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Why the extraordinary story of Alex Murdaugh is gripping Ame
Why the extraordinary story of Alex Murdaugh is gripping Ame
Why the extraordinary story of Alex Murdaugh is gripping America
Between the courtroom drama surrounding Alex Murdaugh and a well-timed Netflix documentary about his story, the nation is hooked
Related Keywords
South Carolina ,
United States ,
Florida ,
Charleston ,
Colleton County ,
America ,
Alex Murdaugh ,
Paul Murdaugh ,
Curtis Edward Smith ,
Akim Anastopoulo ,
Murdaugh Snr ,
Randolph Murdaugh Jr ,
Gloria Satterfield ,
Stephen Smith ,
Carolina Law Enforcement Division ,
Netflix ,
Randolph Murdaugh ,
Judicial Circuit ,
Mallory Beach ,
Murdaugh Murders ,
Southern Scandal ,
South Carolina Law Enforcement Division ,
Crime ,
Daily Features ,
Standard ,
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