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why is that? is he couldn t ihe couldn ting. he seems to be the person that makes donald trump the most nervous. all of those stay strong, he drnt wadidn t want to fire him. but i think that is looming out there. so you have this committee that is chaired by jeff sessions where the gentleman who was in charge of it recruits in papadopoulous and he is now actually also talking to at least the senate committees and probably to mueller s team as well, you have this team that now seems to be kind of in low customer of the contacts with russia in addition to trump jr., to kushner and others.locust of russia in addition to trump jr., to kushner and others. but carter page overnight is now saying that shortly after his trip to russia to meet with russian officials in july of
2016, which we now learn he did meet with russian high official, not just university officials or whatever he was trying to say before, but shortly after the trip, he sentd an e-mail to one aide describing insights he had. and we now know that he was copied on e-mails that george papadopoulous sent regarding his contacts with moscow. it starts to look like we re circling around what could be collusion. is there is a crime in any of that multiple contacts with a foreign government? you know, when the other guests talked about presidents being subject to interviews by the fbi, you have to give a shout out to barack obama. he s the only president since richard nixon who has not been questioned in a federal criminal investigation. carter page, again, ryan, all of these people who seem low level who president trump denies knowing or tries downplay,
mueller is circling around them. they are the little fish designed to deliver the big fish. what do we know about george papadopoulous? we know he got arrested in august and he was cooperating with mueller since then, but we didn t find out about that until monday. so i think it s safe to assume that these other little fish like carter page might be cooperati cooperating. certainly mueller will try to turn mr. ryan who was arrested along with mr. manafort as kind of manafort s boy, he s his associate, so he will be relatively easy i think to get to cooperate with the government. he might give up the goods on people like his boss manafort. that s how these cases are made. i always say it s like law and order, the tv the show, where investigators go office to office asking questions building clues that ultimately leads them
to the big kahuna. and that of course is the president of the united states. and liz bet, thelizabeth, that k to trump s consistent desire to get rid of mueller. he ultimately fired james comey. he can t outright fire mueller. he would have to get the deputy attorney general to do it who said he one of the. you now have members of congress introducingdema demanding that robert mueller resign on his own based on this. there are human rule others that steve bannon is encouraging trump to defund mueller s investigation. can any of these attempts be seen on the impeachment side or in a legal sense? well, i think that they are
getting into deep water if they try to do that. i think both on a criminal sense and certainly on an impeachment sense. remember we go back to watergate, it was the firing of the special prosecutor archibald cox because he was about to get the tapes, wanted to get the tapes that was going to prove whether richard nixon was guilty or not of a crime. got fired. that produced huge public outcry and led to nixon s downfall. so any kind of fooling around with mueller has the danger of triggering public outrage and anxious impeachment. but it also could be obstruction of justice. just because he s the president and has the power to fire or not fire or whatever that power is, if he does it for the reason of covering up, then we are in obstruction territory in my view. and nick, what about if he starts pardoning people, what if
donald trump who i think frank makes a good point, is probably very much in fear of what mike flynn might say, if he sees jared kushner potentially getting in trouble, what if he starts pardoning people, is that obstruction? certainly could be obstruction because if he does it with the intent to obstruct the investigation and get rid of it because it is honing in on him, sure. that is obstruction. but don t forget the indictment that mueller came down with is for money laundering. money laundering is a crime in new york state. tax evasion is a crime in new york state. so trump is going to have a problem doing any pardons here. he can t pardon for new york state lieus. some of the new york state laws are more potent and may be more applicable to what happened here than would be some of the federal laws. so he is not in a great position, mr. trump. let s remember attempts to pardon or promises of pardons to the watergate burglars by nixon was one of the articles for
grounds for impeachment. let s say manafort or papadopoulous got pardoned. would they then go before an fbi agent to be interviewed, can they assert their fifth amendment right? they can, but that would take the legs right out from under the fbi interview and i agree with the others, the president is teetering on obstruction of justice. remember obstruction requires just because the president can do something doesn t mean that it s not illegal. if he s doing it to avoid in-cell natuin incriminating himself, that is obstruction. and paul, do you see an obstruction of justice case coming out of mueller s office? it s certainly possible. mueller is the most powerful person in the district of columbia. so yeah, there is grounds there if it will happen, it won t be impeachment, that is political, but the nation turns its eyes to roberts mueller. all right.
thank you all. great panel. up next, new details on how russia gate may have started in the first place. as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. people are fighting type 2 diabetes. with fitness. food. and the pill that starts with f. farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. lowering a1c by up to 1.2 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction
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missing e-mails which a lot of republicans including donald trump clearly believed russia had. and if we look at this development in the context of a longer timi time line, it s cle the hunt for russians with dirt on hillary clinton was a recurring theme in the trump campaign. let s go back to march 19, 2016 when russian operatives first hacked lits campaign chairman john podesta s e-mail account which did not become public knowledge until wikileaks released those e-mails in october. a month after the podesta hack in april of 2016, the democratic national committee first learned that russian government hackersr network and that became known in june. and we now know that during that same month, on april 26, trump campaign adviser george papadopoulous met in london with a profession on or who claimed to have contacts with russian government officials who were in
possession of dirt on hillary clinton in the form of thousands of e-mails. about two weeks later, on may 9, fox news analyst andrew napolitano goes on fox news and makes a similar claim about russians with clinton s e-mails. then a month after that, donald trump jr. starts his own search for that dirt when on june 3 he gets an efts ma-mail from rob goldstone who promises information from high level russian officials that would incriminate clinton and be useful to his father s campaign. to that donald jr. responds if it s what you say, i love it. six days later, donald trump jr., paul manafort and jared kushner attend the trump tower e-mail set up that meeting. and on that same day, whenever
the brurussians were offering, father tweeted at clinton where are your 33,000 e-mails that you deleted. and a month later on july 27, trump made that request directly to the russians when he said during a news conference russia if you re listening, i hope you re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. fast forward again to september over labor day weekend when the wall street journal reports yet another quest for russia access to clinton e-mails that got under way. peter w. smith told the journal that he began seekinging tseeking the e-mails he believed to be stolen. smith was found dead of apparent suicide weeks after he talked with the journal. those efforts to get clinton s e-mails ultimately amounted to a fool s errands because here is the thing, there never has been any evidence that russians are or anyone else ever successfully hacked hillary clinton s private e-mail servers.
or that anybody russian or otherwise ever actually had her deleted e-mails. in fact hillary clinton might have been alone among the dnc, john podesta and even some state and federal government agencies in not being successfully hacked. go figure. and up next, my panel weighs in on whether the russians baited the hook by planting a clever fiction about having hillary clinton s e-mails in order to gain access and influence with donald trump and members of his campaign. stay with us. welcome! how s it going? hi!
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were in possession of quote/unquote dirt on hillary clinton. joining me now is malcolm nance and sarah kensior. we ve been on the air together i believe now since last july. yes. essentially telling the same story over and over again. every day. and when you first heard and you write in your book the plot to hack america about that andrew innapolitano clip that happened sort of out of the blue in april of last year, when you heard andrew napolitano say that, what did you think? in fact i came on msnbc that week to address that statement. because it was impossible. what they were saying was it napolitano had u.s. intelligence sources that were saying that he had information from the kremlin of an internal debate between vladimir putin, his senior staff about should they release 20,000
hacked hillary clinton e-mails. i said that level of intelligence is just impossible to have. how would he be saying it? he got from a website called what does it that had put it out and ittedit had a myl character who was a conduit of information from other russian sources that put this story into that conspiracy theory blog site and it made its way to napolitano and then on 27 july it made its way to donald trump. and we know that donald trump and the people who like donald trump are avid viewers of fox news. so to you does it make sense that if the kremlin wanted to plant the fictitious idea that they had the 20,000 to 30,000 e-mails that hillary clinton deleted because they were personal or whatever when her state department e-mails were turned over, that if they wanted to plant that, this would be the way to do it? put it on a website, that fox
news picks it up and it s now in the bloodstream. is that a typical way that the kremlin would brate? operate? yeah, and that kind of intent would be not just to reach people in the trump campaign, but to reach republicans in general, the trump bhas. and to kind of make this narrative, you know, resonate in american society. i tend to think though that if the kremlin wanted to talk to the trump campaign, they could have easily gone through paul manafort or other people in that campaign who had direct connections to the kremlin. so i don t think they necessarily needed to circumvent it for that particular reason. that is a question. you have carter page walking off the street and joinings rump foreign policy team, george papadopoulous who was a low level sort of guy, 29, walk in become a part of the inner sort of foreign policy team of the campaign, and then announce i m going to on mos moscow, i can g vladimir putin in the room with donald trump. there seemed to be a lot of
people who were pedaling connections to the kremd lynnce contin cekremlin or putin. and i ve said there will be multiple dirty tricks teams who had independent access or so they thought to information that russia was dangling in front of them. interesting about the whole 20,000 hillary clinton e-mails thing, it comes ten months after the russians initially hacked the dnc, which means their information warfare management team had already had the information they wanted, they needs to now plus up all of their, you know, their surrogates for surrogate surrogates to feed to donald trump. and worked. papadopoulous, maybe carter page, maybe mike flynn and through man for thafort.
all can be completely independent and then come together once it reaches donald trump or donald trump jr. and do you assume that the russians were lying, that they were just saying that they had these missing e-mails in order to dangle that possibility and draw in trump campaign people? i don t have to assume. we already know that now. because if they had had those e-mails, they would have been out years ago. but again, this came from russian sources. and there is no way anyone would ever know what was being said inside the office of vladimir putin. if that was a u.s. intelligence source, that person would have died with that information. and to leak it out to some obscure website and then shows up on fox news? that tells you you the russians injected it into the bloodstream. and do you think the american media needs to do some soul searching here? because all of this information couldn t have survived if it didn t have the oxygen of media interest in the e-mails as a source of news and information.
it wasn t just the conspiracy theorists that were hungry for the e-mails, it was us, the media. slooutsly they beabsolutely responsibility for that. a lot of this goes back to kind an obsession with hillary clinton with the false assumption that hillary clinton was bound to win the election so they could spend their time on matters like the ec males. there were also financial improprieties that were happening with the trump campaign that went unexamined. it doesn t take a genius to know that the media will bite on any kind of anti-hillary clinton story. so of course the skrkremlin wou peddle it in that way. it appeals to some of the bernie sanders voters and a lot of the public in general. so a smart move on their part, but the media should have paid more attention and done a better job. and is this the most
successful intelligence operation in at least modern kremlin history? i m tempted to say it s the most successful intelligence operation in the history of the world. and i m a scholar in this and i know people who are very, very close to this who were real time participants and they say that the russians apparently got their hooks into another country that has atomic bombs. but do you know who warned us? hillary clinton. she did. there is a lengthy video that you did can find online. nobody listened. thank you both very much. and coming up, why the republicans just can t quit donald trump.
and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i m tom steyer, and like you, i m a citizen who knows it s up to us to do something. it s why i m funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who s mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what s political and start doing what s right. our country depends on it. more than a year into this story of russian attacks on our election and as the scope of the official inquiries widen, one
thing that has remained completely consistent besides donald trump s denials that there was ever any collusion has been the attitude of republicans when it comes to russian interference and that includes the rnc. for a lot of democrats, that is a sign of not just party loyalty to trump, but something worse. complicity with what russia did. back on october 18, on 2016, three weeks before the election, then chair of the dnc donna brazile wrote a letter to reince priebus offering to brief the rnc on the details of the dnc hack and asking that the parties issue a joint statement on the russia attack in an effort to affirm legitimacy of the process. this is 11 days before they officially accused russia government of trying to interfere in the election. and it got drowned out by the access hollywood tape. but there was no bipartisan
effort, no united front. we reached out to the rnc for comment. a spokesman pointed out that in july of 2016, priebus said he would be concerned if it were true that russians were behind the dnc hack and he also made comments denouncing the hack of e-mails. but republicans never responded. joini joining me now are former strategists, and a former ethics lawyer. and joel, you were on the clinton campaign. i don t know if you recall this letter that was sent out, i have a copy of it here. and in it, donna brazile starts off saying, you know, we challenged both parties to focus on the integrity of the election day process. she goes in to this question of russia hacking and asks let s stand together and help each over. do you recall any response whatsoever coming from the rnc? zero.
no response at all. maybe something happened, but i haven t heard anybody say there was a response. i haven t heard anybody from the rnc say there was. and she also outlined several other steps she wanted to take where they would make a statement jointly about five or six steps that had to be taken and radio silence, nothing. i will say that we reached out on to the rnc and we did speak somebody close to the situation or knowledgeable about the situation. and they said one possible explanation for why there wasn t a response is that this letter starts off talking about the russian interference, the e-mails warning that we can put a subject matter expert in place, let s brief each other, but then it goes in to things like the voting rights. and we all know most of us that the rnc is under a concept decree since the 1980s in which they are not allowed to touch anything involving election integrity because they
committed how shall we say they were attempting to interfere with the right to vote. yes. could it be that they didn t respond to the letter because donna brazile went beyond russia and talked about these other things? it could be, but for example around that time marco rubio if you recall said hey, today it s the democrats, tomorrow it could be us. and people like rick perry said i don t care what he has to say. people close to trump were putting up their hands saying we don t want go near this. and simon, you have written for u.s. news and world report back in april, you said the rnc was at the center of the penetration of trump s campaign by the russian government and nomination and use of russian information. what do you mean by that? it s clear that every single day of the general election the rn krm rnc put out a press release bloatings wikileaks releases and amplifying the russian campaign
and encouraging other people to use this thing to use these things every day. it was critical to the normalization of the use of this which became common with the media themselves. i mean imagine if the rnc had said we have doubts about this wikileaks stuff, we don t want to on toutouch it, we re patrio partisans and we don t want to put it in the bloodstream of the ecosystem, no question that reince priebus and sean spicer s embrace of the russian campaign was country ritical to its succ. collusion has been established. we know this took place. and i think far more scrutiny has to be placed in us looking at the role that the republican party infrastructure itself prayed in the supray prayed played in the success of this russian meddling. and republicans were very cold to the idea of joining with democrats and really actively condemning what russia was doing.
