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USS Idaho sailors make the jump from sub to jet boat during
USS Idaho sailors make the jump from sub to jet boat during
USS Idaho sailors make the jump from sub to jet boat during Gem State visit
Six sailors from the USS Idaho left their nuclear-powered fast attack submarine in Connecticut and boarded a jet boat bound for Hells Canyon this week during a jam-packed trip to
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Snake River ,
Washington ,
United States ,
Canada ,
Hells Canyon ,
Montana ,
Moscow ,
Moskva ,
Russia ,
Japan ,
Nez Perce ,
Idaho ,
Imnaha River ,
Oregon ,
White Bird Canyon ,
Bayview ,
North Carolina ,
Connecticut ,
Cook Creek ,
South Dakota ,
Grangeville ,
Alabama ,
University Of Idaho ,
Palouse ,
Imnaha ,
Georgia ,
Wallowa ,
Asotin ,
America ,
Americans ,
Canadian ,
American ,
Alex Boxmeyer ,
Robert Boscan ,
Alan Griffitts ,
Daniel Lannigan ,
Paul Agidius ,
Phillip Alvey ,
Bruce King ,
Henry Netzer ,
Grande Ronde ,
Don Curry ,
Randall Leslie ,
Lenny Frasure ,
Us Forest Service ,
Us Navy ,
Bayview Research ,
Idaho Panhandle ,
Coast Guard ,
Hells Gate Marina ,
Dug Bar ,
Nez Perce Indians ,
Chief Joseph ,
White Bird Battlefield ,
Native Americans ,
Mountain Sheep ,
Buffalo Eddy ,
Cache Creek Ranch ,
Joe Deacon ,
Bayview Research Base ,
Air Force ,
Wild Goose Tavern ,
Lewiston Clarkston Valley ,
Armed Forces ,
Aval Forces ,
Atercraft And Nautical Navigation ,
Ydrography ,
Industry ,
Tourism ,
Ransportation ,
Ob Market ,
Geology ,
Sports ,
Politics ,