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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200531 08:00:00

this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. a fifth night of protests in minneapolis, following the death of george floyd, a black man, in police custody. protestors and officers clash again despite a curfew. the governor urges people to stay at home. it is very clear on this, this is a very simple order, there is a curfew issued by the mayors and backed by the state that you should not be on the state that you should not be on the streets tonight and i will leave it at that and if you decide to make the decision to go out tonight, the assumption is you are out to join the decision to go out tonight, the assumption is you are out tojoin in the destruction. protests spread to at least 30 other us cities
including tampa in florida, where tear gas has been fired. president trump blames looters, and left wing radicals for the unrest. after 10 weeks at home, more than two million people in england who ve been shielding during lockdown are told they can go outdoors. how dutch classrooms have been managing coronavirus, but governors of english primary schools say all children shouldn t have to return before summer holidays. three, two, one, zero. ignition. lift off of the falcon 9 and cruise dragon. and, a new era for space travel as the first ever commercial rocket carrying humans into space is successfully launched. hello and welcome to audiences in the uk and around the world. across the united states
curfews are now in place in at least 13 cities, but they haven t stopped more and more protestors taking to the streets for the fifth night in a row. they are angry after the death on monday of george floyd, an african american man from minneapolis, who died after a police officer knelt on his neck. president trump has blamed far left groups and anarchists for the violence. our north america correspondent david willis reports. this was the night america rose up in protest. angry, destructive protest aimed at the police and their treatment of racial minorities. curfews were imposed in more than a dozen american cities, but they were ignored. many of those protests had started peacefully. we can t breathe the mantra of a movement that has taken george floyd s final words and turned them into a rallying cry.
i cannot breathe. mr floyd was captured on video gasping for breath and pleading for his life. the police officer seen with his knee on mr floyd s neck is now facing murder and manslaughter charges but that s done little to abate the anger and calls are growing for the three other officers involved in his arrest to also be brought tojustice. in minneapolis, the state s governor had promised a muscular, no nonsense response after five days of rioting that left burned out buildings and ransacked stores. but despite activating thousands more national guard officers and firing tear gas grenades, the demonstrations continued, along with the violence. it was a similar story in the country s second largest city, los angeles, where some likened these scenes of unrest to the rodney king riots which razed part of the city to the ground nearly 30 years ago.
like george floyd, rodney king was a victim of police brutality caught on camera. police fired rubber bullets after protesters ignored the mayor s desperate plea for calm. president trump said the us military was ready, willing, and able to deploy if the unrest continued. as he hunkered down in the white house, protesters rallied for a second nightjust outside the gates. a potent cocktail of factors are at play here. the coronavirus pandemic has thrown a0 million americans out of work and trashed a once buoyant economy. people have been cooped up indoors for months as a result. some knowing it may be months if not years before they get theirjobs back. david willis, bbc news, los angeles. lucy sherriff is a journalist on the scene in downtown la
in the last hour, she spoke to my colleague karin giannone about how the situation is unfolding there. during the peaceful protest, there were still some individuals who were throwing rocks and glass bottles a nd other missiles at the police, but they very much where in the minority. unfortunately, around, i would say, 6pm, there was a curfew announced for 8pm and after that, things definitely started to go downhill. there was a huge fire that was started on an intersection near here and i witnessed three orfour small, here and i witnessed three or four small, three or four small, independent stores being trashed, looted. i actually spoke to a woman who owned one of the stores, she is an african american woman and she was shouting at them, you are stealing from black people
and it was quite an upsetting sight to watch, actually, because she was just in absolute bits over the fact that a protest that is supposed to be aboutjustice for african america ns has turned into something like this. lucy, i do not know if you are able to flip the phone around and give us a sense of the street you are on and what has been going on? yes, so in front of me, i do not know if you can make out but i cannot unfortunately get that close, but there are about ten men lined up against a building being arrested. i do not know if you can see that. yes, we can see that very clearly. the building has been completely graffitied and then there is a burnt out carjust next to those police cars and over the street over here there are a few people the other side of the street putting up wooden boards and you can see here as well, these wooden boards have been put up in anticipation of what, i assume,
is going to be more of the same tomorrow. you showed us what was going on behind you. a number of people who have been arrested, lined up. just describe the area, this is right by beverly hills, you say? this is an upmarket area with affluent businesses? yes, it is indeed. and actually, i saw, i did not see it myself, but i saw. a video posted. yes, sorry they are just telling me i am going to be arrested if i do not go home. lucy, if you do need to get out of the way of anyone. i showed them my press badge, so they re 0k. earlier i saw a video of a mercedes car showroom being looted and people were driving mercedes off the lots. so, that is kind of where it has got to today.
right, and we have been looking at pictures of a bank on fire, we saw a store being looted, if you are ok to continue talking, is there any sense you can get from where you are, how widespread this is or how it restricted to certain areas?” widespread this is or how it restricted to certain areas? i have heard, so i know downtown has been a bad today as well, especially in the evening. the whole of melrose, i was there earlier, there was a huge fire, there were maybe five or six fire, there were maybe five or six fire trucks and i was there for about an hour watching the fire and they were trying to put that out. there is a big shopping mall called beverly centre and that has been looted. all around this area, that i would say, if you miles, it is being looted at the moment.
more than two million medically vulnerable people in england, who have been shielding at home since the start of lockdown, will be allowed to spend time outdoors from tomorrow. the updated government guidance means they can go outside with someone they live with, or meet a person from another household if they live alone. our political correspondent chris mason reports. this is what the beach in bournemouth looked like yesterday and, in london, this was regent s park and this was primrose hill. but not everyone s been able to take advantage of some of the restrictions easing in recent weeks. the clinically most vulnerable to the virus, who were asked to shield, have been stuck at home all day every day for around ten weeks. this morning, for the more than 2 million people in england in this situation, big news. from tomorrow you can head out with others in your household or, if you live on your own, with one other person from another household. why, though, is this
now deemed safe? ministers say it s because fewer people have the virus, meaning the average chance of catching it is down from one in a0 to one in 1000. the big challenge for the government and for all of us is managing the risk posed by the virus alongside tentatively tiptoeing back towards normality. what do you say to those scientists and others who say that you re easing the lockdown in england too quickly? i believe and you ll recall i was at the podium when the disease activity was very high in the uk and i said it was a very dangerous moment. i believe this is also a very dangerous moment. professor van tam knows how to turn a phrase and make a point. he was also asked directly about dominic cummings, the prime minister s most senior adviser who, among other things, drove 50 miles to test his eyesight during the lockdown.
the rules are clear and they have always been clear. in my opinion they are for the benefit of all and in my opinion they apply to all. 0uch. the prime minister s team had nothing to say when i asked for their response to this. instead, theirfocus is on how more people in england can slowly edge out of the lockdown. chris mason, bbc news. let s get more on this now with phil anderson, who s head of policy at the ms society. hejoins me from north london. many people suffering from ms are amongst those 2 million people who have been shielding. will this news that restrictions are being eased on them, will that come as a relief?|j them, will that come as a relief?” think it will come as a relief to some but we are hearing a lot of
confusion. people have spent in many cases over two months being told not to leave the house because of the very severe risk of coronavirus and this is. a lot of people wanting to know about the evidence behind this decision for doctor they would wa nt to this decision for doctor they would want to hear more about the scientific guidance behind this, guidance? you only have to imagine living at home without being able to go out for 60, 70 days fearing for your life from an infection knowing. your life from an infection knowing that you can go outside, it will be ready for some people but others will be worried about the idea. how ha rd will be worried about the idea. how hard has it been for those people psychologically to live like that? i think the prime minister was saying pretty much in captivity? we know about one in three people with ms have said their mental health is
suffering during the pandemic for that there is another 130,000 living with ms in the uk and many were suffering with loneliness before the pandemic so what we are seeing is that the current situation is exasperating what was already a very serious problem for our community. in some ways, everybody who has been shielding will welcome this, but at the same time, they are going to be understandably nervous. yes, understandably nervous. yes, understand be nervous and i think also really looking to see this as a first step in a wider step of support for people who are shielding. it is great to go outside but we need people who are shielding prioritised for nhs services, especially mental health services, and to have safe ways to get other health care that by definition they need by being in the extremely vulnerable group in the first place. thank you for talking to us.
thousands of children in england will return to school tomorrow for the first time since march. nurseries, pre school and reception classes are allowed to restart as well as years one and six. but there are fears that letting children return to class could result in a surge of new cases. the exact rules will vary, but there are examples to follow in europe. the netherlands was one of the first countries to send pupils back and anna holligan has been to see what the impact has been at one school in north brabant, one of the country s worst hit regions. can you guess what it is yet? six months ago we had never heard of it. now six year olds can sketch coronavirus molecules from memory. translation: little bacteria bugs that make you sick. that s corona.
translation: i know about it from the news, my girlfriends, and the teacher. for these pupil at springboard primary going back to school comes with five new rules. 0nly pupils and teachers are allowed inside. scrub every time you enter the building. there s one of these pumps at every entrance. use shields designed to reduce the spread of germs. year groups must attend on different days. in some schools they ve split the classes to reduce the number of children in the building. 0lder pupils from age six must stay 1.5 metres away from their teachers. these are lessons they hope will save lives. for the younger ones, practically nothing s changed. but teachers like miss daisy are working behind the scenes. i think it s very important for the children that everything is as normal as possible.
