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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190704 00:30:00

world news is next. we appreciate your time. i m dan ashley. and i m kristen sze. for sandhya tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the holiday escape turning deadly. accidents grinding traffic to a halt in two major cities, as more than 40 million americans hit the roads. now a sweltering heat wave settling in. our ginger zee standing by. a fourth of july like no other. that s what president trump is promising in the nation s capital, with tanks and military planes. but how much will it cost and who s paying? and can the white house keep politics out of it? the navy s.e.a.l. speaking out, losing his rank, but walking out of court a free man after he was cleared in the murder of an isis prisoner. what he s now saying about his fellow s.e.a.l.s who testified against him. the disturbing officer involved shooting. a man armed with a knife refusing orders, charging at police.
shots fired, and it is all caught on camera. the haunting new drawings by children inside an immigration detention center. tonight, the president s message to migrants. if they re unhappy, quote, tell them not to come. the judge under fire for what he said about a teenage suspect accused of rape, that the teen comes from a good family and has good grades. and the american phenom, just 15 years old, with another wimbledon win. her words for the opponents she ll face next. good evening and it s great to have you with us on a busy wednesday night. i m cecilia vega, in for david. and we begin with the holiday rush to get out of town. millions of americans already in the air and on the roads, and the havoc turning deadly. a truck skidding off an overpass onto a major roadway out
manhattan. at least 12 people injured. an 18-wheeler plunging off this bridge in houston. the driver did not survive. and you can see the traffic there backed up for miles. despite these challenges, a record number of people are expected to travel for this fourth of july. abc s gio benitez starts us off. reporter: tonight, these dramatic images on one of the busiest roads in the northeast, just as the fourth of july holiday rush begins. a sanitation truck overturning on the outbound side of new york s lincoln tunnel. the truck falling off of the overpass. several cars were involved in the crash. bystanders rushing to help. at least 12 people injured. this is a bumper to bumper to bumper delay. reporter: the accident causing traffic mayhem, shutting down new jersey-bound traffic in the tunnel, the highway above and critical bus transportation out of new york s port authority. they just went, no, closed. that was it. and they locked the doors. reporter: a similar scene in houston, where a tractor trailer drove off a bridge, killing the driver. emergency crews closing off four lanes of the highway to make sure it was safe. it all couldn t happen at a
worse time. more than 80% of travelers will be driving for the holiday. more than 41 million people hitting the roads. and cecilia, we should tell you, today and sunday are going to be the worst days to get on the road. that s when you re going to see the most traffic. new york, boston, houston and seattle are going to see delays three times longer than normal. cecilia? okay, gio benitez leading us off. thank you. and on top of all those travel woes, a heat wave getting even hotter with triple digits. advisories in effect from florida to the carolinas. and along with that heat, the threat of summer storms from the plains to the east coast. this flash flooding outside chicago after a heavy rain there. abc s chief meteorologist ginger zee is tracking it all. hey, ginger. reporter: hey, cecilia. we re going to be talking about heat indices reaching close to 110 degrees. and severe thunderstorms. already tornado watches on the map and warnings, excuse me, in south dakota there. severe thunderstorm watches from wyoming right through north dakota. but anybody highlighted in green
tonight could see a strong thunderstorm with lightning. so, illinois to florida, keep an eye on that if you ve got plans outdoors. then, got to watch that high pressure system, because it s really settling in. the core of that heat going to settle from savannah, waycross, georgia, down to orlando. that s where we find those heat advisories. it s going to be exposure day after day, because we re not going to cool down too much. and for the fireworks forecast itself, looks dry for a lot of folks except in the southeast, and of course back in the northern plains and rockies. cecilia? okay, ginger, thanks. we ll see you tomorrow on gma. now, to the growing controversy over president trump s fourth of july plans. the bands have been rehearsing in front of the lincoln memorial, and those armored vehicles have now been moved into place. the president is calling it a show of a lifetime, but tonight, new word on just how much this show could cost american taxpayers. here s abc s stephanie ramos. reporter: tonight, armored combat vehicles stationed on the national mall. president trump promising, quote, the show of a lifetime.
the military hardware moved in overnight on flatbed trucks. the bradley fighting vehicles each weighing 30 tons have just been loaded onto these trailers. crews preparing to move them closer to the lincoln memorial, where heavy duty crane mats have been laid down to protect the streets. they re part of the grand military spectacle the president has ordered up. we re going to have planes going overhead. the best fighter jets in the world, and other planes, too. reporter: some military planes flying in from as far away as california. the acting secretary of defense on-hand and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. and i m going to be here. and i m going to say a few words. reporter: the president s opponents fear he s turning a traditionally nonpartisan event into a trump-focused campaign-style rally. i don t think he understands this is america s birthday, not his birthday. reporter: the event is free, but the white house has given v.i.p. tickets to the republican national committee and top donors. on the mall today, i met randall thom, a trump supporter who traveled here from minnesota, and asked him about concerns
that tomorrow s event could turn into a campaign rally. what do you think about that? i think it s going to be wonderful, because our president, he puts america first. we re coming together. we re getting our country being respected. reporter: but tonight, there are new questions about the cost of this extravaganza. the national parks service is reportedly diverting $2.5 million from improvement projects. the pentagon hasn t put a number on its contribution. and the administration won t give us a price tag. but today, the president tweeting, the cost of our great salute to america tomorrow will be very little compared to what it s worth. and stephanie ramos joins us from the national mall. stephanie, president trump says the fireworks for tomorrow s festivities will be donated, but now there are new questions about that tonight? reporter: there are, cecilia. the owner of that ohio company that donated the fireworks, he had asked the president to hold off on new tariffs on chinese products, including fireworks.
the president later announced he would do that, but on that same day, the administration revealed the donation of the fireworks for the fourth of july. cecilia? stephanie ramos, thank you. we ll turn next to the navy s.e.a.l. cleared in the murder of an isis fighter. today, edward gallagher was demoted, but he walked out of court a free man. and now while offering an apology to his fellow s.e.a.l.s, he also accused some of framing him from the beginning. here s abc s will carr. reporter: navy s.e.a.l. eddie gallagher lost his rank but still walked out of court today a free man. the decorated special officer faced a murder charge in a case that pitted navy s.e.a.l.s against each other. this small group of s.e.a.l.s that decided to concoct this story in no way, shape or form represent the community that i ve, you know end loved. reporter: the jury acquitted gallagher on the most serious charges, but convicted him for posing in a picture next to the body of a teen isis fighter. before sentencing today, gallagher apologized for bringing a black eye to the marines and the navy.
prosecutors alleged that gallagher, a medic, killed the teen. at trial, a fellow s.e.a.l. testified that he stabbed him. they tried to frame me as a criminal from the get-go. but you know, we knew the truth the whole time. reporter: the explosive twist in the trial came when corey scott, a s.e.a.l. with immunity in the case, testified that he, not gallagher, was the real killer. after he blocked his breathing tube following the stabbing, because he knew the teen was going to die anyway. gallagher had strong and unusual support from the commander in chief. before the trial, president trump got gallagher out of confinement. what do you want to say to president trump? thank you. reporter: president trump tweeted today to the fall la ger family, congratulations. you have been through much together. glad i could help! the jury sentenced gallagher to time served and dropped his rank, which could impact his pension. he s set to retire in two weeks, and even after all the allegations, he said he would happily serve his country again without a second thought.
cecilia? will carr, thank you. we ll turn next to the chilling police confrontation in athens, georgia. it was all captured on police body cameras. two officers heard begging a knife-wielding man to put down his weapon. the man tells them, just do it. he then grabs one of their weapons. the officer shoots and kills him. here s abc s chief justice correspondent pierre thomas. and we do want to warn you, this video is disturbing. reporter: it was a dangerous call from the start. reports of this man armed with a knife acting erratically. and as the police body camera footage unfolds, the encounter quickly escalates. put the knife down. reporter: the officers -yr- theihost min put it down, man, please. reporter: but hong appears to want the officers to shoot him. do it! reporter: he dashes toward one of the officers. seven shots fired. but it s not over. again, hong demands to be shot. shoot me! reporter: hong overpowers the officer. here you see him reaching for
the officer s gun. he s gone for my gun! reporter: it s all over in less than three minutes. hong is fatally shot. the local police chief says his officers were put in an impossible situation. i want people to be able to see exactly what the officers were confronting. reporter: the police chief said he s releasing these tapes so quickly because he wants the world to see his officers had no choice but to take a life and that they did so reluctantly. cecilia? pierre, thank you. and in las vegas, a police officer has been fired for freezing during the deadly massacre at the harvest festival in 2017. body camera video shows officer cordell hendrix remaining one floor below the gunman for nearly five minutes as rounds continually sprayed into the crowd. the attack lasted for ten minutes. 58 people were killed and 422 wounded in that massacre. next tonight, haunting new images from inside those migrant detention centers. these drawn by children
separated from their parents. they show people behind bars and in cages. this, as president trump has a message for migrants. he says, quote, if they are unhappy with the conditions, just tell them not to come. here s abc s white house correspondent tara palmeri. reporter: tonight, president trump on the defensive after disturbing images reveal what the government calls dangerous conditions at migrant detention centers. adults crammed in standing room only cells for up to a week. people sleeping on overcrowded floors. children wrapped in emergency foil blankets. the president s message to them tonight if illegal immigrants aren t happy, just tell them not to come. all problems sol he s also lashing out at congress members who sounded the alarm. these women were being told by cbp officers to drink out of the toilet. this is cbp on their best behavior. reporter: tonight, the president tweeting, no matter how good things actually look, even if perfect, the democrat visitors will act shocked and aghast. but now, a new glimpse of the conditions in those detention centers, through the eyes of children.
the american academy of pediatrics releasing these pictures from migrant children, asked to draw what it was like in the detention center. one picture after another of little faces behind bars. and tara palmeri joins us now from the white house. tara, there s news tonight about the census and confusion over whether it will include that controversial citizenship question. the supreme court, as you know, blocked it from the 2020 census. just yesterday, the administration said it would comply and print the census without that question, but today, president trump seems to be sending a very different message. reporter: cecilia, the president isn t giving up that fight. in fact, he tweeted, we re moving forward. and now tonight, justice department lawyers told two federal judges that they re looking for a plan forward to include that controversial question on the census. but that judge told them that they only have until friday. cecilia? tara palmeri from the white house for us tonight. thank you. we ll turn now to the outrage over a decision by a new jersey judge. a 16-year-old boy accused of
raping an intoxicated 16-year-old girl and sending a video of the incident to friends. the judge refusing to try the boy as an adult because, he wrote in his decision, the boy comes from a good family, has good grades and is an eagle scout. abc s linsey davis has more. reporter: this new jersey judge under fire tonight after declining the prosecutor s motion to try a 16-year-old accused of sexually assaulting another teen as an adult last summer. the family court judge citing that the young man was an eagle scout who comes from a good family, who put him into an excellent school where he was doing extremely well. this is absolutely an example of privilege playing out in the judicial system. reporter: the teen allegedly took video of the attack and shared it with friends, texting, when your first time having sex was rape. but judge james troiano, seen here on this website that rates judges, says he believes there s a distinction between a sexual assault and rape. he goes on to classify rape as generally two or more males involved, either at gunpoint or weapon. critics say it shows a deep bias
in the judge s decision-making. i would be shocked to see this result in any case where the defendant was came from a family that didn t have financial means to send their son to a good high school and that they were college-bound. that doesn t happen in those cases. reporter: an appeals court has now reversed his decision and that teen will now be treated as an adult. and tonight, there are now calls for that judge to be removed. cecilia? okay, linsey, thank you. and in alabama, a district attorney has dropped charges against a woman who had a miscarriage after she was shot. a grand jury had indicted her in the death of her own fetus. they said she was the one who initiated the fight that ended with the shooting. the prosecutor today dismissing the case. and from here in new york city tonight, saying good-bye to a hero. luis alvarez, a former nypd detective and champion of 9/11 first responders, you will remember him from giving that powerful testimony just last month on capitol hill.
today, hundreds of his fellow officers standing by as his casket was carried into the church, paying tribute to a man who spent the last of his days fighting for others. here s abc s david wright. reporter: he s the latest casualty of 9/11. today in queens, hundreds of police and firefighters paid their last respects. his sister gave the eulogy. a man who served, defended, protected until his last dying day. reporter: detective alvarez spent three months searching for survivors and remains in the toxic rubble of ground zero. it was there he contracted the policeunals are always somber affairs. this one especially poignant because of the testimony that detective alvarez gave to congress just three weeks before he died. he was urging lawmakers to renew the funding of the 9/11 victims compensation fund, about to run
out of money next year. you all said you would never forget. well, i m here to make sure that you don t. reporter: comedian jon stewart, who was there with him in washington, was here today, too. that bill to reauthorize the 9/11 victims fund is due to come up for a vote in the house later this summer. detective alvarez truly fought for it with his dying breath. cecilia? he certainly did. okay, david wright, thank you. there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. new developments in that deadly home explosion. authorities revealing a possible cause, after that blast rocked a neighborhood, leaving one woman dead. her husband pulled from the rubble alive. the deadly volcanic eruption. a tourist killed, others forced to flee towards the sea as ash and lava rain down. and america s wimbledon phenom. why this 15-year-old, who already beat one of her idols, says she is not intimidated by anyone on the court. court.
