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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20141031 23:00:00

that s it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes on the record right now. don t forget, tuesday it all starts 6:00 p.m. kelly and me. see you then. it is down to the wire. tempers are flying, insults being flung all sorts of really mean accusations. yep, election day is coming and republicans are pulling out all the stops to regain control of the senate. tonight, we are taking you across the country inside critical races that will decide it all. on the record has live team coverage of those key races from the senate showdown to kentucky and iowa to the governor s races in florida and wisconsin. we begin in iowa. a high stakes race for the u.s. senate. it s also a dead heat for open senate seat. republican state senator joni earnst battling bruce braley. this could be a turning point for the united states of hurricane. i think this race, bruce s race is especially
important. joni earnst is not on your side. it is going to take all of us pulling together to unite this party. i stand on the side of awians. every one of you get out and vote. have a straight talk. it s going to come down to get out the vote. and the a.p. s catherine lucy is live in des moines. catherine, this one is a nail biter. what story? who is up earnst braley or is this within the margin of error? you know like most people of iowa i m on the edge of me seat too. this is so close. the polls all show this just razor then going in the last couple of days. touring the state, blanketing the airways ware waives with positive and. senator john mccain. bruce braley has president obama in tomorrow. and this is is the the first time iowa has had an open senate seat in decades.
and they are desperately trying to pull out all the stops to close this deal. all right, well president obama took the iowa caucus in 2008. so i guess that representative braley is not running from him like many democratic that s my mistake. it s not president obama it s president clinton who is here tomorrow. i apologize. president obama has not been near iowa this entire election. president bill clinton who is still very popular here in iowa. he is coming in tomorrow to do a huge rally in ghoin with james taylor. also doing a fundraiser up in waterloo where braley is from. the only obama we have seen in the state is michelle obama, not president obama. all right. what do you think is the most important issue? what do people in iowa really care about as the people who still aren t decided? what matters? it s interesting. a lot of talk about a variety of issues on the trail. you know, including social issues like abortion, but we
had some polling out from the a.p. this week which really shows what people are really focused on is the economy and healthcare. those kind of pocketbook issues i think are really the top concerns for voters in this race. we are all watching it. all eyes on iowa on tuesday. catherine, thank you. thank you. and now to kentucky the blue grass state. it s also a nail biter. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is fighting to keep his seat. there is nobody running in america this year, the liberals want to be more than the guy you are looking at. i m proud of my enemies. it makes a big difference who wins this election. and alisyn lundergan grimes should win it and will with your help. it s the economy, stupid. obama needs alisyn grimes, kentucky needs mitch mcconnell. we will take this fight to mitch mcconnell and hold him accountable for his 30
years of failed leadership. and on the record sam youngman from the kentucky leader. nice to see you, sam. good to be with you, greta. where does this stand? this has been like neck and neck. i know. we are sort of missing the suspense that we had just a week ago like what they are having in iowa. we just put out a poll yesterday last poll before the election shows senator mcconnell with a little bit of separation now 38% to 33% lead. i will say that democrats here are excited. ground game. does look like right now from every indication we are seeing. sixth term and quite possibly become jort leader. is senator mitch mcconnell running. 27% approval rate in kentucky. is that what the story is or it against alisyn lundergan grimes?
no. i think if you ask senator mcconnell he would say alisyn lund grim who? this is your last chance against president obama. two, make me majority leader and you have a kentuckian looking out for you every day. i think he has had a great deal of success in tieing alison lundergan grimes tieing her to the president. probably a lot of undecides, right? some, what s going to throw it either way? yeah, our polls showed about 6% undecided. a lot of pollsters i m talking to aren t seeing that many. they are saying that people are pretty much locked in. you know, i think down the stretch. you know, people are sort democrats are really throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, try different messages, senator mcconnell for his part in
town this morning. senator mcconnell s stump speech hasn t changed at all in the last six months. i think the goal for him is just to make sure his voters turn out and don t make any down the stretch. we will be watching six% undecided and 5% difference in the polls that still seems like nail biter to me. and now, florida high octane governor s race is too close to call. rick scott trying to fend off charlie crist. i love florida and i want to make sure that we protect it. charlie lost 232,000 jobs and charlie said he was powerless. he said there was absolutely nothing he could do about jobs. i am so happy to be here to support charlie crist, the next governor of florida! [cheers] how many of you all have voted. we re going to win because we are getting our votes out. poor charlie doesn t have a title. he wants to run for governor
again because he wants the title again. give new title loser. mary ellen class joins us. what a race down there. three major television markets who is up florida once again is going to deliver another nail biter. things have been so tight. they have been the recent polls show that they are within the margin of error, both candidates, so there is no telling which direction it s going to go. you know, it s so interesting about florida because it s such a big state. so many different interests, the older community down there conservative community wild state isn t it to watch? there is a lot of visits. a lot of areas four years
ago went one direction have changed. we have got some areas that are more blue this time around. miami dade the senator of the state is a little more blue. on the other hand, the republicans continue to turn out in midterm elections far better than democrats do. the democrats have been cutting into that margin a little bit in voting. we have had two weeks of early voting. but it s it s really down to the wire whether that is going to be enough for them to pull it over on election day. i don t mean to be disrespectful governor scott or former governor crist. i get the sense down there that voters are going to the polls a little bit holding their nose not wild about either candidate. am i right? you are absolutely right. part of the reason is that neither of the candidates have given voters have a whole lot to vote for them don t vote for the other
guy. who is the least best as karl said over the weekend. we will be watching and florida never disappoints us with making it exciting, thank you. and now, back north, we re going to go back to the midwest to the great state of wisconsin where right now the governor s race is a fierce one. neck and neck. republican governor scott walker mary burke. we are going to move this forward. the republicans clearly have a significant advantage in turnout. oh, it s good to be back in wisconsin. i don t need people stick. if everyone voted it would still be an extremely close race. the only poll that matters is the one we take next tuesday. the milwaukee sentinel journal joins us. who is going to win this governor s race. this is a a state really divided over scott walker. he has carved out a lead in
the likely voters in the last major poll in this race. what s interesting about the poll is his gains came from not any big opinion shifts in the electorate as a whole but from intensity gap. reallyunder scores the role that turn out. what about the ads? how fierce. i am a cheese head. you wonder how much the impact allegation. whether she was forced out o. counter charges, questions about some of those sources and their political ties. that s really kind of raised the temperature of this race at the end. you know, looking back at the history of wisconsin
ground game is important. undecides at this point. very few. but, again, that s why it s so important for democrats to try to kind of raise levels. we know that the governor s republican base is really loyal and really motivated and that s probably his political strong suit. if he wins. most people think scott walker wants to run for president. i think the expectation will be that he will take a really hard look at this race, if he wins. i think there is some question about, you know, if the margin is super narrow how much of a springboard his victory will give him in a possible presidential race. obviously if he loses the race his presidential ambitions are stalled. of course if his opponent wins that would be the first woman governor in the state of wisconsin in history,
right? right. and probably governor in madison, unlikely the democrats will take back the legislature. craig, thank you, we will be watching on tuesday. thank you. and now, heading south in the bayou state. louisiana, that s where you find ortega taking heat that is after she woman president obama struggles to be popular because is he african-american. in the south not always the friendliest place for african-americans. it s been a a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. be able to present ourselves. it s more of a conservative place. we have had to work a a little bit harder on that. and wall street journal jason riley joins us. race baiting. a lot of the ads has been
going on in the south and then you have this comment from senator land drew. is that sort of a democratic strategy or is the new york times reading too much in this. an absolutely strategy white house on down. this is what they have been doing. scaring blacks to the polls. i would just remind senator land dupre in 2006 john kerry in. states like texas, and georgia, and the carolinas and virginia. if the south has a problem with obama s skin color, that s a funny way of showing it. is this sort of a recent thing that we go down to the wire that he would are now hearing more of these racial issues instead of like a hail mary toss? she has a tough race down there. is that why we are hearing this? she has a tough race and the president s approval rating is down in the state pol. state of louisiana, particularly with regard to
energy. as she mentioned in the first part of her answer. so she has got a problem there. she wants the president black voters to come out and support her. she is trying to reconcile that that, i think explains in part she played the race card. it belies this motion that the left wants to become post racial, that s the last thing they want to do. and you see it play out when we get down to the wire in close elections like this. they thrive on identity politics. playing people against one another, divvying us up according to race or gender or sexual orientation or what have you and making specific appeals based on those differences, that s what the left does and this whole notion that they want to get beyond it and long for post racial is nonsense. the african-american vote largely democratic his terrifically, i m curious whether the democrats have earned it or expect it. black under obama you would have to say no.
take for granted. if you look at black unemployment. black labor anticipation, black ownership. black all of those categories. i don t know why should be eager to maintain harry reid as senator starts over the past six years. jason, thank you. thank you. some democrats senate races in the south. for instance, campaign ads ferguson, missouri, trayvon death. won t fight for us. instead, he made it harder for communities to vote. restricting early voting and voter registration. tillis led the effort to pass the fight to stand your ground laws that caused the shooting death of trayvon martin. and joining us special assistant to president george w. bush and daily beast columnist ron christy. basically two issues. whether the ads are accurate and honest second issue is
whether they work. they are not accurate and they are not honest. i think it s disgraceful. . we don t have people burning crosses and we don t have lynchings and people discriminating against americans based on the color of their skin, the democrats are running scared. they are running and they are staying we are going to lose this election. we don t have the momentum on ideas. we don t have mope momentum behind the president s policies. we need our greatest constituency the african-american vote to come out and vote for us, and the best way for us to do it is not a positive message. it s scaring folks. will it work? i don t think so, i think it s a cynical ploy it s disgraceful and shameful. the african-american vote has been a democratic vote. it has been. and the president got 93% of the african-american vote obviously for his re-election. but my family is from georgia. my family is a direct dissen dent of slaves. my mother and my father are upset with what this president is saying and what
the democratic party in georgia is doing of trying to scare african-americans to come to the vote and go to the polls by using lynching imagery. by using they are going to take our vote away. by using that sort of nomenclature. positive agenda is. my folks and many people around this country want to hear something positive from the democrats and using this sort of tactic, greta i think is going to back fire. what do the republicans offer african-americans? i think the republicans offer african-americans looking of people as individuals, not looking at people based on the color of their skin, if you want to hard, if you want to succeed. if you want to adheef achieve the american dream come to the american party. if you want to be viewed as a color or viewed as someone as a ethic member or gender member. come to the democratic party. the republican party s vision in our message is a hope looking at people as individuals and saying collectively it s people
out of one many. that s what we are all about. rather than let s just try to distinguish ourselves based on race or class or gender. ron, always nice to see. you always good to see you, greta. straight ahead, the millennials, voters who once supported president obama now turn the tide for the g.o.p. the youngest republican congressman representative aaron shock is here next. plus the judge making a big ruling in the case of a maine nurse fighting ebola quarantine, you will hear what the nurse has to say about that ruling coming up. and big news. i have a new twitter handle so easy. it s now just at greta. you are still going to receive my tweets. moved over to my new twitter handle. if you are not following me yet right now during the break go to hit the follow but the done. more than 480,000 followers right now. get that up to a million. see more than a million followers at greta on twitter. with over two hundred thousand businesses,
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it s reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. now help with more republicans in columbus. representative campaign field in 19 states. congressman shock joins us. good evening, sir. good evening, greta. good to be with you. nice to be with you. what makes you think that the millennials are going to go out and vote for republicans? and maybe they just want to stay home or maybe they will stick with the democrats. well, you know, despite the suggestion that young people aren t engaged in politics or what have you
country s history the youth demographic young people outperformed every other demographic it terms of turnout. they outperformed the senior citizen demographic. working parent demographic. young people that voted in record numbers. they are the most identically ideologically. right now a a harvard study out last week that showed young people overwhelmingly shifting to the g.o.p. and republican candidates in the midterm election. i believe that the reason for that is because as i traveled around the country, young people are graduating from college. more of them are having to move back into their parents homes because of a lack of jobs and opportunity for them. in fact, it s the highest rate of young people moving back in with their parents at any time in our country s history. they have record student debt. and they have been really let down by the president s promise that more government
and more involvement in their life would somehow result in better outcomes and more opportunities and prosperity for them. but i also think that the president, yeah, the other thing. does that make them i mean, it sounds like they are disillusioned with president obama. and it sounds like if they are disillusioned they may just say whatever and stay home. what is it better for the republicans than if they two vote for the democrats. the republicans want to get the vote. what is it. i think two things, one, the republican party has shown that we re about job. growing economy. everything from our tax reform. tax laid out. laying out burdensome regulation. these young people are either working or businesses right now. or they are wanting to work for a business. they know that right now the obama economy has not worked well for them. they believe in providing some opportunity, some change in terms of who is running the country.
the other thing is as i have heard from young people is their dissolution by the disengagement of president obama many of them young people by nature think that their government should work. things should operate. everything from ebola to the irs, you name it. the president operate as it should. so we know that a republican congress and senate would be a check and balance on the administration. one quick question, tuesday, if everything goes as you expect, will you still be the youngest g.o.p. congressman? i don t believe so. one of the people that i campaigned for is a bright young lady elise defonik 30 years old in upstate new york. she is leading in the polls right now. i firmly believe elise will not only be the youngest republican congress person but youngest congresswoman ever elected to congress in the history of our country at 30 years old. keep your eyes open for elise in upstate, new york.
there is a lot of young republican candidates running across the country and i don t think i will be the youngest, which i m fine with next tuesday. i m getting older. all right. good. congressman, thank you, sir. good to be with you, greta. and talk about distancing yourself from president obama. arkansas democrat senator mark pryor calling president obama a drag on his re-election bid. would you will hear it for yourself. our political panel is here next. for over a decade,
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paragraph proof no secret some democratic can cats running away from president obama. job roberts said president obama is a, quote, drag on his re-election bid. well, you know, he has been a drag. i mean, i m just going to be honest about that people here know that i have had my fair share of disagreements with him and you can look at, you know, gun control issues. look at keystone pipeline, you know, never supported one of the budgets. and our political panel the washington post jackie kucinich. the hill s alexandraaftery. washington times stephan you know that wasn t very flattering to the president. that s how he gets votes, right? sure. two problems the democrats are facing. first is president obama. what left him tied to president obama is the fact there is no agenda in congress. harry reid, democrats agreed they wouldn t allow votes on anything in congress this year. that means the only thing
they have got president obama. so, you know, they can criticize him all they want. i don t think president obama is like the scourge of the party. but actually that s the same thing that happened with president bush. it happens very common situation when the shoe was on the other foot with president bush. and then we saw big losses for the republican party in 2006 and so, you know, that s what a lot of folks are predicting for democrats this time around and why it is so concerning that president obama is seeing record low approval ratings again, this close to election day. so we have been seeing run away from him all cycle. now polling is coming back showing it s not working pryor north carolina and new hampshire where we essentially pretty much way ahead. polls are tightening as terrible for a democrat to say it about a democrat. we just know that the republicans have said it about republicans. i assume behind the scenes
this has all been arranged. president wants a democratic senate. he is given the nod andad and rm me. election, republicans make this election about president obama. and to an extent they have succeeded in doing. so we saw in some of these debates the obama fill in the blank of the democratic candidate economy. and the obama fill in the blank healthcare law. and i think they knew and they were ready for those comparisons. it s just if it sticks and whether these people can stand out on their own two feet and some races they haven t been. they are all running from him as much as obama. i counted seven different democrats who tried to put distance from themselves. some of them i m not sure i will be able to vote for him majority leader or minority leader, whatever, for democratic party coming up. so he is, as i said, is he part of the reason why they are in this predicament
where they have nothing to be tied to president obama and at love them, you know, they started chasing against that at the end of the year in congress. saying let us have some votes it was too late it will be a real question what happens with him. he has been fundraising quite a bit for democratic incumbents. spending a lot. aren t they behind that pac in north carolina one of the ads that was pretty rough? i saw the report that, yeah. that was his pac. majority pac. what s the shocker, jackie, what are we shocked come tuesday? gosh, i don t know what we ll be shocked at. i think the north carolina race is one of the most interesting because kay hagan has run a near perfect race. she hasn t made any mistakes. thom tillis her opponent opponent wasn t popular in the state for. so things that he helped pass in the state house. yet if kay hag began loses republicans have a real problem on their hands this cycle. alexander, what do you think is going to be surprises. i m watching kansas. that s a deep red state
where we have pat roberts who could lose to an independent, a businessman named greg orman. if he loses, i think it s not so much the candidates against him. he hasn t been in kansas for six years. that s a little bit of a problem. yeah. exactly. he actually rents a room from a donor when he goes back for long periods of time. there secretary of defense he still hasn t fixed that problem. convinced kansans grass rootsz. still a tied race, despite the fact republicans is spent millions trying to peg him as a democrat. if joni earnst wins in iowa. first woman statewide elected iowa. why a little bit slow on this one? i think she is also the first senator and the first statewide woman elected. so she is and she is also military veteran fascinating candidate. interesting to see what happens with her. braley has gotten a lot of support from the big
wigs, president clinton and hillary clinton. he has absolutely got than support. he has some real problems as a candidate in that state, obviously. he started off insulting chuck grassley. for being a farmer. for being a farmer in iowa g.o.p. legend. tough to recover from that, then he had this issue chickens crossing into the yard. it got worse and worse. surrogates for getting his name. panel, thank you. and remember, the dream of taking regular people, not astronauts, but regular people into space? the rocket ship designed to do just that explodes and at least one person is killed. the latest on the spaceship disaster is exin. plus, a big reunion in the works. texas nurses survived ebola getting ready to see her dog bentley. that s coming up. and check out fantastic new project. greta talk. it s a brand new pod cast launching today on itunes on your phone. log on to itunes right now during the break and subscribe. get the inside scoop with greta talk. it s automatic and easy and
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find them in the frozen aisle. nestlé. good food good life. chilling scene rocket ship designed to take tourists into space california desert. one person is killed. fox news correspondent dominic di-natale is live in california with the latest. dominic? hey there, greta. virgin galactic spaceship 2 involved in an incident at 45,000 feet. the first pilot apping to parachute away from the space craft as it blew up landing in the desert here in the mojave. his colleague killed possibly on impact. is he in the local hospital the local sheriff telling me that his injuries are described as major what appears to have happened is photographer saw the spaceship explode shortly after detaching from the white knight 2 high altitude
terrier. no indications what could have caused that. but we do know that shaysship 2 h. recently changed the kind of solid fuel it was using. investigation very much focusing on what happened there the families of the two pilots have been notified. but neither virgin galactic nor indeed the local authorities issuing those names at this time. ground control learned of something going wrong two minutes after the detachment of ship two from white night two. they got strange readings right now richard branson is on his way over from europe. is he is expected to arrive first thing in the morning. we also understand the ntsb will have an investigation team arriving around 7:30. and they will go to the site some 25 miles from where we stand apparently debris strewn over several miles and actually quite a difficult site to access considering how many different pieces of the
wreckage are actually spread so far, greta. dominic, so many people had put down deposits to be part of this program. some famous people, not so famous people. where does this program go from here? is it way too soon to ask that question? yeah, that s a really big question there. ang lee a jolie the actress was one of them. steve hawkins the scientist. richard branson himself was going to be one of the first people to be a commercial customer actually on the debut commercial flight it was supposed to take place in march or possibly as early as february next year. we do know that virgin galactic is in the middle of building a second spaceship but due to extensive testing for that craft obviously a lot more thorough testing after what s happened today. there is no indication yet at this time when should be able to get back in the air again. indeed, it just got bode well for the commercial exploration of space considering this is the second incident we have had terribly catastrophic incident we he have had in the space of a week, greta.
dominic, thank you. and today in virginia jesse matthew the suspect in the kidnapping of uva co-ed hannah graham facing a judge. he appeared by closed circuit tv to face charges in another crime. matthew is charged, attempted murder and sexual assault in a 2005 attack on a young woman in northern virginia. most of today s hearing focused on who would represent matthew. the judge appointed a public defender over the objections of matthew s current defense lawyer. his current lawyer also requesting that matthew undergo a psychiatric evaluation. as for the uva co-ed case. matthew has not yet been charged with her murder, hannah graham s body was positively identified last week. and straight ahead, a terrifying new report on isis and al qaeda. it spells big danger. that s next. and during the break, talk to me on twitter using yoit greta.
