Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20180105 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20180105

with what areas got hit the worst. kathy. >> talking about the shore communities, iain, get a foot to foot and a half of snow and while we're talking about second part storm. the first punch of course with the snow. the second the brutal cold. those roads are slick. so obviously there was no melting going on today. it was ice earlier it stays ice tonight. it feels like 16 below in the poconos. two below in allentown. two below in pottstown and one below in wilmington already. look at these winds they are relentless reading gusting to 43. 39 miles an hour gusts in millville and atlantic city. those are tropical storm force gusts just to put that in perspective and they are not going to be giving up overnight. so tomorrow morning will be brutally cold. wind chills lehigh valley and poconos 15 to 30 below. in the philadelphia area ten to 15 below. and down the shore, about five to ten below. remember this. blowing snow continues. that snow is so light and fluff tee and those strong winds will be blowing it around tomorrow. iain we also have record cold coming in over the weekend. it's going to get even colder. we'll talk about that coming up. >> all right, thanks of course. as kathy mentioned the blizzard blasting the jersey shore prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency. powerful winds making it hard to clear the roads. new jersey transit says they'll continue to clear the snow throughout the night to pro pair for the commute tomorrow. firefighters bracing old man winter to put out fire at a high-rise in a complex in atlantic city. residents forced from their homes and into the below freezing temperatures. all right dave kinchen has more ttonight live in atlantic city. dave report roar iain these frigid temperatures thee hundred people displaced. many of them taking shelter at this school behind me. these are folks who are elderly. they have special needs or they are disable. part of a housing complex, public housing complex that caters to their specific needs here. it will take up to 12 hours we're told to find temporary housing for these people while firefighters work this scene. >> wires were whipping around. sparks were flying around. we had electrical fire, spot fires throughout all 18 floors. >> i was scared to death because i didn't know where my wife was. >> reporter: intense moments for antonio lopez who came to firefighters work tag three alarm fire at his complex the jeffrey inlet towers in atlantic city. >> i don't have anything. it's like everything is in the apartment. i don't have no debit cards or -- all my money is in the house. i have nothing. >> reporter: meantime, first responders evacuated dozens of residents including the elderly and disabled moving them to another apartment building as well as a school. while they did that firefighters balanced bone tingling cold and strong frigid winds while trying to get water on to the blaze. >> the blizzard was just on his its tale end. we were still experiencing 30, 35 miles an hour winds. we were still experiencing, you know, whiteout conditions. we got drifts, two, three, 4-foot drifts actually when this call came in we had two engines stuck. >> reporter: as displaced residents figure out their next step. >> i don't know what i'm going to do. i just pray to god that everything is going to turn out good. >> reporter: the fire chief toll us at one point they noticed that there were people up on the top floors hanging on to their balconies coughing because the smoke was coming out of their homes and they were crying for help. thankfully, thankfully, we're told by officials there were no injuries in this fire. it seems to be electrical fire at this point. back to you. >> dave, thank you for that. some changes to tell you would you nom you plan on using septa tomorrow. because of the high winds that we're expecting the regional rails will operate on a saturday schedule. so that means fewer trains than normal friday so plan your day accordingly. also, buses are going to operate in place of bala cynwyd line trains. snow emergency now lifted for the city of philadelphia. so that means you can park on those snow emergency routes. city offices will be closed tomorrow, though. so rode crews can continue to plow and they got their work cut out for them. our shawnette wilson has been driving around philadelphia tonight. shawnette how are the roads out there. >> reporter: iain, you know, they're drivable, of course, if you stick to the main roads. in fact when we were in center city earlier this evening the roads looked really good. we saw slew of,, what do you call them how trucks win the past 30 means we were on broad street. give you a look right now we're on south 13th street in south philly of course you may recognize this as the miracle on south 13th. the lights look really good but the roads not so much. now i'll be honest though they are passible. but they're a little slick and icy and of course for people who live in this area in these neighborhoods freezing is a concern overnight as well as digging out their cars come tomorrow morning. >> aiden and his sister khloe are loving their day off from school but mom isn't. >> no, it's not that bad. but temperature twos low. report roar the kids weren't happy about the weather at first. >> it was like their first day of school of this year and now school is canceled so they were so sad, and now, yeah, they're happy again. >> reporter: block over on south street things were