this is a clip where they referenced the post piece. it says in august when the obama administration quietly approached capitol hill to seek bipartisan support, cia director john brennan couldn t get top republicans to meet with him. we learned when a they sat down, they completely refused to cooperate. and when jeh johnson contacted people in charge of elections in various states, the republicans in those states booed him off. were republicans essentially willing to benefit from russian interference and essentially refusing to join with democrats out of pure partisanship over really concern for national security? well, it s unfortunate that, you know, when he wanted to privately meet with some key republicans to discuss the issue, it s unfortunate that they didn t want to meet.
now, you ve got we all know that there is bad blood between republicans and democrats on the fact that donna brazile had tried to approach rins somethin do, i can see where reince priebus probably wasn t thrilled to meet with donna braille brazil on how to combat the russian hack. it s true marco rubio tried to.l on how to combat the russian hack. it s true marco rubio tried to. but to look further into this, the rnc should have been more proceed active on looking at it, but what about the fecle and what about t what about the ads that were let loose todemocrats and republicans on facebook, on twitter?about the ads that were loose to hurt both democrats and republicans on facebook, on twitter? this is how some of the hate groups got out. and we say a lot of the evidence
that russian advertisers were playing in our elections to get the right and left entangled in a bitter war. so the rnc maybe should have been more proactive, you re right, but what about the fec and what about getting them to get a little bit more reactive and a little bit more proactive in trying to prevent some of this. richard, i think there are a lot of democrats doing soul searching and wishing that the obama administration had been more aggressive, but we have examples in other countries of the same thing happening, the same ad, hacking against e-mails. there was an aggressive attempt to hack into the e-mails of the french candidates. hackers came after them you about but the french were prepared. we had fin land and estonia also
attacked. but the difference is that in those countries and germany and other places, both of the political parties came together and were very public about saying we don t care who wins, we don t want russia involved. and they were very proactive. and so wasn t it incumbent on the republicans to be as alarmed as democrats about an attack on our country? well, of course. russians have been do this for 100 years and they supported far left wing communist parties all over the world with some success in some places and you now it s these right wingnuts and so-called religious conservatives that they support and ku klux klan elements in the united states, bright bhart nre news and the rest of it. it s a serious threat to the united states governmentght bre news and the rest of it. it s a serious threat to the united states government and all
americans should be united in opposing this. and conservative voters are not going to tolerate elected officials and other political operatives in the republican party who persist in this coverup and the people for example stooeeve bannon and tho types who are encouraging president trump to fire robert mueller who would be an additional act of ob strubs estf justice. so it s important to distinguish from the extremist elements and the traditional conservatives who have no tomorrlerance of th russian clab rollaborate tors i our government. we have strongly committed to the independence of our own country. we won t allow russia to take advantage of racial animosities
and other issues that we have to deal with in this country in order to dominate us and that is exactly what has happened here and the trump white house is persistent in a coverup rather than allowing robert mueller to complete his investigation. very quickly, simon, you ve been talking about this for quite some time, i take it your view is that none of those wings stood up to the russians? right. and in fact the rnc was critical in the russian operation succeeding. i mean there was active collusion. they all knew this was coming from russia. that is what was established this week. they knew as early as april, may, june that russia was attempting to get involved in the elections here in the united states. think about what happened the day after the republican convention ended, wikileaks released their dnc e-mails and caused the dnc chairman the day before the convention began to resign and created enormous chaos. are you telling me the trump campaign didn t know that was coming from russia? they all knew.
and there hasn t been a lot of honesty about what people knew i think is clear. thank you simon, richard and know noelle. noelle. oelle. noelle. (honking) (beeping) we re on to you, diabetes. time s up, insufficient prenatal care. and administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs, wipe that smile off your face.
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45 years ago the first indictments were handed down in the watergate scandal. less than two months later president nixon was reelected in a landslide, carrying every single state except massachusetts and washington, d.c. you did have this lingering support for richard nixon, even after you had those indictments. why is that? why did nixon still have support? why did he seem to have such robust support? he was a radically popular president at this point in time, winning the reelection that you just mentioned. i think the republican party saw the possibilities of him being a great leader for the country. so i think that mr. republicans kind of callied around michd x richard nixon. you see the break-in of the
dnc physically during watergate and virtually through the e-mails by russian hackers. but you have a very different response from republican leadership. there seems to be a great wariness of watergate among senior level republicans in congress. now they don t seem to care all that much. is that a radical shift in the republican party itself or is it richard nixon inspired dread among his allies on the hill? no. i thit s ramped up partisanship that s driving what s going on right now. you hear from corker, you hear from flake. you sometimes hear from mccain that there are people who are kind of peeling off the president who are also republicans. that was nixon s biggest fear was that what was going to happen as things were started to be investigated was that people would peel off. for instance, john dean, his white house counsel say there is s a cancer surrounding the
presidency as early as january of 73. that s the fear that s going on. one of the things to keep in mind is that richard nixon as far as his persona goes is somewhat similar to donald trump. there s a real paranoia. there s a real desire for unity at all costs. thinking of any sort of protest as disloyal and infusing disloyalty within the nation. so i mean, i do think there s some parallels here between the two personas of the presidents carrying out both of these crises. the thing to watch, though, would be how many other republican senators start to break with the president. that s quite significant. when you talk about the similarities between nixon and trump, there s a certain kind of paranoia. a lot of people are looking at donald trump and seeing a kind of unraling in the way he s behaving publicly. what was nixon s mental state as
watergate was closing in on him? this is a debate historians have with themselves an awful lot. there s certainly a kind of feeling that nixon had something of a break down in the white house even before watergate but certainly around watergate he became extremely defensive. he became more warrior like which is i think a quality that he shares with our current sitting president. he certainly had something of a breakdown and was increasingly paranoid. there are allegations that alcohol was shofed in this. we don t necessarily have complete and complete evidence for that. but there certainly seemed to be something of a fall-apart on him as he watches people peel off the administration, people turn on him, people start speaking about what s going on within the white house and of course once the tapes get announced, he becomes increasingly paranoid and kind of prone to see this as a conspiracy against him and as
a victim. absolutely. paranoia was certainly the watch word of the day . it might be again. there s so much more coming up. keep it right here on mst nbc be has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today.
most tumultuous years in american history. his legacy of connecting to americans across race, class and political lines is especially notable in today s hyper partisan age. and considering that the current occupant of the white house regularly says things like that. you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. wouldn t you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, get that son of a bitch off the field. i m the only one that matters. when it comes to it, that s what the policy is going to be. joining me now chris matthews. i always love talking to you, chris, and reading your books. this one because you are such a scholar on the kennedy family, you write so beautifully about them. it s an interesting time for it to come out.
there are beautiful photos in it. doesn t that grab you? this is something that s it s the african-americans singing at the baltimore train station the battle hymn of the republic. there s such a statement in that guy. he obviously was in the military as an unlisted guy. he s very poor and yet he had belief in bobby as a patriot. i think both communities trusted him. the 60s were rough and they re still rough. you it shows what you can do with the racial divide this this country. bobby tried to bring people together. let me play one clip. this is bobby kennedy talking to african-americans about his own brother s assassination.
a. for those of you who are black and are attempted to be filled with hatred and distrust of the injustice of such an act against all white people, i would only say that ki also feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. i had a member of my family killed. he was killed by a white man. but we have to make an effort in the united states. we have to make an effort to understand. go beyond these rather difficult times. that of course was the night that martin luther king, jr. was assassina assassinated. you have somebody who is white, irish guy from massachusetts, who s able to people with such moral authority to african-americans. there s no one that can do that. thanks to working with nbc, i was able to get the tapes.
the police wouldn t go into that neighborhood. they left him alone. it was a tough neighborhood and they didn t know what was going to happen. bobby said, do they know you and the guy says no. there s no twittering, no e-mail or anything. they didn t know and he had to tell them. some of the people were still cheering him because they were just reacting to his presence, they weren t hearing his words. it gets back to what i believe in this book, is that this story of bobby kennedy is the spirit that survives the 60s, the spirit that could work. he said we have to make an effort. that s all he s saying, just make an effort. i think that what this president does i only call race is the san andreas fault in this country. he jumps on it. squeeze a few more votes out of the guys guys taking a knee. he always tries to find
something wreck get his 40%. that s all he wants. in the electoral college that s enough. let the 60% just discard them. i love the way you write about the kennedys. there is sort of a gallant narrative with the kenties. they were tough. don t you miss them? they were with joe mccarthy, right? i ll tell you about joe. it is a lot about the thing you mentioned, the irish thing. i grew up like that. my mom was very pro mccarthy. my dad said he went too far. bobby loved the guy. he drank himself to death. he abused witnesses. he used all kinds of tactics. bobby swore i m never going to do that again. in fact, bobby wrote the resolution for the democrats condemning his friend. but yet at the end he went to
the funeral, he went to the grave site. he hid in the car to show his respect. never got out of the car. i got this from his daughter kathleen. when he heard at national airport that mccarthy had died, he was so distraught that he drove around the airport three times. he loved the guy and yet he knew bobby learned people you love can be wrong and can be the bad guy. that is real maturity. i think learning is politics. political career is essentially a learning career. it s like being a dentist. you ve got to keep up. this guy trump is groundhog day. every morning is the same tweet. he never matures.
he never learns anything about race or people or foreign policy. it s the same. bobby is always studying civil rights, getting pushed around by james baldwin and his crowd up here in new york. he just took it. he said, you know, if i were them i d be like this. and he went to his brother a week later and said we ve got to do the civil rights thing. bobby did that. he was i think for a lot of african-americans the more heroic kennedy. his top aide had a lead pipe bashed over his head. can you speculate just based on having written this biography, what would have been different about america if bobby kennedy had lived and become president? you know, a lot of this i think broke bad president 70s.
let s talk progressive politics for a minute. the only way you get pregnantive action is if the communities hurt by injustice and all the systems that are rigged you know how the market works. the money s been taken out of the market before you even invest. so in the early 70s it all became social issues. we all started the joining archie bunker. let s make fun of him and let s make his son-in-law the smart one. so the sbekt actual is the good guy. but the character was sort of ridiculous. why are you living here not making any money and i m pulling the train here? and then it began that reagan came along. he scooped up all the discarded white working class. you don t like the democrats anymore? come on home. i m a patriot. when all this stuff kept getting
worse and worse on the social issues, they re legitimate issues. and choice of course became a big issue among the conservative catholics. all of a sudden the country is divided socially rather than economically. i think we re better off when we re divided by economics. that way if you re making 30 or 40 a year and you want to get a break, you would actually vote together. you may not hang out together, but you ll vote together. i think that s broken now. you ve got union guys voting for trump. he s not building. he said he was going to rebuild america. where? why don t we go back to rebuilding this country congresswomen roosevelt built it. lincoln built during the civil war. do it. we built the empire state
building in the middle of the depression. we need a system of rapid rail across this country. put every construction trade they d be the happiest construction trades in history. they d all be working. stop giving tax breaks to the rich and start spending it. that s an old liberal argument. i wonder if projecting forward to 2020, i almost feel that the only thing that could sort of beet the nihilism of donald trump is nostalgia. will it take a kennedy or something like that to beat donald trump? you could says no tall ja abo nostalgia about jesus too. most of the time his heart was out there.
and i think that we have to make an effort and we don t anymore. i think whoever the democratic candidate is next time, it s got to be somebody who hasn t discarded the white working class. it has to be somebody who doesn t go to carol king concerts all day. bruce springsteen maybe. i m dead serious about this. once you start saying i m better than you, i went to a really good school, they get the message. a guy i was in the peace corps with said people don t mind being used, they mind being discarded. i think the white working class today feels they ve been discarded by the democrats. this is a grandson in the lineage of bobby kennedy. i wonder what you think of him and how he s coming along
politically. it s hard to stomach a trillion dollar tax cut being proposed to benefit wealthy adults at the same time that our republican colleagues are telling us we can t afford to care for sick kids. it s hard to stomach indifference from this chamber as chip lapsed. he seems more like prince harry, doesn t he? he s a ginger. he s great. he s got it all. he did the peace corps, which is very important to me. he went to law school and worked as a local prosecutor. that s the kennedy route. he didn t jump ahead of the line and say give me what i have a right to. i think he s got it. long before he becomes a senator or president, we ve got to restore the spirit. i think a lot of people my age who were in the peace corp with me really do feel that spirit of bobby kennedy.
it s not so much the book that i m out there promoting. it s him. it s bobby and that spirit of we can work together. look at him. i used he would say compassionate. that s what we need. that s what we need. we need maybe a shorter word for it, but looking out for other people. the trump is not that american really if you think about it. not that way. it s hard to see how we go back to this era. i think a picture is worth a thousand words. that picture and this picture on the cover of those kids looking to him as hope. we don t have that right now. we don t. coming up, twitter boots one of their biggest trolls, next.
