Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 6 20091020 : vimarsa

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 6 20091020

it. these next 14 days are going to be critical. channeling the energy of his high profile guest, cree deeds tried to pump up the enthusiasm into a campaign. >> we're going to be knocking on doors, phoning, whatever it takes to get out every vote. >> along with deeds two democratic heavy hitters, former president clinton and former democratic national chairman terry mcauliffe. >> don't pay any attention to the polls. only one poll matters. >> mcauliffe learned that the hard way even after former president clinton campaigned against deeds in the primary. >> i'll tell you what i learned in the primary. never underestimate this man. these polls are both accurate and they're not. >> clinton argued polls are a snapshot of one day in the race. he told us too many comparisons are being made between this year and 1993. that's when democrats lost governor's races in virginia and new jersey and republicans took control of congress the next year. >> how much stock do you put in this comparison between the 1993 gubernatorial election and this year? >> oh, i think that first of all, not a lot because of what they've been through. keep in mind, for different reasons, the people of virginia and the people of new jersey, they've been through a lot. >> but some analysts like american university professor leonard steinhorn say even if it's only for one day, having bill clinton cam pane f him could pay off in two weeks for cree deeds. >> he is very popular with southern, white democrats who might come out and say, i'm going to vote for this guy because bill clinton said he's a good person. >> now, there probably is one person who is a bigger name in the democratic party than bill clinton. he will be campaigning for cree deeds as well. president obama is scheduled to appear with the state senator next week on tuesday. >> thank you. president obama is standing by his promise to remove all u.s. combat troops from iraq by next august. he met with the iraqi prime minister at the oval office today. he pledged to help iraq create a critical election law. a crucial victory for pee pes in his fight to close the prison at guantanamo bay. today the senate approved a plan to ship terror suspects from gitmo to u.s. soil to face trial. a spy scandal in maryland. a judge ordered dr. stewart nozette held without bond. the f.b.i. claims he conspired to sell government secrets to israel. the f.b.i. has a video of him leaving an envelope containing classified information at a post office box. guilty, that's the verdict for ramone alvarado. a jury convicted him of brutally murdering an elderly wheaton woman. she was killed in her silver spring home last november. prosecutors claim he forced his way inside, then slammed her head into furniture, doused her with gas and set her on fire. police say he killed her to cover up a check altering scheme. in virginia. family of 16 forced from their home by fire. flames broke out inside this arlington home overnight. a family member came home and saw the smoke. there was no smoke detector working. a vaccine shortage is fueling swine flu fears. local health departments are scrambling to adjust their vaccination plans. we're live in northwest. a giant turnout today. >> reporter: say swine flu vaccine and the people will line up to get it. they lined up outside here about 4:30. most of them are inside now. pregnant women and children, 6 months old to young people 24 years old, the only folks eligible. d.c.'s department of health is targeting high risk individuals. the supply levels in the district are not a surprise and says d.c. always expected to get shipments in phases, not doses all at once. fairfax county held a news conference today to announce they're taking drastic steps to scale back their distribution of h1n1 vaccine because of delays in production. instead find making 50,000 doses available to kids at ten public middle schools next weekend, they're going to do one all day clinic at the fairfax county government center this saturday from 9:00 to 5:00. they'll dole out 10,000 doses. >> the department of healthhad to adjust its district plans. we have had to change our plans to match the limited supply of vaccine currently available which is significantly less than we anticipated. >> reporter: now medical experts say the reason for the delay in production is that the manufacturers start making it at the beginning of a flu season and this time those manufacturers who normally make the seasonal flu vaccine had to switch over to the swine flu vaccine. this clinic here is going to go on until 9:00 p.m. >> thank you. police in charlottesville are searching for a missing student who vanished during a metallica concert. authorities say morgan harrington got separated from her friends saturday near the john paul jones arena. her parents say they talked to her every day and she would not have run away. the story might make you shake your head. a group of kids charged with desecrating dozens of graves in a maryland cemetery. washington county sheriff's deputies arrested three 10-year- olds and a 13-year-old. investigators claim they overturned 60 headstones at riverview cemetery in williamsport. some graves dated back to the late 1700s. coming up next, first a baby denied insurance for being too fat, now this little girl cannot get coverage because she's too skinny. also, they're a strange, small flying object in the air at the university of maryland. they're so quiet. they're almost creepy. don't miss this story. here's a look at the rest of our rundown, a few of the stories we're watching for you. we're back in two.  first lady michelle obama continued her tour of federal agencies today with a stop at the department of veterans