pretty quiet. minus few people out after being in all day. very few businesses were open. snow accumulation wasn't too bad around the city but enough for shoveling and concern about freeze overnight had some out salting slush made it difficult for some drivers to get around. public transportation was probably the best way to go today. as as long as you could stand the whipping wind and the wait. her bus was 15 minutes behind so far when we caught up with her at jfk. >> terrible. i'm out here freezing, okay. >> zac is driving for uber. >> almost like six hours i got out and when i got out it was not like this but the city people are doing good job like clearing the streets. >> reporter: gurmo says the snow isn't affecting his money. >> most people are not driving. that's the good thing about it the. >> reporter: so again we're on 12th street in south philly. you can see again the roads very gritty. more traffic out than we expected today. so i kind of feel like people out driving along the roads help do the work that some of those plow trucks weren't able to do. but, again, iain, we just saw a bunch of plow trucks on broad street within the past 30 minutes so appears they'll be working throughout night that's good news. >> that is good news. shawnette, stay safe out there. you and greg. gusty winds and freezing wind chills closing blue mountain resort earlier today. receipt sort tweeting that it will close at 4:00 p.m. tomorr tomorrow. tubing will also be closed until saturday morning. so the further away from the coast we go the less the impact from that big storm but the blisters cold is still going to be an issue for everyone. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live in bensalem bucks county tonight. sabina. >> reporter: iain it was hard to tell exactly when the snow stopped falling because the wind just kept whipping all of it up. now all of this wet heavy snow hard to shovel even for the snowplows. you can see behind me right now people here are stocking up on food and other supplies they tell us they are bracing for the aftermath. >> at home it's boring. >> reporter: not your typical weather for a stroll. but bridget and nicole going stir crazy so they left their langhorne home. >> it was cold but we were able to bare it. >> reporter: outside walmart the wind how long so hard it was almost like a second round of the storm. the glow of the snowplow working in the darkness. >> i went to the mark yesterday and spent $200 because of the storm. >> despite angie was back today reuping her family's supply of windshield wiper fluid. turns out you can't plan for everything. >> the trucks driving past keep making the windows dirty. >> reporter: bundled up and bracing the chill customers restocking in preparation for day two cold and cleanup. >> i've been here since 17 years. this is the first time i seen this much cold. >> reporter: this much cold on top of all of this wind and, of course, the snow now we still have snow emergencies throughout the county including right here in bensalem. where schools are going to be closed again for the second day in a row. so far authorities still telling people stay off the road. back to you. >> all right. good advice there, sabina. stay warm. from the shore to the suburbs while the coast saw the most snow, areas inland still got several inches making for a messy if not treacherous day. fox 29's bruce gordon is joins us live in king of prussia tonight. bruce? >> reporter: iain, kin king of prussia official snow count today 4.5-inches. pretty much in line with what the rest of the suburbs north and west of philadelphia saw. certainly nothing like what they experienced do you at the shore, but no picnic either. >> as darkness december descended on king of prussia the temperature dropped, the winds how old, and ice slicked rout route 202 glistens. we found alex gassing up his snowblower for an evening of plowing topping off long day. >> i start at 4:00 in the morning i have a regular job. i do this on the side and my son helped me report roar at this wawa cars were lined up to fill their tires. each drop of 10 degrees costs i was pound per square inch of air pressure that air isn't escaping it's condensing inside. >> you got the air in your tires. you were finding it little tough getting around little traction problem? little bit. it's not horrible but you have to be careful. >> reporter: stores throughout king of prussia mostly empty with most of the action taking place in the parking lots. where contractors cleared the way for customers willing to brave dangerously cold weather friday. kelly ellis and her friends were food shopping at target. they're expecting a house full of cheerleader. >> definitely some snacks for them. the kids are off from school already. >> reporter: you've got to have a house full of food i guess, right. >> yeah. >> reporter: nearby the to king of prussia beer outlet customers were stocking up for the weather and for the weekend. >> not necessarily sure if you can get out tomorrow or what the weather will be like tomorrow. >> reporter: you don't want to be out beer on friday. >> you don't want to be beer and you don't want to be without beer witness kids at home all day for two days in a row, right? >> reporter: good advice from joe there. one remain i spoke to penndot plow truck driver tonight iain who rye minded us again when you see the big trucks out there clearing, plowing, salting these streets, give them some room to operate. >> yeah, that's great advice, bruce. thank you. stay warm. don't forget you can wake up with "good day