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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160719 10:00:00

the highlight to tonight s activity was melania trump s speech. it turns the night into a catastrophe. this is a plagiarized speech game, set, match on that. what an outrageous disservice to melania trump on that, on the campaign. nicolle wallace talked about the fact that the trump campaign such as it is is not configured like a normal political campaign. maybe you don t need to be configured like a normal political campaign. we know the incongruity between
the theme, the day starting off with the targeting and attacking, ohio governor through the program. hamilton on broadway is a great show, great production. no one leaves it early. tonight in the middle of the show and be clear, this is a show a lot of people left early. this is not a good first night. now you have brought scandal to the prospective first lady. it s a scandal and disservice to her and the campaign. good morning. tuesday july 19th. live from cleveland the site of the republican national convention along with joe, me, willie, we have managing editors of bloomberg politics and co-host of with all due respect, mark halperin. ben ginsburg. good day to have ben on. that was confusing late yesterday.
wow, eggs steve schmi i guess schmidt didn t mince words last night. what a catastrophe. steve is one of the guys early on that said trump had what it took to win the republican nomination and maybe even beyond that. that is unfortunate and we re going to talk about the whole day. lay it out. obviously melania s speech at the end was what everybody was talking about. when the speech was over, i could tell she had actually struck a chord, because i started getting texts and e-mails. really. before the internet took up to say, wow, she outperformed. wow, what a great speech she gave. i would say more than usual from friends. even from people who don t like trump. so melania actually outperformed. then, of course, the questions
about the speech, which, i m sorry, if anybody believes she s like bartelby the scrivener and in the back writing this down her self. this is an example of a campaign not built out. the start of daft controversy a few weeks ago. they needed somebody to review everything they put out. it s the same thing with the speech. they had somebody working that said they should fire somebody but there s nobody to fire. let me lay it out. donald trump took the stage first night of the party in cleveland addressing the convention with his live speech with a dazzling entry to queen s we are the champions. just like this breathe. let this breathe. look at this. he knows how to put on a show. he spoke for a few minutes
before putting his wife on the stage where she talked about her journey to america and her husband. i traveled the world while working hard in the incredible arena of fashion. after leaving and working in milan and paris, i arrived in new york city 20 years ago, and i saw both the joys and hardships of daily life. on july 28th, 2006, i was very proud to become citizen of the united states. the greatest on planet earth. and that is what is tragic about this story. the plagiarism turn, because her story is great. her story is different. it got a great applause. within two hours her star turn at the convention the speech she delivered was called into question over two passages that
had word for word similarities with the speech of another aspiring first lady, michelle obama, at the 2008 democratic convention. so here are the sections of those two speeches side by side. from my young age my parents impressed on me. barack and i were raised with the same values. values. for what you want in life. your word is your bond. your word is your bond. you do what you say and you keep your promise. you do what you say you re going to do. you treat people with respect. that you treat people with dignity and respect. barack and i set out to build lives guided by these values and to pass them onto the next generation. we need to pass those lessons onto the many generations to
follow. because we want our children. because we want our children. and all children in this nation. in this nation to know. that the only limit to the height of your achievements. to know that the only limit to your achievements. is the reach of your dreams. is the strength of your dreams. and your willingness to work hard for them. and your willingness to work for them. so the trump put out a statement after the similarities put out on twitter. quote, in writing her beautiful speech melania s team of writers took notes on her life s inspirations and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own accounting. melania s immigrant experience and love for america shaone through in her speech, which made it such a success. for the first speech of her
life, she nailed it. you wake up to this, how did this happen. it s a huge rip-off. she worked so hard on her presentation. it s a campaign so skeletal. they are lucky stuff doesn t happen like this more often given how few work there. no campaign with full apparatus could actually let it happen. it s unfortunate for her because if it hadn t happen the story would be what an incredible job she did. by the end of the day, probably sooner, someone in the campaign will take responsibility for this and have to leave. do you think they will fire somebody? they have to. not only for accountability, they have to take the onus off her. she said she wrote part of the speech her self. one part ends tonight, the other part begins. your wife is going to get to speak to the delegates about
you. right. has she gone over the speech with you? did you practice it on the plane. i went over it once. i wrote it with as little help as possible. so it s worth remembering in 2008 hillary clinton s campaign accused barack obama of plagiarizing then massachusetts governor duval patrick in milwaukee. obama said should have credited it to him. in 1987, remember this, senator joe biden plagiarized a speech by british labor party writer but it was a good speech. seriously, if i were going to plagiarize a speech it would have been that. what frustrates me melania s story and words is effective. she speaks multiple languages. she could have done so much with it and some jerk put in a speech from michelle obama s 2008.
