The cherry on top is not always as delicious as it beckons you to believe. Those who look up to their leaders as infallible are often too soon disillusioned by their fallacies, double standard and hypocrisy being the most common of them.
An ex-confederate soldier and his former black slave were reunited for the last time during a funeral at the Russellville Methodist Episcopal Church South at the corner of Third and
Having lived in New Braunfels for most of my life, it feels oddly disturbing to see long-standing buildings damaged or torn down. It also piques my interest.
इस लेख में हम चर्चा करेंगे, स्टीव जॉब्स की बायोग्राफी "Steve Jobs" पर। यह अमेरिकी बिजनेस मैग्नेट और एप्पल इंक के संस्थापक स्टीव जॉब्स की अधिकृत बायोग्राफी है। इसे जॉब्स के अनुरोध पर CNN और TIME के पूर्व कार्यकारी वॉल्टर इसाकसन द्वारा लिखा गया था, जिन्होंने बेंजामिन फ्रैंकलिन और अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन की बेस्टसेलिंग आत्मकथाएं भी लिखी हैं।