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trump asked me to get involved because my reputation among other things in politics is understanding of the convention process, the delegate process and most of the major successful big conventions over the last 30 years i ve been intimately involved in. did roger recommend you for the job? roger was one of the two or three people who strongly recommended me, yes. did he bring you in? no. not at all. last friday night paul manafort s long time friend and partner roger stone went ballistic on twitter.
we ve had you on before. we brought you back because i feel like your documentary is in a lot of ways the best explainer of donald trump and the nexus between him, roger stone and paul manafort. briefly explain what that connection is. so paul manafort and roger stone go back to the early 80s with donald trump. donald trump was was their client at black, manafort and stone. roger stone was literally the first person to suggest to trump to run for the presidency. he spent 29 years as trump s closest political advisor, cultivating him for the white house. he kind of talks about roger stone as sort of a nixon. this is donald trump from your documentary get me roger stone, talking about donald trump.
take a listen. i was like a jockey looking for a horse. can t win the race if you don t have a horse. i interceded with the portsmouth new hampshire chamber of commerce to arrange a lunch. the helicopter landing was as big a news as his speech. this is kind of the first time i saw the power of trump, the public interest in trump was palpable, electric. what do you think roger stone wants from all of this? what does he want from donald trump s presidency? roger and a lot of the political consultants have a long history of taking things that have worked in the past and fitting them for the modern era. what he saw in donald trump was to take all the things that worked with richard nixon and ronald reagan and he saw trump had the ability to turn it all into a great tweet and to modernize it. he saw his charisma and over the
years helped teach him the methods to turn that charisma into the presidency. he shares with donald trump a certain attitude toward life, a certain penchant for conspiracy theories. he wrote an entire book sort of putting forward his theory that lyndon johnson killed jfk. he believes in these conspiracy theorie theories. he and donald trump are burters. it is kind of destabilizing to think this is who s running the country. you look at roger stone, you re pretty much seeing donald trump. right. what paul manafort says in the film is that even though it s a trump presidency, it s influenced by stone philosophy. what we found in studying roger stone s career and relating it to donald trump is that trump doesn t have an ideology so much as a political philosophy. and that philosophy is win at all costs and that correlates
also to nixon. of course roger stone started what richard nixon at the age of 19 and was the youngest person called before the watergate grand jury and now of course is involved in russia gai russia-gate. we spend four years chasing paul manafort for an interview and we were actually the last people to interview him on camera. he seemed that after he resigned or was pushed out of the trump campaign that he was embittered
at how he was treated. what is so interesting about the indictment is something that you see in our film. roger and paul manafort were on the vanguard of going to brutal third world dictators and getting their business, making millions of dollars off them. at the time they were registered as foreign agents. we see that part of paul manafort s problems now is that he isn t registered as a foreign agent. they saw an opportunity to make a lot of money off of going and representing some of the most unscrupulous people on the planet. this is a through line in paul manafort s career. is paul manafort somebody who saw donald trump as a vehicle to enrich himself? absolutely. these guys absolutely love the high of election night, the thrill of the countdown, the manipulation of the people. they re not just in it for the money. the money is a great perk and maybe it morphed into a love of
money. but their real source here is the thrill of the hunt. why does it seem that there s so much emphasis on russia, ukraine. why does that seem to be such a particular area of interest for all these guys? i think that a lot of these political consul at that particular times and lobbyists could make a lot of money. the lobbying class really exploded and the consulting class gained so much more power. a lot of people went to look overseas for work, lobbying and consulting work. that was one of black, manafort, stone s practices, was representing brutal third world dictators to lobby in the u.s. for foreign aid to support their war against the more leftist communist regimes that were
rising, say in africa. you know, this is what they have done, paul manafort especially roger stone has also done work in the ukraine. michael ka pew toe has also done work in the ukraine working for boris yet sin. that is their new bread and butter. just based on having interviewed paul manafort, interviewed roger stone, do you think they re the type of men who are afraid of going to prison? well, paul manafort had it s been disclosed that his password seems to have been bond 007. he was leading this lavish jet setting lifestyle hanging out with oligarchs in the lap of luxy ri ri.
roger stone insists that paul manafort is intensely loyal to the president, that if he tried to flip on the president he would be lying and he would never lie. but you see that paul manafort even ob few skated in our film in that clip. in 30 seconds. he was either put on by roger stone or not. and paul manafort s family is wrapped up in this too. he expressed to us great affection for his family. his daughter is a film maker like us. when the heat is on rgs it s hard to guess what decisions will be made. his children were living in some of those multimillion dollar apartments he might have been buying with his ill gotten gains. this is going to get interesting. good luck. oz car buzz. i hope you guys get the award.
up next, the wild crazy governor s race in virginia. stay with us. our recent online sales success seems a little. strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they re affordable and fast. maybe too affordable and fast. what if. people aren t buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name.
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the virginia governor s contest is one of the first gubernatorial races since trump was elected. without a doubt he s had an impact on how both candidates are campaigning. with my moderate to severe crohn s disease i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me. managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor, i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease even after trying other medications. in clinical studies, the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who s mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what s political and start doing what s right. our country depends on it. ms-13 is a mess. raffle northham increased the threat of ms-13. his policies are dangerous. i m ed gillespie, candidate for governor. i sponsored this ad for a safer, stronger virginia. the ad you just heard is from the campaign of ed gillespie.
he s facing off against democratic lieutenant governor ralph northam. northam has a narrow 1.2 percentage point lead over gillespie. gilless s ads seem to be working. let s talk a little bit about these ads. we know that gillespie has hire add former trump staffer who worked trump s virginia campaign, actually the field director for the campaign. with that field director in tow, ed gillespie has sharpened the distinctions and running ads that really do push up against
issues of race. i want to play the first ad that the latino victory fund has ran. here s the latino victory fund ad. run, run, run! is this what donald trump and ed gillespie mean by the american dream? so that ad was pulled on tuesday after a terrorist attack in new york city that involved a pickup truck hitting people for real. now, this is the rebuttal ad from ed gillespie s campaign. it s kind of his closing argument ad as well. take a look. this new attack ad from a democratic group single most disgusting unfair
thing i ve ever seen. calling people that don t agree with you white supremacists is totally out of bounds. this assumes virginia voters are really stupid. ralph northam disdains us. those ads seem to be working. ed gillespie seems to be gaining with this argument that they just think you re deplorable. what do you think? i think i have a really queasy feeling in my stomach about this race. i m still cautiously optimistic that pause of the energy that we see on the left across the country, northam will still be able to pull this out. make no mistake. this looks a lot like trump and clinton. the republicans, we know what they stand for. it s these culture wars, race ichbl and tax cut racism and
cuts. people don t know where he stands on anything. he has tried to reinvent himself for this moment and it has led to tremendous lack of enthusiasm. so the gillespie play book has really worked in this case. i just hope that we can hold on. it s interesting. jason, you wrote a piece called conservatives shed white tears over political ads calling out ed gillespie s racist ads. you ve also had this weird thing happens where liberal groups have walked away from northam because he has dropped support for sanctuary cities. where ralph northam apparently put out campaign flyers that don t have his black running mate on them. what is going on in virginia? this is the thing. i want people to understand this. i m right next to virginia. i see some of the local ads. i talk to a lot of people on the campaigns. the demographics suggest ralph
northam probably squeaks out a win. the larger issue is this. if he does lose, it s not necessarily because ed gillespie has managed to stap boo the dna of bigots in virginia. leaving fairfax off of campaign literature, that angered a lot of the enthusiastic supporters of justin fairfax. coming out five days before an election and saying i m not in favor of sanctuary cities, there are no sanctuary cities in virginia. he didn t need to step into that. ralph has allowed gillespie to control the narrative. i think it s also because of ms-13. this is a local race. there s something that you will recall, joel, from the campaign that you worked on. the bots have arrived in virginia.
twitter bots swarm into the virginia governor s race promoting chatter about a racially charged ad buy days before the report. the reaction has been amplified by automated bot accounts. out of the 15 accounts tweeted most tweektly, 13 of the 15 belong to fully or partially automated bots. now we have that activity transferred into a local race. right. the danger here is we ve ignored what happened in the presidential race to an extent with a president who seems to want to live in this fiction that russians didn t meddle with our elections. they did. his campaign colluded with them. the threat was they would do it over and over again in other democrats and now it could be happening at a state level. when bots are engaged, you know there are some nefarious players involved. what s happening on the ground in virginia is what strikes me about it from afar, that northam
has let gillespie control the final week of the conversation, not a great place to be. you always expect it to be tight. historically, if you look at the states that have governor s races the year after a presidential, new jersey and virginia, typically they have elected a person from the party that didn t win the presidential race. that being said, there is dissatisfaction on both sides. you ve got people like he s pandering to racism and neo confederates. virginia is a moderate state. at the end of the day i think northam may squeeze out a close race here. we are not going to know at 9:00 where this thing stands. crystal you ran for office in virginia. you know the state well.
are the democrats making a mistake by chasing after the virginia suburbs and thinking they can get suburb ban white women rather than scooping up the base? i think that they need to stand for something. think about the fact that bernie sanders, probably the furthest to the left politician in the democratic party, is also the most popular politician in the democratic party not because he s so far to the left, but because he stands for something. that s the problem. we continue to run these candidates. who people think that they re full of it. they don t trust what they re saying. so it doesn t resonate with anyone, with the base, with white sban women. it doesn t resonate with anyone. hillary clinton did win virginia by the way and she won by appealing to sban white women also. tim kaine did that when he won the governor s race in virginia.
i think democrats do well when they can speak to their core constituencies, the part of the base of the party that s active but also appeal to some of the suburban voters. charlottesville took place obviously in virginia. think does the monument thing wind up helping elect gillespie? if gillespie gets elected, it s northam s race to lose. i still think he s in the lead. if you re in some of these suburban towns in virginia, you re not necessarily worried about the monuments. you re worried about the ads that gillespie ran that says northam wants to give guns to pedophiles. he literally said that. some of the press that you re seeing nationally is not what people are seeing in different parts of the state.
that s why this becomes an issue of the ground game. when you have mistakes like northam has made you re alienating your base right before the election. if you look at the primaries, the democrats should probably win, but if they win it will be in spite of mistakes. do you think if gillespie is able to win this way, he s pretending to be this sort of defender of the kefs. does that wind of spraeting to the whole gop? absolutely. gillespie is a numbers guy. i m sure they re looking at numbers that are telling them this is the way to go. it s a little bit unusual, but this is where the energy is in the republican party. they draw the democrats into these cultural battles rather than focusing on pocketbook issues. and it s working. is that a depressing
diagnosis of the republican party going forward? i think long-term the consequencings for this for the republican party are not to be underestimated. i think they will pay a price for this. it s not where the country is. we re becoming more diverse, not less diverse. it will divide us. it will harm us. but long-term trends in this country are behind where this country is going. we have to do a better job as democrats about winning on election day. i think we have more opportunities where we can win and we can t squander them. hopefully tuesday we ll win the dwofr s races in new jersey and virginia. i think virginia is going to be particularly important because it is a swing state. it s a swing state where you would give ed gillespie and his trumpy friends the ability to redistrict and draw the gerrymandering lines.
obviously the demographics are only going in one direction. even if short-term this is working for the republican party, this is sort of a goldwater moment for the party in terms of where it has placed itself on the spectrum in terms of race and democracy. if you can win a gubernatorial election, i think we should all be looking for passports. that s a very very bad sign. i think the virginia voters are smarter than that. we can t forget, new jersey is about to sweep out everybody with an r in their name. that was a state that chris christie dominated for years both. i don t think a gillespie win means everyone is going to be running around in a confederate flag. i we ve got to be careful of
presuming this is a trend as opposed to what might be local. up next, bishop william barber joins us for your moral moment in a challenge to the religious right. for your heart. your joints. or your digestion. so why wouldn t you take something for the most important part of you. your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish,
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the evangelical institution and its president, jerry falwell jr. have been prominent supporters, even inviting trump to speak at this year s commencement. now a group of progressive clergy are taking on the university and its mixing of faith and conservative politics. in an open letter to falwell, barber challenges him to a debate and contends we contend that the greatest threat to christianity is that our lord s gospel will be confused with white supremacy. you and others who see the tr p trump we have reached out but not heard back. joining me is bishop william barber. bishop barber, this started great to talk to you, as always. this started with the expulsion of a clergyman, right? of a pastor from liberty university. can you quickly explain? actually it was a prominent christian author named jonathan
martin and a critic of the trump administration on theological and the basis of the gospel who was taken off the campus. he had been invited on. and told that he would be arrested for trespassing if he returned. wow. and so martin, according to npr, said that he was photographed, told by liberty university police that he would be immediately arrested if he stepped foot on the property ever again. he s been a frequent critic of donald trump and falwell jr. falwell s response said that martin called the university one of the most hostile environments to the gospel in the u.s. i assume martin is a globalist. we understand that is upsetting to leftist leaning and progressive christians to see so many evangelicals supporting donald trump but many believe evangelicals are among the forgotten men and women in this country who voted for change in 2016. that kind of sounds like steve bannon, globalist. what is that about? it actually is a threat to the gospel because it s not the
gospel. falwell joining others like franklin graham and jeffers and tony perkins have actually said that donald trump is the dream president, even though his policies are a nightmare to the very people the gospel lift up that we should be concerned about as a nation, the poor, the sick, creating tax problems that hurt the least of these. it s a nightmare and contrary to the gospel. and falwell and others know they really can t stand the critique. in fact recently falwell was reported as teaming up with steve bannon, the white nationalist, to expose fake republicans. well, white evangelicalism, not evangelicalism, not i m an evangelical. i tell people i m a conservative theologically liberal evangelical. but he s trying to connect this trying to connect the gospel to white nationalism is as old as the slave masters religion that promoted slavery. this is like the slave masters
religion in the 21st century. what they re afraid of is they re so much against first of all, the 2500 scriptures that you hardly ever hear them talk about that talk about our deepest moral principles. scholarship is against them. francis fitzgerald shows how falwell and his like are losing among millenials. and then soon chandra has written a book that has done demographics and shown without african-americans and immigrants, white evangelicalism as a theology is dying. to say white evangelicalism or conservative evangelicalism and then try to suggest the policies line up with the gospel when they really do not. and you ve had jerry falwell jr. tweet finally a leader in the white house about donald trump, jobs returning, north korea backing down, et cetera. in an interview with last saturday, he said that he thinks the leadership. republican party should go and that trump, if they do, trump will be the greatest president since abraham lincoln, which is interesting. paul ryan, who has battled with his own church, he is a catholic, on these issues of cutting taxes for the rich and cutting programs for the poor will be selling that on fox news tomorrow. do you challenge paul ryan on his theology, because he claims to be a very grounded catholic. deeply, deeply. now, you ve always had persons that would attempt to make religion fit the goals of oppression. that s not new. it s as old as the magicians of pharaoh against moses, it s as old as the false profphets against the real prophets. it s as old as ministers who took on dr. king. but listen, the bible actually said, this is the one scripture in ezekial 22. your politicians have become
like wolves when you attack the poor and you have preachers covering up for the politicians. falwell and others are covering up. we re ready for a debate when they re ready to have it. let us know if they agree to that debate. that would be terrific and we may host it on this show. so reverend falwell, if you d like to debate bishop barber, we d appreciate it. a.m. joy is back tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern. please stay with msnbc for the latest.

