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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20170110 03:00:00

feel your party, the democratic party does not pay attention to them any more you are more concerned with what bathroom people go into, to how they earn a living? what is the message. very fair question. one, you give me credit. it s about 1:10. it s not a bad rate for me. look, if we were going back in history to the 30s and 40s, and you asked the average working person, which party is the party of the working class in america? overwhelmingly, people would have said it was the democratic party. today people do not say that. and for good reason. no. when we talk about the greed on wall street, it wean the the republicans alone who did it, they did it with democrats. it was a democratic administration, not a republican
administration, that brought forth nafta, i think the democrats have got to make a fundamental choice, chris, that is which side are they on? you cannot be on the side of wall street, of the drug companies and the insurance companies and the big money and go to working people and say, hey, i m on your side, they re smart enough, they re not going to believe you. what we have got to do is come up with an agenda that speaks to the needs of working people, that is creating millions of decent paying jobs, making public colleges and universities tuition free. raising minimum wage to $15 an hour. creating jobs by addressing the crisis of climate change. dealing with the need for immigration reform, et cetera, et cetera. i think the american people understand that there s something profoundly wrong in this country when you have a small number of billionaires that have so much power. and i believe they want to see a government which represents all of us, that s what the democratic party has goat to stand for.
we get to the issues, was it a serious discussion about serious things? our thanks to vermont senator, bernie sanders. happy new year to you. for everyone who made this town hall possible, and it s more than you may just be thinking about what you see up here on the stage. this is just the beginning of a special week at cnn. tomorrow, we have president obama s farewell address, wednesday, you have president-elect donald trump, holding his first full scale news conference in months. and later on wednesday night, van jones is going to host another edition of his town hall series, the messy truth. thursday, you have my colleague here at the george washington university with the republican speaker of the house, representative paul ryan. our thanks to our host, to george washington university, and to all of you in the audience tonight at home and watching. don lemon picks up our coverage right now.
thank you very much. very nice job, my friend. you and the senator both. you just saw our town hall with bernie sanders. and he his senate colleagues begin confirmation hearings tomorrow for donald trump s cabinet picks. thanks for joining us. one president getting ready to move into the white house, the other getting ready to say good-bye. president barack obama hard at work tonight on his farewell address set for tomorrow in chicago. as president-elect trump prepares to take the oath of office, his daughter and son in law have become d.c. s newest power couple. jared kushner named a senior exec. the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back.
we have so much to get to tonight. i want to begin with jim acosta. emily jane fox, also here, richard painter, chief white house ethics lawyer under george w. bush joins us. and jon meacham historian. quite a fascinating hour, jon meacham. i want to get your reaction to bernie sanders town hall. trum assembly his administration. they re regrouping to try to figure out what happens with the democratic party. you should be worried about the issues at hand instead of what happened. every action produces a reaction. if trump is an answer to the obama years, there s going to be given the speed of the american pulse. there s going to be a moment where the democrats are going to be rethinking. it s striking to me still that senator sanders, given his age,
elites, but who are the elites when you have so many billionaires in power. this is a pivotal moment for the campaign. they re making it official his son in law is going to be an adviser. what are you hearing. people have been comparing this to hillary clinton running health care reform under bill clinton, i think jared kushner coulding more powerful than hillary clinton was in that white house. he was probably donald trump s most trusted adviser throughout the entirety of the 2016 campaign. and what they re envisioning for jared kushner is sort of the senior adviser who overseas everything. he was down at the capitol today meeting with paul ryan to go over tax reform. he s been meeting with donald trump and other foreign leaders. they looked at this, the legalities of all of this on a conference call one of jared
asked questions of lawyers who represent various people who are up for positions in the administration, and i ve given my honest opinion on that. it s debatable. whether it applies to an appointment by the president in the white house it certainly applies to the president making an appointment outside the white house. one point i ve emphasized with all the lawyers representing anybody appointed in this add men stras, it s critical to comply with a financial disclosure law and also the financial conflict of interest statutes. these are criminal statutes that prohibit a government official from engaging in any official action that has a direct predictable effect on their financial holdings. this means for mr. kushner, he s going to have to sell quite a lot of holdings, and if he holds on to some real estate, some bank loans, he may have to recuse from some important
issues, such as the regulation of the financial services industry. it s going to be very important that he follow the rules like everybody else. i hope he will persuade his father-in-law to divest conflict creating assets, to disclose his tax returns and follow the same rules that everybody else does. richard we have a lot of billionaires in this administration, they are not they don t necessarily understand the needs of working americans, but at least they can zoo their jobs free of conflicts of interest. you were reading everyone s mind on this panel, probably every viewer at home is saying, if jared kushner has to do this, what makes a president-elect so different? why doesn t he have to do it if he s going to hold the top office in the land? well, technically, the feenl conflict of interest statute does not apply to the president, there are other provisions that do. such as the constitution will
prohibit any foreign money coming into trust with the united states government. that applies to kushner and the president. they have to make sure there s no foreign government money coming into these businesses that are still owned by president trump or by jared kushner or anybody else in the united states government. we need to look at wilbur ross, who s a billionaire going over to the congress department. betsy devos going over to the education department. a lot of billionaires here, they need to file their financial disclosure reports and let the american people know what s going on. those who expect senate confirmation, need to file those with the senate before they ask for hearings. i want to get jon meacham back in, the meacham team believes these anti-nepotism laws. should they be able to get around this? right. you know, the law was passed in 67. it was a rider to a bill that
president johnson cheerfully signed, to say that president johnson and senator kennedy, the former attorney general were not close is something of an understatement. and so this was seen as pay back for years of rivalry between lbj and rfk. it began to some extent when bobby went down to sound johnson out in 59 about whether or not he was going to run for president. and johnson gave bobby a particularly harsh rifle that knocked him down. you know, son, have you to learn how to shoot a gun like a man. that was the beginning of that romance. when kennedy became attorney general, he was harsh toward johnson. when the tragedy of dallas happened, that tension rose. so there are technicalities here that seems to me the courts, that there probably is a way, obviously for kushner to do this, i think one of the questions, if i were mr. trump,
which is quite a sub junktive. how do you what if you don t like the advice you re getting? can you fire your son in law? can you move him out? it does raise an interesting question on both sides, both outside the ethical questions and on the inside, which in terms of the family dynamic. that will be interesting to watch, if it doesn t quite work out, what happens, speaking of that family dynamic, i think what s important, and a lot of people aren t talking about, ivanka, who has a very robust business. is she planning to divest, and what s going to happen with her business? she s planning to she announced today that she s planning to take a step back from her role at the trump organization and her own brand of fashion, line accessories. jewelry. she s moving to washington, she s moving her whole family, she s going to settle her whole family there. she s taking a step back. it s not to say she s not going to get paid by the trump organization.
she won t be paid if her brothers decide to make a deal, she won t necessarily get a cut of that specific deal, but she ll get a share of the overall trump organization revenue. she is going to be involved in that new d.c. hotel built in the old post office pavilion, down the street from the white house. and according to transition officials who are on this call today, if a matter comes before the white house, that is involving that hotel, jared kushner is going to have to recuse himself, there are going to be some cases here and there. he s not divesting himself of all of his holdings and all of his investments neither is she. jared kushner is going to have to step back. how do we know. we don t even know. jared has said that he s going to comply with federal laws about what he has to disclose about his financial statements. we don t know what kind of holdings he has. we have no idea what kind of holdings she has, the president has, all of these things are steps in the right direction, but it s still just so opaque.
i don t know if it s a step it sounds good. how do we know that jared kushner is recusing himself or ivanka trump is not getting a cut on some deal. how would the american people know that? queer not going to know for sure. but we re going to get a financial statement from him, he s going to be a senior white house employee, and he s going to be subject to a criminal conflict of interest statute, which is a lot better than we are with carl icahn who they claim is not a government employee. though he will be. at least we have the final disclosure forms, and the criminal conflict of interest statute that apply. the department of justice will enforce the criminal conflict of interest statute, they have in the past, they have good prosecutors there, i expect him to comply. that hotel, they have to get rid of that hotel, they have foreign governments coming in there, foreign government money coming
into that hotel. no person holding a position of trust with the united states government can be receiving profits from dealing with foreign governments. we have lobbyists who stay in that hotel. including the ncaa coaches, athletic directors want to go in there and lobby the president while staying in his hotel. that hotel is going to be an ethics nightmare for the next four years. if they don t get rid of that hotel, change the name, they have one place on pennsylvania avenue they ought to be focused on, and that s the white house. john, you ll get the first word on the other side of the break. please bear with me. i m a little snifflely, you may hear some of that during the show tonight. i apologize in advance. if you re gonna make an entrance.
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normal expectations, i think trump has every intention of making his own political rules. the interesting tension is going to be where the law trumps the politics. if the job numbers get strong, if in fact, people feel that the country is getting better under a president trump. the political appetite for the raising the kinds of questions, and making these questions stick is going to be fairly minimal. jar ed and ivanka are follows the rules. why the double stand aud? i don t think there s a double standard. there s a difference in ambition here. jared and ivanka are 35. they re half donald s age and twice as ambitious. they want to have a long career in washington, or at least in
power. they re taking steps that look good and appear to comply with ethics standards and rules. donald is 70 years old, do you think he s going to have a political future down the road. this is important to people who have been incredibly ambitious. why do you think it s tough for him ivanka and the two sons who are running the business. as it is already, why is it tough to have him untangleal of his en257k elments. we were supposed to have a press conference about all of this in december. will that come wednesday. nine days before the inning august ouration, is how we re going to find out how trump is going to do all of this. he descended into the lobby of trump tower today and took a few questions from reporters, and dodged a few. one of the questions he took was about this conflict of interest. he said, this is simple, i can
do this, it s not going to be that tough. it sounds like a donald trump answer to a complex question. as mr. painter was saying earlier, there are no conflicts of interest when you re president of the united states. those conflict of interest restrictions don t apply to you. the clause does apply to you. he is going to have to demonstrate how he s going to disentangle himself from all of these hotels, properties, all over the world that have russian interests and chinese interests. and countries that are not friends of the united states. he s going to have to make it crystal clear to the american people, this is not a problem. yes, he gets the economy going again, he does more of these car company announcements, people are going to be jumping on the bandwagon, there s still the question of the constitution, and if questions of violating the constitution are raised, they re going to be pursued, no matter how popular he is in that oval office. if there are ethics conflicts, who s going to hold the president accountable? you talked about who would
hold the advisers and jared kushner and ivanka trump accountable. who would hold the president accountable? it depends on the type of conflict, if he holds on to these businesses, we re going to have the mix that people are mixing trump business with the united states government business. and conversations that look like a quid pro quo. there could be an investigation by the department of justice under the gratuity statutes. with respect to the monuments clause, which simply prohibits foreign government payoffs for united states government officials through profit earring or anything else, that is something that the house of representatives might very well look at, and if somebody refuses, to stop taking illegal payments from foreign governments, they would have to resort to impeachment. we re not there yet. i hope this can be resolved. and the vast majority wanted a
president who represents the interest of the american people. if you can make $15 million an hour, and call it the art of the deal. he s already coming at this from a different perspective. there s only so much of this in charge that voters are going to put up with. i think this is going to sink in quite quickly. i have to run, do you think that donald trump thought about this, about all of this disentanglement and xi vesting before he ran for president? i think he thinks he can get away with anything. an i he said it himself, he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and his numbers would go up, there s been nothing that s happened in the past during the transition, it seems to me, that would undercut that central view. he believes in intuition, in his gut. he believes in himself, and i think that s what we re about to deal with.
john, emily, richard, jim, thank you so much. will democrats try to slow down the confirmation hearings and would that make a difference in the long run. now, get 15% off making your company stand out. staples. make more happen. c mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i m doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i m taking brilinta. for people who ve been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix.
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they hold a series of confirmation hearings on donald trump s cabinet. a columnist for usa today, she s doing double duty. kevin madden, who is a republican strategist, and jack kingston a former senior adviser to the trump campaign. hello, to all of you, thank you for joining us, i have to ask you all about the moment in the bernie sanders town hall, he had some choice words for trump. we are dealing with a man who in many respects is how can i phrase this. a pathological liar. and i say that without any i have many conservative friends and i disagree with them, they re not liars. time after time after time he says stuff which is blatantly absolutely untrue. he s basically calling he s saying, van joins, that the president-elect is a liar, what s your reaction?
he s telling the truth, he can t deny. it doesn t give me any great joy to say it, in a few days, he s going to be the president of me, of you, of my children, but he has a pattern of saying things that are not true. and then and then he won t apologize or retract very easily or very often and that is a bad thing. we should not adopt to absurd identity and pretend that blue is green and green is plaid. it s a true statement. not that i m putting democrats first, but go ahead. i think probably what s almost as bad or worse, is the gaslighting component of it which is not telling the truth, and telling us that we imagined he didn t tell the truth. for example, that he wasn t imitating that reporter, the disabled reporter, just telling us the things we re looking at are not happening, that is the
sort of crazy making aspect to it. that he doesn t ever people make mistakes and say things that aren t true. but they come back and say, i misspoke. that s not what he said. i m sorry about that, i didn t mean to mock you. he just says it didn t happen. you next. i think it was a nostalgic tour down the golden oldies of birney sanders. efrg was corporate greed, 1%. he opened up saying this election is about sexism and racism and xeno phobe yo, and other tried and failed campaign rhetor rhetoric. to me, one of the bright moments, i have worked with bernien sadders on legislation before. when he said he would work with donald trump on repealing or reforming nafta, he meant that. i worked with him on a drug
reimportation issue. he will work with somebody if he believes them. it was rhetoric pulled out one more time. there was a retread quality to what we saw in the town hall. but i think if i look at this clinically, what he said about donald trump is a collarian call for what the progressives want to see they don t want to normalize trump in anyway they wan the to goo directly, actually, in a personal way, at you know, his veracity. have you ever seen it this personal? yeah, the 2016 race has desensitized a lot of us so much of our outrage, those of us who have worked in politics for a long time, we look at the race,
and so much of it is a departure from the past p.m. this is the personalization of so many attacks right now, it could potentially be the new normal. it s interesting van. there are four things that i think progressives are concerned about, his personality is one of them. there s a concern that he s not just a bad role model but a dangerous, air addict person to have on the trigger. there s the personality, then there are the appointments, the personnel. he s putting people in place that progressives have a very hard time with, especially when you re talking about putting people in charge of the epa, who don t believe in global warming. that s and then third, there s a question of the policies, the sort of rolling back obama care without any real help for 20 million people. the most important thing to me is not the personality, not the personnel, not the policies, it s the principles and the values that we should be one country, we shun the be picking on people because of how they dress or their faith or whether
they re disabled or not. the principles and values i feel, that s what s under threat for progressives, progressives are there for wanting to fight harder than ever, to defend our principles and values. you said, all of those things were said on the campaign trail. now the two years that we re from this moment where we are now, and none of it seemed to make a difference. one thing is different. one thing is different, there was a hope. and i think a false hope, one that even i had, maybe the man you saw on stage during the primaries was just an act and he was going to change for the general election. then there was the hope at the general election. once he is elected and he is the man, that then he s going to become presidential. now there s a fading, dwindling hope that he puts his hand on the bible. i think this is it. this is a populous, this is what they do, they rub the feathers the wrong way of the
establishment. bernie sanders was a populace as well. and there were other people who were popula ulists and they did handle themselves this way on the campaign trail. i think the idea of going to twitter is great, he goes straight to the american people. donald trump jumped on it today. to me, he spoke to the heart of somebody who s simple minded like me, i understood what he was saying. here s this woman that s extremely wealthy and wineny donald trump goes straight to the heart of the american people. he goes to the heart of. you were saying donald trump, you thought he would change. when someone shows you who they are. fool me once, shame on you.
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kevin, jack kingston said he s simple minded. that s what i heard. he was did you say you were i didn t want to put words in your mouth. he didn t like the merrill speech last night. he didn t ask give himself enough credit. there s not a lot of people in the country that liked the speech. i think. go ahead. i danced in small circles. a lot of people on my side of the political prism did not like the speech. i think it was a cliche right now for someone in hollywood to stand up and criticize somebody who s a republican. i do think there was there definitely were some heartfelt moments in the speech. it resonated with that
particular audience. there were things that seemed out of touch with middle america, saying that without them, all we would have is football or mma. this is something that i think continues to sort of dwemonstrae the red state blue state divide we have. i would agree with you. except that he is the apprentice, and he is hollywood person son phied. you were criticizing her for being a rich celebrity. season the that what donald trump is. well, he it s a yes or no question. i don t think that s right.
i think she was what s interesting about what kevin said, i didn t see it as a conservative versus a liberal. i think anyone could have given that speech. anyone who s concerned about what she is talking about, someone who is in the position of the president of the united states, who s beating up on people and humiliating people? i saw, the first part of it, yeah. i agree the mma stuff was a bridge too far, i didn t see her as being a victim. i saw her as standing up for victims. and using her strength to come to the rescue of people who feel vulnerable. i do think this idea of the hollywood elite would sit down and be quiet, the republicans would be happy. they want to feel victimized by the hollywood elite. this whole elite thing. what are we talking about
elites. donald trump is a self-proclaimed multibillionaire. it s probably they re richer than he lives in manhattan. why are we using this term elites to apply to a certain group of people, aren t elite people just people who have privilege? that could apply to a lot of people? as a football fan, she s talking about my people. i thought that was tongue in cheek. i m a football fan. and an mma fan, i didn t take offense to that. if hollywood doesn t stop wining, epa is going to have to declare it a wetland. they need to move on and please, could you tell the friends out there that you have. i know you re well connected. no more videos instructing us how we should behave. just with the cowboys and the westerns. the people who are in the middle of the country watch
movies. consume music and they consume a lot of the arts. you may say these people are disconnected from the arts someone s buying that music, someone s going to the movieses. i think that s right. i don t want do interrupt. i ll get to you real quick, i think that s right, i think what they don t like is the idea of being preached to. they re not cultured enough to make up their own mind. to address the issue of elites, i don t think it s about wealth or how much wealth you ve accumulated. it has more to do with a mind-set, when a lot of these folks feel like they believe, they know better than others i think that is where there s a backlash toward that type of it s a level of hypocrisy on this point is almost laughable, in that everybody on this here tonight. we spend our lives trying to
influence public opinion. for some reason when hollywood people do it, well known celebrities and artists do it. those people are terrible because they re telling us what to do. we re all telling people what to do, and what to think. it s how they do it. how they do it. this whole idea, remember the idea of american exceptionalism? what happened to that? i thought that conservatives were the folks who wanted american exceptionalism the most out of everyone. any time someone fights to be the built what is wrong with that, i stwaen wasn t that cull touche ali aware maybe some people are just not in certain places. what is wrong with admitting that what s wrong with aspiring to that. when someone does aspire to that, why do you call them an elite. i want to know. remember, donald trump likes
the arts, he wrote a book about it, it s called the art of the deal. let me say this. he lives in a culture capital of the world. to somebody who has been in policy making, i find it frequently offensive when some hollywood actor comes in and rungs their mouth. they have a huge bully pulpit. they often engarj in debates they have no idea what they re talking about. i had this i have to go, the producers are telling me to go. i had this conversation with a friend just last night. she had this bully pulpit, and he wasn t there to defend himself. donald trump could hold a press conference and knocked the golden globes off the air for as long as he wanted to. i digress, i ll get off my soap box know. the elite capital of the world next to hollywood and washington, d.c.. and chicago maybe. thank you, everyone.
i appreciate that. don t miss the messy truth with mr. van jones, carly fiorina and jennifer grand holme. make sure you tune in. senator versus senator. one of the witnesses against jeff sessions is his senate colleague. and a face. this is nice. and does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i m gonna buy them. boom. i ll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. with the blue cash everyday card from american express you get cash back on purchases. it s all happening. with no annual fee. here we go! it s more than cash back. it s backed by the service and security of american express. it s more than cash back. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts.
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drama ahead for donald trump s pick for attorney general. cory booker and john lewis are each scheduled to appear as witnesses against him. meanwhile, senator sessions is deep into his preparation for the hearing. dana bash has more. don, i m told jeff sessions spent the weekend with his team in his senate office doing final prep for tomorrow s confirmation hearing. for years, sessions has been a member of the judiciary hearing that will decide his fate. it s the same committee who was blocked from being a federal judge three decades ago 37.
jeff sessions was the first u.s. senator to endorse him. this is a moment. look at what s happening. the kbam bam republican gave the new york reality tv star credibility with the gop base. because jefferson beauragard sessions the third is from the heart of alabama. 30 years ago, when ronald reagan nominated sessions to be a federal judge, democrats blocked him. something sessions rarely talked about, but did with us in 2009. it was not a pleasant event, i have to tell you. it was so heart breaking. he was accused of racial insensitivity, calling a black lawyer boy. i am not a racist, i am not insensitive to blacks. sessions was pounded by democrats, including then senator joe biden. they may have taken positions
that i consider to be adverse to the security interests of the united states. does that make them unamerican? no, sir, it does not. that was not fair, that was not accurate, those were false charges and distortions of anything that i did. # i never had those kind of views. now, the son of civil rights activists, who sessions prosecuted for voter fraud is coming to his defense. i don t think he s a racist. he s worked extensively with sessions, who was elected senator 20 years ago. when i talked to senator sessions about historical black colleges and trying to get historical black colleges assistance and funding, he list listened. i can go on and on about the particular irish yous that jeff
sessions and i have discussed. susan collins was elected the same year. you don t agree with him on a lot of issues? we don t agree on a host of issues. she plans to introduce sessions at his confirmation hearing for attorney general. i don t know what happened more than 30 years ago, i do know the jeff sessions i have worked with in the past 20 years, i want a person of integrity and experience. and jeff sessions has all of those characteristics and qualities. sessions spent two decades in the senate fighting for conservative causes. did team up on a bill with this high ranking democrat. dick durbin was trying to reduce the penalty for crack cocaine, which was 100 times higher than powder cocaine, he saw sessions
in the senate gym. we re putting our clothes on, getting ready to leave. jeff, give me a number. if you can t do one to one, i won t go for 100 to 1. what is it? it was 18. we agreed. durbin says he disagrees with sessions on most legal issues, which makes it hard to support him for attorney general. other democrat s sessions got t know in the gym agree. if he made you trade head of the trade representative, we d be working together very well. you keep these positions on immigration, you keep these positions on civil rights and voting rights, it s going to be hard for me to support you. from democrats about bonding with sessions in the senate gym, he s part of the senate club, however, you could also hear from those democrats who know and like sessions, they are unlikely to vote for him, since they disagree so staunchly with him on issues that he would oversee as attorney general.
thank you dana, we ll be watching, we ll be right back. if you re told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage. every day.. at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at isjust wanna see ifa again? my score changed. you wanna check yours? scores don t change that much. i haven t changed. oh, really? it s girls night they said business casual. i love summer weddings!