affairs. she's visiting each agency to get to know government workers and personally thank them for their service. she told the employees their work is vital. >> my husband will never forget that his efforts are only as strong as the people on his team. no matter what bills he signs into law, no matter what legislation he passes or helps to pass, it only works because of all of you behind it making it real. >> the first lady also touted budget increases to the v.a. that will expand coverage to half a million more veterans. today at the white house president obama awarded the nation's highest honor for a military unit to an army troop that served in vietnam. troop a first squadron leverth armored combat regiment received the presidential unit citation on. march 26, 1970, troop a volunteered for a terrifying mission to rescue 100 infantrymen surrounded by the enemy on thvietnam-cambodia border. >> these men will tell you themselves, this is not a story of a battle that changed the course of a war, it never had a name like teat or khe sahn, it never made the papers back home, but like countless battles, known and unknown, it is a proud chapter in the story of the american soldier. >> the 100 men were said but two men in troop a died. colorado family is battling their health insurance company after it denied coverage for their 2-year-old daughter. the reason, united health care golden rule says the2-year-old is under weight. her parents say she has been treated for a gag reflex which affected her eang but claims she's perfectly healthy. >> it really is discouraging and frustrating because just because a child is above the 95th percentile or below the fifth percentile, doesn't mean they are unhealthy. it just means that they're a different body type. >> remember another colorado family went through a similar struggle with their insurance company after it denied coverage for their 17-month-old for being too fat. that deposit changed its policy. a futuristic gadget so hot everyone from the army to the police, maybe you, might be wanting one. a tiny, high flying spy camera invented by a local student. he used mother nature for his inspiration. a brawl over the balloon boy. tenses running high outside the heene home. getting that degree costing you more than ever. tuition and fees for private colleges shot up more than 4% this school year. the college board found a more dramatic jump at public schools, up more than 6%. the mysterious object spotted flying around the university of maryland campus. they could soon be popping up on the balancing field, at crime scenes, or your own backyard. they're called monocopters. a team of students designed them after maple seeds. >> reporter: small dark objects have been darting around indoors and outdoors at the engineering school at the university of maryland in reason years. they're not bats, they're not birds, they're small monocopters invented bya graduate engineering team. the plight can be controlled with a radio transmitter. these prototypes are capable of being launched from the ground. these flying machines are as small as three inches across. where did the aerospace engineering department at maryland come up with the idea of a remote controlled monocopper? maple trees, or the seeds that maple trees produce, seeds at sometimes fly far from the original tree. >> it has the optimal aerodynamic descent, the highest drag force of anything of the same size and same weight and same scale. >> the army which helped fund the research, is very interested in these tiny flying machines which could quietly check on an enemy and beam back video. law enforcement might use them to fly through a building in a hostage situation. they're also likely to be manufactured as toys. >> i've let a couple kids fly it. they didn't wreck it. >> what's the answer? do you see this as a toy also? >> yeah. >> he will earn his doctor anytime aerospace engineering in may and the inventor's best guess is his new flying gizmo might be available for purchase in stores at about the same time. back to you. >> he has other ambitions. he wants to join the manned space program as an astronaut. just when you thought the balloon boy saga could not get bigger, it has. the faa has opened its own investigation. the agency will investigate civil allegations, not criminal. last thursday the plan laded near denver airport leading to minor disruptions. sheriffs are considering charges again the boy's parents. did you see tempers running high outside the home of the balloon boy? look at this video. a man driving through the neighborhood got mad at tv crews when they blocked his car. he got out and started an argument with the tv crew. that guy grabs him from behind and threw him to the ground. he got up, broke out of the head lock, threw a couple of punches to the face. police showed up. so far no arrests. although, i don't think we've heard the end of that. sue palka now. >> that story needs to go away. get him some help. the sun is out today. we hit 70 degrees. it never felt so good. tomorrow is even warmer. good news on a couple of fronts. it should not be as cold tonight as last night. still sunshine out there. it get the dark pretty early and if you are thinking about this, dayght savings time ending soon. it will be november 1. enjoy the relative light while you can. november 1 we'll set the clocks back or we fall back and lose that hour. today we are looking at a gorgeous day in d.c. we are thinking it will be a real nice run of weather. it will not be as cold overnight. last night we had a lot of frost advisories. that's not in effect tonight. tomorrow sunny and mile, and so will thursday. showers will enter the picture friday afternoon. they'll last will you most of saturday. we should be able to redeem sunday. a lot of you may be watching or participating in the marine corps marathon. the weather looks good for that. should be dry, a breeze. a few leaves may be coming down through the week. they're looking pretty around d.c. our high temperature today 70 degrees. warm days, cold nights will really bring on the color. dulles hit 72. it's warm now. 63 in d.c. hagerstown 69. it's not even that cold toarl binghamton or detroit. 