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a new u.n. report finding foreign fighters are joining terrorist groups on an unprecedented scale. auto thousand syria and iraq alone. coming from 80 different countries. that means the threat of terrorism here in the united states is rising. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. good evening, sir. glad to be with you. i don t know if you are a real big fan of the u.n. typically, but this report is pretty comprehensive and pretty terrifying. well, it is. it s very interesting. it s compiled by a group of experts for the u.n. security council pursuant to previously adopted security
council resolutions. and it intends to survey where terrorists are coming from and what their strength is. and you mentioned some of the key points. 80 different countries. and specifically, i think what s of most interest here is that they estimate that something like 15,000 terrorists from europe and the united states and the west are fighting now with isis in iraq and syria. now, these are estimates. it is a u.n. report. but these are numbers significantly higher than the obama administration or western european governments have used. and it leads to the question: what happens when these people reoperate themselves back to their home countries. and those kinds of numbers, that s a potential grave problem. i will tell you what struck me is that, here, let me read from the summary. the first nine months of 2014 have seen a rise in the threat from al qaeda. movement as a whole. al qaeda and its associates continue to pose a threat to the lives of ordinary people.
goes on to talk about movement. then down below says core al qaeda has not been extinguished. here is the problem back in 2012. i remember president obama speaking at the democratic national convention. he pretty much at least as i recall, his memory may be faulty said they were on the run. this report doesn t say they are on the run. just says that they are greying. it radio. well, you know,e report agrees e director of national intelligence general james clapper who basically testified to the same effect in open session in congress earlier this year. he said the terrorist threat from al qaeda and all of its loose affiliates was equal two or greater than what we saw before 9/11 in 2001. so i think that this is another piece of evidence that says the war on terror is not over. and the notion that we can just say oh, that stuff is so far away and act like it s not going to effect us, we can t ignore. i think it underlines why taliban and al qaeda potentially taking back over in afghanistan when the president withdraws american
forces next year. if isis is allowed consolidate control over the vast territory used to be greater for jihadis,. ambassador, thank you, sir. thank you. let s all go off-the-record for main. this is so unfair. it s just plain lousiy. i just read online, yes, read online i m not part of fox news management that the navy seal who killed usama bin laden has given fox news an interview and that interview will air in a november documentary. well, what s the problem? although the interview with the navy seal is complete, the pentagon is now giving the seal heat, saying that he is part of a nondisclosure agreement barring him from discussing the operation. really? so let me get this straight. others can talk about the operation that took usama
bin laden down, and even take credit for killing him. but the guy, the navy seal who actually did it can not? that is so messed up. president obama is taking credit. and, yes, he deserves credit. he did give the order. that s fair because we all know if the mission had failed president obama would have gotten the blame. but president obama didn t do this one alone. the president can share the credit with the seal who actually did it, the one who actually risked his life to kill our number one enemy. by the way do not give me that national security excuse because that s silly. that can all be worked out in editing. if this hero wants to talk, he wants to tell us what happened, let him. i would like to hear from him. i want to know who he is. i also want it thank him. i bet you do too. i will be watching november 11th at 10:00 p.m. i hope you will too. that s my off-the-record comment tonight. coming up, you will hear from the main nurse fighting ebola quarantine. do not forget to watch it on hannity tonight 10:00 p.m.
eastern. krauthammer joins sean tonight at 10:00 p.m. on hannity. this group and its leader, a person named usama bin laden are linked to many other. united states has conducted an operation that killed usama bin laden. the leader of al qaeda. the lightest or nothing. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest. .sexiest, .baddest, .safest, .tightest, .quickest, .harshest. .or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don t do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing.
-seltzer plus presents the cold truth. i have a cold, with terrible chest congestion. better take something. i ll catch up later. awww. truth is, theraflu severe cold doesn t treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! woooo! woooo! and now, alka-seltzer plus has a complete line of powders to treat your worst cold symptoms.
(receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. time to speed read, first, the nurse in maine fighting an ebola quarantine winning a court battle and today the judge ruling against a state s giving kaci hickox the green light to go wherever she wants during 21 day incubation period. she is only required to undergo daily monitoring. and she that she has is
sensitive to fears in the community. we still need to continue educating so far. we have shown a lot of respect to this community. we care about the community. you know, i m a nurse and a public health worker. i don t want to make people uncomfortable. now, to great news for the texas nurse who survived ebola. nina familiar s dog is also in the clear. negative for ebola and his quarantine ends tomorrow. that is when bentley and nina will be reunited. and a pennsylvania prosecutor say they will seek the death penalty against an accused cop killer, eric frein is accused of murdering one state trooper and another. manhunt. u.s. marshals captured frein. he had been hiding in an old airport hanger. in iowa, burning hot molten lava making a crawl towards a small town. right now threatening a major road and threatens to cut off the community.
many homes are also in the path of the 2000 degree: deployed to the town. and move over theresa and jacqueline. check out this fight scene. this is the real black bears of new jersey. the two bears duking it out on the front lawn of a home rockway. neither bear giving up the fight. taking it all watt toy street. in the end the bears seem to walk away as friends. unlike our elections. thank you four being with us. see you again monday night right here 7:00 p.m. eastern. big news, my twitter handle is simple it is now just at greta. so simple. using @greta wire. brand new pod cast launching today on itunes and favorite phone or favorite device. it s free. log on to itunes right now and subscribe to greta talk. it s automatic, it s free. you will love it and you will hear nothing like it any place else go to

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20141010 10:00:00

public for over a month. that s going to do it for way too early. first, real fast, we have to say good-bye to our john tower. show a shot of john tower. don t hide, don t hide, john tower. we celebrate john tower who has been a long time member of the way too early family who is taking off for a new position elsewhere. do you have anything to say? i would. no. they actually fired me. oh. wa-wa. no, you re on to great things. we love you john tower. more surprises to come four but i don t want to give them away. okay. big surprise. morning joe starts right now. are . we re vigilante in looking out for individuals of suspicion
may be crossing our border. the chances of an outbreak of an epidemic here are extraordinarily low. i m not an ice cream guy. good morning, it is friday, october 10th. welcome to morning joe. we re here in washington, d.c., at least half of us are. we have senior political editor and white house correspondent for the huffington post, sam stein. new york times reporter jeremy peters and columnist for bloomberg news al hunt. jeremy is mr. front page. jeremy is always mr. front page. of course, a lot of news to cover. also this weekend a lot of baseball as we get to the finals. we should tell our own al hunt that we mourn with him about the nationals. we ll get them next year, al.
we ll get them next year. who your rooting for now? it is rough. mika, it was so painful, they deserved much better than that, they will be back, they have a great young team. great fan base too. baseball in d.c., yeah. it makes a lot of sense. so, mika, we were talking before about some of the ads being run against kay hagan, she s not showing up for this hearing or that hearing. i guess her opponent has a point because woody allen been quoted saying that 80% of life is just showing up. if that s the case, congress is failing at all turns not just kay hagan. republicans pounding away at the north carolina senator for missing hearings by isis so she could actually show up at fundraisers. so, what are all democrats and all republicans doing? well, they are missing in action while isis marches across the
middle east so they can attend fundraisers, kiss babies and count votes. what s fair for kay hagan is fair for republicans as well and anybody thats to make attendance in congress an issue this campaign season should just shut up or show up because right now there s no honor in either house. i know a lot of people i talked to and you talked to want to know where congress is. why aren t they debating isis. why aren t they debating ebola. they are not doing their job. yeah. unless you put a clear position on isis yourself stay on the campaign trail and don t criticize the president. in the battle for the senate as you bring up the election, republican candidates are doing whatever they can to tie their opponents to president obama and democrats are doing all they can to avoid it. look at this. i just want to remind congressman gardner he s running against me not barack obama.
not my father. not harry reid, it s congressman gardner and myself on the ballot this fall. i m not sure he recognizes he s not running against harry reid or barack obama, he s running against me. i have a lot of respect for you but you re dead wrong. i m absolutely running against barack obama and harry reid. and did you guys see this? kentucky s democratic candidate allison grimes who is kind of inching up in the polls even refused to answer who she voted for in the last two presidential elections. did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? this election isn t about the president. it s about i know. who did you vote for. putting kentuckyians back to work. did you vote for him? i was a delegate for hillary clinton. i think kentuckyians know i m a clinton democrat through and
through. i respect the sanctity of the ballot box. so you won t answer. the president is on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be. it s my name. come on. just tell people who you voted for. al hunt, i had an opponent in 94 who wouldn t answer the question. i was like did you vote for, you know did you vote for bill clinton or not? this is a simple question. it just makes them look foolish. of course they just kept pounding away. we all know she voted for barack obama. a democrat in that position is in an awful position. it s not hard. joe, you re right. it s sophomoric. everybody knows she did. she could simply say i voted for barack obama. it s about the future. i m disappointed in the future, whatever she wants to say. to duck it like that is really an amateur.
if she was in a primary she wouldn t have said that. of course not. mika, that s a perfect thing to say. what you say yeah i voted against barack obama and like a lot of people in kentucky and a lot of people across america i m really disappointed in him. i didn t think he would wage a war against coal workers in kentucky. i didn t think. then just add on to there and then suddenly okay, wow. yeah, well she admits she voted for him and she s disappointed so she can actually that was then you can go right on i also watched the georgia debate the other night and they would ask, if they asked david perdue about the future of the world what would happen in china or the middle east his answer was i m running against harry reid and barack obama. essentially what she was afraid of having a short clip
made of her saying i voted for barack obama and cut off there. losing the truth somewhere. it was a bit of a ham-handed answer. democrats are also concerned with her candidacy. why republicans are not nearly as worried. when you have consultants whispering in your ear don t give a sound bite where authenticity would have served herbert. a new cnn opinion research poll does mark begich trailing in alaska. and mary landrieu replaced her campaign manager. there s another emerging issue on the campaign trail. who showing up and who is not. all those big corporations is supporting the guy who is not here tonight, not the colonel. we had people arrested at denver international airport for conspiring with the islamic
state. in chicago for conspiring with the islamic state. and senator udall doesn t even show up at the armed services hearing when it talks about emerging threats. in january president obama refers to the islamic state as a jv team. days later the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan, absent. hey began has missed over half of the armed services hearings this year. in fact hagan admits she prioritized a cocktail party to benefit her campaign. we have, joe, the crickets sound track in terms of where they all are now at this time of morning. yeah. not only that, al, obviously kay hagan going to a fundraiser instead of being at a hearing that s one thing. but those ads are so twisted and distorted, i feel like asking people have you ever been to a hearing? they got three or four people
droning on and on and i m looking here at the mark up for fy- 03 in relation to fy- 09. mr. chairman, can we get the parliamenti an in here. this is, again, don t go to a fundraiser when the hearing is on. he s not exaggerating. that s what they are like. the shame, the cry is not that someone missed a hearing but the entire congress left to go home without addressing the issue of the war. thank you. we have a threat and there were a couple of people on both sides of the aisle that said this is outrageous and they are
equally culpable. if you re going to condemn senators for missing hearings to attend fundraisers, you should be condemning the fundraising culture of congress that requires them to be begging for dollars, calling for dollars. that makes too much sense. everyone is guilty of this. tom tillis is running ads. the chutzpa to run ads like that when you miss sessions. the fundraising climate you have to beg for dollars at all hours. i got to say, those al is exactly right. at the end of the day are we really going to criticize people, republican or democrat alike for missing a stupid hearing here or a stupid hearing there or are we going to criticize them for leaving town and not being on the house floor and debating intensely what is going on. by the way, what s going on in syria, what s going on in iraq
and what s going on in turkey. these are the gravest most important times as far as foreign policy goes since 2001 and they all left. joe, should the president call them back? i would call them back in a second. if i were the president of the united states i would call them back. barack obama doesn t want to call them back because a lot of democrats would vote against him. too bad. he needs to call them back and they need to debate this out. jeremy this is not just happening in colorado, not just happening in colorado. you re seeing these similar ads highlighting the hearings that incumbent senators have missed in new hampshire, iowa as well. it s a potent line of attack and from what i understand unnerving democrats. it makes them look like they are taking unseriously the very serious challenges. what s the answer to it? what is the answer? can i just tell you what the answer is. ignore it. these things don t work. how i do know? i know from experience.
they don t work. they were tried on me repeatedly. did joe ever miss a hearing. i missed so many hearings, but you know what? i missed hearings and when i went back to my district nobody said oh, that scarborough he doesn t work hard enough. everybody knew i was crazy and everybody knew i was working around the clock and i didn t have time to waste on hearings where people droned on and on. if there was a deal be made to cut the deficit voters are smart and they don t take attendance with their members of congress. they know who is effective, they know who is not and if kay hagan is fighting for the people of north carolina they don t give a damn she s miss ad couple of hearings. if they don t think she s not fighting for the people of north carolina, she s in trouble but not because she missed hearings. mike huckabee threatening to
leave the republican party if it does not strongly oppose same sex marriage. here are two parts of an interview he gave on tuesday one day after the supreme court refused to hear appeals. i m utterly e-upset with republicans who abdicated on this issue if they continue in this direction they guarantee they will lose every election in the future. guarantee it. if the republicans want to lose guys like me, and a whole bunch of still god-fearing republicans, go ahead and abdicate on this issue and go ahead say abortion doesn t matter either because at that point you lose me. i m gone. i ll become an independent. i ll find people that have guts to stand. i m tired of this. all right. we now have more details about
the september 6th drunken palin family brawl. according to an anchorage police department report there were at least two separate incidents involving as many as 20 people. in one case bristol palin reportedly went after the party s host, punching him five or six times. bristol said she was punched to the ground and dragged outside. however, the host says bristol fell down when he finally tried to stop her from striking him. meanwhile bristol s brother track and father todd were involved in a fight outside. track alleges a family friend was suckered punch so he took off his shirt and prepared to fight but then was attacked by two other men. i m having trouble keeping up. todd says everything escalated and it wasn t something they could walk away from. as for sarah palin, the former candidate for vice president of the united states, witnesses say she remained inside the family s
white limo parked outside while her family was involved in these altercations. should i go to the dow, joe? no. take off your shirt before you fight. would you do that, al? always. really? absolutely. okay. don t threaten my woman. this is the first time i ever wished sarah palin was elected. it took place on mass avenue down the road joe takes it a step further. rips it off and then hurls and then fights. yeah. without using multiple vulgarities in that thing were there vulgarities. i m going to tease. i m in the middle here. still ahead on morning joe, dr. brzezinski is with us for the latest on the advance of
isis. look at this. this is the best counter intuitive lineup we have on morning joe. we ll be speaking with fashion icon andre leon talley. but first amazon takes a huge gamble. we ll tell you why shopping at the online retail giant may actually require standing in line in a store. plus some interesting and controversial comments by the ceo of microsoft about equal pay in the workplace and how to get a raise. he has great advice. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back.
time now to take a look at the morning papers with joe, thomas and me. we start with the los angeles times, just moments ago we learned the winners of this year s nobel peace prize.
17-year-old malala yousafzai from pakistan an indian children s right activist, kailesh satyarthi were recognized for their fight against children being suppressed and their efforts to promote education. two years ago the taliban shot obvious as she was advocating for girls rights for education. obvious is the youngest winner ever of the nobel peace prize. that s amazing. congratulations to her. the minneapolis star tribune, vikings running back adrian peterson found himself in more hot water this morning. montgomery county texas prosecutors are actually seeking to revoke peterson s bond and have him re-arrested after the running back allegedly admitted to smoking marijuana while out on bail. according to paper work filed peterson said he quote, smoked a little weed before a drug test wednesday. peterson has been freed on $15,000 bond on a charge of
felony child abuse, a trial date has tentatively been set for december 1st. thomas? go on to trial to get him back on the playing field. we ll see how that plays out. wall street journal, it s reporting how amazon plans to open its first retail store here in manhattan and this just in time for the busy holiday shopping season. the store will primarily function as a mini warehouse with a limited inventory for same day delivery. it will accept same day pick ups for exchanges and returns and the store could feature amazon device such as the kindle and fire smartphone. no word yet if drones will be delivering any of the packages. let s go to the washington post. a gutsy move to go straight to the company s ceo to ask for a raise. more gutsy to cc 200,000 co-workers on the e-mail.
that s one way to do it. a wells fargo employee asked the bank s boss to give everybody a $10,000 salary bump using the company s profits to pay for it. i don t know. according to the proposal, the move would quote show the rest of the united states if not the world that, yes, big corporations can have a heart. the bank says it does not discuss personnel matters. that person was fired. my advice on that is don t do that. go mika. mika, we re talking about, talked about this microsoft story which i can t wait to hear your take on what happened at microsoft when a man basically said hey come on little ladies it s unbecoming, just sit back and wait. joe, i know you want me to
warm up a little bit with people and have like a this is not going help. no. mika i would highly recommend you cold call microsoft today because someone needs a know your value summit at microsoft. whoa. cold call. they will pick up that call. it s an incredible story. yeah. all right. coming up, kim jong-un hasn t been seen in over a month. we ll ask dr. brzezinski what this could mean for the stability of the korean peninsula. and first we ll find out what jeremy peters is writing about this morning. stay with us, we ll be right back. the most amazing thing about the ford fusion
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you said they underestimated the growth of isis. was it an intelligence failure or the white house was not listening. as cia director you can always use better intelligence but i think what happened here was a combination of intelligence plus policy decisions that fed into what we have now in isis. joining us for the must read opinion pages the host and
managing editor of tv one s daily show news one roland martin. good to have you on board. i ll start with the wall street journal. it s peggy, peggy noonan. i wish she wouldn t hold back so much. i really do. i wish she would let it out a little bit. poor peggy. she s got to just let it go. here s what she says. leon panetta s worthy fight, his book pretends to offer answers to a problem of which the book is actually an example, the mindless partisanship that has seized washington. this me moire is obnoxious and lacks stature. reading a comparable book, robert gate s recent stinging me moire you could see through. to think this is washington s wise men. it is disturbing, mika, and
it s disturbing just like that face you just did, that was disturbing as well. seriously, this is just it s unbecoming of a supposed quote wise man. i can t imagine i personally cannot imagine me undercutting a commander-in-chief that i worked for as secretary of defense with a tell all book in a time of war. i can t imagine it. it shows a lack of discretion, i think, at least. but, unfortunately, more likely it shows a lack of character. and to do it again, i will say and perhaps one of the most critical times for our commander-in-chief in our country i mean hell i ve been critical of barack obama almost nonstop from the beginning of his administration for a lot of different reasons because these are such serious times.
i have given him the benefit of the doubt as commander-in-chief in this time of crisis. i can t imagine being a secretary of defense for the man leaving and then profiting by writing a tell all book in these times. roland martin, i would guess that like me you would think there s a time and place to do this and perhaps not during your commander-in-chief s presidency and not in a time of war. not only that. not only was he secretary of defense he was head of the cia. let s be who nest. you don t have profiles of courage, individuals of character, not many of them left in this city. you don t have many of the statesmen that you used to have who used to understand time and place. you have folks now that to make a buck or get it in and leon panetta s actions are shameful, they are disgraceful and certainly speak to his character and i think for him to make these rounds, writing this
particular book shows that it s all about him and not about america so he s dishonored the troops, dishonored the presidency and frankly let down americans. let s move on to the new york times which you don t even have to open. mika, i don t mean to interrupt. can i go to al hunt quickly. al i m sure you know leon and a lot of people know leon and they like leon. just tell me 10, 15, 20 years ago, let s say william cohen, sure there are a lot of things that bill clinton did that william cohen didn t agree with. would he have gone out and rain tell all book about bill clinton before bill clinton left office? designee wouldn t have. i ve known leon for 40 years. i have immense respect for him. but i agree with this critique. i had dinner one time about 17 years ago with daniel patrick moynihan and george
stephanopoulos just put out his book. daniel was outraged. he said it s a disservice to the president. it inhibits conversations and less likely to take people in who might do that. this president unfortunately somehow has had it happen to him three times, gates, panetta and clinton. all three were wrong. it raises questions about loyalty. by the way, it may have happened, mika. it may have happened and people said everybody is attacking barack obama. this speaks to barack obama s leadership. no. it speaks to the character of the people that written these tell all books about a man who knows them, who they served. and the thing is, what concerns me is presidents in the future will be more likely to get bland
milqtoast homogenized lackeys. i want a republican to go out and get a democrat and bring them in or a democrat to get a republican, and get an exciting, energetic exchange of ideas. because what leon panetta did and other people are starting to do that s less likely for this president and for presidents to come. all right. so let s get to jeremy s piece in the new york times. on front page, should i use my haunted halloween voice. okay. because it s called gop s campaigns have recurring theme, be afraid. darkness is enveloping american politics with four weeks to go before the mid-term elections, republicans have made questions of how safe we are, from disease, terrorism or something unspoken, central in their attacks against democrats, their message is decidedly grim. president obama and the democratic party run a government so fundamentally broken it can t offer its people
the most basic protection from harm. is that your premise? it s the only thing they have right now that nationalizes the mid-term. they tried with it obamacare. obamacare has run its course. what they ve done is taken all of these distressing items in the news, ebola, isis, even the notion that the secret service can t protect the commander-in-chief and tied them together to make an argument that the government is broken and democrats are responsible. roland, how do you spin how do you spin is not the word but how do you gate positive message out of this. it s about leadership. what they are essentially saying they failed to lead, we have a better shot at leading. the problem for the democrats is they have not created a consistent national narrative and so you have these different things going on and on. the president s poll numbers. you look at the economy. even with the great jobs report
you didn t see the democrats create a strong narrative that other candidates have been able to pick up and so the question now are people enthused about the mid-terms. they are struggling to get people to say what happens in november less than four weeks matters. roland, i think the president absolutely jumped upon the economy and started to take credit for the growth we ve seen. de. the president did. i m talking about how we take that and expanding it where it becomes the party s narrative. that s where they ve struggled. republicans are seizing upon it. makes perfect sense for them to do so. roland martin, thank you very much. up next kim jong-un missing in action and walking with a limp. is that a clue on what s going on in north korea. plus telling women to go along to get along. just don t worry about it. why one ceo thinks that s the
strategy women should take to get ahead in the workplace. we ll be right back. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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the ceo of microsoft is apologizing for suggesting women should go along to get along instead of asking for an a raise. at an event for women in the tech industry he was asked what advice he for women who were uncomfortable asking for a raise. his advice. quote it s not really about asking for a raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give the right raises as you go along. not asking for a raise he said is quote good karma that would
help a boss realize the employee could be trusted with more responsibility. this goes against everything. yeah. mika, actually, you know what, though? as you know and you ve had, i can just say it, you ve had the honor of working alongside me for the past seven years, seven and a half years and you know during that time there s not one single time i ve ever asked i m sorry. let me say this with a straight face. not one single time i m sorry. you can t. i never asked for a raise. what i do always tell you? slow and steady gets the job done. oh, wait, no. i ask for a raise every three days and i have talking about tearing off your shirt and putting on sack cloths and ashes and oh, my god. mika, let me ask you, are you going to seattle to do a
workshop for microsoft, because they really need you. the women of microsoft need you out there. i think the women of microsoft are just fine. the comments caused an uproar online prompting microsoft to post a memo saying its ceo answered the question completely wrong and that he thinks men and women should get equal pay for equal work. that s exactly the opposite that s been the problem that women confront. they actually think if they put their head down and work hard someone will notice. well, guys are banging on the table saying where is my raise. we have to find our own way to communicate that. i would suggest not joe s approach, but certainly not what the microsoft ceo was saying. why not joe s approach. yours, ripping off your shirt. i was just saying. i tried your approach. remember. you took off your shirt. beat the chest and f-bombs
were flying and that did not work for me. i found my own authentic way. different strokes for different folks. it works for some people, doesn t work for other people. i was going to say there s got to be somewhere in the middle of not asking and then emailing 200,000 people in your company and saying we should get a $10,000 each. you could write a book. somewhere in between is the sweet spot. turning to office news now. the most secretive country in the world this morning intelligence officials are scratching their heads and asking the question where is north korea s leader kim jong-un. today a national celebration was expected to answer questions about the leader s whereabouts but north korean state media indicated kim jong-un didn t attend the festivities. the young leader hasn t been seen in a month.
leading to speculation about his health or whether he s still in charge. andrea mitchell has the story. reporter: where in the world is kim jong-un. not seen in weeks and before that with a distinct limp. noticeably overweight. is he suffering from gout or is it a political flu. ? this could be serious. reporter: kim is erratic. conreporting with dennis rodman and showing off his wife. ordering the execution of his uncle and having his uncle s entire family machine gunned. the most secretive nation in the world, that matters because north korea backward as it is has the very latest in nuclear weapons. this is a country that is a nuclear weapon state trying to reach the united states with
ballistic weapons. coming up we ll ask my dad, dr. brzezinski about that. he s here. plus he said turkey could be our most critical allies in the middle east. what is he saying now? hi, dad. how are you doing.