People , Party , Message , Democratic-party , Living , Bathroom , Attention , Question , One , Rate , 10 , 1

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160605 10:00:00

good morning. it is sunday, june 5, 2015. i m abby huntsman. this is not the way to parallel park a cruise ship. look at this. [ bleep ]. whoa. well, find out how much damage that dock took thanks to celebrity cruises. then the countdown to california under way. bernie sanders says he will never surrender. now he s promising a contested convention and politicizing the death of muhammad ali to attack donald trump. watch this. don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali. and yet you re going to be
prejudiced against muslims in this country. well, he s not line. hillary did the same thing. stay tuned. and donald trump s make america great again hat is the must have item of the campaign season. one school is siding with the bullies who told this kid to take it off. they re banning it. that boy is here live to tell his story. see if he brought his hat. fox & friends starts right now. oh, at the tilapia farm. yes, we are raising the budget here on the show. trying to raise some money with tilapia. we are celebrating national fishing day and we are going to catch some of the massive brown trout can we eat it afterwards? fry it up.
do you know how to fillet a fish? and we re creating a backyard of your dreams. john deere riding mower out there. we have some fantastic stuff outside. we have a jam-packed show. doing it all with the great abby huntsman. great to see you. great to be invited back. what did i do to deserve that? you re a ray of sunshine in an otherwise rocky have you seen our crew? this show has the best crew around. so i m happy to be here. you stand out. you ve seen veto? you raise the bar around here. countdown to california, bernie sanders and hillary clinton battle for voters ahead of the primary. this as sanders vowed to continue his fight. mike emanuel has more in santa monica where it s very early but he has the latest. good morning. reporter: good morning to you. bernie sanders message to his loyal supporters it s not over on tuesday night. sanders is promising to take his fight to next month s democratic convention in philadelphia. at the end of the nominates
process, no candidate will have enough pledged delegates. to call the campaign a victory. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. reporter: sanders held a very large rally last night in olympic plaza in loss an. 13,500 supporters turned out. he said his networks call clinton her the winner after polls closed in new jersey at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. his supporters out west here in california and other westen states may stay home thinking it s over. clinton is telling her supporters if all things go as she expects she will capture the
democratic nomination with the help of the super delegates. the clinton campaign said she rallied the supporters in fresno. she s asking the california voters to help her get there. i would be honored to have your support in this california primary. so here s what i would ask you to do if you ve got if you ve got a ballot sitting and at home, fill it out and send it in. or else be sure to come out and vote on tuesday. reporter: and we expect hillary clinton to campaign today in oakland and sacramento. bernie sanders will head south from los angeles to san diego for a big concert and rally as the two candidates make their final arguments to california voters. mike emanuel, just back from dinner in santa monica. it s 8:00 p.m. it could go to bernie sanders. do you think this could happen? he s got 46 pledged delegates right now.
she s got like 540 some. can he flip all the super delegates in general at the contested no, probably not. but he s making a point on principle. he said, voters ought to be able to decide. this is similar to the debate on the republican side during the primaries but there are more super delegates. the democratic system is way more rigged than the republican system was. his supporters are really mad about it. and regardless of whether you support sanders or not, i think people appreciate the fact he s saying that. this could be over though before polls close in california because of new jersey. if it s this close, you see 49-47 according to the wall street journal poll. yes, it could be over before the polls close in california because of new jersey. but bernie is saying only if you count the super delegates is it over. people are only there because they want to be ambassador to
belgium in the hillary administration. if you take those people out it s still in play. this convention, you guys, could be a nightmare for her. we re hearing what 20,000 potential protesters in philadelphia? awesome explosion of democracy. so bernie sanders supporters 20,000 strong to show up in philadelphia. i guess bring the chaos there. and also these super delegates promising to embarrass hillary clinton by trying to get them to switch sides. again, she has 547. he has 46. how many of those in this in the next few weeks would switch to the bernie sanders side? starting to make demands on her policy wise. they re demanding she support a higher minimum wage, $15 and above. and repudiate her associations with wall street. he s driven this entire narrative. you mentioned immigration and you we talked about trade. yeah. her flip flops on the trade policy. on and on this list has switched because of bernie sanders. it s going to get challenging for her to appeal to the middle
vote eventually. well, they all come home to roost in philadelphia. i have a feeling this just the beginning of this. we are learning more about the death of the legendary boxer muhammad ali who passed away friday night at the age of 74. laura ingraham has more on how ali s friends and friends are preparing to honor him one more time. reporter: good morning. he was known as the greatest and now the boxing friends and family are mourning a loss of a legend. doctors said it was septic shock that took his life, after he had been admitted into the phoenix area hospital earlier in the week with respiratored from par disease for 32 years. his daughter hana tweeted an instagram out, the account of his final moments saying this. all of his organs failed but his
heart wouldn t stop beating. for 30 minutes his heart kept beating. no one had ever seen anything like it. his daughter says it was a true testament to the strength of his spirit and will. the outpouring of support and memories only getting started from friends around the world and those in the boxing world who knew him best. friends for life. he brought me into fighting. he was a man of god who believed in god and with that faith and the confidence in himself nothing was impossible to him. don king of course. the eulogies will be will be given by former president clinton and bryant gumbel. laura ingle, thank you. amazing his heart kept beating for 30 minutes after his organs shut down. we want to get to some headlines now. and a police officer is killed,
run over by a suspected shooter. the unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer verdell smith who was trying to get pedestrians out of the way. he was flying down the road. he hit several things down through there. the cops were chasing it. i guess that s where it was. two of the victims hospitalize and in critical condition. the suspect is in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year-old veteran of the force and he leaves behind a fiancee and three children. well, a raging brushfire in california. that inferno is 200 acres and has been fueled by the extreme heat hitting that area. mandatory evacuations have been put in place. three water dropping helicopters and more than 500 firefighters have been working to put out that fire. the blaze is believed to have sparked after a truck crashed into a power pole knocking it
over. and brace for impact. this cruise ship is coming in hot. oh, god. [ bleep ]. brace yourself. whoa. that cruise ship slamming into the dock in alaska causing more than $3 million in damage. the cruise line says strong winds and waves caused the crash. thankfully though, no one was hurt. you guys, i used i have never been on a cruise, i have no desire to do one actually. that s a little dangerous. rick, just back from the cruise. nobody could get off at that port. nobody got off in alaska. did you go on a cruise? for my parent s 50th wedding anniversary for four days. how was it? it was not my favorite. i m not going to die. trapped for seven days on the
ledo deck. people love them. rain across parts of the east. we have kind been really hot. obviously guys you notice the humidity here yesterday. we ll continue to see this storm pull off to the east. today, some severe weather. we could be watching some big storms in the mid-atlantic and into the northeast. and i-95 corridor, i think we ll see a few tornados today. think of all the population, some tornadoes. could be really damaging. we re watching the tropics. four days into hurricane season. likely by tomorrow we ll have a third tropical storm of the season, it will be colin if it gets a name. impacting florida as early as tomorrow afternoon. some spots maybe four to six inches of rain, causing localized flooding. that s a big issue for florida. phoenix hit 115 degrees. earliest in the season they ever hit 115 degree and i think we ll see that again today. it will move in across parts of the southern plains this week. thinking of all the flooding we have had in texas for the last
number of day, now we ll have temperatures into the 90s. it s really humid because all the moisture is going to evaporate and it will stay like that for a number of days. an uncomfortable time across the south. 115 in phoenix we ll stay here. not a bad idea. thank you, rick. coming up on the show, democrats using muhammad ali s death to attack donald trump. don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali and yet you re going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. is his death fair game? david webb is here to weigh in. good morning. a national anthem could be changed to make it gender neutral. o canada, our home and native land o canada. i have asthma.
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see if you re eligible for 12 months free at good morning. welcome back to fox & friends. well, the democrats are politicizing the death of muhammad ali, attacking donald trump. one of the great american heroes was muhammad ali. a very proud muslim. and don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali and yet you re going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. on a day when we are mourning muhammad alit is worth remembering that we worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, where they can worship their own god and choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their dreams as far as their hard work and talents will take them.
here is talk show host and contributor david webb. does everybody notice that hillary clinton has to look at her notes to say she recognizes muhammad ali s greatness? [ laughter ] for those of you that just watched that video, look, this is what gets me. it s one thing to recognize the historic figure. i m a boxing fan. he s an incredible boxer. he s a performer in the ring. look at what he did. but the democrats recognize him both sides of the aisle, but then to use him as a political pawn to throw a punch at someone else. that s what s wrong with this. well, look, i like muhammad ali but she says he has the right to change his name. did she realize he changed his name to join the nation of islam? at the time did she know that? no. look, this is a complex issue. he was against the vietnam war. but on the other side for the democrats out there, let me make
their head spin. he also endorsed ronald reagan in 1984 and campaigned for him. actually, went out and campaigned. there were billboards you can look them up on the web and it was because he said reagan was keeping god in schools. you know what? that being said, regardless of politic, muhammad ali just passed away. can we have 24 hours can we just have 24 hours that we can talk about the man s heart and the good he s done for this nation? you know, for those suffering from parkinson s disease, look at the work he did to bring attention. he did a lot of things quietly to help people in neighborhoods they never knew where a check was coming from. he was a very complex man. a very religious man as well. right after justice scalia s death, same thing. they politicized his death as well. far be it from democrats basically to use anyone to get any attention to paint republicans as someone to run away from him. unfortunately, no one is making a more serious point
no americans i don t think discriminating against people on the basis of their religion. look at europe. is anyone asking hillary clinton what do you make of norway, for example or germany? outright discrimination based on religion. here in america, i would say this. for the state department that stood out and said we processed 235 syrian refugees in one day, they have to do 60 a day in order to get obama s goal reached. in this country, you bring them in is there rampant discrimination, no. go to europe. see what s going on in some of the neighborhoods on both sides of the aisle. muslims against others and others against muslims. do they have an answer for that? no. i mean what is the plan to prevent that from happening here? radicals kill more muslims than any other group. you ask muslims in america do they want to be safe, they say yes they want to be safe. david webb. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i have very little to say on a sunday morning. at 6:20 in the morning. by the way, by the way, can i
say this really quick? democrats are now okay with women being assaulted in the streets, as that woman was in the video, eggs and other things thrown at her and also when it comes to protesters breaking parking lot signs is this okay with democrats, destruction of property? where there s the condemnation from bernie sanders or hillary clinton or obama or debbie wasserman schultz? you heard the spokesman say property destruction is okay. coming up, richard simmons is in the hospital this morning. the fitness star, what he was doing at his mansion that has police concerned. plus, it s a twist that not even shakespeare could have dreamt up. students at yale saying studying white authors creates a hostile author. we have a student from that course joining us next. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was
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if that s what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don t deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. welcome back. some quick headlines for you now. the view is shaking it up again. michelle collins has been fired as the co-host of the show. she joined the daily talk show last july. but her hours were cut in january and the show s producers they decided not to renew her contract. she is expected to stay through the end of the summer. former bachelor star ben higgins may have a future in politics. he is seriously considering a run for a seat in the colorado house of representatives. software consultant has launched a website for supporters.
very interesting. well, call it a shakespearean twist, yale university students are calling on the english department to abolish a course on t.s. eliot and chaucer. they say it creates a hostile environment. yeah, the course has been generally well received for years. but the anonymous petition has received over 160 signatures according to the yale daily news. joining us is a student who got done taking the course and sees this as an attention grab. thank you for coming in. thank you for having me. by the way i love this is an anonymous petition. people don t want to affix their name to it. i was outraged with it. major english poet sequence is beneficial to the englishmajor. i never heard anyone complain
about it being racist or sexist or misogynist, so it seemed ridiculous to me. what are they wanting to learn instead? who are they wanting to learn from instead? i read someone s facebook, they d rather be studying people like alice walker and toni morrison who have not been around nearly as long as jeffrey chaucer. what i m struck by, there was no critique included of the text themselves. if you don t like chaucer or shakespeare, tell us why. it was solely focus on the appearance of the people who wrote the poems. did you when you got to yale expect to find more impressive students than the people who would write that? exactly. i expected to meet great people who are studying english works and if they re worried about shakespeare being white then they re not engaged to begin with. one wrote it is unacceptable that a yale student considering
studying english literature might only read white authors. it s time for the english major to decolonize. that s silly. this is one of the most diverse courses in the college. and so if people are spending four years in english major only reading white authors they are going extremely out of their way to make that happen. well, clayton it goes on, the petition claims that the students are driven a way from the major. when students are made to feel so alienated they get up and leave the room or get up and leave the major, something is wrong. the english department loses out when talented students engage in library and cultural analysis. they re always driven away from the major. they re getting up and leaving the class, really? is that happening? no. i have been it s a two part
sequence. i have never once seen anyone to get up to leave other than do the restroom. sounds like they re having trouble with the text, the words are too long, too complex. the idea that the school needs to dumb down its course curriculum in order to make its students happy, is that what colleges should be doing? absolutely not. texts like the canterbury tales and paradise lost are not easy. by starting the course that way you re more prepared for the course. i hope you wind up working there. they could use you. thank you for having me. still ahead, donald trump coming under fire for attacking the judge in the trump university case based on his ethnicity, by this morning a former attorney general is defending him. sort of. plus, the v.a. has enough trouble taking care of the vets already. now they want to pay for transgender surgery. and that s not all, abby. kicking off national fishing and boating week. do you know the best time to cast your line? i don t, actually. well, we re going to find
out. is it high noon when nothing is biting? we ll show you the best time to land your biggest catch when we come back. (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it s like to deal with high. and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body s own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis.
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fire for calling into question the fairs on of the judge presiding over the trump university case and one attorney is coming to his defense. garrett tenney has the latest in washington, d.c. reporter: good morning. this isn t just any attorney either. this is a former u.s. attorney general with mexican heritage who says that donald trump is right to challenge the fairness of the judge. trump received a lot of criticism from both political parties over the last couple of weeks for his attacks on u.s. district judge curiel, because he is of mexican descent he is against trump because of his plan to build a wall along the mexican border. here is what trump first said. i have a judge who is a hater of donald trump. a hater. he s a hater. the judge who happens to be we believe mexican, which is great. i think that s fine. they ought to look into judge curiel because what judge curiel is doing is a total disgrace. okay?
reporter: we should point out curiel was born in indiana. but in an editorial for the washington post, former u.s. attorney general under president george w. bush alberto gonzales said if judges and the trials over which they preside are not perceived as being impartial people will lose faith. ethics codes for the judges including the federal code of conduct governing curiel require not only that the judges be impartial, but they avoid the appearance of improprietary. hillary clinton has made it a focal point of her attacks over the last week. particularly in california which has a large hispanic population. and she s even used the issue to bring up donald trump s german heritage which some critics are saying is a veiled attempt to get her supporters to call him a
nazi. back to you y all. thank you, garrett tenney. well, later in the show we have alberto gonzales joining us. i hope you ll stay tuned for that. be interesting to hear what he as to say about this. a fox news alert, richard simmons reportedly rushed to the hospital. six, seven, double touch. five, six. and side and side. the icon is said to be getting medical help after someone called 191 911 called about his quote bizarre behavior. there was talk that he was being held by his housekeeper. and the parents of the toddler who fell into the gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged tomorrow. oh! authorities are set to announce whether or not they ll bring charges. the mother said she was temporarily distracted when he
climbed into the habitat. well, cincinnati zoo officials were forced to shoot the image to save the boy s life. well, police officers forced to smash a window to save a small puppy outside a mall in georgia. she was locked in for two hours before the police broke the windows. the dog is okay though and recovering at an animal shelter. well, we have heard these lyrics before. o canada our home and native land well, now canada s close to changing some of those lyrics to make it gender neutral. the bill will only change the english lyrics from and all thy sons command to all of us command. if it passes it would go to the senate and the change could be officially adopted as soon as this summer and those are your headlines.
rick on that note i m tossing it over to you. thank you very much. i m out here camping. we have a nice camp site set up. i ll come outside and do the weather every morning. a perfect plan from the national park maybe. look at the weather maps as you wake up. severe weather coming across the eastern seaboard, especially this afternoon. probably around 5:00 i think they ll be along the i-95 corridor and some could see a little tornado or two in there. so because of all the population, we certainly need to watch that. there you go. kind of a rainout for a lot of the day today, across the northeast. into the southeast, at least the southeastern part of this region here. looking at the rain showers. but look at that. dry across a lot of texas, get ready. it s going to heat up a lot. be back in the 90s. humidity levels will be incredibly high. warm temperatures, look at that
omaha 86 degrees and finally out across the west, it s baking. 115 in phoenix again today. look at that portland, oregon, 101. it is hot. all right. tucker? send it over to you. that s crazy. i m just talking to tom keenan from gander mountain, a professional fly fisherman as well as manager for them. if you re looking for a fun family activity, go to the water. it s national boat and fishing month. and tom keenan is here. and he has more on how to get your family on the water. good to see you. thank you. i think most are open to the idea of fishing, it s medicine, good for you physically and mentally, but getting your family out to do it is a challenge. what would you recommend? this is national boating and fishing week. i come from wisconsin, it s free fishing weekend. thank you for reminding us of the packers. and obviously safety comes
first. for boating one of the biggest things, this is from gander mountain, an inflatable life jacket. normal life jackets it s uncomfortable. that s a claim to fame, it s comfortable and lightweight. it does have an automatic or the manual switch. if you knew you have to get into the water, if you pull it inflates. if not, in three seconds it automatically inflates. people perish that way. true statement. everyone should wear a life jacket. about 100 bucks. these are completely and totally worth it. 100%. this is probably one of the biggest things that exist in the world as far as boating safety. pretty simple. hummingbird makes it. you can put a lake master chip in here. you can put a chip in here, it will provide you mass where you go. it s gps compatible, it s a fish locater. looks left and right of the boat. sells for $699. by far one of the best locaters at gander mountain.
that s fantastic. give us some fishing tips. i like to fish, you re a professional fisherman. this is a fly rod under $200 at gander mountain. i would tell people to come down to their level of their expertise. if you re going fishing, go to the gander mountain, we have guys who understand the business. who know it well. i have been doing this for 24 years. i want to see people go fishing. people say you can t catch a catch fish on a fly rod. if you re catching fish, you re pretty good. so right time of the day matters. not all times of the day are the same. today is a perfect day, overcast day, today is great day to be fishing. on the days when you think it s june, but not that nice out, go fishing is the answer. we make rain gear every single day. put it on and go out. thank you very much. still ahead, obamacare for illegals the feds promised it
wouldn t happen. the president swore it wouldn t and yet in one state it is happening and you re paying for it. we ll tell you more. and plus donald trump s make america great again hat, one schoolboy was pulled out because he dared to wear one. that boy is coming up live next. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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we danced in a german dance group. i wore when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn t finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we re not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at
sweet, sweet st. thomas nice. so nice, so nice st. croix full of pure vibes. so nice, so nice. this summer, experience us virgin islands nice. book 4 nights at before july 16th to receive the fourth night free, plus 350 dollars in spending credits. well, good morning. some quick headlines for you. gender reassignment surgery may soon be covered by the veterans administration. a proposed bill would lift the ban. the v.a. covers other transition related issues like hormone replacement therapy and pre and
post surgical care. the administration says they ll make them better able to defend us. and illegal aliens would be allowed to get health care under obamacare with subsidies. if you remember back to 2009, president obama swore that obamacare would never extend to illegals. he promised it. and now it does. abby? well, americans identify as atheists, agnostic or no religion in particular. that s the fastest growing in country and thousands hoped to boost their political power. what does this mean for you? joining us is father jonathan morris. good morning. good morning. what do you make of this? well, the park looked rather empty there. to start off with. fishing you mean? no, the images there of the atheists rally. they call it a reason rally. i would be all in favor of rallying for a reason.
i don t believe that belief and reason are in contradiction whatsoever. what i do find incredible though is that a small group of people who don t affiliate themselves with any religion which is completely acceptable and understandable would be so oftentimes not always, but some of them so activist, trying to thwart other people s belief systems. i give you an example. i m in a school in steubenville, ohio. one of the activist, atheist groups were trying to get them to not pray at the commencement high school commencement activities. and the students stood up themselves, they led themselves in the our father. one thing not to believe, and another thing is to keep others from not expressing their believes. they don t want to believe in anything, and look at the
numbers. in 2007, you had 16% that didn t identify with the religious group. look at it today, or 2014 it jumped to 23%. that s a big shift. i mean what does that mean politically? why are we seeing this change so quickly. the nones, not like nuns, but 95% say i believe in god, but those numbers include the unaffiliated. there are people who go to church with me every week that are unaffiliated. without any label that i m catholic or i m evangelical or i m baptist. i think people are seeking. wanting to believe in something bigger than themselves? yeah. trying to decide, you know, what group they should be a part of it or what family church family they should be a part of. there s a lot of trust lost in religious leaders and lost in church institutions and i think
it s understandable there are people who are seeking. father jonathan morris, thank you. happy sunday to you. catch some fish for us. you saw the protesters attacking the trump supporters and now president obama blames republicans and their bad habit forts this. and one boy banned from wearing a make america great again hat banned from school because they said it makes the others feel bad. that story, next. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn t bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer.
