Live Breaking News & Updates on Acquisition marks

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181030 05:02:00

and era in german politics drawing to a close friends like america announces he s stepping down as party leader and will not seek reelection german stocks rally on the news but leading economist rick more subdued we ll tell you why also brazil and that s far right politicians idea of also not oh as president who promises an overhaul of the economy with methods feels long but oppose it and most emerging economies have very little in the way of public health services really take a look at how pakistan s streetside dentists are filling the gap. and chris of colburn berlin good to have you with us it is time for change and on monday i m going to ushered in this change germany s chancellor who steered the countries through its harshest economic crisis after world war two will not seek
another term in office will also step down as party leader following week state election results the euro slipped on the news while german stocks gained i m going to europe s longest serving political leader and has been in power for over a decade. then at the end of two thousand and five until america was sworn in as germany s first female chancellor five years earlier she became the leader of the christian democrats she was chancellor when germany was rocked by the financial and euro crises now that she s set to step down as party chair later this year economists believe that could pose risks the president of the german institute for economic research marcel fracture so as it marks the beginning of the end of the american era this uncertainty is a bad thing for the economy because it means companies and printers don t know what will happen will invest less but create fewer jobs and this ultimately has also an
economic cost for germany. the german economy remains healthy and few people are out of work that america managed to lead our country through the economic and financial crises relatively unscathed but germany still has to tackle some major problems and urgent reforms are needed in europe germany needs to invest more in education innovation it better infrastructure and also to be formed social security systems that s one important priority the second one is reforming europe president mccall france has asked germany to support him in reforming europe the german government has not delivered on that yet so germany still has work to do and whoever is the next cd you leader will have to ensure that merkel retains the support of her party knowing as soon as possible who will replace america what the party home will mean less uncertainty for germany including its economy. through
the united states and take i.b.m. s biggest acquisition ever for thirty four billion dollars i.b.m. is purchasing software maker red hat aiming to better compete with cloud computing companies like amazon google and microsoft computing enables people and organizations to perform. digital task on devices without housing service locally i.b.m. c.e.o. deniro many estimates the market for cloud computing to be worth one trillion dollars according to and only twenty percent of applications have been transitioned to cloud service and far eighty percent are still stored locally. now let s get more on this with the escort our correspondent standing by in new york that is the most expensive acquisition and i.b.m. says story is a sensible one it is certainly a bold move under the first six years under the helm of g.d.
rometty being this c o the sales of i.b.m. have been constantly dropping in just a body year ago that trend got reversed a little bit for example. in the market for at the official intelligence have not really materialized so now this is a big move into the cloud service the stock of i.b.m. traded to the downside by about four percent that is not so surprising because as you mentioned thirty eight billion dollars that s by far the biggest acquisition of i.b.m. and this deal will be financed mostly by debt so we will see how that works out and also the market is pretty crowded we have big players there like amazon microsoft or google just to name a few and yes let s take a look at the broader picture here u.s. markets saw some hefty swings in monday s trading session the s. and p. five hundred is on track for its worst month since the financial crisis tell us
more on that. good also blue chip so the dow jones industrial average should briefly dipped into a correction territory as went up by as much as we have one hundred fifty points at one point and then we lost five hundred fifty points at the low meaning we had swings of around nine hundred points so that s not your usual day and it shows you how nervous the market still remains even if we could recover a bit and chips were down by the end of the session by a good two hundred forty points so we ve got some remarks from the white house saying that if talks between u.s. president donald trump and chinese president xi do not go well next month there actually all of goods being imported to the u.s. from china it could face more terror of so that was one piece of news that started the selling us quarter in new york thank you. thanks saying the economy would be
brazil s newly elected president first priority is economic advisers said on monday and that could lead to sweeping changes in brazil for example the spike having poles privatizations for more than twenty years they are now said to top mr ball sonars economic agenda he also wants to overhaul brazil s costly pension system years of recession mounting debt and growing unemployment have changed many people s lives. in brazil poverty is a fact of life unemployment is at twelve percent that s the second highest in latin america meaning thirteen million people without a job. they re struggling with rising living costs and those that work pay astronomical taxes. the incoming president has promised many things he plans to sell state owned companies and use the money to pay off state debt but the most important state owned corporations such as petro brass and degrassi will
remain exempt he s also declared war on corruption but brazilians are skeptical. to fifty five percent of the electors believe that this is a historical moment that everything will be brilliant hope so. yeah i think it s good that it has been voted because we ve had enough of twelve years of the workers party in our country. it s true that the outgoing government has left an economic mess behind over the past five years national debt has risen from around sixty percent of g.d.p. to a current level of almost ninety percent. which has already slipped by around twenty percent this year recently hit a two year low but after years of recession the economy had recently begun to pick up again if that trend continues both so narrow will be only too happy to take the credit. stock exchange has already reacted positively to the new political order.
turkish president rather tired out on his open istanbul s newark international airport the mega structure has six runways and is expected to handle two hundred million passengers a year the airport isn t complete and the launch began with only a few flights but the opening ceremony had been timed to coincide with the ninety fifth anniversary of turkey s founding as a republic the government says it will be one of the world s busiest airports once it s fully operational and twenty twenty eight but the project has been controversial critics say human rights as well as environmental and labor laws were violated during construction. how it is just around the corner and millions of people mainly in the in the not in the united states are expected to celebrate it the u.s. national retail federation annual survey says more than one hundred seventy five million of them are planning to spook around the festival of horror could help kick off a retail boom in the us during the last quarter total spending on costumes and decorations
is expected to reach nine billion dollars slightly short of last year s record but a strong showing by shoppers during halloween could be a sign that the u.s. economy is still robust despite recent stock market. and staying with the scary stuff a visit to the dentist is sure to creep many people and in pakistan in particular the experience is not for the faint of heart many dentists there have decided to treat their patients on the street while the wise couldn t afford dental care. publishing and cleaning for about two dollars that prevents cavity this. is not that i don t have enough money for the dentists in the hospitals they charge thirty to forty dollars just for cleaning so it s better to go to the street dentist who can do it for only two. dollars they can even fix the teeth. it s
all about improvise ation of the open air clinics in the pakistani city of rawalpindi for many locals street dentists are the only option for dental care the average pakistani earns around one hundred dollars a month. but the experience is not for the squeamish. one but we don t have a lot of things here and we have a special chemical which we apply and works well we can t do root canal treatments because we don t have the equipment for that our patients support them with the doctor all of them running the line and do something for your teeth polish and clean them noise dust and poor hygiene that s what patients put up with but business is booming for the dentists. treat up to one hundred patients a day. these dentists earn between twenty and twenty five dollars daily that s a lot of money in pakistan but for the patient it all comes down to trust it s
almost impossible to know how qualified the street dentists are. out of the winter well i m glad i have my dentist up our show if you want more be sure to check out our twitter or facebook feed for now thanks for watching for every.
letter we were. when we were. eighty percent of americans in some plane and i laos will experience hardship. in the flower. yes i m beautiful i ve heard it before and it never grows old. i m worshiped from my lovers my scent my looks but here s the thing. life starts with me. you see i feed people. every fruit comes from me. everybody taito me every kernel of corn me every grain of rice me.