how does that happen? reasons people to be fired, too stupid to be employed. for joe biden to plagiarize is wrong. but joe bide is a democrat, he s a labor party politician. somebody got it in their mind when they were under pressure, stressed out, trying to get this speech together for her to cut and paste michelle obama s speech at the trump campaign. it s one thing to be a plagiarize, it s another thing to be a moronic plagiarist. this is stupid. instead of maybe a coincidence. actually ben againstberg i ve heard great writers who have won pulitzer prizes before talk about how mistakes happen. you jot down notes from this speech and that speech. then when everybody is in a rush, you cram it together.
somebody else picks it up and says this is a good line, that s a good line. oh, that s a good line. then they put it together. i m not making it hold on. i m not making an excuse for the campaign but i guarantee nobody is saying i ll cut and paste. what i m saying, it was a sloppy process. they didn t have enough people. this is why you need a campaign staff, so there s somebody there that said, you know what, this is a great line. unfortunately michelle obama did it eight years ago and that would happen in a normal campaign. there are programs you turn it through. you have your own people look at the speech to make sure nothing like this happens. this is somebody who changed a couple of words in it and thought changing a couple of words made it okay. what you can t estimate is what a sucker punch it is, a punch to the solar plexus.
this is bad. this is bad. trying to build momentum is difficult with something like this being talked about. they had no other news they talked about. some decent speeches, nothing anything like the magnitude of the quality of the rest of her speech. as i said, if it weren t for the plagiarism, i think the story of today would have been triumphant first night where she spoke quite movingly about her husband. and could have put to risk a day that began in that seat where paul manafort took on governor kasich saying he s embarrassing the state, a floor fight over the rules and washed away by melania s speech. instead you have a day that began with john kasich being attacked. in his own state. in his own state. booed the person attacking john kasich booed by this crowd. that doesn t happen on morning joe. that s a record. then later in the day the chaos on the house floor, then this.
we still have to get to that. a totally forgettable, in some ways kind of ugly, not well done two hours before her they needed melania s speech to go well so the rest balanced out. they were there until this got discovered. just to go back, to be serious about this, i understand how mistakes can be made and i understand how people under pressure do dumb things. but even under your explanation, what are you doing elizabeth s dole s 1996 speech or nancy reagan speech, study old republican speeches makes a lot of sense to me, why you would have looked to inspiration for past republican first ladies. i don t know why you re looking at michelle obama s speech if you work for donald trump when your nominee criticizes him every day. the moronic party of it, her story trumps some of the problems the campaign with the whole issue of immigration, being globally connected. she could really have had a speech that said who she was,
what her talents are, which are many, and how committed she is to them. that would have been amazing and multi-lingual. here is the danger. tonight is in some ways the weakest night of speakers. again, the way these are scored, a good knit or bad night. that s the way it works. tonight they have to find a way with this speaker lineup. what goes on tonight? don jr. on tonight after that a drop-off in terms of names. the panel, paul ryan. good luck. neither one of those guys. they can be have could be interesting. they cannot have another bad night. let s talk about mitigating this damage really quickly. if you re in regular campaign, somebody is fired by 9:00. i would say by now. trump comes out with combination of humor and regret. says sorry. he s not going to say he regrets it.
i regret so-and-so s action. she did a good job, we should have been better and some sort of joke. that s a normal campaign. who gets fired. they have to find out who they did it or who they are going to say did it. the chief of speech writing? there is not a chief of speech writing. it s spread out. they have hired a few people who help out with different parts of the convention, and there are some old time convention folks who were helping to draft the speeches. let me make a prediction for you. he will not apologize. he will not fire anyone. he ll say the media is obsessing over a couple of lines in a speech, the world is spinning out of control and i m the man to fix it. look at media talking about minutiae. i m just saying i ll bet a plate he doesn t fire anyone.