so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing s important. comcast business knows that. that s why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend,
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presumptive nominee donald trump has made his make america
great again campaign hats a staple at his rallies. after one of young supporters got bullied for wearing the hat, the school told him to stop wearing it due to safety concerns. the supporter joins us now. he s nine-year-old logan autrey and his step mother an gentlemen angela. good morning. tell us what happened when you wore this hat to school. well, a lot of the kids, their parents are not trump supporters and they just listen to the wrong side of the social media and they did not like me wearing the hat well, it wasn t the hat.
it s my personality because even two months before the hat, they still didn t like me. i m sorry about that. they made fun of you for wearing the hat and what did the school say to you? what did your teacher say? well, the teacher let me wear the hat, but the vice principal said i couldn t wear the hat, and i thought she just meant not inside, so i still wore it, and then the principal told me to take it off and, well, i still didn t take it off, and, well, she said that it was against the directive to wear the hat but i looked in the dress code and it was not against it.
here s a statement from the school. our job as educators is to facilitate a safe learning environment, it s also a responsibility to take precautions when the discourse begins to disrupt our school climate and interrupt school operations. angela what do you make of that? i think there are a lot of loopholes in the actual dress code. it s very subjective where it gives the principal or the administration the right to intervene if it becomes an issue. like they said, there are exceptions to the rule. the hats cannot be worn indoors in the assembly rooms and in the cafeteria, in the classrooms, and they didn t have an issue with him wearing it when he came back to school on tuesday, but when he did wear the hat and the teacher actually encouraged him and let him tell his story to
the class and they were very excited to hear his story and they were very supportive of logan being able to meet mr. trump and getting his hat signed and he got to shake his hand. he decided to tell his story and everybody thought it was very cool, so the next couple of days he wore the hat to school and it didn t become an issue, i believe, until fifth or sixth grader made a comment out on the playground if i don t know if that s how it went. what they called it a disturbance on campus and they were afraid for his safety and they called me and asked me to speak with him about, maybe not wearing the hat to school. maybe keeping it at home and not trying to cause any conflict with the other students. it sounds like the other students wanted to cause the conflict and they should have spoken to them. we haven t spoken to them since the incident. when everything aired on the news, everything took a tumble
from there. you know, we ve been talked to by all different kinds of news media and text messages and social media and everyone is wanting to hear logan s story. i notice logan is not wearing the hat, your dog is who is a bernie supporter. he hate the hat. this is the hat. logan went to swim in the pool and took his hat off and set it up on the patio table and the dogs got ahold of it. this is what s letft of the hat. next time, wear a hillary hat and you ll be celebrated. sheriff david clark is here to react. watch what happens when this boy turns his back on a lion. we ll tell you what happens on
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it s going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we ll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. good morning. it is sunday, june 5th, 2016. a massive ship with hundreds of people on door smashes into the docks. why that company now says the ship was forced off course and how the passengers are doing this morning. and countdown to the california primary two days away. bernie sanders says no matter what happens, he will never surrender. now he s promising a contested convention. at the same time he s politicizing the death of muhammad ali to attack donald trump. don t tell us that you love
muhammad ali and you are going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. holy smokes, there s a lot going on in american politics and sheriff david clark is here to react to all of it. this going viral. what happens when you turn your back on a lion at the zoo. watch this. oh, man. we re going to show how it ends. mornings are better with friends. it is national fishing month and we re celebrating, needless to say, on the plaza with gander mountain. do you guys have a fire pit? we re going to show you the backyard of your dreams.
abby was casting her line and a random person was talking down the streets of new york city and she almost caught the person. she pulled a massive fish out of the pool we have at plaza. we ve gone into aqua culture. we ve got a jam packed show, including new details this morning about the death of boxer muhammad ali who passed away friday night at the age of 74. his daughter hana is providing more insight through social media on how her dad left this earth, loved, surrounded by family and certainly not without one last fight. her family held his hand,
whispered in his ear, you can go now. we ll be okay. all of his organs failed, but his heart wouldn t stop beating. for 30 minutes. his heart just kept beating. no one had seen anything like it. septic shock finally took muhammad ali after he had been admitted into a phoenix hospital with respiratory problems. his funeral will be in louisville, kentucky. the eulogies will be given by bill clinton and billy crystal. headlines for you this morning. a fox news alert. a memphis police officer killed and run over by a drunk driver.
he was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. he was flying down the road. he had done hit several thing coming down through there and the cops just chasing him. two victims are in critical condition. the suspect is in custody and is not yet charged. he lives behind a fiancee and three children. we re learning theoid of identity of nine soldiers. eight of the nine names have been released. an investigation into that accident is ongoing and one soldier had been in the military just nine months. a raging brush fire is
raging through the calabasas, california area. chasing away as many as 5,000 residents. 300 helicopters. the blaze is believe to have been sparked by a truck crashing into a utility pole, knocking it over. this cruiseship is coming in hot. brace yourselves. that does not look like fun. it slammed into the docks in alaska, causing more than 3 $billion in damage $3 million in damage. there were a lot of nauseous people on that boat.
rick loves cruises, doesn t he? rick was on a carnival cruise recently. on the shuffle board deck. not recently. we couldn t fish off of it but we ve got ben and phillip here. they have each caught two fish so far. while i m doing the weather, we ll see if one of you can break this tie. weather map, we have a lot going on. one of the things is severe weather we re going to be watching across the eastern seaboard. this line of storms moves through and i think it s around 5:00 or 6:00 that it develops across the i-95 corridor, at least into the mid atlantic and northeast. we could see a tornado or two and think about all that with the population. you have to watch out. we will definitely see some very strong winds and a lot of rain. we re watching the tropics. we are about four days into tropical season. we re watching our third tropical storm. it s going to bring rain across parts of florida as early as
tomorrow. phillip, you did it! phillip broke the tie. here you go. nicely done. tossing back to you. phillip is in the lead. when we were out there, the fish were looking at us. they ran away from us. he s got the touch. there s a lot going on in american politics this morning. to analyze and break it down, we re bringing in sheriff david clark of milwaukee, wisconsin. so you may have seen this. bernie sanders and hillary clinton weighing in on the death as many americans did, of muhammad ali. one of the great american heroes in recent history is muhammad ali. don t tell us how much you love muhammad ali and you are going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. on a day we re mourning muhammad ali.
it s worth remembering we live in a country where people can break down barriers, worship their own god, choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their own dreams as far as their hardwork and talent will break them. bernie sanders is obviously use the death of an american icon to make a political point, which is ugly. he s also suggesting that the only reason that you would have concerns about muslims mass immigration. what donald trump is against, he s against radical islamic terrorist. he s not get muslims. bernie sanders knows better than that. i want to get your take on the riots we ve seen. we ve seen that horrible video of a woman being pelted.
president obama, here s what he said. that s not what our democracy is about. that s not what you do. there s no room for violence, there s no place for shouting. it s very important for us to remind ourselves of who we are and what is best about american democracy and not slip into bad habits that currently manifest themselves in the other party. this is nothing more than premeditated organized violence. you create chaos, you create dissenction. rite right out of the rules for radicals which was
dedicated to lucifer. look, trump supporters enjoy their first amendment protection to participate in these rallies just like anybody else and it shouldn t be done having to go through fear, intimidation and get bloodied and battered to participate in our democrat state and how we choose the next president of the united states. they realize, when i say they, president obama, the democrats, mrs. bill clinton, bernie sanders know that they benefit from this sort of thing and what it does is it distracts, it distracts away from what s really going on here, some of the internal strooif that the strife that the party has going on right now. nevada, they realize if these hood lumps or goons may show up at a bernie sanders or hillary clinton rally which they have done in the past and do this same sort of thing.
they are happy it s haepg over there. they want to keep it over there. these conventions could get nasty. it s not bernie sanders and president obama getting political. michelle obama getting political at a commencement speech. let s play that. in this country, it s never been each person for themselves. no, we re all in this together. we always have been. and here in america we don t give in to our fears, we don t build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained. they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. sher live, there s a time and place to be political. we were talking about muhammad ali just passing away and it s already political.
commence many speeches as well, is this a place to get political? the best part, she said thank you for allowing me to share this final commencement speech with you. that means no other college graduating class will have to hear this racial and zwis dwis divisive speech by mrs. obama. they are the most powerful and affluent people on planet earth, if they are victims, who isn t a victim? they walk around with this chip on their shoulder. they support strife and division. it pains them to know when they go to sleep at night, they sleep
in the white house. they said yesterday it s a house that slaves built. that s the last time i believe this country has been that divided, was over the issue of slavery. great to see you this morning, sheriff. my pleasure. coming up here on the show. we are two days away from the california primary if you can believe that. bernie sanders says he will not surrender to hillary clinton. how far is he willing to go in this race? we re live in the golden state next. a frightening scene as a car bursts into flames and in the middle of the race. oh, big explosion! as our business is growing, and you re on the road all day long, it s exhausting. hi how are you? you re on the fourth floor. thank you so much.
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hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for voters before the california primary. and bernie sanders vows for his fight for a contested convention. whoa, christmas is here. happy good morning to you. bernie sanders admits its an up hill climb for him but is saying in a very matter of fact way there will be a contested convention in philadelphia. sanders continues to attract huge crowds, including one last night getting an estimated 13,500 at olympic plaza in los angeles. voter registration in california is up 17.9 million and sanders is clearly hoping that is being driven by people enthusiastic
about voting for him. he s telling supporters it won t be over on tuesday night. for secretary clinton to get to the magic number of 2,383, she would have to win 2/3 of those pledged delegates. frankly, unless i m very, very mistaken, that is absolutely not going to happen. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. hillary clinton continues her five-day campaign swing through california. her team estimates 1,500 people showed up for her get out the vote friday nie in fresno. she s hoping her endorsement by the governor will help her win. i was honored to be endorsed by jerry brown a few days ago. it meant a lot to me because he s a problem-solver. he gets good ideas wherever they
come from. he listens to all kinds of people. then he makes up his mind and he gets to work. that s what we have to do together. sanders fear is the networks calling clinton the nominee after the polls close in new jersey at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. his fear is that his supporters here in california and other western states will stay home demoralized so he s pressing the media to let it play out. 4:00 a.m. in california. just back from dinner. i ve been sending up my weekly emisscopalian prayers up for a year for this. they are vowing 20,000 bernie
sanders supporters to descend on the convention. will some of those super delegates actually flip flopped. which is so crazy. how long have we been talking about a contested republican convention? donald trump is under attack for attacking the nationality of the judge in the trump university case, or ethnicity. alberto gonzales will be to defend that. a child passing out on the bus because it s too hot. maya passed out on the bus. fan her. the alarms will go off. what happens if your car is locked into a car. you may have to break into a
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great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing s important. comcast business knows that. that s why you can schedule an installation
at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that s what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don t deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. about 25 minutes after the hour. quick headlines caught on camera. a heart-stopping moment between a child and a charging lion. the 400 pound cat and a japanese zoo charges when he sees the two-year-old boy turn his back only to be stopped by the glass. he gets excited whenever little kids get near. watch this.
whoa national record holder jack beckman was able to keep the car in his lane before pulling the chute. those are some of your headlines. clay, i m heading out to you where you are trying to break into some cars in the city. the big arms out here. imagine sending your kid on the school bus and they pass out from eat. watch heat. watch this. maya passed out on the bus. fan her. because the alarms will go off. students forced to ride home on a sweltering school bus in washington state last week. the little girl is okay. the truth is most parents think it s okay to leave their kids in a car for a few minutes. joining us now is susan aream.
parents i think that s okay. it s only a few minutes. oftentimes that s what they think and the reality is even when the windows ajar in a matter of of minutes the car can heat up the interior to 125 degrees. 80% of the heating takes place in the first ten minutes. if you leave a child for a few minutes, it can be fatal. is this a big problem? are there a lot of deaths from this every year? we see an average of about 37 children per year dying in a hot car and this year to date we ve already had nine compared to last year we only had three by this point. that s terrible. what is this down here? we want to talk about the fact that the baby should always be in the backseat and that s where you have that s where you are putting your baby. the problem is sometimes baby is out of sight, out of mind and we ve had parents that have a failure of the memory, where their auto pilot has taken over
and driven all the way to work and forgot to drop off the baby. when you are by a car and you see a baby in a hot car and no one is around. what should we do? we encourage passersby is call 911. if you feel the baby is in distress, lethargic, unresponsive, very red and sweaty, you may want to take matters in your own hands. we have a tool we want to demonstrate for you several states pass law that cover a passerby from any ramifications if they break a window to free a child. how do we want to do this? we want to cover our eyes, a pair of sunglasses works just as well. not everyone has these in
their back pocket. if you don t have gloves, you could take a t-shirt or another article of clothing to wrap your hand to protect your hand and we re going to be using a tool called the rescue-me tool. it s a spring loaded punch tool. it fits on your key chain. it can be used if you are trapped inside your vehicle and it also has a seat belt cutter. and it can be used if you see a child or pet who is in distressed in the vehicle. we want to make sure you go to the corners of the window and anyone can do this. you don t need to be a big strong guy. you are going to press it against there and give it a punch and you always wanted to do this in the window farthest away from the baby. what is that called again? this is called the rescue me tool. on our web, kids in, if
you make a donation, you win one of these. great to see you, this morning. thanks for having me. tucker, abby, what s coming up? stay away from my car. richard simmons is in the hospital this morning. what he was doing at his mansion that have police very concerned. and trump under fire for talking about the nationality of the judge deciding the trump u case. looking for an outdoor escape. we ll show you how to transform your backyard from a depressing dog run to the yard of your dreams. hi! hey! i ve made plans for later in case this date doesn t go well.
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or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don t take botox® if there s a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. don t take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. talk to a headache specialist today. back on the fox news alert, update on richard simmons and his condition. he s been reportedly rushed to the hospital. 4, 5, 6, 7, double touch. side and side. not walk up four. one, two, three. the 80s icon is said to be getting medical help after someone in his home called 911 concerned abouts his bizarre
behavior. there were rumors he was being held captive by his housekeeper. he hit back and said he was taking a break from being a celebrity. the parents of the toddler who fell into the gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged tomorrow. prosecutors are said to announce whether or not they will bring charges. the boy s mother claims she was temporarily distracted when he climbed into the gorilla has been i at that time over the weekend. cincinnati zoo official were forced to shoot and kill that animal to save the boy s life. and homeland security is quietly removing van loads of mexican immigrants without paperwork. this week, 35 were bought to a phoenix bus station without proper processing and it gets better, american taxpayers are
forced to foot the bill for the bull fare. planning the perfect wedding to make sure the guests are hitting the dance floor. we ve got you covered. love this song, highway hey ya by outkast. as for second place. oh, i want to dance with somebody everyone in the studio is saying whitney houston. don t believe me just watch and rounding out the top three, mark ronson and bruno mars, uptown funk. i have a feeling you are dancing
out there. what are you doing, rick? there s a tent there. i thought i would get inside the tent. there s no sleeping bags, there s no place to lie down. it s mostly like a storage tent at this point. these kids forced me into it. i got bullied by her. take a look at the weather map to show you what s going on this morning. if you are planning on camping across much of the northeast. we have a lot of rain and severe weather. you see that line of storms that comes through this evening. that s where the worst is coming through the evening. severe weather also down to the south. more strong winds with some of those storms. you ll notice a little bit of rain across far southeast texas, one last day of it and northern plains, a beautiful day, temperatures in the 80s, tons of sunshine, a little bit more cloud cover and western side, beautiful day. west, it s hot. breaking all kinds of record for
heat. you don t like to see that this early in the season. we ll be around 1:30 today in phoenix, portland, high of 101. is heat it on out west. cools down the next couple of days. abby and clayton back to you. if you are looking for a little outdoor get away or the perfect place to entertain why not transform your backyard into the get away of your dreams. here to tell us how is missy hendrickson with the national association of landscape professionals. she spends her whole career outside. i do. tell us about some of the things outdoor space. it looks like we re? a living room, something like ernest semg way would hemingway would sit in. people are discovering they can take their indoors and move it outside. it used to be to create our outdoor living spaces, we will take a picnic table and plop it out on the deck. how do you do that with the weather, i in-laws live in cam
pa florida, but the storms are outside are terrible. some of the storms are short lived. you can make a most of your outdor space with things like pergolas. some of these fabric are water resist tan as well. the way that designers are creating materials for us to enjoy outdoors today have come a long way. this equipment here, all this beautiful furniture was provided by ballard designs and this incredible greenery that we see, this is created for us by john mini s landscapes. the materials on the furniture is waterproof. this is furniture. it s made to withstand the elements, very low maintenance is required. other materials for wood that will also work the same way,
such as cypress and some of the red woods will also serve your purpose as well too. teak is like our own tucker carlson, very low maintenance. come over to the hard escaping. this is my favorite thing. everyone loves a fire. in the warm months, fire pits can still work. you can enjoy them 365 days a year. part of creating your-out joor living space is figuring out how you want to use that space. if you want to do a lot of cooking, it s beautiful, kitchens that you can create outside. outdoor theaters. it s really what you want to do with your space to make it personal. tell us about these custom rings as well. this material looks like natural rock but it s actually concrete. they are individual pavers. there s a lot you can do with concrete nowadays. i tried to do with brick one at one point. these rings will keep it
together. there s actually hard to hard ska ping professional. some things you want to leave to the pros. you ll be back. we ll talk about lawn care and how to create a beautiful landscape. donald trump coming under fire for attacking the national of a judge in the trump university case. this morning, a former attorney general is coming to his defense, perhaps. we ll get him to weigh in on this. there is alberto gonzales. he will join us live to explain next. fathers day is just two weeks away. you still need a gift. how about a personal system that turns any beer into the perfect craft. clayton s gift guide is just ahead. what s it like to be in good hands? man, it s like pure power at your finger tips.
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donald trump under fire this morning for asking u.s. district judge gonzales curio to recuse himself from the trump university trial due to conflict of interest. one person who may agree is alberto gonzales. i m absolutely willing to believe that this or any other judge may have biases. they have done or said thing that would make it improper for him to preside over the case. trump issic maing a different argument, because this judge s parents were born in mexico, he seems unfit to try this case. i did see in the piece i wrote that alone would not be enough, in my judgment, to disqualify the judge. you know, i wrote this piece not
to support donald trump s statements about the judge, but to support donald trump s rights. like any other american to have an impartial judge hear this case. that was the purpose for this for this piece that i wrote yesterday. that s, of course, an entirely legitimate point. all of us have the right to question people s motives but we understand people s motives by the things that they say or do. why would trump bring up the country of origin of this man s parents. aren t what your parents do and where they were born, isn t that by definition irrelevant? exactly. that is the point that i made in the piece that i wrote. to disqualify somebody based on that it would be inappropriate. it s perfectly legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant, you want a fair trial. you want to win that case. that s true for anyone. it does not matter who the litigant is.
whether or not they are a terrorist, child molester, murderer, everyone is entitled to a trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it s perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently, i said so in my piece. to question a judge like this, particularly someone who is running for president a year from now, that could be damaging to the judiciary. is there evidence that you think that this judge might be unsuited to preside over this trial? i don t know. and again it s perfectly legitimate to ask the question, and i think the judge, as every judge should do before every case, to consider all the facts, to consider the publicity about the case, what s being said publicly about the case and make a decision. it s not about being impartial, it s about the appearance of
impartiality, i am impropriety. that s the standard. what do you think with the legal group that the judge appears to be somehow affiliated? what do you think about them? i know very little about the group. i don t know whether or not there s a affiliation with the national group which has been very critical of donald trump s immigration policies. there may be a relationship or there may be not a relationship. that s the question. is there an appearance of impropriety. i understand there are very raw emotions about this. i m angry with anyone who dispara disparages a hispanic judge.
i work very hard to get some hispanic judges in the judiciary. you can believe in secure borders but have not regard to any parents or country of origin. i would have certainly taken a different approach and i think that s particularly true for someone who is running for president of the united states, because, again, whenever you say something, you know, about judges nationality, i think it demeans the office and it hurts the judiciary as a whole. alberto gonzales, great to see you this morning. thank for coming on. it s a pleasure. democrats use muhammad ali s death to attack.
