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Youth mental health crisis: Auditor-General exposes vast gap
Youth mental health crisis: Auditor-General exposes vast gap
Youth mental health crisis: Auditor-General exposes vast gaps in Government response
An inquiry by the Auditor-General into how government agencies support the mental health needs of 12- to 24-year-olds has found that too many young people...
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New Zealand ,
New Zealanders ,
Dame Jacinda Ardern ,
Alex Spence ,
Oranga Tamariki ,
John Ryan ,
Young ,
Ministry Of Health ,
Health New Zealand ,
Ministry Of Education ,
Jacinda Ardern ,
Auditor General John Ryan ,
Youth ,
Mental ,
Health ,
Crisis ,
Auditorgeneral ,
Exposes ,
Vast ,
Gaps ,
In ,
Government ,
Response ,
Inquiry ,
Into ,
Agencies ,
Support ,
Needs ,
24yearolds ,
Found ,
That ,
Many ,
People ,
Missing ,
Despite ,
Major ,
Investments ,
Sector ,
Alex ,
Spence ,
Reports ,
Findings ,