California State University, Northridge invites the public to join some of the world’s leading accessibility and assistive technology industry leaders next month at the 39th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference, scheduled to take place March 18-22 at the Anaheim Marriott.
The theme of next week’s Locust Blossom Festival in Kendrick is “Tiger Memories,” and the grand marshals of the festival’s annual parade share a longtime connection to their community and
California State University, Northridge’s 38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference internationally recognized as the premier event in the field of technology and people with disabilities is scheduled to take place March 13-17 at the Anaheim Marriott.
The exhibit hall at the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference featured a treasure trove of devices and software that help people with disabilities navigate - and fully experience - the world.
Idaho Assistive Technology Project lending library of tools, devices, and assistive technology services for persons with physical or neurological impairments,