Public access. Over 2,000 pages of the documents the eir never addresses the impact of confining the public to trails. There are lots of comments about this during consultation on the draft but no response from planning. Eve inen in the response memoes they never address this ground of our appeal. Small. Rpd smalled the signs in the natural areas in 2015. Do they mean we cant walk off trail . The ramp says off trail access isnt allowed in ma 1 and 2. The signs indicate this applies to all the natural areas and last weekend i had the opportunity to watch lisa wayne leading a Walking Group in mclaren park and fielding questions from a grup of 30 people. When asked of the intent of the sign the least sensitive areas will be off limits. This means the plan asks us to give a quarter of our park land in the city to this program instead of parks wealver a few trails to walk through the areas where we used to play, picnic and explore. These maps show two things, they show trail closures and fe
Quality of life issue. I urge you not to allow the forest to be destroyed by mismanagement, dont allow trail tooz be closeed restricting access to parks stop the use of poison in the parks and vote to snd the eir back to planning deparchlt. Thank you. Thank you for the comments. Next speaker, please. Commissioners, my name is vick malhone a resident of mera loma park and want to underlying concepts that might be influencing how this whole remodeling of the eco system is going on. The conspt of restructuring a ekey system to a prior time may appeal to personal vanity but challenges realty. Applying the label Invasive Species sumes there is a no baseline or eco system populated by non native species. Is this realty . Who defines what constitute said a eco system. What date was choseen. 10 million or 5 thousand years ago or yesterday . We are dealing with a artificial contruckt here and obvious the definition of a native habitat is artificial construct and simply a guess. It also implies