Dentists , Gap , German , Chancellor , Crisis , Countries , World-war-two , Colburn-berlin , Chris , Two , Party-leader , News

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181112 16:00:00

join the arena tang on her journey. you know we re going to return to mention. entering into returns home. this is the w. news live from california s deadliest wildfires at least twenty nine lives lost in the north of the state along with a town called paradise hundreds of people are still missing california s governor says this is the new normal also on the program. one hundred years after german women won the right to vote the latest figures show they are still under represented in the corridors of power. in the israeli raid in gaza at least eight dead including a hamas commander and an israeli soldier amid fresh clashes between israel and the
palestinians. plus lewis hamilton does it again awaiting the brazilian grand prix to clench the constructors championship former sadie s red bull so much for stop and see shred after a crash that cost him fixer. and phil gale welcome to the program. of origins in northern california say the fire sweeping through the city of paradise and surrounding areas have not killed at least twenty nine people in the blaze amongst the deadliest in the state s history as dry winds feed the flames officials are also warning that more than two hundred people are still unaccounted for. from paradise to the inferno prayers were no protection against the wall of flame which swept through
this town in the sierra nevada foothills. these nasa images show the fire that engulfed paradise the most destructive in california s history currently there are two hundred twenty individuals. who have to be unaccounted for. located a hundred seven people after receiving in excess of five hundred fifty calls from people looking for loved ones the state s governor offered this stark prediction this is not the new normal this is the new abnormal and this new abnormal continue certainly in the next ten to fifteen to twenty years and unfortunately the best science is telling us that dryness warmth drought all those things. they re going to intensify. meanwhile to fire fronts in southern california i
worsening after a weekend lull in the winds which have fanned the flames there picking up speed again. we re starting to see another series of santa ana winds. blowing here working their way south for san diego. very concerned we have over eight thousand federal state local firefighters on the front. with thousands on the ready prepared for the next event. the california fire department has warned of explosive fire behavior with gusty winds overnight and into monday morning. let s hear the latest from much on this trace and company in los angeles welcome jason you re quite close to molly blue how people who ve lost their homes in that awful beach they say coping. they re frustrated they re extremely frustrated last
night there was a town hall meeting where some of the residents who have been evacuated there are families and loved ones were able to come in and ask questions of city officials and some state leaders as well as well as fire response leaders and they don t know when they re going to be able to get back to their neighborhood they don t know when they ll be able to see if their home is just a charred pile of rubble and they re expressing concern oh what are firefighters doing how come they re not battling this fire more vigorously some people are saying that they watched their neighbor s house burn down and there was not a firefighter in sight so frustration levels are getting very very high i what is the strategy being employed by the firefighters are they looking to extinguish the fire as well just trying to contain them and let them burn themselves out at the moment containment is the number one priority and anything within that footprint a flare up or
a home or anything like that isn t really expendable but at least it s within that fire containment line they ve got several helicopters in the air right now as well as sixteen aircraft that are dropping thousands upon thousands of gallons of water trying to least extinguish some of the flames and keep some of the hot spots from from picking up again. just three hundred i report there are hundreds of people still missing from the north and butte county you have a ton of paradigm seems to be. it s the that is a devastating loss of their what happened is the camp fire started spreading so quickly and so fiercely people were people were told to get out of their omes and get out of the way of the flames within seconds they left their cell phones behind they left their identification and if you can imagine sitting at home watching television and watching news coverage of the fire and have someone knock on your door and say you have to go now no you cannot grab anything that s the situation
that they re having right now also they re sifting through some of the rubble in that area and looking for potential bodies good talking to thank you for joining us jason company here in los angeles. or tons on a medical house that some patients among the seventeen of women in germany winning the rights to vote speaking in berlin she paid tribute to the people who fought for women s suffrage. so you know nothing of on phone at the turn of the century women around the world began fighting for their rights. they formed at and gave each of the mutual support most ardent we should say that it was hard exhausting but ultimately a successful struggle comes on the twelfth of november today one hundred years ago women in germany were also finally allowed to take part in politics. it was a key moment in the history of democracy. despite chancellor merkel being germany s
first female leader the country s political scene is still dominated by men. got a catalyst reports now on makes progress since german women first took to the ballot box. here in germany we have i m going to america so gender equality is happening in our country s politics right now ask people how they see things and compare that interest to reality. can you guess how many may as out of ten in germany a male and female and if you could maybe. put your and so on to the board. four out of ten a female and six out of ten a mile it s a twenty eight man line to all female you re actually wrong actually it s nine men and one woman own that s a lot of even. in the bonus act there are four hundred and one thousand men and only two hundred nineteen women that s sixty nine point one percent two point nine
percent less than a thought of all parliamentarians women that s the smallest proportion of women the bonus track has seen in twenty years because there are more male parliamentarians they have a higher percentage of speeches and courts and even an actress cabinet men make up the majority photos like this made headlines recently these are the coalition negotiations after reaching new elections and bev area and he is the leadership team in the interior ministry find the female. so why are there so few women in politics this is a question gender politics experts assume vital for has been researching. this topic of compatibility plays a major role balancing the burdens of family public service and politics self-confidence is also an issue it s not always easy getting ahead in this male dominated world at the local level only one in four politicians is female when i
teach in a city council and the berlin district of the only woman in an office with four men . as i ve already experienced in different places personally and also with others that women are looked at more critically especially political candidates people always ask questions like can she manage that party the s.p.d. already has a few teacher wants that for all parties. around at the situation in german politics after considering current developments i have come to the conclusion that we will only be able to achieve gender balance if we institute binding regulation ice in germany women have been allowed to vote for one hundred years but gender equality in politics doesn t and that as long as those in government continue to be mostly men germany is the fall off the mark when it comes to gender equality. chief political editor of. the chancellor s