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joining us now, former national security adviser for president carter, dr. brzezinski. joe, the last time we saw my dad was at the brzezinski institute. quite a night. yes. i ve been waiting for someone to open a scarborough institute but, unfortunately, the ice cream shop at the end of my street passed out their last institute. dr. brzezinski, always great to have you here and a great honor to have you here after going to the ceremony for the brzezinski institute. i want to ask you about your last book, one of the most compelling parts was your description of turkey being so vital to the future security not only of europe but also the middle east and, of course, extraordinarily important arguments there. but what are we as americans to make of the past few weeks of turkey s behavior especially when they don t allow the uae or
americans to use their airspace to push isis back off their board center first of all, clearly a very important country. and it s been doing relatively well. so that s just the point of departure. obviously it s a leadership that s very selfish, self-preoccupied. one thing more commitment from us before they do anything decisive themselves. i can understand their concerns. but it seems to me that the problem in the area to be solved, the real countries and there are only four of them in the area have to pitch in and turkey is foremost among them. al? the other three being? iran. we have to face the fact that they are a player. saudi arabia, it s a player, but very, very kind of complicated game they are playing and egypt which can t sit on the sidelines. dr. brzezinski, how much is the turkish issue here their
internal dynamics. very much so. there s a conflict between them and the kurds. the kurds are in the process of setting up an snaept. they are doing reasonably well. they are good fighters. at the same part they are very much a part of the turkish so eighth and it will be a momentus effort in any sort of accommodation to create a separate kurdish states when so many kurds live in turkey including istanbul. can i ask your opinion about this new york times piece setting up autonomous buffer zones. what are the upsides, down sides to that proposal? more upsides than down sides, especially the turks to do it. they need some sort of informal collaboration with the kurds, which would make it a pretty potent effort. i think the turks are simply uneasy plunging into an
adventure in which our long term commitment from our point of view is not certain and what happens if it doesn t go well. more inversely has it plunged into a venture in which their long term commitment you re right. that s why we re face dilemma. the last thing we want at this stage is to man the conflict which isis, an american conflict against increasingly fanatical islam. even today in the paper references to jihadists and so forth. we ought to lay off that kind of language. we re dealing with criminals who are threatening the world of islam and therefore our allies are islamic states. on that note, dad, what do we say, because according to the ap, the new u.n. envoy to syria says at least 500 civilians trapped in the syrian border town, the siege by the islamic state group and could be massacred if it fails to the
extremists. it says analysis shows only a small portion of kobani remains open for people to flee the town. 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 are stuck nearby. jeremy? i wondered about the u.s. s response. it s been criticized that they did not bomb isis aggressively enough as they got closer and closer to the turkish border. should they have? should they have? i don t know. what we know about the disposition of the enemy. what occurs to me there are kurdish forces nearby. maybe in these circumstances what we could do is in some fashion airlift them. and deliver them and to reinfor the resistance and show a signal we re prepared to extend
ourselves. but i still maintain that we should not get involved in stumbling on the ground because this has the makings of growing geographic escalation. it will spread to central asia, it will affect afghanistan and pakistan. we go in on the ground we ll be fighting the world of islam for the next 20 years. does our ground presence, if we were to have a ground presence would that serve as a recruitment tool for more islamic jihadists. i know you don t want to use that term. if we put troops on the ground would it serve our purpose. it would recruit more fighters, much easier for the other side to presents themselves as true islamists, those with us, collaborators of the imperial power and we re connected whether we like it or not to the french and british. historically they don t have the strongest record in that region or too many friends. no. i think we have to play the way the president has set it up, but, of course, we ought to use every opportunity to be
effective and i don t know the facts that you asked me as to what we can do specifically in that particular town. al what persuasion or pressure leverage do we have on the turks? not too much. they know we need them. they have the problem with the kurds. forget that. the kurds want independent state partially including some of the territory of contemporary of today s turkey. they have very large presence in istanbul. if you go to istanbul partially turkish, partially kurdish city. so untangling all that is difficult. turks are holding the leader of the kurds, the leader who has been leading the cause for independence. they captured him a decade and a half ago. they are negotiating with him. he s sitting in prison but negotiating.
so hopefully they will arrive at something. dr. brzezinski, dad, thank you very much for coming in. still ahead, missing in action. republicans are going after democrats for missing committee hearings. but why that tactic may backfire big time. plus blowing the whistle on the nfl, one information league representative is apologizing why the league handles domestic violence including hundreds of unreported cases all that and much more next on morning joe . . . what s wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah. i do. try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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attempted to run from florida to bermuda in a plastic bubble [ laughter ] had to be rescued by the coast guard i went on twitter and started a hash tag called #thatwasstupid. dumb or embarrassing thing. this one from christina. she says i once accidentally said i love you at the end of a conference call. this one is from becca, one time somebody told me they had the same name as me and i asked what theirs was. another one. i heard a tornado warning on my tv and i freaked out before i realized it was a show i recorded two weeks ago. this one from lisa. at our wedding reception i introduced my new husband as my
first husband. let s see how this goes. so far so good. technically right. i like that saying love you at the end of a conference call. i ve done that. love you. welcome back to morning joe. al hunt, jeremy peters still with us. joining the table, moderator of meet the press chuck todd and editor-in-chief for roll call, christina bellatoni. hi, joe, happy friday. how it is going, mika? quite a first hour, wasn t it? yeah. it was. we went from ceos insulting women in the worst way to my dad up pontificating about turkey. we talked this morning about the fine art of just showing up. just showing up. be nice. punching the clock. be nice. put yourself in the arena and
as nike likes to say, just doing it. it would being a great if our nato ally turkey would actually just show up instead of letting america s sons and daughters and arab allies like united arab emirates keep isis off its door step. closer to home when it comes to politics the same could be said about congress again. quoting woody allen 85% of life is just showing up. if that s the case, congress is failing at all turns. now i ll talk to chuck in a second how republicans keep pounding away at north carolina s democratic senator kay hagan for missing hearings about isis, so she could show up at fundraisers. so what are all democrats and all republicans doing? why they are missing in action. isis is marching across the middle east and all this is happening so politicians can attend fundraisers and kiss babies and count votes and get re-elected. you know what s fair for kay
hagan is fair for republicans as well. anybody making attendance an issue in congress should shut up or show up because right now there s notion in either house and mika, whether we re talking about isis, whether we re talking about turkey as an ally, whether we re talking about the market going down dramatically yesterday, there are so many issues and congress just isn t there. and the thing is, 95% of these people are going to get re-elected without even trying because most of the races because of gerry mandering they are not even competitive. anyway, i m disappointed. very disappointed. well, as you mentioned, joe, there s an emerging issue on the campaign trail about showing up. who showing up and who is not. take a look. all those big corporations supporting the guy who is not here today. not the colonel. we had people arrested in
denver, at denver international airport for conspiring with the islamic state. in chicago for conspiring with the islamic state. and senator udall doesn t even show up at the armed services hearing when it talks about emerging threats. in january, president obama refers to the islamic state as a jv team. days later the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan absent. hagan has missed over half of the armed services hearings this year. in fact hagan admits she prioritized a cocktail party that benefitted her campaign. senator kay hagan s campaign accused tom tillis the same thing in his case going washington to raise money in 2013 while the state house debated sweeping tax reform. chuck, it s like they are fighting about nothing ultimately. that s the thing. that s incredible. it is. like we have these two crises
we re dealing with. one is isis, someone ebola. africa, while the fear mongering and fear factor here in the united states is overdone there s a crisis in africa and if the world isn t coming together and it is fun to see gardner attack udall, what s the house republicans done? john boehner and harry reid collectively they don t want any votes. they scattered and got out of town. so it comes across very d disindigenous. democrats are doing everything they can to their own quite frankly demise to avoid it. look that. thank you. i just want to remind congressman gardner he s running against me not barack obama. not my father. not harry reid it s congressman
gardner and myself on the ballot this fall. i m not sure he recognizes he s not running against harry reid or barack obama, he s running against me. i have a lot of respect for you but you re dead wrong. i am absolutely running against barack obama and harry reid. kentucky s democratic candidate allison grimes in an editorial board interview i know. cringe. this is the most cringing. even refused to answer who she voted for. everyone is cringing already. it s awful. it s awful. should we not show it. show it! she was asked who she voted for. did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? this election isn t about the president. it s about i know. making sure we put kentuckyians back to work. did you vote for him. i was a delegate for hillary clinton and i think kentuckyians know i m a kinne democrat through and through.
i respect the sanctity of the ballot box and members of this editorial board do. you re not going to answer. the president is not on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell wants him to be. respect the sanctity of the ballot box. oh, my god. that s awful. chuck, come on. man, i had a guy, i had a guy running against do the same thing with bill clinton. so you don t support this, you don t support that, you don t support this. did you even vote for bill clinton? then he did the same stumbling, mumbling. people people aren t that stupid. how could grimes a rookie mistake. admit it and say he screwed up. i distanced myself from him. i regret my vote. just anything don t treat us like we re stupid. the idea of i m sorry even to say you regret your vote that
would seem as disindigenous. kentuckyians expect her to cast a tough vote on anything? is she ever going to answer a tough question on anything. you want to be a u.s. senator. if you can t say if you can t find a way to stand behind your party s president, you can disagree with him but can t answer that basic question and come across looking ridiculous. i think she disqualified herself. doesn t this point to the issue that democrats always had with her candidacy to begin with that she wasn t very good on the stump. yes. created by consultants. well, i want to go to jeremy s fabulous piece today about the way republicans are using isis and ebola in their campaign ads and isis is a legitimate subject. they would have more credibility if they voted on it before they went home. ebola is a total fraud. ted cruz and others are saying we ll have a travel ban.
i talked to the head of the infectious disease center. that s so counter productive. it would prevent equipment, epidemic would spread in west africa, hurt more people. others like scott brown say there s a problem at the border. there s no ebola epidemic in guatemala. this is just an anti-immigration demogogry. there isn t the anger there was in 2010. this mid-term cycle if the election has been about a number of smaller issues. this is one way republicans can nationalize the race. but still, christina think of the fire pelosi slogan. that was effective for them. it s not working as well they say fire harry reid. that s what you hear in the house race. the house republicans are saying this is all about that, twoemt get the senate back and then you re having, of course, the senate, the people trying to get the senate for the republicans, just trying to nationalize it on
every single issue. all of these races are going to be fought. a former nfl executive is speaking out about the league s policy towards domestic violence. jerry angelo who was general manager of the chicago bears for ten years, told a usa today that he regrets not speaking up about what he estimates to be hundreds of domestic abuse incidents. he said quote i made a mistake. i was human. i was part of it. i m not proud of it. our sbis to win games. we got win games. the commissioner s job is to make sure the credibility of the national football league is held in the highest esteem. but to start with that you have to know who is representing the shield. we got our priorities a little out of order. the chicago bears have released a statement denying angelo s allegations though at this point i m seeing, chuck, a change from the top down, really in culture.
they are trying. i mean even on the local level we have the story out in new jersey where hazing incidents have led to entire season being cancelled. i think a sea change. i think there s a lot and i think somewhat generational. it s interesting, mike ditka former head coach of the bears trashed this guy saying where were you at the time. but i think where was everybody. where was everybody that s his point. look, there was this tolerance that happened. boy, he s a bad character, he s got bad character but he plays good football. i keep going back. all of this is supposed to be privilege not a right. i don t care chuck high school football, college football it s supposed to be privilege. chuck, it s not mike ditka and the bears everyone would say that guy. joe, jump in. exactly. you know, chuck, it s not fair for you or me to talk about
anybody that plays for fsu, but let s look sorry. exactly. i really do think that fsu s heisman trophy winner picked a very, very bad year, bad two or three years to be very good in football and show a real lack of character. i think this year more than ever, with adrian peterson and some of these other people, hardy in north carolina, you re going to have owners say i m not going to spend $20 million on a five year contract on a guy that s going to sully our image and we ll have to end up sitting on the bench anyway. i agree. i think you re right. i think he could end up a second round pick for that reason you ll have some owners totally afraid of him causing pr
problems. the dow jones industrials average dropped 330 points yesterday marking its biggest dip since june of 2013. the market took a sharp turn from whed the dow gained nearly 275 points. its biggest gain of the year so far. experts say the dramatic loss was fueled by mounting concerns over global economic growth, corporate earnings, and market valuations. jeremy, what are you hearing about this on your end? well, i think that if the economy were going to become an issue in this mid-term, in a big way, like the way it was in 2010 when it sowed all the anger it galvanized the republican base. we would be seeing that by now. i think that quite frankly the economic upswing is benefiting the democrats. i think ultimately it may. christina, your take? every time you talk to a democrat they say if we fight
this on middle class economic issues we ll win so that s the message that they are saying repeatedly, barack obama is saying you feel like you re not you are struggling not getting ahead. they think that s their most effective message. go ahead, joe. christina, i want to ask you, i want to ask everybody around the table this now. this is a good time for us to do a check. we re halfway through october. suddenly the poll numbers actually matter. this is when i was a candidate. i just didn t kash what poll numbers said even a month out. this is as the kids are starting to get their halloween costumes on by the way, everybody, you know, likes halloween. halloween for a politician is the most horrifying time because you know the witching hour is about three or four days away. seriously every halloween when i go back, thinking about in congress i would take my kids trick or treating and sitting
there and my stomach is churning. i can t relax. it s about that time. fall is in the air. halloween is around the concern. what s your take right now on the tide. which way is it going? because we have seen a lot of turbulence just over the past week in polls. opinions have hardened. that s the biggest thing. they are not going to suddenly wake up tomorrow and watch a crossroads ad and say oh, wait i hate barack obama. yes a lot of time late deciders went with the tea party republicans. there was a message they were selling this was a message of change. now this is different. senate races may turn on that but you ll see people that are not fighting that much. chuck, we see the president chuck you see the president saying, sorry, joe, that the economy is on the upswing and this is his policies leading to that. is it working? well, part of the president s problem and part of the democratic party s problem is where the senate races are most
competitive is where the economic recovery is the weakest. arkansas, louisiana and some of the more rural areas, even iowa. you have to take that into account a little bit. but, you know, joe, what i think the larger question you were asking earlier, there s something weird happening. you know, here we are in october, races aren t being put away. instead they are coming back under the playing field. look at south dakota. i think at the end of the day south dakota end up going the way we think it s going to go. the point is i think it s a volatile electorate. we re seeing a lot of third-party candidates although they are not taking off like they are in other place, we re seeing a lot of them serve as none of the above or as a protest vote. the guy running in florida the third-party candidate is getting double digits up and down the i-4 corridor. one or two percentage races. they make a difference. it tells you the overall mood.
angry electorate but they are not beating up one party they are ticked off at both. al hunt, i can t think of an off year election where there s been this many cross currents. republicans are going to have a huge night and maybe even have two or three vote advantage in the senate. i can also make an argument that democrats are going told on and maintain the senate majority. it s just every day brings another poll that confuses the matter more. i can remember a mid-term election where there were so many cross currents. republicans were convinced there would be a mini tide. it hasn t happened. ten senate races are within the margin of error. i rarely disagree with charles todd i m not sure i do today but i wouldn t be shocked if larry
preston it fits the larger narrative which the country has been pissed off at both parties for a long time. if you give them a viable independent candidate to rally around and the person seems credible saying i m mad at both parties, there s a chunk of the electorate dying for it. that s why orman took off in kansas. i don t know if pressler is credible enough. we ll see. but i m watching alaska. they will elect an independent governor. christina bellantoni thank you so much. chuck todd what do you have? tom brokaw went out to berlin. we got him on isis. fantastic. they will do a little, how did republicans lose the culture war. a little deep dive historical. mike huckabee in the news today. the uk chancellor, george
osborne joins us. founder of greek yogurt company is coming to the defense of iraqi and syrian refugees in turkey. plus if a comedian isn t funny should you have to pay for watching the act. that s a good question. one comedy club doesn t think so. we ll explain that ahead on morning joe .
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time now to take a look at the morning papers with joe, thomas and me. the the washington times, the u.s. government spent $500 million on transport planes for the afghan air force. the afghan military just scrapped 16 of them for six cents a pound. a report by a special inspector cited serious performance and maintenance issues after the planes sat unused on a tarmac
for an extended period of time. now there s an official inquiry into how half a billion dollars of american taxpayer money was wasted on the program. joe this from the new york times, former saturday night live actress jan hooks has passed away. hooks was a regular player on snl between 1986 and 1991. of course, starring alongside the great phil hartman and dana carvy. she was best known for her portrayal of the swinging sisters, a lounge act alongside actress lauri dunn. she recently had a recurring role on nbc s 30 rock she l-of course, played hillary clinton. hooks was 57 years old. thomas? the sweeney serious? the sweeney sisters were so
funny. we get this from the independent. a comedy club in barcelona using technology to charge its audience per laugh rather than per ticket. so the venue is leaning on facial recognition software to note each time an audience member laughs. a night of comedy with run the guests anywhere from 30 cents to $30. apparently it s going to depend on the comic. so if they got a good comic up there that will get to you chuckling they will know by facial recognition. i don t think i want my face analyzed while i m watching a comedy act. in daytona a suspected burglar found covered in tar didn t have a single excuse when he was caught atop a convenience store at 3:00 a.m. he three excuses. first he said he was visiting family members. he then insisted he was fixing a noisy air conditioner which he
heard from the ground and finally, he said he was simply sleeping and rubbed roofing tar on his body to remain unseen. he s now facing a host of criminal charges. that s a bad mugshot. joe, you could come up with a better one. okay. that s a bad mugshot. he was doing all three. stop. stop. use that tar to smack some hair on his head. an economic slow down in the euro zone threatens the region and could have a major impact on the united kingdom. the man responsible for britain s economy, george osborne joins us next. your customers, our financing.
