Compared to what their salary to be. Supervisor elsbernd just curious, the City Employee breakdown was there any disproportionate amount that worked for the puc or were they spread ought over the city. It was all over the city. The average cap household size is 3. 8 . Five of the 90 accounts we selected for Income Verification match the home address of one or more City Employees, 45 were found to be ineligible for cap and those selected for the review matched the address of one or more City Employees and all three reported income lower than the amount of corresponding official salary for the City Employees. For recommendations 10, 11, 12, and 13 related to addressing the 473 accounts matching the listed home address of at least one City Employee by verifying Household Income and size to demonstrate that their household qualifies forever cap removing accounts found ineligible and recovering to ineligible accounts and we asked puc would also work with department of Human Resources to pur
Sense only. 2 there needs to be more outreach but youre probably not going to hit 6. 5 . Correct. Yes. So that is the conclusion of our report. Thank you. Supervisor elsbernd thank you. Is there any Public Comment on this report . Is here. Supervisor elsbernd wait. Im sorry, gentlemen. Before we get to Public Comment, is the department here . Does the department want to say anything . Sure. Good morning, supervisors. And internal control at San Francisco Public Utilities some of the progress since weve had this audit supervisor elsbernd if i could actually, because weve gone going for a while if i bit. The recommendations that have been made, how many of those do you agree with . We agreed with all of them. Supervisor elsbernd and how far are we along in implementing all of thoam . In terms of policies and procedures, the Customer Services bureau has put a lot of effort into revamping and a more rigorous application and enrollment process through basic verification of dependence and in
Ashberry house, a combined total of 12. 4 of the citys impoverished residents but 6 of the cap residents. So again by targeting outreach of San Francisco neighborhoods where the majority of residents living below the federal Poverty Level reside, sf puc may be able to better serve and ensure that the cap discounts actually go to help residents in biggest need. Supervisor elsbernd isnt there a prosecute problem with that problem with that, tenants dont necessarily pay watered bills. They pay the bond but unless a multiunit is separately metered so theyre going to fall in this column percentage of residents in poverty but they dont have their own water accounts so youre not going to be able to hit theam. That may be true but the point in case were making is to do the outreach, to understand what those residents are, and as it relates to the single supervisor elsbernd right. Say south of market, 6. 5 of residents in poverty which makes sense only. 2 there needs to be more outreach but you
Expected to arrive commissioners, first on your calendar is the items from the evidence for continuance item one u and t the form retail is for continuance and an amendment to the planning code section 303 formula retail uses ordinance introduced by supervisor mar that proposed for continuance until july 17, 2014. I have no other matters for continuance and there are no speaker cards. Are there my questions or comments on the items seeing none, Public Comment is closed commissioner moore. Move to continue items one and 2. Second second at about on that motion commissioner antonini. Commissioner borden. Commissioner moore. Commissioner sugaya and commissioner president wu. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you under our consent may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar an
Of the speakers including the ones that were listed and the ones that from the public. And after hearing everybodys testimonies, i will be supporting the recommendations, i am particularly want to be supportive at the fiscal level of making sure that there is a budget process to include that position. Certainly, would be supportive of deactivating the Advisor Group and in particular, i think that it was supervisor chius comment of one of the biggest reasons why i would like the supervisor to be put together again is to gather, or to come up with ideas in which we could as a city, legally, gather better data around people with disabilities and aging. And who is employed and who is not employed and that is where i would be standing, and once again, thank you, thank you for the public, for coming today. And thank you supervisor mar for hosting this hearing. Thank you, supervisor yee. And i also wanted to acknowledge, i have learned a lot, i think that the stories that people have told hav