speech at welcome michela so what does the chancellor merkel see as her role in bringing more women into politics well she said you can t really be described as being a feminist in chief despite being the for some thirty nine years now but what she did say is that you take some credit for the fact that if a girl today says she wants to become a minister what. that she will no longer be laughed at here and many in fact she said that sometimes the question does occur whether a man can become tonsil as well she says she didn t make that question up that is true yet her own c.d.u. party still has one of the lowest percentages of m.p. s in the current parliament of around twenty percent and she admitted that still was a long way to go and speaking to the chance of speaking to other lawmakers will make his why do they think this imbalance is so great for this many issues but most
of them are structural women i spoke to m.p. s from all parties i spoke to of the past week said that it was basically in the end up to posses to create conditions that attract women and that means long night sessions making it more family friendly because there is still a long way to go for those individual battles that couples fight back at home on who takes charge of what but also that parties need to create conditions where women can probably bring children or what simply fits into family life how much has this been the general political radar here in germany has this been and issue. well the whole struggle has been an issue it was very much noted that this current parliament has a lower percentage it s just it s almost thirty one percent of women compared to some thirty six percent the last time around so really it s a question and that has highlighted the fact that the right to vote and to be elected that germany is celebrating today one hundred years of that is
a continuing struggle and by no means a linear development in the sense of more women taking part quite the contrary one of the parties themselves a bit of a doing everything to the have quotas or. well the green party was the first part to introduce essentially a fifty fifty quote every second person on the party list has to be female that is something the social democrats are talking about now as well we heard the justice minister who is there s a democrat speak about that as a potential measure because there is evidence here that unless there is a quota you don t really see much movement and that certainly is something that the chance of herself is against within her own party much evidence. to go over here because the thank you. we ll take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world several people are dead after a suicide bomber attacked a police checkpoint in the afghan capital kabul hundreds of people had gathered
nearby to protest the government s failure to prevent attacks by the taliban and the group has claimed responsibility. in yemen fresh clashes between rebels and pro-government forces in the city for data of killed more than one hundred forty people including civilians who the rebels are fighting off a large scale attack by government loyalists back by saudi arabia. north and south korea have been dismantling twenty border guard posts part of a deal struck last month to reduce tensions both countries have agreed to remove ten god posts on either side of the heavily fortified border. showdown between the e.u. and italy a continues as we speak at least cabinet is meeting for talks on ways to avert a crisis get elvis. film a better get on with it because the euro is hovering around seventy month lows against the dollar investors are unnerved at the uncertainty over the italian budget the currency was pinned under one dollar
thirteen on monday down over half a percent from friday s close markets are braced for a rollercoaster week as a standoff between roman brussels over at least fiscal plan for next year comes to a head the european commission rejected the plan last month warning the government in rome to drastically reduce its budget deficit target it s of the already has the second highest in the eurozone in relation to g.d.p. the commission gave rome until tuesday to present a new budget office disciplinary steps these are the government has so far insisted that any concession would be trade voters amount to political suicide well little earlier we spoke to german economies during stock that s the european central bank s former chief economist and we asked him what was likely to happen next. at a certain point in time there will be a show del the question is whether the italian government will hit the wall with the commission or other european institutions over the markets i personally expect
that the you with situations will stand firm not a given at this stage at least second that rating downgrades will follow and credit spreads will widen further so in the end the italian government would have no choice than to soften its stance to soften its position and to police to an extent to avoid the escalation of the financial crisis and that chance if it s only going bankrupt. yeah i hope that this can be avoided and this would be the worst case. i hope that the signals coming from the european peers from other european euro area member states but also from other european institutions like the e.c.b. president draghi was very outspoken in his recent press conference that italy cannot expect any support coming from d.c. b. it is not even within the mended of the e.c.b.
to finance the fiscal deficits so i think the the the messages coming from the piazza futilely pretty clear but i personally expect that markets going to behave more feel. secure to believe that it is a dead end and continuing this way of putting making. doing stock by the e.c.b. as for margie s economists speaking to percentage europe s largest software company germany s s.a.p. s is spending eight billion dollars buying american data from international as it tries to catch up on competitors in the fast growing data analysis market user base called tricks collect data on consumer consumers brands and products to give companies insights into want people actually want a billion dollar price tag is too steep for some but down on the news. let s bring in our markets correspondent friends were done here why is this
acquisition important and are they really paying too much. while investors get hard i can tell you are really divided what you think about this acquisition because on the one hand they are saying yes it is a very good decision it is a good invest for the future because you mentioned that the company is highly specialized in recognizing people again who visit a platform and then they have those tools to give users you know other similar products that they might be interested in but there s shopping tour that n.a.s.a. s he has been doing this year is also making and this is a little bit worried we have to remember that also at the beginning of the year s.a.p.o. was in the headlines when they were announcing that they would be taking over calley doors for more than two billion u.s. dollars now this position worth more than eight billion u.s. dollars it s a little bit the same situation that we also saw happening in the past when i was
taking over a monsanto the biggest merger here in the german industry investors don t really know if even for a big company a company like s a p this merger might be a little bit too expensive. in frankfurt thank you. singles day in china has now passed black friday the u.s. consumerist orgy to become the world s biggest day in shopping and it will be on november eleventh and the name which refers to the four ones in the date the shopping bonanza brought in another record amount this year but there are signs that sales on that date are beginning to slow. he sure this year s single stay kicked off with a colorful gala complete with excited fans customers and the life tally of incoming sales the one billion dollar mark fell after a mere eighty five seconds after an hour sales had reached ten billion dollars by