his wife. it behooves him to be a little upset. i think that wouldn t hurt. listen, they fired the guy he was closest to personally, corey lewandowski because the kids pushed him to fire corey lewandowski. if he was going to get rid of the guy who he was closest to personally i think they may fire somebody to protect his wife. you can t let something this sloppy affect his wife stand. you read what you just saw, she claims she wrote the speech. she said most of it. i m saying, they have to clean it up. the statement they put out in the middle of the night said the speechwriters wrote it. they are taking that back. the convention kicked off under the theme of make america safe again with speakers painting a dark picture about the state of this country and threats from around the world. the event put heavy focus on threats from overseas and former
navy s.e.a.l. marcus luttrell who survived a battle in taliban spoke an inspirational tone. the world outside our borders is a scary place. america is the light and her people are the goodness that grows from that. she ll always be worth fighting for and it was my greatest honor to fight for her every day of my adult life. and one of the most memorable moments of the night came from patricia smith, the mother of a state department staffer slain in the 2012 benghazi attack. i blame hillary clinton personal personally for the death of my son. that s personally. in an e-mail to her daughter shortly after the attack, hillary clinton blamed it on terrorism. but when i saw hillary clinton she sure is. she sure is. she lied to me and then called me a liar.
when i saw hillary clinton at shawn s coffin ceremony days later, she looked me squarely in the eye and told me a video was responsible. since then, i have repeatedly asked hillary clinton to explain to me the real reason why my son is dead. i m still waiting. there was a lot of commentary last night about how republicans were using trotting out parents whose children had been victimized, had been killed, acting as if this were the first time that ever happened. it s worth noting this is not the first time this has ever
happened. certainly not limited to the republican party. in 2004 democratic campaign of john kerry featured gold star mothers of soldiers killed in the iraq war. last night, though, was it was tough to look at. it was tough to look at these parents. it was tough to listen to some of these people. extreme grief. they were in extreme grief. i was just sitting there wondering how that worked. i know it was very strong inside the hall but was that too tough for people at home to watch patricia smith struggle through that or was it gripping? i watched in the hall. it was gripping in the hall. people thought it was emotional and moving. on tv i don t know. this is a very emotional issue for a lot of people in the country and she symbolized that. i do think it is taking a personal thing and making it political. some people will find that over
the line. what do you think, ben? it s an indication of what we re going to be seeing for the rest of the campaign, both that appeal to emotion on these hot button issues combined with what melania s speech is supposed to be. it s that yin and yang. mothers whose children killed by guns in a political contest. you re going to have several high profile it was raw. while the moment was gripping and disturbing, also you couldn t stopwatch it. you wanted to hear what she had to say. you were with her. while this woman was speaking on stage wait a second. i know what you re about to say. remember, we all went to see hamilton, a lot of times when
the aaron burr character was singing, the lead actor actually went outside smoked a cigarette. smoked a cigarette and was performing in the street. wait, why are you undercutting what s going on on the stage. this happens. i didn t know what you were getting at, joe. that was a long-winded way while this woman was speaking at the podium last night about the death of her son, donald trump was on the phone with fox news discussing recent attacks with police and, in fact, taking away attention from his own convention. certainly in some instances they are. certainly they have ignited people and you see that. you see that all over. it s a very, very serious situation. we just can t let it happen. now, everybody is free to say what you wan to say up to a
point. but when you re calling death to police, kill the police essentially, which is what they said, that s a real problem, bill. that s a real big problem. somebody tweeted later on that he was on the golf channel later in the day. i doubt that s the case. how bizarre is that? your own show. pretty bizarre. mark halperin. counter-programming. what s also interesting, patricia smith representing benghazi, a big theme in conservative circles. in this campaign you would think that would be broadcast on fox. it just shows how overwhelming plagiarism thing is going to be. there were a lot of snafus, the rest by the delegates, attack on john kasich, none of that would be getting much attention today. instead melania plagiarism turns the whole day into a negative. this is the end of a string of
failures as opposed to her speech they need to clean it up fast. they need to clean it up this morning to protect her. yes. still ahead on morning joe, two top senators on the push to unite gop. republicans tom cotton and john barrasso are here on set plus former attorney again ken cuccinelli whose threw cre tensions on the floor after failing to shab up the convention floor. tomorrow, governor chris christie. you re watching morning joe. right back live. my cousin s wedding is coming soon. i like the bride more than the groom. turquoise dresses. so excited.