we have some new things, new rules into the schools, but the most important is that they are happy and they get comfort and they can be a child. this feels unusually relaxed, especially compared to elsewhere in europe. in belgium where the teachers are wearing visors. in denmark where the children can t hug their best friends. but here in the netherlands, they believe the benefits of giving children this freedom outweigh the risks. at least 99 dutch primary school teachers have tested positive for covid 19 so far this month. they re still monitoring the infection rates. so there s hospital admissions, there s icu admission. the issue with these two measurements is that it s quite late in the chain of, you know, events after an infection occurs, so we d rather look at things
like the number of gp visits, the number of positive tests, because that s a little bit earlier in that same chain. but in all these different sources we don t see an effect of the school opening. every one of these pupils told us they re happy to be back in class. something to celebrate. they re starting to find a way to live and learn through the pandemic. anna holligan, bbc news, den bosch. here in the uk, rachel tomlinson is the head teacher of barrowford primary in nelson, lancashire. a decision has been made for her school not to open tomorrow. thanks for being with us. why are you not opening tomorrow? lancashire cou nty you not opening tomorrow? lancashire county council and director of
public have issued a statement on wednesday to say that the five tests had not been met locally in anxious and it was not safe for schools to open from monday in lancashire does micro not been met locally in lancashire. do you think that is the right decision? in terms of making decisions about public how that should be public health experts and not head teachers, so i m quite happy to be informed about public health decisions by public health experts. what are your thoughts on how hard it is going to be, if and when children do come back to your school, let s hope it is not too long, but how will they maintain that social distancing? do you worry about the dangers of having kids backin about the dangers of having kids back in your school? we have always been open for children of the key workers and other children, so we have had up to 20 children in every day since the 23rd of march. in some senses, we are not worried about
expanding that more children because it will just be expanding that more children because it willjust be the same process, children will be in small bubbles and we have got lots of things in place, as in the clip from the netherlands really, hand sanitiser is, stations are to clean hands, desks, to do all of those things. so ina sense, desks, to do all of those things. so in a sense, i think it isjust about trying to keep the school as normal within those measures to keep eve ryo ne within those measures to keep everyone safe and hygienic. but there have been quite a lot of concerns expressed by teachers and by teaching unions. yes, and i think those are public health concerns and i think once the public health concerns, once we know that we can operate in a controlled environment where it is safe for children and staff to be together with those extra measures in place, then i think teachers will be really excited to get back and starts teaching again. for the children, having missed this huge chunk of the
education, albeit at quite an early stage of their education, how important do you think that will be, how disruptive will that be to their education? i think the most important thing when they come back to school it to really focus on mental health and well being and make sure they are ok. make sure that they feel safe enough to learn again. children are very resilient and ina again. children are very resilient and in a context where they feel safe, they will learn, that is what children do best. they learned that thatis children do best. they learned that that is what they are made for really. good to talk to you and good luck. the third holiest site of islam, the al aqsa mosque injerusalem has re opened after being closed for two months because of the coronavirus. worshippers are now required to wear
face masks and have to follow social distancing rules. the mosque, located in occupied eastjerusalem, closed its doors in late march as the epidemic took hold. two us astronauts are due to arrive at the international space station later today, after being launched into orbit on the first manned mission by a private company spacex. the rocket is the first to carry a crew from american soil in nearly a decade. jane 0 brien watched the launch at cape canaveral in florida. three, two, one, zero. ignition. liftoff of the falcon 9 and cruise dragon. go nasa, go spacex. godspeed! as the countdown reached single digits, the clouds broke, the sky cleared and the first commercial rocket to carry humans into space finally took off. astronauts bob behnken and doug hurley are now in orbit, heading for the international space station. travelling at 17,000 miles an hour, they should arrive
in as much time as it takes to fly from new york to sydney. right now, everything continuing to look good. the astronauts are the first to launch from us soil in almost a decade, after nasa retired its shuttle programme. since then, russia has provided transport to the international space station. the multibillion dollar deal with spacex is intended to reduce the cost of human space flight, including landing on the moon and eventually taking people to mars. i think this is something that should really get people, i mean, right in the heart of anyone who has any spirit of exploration. yeah, really quite overcome with emotion this day. it s kind of hard to talk, frankly. been 18 years working towards this goal, so. it s hard to believe that it s happened. those of us who saw the spectacular and unforgettable lift off this afternoon watched more than an act of history,
we watched an act of heroism. we wish them godspeed on theirjourney and as one proud nation, we salute their fearless service, thank you, thank you. applause. thank you. the shuttle s reusable falcon 9 rocket has already been retrieved at sea by a drone ship. radio: i m going to kind of do a side spin. when the capsule returns to earth, splashing down off the coast of florida, it too will be recovered and reused. after all the nail biting excitement of the launch itself, it s easy to forget that the astronauts still have some work to do, but spacex mission control says everything s going well so far and they ve already carried out their first manual flight tests. jane 0 brien, bbc news, at the kennedy space center.
garrett reisman is a veteran of several space shuttle and international space station missions and the only astronaut who s acted as a consultant to spacex to help build the new rocket. he told us why this mission is so special. first and foremost, this is the first time in nine years that we have launched our american astronauts, nasa astronauts, on our own vehicle. we have been paying for rides from the russians to get our astronauts up to the space station, so having the capability domestically again is huge. 0n so having the capability domestically again is huge. on one hand, we want to keep them there to do work but on the other hand we wa nt to do work but on the other hand we want to bring them back, because until they come back, we get all the data back and complete the mission, the certification process is not complete. the thing about this is, we can use the same vehicle, the rocket, the spacecraft, to take ordinary citizens into space as well and the next present to ride it could well be a non nasa astronaut, so it is really the beginning of a
commercial space rocket that has been long coming but is finally here. a belgian prince has contracted coronavirus after attending a party during lockdown in spain. the country s royal palace says prince joachim went to the party in the city of cordoba, while visiting spain last week. spanish reports suggest the prince, a nephew of belgium s king philippe, was among 27 people attending. under cordoba s lockdown rules, a party of this size would be a breach of regulations, as gatherings of no more than 15 people are currently permitted. a reminder of our top story. more than a dozen cities in the united states are under curfew as violent protests have continued for a fifth night over the killing of george floyd, an african american man killed by police. at least 30 cities across the united states have been hit by the unrest. demonstrators have clashed with police in many places, setting alight police vehicles and throwing stones at officers.
that is the latest from the united states, you are watching bbc news. it has been a very sunny spring and a pretty dry may for many. the final day of the month brings more warmth, more sunshine and more dry weather across the country. as we go through this afternoon, we are going to see some areas of patchy fair weather cloud developing across england and wales, perhaps some high clouds turning sunshine hazy in scotland and northern ireland. you will notice the strength of this easterly breeze, just like yesterday, that will make it feel a little bit cool close to some north sea coasts. aberdeen, 18 degrees, not bad for this time of year, but with some shelter in inverness, more like 25 degrees. warmest weather in northern
ireland will be across western counties and the east coast of england on the cool side, exposed to those breezes, but come to the west, some spots will get up to 26 or 27 degrees. strong sunshine with high uv levels and high pollen levels for most. through tonight, clear skies overhead except for this lump of low cloud and fog which i think it is likely to work into some coasts of eastern scotland and north east england. temperatures at between seven and 13 degrees for most. tomorrow, we could start with some mist and tomorrow, we could start with some mistand murk tomorrow, we could start with some mist and murk for these eastern coasts but it tend to retreat as the day goes on and then patchy cloud and sunny spells butjust day goes on and then patchy cloud and sunny spells but just the day goes on and then patchy cloud and sunny spells butjust the small chance of a afternoon shower across scotla nd chance of a afternoon shower across scotland or northern ireland. this temperatures again at 19 to 25 across temperatures again at 19 to 25 a cross m ost temperatures again at 19 to 25 across most parts of the uk. things are changed moving from monday to tuesday as this frontal system sinks
in across scotland which will bring some outbreaks of rain southwards. that could turn a fairly heavy for a time and behind the rain band, the winds are coming from the north and that will introduce some air, temperatures in the north west highlands, much lower than they have been over the last few days. further south, more sunshine and more warmth, 27, maybe 28 degrees it was the south east. however, as we head deeper into the week, we see cooler air sweeping southwards across all parts of the uk and with that there will be some outbreaks of rain, perhaps not an awful lot of rain down towards the south, but still there will be some and we really could do with it.

this is bbc news, the headlines: a fifth night of protests in minneapolis following the death of george floyd, a black man, in police custody. protesters and officers clash again despite a curfew. protests spread to at least 30 other us cities including tampa in florida where tear gas has been fired. president trump blames looters and left wing radicals for the unrest. after ten weeks at home, more than two million people in england who ve been shielding during lockdown are told they can go outdoors. how dutch classrooms have been managing coronavirus but governors of english primary schools say all children shouldn t have to return before summer holidays.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200615 00:30:00

can see people walking around. occasionally cars will get through. we ll continue to follow this tonight at 6:00. have a great night. tonight, new protests erupting over that deadly police shooting in atlanta. more anger in the streets. police firing tear gas at protesters. the scene of the shooting, a wendy s restaurant, up in flames. police body cam and dash cam video now released. images showing officers struggling with rayshard brooks after he allegedly failed a sobriety test. brooks running away with an officer s stun gun. police opening fire as he turns and points it at them. one officer gone from the force, another on administrative duty. the police chief resigning. the district attorney now investigating. protests in other parts of the country. two people taken into custody historic race.nascar s firs confederate flag banned.
and fans in the stands. the driver who led the charge behind the wheel of the car with the black lives matter hashtag. other drivers joining his call for change. massive global protests spreading around the world. demonstrators in france chanting, no justice, no peace. black lives matter protesters on the streets in the uk. also tonight, cases of covid-19 rising at an alarming rate. 22 states and puerto rico with a jump in numbers. arizona and texas setting new state records for hospitalizations. and why new york s governor received 25,000 complaints. pulled from the flames. the driver crashing and unconscious. police and good samaritans cutting him loose and dragging him free. the tinder trap. a woman accusing a man of kidnapping and sex assault, claiming he lured her using the popular dating app. pl, the offid the babyorttl
coming. and good evening. thanks for joining us on this sunday. i m tom llamas. we begin with a new american flashpoint. protests breaking out in atlanta over the deadly police shooting of an african-american man outside a fast food restaurant. video showing rayshard brooks, who had been sleeping in his car, grabbing an officer s stun gun, and trying to run away, an officer firing after he turns and points it at them. the shooting igniting instant the wendy s restaurant burned to the ground. protesters back on the streets of atlanta demanding justice. one officer kicked off the force, another placed on administrative leave. and the images tonight from across the country. and the words all black lives matter on hollywood boulevard
for today s solidarity march as part of pride month. and demonstrators in seattle holding their ground, their so-called autonomous zone, six city blocks seized a week ago. tonight, the district attorney in atlanta launching an investigation. here s trevor ault, leading us off. reporter: tonight, outrage in atlanta over the police killing of a black man. demonstrators taking over a highway saturday night. police firing tear gas into the crowds. multiple tear gas grenades are out in front of the liquor store. reporter: the wendy s where the shooting happened set on fire. the incident that sparked the protests cell phone and surveillance footage of an officer shooting rayshard brooks as he ran away. police body and dash camera video now released shows officep his car in the wendy s drive-through. brosnan calls for officer garrett rolfe to administer a field sobriety test after brooks says he s had one drink.