the end of the day revenue it online giant alibaba clocked in at thirty point eight billion dollars a new record. for the single stay shopping festival has reached its tenth year it means not only discounts but also appreciation. i want sellers to show their gratitude to consumers by offering them the best products than the best prices are. among the sellers swimmin the close players all in all some hundred eighty thousand friends participated in the consumer frenzy of a holds even more companies will begin participating bringing even higher revenues . to be honest i ve been wondering about the future of singles day many people have been asking me about this two. singles they look said to achieve revenues of two hundred billion yuan and will make changes as we go along i think we can bring it
to three hundred billion five hundred billion maybe even a trillion. the sky s the limit though at the moment fede should remain firmly on the ground with the general slowdown in the chinese economy revenue growth has slowed from forty percent last year to twenty seven percent this year. well that s all your business is back to phil. of the military wing of gaza s rolling hamas organization says it has fired rockets into southern israel palestinian moves has destroyed a bus on the israeli side of the border in just one person according to israeli media clashes erupted during an israeli special forces operation in gaza in light on sunday they saw as many as ten people killed nine palestinians and israeli officer. and get more from t w correspondent tanya crabber who joins us on the line from gaza city welcome tania and what can you tell us about these latest
hostilities. fly can tell you that the situation is certainly true you can. see constant rocket barrages launched that she used to hear from. those of being apparently his fine mortar coming out television is or has the office heating target here. and the action has said earlier tonight. that this is repulsive reform as it is and from your knowledge in that they would escalate the range of rocket if further response was going let s talk about sunday night this was a strike by israeli security forces who were operating in gaza why would they do that. well i mean that s exactly what you know according to the israeli army this was a special operation an intelligence mission but given the nature we don t think that clear what they were doing here we understand that in it s legit special forces
come on the enter doesn t gaza strip you know the kind of hundred units that the car made on sunday evening and apparently they were covered by members of hamas military wing because some brigades who guard the border area so there was an exchange of fire and the smoke followed by not that there s maybe an strike. at least the palestinians among them a command of the military returns and one israeli soldier was killed and as a result of but that time rockets have fired them into southern israel so this latest flattop follows agreements that have a lot of much needed cash on oil into gaza what impact is expected spot it s going to have all of those arrangements well i think it s ok to say really depends on how the situation will develop overnight the situation it changes how about our minute by minute and people in gaza turkey also the other side of the border of worry that this could escalate actually this time for the afternoon was pretty quiet after the
incidents incident that now the situation escalates again and as you said it comes at a time when talks are ongoing on understanding between as well as some of that un mandated by egypt and you and to ease the tension and the humanitarian situation in gaza and heating up maybe to a longer term come but this and then makes it up is much harder to achieve when you come out and gaza thank you. lewis hamilton has won the brazilian grand prix a clinching the formula one constructors championship for his team must say this race had slipped out of his control until a dramatic incident took front runner up and out of contention. lewis hamilton fought off an early attack from valtteri bottas and sebastian vettel to hold on to the lead heading into the first corner he kept his advantage until midway through
the race by which time max misstep and had caught up to him the dutchman was flying around the track at this stage and he overtook hamilton to grab the lead which he held on to until disaster struck as of a stop and went to lap esteban the force india pilot failed to give way forcing this collision. a cons mistake ended what could have been a fight to the finish between for stepan and hamilton the driver s champion continue to the line unopposed to win the race and clinch the constructors championship and miss avies. that s the double right this is what i wanted. to try for them and today was like the best out there we could do it because we were struggling. hamilton celebrates his tenth race win of the season while a frustrated first step and knew the win could have been his. when he found okon at the post race scales the red bull driver made his feelings known.
in the bundesliga lives and scored a three nil victory of leverkusen on sunday the eastern german club has the best defense in the german top flight and they showed stumbling leyva who isn t no mercy . nick s red bulls had their foot on the gas from the get go in the twenty seventh minute diego damage teeing up use of polson to open the scoring confusion in the les because in defense impulsion saw his opening and pants. play because and didn t look any better in the second half look at klosterman making it to kneel in the sixty eighth minute his first goal of the season in his one hundred competitive game for leipsic keeper look us right at skeet with no chance and shortly before the end polson struck again to cement the win the game six goal of the campaign three male the final score among just team is doing an outstanding job right now we
play really good football we can be satisfied going into the international break shitholes i know they re clean sheets for leipzig stingy defense and the win moves them up to third place. the stage is set for a thrilling conclusion to south america s club competition they cope on the boat to doris after fierce rivals play to boca juniors drew two all in the first leg on sunday. the thirty fourth minute for the home side celebrations were short lived because plateaued just two minutes later. the match was swung back broca s way when a better dancer scored at the end of the first half but i. called sappy squared also brought river back into the game one aside his rivals he s again for the decider in two weeks. just recap our top stories for you this hour at least twenty nine people have been killed in wildfires in california dry winds are
still fighting the flames and officials have warned that more than two hundred people are missing. johnny s chance and i have a map of his praise activists who fought for women s suffrage and she was speaking to commemorate one hundred years of women in germany. tucked. more up of. course around the clock on the website that s t.w. dot com the fatherhood. going to. play. the.
odds. are going to play. the hearts mountains may hear this. or this. or this. behind all the but many voices many colors and many faces. germany s highest uplands region the hearts melting. see the. source of neverending mystery the sun what goes on inside it and what does it sound like. solar
storms pose a danger to earth. researchers have made exciting new discoveries. from space. to carl to sixty minutes long. scars cover don t forget women in russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression nothing but nice is no muslim russia. where putin is petri arche lines today women s rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. people here don t have a clue about feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in everyday life for justice and equality. under the skin of russia s women starts