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next tonight, to london, where 15-year-old american coco gauff was back on the court after beating her idol, venus williams. and the teen phenom did not disappoint. abc s ian pannell was right there for it all. reporter: tonight, coco gauff taking wimbledon by storm. the 15-year-old american tennis star soundly beating slovakia s magdalena rybarikova in straight sets. the pumped-up crowd here today giving her a rare standing ovation. gauff captured the heart and the imagination of many of the crowds here at wimbledon. she says she wants to go all the way to the final. and many here are hoping that happens. gauff stunned the tennis world monday, beating her idol and tennis legend venus williams. it s a dream debut for the 15-year-old! just still shocked that i m even here. reporter: even so, the youngest player ever to qualify
for wimbledon is super confident. i think i can beat anyone who is across the court and if i don t think i can win the match, then i won t even step on the court. reporter: this was a tougher match than venus, but the youngster showed her brilliance, mixing up her game and the crowd lapped it up. hold onto your seats. we could be watching history in the making. cecilia? i believe you re right. ian pannell, thank you. when we come back, more on that deadly volcano eruption. a tourist killed. and after that sip of tea seen around the world, team usa has just learned who they ll be facing in the world cup final. they ll be facing in the world cup final. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it s supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it s not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn t for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don t take trulicity if you re allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,
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salonpas. it s good medicine. hisamitsu. to the index now, starting with new developments in that deadly home explosion in north carolina. authorities believe an interior gas leak may have caused the blast. police also have identified the sole fatality as 58-year-old rania karam. her husband was seriously injured but survived. he managed to call 911 to help rescue crews find him in that rubble. a volcanic eruption turning deadly overseas. the stromboli volcano off the coast of italy rocked by a series of eruptions, sending lava streaming down its sides. several fires igniting on the island. a tourist who had trekked to the top of the volcano was killed. other tourists fled for the sea. and the stage is set for the women s world cup final. after team usa beat england in that 2-1 nail-biter on tuesday, the american squad learned today
that they will face off against the netherlands in sunday s final in lyon, france. superstar megan rapinoe says her hamstring is feeling good and she expects to be back on the field. and when we come back, america strong. a little boy overcoming a big fear, and the moment he goes for it. corey is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she s also taking ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+ / her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding,
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and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. and finally tonight, america strong. and finally tonight, america strong. the little boy, his dad and a leap of faith. here s clayton sandell. say, here i come, miss margaret. reporter: we ve all got something that makes us tremble with fear. for 3-year-old r.j. hampton, his was the diving board. say, here i come, miss margaret. reporter: two years ago, his dad rob ron posted this clip. r.j. holding on for dear life. the video went viral. but we never did see how the story ended. now, there s a sequel.
all right, man. first time without me in the water with you. reporter: this is r.j. now. a self-assured, confident 5. you got it. reporter: jumping in with the heart of a pro. i m of the mindset that you you let your children face their fear and once they get to the other side of fear, there s there s an infinite amount of success or possibilities on the other side. reporter: and for the rest of us, maybe a lesson. i would say, you can do it. anything they put their mind to? yeah. reporter: about how diving right into the deep end might just lift you up to new heights. diving head first. we thank clayton for that. and we thank you for watching. i m cecilia vega. and we hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. have a good evening. have a good ing. ing. breaking news.
a firefight underway. this is a tough one. we are not only watching fire conditions closely, we are also tracking fog for part of your holiday tomorrow. details ahead. does this program work? it does. see what life is like when this is what you call home. we are getting the story because we are committed to building a better bay area. right away, an aerial attack on a wildfire. you are seeing the signs of summer in california. thanks for joining us. we have been watching this fire burn for hours. it s not close to homes. we are keeping a close eye on it. this is what we are worried about for the next several months. it s burning along the edge of alameda and san joaquin counties. coral hollow road is the nearest road. the chp shut down tesla road

World-news , Man , Rank , It , White-house , Politics , Navy-seal , Police , Officer , Seals , Knife , Shooting

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20190626 22:00:00

7:00 which means we have the great music starting to play at 7:00. but you still continue to get some special debate preview coverage from alary mel ber, the beat starts right now. good evening, ari. good evening, chuck. we ll be watching. big night for you and for the country. i am ari melber here live this evening from miami. thrilled to be with you. we with three hours away from the first democratic debate of 2020 where the candidates face off on their vision,ed border crisis and the return of robert miller as house democrats announce he will publicly testify before congress july 17th. this reignites the party s clash over obstruction and whether to open an impeachment probe. tonight voters are likely to see the democrats internal battles over this issue because while nancy pelosi and most of the house caucus do not back impeachment, of the ten candidates debating tonight, seven do back impeachment hearings. many see the push from mueller s
public testimony as the last effort to make that happen. i have called on the house to initiate impeachment proceedings. i would support impeachment proceedings beginning now. i believe this president should be impeached. we have a moral obligation now to investigate this president. that s the last straw. they should begin impeachment proceedings. no president, not donald trump or anyone else is a king. we have to hold those responsible accountable and the only method we can doing that is for our representative in congress to begin impeachment proceedings. that s what the debate sounds like. a preview of what may come tonight. a big issue. i m joined by joakim castro supporting his twin brother julian. he bes on the intelligence committee. i m joined by michael steele and aisha moodie mills.
good to be with you. first question to you, is it important that bob mueller testify before your committee? what do you want to hear from him and will it come up tonight? it s absolutely critical he testify. he put his report out. there are a lot of americans that have not read the report or sought out the report. i see this as part of the process. him coming in front of the intelligence committee and the judiciary committee to tell us about the report and for me, i m specifically looking at the ten instances of obstruction of justice that he laid out against the president because i think that s most likely to be the subject of an impeachment inquiry. do you think that will be a point of distinction on the stage tonight and tomorrow? perhaps. i don t know where everybody is in terms of open ing an impeachment inquiry. there may be various opinions over there. in congress, i ve said we should open an impeachment inquiry. there s a greater cost to the country of doing nothing. a greater cost to the rule of law of not opening impeachment inquiry. i hope we do have a lively debate on that.
let me push you on one more thing. this is as you and others emphasized it s about facts, the criminal evidence against donald trump and what if anything congress wants to do about it. there s also politics here. do you hope given your position that more 2020 candidates tonight and tomorrow will push for this? because you don t even have right now a majority of your caucus agreeing with you on starting an obstruction impeachment probe? i hope they will. i m a member of the intelligence committee and i sat through dozens of interviews where the information came out a lot that the bob mueller did. this is about standing up for our democracy and rule of law. i absolutely hope that our candidates will be for opening inquiry. should i ask you who you hope wins tonight? i there you know the answer to that. i m glad to be in the audience and not on the stage. aisha, take a listen to bob mueller himself offering the explanation for why this is had to be what adam schiff
characterized last night as an you be friendly subpoena but also what provides i think pause to some democrats what you re going to get from him. take a look. i hope and expect this to be the own time that i will speak to you in in manner. we chose those words kerr there and work speaks for itself. and the report is my testimony. does that give democrats some pause for what they re going to get out of this hearing? well, i think it would be interesting if he actually got up there and opened up his entire report and just started reading from and said why don t you go to section 2, page blah, blah, blah. i think it doesn t really matter because having him in his own voice, whether he is reading verbatim what he already wrote or having a new conversation explaining what he wrote is what the american people need to see. they need to understand methodically what s going through his mind in a way that themselves reading it is never going to give us the full energy
of that. if it s just forcing him to say like i said on page 932, the fact he in his own voice is saying it will be a powerful visual for us to hold on to. michael steele, i m curious what you think about how this all plays out. understand washington. but claims mot to have a been completely corrupted by it. i have not been. here we are in miami and it s easy to get distracted by the next thing. bob mueller s remergence clearly hangs over tonight and tomorrow night s debate. donald trump doesn t like other people upstaging him on television. all of that is true. for the candidates tonight and tomorrow, it will be a matter of how do they contextize this whole emerging story with mueller, this new emerging story with mueller. certainly against what we already know. for the president, however, this is a moment where again, he doesn t want to the necessarily share the limelight. but this will be one of his pimp my tweet moments where he s going to get out and going at it
all over the place. what the american people have to understand and appreciate that this is not that moment. for the first time we re going to actually hear the man deliver in his own words what he wrote. isn t bob barr contextizing and telling us what to think and feel about what it is we ve read or understand. it is about mueller himself putting not just his experience on the line but giving us the new abses. that s going to come out in questioning i think. for the democrats and because we know the republicans will play you know, build the wall around trump. we know that. but for the democrats this is not about the gotcha. this is about explanation and digging into the essence of why mueller did what he did and why he didn t do some of the things he should have. why he didn t do say he should have and a lot of people say it s substantial evidence in five or more incidents of the crime of obstruction, then why did it end in a way that left so much i think good faith and obviously exploited misinterpretation. can you get bob mueller, do you
think in this hearing, by you the royal you, your committees, to tell us what he meant by substantial evidence, did substantial evidence mean the president did bad things but at the end of the day, we don t do much with just evidence? we have a higher criminal standard when prosecutors or does substantial evidence mean, hey, hey, you re the sitting president. you repeatedly subverted the rule of law in a way that any other person would have been charged for. do you think you can get that answer out of mueller? i think we can get his understanding what that means. an important part as michael said is the back and forth and the questioning that will go on and even if he was just reading different parts, i think the questions will elicit significant and important pieces of this report in a way that you re just not going to get if you just throw a few hundred page report and say guys, go ahead and read it. do you think the chairs handled this well or should they have gotten him in front of the committee far earlier?
michael mentions the bill barr of it all. a lot of americans have the vague sense that this is sort of past. i think that both adam schiff, my chairman and jerry nadler have been very judicious and tried to follow legal processes. but i m glad they finally have robert mueller coming to testify in a few weeks. okay. aisha take a listen to the president today who, and this is rare for him, seemed a little bit at a loss for a counterpunch on this issue. and sort of just said when will it ever stop. if you re not following this every day, when will it ever stop? it hasn t started, bob mueller barely speaks. take a look. will you try to block robert mueller from testifying? i don t know anything about it. i just heard. and my only response to mueller is does it ever stop? after all of these years and times and people, does it ever stop? this is a diversion. but i ask you this, does it ever
stop? so let s be really clear who he s talking to, to his audience at fox news so that s going to be the sound bite that the americans following him get where they re saying my god, this is going to be a witch hunt. will it ever stop. it s not him being at a loss of words. it s him doing good pr and spin. i have met three different people who were strangers who said i had no idea, one, what was actually in the mueller report that there was any question about whether trump did anything that had any impropriety to it. i never heard this before and two, i feel like this is kinds of over. why are we still talking about it. it s because of those talking points that become sound bites that his people see that he s using really thoughtfully that he s able to continue to own a lot of narrative and democrats aren t necessarily owning in the way they should. bill barr reminds me when it comes to the report and how he presented it to the country,
your teenage son who comes in at bhid night and you ask him how the evening went. said it s fine, dad, i had a little fender-bender and everything s fine. and you go out in the morning and the fender s gone. what someone tells you and what you see and hear is a big difference. for the first time, the differences are cleared out and you get to hear unobstructed what he thought, what he knows, how he perceived it and that threatens the president s narrative and what you re going to see while the president and fox and others are already starting to it out it, there s nothing here. when does this end, well, yeah. it doesn t end on the 17th. it actually begins because now the american people will be tuning in and listening and hearing for the first time. that goes to the final thing. when you look at tonight s debate, big picture, should your stance on impeaching donald trump and obstruction be a litmus test for the democratic party at this point given how
strongly people feel about the way the president has led and subverted the rule of law? is there consequence for that or to paraphrase, you remember debrat great female rapper talking about things being so funktified. there s a concern the democratic primary has become so funktified they need to move beyond and show a vision on that. my brother who is running for president said he wants to the start an impeachment inquiry. i don t know it should be a litmus test. even democrats have different opinions on that. democrats in congress have different opinions on it. but it is interesting to be able to question tonight the candidates about what it would mean to start an impeachment inquiry and also whether they believe it means upholding the rule of law and protecting our democracy. congressman, thank you for being here. as i say all you surrogates and all candidates good luck.
thank you for being here in big night. bien venidos. part of our live coverage. we have a lot more including a serious story obviously gripping the national conversation right now. the humanitarian crisis which is a very real issue and hangs over the debate. candidates visiting this facility where the trump administration continues to detain immigrant children amidst allegations of abuse and mistreatment. later my interview on this hour with a contender who is going on stage tonight, govern jay inslee. we ll talking to dnc chairman tom perez, plus a look how candidates are getting ready. cory booker is lifting weights. as i mentioned, a special look inside the debate hall and why debates matter. i m ari melber. you re watching an the beat s
special coverage of the first democratic live in miami. we ll be right back. rst democratic live in miami we ll be right back. you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. but you re not, because you have e trade whose tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. don t get mad, get e trade. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory.
