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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240611

that is tonight s the last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, donald trump met his probation officer. we will look at a key step as sentencing approaches. the fate of hunter biden is in the hands of a delaware jury. nba legend steve kerr is here and why he speaking out about the stakes in the election as the 11th hour gets underway. good evening once again. we are 148 days away from election. today, one of the leading candidates for president met with his probation officer. donald trump brush off his guilty verdict set for a standard presentencing interview this afternoon, there was nothing standard about how this interview was held. trump got special permission to attend virtually from florida and to have his attorney todd blanche present. he s been complaining for months about it two tiered system of justice and he is right. is new public defenders pointed out today, most people do not get to login remotely from a resort in florida to talk to their probation officers. as for is what happens in these interviews, probation officers generally ask about financial resources, mental health, and any links to other convicted criminals. they also have to ask if you feel remorse for the crime you were convicted of. meanwhile, in delaware, the hunter biden firearms case went to the jury after both sides made closing arguments. hunter biden chose not to take the stand. here is ryan nobles with more. reporter: tonight, it s in the hands of the jury. six men and six women deliberating the fate of hunter biden, the first child of a sitting american president to be charged with a crime. many members of the first family in the courtroom throughout the trial. all of this is not evidence. gesturing around the courtroom and in the direction of first lady jill biden in the first row. people sitting in the gallery are not evidence he said adding no one is above the law. the special counsel s office use the president s son of lying on a federal back on check by checking the box claiming he was not an active drug user to purchase a gun. prosecutors used evidence from his laptop and called 10 witnesses, many describing hunter biden s frequent drug use including around the time he filled out the background check in october 2018. hunter biden s ex-wife testified she found drug paraphernalia inside his car in october 2018. his ex-girlfriend who was dating him at the same time singing hunter was smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the evidence was personal. it was ugly. it was overwhelming he told the jury today. it was also absolutely necessary. defense attorney abbe lowell argued they focus too much on his drug abuse over a four year period and saying no one witnessed actual drug use during the window of time he purchased the gun. with that, let s do smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. pulitzer prize for investigative reporter with the washington post sam stein acerra veteran federal journalist and white house editor for political and a neighbor of carol. former new york prosecutor and civil rights attorney charles coleman jr. is here. you know it s a big night so you get first crack. donald trump met with his probation officer. help us understand the purpose of these interviews and how do they go and what do we know about what was asked in this one? when your probation officer will ask you questions, what they re trying to understand is what your setup is around your life. how do you live. what your financial resources are and what would be the impact of a particular sentence of a judge decides to send you to jail. are there people who depend on you? are you associating with other criminals which we know in the case of donald trump, he is. we could go down the long list. steve bannon, roger stone, michael flynn, the list goes on and on. one of the things a probation officer is looking to ascertain, and you talked about this, is whether you have any understanding and/or appreciation for the crime you re actually committed up. i think donald trump has a difficult tightrope when it comes to everything he said in the public around this persecution rather than what he knows is actually in the prosecution by the das office, and that will be something that will be hard to get around. the probation report is going to be something the judge takes into account when they make their decision around what sentence they ultimate ultimately oppose. they will make the recommendation and trump s attorneys will argue for as lenient of a sentence as possible. sam, donald trump has been arguing for months and months that there s a two cheered data tiered justice system and its benefiting him. he got to meet virtually with his probation officer. his lawyer was there and when he speaks at his rallies he s always saying i am doing this for you. i am standing here for you. but any trump supporters were in his position, they would not get the special privileges. why do they keep buying this? you are right. when you think back to the gag order that was imposed on trump at various points in the criminal case, that was almost done with reluctance compared to what it would ve been for any other person in the justice system. obviously, donald trump is a unique person in the justice system that he s running for president currently. it makes sense that some leeway is given to him. the justice system works in his favor and i would argue the second story, hunter biden s story, it is not a justice system. the presidents own department of justice is bringing a case against his son. if there was a thumb on the scale of the justice system on the part of president biden, one thing he would do it to alleviate the burdens on his son and maybe let it go away and the president sat back and watched this progress to the point where we will probably get a verdict in the next day or so. carol, get it s been a crazy last eight years and people have become desensitized. it is not even remotely normal for the presumptive gop nominee to be meeting with his probation officer. what is your reaction to this extraordinary moment in american history? i ve thought a lot about that and how numb the country has become to everything that we have watched in the last eight years. nobody can forget and yet we almost act like it was no big deal when then republican nominee for president, donald trump, was caught on live tape talking about grabbing women in the using a course word and saying he could get away with it because he was a celebrity. starting then and continuing on, it was like a starting gun of every other week, every other two weeks, revelations about donald trump as candidate and as president that made us all gasp and wonder, can he survive this? donald trump is the republican nominee for president again. he is the front runner in this race by many polls, and he is a felon who has been convicted of 34 counts of crimes in the state of new york. the city and the town, where he once ruled. all of us are like, oh, yeah, that s how it is. that s sort of the standard now for the last eight years. it s important for us all to step back and remember that no president and no former president has ever been charged with a crime and now we have one who has been convicted and is seeking to return to the white house. charles, an appellate lawyer wrote that donald trump s chances of winning an appeal are pretty slim. what do you think? i think so. when you talk about what it is to appeal a jury verdict, the first thing people need to understand its an rare occurrence that the system will look at the decision that is made by our constitution where you get a chance to have your case heard in front of a jury of your peers, which donald trump did, and override that decision absent some extreme miscalculation by the judge or extreme actions by one of the attorneys. judge merchan does not get enough credit for the way he ran this trial. i think he was aware that all eyes needed to be dotted and all his teas needed to be crossed and that s why he did on such a run such a tight ship to make sure there were as few issues for appeal as possible. that doesn t mean donald trump s attorneys won t seek to find an issue but the likelihood of being successful is slim to none. sam, dal bragg says he will testify before the house about the trump case but most likely not until after donald trump gets sentenced. he knows what he is going to face with house republicans. how do you think he will handle this? i mean, we knew the house republicans were going to do this. they signaled they want to protect donald trump and want to go after the prosecution. there has been overtures they want to defund jack smith for instance. bringing alvin bragg to the hill is something we should ve expected a long time ago. i m surprised they didn t push harder prior to this. i would point to the fact that a jury trumps peers made the determination he was guilty of 34 counts. that s the aspect of the american justice system that trump was right to defense and he was given defense. there will be questions about, who was on his team and funding them? what it comes down to is this is how the american justice system is designed to work. trump at his day in court and had his defense. that is that. the decision was made by a jury of 12 and you have to live with it that s what we do. charles, let s shift to what sam was talking about. the hunter biden case. what did you make of both sides, closing arguments, and hunter not taking the stand? it didn t surprise me that hunter biden did not take the stand for a number of reasons. number 1 comments difficult for hunter biden to give testimony in any way that will try to exonerate him or at least defend against those charges without either incriminating him or at least admitting publicly about his substance abuse. i think that is something he wanted to avoid. i think his team wanted to avoid that and if you are looking at this, it s something that would not of been well for the biden administration to have in the headlines. not that that has an impact on hunter s actual case or charges per se, but i think it was part of the calculus here. with respect to what you heard from the prosecution, this was straightforward. many legal experts myself included understand that when the special prosecutor on the case that joe biden allowed to stay on the case brought the charges, that is, if anything that we ve seen recently is a mass political prosecution we have seen. i say that because for these federal charges to be brought, you typically don t see that absent some additional violent events involving the actual handgun or the weapon that is in question. that s not the case here. hunter biden is not charged with that because we don t have those facts. robert hur decided to bring the charges against hunter biden and the case for the prosecution is relatively straightforward. none of this surprises me. what the defense did a closing argument is you work with the facts you have. they don t have gray facts so they have to call into question the time line. i don t know if that will be enough for a jury to either acquit him or result in a mistrial. sam, the president has already said he will not pardon his son. if he is found guilty, he could be taken into custody . how is the administration, campaign, going to react to this? they have been hands-off about a. they are not hiding the fact this is taking an emotional cole, mental pool, on the president. he is a there. when you ask about present enough, they are hands off. there s discomfort in the white house to even talk about the issue with the president himself. he does not want to discuss it. it s not that he doesn t think it s a political fallout but it s too raw for him. the question, will republicans tried to capitalize on a guilty verdict, and if so, what manifestation? we have a debate coming up. it s not beyond the realm that donald trump will not try to use something during the debate and what we ve been surprised to see is how little republicans are talking about the hunter biden trial including trump himself. it doesn t come up that much. it used to be a topic of discussion but not recently. you wonder if that s because they don t want to draw attention to trump s own legal mishaps or tested it out and realize there might be boomerang effect where people are sympathetic or empathetic to joe biden if you go after his son, part of what the issue is, issue of addiction. carol, no topic. your paper, the washington post , has this story out over the weekend about the trump ally with a quote post constitutional vision for a second term. the man s name is russell, what can you tell us about this? beth reinhard on our national investigative team for this great reporting that presages the future and right donald trump presidency. the kinds of people he is entrusting to make the plans for his new administration. he was a deputy omb director and had been in congress as a staffer for a long time and other federal agencies. he knows his way around the legislative and the executive parts of our government. he is using that knowledge to broadly expand the powers of the executive, if trump takes office. to the point of saying he will find a way for the justice department to prosecute and imprison those who he feels is wrongly gone after the president in the past including journalists. that includes political figures think the biden family members. he has said rather he is said to confidantes that he would work very hard to loosen the military s ability to take action at the president s command to stop protests that are against the president. to interfere perhaps in elections. the military would be an entity the president could send it to domestic situations and something we have avoided ever since the horrors of kent state for example. it s a person who believes in the unitarian executive theory but is proposing things behind closed doors. he may end up being the chief of staff for the president. he is proposing things that send a chill up the spine of those who really study democracy and its norms. here s my head scratcher. there s a lot of conservatives who say they do not like trump what they like his policies. these are the same people who are all about small government with limited power. this, this man and this plan. isn t that the complete opposite of small government, limited power? this is big government with ultimate power. well, i think one thing you have highlighted on your program consistently, if i can give you a hat tip, is the idea of the hypocrisy. the republican party for as long as i have been a reporter which i m embarrassed to tell you how long it has been, has always been about criminal justice and serious tough law enforcement. it s been the party of being concerned about foreign adversaries, rough it russia chief among them but that s all out the window now with trump as president. putin is a great guy and the new republican party. he is a fan of donald trump therefore he is awesome. getting tough on criminals? not important anymore because we really want to support certain criminals who have been unfairly, and to use this in quotation marks, unfairly persecuted. that is the line the republican party is pushing. again, this notion of big government as being anathema to the government party is out the window as well. if it suits donald trump. that s the litmus test for republicans who want to stay in power. people can vote how they like but it s our job to shine a light so people understand exactly who and what they are voting for. carol, was great to see you. sam, charles thank you. nine months into the war and five americans are still being held hostage by hamas. why the white house is considering a new strategy for negotiations. after months in a dead heat in the polls with trump, president biden is revving up his engines and maybe even changing lanes. the 11th hour just getting underway on a monday night. da. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? 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the most effective way to achieve that, get them home, is through the proposal on the table. let s see if we get an answer from hamas. for more, peter baker white house chief correspondent for the new york times . is this a sign the white house is frustrated with the pace of negotiations between israel and hamas? obviously, it s been nine months and these american hostages have been there the entire time. the american government has deferred to the israeli government when it comes to dealing with the hostages. they have dual citizenship and israel is on the ground and united states is not. it suggests an in patients with the biden administration that its own hostage, american hostages, remain in limbo while netanyahu and hamas remain at odds over the cease-fire proposal. you heard secretary blank and say that it s hamas that has yet to accept this proposal. i think that s important point they want to make that israel has agreed to this despite the public ambiguity. right now, they re frustrated it s taking so long and seems to not be heading toward a conclusion and they seem to be willing to think of ways to get the americans at this point out if there s a way to do it. president biden is not the only one expressing frustration. benny gantz just resigned from israel s work cabinet saying it s a prime minister and he is standing in the way a real victory. what does that signal to you about the state of the war effort and prospects for new elections over there? it s a big deal and it s been remarkable to work cabinet has hung together as long as it did. benny gantz has run against netanyahu multiple times and the idea they sat together in this work cabinet is a remarkable situation. it s hard to imagine joe biden and donald trump sitting together in a unity government. at this point, he s decided enough is enough and it s not working. the prime minister netanyahu is an obstacle toward a resolution to the conflict rather than a leader. that puts netanyahu in an awkward position but it may require him to rely even more so on his far right-wing coalition to stay in power. he has to appeal to the parts of his coalition that he himself might affect comfortable in order to keep his majority they can avoid further elections. we will have to see where it leads. there s not much chance or at least not a lot of optimism for prime minister netanyahu they could win another election but he s been an enduring figure for a long time and israeli politics. let s stick with the right wing and change locations. you were just in france and when president biden was there, he spent a lot of time trying to reassure nato allies who are nervous about a second trump term. i want to know how his message was received and we keep hearing about our european allies, worried about trump, but there were a bunch of elections that took place last week in europe and they were big winds for the far right. it s not just a u.s. issue but it s happening over there as well. it s not just a u.s. issue. the european elections on sunday were a remarkable shift in power toward the right. you saw macron of france who host a president biden the night before at the state dinner where they held hands and effect in favor of establishment politics, and also rock that he s calling new elections in france himself to see if he cannot win over his own public where he is not very popular re-there. these guys will get together in italy at a g7 meeting and they will talk about these issues like gaza, ukraine, do. president biden has a low approval rating, his at home is higher than some of the other leaders who will be at the summit. there s a time when the establishment politicians of the major industrial powers are on their back heels a little bit amid this right-wing populism we are seeing in europe and the united states. peter, you always make a smarter. thank you for being here. when we come back, stubborn polls and has the biden campaign getting a read data revving up the race in the 11th hour. hour. if you re one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. 