Gaza , Israeli , Clashes , Commander , Soldier , Raid , Hamas , Eight , Palestinians , Lewis-hamilton , Stop , Formula-one-constructors

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181027 01:02:00

the u.s. economy growing a pace at an annual rate of three point five percent the boom being driven partly by tax cuts but is it just a flash in the pan. brazil chooses a new president on sunday he ll inherit a struggling economy that may no longer be able to support the average retirement age of fifty five. and after years of protests against gentrification demonstrators pushed google out of berlin. i m stephen beard slumberland thanks for joining us the u.s. economy beat expectations in the third quarter on the back of the strongest consumer spending in nearly four years the commerce department said gross domestic product the total values of goods and services produced increased by three and a half percent from a year earlier the sharp rise in spending help offset a big drop in trade companies bit more to increase their inventories which also helps all sort of growth analysts are expecting the economy to expand by around three percent this year. and we re joined now by our financial correspondent in new
york yes korda yens another quarter of solid growth in the u.s. donald trump is looking like the business friendly president that he advertise themselves to be. you know if we look at the entire year if we re really going to read three percent of growers we haven t seen anything like that since two thousand and five thirteen years i mean first of all we shouldn t forget that us president inherited a pretty decent economy the economic recovery was already underway for six seven years before dawn of talk of what does help is that we almost have full employment in the united states so the labor market looks pretty solid and then on top of it early this year donald trump is that ministration fired this huge tax cuts and that was another incentive for the u.s.
economy. good point yes the tax cut being credited with a lot of this growth but at the same time there must be a limit to what it can accomplish what are you hearing there. well i mean one of the problems is when you look at the u.s. corporations for example the tax cuts for companies got cut from thirty five to twenty one percent the big question is what those corporations are doing with that money and a lot of this money was not spend for investments but for higher dividends for mergers and acquisitions for huge buybacks of their own share so that was good for wall street that was good for investors but not necessarily for the entire country and what we also shouldn t forget is well this money is missing in washington sold takes guts means that death in the united states it s increasing if i m not mistaken just in the last year. the u.s.
government had to pay about six hundred billion dollars just for interest on their debts that could actually be a problem if we re looking ahead to the future that that is increasing quite a bit so a double edged sword with these tax cuts are there for us in new york against thank you staying in the u.s. the f.b.i. is reportedly examining whether american carmaker tesla misstated information about the production of its model three sedans and its business going back to early last year that s according to the wall street journal in july two thousand and seventeen tesla c.e.o. elon musk tweeted that he was expected spec to be producing twenty thousand model threes a month by december but the carmaker produce just twenty seven hundred for the entire year last month the u.s. securities and exchange commission settled separate civil charges with tesla and moss for misleading investors. as brazil prepares for a weekend runoff vote its economy is widely viewed as
a disaster one problem is the pension system one of the most generous retirement programs in the world brazil can t afford it now and it s about to get worse. harm s already gave us this report. rush hour in sao paolo in brazil s biggest city many people work far more than eight hours per day some start at a very early age so they can retire at fifty five and then continue to earn seventy percent of their final salary for the rest of their lives for decades that s been the norm in brazil. it s what suze that was hoping for after working as a teacher for more than thirty years an accident before retirement led to her salary being cut now the sixty three year old gets less than the minimum wage and now i have no money no it s inhumane to have to live on a minimum salary everything is getting more expensive with inflation and all that
and people keep on getting a salary which now i can live on capitol hill so it s very difficult. with less than two hundred dollars a month she can barely afford more than her rent and although she bolsters her income by selling handicrafts she feels desperate about the future. they all know failure day i have no idea what to do and when i have faith in god that he will open up doors for me that i really don t know it s very sad you know they they. moved into this church. says that situation is not an isolated case poor and middle class retirees especially from the private sector are finding it harder and harder to survive on their pensions so they keep on working sometimes for decades after retiring. so i paid in more than twenty times the minimum wage and so did my company and i did that for ten fifteen
years then they reduced it to a contribution on ten minimum salaries that was so in a nutshell i ended up retiring with only one times the minimum wage. and life expectancy is increasing in the country it s a demographic change that s leading to fewer younger workers supporting more retirees in addition to the recent years of limited or negative growth and the very generous pensions granted to the public employees rather less rapidly heading to a point where it was no longer be able to meet its pension obligations. in twenty seventeen the government ran up a deficit of more than sixty billion dollars in order to cover pensions despite this unsustainability an overhaul of the pension system is politically difficult to achieve. usually their government and. remembers the problem only when there is no crash of
a loved one. and not because you need to have a good system in order to people feel more secure and more comfortable with being who are in season. and so all the time that they have tried the reform always seen these things of cutting spending and not being provided in a better therapy. the issue of pension reform is complex and controversial and neither of the presidential candidates facing off in this sunday s election runoff have clearly addressed it however it s one of the most urgent challenges the newly elected congress will face in twenty nineteen. brazil s pensioners will no doubt be pleased to hear that the world s billionaires became twenty percent richer in twenty seventeen and the report by swiss bank u.b.s. and auditor pricewaterhouse coopers says there are more of them than ever before more than two thousand fact together they are worth up to eight point nine trillion
dollars the us still has the greatest concentration of wealth held by billionaires but china is making them faster with two new billionaires every week according to the report. a booming startup scene is facing off with anger over rising rents in berlin just look at google the u.s. tech firm had planned a multimillion dollar campus for startups in the city before protesters forced it into a rethink. this construction site was scheduled to be open for berlin fast growing startups i m a twenty nineteen the tech giant had wanted to give the scene a massive boost with google campus three thousand square metres at a cost of fourteen million euros the company s change of plans came as a huge surprise if you. didn t feel certainly learn something from the many conversations we had this is actually the wrong place for old pure startup campus what we are where for protest but we don t allow them to dictate our actions and
wish them to a lot. of us. however it certainly looks as if google threw in the towel since it unveiled the project two years ago there have been frequent protests local residents fear the campus with speed up the pace of gentrification in september activist occupied the construction site now the building is home to social projects google is still paying the bills but it s donated the office space to the better place internet platform as well as karuna a charity that helps children and teens in need. we would have liked google to move in because we benefit greatly when organizations and businesses operate a social cooperatives like ours help connect young people from the streets and enterprises and we cannot do it alone we have to cooperate you can align it with.
the business friendly free democrats so the failure of the google campus is a disastrous signal for berlin as an investment location. it sends the wrong message to the world that companies are not welcome here so there will be no new jobs which we urgently need and the capital. activists disagree and call it a victory for their neighborhood. it s terrific that the company s reputation has been tarnished we hope the message spreads to other companies thinking about coming here to invest and create start up pops a local population doesn t benefit at all. google has promised to pay for the lease and utilities for the next five years so the controversial start could eventually end up boosting the tech giants image. and that s your business report you can find more line at. dot com i m stephen beard thanks for joining us.
from. the.
first day of school and the. first clueless. stores grand moment to run join the arena s hang on churning things. in our interest to turn to soraya entering into and returns home. climate change for. waste. isn t it time for. eco africa people and projects that are changing oh i m sorry for the better it s up to us to make a difference let s show our. farming magazine. w o five. i want to see what s going on and ologies emerges then you know what you have to do

Commerce-department , Gross-domestic-product , Consumer-spending , Goods , Values , Back , Services , Four , Three , Economy , Inventories , Help