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this time. that s senator elizabeth warren today protesting what is the nation s largest facility right now under the trump administration s policy detaining migrant children. over 2,000 are there, hole stead, florida, 35 minutes from where we are right now where the debate stage she will march on tonight. we expect that to be a possible top pick. amy klobuchar there also. immigration is what everyone has been talking about this week in the nation including spur bid this heart breaking image. warning, this is graphic. oscar alberto ramirez seen with his 23-month-old daughter valeria drowned as they were crossing are the rio grande river, a brutal danger of the dangerous the families face. pete buttigieg will be on the stage saying this. there are no words for there are no words. this is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. and the shocking thing is that
part of what makes that possible is fear. as if we have something to be afraid of from a child fleeing violence. i m joined by alicia menendez co-host of amanpour p and company and chief voccing officer for. raises. a non-profit group that provides legal services to immigrants right heres in texas. given the work you re doing with araices and another americans getting a another view of this, thesigration debates have been going for i long time but the photograph, the inability of the administration to say words out loud saying why they want to deny children so, blankets. walk you through your views of what should matter on the debate stage tonight. we re seeing what had already
been seen in previous administrations for schurz. we have seen a record number of deaths and children being imprisoned. you can t call it otherwise. we are seeing that there s more and more people who are dying at the border but also dying in actual hands of border patrol agents. so detention centers are blowing up with people that they re exceeding numbers of people in detention. and what i would hope is that we get on the stage a statement from every candidate who are actually acknowledging what was happening also under an obama administration who created this machine that was handed over to trump so that he could make it even bigger and stronger. i don t want any more obama type of actions on immigration and i really hope that folks today can address that and that it will be a different type of environment. are you saying they are the same or merely this built on a
blueprint? i would say that you know, that we always say it is that obama created a big, strong immigration enforcement machine that was taken by trump and that was made even bigger. right? so to me or to us in the immigrant communities really trying to figure out what are they going to do different? how are they going to stop detention of immigrants, how are they going to stop the treatment of children in this way at the border and how are we going to solve the problem? people are fleeing for a reason. what are they doing to solve the problem and not re-creating another you know, like i said obama was a democrat and today we have a democratic debate. elisia, she makes a nonpartisan point and this comes up often with executive power. if all you say is you might trust the person you like more with a war power or a detention power or a have an aggressive deportation approach, what happens when someone takes it
over and goes even further? what do you think the democrats need to do on this issue tonight. i want to say someone like erica has been ringing the alarm going back as long as i have been following this issue. a lot of people did not follow her lead and think it would lead us here. part of what you re going to see on the debate stage tonight are candidates who have proposals, only two on the stage. julian castro was the first out the door with it, came out with it in april. the big thing there is it decriminalizing it crossing of the u.s./mexico boarder. bet taupe o rourke has a plan. there are some differences between their plans but both largely comprehensive. tomorrow night we ll hear from kamala harris who has a plan. the big thing i ll hear from advocates is a question of priority. it s one thing to say this is going to be the number one, number two issue in my
administration and in a tight rope for democrats to walk especially when they see the polling numbers that people are most upset about the economy and affordability and know you how to prioritize an issue like this. the democratic s first debate is here in florida, what does that say. florida is must win for republicans. democrats have a pathway to victory that does not run through florida. but if you want to win florida as a democrat, you need to make sure you are winning the latino vote in florida. there s no one latino voter in florida. there are a lot of people directly impacted by immigration, immigration enforcement, people who live in communities affected by it see it as an attack on community at large. there are venezuelans for whom venezuela is a major issue. puerto ricans for whom the recovery is a major issue. there s no one silver bullet message that breaks through to all. as you re both speaking, viewers may see something you don t see something behind you,
the security, the scrum, the media. we saw the dnc chairman doing a live press conference and we have a candidate about to join our program. that s what folks may be seeing behind you for context. when you look at these two nights, do you see something that comes out of it that moves the democratic party? because are you someone saying if i hear you right, you don t think enough of the democratic party certainly not the biden/obama wing as you see it is where you want them to be on this issue and on what is becoming a humanitarian crisis. people are saying whatever our level, you let in x number or x times two number people. what do we do with human rights and due reinforce to these people when you look at that photograph, are we doing as a nation everything we can to honor those people s right to ultimately whether or not they are turned away which every country does tend to turn away some people. here s the thing. it s triggering for me when i hear the first thing out of a candidate as a mouth i want
comprehensive immigration reform. yes, we need a path to citizenship for people but it has become really an outdated solution in a way and to us, what i want to hear what, are they going to do as a priority for immigration. there s so much they can doing through the administrative you know, part of the government which is the president can do a lot. to be able to first come into office, what and i going to do in my own power as a president to make sure we do give relief to dreamers beyond what is there now. what we can do to make sure we are closing detention centers, all these things done at the border can be done by the president but it s a matter figuring out how they can start this process without just talking points. i appreciate your details. this is one of those stories that it comes and recedes and comes back to what are we doing
as a nation when we see children being mistreated in the custody of the united states government, when we see those photos we ve seen. are they doing everything possible or not in that s an accounting i expect. but i expect it to come up tonight. thanks to you both. i appreciate it. thank you so much, ari. look who is about to walk on the stage here, candidate for office, governor jay inslee. come on out here. i m going to show everyone you re here. i appreciate you being part of our show tonight before you do the debate. good to see you. i want to sit down and say we ll be back in 30 seconds. all right. all right, sir. 0 seconds. all right all right, sir.
r.a.i.s.e. r.a.i.s.e.s. ten candidates will be clash at this first debate tonight. they are some of the party s most famous names like elizabeth warren but lesser known figures. washington governor jay inslee. seven out of ten democrats say they ve never heard of him. but here s the thing about debates. that could change in a few hours tonight when he takes the stage for an event where a lot of democrats are watching. his walk ow through was earlier today. looking casual. he s running as the green candidate. hit the trump administration on that issue today after touring the everglades. mike pence said we now have the cleanest air in the world, that there s nothing to worry about from pollution in fossil fuels. wake up and smell the carbon
dioxide, mike. and as i ve mentioned in this broadcast, this is a rarity but it s happening. jay inslee doing an interview right before tonight s debate. a beat exclusive. thank you for being here. thanks for bringing truth to america. i like that. so look, most candidates don t even do interviews in the few hours before. we get the benefit. i think it s fascinating. what s in your mind right now? a couple things. i want the story of florida that s being inundated with sea level rise which is also the story of our hometown and mine of seattle which is climate change is ravaging my state. forest fires have given us the worst quality in the world. we have to make the climate crisis the top priority of the united states. do you pivot if you get a question about something else and that s your priority? you ll run to that issue? not necessarily. i m hopeful we have climate change questions. i ve got a second story.
i m a governor that s succeeded. i ve got the highest minimum wage. we had the greatest teacher pay increase in the united states. i ve passed the very first public health option in the united states. speeches are great. plans are great. accomplishments are even better. i ve got a boat load of them in washington state. let me press you on that. in any other cycle, some of these governors, yourself included would be and i don t say the this in a rude way, but would be taken somehow more seriously by the elites. maybe it doesn t matter because the elites are wrong all the time. what s going on this cycle? we ve got a whole point how this doesn t matter much. you see biden and bernie sanders polling and you, tulsi gabbard, amy klobuchar, cory booker around the 1 or two-point mark. is that because people are so hungry for folks who haven t been in government. i think what it is the centralization of the news
industry. basically people are now watching washington, d.c. not with real progress is which is washington state. i think what you re saying is i see your problem and it s your fault. but you re doing a great job at it. that s a fair point. you re here on the show. we take people from up and down and don t discripnate based on the polling. but the dnc kick out other governors. do you think they should be on the stage. i think steve bullock should have been on the stage. this is what campaigns are for. i m an underdog. i ve always been an underdog and beat a lot of republicans being an underdog. i m more bill clinton and jimmy carter about this stage. seven out of ten americans never heard my name. tonight when they hear a person who is going to prioritize climate change and had one of the most spectacular progressive records in the united states, i m the guy who stood up to you donald trump on the muslim ban and sued him successfully 22 times. i m the guy that s got the first long-term elder care program and
the first net neutrality law in the united states. i m happy to share that information with people. let me ask you something else. when first heard that news alert or however you heard it, bob mueller s back, bob mueller is going to come and testify publicly whichize never done since he became special counsel, for your campaign, did you think i don t care, old news? did you think that s good as an accountability moment or did you think, be honest, gosh these house democrats are stepping on our debate? you want to talk about green jobs and the future. is that backward looking. what was your reaction. congress should do its job. it should have full inquiry from any witness who has information. i do believe the impeachment issue has become inevitable. meaning? time to start an impeachment inquiry in my view. when you say inevitable, you mean pelosi and the drazs will co this president left us no choice. he lies to the american people on things big and small.
there are many things he s lied about. the fact he told us the air is clean and climate change is not a problem, there s a lot of lies that are destructive. that s one of them. when you hear joe biden say he needs more time, is he wrong on that or you get where he s coming from? i ve had a bellyful that the constitution is in doubt. we have to show america to get to the bottom of what can happen. i think having an impeachment inquiry can help that occur. we ve done a lightning round before. can you handle do it face-to-face in miami. you know all my secrets. that might be tough. in a sentence or less, jay inslee wins tonight s debate if. people understand i am the candidate, the only candidate who say this has to be the top priority of the united states which is defeating the climate crisis. these top 20 dems the one most likely to be on a jayince klee ticket if there were one is. can t say. it s not going to be two white fellows. i will tell you that. if you were the nominee, your
running mate will not look like you. we need diversity at the top of the ticket. yes. we re going to find a person who is qualified. there s a lot of quality in this field. i ve already identified maybe eight or nine qualified to be vice president as a matter of fact. the most important issue tonight is? i view identifying someone who can be beat donald trump and i believe i have the best way to do that which is economic growth with the number one fastest growing job in america which is clean energy. when you see cory booker crush crushing those barbells, you think? what? he s quite a great football player. i ll do okay on the debate stage. governorince lee for a rare interview, thanks for making the time. it s a very busy night. appreciate it. still aheadings from rick perry s oops moment to unforgettable lines like where is the beef? why debates can matter so much and one-on-one with the man who
set this up. tom perez is here. we ll be right back. set this up. tom perez is here. we ll be right back. i had a heart problem. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, and i just didn t listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco.burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts
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welcome back to our live debate coverage out of miami. and i can tell you, i just came from checking out the stage and podiums inside the hall at tonight s debate. we were looking at lecterns. they re packed. any candidate can basically shake hands with their neighbor without leaving their position. while i was there, we saw a series of candidates come in and inspect the digs themselves. they get solo time to get a feel for the room and get comfortable. there were karnds, you can see warren walking through but some candidates skipped that option. cory booker dr a point of doing some weight lifting in a shirt and tie. you have every candidate figuring out their own personal style for prepping for what could be the biggest night of the campaign thus far. a lot of them are going to
work out today. beto o rourke holding an event here in the miami area yesterday said listening is one of the keys for him. jay inslee, governor of washington draws. elizabeth warren, amy klobuchar s case putting policy into real life application. john delaborny going back and watching the 2016 republican debates to try to get some idea how to navigate a big crowded stage with multiple candidates on. aim klobuchar, we are told she spent time watching the 2016 republican primary debates. julian castro had an a two-comedians skype into his last prep session to help him work on any jokes he might try to use on the debate stage. i m joined by the chairman of the democratic national committee tom perez. i don t know if you brought any comedians for your prep. no, i ll stick with the regular formula. what you have tonight is an bun dance of what you call
riches. absolutely. but also ten candidates is a lot. what have you done to insure it s fair and will there be equal time? we ve worked from the outoutset to make sure fairness is our north star. we made sure we gave the candidates all of the rules of engagement back in february. we established unprecedented access to the debate stage by establishing not only a polling threshold but a grassroots fubd raising threshold. i don t think you can win the presidency without becoming an accomplished grassroots fund-raiser in 2020. that s you being practical and saying your party is not going to disfrom how expensive it is to run. absolutely. we made sure the grassroots had a voice. the notion you can invest $1 which is what the situation is now and be involved in the effort to get a candidate of your choice on debate stage, that is democratizing the process. so we took that effort and as
you know, we did random assignment for tonight and tomorrow. no jv varsity. we ve got a deep bench. people will see there are multiple candidates they really like. i encourage people to date multiple candidates, speed date if you will. then fall in love and then what we have to do is fall in line behind whoever wins and what we ve done is make sure that the process is fair to everyone so that those who don t make it are going to be enthusiasticing in milwaukee in a little over a year. now, you re enough of a political junkie that you may know there s one thing that max inwaters and ross perot have in common. do you know what it is? i have no idea. it s being dead serious about their time. maxine famously says reclaiming my time. right. people love that. perot at his debates would say can i finish? can i finish? he would brow beat the moderators which everybody knows are my colleagues to try to get extra time. everyone s seen that footage.
