Whatever the Commission Approves is the approval action under ceqa as stated on the agenda . The front of the house is basically preserved and the department is to be commended. The two hrers are very interesting and staff should feel professional pride, but again, the rear addition is the problem. Overhead, please. 45 27th is currently visible from the public rightofway on duncan and the 461 project, there it is now now, but there it will be will be even more visible and its even larger and massive than 455. The checklist is inaccurate. The project will not be minimally visible as it will be very visible from duncan street. The way to make the checklist accurate is to approve the neighbors alternative. The setbacks will not only resolve most of the enee impacts, but with setbacks it becomes minimally visible from duncan street because its visibilitis will be ablit rated and obscured by the existing oppressive massiveness a massiveness which should not be repeated at 461. Please, make
Interesting and staff should feel professional pride, but again, the rear addition is the problem. Overhead, please. 45 27th is currently visible from the public rightofway on duncan and the 461 project, there it is now now, but there it will be will be even more visible and its even larger and massive than 455. The checklist is inaccurate. The project will not be minimally visible as it will be very visible from duncan street. The way to make the checklist accurate is to approve the neighbors alternative. The setbacks will not only resolve most of the enee impacts, but with setbacks it becomes minimally visible from duncan street because its visibilitis will be ablit rated and obscured by the existing oppressive massiveness a massiveness which should not be repeated at 461. Please, make a motion to take dr and approve the neighbors alternative. Thank you very much thank you, is there additional Public Comment in opposition to the project . Okay. Project sponsor, your team has five min
And the 461 project, there it is now now, but there it will be will be even more visible and its even larger and massive than 455. The checklist is inaccurate. The project will not be minimally visible as it will be very visible from duncan street. The way to make the checklist accurate is to approve the neighbors alternative. The setbacks will not only resolve most of the enee impacts, but with setbacks it becomes minimally visible from duncan street because its visibilitis will be ablit rated and obscured by the existing oppressive massiveness a massiveness which should not be repeated at 461. Please, make a motion to take dr and approve the neighbors alternative. Thank you very much thank you, is there additional Public Comment in opposition to the project . Okay. Project sponsor, your team has five minutes. Good afternoon, president wu, commissions. David simpman working with the project sponsors. Neely one rob pointer. I would like to show you some photos. This is the existing con
Just one more time, you can see it. There is the project site. Carrie and andrew, up the hill. You can see the stepping. Oh, im sorry, im georgia and live at 460 duncan. There is a very important part of the neighbors alternative that you are getting now, that you need to see, please. Here is the floor plan for the third floor of the neighbors alternative. Contrary to what was thought, the neighbors alternative allows for the creation of a threebedroom house, not a twobedroom, but a threebedroom on one level. This is the neighbors alternative with the setbacks, but inside. It should be perfectly acceptable for any contemporary modern family that may be lucky enough to live there, if the commission makes a motion to approve the neighbors alternative. Its lack of neighborhood preservation and lack of compliance with the rd did g. Its just too big. Whatever the Commission Approves is the approval action under ceqa as stated on the agenda . The front of the house is basically preserved and
Proposal meets all the conditions and limitations of the planning code and does not request any variances or special consideration. They have chosen to make San Francisco their home personally and [proels ]al and the time of people to support in San Francisco and the people who are willing to engain in their communities for the betterment of the whole. One small note i will make that hasnt been made yet as far as i know, that they actually man to continue to live next door to the house that they are proposing ing to modify. Thank you. Thank you is there additional public comment. Seeing none, dr questioner, you have a twominute rebuttal. Thank you, president wu and commissioners. Overhead, please. The only correction that i wanted to make clear for the record is that the houses that are donehill, even though they have a volume that extends into the midblock im sorry, maam, excuse me. You need to turn off the phones or just go outside. Thank you very much. The houses that are lower down