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(announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! the biden campaign is making big changes after listening to months of public and private concerns from democrats. their switching up the style and launching major policy initiatives both to lockdown voters already on board while trying to pull new ones in. i want to bring it msnbc contributor brian tyler: and former adviser to george w. bush and john mccain. were not talking one or two small changes. the president is revamping his policy portfolio and will refer to trump is a convicted felon and he sitting for interviews beyond traditional media. you to sit down with vice president harris. what do you make of these changes? i think it is smart. reach people where they are. people are getting their news from less traditional outlets and people are watching the news less frequently anyway and people are checking out. it s smart to reach these people where they are and find them where they are not paying attention to the more traditional issues. the biden campaign recognizes whatever it has to do as we head toward crunch time. this is not just about his base. it s nikki haley voters, independence, and never trumper s. the people who could make or break the election which is currently by a lot of polls in a dead heat while press former president trump is not looking beyond his base. will this work for biden? well, yeah, he has to look beyond the base. that s where the election will be decided. i remember when the bush campaign was in trouble in 2000. we had to do a reset and we got pushed into it. we didn t want to do it and ultimately we decided we needed to because we had to. part of it was making changes but a big part is doing a reset for the press and the larger public to say, we heard the message. we are doing things differently. it makes sense practically speaking and make sense of the speaking that you are sending a message that you heard the message and we are doing things differently. in this campaign, it s so razor thin that biden has to do everything right and this is one of them. this is good. one of the things he needs to do is turn up the volume on the things donald trump is saying. they are seizing on some of the comments that trump made it his nevada rally this weekend. i will share a bit. you feel that? i don t want anybody going we need every vote. i just want your vote. i don t care about you. what i just heard him say, i don t care about you. i just want your vote. did the rally attendees here this? what? did they hear that? they have selective hearing. donald trump can say anything on god s green earth and they will cheer on cue. it s important that americans more broadly here it because that s him giving the game away. he doesn t care about anybody. trump s only goal is to keep himself out of prison. to make prosecutions against them go away. he has brought forward no plans to lower costs. nothing to lower health care costs. nothing to increase the amount of jobs. he has no plans for housing or inflation. his campaign is predicated on keeping himself out of prison, out of the courtrooms, and making the cases go away. and a revenge tour against the people who deign to hold him accountable for his crimes. it s a rare instance, less rare these days because he has a proclivity to see the quiet part out loud. he is saying it. if you want an example of someone who treats supporters with nothing but contempt, it someone like donald trump standing there on that stage and basically telling them what he thinks about them. what i like to hear about is the truth mark and billions of dollars in infrastructure funding has made its way across the country thanks to president biden s massive infrastructure bill now law. suddenly, we are seeing some house republicans taking credit for these jobs that were created but for facts say, the same republicans voted against the bill. to their constituents who might not pay attention to traditional politics or watch the news, do they know the new truth? these guys are taking credit for things they voted against. they are not going to hear the truth. let me make another point on the las vegas speech and the ad. there is another ad i think the biden campaign which is the best of the campaign which is donald trump in his voice talking about veterans. i think they should leave that up through election day. it s spectacularly good and impactful. trump has been complaining about it and we call that as hit dogs barking. you know he s feeling the pain so it is working. as a former ad guy, the most effective thing you can do is not say what you think the person said but let them say what they said themselves. it is great. brian, i want to go back to the infrastructure point. if you the biden campaign are running and local elections, what do you do about the fact that you have some house republicans patting themselves on the back, taking credit for passing things they voted against? i think they done an effective job at exposing these people. biden said it out loud when he was in lauren boebert s district that she tried to take credit for the infrastructure plan. it s getting into these districts and doing the side-by- side. the media has been great about showing side by sides where it s donald trump railing against toilets not flushing and trying to keep himself out of prison and biden talking about $35 inhalers. $35 insulin and $2000 a month health care plans and things that will impact regular people. they been good about that side- by-side but it s getting out there and hammering the message over and over and over again. they often say what is the one thing that a politician did to change your life or help you in some way? you got to show people. thank you both for being here. stay up for this. coach steve kerr when he talks, everybody listens. the nine time nba champion is here next. is being endorsement in the selection and is taking caitlin clark s first month in the pros. pros. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at hi, i m jason. i ve lost 228 pounds on golo. and sizes up to a g-cup, changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that s going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to in the last 10 days, we have had elderly black people killed in a supermarket in buffalo. asian churchgoers killed in southern california and now we have children murdered at school. when are we going to do something? ! i am tired. i am so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families out there. i am so tired of the excuse i m sorry, i m tired of the moments of silence. enough. steve kerr is best known as an nba champion player and coach. most sports fans know him as a fantastic communicator and every postgame press conference where he broke through and spoke to america was when he spoke from the heart after the mass shooting in uvalde, texas. last week, steve kerr announced he will be endorsing joe biden for president and we will find out why. he joins us now. it s a pleasure to see you. tell us why this endorsement and why now? it s clear that president biden is interested in implementing gun safety measures. common sense gun violence prevention measures. i have been doing a lot of work the last 10 years with a lot of different gun safety prevention people like brady, giffords, sandy hook promise, march for our lives. i have learned so much and i know we can prevent lives. president biden is adamant that he is going to push for commonsense laws that can do that. i know trump will not do that, and so it s a simple choice for me. are you voting for joe biden against donald trump? i am voting for joe biden. i think the biggest thing for me, everybody needs to vote their conscience. i am voting on a few issues, but this is the main one. i lost my father to gun violence when i was 18 years old so i know how much pain people go through every single day in this country. i know gun violence is the number 1 killer of children in america. i know there is so much we can do about this. i think most people out there agree with me whether you are republican or democrat. 80% of people in this country want universal background checks , doesn t matter your political affiliation. we can do this but we have to steer the cruise ship. it will take time. we need to implement laws that the vast majority of our country want and president biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes. you have said in the past that before you lost your father, as you said when you were only 18, you felt her life was impenetrable. nothing could get you down and bad things did not happen to you. what do you say to the folks out there who thinks gun violence is a problem but it will not affect their life so they don t make it a voting priority. you just don t know. it s such a common occurrence. the chances are likely that you will not be impacted, but there s a good chance that you will also. that is a scary thought. i have a granddaughter who is 18 months old. i am thinking about when she goes to kindergarten and she will have to go through mass shooting drills, and the trauma the kids all across america go through just from those drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation. it is so traumatizing, and it s a terrible thought that all our children are feeling this way. again, we know that comm laws save lies. they absolutely do. there s so much we can do and it s my civic project that i like to work on is trying to help get, as i said, the ship moving. it will take a lot of work. it s up to us as private citizens to insist the government take the necessary moves to make that happen. there s a lot of public figures who share your views. many did endorse president biden in 2020, but many are staying quiet now. expressing public views right now is getting more and more difficult. the backlash is real. this is not going to be easy for you and you will get heat by all sorts of people. why did you decide to speak out? it s too important to save lives and it s important to do something that s important for our country. not that i can do anything by myself, but i do have a platform. if i can get the message out there, it is so important for families to talk about this issue. neighbors, friends, this is not an attack on the second amendment. this is about implementing things that can save lives. again, it could be your own child. your own mother or father, could be you. we have to understand the gravity of gun violence in our country and not just pass it off as this is the price of freedom. that s what a lot of people say. we have to have the freedom that the second amendment provides us, but it should be kids able to go to school and not being afraid. there are ways to do this. we can protect the second amendment and protects citizens with simple laws. we just have to get everybody on board. it is such a political hot button but it s not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. it is not. 80% of people want universal background checks. we should have that, and that alone would save hundreds if not thousands of lives every year in america. you said it right there. it s a political hot button but not when you go in people s homes and use it other tables and talk about what matters to them. i do want to talk about something else that matters to you that you know a lot about and that s obviously basketball. you played with michael jordan. you know how this superstar was treated early, and the attention he got. given your first-hand knowledge, what do you think of caitlin clark s treatment so far in the wnba? i think it is a rite of passage for young players whether the wnba or nba. other players will test you. she reminds me a lot of steph curry. a lot of people may not remember this but in his first couple of years he was not a superstar. he is not who he is now. he had to get stronger and had to understand people were coming after him. that is what is happening with caitlin right now . it s all in the name of competition. she is handling herself beautifully. she is an amazing player but like every college player who comes in, it takes time and they ve got to get stronger and more used to the contact, physicality and athleticism. she will be fine and everything she s going through now is part of being a pro. what do you think of the fact she won t be at the olympics? i am so excited. i am sorry that she won t be there but she ll have a great chance in four years. when you put these teams together, all you care about is winning. it s probably going to take caitlin a couple of years to be at the top echelon. the women s team is taking the 12 players they think can help bring home the gold and that s with the men s team did. that is the name of the game so no politics in the olympics. we just want to win. and i sure hope you do this year. nobody remembers when steph curry was not an absolute superstar. it s always great to see you and thank you for joining us tonight. we will have more of the 11th hour. 11th hour. rt working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. hi, i m jason. i ve lost 228 pounds on golo. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. i don t ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i m committed to golo for life. thank you for watching. we were just talking about the summer olympics, it s worth noting, that minutes from now, we will officially be two years out from the 2026 world cup that will take place right here in the u.s. after 30 years, and you can stream all the action live on telemundo and peacock so get your countdown clock started now. on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me. okay, there is a lot going on tonight.

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240611

that is tonight s last word. tonight, donald trump met his probation officer. we will look at a key step as his sentencing approaches. the fate of hunter biden is now in the jury s hands. why he declined to take the stand. kerr is here speaking out as the 11th hour gets underway on this monday night: good evening, once again, we are now 148 days away from the election. today, one of the leading candidates for president met with his probation officer. donald trump fresh off of his guilty verdict sat for a presentencing interview. nothing standard with how it was held. trump got permission to attend virtually from florida and have his attorney present. trump has been complaining for months about a 2-tier system of justice and he is absolutely right. as new york public defenders pointed out today most people do not get to log in remotely from a resort in florida to talk to their probation officers. as far as what happens in these interviews, probation officers generally ask about things like financial resources, mental health and any links to convicted criminals. they also have to ask if you feel remorse for the crime that you are convicted of. meanwhile n delaware, the hunter biden firearms case went to the jury after both sides made their closing arguments. hunter biden chose not to take the stand. here is my colleague with more. reporter: tonight, it is in the hands of the jury. six men, six women deliberating the fate of hunter biden. the first child of a sitting president to be charged with a crime. many of the first family in the courtroom throughout the trial. all of this is not evidence said leo wise while gesturing in the courtroom and in the direction of jill biden in the first row. people sitting in the gallery are not evidence, he said, adding no one is above the law. the special counsel is accused the president s son of liing on a federal background check, checking that he is not an active drug user to purchase a gun. they used evidence from his laptop and called 10 witnesses, many describing hunter biden s drug use including around the time he filled out the background check in october of 2018. hunter biden s ex-wife found drug paraphernalia and his ex- girlfriend who wasidating him at the time said is he was using crack all of the time. the evidence was necessary. the defense attorney gude the prosecution focused far too much on his drug abuse over a 4- year period and no one witnessed drug use during the window of time he purchased a gun. with that let s get smarter with the help of our lead off this evening. reporter with the washington post,, sam stein is here. a journalist and white house editor for politico, and former new york prosecutor charles coleman jr is here. a big legal night so you get first crack. donald trump met with his probation officer today, help us understand the purpose of these interviews, how do they usually go and what do we know about what was asked in this one? reporter: stephanie, when your probation officer will be asking you questions what they are trying to understand is basically what is your set up around your life? how do you live? what your financial resources are, what is the impact of the sentence if a judge decides for example to send you to jail. are there other people depending on you, put in a bad position? by that, are you associating with other criminals that we know in the case of trump. he is, we can go down the long list, roger stone, many others, flin, the list goes on and on. most importantly, the most important that they are looking to ascertain, and you talked about it in your lead in, if you have any understanding and appreciation for the crime that you are committed of. donald trump has a difficult tight rope to toe when it comes to this given everything given in the public around this, rather than what he knows prosecution by the da s office. that will be something that will be hard for him to get around. ultimately the report will be something that the judge takes into account when they make their decision around what sentence they ultimately imposed. the da s office is making a recommendation of trump s attorney, going to argue as lenient of a sentence as possible. sam, trump is arguing for months and months and months. a two tier justice system. there is. it is benefiting him. we got to meet virtually, his lawyer was there and when he speaks at his rallies he is always saying i am doing this for you i am standing here for you. but if any trump supporters were in his position they would not get these special privileges, why do they keep buying this? reporter: well, you are absolutely right. we wrote about that in politico, too, when you think of the gag order various points in the criminal case, that was almost done with reluctance compared to what would have been done for any other person in the justice system. trump is a unique person in the justice system that he is a former president running for president currently. it makes sense some leeway is given to him in that regard. the justice system works in this favor in this case. i would argue thereat second start, hunter biden is evidence that it is not a justice system. the president s own department of justice is currently bringing a case against his son f. there was a thumb on the scale of the system of the part of president bid pen. one would think he would do it to alleviate the burdens on his son but the president sat back and watched this thing progress to the point where we will get a verdict in the next day or so. i get it has been a crazy last eight years and people have become desensitized. it is not even remotely normal for the presumptive nominee to be meeting with his probation officer what is your treks this response. how numb the country has become to everything we watched in the last eight years. nobody can forget and yet we almost act like it was no big deal when then republican nominee for president donald trump was caught on live tape talking about grabbing women in the crotch using a course word and he can get a wid with it because lesay celebrity. starting then and continuing on, it is like a starting gun of new, every other week, every other two weeks, revelations about donald trump as candidate and as a president that made us all kind of gasp and wonder, like, can he survive this? well, donald trump is the nominee for president again. he is the front runner in this race by many polls, and, he is a felon who has been convicted of 34 counts of crimes in the state of new york. the city and the town, where he once ruled. and, all of us are kind of like oh, yeah, that is right, that is how