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it s good to be in, good hands. good morning. it s sunday, june 5th. it s the countdown to the california primary. two days until primary day and bernie sanders says he will never surrender even if he loses. the national convention will be a contested convention. and now even the bernie supporters say they have or own plan to create convention chaos for hillary. we have details ahead. donald trump coming under fire from both sides politically for attacking the nationality of the judge in the trump university case. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case is perfectly
legitimate. the big story now, we ll hear what trump said straight ahead. a little boy calls the cops on his own father. 911. what s your emergency. daddy went past a red light. so what did dad have to say once he found out about this? we ll ask him when the two join us live this hour. fox & friends hour three starts right now. have you ever called the police on your father? no. is that not the cutest thing? i think it s horrifying. i think your loyalty out to be to your family above all. a few weeks ago this woman in a parking lot was looking over and rear ended me. we went home. i didn t tell my wife. a day later my wife says it s interesting the kids said you got in an accident yesterday.
they sold me out. to their mom. that s okay. we re already in the third hour. we want to get to headlines. the world preparing to say a final good-bye to it the legendary muhammad ali. septic shock killed him at the age of 74. he battled parkinson s disease for 30 years. to a fox news alert, a memphis police officer is killed. the unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer smith who was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. two victims hospitalized and are in critical condition. a suspect is now in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year veteran of the force. leaves behind a fiance and three
children. the mayor of memphis saying i m angry at the unacceptable level of violence in our city and we must not accept this as our norm. a raging brush fire tearing through the suburban hills north of los angeles. it s been fueled by that extreme heat hitting the area. thousands of homes are in danger and mandatory evacuations have been put in place. three water dropping helicopters and more than 500 firefighters have been working to put out that fire. the blaze is believed to have sparked after a truck crashed into a power pole knocking it over. an ex-marine fired for doing his job for doing this on memorial day. all of you out there fighting for this country, that s what they think about you all. it s a beauty. happy memorial day you all. lowering the flag outside the charlotte, north carolina, time warner cable store to half-staff. the next day he was fired because of his passion for the
flag and political affiliation. he served in afghanistan and says he did it because the flag belongs to everyone. and those of your headlines. rick is outside for a report. rick? what s going on with our show? not the entirely natural world. we made it look like a natural world. we have john deere. we have hammocks. look at the weather maps. talk about what s going on. very nice temperatures across most of the country. look at that. 87 in phoenix. it s 5:00 a.m. you get the idea of what s going on out there. here s where all of the rain is. it s going to be across the east and severe weather this afternoon especially along the i-95 corridor. we ve seen a few tornadoes. we ve been talking about incredible record flooding across texas. more rain across southeast texas. for the most part things are looking a lot improved and the
west is very dry. here s temperatures. 116 in phoenix. cools down tomorrow. 113. that heat has to go somewhere and builds in across the south and in toward the southeast for much of this coming week. get ready. summer is here, guys. summer is here. back to you. thanks so much, rick. you heard a voice. we can t help it. donald trump on last night at the height of this controversy over the judge. what did he say? you know, it s interesting. i have known donald for decades. we re friends. i ve always been fully open about that. the i think the interview last night we touched on a lot of issues. trump university, the judge in that case and other issues that are kind of in the news right now. we have a clip of it we should play that. i have a judge who is truly unfair. i don t know the judge. he s truly unfair in san diego.
why did you refer to ethnicity, donald? his heritage is i want to build a wall. do you think you need to dial it back? i have to be what i have to be. i have to tell the truth. did he see that as a mistake? no, not at all. does he see anything as a mistake ever? he s the kind of guy that says what he thinks and he makes it clear. there s no agenda in terms of you re not going to really know what i m thinking and i m going to play you. he was very clear about it. he said i happen to agree with him. you have a judge appointed by barack obama. and that in itself is not enough. you also have a judge who released sealed records long before this trial is going to take place. the trial is scheduled to take place after the election. and, you know, every litigant as
judge gonzalez says has a right to a fair trial. every litigant has a right to ask a judge to recuse himself or herself. judges are not above the balaw. trump s argument i support him on most issues he s argued that this guy can t be fair because he s hispanic. that s not the only thing. it s one of the reasons. he said, look, i want to build a wall. this guy s parents are mexican immigrants. whether or not you can assume the judge isn t going to be fair, i don t know. when you put pieces together, you realize that, look, this guy is in a presidential race. i said in the interview a lot that will be played on justice tonight at 9:00, i said why didn t you just settle? why are you allowing them to do this? he said because i m not wrong here. it doesn t matter. the election is not about trump university or his irritation with the judge, it s
about destruction of middle class and our borders being secured. why is he going off in the weeds? he says we can focus on other stuff but he says i m not going to lose my rights. i m not going to be in a position where i m not going to get equal justice because i m running for president. this is what i believe. and in the interview, i mean, you get a real sense of the man. he s a man who not only believes in what he says but he believes in the american dream and when i was in san jose talking to a lot of the people at that rally, i spoke to people who had spanish accent, chinese, polish, i mean all these different ethnicityie who say we want this man. we spoke with albert gonzalez on the show. he said this about donald trump having a right to question this judge. to disqualify someone just on
that would be inappropriate. it s legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant. you want a fair trial. you want to win that case. that s true for anyone. it does not matter who the litigant is and whether or not they re a terrorist or a child molester, a rapist, a murderer or a racist. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge and so to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it s perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently. i said so in my piece. to publicly question a judge like this particularly someone running for president, could be president a year from now, i think that could do damage to the judiciary. damage to the judiciary. i have never been from that school. i have never been there were years when no one said anything about judges. they were above the law. and then we started seeing decisions of judges that indicated that they were less than fair. no one is above the law. judges are not above the law. that s why a lot of them run for
office. a lot of them are appointed. these judges are accountable. judges are taken off the bench. i m not saying this judge is good or bad. i don t know. any litigant has a right to say i m not sure this guy will be fair to me based on x, y and z. he gave that. he didn t say one thing. there s a lot of talk being the general election he has to start moving his rhetoric a little bit more that appeals to the middle. tucker has been saying why not focus on the economy and some of these other issues. this makes you wonder. he may not change his rhetoric. he may not change much about what he s been talking about. what he says in the interview is i am who i am and that s why people are passionate about him. i think that he s an incredibly smart man. when you think about the fact that the guy never run for mayor and he beats out 17 people with a skeleton campaign. he has 70 people and hillary clinton has 732. you know, i think he kind of
knows how to dance. we ll see where it goes. speaking of hillary clinton and bernie sanders, neck and neck right now in the california primary two days away and they took yesterday to talk about muhammad ali and turned it into a political fight. watch this. one of the great american heroes in modern american history was muhammad ali. a very proud muslim. don t tell us you love muhammad ali and say you ll it s worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, where they can worship their own god, where they can choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their dreams as far as their hard work and talent will take them. not even 24 hours since his passing. you know what s sad about that is we want to talk about this was inappropriate or that one is inappropriate.
muhammad ali, the guy was the greatest. but to use his death as leverage against donald trump shows you who they are. donald trump is a huge boxing fan who was friends with ali and for them to twist it into muslims, all muslims and donald is anti-muslim. donald says until we know what s going on, we have to stop who is coming in and vetting process is not there. your show tonight at 9:00 you ll watch the interview with donald trump. and a lot of other stuff. we ll be tuning in. thanks, judge. coming up on the show, bernie sanders refuses to surrender to hillary clinton in california. what does that mean for hillary if she loses the golden state? chris wallace is here next. kelly ripa back in the headlines after that messy split with michael strahan. why some are calling her queen kelly behind the scenes. we kick off national fishing and boating week. which bait to use or which fly.
we have tips for you to have a really good time. stay tuned to fox & friends. new bikes aren t selling guys.
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nah. what else? what if we hire more sales reps? nah. what else? what if we digitize the whole supply chain? so people can customize their bike before they buy it. that worked better than expected. i ll dial it back. yeah, dial it back. just a little. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple. at the end of the nominating process, no candidate will have enough pledged delegates to call the campaign a victory. the democratic national convention will be a contested
convention. contested convention. with less than two days until the california primary, bernie sanders says he s not dropping out any time soon. even predicting a contested convention. what does it mean for hillary? here to weigh in, chris wallace. if you said they would be neck and neck in california, would you believe it? no. i have to say i would have thought she would have put him away by now. i will say i m not sure this is clearly the argument bernie sanders needs to make two days before california and wants to get all of his supporters to the polls so he has to say that it means something in terms of who the eventual nominee will be. let s assume the whole day and not just california goes the way it does and she goes over the top between it the dwrincombina of her pledged delegates and millions of votes, i think the pressure over the course of that next seven weeks is going to be
enormous on him to get out and to let her run unimpeded against donald trump. now, look, he s not a loyal democrat. he in fact prior to this campaign was an independent. democratic socialist. wasn t even a member of the democratic party. so that may not work with him. but i got to think there s going to be an awful lot of pressure on him to get out of the race and let it become clinton/trump. would you think so. on the other hand, he ll have a lot of delegates. a lot of support. and a lot of potential to wreck the convention in philadelphia. do you have any idea what he s going to ask in return for an endorsement and calming words to his supporters? i don t know in the sense that bernie has told me but it s pretty obvious that in terms of the platform, he s going to ask for some of the things that he cares about in terms of trade and in terms of medicare for all. a variety of the issues. the democratic socialist agenda. now, clinton is going to have to
do a balancing act and how much can she give without it hurting her in the general election against donald trump in the fall. let s be honest here. there s a lot of talk at the convention about the platform and the day they leave the convention, the platform is promptly forgotten and never brought up again. i think a few things that may mean a lot to him but won t affect her a lot in the party platform, he s going to have to have a prime time speech. i would think that s going to be about it. i think it s probably all she can afford to do. and coming up everyone needs to tune into your show. you have hillary s campaign manager on, newt gingrich and a number of other guests. a great show. we ll tune into that. thank you. check your local listings. thanks, chris. great to see you. coming up on the show, matt damon gets political during his commencement speech. if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president.
can we transfer to a different one? he said that he wouldn t get a pass. the game show legend joins us next. plus, canada, a country north to here, is about to change its national anthem. you won t believe why. the most sensitive nation on earth.
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about 25 minutes after the hour. quick entertainment headlines to get to. kelly ripa is ruling with an iron fist after being blind-sided by strahan going to gma. she s been dubbed queen kelly
and the view is shaking up. michelle collins has been fired as co-host of the show. her hours were cut in january and the show s producers decided not to renew her contract. collins is expected to stay on the view through the end of the summer and don t believe the rumors jack black, he s alive. fans freaking out when the tweet went out that i m sad to announce the death of jack black at the age of 46. rest in peace, brother. it s unclear if the account was hacked. got to love twitter these days. that is the voice of chuck here to talk about big stories including matt damon. returned to the campus to deliver the commencement speech but used the moment at the podium to get political. if there are multiple
simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee to president? can we transfer to a different one. let s say it to the bankers, specifically the ones that brought you the biggest height in history. it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud and you knew it. i don t know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. joining us now with reaction is actor, legendary game show host, it s great to see you. i m not an actor. if you turn a commencement speech at m.i.t., this impressive school, into an infomercial for elizabeth warren here s matt damon. one of my favorite actors. i love him as an actor. it s flipped on its head. in the 50s in hollywood, if you
spoke against or for communism, you are black balled. but if you speak against communism, you re black balled. so everything is flipped upside down. with matt damon, he s been doing this for years. i actually have a youtube video that i put up maybe four years ago on matt damon about this very subject. if he is so troubled about making so much money, $76 million reported by the way, and paying so little in taxes and so upset with the rich and all this kind of thing and equity, he can go to parkersburg, west virginia, and give them as much money as he wants to. the federal government has a place for him. but they never do that. let me tell you why they don t. they don t do it because it inoculates them against the left. you make too much money. you don t do this right or that
right. i m perfect. i would do this. they never do it. they say i would do this. then they re inoculated. you have a new podcast out called blunt force truth. fantastic podcast. one of your most recent episodes you spent dissecting minimum wage and presidential race and $15 an hour proposed minimum wage and you deep dive this. what kind of consequences this would have on the economy. most people don t realize it s not a good thing. it s a bad thing. they don t put it in perspective. it s a liberals job to make simple and make it as complex as possible. it s the conservatives job to take the complex and make it as simple as possible. so we try to take these issues like the things that sound really good, knee-jerk reaction, my son is 20 years old. he would love to make $15 an hour. i would love for him to make $15 an hour. it hurts business.
business will react in a way like mcdonald s does it right now. wendy s is doing it right now. we ll have someone at the counter to take that person s job. it s cheaper to make it a robot than to pay people and they re 24 hours a day. they don t complain. there s no houstounion. businesses will find their way around it. you have to earn this way in this world. if it cost them 15 bucks an hour and you re a small business and it ruins a business, what good does it do? people don t think that through and don t reason it through. they have a knee-jerk reaction like 15 bucks an hour. great. minimum wage is these are people who are starting off. they re not people who have families by in large. it s like the numbers for unemployment. you and i both know these are so screwy. these numbers aren t real. totally fake. we all, fox included,
everybody says well the unemployment number is 4.5. of course it s not. we always put a huge asterisk next to it on this show. check out his podcast blunt force truth. a lot of truth but you can handle it. great to see you. thank you very much. coming up next, where is bernie sanders money come from? we ll have the numbers to break down ahead. we re kicking off national fishing and boating week. do you know which bait to use? we have tips to you to have a really good time. just catch it with your hands. he s an animal. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable.
just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
man, it s like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. .want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car. i see you car! and i got the power to know who s coming and when if i break down. .you must be gerry. hey. in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it s good to be in, good hands. know how to pack uber flavor into ultra thin. sargento ultra thin slices, the same taste, just thinner
and 45 calories a slice. that s 45 reasons to layer, fold, mix, match, beg, stack, sneak, peek, tease, taunt, like, love. because real cheese people bite with abandon. hold the sacrifice, no compromise. sargento ultra thin slices, we re real cheese people. welcome back. we ve gone fishing on the plaza in honor of national fishing and boating week. here with the top gear you need to get on the water. we have tom keenan. great to see you. good to see you. we re blocking you out here.
we re raising the tent a little bit. so take us through some of these gadgets here that you have for us. you have to start with a rod and reel. gander mountain makes quite a few. we set it up so easy for you guys to fish with. we ll give this one to the expert. obviously if you re going to pick different gear out there, if you re going to use a spinning rod like this, a lot of people that fish, this gives accuracy and power. they make cool baits and lures now. they build a line like this. doesn t stretch at all. no matter what, zero stretch. and then if you team it up with something like this, that s your jerkbait. it s designed for walleyes, pike. it s designed when you put it in
the water you jerk it and it hovers. that s cool. what about the fish finder? these gps for fish? they make some pretty awesome technology. this is one of the greatest things ever made. it s capable of taking a lake master chip. if you put a chip in here, it will download the lake maps. this will allow you to look down and look left and right. if you re going down the lake, look this way and this way 240 feet. you can use that in lockness. what about inflatable device? it a lot of people want to take their life jacket off. this one designed where if you rip this cord, it inflates. once it hits the water after three seconds inflates automatically. this is not a joke. people get in deep trouble. you can get pulled under.
it will save your life. the other thing we promote at gander mountain is long sleeve fishing shirts. a goofy color. but the biggest thing is it s 50 spf to keep the sun off of you. when i fish tournaments, i wear it because skin cancer is serious. plus the laidies like it. these are not native to midtown. tips on how to cast properly. i would start with this. it s pretty easy stuff. you open it up like this. and a you can cast it. in and out like that. in a crowd like this i like to cast underhand so i don t hit the people behind me. tucker doesn t care. lets it rip through.
tucker wasn t watching. he got two different people. wonderful. does anybody have any idea how many fish we caught this morning? you re a brave man. that s on national tv there. i hope that your parents are recording that because that will haunt you forever. that s awesome. check out where can people go to lerp more about everything that gander mountain has to offer? we are at stop in any time. thank you so much. i do all the time. great store. god bless you. you guys look like such naturals in your suit and ties fishing out there. we want to get to headlines now. we re learning the identity of the ft. hood soldiers killed while out on a training mission in texas. these are the names of eight of the nine deceased soldiers just released. three others were rescued and
released from the hospital. an investigation into that accident is ongoing. one soldier had been in the military for just seven months. the ninth soldier s identity is being withheld until family is notified. richard simmons reportedly rushed to the hospital. five. six. seven. double touch. side. and side. walk up four. we all know simmons, the 80s icon is getting medical help after someone at his hollywood home called 911 concerned about his bizarre behavior earlier this year. there were rumors he was being held captive by his housekeeper. he said he was taking a break from being a celebrity. the 9-year-old trump supporter bullied at school for wearing his autographed make america great again hat gets told he can no longer wear it because of safety concerns over the other students feelings. logan told us his feelings about it moments ago. they did not like me wearing
the hat. she said that it was against the dress code wearing a hat. i looked in the dress code and it was not against it. despite the school s request, logan says he intends to keep wearing the controversial cap even after it was chewed up by his dog. you heard these lyrics before. o canada we all know that anthem. canada is close to changing some of the lyrics to make it gender neutral. the bill will change english lyrics to an all of us command. if it passes, the bill would go to the senate and change could be made official as soon as this summer. and those are some of your headlines. and coming up, where is bernie s money coming from? one you the of every $4 comes from someone out of work.
that s not only good for bernie. it s good for someone else, too. we ll explain next. a little boy calls the cops on his own dad. listen to this. 911. what s your emergency? daddy went past a red light. so what did dad say when we found out about this? we ll ask him. the two join us live ahead.
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immigrants to get health care under obamacare. in 2009, president obama said the law would not extend to illegal immigrants. he called a liar during the state of the union speech and that turned out to be true. the largest group of donors backing bernie sanders have one thing in common. one of every $4 donated to his campaign comes from someone out of the workforce. that s amazing. it s two days in a row that you are joining us on the curvy couch on a weekend. great to see you. thank you for having me. this number, 1 out of every $4 comes from someone out of the workforce who is donated to bernie sanders. what do you make of that number? for a start, it s a huge number. these people are unemployed, on disability or more likely retired. it s a very large number. now, let s suppose for a moment that bernie is not the nominee. it s hillary. where will that support go?
those people have contributed so much and these outsiders contributing so much to bernie, where will that support go? will it go to hillary? i think not. she s mrs. wall street. she s an insider. trump represents he gives voice to outsiders on his side of the aisle. i think it could pull in bernie voters. he s offering growth in the economy, jobs in this economy, i think he could obviously they want something different. donald trump is offering something different. they are the nonestablishment candidates. bernie and donald. if you don t get bernie as democratic nominee, where does his support go? you have to think it goes a large amount goes to donald trump. she promise mors more of the same. if you have unemployed and still giving money to a candidate,
you re not messing around. hillary would do more of the same that barack obama has done. that s no growth. not many jobs. a declining economy. these people who are outsiders don t want more of that. they want growth. they want jobs and that s what donald trump offers. our graphic designers worked hard. this is fascinating. these are percentage of sanders donations by occupations. 28.6% are unemployed. it breaks down from health care at 7%. education occupation, technology, arts and entertainment and construction. he s offering free health care and free education. but trump is not going to touch social security for retirees. i don t believe he says he ll touch medicare for those people doing that. there s a natural home for bernie sanders supporters to jump ship to donald trump. i don t know the proportions. i m told a recent poll 17% of
bernie voters would go for trump. i don t know the nature of that poll. it would be more than that. it tells you if one of the categories is construction, i think most people imagine bernie supporters are starbucks employees or poet writers. sarcasm. i mean, who is going to create new construction jobs? hillary or donald trump? who is it? who is going to create manufacturing jobs? is it hillary or is it donald trump? i mean, i do think that bernie sanders supporters ignore ideology and socialism for a second have a natural home across the hall. who has one of the fastest growing shows on cable news? thank you for the compliment.
we re doing okay. your show has exploded. you don t get a day off this week. don t need it. 9:00 a.m. to noon weekdays on fox business network. very kind of you. thank you very much. it s true. we re just reading the numbers. it s impressive. coming up, two days away from the california primary. the most populated state. bernie sanders says he will not surrender no matter what happens to hillary but she could lose. what happens then? then a little boy calls the cops on his own father. 911. what s your emergency? daddy went past a red light. sold him out. what did dad say when he found out about this. the two of them will join us live next. i can t wait. soon.
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911. what s your emergency? daddy went past a red light. he did? is he home right now? yeah. can i talk to him. yeah. your son said you ran a red light. oh no. i apologize. his little boy ratted him out and called 911. 6 year old calling the cops on his own father. joining us is robby and his dad, michael. nice to see you both on the show this morning. what did you think when you got a call from the police department? well, we didn t get a call. he called. he just came outside and said
somebody called. it was just shock at first. it s not something you expect. you come home and enjoying a saturday afternoon. what happened, robby, when you were in the car, what did your dad do at the red light? he was trying to go through the car wash but he stopped and took a turn. you thought he ran through a red light. you decided to get on the phone to call 911? uh-huh. michael, you didn t really run the red light. did have you to explain to police officers what actually happened? no. they didn t ask. they didn t ask? when the officer called, he said, when robby called he got on the phone and said he said you ran a red light. i laughed and apologized. did you think it was funny?
i did out of shock, you know. i didn t expect him to do that. you stopped at the red light and turned right and you had to explain to your son later that it s okay to do that? at some intersections. i told him that if there s a sign that i was at there s not a sign that says no turn on red. robby, i know that you may have a new fascination with television this morning looking into the camera having fun, i also know that you like police officers, right? you want to be a police officer when you grow up? yeah. so were you excited to get on the phone with them and have a conversation with them after your dad ran the red light? yeah. when did his fascination with police start? maybe about a year ago. year and a half ago. what does the rest of the family think about this? everybody got a big kick out
of it. ten minutes of laughter at our expense, you know. boston could use some humor, right? yep. guys, thanks so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. all right. thanks for having us. thanks. coming up here on the show, the world is remembering muhammad ali. lennox lewis said ali inspired him to pursue his dreams. whose message to voters want to hear? frank luntz is here and will break it all down. we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving.