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181130 05:02:00

more trouble at this time it could be a really serious prosecutor of a one hundred seventy strong great team to the offices of germany s biggest lender the allegation money laundering on a mind boggling scale also on the program pakistani families of victims of a factory fire take the german company and work for to court in germany and is your car spying on china revelations that electric car drivers have their details of the whereabouts sent straight. to the program german prosecutors have raided the offices including they have quarter of a bank as part of an investigation into a money laundering inquiry is based on revelations made in the twenty sixteen data leaker known as the part of a paper which suggested that bank staff had helped criminals funnel money into offshore tax. police vans surrounding the headquarters of germany s biggest
lender if deutsche is image wasn t a ready in tatters it certainly is now. the banks accused of helping clients hide money earned from crime this is missions are based on revelations contained in the sense of leaked documents known as the panama paper is. different docked. mission a rose in the summer is more has to say as a teen not after the federal criminal police officer evaluation data from the panama paper is the so-called off shore leaks. buddies are also this evaluation that the suspicion is a bunch of bunk was helping clients set up so-called offshore companies in tax havens. for dollars from their money is said to have floated deutsche bank with as the bank reporting any suspicion of money laundering. these are the kinds of
allegations that if true could bring down an already embattled bank deutsche it was quick to present its view of the events. yvonne i love the live on in from we believe we provided all relevant information to the authorities regarding the panama paper case of course will now cooperate closely with the public prosecutor s office and frank first it s also in our interest that the suspicious facts are quickly in entirely cleared up attention will now turn to george s boss christiane thieving he s only been in the top job since april but he s been at the bank for decades he ready faces the challenge of reversing years of losses now is really up to him to address accusations that haven t only been mismanaged but involved in far shady or potentially criminal business. german chemicals giant buyer says it s planning to slash some twelve thousand jobs around the world
as a part of a massive savings and restructuring drives it says a significant number of those cuts will be here in germany the move comes in the wake of buyer s controversial sixty three billion dollar takeover of u.s. rival months. buyer one of germany s oldest debts companies wants to make itself leaner and meaner by increasing efficiency productivity and profitability by instead of playing to concentrate resources on its core businesses of pharmaceuticals consumer health and crop science it s a setback since it bought u.s. crop sciences giant months and two in june this year for sixty three billion euros one of germany s biggest ever corporate takeovers but two months later a us court ruling ordered buyer to pay multi-million dollar damages to a cancer sufferer. the judge ruled that its newly acquired subsidiary should have warned users about the cancer risks from its roundup herbicide the company s shares have been under pressure since then losing thirty six percent since the beginning
of the year so investors are still nervous and something like this makes them more nervous it s a little bit of a surprise if you re a long time stock market observer often a job cuts lead to higher prices because people think yeah those are necessary measures painful for everyone involved but necessary to increase profitability here they seem to be a reminder of how many risks and challenges a buyer has there at least as cliff as that damage claims buyer will be cashing in on synergies with monsanto so it s crap science division will be among the hardest hit with forty one hundred job cuts the company said it expected to complete the job cutbacks by the end of twenty twenty one. now let s bring in our financial correspondent yes court in new york here against buyer says it wants to save about three billion dollars a year by twenty twenty two does this have anything to do with the court case over monsanto s weed killer glyphosate. well by itself claims that this is not the
case but there s no doubt about it that months on tour has been a costly acquisition and when you buy a company you also inherit the problems so there s one man in california got awarded so. a million dollars even if a buyer earlier this month it went to him to peel but there are thousands more lawsuits pending sold there is a certain pressure on buyer to save some money possibly of all the lawsuits but also because of the sixty three billion dollars the buyer paid for. thanks for now we ll come back to you in a moment. germany s humble spot newspaper says u.s. president donald trump has invited german car bosses to the white house next tuesday executives from the w. diner and b.m.w. are expected to attend the news reports of u.s. plans to pose a twenty five percent tariff on car imports from all countries except for canada
and mexico. yes back to you in new york when general motors announced their layoff plans earlier this week president trump laid into them and foreign carmakers with threats of more terrorists now german car executives are set to go to the white house what are you hearing. well i mean what are we hearing out of washington is that u.s. president donald trump also partly because of the layoffs the general motors is playing around with the idea to impose those tariffs already in may make sure the study got started that in the name of national security those imports. tariff of twenty five percent the justice department has until early next year to come to a conclusion if that claim is justified so any terror of of that kind it will not be happening overnight but the u.s. president seems to be seems to become more curious saw it will be quite
telling if the top managers from the german car companies will be going to washington how serious the situation really is it sounds like an interesting meeting. court in new york thank you. an unprecedented court case began in the restaurant city of dortmund earlier today its object is the devastating fire in a pakistani garment factory that killed almost two hundred sixty workers more than six years ago the trial aims to clarify whether this current fashion brand keke is liable for damages because most of the genes produced at the factory were earmarked for the german company. so you took a tool has traveled seven thousand kilometers to germany in memory of her son over six years ago he was killed in a fire at a textile factory in pakistan that produces clothing for german discount chain kick . the steam kick is responsible for the fire. i lost my son in that fire
and now i ve come here to get some justice for him and all the others who were killed in. the blaze at the factory occurred on the eleventh of september twenty twelve authorities believe it was caused by an arson attack carried out by a local gang almost two hundred sixty people died as a result of the lack of fire protection safeguards kick provided compensation to the victims families that was supposed to exclude any future claims. not so this isn t about one hundred twenty thousand euros if you ve already paid out six million in damages you wouldn t hesitate to pay another hundred twenty thousand but this isn t about the amount it s unfortunately about the principle see the tune on the other plaintiffs won a decision on kicks liability in the case because the company s headquarters are located near dortmund that s where they ve registered the lawsuit the clothing company insists the statute of limitations has expired the court will issue a ruling at the beginning of january. and staying in the garment sector on friday
bangladesh will start expelling international safety inspectors who were brought in after they run a plaza disaster in two thousand and thirteen the inspectors oversaw safety improvements and over twenty three hundred garment factories in bangladesh catering to big global brands like h. and m. and prime mark it helped to drastically reduce work related deaths. now it comes electric car our cars miles per charge used to be the biggest concern for owners but as the family car becomes an increasingly digital affair data protection is on the minds of early adopters that s particularly true in china where beijing s expanse of surveillance practices mean when you re out for your sunday drive you might just have the government along for a ride. each point is a data set which lets users identify individual cars their location speed charge level and more all in real time the deed is used to monitor traffic flows around
the city that s information china s security services can access as well. or the cantata one police departments are prosecuting organizations need to find out the tracking data of a specific car where they may seek help from our center we will ask them of course provide the paperwork that illustrates the request for the use of the data this will mean. a concern development for some electric car owners. so. how long i stay go every day that i don t want the information to be disclosed. that i never heard of it it can t be true tesla can use the data but why do they need to send it to the government it s a double edge sword the digital sensors carmakers use to ensure their latest models run safer and cleaner open a veritable pen door is a box of privacy concerns not just here in china but around the world as well. well whatever your drive i hope it s not spying on you that wraps up our shelter
and so watching see it back in tomorrow.
history shows the story of the first movie more told from different perspectives by peter craven from the eastern european perspective from the african perspective from the perspective of turkey and they are oh boy. e.w. dot com slash w w one. we make up over a week watches of office and up budget cuts we all deserve the services. they may want to shape the continent s future to be part of it and join dumpsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges the seventy seven percent platform for africa charge. my.

Bank , Part , Offices , Investigation , Revelations , Germany , Mo-ney , Paper , Criminals , Headquarters , Police-vans , Tax

