“What do you call a Christmas wreath made out of $100 bills? Aretha Franklins.” It’s cutting-edge humor like this that keeps readers coming back for more, right? Or astronomy tips, as today is the Winter Solstice, with the least amount of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and a little music to go along with it. “The winter is here again, oh Lord. Haven't been home in a year or more.” (Look at that hair!) Lenders and vendors are hoping that the decline in rates keeps the “winter” away from lending, and holds more salary cuts, layoffs, and furloughs at bay. Mortgage banking is not alone in expanding automation and trying to save money. Do you think that you deserve a lower price for checking out of a store yourself and not using a paid clerk? Many do. The number of people who work as cashiers dropped from 1.4 million in 2019 to 1.2 million today, and over the next decade the BLS projects an additional 10 percent decline. (Today