philadelphia" karen hepp, thomas drayton, bob kelly and sue serio will all be in with your current conditions and the latest forecast. "good day philadelphia" of course starts at 4:00 a.m. travel troubles are the worse and the snowstorm is not helping flight delays. what can you really do? if you get stuck. the streets are an absolute me mess. officials warning to you stay home but some are just ignoring that advice for a good reason. and here's live look at ocean city, new jersey, one of the areas hit by snow and still to come stinging cold, yeah, you might not want to leave your house tomorrow either. with dunkin' deals, you get two egg & cheese wake-up wrap sandwiches for $2. and two of those for two of those means you deserve a few of those. stop in for the latest dunkin' deal, two egg & cheese wake-up wrap sandwiches for $2. america runs on dunkin'. ,000 deaths in america last year. we need to stand up and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. freck breaking news from wilmington. a car stolen with two kids inside. tonight police are looking for the guy responsible. police say around 5:00 this evening, a woman left her car with her one and five-year-old children inside left it running while she went into wawa on the 2,000 block of limestone road. she came out five minutes later car was gone. car was dumped a few miles away. the kids were inside. they are safe. but that guy took off running much police are still looking for him. you want to know how quickly that snow fell. check out this cool time lapse in doylestown, bucks county. kathy orr will tell you how much snow you saw in your backyard in just a few minutes. it's no secret that bad weather inevitably creates travel problems. flight cancellations and delays for miles. philadelphia airport spokesperson telling telling us half of today's nights are canceled and 50 more already canceled for tomorrow. we're talking thousands of people stranded. so what does this mean for you? sin the cancellations are the weather's fault more airlines are not responsible for your hotel room or if you get stuck overnight. so as always check your night status before you leave. all right. taking live look over reading in berk county tonight. the snow is starting to clear off the roads but tomorrow we're talking winds so gusty and so cold it could take your breath away. kathy that's enough for some folks to stay inside tomorrow as well. >> iain when it gets that cold talk about temperatures in the teens single numbers below zero, it is hard to catch your breath. literally and you can see ultimate doppler showing those stream lines northwesterly winds as the storm pulls away and that means much colder air. it's arctic high pressure system that's building in behind it. bayville new jersey 18-inches of snow. a first and a half in brick township. ocean city, new jersey, 15.5-inches of snow. now it's blowing around it's just a mess and frigid down there. mace landing a foot. marlton five. haddon heights you got your forecast amount of 4.6-inches of snow. let's talk about the wind. winds out of the northwest gusting to 41 miles an hour right now. we continue to see those strong gusts right through tomorrow morning. during "good day philadelphia" we'll be talking about westerly gusts to 38 miles an hour in philadelphia and atlantic city and wildwood gusting in the 40s. that's tropical storm force strength just to give you an idea. and those gusts will continue right through the afternoon and that is why we have a wind chill advisory that is in effect for tomorrow. for more on the cold and the records, let's zen it over to scott. hey, scott. >> hi, kathy. whipping winds and those dropping temperatures. they will drop pretty rapidly in fact as we take a look what's happening across the state, you can see philadelphia right now 17 degrees. but as we move toward pittsbur pittsburgh, the actual air temperature it's 4 degrees as we move around sections of the great lakes, take a look at chicago. 4 degrees. international falls 17 below and if you think that is cold, take a look at what's coming in our direction. it's 52 degrees below zero right now and that is the air temperature. so the cold invasion will overtake the region. take look at what it will feel like. we have wind chill warnings in effect for the poconos up to 30 degrees below zero in the coming days. five below to 15 degrees below zero for philadelphia suburbs north and west into the jersey shore. so frost bite that will be a risk along with hypothermia dress in layers, cover up remember the p's people, check on the elderly, your pets and drip those pipes. tire pressure could be an issue along with car batteries. but what about a warming trend as we look at that january 12th through 18th outlook, it looks like above average temperatures about 40% chance for the delaware valley so, yes, kathy that january thaw it's on its way. >> wow. that's something to look forward to for sure. let's take you to delaware. some of our faces places to be in the summer in the sun and the sand are covered with snow over a foot of snow you can see the plows trying to clear everything out this evening. years ago the shore points didn't get much snow. we felt sorry for those kids. not the case in this day and age. overnight 10 degrees in philadelphia. four below in the poconos. six in allentown and only seven in trenton. tomorrow, temperatures will be pushing to make it to 20 not quite in philadelphia though. 