Transcripts For DW Arts.21 - African Art And Music 20181203 04:30:00

i. really mean to me. not everyone who loves books has to go to the same. t.w. literature list richard must reads. welcome to a special edition of arts twenty one. artists from africa are setting the agenda for a continent on the moon this is important for africa to. use africa through music through a new generation of africans were more interested in the future this gun lobby east . nigeria was only. the first leg of our african journey takes us by bus from lagos in nigeria to the car in senegal it s
a traveling art show the mobile museum is a project that s crossing borders. it s been a while since lagos a scene a vehicle like this school bus has been converted into a mobile museum to roll through west africa. bouncing like a fast moving camel it heads cross-country picking up selected office along the way . the artists residence on wheels is a new experience for the only known african omit the something. we spend a lot of time with the boss on the road and of course it s not easy to work on anything inside the bus but we talk and realize the plans we work out at the next stops like here in miami but it makes the stops and you have to have some buy screamo milton s that s it from lagos to dakar the aging bus is traveling five thousand kilometers through seven countries over bumpy roads. across the desert
during the stops the also teach local youngsters about art. by jumping from cynical specializes in what s made with electric paint it gives signals when it s touch. i have no idea where we are right now but that s not important you just have to set up an environment where you can be creative i ve always dreamt of working with african artists in africa and what it s a unique opportunity to get to know my own continent. in ghana the bus passengers mingle with local artists and meet verbena ily come fiancee in a transgender performance he transcends boundaries as a veiled woman documenting the process all the while i deal with the bodies and deal with immigration bill see where my christmas well. just stop it from one country to another country and also cross in the south to. the species from the front before that i m going to go through
a very strong idea of. the baskets increasingly cantankerous much of the days spent with repairs including a whole new engine on top of that crossing borders in west africa involves waiting on an epic scale and no baksheesh no entry past history at both turns the experience into an emotional arc performance. everyone gets what he wants from you . because you want to go. and there will not allow you to go on until you give them something. what ever you have is what you have to give you cannot give what you don t. so you give you give you give. you have nothing to give. yourself. it s real long weeks and many adversities later they reached the car where the artists take up residence with a german senegalese painter here they can turn the impressions they collected on their journey into work. for the dark arts festival.
here in st and this is when for us the process of working on our own art really gets underway in this business and also. is africa s foremost arts festival every artist who s anybody in africa comes here the main exit bishan building not all of the old courthouse is a place of great significance a place of life and death decisions people were sentenced to death here. people s births were declared here i mean this is the memory of this country when i open the gates i have piles of documents of legal documents there for me they summarize the entire life of senegal sense and dependence. philosophical and political questions dominate the dr. linda lee almost all of last sandpile is titled wasted time
not only because whole gives a flying tribute to the heroes of the resistance against the german colonial rulers but within a call mob all memory about only history so it s very important that our voices isn t multiplied and that we re all able to give our own stories. not a juvie tells one of the stories of female phoenix and of the concrete of the twenty eight team ducking out we wanted to tackle the wall africa rising with doric if the continent does rise it s as africa to have to choose in which. emoji my dear most employees neon mirrors and surveillance cameras to shift viewers into the focus their digitally monitored and at the same time reveal it to speak mean artist personifies the new pass african artist taking what is happening technology wise on the continent is a leap frog a lot of us of the art of the show here a branch or a new generation of africans who are more interested in the future than the past
and i guess it s all too much for him this is freedom to be oneself with an african continent without having to demonstrate the forms of her to duck up venues or all over the city one of the awful occasions is a city called gucci institute the artist bus is given a resoundingly welcome and. that was africa highly concentrated into three or four weeks they were everywhere we ve been over thousands of kilometers with left the mark of our art something was left everywhere. in the company old collars travel photos. have been turned into silkscreen. gray eyed bell has set up his installation in the books. and by john performs on interactive canvases. glimpses into a treasure trove of experiences with the museum and all the obstacles that came on the way.
what happens when africa s creative talents head to europe we check out a major showcase of music and culture at the africa festival inverts book. it may be hot in crowded at europe s oldest and biggest africa festival but the concerts are sold out. nearly one hundred thousand visitors have come to experience africa up close and personal and maybe take home a souvenir. art can be a way to help people to help themselves this crossover fashion is made in senegal. these one dollar glasses are made and sold right in the booth it s a project run by an ngo the festival informs the public about initiatives like these and about controversial issues such as female circumcision. africa is very much in the media spotlight right now german president. makes an appearance in his
words pork. is a. deeper humor india from senegal says the attention is long overdue he served as host and storyteller at the festival for eighteen years now. coming. from africa you can t talk enough about africa good investment even africans of earned a place in the spotlight but we ve earned it. africa was exploited for so long a new. nobody here ever cared about it because now at long last i think the time has come. and they so by. the motto of the festival s thirtieth anniversary is afro deutsch or afro german bar yama and her band are here from paris the singer songwriter s family comes from
several african and european countries so she finds the term afro german a bit limited. power if that is at the front there are people who call themselves after a pianist and that place is europe and africa at a level that i see is far more correct and then there are after part of such a concept that designates people of the african diaspora who feel at home in the various major cities of the world it means people who are at home in new york or in lagos and that reflects a certain reality she gets on a day at. the festival itself is a reflection of that reality. or a comes from ivory coast twenty years ago she fled to marsay to escape the civil war in her country she won a grammy in two thousand and nine and has been in demand internationally ever since
. her performance can be described as african tradition meets urban cool. her daughter is with her on this tour for her there s no question about combining kids and a career. set. up the african women carry this image of the powerful warrior inside them up again it s all business strong women it s all for they do many things at once they work and raise their children at the same time. but not just african women all women of european women have this strength as well i want to show the strength that women have. aside from the show s a new zick contacts are also important. that. afro german presenter beric reflects on her experiences. the question of her own roots long preoccupied her. dress in torture and in time it was with
a german parts of me the food and how do i fit them all together this. beautiful these a biography is that make up a life how the examination of various topics divisive topics maybe but all the more exciting question about it i m often don t understand the concept. of. the divisive topic of the refugee debate takes a back seat here here inverts board it s the african spirit that occupy center stage like every year at the festival. from europe back to africa. is a powerful voice for social justice in mali her latest album is simply breathtaking .
wants to carry on molly s rich musical heritage her songs are smooth blend of folk and modern sounds and they re taking the music world by storm they re also political i couldn t you release centro them for me i have a something to see. i have a something there when i say. they were present. african union generalship. i was presenting an african dream. i represent off going to childless. terry me deals with my greeting and losing a home and losing loved ones a fate suffered by many africans. then and then he. thought to herself left mali as a young woman to escape an arranged marriage the movie molly blues follows her
judie back it s a touching documentary showing how music can lend a voice to freedom. in her home village to broke a taboo by singing about female genital mutilation. to . i m trying to to to fight the for the positive side to change the montel u.-t. of my generation because every single generation needs to somebody to the song to take a part of the things we have to to be able to talk about i was touring. mali is wracked by social tensions corruption and terrorism but that often obscures it s deep rooted cultural traditions. people don t know i forgot who knows africa is