it is. that is, that is sort of the standard now for the last eight years. it is really important for us all to step back and remember that no president and no former president has ever been charged with a crime. and now we have one that has been convicted and is seeking to return to the white house. charles, a lawyer wrote in the new york times today that donald trump s chances of winning an appeal are slim, what do you think? reporter: i think so, stephanie. when you are talking about what it is to appeal a jury the first thing that people need to understand is that it is a rare occurrence that the simple is going to have a decision made by our constitution where you get a dloons have your case heard by a jury of your piers which trump did and override the system and overcalculation by the judge or actions of the attorneys. the judge does not give enough credit for the way he ran this trial. i think he was very much aware of all of the eye s needed to be dotted and t s needed to be crossed that is why he ran such a tight ship. to make sure that there were as few for a po as possible. it does not mean that trump s attorney does not like to seek an issue. rather than it being successful is slim to none. sam, today, bragg says he will testify before the house about the trump case. most likely not until after trump gets sentenced. he knows what he is going to face with house republicans, how do you think he is going to handle this? well, i mean, it is, it, we knew the house republicans were going to do this. they signaled they want to protect trump. they want to go after the prosecution. you know, various over00turs. bringing it to hill. expecting it a long time ago. surprised they did not push harder prior to this. if i were bragg i would point to the fact that trump s piers made a determination guilty on 34 counts. that is the aspects of the american justice system that donald trump had right to the fence. he was given through the fence. there will be questions of who is on the team, funding him. what it comes down to, this is how the justice system would work. they had his defense and, and that is that. the decision was made by a jury of 12. you have to live with it. that is what we do. charles, let s shift to what sam was mentioning a moment ago. hunter biden case. what did you make today of both sides closing arguments, of hunter not taking the stand. go in reverse, stephanie. hunter bid den not take the stand for a number of reasons t is difficult for hunter bid tone give testimony in any way that is going to exonerate him or defend against those charges without either incriminating him or admitting publicly around his substance abuse. i think that is something that he wanted to avoid. his defense team wanted to avoid that. ultimately if you are looking at this from a 50,000 foot view it is something that would not have been well for the biden administration to have in the headlines, not that it has an impact on hunter s case or the charges but that was part of the calculus here. with respect of what you heard, this is straightforward. i think many legal experts myself included understand that when robert herr, the prosecutor on this case and joe biden allowed to stay on the case brought the charges this, if anything, we seen recently was the most political prosecution that we have seen. i say that because for these federal charges to be brought you typically don t see that absence of violent offense involving the handgun or the weapon that is in question. that is not the case here. hunter biden is not charged with that. we don t have the facts. yet, still, herr decided to bring the charges against hunter biden and the case for the prosecution is straightforward. none of it is. the defense is saying you work with the fact that you have. they don t have great facts. they have to call into question the time line. i don t know if it will be enough for a jury to acquit him or result in a mistrial. sam, the president has already said that he will not pardon his son f. he is found guilty he could be taken into custody. how is the campaign going to react to this? they have been hands off. it is taking a toll on the president to make had decision. he is his son, he is a father. when you ask about him and press him on it, they are hands off. as we reported they do not talk about the issue. he does not want to discuss it. not that he does not think there will be political fallout but it is too raw. the question that ultimately comes down to is will republicans try to potentially capitalize on a guilty verdict. we have a debate coming up and trump will use it during the debate. will say upon to this point where we are surprised to see how little republicans are talking about the hunter biden trial including trump himself. does not come up all that much. used to be a topic of a lot of discussion for media and trump but not recently. you wonder if they don t want to draw the attention to his own mishaps or perhaps they test today out and realize there might be effect where people are sympathetic or empathetic to joe biden if you go after his son when fundamentally part of what that issue is, an issue of addiction. now topic, your washington post has a story out trump allies with a post- constitutional vision for a second term. this man s name is russell voyt. what can you tell bus this? by the way, it is for beth reinhart on this team that presses the trump precedency and the people he is entrusting to make the plans for his new administration. he was a deputy director and in congress as a staffer for a long, long time and other federal agencies. he knows his way around both the legislative and the executive parts of our government and he is using that knowledge to broodily expand the powers of the executive if trump takes office. to the point of saying that he is going to find a way for the justice department to prosecute and imprison those who he feels have wrongly gone after the president in the past. that includes journalists, that includes political figures like biden family members and he is, rather, he would work very hard to loosen the militaries ability to take action at the president s command to stop protests that are against the president to interfere, perhaps, in elections. basically the military would be the entity could send into domestic situations. something that really we have avoided since the horrors of ken state for example. this is a person who believes definitely in the executive theory but, now proposing things behind closed doors. he may end up being the chief of staff for the president, we will see. proposing what will send a chill off of the spine of those studying democracy and its norms. here is my head scratcher, carol. a lot of conservatives out there. don t like trump but likes the policies, these are the same people who are all about small government and limited power. this, this man and this plan, isn t that the opposite of small government limited power. this is big, big government with ultimate power. i think that is something that you highlighted on your program consistently if i can give you a hat tip. this idea of the hypocrisy, right? the republican party for as long as i have been a reporter, embarrassed to tell you how long that has been has always been about criminal justice and top, forgive me, serious law enforcement. it has been a party. a concern. russia, chief among them. yet, that is all out the window now with trump as president. putin is a great guy in the new republican party. he is a fan of donald trump. therefore, he is for them. it is not important anymore. we really want to support. certain criminal that have been unfairly and i use this quotation marks persecuted. that is the line that the republican party is pushing. and, so, again, this notion of big government for the republican party that is sought the window as well. if it suits donald trump. that is the litnus test. people can vote however they like. it is our job to shine a light so people understand exactly who and what they are voting for. carol, always great to see you, sam, charles, thank you as well. when we return, nine months into the war, and five americans are still being held hostage by hamas. why the white house is considering a new strategy for negotiations. and, later, after months in a dead heat in the polls with trump. president biden is revving up his engines and maybe even changing lanes. 11th hour just getting underway on a monday night th hour just on a monday night and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. you know what s brilliant? 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[crying] falling to his knees when he was reunited with his mom. while their celebrations in israel in gaza there is mourning the hamas-run health ministry that does not distinguish between combat onand civilian deaths, 270 palestinians were killed including 64 children, one woman telling us. my family is destroyed. my house is destroyed they are reporting that the u.s. is discussing a new move if seize fire moves fail, making a deal with hamas to release the remaining american hostages, negotiating through qatar and not with israel. according to two senior officials. my number one priority as secretary of state is to ensure the well being of americans who are in harm s way anywhere in the world. that is your top priority, wouldn t indirect talks for the americans at least bring those americans home, possibly? the most effective way to do that to achieve that is through the proposal on the table. so, let s see if we get an answer from hamas. for more. peter baker joins us the chief correspondent for the new york times, peter, is it a sign that the white house is frustrated with the pace of negotiations between israel and hamas? yes. of course, obviously. nine months, these american hostages have been there the entire time. the american government has basically taken, deferred the israeli government when it comes to dealing with the hostages, most of the hostages have duel citizenship, theyor the ground. the united states is not. it suggests an impatience at this point. its own hostage remain at, in limbo in effect. remaining at odds for this proposal. you heard him say. hamas at this point to accept this proposal. i think that is an important point that they want to make. israel has, in fact, despite public talk of benjamin netanyahu s statements, right now, frustrated that this has taken so long, seen not to be heading towards a conclusion and therefore, obviously, they will be willing to think about ways to get just the americans at this point out if there is a way to do it. president biden is not the only one expressing frustrations. benny gantz just resigned saying it is the prime minister, he is standing in the way of real victory. what does that signal to you about the state of the war effort and prospects for new elections over there? benjamin netanyahu not once but multiple times in elections for the idea they sat together and the work ethic is remarkable situations, hard to imagine joe biden, donald trump sitting together in a unity government. but, this point, they decided enough is enough. it is not working. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is an obstacle to resolution rather than a leader of it. it puts it. they may require on the far right, staying in power, he knows he will appeal. he may back himself up not finding himself comfortable. avoiding further elections. we would love to see where it leads and further elections and not much chance and not a lot of optimism for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to win another election. he has been a remarkable part of politics. let s sit with the right wing and change locations. you were just in france with president biden. when he was there he spent a lot of time trying to reassure nato allies who are nervous about a second trump term. i want to know how his message was received, a, and b, we keep hearing about our european allies that are worried about trump. there are a lot of elections that took place over europe and they were big, big wins for the far right. it happening over there as well? you are absolutely right. not just a u.s. issue. the european elections on sunday were a remarkable shift in power. for the right. you saw president macron from france that just hosted biden the night before, state dinner where they held hands in effect in favor of establishment politics so rocked he is calling new elections in france himself to see if he can not win over his own public where he is, in fact, not very popular, either. these guys will all get together in italy later there week at a g-7 meeting and talk about a lot of the issues like gaza and ukraine and so forth. hovering over it is their weakness, biden s approval is higher than some of the other leaders at the summit. it is a time where they are all on their back heels a little bit amid this right wing popularrism we are seeing in europe and the united states. peter, you always make us smarter, thank you very much for being here tonight. when we come back. biden getting a revamp. his new strategy to rev up the race, when the 11th hour returns the race, when the 11th hour returns good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. let s get started. bill, where s your mask? 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i think it is smart. reaching people where they are. we know people are getting news from a lot of less traditional outlets and people are watching the news less frequently any way and checking out politics. it is splart to find them when they are not paying attention to the new issues any way. biden campaign recognizes that it has to do with whatever it has to do as we head towards crunch time here. mark t is not just about his base. this is about nikki haley voters, trumpers, independents, these are the people who make or break the election. it is currently by a lot of polls in a dead heat. president trump, former president trump is not looking ahead of his base. is this going to work for biden? yeah. he has to look beyond the base. that is where the election will be decided. i remember when the bush campaign was in big, big trouble in 2000. we had to do a reset. we kind of got push into it. we did not want to do it. ultimately we decided we needed to because we had to. part of it was prescripted and part of it was making changes but a big part, just doing a reset for the press and the larger public to say okay we heard the message we are doing things differently. it makes sense practically speaking and broodily. you are sending a message to everybody. you heard the message. yes, we are doing things differently. again, in this campaign it is so razor thin. the bidens got to do literally everything right there is one of them. this is good. one of the things he needs to do is turn up the volume on the things that donald trump is saying. they are doing that. they are seizing on some of the comments that trump made at his nevada rally this weekend. i don t want anyone going on me, we need any voter. i don t care about you i just want your vote, i don t care. so, what i just heard him say, i don t care about you, i just want your vote. broy an, did the rally attendees hear this? what? did they hear that? no. they have selective hearing. trump can say anything and they will just cheer and cheer and cheer on queue. it is important that americans hear it. that is him giving the game away. he does not care about anybody out here. trump s only goal, first, second, third priority is to keep himself out of prison and make the prosecutions against them go away. he has brought forward no plans for, to lower costs, nothing to lower health care costs, nothing to increase the amount of jobs. no plans on housing or inflation. he is focused on keeping himself out of the courthouse and out of the prison. this is a rare incidents, less rare these days. he is just, he is just coming out and saying it. if you want an example of someone who treats their supporters with nothing but contempt, it is something like trump, standing there, on that stage and just basically telling them what he thinks about them. what i like to hear about is the truth. and billions in infrastructure funding made its way across the country thanks to the infrastructure bill now law. and suddenly we are seeing some house republicans taking credit for all of these jobs that were created but for facts sake, those same republicans voted against the bill. do their constituents who might not pay attention to traditional politics or watch the news, do they know the truth? they are taking credit for things they voted against? no, they don t know the truth because they are not going to hear the truth. it is hypocritical. let me make another point on the vegas speech and the ad and by the way there is another ad that i think the biden campaign has done and it is the best one. donald trump in his own voice talking about veterans. i think they should just leave that up through election day. it is specifically good. really impactful. by the way trump has been complaining about it. what we call that is hit dogs barking. [ laughter ] you know he is feeling the pain so it is working. as a former ad guy, i know the most effectiving you can do is not say what you think that person said but let them say what they said themselves, it is great. i want to go back to the infrastructure point. what do you do about the fact that you have house republicans patting themselves on the back, taking credit for passing things they voted against? i think they have done an effective job at exposing these people. biden said it out loud. he was in lauren s district and she is trying to take credit. going out there, getting in the districts and doing that. and basically where trump one day rallying against toilets nothe flushing and keeping himself out of prison and then biden talking about $35 inhalers and $35 insulin and $2,000 a month health care plans, stuff that is going to impact regular people. they are good-bye that, side by side, it is a matter of getting it out there and hammering the message, over and over and over again. they often say what is the one thing that a politician did to change your life or help you in some way and you just got to show people. thank you for being here. still ahead, you want to stay up for this. when coach steve kerr talks, everybody listens the nine time nba champion is here next. his big endorsement in this election and his take on caitlin clark s first month in the pros when the 11th hour continues the pros when the 11th hour continues some people just know there s a better way to do things. and some people. don t. bundle your home and auto with allstate and save. you re in good hands with allstate. hi, i m greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i m not an actor. i m just a regular person. some people say, why should i take prevagen? 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i mean it is clear that president biden is really interested in implementing gun safety measures. common sense gun violence pro vens measures. i have been doing a lot of work the last 10 years with a lot of gun safety prevention people like brady, giffords, sandy hook promise, march for our lives. i have learned so much. i know that we can prevent lives president biden is adamant he is going to push for common sense law that can do that. i know that president trump will not do that. so it is a simple choice for me. are you voting for joe biden or against donald trump. i am voting for joe biden. i think the biggest thing for me is, everybody needs to vote their conscious. on a few issues but this is the main one. i lost my father to gun violence when i was 18 years old. i know how much pain people go through every single day in this country. i know that, that gun violence is the number one killer of children in america. and, i know that there is so much that we can do about this. and, i think most people out there agree with me if you are republican or a democrat. 