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the chairman of the convention walked off the stage and left it completely unattended for five minutes. i ve never seen anything like this in my entire life.
this is a very simple, standard garden variety procedural mechanism we were employing to ask for a roll call vote. we don t regard that as unusual. wow? a long way from utah. what happened? he was very good yesterday on the floor. he was very good. he didn t become enraged even though he could have. he was like, what the heck, this is just wrong on so many levels and i m waiting to see how they fix it. the unity was not present yesterday on the convention floor yesterday afternoon as supporter sought roll call on convention rules. it was a vote they were bound to lose. give them an opportunity to register their dissatisfaction. they were joined by conservative delegate led by former attorney general ken cuccinelli and senator mike lee whose changes to rules were blocked last week. party leadership was able to halt the roll call vote which led to a shouting match in front of all the tv cameras with
resting delegates screaming shame while other chanted trump. some delegate registered disappointment while another delegate claimed to have been threatened. this is really appalling. this is the party of law and order? i was an attorney general. that matters to me. if you won t obey your own rules, there s no reason to think you ll obey any others. here we ve got rnc trampling their own grassroots delegates. when i opened the bat room there, there were two women there. they told me i was really stupid. i kind of blew it off. they said, no, we re serious, you should die. it was surprising they really tried to threaten and put us down, maybe in hope to get rid of us. that s horrible. was yesterday much ado about nothing or is that doing to have impact? it s symbolic. we had our own eruption in 2012.
it brought up something constantly a dampener on grassroots enthusiasm during the course in the fall. this was a little more dramatic. the fact they were able to gather sufficient petitions to be able to demand a roll call forced this sort of tension that came about. the whips needed to pull people off the floor and get them to change their votes. i would be shocked if people weren t brought back to paul manafort for the final sell. all in all, probably not what trying to do. there may be an app for plagiarism but there s not for that. this is the sort of thing is it better to go ahead and run over them in front of everybody or actually have the vote of people voting against trump over three hours. it came to the conclusion it was the lesser of two evils to do the steamroll. do you agree with that? it probably shouldn t have gotten to that stage.
if they had gone through with the vote, there were 3 or 400 delegates pledged to donald trump, not necessarily trump supporters. so the number the roll call would have gotten, even though it would have lost would have been an embarrassment. better to steamroll and not throw off the convention. what would that look like, people actively voicing displeasure with donald trump? because the final number the final number would have been bad. it would have thrown off the program by a couple hours. melania trump might not have been in prime time if they had gone through the roll call. you start thinking about convention management, time management. mark halperin, you had steam rolling and everything else. it made it look like the convention started out split. you ve got paul ryan with comments yesterday you showed me, pretty remarkable what paul ryan said yesterday and suggests this party still is in need of
coming together. i think it s important, put the band back together, people he s worked with, given divisions in the delegations they have done a pretty good job keeping this from spiraling out of control. there s no doubt there are people here not enthusiastic. one of the most striking thing about the convention is the number of people we all run into here who have been on conventions that say, you re on board now. not really. talk about the ryan comments. according to ap he spoke to wisconsin delegation, never mentioned donald trump, the party s nominee. later asked about it said he s not my kind of conservative. this is a divided party. yesterday paul manafort spoke at a breakfast across the street, what about the bushes not being here. well, it would be great to be here, but if we re going to have an enemy, the bushes are fine because they represent the establishment. wow. i think it s 100% true it s
obvious, spent time on the floor asking, are you enthused? is your delegation enthused? half said we re excited, half said we re not excited but we re here for unity. we have to stop hillary clinton. it s not unusual to find people like that at past conventions. it was a bigger proportionate past conventions, not excited about trump. i think the floor stuff i think totally doesn t matter. in the afternoon, no one paying attention. a big night in prime time. you do well between 10:00 and 11:00, all this party attention, who got steam rolled, 3:00 in the afternoon. we re part of that coming on. we ll see if they feel the same way you do. coming up the feud between donald trump and ohio governor john kasich keeps on going. we re going to play out for you what they both said about each other yesterday. plus the mayor of this great city of cleveland frank jackson. she spent summer binge-watching.