according to police, his breathalyzer registered at .108, slightly above the legal limit. well, i think you ve had too much tdrk rorter: a officers try br. fighngyou re get tased. as officer rolfe fires his own stun gun. brooks then runs away, appearing to point the stun gun at the officers as he flees. investigators say officer rolfe then fired three gun shots, killing brooks. brooks attorneys say wielding a taser doesn t justify lethal force. you can t say he ran off with a weapon that could kill somebody when you say it s not deadly. reporter: the district attorney now investigating the killing, pointing out that the interaction was cordial up until the arrest. if you didn t know any better, you would never imagine that this man would end up dead. reporter: tonight, brooks wife speaking out, in shock for her loss. i couldn t believe it.
i didn t know that i was going to wake up to my husband never coming home. reporter: officer rolfe, who shot brooks, has now been fired from the department. officer brosnan has been placed on administrative duty, pending the investigation. atlanta s police chief has since resigned. dr. king reminded us many years ago, there is a fierce urgency of now that calls upon each of us, myself included, to be held accountable to the communities in which we are entrusted to serve. trevor joins us live from the scene of the shootings. the wendy s that went up in flames last night. and you re hearing the d.a. is having difficulty obtaining some videos in the case? reporter: yes, they re having difficulty obtaining all the body cam and dash cam video from the atlanta police department. still, the d.a. says he expected
he will be able to announce whether there will be charges in the case by the middle of the week. trevor, thank you. next, a historic milestone for sports in america. nascar drivers on the track today, and a small number of fans back in the stands, for the first time since the confederate flag was disallowed. victor oquendo is in florida. green flag! reporter: tonight, nascar going full throttle in the race for equality, welcoming back a select group of fans but not the confederate flag. that company has done more in one week for racial equality than it had done in the past 70 years. nascar has overcome covid-19, fans are back at the track for the first time today, and battling social and racial injustice. reporter: with a car bearing irit s ck lives matter hashtag, only full-time black driver, leading the charge for change. this is about our brothers and our sisters that are suffering through a lot, and you
look at the confederate flag and how, yes, it may mean heritage to most, but to a group that is in a lot of pain right now, the african-american community is in a lot of pain. that s a symbol of hate. reporter: and tonight, a veteran in attendance welcoming the new era. i m happy that nascar has finally realized there are so many other people that probably want to come to the track but they didn t feel comfortable. and hopefully now they will. reporter: top tier drivers like jimmie johnson and kyle busch taking their own action, cutting ties with a helmet designer over tweets about the confederate flag. but not all are drivers are united. one threatening to quit after the flag ban. 1,000 members of the military invited to the dixie vodka 400. everyone screened before entry. masks were required, fans were spread out. nfl pro bowl running back alvin kamara there, too. going to homestead miami speedway to check out my first
nascar race. reporter: rooting for bubba wallace. tonight, president trump saying he won t be watching football if players kneel during the anthem, responding to a tweet about the u.s. national soccer team not being required to stand for the anthem, saying, looks like the nfl is heading in that direction also, but not with me watching! victor, joining us from homestead speedway. i want to go back to nascar. what will they do if fans try to defy the confederate flag ban? reporter: nascar is finalizing protocol, but the bottom line is, the confederate flag is banned from all races and events. the next race is next week, and at talladega, up to 5,000 fans are expected. victor, thank you. and protesters toppling a controversial statue in new orleans. tore down the statue of john
mcdonough, a wealthy slave owner, and it was dumped into thsands kingarin iver.esweinovse demonstrio in the uk, france, and japan. emmanuel macron saying he stands firmly against racism, explaining we must look together at our history. julia macfarlane is in london.e reverberating around the world. massive protests in japan, new zealand, south korea. this is the u.s. embassy there. and multiple cities in france, where protesters are angry at their own police, who only days ago were cleared by a french court in the 2016 death of a black man in their custody. like george floyd, adama traore died after being restrained under the weight of three officers. poce.end, franus h chants in france of no justice, no peace. while in tokyo, this protester
talking about her country s record on racism. i think the movement is still starting, especially because a lot of times people don t see that systematic racism is a problem in japan. nationalists who oppose black lives matter. yesterday, they attacked police head-on. but the day culminated in this stunning set of images. a black man rescuing a white man who d been hurt reportedly in a fight with anti-racist protesters. the rescuer later tweeting, it s not black versus white. it s everybody versus racists. tom? julia, thank you. and back here at home, and g e demands for change across oe for lice reform and urging a ban on police choke holds. rorrg for change heard around the country. protesters calling to defund the
police, moving money to other programs, and in some cases, rebuilding police departments from the ground up. dismantling it, and looking at what funding priorities should look like as we imagine a new way forward is what needs to happen. reporter: on capitol hill, leaders of both parties signaling what s needed is police reform, not defunding. i will simply say, as i always have said, nobody is going to defund the police. reporter: senate republicans now preparing to announce legislation in the next 72 hours. legislation that can be negotiated that gets us to the place where something becomes law that actually makes a difference. that s got to be our goal. reporter: the gop effort spearheaded by senator tim scott, the only black republican in the senate, would focus on reforming training and tactics, changing how officers handle misconduct, and require agencies to report uses of force that cause death or serious injury to the department of justice.
but democrats have already unveiled a package of their own, and want reform to go further, making lynching a federal crime, and proposing limits on legal protections shielding officers from lawsuits. we have to ask ourselves as a society, do we want to have a nation where police officers who do really awful things cannot be held accountable? from the republican perspective, the president sent the signal that qualified immunity is off the table. they see that as a poison pill on our side. reporter: both sides finding common ground on choke holds. what about a national ban on choke holds? absolutely, we should have that. that is one of the things we should have engaged in a long time ago. reporter: president trump working to finalize an executive order on policing, saying he would consider it too. it would be, i think, a very good thing, generally speaking, it should be ended. rachel, joining us from new jersey, where the president spent his birthday weekend. the president turning 74. i want to share comments from a
top economic adviser today saying the extra federal unemployment benefit will expire over the summer? reporter: yes, larry kudlow saying the $600 weekly payments will not be renewed. he believes they are incentivizing americans not to look for work. he says the coronavirus in the u.s. is contained, and that the economy has reached a turning point. tom? rachel, thank you. and despite what some in the white house are saying, there are alarming numbers about the coronavirus in the u.s. 22 states and puerto rico with infections on the rise. arizona and texas setting new state records for hospitalizations. florida s numbers soaring. here s zohreen shah. coronavirus cases are rising across the country. florida setting another record, reporting 2,000 cases in 24 hours for the second day in a row. this, as beachgoers continue to soakp in oridveor sing an
creased testing nsi homes play a role in the surge. we re doing three times as many tests per day now as we did at the end of march. reporter: but key west s mayor citing tourist traffic. i have a concern there. we would certainly like to welcome in all of our tourism, but we would like it to be respectful and responsible. reporter: across the country in utah, the coronavirus disproportionately affecting the hispanic community. they re 14% of the population but make up 42% of the cases. and in nearby arizona, where there have been 1,200 new cases since saturday, some phoenix bars and restaurants are closing down for a second time, citing covid-19 exposure. we don t yet know what our peak is. reporter: both arizona and texas setting a new record for hospitalizations, among eight states seeing a rise. as 22 states and puerto rico see an increase in new reported cases. the challenge is, parts of the country, states like texas, florida, georgia, north carolina, south carolina, where you see those outbreaks right
now, never really reduced the number of cases substantially. reporter: new york with its lowest number of hospitalizations and deaths to date. with 25,000 complaints filed against businesses violating social distancing and mask rules. a bar or restaurant that is violating these rules can lose their liquor license. we are not kidding around with this. you are talking about jeopardizing people s lives. reporter: and in south carolina, tourists flocking to myrtle beach. hotels there filling up to almost pre-pandemic levels despite more than 700 new cases in that state. and tom, we ve seen the increases nationwide. but so far just oregon and utah delaying the next stage of reopening. miami s mayor saying he s going to closely look at the numbers coming out of this weekend. possibly considering new measures there. zohreen, thank you. still ahead on world news tonight this sunday, the burning car rescue. police pulling an unconscious man from the flames.
two local fishermen stepping in to help. and the man accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman using tinder. did he use the app to lure other victims? stay with us. could another come around the corner? or could it play out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn t experience another. -and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. don t stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily- and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden sig of ding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk
if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what s around the corner could be your moment. ask your doctor about eliquis. what s around the corner how do you gaveeno® happy 24/7? with prebiotic oat. it hydrates and softens skin. so it looks like this. and you feel like this. aveeno® daily moisturizer get skin healthy™ did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance ta-da!
so you only pay for what you need? i should get a quote. do it. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. next tonight to a dating app nightmare. the suspect accused of kidnapping and trying to rape a woman after meeting her on tinder. and the concern that he may have done it before. here s janai norman. reporter: tonight, a california man arrested and charged with the kidnapping and attempted rape of a woman he met on a popular dating app. and police say there may be more victims. the evidence we found at our suspect s home tells us there might be other women out there that he s tried to do this to before. reporter: detectives say 30-year-old fabian ornelas used the fake name dominick on the dating app tinder. and after matching online, enticed the alleged victim to meet him in person. police say when the woman tried to leave, ornelas forced himself on her before she was able to break free and call for help. this coming just months after tinder introduced new safety
features including a panic button, just in case a date turns dangerous. this is going to help people feel safer, especially women. women get very nervous about going on dates with people they ve never met before. so this takes it a step further. reporter: tinder saying the company always works with law enforcement, as in this case. and they say the suspect s profile has been removed. tom? janai, thank you. when we come back, the desperate search. a ft. hood soldier missing for nearly two months. what was found on the base after she disappeared. stay with us. other money managers don t understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that s why we re a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client s needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don t have those. so, what s in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better.
