The Telangana High Court on Wednesday issued notice in a plea challenging the ₹27,500 enrollment fee charged by the Bar Council for the State of Telangana (BCST) for law graduates
Netflix investors will assess risks from the ongoing strike in Hollywood when the company reports quarterly results on Wednesday, but analysts said it was well positioned due to its solid pipeline of shows and international production crew.
India has told Netflix, Disney and other streaming services that their content should be independently reviewed for obscenity and violence before being shown online.
One of Britain's leading television news anchors, Huw Edwards, was identified by his wife on Wednesday as the BBC presenter facing allegations he paid a young person thousands of pounds for sexually explicit photos, the broadcaster reported.
Details of how billionaire Italian tycoon Silvio Berlusconi divided up his assets have been made public on Thursday after the will of the former prime minister, who died on June 12, was unsealed.