All , Donald-trump-jr , Person , Stay , He-drnt-wadidn-t , Couldnt-ihe-couldn-ting , Fire-bob-mueller , Democratic-national-committee , Papadopoulous , Gentleman , Team , Charge

Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 20180130 01:45:00

developers in many games their depictions are highly sexualized but women in the industry are working to change that. the role of women in computer games according to prevalent stereotypes in the male dominated scene they just walk around in a revealing clothing bleep and fight their way to victory the stereotypes were on display at the dream house convention in like. the computer game festival host germany s la just black and old local area network. women make up only a small chunk of the seventeen hundred players and they re critical of the reductive depictions in games. yes except i d say sex sells big breasts big. says it does if that s not an accurate depiction of women i can identify with that at all i think it s nice when you can look at a woman s face and see some. relatable it does it would be nice if women weren t
three d. adventure game life is strange. that these advances are a consequence of game against issues have been hotly debated under this hashtag for years one provocative question how six is the gaming industry and must change one goal of the game design department at the college of technology and economics in berlin is to get more women into the gaming industry itself the fact is that women play games therefore women can also make games and they should in order to reach a female audience. here conceptualizing games is a combination of design and technology the students load all the necessary aspects of gaming development from the design of a game character by hand to the programming of the software forty students are trained each year and half of them a women. of our students are in demand employers say we d
really like to have one of your female graduates because we ve noticed they can produce better products here is somebody who has empathy who knows what s required has the technical know how and can apply it to someone who can develop concepts brings these skills with them and can sensitize their colleagues. i understand you ve. got to believe in game development company would go one third of their approximately two hundred thirty workers a women rebecca how we created the game june s journey which features a strong heroine these relaxing casual games are often played on phones and a quite popular among women. bringing in more people who can speak to different experiences that can speak to the experiences of people of color speaking experience. you get more diversity of stories i think it s already happening.
in particularly in the indie space where a lot of creators are empowered to tell very personal very specific stories using the medium of. hopefully it s only a matter of time before the diversity of lad increases to. shift. and now the shift from ranking twenty seventeen s most valuable digital startups. fifth place space x. the american aerospace manufacturer and space transport company launched with a net worth of seventeen point two billion euros according to recent information. must get his partners supply the international space station their next goal the colonization of mars. fourth place. the
multi-faceted online community love sharing including lodging that ranges from tree houses to stylish apartments the american peer to peer mining platform has tallied up a net worth of twenty five point four billion euros not too shabby. third place shalmi the chinese electronics company sells smart phones for low prices and owns much of its success to its charismatic c.e.o. the company is worth thirty seven point six billion euros and the headquarters to boot. second place. the online ride sharing service is setting out to expand internationally but whoever wants to buy it will have to hand over forty point nine billion euros any takers. coming in at number one is the american transportation provider for this ride sharing service is worth about fifty five point six billion euros and it offers reliable transport to people from all walks of life. that was the ship ranking and now telephone scammers fake
microsoft employees are targeting p.c. users worldwide claiming computers are in danger they offer maintenance software as a solution their goal to acquire valuable data from users and their money. tenure got a ling usually cool. and. a man explained to her in english that he worked for microsoft he warned her that it just that moment her computer was being hacked and all her daughter was in danger to stop the hackers he said she should give him access to her p.c. . to be sure that he really works for microsoft i looked at the number where did this call come from there was nothing suspicious about it when i said i m sorry when he said he could provide me with the proof on the computer i was convinced that the call was authentic. she then downloaded remote maintenance software so the caller could log into the
computer from a file you located various pop up warnings and fake viruses were moved before her eyes but the positive impression didn t last long. and i did at that moment the hacker has full access to the system you can move the mouse see what they have on their monitors and type in commands that makes it impossible for the victim to know if the perpetrator is making harmful commands installing trojans or something similar they believe that computers are merely being maintained and i think. finally tenure was asked to pay for the saving of her daughter via credit card. she was skeptical she disconnected the. but it was too late her monitor was black and nothing worked anymore by that point the hacker could have stolen all of her most important data when you re there to move you on he had the chance to see
and no short and sweet this should snapshot of. what s going on here a fish swimming between shelves. and invasion of gigantic spiders. and a skeleton dancing around costumes. don t worry these are hallucinations they re animated clips by burning man the parts the artist from the philippines works in los angeles as a visual effects specialist. in his free time he lets his imagination run wild on instagram there he transforms into a super mario. or sends a whale floating through the air. his more than one hundred thousand followers on instagram or regularly death. he sometimes works three days straight on his three d. cartoons. no worries for energy you can have a donut. i m going to shift snapshot.
as always we leap ship through the exit our internet find of the week this time cell phone elves. what does daily life inside smartphones look like. what really happens when the alarm clock goes off. the clip we are watching you provides a unique answer living chips and bytes inside of smart phones operate them and the little helpers are kept on their toes. the comedic short film was created by up and coming german filmmaker flowing on hoffman the nineteen year old has already cleaned up awards with his short now we finally know who s responsible for our texting mistakes.
and next time on shift. in nature it s usually only the birds that tweet thanks to belgian researchers trees are tweeting out today they re connected to sensors with the goal of better understanding climate change tweeting for science next week on shift. pick up linda s legal highlights limit clue turn around by immunity go from being to goes down to florida she called simplified live remarkable debut under new coach come back pick up the
first point to the media against like cylinder. dilemma every journey begins with the first step and every language the first word put in the book. nico is in germany to learn german why not learn a simple online on your mobile and free themselves from the w z e l. and in course the calls fish german made easy. are you up to speed on the latest technology. know when it may be time for an upgrade if becoming part of the future. become a cyborg seeming like i must say working so i ve dreamed of a new sense and a new organ and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my you can see on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively.
i hope to this would make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg it was music so at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what do you think will happen society does this human race movement need an upgrade i think it s only the beginning of this cyber wars human machines starting february first on t w. humans love interactive sometimes you don t have a if you re a bot will provide that s great they re going to replace people in manufacturing they re going to replace doctors and lawyers they re going to replace people in jobs you wouldn t think that if all the work is being done by machines what humans do they try and keep getting better and better education and taking more and more advanced jobs or do they end up doing other things making art having social
interaction with each other are we going to have enough humanity to make it possible for everyone or some people going to say i want everything and the rest you guys have to be poor and die that allows individuals to discover their new reality they have to learn a new meaning for life and new things to do that s a social revolution that hopefully we can move too slowly. i ve told you the f.b.i. is deputy director andrew mccabe has abruptly resigned from his post several months ahead of his planned retirement in march mccabe has been the target of frequent criticism by president trump who accused him of bias against him and in favor of his twenty sixteen democratic opponent hillary clinton. german carmakers

Women , Industry , Role , Stereotypes , Scene , Computer-games , Way , Victory , Clothing , Display , Bleep , Dream-house-convention

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live 20180728 21:00:00

that s it for me. i m gigi stone woods. the news continues right now with my colleague, david, who s been tweeting this whole hour constantly. thank you very much. great to see you. good afternoon, i m david gura at msnbc headquarters in new york. we start this hour with president trump who is spending the weekend at his golf resort in bedminster, new jersey. the president ending his week touting friday s economic numbers. second-quarter gdp growth of 4.1%, that is the fastest pace since 2014. he s not been able to change the subject, avoiding all questions about the latest revelations from his former personal attorney michael cohen who nbc news reports is prepared to tell investigators that president trump had prior knowledge of that now-infamous june, 2016,
view that meeting differently perhaps in light of what we heard on that tape, in light of what we ve learned this week. cnn reporting, other outlets following here, that michael cohen is willing to testify that donald trump did know about this meeting before it took place here. we re talking about a potentially very birthday on tthe very pivotal period of two, three months in the summer of 2016? that s right. and if this is true, then michael cohen witnessed something and will testify to that effect, then of course that would be tremendously important. it would link the president personally to the meeting which in which his son was promised dirt from the russian government and responded eagerly, if it s what you say, i love it, in an attempt at collusion if nothing else. i think, though, that i m a bit cautious about this particular one. i know that cnn reported it and a few others followed. notice that no one on the record is reporting it. and unless and until it comes out on the record from mr. cohen or his lawyer, i m wondering
whether this is real or is this a flirtation with mueller trying to get some kind of interest in terms of maybe he ll cooperate and make his problems in the southern district of new york go away. there s a lot of question marks hanging over whether this particular thing is concrete yet. betsy, i want to get your reaction to the way the president has reacted to the reporting about what michael cohen might or might not say here. we looked at that tweet a few minutes ago. he doesn t call out lanny davis by name. he doesn t mention michael cohen by name, as well. we see him as the taxicab medallion pedlar, something like that. you ve written about this for the daily beast. give me a sense of what that indicates to you, the way that the president is engaging with the story. sources told my colleague and me earlier this week that as the president was watching this news unfold late one evening on cable, he hurled obscenities at the television. he was deeply frustrated with the revelation that michael cohen may potentially make this claim to robert mueller.
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this is this is coming to a head really. as mr. cohen is going to, you know, possibly testify before, you know, mr. mueller. and it s a very interesting time, though. charlie, how did you process hearing that tape? what did you think when you heard it for the first time in the day since it aired? you ve had the president s team casting aaspersions on it sayin it ends abruptly, making the semantic argument that cash might not mean green currency and the like. what was your reaction to hearing the tape, and how did it change the story for you? well, i mean, the tape itself is pretty difficult to make out and garbled. the thing that struck me about it was that transcript of sorts that the president s team was floating before we add the actual audio was different than what we heard on the tape. they were sort of adding a few words here and there to make it sounds better surrounding that word cash, than my ears at least were able to detect. i think most normal humans were
able to detect. and that, if nothing else, is a sign of suspicion that they felt the need to do that. and also a little bit weird because the tape existed, so it was going to come out. so why why do something where you re so obviously going to get caught? that s the takeaway i had from it. i want to spend the last couple of minutes talking about the relationship so much as there is one here between the president and the guy who was his lawyer for such a long time, and betsy, your piece has a great headline alluding to the fact that the president s legal team want to bury michael cohen at this point. we ve talked in weeks past about the screws being turned on michael cohen. what s happened to the relationship this week? what s your sense of michael cohen s thinking at this point from what you ve heard from i guess mostly from lanny davis with regard to the picture that we ve seen painted here of michael cohen today, what he intends to do, what he suggested might happen in the future? the relationship is toast. it s done. it s not ever going to be fixed. these two men are never going to be friends again, never going to have any sort of cordial bond.
at least that s the assumption under which michael cohen is operating. he is making peace with the fact that this man who used to have a central, almost defining role in his life, this man he spent years and years working for, defending, even in some ways jeopardizing his reputation to protect, that this relationship, this co-relationship is no longer exsistent. in fact, the president has completely turned on him. the two men are going from being a loyal and committed to pair to being almost out to get each other. another thing that cohen and his allies are preparing for is for the onslaught of attacks that he s going to receive from people in the president s circle. we don t expect the attacks to come from the white house per se because that would affect their, i don t know, credibility, i guess. people in rudolph giuliani s circles, allies of the president, are going to be going after cohen. his credibility is a liability to them. all right. betsy, kurt is, charlie, thanks to all of you, appreciate it. still ahead, the summer of 2016, who knew about that trump
tower meeting? the legal complication says for anyone who decided to keep it a secret and contempt or impeachment? house republicans trying to make the case to oust the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. weighing in next. (vo) why are subaru outback owners always smiling? because they ve chosen the industry leader. subaru outback holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class, according to alg. better than rav4. better than grand cherokee. better than edge. make every adventure a happy one with subaru outback. get 0% apr financing on the 2018 subaru outback.
