Transcripts For SFGTV 20100918 :

SFGTV September 18, 2010

>> i would go along with that also. blinder stand that there is in a situation which has become a major night. it seems the most that is being crafted. that is a fair way of approaching it for the neighborhood. >> do you feel comfortable with that? >> i think that is fine. there is not a lot of opposition but what we do have this from very close neighbors. >> are you suggesting that this is a condition and that they come back? >> they can do that. >> you just want to make sure that you're open to considering? >> when you ask them to come back with a new application to extend thursday night about? are you one team to review those? >> well, it cannot be automatic. i think it would need to be new. >> or modification. >> this is six months. >> that means that this is basically the same and they don't have to pay for a new one. >> ok, the motion on the floor is approval with modification. this is for the modified see you to increase for live in a tournament until -- for live entertainment until 2:00 a.m.. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> the motion passes. president miguel members of the planning commission. and the department staff, i'll present this case today. the item before you is a neighborhood initiated review to convert an industrial space to a photography studio and gallery and event menu. the space is approximately 7400 square feet. of which 4500 are -- 4100 approximately will be used to the proposed event space, photography studio. the remaining space is a dwelling unit which will be maintained on the property. the d.r. request has cited a number of issues, including the use of the space as an event space, noise and parking. the project responser agreed to limit events each month and would limit the courtyard space after 8:00 p.m. to address issues related to the use. noise is being addressed by design elements to minimize sign and an acoustic engineer is looking at options to deal with noise issues. as for parking, parking is not required under the newly adopted controls for the mixed use district. it is a new zone. the site will be served by transilt and bus lines and the t-line. the project is a principally permitted use and the sponsor has been -- has made numerous efforts to address many d.r. requesters concerns. therefore, the department believes there's no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances that warrant the d.r. at this time and would -- would recommend that you approve the project as proposed. >> thank you. d.r. requester? >> you'llian informed me i could bring photographs. it is also letters from every member of the home southeasterns association that couldn't attend today all opposing the design as it stands today -- sorry, my name is john mccleanen. i live at 2083rd street apartment number six, i represent myself and the h.o.a. association of 2083rd street. our main issue is -- as you'll notice from the pictures that the -- that the proposed project is eight feet from our building. our building was built in 1998, the rear of the building is glass for every unit and the only way for us to receive presh air is to open our 14r50euding doors or win toes. 10, our request is for the acoustic aspect of this development. the event would be approximately 90 feet and we're requesting the planning commission to require the space to be acousticly treated. the ceiling to be acousticly treated and the walls to be treated so we could maintain our fresh air and windows and doors open and allow thome to have an event center where they could somewhere their weddings. corporate events and art events. it is more a matter of making sure the building is changed and constructed in a way that future okay pants or owners of it will not be interfering -- thank you. >> those in favor hank you. >> those in favor of the d.r. requester? >> good evening, my name is vens. i live at 2080 third street as well. i'm in somewhat objective -- objecting to the project next door because of basically two reasons, one is the sound, my -- my deck is eight feet from the property. i don't believe that the cuse ticks provided by the engineer are adequate in this case. i was told that there was a metal wall separating the activities from -- from my deck but -- but i believe the wall is not sound to eliminate the noise. another problem which is a big one in the neighborhood is parking. although there is parking usually, there won't be when this project -- happens. now the person -- shaun and lee, the people that are building the project are very good neighbors. i'm glad they're here. they live in our neighborhood. i wish them well. however, the -- the part where -- where they're going to have -- events in the yard i'm definitely against because of the noise and the parking. thank you. >> thank you. >> are there additional speakers in favor of the d.r.? if not, project sponsor? >> good evening commissioners. my name is lee burgess and my husband and i are the project responsers for the building. we submitted public comment cards from everyone from our project, including the architect and the accoustic consultant. we began living on the property last year and we're committed to living and working in the neighborhood. we believe our project will be a positive addition to the dog patch neighborhood adding much green and small businesses to the neighborhood. shaun and i have beep working over a year and a half developing the project and discussing it with neighbors. shaun is a photographer and developing an art gallery, photography studio space is really important to him. the response to the project overall has been wofere yes, ma'amingly positive. neighbors to the west, north, north and east of the property have all written letters of support for the project can were included in our attached letter to the planning department. specifically neighbors describe this project as providing a quote, great boost to the neighborhood. knowing it -- noting it will beautyify the neighborhood and bring additional green space to a block that has very little. the president of the association says in her opinion, the sponsors -- of the building, will continue to be good neighbors and the project will be an asset to the community. al, though, though bl glee listed other properties in the neighborhood that would be adversely i pacted, none of them communicated their support for the d.r. to us and some wrote letters in support of our project. we began discussing with him his concerns with the project pack in january 2010. since then we communicated with him both if writing and this person attempting to mitigate his concerns of the project. we additionally