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it s sunday, june 5th. it s the countdown to the california primary. two days until primary day and bernie sanders says he will never surrender even if he loses. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. and now even bernie supporters say they have their own plan to create convention chaos for hillary. a live report from california in just a few moments. and then donald trump has a theory on why some voters still support hillary clinton. here it is. it s almost out of habit. why keep eating popcorn when it doesn t taste good? it s a habit. and the same thing with her. she s a habit. you know what? it s time now i think people are fed up with hillaries of the world. can voters break the hillary habit and go cold turkey? will they gain weight if they
do? frank luntz live with the answers this hour. hungry for hpopcorn. a ship with hundreds of passengers onboard crashes into the docks. [ bleep ]. good thing no one was sitting on the dock. why the company says that ship was forced off course and how the passengers are doing this morning. fox & friends hour four starts right now. wow. not looking at the wilds of manhattan. it s midtown manhattan but we have a pool full of fish. is this the first? in order to pay extra bills
here, we ve gone into tilapia farming. just kidding. it s national fishing and boating month and of course we re celebrating on the plaza. people are catching fish out there and building the backyards of their dreams. incredible. we have some sod and planters and raised beds. we ll show you how to make a great looking backyard. nice out there. not the same old sod but actual sod. and also abby huntsman. i almost hooked someone with my fishing pole. i m not sure i m going to be invited back. i m sure it s okay. nypd is looking for you. countdown to california, hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for voters ahead of the primary. this as sanders vows to continue his fight with a contested convention.
good morning, mike. tucker, abby, clayton, good morning to you. nightmare scenario for democratic party leadership. he says there will be a contested convention in philadelphia and calling on the media to let tuesday night s primary play out. the other thing that bothers me, i have to say about that, is somebody who believes in doing everything possible to bring people into the political process, you make that announcement, bosses make that announcement, 8:00 new jersey time, eastern standard time, it will have an impact on voter turnout here in california. there are no signs of support for sanders fading. his rally in olympic plaza in los angeles last night drew an estimated 13,500 people. sanders is encouraged about voter registration in california being up 17.9 million hoping that s a sign people want to vote for him.
sanders said hillary clinton is only 1.5 percentage points ahead of donald trump in some polls. hillary clinton will visit churches this morning. her campaign said she rallied 1,500 supporters last night in fresno. clinton notes the historic nature of her campaign. we ve never had a woman president. that s why i want you to understand that i have spent eight years in the senate on the armed services committee. four years as secretary of state. i have spent a lot of hours in the situation room working to solve some of the hardest problems we face. something worth watching in the final hours before tuesday night s primaries, both hillary clinton and bernie sanders are working for latino support. obviously a huge factor here in california. back to you guys in new york. all right. bright and early in santa
monica. this is getting intense. do you think bernie sanders will go to philadelphia democratic convention and say just tweak the platform and i ll be satisfied? he ll say i want elizabeth warren to be your running mate. what happens then? chris wallace was on early. what about the seven weeks in between? everything is wrapped up on tuesday presumably in california, new jersey and other places. there s a lot of time in between and pressure hoisted on him to try to union itte the party and he hold strong and not do that? the poll in california, only two points apart. we re talking about hillary clinton already has this thing in the bag. it s pretty clear there s a huge chunk in the democratic party. they are just not sold yet. reports that maybe 20,000 protesters will show up at this convention in philadelphia. i went to school in philadelphia. i was born in philadelphia. this is not going to end nicely.
it s not because bernie sanders is not running a political campaign. he s running a moral crusade. they re not joking. why would you send money to bernie when it s clear he can t be the nominee. there s one reason. you believe in bernie sanders and not hillary clinton. this will not end until she gives him what he wants. interesting segment with stu breaking down the money given to bernie sanders. remarkable that many of those people, 28% of them, are unemployed who are donated money. they don t even have jobs and they re giving him money. that s how resonate his message is. i disagree but it doesn t make it any less powerful. this is a real force. she s going to have to deal with this. i want to get to this. we played in just a few minutes ago. it s quite hilarious. donald trump talking about hillary clinton being like popcorn. listen to this. hillary is incompetent. you know that by just looking at her past record. look at libya.
look at what happened with benghazi. look at what happened with so many different things that she s done. everything she s done. why do people support her? it s almost out of habit if you ask me. almost out of habit. it s like why do you keep eating popcorn when it doesn t taste good? it s like a habit. boom. boom. and the same thing with her. she s a habit. you know what? it s time now i think people are fed up with hillaries of the world. that s in response to a week of attacks from hillary clinton toward donald trump. for one, i like popcorn. it s delicious. there are healthy versions of popcorn. is it really a bad habit if you can find popcorn that s good for you? what he s saying is if you re chain smoking newports, you have to stop. you have to break the habit. and judge janine asked him,
will you change? he said i m not going to apol y apologi apologize. i ll hold firm. we asked former attorney general alberto gonzalez under george w. bush about this issue and whether or not it was right to go after this judge this way. here s what he had to say. to try to disqualify someone totally on that would be inappropriate. it s legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant. you want a fair trial and want to win that case. that s true for anyone. it should not matter. it does not matter who the litigant is and whether or not they re a terrorist or a child molester, a rapist, a murderer or racist. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it s perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently. i said so in my piece. to publicly question a judge like this, particularly someone running for president, could be president a year from now, that could do damage to the
judiciary. that s all true. who would argue with that? everyone has a right to say what he thinks about the judge in this case. why is he making this an issue? we talked about in in the commercial break. i m supportive of the issues that trump is behind. he has the greatest campaign theme ever. the economy stacked against you, borders are porous, that s a disaster. why not run on that? why talk about trump university? ignore it. why talk about yourself at all? talk about the hurting middle class and you win. i m not sure we would talk about this lawsuit right now if he did not bring this up. why not talk about the economy? the issues that voters care about the most. we re getting to general election. he has to figure out how to move into that. we saw terrible jobs numbers this week. terrible jobs numbers this week. he could have been talking about that. you ll see more tonight at 9:00 p.m. judge says, look, saying what s politically correct, that s who he is. listen. but what he s saying is i m not going to lose my rights. i m not going to be in a
position where i m not going to get equal justice because i am running for president. this is what i believe. in the interview, you get a real sense of the man. he s a man who not only believes in what he says but he believes in the american dream and when i was in san jose talking to a lot of the people at that rally, i spoke to people who had spanish accent, chinese, polish. i mean, there were all these different ethnicities who said we want this man. it was stunning. he can win those voters. you have to talk about those voters and their concerns. talk about immigration. everyone is afraid to talk about immigration. be the guy brave enough to do it. it worked so far. he can be himself and do that. we want to get to headlines this morning. the world preparing to say a final good-bye to legendary muhammad ali. septic shock killed the three-time world boxing champion at age 74 on friday night. batt
for more than 30 years. ali will be played to rest in his hometown of louisville, kentucky, on friday and eulogies will be given by bill clinton, billy crystal and bryant gumbel. police say an unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer smith who was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. two victims in critical condition. the suspect is now in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year veteran of the force leaving behind a fiance and three children. the mayor of memphis releasing this statement saying i m angry at the unacceptable level of violence in our city. we must not accept this as our norm. brace yourself for impact this cruise ship is coming in. brace yourself.
that does not look fun. that cruise ship slamming into the docks in alaska causing more than $3 million in damage. the cruise line says strong winds and waves caused the crash. thankfully no one was hurt. another reason why i have no desire to take a cruise any time soon. water looked calm there. i thought you would want to go on a cruise. that s kind of exciting. we re here. take out the dock. rick is sitting on the dock of the bay. can we have this be a permanent fixture. yeah in the weather center. this would be fox & friends hammock. keep it here all the time. i like that idea. that s your best angle by the way. as i was doing this, i m, like, this isn t going to look good but it will feel good. let s talk weather, guys. take a look at the maps and show you what is going on this morning. we ve got severe weather across parts of the east coast today.
in fact, we don t see this too often along i-95 corridor from around raleigh up toward justice around the new york city area where we have chance to see even a few tornadoes today. definitely some very strong winds as a line of very strong storms is going to move through. watch how the storms time out. it s another warm, humid day. it s probably around 5:00 we start to see storms go through the d.c. area into philadelphia and new york and eventually exiting out through boston. we re also watching the tropics. talking about this for a couple of days. we ll see a storm that will develop. 90% chance this becomes a tropical storm collin and impacts florida as early as tomorrow morning bringing rain and in some cases maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain causing flooding. all right, guys. back to you inside. thanks a million, rick. we ll leave you on that hammock. remember how the state department admitted to deliberately editing this briefing video to cut out our james rosen. turns out it wasn t the only time. they did it again.
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that response never made it into the official transcript. the omission first reported by abc news was said to be left out because it was inaudible. you can clearly hear it in that video. all this comes on the heels in discovery that state department official ordered exchange between james rosen and then spokeswoman general psaki to be deleted. a florida congressman is demanding answers and joins us now. good to see you this morning. the first exchange, the deletion of james rosen s question raised the obvious specter of a pattern. do you suspect this happened on multiple occasions over at the state department and how to you plan to find out for sure? i do. before this thing started with iran said iran would be the obamacare of the second term. that s true in more ways than one. obamacare was sold to the american people on a number of deceptions and this iran deal is
rooted in a pattern of deception by this administration. we clearly know they edited this. when they claim it was a glitch, that s factually false. it was clearly edited out when james rosen asked that question and now they say we just don t know who ordered it. it s just a big mystery. we ll get to the bottom of it. they need to produce people involved. either they are now covering it up or they are so incompetent they can t piece something as simple as this together a couple years after it happened. this comes from administration and president obama that ran eight years ago on transparency and wanting to be something different than we ve seen in the past. we had the state department spokesman on fox & friends on thursday tipping james rosen for tipping them off about editing the footage. look at this. i want to thank james rosen. your correspondent, to bringing this to my attention.
if he hadn t a couple weeks ago, i would never have known. we took it seriously and we talked to the technician on duty that day and asked to make this cut. the call that came into her was a call from somebody else passing on a request from another official. that s why it s two removed. this comes as jen psaki gave out a statement saying she had no knowledge nor approved of any form of editing or cutting of the briefing transcript on any subject while at the state department. what s your reaction to their responses? when this came to light, they said it was a glitch in the system although if you look at it, that s the example when there s a white flash of something being edited out. they tried to get away with saying it s a glitch in the system. a huge coincidence if that was the case. that s not the case. only when it was clear that the
position was untenable, we don t know who asked for it, it s a mystery. when that s not something that the american people are going to buy for a second. did you do this or didn t you? they haven t answered yet. hope congress can. good to see you. let s say you don t want to vote for hillary or trump or bernie. frank luntz says it will be about none of the above voters. who they are and what they might do. that s next.
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explaining why it s against the rules. the thief didn t sign the note but based on the handwriting it was most likely written by a child or me. my handwriting looks just as bad. a student vetting his frustration about high textbook prices using comedy. this photo shared thousands of times of an unnamed student showing off his thousand dollar tv stand. made of poor chemistry textbooks which are way overpriced and old glory going up for auction. 48-star american flag expected to sell for $100,000 at auction. it was the first to land on the beaches of france during d-day. comes complete with bullet holes.
hillary clinton is a thief and should be in jail for what she did to our national security. donald trump s ideas aren t just different. they re dangerously incoherent. just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies. hillary clinton and donald trump haven t come to terms yet laying into one another just days before the california primary on tuesday. polls now show a dead heat between the two nationally. trump trails by less than two percentage points in the clear politics average of all polls. what does that mean about where voters are going as election day approaches? frank luntz joins us this morning for a clearer view of what s happening in america. great to see you. what does this mean? it means that this really is a dead heat and these conventions are going to matter and the debates are going to matter. people thought it would be a blowout. a run away election. that s not the case. i don t know if you can show behind me, i would love if you
can put up for viewers that view of hillary clinton speaking because it s one of her greatest challenges and one of the reasons why donald trump has gained ten points in the last 30 days. watch her eyes. she s incapable of delivering an authentic straight to the voters presentation. she s been in politics for 25 years, for a quarter century. she still has to use a teleprompter. not that one because that one is where she s delivering straight to the voters. so often her prepared speeches are not authentic and they don t connect to people. it s one of the reasons why bernie sanders is doing so well in california. so you make a really smart point which is they re neck and neck. that s not even close to where most people predicted we would be at this moment. they said if trump gets the nomination, it s over. no one will vote for him. is he doing better than expected because she s weaker than expected or he s better than expected? he s doing stronger than expected. i want to remind viewers that
what matters is not the popular vote. it s the key states. it s florida. ohio. virginia. north carolina. new hampshire. iowa. colorado. even nevada. in most of these states hillary clinton does have a 1% to 4% lead. he still is behind. this is now truly a battle that anybody can win and in a single day or two with speeches coming from both sides, this dynamic can switch. so not everybody is sold on trump or hillary. that s especially true on the democratic side where over 40% of her party is not on her side. there will be some people who won t support either candidate. what happens to them and do they have a meaningful role in the election? the most important voters. we heard about soccer moms and nascar dads and we ve heard it s the economy stupid. for 2016, it s going to be none of the above. it s the lead editorial in the los angeles times today so
viewers can take a look at it. 11% of the electorate. they should lean toward hillary clinton. two-thirds of women and a large percentage of under age 40. they should be with donald trump because they voted for mitt romney over barack obama by a narrow margin and feel better about the republican party than most voters. they are none of the above. negative toward both trump and clinton. these people say they absolutely will vote but they do not want to vote for any of these candidates. the reason why, number one issue, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and they are challenged by both of these candidates. right now nobody has the advantage with them. interesting. i wonder if that will change in the next five months. frank luntz, great to see you. thanks for coming on. tucker, thank you. the world remembers muhammad ali.
and then obama care for illegals. president obama promised us repeatedly that would never happen but it s about to happen in one state and of course taxpayers are paying for it. we ll bring you details. want to make your neighbors green with envy? we ll show you how to turn your lawn into the yard of your greens. a garden of eden complete with a tree of knowledge of good and evil. stay tuned. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
just a kid. so the dangerous zika virus we ve been talking about is scaring away its first olympian. american cyclist has pulled his name from consideration competing in the summer games. he says his wife is pregnant and he fears for his health and for his child. zika can cause deformity of a baby in the womb. the cheerleader effect. why more people are more beautiful in groups. it may sound like a frat movie but two researchers were given $1 million of your taxpayer money to study just that. the results having a few wing men or wing women may be a good dating strategy. one of the authors joked some of us need all of the help we can get. liberals are catering to illegal aliens using your tax dollars. a new bill about to become law in california that would allow
illegals to sign up for obamacare under the federal exchange. back in 2009, president obama said it would not extend to illegal immigrants. kelly ripa is making sure she s not left in the dark again on any further big decisions dubbing her queen kelly. those are your headlines. don t want that title. not a queen or a king, rick. rick is outside. good to see you. some other kind of title i m sure is fitting. we re having a garden party. that s the latest thing. nice out here. nice to see you. nice to see you as well. enjoying lemonade? i just made it for you. let s talk weather. as you wake up in arizona, get ready for this. it s going to be incredibly hot
again. yesterday hit 115 in phoenix. that s the earliest in the year it s ever hit 115. you don t like to see that. i lived in phoenix for six years. when you get these kind of temperatures, it s just going to be a long summer. hot again tomorrow. cools down a little bit this week. down toward 107 by middle part of the week. we re watching tropics. you see that blob there across western caribbean right around the yucatan peninsula of mexico. it will pull up toward the north and 90% chance it will develop into a tropical system. sometime maybe tonight or tomorrow and impact areas of florida bringing rain. one last story, severe weather as a front moves through. get ready for a lot of wind and potentially a tornado or two. we ll watch that throughout the afternoon. clayton, send it over to you. thanks so much, rick. the world this morning is mourning the loss of the man known as the greatest. muhammad ali. lennox lewis called him his hero. ali inspired him to chase his
dreams in and out of the ring. lennox lewis joins us now. great to see you. welcome to the show. thank you. your thoughts. obviously we ve been getting different stories about the champ and how he touched so many people. how did he touch you? you know, he touched me many times and i guess the first time was when you go to school and the teacher says can you write down your heroes? and i right down muhammad ali. and when he passed, that s what i thought about. he was my first hero. and the first person that that s who i want to be like and who i look up to and i admire this man and he speaks so well and says what he s going to do and he s such a great boxer in the ring. moves like a butterfly, stings like a bee and he s loved by so
many people and everybody knows him around the world and everywhere he goes, he s always talking and always happy and always puts smiles on people s faces. i thought that was great. when you became the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world what did he say to you? something that changed your life and stayed with you forever. yes. he whispered over to me, i used to be the best. now you re the best. and from the greatest muhammad ali is basically flattening when he says something like that. i couldn t believe it. i said to him back, you re still the greatest, muhammad. i don t think he should ever give that title away. he likely won t. i want to talk about the boxing aspect. for you, watching him growing up, studying him. what did his skill in the ring mean to you as you were a young man growing up and studying and
learning boxing? his skill was big to me. his mothto was float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. you can dance around the ring and try not to get hit and make sure you hit your opponent. i guess every boxer would think about that. float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. you get into a fight on the street or in the schoolyard. the kids are pretending their muhammad ali moving around doing the shuffle and throwing punches and that quick jab and showing how fast the jab is. fast as lightning, you know. i used to say about my punches, it s lightning and this is thunder. it all came from muhammad ali. you know, he s a remarkable man. i used to love watching him on tape and seeing all of the antics he used to do to the talk hosts and how they would feel. he would make jokes. even if his later age, he was
always playing tricks. he would talk with his eyes. the world has to remember he s had parkinson s and lived with it for over 30 years. so that s a great burden to carry around for 30 years. and once being muhammad ali. great lennox lewis, former heavyweight champion who leaned over who said i was the greatest and now you re the greatest. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. the va has enough trouble taking care of our vets and now they want to pay for transgender surgery. wait until you hear this story. look out, hillary, tens of thousands of bernie supporters have plan to embarrass her at the democratic convention. maria bartiromo is here with details. first, she s riding a tractor. before i had the shooting,
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bernie sanders says he s not dropping out any time soon and says there will be a contested convention when democrats meet in philadelphia next month as hoards of supporters vow to wreak havoc and humiliate hillary at their convention. here to react is maria bartiromo. her show starts in 15 minutes here on the news channel. nice to see you. good morning. what do you think about this? this is going to be unbelievable. two weeks ago it was harry reid that said bernie sanders is going to be tested and this is going to be a test of his leadership. and that s really what it comes down to. what will bernie sanders say to his supporters who are promising chaos at the convention? 20,000 protesters potentially. we just had on last week the head of the unions for the nurses union and they said to
me, look, we re not just going to create havoc outside. we re going to do it inside. some of us are superdelegates and we ll be in there. i said to her, what does that mean? she says whatever it takes to be heard and make sure democratic national committee understands that there is nothing believable about hillary clinton having 400 delegates even before the first vote is cast. they need to pay bernie sanders off and give him what he wants. he won t call off the dogs. let s say he says to hillary you need to pick elizabeth warren as your runningma ning mate. they won t give money to an elizabeth warren ticket. let s look at what he s done to the party and how she s already moved. she was for the transpacific partnership. now she s against it. she s already changed her policies as a result of this push from the left. the party, you know, is much different than it was pre-barack
obama. because of barack obama, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, the democratic party is much more left than it ever has been. hillary is there. we have seven weeks. could bernie in that amount of time call off the dogs and then will they fall in line or thank you for wanting to unite the party. we ll show up and wreak havoc. i think they show up and it s all about tuesday. in bernie sanders wins california, all bets are off. there s nothing to say that he won t feel even more empowered and stronger than ever to actually say, look, my ideas are resonating. it s crazy that she s the presumptive nominee. you cannot say that knowing that i just won california. i think tuesday is so critical in terms of what happens in the following several weeks ahead of the convention. there may be an opening for donald trump to say i have something that you supporters of bernie sanders might want. you know what hillary clinton has to offer. i am different. i m an outsider. i ll change things in washington. no doubt that if hillary is
not on the ticket, not the nominee, many of those supporters for clinton could go to trump. trump is a real disrupter here. we ll talk about this coming up in the show. paul ryan came around last week and endorsed trump and we ll talk about where common ground is and where are they in terms of the economy? horrible numbers on the jobs report on friday. 38,000 new jobs created. is hillary clinton running on an extension of obama policy? she wants to support dodd-frank and wants larger government. we know those policies have not worked as it relates to economic growth and job creation. we just saw terrible numbers on friday. we ll talk about that and about where the common ground is on the economy. is it tax reform? does he think tax reform happens in year one of a new president? is it trade? are they changing some positions. platform for donald trump we
know is trade and immigration. we know that it s against many of the tennants that ball ryan has talked about and ceo of american airlines with the mess at the tsa and now a lot of people try to go to europe over the summertime. that s not happening. people are afraid of terrorism. a shame. 12 minutes your show starts. great show every single sunday. thank you so much. coming up, a former marine lowers the american flag on memorial day and gets fired for doing it. you ll hear from him next. want to make your neighbors green with envy in we ll show you how to turn your lawn into the yard of your dreams. outdoor oasis is coming up next. i have asthma. .one of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms.