what does success look like to you, a great night where we meet the candidates but the big ones speak more or part of your measure tonight in conjunction with the co-hosts is equal time? we need to make sure every candidate as a fair opportunity to communicate their vision. i m confident the moderators will do that. they re seasoned and talented. at the same time, you have to make sure that you don t lose the flow of the debate. and so if you re in the middle of something and you want to give that opportunity to finish so that voters can make their choice. 30 seconds for that follow-up. right. you know these guys and gals. you know them. it buts a premium on. a lot of viewers know them. it puts a premium on brevity. most don t do follow-ups in 30 seconds. but again, one of the things that is important about this is we set foorg these ruleses in advance. and the folks who will excel are the folks able to cut to the chase and articulate a vision
quickly and cogently. you think your rules are not only fair, they ll help the candidates sharpen and someone emerges who can beat trump. when i was doing a healthy dose of trial work, you would get a rebuttal opportunity in front of a judge and be told you ve got three minutes. those where is usually my best three minutes. i had to cut to the chase. i had to get to the point and make that point very, very quickly. i m confident, this is a good stable of candidates. it is a deep bench tonight and tomorrow. what i think the american people are going to see is the unity of values and then what he they re going to see is they really do like multiple candidates because the difference between the candidates and trump is 100% on all the critical issues. which you can argue is good for you. i m going to remind you anytime we re running out of time in a tv interview of your comments today about the importance of brev night amen. always good to be with you. i know you re very busy. appreciate you making time to
come on our special episode of the beat. it s going to be a great night and great tomorrow. good luck to you. ahead, i spent time just now with some of the voters here in miami and got interesting takes. we ll play some of that for you. that was us out on the streets moments ago. that s a yanks supporter right now. what we can learn from history why this is such a make or break moment for certain candidates. k moment for certain candidates. this is the ocean. just listen. (vo) there s so much we want to show her. we needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. (avo) subaru outback. ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. come on mom, let s go! whyou should be mad that airports are complicated. he s my emotional support snake. .but you re not, because you have e trade,
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simple question, why does tonight s debate actually matter? well, it s obviously the first chance for these contenders to introduce themselves to voters around the country. right now most democrats say they only know a little about the candidates. that s a statistic that shows the stakes. but also broader research suggests primary debates have an especially large impact. so tonight it s not just about the political theatrics. but as a matter of raw politics and political science, we know early debates can define candidates and narrow the race. current trump administration official rick perry. before the debates, many saw him as a presidential front-runner. a resume like george w. bush. both texas governors. then vote serious saw him not only stumble but attack social security in a way that proved less popular outside of texas. it is a ponzi scheme to tell our kids that are 25 or 30 years
old today, you re paying into a program that s going to be there. anybody that s for the status quo with social security today is involved with a monstrous lie to our kids. and it s not right. that didn t play well. perry dropped as voters heard from him directly and later debates hurt even more. it s three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education, and the what s the third one there? let s see. let s see. i can t. the third one i can t. sorry. oops. i can t. and he couldn t because he dropped out of the race a few months later. we all know politics doesn t like a vacuum. space gets filled. for republicans it was primary debates that was igniting what filled the space because people got excited what they heard. the same cycle herman cain dismissed by his heart s leaders
found grassroots vote ares excited for the simple plans he unhave aed on the big stage. i have put my 999 plan on the table. we must grow this economy with a big solution which is why i proposed 999. it will pass. this is why we developed 999. kaine only surged after the debates. had he many other weaknesses. credible accusations of harassment, poor performance in business. the point is not whether a given candidate will go the distance but that the vote ares, you guys watch. you make up your minds regardless whether the elites or media think a candidate in the early stages top tier. that s a lesson before anyone counts out lesser known candidates taking the stage this week. then of course of, another point to consider is the way skilled debaters can totally define an opponent on the big stage. sometimes dispatching rivals in ways that are more lethal than an attack ad or piece of mail.
back when gary hart was nursing a lead over mondale, he turned his experience over a newcomer that worked even if it was highly prepared. when i hearhim. when i hear your new ideas, i m reminded of that ad, where s the beef? and what is beef? mondale was teeing off a pop culture reference of fast food ad. he was showing voters he was ready to handle any beef. again, the lesson is debates define everything. candidates over time and fundraising and attitude matters. but even in a political world this days that feels like it can turn on the latest tweet or hype, i want to tell you tonight is about what these candidates actually stand for and what voters, what you ultimately decide. dig into this point, i want to bring back rnc chairman michael steele. your thoughts on why tonight is different? no, you hit a home run and you framed it exactly right
there. is a lot that s going on beneath the surface here, and a lot of it has less to do with the candidates and more 20 do with the voters, who are tuning in. yes, they may be at their their beach property, they may be on vacation somewhere. and they re going to tune in with a beer in hand and size these men and women up. it won t be oh, should this person be the next president of the united states. it s what are they saying? what do they stand for? what are they thinking? how attractive are they? can i see them in the role? and that s the evolution that s going to take place over the next few day baits. tonight you ll see some guys or gals punch up. i think this is a waste of time. don t go after the front-runner. the person standing next to you is your problem at the moment. understand the space you re in, and look at that camera and forget about them and make this connection between you and those americans out there who are looking at you for the first time. i feel like you re saying be careful with any assumptions about who s ahead because the political life you save may be your own. right. may be your own, exactly. i want to show folks watching
this before we go a little what we were able to do today. i went out and the streets outside the debate hall in miami and got to talk to a bunch of different folks from yang, biden supporters, klobuchar, sanders. there was a lot of folks out here, as you can see. that s a 20-year-old biden supporter who says he wants to cast his first presidential vote ever for joe biden. and one of them was telling me that they already, to your point, michael, i didn t know you were going to say that, but you did. one of them told me they already shifted from being a kamala harris supporter to being a die-hard elizabeth warren supporter. take a look. elizabeth warren is my first choice. my first choice was kamala harris. but after listening to elizabeth talk, listening to our plans, i thought you shifted. you moved. i shifted. okay.
you ran a political party. how typical is that? and how much does that happen because of debates? that s very typical. and what s interesting and important about that, it happened before the debate. in other words, candidates out there having a conversation with voters is equally as important. that s why i tell voters and tell people polls don t really matter that much right now. it s that connection that the candidates are making with the voters that kind of moves the table, as it did for that particular voter. now what was interesting to your question, can you shift again, he said no. he said no? he said no. i bet you, i bet you starting tonight if someone stands up on that stage, elizabeth warren falters, or they get the best of her, it s going to cause him to rethink and reevaluate what he likes or doesn t like about her. what her strength is, ironically and interestingly enough is the policies. this election could actually be one in which policies dictate and drive a lot of where voters
ultimately settle down, beyond the likability of the candidate. we ve done the cult of personality. that was trump. now the question becomes the substance of what you bring to the table, which is why an elizabeth warren/donald trump debate in the fall of next year gets really interesting, because there is only so much ducking you can do when you re getting hit on policy. and if that s what the voters want to side, a lot of times it s the activists who you know the term, influencers, activists are ones who friends come and say at least not maybe who should i vote for, but who are the two or three for real and take their word on that. i spoke to one young voter today who said he is all about yang. i said why. he said he is the only data-driven candidate. and i said that s probably true. it is. but you got to go beyond data driven. there is more to it than the data. so the question for someone like a yang, who no one has an idea about maybe beyond the tech space is how will you be president? how will you do the presidency?
now, let s not get caught up if well, donald trump can do it, anybody can do it. that s not the standard, folks. get that out you ever head. i don t want to take time from our special predebate coverage. michael, i m going to leave it there now. one more thing before i toss to brian and nicole.
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thanks drone. change the future of your business change the whole experience. alright who wants to go again? i do! i do! i have a really good feeling about this. and the stage is set. the democrats will be clashing in miami very soon. thanks for spending the hour with us. i ll be back here live from

7 , Obstruction , Impeachment-probe , Clash , House-democrats , The-party , Congress-july-17th , Robert-miller , July-17th , 17 , Candidates , Issue

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20190708 15:00:00

headquarters in new york city. we start with that breaking news. we are awaiting a news conference here in new york city on sex trafficking charges against billionaire financier jeffrey epstein, a man politically connected to two presidents and a host ever other wealthy and powerful people. you can see folks assembling there for that news conference set to start any moment now. we will bring it to you when it starts. officials telling nbc news that epstein was arrested saturday after a joint investigation by the fbi and new york police stemming from incidents spanning from 2002 to 2005. epstein is charged with two counts of sex trafficking for allegedly sexually abusing three minors. i m joined now by nbc news investigations correspondent tom winter, msnbc legal analyst former federal prosecutor glenn kirschner also with me. wendy murphy is in massachusetts and here with me in the studio former federal prosecutor ann
marie mca voi and msnbc legal analyst danny cevallos. tom, let me start with you. i knew you are on the phone inside the courthouse as we await the start of this news conference. what do we know about the charges? that s correct, craig. i m actually inside the press conference room here at the u.s. attorney s office where we expect this press conference to start probably in about five or ten minutes from now. we expect there is a big white piece of board up there, we expect to have a little bit of a chart that will kind of explain how epstein basically kind of ran this vast network, as federal prosecutors put it. we also expect the fbi assistant director bill sweeney who runs the new york office here and oversaw parts of this investigation to implore people that were a victim if they believe that they are were a victim of sexual abuse by jeffrey epstein to contact the
fbi at 1 hn-800-call-fbi and reference this case. there will be a call for additional victims here today, with he expect that hear that they press conference. we expect the u.s. attorney to be joined by bill sweeney. in addition we expect the prosecutors to also be present here today, although it s doubtful they will be speaking. the attorneys who are going to be prosecuting this case, alex ross miller, allison mogue and maureen comey, if people are wondering if there is a relation to the fbi director that s her dad. these are the people who will be prosecuting this case today. in addition to that we expect them to go through really this behavior by epstein that they allege from 2002 to 2005 when they say that that he systematically set up this network of underaged girls to abuse and exploit them and engage in sex acts with them in exchange for money. some of those victims allegedly turned around and recruited other underaged girls. that s what we expect to hear
more about today as well as specifically the new york connection. so, again, the press conference set to get under way in five, ten minutes from the u.s. attorneys office, the southern district of new york here at st. andrew s plaza in downtown manhattan. tom, during the course of your reporting we got word that this news conference is probably going to start closer to three or four minutes from now, so we will continue to stay on this picture. danny cevallos, let me bring you in. i knew i have had an too unt to read this indictment. a number of things stand out to me but the top line here appears to be that epstein used his fortune torques quote, create a vast network of underaged victims for him to sexually exploit. when i hear or read the word network that conjures up an image of a number of people involved to help epstein pull this off. is that how you read it? absolutely. it s key to understand that language as framing a conspiracy. a conspiracy is key to these new charges. it alleged conduct arguably that
is outside of that original nonprosecution agreement. even though today s charges do put the southern district of new york in some conflict with the southern district of florida, then headed by alexander owe sass joe in 2007 who entered into a nonprosecution agreement with epstein saying essentially that these state charges that he pleaded guilty to, solicitation of prosecution were adequate and that the federal government would stay its hand. no you what we see is really, really fascinating because the government is going to make an argument that this is a new essentially a prosecution that falls outside of the original nonprosecution agreement. all right. let us listen in now and we ll sort of dissect what we hear after the start of this news conference. united states attorney for the southern district of new york. today we announced the unsealing of sex trafficking charges against jeffrey epstein. the charges allege that epstein sexually abused young girls by
enticing them to engage in sex acts for money. epstein was arrested this past saturday evening at teeter borrow airport aboard his private jet that had just landed from paris, france. epstein was taken to the metropolitan correctional center in manhattan and later today he will be presented before a magistrate judge pitman and later a conference before district court judge berman. the united states attorney s offers will take the position at that conference that epstein should be detained pending trial. epstein is charged in a two-count indictment. first, conspiracy to commit sex trafficking and, second, the substantive crime of sex trafficking of underaged girls. beginning in at least 2002 and continuing until 2005 epstein is alleged to have abused dozens of
victims by causing them to engage in sex acts with him at his mansion in new york and at his estate in palm beach, florida. the victims all underage girls at the time of the alleged conduct were given hundreds of dollars in cash after each encounter, even by epstein or by one of epstein s employees. the underaged girls were initially recruited to provide epstein with massages and often did so nude or partially nude. these massages became increasingly sexual in nature and would typically include one or more sex acts as specified in the indictment. as alleged, epstein also paid certain victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly abused. this allowed epstein to create an ever expanding web of new victims. this conduct as alleged went on
for years and it involved dozens of young girls, some as young as 14 years old at the time that they were allegedly abused. as alleged, epstein was well aware that many of his victims were minors and not surprisingly, many of the underaged girls that epstein allegedly victimized were particularly vulnerable to exploitation. the alleged behavior shocks the conscience and while the charged conduct is from a number of years ago, it is still profoundly important to the many alleged victims now young women. they deserve their day in court and we are proud to be standing up for them by bringing this indictment. combating sex trafficking and exploitation of children is a priority for this office and for the department of justice, as the sexual abuse of a minor can
have devastating effects on victims, often lasting for years. that is why my office will not rest until perpetrators of these types of crimes are brought to justice, victims voices, including the many voices of epstein s alleged victims, must be heard. to that end, i want to say to anyone who is watching this or hearing about our prosecution, if you believe you are a victim of this man, jeffrey epstein, or you have evidence or information relating to the conduct alleged in the indictment unsealed today, we want to hear from you. please call 1-800-call-fbi. that s 1-800-call-fbi.
the charges unsealed today reflect the hard work not only of this office, but by our law enforcement partners at the federal bureau of investigation. to my left is bill sweeney, the assistant director in charge of the new york field office of the fbi and i wish to thank him and his team for their dedication and professionalism in seeing this investigation through. i also want to thank the new york city police department, represented here today by chief jason wilcox and customs and border patrol for their assistance in this investigation. and i want to thank and acknowledge the career prosecutors of my office handling the investigation and prosecution of this case, to my right alex ross miller, allison mo, maureen comey and their supervisors in the public corruption unit, russell capone and edward discant.