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available and affordable. learn more at now to the desperate search for a missing ft. hood soldier, last seen on the texas base in april. all of her belongings except her cell phone were found in the armory room where she was working. her family calling on the fbi to get involved. and salma hayek vowing to post about her every day until she s found. and the burning car rescue caught on camera. body camera footage showing the moment police in atlantic city, new jersey, pulled an unconscious man from the driver s seat. the car erupting into flames after a crash. police saying two local fishermen helped with the rescue by cutting the man s seatbelt before officers arrived. the victim is expected to recover. also tonight, abc news responding to serious allegations. senior vice president of talent and business affairs barbara fedida placed on administrative leave. the huffington post reporting allegations that she made racist
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almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn t experience another. -and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. don t stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily- and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what s around the corner could be worth waiting for. ask your doctor about eliquis.
finally tonight, america strong. the deputy performing life-sg cpr, now sharing a special milestone with the child he saved. what s the baby s name? ryleigh. reporter: this is william kimbro s body camera from last june. the south carolina deputy sheriff pulling over a car for speeding. the mother inside that car, frantic. ryleigh? ryleigh? hey, baby. reporter: her 12-day-old baby was not breathing. come on, baby. cry for me. cry for me. come on, open those eyes, sweetheart. there you go. reporter: deputy kimbro calmly performs life-saving first aid. i m worried about her, because she starts breathing and then she stops. and then starts and then stops. reporter: and then there you go. her chest is moving. reporter: baby ryleigh going on to a full recovery. but that s not the end of this story. with him helping out my daughter, i felt like i can t
just let him go, he s a part of my heart. reporter: one year later, ryleigh celebrating her first birthday, and look who was invited. deputy kimbro right there. you re so sweet. reporter: and again, back together on the anniversary of that fateful day he saved her life. my jaw just dropped and i had this look on my face. reporter: deputy kimbro asked to be ryleigh s godfather through a hidden message on a card. i was able to finally scratch it off. it says, will you be my godfather? and i just said, absolutely. yes! i want him to feel like we re family. which we are family. i feel like i had to give him a title or something. let him know, thank you. thank you so much. a great surprise. thank you for that story. thanks so much for watching. i m tom llamas in new york. gma first thing in the morning. david will be right back here tomorrow night. stay safe. good night.
tonight on abc7 news at 6:00, caught on camera and now apologizing. what a woman has to say after calling police on a man who was writing black lives mat order his property. reporter: i m in danville. hundreds of residents take to the streets to support the black lives matter movement. 24 hour fitness says some of the gyms in the bay area are now closed for good. abc7 news at 6:00 starts right now. breaking news involves a protest that brought traffic to a standstill on thay bridge sti right now. this is a live look of the it started a little after 4:30 when a group carrying black lives matter signs stopped their cars in the middle of the upper deck on the western span. in the past half-hour, a large group of police officers have
arrived on motorcycles and in vans. they appear to be in the process of moving those protesters, and as you might imagine, this caused a big back-up. this is video posted on twitter by a driver whotu tunnel, just about a half-hour ago. we saw a tow truck arrive to the scene. we also saw an ambulance arrive and we have confirmation that someone out there had an asthma attack. we are working to get new updates. when we do get the updates, we ll bring them to you here on abc7 news. hello and thank you for joining us. j.r., real quickly, we do want to take a look at our abc7 news traffic map. you can see a lot of green certainly but then on the bay bridge, the upper deck, significant red back-up as indicated right here. we know that the back-up spans

Bridge , Iron , Transport , Metal , Fence , Metropolitan-area , Nonbuilding-structure , Steel , Mesh , Suspension-bridge , Composite-material , Road

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning 20240612

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accepted all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington, a live look at capitol hill early on this wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us for the first time in american history, the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. a jury in delaware finding hunter biden guilty on all three felony charges, two, for lying about his drug use on a federal background check. a third possessing for possessing a gun while addicted to or using illegal drugs. the verdict ended a very stressful week and a half for the biden family. the trial exposing painful details about the extent of hunter s drug use the president embracing his just convicted sun on a tarmac in wilmington shortly after the verdict was handed down, the president releasing the statement, quote, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. he added as i also said, last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal reaction came in quickly from across capitol hill. here s a little bit from both sides of the aisle but mr. speaker, you ve been saying two tier system of justice for some time. here s the president s son being convicted on three counts that undercut your clients. it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. i don t think just the case in the trump trial. i ve not heard a single democrat anywhere in the country cry fraud cry fixed, cry, rigged a cry kangaroo court. you don t hear a single peek out of any democrats saying that why we believe in the rule of law all right, journey is down to discuss deaf kite political reporter for axios, stef. good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. good. how would you characterize what we re hearing in reaction to this conviction we ve got a little taste. they re from each side. yeah, it s an interesting democrats have certainly been kind of sticking to the talking point that no one is above the law and they ve been pretty muted in their response or certainly not rushing to the defense of hunter, right now, they re just saying we need to trust the justice system and on the other side, i think it s been interesting to see how republicans are responding to this because of course, we ve heard from some that they are opposed to certain gun laws and they ve been using that as one reason. to kind of push back on the hunter conviction here and we ve also seen republicans say, yeah, maybe they found him guilty in this situation, but this isn t enough. we ve heard from exam, for example, james comer are calling for more investigation into biden family members. so we re seeing them take this and demand more certainly not cheering this very loudly from republicans. yeah, i mean, the way republicans are, i mean, in some ways they re they re almost downplaying it. this was matt gaetz, who of course has been you know it doesn t exactly. shy away from saying inflammatory things. he writes this, the hunter biden gun conviction is kinda dumb to be honest, dbh and then marjorie taylor greene says that what we really should be focused on quote, unquote remains untouched and then she says hunter biden just became the deepstate sacrificial lamb to show that justices balanced, while the other biden crimes remain ignored. she s of course, talking about the sprawling impeachment investigation into the president via some of the business activities of his son that ultimately showed have so far failed to turn up anything extraordinarily incriminating. it does put them in a little bit of a difficult spot when they are saying what they re saying about former president trump s conviction. exactly i mean, the reality is this does undermine some of their arguments that they ve been making for the past several years, that the justice department, that justice system is biased against conservatives and that trump is a victim of this. and now we have hunter biden, the son of the sitting president, a democrat and a very democratic state who is still being found guilty of federal charges. and so that doesn t quite neatly fit into this narrative that republicans have been spinning four. again since 2015, 2016. and so we re seeing them trying to get around on that. of course. and one of the ways they re trying to get around this is by saying, oh see, this was just to make people forget about how bad the case was against trump. they re pointing to this as no politically motivated, still even now, because again, they need to explain this away. how can if the justice system is so rigged, how can hunter biden still be found guilty in a democratic state so in terms of the president himself, i mean, clearly the statement that they put out focused on his role as a dad, you obviously was on camera when he embraced hunter there after this all came down, he did not go to the trial, but his wife, the first lady, jill biden, attended every single day. i mean, what do you hear from sources about how the stress of going through this has affected them as they are the president s campaign for reelection. yeah, i mean, there s no question that joe biden cares a lot about his family. it s a very close-knit family and there s no question that that hunters ongoing issues with addiction and then these criminal cases have impacted him. he is invested the fact that we did see him immediately helicopter to delaware to see hunter after this decision came through shows that he is invested in this. the fact that the first lady was there and you know, every every day at this trial, this is going to impact the family emotionally and it s going to impact joe biden as he is trying to run for reelection in a very closely contested race. whether we see this actually impact 2024 is still an open question. there s no polling that indicates that voters are necessarily going to change. there minds around this. but i do think the biggest impact this could have is on joe biden s focus and how he s willing to campaign and whether he s willing to set this aside and really focus on what needs to be done i mean, look like presidential campaign is a crucible and anything that distracts you has the potential to really kind of effect thanks from a very and he s got this trial coming up in september on tax issues. han fei, those which is of course very squarely in the political calendar, steph. thank you. i really appreciate you. start us off this morning. thank you. alright coming up next here, president biden heading out on another international trip today, plus the southern state with almost a month s worth of rain in a single day more is coming plus the matchup is set to one the most important senate races of the year. but bring you that the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage 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starts tomorrow, he ll be meeting with the leaders of france and germany both leaders reeling from heavy defeats in recent european parliamentary elections also, prime minister, british prime minister rishi sunak, he is in the grips of a political storm himself as they all face stiff domestic competition and similar challenges to staying in power i will earn your trust and i will prove to you that only a conservative government led by me will not put are harder and economic stability at risk. this is a situation that i cannot come to terms with the rise of nationalists, of demagogues is a danger for our nation. what do you think you need to accomplish are that debate stage i have to share ready says, remind people what he says and what i believe what he believed my journey me now cnn s max foster live from london. max, good morning to you as i watch this and think about kind of what s unfolding across europe. but also here in the us well, politico wrote it. this way. let s, let s read from it, quote, the three liters or dramatically changing the plot and facing their issues head-on. basically, they argue that the establishment politicians in this case are trying to hold up a global order that is fraying, particularly because of challenges, doesn t totally apply to rishi sunak on the right. but for the germans, the french, and of course, biden here at home with trump it is trying to take on this kind of rising nationalism. how do you look at all of this and what s the conversation like heading into the g7? yeah. well, i think rishi sunak is facing the same thing because whilst the left free labor party is expected to win the election, is the fact that the far right reform party is taken so many votes away from rishi sunak s conservative party. so while he is on the right and the other toura, center-left, they re all in the center and they re all facing a real threat from the right. the idea, i think bringing things forward, macron and sunak bringing on these elections much earlier than people expected. biden going into the debates many people expected, i think is this the theory that if you appeal to the rational side of people with serious policies, then you ll be able to argue that over a longer period of time before people actually go to the polls. but i think the right is very successfully. certainly here in europe, argue it s a bizarre one because they re basically arguing around cost of living, inflation. people can t afford things. so therefore, you need to hunker down stop immigration, stopped sending money to ukraine, stop paying for the environment, which is that idea of the cost of living crisis has always been an argument. the left you successfully in the past and it s in another right is using it. so many people are seeing it really as a failure of the left in many ways, but it s also a big chunk allen s for the center ground yeah. no, it s it s a really interesting way to look at it. i mean, i would also say, i mean, one of the things that is big picture different here and challenging is the security situation, right? i mean the there s an isolationist tendency to the trump situation here. in