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we re ut here on the lawn. 70% of americans say their lawn can use improvement and 30% say they don t know how to grow a lawn. this country needs help. thankfully, here to help us is missy hendrickson with the lawn doctors. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. this is important information. this is summertime. this is not astroturf. it is. what do we need to do to have a healthy lawn? people think you just need to mow it. you need aeration because the soil gets compacted so the nutrients can get in there. that s punching holes in it. that s right. we have a tractor you re
enjoying. if you have a large lawn, this is what you want, some kind of a tractor to save you some steps. it has an aerator on the back of it. if you have a small lawn, this will get the same aeration into the lawn. obviously, small children want to get out of the way. we have a lot of safety we want to follow when it comes to this. very easy to use. they have this lawn mower. once your soil is nice and healt healthy, you need to make sure your grass is healthy. if you re in the warmer grasses you always think longer grass, you don t want that. this is actually a battery-operated lawn mower, one you can plug in. lots of different types of
options. this battery operation you can get different extenders. you can go for much longer with the extra charges that go in there. almost limitless. they do with the weed whackers as well. that s what it s really all about, is enjoying your outdoor landscape. let s go to the garden. once you have your grass looking nice and healthy, it s time to give you pop. who has a green thumb among you. who are the gardeners. you can all give it a try if you d like to. we have some petunas. you can put gloves on. you gave me the dinky gloves. you want to look at a couple different things. they look very nice on you. what s key to planting these properly. it really begins before you bring your flowers home.
you want to select the right plant for your location. you have to understand if you have sun or shade within your lawn, and you want to make sure you re planting them because they re nice and fresh. the other thing we have going on here, we have the plants positioned in the triangle pattern. people put them in a nice, straight row. it doesn t give you aesthetics so put them in threes. as you re planting your flower bed, you want to allow growth. you have to take plastic you re the best. thank you. that s why we live in the city. poor mouth breather. allergies? stuffy nose? can t sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight,
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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts 20161125 19:00:00

white house s counsel. he s a legal adviser to donald trump. he s the former chairman at fcc and the thing that you need to know is he s someone that s getting money out of politics and he s someone with limited national experience. one of the important things about serving in that role and you are called that that s going to be the real challenge for mr. mcgahn going forward. of course, there is been a lot of question of potential conflict of interest for the president-elect trump because of his vast business entanglement. the white house counsel is going to neat to spend a lot of time digesting the president-elect
need to do when he gets into the white house, it is a rule that s going to be very important going for him. donald trump is coming into the white house with unprecedented business ties. there is going to be questions about the conflict of interest and don mcgahn will be the person will be giving donald trump of the advise of what he can and cannot do and how he should separate himself from the businesses and how much. he s going to be responsible for a whole lot of legal advice. donald trump watches a lot of fox news. she s getting praised by connecticut senator and the independence who won democrats. she s somebody that s going to be well received by portions of the republican party. she s somebody that has quite a
history of republican politics. she was a member of the nixon/ford/reagan adviser. a speech writer and to wine berger and defense. she s been highly critical of president obama, basically saying that if he did acknowledge the severity of radical islam or the threat of it. interestingly as well 2006, she ran the gop primary to run up against hillary clinton. she lost that pretty badly over allegations over inflating her resu resume. so these are people that are well-known in republican circles and folks that are well not the most traditional picks that are not completely non traditional. don mcgahn does have some experience but not a whole lot. this is a job that s
extraordinary important in the white house more so than other. crucial in the point you bring up about his history don mcgahn with the trump organization and trump s family going back years. that s the real question, how is he going to separate and not only the president-elect trump but also the white house counse counsels, those ties he may have had throughout the years as he may represent the white house. this is an enormous challenge that donald trump is going to have to face. he s not shown a tremendous amount of willingness to go the extra mile to make sure the american people could believe his decisions he makes while in office as president and are in some way to further his business interest. he has a sprawling wed of business interest around the world. in those conversaons, reports of attempts to smooth out the project. yes, the white house counsel is
going to have an enormous task on his hands. in terms of deputy national security adviser, we know that along of what katy said, she s been critical of clinton and criticized tenure of secretary of state as creating problems with the united states of china and russia and iran and she s been favorable with donald trump. that s another trend we are seeing and a number of these people appointed so far has been favor of him in the start or in the case of nikki haley, someone who may supported one of his rivals. it is been newly of criticisms of him. if he does go a little beyond that, that circle of people that either are his loyalists or people who were not against him or picking someone like mitt romney, that s speculations that s out there. kellyanne conway tweeted an
article of current trump supporter. and newt gingrich trying to steer away from mitt romney worrying that he s not going to be loyal. this is a test to see how far trump is going to go in choosing people who may have different opinions and challenge him and up at the table, saying you are wrong mr. president. what we are seeing and kt mcfarland and nikki haley and who he s parading out in bed now kt mcfarland is coming forward. we ll look at the names that was brought up there. looks like we may have lost the hill for a second there. we heard the beep. when we hear that, we know what it means. that yesterday he was bringing up before he got disconnected. and mitt romney and kellyanne conway coming out tweeting something seeing questionable of who he is. kellyanne conway came out
with a couple of tweets linking to a political article that says loyalists were telling donald trump that mitt romney was no t t not a good pick. mike huckabee says you want to choose somebody that ll take a bullet for you. she he s got a lot of evidence behind him to say that, mitt romney came after all went after donald trump and probably most critically of anybody out there and most vocally of anybody out there of a sustained campaign to keep donald trump from getting the gop nomination. he went after him for his wealth and that he was not wealthy and went after him for his character and calling him dishonest and saying he s very, very not smart. he also went after him for business and mocking trump s states and airlines and all
these businesses that went under. mitt romney will have to explain himself. why does he think donald trump is a good leader and why does he want to be apart of the administration or sell donald trump s foreign policies over seas and be trump s top diplat. yeah, we remembered that where he came and said i am not for it at all. thank you katy tur and we ran out and we owe you one there. thank you both. coming up. using black friday as a way to let the world know about what some sees as excessive use of force by police. plus, a celebrity sends out a warning of the proposed muslim ban which trump floated during the campaign.
fun times, retailer retailers retailers e retailers holiday sales expected for an increase. scooping up stuff and people out there. jo ling kent in jersey city and how is it looking there, jo? reporter: well, it is actually doing very well and more retail analysts are expecting of 137 million americans are expected to shop this holiday weekend. thanks for joining us live on msnbc. as you just told me you are going to be doing all the shopping online this year, why are you here? well, we did not come here with a plan of doing our shopping online, we came here to do some shopping and we saw the
lines and we are like no, no. reporter: well, you know, do you think you can get the same discounts here today verses online if you do it shopping later. for the most part, our kids are gone so we don t have a lot of toys and stuff like that. i mean it is mostly clothes. reporter: how are you feeling about the retail? and the economy, confident or not so confident? hopefully, optimistic. nicole, thank you for joining us. this is what we feel here. this energy here at the malibu looking ahead, we do expect to see foot traffic overall down malls loo i can thike this. more people like nicole is going to be shopping online. 70% of that data online shopping is mobile traffic. it is great the see all those families out there. thank you very much jo, appreciate that report. i want to take you down to
chicago where protests are happening there. they did the same thing last year, you may remember they had an enormous turn out that time. blake mccoy is out there listening and talking to them. what are they telling you, blake? reporter: well, richard, about 200 protesters have came out here on michigan avenue on black friday to make shetheir voices heard. outside the nike store here and police forming a counter change and locking arm and arm to make sure protesters don t go to the store and remaining peaceful out here. more accountability from this area. why black friday and why such a disruptive time coming out here. this was one of the biggest shopping days in chicago and probably across the nation and it is one of the best opportunities for us to get our message across. in the last year since you had
this huge protest last time, there is a new police chief and state s attorney. the only person left is mayor robert emmanuel. what do you hope to get changed out here? this goes beyond individual elected officials. it is about holding people in office accountable to citizens in chicago. it does not matter if it is robert emmanuel, we ll hold the next state s attorney accountable. this is about civilians are residence really having a say of how their communities are going. reporter: tanya, thank you very much. the protests are continuing here for several more hours, richard. certainly a systematic challenge and seeing those unfortunate numbers grow when it comes to deaths and black american chicago. up next, donald trump s proposal of muslim ban bringing memories
of a painful path. george deka is joining us next talking about that issue. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs. yeah! even before they earned 3% back on gas. danny s parents used their bankamericard cash rewards credit card to give him the best day ever. that s the joy of rewarding connections. learn more at
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for some in the united states, donald trump s proposal muslim ban prompts memories of the american history. to leave their homes and put them in internment camps across the country. japanese americans became prisoners in their own country much because they looked like those who bombed pearl harbor and nothing more. last week, trump s supporter repeated what trump mentioned during the election. he called it a precedent for the muslim ban. it shocked the agent american the community and george takei
who was an intern himself. they interned my family, don t let them do it. george takei is joining us live. thank you for being here. you were shocked then about the election, how do you feel now? i am still shocked right now and particularly hear carl talking about using the japanese internment as a precedent. we told the stories of the internment on broadway, we want to raise awareness and particularly we want to raise awareness to as many people as possible. we feel a performance of allegiance and we arranged with over 600 theaters in the united states and canada because the same thing happens to japanese canadian. we are screening that film on
december 13th. at the same time extending an invitation to elected officials because they are the policyma r policymakers and they are the one that need to know. when donald trump made that statement, we extended an invitation which he did not take up. we extended invitations to everyone who was an elected official and so we have been invited to join us as our guest to see allegiance on december 13th. george, the allegiance play which i did see and it was an a amazing production. it is an american store, it is set in a difficult time that was difficult for japanese americans. tell us about this new movie and how it is about who we are as a country. well, right after pearl harbor, young japanese americans
like all young americans rushed the their recruitment center to volunteer and serve in the military and probably die for this country and yet, that active patriotism was a slap in the face. they would deny military service and categorized and imprison in this prison camp. a year in to internment, the government raeltzealized there wartime and the amazing things that thousands of young americans went behind those bash fences to fight for those countries and fought fearlessly for this country homewoeroicall. a record which still stands to this date. we tell that story in our alee ye jens, it is something that all
americans should know. we hope you catch it on december 13th, be aware of this dark history and never repeat it again with muslim americans. because, it is certainly one of the stories you want to think about and one of the parallels. what was said that you look at our past and things like this have happened before and we can look at 1882 of the time of exclusion act. it was said in the only act that said to one group from one country it says that poor chinese are seen as endangered and the order of localities. how is these sorts of ideas affect generations of americans. then if they don t know about it and americans don t know about that story, then it is used as precedent to do some something like that again. as you said, muslim americans have fought for this country and died for this country and all
you have to do is go to arlington national cemetery and look at the head stones and there are the symbols of each of the people that s buried there. i have seen many, not many but a number of muslim krcrescents on that. we need to rethink our american history. we have a diverse history to which all of us have contributed and to use any kind of racist activity in our history as precedent for us to repeat again and use the word national security for the denial of fundamentals constitutional rights of protection is un-american. george takei, thank you very much, agllegiance of the movie n december 13th, a film version of the broadway show listen launched. thank you very much, george. what we know about the role
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how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the edes-benz you ve always wanted during the winter event. now lease the 2017 gla250 for $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. he wears his army hat, he gets awalks aroundliments. with his army shirt looking all nice. and then people just say, thank you for serving our country and i m like, that s my dad.
male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that s why we re hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i m very proud of him. male vo: comcast. . right now on msnbc, new announcement from the trump s transition team. two washington insiders will take spots inside the new white house. kt mcfarland as department national security adviser and we have don mcgahn as white house s counsel. those two announcements coming in the last couple of hours. also, black friday, and many of you already spending at least $1.15 milli $1.15 million individually. doing it together online and on thanksgiving day. almost half a billion dollars
spent on mobile devices alone. five men has been arrested. more on all of those coming up. lets get back to black friday for a minute. shoppers are busy hunting for those deals both online and in stores. thanksgiving day of sales of electronics have exceeded. our retail analyst, author of black market billions joining us now. it looks like it is really good here. what will it look like come january 1st. what will your crystal ball say? if i had a crystal ball, i will be a billionaire right now. based on what we have seen, more people are shopping online which is what people have been saying all year. according to pay personnel
setting, people have been shopping september 30th for the holiday. this is going to add into the whole idea of black friday. that s starting earlier and it is been starting earlier and earlier each year. i think because of that, you are going to see those reivenues moving up more online verses offline. retail, we have to be clear, clicks, it is going to be more clicks this year. absolutely, what s happening now, people don t want to go out and i was actually out since last night, i think i came home around 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning. what i did not see in the past year is store traffic started to peeked at 9:00 in the evening. in years past, people were going all the way through 1:00 in the morning. what that told me, yes, those black friday deals started
earlier, however, the deal started, you know, it started earlier, people started coming in earlier and went home and they may be shopping more online. it is all work and no play in your family because you are out here this evening. another interesting thing that has happened and you made a note of is charitable giving along with folks buying more. right, papal came out with a study about charitable giving. the average person is going to donate around $259 to charities this holiday season. part of the reason why they feel that given the political climate or the climate of the world in general, they are surely is going to give gifts to people and donate for their favorite chariti charities. especially giving tuesday is coming up. and overall, people feeling better about the economy so when they start feeling better about
the economy, they re buying more and giving out more. people always donated over the past but in this year, in particular, people are going to be giving out and distributing out more charitable goods. and give with your feet and hands, too. you can go to food bank and kitchen and a lot of folks that did not have one. donating yo you are time. it is a big thing. a lot of things are happening. it is always great to have experts here. thanks for having me. see you next time. well, you may want to wait tomorrow to tackle that holiday gift list to shop on small business on saturday. more than 95 million shoppers took part last year. our host of msnbc, your business. talk about small business when you look at some of these, the numbers that you know so well but i will say to other folks who may not. small businesses representing 99.7% of all u.s. employers.
when we shop there, we are helping our next door neighbor. that s the orton piimportanto remember. when you shop more, a much larger percentage of that dollar actually stays in your community. so when you shop more of 45% of what you spent, stay in your community, three times higher if you go shop at a big box store or higher if you go shop at a big online giant. trying to bring attention to this. the number of small business saturday shoppers are getting better. it was up over 8% last year and what do you think it is going to be like this year and how is it if you will, the small business community doing things differently now. as you heard, we are talking about bricks verses clicks. we had black friday and sociobiology r monday. it gives free advertising to all these companies.
small business saturday gets all the words out about shopping small so skurms can take a moment and think hey, it makes a difference if i go to the store down a block from me. it is meaningful. it is kind of nice and i will go to small toy shops in my neighborhood and you get to know them and they re working to pay their employees and trying to do something. when you sit down and speak with small business owners and operators, what are they telling you? i will tell you one thing that i think about when i go to my local toy store, i may not need it today but next saturday when my kids have a birthday party that they have to be there in an hour, that toy store needs to be there which is why i need to shop there. they are doing all they can to bring people in and they can provide customers service that you cannot get at some of the big stores, they can provide the specialized service and they
know you and they know what kind of things you like. when you come in, it is an experience, hey, richard, i remember last time you bought this, how about billing this this time? it is always a good time during the shopping season to go through the small business. jj thank you very much, host of msnbc, of your business, talking about the importance of small business, that s coming up. you can catch jj show, that s 7:30 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. you got it. thank you, richard. thank you, see you soon. breaking news from the trump s transition team to tell you about. two insiders named for position of the white house. what it will mean, we ll look at that. small business saturday is our day to get out and shop small. a day to support our community and show some love for the people we love. and the places we love. the stuff we can t get anywhere else
and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here can help keep our town growing. tomorrow is small business saturday. let s shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. get up, (all) get together and shop small. (announcer vo) there s a moment of truth.etes, and now with victoza® a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn t get me to my goal. lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. the one i used to take. and better than that diabetes pill i used to take. (jeff) victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways
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stories this around including trump s appointments. those are two tops that we are looking a. lets discuss this with our panels. noel, we ll start with you of the two names that came out, kt mcfarland and deputy national security adviser also, we have wilbur ross, that s not the new naming. that s something that you also know being looked at for commerce secretary. kt mcfarland, a good choice and a known choice given her experience in washington, d.c. kt mcfarland, i know her, she s wonderful. she s solid. that lady knows her business. she knows what s going on over in the middle east. she knows her area. she s an expert. i am thrilled about this. i did not hear anything about she was being considered for anything like this. i love the fact that she would be considered for this and this would be such a great asset to
not only the administration but for everybody in america. what is she like? what is her style? man, let me tell you something, every time i have been on with her and in the green room, she s preparing for her topic and really spends a lot of time giving thoughtful research and you know what, she really enjoys what she does. she really enjoys it. you are getting someone who s passion is not just a job to her. she really, really takes time and studies her topics and subjects and really does have experience. this is somebody tt does actually has experience in the area. kt mcfarland maybe one of the safer choices at least those who have been named so far. somebody that will give calm bases on other choices and don mcgahn, potentially offering
some questions in terms of if his deep if you will experiencing with the trump family and businesses and that s also the criticism that has been made of the president-elect trump himself. how could he separate the two? how do you think that ll come out of the white house counsel being don mcgahn. back on kt for a brief second, i think you hit the nail on the head. we got to look at kt nomination as part of an overall, you know of different actors who are going to be taking very, very different opinions on national security and creating a situation that puts america in danger frankly because what we are actually looking at is a bunch of people who are sending mix signals who have different opinions on how we move forward and it is creating a call, a little bit of uncertainty in terms of how our national security is going to play out. you hit the nail on the head. we are talking about trump s
pick, commerce. how are we going to be able to enten entangled the option of the trump organization. if you look at who he s bringing in for white house counsel and his pick at commerce. you have to be looking at this as donald trump using the american government as another entity to make money for his family and for his family s business. you mentioned commerce along with mcgahn and as well as mcfarland. noel, a billionaire, one of the few very early on that came out and said i support donald trump, i do support him and i am a republican. he led his finance committee and one of the very few in the fortune 500 that was supporting donald trump in the election. the interesting thing here and i want to get your thought on this.
he maybe prochina. wilbur ross got his own idea on the commerce party is going be run. i really think if you look at wilbur ross, he s a thoughtful and compassion person when it comes to finance. both he and his wife. you broupght the fact that he ad his wife is a billionaire, they are well nar amillionaire and t done a lot to help people. if you look at the side kick nomination to go along with wilbur roz wilbur ross is todd rickets. they are charitable as well. their family founded a well-known organization. both of these people are good.
they don t need the job. they don t need the appointment, they are made and established. they are doing this out of passion and sincerity to try to do what they can to help the united states. wn i spoke with wilbur ross, he seems pragmatic at that point and in terms of the pluses and the minuses and noel is bringing up the issue that he s a billionaire. you got another billionaire that s close to the president-elect trump. what maybe some of the concerns of having a wilbur ross? are we talking about the bankruptcy king here? we are really looking at when we are looking at the folks he s brought in and devos rather, where they were floating the idea of bringing in mcgahn in. that s true. donald trump has said to the american people that he is trying to change the way
washington has done and instead he s bringing a bunch of billionaires into run the government. this is what the american people were talking about when they were looking about change. this is exactly the sort of thing that donald trump said he was going to change about washington. i mean what s going on here? seems like the president-elect trump is though filling in his bench and he s got those two announcements today. kt mcfarland and as well as don mcgahn and i thank you you both forgiving us your perspectives and your context. have a great friday and get out there and go shopping or whatever you want to do today. thank you. coming up, terror plot allegedly foiled in france. what we have been told that was being planned and how it was forwarded. the sad news from the world of entertain, beloved actress florence henderson has died. she was best known as the mother of the brady bunches of many of
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they are the natural borns enemy of the way things are. yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. but under the proper care, they become something beautiful.
welcome back, more on the alle alle alleged terrorist in france. they were being directed remotely by an isis operative in iraq or syria according to prosecutors. matt bradley has more from london for us. how big of a plan was this? well, richard, it looks like the speck to of jihadist terrorism is spooking france. paris prosecutors announced this arrest earlier today rueluctant to go into too many details. four of the suspects are french. four of the men were arrested in strasburg. we do know that two of the
suspects had traveled to the turkish border back in march of 2016 and at least two of them had long records with the police. police are hunting with the so far unidentified puppet master that you mentioned behind this operation. prosecutors did not provide so many details. the paris prosecutor made an announcement that all five of these men received detailed identical instruction over encrypted texted app. now, the coordinator even went so far as offering gps co coordinates the suspects would know where to pick up. the four french men were arrested on sunday. handwritten documents pledging
allegiance to isis and baghdad d. now these allegations are true, it would mark only isis of its latest efforts to terrorize france. the country has been on edge since the huge attack of 2015 in paris paris and killed 213 people. there were more fears this week after police found a discared explosive belt presumably to be used in an attack. this is in the suburbs of the persian streets. european authorities have always said that the next terror attack is a question of when rather than if. it looks like a crisis owning up to it. it is good they caught that and you were noting there a year from the paris attack which many lived in paris and france still remember.
matt, thank you very much for the update on that coming out of france. nbc s matt bradley. the tale of two planes when president-elect trump takes the oval office, will he wants to take the one on the right or the left or both?
and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. if you re still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. you may call this next story the tale of two planes. president-elect trump making a decision whether to use air force one or rather than his own plane. how he flies the friendly skies is up to him. nbc has more. they re the two most famous planes in the sky. air force one, the most secured airplane in the world and trump s airplane. one represents the strength of the united states and it has its own
[ inaudible ] the other, the strength of the trump s brand as seen in this video. you notice the seat belt and as well as every thing is is 24 carat gold seats. lets do this numbers. air force one is a suited up boeing 747, coming in at 231 feet long and can seats more than 100 and reached top speeds of over 700 miles per hour. trump s plane is much smaller at 757 and only 155 feet long and seats only 43 and reaches speeds of 660 miles per hour. bhen ywhen you get on air fo one, you are struck by the sheer of enormous size and all of the white house, defense department and some other department crammed into one airplane. trump s plane is no ly no legit
airline. on board home theaters and a special vip lounge. a trump flare that could be brought to air force one. the president can put anything on air force one. would air force one lack amenities? it makes up for what s most important is security. it has safety shields that blocked electro magnetic posts and capabilities including 87 different telephones so the president is always in touch. air force one s security is priority number one. would trump be allowed to apply on his plane once president? the secret service would tell him it cannot be done. and the interesting thing about air force one, he created a brand new one while he was president. president-elect trump, stefanie
ruhle is reporting on that one. one of biggest rivalries of college football. yes, the university of michigan, ohio state game in columbus ohio. scientists are going to convert the size. clearly the wolverines will be causing most of noise there. the biggest is during the ohio state nebraska game. we have to talk about this. chanel, you are a big ten grad. went to northwestern. wildcats. you are going to be screaming and adding to the size of rav 4. of course, michigan. you just said it and i said michigan. she s great. i am done and i will see you next hour. chanel jones picking up here. hi, i am chanel jones. donald trump has appointed kt mcfarland to be deputy national and don mcgahn as white house

Donald-trump , Richard , Thing , Counsel , White-house , Adviser , Fcc , One , Someone , Things , Politics , Experience

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161222 00:00:00

indication hoff significant the move could be and could adversely effect the move between the u.s. and the palestinians and the u.s. and the arab states. thank you. i m brianna keilar. and i thank you very much for watching tonight. erin burnett outfront starts right now. outfront next, breaking news an international man hunt under way. a 24-year-old tunisian mandate is key suspect. and the deadly fireworks explosion that killed more than 40 peel. what went so horriblily wrong? let s go outfront. i m poppy harley.