it is a privilege for me every day to work with these bright, talented and dedicated public servants. the talent is unbelievable. we will continue to devos significant resources to investigating these crimes and to protecting young people from sexual predators. now i would like to invite bill sweeney up to the podium. thanks, jeff. good morning. preserving the innocence in children is one of the most important responsibilities we carry as adults. purposely failing children in any way is not an option. yet there are some in society who have chosen to blatantly disregard this responsibility using whatever means they have at their disposal to lure children into a life which they should never have been exposed. as we allege today, jeffrey epstein is one of those people. at approximately 5:30 p.m. on saturday evening we arrested him at teeterboro airport without
incident. epstein has been charged with one count each of sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy. for at least a four-year period covering the entirety of 2002 through 2005 he is alleged to have sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in new york city and in palm beach, florida. the girls were recruited in a variety of ways, usually by employees of epstein and sometimes by fellow victims. the victims typically received hundreds of dollars in cash. the estimated dozens of victims were as young as 14 years old at time of recruitment. children who provided epstein massages while they were nude or partially nude. children who were asked to engage in direct and indirect sex acts for money. children who were enticed to do all these things at the hands of a man more than or nearly three times their age. those would have been victimized by child sexual predators are
frequently haunted by memories of these crimes well into their adulthood, often for the rest of their lives. they bear the burden of somebody else s criminal behavior. too often adults in our society have turned a blind eye to the type of criminal behavior alleged here. we have seen the excuses. the ignorance of many who didn t even bother to understand that this behavior, this persistent scourge against our society s youth and the blindness to who the real villains are in this type of outrageous crime, the villains are the adult perpetrators not the children. victims of child sex trafficking come from all walks of life. they are our neighbors, students, young adults looking for help, vulnerable foster children, the list goes on and on and on. to the victims who may be listening, or get word of today s charges, the team standing here before you represents fbi special agents, nypd detectives, analysts,
victim specialists, prosecutors who make it their mission to listen to every individual who has been exploited and to advocate for the most vulnerable among us. we are parents, we are community members, we are human beings, but as an fbi special agent and the head of this office i have the privilege to represent and stand among many who make it our mission to put predators behind bars where they belong regardless of the predator s power, wealth or perceived connections. today i m asking you to take a look at this man. if you were victimized or have information about his alleged illegal behavior. we want to hear from you. whatever age you are now. whatever age you were then. no matter where or when the incident or incidents took place, the number to call is 1-800-call-fib. i d like to take a moment to speak directly to the victims who will call that number. when you call that number you
will be asked whether this represents a major case in the country, the answer is yes, number four, you will be driven to the top of the list and the jeffrey epstein matter is number one on the major case list in the country when that call that number. your bravery must empower others to speak out about crimes committed against them. it s important to remember there never was nor will there be an excuse for this kind of behavior. we know that reliving these events can be brutal. we are here to work side-by-side with you as you go through this process. you should know that in the eyes of the fbi, you come first. many thanks as always to our partners from the southern district, our partnership with the nypd on this case and so many others has been phenomenal. thank you also to the professionals at cbp and the port authority police department who helped us with the arrest on saturday evening. last but not least i want to
extend my thanks to the nypd child ex-employee station and human trafficking task force. to be on this task force you must volunteer. the work is agonizing, but it is one of the most noble missions our agencies can engage in and we engage in it together. thank you. okay. we are going to take some questions, but first let me preface it by saying that there has been a lot of speculation in the media about individuals affiliated or associated with the defendant, jeffrey epstein. as you know, justice department guidelines prohibit us from talking about such individuals and so i just want to let you know that if that question comes up about any individual, my answer will be no comment and that will be across the board. no comment. i urge you not to read anything into that one way or the other. are there any questions? could you give us any insight into why these charges are not
covered by the immunity agreement that epstein [ inaudible ] with the u.s. attorney in florida several years ago. yes, jeffrey epstein entered into a nonprosecution agreement with the southern district of florida. that agreement only binds by its terms only binds the southern district of florida, the southern district of new york is not bound by that agreement and is not a signatory to that agreement. why is it being handled by the public corruption unit if it s just sex trafficking charges at the moment? i m not getting into the staffing decisions can he u.s. attorneys office. the public corruption unit can ably handle this investigation, prosecution as it has so many other matters. i will, again, urge you not to read into the unit assignment anything one way or another with respect to the investigation. look at the evidence, how confident are you that jeffrey epstein is going to spend the next several decades of his life
behind bars? look, i m not going to comment right now on the evidence. i will say that we are going to request detention pending the trial in this case. i was just wondering reading this indictment as someone has already asked, one of the alleged activities were on the department of justice radar in 2008 when alexandria owe cass joe broke her state plea bargain. why is there not the robust participation of doj at the time and is there new information or new evidence? i m not going into any dealings with the main justice nor am i going to go into any aspects of how our investigation originated. i will say that we were assisted from some excellent investigative journalism. i just wanted to ask you the fbi tried to [ inaudible ] the first time, how important was it to get back at this to try to
recharge and given everything that transpired? i wouldn t comment on getting back at anybody or anything, that s not the way we work. we work with facts. when the facts presented themselves as mr. berman hinted at through investigative journalist work, we moved on it. you used the expression willful [ inaudible ] is any of that directed at the government or investigators who handled this the first time around? no, i m talking about society in a whole. we have seen sex trafficking cases all over the place, it s a busy task force and my opinion is often in society we ignore it and ignore the vulnerable victims. on saturday night you guys executed a search warrant and there were cameras that show your agents there. what did you find? yes, contemporaneous with the arrest of epstein at teeterboro airport agents executed a search warrant on his mansion in new york city and recovered and
seized and that was a search pursuant to a valid warrant agents seized evidence, including nude photographs of what appeared to be underaged girls. yes. [ inaudible question ] i m sorry, what was that? . [ inaudible question ] no comment. the decision to arrest him on saturday, did something concern you that you needed to move in on saturday? he flew into the jurisdiction and so we arrested him. is there any overlap between the victims stated in the nonprosecution agreement or in the investigative journalism? i have no comment with respect to the alleged victims. multiple homes, multiple aircraft [ inaudible ]. we think he is a significant flight risk and that is why we are seeking detention pending
trial. he has enormous wealth. the charges are very serious and they carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail, which to someone of epstein s age is basically a life sentence. so we think he has every incentive to try to flee the jurisdiction. when you have two planes and you live much of the year abroad, you know, we think that s a very real risk. is epstein a billionaire? no comment. you referred to some of them as particularly vulnerable. why is that? i can t go into the specifics with respect to any particular victim. in the indictment there are three employees, why weren t they charged [ inaudible ] or why you chose [ inaudible ]. no comment. this is obviously a massive investigation. how do you compare this to other sex trafficking cases you have prosecuted in the past? well, it s extremely significant because of the number of years and the number of victims.
there are dozens of victims as alleged in the indictment in new york and dozens in florida, and it maintained itself over several years. so this is very significant. our office has handled this year, in fact, many significant sex trafficking cases and this is one of them. why did he find these women and how was he luring them to his mansion or his house? well, as alleged in the indictment, you know, these individuals the underaged girls were sometimes recruited by current victims and the current victims were given cash payments if they could bring other underaged girls to be similarly abused, and that s how he continued to expand the number of new victims that he had and that s how he was able to maintain itself over several years. online?
the indictment indicates that there were phone calls and contacts made not only with mr. epstein, but his employees, between his employees and the alleged victims. [ inaudible question ] no comment. why is the case coming back now? the charges all happening between 2002 and 2005? well, it s still a very important case and it means a great deal to the alleged victims here that they have their day in court and we want to ensure that they have their day in court by bringing these charg charges. was it the miami herald article that might have bring forward new victims than you were previously aware of? we are certainly aware of that reporting. thank you.
and there you have it, jeffrey berman, u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. the news conference there laying out parts of the case at least, claiming that jeffrey epstein, the billionaire, philanthropist, hedge fund manager for several years was operating a sex trafficking ring that included dozens of victims. we also found out they are going to be asking for they re going to be asking that epstein remain in jail until his trial noting that he has at least two private planes and spends the better part of the year abroad. they believe that because the maximum sentence here is somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 years, that is enough of a reason for him to flee. so he will be if the government has their way he will remain in jail until the trial starts. they also asked other victims to come forward as well. a number of times showing that phone number for other folks to
come forward if you believe they might have also been sexually assaulted by jeffrey epstein. we also found out, danny cevallos, and ms. mca voi here, ann marie, that during the course of that raid on saturday of his new york city town house they found what appeared to be according to the u.s. attorney there what appeared to be nude pictures of other young girls. danny, you commented on and this is something that has gotten a fair amount of attention on social media as well, the jurisdiction here. this appears to be a case that is going to be investigated not by the unit that would usually investigate these crimes, but the public corruption unit as well. are we reading too much into that? no. no. even though you just heard the u.s. attorney tell us don t read too much into that, i m choosing to read too much into it because this is a unit that handles corruption, corruption is normally tied not to private citizens, it s tied to public
officials. that s the essence of our federal corruption laws. you also mentioned the search warrant executed. one of the things that i thought about, i don t know if you thought of this as well, is if there s a search warrant being executed what is the present evidence or contraband they plan to find at the premises because some of these allegations are many, many years old and we got that answer, that they are apparently images, allegedly images of underaged females at the premises. so that might have gone a long way towards creating the probable cause required for that warrant. ann marie, we also found out a little bit more about how epstein allegedly recruited these women using victims and employees as well. would those people who worked for jeffrey epstein also be culpable here? potentially. absolutely. i think one of the things that i would not i certainly would not be surprised to see would be a super seeding indictment in addition to additional indictments against other people. for our viewers and listeners
on sirius satellite radio, what does that mean? super seeding indictment would mean right now they have relatively simple charges, this he have two counts in the indictment. they can add to it. the charges right now deal with 2002 to 2005. they are asking, pleading for victims to come forward, both the u.s. attorney and the head of the fbi in new york did that. clearly they think already more victims. i suspect that they may believe that the victims may be beyond that time frame. got it. they may have more recent victims so that may be, then, added in in a new indictment. in addition to that it s clearly a conspiracy they are looking at. there are people who helped him. so they may actually already have people who are cooperating. we don t know what s going on behind the scenes. this was a sealed indictment until today. so it s very possible that some of his employees may already been cooperating against him, but certainly i think there is a good chance we will see additional indictments come out of this for others involved.
glenn kirschner a former federal prosecutor, also an nbc news legal analyst. glen, years ago when i was in local news i was interviewing a u.s. attorney and i asked him i asked him to characterize the nature of the evidence and he said to me, he said, craig, the feds don t lose and typically when we bring charges back then it was a 90%, 95% success rate. fair to say that s the case here as well? you know, craig, i assume this is going to be a fairly strong case. i personally would take exception with the feds don t lose proposition because i think we need to be taking difficult cases not just sure things, but as i was watching u.s. attorney berman, one thing really jumped out at me during his press conference, he said very pointedly victims must be heard, and then the assistant director in charge of the fbi, bill sweeney, went on to urge additional victims to call into the hotline and then he went
further and gave them a little tutorial about which buttons to push once they actually get into the phone system. craig, do you know what i saw that as, i saw that as a direct rebuke of how then u.s. attorney acosta handled the victims in this case because we came to learn that he violated the victims rights, actually violated the law, the crime victims rights act, by keeping them in the dark and not giving them their voice, not letting them have their say as victims. so i think u.s. attorney berman was sending a pretty powerful message that, no, no, no, when the southern district of new york handles this case, victims will be heard, unlike what then u.s. attorney now labor secretary acosta did back in 2008 in florida. wendy murphy is also a former federal prosecutor, you are also a child advocate. i know you have worked with cases like this.
explain to people how something like this could happen because here is a man of great means who was according to the government able to operate this vast network, he was operating a child sex ring for several years. how would someone be able to go about doing this and how common how common is this, wendy? yeah, i wish i could say that it s not common and that this is a rare case and this is extraordinarily unusual behavior, but that s not true. it happens every day in this country in every state and all walks of life are affected. the thing that i think we heard that s important, though, in terms of understanding how it can happen at this level is to know that jeffrey epstein, like a lot of child sex traffickers, they know how to target kids who are vulnerable. and what do i mean by vulnerable ? maybe their parents are
separated, they are financially struggling, they are on the streets, they are out of high school, they ve got drug or alcohol problems, they don t have the support systems at home, they are not being protected by the state. those are the kids who people like jeffrey epstein target. this he know they re desperate and sometimes a 13-year-old who is desperate for even $10 for something to eat, they are going to listen to one of these recruiters that epstein was using who says, oh, this is a glamorous thing, this guy is very wealthy, you are going to love it. all you have to do is give him a little massage and you are going to make a lot of money. it sounds great to a desperate child. as the indictment suggests, it s not quite that simple, they end up moving very quickly from giving epstein massages to sexual abuse and in a sense they get trapped. they get trapped in the lifestyle. so i think one of the most important things we heard today was this urging of victims to come forward. we are talking about dozens and dozens. that s the language that we
heard. dozens and dozens of victims in new york and dozens and dozens of victims in florida. potentially, you know, 100 different victims are still out there. this indictment alleges only three different victims. we know that there are more out there. and how do you appeal to those kids who are now adults? you say things exactly like what we heard today but you make it clear to them that it doesn t matter if you are in trouble in your life, it doesn t matter if you are homeless and on the streets, it doesn t matter if you are currently struggling from drug abuse. we know that victims of child abuse often end up with substance abuse problems. it doesn t matter who you are in society we want you to come forward, you matter, you are valuable, you are just as important as jeffrey epstein. boy, that gave me chills to hear that cry out for the victims in this case. that s who we are talking about, the most vulnerable people in our country. it certainly sounds as if the government knows that there are, in fact, more victims out there.