80% of people in this country want, want universal background checks. does not matter your political affiliation. we can do this. we kind of have to steer the cruise ship there. it is going to take time. we need to implement laws that the vast majority of our country want and president biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes. you have said in the past that before you lost your father, as you said when you were only 18, you felt like your life was impentrable nothing bad can happen to you. what do you say to those people who don t say gun violence is a part of their life so they don t make it a priority. you don t know. the chances are likely that you won t be impacted. but there is a good chance that you will, also. and the that is a scary thought. i am a recent grandfather. i have a granddaughter that is 18 months old. i am thinking a lot about when she goes off to kinder garten and she kindergarten and she will have to go through mass shooting drills and the trauma our kids across america go through just from the drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation. it is traumatizing and it is just it is a terrible thought that all of our children are feeling this way. and, again, we know that common sense laws save lives, they absolutely do. and there is so much that we can do and, and it is kind of my civic project that i like to work on. it is just, you know, trying to help get the cruise ship moving. it is going to take a lot of work. it really is up to us as private citizens toip sift that our government, you know, take the necessary moves to make that happen. there is a lot of other public figures that share their views, many endorsed biden in 2020. many are staying quiet now. expressing public views right now is getting more and more difficult. the backlash is real. this is not going to be easy for you. you will get heat from all sorts of people. why did you decide to speak out? well, it is too important to save lives. and to, i think, do something that is important for our country. not that i am going to be able to do anything by myself but i have a platform. if i can at least get the message out there. i think it is important for families to talk about this issue, neighbors, friends, you know, there is not an attack on the second amendment. this is about implementing things that can save lives. and, again, it could be your own child, it can be your own mother or father, could be you. we have to understand the gravity of gun violence in our country. and not just pass it off as well, this is the price of freedom, you know. that is what a lot of people say. we have to have the freedom that the second amendment provides us. freedom should also be kids going to school and not being afraid. and, there are ways to do this. we can protect the second amendment but protect our citizens with some really simple laws. we just have to get everybody on board. it is such a political hot- button. it is really not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. it is not. as i say, 80% of people want universal background checks. we should have that. that alone would save hundreds if not thousands of lives every year in america. you said it right there. it is a political hot-button issue. not when you go in people s homes and sit at their kitchen tables and talk to them about what matters to them. i do want to talk to you about something else that matters to you that you know a lot about. obviously basketball. before you go. you played with michael jordan on the chicago bulls, you know how this super star was treated early and the attention he got. given your experience, your firsthand knowledge, what do you think about caitlin clark s treatment so far in the wnba? i think it is a rite of passage. wnba or nba. other players will test you. she reminds me a lot of steph curry. a lot of people may not remember this but in his first couple of years he was not a super star. he was not who he is now. he had to get stronger, he had to understand people were coming after him. that is what is happening with her right now. i think it is all in the name of competition she is handling herself beautifully. she is an amazing player. like any player that comes into the wnba, nba it takes time, they have to get stronger. get used to the athleticism. she will be fine. i think everything she is going through right now is all part of being a pro. what do you think about the fact that she will not be at the olympics, you will be there? i am so excited. i am sorry she will not be. i am sure she will have a chance in four years. when you put the olympic teams together all you care about is winning. and, you know, it is probably going to take caitlin a couple years to be at the top. i think the women s team is taking the 12 players that they think can help bring home a gold and that is exactly what the men s team did. you know, that is the name of the game. no politics in the olympics. we just want to win. and i sure hope you do this year. i can say, nobody remembers when steph curry was not a super star. steve, great to see you, thank you for joining us tonight thank you, great seeing you. we will have more 11th hour after the break have morh hour after the break you know what s brilliant? 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Weekend 20240609

if david chase hadn t happened to be clicking around, he wouldn t see me in dr. rascals and i want to get that guy on my new tv show the sopranos. there s a lot of detail in my book and i think bill, bill was, the conversations we had, i haven t seen the film myself at ceramic just to see what happens. you haven t seen it ? that is all the time we have this weekend. we will see you tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern for more morning joe. until then, enjoy the rest of your sunday. your sunday. good morning. it s sunday, june 9. i m alicia menendez. with michael steele and symone sanders townsend. we are following president biden on his final day in france and the appearance of his message of american leadership for folks abroad and at home. donald trump and his allies will payback was guilty verdict. however deranged that may sound . how congressional republicans want to use their power to punish. what could happen this week as trump pushes to be unleashed from his gag order. grab your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend. president biden is wrapping up his consequential visit to europe this morning in the next hour, he is expected to visit american military cemetery near paris. this caps a week of ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy. the president used the stage to call for citizens to demand of accuracy cash against authoritarianism worldwide. we stand at an inflection point in history. the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. we have a lot of opportunity and a lot of responsibility. it gives me hope to know the france and the united states stand together now and always. me we continue to see democracy, may we in both languages, no we stand together. joining us is professor of history and author of strongmen , miscellany to the present, ruth ben-ghiat. presidential historian professor of history douglas brinkley. good morning. ruth, i want to start with you. i thought this week was incredibly important. a definition all week if you will. both on the global stage and here at home for president biden. he really connected a number of dots about the urgency and the washington post wrote a piece which i thought he talked will americans recognize their country in the dark and desperate portrait trump painted? or is the country s falling to pieces, he said. if he is not return to power, the countries finish. you want to be country anymore. or will americans instead choose to see a nation still striving to fulfill the higher purpose than biden described in memory of those who fought here, died here, literally save the world here, let us be worthy of their sacrifice. that, to me, was a consummating moment. i would love to get your take on how the president has framed his visit around this idea of, there is a bigger fight out there. those who come before have engaged in it and now it s up to us to engage as well on behalf of democracy. i think it s been extremely effective to frame this not only because the reason he is there is commemorating an important victory over fascism in world war ii, but it reminds us of the toll that bad leadership can have. not just on one s own country but on the world. when you have district to vengeful leaders with large armies, as you did with mussolini, hitler, and today with putin, he see the world is not safer. trump is trying to his tell us that the world may be safer because he is allied with people like putin but that s not the case and history is clear on that. i want to agree with michael that this week was in his word definition. when we were listening to president biden brought that he was expressing the urgency of this moment that we find ourselves in but with an i toward history. they were flourishes where he would say, how will we be remembered? how will this moment be remembered in 10, 20, 30 years. do you agree that this week was definitional and when scholars of history look back , how will this be remembered? on the short-term, it was a big win for joe biden. he went dess the famous spot where ronald reagan gave one of his famous speeches, and pulled up a very important speech, warning us about the need for democracy and the need to fight for freedom. reminding us that authoritarianism is on the loose yet again. really going after, going after people that are xena phobic, right-wing populist movement blooming in europe right now. i did come across as representing america as a statesman and promoting nato and protecting the ukraine and trying to create a stronger bulwark against putin s russia who is on a terror right now. to follow up on that point. i believe it was cass mood who wrote populism is a thick ideology mixed with faith and ideology. this right-wing populism on the rise in europe, populism doesn t have to be bad, but like bernie sanders is an economic populist. this idea that this dirty populism is the thing that s taking hold of places not just across europe but a sentiment like that at home. how does that dovetail with what we know to be true about our history? you see the republican party of today going back to the 1930s and embracing an isolationist plank. they are the henry ford s and charles lindbergh s of today. this is a fringe movement but isolationism over the decades has had its adherence. what is worrying about it is this friendship that trump has maintained with putin. he acts like he is putin s puppet is hillary clinton famously put it. he asked that way and with any authoritarian leader, if you chisel away at what donald trump is arguing, he sees a world of five big powers with five important authoritarian/in his case, democratic leader. we don t do business that way in the united states. trump is standing out as a loan silo because all the other presidents, ronald reagan was in the news because the spot biden chose to give his commemorative speech. reagan s is part of the other presidents club. ronald reagan but want to make sure we defended ukraine. that speech reagan gave in 1984 was about liberating eastern europe, getting the berlin wall to come down and breaking up the soviet union. american democracy on offensive posture and trump s an agent of fear. he is fear mongering the way he away long dated her father conklin. joe mccarthy famously. what is different is we had those tenets before of fear mongering but they never went all the way to somebody being able to take over the party of abraham blinken and also, with the specter of january 6 has happened in this millions of americans seem to shrug off january 6 is not a big deal, to me it s frightening. it tells you how deeply rooted social media has made right- wing extremism a disease across our land right now. give then everything we know and certainly that we have learned from history and historians like douglas, how did we get here? how do people move themselves into this space? the reason i ask, i am going to play the new ad from the biden campaign which lays out some of the more infamous quotes of donald trump and military service for example. he handed me his purple heart. i always wanted to get the purple heart. this was much easier. does donald trump even understand why someone is given a purple heart? why you receive the purple heart in the first place? here we are in this moment where people are looking past the man s attack on the military. his attack on institutions. his attack on the constitution. what to use senses going on that s animating this and allowing it to continue the way it has? i am glad the biden campaign made that at. it s very moving because it speaks to dess it gets to the heart of the fact that authoritarians are nihilist. they have no ideals beyond money and power. anybody who would do something like serve their country knowing they may be injured or killed, that makes them losers and dupes which are the suckers which are the words donald trump uses about our own people who serve. he mocks people who serve such as nikki haley s husband. in keeping with authoritarians throughout history because they despise the people think, quote, govern. they only want to dominate them, exploit them. this is why i go back to character and leadership and having somebody like donald trump lead our country, we deserve better. it s an incredible moment, douglas, to be living in, and i think about president biden on the world stage yesterday we were on air and prepared to talk about his trip to europe. in the interim, there was the hostage rescue out of gaza. i want you to listen to what the president had to say. i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming the hostages return to their families in israel. we won t stop working until all hostages come home and a cease- fire is reached. that is essential to happen. so often when i see these moments in the world s stage i m reminded of the argument that president biden made when he was running for president four years ago which is, we need someone from day one is ready to hit the ground running who understands challenges at home and challenges abroad. he really foreshadowed the years that would come in terms of the marriott crises they have developed in real time. when i was watching president biden these last few days, i m reminded of his greatness. often, we dismiss something that he says he seems to be an opportunity. there is this steady evenness, even low-key on this which may not make him kinetic on the campaign trail but it makes you feel saying that he is a states person. that he understands protocol. that he understands how important the u.s./french relationship is. he can talk about lafayette with president mccrone and understand the hours story the american revolution of two today with france. he has been there. he has done that. he has seen a lot. he was visibly moved at normandy when he went to the forest of crosses and stars of david and walked across. you can feel how emotional this was. biden had been born in world war ii, 1941, probably our last president that would be a world war ii president. he reminded us of the power of nato. this has been the essential alliance since 1945, 48 with harry truman, all the way up to now and there s only been one anti-nato president and that s donald trump. nato, the atlantic alliance is seminal for keeping our military , economic policies, and democracy, and culture even alive and well. i ve been deeply disturbed the weight trump pushed aside nato might as well just blow away the european union. it s refreshing to watch biden and know he has that long institutional memory and understands what containment of soviet expansion means back in the days. especially given everything that s going on. i will ask you to stick with us because we need to talk about the rest of the far right. it s not just in america. new details about the role american intelligence played in the israeli mission that rescued four hostages. rescued . auntie, you can t put that right in the dishwasher. watch me. with cascade platinum plus i have upped my dish game. i just scrape. load. and i m done. in that dishwasher? 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(vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep. .so he takes zzzquil. the world s #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. i don t know how long it s been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. with non-habit forming zzzquil. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference. during his trip to france, president biden laid out the stakes in the global fight to preserve democracy. his message comes as authoritarian forces are on the rise at home and across the world. a new report from the southern poverty law center vent anti- government groups that undermine democracy in the u.s. are surging and the far right is expected to make gains in this weekend european parliamentary elections phthalate times reports, quote, heading into this road, far right parties have become adept at marrying hard-line stances such as climate change skepticism and harsh enunciation of immigrants with popular palatable causes. back with us, ruth ben-ghiat and douglas brinkley. ruth, i want to focus on the last thing michael redd which is the idea of marrying two different ideas and a lot of what you hear from voters here and abroad the sense that traditional parties have not kept their eye on the ball. they are not going after economic issues and focus on economic issues the way people believe they are supposed be as though you cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. we know what s motivating is. when you put the united states and what s happening in europe side-by-side is a lot of what you see in europe is insurgent parties coming in and challenging traditional parties were at home, you have one of the two traditional parties simply picking up the mantle of the far right. that is right. we are in a difficult situation because of our bipartisan system which for years was thought to give us stability that other nations did not have. when you have only two parties and one has exited democracy and embraced insurgency and its leader kicked off his campaign to be reelected at waco, texas, who has made himself a big ten for every racist and extremists in america, that s a big problem. republicans who don t see themselves in that agenda have nowhere else to go. in italy, in 2019, the head of the party who is pro-putin, he is a total thought, fascist- type. the other parties banded together even though they did not like each other in 2019 to stop him from coming to power. that is impossible right now in america with our rigid bipartisan structure. that is an issue. douglas, for me, i was telling symone during the break there for me, it s probably the most important conversation we can have for the day. it touches at the core of so much of what this country is about. you have this year seen this rise of antidemocratic rhetoric and behavior. the toxicity of global and u.s. politics is really underpinning this surge. you have for example the hot rhetoric that now when you hear it, people are like, okay, whatever. for example, monitors antidemocratic group coming from the proud boys. you know this was going to happen. stand back and stand by is far from over. we promised the far right proud boys wrote on their websites this these words. we are vowed to go to war. this is the moment we are in jack. help us understand why at this moment history tells us to go in a different direction? help people understand the importance of not leaning into this and this does not end well for anybody. we are lucky that southern poverty law center in alabama is continuing to monitor these hate crimes. that bit of luck turns to horror when we start watching the spikes in anti- semitism, spikes and anti- mexican rhetoric, and type black, anti-lgbtq+. the right wants to destroy the fabric of a multicultural america. as we are speaking in san diego, catholic charities, i am a check let a catholic. one of my favorite people is pope francis by catholic charity workers are being attacked and disrupted by handing out food and water to children that have come over the border in southern california. we are looking at authoritarian coming our way. when have we seen this before? we haven