folks understand that. we did both of these venues first at the request of captain brown. there were some problems they felt they were seeing over and over and we're hopeful this will be immediately sort of a way to remediate some of these problems that are more nuisance-type problems, sound problems, security, sort of sloppy lines, that kind of thing. we'll ask the officer when he comes up about that process as well. other good news. promised to update you on the citation issuance procedure. if you look behind this memo, you will see a form that says administrative citation. it's front and back for you guys. the revisions which realitied the penalties for violations, it's pretty specific the way the structure is laid out. and the process for administrative citations for violating permit conditions. you know, it's something that we've been obviously talking about for a very long time. so this citation form has been reviewed by the city attorney, which is why it's in front of you tonight. it's going to be used in triplicate, which seems a little old school, but that's what we do. and being used by staff out in the field. it allows us to cite for various vaylations listed. the final amounts listed as well. the collection of moneys is to be handled by the controllers office. that's something we'll track and make sure that happens probably quarterly. the appeals procedure is also laid out, and is with essentially the board of appeals. they don't come to you, they go to the board of appeals is if anyone is to appeal this citation. so that's really good news. we learned this citation is very specific to allow the site only venues that permits from us. so half of this is places that don't have entertainment permits that are potentially to be cited for not having an entertainment permit when they ought to have one. definitions of interand thement, emitting sounds, or things that we are called on to assist the police with. this is not a form that we're capable of using for that purpose. so that means we'll have to find a remedy, probably ledge slatively and work with the city attorney and police department, because the police are empowered to enforce these, as you know. considering the priorities for them, we would be better-suited to do that, but wu must be given the authority to and we don't have that right now. i can continue, or we can talk about that. appointments today at about 2:20, commissioner newlin was finally appointed by the board of supervisors, the full board. his term is -- i guess started july 1 of this year, so expires july 1 of 2014. his seat is number seven, and i'm going to try to just identify these over and over with numbers, since your names rotate, as you know. commissioner alan's seat, which is seat number two, expired as of july 1. he's in a 60-day holdover. so he will be out of that seat at the end of august or our august 24 meeting. the entertainment commission position is still being considered by the rules committee. recess started basically after 5:00 today with the board of supervisors. it's a four-week recess. so we will be probably considering that new commissioner in september. so we'll have a vacancy for probably about a month. and i think that's all i have to say. vaj, your turn. >> good evening, commissioners. if you will look in the back of director caen's sheet, you'll see a sheet written by me. beauty bar -- as this commission knows, we've had beauty bar here to answer questions and had continuing sounds problems there, as reported last commission, the management did some new soundproofing. today rearranged their front door. they changed to have a door open. they increased some soundproofing. so this past weekend, we were able to go in and confirm that those canges are in place and they're actually working. we definitely saw a noticeable difference in sound. what we're doing now is following up with -- as residents in the area, to see if they're really seeing or hearing a difference. so we're currently -- we've done our confirmation. we're just waiting to hear from those residents to see if life has gotten better. what has been done that is adequate. next, unfortunately this weekend we did have an incident at sutra. officer mathias is here, which she'll explain in more detail. you can see our little two sentences here is that there was an incident in the venue, a fight that started inside the venue and spilled out into the street. as spd actually had to shut down that 400 block of broadway, the traffic. they broke up the fight and we had two people sent to the hospital. one was a patron who was pretty badly hurt, and one was a security guard that was pretty badly hurt. i was on scene not too long after the fight had just broken up. and from the stories that we got interviewing people, patrons and staff coming out of the club, it was one of those situations where, literally to quote somebody, do you know what happened? what did you see what happened? i don't know, the guy next to me just turned and punched me in the face, so i started swinging. no one seemed to know what really started it, what was the spark that started this initial fire. but it was the whole club. it got pretty ugly. but again, the officer is here from central, so he can give you a little bit more detail. next as we reported before, the karaoke venues if san francisco, which are now under this commission's purview, that we're slowly starting to bring them in. i'll continue to report on this at commission meetings. we've been able to meet -- you know, there's a lot of them out there. so deputy corrector caen and i have been able to meet with them one-on-one, individually and together, and we're bringing them in slowly by surely. i think we got a couple in the last few weeks, it's slow, but we're getting them in. unfortunately, this is a name that you guys heard over and over again, it's icon. i visited icon this last weekend. we're still having some of the same problems again and again. not controlling the soupped. -- sound. lousy crowd control. overall management of the venue. so working with southern station. hopefully he'll have a little bit more information, a little bit more paper for this commission in the coming months and we'll have a good solid recommendation. as you know, just a little bit of history here, this particular venue has come into the commission before. deputy director caen and i have worked with him in the