a woman who went to africa once a nice life then you can see i have seen them have such and people haven t been eating their food the smell of. the two bridges well some consonants she s convinced that music can have healing power was i think this new africa can try to reach a people through the middle diva through our our music you know it s our job on mali has created its own style of blues. says blues is what happens if you stop crying and start singing instead. to. make the nigerian metropolis is one of the world s fastest growing urban centers. it s a city that s booming and. where paul. this guy is just.
only. the nikkei art gallery houses thousands of works its a treasury of contemporary nigerian art madame nikkei as the founder is known is a landmark of the lagos art scene she opened her first gallery fifty years ago. not. so nigeria. is going to be hot because this is the biggest. in fifty four countries. lego s is the city of both tremendous promise and extreme wealth and poverty exist side by side the city of twenty million is growing faster than any other urban center in africa it s plagued with corruption and mismanagement but blessed with
entrepreneurial spirit and creativity those contrasts are mirrored in its art same . page two out of two sayings works featured at the first nigerian pavilion at the venice biennale ali she openly addresses social issues such as child marriage. here her figures are covered with pain relief pills so this this work is called the . unconscious struggle i need. the narrative or the. child bride. i know how certain cultures think. it s ok so sometimes i wonder why no one is looking no one is near them and they have to check themselves so be it be inflected their actions or introspective about what they do i always wonder what they. think. when it s two grown men and
you two go. a jeweller to say has many projects going on at once she s working with the foundation to train connect and empower young artists she wants to revive the dying art of pottery but she doesn t expect help from politicians they ve disappointed the people too often. amazing clear bodies in nigeria the shocking thing is that we import every ceramic went into the country from tiles to. bring everything in from china right it just doesn t make you cannot make sense. in a country where where we talk about creating jobs. and we can make the plane from i think crazy. also hopes to bring about change through his art his studio is on the outskirts of
town away from the noise and exploding rents in central lagos. so much silver they love the kills of of the city is so inspiring yes. you can get inspired about it kills boy where you can see your studio in it s somewhere that is you know kind of a very camp for you to actually do the production of your walk. the unplanned growth of cities is one of his central themes. i was amazed by. the concentrated in the city same time the way. this you know probably you know it s so amazing so that is where this summer it s all about to actually know the way cities are not properly planned in nigeria. the kind of kind of development kind of the one that we have that is more like.
the uncontrolled development. the chaos of the city also inspire sam abell han the painter is known for his celebration of colors with broad brush strokes he fragments his motifs to create fascinating picture puzzles. where i started painting even i tried to at the same time make people feel. happy looking at it somebody once told me that my paintings. that i able to see. very nice things involving us you re looking at very. optimism and productivity not frustration and stagnation that seems to be the model of many contemporary artists in lagos their work is attracting more and more interest on the domestic art market. started getting into it when
i study it. and look in on reading about things are not tastes doing well even outside a country growing up we didn t see too much of this but i don t want to comment on sundance and you coming out and if you see very young people and you think that we poor man tourists coming to our christian look you want to buy just turkey shoot the expression of his from appreciating the works that you start by. this lagos have the potential to become africa s hottest art tub the growing demand in the nikkei our gallery suggests that it does. turn. now to the german city of frankfurt to an exhibition by william country edge that cuts to the chase of an encounter with the celebrated south african artist.
time doesn t heal all wounds no one knows that better than wm chen tridge his work grapples with topics like the scars of colonialism and apartheid peoples vain attempt to evade death fate and time. the refusal of time with his installation of the documentary and twenty twelve now it s at the heart of his show in frankfurt sleepy house museum placed right in the midst of classical european sculpture. i m certain after three lives and works in south africa and my work is very much shape . by the particular conditions in which it is made a condition of johannesburg as a very young city and how it works about being not in the art center not in new york and not in berlin and not in london but being six thousand miles away with the question of europe s relationship to its colonial legacy is very present every day
. and one of the things about showing the work that s like this in europe is to bring those questions into the school and. the nineteen eighties reem temperatures work has dealt with the trauma of a party it started with his early animated charcoal drawing early on he realized the system that gave him so many privileges was deeply flawed one decisive influence was his parents human rights lawyer in his early theatre work ken tridge attacked the apartheid system. and told me. not so god up by letter that none of us does nobody that will land there doubt us who bomb one job and then noble who are not. he also went on to stage operas such as bags what sank which addressed the colonial conflicts during the first world war. optimistic to think about changing the world or
to think that it sets the agenda for political discussions occasionally at that but much more important to the artwork by making connections both between people to people look at the same work and suddenly understand the existence of other people by the common viewing of the view of the piece of art as a social activity that is not only you have seen the work but other people also see . and by the confirmation. it gives to us of who we are. can trace his family had fled and he semitic programs in europe and he felt the in congruity of growing up as a privileged white in south africa. the creation effects of european colonialism and also with the in the miniature black box on display in the lead becomes it addresses the first genocide of the trenches century the massacre of the herrero people by the germans in one thousand know for at that time. fun leave the family
who lived here may have sat in their parlor and read about it in the news paper. have been both the. the most admirable and strongest human traits that have gone together with and being committed to not the same of the connected to questions of everest of greed of. acquisition. cantrip says drawing is equivalent to thinking for him many of his works are born as charcoal drawings even his films which he embarks on without storyboards no wonder then that a coffeepot follows in the footsteps of french animation pioneer shah s millionaire just light of the movie and he himself appears as trotsky in ocean to mental machine and installation first shown in istanbul on. one team a chief in the work is the megaphone signifying the power of propaganda it s all
the more relevant at a time when william can treat views europe with great concern and. can different you say from outside of you that europe as a totality has become the fortress where you have a sense for hundreds of years europe maybe threw up from the colonies and now it s suddenly decides will close all the gates we ve got the money and plate anybody else try to get in the anything there and people think it s an act of generosity to allow some few migrants into the country rather than understanding it s a simple act of justice. william canter it reminds europe that what it might consider foreign is actually an important part of its own history.
that s it for this edition of the arts twenty one. celebrating the art and artists of africa join us again next week. until then bye bye and elfie juicing. the be. the best. the been.
the be. the be. the be. the big. book the book of. mormon. stream seem to be within reach. the political scientists long for a democratic. mainstay bombs music civil more have died in his home. and the country still come together to find peace. out of the ashes libya s different.
form. climate change. sustainability. environmental graduates. give globalisation the face biodiversity species conservation exploitation quality. human rights displacement. of the global and current of local action. three thousand. know nothing compared to the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i says nothing which is that the general think stephen for general among them. it s all about who am. i my show join me for me for ten sunday to be a. post. anxiously waiting. waiting
for lifeline to syria. good morning where are you and you answered. every call brings them closer together. but in terms because they feel powerless to help. them feel like i m letting people down and also what. they worry about the ones they ve left behind. but. i m trying to be strong but deep down i m broke. the war continues to haunt those who fled from syria. i m trying to reach them but nobody answers the war on my phone or to put him in

Project , Museum , Traveling-art-show , Crossing-borders , Scene , School-bus , Vehicle , West-africa , Artists , Way , Camel , Wheels