tom winter is back with us now, tom was inside that news conference, he has made his way outside. so we know that he s going to be in court again later today, tom. we know that the government is going to ask for remand. what else do we know based on what we just heard there? reporter: just to tee up from what i left when leaving the press conference it has been a long time since i have heard a u.s. attorney and assistant director of the fbi be that specific. it was a solemn and direct tone, particularly from bill sweeney the assistant director who heads up the new york field office of the fbi here being clear that these allegations and this behavior that jeffrey epstein is alleged to have conducted are not going to be tolerated about i this office or the u.s. attorney here. it shocks the conscience is something that u.s. attorney jeffrey berman said. i think i asked them specifically what they found at that search warrant hit they did
saturday night after jeffrey epstein was arrested. he is arrested at 5:30. shortly thereafter they break into his mansion in manhattan and found photographs of nude underaged girls according to the u.s. attorney, he telling us that at the press conference a few moments ago. i think that s an important development so it depose further to something we ve been talking about here on msnbc which is whether or not we have seen the last of charges involving jeffrey epstein and perhaps others. as far as court, craig, what we anticipate to happen first is an initial presentment to a magistrate judge then we will have a bail hour in front of judge berman, that s going to be happening at a 00 pearl straight which is 500 or so yards off to this side and basically what s going to happen there the government is going to say, your honor, he shouldn t get bail, this person poses too much of a danger to the community, he has dozens of victims, he has this,
quote, vast network they referred to in the indictment of individuals he is alleged to have abused or had sexual encounters with all underaged girls and they will present that to the judge and they will ask that he be detained pending trial. that s what we anticipate to happen. we don t have specific timings on that yet, these are fluid things when normally we hear about court hearings it s going to start at 9:30 or 2:00 p.m. on the day when somebody is first presented it s a little bit fluid but we will get that to you as soon as we get that information from the clerk s office. tom winter, get inside, get dry here. we also heard jeffrey berman give a nod to, quote, excellent investigative journalism, a nod to our friends at the miami herald who broke this case. so we should note here, danny cevallos, and miss mcavoy that jeffrey epstein is a registered sex offender, state of florida. he pled guilty to procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and felony solicitation of prostitution.
will that be used this afternoon when he stands before a judge and presumably his attorneys try to make the case for him to not be remanded until his trial starts? they will try. they re going to try everything they can but they re not going to get anywhere with it. those are state charges, very specific. the federal charges were different charges from those and the federal charges as the u.s. attorney in the southern district explained the federal charges down there it was there was a nonprosecution agreement that was entered into, it only binds the southern district of florida, it does not bind any other u.s. attorney s office and they clearly have jurisdiction here as a lot of the alleged activity took place in jeffrey epstein s home in new york. so the u.s. attorney s office in new york has jurisdiction so there shouldn t be any issue with proceeding. glenn kirschner, let me come back to you here because a lot has been made of jeffrey epstein s connection to president trump, his connection to president clinton, his connection to a number of other
notable wealthy connected powerful people, prince andrew as well. glen, the likelihood that we get some names here, the likelihood that we learn a little bit more about some of the people that may have been involved in all of this. craig, i think the likelihood is high that we re going to get significant additional information about other players, perhaps players who were also culpably involved, of course, we don t want to speculate about that, but as you mentioned earlier this case is being prosecuted by the public integrity section not the sex offense unit in the southern district of new york. i m with danny cevallos, we can t help but take maybe too much away from that and i would use as an analogy when i was a prosecutor in the d.c. office we had the homicide section and the national security and terrorism section. if you had a murder case that
was being handled in the national security and terrorism section, you can bet it wasn t just an ordinary murder case, it was something that had some sort of national security implications. it s impossible to ignore the fact that the southern district of new york, public corruption section, is handling this. i suspect we are going to hear a lot more names and i imagine that there are a lot of people who have been close with and maybe involved in epstein s vast network as it s called in the indictment who are probably very anxious and nervous about this development. really quickly here for folks who don t follow this stuff as closely as you guys do, the public corruption unit typically would handle cases involves what? obviously public corruption, but more specifically? government officials of some kind, state or federal, those all could apply. that s why to me it s interesting that mr. berman used
the word staffing. don t pay attention to staffing issues as if the doj is a bunch of temps that you move around to different spots to do typing. it s not the way it works. you use a team with a purpose in mind. they re specialized. this is what they do. so, yes, we will choose to read into the staffing as he calls it of the corruption folks as opposed to any other folks in the doj because it is significant. got it. danny cevallos, ann marie thank you for being here, glen, always good to have you there and thank you wendy murphy in massachusetts. inept, insecure and incompetent, those are just some of the words used to describe president trump by the british ambassador to the united states in leaked memos. what the british government is now saying about all of it. also turning the page after weeks of criticism for comments that he made about working with segregationists, joe biden says, i m sorry. will that be enough to blunt the
hit that he has taken in recent polls? if any comments i made were taken in a way that people took offense from them, then i am truly sorry for that. r thatoint. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we run right into these crises, and we do not leave until normalcy is restored. we d been working for days on a site in a storm devastated area. a family pulled up. it was a mom and her kids. everything they had had been washed away. the only thing that brought any kind of solace was the ability to hand her a device so she could call her family and let them know that she was okay. (vo) there for you when it matters most. join us and get up to $650 when you switch. that s verizon.
the british government has shifted into damage control mode after one of its biggest papers published embarrassing memos sent from its u.s. ambassador to officials at 10 downing street calling president trump, quote, inept, insecure and incompetent. nbc news independently verified the content of those diplomatic cables after they were published. the british government says it s now investigating. i want to bring in nbc s hans nichols at the white house and david ignatius, a columnist who covers foreign affairs for the washington post is also with me. hans, what is the administration saying about all of this? reporter: after a day of silence yesterday when the president was up at his golf resort the president himself unloaded before he was leaving and listen to what he had to say on the tarmac. i would say that the uk and the ambassador has not served the uk well. i can tell you that.
we are not big fans of that man and he has not served the uk well. so i can understand it and i can say things about him, but i won t bother. reporter: now, it bears noting that ambassadors do have some pretty good access typically with any administration, right now the president is receiving new ambassadors, giving them their credentials and receiving them in an official way. from the uk side theresa may is saying that she she has full confidence in their ambassador and they are saying that this is, quote, a matter of regret. so it s unclear whether or not there will be an official apology. this is what diplomats do, though, they figure out how to apologize without actually apologizing. so it is a matter of regret is the passive voice, i may use it with you sometime, craig. thank you, hans. david, here is the thing, no one is denying that the ambassador said this. do you believe that he was simply caught saying the same kind of thing that diplomats are saying in other countries all over the world about this
president? so, craig, i think that s really the most interesting aspect of this story. sir kim darroch the british ambassador was caught because of the leak of his private communications saying the things that embassies around washington have been discussing since donald trump became president. as darroch is supposed to have said in one of these cables, this is a white house where there s no filter, there s no way for an ambassador to predict what president trump will do, often no way to get a clear reading on what u.s. policy is. that s frustrated every embassy i know and in this case the truth about how difficult it is to deal with the trump white house got out. david, do we think that there is any risk of a larger impact to our relationship, especially at a time when the british government is in transition? whoever leaked these cables
of the british ambassador sir kim darroch wanted either to get him out, but he was on his way out soon anyway. more likely to affect the choice of his successor. people probably didn t want to see another typical whitehall official in place, were hoping to get somebody different. that s my guess. david ignatius, thank you, sir. hans nichols, thank you as well. as joe biden apologizes for those comments about segregationists we have some new polling, polling among democrats and a head to head matchup against president trump. up against president trump. for a. there s a better choice. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid and the 12-hour pain-relieving strength of aleve that dares to last into the morning. so you feel refreshed. aleve pm. there s a better choice. (gasp) (singsong) budget meeting! sweet. if you compare last quarter to this quarter. various: mmm. it s no wonder everything seems a little better
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to 2020 now and the to 20nt. joe biden trying to turn the page after apologizing for his remarks about segregationist senators. was i wrong to somehow give the impression that i was praising those men who i successfully posed time and again? yes, i was. i regret it. and i m sorry for any of the pain or misconception they may have caused anybody. that apology comes as a new washington post abc poll shows him leading the field at 30%. senator sanders 19% followed by the senator from california kamala harris at 13%, elizabeth
warren at 12%. nbc road warriors following the warren and harris campaigns today. alex thompson is a national political correspondent. and olivia maxwell is an analyst. garrett, you have been following the biden campaign as well. what led the former vice president to finally apologize? reporter: the vice president told reporters yesterday that he want dodd thed to do this apolo south carolina because you felt if people were offended, that was the audience. and you heard the apology there, was fairly well received in the room. although it bears saying that he had an opportunity to apologize in south carolina two weeks ago when he was there for the fish fry, the democratic convention and the interview with the reverend sharpton and he did not
choose to do so. so i think it is a tacet admission, that this is not an issue that they could blow past, they had to deal with it and now perhaps they can go back it what they want to be talking about this is a more future focused campaign and the things that they want to far target the president for. and anita hill, busing, crime bill, now these comments. it seems as if the vice president that is not fair. the vice president s position on certain issues of race continue to dog him. is this the last or is this just the latest chapter? you mentioned anita hill first. i think that is something that he will have to more sufficiently apologize for. he already said he wished that
he could have done more. but folks there at the time, he was in charge of the committee so he could have done more. he needs to acknowledge that. and i think that these issues will pop up, but he can deal with them as they pop up. you can positi out the issues ad prepare strategies to deal with them. every single candidate in this race will have to do that. kamala harris will have to do that with her record as prosecutor. elizabeth warren will have to do that, cory booker and joe biden will have to do that. and the fact that he took so long to apologize is evidence to me that maybe he isn t the most electable candidate because any democrat needs to win the black vote to win the election. and if he will be waffling back and forth, he will have trouble doing that. so good he apologized, but i think that the issues will keep popping up. vaughn, senator harris is in
south carolina today where joe biden made that apology. what is her reaction? i feel like i did see and thatter hthahear her reaction. reporter: she just had her first campaign event just down the road and we re following her over to myrtle beach. but i want to let you listen to her directly from yesterday afternoon. she made it very clear that folks shouldn t forget history when looking at this democratic primary. i think that he is right to recognize the impact of his words and i applaud him for having the courage to do it. there is still plenty of disagreement between he and i and that remains. which is that part that is a very significant part i believe about that quhwhole era. reporter: and kamala harris went on to say that joe biden s affiliation with barack obama isn t enough to constitute him
being the next democratic nominee. i was in marion and talking with women of color here in south carolina. and they were telling me that they thought that the california senator s attacks and questioni questioning of vice president vb s civil rights record was unfair, that it didn t look back to the tattlity e i to the totality of his record. and i was in iowa with senator harris at the end of the last week and talking with quite a few white voters there who said that they appreciated the fact that harris was calling out biden. so you have to talk to one individual are to the next because folks are consistently in the framework that vice president biden may have different points along the way, but you have to look at the totality of his career. and alex, i want to come to you. there had been talk of some folks possibly dropping out
already, more than 20 contenders now vying for the democratic nomination. what are you hearing about this idea that over the next few days at least one or two candidates may say no masse? it is a guessing game, but there will be a domino to fall and i imagine several dominos to fall. because you are looking at dnc standards for the fall debates that as many as 10 to 12 candidates are not going to hit. so you are going to have several candidates that are kikd off that debate stage and they will have to look. representative eric swalwell cancelled all of his campaign events over the weekend and he is having a press conference at 1:00 p.m. pacific time today. governor hickenlooper of colorado, former governor there, he had his campaign staff all confront him last month and tell him he should withdraw from the race. he dismissed their advice and dismissed all of them too. all of his top staffers have left the campaign and he replaced his campaign manager.
so he is staying that he will stay in, but he only that 13,000 donors out of the 130,000 that you need for the fall debates. so i think as one drops out, you will see a cascade of them. what are we hearing about tom steyer? all signs point that he will get in. sources close to the campaign or close it steyer i should say looks like they have already cut an ad and potentially even going to go on tv as soon as this week. and we ll see though. he has gone very close to this point before and stepped back. this could just be a repeat of the same hamlet act we saw before. zerlena, the essence festival over the weekend. michelle obama was there and she was asked about her husband s former vice president. here is what she said. what if anything would you like to say about the kamala/by
deb dust up? do you have any thoughts? i do not. deb dust up? do you have any thoughts? i do not.kamala/bdeb dust up? do you have any thoughts? i do not. i think these being smart. i think the obamas will stay out of this and let biden run lhis own campaign. they don t want to mess anything up. he was vice president, but also a senator are for many decades. so he has his own record to stay stand on even though he probably only wants to talk about that small piece of eight years when he was working for barack obama as his vice president. i also think that essence festival, it is important that so many candidates showed up in new orleans to speak directly to black women. they came with plans in hand, not just elizabeth warren, but kamala harris and cory booker. mayor pete came talking about black income equality. so it is really important that the democrats running this time around understand the importance of women of color as a voting
force in the future, including this election. and showing up at essence festival demonstrates that you think that that voting bloc matters. not every candidate showed up. joe biden was not there. and garrett, she mentioned elizabeth warren. she is expected as i understand to announce fundraising numbers today. are you getting a sense from her campaign about what she has raised in the second quarter? reporter: a little bit. she raised in the first quarter only $6 million. something her allies were concerned about. she has a lot of staff. she needs that money. we re starting to seat rest of the top tier report, that number anywhere from roughly $25 million from mayor pete down to $12 million for kamala harris. senator warn needs to be in that range to continue to stay competitive to essentially match what we ve seen in the polling. i will say this, whatever number she does report, gets a little bit of an added boo ed boost of

Headquarters , That-epstein , Sex-trafficking , Fbi , New-york-city , Incidents , Minors , Nbc-news , Counts , Police , 2002 , Two

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190707 00:30:00

rafael teenager. he s got a rare form of leukemia. the team hopes the story will inspire fans to step up to the plate and tonight the breaking news as we come on. a massive explosion at a shopping center. more than 20 people injured. shock waves felt a mile away. gas shut off to the entire area. firefighters digging through mounds of debris for survivors and the cause of the blast. also breaking, more quakes. a 7.1 rocking southern california. get under the table. [ bleep ]. oh, my god. anxiety spiking. 4,800 aftershocks. fires and rockslides. the new warning tonight. in politics, biden on defense. for the first time the democratic front runner apologizing about his comments on segregationists as president trump sharpens his attack on the former vice president.