the the us that quite frankly, really affects how the us will interact with nato, european security. i mean, there are russian warships doing drills 30 miles off the coast of florida that the us military is monitoring right now. and of course there s discussion about how this fits into the recent us decision to allow us weapons to be used across the border with russia. all of that kind of looming over these leaders as they meet know absolutely this is probably says more about russia, doesn t it? this these ships than it does about the us. russia showing its global presence and it s coming through on everything, isn t it? whether right. but they ve been trying to undermine they ve been trying to kind of there s evidence that they ve been trying to encourage and stoke some of this race wing political activity to try and split the west and reduce the security power across the board of the west now, yeah, it s all about creating divisions in the west so they can fill that vacuum with their own or authority in these ships are really a visualization all of that certainly in terms of isolationism, it does come into the right-wing debate here in europe as it does into america, because it s the, question about, do we support ukraine or do we not support ukraine? do we focus our own internal issues? so it all plays into the same thing. so certainly in terms of putin s and she s wider strategy to assert themselves and fill the vacuum on the global stage. the right-wing helps because it brings all the western allies into a more national frame of mind if you like, and less involved in international affairs are very interesting. all right, max foster for us my than london max are grateful to have you. thank you alright. coming up next, senate democrats move to pass a supreme court ethics bill. those in stand a chance. plus the mystery winner of michigan s 800 $800,000,000 lottery jackpot finally revealed the greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing but he s, you know the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great s tomb, wednesday, june 19, and disk every industry by work play link relief, work play blanking really, the only three and one extended release formula for dry eyes thank carney isolde, it s gotten me. i saw them. that s what i said. god. god-man, saada got gotten me juicy gardeners you were diagnosed with thyroid disease along time ago and year after year. and you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind but even after all this time your thyroid disease could still change restoration is still possible learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at ted, your paying. shouldn t be minimized forgotten when medicine it gets better all of us can get better kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey, edey 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. and ask about the bosley guarantee. i m jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington and this is cnn all right. 21 minutes past the hour. here s your morning roundup. atlanta police say three people are injured after a mass shooting and the food port of the visit each tree center on tuesday and off duty, officer shot the suspect, a convicted felon senate democrats hoping to pass a supremum the court ethics bill this week, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin admitting the vote is basically a message, messaging exercise that will ultimately be blocked by republicans a six month mystery solved in grand blanc, michigan, three people who call themselves the breakfast club coming forward to collect pectin 82 842 excuse me, million dollars powerball jackpot from new year s day. they chose a lump payout of 305 million dollars after taxes. all three say they still plan to live in central michigan, but will be buying second homes in florida congrats to them all right. time now for whether lingering heat and the west moving into the central plains today and south florida bracing for more wet weather with sarasota seeing nearly a month s worth of rain on a single tuesday our meteorologist elisa rafah, tracking the systems for us at least. good morning good morning. some of those images out of us ever soda have been really incredible with some of that range of that a none dated the area more than six inches falling incredibly quickly it does amount to about a month s worth of rain. we still have some showers right now stretching from fort myers, some showers and thunderstorms getting into the peninsula there. but we ll get some of the rain totals from the last 48 hours. how heavy this swath? it has been across parts of south florida. and then in sarasota, where four to seven inches of rain fell incredibly quickly that we actually broke a record for the amount of rain that fell in just one hour nearly four inches of rain in an hour in sarasota, that breaks a record for the heaviest hourly rainfall the rain continues. we ve got flash flood watches in effect through at least thursday for a lot of the peninsula as we could continue to get a good four inches of rain or so four to six inches of rain still possible from fort myers to four peers, even down to miami as we go through the end of the workweek, we also still have the heat that s been pumping out west from las vegas to phoenix? thanks. is still with some excessive heat warnings as we go through the day today as their 100 days street continues, as we go through the next couple of days. i mean, look at these temperatures are still much above average for. this time of year. it is early to see heat like this, temperatures up around 110 through wednesday, thursday, friday and phoenix. the same thing up in las vegas as we go through the rest of the week. with this heat is going to start to spread east. look at some of the heat impacts as we get into monday, we re looking at extreme heat impacts and the heart of the midwest, looking at temperature is getting close to 100 degrees. again, very early for this type of heat, casey, early indeed are at elisa rafah for us. thank you very much. coming up next here. hunter biden found guilty, but one juror says doesn t want to see him do jail time plus in just a few hours, the house is scheduled to vote on holding merrick garland in contempt. what happen alder chains is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spot nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn. can to riva support your 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have a young team for police in an area that could explode at any minute. and we re fine, completely blind i ve hanako montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn all right. just before 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast to live, look at new york city where the already up on this beautiful wednesday morning good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us. the jury has spoken. hunter biden has been found guilty on all three felony gun charges one of the 12 jurors who voted to convict the president s son says, he doesn t want to see hunter wind up behind bars because of this deliberating. i was we were not thinking the sentencing and no, i really don t think that hunter belongs in jail a date for sentencing has not been set, but the judge indicated it will likely occur before election day. hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000 for the three charges. but as a first-time offender, he is likely to receive a lesser sentence he also was facing another trial on the horizon, hunter biden s tax trial is set to start on september 5th, joining me now, criminal defense attorney andrew tarkovsky. andrew, good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. can you talk us through what is i likely sentence in this case for the gun charge alone, it is not likely that he will see jail time if you run the federal sentencing calculator, you can get somewhere between about six to ten months as the recommended sentence. but that s well within the area of when judges give some sort of more probationary type of sentence that doesn t have jail time. the problem for hunter is that this conviction, even if it doesn t see jail time on its own, that combined with the september tax trial, if he s convicted of that, would most certainly result in some degree of jail time likely in the neighborhood of a number of years. this conviction would be used as an aggravate are in that case as a factor that would increase the sentence under the guidelines really interesting, what what are the potential sentencing? what would he be looking at if he s convicted on these on these tax charges realistically, that put them at tenure. just give me a little bit more context on what what that could mean. this is an interesting tax case where he has paid his taxes since, but had gone on for a number of years, not only just not paying the taxes but also there s many kind of underlying issues with the way in which he was reporting the taxes, what he was saying he was paying the taxes on versus what he was actually spending his money on. so there are layers of those tax issues at hand. if he s convicted of everything, this is the case that could be generally in the single digits type of years of confinement, i would see a generally in the two to five range, but it s a very difficult number to give you a good idea of at this stage since we don t know what he s convicted of and the federal sentencing guidelines which were once effectively mandatory, are now discretionary. and so it s more of a guidepost. this type of case, tho i think would be in the low single-digits of years of confinement still interesting that there could be repercussions from this case even if there s no jail time here that we could really dramatically affect the outcome there. so can we talk for a second about how the jury made this decision because we are actually and i m interested to know why you think we re hearing so much from the jurors? as it s come out of that we saw some of spoken on camera to other networks this was what one told up politico. they said the defense s decision to call biden s daughter, naomi, to the stand, didn t help his case. i thought it was a mistake. the juror told reporters on tuesday, i think it was probably a strategy they shouldn t have done no daughters should have to testify against her dad at what do you make of what the jurors have come out and said about how they reached this verdict. well, i think it reflects generally the idea that hunter biden was pretty dead to rights the evidence against him was so overwhelming that they had to get to this conviction, but we still see the jurors have sympathy for him. they see this. it sounds like as a relatively minor criminal offense, which it is in scope of federal law and federal criminal prosecutions that typically take place. but that s not necessarily for the jury to decide how serious is this offense. it s a question of what s the evidence actually show us and what s the law say? what the jury isn t essentially debating upon is the impact that s had to the family. the back to those around they seem to indicate this idea that they re hoping that he gets clean and sober go through his rehab. that s all this sort of sympathy that perhaps the defense kind of put forward hoping for a different outcome, whether that was an effort by the defense to actually have jury nullification. we now know that the jury themselves were immune to that. they saw this for what it was calling it a more minor offense. but nonetheless, coming back with the verdict that they say was justice fired by the evidence all right. andrew truck ascii for us this morning, andrew. thank you very much for that. thank you it s good politics now the matchup is set. nevada s incumbent senator democrat jacky rosen will face republican sam brown in the general election this fall. nevada shaping up to be one of the most important states this election cycle as democrats look to hang out on to their razor thin control of the senate. when everyone votes in november, brown is a purple heart recipient and viewed as a rising star among republicans. and so it is tonight we continue to deliver health care to dream is not dead it was now, dad and the marriage of nine-member giovani jacky rosen begins to end tonight as we celebrate tonight, we re not celebrating my campaign for senate we celebrate our campaign for nevada joining me now, do you see correspondent for the nevada independent, gabby birnbaum. gabby. good morning to you so this race, of course, at critical because the senate is literally on a knife edge, right? so every single race matters talk a little bit about me. first of all, he s clearly adopted this dark rhetoric that the trump campaign has about the state of america. this is not the optimistic city on a hill type of message that you would have heard from a ronald reagan era republican. but this does i do think there are some republicans here in washington who think that this was a good outcome. how did this play out? yeah. i mean, republicans, like he said, this is the senate, hangs on literally any one of these seats for democratic incumbents that could flip and republicans would have control the senate. so they ve had this nevada matchups they re called for years in 2022 was the closest senate race in the country. and so as sam brown, this is who the nrsc, i m the national republican senatorial committee. this is who jaylen florida. they re publican governor of nevada. this is the guy they wanted and they got their guy last night by like 44 points in the primary. so it was never really a doubt but yeah. i mean, like you mentioned this, he talks a lot about we don t have an american dream anymore. it s an american nightmare. it reminds me a lot of the american carnage sort of trump first inaugural speech. and i think it shows that question for brown and for all of these challenges this will be how do you appeal to the base that s very pro-trump in states like nevada, where trump hasn t one and pulling this cycle shows maybe this is the year that he does it. but how do you sort of know that this is how you win a primary. this is how you appeal to people while also knowing in nevada it s the non-partisan voters, the independence who you really need to get to that 50% threshold. we ve seen in, in some states that democratic senate, and this is actually backwards from what you sometimes see in other election cycles. but the democratic senate candidates seem to be running ahead of president biden. is that the case in nevada yes. so i mean, you ve seen polls were biden s down by double-digits and rose up like plus one i ve seen polls where trump is up five and rosen s also up five. that d be a level of ticket-splitting and i looked