64 degrees chicago. raleigh 68. more warm air showing up on the weather map. for tonight a few clouds, not as cold as last night. d.c. dropping to 50 under light winds. good radiational cooling. mid-30s may be confined to the mountains. for tomorrow a lot of sunshine, some places mid-70s. d.c. will come in with high of 72. some chilly sunshine, but relatively chilly compare to the past few days. noon mostly sunny, 67. by 5:00 mostly sunny and 70 degrees. a few high clouds coming into our picture. we have had a very powerful hurricane now downgraded to tropical storm rick. it will make landfall in the next twelve hours or so. a huge problem for mexico. our beautiful weather will be supplied by a hu area of high pressure that will be in place for the next couple of days. we have a frontal system on the weather map. it will get in here and temperatures will drop back to abou60 degrees. this high holds showers off most likely until we get to about friday afternoon. friday afternoon into sat date will keep them going. i think there is a couple of hick ups in the computer. one stop shopping for you. there's the five-day forecast. tomorrow 72, thursday 76, then cooler friday into saturday and sunday. temperatures in the 60s. >> you will not let those computers beat you down. >> no, i won't. >> thank you. some local athletes dropped by a d.c. school to encourage kids to be kind to anima. it's called athletes for animals. washington capitols shane morrison and d.c. you fighted clyde sims showed up. after the speeches they hung around to sign autographs and let the kids play with their dogs. the maryland temperatures are getting a new look. their special new uniforms are coming up next. coach jim zo are rn, how comfortable is he after getting stripped of his play calling duties? tor can mean everything. indepece hope security. and medicare makes it possible. but every year, congress must make a temporary fix to the medicare payment plan so seniors can keep their doctor and the care they depend on. we need a permanent solution --torotect medicare and ensure seniors get the security and stability they've earned. call your senators today. ask them to pass s.1776 to protect seniors' access to quality care. you wanted more. you wanted videos and photos... email and broadband. you wanted to run your business from anywhere... and instant messaging to stay in touch with everyone. you wanted apps to find music, news, or the way home. ok your wireless companies... grow your world. good evening. i'm dave feldman. hard to feel sorry for an nfl head coach. they make millions, they get to coach some of the best athletes, they fly on private jets, unlimited paraphernalia with their team logo. how can you not feel for jim zorn and the predicament he's in? two weeks ago she were louis came in to give the team another set of eyes. now the eyes are looking down at jim zorn from the press box and calling the plays. jim zorn was originally hired as the other i have coordinator and then to head coach, 20 months later he is demoted. messing with the head coach's authority can be aing blow. >> my comfort level is, you know, somewhere between one and ten. it's not at ten. but it's something that i'm going to have to grow into. it's a good question. it's not easy. >> running back marcus mason one of three players released today by the skins. he rushed six times for 19 yards. anthony allridge also released. they added running back quenton rent ailed owe wynn. after starting the season with six winless owe point thes. the next six pose a major challenge. monday night the eagles. after the bye week it's november 8 the falcons, then november 15 at home verse denver. the next three on the road against the cowboys, philadelphia, then home versus the 5-0 saints. last monday night, denver- chargers, westfield high grad eddie whirl had a night to remember. first quarter denver trails 3- 0. he returns the kick-off 93 yards for the touchdown. second quarter denver done 13- 10. he is the leftth nfl player to return both a kick-off and punt for a touchdown in the same game. denver wins 34-23. the maryland football team unveiled uniforms that will be worn in the first wounded warrior project game november 14. the program honors and empowers members of the u.s. armed forces wounded in the line of duty. manny acta interviewed for the second time today with the indians regard willing their manage yearly opening. he is considered a finalist with two others. >> thank you. we have some good news on the front. it will get up to 72 degrees tomorrow. some places may hit the mid- 70s. thursday 76. next chance of showers late friday or maybe friday afternoon. off and on all day saturday. sunday clears out. >> the news is always on we're back here tonight after the game. >> today on "tmz" -- >> ok, karina smirnoff, the chick from "dancing with the stars," is not into other dancers. she is into baseball players,

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Vietnam , Republic Of , American University , District Of Columbia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Denver , Colorado , Mexico , Iraq , Hagerstown , Maryland , New Jersey , Israel , Fairfax County , Chicago , Illinois , Iraqi , American , Clyde Sims , John Paul Jones , Ramone Alvarado , Michelle Obama , Manny Acta , Oshane Morrison , Terry Mcauliffe , Morgan Harrington , Dave Feldman , Jim Zorn , Marcus Mason , Karina Smirnoff ,

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