a german officials identifying this man a tunisian migrate the focus of their identification. amari s identification papers found inside the truck. this has president elect donald trump makes his first public comments today on the attack. listen. it is an attack an humanity, that is what it it is. it is an attackon humanity. and it s got to be stopped. what more do where he know about this man? who is the key suspect. they know don t if he s the only one. but this is who they are hunting for. reporter: and we re learning more about his past as well as potential security failures. here in germany he had at least
two runne-ins with the law. . we also know that in june authorities tried to deport him but were unable to do so because they weren t able to establish his identity. now he s on the run, potentially armed and dangerous. the man hunt is on for 24-year-old tunisian amres amiri, his identification papers found in the truck that plowed into the market. germany offering a reward of just over $100,000 for information leading to his capture. warning the suspect is considered armed and dangerous. the person we are talking about seems to have entered germany in july 2015. he was mainly in berlin since
february. reporter: german authorities had been aware of him for some time. deemed a security risk earlier this year, his request for asylum in germany was denied. and he was facing deportation for months. amari has been linked to islamic extremistist network known as a bu viola. he and four others were arrested last month. at one point a german security official said he was looking for a gun. monday s attack, one of the deadliest in germany in decades now fuelling a backlash against chancellor angela merkel. translator: it would be wrong if you made our german chancellor responsible for this horrendous act.
reporter: now facing fierce opposition from her opponents. merkel joined mourners in a church next to the scene of the attack. there s already been political fall out from this attack. legislatures pushing new laws that would increase government powers to electrically surveil german citizens as well as increase the number of security cameras located in public places, measures that have been previously unpopular, poppy. as you know, 900,000 plus immigrants coming into german this year. some backlash on both sides. a man claiming to be the father of the suspect they are hunting right now is speaking to us. i m interested. what is the father saying?
also has he been in touch recently with his son? well he s been given an interview with a tunisian radio station, which he said his son left tunisia about seven years ago to go to italy as an illegally immigrant. and was convicted and served four years in jail for an arson attack on a school and a robbery attempt. and then traveling to germany. where as we ve been hearing he came onto the radar of german counterterrorism services. he s saying he s not been much in touch with his son but some of the siblings have been more occasionally in touch with him. a picture being painted of somebody who was violent even before they were radical. and of course the question is when did this individual become radicalized? was it perhaps during this jail sentence? we ve seen this with so many
the run. it is not as welcoming an environment for foreigner as it would have been even a year or two ago. so i think the likelihood is he would find it difficult getting there. the second oppositition is does find the network of radicalizers in germany? there is one problem there. that is not only a problem for him. that is a problem for security services who have looked at you belie you believe authorities at this hour could be playing somewhat of a mind game with him at this point, to lead them to this network. well that is what i would do, if i had any inkling of this where this person was. subject of course to making sure he doesn t commit anymore violent acts. in germany about three weeks ago, they hit about 200 locations, the counterterrorism officials did. and out of those type of
operations you get a lot of intelligence. and that is about the same time they arrested alleged associates of this attacker. so i think they knee lot more than they are putting out and that is a good thing. hold things closes to the vest and play it cool right now. the concern obviously for the public is this man is armed and dangerous. and if they have him cornered, a major concern is potential for dpl follow-up attacks. especially if he feels his opportunities are limited and he wants to kill more. should they be concerned that something could be eminent? absolutely. and i agree with chris too, that i m sure that the german law enforcement are holding information back. he s going to be like a cornered animal when they actually get to
him. i m sure over the past 48 hours that a lot of information that s been put out or lack of information actually that kept reminding me of the days i worked with german law enforcement. they held things very close to the vest. would not let out information. would try to run the leads down themselves before they went to the public. knowing full well when they wept to the public with good information that it could expose the information to the fugitive them. and when you boil this down, you use is t same fublgtive techniques you would looking for an individual wanted for a terrorism crime or an individual that you are looking for a standard criminal-type crime. so it is the same methods in both types of cases. but obviously this individual is armed and dangerous. he s called person already. and he s not going to have any hesitation to shoot at law enforcement or take innocent lives again. taken 12 lives and injured 48
more. here is what we do know. he was known to german security services as someone in contact with radical islamist groups. he did pose a risk. he was arrested in august. they released him. he was looking at one point for a one. you said wait though. don t be so quick to call this an intelligence failure. why? you used a word that has a lot of meaning in my world. and that is in contact. what does that mean? does thpeople use the phrases i the radar. there are direct connectivity. that is communication with an isis recruiter. someone seen by an informant talking to an isis recruiter or someone who follows an isis person on twitter and maybe says he s interested in isis and posts a flag on facebook. all of those are contact. before i see this as a failure,
poppy, i got to see more about that what that word means. we know in the interview that the man believed to be his father said so tunisia radio that it s been seven years since they had spoken since he left to try to go to italy. that he had been in touch with his siblings. if you are on the authorities on the case right now you are obviously reaching out to the siblings. people he may have been reaching out to for help and direction in a time when he s running as fast as he can. absolutely. that would be the start operating procedure. first place you want to go is family, friends and associates and find out if this individual s been in touch with them. what are the communications going back and forth and knowing how german law enforcement works. and the bka i m sure they have done that already. i think ve seen report where is the tunisian police have gone out and interviewed the family members and come back with some information, obviously not all of it is going to be shared with
the public. but i think they are pretty much probably closing in on this individual and not sharing a lot of information with us. so not to tip this individual. because wherever he is sitting he is also gathering intelligence from these news reports that we re doing here, you know, on every channel. thank you all very much. outfront next, donald trump meeting with his national security team about the berlin attack today. so why is he now tweeting about an election that he s already won? tweeting a lot about it? also a million dollars for an audience with a president elect. half million to go hunting with his sons. now the family says they knew nothing about the charity auction. we re going to dig into that ahead. and the death toll is rising in mexico from this horrific fireworks explosion. next we re live on the scene
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receivering his first intelligence briefing of the week. t attack on humanity, it is what it is. it is an attack on humanity and it s got to be stopped. reporter: at his mar-a-lago retreat trump meeting with the michael flynn and other generals while making his first comments on the berlin attack that willed 30 and injured dozens. trump drew fire earlier this month from saying he receives no value from receiving the presidential daily brief everyday. off to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. i don t need that. trump s advisors are mindful
of the optics surrounding his skurtd briefings. trump who proposed a muslim ban one year ago, before softening his position later, was then asked about it again today? you known my plans all along and i ve been proven to be 100% correct. what s happening is disgraceful. reporter: yet in the face of rising challenges with global terror threats trump started his day once again still defensively tweeting about his victory in the electoral college i would have done even better if that is possible if the winner is based on popular vote, but would have campaigned differently. he went on the boast how he spent far less money in his win than clinton this her loss. and after questioning the cost of air force one, he sent shock waves into the boardrooms.
today boeing brought something of a victory. we re going to get it done for less than that and we re committed to working together to make sure that happens. reporter: this is how donald trump plans to do business in the white house by bringing some business leaders to him. of course it is one part public relation, one part public negotiation but something donald trump s advisors say he plans to do once he gets to washington. i guess we can call it art of the deal, white house edition. poppy. thank you very much. also outfront tonight david gergen. served as advisor to four presidents. allen stewart. and basil smikle is here as well. the president elect today called the attack in germany an attack on humanity. let s run through what he said throughout the week. earlier he tweeted that the attack were all terror attacks. now police in switzerland say
the gunman had no links to terror groups. not that they know of yet. also trump called the man who shot the russian ambassador to turkey he jumped the gun. do we still have david? david s gone. all right. to the panel. he jumped the gun on some things before it was known if they were terror attacks or not. he won. but aren t the stakes higher now? when it comes to the public trusting him and leaders trusting him, he may be right but until you know why say? i think he s correct more than he s incorrect chaert. [chatter]. to turkey and switzerland. repeatedly refused to call out islamic terrorism. president elect trump is not afraid to call it what it is. why jump the gun and do it when you don t know?
he was right when it came to berlin here s the point i m asking you about switzerland where they say no known ties to terrors. and the russian ambassador to turkey which they don t know the motive yet. they don t know the motives of those two yet. but when it comes to berlin which is critical let s get to the bottom of this, he was correct on that. and what we re seeing is a president elect who s not afraid cute radical islamic terrorism when we ve had instances of that. it wasn t exactly that. what he did was he went ahead of his own security. his own security detail. when i say that i mean his the people who inform him on security issues. he went ahead of folks in the international community who are trying to make some of the same determinations so it is problematic that donald trump is doesn t seem to sort of
have the ability to control his need to get out in front of everyone else even if the information is wrong. it is something that did not hurt him when it came to winning the election. david gergen, someone who served as advisor to four previous presidents. when it comes to being president elect and soon president, when it comes to having the american public trust you and world leaders trust you, does he have to be careful about jumping the gun and saying this is radical islamic terrorism? when in the case of switzerland or the ambassador in turkey no one knows yet. poppy, i think they are in the campaign. he got ahead of his skis a lot on his twitter account and didn t seem to hurt him and i think people sort of wrote that off. but absolutely true as you approach the presidency right now in particular it is very smart more donald trump to take
these on a daily basis. not on a week basis. when your terrorists and the assassins roaming through europe. the russians and iranians are the dictating the future of syria. yes the president elect needs to be informed in advance because things can happen so quickly. and it is really important if he s going to continue tweeting. and we all say it would be a blessing if it just went away because i think he d be a lot better president. it is not going away david gergen. he has to get it right. all right because people do hack on every word. like the federal reserve chairman. words matter. he s tweeted not about these terror attacks. he s tweeted a lot these three different tweets about the election, campaigning to win the electoral college is much more difficult and sophisticated than the popular vote. hillary focussed on the wrong
states. i won t through go through all of them. they were in jeff s piece. but alice. he s got general flynn down there which the optics are very good for him to have them down there. he s tweeting when he won. i don t understand the rationale. he s briefed every day by his national security advisor general flynn and you saw him behind him down there in florida. and he gets briefed one or two times a day based on what the information is. he is getting briefed. he is going to avail himself of the briefings more on average and [ inaudible ]. clearly he feels as though the narrative surrounding the election has not been told the way [chatter]. we all know hillary won by
almost 2.8 in the popular vote. but that is irrelevant when we re looking at the fact this is determined by the electoral college. this is a state by state presidential race [chatter]. but that is exactly the point. there is nothing to prove. he won. he won with the electoral college popular vote. we understand that. he won with the electoral college. there is nothing more to say. he needs to stop tweeting in the way that he is because not only why are we the ones why are you the ones president obama said the . this worked with his ways. and middle america. and a lot of people on the coast. who s to tell him to change? there is truth in that. it makes him seem accessible to people. and i get that. but on the other hand there is an erratic nature to it. which i think will undo him at
some point in time. because as david said every word matters. and you have earlier saying this is an attack against christianity and he didn t even know about that. and wound up saying something completely different. and every word does matter. and when you are tweeting it the question is really undermining as we know and it the american public has to get used to it? i don t think it is going to be the new normal? i doubt the but for this president? if he wants to tweet. that is fine. i don t have a problem. i i don t think it is becoming for a president. i think he ought to be above that. if he s going to tweet. but he needs to get it right. people do. the trust comes from knowing not only that someone is telling you the truth. but that you know what you are talking about. that you really have a grasp of the situation. and the president s office is a most powerful office on earth
and we need a person in there who speaks with authority and with respect for facts. and it is not out in front of the story. but he is when he gets the intelligence in then he can tell us what s going on. it s been 147 days since he held a press conference. this is his way of communicating not through us the media. this is his way of communicating with the american people. david gergen. su sthou much you came back to us by satellite. outfront, donald trump s children accuse offend trying to cash in on their father s election. how the campaign is responding tonight. and senator sessions, trump s choice for attorney general, coming up a special report on a case in his past which could affect his confirmation. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
all seems beautiful to me.
participate. tom foreman is outfront. the offer looked like a peddler s dream. where for a million dollars a donor could meet the new president and then enjoy a hunting trip with first family sons donald jr. and eric, all the money going to contribution charities. now the team is moving away from the whole idea fast. amid accusations it looks an awful lot like pay for play. access to the people close to the president is a very valuable commodity and people are willing to pay for it. reporter: earlier on the campaign trail the president elect attacked hillary clinton over and over again with the same allegations. hillary is the one who engaged if a corrupt pay for play scheme at the state
department and now there are five fbi probes into the clinton foundation and they are pay for play activities. reporter: there s never been proof. but the optics clearly hurt. especially since during the bill clinton s presidency similar accusations were raised about big democratic donors staying in the white house. and now pushing back hard against critics of this latest event. documents filed with the state of texas the two trump sons were listed as initial directors of the charity involved. their names have now been removed. and in a conference call we reporters. there is no involvement with don jr. or eric. nor do they plan on it.
reporter: and a new version of the flyer promoting the event no longer mentioning the president or any of his family members. reporter: indeed the original flyer says the trump team was just a draft and never a plan or an idea and certainly something they never wanted out to the general public. outfront tonight. ben ferguson, and keith boykin, nice to have you both. and ben, as tom just showed this is a stumbling block for the trumps. a coffee date with ivanka. a hunting fishing now with his sons. yes it s now removed off the table. why even open yourself up to this? because i think first of they weren t personally benefitting from this. you look at the $70,000 coffee for example that was going to help children for cancer at st.
jude s children s research hospital. this is something that people should have supported. because you have children that are there getting life-saving treatment. in my hometown of memphis. and i makes he angry because people think somehow this money is going into their pocket and going to personally benefit them. having coffee at children s research hospital should be sold as some terrible moment here. i wish we could replay all of what the conservatives said about the clinton foundation because of [chatter]. it was pay for play. this is exactly the same thing. the clinton foundation worst. the clinton foundation pays salaries to their family. allows them to fly in private jets. allows them to live a private
lyles $10,000. the $70,000 for coffee was going to fight cancer with children. [chatter]. you have to stop defending the corruption of this incoming administration. we have here is worst type of hypocrisy. let s get one at a time guys. thank you poppy, since ben has spoken for a while. keith finish your thought. ben, there is whether a bad perception because this guy has not set up his tax returns. has nothing to do with charities. a postoffice contract for the trump hotel in d.c. we re we re getting a little off topic here we re getting a little off top [chatter]. this is not new in politics. you worked in the clinton white house, right? i mean, they were accused of
selling the lincoln bedroom to raise money. they raised a lot of money. a lot of people. a lot of big donors spent a lot of nights in the white house. how are these fundraisers any different? i i think that question is for me ben. hold on. i think that is an excellent question and it shows you the hypocrisy of donald trump s claim that he was going to drain the swamp. you can t campaign about all of these activities and then come in and engage in the exact same behavior and say it is okay when i do it. that is what s happening here and what the american people will wake up and see whauz let me jump in here. it is sad and perverted and sick that you are equating that bill clinton was selling out the lincoln bedroom like a hotel room that helped him personally with a the you let me finish. it did. it helped him get reelected
and ivanka trump getting [chatter]. $70,000 was going to st. jude children s research hospital to help fight cancer for children who are dying of i understand that and i got to jump in here and get to some other news developing tonight. let s talk about an appointment just made tonight because trump is now tapped tonight. billionaire investor carl ike icahn to be his investor on business reform. tonight the dnc is putting out a stadium. they call this a quid pro quo,
25 years in the making. in the early nineties icahn couple to trump s rescue. the corrupt nature of this arrangement cannot be understated. voters who wanted trump to drain the swamp just got another face full of mode. ben i assume you disagree. why? first this is not a paid position. it is an adviser wroel role. and if you look at how much we ve been celebrating wall street going up and people making money and retirement accounts going up this is an individual who understands how overregulation truly affects wall street and affects feel and their retirement and their mutual funds and hire 401(k)s. keith. of course he doesn t have a problem because this is the inconsistency. all the things trump said about getting rid of the wall street elites and he brings in more wall street elites. not only the inconsistency of
the conflict of interest but having carl icahn in a role where he can select the new sec chair, which will influence the regulation of his own companies. that is a blatant type conflict of interest. thank you very much. feel free to debate in the commercial. outfront next, jeff sessions, trump s pick for attorney general. could a 20-year-old court case cause him a big headache at his confirmation hearings. and a massive explosion at the fireworks market in mexico. and this is not the first time it s happened here. how could it happen again? technology is the only thing that really entertains us. i m gonna use this picture on sketchbook, and i m going to draw mustaches on you all. using the pen instead of fingers, it just feels more comfortable for me.
be like, boop! it s gone. i like that only i can get into it and that it recognizes my fingerprint. our old tablet couldn t do that. it kind of makes you feel like you re your own person, which is a rare opportunity in my family. (laughter)
u.s. attorney general. alabama senator jeff sessions. a popular senator, yes, for nearly 20 years. a lawyer, yes, since 1973, a federal prosecutor for more than a decade. but it is what happened when sessions was attorney general of alabama, 1995-1997 that might raise questions during his confirmation hearings. in court a judge accused sessions attorney general s office of prosecutorial misconduct. it was 1996. decision office indicts an alabama supply company. at the time attorney general sessions called the case a significant investigation. but in a scathing opinion, circuit judge james garrett threw the entire case out and ripped apart the attorney general s office in the process. the judge finding that even having been given every benefit of any doubt the misconduct of the attorney general in this case far surpasses in both
extensiveness and measure the totality of any prosecutorial misconduct ever presented to or witnessed by this court. the case was a case of theft. a company accuse odd falsely billing a client. but in a bizarre arrangement the attorney general s investigation was fueled by money and information from that same client, who was getting ready to sue teico itself. the judge found a flagrant disregard of the intereconstitu rights of those accused. what he called completely incredible testimony of witnesses. and intentional and deliberate misconduct or so reckless and improper as to constitute
conscience disregard for the lawful duties of the attorney general. at the time sessions said allegation in the order are unfounded and without merit. sessions was already a u.s. senator by the time the judge threw out his significant case against teico and the new attorney general dropped the case. the commission tells cnn the claims were tossed out due to insufficient facts to hold that the honorable jeff sessions violated the law. it was a major embarrass for sessions which is why he may have left it out of his congressional questionnaire just submitted, which includes his most significant litigated matters. while the case was in fact lost by the alabama attorney general and the ruling describing serious and wholesale prosecutorial misconduct stands
law in alabama, he went on to say a separate civil lawsuit discredited the judge s opinions on some of the prosecutorial misconduct. senator jeff sessions himself did not respond to cnn. drew griffin joins me live. and it is strong language that a candidate of is that stature is accused by a judge. how much is this likely to weigh on him? poppy, essentially supporters are no doubt going to point to the fact this is an old case, but no doubt there is a poorly handled case when jeff session was in charge. will it come come up? senators are going to have to find the case on their own. and even if it does. he s a republican senator. going before a republican-controlled panel in
the senate. it is doubtful. but it will be interesting to see if they brick up this case of prosecutorial misconduct by the person that trump wants as his attorney general. likely will come up given your reporting. outfront next the deadly fireworks in that blast in mexico city. more than thirty now dead. the search continues tonight. what caused the massive blasts? we re live on the scene with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind.
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(ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling.) (don t fear my darling.) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling.) man snoring (don t fear my darling.) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore, yet another innovation, only at a sleepnumber store. new developments tonight about the deadly explosion that ripped through a famous fireworks market. the death toll up to at least 32. you are looking at video of the blast. the series of explosions sending plumes of snoke and fire into the air north of mexico city. and tonight sifting through the charred are maintenance. layla, we are learning about the victim, some of them children.
some air lifted to the united states. what are we learning tonight more about what caused the explosion? reporter: that remains unknown. when i have asked government officials they say it is too soon to speculate. they don t even have a preliminary cause, which explains why still at this hour there are forensic teams here, dogs. certainly quite a bit of an effort to search through that debris. and then outside of the fence where we are right now there is certainly a building anxiety, building desperation. as i walked around i saw a sign that said [speaking foreign language] and that means disappeared. and a family looking for a woman. and then another poster looking
for a mother and a brother. and you really didn t need to understand spanish to understand that this is now day two of unanswered questions for not only the investigation but for families. and still no sign of loved ones. so as you mentioned with we kno people have died. about 59 injured according to government officials. but still a lot of questions as to those who we main unidentified which we understand are at least a dozen. and this is a community known for the fireworks. this market here is said to be about ten football fields large, filled with 300 vendors. all of which i m told had permits that night, poppy. layla santiago live in tultepec, mexico. outfront now ray lopez. this is incredibly disturbing.
given the fact you have 32 dead. children dead. this is the place where there was another explosion in this market in 2005. the next year in 2006 there was a fire. officials have touted security there. they had called it days ago the safest fireworks stand in america. how could this happen? sadly, heart goes out to all the victims. but the problem with pyrotechnician. they are very unstable by their very nature. all the chemicals. and the problem is over time. and in mexico we don t know the condition of the storage and condition of the manufacturing. so have the chemicals leeched out? that i have been controlled as far as the temperature or the
atmosphere or where they are kept? and sadly given the devastation i don t know if they will find the point of origin. but it may be a long time until we know. and one point is given how volatile the substance is and temperature differential just between night and day even just moving them could cause this. in the united states the department of justice through alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives maintains a system where they regulate the manufacturing, the control, the transportation and storage of pyro technics in this country. and even with all those control, and the quality is excellent, you still have accidents. these are very susceptible to the atmosphere and human condition. things like heat, shock or friction can get these things to go. the problem with pyre technics
is especially in mexico, one spark sets one explosion. and then triggers another and another another. the picture is telling. it was a chain reaction and it just goes. almost there. i can t reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it s what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it s what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating. status updating.