into this and the data does have a pretty significant history of ticket-splitting, but it wasn t a different time when that was just way more for comment. in o for bush won by three points and harry reid, one by 35 points or something. that s very raid specific situation would have been a little yeah. itself, but i think as politics has become more nationalized, as nevada sort of local political culture of boosting incumbents in the senate no matter what, as a small state as that s sort of given way to this national political discourse that s so hyper-partisan. i would be surprised if the split ends up being that big in my mind. who s a trump rozi and voter? it s hard to think of who this person might be. but yes, certainly rozi, like other candidates, is running ahead of biden ben. and so i think it ll be a question for brown now of how do i get these voters who think they re going to vote for trump are considering trump, but might be skeptical of me. how do i speak to them so let s i m talking across. nevada was not the only state that help primers last night. we also had one in south carolina and the primary that was being most closely watched was nancy mace, who of course, voted to oust former house speaker kevin mccarthy. and mccarthy had made it a project to try to get the second name on that screen over the finish line, catherine templeton challenged nancy mace in this it s a charleston area, south carolina district so mace came out on top here. how much of an embarrassment is that for mccarthy? i mean, look, i think it s curious to see what mccarthy we ll do next, right. those rumors that if trump wins, he could be chief of staff or something. i think it just shows that once you re out of congress, you re out of congress, right? here lewin s is somewhat limited in what you can do. he s been trying to behind the scenes enact some sort of revenge on the people who took him down. mace, i think particular really got under his skin because his office had tried to help her with her legislative priorities. there was a good long piece of slate. this week all about sort of her interesting political demeanor. but yeah, confused a lot of people for sure. but i guess, i guess voters and south carolina s first district still felt good about it. so yeah, i do think for mccarthy, like i said, once you re out, you re out with congress yeah. i before i let you go, i want to touch on what we could see play out in the house today. there is some reporting that we have here at cnn that there are a handful of house republicans who are privately voiced concerns about a plan to hold merrick garland in contempt of congress. but they did announce last night they re going to go forward with this vote today. what do you expect on the floor? i think that ll be interesting. i mean, the fact that there s all these reports, the reports that they might have pulled it, the fact that there budding the vote on the floor, i mean, this is not a republican whip team that s been uber successful in exactly where the votes are. so i don t think anyone will be surprised if it were to fail typically, i think but the moderates have been upset about something they usually do, keep it off the floor. they re pretty open with leadership about their concerns. they re not right. the freedom caucus, i m not trying to wreak havoc on the floor. so the fact that they are bringing is a floor or i mean, we ll see i think this is the closer we get to the election, the more and more people are not going to want to take tough votes, particularly on such hyper-partisan things like rice this is a tough thing for some of the more moderate, moderate republicans in the house. all right, gabby, thank you very much for your time appreciate it. i come up next year, talks to end the war in gaza in serious doubt this morning after a response from hamas plus the man is facing a must wins situation in dallas tonight, which report reviews game three coming up violent burst would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn you know what s brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bolt. what straps bold do a rocket hurdles and into space, or boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it s smart, dependable, and steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happily fulfilled, which is pretty boring if you think about it. wow there are giant so mug they are the men and woman building daibes. next generation submarines they are giants and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow, where they can 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wednesday, june 19, and discovery and stream on max close captioning brought to you by in vet help call 1807, 1000 to o dealer invention idea, but don t know what to do next. cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807, 100020 welcome back, secretary of state antony blinken is in qatar this morning as he continues to push for a ceasefire and hostage deal to end the war in gaza, the negotiations were thrown into doubt last night when and israeli official said but a hamas response to the latest proposal was quote, a rejection but a diplomatic source telling cnn this morning that hamas is neither accepted nor rejected the deal. hamas leadership quickly pushed back, calling the attempt by israel, calling in an attempt by israel to back out of the proposal. talks are expected to continue through qatari and egyptian mediators in coordination with the us to see if an agreement can be reached. here was blinken yesterday before hamas is response everyone has said yes except for hamas and if hamas doesn t say yes, then this is clearly plea on them all right. told me not to discuss the un global affairs analyst kim dozer. kim, good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. are reporting. is that hamas did submit a response proposing amendments to the israeli proposal, adjustments to the or adding a timeline for a permanent ceasefire. and with thrall from gaza, this there seems to be an awful lot of fog around where each side stands on this proposal at all. can you kind of try to help us understand clearly where are the israelis on this? are they a definitive yes. and what this means from hamas that we saw yesterday today there s one key part of this peace deal that the ceasefire deal that each side keeps trying to change hamas wants to include some sort of permanent ceasefire in the deal what they have, what they ve been offered right now is phases six weeks was submit exchange, and a temporary ceasefire that then becomes permanent after some negotiations midway through they don t want that the israelis meanwhile benjamin netanyahu government he cannot say yes to a deal that has a permanent ceasefire in it because that will instantly dissolve his government. the hard-right members of his coalition have threatened to pull out if he signs up any deal that has a permanent ceasefire in it. so that s why you ve got a lot of stuff decided on the edges. but this one key point hamas wants to be able to survive and keep fighting and netanyahu s political survival is based on making sure hamas can t do that. therein lies the crux of the matter so what is the way out of that? but it s very hard to see it way out of that. that s why the original deal as the white house had shared with the world, has these phases where you get a bunch of the hostages back, you get prisoner exchanges. so that was sweetening it for the palestinian side that they get some of their hardline prisoners out and then you use that momentum of that progress to get through the second stage of the deal. so that perhaps netanyahu could then go back to his hardline coalition and go back to israel haley public and say see, i got all so many of the hostages out. now, it s time to have an off-ramp for this, but you got to agree to the first part to get to that second kim, let s talk about the sort of broader tensions in the region because we have seen slit, escalating back-and-forth between israel and lebanon. the washington post says it s a war that s unfolding in slow motion. and rockets are being launched from lebanon toward israel. how concerned should we be at this point? but this is going to tip into something more significant all along, it seems that the overall strategy of iran, which is supporting hezbollah and supporting hamas, has been to turn the tension up when israel is already on the back foot, just to keep exhausting its army the israeli army has having to go back to certain parts of gaza that it had said it had cleared already, and all of a sudden up in the north, there s an uptick in fighting. it s stretching and exhausting the army and pointing out to israel that if you want to keep going on these two fronts, it s going to cost you more in manpower and eventually in tax dollars because they don t have enough of a standing army to keep up this fight at this point. and that has put pressure on the israeli people to think about, do we? want to be doing this forever? and what that would cost? yeah. i mean, and what does that mean politically for netanyahu? i mean, is he coming under pressure from people? i mean, obviously israel israel as conscription mandatory service in their country. that s got to put some pressure on him. know, there s local israel issue specifically regarding that secular israelis are upset that for the most part, very religious israelis are allowed to opt out of military service. and there s been a fight to make more of them find, to find some way to draft more of them. into the ongoing fight. and that has been working its way through the israeli knesset but the hard-right members of netanyahu s coalition have said, if you force, are religious people to fight we will pull out. so again, netanyahu s caught between the secular folks. so he needs to win the next election and the coalition members he needs to stay in government cheerful. kim toes, you re for us this morning. thank you. i really appreciate your time. all right. so now for sports, do or die in dallas for the maths tonight the nba finals, andy scholes has this morning s police report and good morning. good morning. case. it s only game three, but the mass they have to win excuse me, they have to win tonight because notes, even me hey, history while struggling, i ve ever come back from an o3 deficit. i the big news given out yesterday is the celtics announced that star center kristaps prison thank suffer what the team calls a rare injury to his left leg. he s not questionable fourth, tonight s game per zinc has said he felt something happened during game too, but he s gonna do every you think he can to play with or without presenting as the celtics or they re treating game three like a must-win despite having a 2-0 lead in the series almost got to play like you now know to, rather than up and that s hard to do but you gotta go into that mind frame that focuses like now, we our plan like that have been down o2 before lost a series won a series. so i know what it takes i gave three tonight 830 eastern brahma dallas, us open. meanwhile, it sees off tomorrow from pinehurst at the big question is, can anyone beat world number one, scottie scheffler. he s won five of his last eight tournaments, including the masters. the worst he s done since since march was tied for eighth at the pga championship and he was arrested before second round of that tournament. those charges were dropped. scheffler knows all eyes are gonna be on him tomorrow, but it doesn t bother them at all i mean, as far as a target on my back, even if there was there s not really much that we can do in the game of golf. most of it is against the dollar of course, i m point against yourself. so target on my back done really, i don t really feel it and then i don t really think about it much. what is the most impressive to you about what he s been able to accomplish so far? for this year. the fact that the only thing that took him from winning a golf tournament was going into a jail cell for an ar usa basketball s announce the official a women s roster for the upcoming paris olympics. and caitlin clark eyes indeed not a part of it. the selection committee said they were aware of the outside noise and pressure to select clark, but she did not have the experience of other players. maybe they just want international experience because diana taurasi, breanna stewart, sylvia fouls, and candace parker we re all on the olympic team as wnba rookie s barkat, better college career. and all of them i violated. we americans, we ve got great fourth of july traditions, barbecue, fireworks, and watch and joey chestnut just dominate the nathan s hot dog eating contest but that s now being taken from us. chess, not a 16th time champ has been banned from the annual competition because he signed a deal with impossible foods to wrap their plant-based hot dogs test that saying the on x that he s gutted about the decision adding sadly, this is the decision of nathan s and major league eating are making and it will deprive the great fans of the holiday as usual, joy and entertainment in casey chestnut, one of the most dominant athletes of our time. no one can pound hot dog funds dipped in water better than him and it s going to be sad and forth. digital ad nazi him compete it will be sad not to see him compete. i don t know if i didn t put him in the eye. i am happy to see you doing this story and he shall also that i m not sure so certain a certain very specific type of athleticism. thank you very much borrow all right. coming up next here. what is next for the sign of a sitting us president just convicted in criminal court. we ll have more on hunter biden ahead. plus y of florida jury just ordered the chiquita banana company to pay 16 people, 30 eight $8 million the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one day which moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmet, you re calling some people find there s at an early age. others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put our everything in every truck. so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from answering now, during the ram, make this the summer event, get one $1,000 cash allowance plus finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase of most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks if you have graves disease, 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240612