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back with us, we have british chancellor, george osborne. thank you so much for being with us. let s start by talking about the eurozone, growth there creeping under 1% right now. how much is that a threat to great britain s future growth? i think it s a threat not just to britain s economic performance but other countries including the u.s. it is, the eurozone risk slipping back into crisis and
that has an impact on confidence, has an impact on exports. at the moment the uk is the strongest growing western economy, strongest in the g7 here in the washington meetings of the imf and i want to keep it that way. the way to do that is to identify these risks and make sure we have a plan to get through them. we have a plan that instills confidence in our economy. why has that happened? a few years ago when we were talking to you, growth in great britain was stagnant. actually you guys were flat. germany was experiencing better growth. things have flipped now. you all are doing much better through the eurozone. what s going on the continent? well, first of all, the uk, i came on this show several times, joe, and you asked me questions about britain s performance. i said we had a plan. we would deal with our debt and deficit. cut our business taxes and make ourselves the place to do business in the world and that plan is working and delivering. on the continent of europe,
there are too many of these economies that have not reformed themselves, too many of them have public finance issues as well. germany may be suffering a bit from what s happening in the ukraine and some of the indicators out of china. so the european economies have not taken the steps they need to take to reform themselves and make themselves competitive in the modern world. sam stein? you re making essentially the case for austerity, reforming entitlements. in america at least on stump recently president obama has sort of hinted at the opposite case that americans recovery from the great recession was much quicker than europe s in part because we did fiscal stimulus. is he wrong? the u.s. approach has been different from the one we ve done in the uk. partly there s a bit of luxury if you re the united states you have a reserve current circumstance people want dollars. i have to make sure the world
wants sterling. i guess we take two approaches. countries likeberry taken, like america got to live within their means. no one owes us a living. second you got to go out and make your country the place where people want to set up business and invest. we re doing that in the uk. got some really strong performance now, huge amount of business investment coming in. so we did take somewhat different approaches. but actually and you would know better than me the reality of the u.s. fiscal path was not always as spelled out by the administration. i want to talk about what these austerity measures would mean. david cameron said there would be a small increase. at this time when western nations are fighting isis, what does that mean? is that really a good idea? well, i would say, first of all, after the u.s., the uk has the most deployable and capable military in the world. of course we re alongside you at
the moment dealing with isis in iraq. we want to retain that capability but you ve also got live within your means. we still have one of the world s largest defense budgets and investing the money in replacing, you know, cold war old equipment and buying britain the latest aircraft carriers, the latest fifth generation jets, the latest submarines so we can fight alongside the u.s. against our common enemies. christine lagarde said this is heading in the wrong direction. what s the impact if this doesn t turn around? there are some real risks out there in the world. there s big risks like impact on the british economy. it is a critical moment for europe. i think the impact on the uk would be through our exports, still 40% of our exports go the eurozone. we see impact on manufacturing. i m making a big effort to expand britain s links with china and india.
we have strong links with the u.s. we take an interesting decision this week we re the first sovereign nation to issue a chinese r and b bond to raise british government debt. now that is an indication that we want to connect with these asian markets, we want london to be the global center where these asian currencies are and traded. going out there and earning a living. can i ask you quickly, the big debate over the summer is whether sanctions on russia would have a backlash on the european economies. there s an indication germany economy has been strong and maybe impacted by what s happening in the ukraine. all these things, whether it s the ukraine, we absolutely have to hold the line against russia, or ebola in west africa or what s happening in the middle east, they are weighing on global confidence. there s an economic effect from some very serious geopolitical risks. will germany hit a recession?
i hope not. too early to say what s going on in the german economy. all the economies in the world that s giving the most cause for concern because we don t know what s happening is germany. doesn t mean i want has the biggest problems just the biggest uncertainty. george osborne, always good to see you. up next an update on the nbc news investigation we brought you yesterday on artificial turf. now a member of congress is asking for answer about the potential risks. plus this. what happened to the whole destroy and degrade plan? don t you guys realize if they take over kobani our entire yogurt supply will be in jeopardy. i m being told that s chobani. jon stewart jokes but the founder of chobani is taking the matter seriously. why the crisis in syria hits very close to the home of the
founder of the greek yogurt company and he has a big announcement this morning for how he s trying to help. we ll be right back. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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the isis fighters, quite casually walking up to kobani. tanks towards kobani, moving through fairly open spaces. isis tanks, isis vehicles, freely roaming around the country side for the last five days. isil fighters saying things like yuhoo. taking numerous sun bathing breaks. look what happened to the whole destroy and degrade plan? don t you guys realize if they take over kobani our entire yogurt supply will be in jeopardy? i m being told that s chobani.
kobani is a syrian kurdish town on the border of turkey and does not have real blueberries mixed in it. that was jon stewart on wednesday night on the daily show. the situation hits very close the home for the founder, chairman and ceo of the greek yogurt company chobani. hamadi ulukaya is joining us now with a big announcement about how he plans to help those in need and, sir, thank you very much for being on the show. thank you. tell us what you plan to do? i reached out to two very good organizations on the ground, doing a lot of work, just not only on the syrian/turkish borders but around the world but we ll reach out to people who are affected, whatever they need, medical supplies, preparing for winter and also women and kids who are deeply in need and get them their psychological needs for
the long term. my understanding is this is at least $2 million for medicine, tents, blankets and psychological treatment. tell us why you made this decision? you know, just like everybody else who lives in america, we ve been watching the tragedy that everyone is going through there. you know we get into understanding what happened when the small minorities got affected and the kids and women were in the mountains without any supplies and water and their families were separated and then we understood deeply what a greet human tragedy it is. if you think about it for a second what a person would go through when you are afraid of your life and, you know, when you are separated from your family, you are in danger of kidnapping and you just cannot just do, not do anything.
and that s why we ve been conscious on the world, i m from the region, i m from the eastern part of turkey, i come from a kurdish background it s also close to my heart and i wanted to do something. i realized people are not really we re not thinking about, talking about refugees and their conditions and what can we do. i m looking at it and saying let s reach out to these people, show them our hearts and show them we will be with hem and thinking of them. jeremy peters. good morning. you talk about the humanitarian relief efforts here. i think one of the things that s a little bit difficult for many americans to understand is turkey s reluctance in getting involved militarily to fight isis. i wonder if you can help take us into the mindset of the average turk and help us get at why that s such a dilemma in turkey now. turkey is at the bottom of
this whole what s happened down there. in the last year or so, especially in the last few month, hundreds of thousands of refugees crossed the boarder to turkey and turkey has been very generous with its borders and protecting refugees and helping them as much as they can. this recent kobani event the people in turkey is also asking their own countries to act and help a little bit more than what they are doing. and frustrations are on the street. that s also concerning where millions of kurds live in turkey and conscious people live in turkey is just waiting and seeing that nothing has been done. it frustrates them. i think the conversation, what they are having with the coalition and turkey and leadership they need to really act faster. as much as i think turkey has done great with the refugees i don t think they have done their part when it comes to kobani. hamadi ulukaya, thank you so much for coming on the show this morning. thank you for what you re doing.
now more on an nbc news investigation into artificial turf fields that has hit a nerve with a lot of people, one of them a congressman from new jersey who is calling on the cdc to do more research. nbc news asked viewers to share their stories and comments about artificial turf fields and they have. here s nbc s stephanie goss with a follow up. reporter: women coaches started to ask is the field safe when 2005 her own players were diagnosed with cancer. one suspected it may have something to do with the small black dots on the turf known as crumb rubber. shredded cars and truck tires. locally walker from colorado reached out to us about her daughter. we always kind of discussed the link, the potential link to the soccer fields, and so a co-worker of mine sent me the link yesterday and said oh, my
gosh look at this and when i read it i thought oh, wow, this is so close the home. reporter: faye played soccer since she was 4 and was diagnosed with hodgkin s lymphoma when she was 16. i had to figure out what was going on. reporter: a father writes about his son a former college football player now battling leukemia. i feel sick to my stomach the artificial turf could have so many chemicals. another wrote she played soccer twice a week and keeping her kids on the local taerjs lessons on the soccer field far outweigh the ifs of the ground they play on. in a statement the synthetic turf council said we sympathize with those individuals battling a serious illness citing numerous studies the council adds the prepon derrance of evidence shows no negative
health effects. nbc news spoke with researchers, advocacy groups and doctors who say the studies that exist are limited and more research needs to be done. some of our viewers would like to help. cancer survivor from ohio who spent a lot of time on turf writes, i know that sharing my story and adding to it the research will help other athletes in the end. wow. still ahead asking for a raise in front of 200,000 of your colleagues. we ll explain the gutsy move by one bank employee and what the answer was. plus, thomas has an exclusive interview with major league baseball s newly appointed ambassador of inclusion, a former player who never thought he would be accepted back in the league. you re watching morning joe . so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches?
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as we ramp up to the world series we enter a tipping point. for the very first time the home states for all four teams still alive, the balls orioles, san francisco giants, the kansas city royals and st. louis
cardinals all recognize marriage equality. over the past year the nba and nfl have both stein reality of an outplayer. now mlb leadership who oversees the major and minor mlb leadership of over 5,000 athletes is laying the groundwork for this, as well. going back to the track in front of the wall, leaps up, he made a sensational catch! on the field in the late 1980s and early 1990s, billy beane was the ultimate utility player, a go-to glove in the outfield. caught by billy beane in center field, can you believe it? and a slugger at the plate. billy beane! grand slam! after a lucrative career, he quit his dream job at just 31 years old, leaving millions unearned because he didn t think the world was ready for an active player that was gay. i went away for a long time, and the fact i m sort of back in baseball after 15 years for the same reason i left it and come
full circle, that moment is not lost on me. now the mlb front office and bud selig have drafted him because of it, this summer naming him mlb s first ambassador of inclusion. we want the people who make a living in our game to be who they wish to be. how america has evolved since he first suited up, he suffered in silence for years, his secret tearing the seams of his professional and personal worlds apart. i was not comfortable with the reality of my sexual orientation and i needed help with that, but i couldn t put the two lives together. the reason i walked away, i had a partner who passed away while i was on the padres, died in the emergency room at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and i had a 1:00 game that day that i played in. for a lot of people, it s going to break their heart to hear you lost somebody that important in your life, someone a partner in your life, at 7:00 a.m. in the morning, and you
suit up for a 1:00 game. when you re young and conflicted, it just felt easier for me to pretend that it didn t happen. it s not an excuse. baseball didn t do anything wrong. they weren t aware of any of the problems. beane holds no grudges and is proud the mlb is preparing for the reality, just like the nfls michael sam. mlb picked beane and also partnered with athlete ally, which hopes to end homophobia in sports for athletes and fans. as the country is becoming more and more inclusive on lgbt issues, it s important that baseball speaks to that demographic of fans just as much as they are to any other demographic, but sometimes you just have to do a little olive branch, and i think that baseball s going to be pleasantly surprised how this is going to grow the sport in a way that affects everyone in a great
way. all right, so as we ve all been watching, of course, the alcs gets under way tonight with the kansas city royals and my baltimore orioles. it s a fascinating story as we look at this kind of gee wiz moment in judicial policy to think the four teams that are advancing all hail from states now that have marriage equality, with missouri being onboard now because their attorney general is saying anybody who gets married out of state, will be recognized within the state of missouri and they have two of their teams heading into the playoffs. so what teams has billy beane met with on this issue so far? he s been on the job since this summer and has had meetings with the yankees, phillies, and angels, and he writes to me, prelim outreach to the atlanta braves, l.a. dodgers, giants, and he s going to be attending the winter meetings in december and try to meet with as many people through spring training. this is all about the foundational work that needs to happen as they go ahead, but
it s a really smart move on their part. absolutely. i look forward to covering this a lot more. good piece. thank you, thank you. all right, we want to check in with bill karins. as we were talking about earlier, weather might not be so good for the games. what do you say? royals in six. i asked you about the weather. oh, the weather. the weather, big man. i got confused when you wanted me to help with this. it is iffy for tonight s game. st. louis forecast doesn t look good for tomorrow. clouds moving in today, light rain on and off during the afternoon, not enough to rain out a baseball game, but go through about 8:00 p.m., the rain s going to start to pick up. they should start the game, but then as the rain goes on, the rain intensity will increase, by about 10:00 p.m. when the game is close to ending, that s when the rain will be the heaviest. i don t know, it s going to be interesting. if they stop it, they won t be able to restart it. also as mentioning st. louis,
doesn t look great there for the giants game there either, saturday and sunday, good chance of rain. weather may not be so cooperative through the weekend. mica, my weather app says something totally different on my iphone. i ll see you in baltimore tonight, thomas. up next, the no-show congress. why republicans should be careful when they go after democrats for missing committee hearings. you won t want to miss joe s take on the issue. he has a great imitation as to what exactly goes on in those meetings. yes, yes, it s fascinating, it s riveting, actually. then a good old-fashioned brawl. what went down during a 20-person fight involving the palins? we have the official police report this morning and it makes me like them even more. and my interesting and unique sit-down with andre leon talley. yes, we re a morning show, we have modeling, we have fashion, and we have joe with food all over his sweater. we ll be right back.
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who may be crossing our border. the chances of an epidemic here are extraordinarily low. i m an ice cream guy. good morning. it is friday, october 10th. welcome to morning joe. we re here in washington, d.c., at least half of us are. we have senior political editor and white house correspondent for the the huffington post, sam stein. new york times reporter jeremy peters, and columnist for bloomberg view, al hunt. jeremy is mr. front page this morning. jeremy s always mr. front page. of course, a lot of news to cover. also this weekend, a lot of baseball as we get to the finals. we should tell our own al hunt that we mourn with him about the nationals. sorry. we ll get them next year, al.
we ll get them next year. who are you rooting for now? it is rough. it was painful, joe. i know. it was so painful. they deserve much better than that. they ll be back. they have a great young team, great fan base, too. baseball in d.c., yeah, it makes a lot of sense. mika, we were talking before about some of the ads that are being run against kay hagan, she s not showing up for this hearing or that hearing. i guess her opponent has a point, because woody allen has been quoted saying 80% of life is just showing up, but if that is a case, congress is failing at all turns, not just kay hagan. republicans, of course, pounding away at the north carolina center for missing hearings about isis so she could actually show up at fundraisers, so what are all democrats and all republicans doing? well, they are missing in action while isis marches across the
middle east so they can attend fundraisers, kiss babies, and count votes. what s fair for kay hagan is fair for republicans, as well, and anybody who wants to make attendance an issue this campaign season should shut up or show up, because right now, mika, there s no honor in either house, and i know a lot of people i talk to and a lot of people you talk to want to know where congress is. why aren t they debating isis, why aren t they debating ebola, why aren t they debating the important issues that are before us right now? they are not doing their job. yeah, and unless you re going to put a clear position on isis yourself, stay on the campaign trail and don t criticize the president. in the battle for the senate, as you bring up the elections, joe, republican candidates are doing whatever they can to tie their opponents to president obama, and democrats are doing all they can to avoid it. look at this. thank you. i just want to remind congressman gardner he s running against me, not president obama,
not my father, not harry reid, it s congressman gardner and myself on the ballot this fall. i m not sure he recognizes he s not running against harry reid or barack obama, he s running against me. so i have a lot of respect for you, but you re dead wrong. i am absolutely running against barack obama and harry reid. and did you guys see this? kentucky s democratic candidate allisison lundergan grimes in a editorial interview refused to answer who she voted for in the last two presidential elections. did you vote for president obama 2008, 2012? this election isn t about the president. i know. it s about making sure we put kentuckians back to work. i was an 08 delegate for hillary clinton and i think kentuckians know i m a democrat through and through. i respect the sanctity of the
ballot box and i know the members of the board do, as well. you re not going to answer? the president is on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be, it s my name. i mean, come on, just tell people who you voted terror. al hunt, i had an opponent in 94 that would not answer that question, and he wouldn t tell me. did you vote for, you know, did you vote for bill clinton or not? this is a simple question. well, i didn t it just makes them look foolish. of course, they just kept pounding away. just say it. we all know she voted for barack obama. a democrat in that position is in an awful position. it s not hard. joe, you re right. everybody knows she did. she can simply say i voted for barack obama, but let me tell you it s about the future, disappointed in the president, whatever she wants to say, but to duck it like that is really, really amateur. i tell you something, if she was
in a primary, she wouldn t have said that right now. of course not. mika, that s a perfect thing to say. what you say is, yeah, i voted against barack obama, and like a lot of people in kentucky and across america, i m really disappointed in him. i didn t think he was going to wage a war against coal workers in kentucky. i didn t think. and then just add on to there and suddenly they are like, okay, wow, yeah, okay, she admits she voted for him and she s disappointed, so she can actually move. that was just embarrassment. you can go right on to republicans i also watched the georgia debate the other night and they would ask, if they asked david perdue about the future of the world, about what was going to happen in china or the middle east, his answer was, i m running against harry reid and barack obama. it s the essentially allison lundergan grimes was afraid of having a clip of her
saying i voted for barack obama. it s the trivialization of our politics. go ahead, jeremy. it was a bit of a ham-handed answer and this is always democrats concern with her candidacy and why republicans aren t nearly as worried. it s why you have consultants, don t give them a sound bite when authenticity would have served better there. trouble elsewhere for democrats. senator mark begich is trailing dan sullivan in alaska, and senator mary landrieu replaced her campaign manager with weeks left until election day, and as joe mentioned, there is another emerging trail on the campaign trail, who s showing up, who s not. look. all those big corporations supporting the guy not here tonight, not the colonel. we had people arrested in denver, at denver international airport, for conspireing with the islamic state, in chicago
for conspireing with the islamic state, and senator udall doesn t even show up at the armed services hearing when it talks about emerging threats. in january, president obama refers to the islamic state at a j.v. team. days later, the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan absent. hagan has missed over half the armed services hearings this year. in fact, hagan admits she prioritized a cocktail party to benefit her campaign. we have, joe, the crickets sound track in terms of where they are now at this time. not only that, al, obviously, kay hagan going to a fundraiser instead of being at a hearing, that s one thing, but those ads are so twisted and distorted. i feel like asking people, have you ever been to a hearing? i mean, you got three or four people droning on and on. paint dry.
i m looking here at the mark-up for fy-03 in relation to fy-09. mr. chairman, can we get the parliamentarian in here? of course you missed them! if my member of congress went to every hearing, i would vote them out because they wouldn t be doing more important things. this is, again, don t go to a fundraiser when a hearing s on, but this is just a cheap shot. i m sorry. he s not exaggerating. that s what they are like. they are exactly like that. the shame, the crime is not somebody missed a hearing, it s the entire congress left to go home without addressing the issue of the world. thank you. thank you. we have a huge threat and there were a couple people who said this is outrageous and it was. corey gardner and mark udall are equally culpable. i have another point to this,
which is if you re going to condemn senators for missing hearings, you should condemn the fundraising culture of congress that requires them to be begging for dollars, calling for dollars all hours of the day. that makes too much sense. sorry. everyone is guilty of this. thom tillis is here running ads, the guy missed north carolina state house sessions to attend fundraisers in d.c. the hutspah to run ads like that. but the fundraising climate, where you have to be begging at all hours. i have to say, though, al is exactly right. at the end of the day, are we really going to criticize people for missing a stupid hearing here or there, or are we going to criticize them for leaving town and not being on the house floor and debating intensely what is going on? by the way, what s going on in syria, what s going on in iraq, and what s going on in turkey,
these are some of the gravest, most important times as far as foreign policy goes since 2001, and they all left. and they all left without voting should they call them back? in a second. if i were the president of the united states, i would call them back. barack obama doesn t want to call them back because a lot of democrats would vote against him, too bad. he needs to call them back and they need to debate this out. jeremy? this is not just happening in colorado. it s not just happening in north carolina. you re seeing these similar ads highlighting the hearings that incumbent senators have missed in new hampshire, iowa, as well. it s a potent line of attack, and from what i understand, really unnerving democrats because it makes them look like they are taking unseriously the very serious challenges of this time. what s the answer to it? what is the answer? can i tell you what the answer is? just ignore it, these things don t work. how do i know? i know from experience. they don t work.
they were tried on me repeatedly. i don t think joe ever missed a hearing. i missed so many hearings, they were tried on me repeatedly, but you know what, i missed hearings and when i went back to my district, you know nobody said that scarborough, he doesn t work enough. no, everyone knew i was crazy, working around the clock, and i didn t have time to waste in hearings where people droned on and on and on. if there was another issue going on on the floor or another deal that could be made to cut the deficit, voters are smart, and you know what, they don t take attendance with their members of congress. they know who s effective, mika, they know who s not. and if kay hagan has been fighting for the people of north carolina, they don t give a damn she s missed a couple of hearings or not. not because she didn t attend hearings. okay, two more minutes here. former arkansas governor and potential 2016 candidate mike huckabee threatening to leave
the republican party if it does not strongly oppose same-sex marriage. here are two parts of an interview he gave on tuesday, one day after the supreme court refused to hear cases where gay marriage bans were overturned. i m utterly exasperated with republicans and so-called leadership with the republicans who have advocated on this issue, where if they continue this direction, they guarantee they are going to lose every election in the future. guarantee it. if the republicans want to lose guys like me and a whole bunch of still god-fearing people, go ahead and just abdicate on this issue and while you re at it, go ahead and say abortion doesn t matter either, because at that point you lose me. i m gone. right. i ll become an independent. i ll start finding people who have guts to stand. i m tired of this. all right. we now have more details about the september 6th drunken palin
family brawl. according to a police report, there were at least two separate incidents involving at least 20 people. in one case, bristol palin reportedly went after the party s host, punching him five or six times. bristol says she was then punched to the ground and dragged outside. however, the host says bristol fell down when he finally tried to stop her from striking him. meanwhile, bristol s brother, track, and father todd, were involved in a fight outside. track alleges a family friend was sucker punched, so he took off his shirt and prepared to fight, but then was attacked by two other men. todd says everything escalated and it wasn t something they could walk away from. as for sarah palin, the former candidate for vice president of the united states, witnesses say she remained inside the family s white limousine parked on the
road outside of the party while her family was involved in these altercations. wow. should i go to the dow, joe? what s the impulse to take off your shirt before you fight? exactly. do you do that, al? always. rip it off? absolutely. okay. don t threaten my woman. this is the first time i ever wish sarah palin had been elected, because if it had taken place down the road, think all fun we could have had? joe takes it a step further, then he fights, right, joe? yeah. remarkable job without using any of the multiple vulgarities in that thing. oh, were there vulgarities, too? i m going to go to tease, because i m not supposed to i m in the middle here. i have no opinion. still ahead on morning joe, from his first job working for andy war hohowarhol, our in with andre leon talley. joe models. plus, more trouble for
adrian peterson as prosecutors seek to arrest the vikings star running back. we explain why next. first, bill karins, a fashion icon himself, if you like mr. rodgers tie. don t pick on mr. rogers. time for your weekend forecast. and right now, the worst weather by far is over the state of missouri and heading into arkansas and tennessee today. a lot of flooding problems and a lot of flash flooding. oklahoma, missouri, and arkansas. let me take you into what s going to happen. the rain is already rapidly spreading eastward. right now over colorado, kansas, where the flooding is and now it s starting to move quickly across kentucky and tends, heading for the midatlantic later tonight. of course, the baseball game in baltimore and if it will be played tonight, 50/50 or less than that. d.c., rain arriving later today, atlanta, dallas, thunderstorms, hot in the southern u.s. as far as saturday goes, early morning rain for boston,
hartford, providence, d.c., that exits during the day saturday, almost like a repeat of last saturday, and sunday should clear out nice in the east, but a new storm comes in behind it there in the middle of the country, so plenty of clouds, showers, anywhere from louisiana, all the way back up into areas of the ohio valley. coming columbus day, if you re in little rock or memphis, we could have a severe weather outbreak, maybe even a few tornados. something to pay attention to over your holiday weekend. you re watching morning joe. we leave you with a shot of washington, d.c., where the umbrellas will be out when a lot of you head home from work. we ll be right back. i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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time now to take a look at the morning papers with joe, thomas, and me. we start with the los angeles times. just moments ago we learned the winners of this year s nobel peace prize. 17-year-old malala yousafzai and kailash satyarthi. two years ago the taliban shot malala in the head as she was advocating girls rights to an education. malala is the youngest winner ever of the nobel peace prize. amazing. man, that is amazing. congratulations to her. the minneapolis star tribune,
vikings running back adrian peterson has found himself in more hot water this morning. prosecutors are seeking to revoke peterson s bond and have him rearrested after the running back allegedly admitted to smoking marijuana while out on bail. according to paperwork filed, peterson said he, smoked a little weed before a drug test wednesday. peterson has been freed on $15,000 bond on a charge of felony child abuse. a trial date has tentatively been set for december the 1st. thomas? on to trial, trying to get him back on the playing field. we ll see how that one continues to roll out. we go to the wall street journal now. it is reporting amazon plans to open its first retail store here in manhattan, and this just in time for the busy holiday shopping season. the store will primarily function as a mini warehouse with a limited inventory for same-day delivery within new york, so the flagship location
will also accept pickups of online orders, returns, exchanges, and some say the store could feature amazon devices such as the kindle and fire smartphone. no word yet if drones will be delivering any of the packages. let s go to the washington post. gutsy move to go straight to the company s ceo to ask for a raise, it s even more gutsy to cc 200,000 coworkers on the e-mail. well, that s one way to do it. a wells fargo employee asked the bank s boss to give everybody a $10,000 salary bump using the company s profits to pay for it. i don t know. according to the proposal, the move would, show the rest of the united states, if not the world, that yes, big corporations can have a heart. the bank says it does not discuss personnel matters. that person was fired. then shown the door. i give advice on this and i would say don t do that. don t do that.
it s rolling the dice. still ahead, will wall street bounce back from one of its worst days of the year? we go live to the new york stock exchange in just a few minutes. also ahead, he s worked with andy warhol by becoming a staple of the fashion industry. for more than a quarter of a century, our interview with andre leon talley coming up. but first, a look at what the nation s top editorial writers are covering this morning. josh greene and eugene robinson join us. the design of the ford escape is clearly intended to grab your eye. oh, and your foot.