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and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. do you think rod rosenstein committed a high crime, a misdemeanor? it is more on those who are in political power and have either not responded in a
supervisory and satisfactory mode, so yes, i do believe that. that was house caucus chairman mark meadows who s leading the efforts to impeach deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. rosenstein who oversees the mueller investigation who has under fire by house conservatives who accuse him of stonewalling on their requests for documents related to the fbi s handling of hillary clinton e-mails and the agency s use of fisa warrants. members of the freedom caucus say they will give the fbi until september to turn over documents, but democrats are calling the move nothing more than an effort to undermine robert mueller. congressman jeffries who sits on the house judiciary committee also weighed in tweeting, republican cover-up caucus introduced articles of impeachment against deputy attorney general. take a hike. congressman jeffries of the eighth district here in new york joins me now on set. let me get your reaction to this. this dropped over these last few days. you re in recess now, the district work period. pick what you want to call it. have cooler heads prevailed? how serious do you think your
more conservative colleagues on the republican side are about the effort? it remains to be seen. the speaker of the house, paul ryan, indicated that these charges in no way rose to the serious level of high crimes and misdemeanors. i think the view amongst all of us on the hill, democrats, and hopefully reasonably minded republicans, is that these articles of impeachment are not worth the paper that they re written on. and it exposes the great hypocrisy of the republican party. they ve claimed for years that they are party of the rule of law. yet they have regularly supported a president who has gone after the fbi, gone after the special prosecutor, gone after career law enforcement officials, and now they ve put forth articles of impeachment against the republican-appointed deputy attorney general for nothing short of his alleged failure to turn over documents. are you kidding me? when we have a president of the united states whose campaign possibly engaged in a criminal conspiracy with russian spies to
sell out our democracy and undermine the elections in 2016 and artificially place someone at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. yet the so-called cover-up caucus has nothing to say about that? but they want to impeach rod rosenstein on documents. it s just it s a joke. you mentioned that the house speaker addressed this. listen to what paul ryan had to say about conservatives in his caucus. do i support impeachment of rod rosenstein? no, i do not. since i ve been involved, i ve been getting a lot of compliance from doj on the document requests. we do not have full compliance, and we have to get full compliance. but we ve been making tremendous progress to that point. congressman jeffries, let s going back let s go back to the hearing where the deputy attorney general testified. this came up, he defended himself, defended his department vid video sis vociferously.
how out-of-step was it with paul ryan and the rest of the republican party? he s trying to distract from the ongoing serious criminal investigation into the trump campaign and try and create this fantasy and fiction and fallacy that this legitimate investigation is a witch hunt. what perplexes me about that whole argument is that every single person involved in the alleged witch hunt is a republican. james comey, who started the criminal investigation back in 2016, is a republican. rod rosenstein, who s overseeing the current investigation, republican. christopher wray, current fbi director, appointed by donald trump, republican. and of course, bob mueller is a long-standing republican who was incredibly well respected coming into the appointment and has served his country. this is all just a charade, a kangaroo court. it is a three-ring circus that is designed to distract. we as democrats are going to keep our eye on the prize. we re going to call it what it
is but then focus on governing for the people to make life better for everyday americans, not for the wealthy and the well off, special interests, mega corporations, big donors. before he left for new jersey for the weekend, president trump spoke on the south lawn of the white house. he talked about the economy. he talked about trade. he talked about the recent gdp read. and it became clear that that s going to be what he s going to be campaigning on as we head to november. you re going to be out in the streets in brooklyn, elsewhere, in new york campaigning for democrats. i want to ask about this issue in particular you re going to keep your eye on the prize and all that entails when you look at the democrats plan. what s your sense to the degree which voters care about this issue, about the russia investigation, you talk about letting it play its course, run its course, and is that something you hear from constituents that they want that to happen? how much is this front of mine from those you re talking about in prospect heights or elsewhere in new york state? one of the reasons democrats have indicated in our conversations with the american people that we re going to be focused on pocketbook issues is
because we know when we re out talking to our constituents that they care about things like the health care costs that are skyrocketing out of control and that the republicans are making worse, not better, as a result of the attacks on the affordable care act. we re going to work to drive down health care costs, strengthen the affordable care act, and dramatically reduce the cost of prescription drugs which we hear from our constituents all across the country. we have a crumbling infrastructure, and what we re going to do is rebuild america. and that will create 16 million good-paying jobs. we have a trillion-dollar plan. the republicans have a fake plan. it will increase pay for those involved. and repairing crumbling roads, bridges, mass transportation system and ports. we re also hearing from our constituents that they want us to do something about cleaning up corruption in washington so that government works for them, not for the privileged few. and so that s what we re going to be focused on as part of our for the people agenda, not for the privileged, for the people.
congresswoman, great to see you. thank you. hakeem jeffries from new york. editor-in-chief of law fair, and senior fellow at the brookings institution joining us, and former cia analyst. ben, let me start with and the debate that s been raging on in law fair, debate, ink has been spilled over the issue of impeachment and rod rosenstein. want to get your perspective on what we ve seen from more conservative members of the caucus. your sense of the potential longevity of this argument after we had this august recess. well, i mean, they are clearly very committed to putting a lot of pressure on rod rosenstein. and impeachment is one, you know, threat that they can wield in order to do that. another one is contempt. of course another one is just the endless blizzard of subpoenas and document requests that then fuel all of the other
threats. it s absurd, quite ridiculous. it s very dangerous because the you know, there simply has never been a time before when congress has demanded this kind of information in this volume about pending investigations. that said, they re not going to impeach rod rosenstein. so the specific threat is a bit silly. nada, i want to get your perspective, as well. we ve heard from the president and his advisers, attacks on the fbi, on the justice department. is this advancing that? is this taking that to a new level when you have members of congress here raising the specter of impeachment? absolutely. i think that it is. when you listen to what ben had just said, this does take it to a whole new level. when you look at how devin nunez had treated the information, intelligence, when he wrote his infamous memo, he politicized everything to fit his narrative.
i think it s a valid argument that we would be concerned that this group of lawmakers would be doing the same thing. and it s extremely dangerous when lawmakers take intelligence and then use it and spin it to support their own case because what it does, it distorts the facts. it can also expose sources and methods. that s also a very real concern. ben, there was a piece in the new york times by michael schmidt, focusing on robert mueller s investigation, what he might be looking into, looking at the tweets of the president. this was something that donald trump responded to. we can talk a bit about the way that the president has reacted to reports in the news over the course of the last week. let me read this one tweet in particular, he said, the only collusion with russia was with the democrats. now they re looking at my tweets along with 53 million other people, whatever that means. the witch hunt continues. how stupid and unfair to our country. so the fake news doesn t waste my time with dumb questions, he continues a second tweet, no, i did not know of the meeting of son, don jr. sounds like someone is try igto make up stories in order to get
himself out of an unrelated jam. taxi cabs, maybe he even retained bill and crooked hillary s lawyer. gee, i wonder if they helped him make the choice. we ll take the tweets in kind starting with the first one here. the interest in the tweets. what we can learn about the president and his thinking from his 140, 280-character tweets over the last two years. we can learn a lot. we can learn that he s a very focused thinker who s clear about what he s trying to say, right. and who s always on message. what to make of those tweets. you had me for about five seconds. yeah. coherence is not the the strong suit. look, i mean, bob mueller of course will look at the tweets. this is one of the principal means by which the president is signaling things including to people who are involved in the investigation. so if you re thinking about the pattern of activity that the president is engaged in and how
that interacts with the obstruction of justice statutes, you re looking at the whole pattern of activity, and one thing that involves is private statements to individuals. one thing that it involves is acts like, you know, firing the fbi director. one thing it involves is public statements like, you know, helping draft the the denial of the trump trump tower meeting, right. and a lot of the president s public statements are in the form of tweets. so it will of course bob mueller is looking at that. nada, last question. they re invoking the trump tower meeting of 2016. again, we re talking about it because of the reports this week that michael cohen reportedly is willing to testify that president trump, then-candidate trump, knew about the existence of the meeting before it happened, contradicting what we ve heard from his son and others. give me a sense of your interest in the meeting. we know who the participants are. a lot of them have spoken to reporters over the last again months. how much of a focus do you think
this deserves? what happened in that meeting, and who knew about it when? well, if you slice and dice this looking at it from an intelligence analyst s perspective, you look at the collection of meetings and the contacts and the enmeshment that trump has had or his businesses had with russia. i think this meeting in that context is fairly significant, especially if you take it with the e-mail that trump jr. received and responded to about maybe having salacious information on hillary clinton. i think in total it adds to the picture. and there s one thing i d like to say about the tweets. sure. you know, from an intelligence perspective, there s analysts in russia look at how donald trump communicates. they re writing up intelligence reports, probably matching it with how does this line up with the russian narrative on various topics. there s january lifts working in analysts working in allied countries of ours also doing the same thing, wondering how much of this is lining up with
russia s talking points. so yes, all of america s reading those tweets. the rest of the world is also reading those tweets. great to speak with you. thank you very much. dave joining me along with ben, appreciate the time both of you. president trump says the white house has a zero-tolerance policy for foreign interference in our elections. what about russia? and 19 months later, what is the strategy for dealing with interference? we investigate what s not being done to stop a russian repeat for the upcoming midterm elections. i thought i married an italian. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian
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sustainable organization we can be. any time you help a customer, it s a really good feeling. it s especially so when it s a customer that s doing such good and important work for the environment. together, we re building a better california. with could back. i m david guru. a month before the 2016 election, the department of homeland security said for the first time it was confident the russian government directed cyber attacks to interfere with u.s. elections. just before president trump s inauguration, u.s. intelligence officials briefed then-president obama and president-elect trump on investigations concluding vladimir putin personally ordered an influence campaign to harm hillary clinton and to help donald trump. the justice department has since issued indictments against 12 russian intelligence suspects. on friday president trump held his first meeting on safeguarding elections. how will the administration ensure the integrity of the upcoming midterms?
nbc s intelligence and national security reporter ken delanian has been looking at the answers. i want to read a statement focused focused on interference saying the president has made it clear his administration will not tolerate foreign interference in our elections. as you ve pointed out in your reporting, members of the president s cabinet focused on national security have said there is a need for there to be a central, unified effort to stop this from happening again. it doesn t seem like we got that yesterday. where does that stand? where does an effort to have a full-scale government response stand? there isn t such a response, david. that statement is really interesting. it s not clear to me to whom the president has made his view clair on this. he hasn t even been clear on whether he believes russia, in fact, interfered in the 2016 election. he s called it a home at different times. his press secretary has had to clean that up. look, some parts of the government are stepping up their game. the fbi has created a foreign influence task force. the department of homeland security is working with the
states to shore up their cyber defenses. but there has been no leadership from the white house. and here s the thing i mean, we can have all the cyber defenses in the world, but there s no way that that can prevent 100% russian military hackers from getting in somebody s campaign or getting in a voting system. they re very good, and they will get in. so what experts say is you have to deter the russians, you have to show that there s a price to be paid for this behavior. so far, the u.s. government hasn t done that. now in fairness, many people say the obama administration didn t do it either. the response to russian hacking by obama was considered pretty tepid. he expelled 60 diplomats. he closed some compounds. there were people in the obama administration pushing to do more. for example, the u.s. could release embarrassing information about vladimir putin s corrupt billions that he has stashed away in bank accounts. there s no evidence that we ve done that. and as a result, you know, the director of national intelligence, dan coates, has said that the russians are in a daily on a daily basis continuing to interfere in our politics, manipulating social
media, spewing propaganda, and we saw that they tried to hack claire mccaskill s senate account the other day. so suggesting that they re not deterred from doing exactly what they did in 2016, david. we are just about 100 days away from the midterm elections. and we certainly heard dan coates saying that the lights are blaring, sirens are flashing, whatever it was he used. as we head into the midterms, what are you hearing about what we might face? off you ve heard you ve heard of active deterrence, what are experts fearing most when it comes to the elections? despite the fact we saw attempted spear fishing against senator claire mccaskill, most u.s. intelligence officials are saying they are not seeing the kind of preparing the groundwork for attacks on election systems. what they are seeing, though, is bot and trolls on twitter manipulating u.s. public opinion on a daily basis. it s hard to measure how that will impact the electorate.
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so we ve agreed that it will be after the first of the year. bold prediction there from john bolton. for more on this is democratic strategist, former executive director of the new york state democratic party. also with me, republican strategist and msnbc political analyst. let s start with these articles of impeachment, susan. i ll play tape, folks from government reacting to what was proposed by congressman mark meadows and his colleagues. my deputy, rod rosenstein, is highly capable. i have the highest confidence in him. do i support impeachment of rod rosenstein? no, i do not. there s absolutely no basis to impeach rod rosenstein. it s an absurd idea, but it s designed to diminish the credibility of the justice department and undermine the mueller investigation, cause public doubts to be had, and it will cause long-term damage, but they don t care. you heard the house speaker there in the middle. two republicans and adent out of and a democrat, schiff,
there. how specific are you to what paul ryan is saying, he s trying to keep his caucus together? is this the hill i don t want to say that republicans die on, but is this a fight they should be dying on? this was a p.r. stunt. that s all it was. it was mark meadows and 20 of his colleagues in the house trying to give a nice present to donald trump, maybe they re auditioning, they want cabinet positions, who knows. it was not based in reality. we know it s not going to happen. they re on recess now for a month. it was important, not only was it two republicans and one democrat, but it was also rosenstein s boss. maybe it s wise that there s more bipartisanship, why isn t more stuff happening out of congress? what does this say about that, the fact that these articles were drafted, they were tendered, this is where at least one faction of the republican
party is at this point? it says they re not doing much, right. and for whatever democrats may get blamed for it from president trump or others, the republicans control the house and the senate. so we can during our recess talk to constituents and say, look, congress is not about infrastructure, which we talked about a year ago, but haven t talked about since. they re not about the working class or farmers, which we ve seen over the last couple of weeks. they re about impeaching someone over documents as congressman jeffries has said. and i will take something that congressman jerry nadler also said, he said that rosenstein is the only person sort of standing in between overreach of the preside president. that is a very, very talking point for voters in the next couple of weeks because they re starting to see sort of, i think, a president i hate to quote omarosa s book yes to answer that, one of the
reasons many things didn t get done in the house that they couldn t have support is because of the 20, 25 freedom caucus members who wanted to get in the way of everything. that goes to speaker ryan s leadership potentially, but you know, these are the same people who are now coming up with that absurd plan to try and true, leadership coming to an end, as well. the question of what s next is there, as well. let me ask you about the second topic, that is we heard john bolton saying he thinks that the next summit, the sequel to the helsinki summit, should take place maybe in 2019 after the witch hunt ends, as he sees it ending. we saw the reaction to that summit across the aisle. many republicans were highly critical of the president going to helsinki, having the meeting one on one without the presence of anyone else, critical of the comments he made afterward. we re talking about whether or not republicans should be having the fight over the impeachment of rod rosenstein. how about the president s insistence that these meetings continue between him and vladimir putin? how is that resonating do you think with the republican electorate? not very well. let s not forget the reason why
that meeting came up and the president brought it up through bolton was because dan koetcoat was giving an interview, and it wasn t necessarily what the president wanted to hear. his sorry, his intelligence secretary. yeah, d&i. d&i. so donald trump just kind of threw it out there like he does many times. and that s what the real problems we re facing now is we don t know what policy is. these meetings, so what if they meet, we don t know what policy s going to come out of it. that s what s particularly frightening for the country, and i think republicans are pushing back on. they push back so hard on that impromptu meeting that it caused the white house to come out again and say, oh, no, we re going to wait until after january which is code for saying we re waiting until after the midterm elections are over. and basil, a lot of people thought the president was played by his russian counterpart. you had vladimir putin going before cameras saying not only
would i wait going to washington, but president trump is welcome here if the circumstances are right. what does that say about, i guess, president trump s engagement with the issue but the degree that which you have a russian president who s making hay out of all this? i would say that the president is not the dealmaker that he told us he was a daleal breaker. a deal breaker. i grew up in the bronx, and we don t get do-overs. he wants a do-over with the russian president. it can t happen , it shant happen. it shouldn t happen. this something, again, democrats will take to constituents, independents, and republicans. this is against decades of republican dogma what the president is doing. hopefully we can capitalize on that. great to say you both. thank you very much for the time on this saturday. the deadline has passed for more than 600 migrant children still in government custody. after the break, the challenge to reunite those children with their families.