offered to attend mediation prior to the hearing to help resolve the concerns. housks this offer was not -- however, this was not accepted. specifically with concerns he raised tonight, we're very respectful of his concerns regarding noise, specifically we have made design alterations after the preapplication meeting to help prevent the transffer -- transfer of sound within we are planning to build a sound wall 22 feet above grade between the courtyard space of our project and our private backyard and as an additional safeguard of sound for him. we hired a aaccoustic consult whont condid you telled a noise study and recommended ways to control sound. we have implemented his suggestions to make it more sound protected. he's here today to answer any specific questions regarding noise that you may have. as far as limiting the number of vents, this project is an art gallery and photography studio. it could be rented out in a limited capacity for events. any event hosting is secondary to the primary use. to demonstrate this, we voluntary offered to place restriction on the title of the property, limiting the number of events that may be held to four to five a month. regarding parking, although it is a serious issue in san francisco, we have found a significant amount of street parking available within a few blocks of our property. in addition, there are a injure of multi-level parking spots available within a few blocks in the mission bay area. we node there is abundant public transportation near us, including the muni t-line which is a block away and the 22 bus line which stops across the street. we included diagrams of parking and transit in the materials submitted with the documents. we also have a private driveway to the north of the building that will be more than adequate to serve the majority of the businesses parking needs. i -- lastly i wanted to touch on the request for full building acoustic insulation. our proposal together with the information of the consultant's recommendations will more than comply with the good neighbor policy regarding sound and make the noise level lower than existing traffic and noise levels this the neighborhood. thank you so much for your time. >> speakers in favor of the applicant? >> good evening. i'm andrew davis. i'm with the architects for the project. i like to give you an overview of the project. i will walk you three some the issues. this is -- this is the existing building. as you can see, industrial butler, building. the d.r. requester's building is popping up in the background here. this is a rendering of the proposed project. we are -- we are looking at this as -- as kind of retaining the industrial character of what is there to some degree in terms of the simiified masking and the materials. there's the panels up here and cement fiber down below. also, importantly try -- trying to bring green to the neighborhood with this tral liss planted wall on the -- twrell liss planted on the south wall. you'll notice there's no windows or doors on the windows of these elevations. there's one new entry door over here. if we -- if we flip over to a section, through the exterior courtyard and a siteline study. you could see the extent of new glazing on the north side of the building. facing the yard. you could see the sightline and we have a -- this is 18th street out here. we have a new security gate going across, so in terms of line of sight and privacy concerns, there would be no visual connection. we also have an addition here which you see in elevation and this is the 22-foot wall this we're showing which also obscures visual and sound privacy -- i mean visual and sound going into -- into the d.r. requester's unit. this is the project sponsors dwelling. so from this sound wall to the rear yard property line is about 30 feet. the requester's unit is eight feet back from the property line. so there's 40 feet, plus the -- the depth of this addition which is possibly about another 12 or 15 feet separating the outdoor courtyard from the building. and this is just -- up here very quickly, we're -- this is an existing elevation down here there's a chiang chain-link gate that we're talk -- cheney link gate that we're taking out and replacing that with a solid steel gate and we're doing that to address issues of security and privacy. quickly on the site plan. there's the main entry. here's the the residential dwelling over here. this area is a private yard that will never be used for outdoor events. the egress deck is over the north yard addition. this is the exterior space. there's the 22-foot sound wall and the solid feat here -- and the -- solid gate here and the courtyard. >> additional speakers in favor of the project sponsor? >> good evening. i'm -- my name is peter holtz. our goal -- first and foremost was to meet the stipulations of the alleged ordinance. to do that we had to measure the ambience, the noise environment on site. we set up meters along both streets, 18th and tennessee to monitor for 72 hours to get a general overall view of the ambient. and they we conducted short-term measurements in the back of the existing courtyard eight feet from the building to do measurements there as well. this established the noise environment as stipulated by the ordinance with an eight d.v. allowance for a commercial space. the criteria imposed for the project is 66 d.b.a. while we were on site we measured traffic path bies and trucks and cars to be in the 65 -- the 0e, 65 decibel range. so close to the -- to why the citia is set. the building proposed design, we have now added a -- a -- a two-sided inflatted wall. a two-sided inflated creel to reduce noise as well as a double laminated glazing for the windows facing in that direction. and always have -- also have sound ash soshing treatments on the interior of the -- absorbing on the interior of the space, to reduce the noise in the space. once the project is built, there will be a sound limiter in the surround system this any user would plug into. that would be set and cal operated upon installation. with all of these accuse tall installation devices implemented, our estimate of the worst kiss, we calculated that the noise level at the property line would be 55 to 60 decibel range which meets the criteria and is less than the existing ambient controlled by maximum noise levels from traffic passing by. the goal of the project was first and foremost meet the ordinance as well as not increase the existing noise level. we feel we have -- with the proposed design accomplished that. i'm here to take any other questions that you might have. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> my name is gack. i'm an architect on the project. i want to discuss the parking diagram that we submitted. this shows some of the available transit options in the vicinity. the red dot is the subject property. also we have -- we have block -- block radiuses so the first circle is a one-block walking radius and two block. and three block walking radius. we identified some of the surface parking that is available with the purple lines. as you could see, there's -- there's -- significant amount of of parking in the area, especially over by the water. and i think the fact that it is served by two major transit lines is keeping in the spirit of -- of the new -- the new planning -- the planning ordinance. that's all i have to say. thank you for your time. >> thank you. additional speakers in favor of the project? if not, the -- the d.r. requester has a two-minute rebuttal. >> just to also add to this -- i am a professional acoustic technician and audio engineer. i have a professional business with the city of san francisco, called one-unit recording studios which i owned for 20 years. i lived in the building for 12 years. my knowledge of audio and audio waves and sound waves and wedding activity and live music and d.j.'s is extensive. i am not opposed to the project. i'm just opposed to the fact that i lived and resided in this building for 12 years. i like my evenings, i like my peace. i have no opposition to an art gallery. i have no opposition to anyone making a living. i just have an opposition to the six units at the rear the building having to put up with potentially -- loud entertainment from -- from a corporate event, a wedding event, or a rental event, which is -- is unfortunately going to be out of the happeds of the owners of the building once they rented it for a corporate event. i don't feel it is fair to impose on them, missing of their events. i also don't want to be someone who has to police this building once this has been -- so again, i just reiterate, i would -- would request that the level of audio installation be actually looked at and reviewed and researched. on the last meeting, the ceiling is my biggest worry, this building is just a tin building. with regard to parking, that neighborhood is the last free parking zone as -- as that of the city. most people park their cars there and then walk to the t-line and take it to work. so there is no parking there during 1995 and most people have taken the trains. and that we -- weekends it is tight. with you that -- but that's up to you guys to decide, that hopefully we will have parking restrictions implemented. thank you. >> thank you. >> project sponsor, two-minute rebuttal. >> thank you. >> i'm shaun burgess the other sponsor. you met me already. as far as parkinggoing goes, let me cover that really quickly. how does this work? there it is. so, this -- this line over here, the blue line is all street level parking, all service parking. empty on weekend andance. it is definitely very much usable. it is all there to service the industrial businesses during the day. that's absolutely available. on weeknights and on weekends. as far as the noise, we have been very conscientious about that. we hired an acoustic consultant. we have taken all of his recommendations. we have no reason to believe he doesn't know what he's doing. he comes highly recommended. the planning department also seems to think so. we are absolutely going to -- going to make adjustment that is will be needed. we're respectful of our neighbor the. we made every effort to get look. even the requester i think would agree that is the case. we'll do everything not to impinge on them. thank you. >> thank you. i'm -- i'm personally very familiar with this neighborhood. i live on prattal hill. i -- i pass by that building constantly both on foot and in car. i patronize, my wife and i a number of the establishments that have come in along third street and that area in recent years, including -- including the restaurant on the corner that is right next door to the building. it is one of the oldest there. the building needs some work on the exterior. but as a -- a concrete ffering plant, you said, all right, that's what it looks like. so i was pleased to see the possibility of a change there. okay. i also spoke -- with -- with jent the president of the dog patch neighborhood association, of which i'm an associate member. to get a little more detail regarding the presentations to the understand which were very extensive, leased -- he'sed -- at least two extensive presentations to the neighborhood can pleases me. the -- the question of parking during the day is tight. people park in the area because of the -- more industrial businesses there. because of the fact that it is -- convenient to board the t-line. but certainly, what was illustrated which is -- illinois street at night is somewhat deserted. truthfully, i have never had a problem in the evening trying to go to a restaurant or anything else in that area including a few blocks away, a bartha has some good jazz from time to time. and -- you know, a block is about as far as you have to park. i'm satisfied with -- with the salters work on this. i found them to be very reputable over the years. and their methods of dealing with sound so i have no -- so i have no objection to this one at all. >> commissioner, antonini. >> commissioner antonini: i just want to talk to the sponsor about a couple of things. i napped, i think you said your -- i understand, you're limiting your events to four or five per month? >> we are. >> that's part of it. the other thing they brought up was limiting their events on to midnight on friday and saturday nights and 10:30 on week nights. is that something you could live with on a condition about >> we already shut down the outdoor space, the indoor could go later. we're talking about art gallery openings, they could go to 1:00 but not much later. >> guess that would probably be the absolute latest i would say on weekend nights probably would be 1:00 a.m. >> and then the earlier maybe on week nights, let's say 11:00 and 1:00. >> 11and 1:00. i doit it'll come that late. the other thing i say, you should -- the other thing i should say, you should probably encourage those that rent the space to talk about having valet, especially with a wedding or something. you know, not too many -- not too many. would probably be in their interest to have their guests be able to step off into the facility instead of hiking

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Tennessee , United States , Mission Bay , California , San Francisco , Peter Holtz , Shaun Burgess , Lee Burgess , Andrew Davis ,

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