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a dallas deputy is waking up at home this morning after being hospitalized over ebola concerns. state health officials say michael monnig tested negative for the deadly virus. he was put in isolation after visiting an urgent care center. meanwhile, the hospital who treated the first person to die in the u.s. from ebola is defending his treatment. officials say thomas eric duncan initially received four hours of evaluation and underwent
numerous tests. and as the conditions of a spanish nurse worsens, the director of the cdc compared the crisis to the aids epidemic. this is a fluid and heterogeneous epidemic. it s changing quickly and it s going to be a long fight. i will say that in the 30 years i ve been working in public health, the only thing like this has been aids, and we have to work now so this is not the world s next aids. meanwhile, airplane cabin cleaners who work for delta airlines have ended their strike at new york s laguardia airport. they say unsafe working conditions put them at risk to ebola and other diseases. here we go. that brings us to our citizen question of the day, do you believe it makes sense for the federal government to stop all air travel between west africa to the united states to stop the spread of the ebola virus? download the icitizen app to
participate in that question. it s a good one. we were talking about it in the past hour. joining us now, senior national correspondent for bloomberg business week joshua green and pulitzer prize winning columnist and msnbc analyst eugene robinson. gene, you write about america s stake in the ebola fight. in part you write this, ebola is a nightmare disease that travel restrictions cannot keep out. the correct response should be urgent concern, not panic and an all-out crusade to extinguish at its source, any kind of knee-jerk attempt to ban all travel from countries where the outbreak is raging would be disastrously counterproductive. western doctors, nurses, missionaries, and others who went to west africa to quell the outbreak would be kept from leaving the hot zone. you can t send health workers in if you have no way to get them out.
the white house was on the forefront of this. we were following them covering the story as they sort of piled resources in saying this is big. right. this is big. this is big. we have a story on the front page of the post this morning about the math of ebola and it s really scary. you know, the number of cases that arrive from each individual case is great enough that this projects into a really bad epidemic unless it s quashed now. so you have to quash it at the source. you try to block all travel, i m sorry, thomas duncan did not fly from west africa to the united states, he went through europe, brussels, to europe. i disagree. i think isn t a false choice being presented here, gene, when you say, gee, if we stop travel back here we re going to block u.s. aid workers out? we actually can look at their documents, we can also look at their passports, see they are
american citizens, figure out they went over to help the virus and let them come back in. it s not an all or nothing proposition. that seems to be what the argument is. we have to either let everybody come over or nobody come over. yeah, but how does it make sense to let health workers come back and not let other people come in, because, in fact, the health workers are the ones who are at most risk of ebola and they are the ones who have been in close contact with ebola sufferers. so the equation is not right there, and in any event, you re just going to check people s passports and say, you know, if you re a native of west africa certainly, if you want to fight the disease, that s a calculated risk you have to take. just like when people come back from war zones with pstd, we still let them back in the united states because they served this country an do what we hope is in the best interest
of the world. there is an argument in the mainstream media that somehow anybody suggesting a little bit of restraint in stopping the flow of travel from the infected countries to the united states is zeen phobic or seizing on fears, and this is one of those cases. gene, maybe most of us are wrong, but this is one of those cases where i hear a lot of people, not just in the red neck rivera, but mika and i were in the board meeting yesterday with the ceo of a very big company that said, hell yeah, i don t want them over here. let s let the aid workers go over and come back, but we have to be a lot tougher in our screening. i see poor sam stein wiggling around, his prep tie is askew, i m making him nervous. very quickly, in my column and here, i ve been very careful. i m not using the word zeen
phobic, it s just the epp de epidemiology say this is not effective, this is not the way to go. false argument, because they make the false argument it would somehow slow down the movement of health workers, aid workers, to the infected regions and back. i m saying, we are actually smart enough to trace people who are threats to the united states and no fly lists. we re probably smart enough to figure out how to let aid workers go and come back to the united states. the problem here, though, is not that simple. when you have ebola, you re not you don t necessarily exhibit the symptoms, so unless we have a very quick defined way to test ebola at the checkpoint, i m not sure how a travel ban would work. also, another point a lot of medical professionals are
making, including in the post today, great front page story, if you quarantine a country, you create a panic, and that in turn creates a huge problem on the ground for health care workers, political workers, government officials. you don t exactly contain the disease, you spread the disease through government and sociopolitical panic. i disagree with that. address the disease, it provides maybe u.s. citizens with some false sense of security, but doesn t do much to squelch the epidemic. i m just laughing, all of you guys are sitting there so shocked and stunned and deeply saddened that i m saying what most americans will say when they are not in front of the tv set. presenting false choices. sam, you just said, gee, you have no! you are. you can t have a middle ground. you can increase screenings at
airports, be more diligent who s coming in the country. sam, you ve just undercut your own argument. sam, you ve just undercut your own argument by saying we have a slight delay, so if you guys will let me finish, then you can talk. you ll undercut your own argument by first of all saying that, well, you know, keeping people out from the united states won t work because we don t have the right screening tests. now you re saying we need to have a screening test and there s no middle ground because it takes 21 days. well, you re exactly right. there s not a proper screening test to make sure that somebody who gets into the united states from the infected areas doesn t have ebola until they are in america for two, three weeks. so, with respect to screening tests, there is no way to detect right up front unless someone is exhibiting or has ebola, that it s there, that you can detect
it s there, however, there are symptoms of ebola you can screen at airports, for instance. i don t want to get too graphic on air, but there are ways you can look at someone and say he s exhibiting symptoms of ebola, maybe we need to set this person aside, et cetera, et cetera. that s what i was getting at with enhanced screenings. with respect to the ethos, the mindset you re talking about, i totally get it. i understand the urge to say shut it down, let s not let anyone in the country from disease-ridden countries. that makes sense. all i m saying, health officials, people whose job it is to actually contain this disease, have said that would be counterproductive, you would stir up so much political panic, one, that it would in effect spread the virus, and two, what gene was getting at earlier, if you re going to have travel bans, you have to have universal travel bans. no, you don t. no, you don t. it s not all or nothing. we need to move on because josh green has a column, but that s my biggest concern, mika, with
all of these arguments, it s always an all or nothing proposition. it s black or white. we have no ability as rational human beings to somehow sort through this and have a good middle ground. i agree completely with gene, we need to declare war on this ebola virus and americans need to understand that u.s. tax dollars need to be paid for aid. we need to do whatever we can to stop the spread of the virus, because as dr. kent brantly, who is a doctor, who was infected, the first american who came back with ebola said, the atlantic ocean is not going to separate us from this deadly virus. we have got to get engaged there. so, josh, your latest piece in bloomberg business week is not about ebola, so we ll put that conversation to bed for a second. it s about the fight for the u.s. senate seat in colorado. what angle are you looking at here?
what i m looking at, of all the senate races to potentially tip the balance, colorado is the most important race because the state, unlike other purple states, has a large latino population and is more reflective of the u.s. in general. i think the outcome will tell us a lot about where the two parties stand heading into the 2016 presidential election. you ve also got two really good candidates in the most competitive race in the country. joe? you know, josh, there s also a reason why this race is important for republicans. i ve talked to republican leaders, they understand. they ll never say this on the air, even though reince priebus came close to saying this last week, not winning the senate 2014 is a devastating setback for the republican party, but what i m hearing, republicans are more worried about 16 than 14, and they are saying, we have got to win in a blue state. we ve got to win in a state that barack obama won in, and it will
be great if cotton wins in arkansas, it will be great if we pick up louisiana and north carolina, but if we don t expand the map and win in places like colorado, we re in big trouble going into 16. exactly. and what you see in colorado with the republican senate candidate there, cory gardner, is maybe a glimpse of what the republicans will need in 2016, regardless of how he performs. young guy, very charismatic, very optimistic. he s sort of the opposite everything you associate with gop leaders today, who tend to be prickly and grouchy and angry and fighting with each other. really a fun guy out of the campaign trail and sort of a breath of fresh air, and i think that helps explain why he s been leading in a lot of polls, despite the fact no republican has won statewide ten years in colorado. we ll look for that in bloomberg business week. yes, joe? it s so sad. josh is yet another left wing mainstream media type saying
republican leaders are prickly and grouchy. anybody that spent five minutes with mitch mcconnell would i know! never mind. go ahead. go to break. he s a sweet tart. sweet tart. still ahead, we ll go live to the new york stock exchange after a roller coaster week on wall street. plus, our sit-down with we do fashion here on morning joe, just like the other morning shows. it s like the other morning shows. andre leon talley joins us. hear what he says is the secret to dressing nowadays. and also, the interesting reason why
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shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. let s bring in cnbc sarah eisen live from the new york stock exchange. sarah, take it away, the dow. reporter: well, it has been a brutal week here on wall street. volatility, wild swings, are back. yesterday was a scary day. the worst loss for stocks for
2014. there are new concerns about global economic growth, whether it s in europe, whether it s in russia, caused by geopolitics, you name it, and the fear investors have right now are policy makers are running out of bullets to try to fight new found slowdown and growth. yes, the united states is the bright spot here, but a lot of u.s. companies get a lot of their earnings overseas, so that weakness could inflict pain in the u.s. stock market. we re going to be watching stocks. by any indication, looks like the carnage is set to continue. in europe we re seeing sharp losses. one stock i want to mention is tesla, because elon musk continues to surprise. he unveiled a new all-wheel drive model that s going on sale at the end of the year. it has all sorts of new safety measures and cool features. 11-year-old company continues to invite. guys? sara, thank you so much. have a great weekend. you, too. up next, joe walks the runway for fashion icon andre
leon talley. oh, yeah, it was hot. we ll explain how that came about next on morning joe . it s a walk off. it s a walk off. they re still after me. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it s called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. they cut the power. it ll fix itself. power s back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga.
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the annual fall fashion week recently wrapped up in new york, and there was one man who was larger than life at the shows. andre leon talley. a recently sat down with the fashion guru and co-author of little black dress, to get his expert take on today s hottest trends and his life in the spotlight. okay, you know why this exploded from an interview with a tape recorder, cup of coffee, to full camera shoot, do you want to know why? because of what you did to me at fashion week. what? i m sitting there, my daughter carly and her friend em and there s the cast of orange is the new black, there s kate upton. whoopi goldberg walks in, then you walk in, seriously, it s as if the beatles first stepped off the plane. oh, my goodness. they went crazy. no. then you had them sitting on your lap. that s wonderful. i didn t know i had such impact with young ladies.
16-year-old girls went wild. amazing, amazing. you know morning shows have, because i want to get you to comment on live fashion, and morning shows, they have models. have you seen them, they bring them out, anchor sits there and the guru comes out. we have morning joe models right here. can we get model number one, please? joe, joe, wake up. is it joe himself? yeah. he s our model today. joe, all right i do love those sweatshirts. he fell asleep. i m going to narrate it. i d like you to analyze. get on the cat walk, joe. do your model walk. morning shows, we have models. hand in pocket? get the music, walk with me. what s he got, pants he slept in. above the right nipple he has some breakfast. he likes to wear this this is amazing. what do you think of his
outfit. what s it say to you, andre? says a lot he can get up and still model, still doing the model pose. the model pose works. can i come over and sit in your lap? because i hear it is the place to be, baby. good to see you. good to see you, very good to see you. i love the color, whatever you call these shirts. no, the overshirt. table cloth. it s poly mead, it s warm, something you wear in the stadium. why are you smelling him? breakfast. breakfast or dinner. flicking stuff on his suit. usually he has food. i think his style works. he s got a look. his style works because it s who he is. whatever you wear must reflect who you are. never take cues and say it s wrong. i love that. mika and i were out yesterday and i noticed three or four women, we were sitting waiting
for a friend and i saw people coming in and out, people watching. and i noticed all these people wearing all these different things that the ones that seemed the most put together had a simple black dress, flats, and maybe, if not pearls, something very basic. one simple necklace, accessory. chanel always said, less is more. fake with the real. you know who i think is one of the best dressed women in the entire world? queen elizabeth ii. she s dressed appropriate for who she is, she s dressed because that is her uniform, it always been her tradition, and looks great on her for who she is. she s incredibly well-dressed. oh, my gosh. i love this advice, because i also think for younger women trying to send a message, their clothes shouldn t distract from their face, eyes, and voice are doing. the voice. what you project is what you say. i always say that i think that people you have to have
something to say. you have to do your homework. you can t just go up and say i m going to find out what i m wearing. when girls have on the latest thing, you don t want to look at that. you want to see how they are saying, how they respond to the questions. there is no perfect question. no perfect answer. i am so excited to have you in here. i m so thrilled to be here. thank you for having me. up next he is so much fun. memorable. he s going to be in my book. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today?
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it s time to talk about what we learned today. of course, for those of us here we say good-bye to a close member of our morning joe family. joe was a runner during the 2004 presidential election and what a decade it s been together. john and t.j. and i have been through so much together, 25 v.p.s, honeymoon murder mysteries, debates between rabbi and jennifer giroux and, of course, reporting on events that have shaped the world over the past decade. the word i might be leaving primetime to start a morning show. everybody said i was crazy to
leave primetime for a 4:00 a.m. wakeup call, everybody except jon, who said i want you to do it and i want to go with you. well, he did and that s made all the difference. we love jon and we re going to miss him, but i tell you what, i m so excited and mika, you are, too, that even though he s not moving on to a better place, he is getting a wonderful opportunity, and i d be sad except for the fact that i know that jon, mika, and i are going to work together again soon. mika, we ll miss him, won t we? tower, we love you, we wish you the best of luck. we re happy for you, but i m not happy right now, because i don t like saying good-bye to you. you re a good guy. thank you for everything. thank you guys so much. i really appreciate it. this has been the best experience of my life so far. thank you so much. you re so self indulgent. mika, can you believe that? next he s going to be like chris
and write a book. jon, note to self, don t do that. i ll call you spanky. joe, i noticed that was on prompter. did you write that or somebody else on staff write that? who wrote it for him? this is your life. this is your wife. jon met his wife here in 2004 when joanna was an intern. it was an h.r. violation at the time, but they were able to work through it and he was able to legally marry her and they were able to marry and we love the towers. we snuck her in. hopefully, it s a big surprise. we love you, jon tower, we re going to miss you so much. that is so cute. good surprise, right? jon, we love you. good luck. did a good job. if it s way too early, it s morning joe. jon, we ll see you again. jon tower! thank you, jon!
a nobel peace prize at age 17, malala yousafzai from pakist pakistan. both honored. the latest on their history making moment. also developing this morning, more scrutiny for the secret service as a review board gets to work and the white house pushes back on allegations that involve more than just agents now. and one of the world s most notorious dictators, also one of the world s most reclusive, as well, never shies away from a photo op, nowhere to be seen. the latest on the mystery of north korea s kim jong-un. it s friday, october 10th, 2014, this is the daily rundown. a busy morning on

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20141101 23:00:00

unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. the samsung galaxy centura android smartphone. tracfone. do everything for less. i am julie bandaras. this is the fox report. marine sergeant back on u.s. soil and the judge ordered his absolute release. after months in a mexican jail they argued for his release. he was not getting adequate care behind bars. the family is thankful for mexico doing the right thing. certainly they are glad to have been reconnected and grateful for the judge, certainly a just conclusion to this end.
it is worth emphasizing that their system focuses on rehabilitation and in the order it mentions the need for treatment. mexican inspectors arrested the sergeant after seizing weapons. he got lost and crossed in mexico with three registered guns. he tried to escape. the obama administration spoke about it. and ta hmooressi made a formal statement. they were pushing mexico for a swift and just resolution. the prosecution acknowledged he suffered from pspd. and now he is home with his
family. william is covering the story in the u.s. and mexico. william, how big of a role did the diplomat pay. u.s. pressure at least sped things up. we were told that the legal process had to play out in a a sovereignty country. but they spoke with mexican officials including the attorney general and after days of pressure the attorney general withdrew the charges and the trial judge a quited andrew and ordered his release around 3 o clock p.m. yesterday. i have been on line with the attorney general from mexico and he was lecturing about the rule of law and i shared how it goes
one sided between the two countries. tahmooreessi spent days in prison. he cleared the customs at the border and after seven months he is in florida with his family with what we are told he wants a steak dinner. what else do we know? very little. tahmooreessi s family said he needs privacy and needs treatment. it was that argument that convinced the judge to release him because he couldn t get care in mexico. the family spokesperson said the priority is now rest and reunion with his family. they are back together. you know, it was a very nice reunion this morning and i think
they will spend time as a family. i think, he s been in custody for seven months now. and i think he needs time and space. did the lobbying help? it is unclear how much. it is more coincidental that the judge made the ruling following all of the pressure from certain u.s. officials. it came sooner than we thought, julie. william, thank you so much from los angeles tonight. later in the show, you will hear the coverage from gretta. she will do the first interview right here on fox. we ll stay tuned for that. after months of seemingly endless tv ads and campaigning. it is now this. three days away from the critical midterm election and they are reaching the few
undecided voters and senate races are going down to the wire. kansas, there is a state that is strongly republican for decades. and incumbent senator pat roberts trading by a point. a race crucial to republicans if they hope to bring up the seat in january. carl is in cameron. you got ahold of greg orman. how is the race going? reporter: we got ahold of him and it took a while to get him. it orman is hard to nail down and arguing that all he wants to do is break down the two party
system and change washington with all of the grid lock. he had a misstep that could give an opening.g. the bus full of republicans including bob deal and an icon here was part of a clown car. and that prompted robertson for not recognizing one of the republican icons of the state. that was a cheap shot. i don t know i am not sure that greg orman that said that. it might be a campaign person. he owes bob a policy. it shoes how out of touch his campaign is with kansas. no one in kansas is going to say anything bad about bob deal. reporter: of course, mr. orman said he was not trying to insult mr. doyle, but republicans in washington. i have nothing but the utmost
respect for senator doyle. i talked at length about senator doyle as the example of the kind of senator and representative that we need in washington and someone to roach across the aisle and forge a consensous among people with different ideas and get things done for the american people. reporter: asked if he would sit on the republican and democratic. he said he would go with the the majority and raising questions on who mr. orman can be trusted. and tomorrow, carl, you will head to kentucky i understand. what do you tell us about the overall landscape there? reporter: it is where the senate majority is and he is in a tough case with grimes. and fox and other poles. iowa and north carolina, republican joni ernest pulled
out a lead. and in north carolina it is between kay haggen. and tom tillis. that is part what democrats call the fire wall in order to keep the majority. in colorado, that one is very, very close and some suggest it is likely to go republican, to. all right. carl cameron we ll so you through wednesday morning. try to get sleep before then. fox news is america s head quarters and watch us for the analysis of the midterm. bret baier and megyn kelliy will lead our coverage. beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern and eric and shaun and i will
continue 1:30 and 4 o clock eastern morning and then on fox news radio from 7- 9:00 a.m. looking forward to a lot of slopelessness. this is wayne state university in detroit. president obama campaigning for the democrat cappedidate for senate. this is the first time out stumping for any democratic senate candidate. it is for the senate race anyway. and we are monitoring his remarks and we ll bring it to you. and new developments on ebola to tell you about. a nurse who defied quarentine orders. and scoring a legal victory over the state of maine. and a doctor battling the deadly disease now getting encouraging news. brian is outside of bellview hospital where that doctor is being treated.
what is the latest? it is good news for dr. craig spencer whose condition is stable. he remains in isolation and getting the same type of treatment and anti- viral and successfully cleared a ebola patient. and remember dr. spencer returned from volunteering in guinean and he was in new york city and later diagnosed with ebola. the ensuing controversy led governors to lead to mandatory quarentine. the judge in maine lifted an isolation order citing irerational fears. hick ox can go wherever she wants as long as she reports
immediately if she becomes symptomatic. the three points are three points that i believe is part of the good compromise this we can make. governor paul page said as governor i have done everything i can to protect mainers. and the judge had these restrictions and i believe it is important but the state will abide by the law. and canada, that country decided to stop exit visas from nationals and resident from west africa. and that is in the west coast. and that is a 21-year-old woman now in isolation in the providence hospital in portland,
oregon. and she came down with a 102 fever and considered low risk. and she has been actively self monitoring and taking hers. and now we are expecting blood tests and results to come in on monday. and she was staying in a liberrian pastors home. julie. thank you very much. and what do you think. should main governor appeal the ruling to treat them out of quarentine to self monitor? we ll read your tweets later in the show. and things getting back to normal for a dallas health care worker who survived ebola. nina pham reunited with her dog. they had been apart.
but the king charles spaniel emerging from the 21 day quarentine with a clean bill of health. it is a reminder of hope and encouragement for me moving forward and fulfilling my life with my best friend at my side again. snshs bentley was inoisealation in a military base with veternarians checking on every day to make sure he was okay. and a manhunt under way for a suspect who ambushed a police officer with an ax. this comes after another man attacked a new york city police officer with a hatchet. and authorities identifying the pilot who was at the controls in the virgin aircraft broke apart. we learned new details about the co-pilot that survived.