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1,000 of them could face immediate deportation. 600 have been released under supervision. 392 are still detained and being held in i.c.e. custody. that still leaves 650 children the government deems ineligible for reunification because their parents have already been deported. i want to bring in my panel now. victoria is an msnbc contributor and professor at the lbj school of public affairs at the university of texas. jose, let me start with you. you re a lawyer in private practice here. you have made that journey to the border many times now. you have clients who are down there. what s the status of them? after passing that deadline yesterday, a lot of people are wondering how things are and what s next. gratefully, for 20 of my clients, i represent approximately 20 mothers. of the 20, only one mother remains there. she s absolutely anguished to still be there because she saw all of her fellow mothers being released and now she s the last one to be released.
we are trying so desperately to get her released and reunited with her children. unfortunately, as of today, she just called me this morning, she still is at the detention facility. victoria, i want to get your perspective on this as well, maybe more broadly looking at policy here. you had that judge out in san diego extending the deadline for this just a little bit. you saw the efforts that the government made to make this happen. what s your sense of where things stand at this point? how right the federal government has made this now that we ve hit the deadline. the number 650 is a pretty big number to me. those are the number of children who are still in limbo. about 400 parents have been deported or have left the country, and then you have about another 200 kids in detention who are deemed ineligible to be reunited with their family because the parents have a criminal record or for whatever reason and they re pending further examination. so 650. and the question is how are we going to reunify those children?
what is being done, both on the legal aspect, are we working with foreign governments to contact the parents that are in honduras and guatemala and el salvador and try to get them linked up? what are the bureaucratic mechanisms? that s the question for me. aside from the human and the moral question. every day that passes that these children are alone in detention centers, we are doing irreparable harm. so there s the bureaucratic and the human component to this number. jose, you ve been back and forth and i wonder how much things have changed. i want to read from that judge out in san diego. this problem cannot repeat. what was lost in the process was the family. there has to be a procedure or protocol in place. i recall jacob soboroff holding up that flowchart for what s supposed to happen for this to work. has it changed as you ve seen it? it has made some changes. these families, the ones that i represent have been reunited. however, it is absolutely
there is no that i can see any rhyme or reason. i ve spoken to several i.c.e. officials and they keep shifting me around. call this number, call this number. it s been so difficult. i really think that luckily for some of these women, they had someone advocating for them. unfortunately, there are hundreds of mothers that have no one to advocate for them. and i don t know what, if any, safeguards there are. for example, all of the mothers that were released from arizona were given a sheet of paper to sign and they were told you want to leave here? sign this paper. that paper was in english. i was given a copy of that paper and it s a lot of misleading language in there that s only in english. and there s no one there to tell them, to read them, okay, this is what this means. this is what this means. it s just they re signing blindly. some of them are signing documents that they have no business signing. waiving certain rights. i am scared that a lot of women who were deported were deported not knowing what rights, if any,
they had and they waived them away. now they re separated from their children and it s going to be extremely difficult to reunite little kids, some of them 5, 6, 7 years old, with a mother who is thousands and thousands of miles away in a foreign country. i m just going to read quickly from the aclu. they have asked the court to block any deportations for seven days after we are notified of reunification so that we can make sure families have the opportunity to meet with lawyers, are fully apprised of their options and can make the decision that is best for them. jose, thank you very much. victoria, my thanks to you as well. and that is it for me. i m david gura. join me tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. eastern time. all in with chris hayes is next. have a great night. insurance that won t replace
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Donald-trump-jr , Michael-cohen , Knowledge , Nbc-news , Questions , Investigators , Revelations , Subject , 2016 , June-2016 , Trump-tower-meeting , Tape

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20180806 19:00:00

A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
later we learned exactly the opposite. president trump s legal team wrote in a memo to the special counsel robert mueller and i quote: have you received all the notes, communications and testimony indicating that the president dictate add short but accurate response to the new york times article on behalf of his son donald trump jr. he dictated it sanders did not answer questions about how that could be that districted her original statement, which it did. instead she referred reporters to outside counsel. president trump s admission on twitter comes as legal team and special counsel robert mueller negotiate the terms of a possible sitdown between mueller and president trump our chief house correspondent john roberts is live this afternoon on the north lawn. hi, john. good afternoon to you. the president and white house staff keeps saying they like this mueller investigation to wrap up as quickly as possible president seems compel to send out tweets that keep this whole thing very much alive. we first learned about this july 8th of last year when
the new york times ran an article detailing that in june of 2016 donald trump jr. had met with the people that you talked about very first statement we got on that july the 8th said quote it was a short introductory meeting i asked jared and paul to stop by. we primarily program russian children active and popular with american families. then as the time line moves along the next day the explanation shifted a bit. after pleasantries were exchanged. the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to russia were funding the democratic national committee and supporting ms. clinton. her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. then two days later, another evolution the information they suggested they had about hillary clinton, i thought, was political opposition research. as you pointed out in that press conference with emmanuel macron in early july, the president acknowledge dollars that the meetined that themeeting was abn research. most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the
one don jr. attended in order to get information on an opponent, threes politics. you follow it along, shep, the time line of what we learned about what donald trump the president might have had in terms of his involvement in that. we are told he did not dictate that memo. then we are told that he weighed in and then finally rudy giuliani said that he did dictate the whole thing. while the president appeared to acknowledge a year ago that, in fact, this was a meeting about political opposition research, democrats found new reason to weigh in and say that the president has been incomplete in his explanations at the best and down right untrue about all of this at the worst. adam schiff, the ranking member on the house intelligence committee tweeting today quote the russians offered damaging info on your opponent. your campaign accepted and the russians delivered. you then mislead the country about the purpose of the trump tower meeting when it became public. now you say you didn t know in advance. none of of this is normal or
needs if they are going to prove a conspiracy charge against paul manafort. now, rick gates is also seen as critical because they do believe that he has the most intimate knowledge of his former business partner paul manafort s alleged financial crimes. the witness prior to gates, who is on the stand right now, former manafort accountant cindy laporta just testified now gates was the one sending her fraudulently drafted financial forms that would eventually serve the purpose of lowering paul manafort s tax bill. she also testified that some of the documents gates was sending her on manafort s behalf were basically laughably fake. she filed or submitted them anyway. including a tax return she said was so wrong she was disturbed by it. laporta was given immunity to testify. gates has not been. but he did decide to cooperated after he pled guilty to lying to the fbi. shep? shepard: are there more witnesses after gates or is this thing soon to wra wrap up
on the prosecution s side? we know the prosecution wants to wrap up at some point this week. we do not know if there is anybody after gates. this is essentially now the third major act of the manafort trial. act one would be last tuesday when the mueller team gets up and they allege that paul manafort lived a very lavish lifestyle and ostrich coats and flower beds snand an m for manafort. act 2 was when the nurl team brought a bookkeeper and two accountants to the stand to explain how and why the court was able to get away with it three the inside man rick gates is next. shep? shepard: peter doocy live at the courthouse. we will go back there for updates should be there. at this time a.b. stoddard is here and editor at real clear politics. good to he so you. good to see you, shep. shepard: rick gates, what might he provide? this is going to be dramatic no matter. what have you former friends and colleagues turning on each other. this used that doocy has
reported on that the manafort team is alleging that rick gates embezzled money and hid that from paul manafort and was on the take and as they say had his hands in the cookie jar. if the defense produces documentation of that and verification of that, that could muddy the waters in terms of the value of rick gates as a prosecuting witness. but from the testimony of the account at that particular time, the fact that paul manafort knew about every detail, was very meticulous about having to control the information flow and had a hand in everything, it s really going to be surprising if rick gates was able, if the manaforts of the trump team can show that pulled the wool over his eyes. began to cooperate with the special counsel team. manafort statement read something like i hope that my friend rick gates will prove strong enough to help defend us and prove us
innocent. so at that time months ago he was certainly not accusing rick gates of being the fall guy. so, this is going to be an interesting and very dramatic testimony to see what the defense team does to rick gates as a witness. not so much we know what the prosecution is going to argue, but how far manafort s team could go in undercutting gates credibility is really what s going to have the ultimately obviously the ultimate effect on manafort the outcome of this trial for him if there is a quicketsdz is that the goa uglyconviction the goal. get a conviction against paul manafort so paul manafort would have incentive to give up information on the president in the mueller investigation? all along, shep, everyone has believed that mueller would succeed, the special counsel would ultimately succeed in flipping paul manafort and he has not done it. it would be very stunning at this point, the experts say, for him to get into trial
and get into sentencing and then try to strike a deal. his best leverage was before this. but he intended to go he went ahead with the trial and his leverage gets reduced over time once you are in trial, obviously depending on the outcome of the trial. it has always been a big surprise to people that paul manafort wars willing to send himself to jail for many, many decades. over 70 years of age. they don t know if that means he believes president trump will pardon him. is he certainly recess at that particular time to stun surprise of the experts any overtures from is special counsel to provide any help on the rest of the case. shepard: a.b. stoddard. thank you. thanks, shep. shepard: how much money do you have right now in your bank account. asking for a friend. a friend named facebook. facebook wants to know how much money have you in your bank account. it s asking the bank. ahead why the company is
reportedly requesting that banks hook it up with user s financial data. that s coming up from the fox news deck on this monday afternoon. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
data, including credit card transactions and checking account balances. a facebook spokeswoman told the journal the company would use the banking information to offer new services to users. not to target them with ads. fox news and facebook have a partnership to deliver news on facebook watch. fox news is solely responsible for its content and production. the fox business network deirdre bolton is here. they want our data about our money? so the facebook actually says that the wall street journal reporting overreached but i do want to give you a list of the banks. it s j.p. morgan, citi wells fargo and bank corps. according to colleagues at the wall street journal they say colleagues asked focolleague facebookasked for i. disagrees with the reporting. i m going to pull up part it put out a long statement i picked two quotes. wall street journal story incorrectly asking for financial transaction data. this is not true.
second part of that statement idea with messaging with a bank can be better than waiting on hold over the phone, it s completely opt in. we are not using this information beyond enabling these types of experiences not for ads or anything else. so analysts are saying listen, the long game for facebook here is that if you use facebook messenger, almost like we might exchange money for good or a service in our normal bank, that s essentially facebook wants to do the same thing. the problem for facebook, obviously is, that they have two huge p.r. black eyes recently. of course cambridge analytica, we know 87 million facebook users had their information taken, essentially without consent and we know in the run-up to our presidential election 125 million facebook users, so half of our voting population saw an ad that was either manipulated or created by a russian bot. so there is a lot of banks and other institutions saying we maybe don t want to be associated with facebook at this time. our colleagues at the
journal said actually one big bank that they chose. shepard: didn t name. did not name has actually pulled back from. this to me though the big sort of sum up is that essentially technology is coming for banking. so the banks need to be a little bit more on their toes. we have amazon looking to do the same thing. google as well, alpha bets google doing the same thing as well. when you say hey, alexa, i would like to buy more snacks for my pup. your banking data is already there. thank you. you re welcome. shepard: word of a new clue in the search for the missing college student mollie tibbets. we will tell what you a witness reported seeing in the area on the night mollie tibbets disappeared. plus, yet another kid s lemonade stand running into trouble. not permits this time. no, this time because of a robber packing a gun. that s next. coming up. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
shepard: a neighbor tells fox news she saw a suspicious black suv circling small town in iowa the same night a college student vanished. mollie tibbets has been missing for more than two weeks now and the reward for her safe return has jumped to $260,000. she was last seen jogging in brooklyn, iowa just east of des moines where she was dog-sitting for her boyfriend, we re told. the neighbor who says she saw that suv lives a block away from the boyfriend s house. our matt finn is live in brooklyn, iowa. matt? shep that neighbor tells us that she reported that suspicious suv to the fbi when she was questioned. how the fbi is using that piece of information is just not clear. this afternoon, we sat down with mollie defendant s mollie r again he tells us that he believes his disawrt alive somewhere being held against her will.