t. black america has. black america has had lynchings. we have things like the springfield race riot of 1908 or the race riot of 1921. we have had the institutionalization of jim crow and saw what did in decimating black americans. we have seen what this can do to indigenous people where their rights are stripped away and they are seen as something other. there is a real white supremacy movement alive across the land led by donald trump. at their core, the were fearful of this browning of america and this is seen as the last big stan to reclaim america as a white predominately white country. that anti-immigrant, anti- person of color rhetoric that is coming out of this right is ghastly. it represents the ugly part of our country. trump used to praise fdr for one thing, all the great things franklin d roosevelt, but the one trump talks about, was in a gray 20 put japanese in internment camps in world war ii? he would praise eisenhower, ike did many good things, two terms, but trump praises operation with back, bringing workers, agricultural workers and shipping them out of the united states back to mexico. this is the kind of movement we are dealing with. it is frightening. we have not seen something like this coalesce since the confederate movement before the civil war. it had spirits, mccarthyism was a big deal but fellow republican dwight eisenhower along with the u.s. army were able to chop mccarthy off at the knees. there is nobody out there to stop or slow donald trump down and it s going to be up to joe biden and kamala harris to talk about optimism and the economy and talk about better days are here to come. talk about the virtues of democracy and don t result of fear mongering that trump is doing to mobilize his base and beyond. ruth, we will give you the last word, but i m thinking the fact that the european parliament elections are enfolding this week, and we talked the radical right is on the rise in the juxtaposition between was happening at home and across europe and political wrote this week that the radical right arrival in the european stage will have a lasting impact. allegiance sees allegiances formed in early adulthood tend to last lifetimes unlike in the u.s. were support for trump is concentrated among the elderly. the insurgents have captured the youth vote in europe, likely lacking and support for decades. nowhere is it more clear that in the national rally party as it relates to what s happening in france. a 28-year-old later. what say you about this rise of the radical right, this dirty populism amongst young people? it s a big problem. far right authoritarians have been very savvy about using tribalism and using emotion. symone, i want to and on an optimistic note because it s too easy wherever we are living to think there is this wave and it will submerge us and it is hopeless. we should not resist. in poland, they successfully voted out, they immobilized the biggest rally and voter turnout since 1989 and they got rid of their far right government. in hungary, there s huge protests, the gop ideal right now, and we saw in india voters dealt him a defeat. it does not have to go this way. it doesn t have to be this way. ruth ben-ghiat and douglas brinkley, thank you. we will go to tel aviv as we learn more about the fallout from an israeli military mission in gaza that rescue four hostages. stick with his. you are watching the weekend. 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reporter: even as israel is celebrating the success of yesterday s hostage rescue, they are bracing for a significant political development in a couple of hours time. 1:00 p.m. eastern we are expecting benny gantz, the centrist opposition leader who joins benjamin netanyahu s wartime government to hold a press conference and we believe he will announce that he is resigning from netanyahu s government. let s be clear, assuming that s what happens, what that does and does not mean. it does not mean the fall of netanyahu s government but it would mean that the far right inside of that government, the same far right that is deeply opposed to the cease-fire plan laid out by prime minister by president biden rather last week would be empowered. you would not have that centrist more moderate element inside of the government to counterbalance the power of the far right. that is potentially a significant move. we were expecting benny gantz to hold this press conference yesterday, but he delayed it in light of the hostage rescue. going back to the four hostages. all are in good condition according to the israeli military. they spent their first night being treated at a hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. we had a chance yesterday to catch up with some of the friends of noa argamani, the young woman who was kidnapped on october 7 from the music festival, taken on a motorcycle into gaza. the friends of hers who we have been speaking to for eight months have just seen her for the first time. take a listen. how are you feeling? amazing. very amazing. speak and she is amazing. she is strong. she s laughing and smiling. reporter: what was the first thing you said to her? a big hug and so glad you are here. reporter: the joy at noa s return is tinged with sadness. her mother is dying of brain cancer, and her final wish was to see her daughter once again. the wish was fulfilled yesterday. noa going to her mother s bedside. her boyfriend is also one of the 120 hostages still inside of gaza. the israeli military acknowledged that while it was a major success, they cannot rescue all 120 those still inside. there will have to be some sort of deal let those people are coming home. while there is celebration here in israel, there is searing grief inside of gaza. the health ministry said at least 274 people were killed by israeli forces during that raid in central gaza yesterday. one of the bloodiest days in gaza we have seen in a long time. we do not know how many of those 274 are militants or civilians, but our team on the ground was at one of those hospitals in central gaza. they say they saw dozens of women and children dead and dying, being brought into the hospital. that is the price of rescuing those hostages. we have heard from jake sullivan, the national security adviser, that while the u.s. is celebrating the release of these hostages, the united states also believes that the safest way forward for the hostages and for the civilians of gaza is not through more rescues like this but through a cease-fire deal that would bring hostages home and and end to the conflict. with those 274 deaths yesterday, that brings the death toll in gaza since october 7, to 37,084 people as of a couple of hours ago. raf sanchez, thank you very much. president biden is making his play for anti-trump republicans. as campaign senior spokesperson this year to discuss it. that is next. dad and i finally had that talk. no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i m comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life s good. when you have a plan. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it s not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there s only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. frustrated by skin tags? 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( ) [thud] president biden, i think, has been serious about courting independence, even right- leaning independents and anti- trump republicans. the campaign hired a national republican engagement director who before this role was cheapest after former republican congressman adam kinzinger. this comes as outside groups are boosting outreach to these voters, republican voters against trump launched a six- figure billboard campaign and four swing states featuring republicans who refused to cast a ballot for the ex-president. joining us is senior spokesperson for the biden/harris campaign kevin munoz. it s good to see you. it s interesting and politically exciting to see the biden campaign engage the way it is starting to push up against a lot of the narratives . we were talking earlier about the biden ads that are taking trump s words and putting them out there and saying he said this. it did not make it up. you have this pivot politically on the ground where you are bringing on republicans who can help and weatherford out of the adam kinzinger for environment. how do you think the shapes of narratively for the biden campaign. what are you saying to republicans, i know many of them, waiting for that invitation to the conversation. they want to see it come correct. they want it to come in a way that s meaningful, to reaffirm the coalition, if you will, that biden needs to win. let s look at the opportunity. 4.5 million republican primary voters have voted against donald trump this year. these are voters that didn t have to vote in a primary. donald trump is clearly the front runner, but they want to show they had not gotten donald trump does not have their support and they want somebody that stands for the rule of law, stands for democracy, stands for fighting for america on the global stage. these are voters that need to hear from the campaign and we need to earn their votes. we been running these ads and targeting these voters in battleground states amber brought on austin, he has two decades of history. we got to focus on building a bunch of trust to republicans willing to speak up and talk to fellow republicans and say you can support president biden. we think we have a good message not just because we are not donald trump but because joe biden has a proven history of getting things done, working across the aisle. look at the bipartisan plan that trump killed. we will talk about those issues. let s talk about the border you have progressives angry over the present eye latest executive action on asylum specific. listen to what this representative had to say yesterday. republicans have covered up for every failure there s by pointing to some vulnerable group of people. i think they ve been setting up this trap that unfortunately president biden has been pushed into with this executive order. do you agree with that that the president has been pushed into a trap by republicans. help me understand the political calculus. what you lose in the we have energy and support from progressives. where are you gaining it back? let s take a step back. on day one of this administration, joe biden brought forth a comprehensive immigration plan republicans have failed. they used the border as a talking point and refuse to work with those. even despite that, joe biden was able to negotiate a bipartisan border plan that would ve provided long-overdue resources to help secure the border, provide more resources for immigration courts, help expedite green cards for a lot of people that need more pathways to citizenship and what happened? donald trump killed it not once but twice. we are in this position where we were forced to take executive action that helps address what we can and cannot do with very limited resources and we have to be honest about that. that does not mean the fight for comprehensive immigration reform is over. you heard biden talk about it earlier that the fight is far from over but we have to be honest. the american people demand action when it comes to a broken immigration system. overwhelming americans support the action and comprehensive immigration reform and we have to remind voters that we have to work for the. i want to as quickly as a follow-up. a lot of reporting about the possibility of the administration considering ways in which they could address challenges in immigration on the interior including parole in place of american citizens. is this something we could see as soon as this coming week? i can t get ahead of policy announcement but you heard the president earlier, the fight for comprehensive immigration reform, dressier pathways to citizenship, especially for people who have been here a long time is critical. the american people do not like chaos. they don t want chaos at the border or in their communities. we have to continue that fight and we have to remind the american people of what donald trump is running. he wants to round up latinos and immigrants across the country. max detention camps. we have to do both. and the time we have left, a lot of times when folks talk about engaging we talk about the need for the biden campaign to engage republicans because as part of his coalition. moderate republican voters and independents. we talk about the need to gin up the base as well and treat base voters, young people, women, black and latino voters, what is the message when it comes to the economy for black and latino voters, young people . when i am talking to people, one of the chief concerns as economic. housing. the rent is too high all over. gut bless you if you want to buy a house and you were not rich. which your message to folks, here which is a about the border, trump scene phobic. what about the economy? we have to tell a story to the american people about who is fighting for them and fighting to make their lives better. it s not just the economy who is taking action to address corporate greed? action to address junk fees? lowering health care costs, cutting prescription cost for the american people? this takes time and these efforts to talk about the economy, connect joe biden s popular agenda, agenda that was hard to get past but he got it done, and remind them that not only did he make washington work but donald trump will undo all of that. he will increase health care costs. he s having big oil executives right his executive orders if they max out his campaign. we ve got to do it by showing up where voters are at. they are not watching the news every day. they are watching the weekend. we have to talk to them in tiktok. we have to be on the tabloid magazines. we have to be on podcast. we ve got to go but here s the thing. kevin, you ve got to connect to understanding that rent is too high. and understanding of the efforts we are undertaking are going to try to address that. the federal government cannot lower your rent, but policies can be put in place to make people to put people in better positions. wage increases would offset rancourt increases. that s important. symone hits an important part of this conversation for the biden team that connection of what s happening to me realtime i still don t know if you understand it and they want to hear that you understand that. absolutely. and i think we have a good opportunity. there is time but not much time. kevin muniz, good to see you. he tripled down on defending jim crow. that he did interfere with reverend sharpton is coming up and we will have some of that. be sure to follow us on social media. our handle his @theweekendmsnbc s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. frustrated by skin tags? 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[ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. we will pick back up where we left off. i think kevin is a great spokesperson for the biden campaign. i thought he was clear and calm and comfortable. where michael ended is the most important place. there are specifics specific questions voters have about specific things like housing. prices. like criminal justice reform. i think this campaign has answers, but they have to give them. i just think with us than five months until people start voting until election day less until people start voting is to give the specifics. the details are the things that will matter to the voters and make a difference. you can t give specifics on the barbershop tour. you have to get them anywhere. i think that is a big part of it. you see people and hear people and we run into them in our respective communities. they respond to us on social media. beneath the surface is this keen interest in the answer to the question, how am i going to be better tomorrow? you are asking me for another four years and i don t feel good about these four years and i m looking finely back over the last four years of the guy who is an absolute bad choice. how to help me understand and contextualize this tomorrow? my today ain t so good. when you come with a laundry list of policy objectives, that what comes up for me is that some of it is about trusted messenger and not just hearing it from campaign staff. hearing from your neighbor who says i hear you and here are the things i have done. this is a down payment on a next term. yeah. that is important because in my universe they spread those lies and those conspiracy theories amongst themselves. they are so effective at pushing it into the broader mainstream to legitimize it. that point of having faces that people know explain the story of hot tomorrow is better i think will go a long way. what he said about corporate greed is real and junk fees, those are addressing what is happening but people may not know what junk fees or corporate greed are. one of the finest political communicators at the top of this block. i want you to refill the coffee. we have another hour straight ahead with political analyst rick stengel and national security analyst coming up on the weekend. e) saving for retirement was tough enough. 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(fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we re clearly different. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. an all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time our cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away, and it has a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can t. so, you can clean your home, faster than ever. don t mop harder, mop smarter, with the swiffer powermop. (kev) yo, yo what s up everybody? how you doing? don t mop harder, (reporter 1) kev! kev! can i get a response to the trade rumors? (kev) trade? trade means movin man.we talkin about moving? moving means contractors, inspectors, strangers judging my carpet. we talkin about staging? we talkin about a faux ficus? a faux ficus? nobody s gonna bring a faux ficus into my house. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . (reporters) kev! kev! (kev) whatchu gonna ask me about next, man? practice? will come back to the weekend. breaking this hour, president biden is closing out his trip to france by paying respect to american service members to commemorate the 80th anniversary