19 it will feel like it's below zero with those gusts. here are the temperatures to beat. the record for saturday the record low is four. we're forecasting six. bee sunday the record is four as well. we're forecasting one below lo looking to shatter that record. your seven day forecast shows that warming trend iain after the weekend and that brutal start sunday. 30s monday. 40s for tuesday. wednesday and thursday. then that warmup that scott told you about. wahoo, 40s. >> three straight days. i'll take it. thank you kathy. the bomb cyclone not stopping a few volunteers. our bill anderson shares how one organization is making sure those in need don't go hungry even on snow day. >> reporter: they tell us stay home, don't drive on unplowed streets. you shouldn't be out in this and all that's good advice but for some people staying in is just not an option. >> our clients depend on us to provide these meals. it doesn't matter that it's snowing outside. they still need new trig. they still need to feel better. >> reporter: you probably know that manna is a non-profit that provides meals to medically fragile clients and since their clients have needs, the volunteers who make this whole organization go understand that little snow can't the reason that they don't show up. >> what happens is, if we aren't here, we don't do this, somebody doesn't eat. >> reporter: so when schools government and most businesses were closed, workers and von l& volunteers were at manna preparing and delivering food all day. they have personal reasons for why they ignore the advice to stay at home. for dave, it was the memory of his stepson. >> my stepson, um, actually died of aids by the time he passed away he was blind and, you know, weighed packly nothing many. >> reporter: he comes every week to help out because he knows what having a place like manna means to seriously ill clients. >> when we're packaging meals here, i feel like i'm feeding him. >> reporter: volunteers commit many should be obvious to everyone but the impact of manna being open on the snow day became even more clear to me when dell ma came walking in to pick up meals for her sister. >> who is very ill with renal disease, diabetes and too weak weak to answer her door. >> reporter: rain or shine an apparently even during snow, nearly 100,000 meals provided per month with a small staff and volunteers cooking and delivering so on day when the smart move was probably to just stay inside -- >> little snow is not going to stop manna. >> nah. >> reporter: we're say you thank you to some who didn't for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ all right. sean what's coming up in sports? >> all right iain with 45 games to go in the sixers season the 76ers look to make the playoffs and they should they must remove the bubble tape from joel embiid ♪ you've her the saying new year, new me, right? well i'm hoping the sixers look to change their ways when it comes to the handling of joel embiid in 2018. last night's performance versus the spurs game when he was ruled out and five minutes before tip team brass decided he could go. was another bad look how they've been handling joe joe but not my focus here. i want to focus removing the bubble tape and allow embiid to play the eight back to backs the sixers have on the schedule. if joel makes the all star game i want him playing there as well. that's right. i said it i've had it. joel embiid has earn it this season his play is electric and moving away from the stats how about a big difference from last season where he ended up on theism r embiid look more stable out on the floor and a lot less reckless. i understand the way the sixers have handled him up until this point. but right now there are 45 games left this season with an 18-19 rcord if you want to chance to make the playoffs, load management must be a plan from the past. iain. >> sean, thank you how about this? check out down south families having someone in the snow. there's kids using body body as a sled they got pick up pulling him. not the safest thing the national weather service 5-inches of snow fell third toe snowy west day in the history of charleston. >> the that's how they're rolling. >> dad is getting yelled at tonight. >> um-hmm. >> we used to roll around the back up pick up, no car seats or seat belts. >> be safe out there. thanks for watching. you can tune into good day tomorrow morning at 4am. thanks for watching us and ok, so with the award-winning geico mobile app, our customers have 24/7 access, digital id cards, they can even pay their bill- (beep) bill has joined the call. hey bill, we're just- phone: hi guys, bill here. do we have julia on the line too? 'k, well we'll just- phone: hey sorry. i had you muted. well yea let's just- phone: so what i was thinking- ok well we'll- phone: yeah- let's just go ahead- phone: oh alright- the award-winning geico app. download it today. announcer: today on "tmz" -- charles: to hell with all of these friendly hollywood greetings at parties. we've got video at a diddy party and this is the way celebrities should really greet each other. >> rah from "love & hip-hop" said she sees her archenemy sky so she walks up to sky like you know, hugs. >> it's a gadget fight. it's a gadget fight! >> khloe kardashian at l.a.x. we said what's your routine right now? do you work out every day, and she says -- >> when i feel up to it. >> normally with your first kid, you always snap back. >> it also depends how old you are, definitely. >> still, it's a good idea if you start your first kid at 30. that's what you should do. not like your 20's. >> but you didn't. >> yeah, technically that wasn't a good idea.

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