body tapping. you know what s then? this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay. groceries are expensive, but i was in trouble there for a sec. you are? well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend. return break out here. leg warmers, coolers and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture tribute to 83 show streaming now on fox nation america is streaming. thank you, emily, my love. this cat cares. laura: good evening, i m laura laura, the ingraham angle. the bidens have been able to escape legal accountability for sleazy, corrupt conduct. today their luck ran out. he was found guilty on three charges he faced in the federal gun trial. the angle long maintained while not insignificant, this open and shut case is lease serious of all biden schemes exposed by investigators and receiptors. given we know he was often a drug addled mess who frequented with prostitutes, we ask again, what expertise did he have when china decides to pay him tens of millions of dollars and why have the bidens lied about joe s involvement. they are one of the richest families in politics and no one has explained what hunter, jim or the other bidens did to get paid other than showcasing their connection to the big guy. new speaker: he got 40 million from jim biden, which was 10% ironically, for the big guys of the fees and $200,000 linked from flun pedalling scheme from americorp health. we found a quarter million dollars that joe biden got. new speaker: that is a drop in the buck etand the biden boosters tried to counter any notion that the justice system is unfairly targeting donald trump. new speaker: you have a president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law with respect to his only living son. he was a crack addict who had an affair with his dead brother s wife and turned that poor woman to crack, as well. he was convicted in wilmington, i guess delaware is sick of the bidens. joining me is former law clerk to gorsuch and attorney for i.r.s. whistleblowers who say the doj tried to of coer up the tax probe to hunter biden. i have heard some describe this conviction as tip of the iceberg, red herring or fig leaf. what is your takeaway? it s a side show, we have this democrat-picked u.s. attorney in delaware, allen weisselberg david weiss who tried to have a sweetheart plea deal. this judge called them out on that and we have gun charges that don t tie to joe biden, only to hunter biden. these are serious charges, hunter biden, 97% of people convicted of this gun charge go to prison for many years. we ll see what happens to hunter biden. laura: the case likely never would have been brought or exposed, not been for irs whistleblowers and they were trashed by the regime media. yeah, they absolutely were. before they came back and forward, before we sent the letter to congress indicating shapley intended to go forward, they were going to let it die and do nothing. when gary shapley came forward, you see leslie wolf reached out to hunter biden s team for a plea deal. doj and i.r.s. proved massive charges against hunter biden and decided to let them drop one by one. laura: given what we knew and what had come to light, it is curious they did not decide to plead this out. given utter disgrace reigning down on the biden family because of everything that has come out as a result of this, were they used to getting away with stuff or thought he could do no wrong or what? they flew jill biden back and forth from europe to delaware, i think as show of political force and it seems this delaware jury surprisingly did not go with the power play of the bidens and followed the facts and law here. laura: one thing in today s coverage of this is how the media quickly shifted to white w washing the concern about what has bveen done to president trup in state and federal court and isn t this great that the biden family is huddled up together supporting each other. comms director kate bedingfield said this. the biden family is close, close knit, they lean on each other. i worked for joe biden for eight years, i sat in the oval office when a member of the office would call him and he would step out to take a call from his family. he puts family first. this is very hard. laura: they put family first with money, as well. they had family tragedy, drug addiction is a charge thing. it has been hard for the people who tried to come up against the bidens, including the whistleblowers you represented and no one cared about them. hunter biden is suing i.r.s. ident identifying gary shapley and zie ziegler, the subject of the suit and we had to stop doj from taking a dive in this case. that is ome happening because hunter biden is bringing this suit and making outlandish accusations. laura: people call tip of the iceberg, red herring. mike calls it a side show. we ll see what happens in the sentencing. if what we saw last nights at the white house, it should be this, joe biden is not the one making major decisions. pre-k our freedom can never be secured. laura: we checked white house transcript for the transulation, he tried to say she knew as long as history was denied, our freedom can never be secured. he tried to talk about our founding. black soldiers were linked in line of patriots, ricked thrisk their lives american soil is. quality and freedom. laura: then he tried to clap. to the people on this side, clap your hands. people right here, clap your hands. people up top, clap your hands. laura: the dancing was better, right? laura: maybe you could argue it was late, he was tired, i don t think that is today. be pro-abolishing the aft. laura: i think he meant the atf. byron donalds joins us now. isn t a vote for biden, this is a vote for president harris? laura, it absolutely is, because we know it is just not conceivable that joe biden would last another four years. this is not a good situation. people have been having fun with it and laughing about it on social media. it is quite funny. it is sad when you know he is the person that has to engage with world leaders and making so many decisions with respect to what the federal agencies are doing. these decisionings are being made by people never empowered to be the president of the united states. voting for him in this election means giving power to somebody else, that is not what the american people should be doing and look at policy and realize if he was making decisions, they are god-awful decisions that have made our people less safe. laura: last night biden seemed to refer to republicans at one point, watch. they are all ghosts in new garments trying to take us back. they are taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote, attacking, diversity, equity and inclusion. laura: congressknow ma, using ghost, i don t know if a cute staffer was making an illusion to the kkkor what, did it land? no, it is incredibly sad. you have a president and white house and campaign team going to try to sew division and fear and sew that everybody else is tearing down this country when they are the ones that spied on the more than people. they leave our borders wide open. they have destroyed purchasing power of hard working men and women of america and seniors in america. people we should be afraid of are joe biden and campaign. we need a change this november, change is coming in the form of donald trump. laura: i wasn t going to mention this, this is important to play this and see how desperate department to put someone like you down because you disagree with them. this is congresswoman crocket. if we put people in office, skin folk, not our kin folk, like byron donalds, do you not understand history or because you married a white woman and you think it white wash you. they give him talking points and yes, master, i got it. laura: they said the same thing about condoleeza rice a and congressman, your response? jasmine sits on committee with me, she could have came and talked to me any time she wants to. nobody tells me what to say, everybody says that, i say what i think and speak my mind. policies of her party have been damaging toern ms, been damaging to black americans and americans have a choice, do they learn to tropes and fearmongering and gaslighting of department or are they going to look at policies, what matters in their pocketbook and support republicans this november? that simple. laura: thanks so much tonight. coming up next, merrick garland s doj has become its own theme in the babylon bee, i ll explain the hypocrisy. but don t kcritical race th theoryicize them. my angle is next. laura: garland s tragic comedy, the focus of tonight s angle. all right, just when we thought comedy was dead, someone from biden s cabinet publishes an oped. merrick garland other than waed everyone to stop being so mean, stop picking on the doj. we ve seen escalation of attacks, far beyond criticism and oversight, they are base lsz, personal and dangerous to defund depend investigation, special counsel prosecution of the former president. to quote john mcrenrow, you cannot be serious, the man prosecuting the gop front-runner and warn parents who stand up at school board meetings and warning about traditional athlicks, that guy is upset about criticism? check your constitution, sir, it is congress job to decide how to spend the money allocated to each department, not up to you and your activists. garland knows this, he just does not care and does not care about the rule regarding audio recordings about classified documents found in his garage. last week garland tried to claim it was an attack on the doj. these attacks have not and will not influence our decision-making. i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated and we will not back down from defending democracy. laura: defending democracy? that is what you call stonewalling legitimate oversight? that man unleashed federal prosecutors and agents, spent taxpayer money to track and intimidate and jail january 6 on . the fact he wrote this op ed is only more evidence of the political nature of everything they do over there. because not only is garland wrong about the law, he fails to address republicans in congress who have cataloged myriad ways he has used doj for political retribution and he calls the attacks false claims in this mes made by those trying to influence the election. that is what he argues. e able to campaign freely without doj interference in a presidential election year that s trying to influence the outcome of an election? that s their argument? who wrote this piece? you see, all we want is for people to be able to vote for the candidate of their choosing. but to garland, and his political hit squad, a trump victory would, itself. be a threat to democracy. wrap your mind around that. we trust the people. but they don t. which is why they want a judge to decide it all and the same reason why they want as many illegals to rush in as possible to eventually vote in a far left super majority. garland s professed concern for protecting institutions and democracy is also belied by the glaring fact that at this very moment, his party is launching a 24/7 campaign to discredit the supreme court. pro-biden activists are secretly tape recording justices in an attempt to delegitimize future court decisions. news flash, by the way, justice alito believes in god, like totally. like, people in this country who believe in god, keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. well, i agree with you. i agree with you. i support your ruling on dobbs. i support, like, i m very pro-life, but, like, you know, i don t know how we bridge that gap, you know, like how do we get people. i wish i knew. i wish i knew. i don t know. it s not i don t think it s something we can do. we have a very defined role. yes. we need to do what we are supposed to do. laura: aside from the fact that there is nothing remotely problematic about what alito said remember he said a defined role we play and that s all we can do. does merrick garland support now the secret recordings of justices? did people who want to pearl clutch about this, you know, please tell me how we re going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever, particularly in the face of, you know, what are very like extraordinarily serious ethic breaches. are we going to continue our tradition of secular democracy or led to christian theocracy? laura: christian theocracy. they are trotting that out again. in god we trust. christian theocracy. what a vile woman. or just a stupid woman. again, they don t care. the left is going to do anything they can to prop up a man fossilizing before our very eyes. they are going to turn a blind eye as justices are harassed at their homes, only stepping in by the way when a suspect literally planned to kill justice kavanaugh. and they will do nothing as leftist assault law enforcement or deface war memorials, right across from the white house. but they will prosecute three people in connection with skid marks on a pride flag. check out the difference between the two vandalized areas. happened on different coasts but it sends the same message. all fair minded people know what is going on here. the double standard, the irony, the hypocrisy is lost on biden s foot soldiers wh rip into the supreme court. only to claim republicans don t respect the rule of law. what size chip is on the shoulder of samuel alito no. grace one of nine human beings sitting for life on the supreme court. there is bitterness, anger and a plan for delayed revenge. these attacks have an overwhelming liquor retrospective and dangerous effect on the very foundations of pillars of democracy. and again, the rule of law is under attack. rachel s words it needs to be protected. so, it was heartening, seems like maybe he was listening when attorney general merrick garland submitted to the the washington post today an op-ed that served as something of a public warning. laura: protect the rule of law by taping supreme court justices and trying to delegitimize that institution. nice try. you just cannot make this up. do they even realize what they re saying? given how much time these people have spent contorting and twisting the law and the facts, i suggest they just quit their day jobs and maybe join circle da soleil or something. that s the angling. joining me now chris landau former law clerk to justices thomas and scalia and former ambassador to mexico. chris let s talk about the attack on the supreme court at the same time merrick garland is saying stop being mean to me and drying to delegitimize this institution of justice. welling laura, it s incredible how he is trying to blur the lines between legitimate criticism of the department of justice and, you know, threats and unacceptable forms of coercion. is he trying to make it seem like the department of justice is immune and imperspective yus to criticism. i mean, this is the most politicized department of justice in the united states history. i mean, this is the first time in history the department of justice is indicting the president s primary