by these extreme conditions. we have to address way this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity. what was your reaction to that? i think she s trying to play identity politics with with a storm and a natural disaster. and i thinwek it s ridiculous. and honestly, we the fema administrator in florida with us and she threw coldminisr water on that. o so that is not going to happen.. it s totally not appropriate. you don t have to politicize every single tragedy in this country. and i think people i tell you, in florida are really sick of the nonsense. they just want people to to be helped. they want everyone to bandt together and they want us tounit get these communitieies back on our so that s what we re doing in florida. sean, o the impactsincome spanned all demographics, all income levels. sanibel has some very wealthy people. they also have blue collar peoplepeople.
0 children and don t join gangs or sell drugs or spray painto d things or shoot people? why not try that for once?or they ll never even etc.. reminder, our first interview with tony babinski tomorrow, fo 8:00 pm for the hour. before we go check on our friend trace gallagher.r he begins as main anchor of fox news tonight, midnight here on fox. we ll see you tomorrow. here s sean. all right. and tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity.hort tim and we start with this fox news alert a short time go . japan issued a warning to itsr h citizens to take shelter aftern they detected a missile launch from north korea by littleir rock rocket man. he s back atec itiont that he ff in their direction. thankfullyul it la, it landed ae threat has now passed. and we can now see the wholestil world can see all these hostiled regimes around the globe. sarouh are they emboldened by a weak american president ? we will analyze that. also now here at home, we areenb only five weeks away from these all impo