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just right off the bat here. stafford county, virginia and spotsylvania county, virginia, both opening two hours late today. for anybody heading out to the bus stop, it will be a chilly one. let's check in with tucker barnes. he has latest on our forecast. >> good morning. cold temperature across the area. it will be windy today but that is about it as we are expecting some sunshine borecast and some temperatures. let's get started with a look at our current conditions. right now at reagan national, we are 26 degrees. there is a live look at your satellite-radar. we've got lots of low 20s across the area. cold temperatures. off to the east, we have that area of storminess. that will stay just offshore but the wind associated with that system will increase around here today. so it will be a breezy and cold one is the bottom line with a decent amount of sunshine with high temperatures only near the freezing mark. with the winds picking up, i think you will really notice the wintertime chill. plenty of sunshine, windy at times, 32. the winds gusting to about 30. our wind chill temperatures will feel like they are in the 20s much of the day. >> thank you. a massive house fire in chantilly is under investigation this morning. house was destroyed. no one was hurt. some neighbors had to be evacuated and crews from washington gas are looking to see whether the explosion damaged any underground gas lines. one man is dead and two women are sick after a carbon monoxide leak in northwest. one woman made it out of the house on her own but rescuers found another woman upstairs and the man downstairs. both women are in the hospital and fire investigators believe a malfunctioning furnace is to blame for the leak. there was no carbon monoxide detector inside the home either. congress was supposed to be on christmas vacation by now but they are still working up on capitol hill. in a rare sunday session, the senate continued to debate a nuclear treaty with russia. also over the weekend, the senate passed a historic repeal of the ban on gays serving openly in the military and in the last few days of the lame duck session, congress is expected to wrap up a bill giving 9-11 responders health benefits. turning to sports now, the redskins just couldn't pull it off. a gallant effort in the game against the cowboys. they came back from a 27-7 deficit in the third quarter behind rex grossman's four touchdown passes but he did throw two costly interceptions. cowboys won it with a field goal with under a minute to play. lindsay murphy perhaps up the game for us. >> reporter: there were highs and lows in rex grossman's first start since november of 2008. he threw for 322 yards and a career high four touchdowns but also threw two costly interceptions. >> i thought rex did an excellent job today. i thought he took advantage of an opportunity. the conditions were a little tough in practice but i thought he did a good job. he came back in the second half and demonstrated a lot of poise and played well. >> i tried as hard as i could. it is up to you guys to decide all those things. >> reporter: chris cooley, santana moss and anthony armstrong were the beneficiaries of the 300-plus yard passing game. >> for a guy to know what he knows, of course it is going to look the way it looks. he came out and he seen things and he's been here before. he took advantage of it. >> i know the guy. i know what he can do. i don't think there was doubt as far as the team went. we were five little bit of a slow start. they made some big plays on special teams, controlled the ball. >> reporter: rex's teammate did praise his effort in today's game but they were very cautious when asked about donovan mcnabb. >> i don't like to get into all that. i feel like you have to give him the congrats of how he handled himself coming in this late in the year and playing good. but i'm not going to get into the comparison. >> reporter: despite a 30-point effort, the skins fall for a fourth straight week. in arlington, texas, lindsay murphy, fox 5 sports. good morning. it is 4:30 on this monday, december 20th. bundle up out there because it will be a cold one as you head out. i'm sarah simmons in for gurvir dhindsa. we have a few quick school delays. stafford county and spotsylvania county, virginia are both opening two hours late today. stafford county and spotsylvania county, virginia, both opening two hours late today. hopefully, we shouldn't have too many delays today. doesn't appear as though it will be a rough one other than the temperatures out there. >> cold out there this morning. yesterday, we got to the mid- 30s. it won't be quite as warm today. >> isn't this below normal? >> oh, well below normal. i can tell you all about that later. let's talk about our current conditions. no problems as you head out the door t will be cold out there. just a few clouds. one or two flurries well off to the north and west. for the rest of us, should be a nice clear start to the day. going to be brisk out there, no doubt about it. temperature in the low to mid 0s. it will eventually get windy around here. our wind chill values will be held with a down again later today. -- temperatures in the low to mid-20s. chicago at eight degrees right now and 28 in new york city. even richmond, 24. last day of fall by the way. >> it's fall? >> here is your forecast. highs later today, back into the low 30s. cooler than yesterday. we'll go with a high about freezing. becoming breezy to windy at times during the course of the day. >> i'll take this. i was experiencing that eight degrees in chicago over last week while i was out of here but for a lot of people, this is very cold and especially julie wright as we know, this is very cold for her. she has an update our traffic as well. >> i saw your pictures that you were tweeting. i'm thinking better you, sister, than me. on the roads, not so bad. the overnight roadwork we talked about on the beltway at 66, forget about it. lanes are open. no accidents to report along 95 and 395 with traffic behaving nicely. the trip along 270 uneventful out of gaithersburg headed into rockville. accident activity at the end of the ramp from 109 to go southbound on 270. this one possibly involving a pole down across that ramp. northbound, they were doing some installation of an overhead sign as you travel north of 28. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a natural gas leak is believed to be the causes of an explosion and fire that -- to be the cause of an explosion and fire that destroyed a home in chantilly. firefighters were on the way when it suddenly exploded sparking a fire that reduced the home to rubble. no one was home at the time and no injuries were reported. crews from washington gas are looking to see whether the explosion damaged any underground gas lines. meantime, a deadly carbon monoxide leak in the district. fire investigators say one man is dead and two women are sick after carbon monoxide took over a home in northwest. one woman made it out of the house on her own but rescuers found the other woman upstairs and the man downstairs. both women are in the hospital. fire officials are pretty sure they know what caused the leak. >> we believe the culprit of the home at 3318 was a malfunctioning furnace not basement. we believe it had some incomplete combustion. some recent work done to the chimney so there may have been some blockage. there were high levels of carbon monoxide in the home. >> fire officials say there was no carbon monoxide detector inside that home. a neighborhood in northeast d.c. is now demanding more from police after a beloved store owner was gunned down over the weekend. a 46-year-old man was shot and killed . city officials say they will have more police presence. fairfax county police are verging a suspicious death this morning. they are trying to figure out how a 19-year-old man died. authorities found his body yesterday afternoon in a field in burke. there were signs of trauma to the upper body. the teen's name has not yet been released. a fredericksburg teenager charged with killing his own mother has been released from the hospital. his mother called sheriff's deputies early saturday morning saying matthew was walking around with a knife. by the time deputies arrived, she was dead and her husband was injured. he is charged with second degree murder, malicious wounding and a weapons charge. a flurry of activity on capitol hill over the weekend as congress rushes to finish last-minute bills before the holiday break. democrats in the senate think they will get the start treaty with russia passed in the remaining days of the lame duck session. lawmaker are working on another spending bill to prevent a government shutdown overnight. they passed a historic repeal of the don't ask, don't tell policy and they sent a food safety bill to the house. still looking for mail off the holiday cards and packages? you probably are. a lot of people are. you will have plenty of company at the post office because the monday before christmas is usually the busiest shipping day of the year. audrey barnes joins us now live at the brentwood post office with more on that. good morning, audrey. >> things are quiet here right now but this place will be hopping in a few hours as people rush in to get their holiday packages and greeting cards in the mail today. people from the postal service tell us today that they are expecting to handle some 800 million pieces of mail today alone. yesterday, we found a lot of people trying to beat the rush at the friendship heights post office, one of of the few places with sunday hours. the lines were long yesterday and you can expect even longer lines today on this, the busiest mailing day of the year. >> this year, i'm actually doing well. usually, it is after christmas. people get the packages in january like the 4th and it is like happy late christmas. it is not the 6th yet. >> reporter: now, i talked to a u.s. postal service spokesman this morning. there are no extended hours. the postal service is running under a regular schedule today. if you can get your packages and greeting cards in the mail today, they guarantee they will get where they're going by christmas. so we'll be here throughout the morning to let you know when the rush is truly on. back to you. >> thank you. the redskins look toened a three-game skid against the cowboys with rex grossman behind center. they overcame a 20-point deficit in the second half to tie it at 30. rex grossman had three costly turnovers during the game. dallas kicked a game-winning field goal with under a minute left. the cowboys won it 33-30. we have plenty ahead coming up on fox 5 morning news. an international murder mystery on a hiking trail. an american tourist found dead. we'll have the latest coming up. you are watching fox 5 morning news.  we are learning more about the american woman stabbed to death in israel. kristin lu ci. n lived in virginia for years before moving to england. she and a friend were taxed while hiking near the west bank on saturday. israeli police don't have a lot of leads and no suspect at this time. we have a report on the investigation from jerusalem. >> reporter: as we drove back from the crime scene and went through some of thation you really military and checkpoints, they were searching cars and asking questions to try to find out who the suspects might be. but it is very clear now that more than 24 hours after the crime, the police still don't