how biden is responding. severe storms strike. millions of americans in the path. from dangerous lightning strikes on the nation s beaches to the drenching rains and the excessive heat. and now reports of a tornado in south jersey. road rage manhunt. police looking for the driver that fired into this vehicle setting off fireworks and starting an inferno. two toddlers in that car pulled from those flames in critical condition tonight. plus, a group of police officers asked to leave a starbucks by a barista. told a customer, quote, did not feel safe. the coffee giant now apologizing. and royal christening. the glimpse inside the windsor castle. baby archie s close-up. good evening. thanks for joining us on this saturday. i m tom llamas. we begin with the massive explosion at a florida shopping center. the blast happening in
plantation, florida not far from miami and ft. lauderdale. shock waves felt a mile away. right after the blast a frantic search for survivors. cani teams called. one person having to dive under his car to escape the debris that was coming down. more than 20 people injured, many of them hospitalized. a father telling us he and his children are lucky to be alive tonight. abc s victor oquendo is there. he starts us off. reporter: tonight, investigators on the scene of this massive explosion that rocked a south florida shopping center, working to determine a cause. the building across from an la fitness decimated, the debris field stretching across several parking lots in plantation, west of fort lauderdale. the entire inside of the store i was in just caved in. reporter: those inside the gym at the time making their way outside amid the chaos. windows blown out. the front destroyed. watch this nest camera from a home a mile away. the homeowner says her entire house shook. this cell phone video showing the aftermath.
guillermo villa tells us he was about to charge his tesla suv when he heard the explosion. there were pieces of branches falling. it was crazy. reporter: he said diving underneath the front of the car likely saved his life. i was thinking i could be in an ambulance, a hospital, or a plastic bag. it was so close. i m blessed. reporter: plumes of smoke rising from the scene. this father of three saying they just left the mall before the blast. we were about 50 yards. behind us everything exploded all at once. right after you left? right after we left. if i had been getting my kids in the car 15 seconds before reporter: search dogs canvassed the area for anyone possibly trapped. 23 people injured. more than a dozen treated at hospitals. at this point nobody was killed. thank goodness for that. as bad as it is, it could have been a lot worse. victor oquendo joins us live now from the scene of that explosion. victor, anywhere you look you see the devastation. we heard the chief say it could
have been so much worse. are authorities closer to determining a cause? the initial call was for a gas explosion. when firefighters arrived, a hazmat team found a gas leak. it s too early to know if that s what to blame for all this. the atf is here as well. tom? victor oquendo for us tonight. victor, thank you. now to that huge earthquake in california o, even stronger than the first. rocking homes and businesses as you can see. an incredible 4,800 aftershocks reported. many more expected. firefighters trying to battle blazes like this that have been breaking out. that new quake stronger than thursday s 6.4. already the worst in 20 years. here s abc s marcus moore. get under the table! get under the table! [ bleep ]. oh, my god. reporter: the force of that powerful 7.1 earthquake shaking southern california. [ bleep ]. oh, my god! reporter: the second major quake in less than 48 hours igniting homes.
structure fires as well as several outside fires and hazardous conditions. reporter: this grocery store right near the epicenter losing power as customers and employees step over broken glass to escape. the air is really thick. reporter: one employee helping a startled woman out of the store. aisle by aisle the floor disappearing under fallen merchandise. brayden, get over here! brayden! reporter: this woman rushing to grab her 2-year-old son as the trailer just feet away swayed back and forth. there s a rockslide down here at the canyon. reporter: nearby rockslides shutting off this highway. scientists surveying the damage right next to the fault line. we met this family looking at the damage in their own homes. you could hear things? we could hear things. you could hear things breaking. you could hear all that. you could hear it being thrashed. reporter: the epicenter of friday s quake, 11 miles from thursday s 6.4 tremor. that was already california s strongest quake in 20 years and officials believe it was
only the precursor to the massive 7.1. the quake felt throughout southern california and in two other states. so powerful it forced some to sleep outside. feels safer out here. at least if the house collapsed we wouldn t be inside. reporter: tonight more than 4,800 aftershocks rattling nerves. california s governor requesting a presidential emergency declaration for the communities impacted as this entire region remains on edge. marcus moore joins us live. marcus, we saw that family sleeping outside fearful of more tremors. what are people in the impacted communities telling you about the potential for more powerful quakes? tom, they re going to begin to recover. some people are starting over from scratch. like the family that lived in this house, you see nothing left on the inside. it burned down in the aftermath of friday s earthquake. when you look at the wider region, tom, there s a sense this area has been spared. when you consider america s second largest city los angeles is not far from here and these two powerful earthquakes hit in
less densely populated areas. tom? marcus, thank you. let s bring in seismologist lucy jones. you earlier warned of a potential of a stronger quake. that happened. what are the risks of another quake at this point or anything hitting any time soon? they re small. they re not zero. at this point we re down to a few percent chance that we could have another very large earthquake, 7 or above. most likely we ve seen the largest one at this that means plenty of magnitude 5s and 6s that would be part of the after shock sequence. should folks that live in southern california be on alert? the only people that should be on alert are the ones that live near the earthquake. if you live in the southern owens valley, yes, expect to feel lots of earthquakes with the potential of damaging winds. for those of us that live in the l.a. metropolitan area this has not changed the risk of earthquakes in the metropolitan
area, either to increase or decrease it. dr. jones, thank you. now to the severe weather threat. the beach goers in north myrtle beach dodging dangerous lightning. you saw it right there. that missouri road washed away southeast of kansas city. more heavy rains drench streets outside akron, ohio. plus reports of a tornado on the turnpike in south jersey. millions of americans in the storm zone. rob marciano joins us from central park. rob, good evening. good evening, tom. we ve had several rounds of storms roll through the new york city area. the humid air mass still in place. that front yet to come through. more damaging potentially damaging storms coming through. here s the radar scope. you see boston, connecticut, pennsylvania back to ohio. that s the front. that pushes through later. that s when the strong storms will come. there have been some tornado warnings there. denver, cheyenne you re in a thunderstorm watch with potentially damaging winds. the south eastern part of the country still in the heat.
heat advicerieieieies for littl and montgomery. will feel like 100 degrees. looking to be cooler in the northeast, but not before more storms tonight. tom? rob, thank you. now to politics and the 2020 presidential race. former vice president joe biden apologizing on the campaign trail today as president trump was taking aim at the democratic front runner. abc s rachel scott is traveling with the vice president from new bedford new jersey with the latest. reporter: tonight, joe biden apologizing for any pain those startling comments about working with segregationists during his long senate tenure may have caused. now was i wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that i was praising those men who i successfully opposed time and again? yes, i was. i regret it. and i m sorry for any of the pain or misconception that may have caused anybody. reporter: his rivals including senator kamala harris
pouncing on the debate stage signalling biden s positions are out of touch. today in south carolina biden defending his record on race. should that misstep define 50 years of my record for fighting for civil rights and racial justice in this country? i hope not. reporter: while making it clear his views have evolved. i don t pretend that none of my positions have changed. i ve grown and i think it s good to be able to grow. reporter: president trump dismissing the former vice president as a lost cause. tweeting joe biden is a reclamation project. some things are just not salvageable. adding he won t win. and continuing his attacks on the obama/biden administration. biden didn t know what the hell he was doing and neither did president obama. reporter: biden made it clear which president s opinion he values. i ll take his judgement about my record, my character, my ability to handle a job over any one else s. despite having to defend his
record biden has raised more money per day than any other democrat in the race. tom? rachel, thank you. next an update into the investigation surrounding kevin spacey and the allegations of sexual assault. a report tonight that detectives from the scotland yard came to the u.s. to question the actor. the latest from erielle reshef. reporter: tonight, variety magazine reporting scotland yard interviewed actor kevin spacey regarding several allegations of sexual assault in the uk. when abc news asked directly about spacey, london metropolitan police confirmed its complex case team questioned a man about six separate claims of sexual misconduct ranging from 1996 to 2013. but said it does not identify any person subject to an investigation. variety saying spacey voluntarily submitted to the interrogation back in may. british authorities tell abc the man they interviewed was not arrested and inquiries are ongoing. spacey s camp not commenting on whether he spoke to british
detectives. i told you my deepest, darkest secrets. i showed you exactly what people are capable of. reporter: the embattled actor facing accusations of sexual assault on both sides of the pond, breaking more than a year of silence back in december 2018 with this cryptic video in the voice of his iconic character frank underwood from the hit netflix show house of cards. despite even my own death, i feel surprisingly good. and my confidence grows each day that soon enough you will know the full truth. reporter: just this week, the former nantucket busboy who accused spacey of groping him at a bar in 2016, dropping his civil suit. but the star, still facing a criminal charge, stemming from that alleged encounter. spacey has denied the claims against him. spacey is due in court on monday in that massachusetts criminal case. no word yet on whether the actor will appear.
tom, if convicted, he could face five years behind bars. thank you. we move on to the world cup excitement building overseas. the u.s. women s soccer team getting ready to take the field in the finals tomorrow against the netherlands. interest around the world spiking in that title crash. abc s adrienne bankert is in lyon, france. reporter: tonight team u.s.a. getting ready for their ultimate test. practicing on the eve of the world cup final, star megan rapinoe says she s ready. i expect to be good to go for tomorrow and very excited about that opportunity. reporter: she s healing up after a strain to her hamstring sidelined her during their last match, as is midfielder rose lavelle, who says despite being ranked number one the team doesn t think of sunday s game against the netherlands as a sure bet. we know that everybody knows that they can compete with us and we re ready to compete with them. reporter: the dutch are the reigning european champions. co-captain alex morgan who received a mixed response for that controversial tea sipping
celebratory pose after her goal against england says they re staying focused. how are you kind of keeping the noise out? at the end of the day we re here to do a job, a job we ve dreamt of and worked our entire lives for. reporter: but just hours before the big game the issue of pay equity for one of the most successful teams in all of sports is far from being sidelined. money money money reporter: that was rapinoe s reaction to the president of fifa s proposal to double the prize money for women s soccer across the board. the men s prize for the next world cup projected to reach $440 million. fifa proposing to double the total prize money for the next women s tournament to $60 million. we should double it now and then use that number to double it or quadruple it for the next time, obviously. adrienne bankert joins us live. thousands of americans are expected to cheer for team u.s.a. at the game tomorrow, adrienne? that s right, tom.
up to 20,000 americans are here in lyon for that final. and get this, nike reports that the team s jerseys are still flying off the shelves. in fact, nike said on their website that the u.s.a. team jerseys are the best selling soccer jersey ever, mens or womens. tom? incredible news. adrienne bankert staying up late for us tonight. adrienne, thank you. there s much more ahead on world news tonight this saturday. the wild mall robbery caught on camera, a group of men ransacking a northface store. running off with arm loads of merchandise. those suspects on the run tonight. plus the road rage manhunt. the driver who opened fire on a family s car setting off their fourth of july fireworks. sparking a terrifying blaze. the clues coming in. the royal christening. a rare glimpse inside the family s special day. what they revealed about their newest member. stay with us. ay. what they revealed about their newest member. stay with us. why wait? hit back now.
farxiga, along with diet and exercise,. .helps lower a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. and when taken with metformin xr, it may lower a1c up to 2.1 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. stop taking and seek medical help right away. tell your doctor right away if you have. .red color in urine, or pain while you urinate. .or a genital area infection since a rare but serious genital infection may be life-threatening. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis,. .or have bladder cancer. other serious side effects include dehydration,. .genital yeast and bacterial infections in women and men, urinary tract infections, .low blood sugar, and sudden kidney problems. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis, which is serious and may lead to death. think farxiga tell your doctor you re ready to hit back. if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. love them, hate their laundry, protection.
lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria. detergent alone can t. lysol. what it takes to protect. ® but dad, you ve got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won t go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. next to the urgent manhunt
for a road rage suspect in houston, opening fire on a family on the fourth of july setting off the fireworks inside their vehicle. that suspect still on the run and tonight police are searching for the car he took off in. here s abc s zachary kiesch. reporter: tonight the manhunt intensifying after the explosive road rage confrontation. authorities looking for this white suv seen on surveillance video leaving the scene. on july 4th in galveston two drivers got into an argument near a fireworks stand. the driver of the white suv allegedly firing on a family of four. that car loaded with fireworks, erupting into a ball of flames. witnesses watched in horror. two parents and two toddlers trapped in the burning car. jason butler ran to help. when i ran up to the car, the lady handed me her baby, and i asked anybody else in the car because all i could see was baby seats. reporter: police say the shooter followed the family s car into this gas station after the family tried to flee. the father then rushing into
danger to save his children. when you looked at his arm, his whole arm was literally gone. in my eyes, he is the real hero, no matter how badly burnt you are, he came to save his kids. reporter: all four people in that car are still in the hospital tonight. the children are improving. one is expecting to have surgery on monday. the incident happened on a busy stretch of road. police asking for help in identifying any suspects. tom? zachary kiesch with the manhunt tonight. zachary, thank you. when we come back, a recall involving eye drops and eye ointments. what you need to know. a group of police officers asked to leave a starbucks because a customer said he felt unsafe. how police responded. the coffee giant now apologizing. stay with us. responded. the coffee giant now apologizing. stay with us. onfusing it hurts my brain. ya i hear ya. or say you can t believe. .how much of a hassle it is! and tell anyone who ll listen. (garbled) s so expensive! she said it s so expensive.