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authorities now identifying the pilot. and federal investigators arriving on the scene along with virgin founder who was vowing to figure out what happened. we are not going to push on blindly. to do so would be an insult for all of those affected by the tragedy. we ll learn from what went wrong and discover how to improve safety and performance. andom nick is live in the newsroom. what is the latest? reporter: the local sheriff told me that the lone survivors is going into surgery in the hospital after being rescued with the crash site with major injuries. and the procedure would be on his shoulder. we know he is 43 years old and
the navy engineer that is part of the designer for the past 18 years. and the ntsb was there. and they flew in and should be able to piece together what happened. this is a test flight and they are typically very well documented in terms of data and we may have a video feed and a lot of evident that will help us with the investigative process. and also the switching of the new type of fuel this year and another area of priority, julie. tell us, is this the end of the space towerism or is branson try it again. probably not. virgin has a second spacecraft under construction and should be completed in the end of the
year. it is a setback when he knows what happen. it is one that can be fixed. and then i hope it will be back on track in 4- 6 months time. if it is not fixable it is serious. it will be how long it takes to complete the investigation. thank you so much. breaking news, a deadly fire raging out of control in a university. several people managing to make it out alive. plus, that sea of lava in high school creating unusual challenges for law enforcement and janice dean bringing up a frosty looking work out. and a reminder to share with you in turning back the hands of time. sked people a simple question:
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here. and officer was sitting in the squad car and he hit the driver s side window and the officer struggled with a man who got away by the way. there is no evidence linking the man who attacked the new york police officers and they are not ruling it out as a possible copycat attack. and in hawaii. thieves are slowing down and stalling 500 feet from the road. the flow is active and putting out. and police arrested two people who are sticking golf clubs in the lava and accusing them of trespassing on private property. and meanwhile, back on the mainland. chilly overnight lows and meteorologist janice dean.
hey. extra blanket and the heat is on in the deep south. and overnight lows and 33 in atlanta and 39 in new york city and the big race and marathon is tomorrow. and north wind and that is tough for the folks running that race. and freeze advisory for at least a dozen states. and we have had record- breaking now in the mountains of carolina and tennessee. and this is going to wind up and bring more snow to new england. and several inches for you. and the bull s eye of the snowfall will be in northern maine. new york. this will clear out. and we ll deal with blustering conditions. and then we ll have to watch
another one moving in from the west and that will perhaps give us a damp day for elections. on tuesdays, showers and thunderstorms from texas all the way up to the great lakes. this is a look for the election day forecast. and northwest, unsettled weather for you and certainly watching the central u.s. and julie, i am so excited about this. and day light savings time and we fall back and an extra hour of sleep for us moms. we don t get an extra hour of sleep. i am not kidding. i wish they would watch the news. how about an extra glass of wine tonight. and in the morning, too. i have no problem drinking.
mimosa. a grueling ordeal for a marine is over. the sergeant tahmooreissa suffers from ph sd. and if you live in a race state you are bombarded with political ads. they join us live, next. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don t let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness.
this is it the fox report and to the top of the news. a u.s. marine jailed in mexico is now a free man. the judge ordering his release after seven months behind bars citing the need for treatment. he was delivered and released to the mexican immigration authorities in the border, and was transferred to our custom s and border patrol and was taken pretty quickly to an airport san diego. sergeant tahmooressi is with his family in florida. he accidentally crossed the border with weapons in his car in march. here is the reaction to the
release today. how dow make a wrong turn. but we went out to san diego, and retraced and oh, this is exactly the turn i would have taken and the roads are mismarked and california has since then this fall because of this incident changed their signs as a result. and it was so bizarre to me. and what was most significant to me, mexico never charged with trying to sale guns. it was simple possession and if you made a mistake to enter mexico and didn t intend to be there. you couldn t violate the law. you intend to be in mexico and violate the law. he was accidentally in mexico with possession and that meant they thought it was merely an accident. the marine sergeant goes on
the record with gretta in the coming days. stay tuned for fox with the coming details. only three days until the midterm. campaigns and outside groups on both sides are flooding the air waves. howard is here in our studio and the fox news media analyst. and always great to have you. and election time is interesting. mudslinging occurs and happens on television and ads and they spend a lot of money to expose the darkness. and the air waves are bomb boarded. and abortion is a hot, much gene sha heen making claims. and they show us the focus and what they were twisting. and you can see republicans and
democrats. abortion is a hot issue in new hampshire with charges against the republican senators from massachusetts scott brown. they showed this ad. and the republicans in red and democrats in green. scott brown said. i am pro-choice and that is not how he goes. scott brown sponsored a bill so employers could deny women for birth control. and force them to look at color photographs of developing fetuses. democrats gave them a top score of 80 out of 100 and republicans 64. senator sheehan uses the attack by republicans. and it does well. brown responded on camera. they are calling it in question the support for women s health care and i want you to know the facts. i am pro-choice and i support
continued funding of planned parent hood. senator sheheen said it was not a smear and brown s response sidestepped the allegation. employers can t be forced to cover services if they have a religious or moral objection. and co-sponsored a massachusetts bill that would have required a 24 hour waiting. they are unable to get an abortion without acknowledging in writing they didn t receive descriptions including covered photos. and democrats like brown s more than republicans. and when you saw him doing that response, you want to get off of the defensive on abortion. and instead, president obama and was standard. and there is more ads in the
country? absolutely. a lot of democrats are trying to get the female vote. and talking about birth control and in colorado, mark udal, the democratic senator. and his opponent corey gardener saying i am pro-choice and over the counter birth control. they see that sort of viciousness and they think they are a mean person. everyone hates negative ads. both sides are doing it. and voters concern over the
parts of the law. and that is what the cost would be. what they report back to me was not necessarily positive news. it is like 8000 deductible. and going down 5000 co-pay was over 400. and fox news goes indepth with bret baier. and obama care in new hampshire. it is tomorrow. he will be talking nothing but midterms. there is so much to come here.
new reports of the pure brulitality of isis. they shot dead 50 men and women in the an bar province. what is a mass executions in that region. 1200 iraqis died and they don t include the mass killings by isis. air strikes continue in syria and iraq. five air strikes around the tea of kobani on the border of turkey and syria. kurdish fighters are in a street by street war with isis. and a terror warning for british citizens. officials in uk taking unusual steps and issuing a global terrorist warning because of fears of british terrorist
warnings. this is not based on specific intelligence. but officials want their citizens to be vigilant. and 12 are confirmed in the top story around the world in 80 seconds. colombia, officials say a pipe feeding water to equipment inside of the coal mine exploded and sending water surging inside. 28 miners managed to escape. the mine accident in colombia have risen because of the illegal moins and lax safety standards. honduras. a bus carrying a group of religious missionaries plunges over the cliff side. it was taken them to an area of
popular to tourist. authorities are investigating what caused the accident. china. the country s first unmanned experimental lunar orbiter returning to earth. and the national space aemgs said it was designed to test the heat shield. china s goal is to one day put a man on the moon. australia, meet the biggest sensation in the zoo. a baby gorilla making a appearance. both mom and baby are doing well. that is a wrap on the fox trip around the world. throw days until americans cast their vote.
vote fraud allegations remain unresolved. and who was accused of cheating voters and making sure it never happens again. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time?
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and senator mark beg itch and sullivan are locked in a tight race. alaska is much more quiet than earlier today. reporter: yeah, you got that right. the calm before the storm or after the storm. jowly, this is a seat that the republicans have been eyeing for a long time and the polls looked good. but it shoes it is very, very close. democrat mark begich is an upon astute politician and we caught up with him as he looked for more volunteers to get-out-the-vote. and he is telling alaska they will lose clout in washington d.c. if he is defeated. that is ironic, the state lost clout when he was elected after
stephenson was convicted for a felony. this is a reality. reporter: republican challenger dan sullivan is lot less visible. but getting big name help. texas senator ted cruz, a tea party favorite is with him in fair banks and mitt romney in the state. romney beat obama by 14 points in alaska. he s running a disciplined campaign. they have been successful at managing his time in front of the cameras, because with a novice candidate you want to be careful to avoid
overexposure. more votes have been cast. and republicans outpaced democrats. but that is not a big surprise considering that the gop has a 2- 1 registration over the democrats. the largest group of them are nonpartisan. those folks will be deciding who goes to the senate in alaska. julie. dan springer, thank you very much. growing concerns of voter fraud. they are accused of breaking the law to make sure they come out on top. eric shaun has the story. and voter cases are popping up and in tennessee, charged with finding votes. and state representative indicted on 19 voter fraud
charges. and in long iowa land they investigated several voter fraud allegations. i think it is often exaggerated and i don t condone it and it is important to be vigilant against it. reporter: in maryland it happen on 20 machines and could not replacate it in the testing. they raised eyebrows a list where people can vote without a voter id. north carolina, they taped campaign workers that a illegal immigrant can vote. georgia mason estimates in 20086.4 noncitizens voted and
gave obama his win in north carolina. fewer citizens voted in 2010. and the nevada secretary of state russ miller who created a task force say they are on guard. they are making sure the people have confidence. and you have to have a diligent set up and go after those individuals. there is double voting in nevada and candidates who are not eligible to run. be sure to watch fox nows for the results and analysis. bret baier and megyn kelliy will lead our coverage and we ll be here 1 to 4:30.
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one florida creating a one of a kind bowl. 37 feet long and customized to help disabled veterans to get back to the water. here s the fort lauderdale international boat show. it is one of the coolest one here designed for the wounded warriors and people who return home from afghanistan and iraq and spending the rest of their lives in a wheel share. it has a cut out for a wheel
share and have electronic lifts. this is andrew and he and his wife did it out of a sense of patriotism. they are coming become and injured and injuries for the rest of their lives and we provide them with a good quality of life. thank you very much and a lot of people who donated equipment. this is 50,000. and keeping the boat from rocking to heavily. and in the wheelchair. one of the designers on the advisory level, it was a wounded warrior himself. in 2011. he stepped on an ia d and woke up in walter reed without his legs. it he said it will help our
veterans mentally. and a the lot of guys will sometimes sink in to depression. and they will just kind of want to stay in their open little world. and this boat will allow them to get out of the house and meet people with interest like fishing and boating. and a electronic that goes up and down and our warriors can get the job done more easily. it is a great thing and one of 1500 men and women come home with one or more legs amputated. and this helps them to get on the water. that is awesome. you tried a diet that didn t work out. the excuse the suspect gave police after he robbed a popular
fast-food joint.
authorities a arrested a man accused of holding up subway. he said the jar ed doit didn t work. he complained he spent money on them and wore the bright arm shoes in the robbery. the fashion choice led to his down fall. we asked if the maine governor should appeal the judge s ruling. simon said absolutely he should appeal. this woman is putting other ares at potential risk of what she is doing. no quarentine unless symptomatic and no spread. cudios volunteers. happy belated halloween. i wanted you to so me as a big

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140801 23:00:00

across america gets that from this movie. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. friday night bites. let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with the theater of the absurd now known as the republican-led u.s. congress. you thought house of cards was bad. at least on that show they get things done. here in the nation s capitol on august 1st, 2014, they stay up late. they stay up late on a friday evening for the most ridiculous of reasons. start with making it look like they re working. they re here showing that they re here, got it? so i and other commentators
can t attack them for truancy. next reason, call it feeding time at the zoo. some of the hard vicious right need to have votes they call their own, in other words, votes that cast scorn on the president. cast them in a safe position having done nothing to help barack obama, only to keep him from doing anything. why? because any and every action by this president serves to upstage them and their refusal to do anything at all. it s a sorry performance we re watching tonight as the u.s. house of representatives prepare to vote prepares to vote on an urgent so-called measure to help the kids at the border, a measure that will never get to the senate much less the president s desk. it will be a waste of time, a waste of paper, and a waste of representing the government and that matters. but don t give up. if the congress fails to act on the 58,000 young people at the border, he will. from mother jones magazine and an msnbc political analyst. they slammed house republicans for catering to far right in order to pass what he called
extreme and unworkable legislation. well, let s watch. instead of working together, instead of focusing on the 80% where there is agreement between democrats and republicans, between the administration and congress, house republicans as we speak are trying to pass the most extreme and unworkable versions of a bill that they already know is going nowhere, this can t pass the senate and that if it were to pass the senate, i would veto. they know it. they re not even trying to actually solve the problem. this is a message bill that they couldn t quite pull off yesterday so they made it a little more extreme so neighbor can pass it today. just so they can check a box before they re leaving town for a month. i m not sure the president s entirely sad, by the way, that the house of representatives led by republicans is making fools of themselves. the president also said that while congress is out on vacation, putting in the knife, he s going have to act on his
own in resolving the crisis at the border. so what are they proi posing today after they failed to get enough votes yesterday to pass something? the new version would provide the same funding as yesterday s bill did but would also give $39 million to border state governors to pay for national guard troops and it would treek the 2008 anti-trafficking law that would make it easier to deport unaccompanied minors from central america back to their country. and republicans plan to take a separate vote that deters deportation of children brought to the united states by their parents. the far right tea partier steve king. he told roll call, quote, the changes brought into this are ones i ve developed over the past two years. it s like one i order off the menu. davi david, i think we have a prb. they re capable of doing something. what are they doing?
what are they doing? the question is whether you re doing this for governance or whether you re doing it for show, for politics. if you re doing it for your governance, you pass the bill. even though the president might veto it. you go in a conference, you bring the senate in and you get a conference. as we know, the house gop compromise is a dirty word, so as far away as any compromised position as the gop bill was yesterday that boehner couldn t pass, he had to make it even further away from a compromised position to get the house his own people and the tea parties folks to support it. the most frightening thing i saw today on twitter about an hour or two ago, someone tweeted out a picture, steve king and representative michele bachmann sitting at a table looking over the final version of the legislation as if to approve it. we go from yesterday, ted cruz is speaker of the house to today steve king and michele bachmann, king and queen for the day. john boehner has to kiss their
rings. what s scary is that this is a recognized national problem. yes. now, maybe its would be tragic for most people to see those young people sitting down at the border who were basically sent up here by other people. they didn t make a big decision in life fr. a scary place to place they thought might be heavenly ve. yet nobody wants to take responsibility entirely for what to do. the president should have offered, i believe, some modification of the previous law that was a magnet for all these people coming up here. he doesn t want to do that. the congress, worse than him, doesn t want to do anything. this bill, as you pointed, was not meant for passage. what the house gop wants to do is give some money, not enough, some money for border security. they want to take way the right of half a million youngsters who would otherwise be deported to stay in this country, people who were brought here through no fault of their own, dreamers as we call them. why are they doing that? explain? because they don t like, you know, immigration reform. this is a version a backdoor
version of immigration reform that gives people the right to sort of find a pathway here. your kids who are brought here, maybe have been here for ten years, have nobody to go home to and yet they still want to send these kids back. let s bring in u.s. congressman and congresswoman donna edwards. congresswoman, thank you for joining us. this is a bizarre night. exchange the situation to all the democrats and whatever, what in the world is going on in the republican-lead house of representatives this friday night? well, i wish i could explain what s going on. what i will tell you is that house republicans have decided to do the most inhuman and most inefficient thing ever, not really dealing with the difficulty of unaccompanied minor children, not affording them due process, and then saying to 700,000 or so young people that we said you ve lived here, you re going to school, we want you to stay, that we re going to come after you and
really encourage deportation and the most harsh, treatment for our immigrants, for our children. and think it s really unfortunate. there s been a complete breakdown in the republican party. we thought that what they tried to put on the floor yesterday was bad, but what they have done today, what they re doing today is even worse. will any democrats vote for this thing tonight when it comes to a vote? i think our democratic party really has been for the most part unified, frankly, on the humane treatment of children, of making sure that our borders are secure, and really calling for a comprehensive solution, and that means a comprehensive solution for immigration reform. the fact is that republicans have left on the table for more than a year now a bipartisan bill that passed out of the senate, bipartisan support in the house, and they refused to do it. and then they want to blame the president for their failure. this is a classic colossal gop republican failure and think the american people are going to hold the republican party responsible. well, after yesterday s vote,
congresswoman, failed, the republican leadership put out a head scratcher of a statement. in it they had this message for the president, quote, there are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now without the need for congressional action to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries. remember, by the way, this is the same house leadership, congresswoman, as you know that voted to sue the president the day before. certainly the irony here is they want the president to make decisions even though they say they ll get him if he does. here s come on the an surfty of the situation. look, you can t say on one hand the president s overreaching by acting without legislative authority and direction and then refusing to give him legislative authority and dekz in another area. damned if you do and damned if you don t. it is ridiculous to sue the
president on a wednesday because he oversteps the law as he has done a dozen times illegally and unconstitutionally and then on a thursday say he should overstep the law, contradict the law he passed in 2008 and deal with this himself. well, the president today also hammered out that point. he e hammered it home. let s watch. even though yesterday they were sitting on a bipartisan immigration bill for over a year, house republicans suggested that since they don t expect to actually pass a bill that i can sign that i actually should go ahead and act on my own. keep in mind a few days earth ler they voted to sue more for acting on my own and then yesterday they put out a statement saying i should act on my own. sometimes i wonder about the
president and think he s a little bit aloof but maybe that s the only way. they re basically telling him go break the law and then we ll grab you. it s so an seward what they re doing. they want him to make a decision on the 58,000 kids and then they ll be talking impeachment again. i don t think the president is aloof. he s thinking it s ridiculous. voting to sue him a couple of days ago, now saying he needs to act without his authority. they can t figure out what they want to do. and as a result they ve left the american people sitting weight in the balance. it really is incredibly irresponsible and i hope the american people are going to take note. this is the same party that shut down the government. this is the same party that refuses to fund transportation and this is the same party that refuses to deal with immigration. they are a colossal failure, #colossalfailure.
tell me if this is wrong. it s not going to go to the senate. there s not going to be any compromise or any bill. the president will be leaving this weekend. he ll be dealing with this decision single-handedly, is that right? that s right. we ll boo here until 10:00 tonight wasting the american people and taxpayers money and voting for something they want to have a message on but the fact is they don t have a message because they failed the american people. i think the president needs to go out and tell the american people exactly what a failure these republicans are, that they aren t dealing with this. i mean they re going to blame him for it and then fail to act. thank you so much, congresswoman donna edwards of maryland. thank you for joining us this friday night. thank you. i want to get back to you, david. so people want you to understand. the purpose of all this is nothing but message sending as the president said to the hard right. right. and actually if they wanted to send a message earlier that they were doing something that would
help all republicans, that message has now become just a message of the hard right. and the real thing to remember here is if john boehner put the senate bipartisan what s his job exactly? i don t know. he s not acting like a public servant. if he took the senate bipartisan immigration reform bill and put it on the house floor, it would pass with a bipartisan majority, namely democrat. but some republicans would go for it and the country would move forward. he can t do that because then he s afraid of losing his caucus. so this really about being controlled by the tail, the tea party tail controlling government. the 60 votes in the senate, you can t get anything done and the new rule, you can t get anything done that doesn t have the majority vote of the majority party. these new rules are killing the workings of this government. ing their you, david corn. congressman peter king said it best. the house immigration bill died because of senator ted cruz.
who elected this bomb-throwing senator speaker of the house. anyway, the spectacle of what happens to a politician after taking office. and former governor bob mcdonnell knows gifts like rolex watches were part of a quid pro quo to help a businessman. is that the situation here? and one more thing about bringing down richard nixon. the hush money. first ever, we re getting information. john dean joins us tonight with that. finally lit me finish tonight with look at john kennedy and a pioneering documentary. what a movie that s going to be. this is hardball, the place for politics. we never thought we d be farming wind out here.
it s not just building jobs here, it s helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i m like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i m so proud, like, it s just amazing. [ male announcer ] that s why there s ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health. new polling on the presidential race in the key state of ohio. it may come as a surprise. according to the quinnipiac
scoreboard hillary clinton leads rand paul by four points. close. 46% for clinton, 42% for paul. e toenld you to keep an eye on paul. clinton by 9, 49, christie, 37%. we ll be right back. two espressos. make one a double. she s full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos one with a double shot. heh, heh. that s not the coffee talkin . [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg s frosted mini wheats cereal. with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, it s a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we re using more natural gas vehicles than ever before.
the trucks are reliable, that s good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that s good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. that s why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator.