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with jake tapper, we days at for on cnn wildfires i have covered a lot of them. they are fast and deadly disasters. cnn s original series, violet earth with lives schreiber takes a look at if there is a way to protect homes and families. here s a look paradise, california burned from an ember attack, from a plume miles away from paradise this is like 9:00 in the morning and its pitch black given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing ash and embers began to rain down we re in the middle the stapes, dan here like that i don t know to say if anywhere the fire was moving at a football field per second what in the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into its hundred acre, 200 acres spotfire that was happening all through town that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once, 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. go if i were to turn around to go north this is bad the cnn original series, violet earth with lives schreiber, heirs tonight at nine eastern right here on cnn hello? everyone, and welcome to cnn this morning it is sunday, june 9. i m amara walker. i m victor blackwell. thank you for joining us. here s what we re following this morning for israelis taken hostage by hamas, are back with their families after being rescued by the idf. but the operation of free them left more than 200 palestinians did the new details about the rescue effort and the impact it could have on ongoing ceasefire talks. president biden is wrapping up his visit to france after being honored with a state dinner yesterday, what he had to say about the state of the us relationship with this oldest ally balloons carrying trash loudspeakers the layering propaganda and thousands of flash drives full of k-pop music but for tat, between two neighboring countries, plus water safety experts say the color of your child s bathing suit it could be one of the most important decisions you make. this summer. the ones you might want to avoid as next we are learning new details about the rescue of four hostages from a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about the israeli operation to get the hostages back, as well as the number of palestinians reportedly killed. now, the four former hostages are set to be in good medical condition this morning after more than eight months in captivity, they were taken to hospitals for medical exams and to have reunions with their families israel carried out heavy airstrikes and shelling and central gaza during this hostage operation, one witness called it, held on earth saw lots of juno s increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere i must have missed something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away no more fell on the market i m laying on her children torn apart and scattered in the streets they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth hospital officials in gaza raised the number of palestinian casualties. now to at least 200 274 palestinians killed nearly 700 injured. the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side. we ve also learned new information about u.s. involvement in the operation. there were no as they re called, boots on the ground, but officials say us forces provided planning and intelligence support to israel well, let s be or to speak with elliott, god-given, who s been following the story from london. le, what do we know about the rescued hostages and how they are doing i m or as you said physically, according to the hospital authorities in israel, they re in pretty decent shape. the hostages and missing families forum says that they are in their words are relatively good psychological and physical state, but they are carrying out further further medical tests. and of course, after being captivity for eight months are also be more psychological tests and it will no doubt take time for them to ria climate ties back to their normal lives in terms of the hostages themselves i suppose first is noa argamani, 25-year-old young woman who became are almost the face of the october the seventh atrocities as she was filmed, being sped away on the back of a motorbike by militants pleading for her life as her boyfriend was being frog marched away by militants at the same time, she also subsequently appeared in propaganda videos put out by hamas during her captivity. obviously, a very emotional reunion for her with her father. was also her further father s birthday on saturday as well, on top of that, they ve been a number of calls from her mother other who is also a chinese citizen. her mother pleading even with president biden to do everything that he could to bring her daughter home because she s suffering from terminal brain cancer and her dying wish. she said was to see her daughter back safe and sound in israel. she s now had that wish granted in terms of the other hostages, the other three hostages, rural man, there was shlomi ziv, he s a security guard he was been living on a mosh have an agricultural settlement for 17 years with his wife, andrey kozlov at only just moved to israel a few months earlier. his family flew in from russia and then finally, there is our almog meir, jan 20 two-year-old. tragically, when the idf went to tell his father the news of his rescue, they found that his father had died on saturday itself. i m victor la. gucken. thank you. let s go now to cnn has been we d admin ben, tell us more about what we know about the operation well we. understand that the death toll at this point for that operation in the nuseirat camp in central gaza was 207 monday four with 898 wounded. that is the largest single death toll since the war began in gaza, or rather since the 10th of december. and that really underscores just how bloody this operation was. normally these operations take place under the cover of darkness it began at about 11:00 in the morning local time on a saturday where when many people were out and about shopping and whatnot. and as usual well, in gaza, there were children everywhere. the video we received from our cameramen inside the al-aqsa martyrs hospital shows there were dozens and dozens of people desperate for medical care. many of them women and children that the morgue was completely full and they would they were simply putting bodies on the ground outside the hospital, keep also keep in mind that because of the israeli operation in rafah in the southern part of the gaza strip, where according to the un, 1,100,000 people have left that area seeking safety elsewhere. many of them were in nuseirat, many of them were in central gaza when this operation went down. so there were many civilians and that explains perhaps partially why the death toll is so high amara, victor, then wiedemann in beirut. thank you, ben let s bring it now. aaron david miller, a former state department middle east negotiator and retired brigadier general mark kim. welcome to you both general, let me start with you. the latest numbers 200 274 killed multiples of that reportedly injured does that suggest to you that that s something did not go as planned or potentially there was a lack of a plan no not at all. for better or worse? i think it was intentional the way they conducted this operation probably the pandemonium that they created as part of the bombing within the nuseirat camp itself. they thought would actually make things to their advantage and it should say conducted this operation. so no, i think that they were very clear-eyed that israel is very clear-eyed about not only the tactics that they were going to be using, but also the consequence it would have as they conducted that, particularly brazen operation so when you say intentional use, am i understanding you right? that they knew that hundreds of people were going to die if the number from these medical officials in gaza is correct, and that hundreds would be injured. they knew that going in i think they took under consideration the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths that would be caused by conducting a daylight operation in a occupied extremely busy city? yes. erin. so how does this then change the climate for the ceasefire potential? we know that the secretary of state is heading back this week into the region and the variables have changed. now with the rescue potentially emboldening netanyahu who benny gantz has not departed what now is the table set for blinken i mean, i think it validates the prime minister s narrative which i think it s unfortunate that the longer the work continues the more intelligence israelis gathering gaza, the greater the changes of the rescuing hostages. but keep in mind if you re carrying seven were now i m the eighth month of this war, nine month beginning next month. you have seven hostages were rescued hundred and 21 remain israelis believe maybe 46 were either killed on october 7. their bodies brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity i think it does two things. number one, i think it is a certainly it was a day of hope for israelis who ve been living in sort of collective ptsd since october 7. but it puts a premium. it seems to me in a focus on hostages. and it also reminds the israelis, i think that the largest return of hostages november 105 can only come through negotiation and here s where i think there is a real problem because there are there s an irreconcilable set of objectives between israel and hamas. in this negotiation. if i were to make a prediction, i don t like doing it i think there is an opening perhaps but only for a phase one that is to say return of 2030 hostages to women, the elderly, the infirm in exchange for a six-week fire, they cease fire in return for palestinian prisoners and the surging because it ll be quiet of six weeks of quieting kazaa, which would be a win for the biden administration. i just don t see if victor right now the pathway out of this to end the war there is that increasing domestic pressure there were celebrations in the street and the afternoon at the report that these four hostages had been released and then protests in the evening calling for more and to prioritize bringing the rest of the hostages home. general to you. we know that the us offering the planning and intel support. can you be a little more specific based on like, what does that look like look, i think that there s a significant amount of intelligence that we can package in hand over to the israelis, whether it s the ince, the intelligence human, human intelligence satellite intelligence, image intelligence probably able to tap into the phone systems as well. all of those different types of intelligence sources provide more clarity to what s happening on the ground, more clarity on to the location of the hostages. and this was obviously one of those situations where probably primarily human intelligence provided by the israelis themselves located the site of the hostages. but i would suspect that the american intelligence added to engage in many cases. second, insert, third source validation of where their locations we re erin, does it matter that benny gantz has not left this war cabinet yet? he s not been effective in got the demands that he offered to netanyahu. those have not been fulfilled. how much does it matter whether he stays or goes? i mean, i think it matters, victor, but it s not determinative with respect to the knesset arithmetic. i mean, 120 seats in the israeli parliament, you need 60 plus one to govern. nothing. you have 64 and i think your strategy is very clear. the knesset goes into recess july 25th. he will not resume until a week to ten days. victor, before the us elections and i think that daniels was playing for time here. if he makes it through july 25th, we know he s coming to the united states to address congress besting churchill. there ll be the here what you ll address congress four times churchill, three on july 24. so i think benny gantz is an infix. you d like to remain in the government. he brings a sort of moderating hand, but he does not have the potential right now to bring down the government if he goes aaron david miller, general mark kim. it thank you both president joe biden as hailing the power of allies as he gets ready to wrap up his trip to france at the visit to the american in cemetery, honoring world war i troops lab report from paris. this next, plus north korea has sent more trash late and balloons to its southern neighbor how south korea plans to respond the increase in wildfires is exponential controllable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly with we have schreiber tonight denied on cnn what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is 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saturday at the point of the visit was to show the close partnership between the two countries on global security issues and easing of past trade tensions that later today, before today returned to the states president biden and the first lady are expected to lay a wreath at the end marne american cemetery that is a cemetery that donald trump notably skipped visiting when he was president back in 2018 a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche, as live in perez. hi there, kayla. what else did president biden have to say about his trip good morning amara and victor last night, president biden thanked france for helping secure u.s. freedom in 17, 76 and said the us was returning the favor 170 years later at the end of world war to president biden also reiterating a mess such that he has had all week here in france that we re at an inflection point in history and that the actions that countries like the u.s. and france undertake right now will have repercussions for decades to come. now, the white house is also hoping for the president s actions to communicate in and of themselves back to american voters, back home. that is why it is so symbolic that president biden is visiting the end. martin sarah cemetery just a few hours outside of paris later today before he departs. because of what you mentioned at the top, that president trump did not visit that cemetery at the time citing weather concerns back in 2018 and coming under wide criticism for not doing that. so president biden has been trying to distinguish himself on matters where the military is concerned his campaign, releasing two ads slamming trump s record on the military and on defense concurrent with the visit this week. so this is yet another opportunity for biden to seek out an opportunity to make a contrast between himself and his gop opponent. and he s going to be doing that before he goes home later today, victor and amara okay. let s how she in paris, kayla, thank you so much. millions of americans feeling that inflation frustration could get some good news this week. and of course there was that very strong jobs report that showed more people are getting jobs. and there are higher wages will talk with the acting secretary of labor next on cnn this morning we can i voted buttons that remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah puke rainbows when taken now, adt professionally installs google nest products they re all set on this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because there are places we d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infection sections in low blood sugar. a rare 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faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? sign and make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count. this is a secret. war, secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before their current jobs we ll get a better read on inflation on wednesday when the latest consumer price index is released. and that same day, we could find out if the fed will lower interest rates or keep them the same. and there is good news when it comes to job and wage growth. friday s jobs report was record hot the economy added you ll 172,000 jobs blasting past economists expectations of 180,000 wage growth is also up for the first time in months, but so is the unemployment rate now at 4%, i asked acting secretary of labor, julie su about it. econ was one of my worst subjects in high schools, so i m so glad i m talking to you. you re obviously much smarter than i am. if you could help make sense of these numbers. so the headline is the us added 272,000 jobs, which is way above what the economists were predicting. but the unemployment rate rose just barely. but from three-point 9% to 4% what s going on here? so what s happening is if we take a look back to where we were just three years ago before the president came into office. covid was raging. there was no national strategy to get it under control. unemployment was extremely high. people didn t know if they went to the store, if they bill to find toilet paper if you fast forward to where we are now, the president has said, from the time he came into office, we can and must build an economy in which we see real job growth and where its good jobs, right? we re working people can get ahead. and that s exactly what we have done. and so this latest jobs report, we don t just look at one month as we look at an entire trend and we ve just seen month after month jobs getting created. you ll 15 million jobs since the president came into office is 15 million more individuals getting to use their, their talent, their skill, their drive, their hunger to contribute to their communities, and to make a decent living. and when i talk about real wages being up, right, that is demonstrating that we re not just creating jobs, we re creating jobs that really allow people to make a decent living to afford the basic things in life and that s not happening by accident. none of this was inevitable. it was because of strong leadership and strong economic policies and we re just seeing the benefits now in communities across the country and will continue to do that simple way to think about it is we re not looking at a shrinking pie that needs to be divided into smaller and smaller pieces, we re looking at a much bigger pie that s being created because the president is committed to real jobs, good job growth, and the well-being of working people. so you re going to have some good news to deliver when you embark on this nationwide tour to promote good jobs, you re gonna be hitting the road hitting battleground states, very important ones like georgia, florida, michigan, pennsylvania. tell me what is a good job and who will you be targeting the employers or employees with your message? everybody. so that s exactly what this tour is about. it s good job summer. i just announced this in phoenix, arizona, where cities and unions and community-based organizations signed onto these good jobs principles and a lot of what a good job is, is fairly funded the mental, it s making sure that you have a living wage for making sure you have good benefits. so you can go to the doctor when you need to. knowing at the beginning of the work-shift that you re going to come home healthy and safe at the end of it. the right and ability to have a voice on the job to organize, to form a union and sort of basic things the write-up, retire with dignity and to see growth and opportunity so we re really laser-focused on creating those kinds of jobs in communities all across the country. whether it s rural or urban, big stays small states. and going around the country to talk to working people and their families about what having a good job means for them, what the presence investments are meaning and communities, and what some of the ongoing challenges are. so we can continue to do our best to meet them i m curious what you will tell the people who see this really hot job market and understand that that may mean that the fed s, the fed may not i actually cut interest rates to help continually cool inflation because there is this disconnect between the economic indicators which shows that the economy is on the up and up when it comes to the unemployment rate and job and wage growth. but at the end of the day, people vote about how they feel, and how will you reconcile? it s especially those who are concerned about rising food and housing costs. how will you help them reconcile their reality with these numbers? yeah. i mean, i think that s why the battle gets inflation remains one of the top priorities of our president and of our entire administration. at the same time we i think working families know that the cost of things as one part of the equation, the other part is how much you make, how much you have to spend and that s why having a good job is so important. having a good job that doesn t just let you get by, but really lets you get ahead. that s what the good job summer is all about. it s also what the president s entire investing in america agenda is all about. we want safer roads and bridges and all communities. we want every family who turns on the faucet to get clean drinking water. we want high-speed, reliable internet everywhere across the country. and we also know that those are opportunities to create good jobs in the communities that need them the most and a big thank you to acting secretary of labor, julie su for taking time to talk with me well, in a tit-for-tat exchange, south korea says it will restart loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas after north korea center more trash-filled balloons will have a live report from the north-south border. next the most anticipated moment this election and mistakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live. i d cnn and streaming on max and less time making cocktails and more time making memories introducing cartesian premium cocktail the touch of a button and shop for dad and get $50 lot with slash dad oh, karni isolde, it s got an answer. that s what i said. god-man, saada gotten need gotten me, got jews fade. you wise old. take xyz on when she with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the edge take medication delivered right to 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muscles, problems, thinking or sweating. common side effects include inflammation kind