know what really happened out in that forest. through the night, search crews scoured the hills looking for christine logan, her fate unknown. police plan for the worst. searchers found the american woman dead hidden in some bushes not far from the trail. israel's border with the west bank is rough and rugged terrain. the two friends were out for a late saturday afternoon hike in these hills when the survivor arrived here at the trail head to tell an amazing tale. she said that two arab men attacked them somewhere out here in these hills with a knife. they ran off with the friend's fate unknown. she showed up, cut up, bloodied, hands bound and told the families trying to help her, only way to escape was by playing dead. less than 24 hours from the gruesome murder, the lone witness, susan wilson took to the airwaves telling her unbelievable story. speaking from her house bed, israeli tv blurred her face because of a court gag order in the case. police say they are looking into a lot of different options for how this crime happened. they say one. them is a nationalistic motive which means palestinians who attack targets here in israel a checking with our palestinian sources, the palestinian security services have not been asked for any help in identifying any suspects or talking to any witnesses by the israelis. we still have a lot more coming up on fox 5 morning news. up next, the dos and don'ts of gift giving. is it okay to give your boss a gift or how about regifting in we'll hear from an expert. don't try it, tucker. >> it might be too late for that. temperatures in the teens and 20s. we have a lot of wind in the forecast today as well. you know what you got to do. you got to wear the coat to work. i'll have the details in just a minute. ♪ ♪ [ children laughing ] ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, if you wish hard enough, you get exactly what you want for christmas. welcome to christmas town -- a busch gardens celebration. discover the wonder at the skyline ore sugar land, texas is a little less crowded this morning. two of the imperial sugar company's factseries were demolished. they didn't go down without a fight. dynamite worked for the first of the two metal structures but the second still stood after two attempts. it took more than and hour to get that second one to fall. the point of all this, they are making room actually for a new development project in the area. just goes to show how strongly some of the old buildings still are if two attempts with dynamite doesn't take it down. >> that is quite a skyline that sugar land has got. >> i know. it should be beautiful and sunny today. >> a lot of sunshine. but it will be chilly out there. yesterday, we got up to 38 degrees. >> what a warm-up. >> it was gorgeous out there. no rain, no snow in the forecast today. 38degrees was the high temperature yesterday at reagan national. dulles, not quite as warm as bwi marshall. we'll be cooler and windy at times this afternoon as we watch that storm system that we were watching for the weekend depart off to the east. cold temperature to start your morning. 26 at reagan national. 18 now in gaithersburg. manassas, you are 14 degrees. hagerstown, 24 degrees. fredericksburg, 22 degrees. annapolis, 26 and in stevensville, we are 28. our high temperatures will be in the upper 20s and low 30s. generally clear skies here across the immediate washington area. we have a little cloud cover and a couple of light snow showers flying in western maryland. that is about t we have a couple of interesting weather features. storm system off the coast of new england. kind of pick it up there. i'm in the way . it will throw some wind back as it continues to develop. you see this here. that is a little clipper system that will come rolling in during the day and tonight and we'll have the possibility of a couple of light flurries around the area tomorrow. the best chance will be in the mountains to the west. even here, it is possible we could have some flurry activity tomorrow. winds out of the north and west, 15 to 20, gusting to 30 miles per hour. so wind chills will feel like 20s throughout the day. we have that lunar eclipse between about 1:30 and 5:00 overnight tonight. i think we should have enough clear skies that you can catch a peek of that during the overnight hours. 249 overnight low. it will be plenty cold out there too. you might be by yourself. there is your five-day forecast. the next couple of days, a few flurries tomorrow, wednesday and thursday, we warm up to the upper 30s. we have to watch this late week storm. could bring us snow, that is right, by late in the day on friday, perhaps into the day on christmas. that would be fun. that is a look at the weather forecast. julie wright has the latest. >> so maybe a white christmas, is that what you're saying? >> yeah, i am saying that. maybe so. that would be cool. >> okay. all right. as long as santa brings me something nice and warm under the tree. >> make it easy for him to sled. on the roads this morning, you will find dry pavement and for the most part, your lands are open. no accidents have been reported at this time if you are traveling on 270 headed southbound leaving hyattstown and headed into germantown. on the ramp from 109 to go southbound on 270, that is where we have reports of the accident activity, car into the pole. part of that ramp is still tied up at this time. 270 wide open as you continue southbound working your way out. 66 looks good leaving fair oaks headed into 123. here is the live shot coming inbound suitland parkway working your way across south capital street and the douglass bridge. all of your lanes are open. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> before you get your little ones ready for school this morning, we have a few quick school delays to pass along. stafford county, virginia and spotsylvania county, virginia are both opening two hours late today. it seems to always be a question around the holidays. who do i buy for? we have some tips for you and a breakdown of the etiquette to gift giving. we have the inside scoop straight from the experts. >> for $50, this is the best gift. >> reporter: 'tis truly the season for gifts of all kinds and just in case you forget, the signs to he are mind you are everywhere especially in the malls like simon's newport center outside new york city. >> i think it is fun giving and receiving. >> reporter: but for many people, the question is not what to buy but who to buy for. >> my family, my brothers, my daughter, my girlfriend. >> reporter: leah ingram has written on the etiquette of gift giving and she says who you are giving to and what you are giving for. >> it is not bad etiquette to buy a gift through a rewards program, to use a gift card left over from last year. what is important is the end result. >> reporter: a new russ musen reports poll released first to fox news shows that only 8% of americans say gift giving is an obligation. 82% say it is something they enjoy doing. >> it comes out of my heart to get something for somebody. >> very much a part of our society and cull tier. we -- and culture. we know that because we talk about the holiday shopping season from before christmas -- before thanksgiving and all the way to christmas. >> reporter: a tougher question is whether to give gifts in the office. according to the rasmussen poll, 60% say they do. 37% say they don't. ingram says that can be tricky. >> lots of people want to give their boss a gift. i call that gifting up. but i think sometimes twisting up can look a lot like sucking up. so i always believe that you gift along the same level where you were and then gift down. >> reporter: then there is the sticky issue. regifting when you take an unwanted item, wrap it all up again and give as it a gift to someone else. >> i would never do that to anybody. >> it just hasn't happened. >> reporter: the rasmussen poll admits that 36% admit to having regifted. and 14% say they had received the same item they had given to the other person. >> people get into a situation which i call ambush gift gig giving where you are like i have given you a giftened you're like oh, my god and you run up the stairs to find something you can give on the spot under pressure. >> i like to make people happy. a neighborhood battle over which home has the best holiday displays. the competition is really heating up in one massachusetts neighborhood too. fox's adam peleren has the story. >> reporter: it was a about a week before christmas and all through heritage circumstance until falmouth, plenty of people were stirring and staring at two holiday light displays that probably could be seen from space. >> i think clark w. himself would probably say he dedicated this house to the griswold family christmas. >> it is a musical montage of merry proportions with a little bit of patriot pride on the side. across the street, dave eddy is in grinch garb and ready to steal the show from his neighbor as the two square off in a battle of decorative displays. >> we'll see what happens but i think it is pretty even right about now. >> reporter: this >> reporter: -- this is the second straight year they've battled. >> he stepped up his game, lights, mousse, fireworks and a holiday pig. >> zuco is my good luck pig. >> i don't know what i actually did to step it up. i think i got more creative and stuck with an actual theme. >> reporter: people cast their vote by donating goods, giving to the grinch or griswold. no matter who takes home the christmas crown, both are already looking ahead to next year. >> turnout is huge. coming up with a different theme every year will be a little tough. i'll keep up. if he wants to do it, i'll do it. still ahead, a shake-up at college park. long time maryland football coach ralph friedgen apparently won't be back next season but will he accept a buyout? we'll get the latest coming up. maryland football coach ralph figgen will accept a buyout and not return for the 2011 season. -- ralph friedgen will accept a buy outand not return for the 2011 season. dais ross and wisdom martin are talking ice and snow in this week's off the wall. welcome to off the wall. dave ross, wisdom martin. let's get right to it. i know you are a big hockey guy. >> i'm the biggest. >> the caps and penguins will may in in the mid-winter classic. >> this is outside, right? >> would you sit outside and do you think it is good for the game or merely a novelty. >> i don't even like coming out to get in my car and come to work and i'm getting paid for that. you know i'm not going to sitout side for a hockey game. i think it is a ridiculous idea. it is some kind of sham to make hockey this cool sport. >> it was the way the sport was originated on the ice outdoors. >> why don't you evolve a sport into something that people are interested in and not this one time a year gimmick out in the cold watch something guys on ice. it is ridiculous. >> it is great for the game of hockey. i say more of it. i don't want to overkill it. gentleman it's killed. >> if people sit outside for football -- >> football is a real sport -- or it's a better sport. >> it has generated some interest out there not just for the real fan but maybe for the cash rail fan. >> since we are on the subject of cold weather, snow, i mean it is wintertime. we know to expect this every year. but are we tired of this? can we go one winter without snow in. >> let me break it down for you. i was born and raised

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