the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn t i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. welcome back to hardball. senator ted cruz. you know him. his extreme tactics have angered many of his colleagues. he s the preverse pied piper who has rendered or government useless right now. he s described as the witness night gathering in cruz ee senate office where 13 house members ate pizza, drank dr pepper and decided to derail the immigration bill. but he tried to hide his finger prints, quote, careful not to be
viewed as orchestrating action in the house, even though he holds regular fellowship meetings with members, cruz listened quietly and nodded along as his guests laid out their concerns and discussed possible demands for boehner. he agreed that boehner was distracted and said they should stick to their principles. the freshman not also reminded them to be skeptical of promises from house leader, particularly of show votes, legislative action designed to placate conservatives that carry little if any weight. that quite assurance was enough to persuade the conservatives to effectively topple boehner s plan. congresswoman lee, i tlirng must be some lack of what, pride? how about pride? when i worked on the hill, the house members referred to the senate as another body. they didn t even talk about it
hardly except for some vague reference. here you have this character, this, i don t know. he shows up, he starts orchestrating the place like he s the boss. i ve never heard of that happen and he s a far right winger. he s so much like joe mccarthy in his attacks on people s character and now he s bringing down the republican speaker of the house. but when you worked here, chris, you did not have a hard core tea party republican base really and that s what it is. and i suggest to you that if senator cruz really wants to direct the house of representatives, perhaps he should run for the house of republican representatives and then run for speaker. this is outrageous. he is a member of the senate. and they should develop their own agenda. we develop ours. what s his hold on these guys? i m not so sure what his hold is except for the fact that he really speaks to the fringe, to
those who actually want to dismantle government, who want to provide little or no safety net, who want to provide no government protections. i m not sure what it is. of course, you hear that he perhaps may be running for president. i mean, my gosh, can you imagine? and so there s, you know, a number of people who really believe in that ideology. it s strictly ideology. it s a far right wing ideology. it really does not believe in government by the people by the people and for the people. congresswoman, hold on for a minute. i ve got jonathan capehart with the post here. you have a right to be whatever you want to be. i don t think people should be driven by identity politics but here s a hispanic guy. he s making his name basically right now going after immigrants. that s what he s doing. in this case, that s what he s doing. yes, that s what he s doing. but to answer the question you asked the congresswoman, like why is he able to do this and why are they why are they
latching onto him, because he s leading them. there s a leadership vacuum in the house that we have witnessed sirns 2011, since the tea party came in there. these folks the folks that ted cruz is leading, that he s leading, they re not fringe. they are powerful. and so now you ve got ted cruz who comes in. he was only elected in 2012, chris. i know. that s hard to believe. he s only been there since january. so he goes over to the house, he s leading people who have been who have been causing speaker boehner problems since 2011 and holding up legislation. and so now if ted cruz were in the house and he were speaker of the house, he would be effectively leading his caucus. yeah, chris, and let me just say, i agree because if you remember the shutdown, he actually was the one who led this terrible debacle of the government shutdown, and so you re right. he sees himself as a leader and
where there s a void, he s trying to lead. then he told the house republican members to blow up the bill the other night. indeed he took offense saying the suggestion by some that those house members are unable to stand up an fight for their own conservative principles is offensive and belittle to house strifbs. they know what they believe and it would be absurd for anyone to try to tell them what to think. congresswoman that seems to be laying it on a bit paternalistically. i wouldn t be telling these young children how to vote but i did and that would embarrass them. i wonder why they re not embarrassed meeting with this guy. i certainly would be. you know, i have to say this moment is a very serious moment. we have a huge humanitarian crises on our border and we have many, many children who need our help. actually the united nations commission on refugees indicated that 60% of these children fleeing these countries are
fleeing violence and deserve international protection. so i don t know why senator cruz is playing with this issue and why he s trying to make sure that the house democrats follow a very hard core nonhumanitarian approach to this issue of the children which is a very grave and very important issue that we re dealing with. i want to go to jonathan and then back to the congresswoman with the same last question. do you think the president s going to do this by executive order, deal with this crisis during the next four weeks? he s going to do something. the last time he was on the show earlier this week the ap story came out that the president was looking for executive action on work permits. today in the briefing room this is for your the kids. he made it very clear today, because they have not acted i am forced to do something. congresswoman lee, i wonder if they re laying request w a mousetrap. a soon as he goes to fix the problem, they re going to hit
him. you know what i m very proud of the president. he recognizes this as a humanitarian crisis. he s the commander in chief and needs to do the right thing and he needs to make sure the rights and the children are afforded the due process and we move forward that the resources are there to provide the type of assistance that we need to provide and that does not mean we don t care about border security or drug cartels, but what is important is that we look at this in a comprehensive way and understand the comprehensive immigration reform is an issue that we still haven t addressed, we have the votes for it and it s because of this speaker who once again is not leaning on this that we have not been able to vote on this where we know we have the votes, and that s the issue. congressman barbara lee, thanks for joining us. thanks for joining us on a friday night. and thank you, jonathan capehart, from the washington post. up next, the late night
comics take on congress. how can they not miss this one. this is hardball, the place for politics. if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything.
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back to hardball and time for the side show. they delayed their august recess after failing to pass an urgent immigration bill last night. it certainly didn t delay late night comedians for mocking the house for failing to get anything done. hu re was david letterman s reaction to their upcoming vacation last night. congress is now getting ready to take a month off. from what? honest to god? from what? i think it s from c-span. this was taken today in congress. take a look at this, ladies and gentlemen.
they ve got them dropping the ball anyway. but john stuart defended the do nothing congress last night on t the daily show, sarcasticall, of course. when you guys suck, it is not failure. it is just you living up to our extremely low expectations of you. congress is the shark nay douna government. of course of course, it sucked. it was supposed to suck. anyway, up next, if you ever wondered what happens to politicians once they take office, look no further than what s going on with former virginia governor bob mcdonnell. powerful new friend, so-called, giving lavish gifts. for what. the question is did the governor know it was part of a quid pro quo, you know, illegal. you re watching hard ball, the
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i m paige hopkins and here s what s happening. the president says the economy is getting stronger. the sixth straight job growth above the 200,000 mark. two aid workers will be evacuated from africa to a hospital at emory university in atlanta. soldiers resumed fighting. more than 60 people died in gaza. now back to hardball.
welcome back to hardball. the corruption trial of former governor bob mcdonnell has dominated the news here in washington because of the soap opera aspect of the defense s broken marriage strategy. but it s also instructive, i believe, for anyone who ever wonders what happens to politicians who come to washington or a state house somewhere and suddenly you re privileged to get these perks and also they re meeting a host of new so-called friends all eager to help them with little pleasures. for instance this rolex watch. this was texted to businessman williams showing him posing with his new rolex watch supplyiied the businessman. and the ferrari. wearing wraparound shades, very cool and a very satisfied smile.
and text entered into evidence today like this from the governor, jonnie, per voice mail would like to see if you could extend another 20 k if possible. tell me who to might out to and address it to fedex. jonnie. joining me right now is robert mccartney and usa today paul singer. fill me in. i do think this loan thing and the ease with which most people go for a bank loan. it s a little harder than e-mailed a guy, no problem, it s coming in a minute from fedex. this was one of three loans. there were a total of $120,000 in loans given to a rental property company owned by bob mcdonnell and his sister. at one point and this is probably the most devastating bit of documentary evidence that s been entered in this
trial or we re going to see is this text message from bob mcdonnell asking for a $20,000 loan from jonnie williams. i heard they asked people, do you think congresspeople walk out of the officer night carrying machinery out of their office like typewriters and then hock them somewhere? so people have a pretty dim view. i think this is the more likely stuff that goes on. grey stuff around the edges. it s not a million dollar, but it s substantial money. and the question is why are they using e-mail if they thought it was illegal. why would the governor e-mail a request for money right in his e-mail? because they stop thinking about it that way. they just assume that everyone is doing them these favors because they get treated that way all their life in politics. every cup of coffee is free. everyone is glad to give you a ride where you re going. at some point you stop realizing that you re trading on favors. cash seems different.
cash seems different. this was something where he said, he was doing something for my wife. we re pauling. pals. you ve got to go home to your peers. your uncle or brother-in-law is going to rag on you on this. how do you let the guy go once you see him waving the rolex watch, driving the ferrari, just like that. how could there not be a problem here? i think that the jury would have a very hard time explaining to their peers as you say why the mcdonnells were able to accept so much from this businessman. but if they do acquit them, if they let them walk, then what they would go back to, you know, their friends, their peers and say is, look, the law says that there has to be, you know, an overt official act by the governor in order for it to be corrupt and we didn t think it was how many days left that they
have to wait, that magic moment? i understand bribery or something like it you have to it s like common-law marriage. you can t just live together. you u have to say you re married or say to each other you re married. doesn t there have to be a moment where the governor says, if you give me another 20 k i ll do this. and there has to be evidence that there s a deal, a quid pro quo deal. i believe if the prosecutors had that clear evidence, we would have seen it already. that s the problem with these kinds of deals. the laws are written not to say did you do the right thing or the wrong thing but is there proof that you traded the favor for this money. that could get to a point of absurdity, though. when you re unloading a rolex watch on a guy for 60 k, when you re unloading it and your wife is selling the products with the point of going door to door with every doctor in the state, at some point wouldn t this become an obvious quid pro quo? that s certainly what the prosecution is counting on. the defense s problem is jonnie
williams is says there was an arrangement, a broad arrangement, where it was started by maureen but bob got involved with it and the arrangement was that, you know, he would help them with all these things. but this guy s squealing for his life. that s the defense jonnie williams was squealing as a state s witness. by the way, wouldn t you be afraid of sonny this and jonnie that? he s a larger-than-life the key witnesses are never clean characters. they re out there for a reason. johnny be quick. when are you going to get to this thing? when are they going to decide? i think five weeks. it s going to be going on that long. it seems to be moving quite quickly. the judge is no nonsoens. he wants them moving along very promptly. is this selling newspapers? oh, sure. we ve had video down there. usa today ? we have a reporter down there
most of the time. i hope your publisher larry cramer appreciates your hard work. up next watergate whistle blower john dean joins us right here with new information about richard nixon owes role in getting hush money. how did he get the millions of dollars to pay off the bug lars. we re going to find out. washington doesn t break every story. this is hardball, the place for politics. how d i get this.. [ voice of dennis ] .safe driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? silence. we (cha-ching!) (cha-ching!) many empt(cha-ching!) it felt like we were flushing money away. mom! that s why we switched to charmin ultra mega roll.
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well, eric cantor is giving his farewell speech and now he s leaving congress early. the majority leader who was beaten by david brat will resign early. a special election, it would mean that brat would be seated immediately during the lame-duck session if he wins. we ll be right back. works anywhere in the house. even in the garage. max what s going on? we re doing a tech startup. we re streamlining an algorithm. we re going public! [cheering] the fastest in-home wifi for your entire family. the x-1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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john robert dean iii fired by nixon told the cincinnati
committee the president was involved in watergate wrongdoing. when he broke ranks with the nixon white house and testified before a senate judiciary committee in 1973 he explained how the president was involved in the watergate coverup. he told them to protect them and pay them off for their silence, a conversation that was famously recorded by nixon s secret taping system. a million dollars. now for first time, the anniversary of the resignation, that s coming next week. in his new book he s uncovered
information about nixon s personal role including previously unreported details about where the president obtained some of that white house hush money. in his research, dean found that a nixon campaign contributor a man by the name of tom pap pass was willing to give money to the white house for the watergate defense provided he reappoint the current ambassador to greece who was set to be removed from service overseas. here s the audio tape with the president and his chief of staff discussing the terms of the agreement arranged by tone general john mitchell to take munch in exchange for the ambassadorship.
i just love that. john dean, the former white house counsel to president nixon. nixon is whatever you think of him. he is one of the most fascinating pretties. he and kennedy. the rest are a boring lot. but nixon, when he s in that room talking to halderman, the doppelganger, the guy that was like him, why did they use that clever language what he was saying. why didn t they say the hush money. why didn t they talk in english? well, they had their own code. they sort of cleaned up their they don t use harsh terms. in fact, when halderman is
explaining watergate he s talking about the vague other the problem area. the problem area, yes. and they they understand between themselves what they re saying without actually saying it. one man in the room surely knows he s being taped. both of them. they both knew they were being taped and yet they kept banging away on a cover-up. chris, it s clear 90% of the time they forget they re being recorded. 10% not often at the same time they remember they re being recorded and they re being very careful and they re setting a record. you know at the end of the game because i transcribed all these damn tapes. halderman is so clever he knows they haven t taken the system out, although he wanted it out and nixon wanted it out. so he says let s meet in the lincoln sitting room where there s no room recording. i was like you. spent hours, days, weeks at the archive. you had to use a pencil, not a pen. that was hard to do.
you had to dereceiver by going over it over and over again. why did nixon cover up. we re not for sure. they never nailed him for ordering that particular bright in the watergate. why is he always covering up? he s covering up for mumtle reasons. first of all he s worried over the initial that he might have ordered the damn break-in. he s not sure. he might have told collison something that led collison to do it. when he get over that, he next worries about john mitchell. halderman once told me richard nixon believed he was president because of john mitchell. when they were partners in new york, practicing law. mitchell left and helped him and used always his political contacts around the country combined. it worked. so he never forgave or he never forgot. in fact, nixon brings mitchell to washington when mitchell really didn t want to be attorney general. so so he s covering for
mitchell. but isn t he also covering for his 73 when i tell him. does he know there are plumbers, so-called, burglars out there? he knows there s a unit that was set up but didn t know illegally until i told him about that. in fact, halderman all but tells him, that s where he says their strings will run out. you make it sound like, i know you re not a nixon fan pure and simple. you give him a chance here. are you saying he did this on a loyalty to a friend? in the early stage, for sure. what i do is i just trace the conversations that come out in the tapes. i start with the first conversation. i go to until they pull the plug. i let the story tell itself. i don t try to make i give enough information so the reader knows, you know, this is outright untrue, but i really just let the story roll on its own without commentary. let s listen to more of what you looked at here, just four
days after his conversation with halderman we just heard, nixon met with papis, offering the money, hush money and acknowledge he knows papis has been providing the money, assuring papis those handling the transaction are in fact clean. nixon goes on to mock the watergate burglars as well. morey is his financial campaign manager. let s watch. i am aware of what you re doing to help out on some of these things that maury s people and others are involved in. i won t say anything further but it s very seldom that you find a friend like that. believe me, and frankly let me say, maury is as clean as he can be. i know. we were so shocked. hear such a stupid thing. mainly because if you re going to bug somebody, well first you
shouldn t bug, second if you re going to do it, don t do it in the [ bleep ] national committee. that s right. i always thought it was the most stupid thing. lawrence o donnell, a big kennedy guy, his nemesis was sitting over there and had the hughes money deal he was working on and nixon was always angry. he was, indeed. trying to have his taxes audited. that comes up throughout the story as it unravelled. so in history, what do you make of nixon? was he a fraud most of the time? great man at some points? how do you mix it up having thought of him all these years? i come away after particularly listening to all this is that his character is the weakness. he there s really no moral line for him. the other thing is, his decision-making, chris, i always thought, you know, he was carefully considering option papers. he had his legal pad where he d write the pros and cons out. it s not true. it s all seat of the pants and he makes decisions that are, you know, deadly wrong and he tries to influence the facts after he
has made a bad decision and twists them to make them meet his bad decision. i think it couldn t be isolated. the other thing is he becomes literally obsessive-compulsive about watergae gate. he drops the rest of the presidency to worry about it and had to go on for months and months an months. he had his relationship, china s relationship, the toughest opponent we ever faced since hitler and interesting other parts to this story. thank you. i love reading this stuff. called the nixon defense. great read especially for watergate nuts like me. john dean. if you want to understand american history, you have to know this story. we ll be right back after this. we never thought we d be farming wind out here. it s not just building jobs here, it s helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i m like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy,
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let me finish tonight with the worthy testimonial to robert drew, pioneering documentarian who just died at age 90. our first close-up look at u.s. politicians in action. his portrait of the 1960 wisconsin battle between john f. kennedy and hubert humphrey is a classic. let me show you something now something truly unique, a look at jack kennedy in the oval office in the midst of a crisis. the june 1963 sbe fwrags sb int. you see, kennedy, the president, resisting, but his brother, robert kennedy, the attorney general pushing hard for that speech. what i like here is for the only time i can recall, we catch a glimpse of jack kennedy caught somewhat off guard.
i don t think so. it really depends whether we have something on the university. otherwise i didn t think we would at this point. i think it would be helpful. i think if there s a reason to do it, i think you don t talk about the legislation and talk about employment and talk about education. do it for 15 minutes i think would alleviate a lo t of problems. i don t think we wan to do the on out. i think we take away a lot of the problems we re having at the present time. here s another close-up look at history. justice department official preparing the two students, vivian malone, and james hood, for the expected confrontation with governor george wallace as they re being admitted to the university of alabama. vivian, by the way, is the sister of sharon malone, the wife of the current attorney general, eric holder.
meetings will be held in this particular area. and you should dress as if you were going to church, for example, modestly, neatly, or like you re going to school the first day and you should remember that it s a very dignified, orderly procedure, and it won t take very long, and i ll be there, undoubtedly the governor of the state will be there. finally, here s the nation-changing speech president kennedy gave on national television that very evening. a speech and a moment many americans, especially those still being denied their civil rights, will never forget. a u.s. president putting his full moral authority behind the cause. we are confronted primarily with a moral issue. it is as old as the scriptures

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140911 23:00:00

we must never be a place that we can have fear be the reasons we make moves. roosevelt said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. thank you for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. afraid to vote? let s play hardball. good evening. in washington tonight 13 years after 9/11, the president declares war on a new terrorist enemy. but where s the congress? he says we ll have allies in the fight against isis, but where are the allies here at home? also tonight, will the nfl really deal with a player knocking out his knife? and with an executive office that seemed to allow it?
finally, a look at the last days of the vietnam war through pictures that highlight the fear of those left behind. we start with the trumpet from washington, the failure of both parties in congress to step up and says, yes, wooy support the president s call to drop bombs on the islamic state. do the democrats and republicans believe in this war or not? if it does, why won t it put its word to it. or are there members waiting to see how it turns out. and if so, why do they have to serve in congress to do that? any one of us can sit on the sidelines, watching to see who wins, cheering and booing. victory as a hundred fathers. defeat is an orphan. are members of congress afraid to say what they believe? if they don t want to influence the big matters of our time, they are running away from this one. isn t going to war important enough to vote on? the former democratic governor of pennsylvania.
gentlemen, starting with you, governor, i m amazed that members of both parties, democrats and republicans, especially their leaders are having a hard time bellying up to this very important vote. should we begin an air campaign into syria against isis or not? the answer is absolutely yes, chris. and first of all, it s embarrassing that the republican leaders are silent. this is what they ve asked president obama to do for the last eight or nine days and he s done it. and he s done it in a direct and forceful way. they should get behind it. as far as our guys are concerned, if our guys are worried about boots on the ground, they can make the funding for this expanded war contingent upon boots on the ground not coming to pass. they could make the funding. they could sunset the funding. if there are boots on the ground, they could remove the funding. so much they could do. but they have to act swiftly. the president believes he has the authority to do this on his own, so do i.
our local congressman here said the president should go ahead and not wait for a congressional vote. but the president said a congressional vote is important because it sends a message to the world, particularly if republicans and democrats are united. and the president is right, it does send a message to the world, and this is a time for everyone to not be timid, everybody to act together as one congress, representing one country in a war that is justified and can be limited the way the president says it will be limited. the day that president roosevelt addressed the congress after pearl harbor, december 8, they voted that day. this doesn t seem to be something that should go to committee. they ve been watching this president engage with isis for weeks now. they know this question is coming before the american people. if the question is before the american people, whether we go to war, and there will be casualties, why can t congress step up and vote? i think they are going to vote. they ll put their money where
their mouth is [ all speak at once ] we re already fighting isis. the issue of war, why don t they want to address the issue of war? i think they ll do like we did with the korean war no, they re not. john, let s get the facts straight. the only thing they want to vote on is whether we train free syrian army in saudi arabia or not. that s hardly controversial. they re not wanting to vote on whether there s an air campaign attacking the people in syria? we already have an air campaign going on in syria. not yet. we re beginning one. we haven t started it yet. the president hasn t asked for a war resolution why not? i don t think he wants one. i think he wants the ability to do this. he thinks he has the legal authority, and i think he does. [ all speak at once ] it s the same legal authority you have in yemen. these are the same types of groups that have america did you read the resolution for 2001? it deals with the people who attacked us on 9/11.