of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness ask your doctor for us, said, oh, xr shingles, some described it as an intense burning sensation or an unbearable edge. this painful, blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family shingles could also lead to long-term debilitating nerve pain. they can last for months or even years. if you over fifth day, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases don t wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today i m melies nonna in washington and this is cnn this morning. south korea s national security council held an emergency meeting to figure out how to respond to hundreds of trash-filled balloons sent from north korea. north korea s vice-defense minister claims they sent the balloons as a direct response to south korea sending balloons with anti-north korea flyers for so many years. cnn s microfilariae is in puzzle south korea, which is near the dmz as an area separates north and south korea. so you ve confirmed that the south korean response happened just a little while ago, talked to us about it well, victor, we ve been able to confirm through the south korean joints chief of staff that date for the first time in six years resumed. what s been called a propaganda broadcasts. and let me say propaganda broadcast as tamarind viktor, we re not talking about cold war old tiny stuff. we re talking about south korean soft power, loudspeakers. we have new video in early this morning of loudspeakers coming up from the roofs of about nine or ten military vehicles here in south korea. this video being shown in preparation for this exercise, what the south can do the south said that they sent a broadcast of k-pop music blared over the speakers again, south korean soft military power directed towards the north and also news reports from south korean media detailing human rights abuses from north korea perpetrated by north korean leader kim jong-un what exactly lead to this point? south korea is saying, we did this one broadcast and it s up to you. north korea, whether or not we do another one of these. again, we rewind 2:11 p.m. on saturday night. that s when we were all out. we get an alert on our phones similar to an amber alert and the united states with public safety officials saying that more trash balloons were coming from the north, 300 total, about 80 of them made their way to south korean territory. some of them landing in the heart of the megalopolis that is soul. and if we rewind a little further back to thursday of last week, that s when a north korean defector who run it s an advocacy human rights group in south korea decides to send ten balloons to their neighbors in the north, having slices of life tied to those balloons like k-pop, k-dramas and little flash drives leaflets denouncing the north korean regime. so before that balloon launch, before this, that for tat, we were for able to speak to the founder of that group. here s what he told us just before the balloon launch now me will one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love but to send filth and trash in return. that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so we are standing right here on pod you on the unification bridge. this is the only bridge that leads from south korea to north korea. it s the site of a few high-profile reunification between north and south koreans that are fewer and fewer in this day and age, it s notable victor and amara, where we re standing lot of military personnel, a prominent military base. we were not able to hear that propaganda broadcasts. it could have happened. miles and miles away from here. but the question is how will the north respond? well, the south just have this one broadcast or will things quietly, quiet lately simmer here on the peninsula? victor and amara back to you will see microfilariae force there. thanks so much tonight s episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies and nuclear game looks at how one russian agent put everything on the line as tensions between the u.s. and soviet union ramped up. here s a preview read or i always i think the early person, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other seen the profile of a mobile phone every day it was good luck he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game airs tonight. attend pm eastern right here on cnn dangerous heat is bringing sizzling temperatures to the west coast will look at how high temperatures are expected to get after the break qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts, the idp disrupts cid p derails. let s be honest 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meteorologist allison chinchar is with me now. so which parts of the country are going to be sizzling? yeah, so i mean, if that s really kinda z because it s several different areas. take for example, where we have the heat alerts you ve got sundown in portions of florida, others in axis, then the southwestern states you ve got several different areas here that are going to be feeling the heat, the real focus, however, is going to be in the southwest. so areas of arizona, nevada, portions of california, although it does stretch into portions of northern california. but look at some of the records that we had on saturday, three of these were actually in florida. then we also had one in utah and one in texas. here s a look though at the next couple of days, you ll really start to see these numbers begin to shoot uptake. for example, las vegas going from 103 today to 108 on tuesday sacramental also getting back into triple-digits by tuesday, phoenix starting to see their temperatures get back into the one tens by the time we get to tuesday. here s the thing about las vegas weekend it s a hot place, especially this time of year. but even for them, this is extreme. their normal high still is not yet in the triple digits. they d be about 98 degrees, but every single one of these next seven days is expected to be in those triple digit temperatures, one area we re not really seeing the heat that s going to be where we re seeing a lot of this heavy rain. here s a look. you can see a lot of these showers across portions of southern missouri and a lot of rain has already fallen in these areas. you re talking at least three to five inches. that s why we have the potential for excessive rainfall and flooding risk, not just for missouri, but a lot of this area, even stretching back into colorado, texas, as well as new mexico oh. of course, speaking of hot summer days, a lot of us are going to want to be near a body of water, a pool here as an important warning for parents, as summer gets underway, the color of your child s swimsuit may help save them from drowning. that is according to water safety experts who say there are certain colors that are easier to spot in the pool or open water than others. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here with us to talk about this. i mean, this is so important and i m so glad that we re doing this so basic question, what are the safest? let s colors for your children to wear, right? well, a lot of safety experts say it s the bright neon colors like something in this color scheme, they say is the safest, most visible under the water. you want to avoid swimsuits that are light blue or white like this is a children s serp suit, something like this. this is not as visible because it blends in with them a lot are some yeah, exactly. and i did speak with a company called alive solutions. they tested different swimsuit colors to see how visible they were under the water. and they found these differences. if you look on this chart, the white suit, which is on the far right, almost disappears under the water. yeah. and those bright colors stand out the most the american lifeguard association, they said that they re happy people are now talking about this. a spokesperson for the american lifeguard association why it werneth. i spoke with them while he was patrolling beaches in florida and he said that swimsuit colors definitely mentally play a role in safety. have a listen shubi, very important to make sure that you brush your child in a bright-colored, something that stands out to me environment. the dominant colors that blend in with the ocean. more mature in or even even black. kids lie on the black line. you can t see him we want to be able to see them especially like just a crowd yeah. of course, swimsuit colors are one tool and the safety toolbox, but amerant drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages one to four. so this is so important to talk about very aware of that because my child when he was one fell in the pool, but obviously he s doing okay. yeah. so scary. that is very scary and i m listening to what your advice here. so white and black and blue probably not the best colors, but bright colors like oranges and reds and yellows and neon exactly most visible. is there anything else we can do to make sure their kids are safe? oh, absolutely. because swimsuit color, just one tool in the toolbox. it definitely enroll your child in swim lessons. of course, supervise them while they re in the water, make sure they re wearing a life jacket, and make sure that you yourself know cpr and you know what? doing case they do need help that s a good reminder. i do need to have gotten a little rusty on cpr skills and it s important because like you said, i mean, drowning is a huge cause of death for little children. yeah. and that rate has increased. it has the cdc just put out a report saying that more than 4,500 people a year die due to drowning here in the united states. and that number is higher than what we ve seen in previous years. and this involves children and adults to amara. so again, it s something that s a public health issue really, really important things to keep in mind. thank you so much for bringing that to us. jacqueline howard. absolutely victor reach for the gold or reach for the viewers. that s a decision in the us women s basketball team will have to make reportedly they re deciding whether caitlin clark s should be at the paris olympics next month? tonight on the whole story, how to drag becomes such a target for the political right? do you think drag queen story hours can? in the family-friendly? know, if they don t want to world of tolerance state should be afraid the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn, you re calling some people find it there s at an early age, others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put are everything and every truck so that 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again, but the former college phenom has been off to a little bit of a bumpy start and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day.

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart 20240609

norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? [crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we re moving forward with the houston dash. because we re moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. is it for us. thank you so much for watching. remember, you can watch the nightcap again tomorrow night, saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc but for now, i am signing off and on that note, i wish you a good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. tonight, we are following breaking news and the israel- hamas war. four israeli soldiers are now reunited with their families after being rescued alive in gaza by the israeli defense forces. all four were transferred to a hospital near tel aviv and are in good condition according to medical officials. the free hostages were kidnapped from the music festival on october 7th. that noa argamani,includes seen in this disturbing video being kidnapped and driven away on a motorcycle. it was an emotional reunion for him and his loved ones, including her father, whom she is seen hiding in this video. earlier, president biden reacted to the news during his trip to paris. before i begin my remarks i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming this hostages that were returned to their families and is real. we won t stop working until all the hostages come home and the cease-fire is reached. joining me now from tel aviv is nbc s raff sanchez. what more do we know about how and where this rescue operation was executed? reporter: this rescue operation took place in broad daylight in an area called dave surratt in central gaza. the israeli military says this was based on weeks of intelligence and that they simultaneously stormed two apartments in buildings around 200 yards away from each other. in one of those apartments, they found noa argamani on her own and in the other, they found those three male hostages who were also kidnapped from the october 7th music festival. when those israeli special forces had the hostages in their arms, they gave the agreed-upon code word over the radio. they said we have the diamonds, we have the diamonds. they got the hostages out in armored vehicles. noa argamani was flown back and israel by a helicopter and taken to the hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. i met her father on october 8th. the worst day of this man s life, his world crumbling, his only daughter kidnapped by hamas and i saw him again today exactly 8 months later, and you can only imagine the joy exuberant rating out of this man to have his child back. we had a chance to speak to some of his friends and listen to what they told us about how she is doing. how are you guys feeling? amazing. you saw noa? how is she doing? she s laughing, she is strong, it s amazing. reporter: now, this moment of joy for noa and her family is also tinged with sadness. noa s mother is dying of brain cancer. for these last eight months, it has been her final wish to see her daughter once again and tonight, that wish was fulfilled. noa s boyfriend was kidnapped alongside her on october 7th. he remains inside gaza is one of the 120 hostages still being held there and jonathan, i should tell you that while there are celebrations here in israel tonight, there is absolutely searing grief inside of gaza. the health ministry says at least 210 people were killed by israeli forces during this raid, many of them, women and children. our team on the ground inside gaza sat many dead and dying children being brought into that facility there, so it is a painful split screen tonight between the joy in israel and the grieving going on inside gaza. indeed. thank you. we have also learned that one member of the israeli police counterterrorism unit has died from injuries during the operation. we will be monitoring the story and bring you updates throughout the evening on msnbc. we are also monitoring this out of washington, d.c. where thousands of pro-palestinian demonstrators have gathered outside the white house to protest the united states support for israel amid its war in gaza. they formed a redline around the white house blocking traffic and calling for an arms embargo against israel. white house staff had increased security around the residence and put up protective fencing. now, we put turn to disturbing developments in the presidential election. ever since donald trump s guilty verdict last week, the four times indicted president is vowing revenge in dangerous ways. this week, the presumptive republican nominee for president told us exactly what he plans to do if he gets back in the white house. i think you have so much to do, you don t have time to get even. you only have time to get right. well, revenge does take time. i will say that and sometimes revenge can be justified. reporter: in your first term you did not arrest any of your political opponents but after your conviction last week, has your approach to that changed? the world is different now so when you asked me the question would we do it, i ll talk to you in about three weeks from now. wouldn t it be terrible to throw the president s wife and the former secretary of state think of it. the president s wife into jail. it s very possible that is going to have to happen to them. speaker mike johnson is not waiting to exact revenge on trump s behalf. this week, he laid out how he plans to weaponize the houses oversight powers to go after the federal investigations into trunk. we are working on a three- pronged approach through the appropriations process, through the legislative process, through bills that we will be advancing through committees and putting on the floor for passage and also through oversight. those things will be happening vigorously because we have to do that because the stakes are too high but, as scary as that is, the new york times reports that prominent republicans in and out of government art demanding quote, that elected republicans use every available instrument of power against democrats, including targeted investigations and prosecutions. take, for instance, former trump aid, election denier and soon to be prison inmates, steve bannon, who is urging the prosecution of democrats telling the new york times quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to seize the day and on this moment in history. and, bannon is not the only one calling for revenge. i m talking about to it for tat. you just wait and it won t be hunter biden the next time. it s going to be joe biden. it could potentially still be barack obama. it could still potentially be hillary clinton. you have to get in the game, republicans. as every house committee controlled by republicans using its subpoena power in every way it needs to right now starting every investigation they need to right now? we need some brave district attorneys in the united states to step forward and take aggressive action. incredible rogues gallery there, but you notice, there is no mention of actual crimes committed. only enemies to be targeted in a tidal wave of vengeance and retribution. as the new york times knows, quote, the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats after the verdict surpasses anything seen before in transnational tumultuous years in national politics six. what is different now is the range of republicans saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. this is why, for the sake of our democracy, we need to take all of what you just heard, the snarling threats of revenge and the actions to come, very seriously. joining me now, olivia troy, former top aide to former vice president mike pence and anthony coley, former legal affairs analyst and former senior adviser to attorney general merrick garland. thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. i would love to get both of your reactions to trump suggesting that he s going to jail political opponents. i drama trump projects and says what he plans to do so i think we should take it very seriously but i don t think it s going to stop his political opponents. i think he means anyone who is ever crossed him. he will start with people like you in the media, people like me who have been outspoken critics and there will be actually no justification for it, exactly the point you made it the end of your opening. right now, what is the crime? what are you trying to investigate? but it doesn t matter to trump, because he will bend the rules and put enablers in place to go along with it. before you give your reaction, to what you just said, olivia, what is really scary to me is yes, he is saying all of this stuff and he will try to do all of this stuff and my fear is, i m not sure that the american people will rise up to try to stop him. that s exactly right. what you just said about putting enablers and places key. donald trump has learned one key fundamental truth about washington which is that people our policy. what we have seen here in d.c., they hire people, they surround themselves with people who share their vision and their values and thankfully and his first term, we had enough conservative republicans around him who resisted his very worst instincts, people who put their oath to the constitution, like olivia, ahead of their loyalty to him. they are not going to be that, those people, in the second term. he s going to surround himself in the white house with yes men and in the congress, just imagine if donald trump is president, he is