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Indication-hoff , Poppy-harley , German , Officials , Identification-papers , Samari , Identification , Focus , Mana-tunisian-migrate , Tonight-donald-trump , Attack , Truck

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20170115 09:00:00

lewis was all talk and no action, news came out that he plans to spend martin luther king day tomorrow visiting the new smithsonian museum focused on african-american history and culture. john lewis is the one who introduced the bill to get that museum built in 1988. eugene, you touch on this. i want to push forward on it as well. facts do matter. trump called lewis district crime i hridden which does incl major part of the city of atlanta. no one is defining there is crime in the city. to try to define an entire city in 140 characters of less is a massive overgeneralization. what will happen when he is in office saying these type of things? well, if he continues this,
he can expect to be criticized increasingly but more than that, people really would like to see what his solutions to the problems he arises are. he had a meeting with talk show host, steve harvey, and his hud secretary nominee friday saying they would focus on some of the challenges in inner cities such as housing. if you recall during the campaign, he put out a new deal for black america that he said would focus on high-paying jobs, improving schools and safer communities. all eyes will be on the president-elect to see if he is all talk and no action at this point. eugene, also, i want to talk about this. this started after lewis said he didn t believe that trump was a legitimate president. still, the topic of legitimacy. it came up during barack obama s presidency. my colleague, poppy harlow, touched on that speaking with conservative commentator. let s listen to this. i also think it is
unprecedented that a congressman with a stature was able to come out and say i don t believe donald trump is a legitimate president. i cannot imagine the fallout and backfire you would have if a republican would have implied that about barack obama, bill clinton, or jfk for that matter? that is what many presidents did, including the president-elect, questioning the legitimacy of the first black president. ben ferguson making the point and poppy harlow back-checking making the counter point there. legitimacy has come up before. it has and very fraucoften f donald trump, our current president. we saw barack obama prove his birth certificate proving he was born in the united states, a very legitimate candidate for a
looking for a leader that will be more bipartisan in his approach to dealing with the issues that affect the united states. to many critics, it doesn t appear that donald trump is that president but the fact is, as you mentioned, there is a lot of time left and there are people hoping to see significant change from him. many people that plan to attend saying they plan to keep an open mind to give this new president-elect a chance once he takes the oath of office. eugene scott, live in washington, d.c. eugene, thank you for your time. also, on the international stage, china is responding sharply to donald trump s suggestions that he might change the one china policy once in the white house. that is a long standing policy that means the united states recognizes relations with china and not with taiwan, which beijing considers to be a breakaway province. a spokesperson for china s foreign ministry said, quote, there is only one china in the world. taiwan is an inseparable part of
chinese territory and the people s republic of china is the sole legitimate government regarding china. these are facts recognized by the international community and no one can change this. with regards to the president-elect s feelings thinking about russia, he says he is open to that nation seeing how it can have sanctions lifted, u.s. sanctions. he has indicated he is open about getting rid of those sanctions and he would be fine with meeting with the russian president, vladmir putin, after taking office. matthew chance is following the story live in moscow. the simple fact that president-elect trump is willing to meet with the russian president, how is that being perceived there in russia? they haven t made an official comment on that prospect except to say any meeting between president putin of russia and
donald trump when he becomes president of the united states will be carefully arranged. in terms of the specifics, that s not been made public here in russia as, indeed, it hasn t been made public in the united states either, the subject of press speculation at the moment. clearly, the russians very much want to see this one-on-one meeting between the russian president and the president of the united states would be flattering to the kremlin, because it would portray them as being on an equal footing with the united states. that s been one of have the big objectives for the kremlin to be seen and treated as a player on the international stage and to have a seat at the top table. it is something that is speculated motivates vladmir putin very much. i think they would be very receptive to the idea of a sort of summit between the cold war style summit between these two leaders sgchlt will there a leaders. there are mixed messages.
you hear the president-elect indicating that he would be open to lifting sanctions and open to meeting with vladmir putin at the same time. legislators have a different position. they say the united states should continue a tough stance with russia. in fact, it could potentially get tougher. how is that being viewed with everyday russians to try to square the circle with these mixed messages? if you are talking in terms of everyday russians, i think they believe it would be the president of the united states who would make the final decision? everybody is aware the significant opposition in the u.s. congress to closer relations with russia, i think that is characterized in the russian public as being the vestiging of cold war thinking in the united states p russians believe it is the guy at the top that makes the final decision. when it comes to the issue of sanctions, they are probably right. the vast bulk of the sanctions against russia were implemented
by president obama as a presidential decree. it can be lifted just as easily with the simple stroke of a pen when donald trump becomes president of the united states. those sanctions that were imposed predominantly over the annex sayings of crimea m. matthew chance reporting for us in moscow. thank you for the reporting sgchlreporting. despite uncertainty about trump s policies towards nato, the alliance is push ago head with its show of resolve against russia. it is all prt art of nato s buip to convince moscow they will defend against the election. ru rush has brings ld againagainst
reporter: the star spangled banner play ns poland welcome the u.s. troops for nato s operation atlantic resolve. this is the official welcoming ceremony for those u.s. troops. poland s prime minister is here. she made a point to say this is an integral part of poland s national security. that everyone had a right to feel safe and secure. this is what the arrival of u.s. troops here has done. poland s prime minister spoke to cnn after the ceremony. she said this is very important for poland and the region. we live in europe where there are many external threats. russia s policy is confrontational. this constitutes a real threat. we are conscious that poland must strengthen its alliances. it is an impressive rollout. four battalions of 1,000 soldiers each, more than 2000 pieces of military hardware
including u.s. tanks and armored vehicles coming from the third armored brigade team out of ft. carson, colorado, here for nine months, deployed in poland, romania, hungary and bulgaria. a show of force to deter russia. there is no more powerful combat corporal ma combat formation in the united states army. this is another sign of the united states commitment to deterrence and our commitment to not only our polish allies but those allies in nato. u.s. tanks in poland, the kremlin says, are, quote, a real threat to russian security. still, in less than a week, moscow will have a new administration to face in washington and make its case for policy changes. russia may not be happy with this deployment but polish public opinion, that s another
matter. this is just some of the armored vehicles and tanks that have been brought over for this operation. they have been put on display for the day here in poland to show the public some of the hardware that is coming across. it s all part of this effort to show that the nato alliance remains strong. that poland will be collectively defended. atika shubert, cnn, poland. still ahead, the first major foreign policy test for donald trump once he is in office. coming up, his ad hin administration invited to the next round table of the syrian peace talks. plus, france is hosting a peace conference on the israeli palestinian conflict. why that meeting is so controversial. live around the world, you are watching cnn newsroom.
kazakhstan held three days after the donald trump is set to become the next president of the united states. let s bring in mohammed lia live in abu dhabi. what does it mean for the u.s. to be invited to the table for these talks? well, george, if the united states accept that is invitation, what it means they will have a seat at the table for the first time in months, if not years. this is going to be donald trump s first and major policy question mark. this is an issue with syria that many people would say was president obama s biggest failure that he oversaw the rise of iraq and syria and allowed al qaeda to take route in iraq and syria. the united states might have a role in trying to curtail some of that as well as help determine the future of bashar al assad. it is certainly a very big challenge and a big question
mark of the obama administration trump is going to have to deal with three days after being inaugurated. of course, the other thing to mention, george, is that when the u.s. is invited to these peace talks, you have to remember these peace talks have been led by turkey and russia for several weeks, if not months now. so there was a point in time where american foreign policy in the region dictated that america would be able to lead these negotiations. in this case, it seems as though russia and turkey have advanced quite far in what they are hoping to achieve in syria. if trump does take that offer and decides to have the united states at that negotiating table, will it be in the position of simply an observer or will they have a meaningful role? that s something we won t know until those talks take place. an observer or meaningful role. this is being led by turkey, russia. the u.s. just invited to the talks. it was not invited when it came to brokering the actual peace
deal. the question goes further. would the u.s. be at any sort of a disadvantage in even taking part in these talks? well, there is no question. you have to remember the major players are turkey, iran, and russia. they all have their own interests in syria. they all want to see some sort of settlements that gives each of those country what is they want. the big test for the united states moving forward in these peace talks is we ll have to see if the united states under the new trump administration is willing to play a bigger role in syria or whether they are planning to be more hands-off and essentially let turkey and russia dictate the terms of the see fire? the reason that is important, it will indicate something of president-elect donald trump s foreign policy. he is planning to fulfill his promise in terms of being more hands off and targeting only esis and leaving the other problems in the middle east of the country toss deal with themselves or will he be more interventionist and take a more
active role than president obama did. so far, the indications are that given the closeness of donald trump and the warming up certainly of donald trump and russia, the question is, will the united states try to intervene and limit russia s gains in syria, so to speak, as a result of these syrian peace talks. if donald trump s words and statements are any indication, it may be the case where he may step back and let russia play the main role in this which would effectively give russia even more control in syria in a cease-fire and peace deal would be assigned. whether they attend or the u.s. decides not to attend, it will be a very important statement for the trump s administration or the u.s. stance in the world thank you so much for your reporting. to another peace effort that is underway. this one happening right now in paris. some 70 countries are meeting to pressure israeli and palestinian
leaders to commit to a two-state solution. the racilies and palestinians they will not be attending that conference. the u.s. is represented but not by the incoming administration of donald trump. cnn s warren lieberman joins us live in jerusalem. the trump administration will not be there. israelis and palestinians will not be there. what, if anything, can truly come from this meeting. many other countries get together and talk about different ways to solve different solutions and deal with the most complex issues in the conflict. jerusalem borders refugees. this isn t the u.n. or the eu. many of those member countries are ripped. this is a conference on how to advance the peace process in some way. whatever comes out of this, it doesn t seem like it will have any practical, immediate effect. what worries the israelis is
what comes out could be brought to the u.n. security council for a follow-up resolution. that is the concern the israelis are looking at right now, not the conference itself but how it plugs into the bigger issue of what s happened the last few weeks, the u.n. security resolution, the kerry speech and now this. warren, the meeting will be underway. some 70 countries will be there. will it put pressure on the israelis and palestinians to reach a solution? that certainly is the intent to get the sides back to the negotiating table as much as the statements have been made back and forth and the finger pointing. the truth is there hasn t been a negotiation since april of 2014. the pressure has no consequence. if one or both sides ignore what comes out of the conference, there is no cons fence equence ignoring it.
my suspicion it will be very little. we will see statements from both sides. the israelis and palestinians aren t invited. this is supposed to be the rest of the world figuring out how to deal with the conflict and both sides wrere invited to a follow-on hand shake or symbolic sfoert of pea support of peace statement. we ll see what recommendations come out of this. it could be economic incentives to get back to negotiations. we ll see. the conference is supposed to last today. we will have statements afterwards to see what they came up with and see if there is a new idea of how to move forward. ice will be watching. palestinians and israelis will not be there. neither will the incoming trump administration. warren lieberman live in jerusalem. still ahead, not just donald trump s opponents who disagree with his policies.
how the u.s. president-elect might face opposition in his own cabinet. broadcasting in the united states and around the world. you are watching cnn newsroom.
happy about donald trump s suggestion that the united states could change its position on the one china policy once he is in the white house. a ministry spokesperson called the policy non-negotiable. also, donald trump firing back at john lewis after he said trump was not a legitimate president. trump responded by saying that the civil rights icon is all talk and no action. lewis is one of several that says he will boycott trump s inauguration come january 20th. john lewis is not the only one in washington not seeing eye to eye with donald trump. still some of trump s own cabinet picks seem to disagree with him on key issues. donald trump is facing a new round of opposition on capitol
hill. not in democrats but his own cabinet nominees. at one confirmation hearing after another, trump s team is contradicting the president-elect on some of his key campaign trail promises. on russia, trump taking a far softer tone on vladmir putin than his pick for defense secretary, retired general james mattis did. if putin elects donald trump, i consider that an asset, not a liability. i have modest expectations about areas of cooperation with mr. putin. on the intelligence probe into russian hack, can trump sounded less concerned than mike pompeo. it is pretty clear about what took place here, about russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on american democracy. i am very clear-eyed about what that intelligence report says. at trump tower friday, the
president-elect down played the differences between his views and those of his perspective cabinet. i told them, be yourselves and say what you want to say. don t worry about me. i m going to do the right thing, whatever it is. i may be right. they may be right but i said, be yourselves. his rhetoric before the election and since is now colliding with governing. sending mixed signals to americans and allies about where the new trump administration stands. on the campaign trail, trump railed against nato while his defense secretary took a different view sxwrchlt th. nato is obsolete. it is over 60 years old. having served once as a nato sue pre supreme allied commander is the most successful military alliance in modern history. they spent time asking if they agreed on hot button issues
like torture? congress is taking an action now. it makes it absolutely improper and illegal to use waterboarding or any other form of torture. on one of his biggest pledges of all, building a wall on the border with mexico. we are going to build a great border wall. his pick to lead the department of homeland security, retired general john kelly disagreed. it has to be a layered defense. secretary of state no, ma minee tillerson conflicted the view on climate change saying he believes it exists and require a global response. donald trump says he wants members of the cabinet to have their own views but whose views, the cabinet or the president, become the policy of the new
administration. jeff zeleny cnn, washington donald trump says mexico will ultimately pay for a border wall with the united states. mexico says, that s not going to happen whachlt peop happen. what people are saying in mexico city. learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it s a hat, but it s like the most important hat i ve ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at
prompt fear in security among the mexican people in this very vibrant city. the mexican pay so has plunged against the u.s. dollar and add to that the mexican government s decision to raise gas prices has sent thousands of protesters to the streets. others to the church. in mexico s holiest shrine where thousands go to pray, the hope is that a higher power is listening. concerns, worries, fears, can be left behind. ramon hernandez worries about the future, his family, the economy, when ford backed out of plans to build this new factory, his hometown lost potential jobs. the same administration that calls this a victory says mexico will eventually pay for a wall on the u.s. border. he tells me the idea sounds
crazy. he is not alone. president-elect is better off paying for a wall to be built around his own home. making mexicans pay for a wall on the border is just a threat. counsel general carlos garcia acknowledges his job as a top diplomat for the u.s. has changed. reporter: will plex co-pay for that wall? no way. the president of mexico, president pena nieto and the entire government of mexico again and again have said mexico won t pay for the wall. reporter: garcia calls the relationship between the two countries one of the most complex in the world. i respect the government of mexico. i respect the people of mexico. i love the people of mexico. . reporter: does that improve anything? it doesn t fix but it helps.
we need to change language. it is time now to start speaking with respect. p pedro adds, the respect must go both ways. even he and a lot of his fellow mexicans recognize this may take an intervention perhaps from the divine p. reporter: we talked to about 20 mexicans across this city, many echoing similar sentiments repeating the words humiliation, racism. saying, let s wait and see what happens. i couldn t nifind one person wh believed that mexico will ever pay for this wall. leila santiago, cnn, mexican city. thank you so much. now, to talk about cold weather that continues to plague many parts of european, let s bring in cnn s allison chinchar to talk more about that. with the cold, you often get
snow. up fortunately, some may think. specially ski resorts. they love to have snow. you can have too much of a good thing. take a look at this. this is from the down hill skiing world cup, canceled on saturday due to too much snow. they picked up about 40 centimeters of snow overnight friday night. crews just couldn t get to the cleanup process fast enough. winds around 70 kilometers hindering. as they would clean it up, the wind would blow it right back over into the same spots. they were forced to cabs that will event. we are expecting more snow on the way as we head into the next week. a surge of cold air that will be return tog unfortunately a lot of the same spots that got a look at the cold. up near the alps, we could be looking at an additional 40-60 centimeters on top of what they have already had. tuesday, incredibly high amounts in the pyrenees, as much as 100
centimeters of snow. the dreaded cold blast coming in. notice where the pink and purple colors are. that s where we are going to see the focus. prague, for example, the average high, 1 degree celsius. we won t get to that for the next seven days. we will be about 8-10 degrees below that average. on the other side of the atlantic, we are keeping a close eye on the ice storm. here is a look at some of the amounts of ice that have already accumulated. we are talking about almost 1.25 of a centimeters. around kansas, about a half centimeter. 1 in joplin, missouri. as high as those numbers are, we are actually expecting more ice accumulation on top of it. the purple areas right here could pick up an additional .5
to 1.5 p of ice. we are talking widespread power outages that could be affected with a lot of these regions. if you have travel plans, please check with your air travel carrier before you do so. stay in touch with you and our meteorologists as we continue to follow. thank you so much, allison. still ahead, the legacy of michelle obama. we look back at her years as america s first lady. stay with us. sometimes you justw when you hit a home run. that s how i feel about blue-emu pain relief spray. odorless and fast-acting. it soothes all my muscle aches and pains. and it s convenient for those hard to reach places. and if you re like me, you ll love blue-emu super strength cream. it s made with real emu oil, it s non greasy, it s a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints. take it from me. it works fast and you won t stink.
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remember the family back then. barack is home at least once a week and we are really doing family stuff. reporter: on the campaign trail, young malia and sasha talk about the weirdness of seeing their parents in magazines. pretty cool. because you see people like angelina jolie. real important people, no offense. mommy is important. the beginning was not so easy. moving into the white house where the bullet proof windows can t be open, the secret service always there. she recently described that first day. i will never forget that winter morning as i watched our girls just 7 and 10 years old pile into those black suvs with all those big men with guns. i saw their little faces pressed up against the window and the only thing i could think was, what have we done? reporter: she did face criticism, even before the
election. for the first time in my adult lifetime, i am really proud of my country. soon after that, portrayed on this new yorker cover, today, how far she has come. on the cover of vogue three times. she has long since found her footing, her causes. by her husband s second term, she eernlg med much more comfortable in public, polished but loosening up in more ways than one? roses are red, violets are blue, you are the president, and i am your boo. the first lady seemed to not only accept the public eye and the constraints of the white house. there are prison elements to it. but it is a really nice prison. to embrace the opportunity to let her voice be heard including her fashion voice, taking some risks, competing with the best of them and making headlines. remember the bangs. we borrowed one of michelle s
tricks. p america has seen michelle obama, harvard educated lawyer and mother, use her humor, hr star power, even her viral mean power occasionally shedding light on what it is like to raise now teenagers in these circumstances. we have one who generally stays here and then we have one we call our grumpy cat. our salty business kit. as her time in office drew down, the once reluctant, now determined first lady drew upon her sweeping popularity to enter the campaign trail as one of the most powerful voices for her party, earning her nickname, the closer. i wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. and i watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women, playing with their dogs on the white house lawn.
she took on donald trump s access hollywood tapes. it has shaken me to my core in a way i couldn t have predicted. it is cruel. it is frightening. the truth is, it hurts. reporter: speaking her mind even after the election. we are feeling what not having hope feels like. in her final speech as first lady, her emotion raw. she urged americans not to give up you, to celebrate diversity and talent. thank you for everything you do for our kids and our country. being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life. i hope i have made you proud. does this mean the first lady has embraced the public eye and loves hanging out with the press. she doesn t do interviews very often. her staff is extremely
protective of her and selective about what she does and when. post white house, we expect first there will be a vacation. the first couple has mentioned many times is badly needed. they will settle into their rented house in d.c. where they will stay for a couple of years until sasha finishes high school. we expect the first lady to keep working on issues she believes in although she has insisted many times now that she will not run for public office. michelle kosinski, cnn, the white house. thanks so much for reporting. now, to a follow-up story we have been reporting an p the young woman kidnapped as an instant and only recently found 18 years later. she ways taken from a florida hospital by someone posing as a nurse. she was taken when she was only a few hours old. she met with her birth parents for the first time on saturday. that is her father, this person you see here. he says that the meeting went
well and that he told his daughter he loved her. first meeting was beautiful, wonderful. it couldn t have went no better. what is the first thing she said to you? are you planning to bring her to here? we are taking it one step at a time. that reunion came after an emotional meeting the previous day when mobley visited gloria williams, williams is in jail. williams is awaiting a hearing on kidnapping charges. say it ain t so. the american circus known as the greatest show on earth is shutting down fr good. the parent company of ringling brothers barn number aum and ba says it is closing the 100-year extravaganza. the last show will happen in may. they dropped elephants as featured performers last year
and business suffered. the ceo explained the decisions and says the tickets have been declining but following the transitions of the elephants. we saw a more dramatic drop. this coupled with high operating costs made the circus an unsustainable business for the company. a successful launch and return for a spacex falcon 9 rocket on saturday. four, three, two, one. liftoff. falcon 9. always so cool to see that. it blasted off from a us air force base in california carrying ten communications satellites. this was the first launch for the private space company since a similar rocket exploded in september. it was followed by a smooth return landing for the rocket s first stage booster and then collided on to an ocean platform known as the drone ship. spacex and its rivals have been trying to perfect the landing,
because reusing the rocket is the key to making space travel more affordable. from outer space now to your inner peace, this newly discovered buddha statue has been sitting undisturbed in a southeastern china reservoir for hundreds of years. archaeologists say it dates back to china s ming dynasty. the top of the buddha s head appeared when the water level dropped. remnants of a temple have also been found below the water. that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i m george howell at the cnn news center in atlanta. i ll be back after the break with more news from around the world. thank you for watching cnn, the world s news leader. if you have medicare
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