this crowd did not attack us then because they didn t exist in 2001. i think the president there the be plenty of authority within the resolution your crowd is so busy suing the president. let me go back to the governor. they ll sue the president, threaten him with impeachment if he sbrings in the employer mandate off schedule on the affordable care act. on a matter of war, they say go ahead, we don t want anything to do with it. this is totally contradictory in terms of their notion of the constitution. why did democrats let the republicans get away with saying you can threaten us with lawsuits over whether we initiate a particular provision of a particular law, yet they think the president should stick his neck out alone on going to war. good question, i think, governor. it s a great question. and harry reid should list this for a vote as quickly as possible. and look, it s more than just politics as usual. it s more than just, they ve
criticized the president and now he s doing what they want. come o don t be hypocrites, guys. this is about a group that decapitated americans who had done nothing wrong. it s a group that s trying to kill people because of their religion. i thought the president was very effective last night when he said these people aren t muslims. i thought he was very effective in that. and he s right. these people are killers and they want to terrorize the entire world. it s time for republicans and democrats to step up and act as one. do you remember, chris, after 9/11, what happened later that day? the congress came out and they sang god bless america on the step of the capitol, to show they were united. this is a continuation of everything that s happened since 9/11 and i believe the congress should get that message across, not only to the world, but to the american people. let s, for once, bury the
partisanship. why wouldn t a member of congress not want to vote on this? i think they re taking this very seriously and there might be a vote. there won t be, they re afraid to vote. neither side is pushing it through. last night, john mccain told andrea mitchell that congress should vote on this. let s watch this. i think that the congress should vote on it, and i do believe that just as president clinton before bosnia came to the congress, george herbert walker bush before desert storm, it s better to have the support of the congress, therefore, getting the support of the american people. well said in this case. and today speaker boehner was asked about a vote to go to war in the house. here s what the speaker said. why not be much more active and have a vote to give the president authority to have a congressional marker on this, if
this is such an incredible threat? i do believe it would be in the nation s interest. i believe it s in the institution of the congress s interest to speak on this question. now, normally in such a case, i ve been through this a few times over the 24 years that i ve been here, the president of the united states would request that support and would supply the wording of a resolution to authorize this force. at this point in time, we ve not gotten that request and we ve not seen that language. that buck s been passed. florida democrat bill nelson introduced legislation saying there s no question the president has the legal authority he needs to use air strikes in syria. virginia democrat tim cain said i disagree with the president s assertion that he has legal authority to wage an offensive war against isil without congressional approval. john, i guess the problem is, as
the governor said, there s a lot of wuses in this world. i will defendant the congress. i know that s not popular. i think the congress is taking this seriously. how so? they re going to the briefings, trying to figure out where this training money will go to. i think they will have an appropriate vote, vote on the money to pay for this to pay for what? the training. what about an air war against isis? are they going to vote for an air war against isis, which the president is committing himself to? if the president wants a vote, they ll vote. but you don t think the congress should vote? i think if the president wants a vote, he ll get a vote. and it will pass. you don t think there s a matter of principle it s usually at the request of the president. let me go to a law professor here, governor, the congress of the united states has the power to declare war. iraq, the first gulf car, the
second war, yes, you have to approve this or i m not going further, where are we on this one, because we are getting into a war with isis that s going to last three years or 20 years, we don t know. but nobody thinks it s going to be a short war, nobody. right. if congress needs to debate this, first of all, they should, in my judgment, go on a 24-hour-a-day schedule to thoroughly debate this and get this done. if they feel they need to debate it, the suggestion i referenced earlier, that the president go ahead and authorize the bombing in syria pending the congressional vote, and then they can debate it for all the time they want. but i don t think we can wait. we ve probably waited a little bit too long. i think with the second decapitation, for sure, i think we should have taken retaliatory action, and i think the president can go ahead on a limited basis and then let congress debate if they want to
debate it for a week, they can debate it. but frankly, there shouldn t be much debate on this. if you structure the resolution correctly and structure the funding to sunset after a period of time, where if there are boots on the ground, you can remove the funding. you have everything we need to have to make a vote. what s the big deal? it s not so hard [ all speak at once ] and john mccain had it right on. thank you so much. there s a rare unimt there. maybe you ll come along, john, when you come to your senses. you know the congress will want to vote on this if it works. don t you think? i think what will happen, if the president asks for a vote, they ll get a vote. he hasn t asked for one yet. he hasn t, and i think he should. coming up, more on the president s plan to go to war with isis. some say they won t take part in the air strikes.
how do i win a war in the islamic world without any help from them in the fighting? not only does he has few allies at home, he s got few allies abroad to do the fighting. plus the president campaigned on a promise to end war, and now will start another one in the middle east. not the legacy we had hoped for. coming up, two big stories shed light on the dark side of sports culture. the verdict in the oscar pistorius case and the indefinite suspension of ray rice. is there a culture of protecting violent athletes? finally, if you want to see what the final days of vietnam looked like, watch tonight, the final hours leading to the fall of saigon. he swam away. the helicopter was only about 20 feet from him. it was amazing.
what a scene you re about to see tonight. that s coming up. this is hardball, a place for politics. it s called fedex one rate. and it s affordable. sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news it s friday! woo! [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50.
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welcome back to hardball. an initial verdict is out in the biggest worldwide criminal trial in south africa, perhaps the biggest trial in history in terms of attention. today a south african judge handed down an initial verdict. she found pistorius negligent in killing his girlfriend, but acquitted him of murder charges. the court has adjourned with a
final verdict tomorrow. could be a ruling on culpable homicide. but tomorrow is the day to watch. pistorius trial itself has become a worldwide news sensation, much like the o.j. simpson trial, called the trial of the century, that i covered 20 years ago every night. both cases, regardless of the verdict, we had allegations, were certainly domestic violence. in the simpson case, gruesome reports of gruesome beatings. and the tapes. let s listen. could you get someone over here now. he s back. okay, what does he look like? he s o.j. simpson. i think you know his record. could you just send somebody over here. what is he doing there? he just drove up. what car? he s in a white bronco. he broke the back door down to get in. is he threatening you?
[ bleep ]. he s going nuts. has he threatened you in any way, or is he just harassing you? you re going to hear him in a minute, he s about to come in again. just stay on the line. i don t want to stay on the line, he s going to beat the [ bleep ] out of me. just stay on the line so we can know what s going on until the police get there. in the pistorius case, the prosecutors say she locked herself in the bathroom because she was so afraid of him. she also sent him a text message last year, saying, i m scared of you sometimes, how you snap at me and how you will react to me. goldie taylor, an msnbc contributor and former marine. i want to talk with you. these stories, you could argue it s more than peripheral to the cases themselves in the way that they ended, the death of a person. but in this case, the jocks, you hear about it in the special way they re treated in college, the
training tables, the way they get breaks certainly, some of them don t even have to take the easy courses. walk in, walk out, write a ten-page paper. this coddling of jocks extends now into the area of violent perhaps criminality, without me judging the cases here. what s the story generally that we re getting to here? you re right about that, chris. if you think of professional athletes as assets, then you understand that they come through a supply chain, from the time they re in grade school and they first learn how to scoop a basketball or run track or play football. you know, academics, how they are responded to by society, free meals, the girls, you name it. they re coddled by society in general. and then when you look at a coaching staff and you look at academic instructors and others and some of the breaks athletes are given just to push them
through the supply chain, that by the time they become men, by the time they take the field in a professional way, they don t have these cod lers around anymore. and they re also less mature and less able to deal with themselves in a broader society. so we literally cripple these young men as we re bringing them up to be professional athletes. but it goes further than that. we put them into a situation where their body is traumatized, physically and psychologically, with every hit that they take. that has real outcomes, and it unfortunately plays itself out more often than we d like to think, at home. kevin, in the old studio system in hollywood, they protected all the actors this way. messing around, drinking, drug problems, never heard a word about them they had pr people and deals with the cops. now it s worse because the violence level is higher than it was. in the old days of the drunks and otherwise bums. i would argue or add to that, that athletes are also the most
scrutinized employment class in america as well. you just laid out all the cases of millions of domestic violence cases every year, how many do we hear about? how often have people been exercised it s on tape. it s on tape, but earlier this year, we had the raidium 1 ceo who hit his girlfriend 117 times. it was captured on tape as well. he was ousted from his position and it never became a national let s look at this. if it weren t for the bombshell tape with ray rice, it would have been a two-day suspension. christine brennan points out there are numerous players that have gotten off scott-free so far. she wrote, what of ray mcdonald, the san francisco player who facing a felony domestic charge, yet still playing? or greg hardy, who was found guilty of assaulting his former girlfriend and threatening to
killer who also is still playing. or what about rice s teammate, terrell suggs, his long-time girlfriend claim in a protective order filed in 2012, obtained by the baltimore sun, that suggs punched her in the neck and drove a car containing their two children at a high rate of speed, while she was being dragged alongside the car. do you think that s typical of american life? i don t think that s typical of american life, but i will say this about what christine wrote and we ve talked about it before. the fact that of the matter is that many of us in the media, many of us who are fans of this game, have not held these athletes responsible at all. the same ray rice who is going to be, if his name is mentioned tonight, booed, people are burning his jersey. when he came back in preseason, they were giving him a standing ovation. so what has changed here i wonder about how much of the culture is being a little bad and tough is all part of the swag of the sport.
thanks so much. wish we had more time tonight. goldie, kevin, thank you for joining us tonight. up next, a look at how the rest of the world is responding to the president s speech from last night. especially within the middle east. we got richard ingram coming on, he s on the ground in iraq with the latest. this hardball, a place for politics. what would happen. if energy could come from anything? or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. whose bad breath could make a kitten cry? don t let it be you. one swish of scope kills millions of bad breath germs freshening your breath. so you can be the guy whose breath doesn t make kittens cry. [ meows ]
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altima race car. we lied. about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?.what! i don t even, i m speechless. innovation that excites. this is not our fight alone. american power can make a decisive difference, but we cannot do for iraqis what they must do for themselves. nor can we take the place of arab partners in securing their region. tonight, with a new iraqi government in place, and following consultations with allies abroad and congress at home, i can announce that america will lead a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat. our objective is clear. we will degrade and ultimately
destroy isil, through a comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy. well, the president last night said this is not our fight alone, and that will be working with a broad coalition of allies. but what will that look like? today we found out. germ, turkey, and britain. all said they were unlikely to take part in the air strikes. what about our partners on the ground? is it realistic to think the free syrian army is strong enough to gain territory after we bombed land held by isis? and if not, how do we win a war with air power alone, and without credible allies on the ground or coalition partners willing to get their hands dirty? coming to me tonight, richard ingel and bobby gosh. richard, thanks so much. it was great being on with you last night with everyone else at msnbc in the middle of the night there. i guess the question is, what s the team work going to look like in this war against isis?
well, secretary kerry today got a moderate endorsement, at least an endorsement verbally for this counterterrorism strategy, with several sunni arab nations pledging their support, saying that they would limit the traffic of foreign fighters leaving the muslim world to try to contain that flow into syria, that they would cut back on terrorist financing, and that they would help, where appropriate, the military action. the where appropriate was the language they used in the communiqué. but in terms of the actual air strikes, it seems like it would be the u.s. primarily carrying them out. but you ve talked about the biggest weakness in all of this. so if we have the arab world lending moral support, effectively tightening their borders, using their good offices to try to smooth the process along. we have the u.s. bombing from above. who is going to go in and fill the gaps on the ground.
in syria, secretary kerry is now talking about reconstituting the fsa, after three years of neglect, the fsa has died. it will need to be reborn, rearmed, retrained, and new leaders for it will have to be found. that is not something that is going to happen quickly. it may not evening successful at all. the iraqi army, which the u.s. spent nearly a decade rebuilding after it fought it and disbanded it, is also going to have to be retrained and given new leadership. that is not going to be easy. there s no guarantee that it will work, because even when u.s. trainers were here, shoulder to shoulder in places like baghdad, it clearly didn t work. so maybe it will work this time. but those are two enormous challenges. and those are just two of the challenges facing this ambitious strategy. so bombing isis, weakeening them, finding their leadership and taking them out with drones,
that s probably the easy part. filling in the gaps is going to be immensely difficult. so hang in there, richard. bobby it seems to me the question for the president, you bomb the people like hell. it has to be limited, because if you do carpet bombing over there, or too much, you ll kill a lot of innocent people, hospitals and school kids, and it will be all over international television, end up destroying any good you do in the thing. but if you do keep bombing, one of two things has to happen. one they have to put their hands in the air and say, we give up. hands in the air, surrender to the united states. nobody thinks that s going to happen. the second possibility, somebody will come along after we bombed that area, grab that area and whittle down the amount of area isis controls. as richard just said, there s nobody to do that. so i don t see how the bombing campaign beyond killing a few leaders if we re lucky, gets
anywhere near destroying and degrading isis. i don t see how it works. richard is broadly right, but i take a slightly more charitable view of the quality of the boots on the ground. the iraqi forces that initially melted away from in front of isis were some of the worst sort of poorly trained, badery recruited elements of the iraqi army. we ve seen more recently better trained brigades up north. they were protecting the capital. we ve seen them working with the peshmerga and with the u.s. with american air cover, take back from terrorist from isis in iraq. so it s not that they re completely a lost cause. with the free syrian army, also, a i m a little more charitable towards them. they ve survived more than three years of fighting. yes, they are a depleted force from three years ago, but they ve survived and against overwhelming odds against them.
the syrian army, completely outgunned them. they were fighting against the isis on another side and still they ve survived. we have to give these guys a little credit. they need a lot of help, money, training, better arms. that s probably why the president is talking about three years and longer to make this happen. this is not going to be. this is not shock and awe. so your bottom line, as you argue with me, effectively here, is that the free syrian army can defeat isis with our air help? a lot of other help. they need training, arms, money, they need intelligence. a lot of things. air cover is the sort of last stage of the operation. they need to be stood up once again as a fighting force first. my argument is, that can happen. yes, i wonder if it s plausible, though. thank you, richard and bobby. i remain as skeptical about how this works together. how can the president use an air campaign if there s no one to
exploits it on the ground, take land back and capture these people? are they going to be still be around, shooting us, probably beheading us. coming up, president obama built his legacy on bringing home the troops and keeping the country out of war. how can he recalibrate his presidency now with isis in the picture? you re watching hardball, a place for politics. beheading us.
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i m page hopkins. here s what s happening. it s a solemn commemoration at the wrts site as the names of those lost 13 years ago were read. meanwhile, at the pentagon, president obama spoke to victims family members. and in shanksville, pennsylvania, hundreds gathered at the crash site of flight 93. centers huddled for a confidential briefing on isis. senator chris murphy said there
are elements of the administration s strategy he disagrees with, including arming the syrian rebels. and the cia said the number of isis fighters is now between 20 and 31,000 fighters. now we ll take you back to hardball. welcome back to hardball. this was not how it was supposed to be for president obama. his primetime speech to america announcing military action in syria is hardly what the candidate who ran and won on his opposition to the iraq war could have envisioned. first there was obama s speech at an anti-war rally in chicago when he was an illinois state senator. a video is featured on youtube. let s listen to that. i don t oppose war in all
circumstances and when i look out over this crowd today, i know there s no shortage of patriots or patriotism. what i do oppose is a dumb war. well, the november after he electrified the 2004 democratic national convention in boston, obama was elected senator from illinois. he appeared on charlie rose, again criticizing the iraq war. i ve looked at the evidence. i m a hawk when it comes to defeating terrorism. i was strongly supportive of afghanistan. i would have picked up arms myself to prevent 9/11 again. i don t think the president has made the case on iraq because i don t see wux you said this before. i said it in october of 2002. six months before the war was launched. if you had been a member of the senate, you would have voted against the resolution? yes. and when he announced his candidacy on a bracing day in sprifl, illinois, an event i
attended, the candidate made clear that a vote for him was a vote to bring home troops from iraq. most of you i opposed this war from the start. i thought it was a tragic mistake. today we grieve for the families who have lost loved ones, the hearts that have been broken, and the young lives that could have been. america, it s time to start bringing our troops home [ cheers and applause ] it s time to admit that no amount of american lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else s civil war. that s why i have a plan that will bring our combat troops home by march of 2008. and then last night, in a turn he could have hardly imagined, the president prepared americans for another conflict. it will take time to eradicate a cancer like isil. and any time we take military
action, there are risks involved. especially to the servicemen and women who carry out these missions. but i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. this counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out isil, wherever they exist, using our air power, and our support for partners forces on the ground. as i said at the start tonight, this was not how it was supposed to be for barack obama. joining me now is david nakamura with the washington post. david, you wrote this great piece about a turn in the road for the president. i was thinking how this was something that franklin roosevelt, reading about it a lot lately, had to go from end the depression to fight and win the second world war. then you look at lyndon johnson, who had a terrible change, from
mr. let s end poverty in america, with medicaid and medicare and all the good things he did, then got sunk into the vietnam war. how would you compare the turn in the road for the president now, to those two previous turns for presidents? it s a big difference from just six years ago when he was popular around the world and in the united states for his views so different from president bush. i think just a few months ago, he gave a speech about his foreign policy. he s been criticized for being too cautious. but he doesn t want to get the president in a long, drawn-out campaign without objective and without a clear end date. and last night, as much as he tried to mark the limits of our engagement, with no ground forces, it s not clear how long it will last. behind the scenes, the administration has been acknowledging this is probably going to outlast the president s term, ending in 2017. that s not the legacy that he
expected or that he intended to leave. so in the middle of this upcoming presidential campaign, which may begin in january. so we ll have a two-year campaign with a war going on. that presents problems for hillary or whatever the democrat is, because if it s seen as a democrat s war bob dole s old phrase. right, it hangs around her neck too. thinking about obama, the great irony, i m sure he came into office thinking that just by virtue of not being george bush and by ending the wars in afghanistan and iraq, which he planned to do and is doing, sort of. he thought that he would be a completely different kind of president. i mean, he won the nobel peace prize in his first year in office. how could he have prevented the development of isis? he couldn t have. isis came out of the failure of the government in baghdad.
i m not blaming him here. he s doing what he has to do. i m just pointing out the irony of the fact that this guy, who i m sure wanted to be a presidency of peace, his foreign policy will hang on whether he succeeds in waging this war. how does this square, david, with doing something positive, like fighting aids in east africa, or doing things you can freelance? is there anything else he can do in foreign policy if he s fighting a war in iraq and syria? this limits his options. one of the biggest issues for this administration, in addition to negotiations with iran, is a turn to the asia pacific where there s a real concern about the growth of china as another superpower. the turn to china? absolutely. the president will go to china as part of this asia pivot. he s going to go in november. but they have been distracted by that. they don t have money for it,
and the military is not as engaged as it should be if you re going to carry that out. so not only is it a difficult issue in the middle east they re dealing with, not only is there a situation in ukraine they didn t expect, but it s going to take away from many of the other legacy initiatives that they re talked a lot about and the administration knows that and it s a big concern. i m asking you this because we think alike, could the president s turn to the hawkish said give hillary more cover to be hawkish if she runs for president? yes, provided this is going okay. if this is not going okay, then it s the opposite of cover. but if it s going okay in 2016. then sure it does. wink wink, he did what i said he should do. thank you for that article today which got our heads around it. we like people to do that. thank you, michael as always. up next, rory kennedy joins
us. she ll be right here, the daughter of bobby and ethel kennedy, with a new documentary about the final weeks of the vietnam war. great footage, which we ve never seen before, of a pretty horrible time, with lots of desperate people trying to get out of that country in 1975. this is hardball, a place for politics. perfect timing. we re offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add. smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i ve helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking.
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and it might have scared some people about the threat here at home. especially some in texas, apparently. the search engine google was there to answer those questions. here were their top six. at number six, is isis in mexico? aside from south of the border, many wanted to know if isis was in houston, el paso, or just texas in general. some widened their search with the number two question. is isis in america? and the number one question searched on google during the president s speech last night, what is the difference between isis and isil? and we ll be right back. i am so nervous right now, it s not even funny. oh my gosh. driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah!
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by march of 1973, the last u.s. troops had left south vietnam. for this country the war was finally over. but just two years later, the north
he hovered with his wheels in and out of the water. here s a man flying a twin rotor helicopter by himself. at the same time he s taking off a flight suit. how you do it, i ve talked to helicopter pilots, and they can t figure out how he did that, like a houdini trying to get out of this thing. finally, he made the helicopter roll to the right as he stepped out the door on the left.
he swam away. the helicopter was only about 20 feet from him when it hit the water. it was amazing. joining me now is rory kennedy, producer and director of that documentary, called last days in vietnam. we all thought we knew everything from the one picture of people being pushed off the ladder to get up top. what more is there to the story in pictures? i think that s right. a lot of us feel like we know the whole story from that picture, and it s such an extraordinary story, that impact happened during the final days of the vietnam war that so few of us really understand and appreciate. the chaos of that moment, how we got to the point where people were leaving off of helicopters, and so dramatic and heart-stopping. it s an amazing story that really hasn t been shared widely to this day. but one of the things that the film shows, at that time, the policy was just to get the americans out of vietnam, because it got so hectic so
quickly. and our story shows how americans on the ground went against u.s. policy to save as many vietnamese as possible. because they knew the people? they were family with them. they spoke vietnamese. they were part of the culture, they cared about them. they knew if they left them behind, they could be killed, they would be tortured. they would end up in camps and tell me about the timing of the onslaught when the north and east start to make their big run to take the country. was that something that came really fast and, therefore, the people had no way of gradually getting out or getting in boats or whatever? fly commercially out of the country if they had the money. well, what happened was we had signed the peace accord in 73. so at that time, all the u.s. troops had been withdrawn. so at this point in 1975, there had been about 6,000 personnel in the country. the north then came in and thought it would take two years to get to saigon. it took four months.
so by the time they got to saigon, we were unprepared as a government, we had no evacuation plan, the ambassador who was really the person who was in the position to make a decision to green light the evacuation refused to do so. because? he thought that it would cause a panic and he was very attached to south vietnam and didn t want to see it fall under his leadership. so these people who saw what was going to happen, the american troops said we ve got to do something about this. and they start this block operation that was under the radar of the u.s. government and they started getting people out of the country through the airports, through ships, through every mean necessary. and, you know, that story shows there s some extraordinary moments of incredible courage on the part of the south vietnamese. that guy went on a helicopter with his family out to sea, chasing the american helicopters
that were heading to the fleet. he didn t have enough gas, he had his children with him. he couldn t land on the ship, so he threw his children out of the door of the helicopter and they landed on the kirk and the men down there caught each and every one of these children. it s an amazing story and the film is full of extraordinary moments like that. it s an honor to have you. what a piece of work. i ve got to see it. and i m going to see it. it s playing 234 new yo ining i now. it will be playing here in washington starting tomorrow. we ll be rierlgt back. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? sure, we help with fraud protection. if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you re never held responsible. you are saying frog protection ? fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we re on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you d treat you. fraud protection. get it at
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let me finish tonight with this war without a name. without even a declaration of war. without even a mention that it is a war. i know why a politician would not warrant to vote on going to war. it s the old rule of politics. the safest vote is to vote for a measure that fails against a measure that passes. you might ask what kind of politician would want to have his vote not count because he or she did not have a role in something happening or not happening. well, today, on the question of whether we declare war on isis, the consensus seems to be that we stay out of the rarng of fire. you keep yourself at such a distance from the war that nobody can blame you. we should think about this tendency and not wonder why congress did a job approval of just 7%.

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