more likely than not to have a republican majority in the congress. they are not going to do legitimate oversight. they re going to do rubberstamps and then we cannot look to the judiciary to save us. he has openly talked about eileen cannon, who i believe is deliberately slow walking this documents case. he talks about how we need more judges like her and i think your viewers have got to understand he has already appointed three justices to the supreme court. so, five of nine justices could be donald trump appointees and that should send a shiver down anyone s spine who loves our country and our constitution. yes, i m trying to remember who it was. oh, it was dan pfeiffer during a podcast interview for he made this exact point. if donald trump gets re-elected you can see thomas and one other justice, alito, retire and he would get at least two more but let s talk about speaker johnson since you invoked congress. speaker johnson, among the things he wants to do, he wants to theoretically allow trump to move state-level charges he is facing in georgia to federal court with the option to then issue a self pardon if convicted. that would totally upend the rule of law in this country. yes, and it is shameful to be someone who supported the republican party for so long to watch this, the party that used to stand for freedom, liberty, the rule of law. now we have completely flipped the script on it but that is a very serious thing in the fact that they are just openly discussing it and saying yeah, this is our plan, and it is for a pardon and they are all on board with it. it doesn t matter. this person committed a crime. there was an entire process that happened. it was a jury of his peers who decided on the conviction. these are cases going on in georgia where there are republicans testifying who are involved in this process, who saw the whole sedition happening firsthand so i think this is a disturbing on so many levels because it is the speaker of the house and he knows better. the other thing is, not for one second should anyone believe these people don t understand exactly what they are doing because they are intelligent and they know exactly calculated what the plan is. what really bothers me is the sense that these prosecutions were not deserved. this is politicization of the u.s. justice department. nothing could be further from the truth. i spent two years at the u.s. justice department. i saw the attorney general put in place people and processes to make sure that facts and law, not politics or anything else, would be the determining factor for investigations and prosecutions. you want more evidence that is what is happening now, look at the fact that right now, the u.s. justice department under joe biden is prosecuting joe biden s son. right, right. i love how joe biden s justice department is going after donald trump but they leave out that joe biden s justice department is not only going after joe biden s son, but also a prominent democratic senator. two prosecutions, so if joe biden has weaponize the justice department, he is doing it all wrong. i can t believe we just got started talking and it s all done. olivia, anthony, thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, hunter biden could take the stands next week as his trial on gun charges enters its next phase. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that s why america s best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? hunter biden s daughter, naomi, was the last person to take the stand in his firearms trial this week but she could end up being the first and only family member to testify in his defense. he is charged with three felony counts for allegedly lying about gun use. his daughter testified she did not see him using drugs around the time he bought the gun. earlier in the week, hunter biden sister-in-law and another former girlfriend appeared as witnesses for the prosecution under immunity agreements. they joined his ex-wife and testifying at length about his addiction to crack cocaine and his struggle to stay sober. the defense team is now deciding whether to call hunter himself to the stand on monday. in an interview with abc news, president biden said he will accept the verdict no matter what it is, and that he will not pardon his son if he is convicted. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst and former u.s. attorney, barbara mcquaid. she is cohost of the hashtag sisters-in-law podcast and is also the author of attack from within, how disinformation is sabotaging america. thank you as always for coming to the saturday show. how risky would it be for hunter biden to testify on his own behalf? testifying on one s own behalf is probably the most difficult decision the defendant has to make and something that the lawyer will sit down with them and discuss the pros and cons. i think on the pro side, the defense here has been that hunter biden did not consider himself to be an addict at the time he filled out that form, that he may have been addicted before and after but that he wasn t, and the question asks, are you addicted to drugs and so if he were to testify, he could say i did not believe i was addicted to drugs at that time. that could be enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. on the other hand, when you testify, it puts into play anything that might tend to impeach your credibility, so any prior inconsistent statement, any bias that you might have, any bad things you ve ever done before come into play that would otherwise be not told to the jury, so that is a balance that the defendant really has to decide for himself based on the advice he gets from his lawyer. and barbara, if hunter decides not to testify, where does that leave his defense? it could be that they are done, and i think it leaves that were most cases really end, which is arguing that the prosecution has not prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt so i think what the defense would argue is that although they don t really contest what happened, that yes, he did buy this gun, all the facts that happened, that he was using drugs and all the dates that have been introduced, he did not believe himself to be an addict at that time. proving a defendant s intent and knowledge and mind-set is always the hardest thing for a prosecutor, because you can t read another person s mind is so much of the testimony has been that you know, you didn t see him on that day. you didn t know if he was using on that day. there certainly has been testimony that he was using right up around that day so it requires a little bit of circumstantial evidence for the jury to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but it seems like there is plenty of evidence there from which they could draw that inference. let s turn to donald trump s criminal convention. the judge sent a letter to both sides yesterday about a social media, reporting to preview the guilty verdict. how seriously do you take this potential claim of a jury week? not at all. it is interesting. many courts have these, which are unmoderated message boards where people can comment. they were set up with the idea that you could engage in good public discourse but of course there are all kinds of people out there who engage in mischief and worse, so this person has said oh, my cousin says a verdict is coming. i think the judge here, out of an abundance of caution, wanted to be up front with it and not try to hide it. certainly there would be people out there who would point to this as some sort of conspiracy that the fix was in, and so the judge has disclosed this to the parties so that if they want to explore this, they may do so. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg told the house judiciary committee he will come testify about the case but not until after trump s sentencing. should brag actually show up? would he be walking into a show trial whose sole purpose is to discredit him and his successful prosecution of the case? yes. i really worry about this idea of the accusations of the weaponization of criminal charges. donald trump that due process every step of the way in this case and i worry that there is a real separation of powers issue here to try to probe into the mind-set of what prosecutors are thinking when they bring a case, so that is a risk. certainly there is oversight that exists when there are federal prosecutors but there really isn t that kind of oversight over state court prosecutors. there could be [ inaudible ] to the extent that alvin bragg s office accepts federal funds so the thing to do would be going after this case is over. all right, we re going to have to leave it there. thank you, as always, for coming to the saturday show. up next, brace yourself. with three weeks left in the supreme court session, there are several decisions to be handed down that will be consequential, even life- changing for americans, from donald trump s immunity claims, reproductive rights and more. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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of the two abortion cases, that s the one i m most optimistic about. i think that they will leave it alone? that s correct. almost half of all abortions in the u.s. are performed with mifepristone and if they accept the lower coats reasoning to bennett so many other drugs would be banned. these guys don t like abortion but they don t want to ban antibiotics. that s the good news on abortion there. thank you for the help. don t worry, i ll spoil it in just a second. exactly the next one is whether federal law regulating hospitals trumps abortion bans when it comes to performing emergency abortions. i m worried about this case. there is a federal law that does not refer specifically to abortions but it says that if you go to an emergency room and you have a medical emergency they have to stabilize your health condition so if the appropriate treatment is on abortion, the law right now says you have a right to an abortion. i think based on the oral argument, they are likely to write that out of the statute or at least put some kind of limits on it so that people who need life-saving or health saving abortions will be able to get them anymore. now, here is the case that i don t think a lot of people even know about, and this is euphemistically known as the> case and this is whether to overturn the landmark supreme court ruling in the case that gave federal agencies leeway to interpret the law. sounds very dry, but explain why this case, to your mind, is the most important case decision. this is most hypertechnical but also the most important. there are scads of federal laws that delegate power to a federal agency. everything from how mac how much emissions come from power plants to who gets overtime pay is controlled by federal agencies. chevron is a case from the reagan era that said courts should generally let agencies do what they need to do and defer to them. what the court is likely to do here is essentially give itself a veto power over everything the agencies do, so it s not just at the huge transfer of power and a huge transfer of power from the democratic biden administration to a supreme court that has a 6-3 republican majority. to your point about regulating antibiotics, that would give them purview over the fda, right? potentially. the fda has its own statute, which is different than the regulatory regime that concerned chevron but what we seen from the supreme court overall, they ve been making up all these things with names like the major questions doctrine that lets them interfere with agency so. in the u.s. versus rohini case allowing domestic abusers to have access to firearms, will the supreme court make that happen, let that happen? i think they realize they screwed up. they handed down a big program decision that led to this decision. i think they re going to have to walk it back. you ve given us hope on two cases. thanks for coming to the show. still to come, president biden delivers a powerful speech in defense of democracy as he commemorates 80 years since americans landed on french shores to defeat the forces trying to destroy it. my political panel joins me next to talk about the message, and more. more. hello. my smile is back on point. easy. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you re over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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someone to say yes, and someone to not detract from his ticket or in the case of bergen, someone who could write a really big check to support tom s campaign and what bergen has going for him as we could go all the way to november for the nation knows who this guy is. maybe he is a very nice guy. we saw him try to be somewhat reasonable during the primary. we know he has high marks as governor but donald trump is looking for somebody to fall in line. marco rubio has long been my dark house horse. he s now moved up. he s in the final four because he played the politics of donald trump right. he didn t relitigate his flip- flop for the past eight years, he just flopped. he reminds nikki haley voters that there are people like nikki haley still supporting donald trump but the vice president is not going to change. the vice presidential nominee is not going to change donald trump s behavior nor the parties platform. what the country should hope for is somebody capable of governing should donald trump end up not being able to serve. so, alencia, of those four people , who do you think he s going to pick? it s a crap shoot however, i think he might pick someone like tim scott given that it gets diversity on the ticket. in air quotes. they ve been trying to run black candidates in certain areas. republicans are trying to get away from being called the party full of white supremacists and racists, so tim scott falls in line and he happens to be a black man. maybe. i heard there s an awesome new book written by jonathan capehart that s about to drop. the wager will be the new k part book that it s not tim scott. well, that looks not coming out until later in the year, knock on wood. am excited about it. thank you very much. that s very nice of you. in the few seconds we have lester left, i will say the one thing we know about donald trump as he is biggest on appearances. he gave somebody the department of defense secretary job because he looked the part and so of those four characters we saw before, governor bergen looks the part to donald trump s mind, that is. in the time i spent in his head. former congressman david jolly, alencia johnson thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, the trump campaign is making a big play for black voters but given the former president s rhetoric and disrespect for topline officials, i m not buying it. charles coleman junior joins me after the break to discuss. jo after the break to discuss. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. donald trump and his campaign are making a very public play for the black vote. even vice presidential hopeful tim scott, the african-american senator from south carolina, the only black republican in the chamber, has started a political action committee to target minority voters and good for them. they should ask for our vote, but scott told the ap quote, much to the chagrin of many folks, there is no doubt that african-american men are wide open for a political shift of partisanship. i don t know about all that. but, black voters all voters should be aware that while they are smiling and black men s faces, trump and his campaign are denigrating black men in plain sight. for instance, michael tyler is the communications director for the biden-harris s re-election campaign. quentin fox is the principal deputy campaign manager. these two black men you see on the screen of the most senior african-americans on the campaign, role models and yet, the trump campaign and the rnc continually refer to these two black men as quote, junior staffers, or junior biden campaign spokesman. some of you might think, what s the big deal, it s just a title. when you re african-american you learn quickly the ways in which her stature, prominence or authority are undermined in the eyes of white people, and that is exactly what trump and his campaign are doing, but we shouldn t be surprised. trump is running his campaign the way he has lived his life. going after black men. trump did it in the 1980s when he went after the central park five, demanding they get the death penalty for a crime they didn t commit even after dna evidence exonerated them. he did it in 2004 when jackson was a finalist on the apprentice reportedly sign quote, what america aye a blank winning? n word. the spokesperson from the trump campaign has denied the story calling it completely fabricated but trumps disrespect for black men was evident when president obama was in the white house. trump actively undermined obama s legitimacy by promoting the racist brother lie that he was not born in hawaii, but can you. now, he s doing it to quentin foltz and michael tyler and i m here to call it out. don t ask for our votes in one breath then denigrate someone who looks like us in the next. but, let s be real. this is not about getting our votes. it s about setting up a permission structure for white voters to cast a ballot for him. after all, how can he be racist if he s asking for their vote, right? wrong. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst charles coleman junior, civil rights attorney and host of the charles coleman podcast. charles, i wanted you to be with me in the segment specifically because of that pin you where every day and every show. what does that pin say? yes, this is my black brilliance pen and i m so glad you asked about because for me as a black man who is a professional who walks in different spaces that in many cases, i find myself being the only one of many. i am someone who understands the importance of affirming myself and my brilliance because as is the case with quentin and michael, i can expect that even as i have done the work, even as i have gotten the title, is an as we have ascended through the ranks that other people are going to affirm it as well so it s a soft affirmation and an affirmation for people like you, as well, who find themselves trying to make their way in worlds that are often not friendly to us. what you say to that question saying how could donald trump be racist, you know, if he s going for their votes? why is that that s not good enough. this is a very nuanced question because i think what people have to understand when they re talking about black men and their voting patterns, particularly as it relates to the selection, the biden campaign is battling two major campaigns. the first one is misinformation. there are a lot of voters who are misinformed or underinformed about the progress that administration has made on their accomplishments and in some cases, they ve been told wrong information. the other thing they are battling, is regardless what it is you re saying, people are going to vote how they feel and that s why it s even more important that outreach occur on a proactive level. if you are talking about, for example, a record low and unemployment of black men but that low is still higher than the national average and higher than other white men, then it still feels like your last. it looks do we have charles? let me buffer for a second. there you go. real quick, finish the last part of your answer, charles. what i was saying is that it is something the biden campaign has to be aware of, regardless of the notion of racism in terms of how donald trump tries to siphon off voters from a pretty solid democratic block. that is an important point people have to understand. people are going to vote how they feel more than anything else. and i hope people feel that they should not vote for somebody who says vote for me, well you know, around the corner is denigrating people who look just like them because you are setting yourself up for failure. charles coleman junior, thank you very much. sorry the conversation was so quick. i hope to see you soon. or of the saturday show on msnbc after a break. msnbc after a break. 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