political opponent. the double standard has never been more brazen between whom they are prosecuting and what they re prosecuting for and what they re not prosecuting. and the fact that they are not even attempting, not even putting a fig leaf in an attempt to enforce fundamental laws like our border laws. we have never seen anything like this before in american history. for him to say it s beyond the pale to criticize the department of justice is astonishing. laura: because hunter is convicted on an obvious gun charge and three different charges, obvious open and shut case, everything that we say about what they re doing to trump is invalid. it s all good now. we re all good. that s kind of what they are doing, chris. again, the crazy thing about hunter is what about all the stuff that isn t charged here? i mean, the gun is only you knows, the tip of an iceberg of allegations. much more serious crimes and crimes that directly implicate potential crimes that directly implicate the president. which the gun crime, obviously does not. laura: right. easy, easy. easy piecey. chris, i want to move on to what the supreme court justices are facing now from the left. again, the same people who say the republicans are attacking fundamental norms and institutions, have no problem activists going on and taping supreme court justices. i don t think anything alito said was anything remotely problematic. your reaction tonight? totally agree. imagine what at the these people are doing. tasked justice leaders very defined task of interpreting and applying the law this activist says they need political accountability as if they are politicians. that s the whole point. they are judges. they read the laws and interpret them. but, you know, again, this person clearly, in your tape, was asking questions under false pretenses, trying to egg on the justice. and he had a very, i think, appropriate response? but basically, you know, the gloves are off for these people. no blow is too low. and then they claim that everything else is a danger to democracy. i mean, i think it s a danger to democracy when they re failing to enforce the law and they are brazenly, you know, one sided in their application of the law. and what they re trying to imprison the president s chief political rival. how is that not a danger to democracy, laura? laura: no, it s a danger to democracy when trump wins. chris, that s the irony of all of this. chris, always great to see you. democratic process. laura: that s correct. that s the threat to democracy. laura: chris, thank you so much. all right. who is coming across our border now? you will not believe this. plus, this woman is accused of stabbing a 3-year-old to death. and she is smiling. that s next. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step s standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. laura: evil personified. this woman, smirking in court, after being seen on camera and accused of one of the worst crimes imaginable. fox s bill melugin has details. bill. bill: this story makes your blood boil. the woman accused of butchering a three-year-old boy can be smirking in court. she was smiling and giggling as she had counts read. the defendant did knowingly cause serious physical harm. bill: one week after ellis allegedly stabbed the child to death and wounded his 38-year-old mom outside a store in cleveland. the little boy in court could be seen in court while the woman smirked in front of them. your honor, one week ago she took everything from us. it is horrendous, i wish no bail period or extend to the max that you can at the very least. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. bill: authorities describe this attack as a random act of violence. ellis pleaded not guilty to murder and attempted murder. the judge gave ellis $5 million bond and ordered she remain in custody. she could face the death penalty if convicted. back to you. laura: thank you. eight men with icu ties were just arrested after crossing the border illegally. these illegals received full vetting after crossing and no incri incriminating information was tabbed at the time. days, joining me now chad wolf former actinacting dhs secretary, under secretary under president trump. chad, we don t know when these illegals crossed. but we do know that the way this is kind of being reported it s like everybody giving themselves a pat on the back for the sting operation, okay. i guess. i guess. but, they should never have been allowed in this country in the first place. well, that s exactly right. it s this type of instance that certainly kept me up at night as acting secretary when we had just a fraction of individuals trying to enter this country illegally. so i can only imagine what it is doing or should be doing to president biden, secretary mayorkas and others. but, look, our vetting, i think what this tells you is that our vetting is only as good as the information that we get from countries. and the best information we get are for our allies so country like tajikistan and others we don t get very good vetting so we have a difficult time understanding who these individuals are that are coming into the country. but that s okay. our immigration law accounts for this. and it says actually to detain individuals who are coming into this country and instead of doing this massive catch and then release individuals into the interior of the united states which the biden administration has done. and so whether it s afghan nationals that they papa roll in or these type of individuals this idea we will check them after the fact they get here is the exact wrong approach. laura: this entire thing is an utter scandal doesn t even describe it, okay? this is the undermining of our sovereignty and now they are endangering forget all the economic woes this brings and the cultural problems. the national security damage that this is potentially doing to the country, and, you know, you can t vet. forgetting vetting. we are done. full up. we have 12 million people here illegally. we have no idea who most of these people are there is no vetting. like vetting the afghan refugees. we are not vetting any refugees, bringing them all in and hoping for the best. they cannot continue to happen in this country. no, it can t. again, these are the individuals that we actually apprehended. these are folks that border patrol saw. how many are there, chad? how many do you think. how many potential terrorists do you think if had you to guest. how many tajikistan folks are in that 2 million got away. we have no idea the department has no idea because of their strategic along that border is a complete and utter failure. laura: i don t even like to describe it as failure guy the way. i realize i called you under former, undersecretary, sorry, chad. there are great undersecretaries out there but you were the acting secretary. again, guy back to this idea of vetting. they are not vetting anybody. so now biden says well, these people from these six countries can t come in. russia, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, so they knew this was coming, right? they knew this news was coming. so that news came out over the weekend. that s interesting timing, don t you think? now we have a list of six whopping countries that you can t come in from? yeah. i mean they know the countries of concern. they know countries that are not sharing information. so you have no idea, even if you encounter foreign nationals from those countries, you can t vet them because they are not sharing information. we have nothing to base an assessment on. and so they know that. they have known that for some time and the fact that they continue to exempt these individuals and allow folks to come into the country, you are not returning them. this is why you need a different border strategy. you need to prevent people from coming in. those that do come in, you need to both vet them but also detain them during their immigration court proceedings. and none of that is occurring today. laura: immediate turnback. go back to trump policy. can t do it. can t vet. our government couldn t get out of afghanistan. okay? we are not vetting anybody. i don t know how many chinese are here, either. chad, you know this is my issue. i get worked up on it. thank you so much for joining us. all right. could conservative victories in europe be a harbinger for what might happen in november? details, next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it s 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. laura: this is what the nifty newcomers in paris did after eu v voters delivered a rebuke to pro-refugee globalists. [cheering] laura: the wall street journal called the parliament election results blow to french and german. stunning defeat of macron and macron left with no choice. i m dissolving the national assembly this evening. laura: that sent parties scrambling. whatever happens, the anti-macron sentiment is real. are there similarities to our own upcoming election? more are rejected expensive climate regulation and obscenely high cost of living. douglas murray, new york post columnist and fox news contributor. douglas, the bbc, other, you no he, regime media types describe this as disturbing, extreme, or far right victories. what are they not getting here? well, several things. one is that media like the bbc have spent years calling all of these parties that have won in the most recent elections eu far right. in fact, they tend to call absolutely everybody slightly to the right of the most green leftist party far right. and now, i mean, the term is losing all meaning across the continent. the second thing is these media keep on saying things like the far right is on the march across europe. there s a boring predictability about that. what you have just shown your viewers, of course is the far left actually marching in europe, the far left this evening actually marching and demonstrating and rioting in the center of paris. i wouldn t expect to see that covered in any of the media in the coming days. laura: only ones marching and violent are the leftist who reject the elections. now, douglas, brexit back in 2015 i remember staying up all night watching those election results. a lot of people think that trump victory in 2016. will this pro-populist, pro-nationalist trend in the eu mean the same, perhaps, in 2024? it s very interesting question. i think so. and this is why. the main driver of the popular resentment across europe at the moment, that was shown in these election rules, is incredible concern by the population not far rightest, not hard rightest or anything else. but the majority populations. to what they see correctly as just unstopping illegal and legal immigration into the continent. the electorate have for years been trying to sound the alarm at the ballot box, the mainstream parties. and the mainstream parties have just not listened. you know, we have security concerns in a city like paris, which is about to host the olympics. islamist terrorist cell was just found the other day trying to create a spectacular terrorist event. are the french voters hard right or far right? no, they just don t like being blown up. you know, it s a kind of basic sentiment. and because macron and others have failed to answer this to answer your question about america. i think we will see something very similar. we know what the situation is on the southern border of this country. we know what the biden administration has failed to do. if the incumbent government does not wrestle with mass illegal population shifts, then people will obviously vote for somebody else. n country that somebody else is very clear. in europe, it s becoming clearer by the day. douglas, brilliant analysis of the situation. thank you so much. all right. biden caught in a trans, and what about pickleball? can that save his campaign? yeah, jimmy failla is on it and that s nex i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i m taking control like millions of others. time for wtf. joining me now, jimmy fail a laura: time for wtf, what the failla, joining us is jimmy failla. you can t make it up. a few hours after hunter s conviction for breaking gun laws, president biden spoke about how important our nation s gun laws are. watch. president biden: i want to thank you, instead of trying to stop our ban they are working like hell to stop it. if they want to think to take on government if we get out of line, they are talking again about, they need f-15s, they don t need a rifle. laura: jimmy. jimmy: i think what he was trying to say is gavin newsom 2024. this guy is finished. okay. laura, we re not supposed to have the united states president speaking with subtitles below the screen, that is where we are now. a guy in office makes the sign language interpreter shrug. he makes up words, not good. laura: the biden team, they are getting pretty desperate, in effort to sway older voters, they are planning a pickleball tournament in virginia, pancake breakfast, bingo in arizona and a phone bank with second gentgaming in new hampshire. that is exciting after seeing him dance. jimmy: who does joe consider older? i ve seen younger faces on money. idea he thinks anyone is older than him scares me. they are in a desperate spot, they tried buying younger voters, nobody wants anything to do with this. laura: are you a pickleball player? do you pickleball with the best of them? jimmy: if i can t bet on it, i don t play it or watch it. until they start putting lines on pickel elball, this is a sport for out of shape people. laura: summon forgot to push biden s on button, pull the shirt up, there is an on button. watch. [ ] jimmy: yeah. you know what he looked like, he looks like an amish guy that walked into best buy. so overwhelmed, does not know what is happening around him. two doors down from a guy in a dress, i don t know what we re looking at. if biden does not run for president, he can be in frozen straight glitz. laura: the first gentleman, he s doing there has to be moratorium on anyone who can t dance, dancing and not that kamala was a good darner, she tried a little bit. it is not good to be around people who are good dancers and you are rocking in an awkward. jimmy: doug should have froze. this whole administration america s got issues, whole video, just look at it. laura: i knew we would get in trouble with this. jimmy will be in new jersey next weekend, follow me on social media. i have rose growing trouble. jesse next. todd: a packed city bus hijacked by a convicted felon with a gun leading to one of the wildest police chases caught on camera. we ll show you the pursuit and takedown that brough

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