is he urging anyone with any information to come forward. he says he believes that mollie tibbets might have got into a car willingly and that the person she got in the car with perhaps misinterpreted the nature of their relationship and then made a horrible mistake. here is mollie ticket s father. > tibet sfather. the longer we go without finding mollie the longer we go without finding mollie s body, the more hopeful we are that she is alive somewhere and going through something that she can survive. mollie s dad also tells that s mollie was constantly using her iphone and fit bit which is electronic health tracking device. police can extract a ton of information from the iphone and fit bit, perhaps her exact steps that day. we reached out to fit bit to see if they have turned over
any information to authorities. they don t want to comment on that. also reached out to apple and so far they have not returned a request for information. shepard: the reward at $260,000. how did it go up so extraordinarily? the family partnered with crime stoppers of central iowa, shep, which substantially increased this reward. just a few days ag it was hovering around $2,000. now it s inching closer to $300,000. the family says it wants to use this money to basically pay off anyone that might have her. also continuing to urge people to use that 1-800 o452-1111. can you also visit crime stoppers of central shep? shepard: matt finn on scene. a plane that crashed in southern california over the weekend just seemed to fall out of the sky. that s how one witness described what happened as the cessna took a nose dive into a parking lot killing all five people on board. this is dash cam video. keep an eye on the right-hand side of the screen there here it is
again. you will see the plane go straight down it smashed into a car in a parking lot in santa ana. thankfully, nobody was in that car. trace gallagher in our west coast news hub. what word do we have on what might have caused that crash? as you said, shep, planes don t just fall out of sky. this one appeared to. that s baffling aviation experts. it s high performance aircraft. pressurized fly to $30,000 feet at 270 miles per hour. seconds before the crash the pilot did radio that he had an emergency but did not state the emergency. so, engine failure is a possibility. but it s a twin engine plane and the odds of both failing at the same time are extraordinarily low. this plane has a range of 1500 miles. the trip from concord, just east of san francisco to orange county is about 400 miles. so the plane should have had fuel but witnesses say when the plane was turning, the engines were silent. aviation expert mike boyd
just told us the fact that there was no explosion might be very telling. watch. first thing they re going to be looking at is fuel. was there fuel on the tanks of that airplane? i would say with a crash like that and no fire, it was probably a dry airplane. the plane crashed one mile from john wayne airport where it was scheduled to land in orange county. shep? shepard: what do we know about the victims, trace? well, the pilot has been identified as scott shepard, the owner of a real estate consulting firm in the tampa bay area. shepard was also a very experienced pilot and recently had his pilot license s renewed. some have noted the plane crash very near south coast plaza one of the busiest shopping centers in the country. speculation early on because no one on the ground was hurt, that he may have steered the plane away from the mall. it now appears in the final seconds he had very little control of that airplane. laura shepard the pilot s
wife was on board. the other victims naveed hakimi and wife gloria posted about the flight moments before it took off. the fifth victim worked at the very same northern california real estate consulting firm ntsb is on scene. shep? shepard: trace gallagher reporting from los angeles. wildfire alert. the military is now planning to send about 200 active duty soldiers to help put out the fires in california. two defense officials tell fox news the soldiers have special training in engineering. the fires have killed at least 9 people. one fire in mendicino north and west of sacramento has been extremely difficult forever crews to maintain. second largest wildfire in california history. they said it spread across lakes and major roads. it s been growing stronger even at night when most fires on the west coast tend to calm down. police in north carolina are looking for a teenager they say robbed a 9-year-old s
lemed stand at gun pointed. this happened in monroe, about 30 miles south and east of charlotte. the teen made off with about $17. the kid he robbed is fine, but investigators there are calling it a new low. you know, i think people are capable of a lookout of things not robbing a child at a lemonade stand that takes it to a new level. shepard: investigators are looking at camouflage hat, a metal tin and black b b gun in an area not far from that lemonade stand. the kid s dad says the boy was selling lemonade again the day after the robbery. he is saving up for a new lawn mower. about time for a go fund me, if you ask me. there are some things for which you can say sorry and perhaps all is forgiven. for instance, spilling wine on the couch or pumping into somebody on the street. know when an apology might not cut it, when your
mistake cost hundreds of people their homes. today the bank that admitted it blew it coming up. fireball erupts on the road and dozens are hurt. the details as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news coming right up.
.ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. .and the paths they took, to a new home. could their journey inspire yours? order your kit at word from the police of northern city. italian media reports the blast truck carrying flammable cargo. meantime a swat officer shot in the face during a fire fight in philadelphia. investigators say the swat team entered entered the home to serve a warrant when a man started shooting. the suspected gunman and a 60-year-old woman inside also wounded. the officer was able to walk himself to the hospital and is expected to survive. a democrattatic rescue in atlanta caught on body
camera. police saving a person from a burning car. investigators say the vehicle smashed into a utility pole and then caught fire and the front seat passenger was trapped inside. the officers pulled the person out through the driver s side door. the news continues with shepard schmidt right after this. lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? ozempic®! ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don t reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history
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going to keep adhering to it just put out a statement on this saying quote we are determined to protect european economic operators engaged in legitimate business with iran. the preservation and maintenance of effective financial channels with iran and the continuation of iran s export of oil and gas. senior administration officials say they plan to fully enforce u.s. sanctions so they could be at loggerheads on this one here. the united states at midnight will reimpose sanctions on iran s conduct and trade when it comes to u.s. dollars. iran s currency abroad. precious metals, its auto sector. and then in about three months the u.s. is going to reimpose sanctions on oil and gas for iran and on top of that its banking sector, shep. shepard: same time president trump has offered to meet with the iranian leader and now a bit of a push back on that. yeah, that s right. hasan rouhani the president of iran is saying no thank you. he also says that the president is essentially in his offer just trying to make a made-for-television moment with iran only to divide the iranian people.
so iran is rejecting that idea right now. mean while the administration says the iran is on shaking ground. they have continued for some time about the economic conditions whether it s the inflation there or what folks are protesting there what they say is the corruption of the regime there. trump administration says the iran s government took a windfall from the iran nuclear agreement. they are trying to reverse that in the end the administration says it is not trying to change the regime in iran, only its behavior. it believes that reimposing the sanctions will do so. shep? shepard: rich edson at the state department. chinese state media slamming president trump today and the attack pretty personal. the people s daily newspaper accusing president trump of starring in his own carefully orchestrated street fighter style deceitful drama. it went on to say it is wishful thinking for president trump to hope others would play along with his drama. the trade war between
washington and beijing has been escalating with each imposing billions of dollars in tariffs on the other being products. over the weekend, president trump tweeted that china is for the first time doing poorly against us. meantime, north korea is calling for the united states to drop restrictions on that country s trade. even though there are signs that the regime in north korea is building new missiles and expanding its nuclear weapons program instead of scaling back. our senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is live with this. greg? shep, yeah, we are listening to more tough talk today from north korea and some bad actions from north korea according to the united nations. now, just two days after secretary of state pompeo met with his north korean north korean counterpart in a singapore demand drop sanctions against the country calling it and this is a quote, outrageous that they have to denuclearize
before getting rid of those bans. this comes as the u.n. accuses and in a report that was just issued over the weekend, north korea of working with russia and china to get around those sanctions. that confirm what is we have been reporting for the past couple of weeks now that they re building missiles and missile material for nuclear weapons in defiance of the u.n. sanctions. bris bart various acts to show acting in very good faith including returning back to the united states last week what s believed to be receipt mains of u.s. service members missing from the korean war. the line from the trump administration over the weekend and today continues to be that chairman kim is going to deliver on everything that he promised at that summit in june in spore. we are not starry eyed national security bolton told fox news, we will to have see performance. he down played some reports we have been seeing today that there might be another trump-kim summit in the offing in the next couple of
months maybe. shepard: greg palkot lye for us, thanks. hundreds of americans lost their homes to foreclosure because a bank made that a mistake. that bank was wells fargo. which has spent the last year and a half in and out of water. well farce execs have committed they have committed fake accounts. unfair mortgage fees and charging them for car zhoozh that they don t need or ask for. don t bother, those with help those affected and also that they are very sorry. the foins business network susan lee is here. lots of sorries. i would call erosion of trust especially for the country s third largest bank. in fact they have third largest amount of assets under management and largest credit card issuer in the country. there is a lot of say sorry for. latest case 625 homeowners, 4 lurks of them ended with foreclosures. and they were actually
eligible for some relief in their loans. unfortunately due to a miscalculation, according to wells fargo, these 400 lost their homes. we just gout a statement from wells fargo earlier on about the very sorry and what would happen there in those loans very sorry that this error occurred and providing remediation to the approximately 625 customers that were impacted here. the remediation is set aside $8 million. if you calculated that out to 625 homeowners 12,$800. threes not enough for those who you will u of mly lost their houses, right? not at all. it add was tout long laundry list of events that happened. 2 million fake accounts that were established to basically boost up commission for a lot of their upsetters. chairman and ceo stipulate down. management change wells fargo. auto loan fine when they were selling unnecessary insurance policies and also
they were sneaking in some of these mortgage fees, actually in that 1 billion-dollar fine as well u and then this is the la it sest. the federa latest. they did something unprecedented in the banking world they told wells fargo you can t grow your balance sheet any more. shepard: see what happens next. susan lee from the biz. there is word attackers tried to use a drone to assassinate the leader of venezuela. again, there s word that that happened. now, we re waiting to hear about arrests. but, first, protests over florida s controversial stand your ground law. the law used to defend, among others, the gunman in the death of trayvon martin. the new case now that is sparking demonstrations. that s next.
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stand your ground law that law can essentially get somebody off the hook for a killing as long as a court decides that the person was acting in self-defense to save his or her life. that s the argument that the defense is taking after somebody somebody shot and killed this man marqueze mclaughlin outside of a convenience store in clearwater which is between tampa bay and gulf coast. same tactic that the defense used to clear george zimmer in the trayvon martin shooting more than five years ago. phil keating is live i live in r florida newsroom. tehran martin trayvon martis showed up for arrest and murder charge which so far has not happened. all yesterday all five candidates for governor, reverend al sharpton and 500 people all calling for the shooter of marquis mclaughlin to be arrested which, as you said, the sheriff refuses to do, citing the law. this time the whole thing is on video.
mcglockton and his girlfriend went to the store she parked illegally in the handicap spot and he went inside. that s when michael approached her and started arguing about her not having a handicapped placard. that s when the unarmed mclaughlin comes out of store. pushes him to the ground, who then, on the asphalt pulls out his legally concealed handgun and shoots. just like florida s 2012 shooting death of trayvon martin george martin he claims the same defense the controversial stand your ground law saying he felt like his life was threatened. the jury in that high profile trial acquitted as i remember of murder. in this case the mcglockton family says the video is on their side. pay close attention to mcglockton s body motion in the final moments of the altercation. after the shove and then the shot. here s mcglockton s father. as you can see when he pulled that gun out, marquise was taking a couple steps back, he had full
control of the situation right then and there. he had four seconds to think about it he did not have to pull that trigger. the florida nra actually disagrees with the pinellas county sheriff in his interpretation of the stand your ground law. the nra says a sheriff or police chief could still make an arrest if there is probable cause. as it is right now, this case remains with the state attorney s office. it s under investigation. and the state attorney still has yet to decide whether he will or won t file any charges. shep? shepard: phil keating in south florida. government officials in venezuela say six suspects are under arrest after a failed attempt to assassinate the president nicholas madeira. they are accusing the suspects who they call terrorists and assassins of flying drones packed with explosives toward an event on saturday. here s the video. can you see security quickly surrounding the venezuelan president who wasn t hurt. that s body armor of sorts.
according to the government, seven soldiers did get injured in the apparent attack. nicholas madeira is blaming his political opponents. but opposition leaders say it s irresponsible to point the finger at them with no proof. venezuela s government often accuse the opposition of plotting to overthrow the president. steve harrigan with more on this. steve? shepard, the government said this was a drone attempted assassination. there were two drones on the scene. each ordinary that anyone can buy for about $5,000. they stay in the air about 30 minutes. they can be controlled from about one mile away. the difference with these two drones, which were right near the podium where you had the president and supreme court and top generals is therapy carrying about two pounds of plastic explosives each. one of them blew up and went into an apartment building setting off a fire there the second one, venelzen officials say was blocked electronically by vends be security officials. six people so far have been
arrested. also a shadowy group inside venezuela has claimed responsibility saying they are going to once again try to kill madeira. he says the mastermind are from neighboring colombia and the united states. u.s. officials say they have nothing to do with this attack. the madeira regime has any hard evidence of people in the united states engaging in activity that rises to a criminal violation, send it to us and we will take a serious look at it. they haven t done that yet. this entire televised event was supposed to show that nicholas madeira is in complete control inside venezuela. instead it was the reverse. you had soldiers running for their lives and a sense of confusion there comes at a time of weakness for the president. 1 million% inflation inside venezuela. the government originally thought about lopping 3 zeros off the currency. now they have decided to chop off five zeros from their currency, shepard. steve. steve: harrigan live on that story.
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Donald-trump-jr , Meeting , Paul-manafort , Campaign-chairman , Crime , Others , Son-in-law , Jared-kushner , Five , Something , Time , Ties

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20180811 14:00:00

The latest news from around the world with Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul.
today, victor, christi. t streets remain quiet protected by a perimeter, heavy law enforcement presence, a presence that some members of the community welcome and others say is an overcorrection after what they see as failures a year ago. kaylee hartung in charlottesville, thank you so much. listen to this, russian trolls apparently exacerbate the racism in the aftermath of the charlottesville rally last year or they did, blaming the violence on black lives matter. this year there are fears they may try to do the same thing. former senior adviser to president obama s national security council is with us. sam, thank you for being with us. what evidence is there that russia did try to use the division in the u.s. as an opportunity for them? christi, this is a big weekend for vladimir putin.