past, as some of you individually have worked with them and we're still running in some of the same problems. we've been talking about it, and again working with southern station. we'll move from this point on ward and we may be coming before you with stronger recommendations at this time. second, similar, is borrow and church. it was corrected, and we're back. again in the last month, we're getting more and more complaints from people in the area. we've talked to the venue again. they were issued a notice of violation. and we're just watching very closely. they continue to be unable to control their sound, again, they'll be pulled before this commission to answer some questions about that. next would be heights. this commission knows that heights -- in the past, we've had some serious incidents with heights. those incidents were brought into the commission. we imposed some new security plans, security conditions on that permit. thinged looked pretty well for a while. they started booking parties and bringing in promoters. once again, we're starting to have issues again. we're working very closely with the permit officer out of northern station who has a vested interest in this particular incident, because he really worked with them initially and feels that, you know, they have been given a lot of chances to comply and get their house in order. so expect that we'll be monitoring them very closely. manner west. they've been before this commission to answer questions about sound and operation. we've been done tests, worked with sfpd, and for the last week and a half we've gotten no new sound compliance. so this is a -- i bring this up as this is one of those positive note where is we worked with the community, the community and the club worked well together. sfpd worked together with both club and the community and we were able to get a good resolution to that particular issue. both the club and the residents in the area are keeping in great contact. they talk to each other weekly, they talk to us. it's a good situation right now. last is the new a.l.u., the new centralized unit formed by sfpd centralizing a.b.c. licenses here in the city. included in your packet, this should be an sfpd department bulletin. the unit is led up by someone this commission knows well, officer falzon, one of the experts, and lord knows i've seen him correct a.b.c. officers on the law. he really knows the codes backwards and forwards. been working with him for years in other situations. deputy director caen and i have met with them. we've gone to the offices, talked to everyone in the unit, and we have already been able to make arrangements that we'll be work some enforcement and just other cases with them in the fall. which is really positive move towards the a.b.c., sfpd, and the e.c. working together. all working off the same playbook and the same page. last is just a list -- i don't have to read through it. if you see the list of notice of violations and why those notions were given, and the clubs or venues that they were given to. instead of having to read that list, you can look at the list on the paper. and if there are any questions. commissioner alan? commissioner alan: i would like to commend staff and you. it's very helpful to get this in writing. and it's been long coming. but i want to note that for myself, it's a definite step in the right direction. in the report that you prepared, it might be helpful -- i know it would be if i were to be continuing to sit in this chair. it might be helpful to create two categories of incidents. there are, what i would consider those incidents that are of nuisance value, that are extraordinarily important to deal with, such as sound, etc. but that are not necessarily the kind of thing that would lead to or create a direct path to a management issue, security issue that could result in some outbreak of violence or some failure to manage crowds that would result in a problem or public safety issue. so perhaps dividing nuisance and public safety so that we as a commission can understand which venues are in a repair -- physical repair mode and which venues are in management, restructure, mediation problem-solving mode. i think that will be helpful. >> that's not a problem. almost like a major and a minor type of thing. commissioner alan: yeah. i hesitated to use it that way, but whatever staff feels is a good way to delineate, i think that would be great. at a glance, we can then keep track of those venues which continue to be on one or the other list. because we're going to take a different style of interaction to resolve. >> yeah, not a problem. commissioner alan: thank you. president roja: commissioner meko. commissioner meko: thank you. similar comment with regard to the notices and violations that you've issued recently. could you also give us some indication where there are multiple notices of violation? >> you mean as far as we've noticed them before in the past? commissioner meko: that's correct. >> that shouldn't be a problem. commissioner meko: ok, great. president roja: any public comment regarding the report from the deputy director? seeing none, public comment is closed. item number four, election of commission president and vice president. i wasn't at the last meeting, so i don't know how this all went. was this on the agenda? >> it was on the agenda, but it was continued, so it did not go. president roja: ok. do we have any update, or are we just going to -- >> no, obviously this is something that every july 1 should have been handled, but for a variety of reasons we're here in august and we need to -- these are year-long appointments. i think mongs you, you can do your thing. president roja: commissioner meko? commissioner meko: i would like to make a motion that we consider commissioner newlin for president. president roja: i'll second that motion. >> do you want to do separate motions for president and vice president? president roja: i think that would be the easiest way to keep track. >> all right. there was also a request for a comment by the commissioner. i don't know if that was a nomination or if it was relevant to our process. >> i was going to nominate commissioner newlin also. >> i guess my only question is for the commissioners that aren't present, does that factor in? has that factored in in the past? or is that if you're here you're here, if you're not you're not? >> that's correct. there's no proxy voting. so if you're here, you get a vote. >> ok. >> i think last meeting, we continued the item so that commissioners that truly wanted to parties pate in the election process had adequate, ample notice, and so i see no reason to delay. >> ok. >> we have a motion. the second i think is public comment. >> i think you have to take public comment for all items on the agenda. >> do we have any public comment regarding the election of the commission president? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> need to make a roll call on this item, correct? >> do you have to accept the nomination as well? >> do you accept the nomination? >> yes. >> this is the nomination for the president sf of commissioner newlin. [roll call] >> excellent. that motion is approved. >> i'd like to make a motion to nominate audrey joseph for vice president. >> i'll second that motion. >> any public comment on that motion? seeing none. [roll call] >> commissioner, you are relieved of your dueties. i believe the balance of this meeting is on commissioner newlin -- president newlin, as it were. congratulations. president newlin: i can just stay here. no need for a big shuffle. ok. before we call the next item, i just want to commend commissioner roja for a stellar job being past president of this commission during a very tue mull winehouse time, kept us above water. commissioner roja: thank you. president newlin: next item? >> regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. commissioners, we have one item, one permit tonight for casa hookah on geary. however, the police department, richmond statement requested a continuance based on the fact that they had a very, very long standing permit officer connelly retire, and there was about a three-week period where there was no permit officer at all in which time that was when the venue had been posted. and the new permit officer has been in place for a very short time, and didn't feel prepared to offer any comment or conditions to the commission and asked for a two-week continuance. staff reached out to the applicant and i believe that the applicant representative is here, if you want to ask any questions regarding that. so staff is requesting a continuance. president newlin: commissioner meko: commissioner for staff. does this fall within the 45-day period during which we are allowed to vote on a continuance, or does this have to be requested by the applicant? >> i think we're in good standing, but the applicant is here sort of. i think we can go either way on this again, because this is the first time this application has been before you. it's been posted for 30 days, so the clock has just started. >>@newlin, congratulations. on behalf of the applicant, i would request a continuance for two weeks. this will allow us to meet with the -- we're going to meet with the captain, the new permit officer on friday, and we want to get off to a good start with that richmond station. president newlin: thank you. if i may, to the applicant through their representative, i have noted that a problem with your security plan that i think you would want to address prior to meeting with the police and coming in front of the commission. your security plan calls in item number one, one security personnel for every 50 guests and your venn you is at number nine, which means you will never have security in place. i think that needs to get resolve sod that both parties are understanding what your plans are. other than that, i have no comments. president newlin: do we call brick comment for this then? anybody wish from the public wish to comment? seeing none, take a motion. commissioner meko: i would like to move to continue this item to the next meeting. >> second. president newlin: call of roll, please. [roll call] >> excellent. you know, we can do it this way if you'd like, but normally, the president, you go on. president newlin: i've got a lot to learn. just keep kicking me. item number six, presentation regarding one-night event insurance. we have elayna coss, sharp agency. >> just a little bit of background. thanks for coming. actually, vaj suggested that we bring ms. coss to you. we have been discussing in the past imposing requirements via security plans and/or conditions on permits that require folks who use outside promoters to get one-night event insurance. there's been some discussion, but we felt it might be useful to have a short education on the commission on what really means, what that costs, give you an opportunity to dig in a little deeper, if you are going to continue to use that as a condition in each case. the police seem very interested as well, and using that as a condition on places that go to outside promotions. so i'm glad that you've come. i think there's something maybe in your binders as well. i don't have anything. i'm good. i go for it. >> as you guys see, i did a little short narrative as to what the liability insurance is. i work at the club's security and promoters, event planners in the area, and i have for a number of years. so with that short narrative, if you have questions in regards to how you think it would benefit your organization and/or any type of events or anything, that's why i'm here. i'm open to you guys in how you feel in regards to the questions. president newlin: commissioner alan? commissioner alan: the first question i would have is the way in which your firm establishes the cost for what i understand from your one-page description as a one-year insurance policy. how do you determine cost? is that based on occupancy? is it based on type of event? is it based on location? what are your general criteria so that we have an understanding when we're imposing an insurance condition? what kinets of triggers might be involved? -- kinds of triggers might be involved? >> when it involves just a special event. first of all, it involves how many days. you can have an event that goes into when it wraps after midnight, they can consider that a two-day event. it's also how many people will be attending, what type of event it is, and some major underwriting. obviously they go by zip code. so it depends how many zip codes, how many different rates would actually apply here. commissioner alan: and then a follow-up to that question would be, let's take a special event of 250 people in a licensed premise in downtown san francisco. can you give me a ballpark of what would would