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side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. time for our index and the robbery in southern wisconsin caught on camera. several men walk into a north face store at an outlet mall ransacking the racks. bolting out. taking off with $30,000 worth of goods. in just 30 seconds. the ten suspects are still at large.
starbucks apologizing for what happened inside their tempe, arizona station. six police officers standing together enjoying coffee when a barista apparently asked them to leave because their presence made a customer feel unsafe. the tempe officers association calling that treatment offensive and it could not be more dishearteni disheartening. starbucks now apologizing for any misunderstanding and say they want to meet and make things right. a major update in the hunt for two gun men in san bruno, california. opening fire this week in a crowded shopping mall. tonight police announcing they ve identified their suspects and are making two arrests. one of the againman gunman, 18-year-old deandre lejon gantt, is still on the run. the consumer alert tonight. eye drops and ointment sold at walmart and walgreens now being recalled. 23roducts in 150 stores being pulled off the shelves. altaire pharmaceutical company saying they ve seen no reported problems yet and are doing the recall voluntarily.
when come back, we head across the pond for a rare glimpse of royalty. stay with us. recall voluntarily. when come back we head across the pond for a rare glimpse of royalty. stay with us. with the capital one savor card you earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. so when you go out, you cash in. what s in your wallet? or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement
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this is the benefit of blue. finally tonight, a big day for baby archie and a private look inside the royal family s joyful day. here s abc s jennifer eccleston. reporter: harry and meghan taking a cue from their little niece. blocking the press from baby archie s christening today at windsor castle. releasing two images to their nearly 9 million instagram followers, but keeping the details including the names of the royal godparents private. christenings are traditionally
big photo ops for the royal family. look at the crowds that came out to see princess charlotte s. unlike his cambridge cousins, who are destined for roles on the world stage, archie is not expected to be a working royal. although his parents are, he s not expected to be. reporter: but the sussexes coming under fire for the secrecy as they re facing mounting criticism from the british public for a more than $3 million renovation bill for their home on the castle grounds. little archie wearing a hand sewn replica of the christening gown worn by dad harry. princess diana s family represented too. her two sisters behind the royal couple in this official portrait. mom and dad giving glimpses after his debut. this is the first clear photo of baby archie s face. tonight the lingering question who does he look like. we re still trying to figure that out. his looks change every day. who knows? jennifer eccleston, london. we thank jennifer for that report. we thank you for watching. i m tom llamas in new york. gma and this week first thing tomorrow morning. i ll see you back here tomorrow night. have a great evening.
good night. back here tomorrow night. have a great evening. good night. arrests are made in a shooting at a san bruno mall. and kicked out of starbucks. why police officers were asked to leave on the fourth of july. now, news to build a better bay area. from abc 7. i grabbed my refrigerator and stay with it. one of the most powerful earthquakes since loma prieta rocks southern california. it s left behind extensive damage, causing fires and buckling roads. yesterday s quake was six times

Trump , Biden-on-defense , Fires , Rock-slides , Vice-president , Warning , Aftershocks , Segregationists , Comments , Time , Front-runner-apologizing , Attack

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190810 22:00:00

you. claim. this is do w. news live from berlin to disgrace us billionaire and accused sex offender jeffrey epstein just found dead in his prison cell apparently having killed himself epstein was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges and has been accused of abusing dozens of young girls the f.b.i. is now investigating the circumstances of his death also coming up a russian opposition politician is arrested that many more people are detained by police as protests flare up again in moscow thousands have been taking to the
streets in the past month demanding that opposition candidate still out in the elections for the city council. and police in hong kong fired tear gas at pro-democracy protesters as they defied warnings to cancel a march fresh them stray sions come after the city s leader sounds of not to grant the protesters any concessions to. america evan stand it s good to have you with us. the disgraced u.s. financier jeffrey epstein has been found dead in his new york prison cell officials say his death was an apparent suicide epstein was jailed last month on sex trafficking charges and was being held without bail the f.b.i. is now investigating the circumstances of epstein s deaths in federal custody. he
had already been found injured in a cell a few weeks ago then the multi-millionaire was found dead in the new york jail where he was awaiting trial an apparent suicide. the convicted pedophile was facing up to 45 years behind bars on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. epstein a high powered investor was accused of having sexually abused girls as young as 14 at parties in his palm beach villa where he reportedly passed the girls on to his guests what made the case explosive was the few notes he has connections to public figures including british royal prince andrew former u.s. president bill clinton as well as the sitting president donald trump charges were already brought against him in 2008 a controversial plea deal spared him time in prison. if i wasn t afraid to come forward sooner than maybe he would have done it to other girls i feel really guilty so this day if the leak was. a conviction for epstein could have meant the rest of
his life in prison now many questions remain will the authorities further investigate the sex trafficking allegations and will possible accomplices be held to account. well earlier we spoke to do w. s correspondent fully ileus in washington we asked him about their reaction to jeffrey epstein s death among us political leaders and law enforcement officials the political fallout of terror as being rather great it s dominating news hair and the united states and what s probably the most damning actually came from the attorney general william barmes courageous. some of what he said in his statement he said he was a poll to learn that jeffrey epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide he said mr epstein s death raises serious questions in a day in addition to the f.b.i. investigation taking place he said he s consulted with the inspector general and they re also going to he s also going to open an investigation so that was from the
attorney general william barr and then we ve even heard from republican senators like ben sasse of nebraska he wrote a letter to the attorney general saying that they knew that epstein was a suicide risk and he said that his dark secrets couldn t be allowed to die with him he said the justice department failed and students coconspirator conspirators think they might have gotten one last sweet deal now it continued because also we heard from bill de blasio of course the new york mayor and also one of the candidates for president he s a democrat he said of the wealthiest people in the world committed a horrible crime he said if they think for a 2nd that they got away with it because jeffrey epstein is dead they re dead wrong is what he said very strong words and of course we re monitoring what else is being said there in response to the death of jeffrey epstein and of course a lot of people are asking has somebody who was found in their cell just over 2
weeks ago who had attempted suicide apparently. apparently committed suicide just over 2 weeks later so many questions left unanswered at the moment but i m sure we ll be keeping an eye on that in the coming days. that was possible foley ileus in washington a bit earlier. let s get you up to speed now on some of the other stories making news around the world southern separatists in yemen have taken effective control of the seat of the internationally recognized government officials that separatists seize control of government military camps and the presidential palace the separatists had previously been part of the saudi backed pro-government coalition that s been fighting the rebels in northern yemen. at least 60 people have died in tanzania after an overturned fuel truck exploded people in the east african nation were siphoning gasoline from the vehicle at
a busy intersection when the blast happened some reports suggest that a cigarette may have triggered the explosion. in china at least 22 people were killed and several are missing following a landslide triggered by typhoon like kima on the country s southeastern coast the heavy rain large waves and strong winds prompted the evacuation of a 1000000 people. more than a 1000 people took part in a gay pride parade in the polish city of plots under heavy police presence this comes after a series of violent incidents prompted by anti gay protesters poland s ruling conservative law and justice party has made hostility towards the l g b t community a focus of its campaign ahead of parliamentary elections in october. in russia tens of thousands of opposition supporters have been staging protests in moscow and st petersburg at the biggest show of office in russia for nearly
a decade police detained up to 200 people including a prominent opposition figure the protesters are demanding democratic local elections. riot police were out in force even though the latest demonstration in moscow had been officially authorized police arrested nearly 200 protesters and blocked access to the president s head courts is among those detained was the opposition activists snoop of suborn who s been on a hunger strike. all opposition candidates have been barred from running in next month s moscow city hall elections. but it s still growing. they need to drop all of the politically motivated cases against people who hold early mero action. because the current one isn t doing his job properly or it s right now dozens. of thousands have been detained over the summer as the not just opposition movement
seen in russia since 2012 gathers pace. the only thing i ve come here to be counted on to show the to have the right to choose who to vote for let s stay at u.s.d.a. maybelle we did. it s impossible to stay at home. we have to show the authorities they can t just ignore what the people think or what you do it when you . go out he will start he shouldn t be able to arrest normal people no reason. to no listeners and unfortunately we are seeing that across the whole country months is that yes yes there still syria all candidates whatever their views and political positions should be allowed to run in any elections which in its own way but russia s summer of discontent is far from over more mass protests. turner expected in the run up to the vote in moscow in early september. to hong kong now where there been renewed clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters
police fired tear gas at protesters who were holding an authorized demonstrations in 2 locations is the 10th straight weekend of protests which were originally triggered by opposition to a proposed law that would have allowed extradition from hong kong to mainland china . activists held a number of other protests earlier in the day that remained peaceful including a sit in at hong kong airport. at the airport protesters assembled for a 2nd day to greet passengers arriving in the city drawing international attention to their cause saturday morning also saw a rather tranquil rally in support of the pro-democracy movement it brought together families demanding a stable and free future the wave of protests began 3 months ago in opposition to draft legislation to allow suspects in criminal cases to be tried in mainland china but the demands have widened. from i am i m worried if the extradition law to
china is imposed or this movement of ours is a failure my kids might have no democracy or freedom and a lot of things will be taken over by the mainlanders. a group of elderly people also submitted petition letters to the police and the authorities to stop and investigate what they call violence against the protesters especially a clashes in july. if the reputation of the hong kong police was so good for more than a decade but it was completely destroyed on july the 21st i don t know how many years it will take to restore the trust of the people. at the same time there were smaller demonstrations in front of several police stations in support of the police people gathered to express their thanks and called on others to say thank you whenever they meet officers. on friday various business groups also called on the people of hong kong to support the police and to reflect on the chaos and the economic impact of the protests. i know the average income of taxi drivers has
decreased nearly 40 percent over the past 2 months. i appealed you to stop and think if the situation continues our hong kong really is heading towards a dead end this is probably the kind of thing the communist leadership in beijing wants to hear and wants people around the world to hear as it seeks to boost resistance to the pro-democracy movement in hong kong. more than $2000000.00 muslims have gathered near mecca and saudi arabia for one of islam s holiest rituals the hutch braving to rental rain the faithful asked for forgiveness but their sins at the sacred mount are muslim believers are expected to make the pilgrimage at least once in their lives stewards marshaled the crowd to prevent the deadly stampedes seen in previous years. to spain now where the tradition of bullfighting is for many and in tech of part of the nation s culture
the battles between man and beast are even protected by the constitution but opposition to the tradition has been growing and it was banned on the spanish island of majorca a few years ago well now it s been reinstated and that s led to clashes between those who support the blood sport and those who say it has no place in a modern european nation oh these people are celebrating tonight finally bullfighting is back in new york the of the opposite then the animal activists shout murder. bullfighting culture or torture on. this front between those for and against plays out before the bulls arrives it has been 2 years since the last fighting new york a cooling 20 minutes per animal lunging toward the red cloth the matador dances
with a bleeding animal posing and posturing towards the glory i the island s regional authorities have banned bullfighting that was before the spanish constitutional courts decided the practice was a part of national cultural heritage that the region could not ban in the capital palm of the lift to central government is trying new ways to put a stop to a show by sending building health an animal welfare with thirty s to the arena but none could find regulatory grounds to stop the of it. a new star is ready to appear on to the stage by the name of l hughley he killed his 1st bull at the age of 14. tickets are selling by the thousands in parma. work. we have grown up with this we ve been watching both fighting from an early age is you know and that must be respected this is
a spanish tradition in there. but it s like with animals that we hunt for food which we also kill it s the same so a little bit of suffering but that s the way it is and that s why we hunt them i.e. dakota said oh on the other hand says that on a modern highland like my yorker bullfighting should not be tolerated. is this who thumb was is how do we really need this violence and blood to be entertained this hurts me as someone who lives on this island and it hurts me as a person. and yet the spectacle continues the matter though is again carried triumphant from the arena the excited fans kerry to once more into the. all right 2 motors for us now at stennis writer mark marcus has broken the record for pope positions in moto g.p. markets claimed the 59th poll of his career in austria that saw him over take the previous record set by australian mick doohan

Opposition , Protesters , Elections , Police , Tear-gas , Hong-kong , Candidate , Streets , Warnings , City-council , City , Leader