it is a prime opportunity for him to sew divisions and create confusion in the united states which we know are two key tenets of his operation. it is high impact. putin knows millions of americans will be on social media this weekend talking about unite the right protest, racism and counter protests planned tomorrow in washington, d.c. and around the country. so because he knows that so many americans are going to be on social media, he is going to enlist his digital army, bots, trolls to develop and spread inflammatory messages and even to encourage americans to protest. we have data points from the past several years on a range of inflammatory issues, much like charlottesville, the parkland shooting, and even black lives matter and nfl players kneeling. we have information from the senate intelligence committee that vladimir putin and his bot and troll army encourage two
technology to identify bots and trolls at the front end. but i think we all know what news sources are trusted and various signs of bots and trolls that seem to be automatically retweeting very suspicious hash tags. we talked about russian meddling in elections that has been so concerning. and it is not just here in the u.s. there are allegations of the same in france and the uk and germany. for a moment like this beyond social media, is there anything russia might target? any way for them to infiltrate otherwise? i think the russians are infiltrating on information warfare stage in a variety of ways, in particular again any inflammatory content or issue in the united states or even in western europe where they have been promoting language by extremist groups like the national front in france, the league in italy and other kind of right leaning nationalist
groups that promote anti-immigrant messages, and again anything that s going to divide a country, and it is ironic that vladimir putin doesn t allow protests in his own country because he knows how divisive they are, but is actively using bots and trolls to promote them in countries like the united states because he is hoping it fosters these divisions. samantha, we appreciate you being here. thank you. up next, an airline agent steals an empty passenger plane, pursued by jets as he performs stunl stunl stunts in the air and crashes and dies an wooded area. we ll hear that conversation with the control tower. an ordinary traffic stop became something much worse when a man pulled his gun on two officers, seriously injuring them. details ahead. we speak to the man that inspired spike lee s new movie, black police officer in colorado
springs able to infiltrate the kkk back in the 1970s. the kkk was planning an attack. how do you propose to make this investigation. establish contact over the phone. a white officer to play me when they meet face to face. it becomes a combined. can you do that? with the right white man, we can do anything. my life is here. [telephone ring] ahoy-hoy. alexander graham bell here. no, no, my number is one, you must want two! two, i say!! like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. ahoy-hoy! as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
barrel roll, if that goes good, i will a he just go nose down and call it a night. they say this is not a terrorism case. this is what s called a ground service agent. that was his job. they can be in charge of everything from directing the plane on the ground to handling bags, but flying is not part of the job description. he flew the plane almost an hour, tried several stunlts, coming within feet of the water. then he crashed into a wooded area 40 miles from the airport. the pierce county sheriff s office didn t release the man s name, say he was a 29-year-old man who was suicidal. there are several times during the recording that this man apologized. listen. i got a lot of people that care about me, and it s going to
disappoint them to hear that i did this. i would like to apologize to each and every one of them. just a broken guy. got a few screws loose i guess, never really knew it until now. earlier we talked to john walldren who was on a walk, he filmed that. saw fighter jets is courting the plane but knew something was strange, that s why he started to record. take a listen. we have two large military bases within ten miles from where this all happened. so it is not uncommon to see fighter craft up in the air, but to see them in the manner they were flying, and at that location where they were at was a little bizarre. so i started to tape the aircraft. out of nowhere the guy flying
the q 400 pulled the stick back, put this into a complete loop. i honestly thought he was going to stall and hit the water. i mean, it was just very shocking to see. so i just kept taping. i was completely unaware of what had happened at the airport. i had no idea the plane was hijacked. it appeared the fighter jets were escorting him, they were alongside him, then would trail behind him. i don t know what they were trying to do at that time because like i said i was unclear about what actually was going on. he headed towards where he eventually crashed. he pulled the nose back up again, thought he was going to stall again. he made his way down. i looked again, he was in a nose dive, went straight into the ground. saw a brief flash of flame and big plume of smoke and the sound
of the explosion. i just had a bad feeling that it wasn t an exercise or anything. i just knew he had crashed at that point. joining us to talk about this, rene marsh, cnn aviation and government correspondent. good morning to you. what are we learning about how this happened? i will say we have a lot of information, victor, good morning. but there s still a lot of outstanding questions. for example, how is he able to get this commercial plane from the ramp to the runway and then take off? you have to assume he had to be ignoring directions from the ground crew and air traffic control because i can tell you, you cannot taxi and take off without first getting clearance from air traffic control. of course, i can tell you the key thing investigators are going to want to be doing now if they aren t already is looking at all available pieces of video to piece together a time line of how this man was able to do this, get into this plane and
eventually take off. when you look at the big picture here, a commercial plane stolen from a major airport in broad daylight really, happened 8:00 p.m. local time, but the sun is still up there in seattle. it is unbelievable. and this is your classic insider threat case. this man had the badges, he had the authority to be in a secure area and was able to pull this off. this is not someone unauthorized to be in the secure area of an airport. this person was authorized. this is one of those classic insider threat cases. what s more difficult to assess is the person s state of mind, and that s clearly an issue at play. authorities say he was suicidal. that s the sort of thing if the airline is unaware of the employee s state of mind, this is how something like this can
happen. you would have to think that one of the issues they re looking at is wellness checks and did they miss something. did his co-workers miss something in the days leading up to this. but really there are a lot of outstanding questions still need to be answered. how was he able to get the plane from the secure ramp to actually take off. rene marsh, thank you for bringing us the latest. appreciate it. we have been talking with cnn military analysts all morning. one said this is a test of the system. what we have here is a test of the system that we have for air defense in this country, and the fact that the f 15s from 142nd fightser wing and oregon national guard unit came so quickly shows that at least that part of the system is working. rick francona says this
reveals a lot about the system and what needs to be fixed. they re going to have to come up with specific guidelines for each airport. the problem is once somebody does this, he puts a lot of people at risk. one guy gets in one airplane, he takes off in a crowded metropolitan area, and look what happens. not only does it tie up the air traffic system but who knew, no one knew what his intentions were. he could have easily turned north and gone to downtown seattle and caused countless deaths on the ground. so this is a vulnerability that they have to address. and this just in, indicted new york congressman chris collins announcing this morning he is suspending his campaign for re-election. he wrote this. i decided it is in the best interest of the constituents of new york 27, the republican party and president trump s agenda for me to suspend my campaign for re-election to congress. collins maintains he is not guilty of insider trading charges brought against him
earlier this week by the justice department, but in the interim we know that speaker of the house paul ryan has removed him from the house energy and commerce committee and now we know that he will not be running for re-election. just watching for more updates coming and reaction to congressman collins announcement. sarah west wood wood is in n jersey and we ll see if the president will react and get the latest from her in a bit. a new spike lee movie explains how a black police officer in colorado springs was able to infiltrate the kkk in the 1970s, the man who inspired the film joins us next. ortgages, he s less confident. here, yogi. fortunately, there s rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. get approved in as few as 8 minutes.
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there are multiple events planned in charlottesville to mark a year since the unite the right rally where white nationalists launched violent protests on university of virginia school lawn in downtown charlottesville. the mother of heather heyer who died in the protests is speaking out about losing her daughter. i talked with her about the state of race relations in this country, about her message for unity, and a message for president trump. listen to this. i always have three pieces of advice for trump and for anybody, same advice i gave to fourth graders, same advice i give to myself. think before you speak, always tell the truth, and be accountable for your actions. but the problems didn t begin with trump and they re not going
to end with trump. we have to acknowledge that and look inside ourselves to fix the problem. with everything you ve seen this year, with all of the work you ve done, all of the people you talked to, do you believe that people can truly change? i do. and are they willing to. i do. i see individuals change. they re sort of like infants in a way that they re not sure where to put that foot, where to step. and i m trying to coach people, trying to encourage people, trying to teach people to think in the immediate, think in the practical, think of direct action. don t have such lofty ideas that you never act on them. tomorrow by the way susan told me she s going to visit the spot where her daughter died on fourth street at the time her daughter died to lay flowers there in her honor.
hello, this is ron stallworth calling. who am i speak white gold? david duke. grand wizard of the klu klux klan. that dude? what can i do you for? since you asked, i hate blacks. i hate jews. mexicans and irish. italians and chinese. but my mouth to god s ears, i really hate those black rats and anyone else that doesn t have pure white aryan blood running through their veins. talking to a true white american. god bless white america. that s a clip from spike lee s new film blackkklansman which he deliberately released this weekend to mark the passing of charlottesville. it is based on a true story of an african-american police officer in colorado springs who infiltrated the kkk along with his white partner. the man that inspired that film,
author of blackkklansman is with us by phone. ron, thank you for taking time to be with us. my pleasure. thank you. what was it like to see this on film and to take yourself back to those moments? it was a very i have seen it four times now. i never tire of watching it. it is like an outdoor of body experience. very surreal. hard to believe that that s my name that s coming out of the mouths of the actors and the events that i lived are being recreated in some cases almost identical to what happened. it s a very strange experience, very surreal to see this. it is interesting. we know that tomorrow in washington david duke will be
grand klansman is going to be speaking and i understand you gained his trust during your time when you were infiltrating the kkk and he recently called you. what did he say? we talked for about an hour. it was a week ago tomorrow that he actually called. we talked about an hour. he said different things. he talked about he was very concerned about his image, how he was going to be portrayed in this and he was basing this on trailers he had seen. he complained about that. he did tell me he was concerned about it and he wished he wouldn t be portrayed in that light. we talked about charlottesville did come up. he insisted he was not a racist or white supremacist.
i called him on that, challenged him. i pointed out he endorsed donald trump who is a racist. he insisted donald trump was not a racist. i pointed out to him that he talked about donald trump that is talked about mexicans as being rapists, murderers, and drug dealers. ron, i wanted to ask you. go ahead. i m sorry. he basically talked, we talked about a host of issues. whenever i pinned him down on something, he pivoted to something else. i know that the president tweeted just in the last hour. i want to read this to you. i don t know if you ve seen it yet. he tweeted the riots in charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and
division. we must come together as a nation. i condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. peace to all americans. on the eve of charlottesville one year ago today after your conversations with david duke, after what you ve seen from president trump, how do you take that tweet, those words from the president this past hour? i think they re very hollow, very empty. not very meaningful. it took him i believe two days, one or two days before he finally said something negative about the accident that took place in charlottesville, and in the same breath started defending the white supremacists that were yelling jews will not replace us. and then this quote you gave me comes a year later where he is finally saying what he should
have said immediately in the aftermath of what happened to miss heyer. ron stallworth, the film is blackkklansman. it is based on his life. ron, thank you so much for taking time to be with us. my pleasure. thank you. breaking news, representative chris collins has suspended his re-election campaign among insider trading charges. sarah westwood has the story. we ll be back with sarah in a moment. [upbeat music]
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indicted new york congressman chris collins announcing just this morning that he s suspending his campaign for re-election. he says he is taking this step to help president trump keep democrats from taking back the house. for more, let s go to white house reporter sarah westwood near the president s golf club. has the president responded? this is just a few minutes old. reporter: no, victor, the white house has tried to keep its distance from congressman chris collins since indicted on charges of insider trading. congressman collins said hours after arrested he planned to remain on the ballot, fight for his re-election, appears to have had a change of heart between then and today when he issued a statement saying in part i will fill out the remaining few months of my term to assure our community maintains its vote in
congress to support president trump s agenda. i will continue to fight meritless charges brought against me, i look forward to having my good name cleared of wrongdoing. we should note he was the first elected member of congress to n endorse trump in 2016. this is a blow to president trump who has remained close with collins in months since he was elected. victor? all right, sarah westwood. we appreciate it. thank you. from today s charlottesville rally to the on-going debate over confederate monday utilities, any discussion of race in america can be contentious. according to southern poverty law center report called who s heritage, 113 confederate symbols have been removed since the massacre of nine african-american church goers in charleston, but more than 1700 remain in place. our next guest has unique perspective on the continued presence of the monuments. joining me now, kristy coleman,
ceo of the american civil war museum in richmond. good to have you this morning. thank you for the invitation. quick note to the control room, prepare that sound bite from the president in phoenix in august of 2017, i will go to a question on that in a moment. first let me ask you, richmond is about an hour from charlottesville. this morning we have been asking people who were there at the time what they learned, what has been solved in years since. do you have an answer to that question? well, i think more than anything else communities around the country have been having conversations about what these statues mean for them. there s no question that the public landscape is one that communities built and therefore i think as communities evolve, they have the right to question whether or not the symbols on that landscape continue to reflect values of that community. that s what we re seeing
happening in charlottesville. control room, let s now play that sound bite. this is president trump speaking at a rally about ten days after what we saw in charlottesville. remember friday night we saw hundreds of white supremacists and neo-nazis rally around a statue of robert e. lee and saturday was the melee. here s what president trump said ten days after that. it is time to expose the crooked media deceptions and to challenge the media for their role in division. they re trying to take away our history and our heritage. our heritage. what do you make of the president s framing of the monuments as our heritage? well, it is definitely a term that i ve heard multiple times and the problem with it is in a
way they re right, it is a heritage to an ideology that is really not based in historical fact. that s the problem. most of these monuments were in fact placed in the jim crow era, and they are reflective of reassertion of white supremacy. we certainly acknowledge that people wanted to somehow memorialize their heroes of the confederacy, but you have to step back and have an honest conversation about motivations going on with those and the fact that you cannot truly divorce those sentiments, racist sentiments from them, as much as people would like to do that, you can t separate those ideas from the monuments. and quite frankly i think not only at the time that they re
going up, principally between 1890 and 1920s, but the fact that they re used even today to assert certain values, i don t think that s a mistake. what concerns me often is the conversation that i hear people say well, you know, this really is about our heritage and not hate. and we really don t like our symbols being used this way. the fact is these symbols were used throughout the 20th century with little or no one standing up to say don t use our symbols this way. that didn t happen. in fact, it was embraced. the fact that we re seeing this resurgence is not a surprise either. finally let me ask about you, a woman, an african-american woman, the ceo of american civil war museum, a context we don t
often hear from in discussion of the confederacy and the civil war. how do you expect or hope your personal biography will inform how you teach the history of the confederacy and the civil war? first of all, the american civil war isn t just about the confederacy. i think that s the biggest problem. i served in this role now for ten years. if anything, i think my presence represents that the american civil war is america s story and it is a diverse story, it is a powerful story, and it engages people of varying backgrounds, ethnically and religiously involved in whether or not our nation, our republic would stand against this crisis and whether or not we would stand and become a nation of free people, of all free people, not just white free people. so my presence i think has helped to put a face to that idea that our institution has
been committed to from the beginning. christy coleman, thank you for being with us this morning. thank you for the invitation. let s put the president s tweet back up this morning. this was his tweet about charlottesville. the riots in charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. we must come together as a nation. i condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. peace to all americans. this is the president s statement this morning. we should put this into context and who is sending this out. this from the president who said that haitians, all haitians have aids. this from the president that said nigerians will never go back to their huts when they come and see america. this from the president that said african countries are shit
holes. this from the president on the ban of muslims coming into the country. this from the man that went after the central park five for years after exonerated. this from the president that promulgated the birthism lie about barack obama, when he knew president obama was born in the united states. this also from the president who said mexicans are bringing crime, bringing guns, they re rapists. some i assume are good people. this from the candidate that said on this very network he knew nothing about great wizard daf david duke when he was on tape prior condemning him. this from the president time after time after charlottesville said there are fine people on both sides. as you heard there speaking about heritage of confederate monuments. when you see the president talk about he is condemning all types of racism, remember his record over his presidency and the campaign and even before that.
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Comcast , Victor , Community , Heavy-law-enforcement-presence , Others , Members , Overcorrection , Hit-streets , Perimeter , Christi , Trolls , In-charlottesville