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now you can watch nbc s coverage of the rio olympic games live at home or on the go. up next mike barnicle joins us for must-read opinion pages. tomorrow we ll talk to house majority leader kevin mccarthy. there is a big name tonight.
chris christie is speaking tonight. yeah, halperin. he ll be on morning joe tomorrow morning. right back with much more morning joe live in cleveland. i m hillary clinton and i approved this message. who do you talk to for military advice right now? well, i watch the shows. i mean i really see a lot wbr id wbr21771 of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows. while donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, hillary clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. a reduction in nuclear weapons. took on vladimir putin. and stood up against the trafficking of human beings. a steady leader in an unsteady world. i thought my bladder leakage meant my social life was over. wearing depend underwear has allowed me to fully engage in my life and i m meeting people. unlike the bargain brand, new depend fit-flex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you ve been missing. get a free wbr id wbr22091 sample at think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? reconnect with the life you ve been missing. not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they re daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. /b
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can donald trump win in ohio? i think it s real hard if you don t have a unifying message. i won the first time on the basis of really bad economics here. the second time i won one of the largest victories but pulled everybody together because ohio, you know, it s really really it s a snapshot of america. if you go too hard one way or too hard the other, it s very difficult to win. if you re not a unifier, it s a real challenge. i have to also tell you, frankly, i ve been a little surprised at the intensity of the opposition to hillary. ohio is still up for grabs but that person who can give some
hope and unity and a vision i think is the one that will win the state of ohio. it s a very tough state to win. look, i beat him very badly. i won 38 states, i won the highest number of votes in the history of the republican party. if i were him and got beaten that badly, i wouldn t show up either. he has a problem, though, he signed a pledge. from a standpoint of honor, i think he should show up. if this were for the democrats he should least show up and say, hello, how are you doing. he got beaten very badly. he should have left many weeks earlier than he did. do you think he s being a sore loser. i don t want to say that. you know what, it was a very contentious primary. he lost very, very badly. maybe if i were in his position, i wouldn t show up either. oh, my goodness.
obvious ly a back and forth with paul manafort saying john kasich was embarrassing himself and the people of ohio. that fight tumbled into the evening on o reilly. during the convention. but let s keep the story moving that started late last night with melania trump s speech and plagiarism. we suggested they get it behind them very quickly so they can move on tonight. it does not appear they are not following our sage advice. are you kidding me? former colleague, cnn reporting just now. just talked to paul manafort. he said there was no plagiarism. the lines from melania trump s speech were not lifted. he was asked, was it plagiarized? quote, of course not. do you hear our crowd. these are common words. america, did the line seem
lifted? it s always a good idea to keep the story going. this is the sale man that came on the show and called john kassig an embarrassment. why do we think paul manafort ought to look for another job. i m serious. that guy is so negative. that guy is so divisive. what does he do besides create trouble. forget that for a second. that s your view. are you discounting what i m saying? i m saying you have your pibb. that is my opinion. that s why i said i m sure you have your opinion. do you guys agree? [ applause ] but be that as it may, and that s mika s opinion, guys, we ve got a crisis management issue here, leadership. the crisis manager is a little when you make a mistake and it s clear you make a mistake, you get it behind you as quickly as possible. there have been problems before in the past with this campaign where they let things just bleed
and bleed and bleed. in this case, don t they have to finish it quickly? get some other news out there to try to overwhelm it, which i don t know they have to do. this will be the story of the day until they do something to change the story of the day. maybe they don t understand, john, and there s no reason why they should because this is the first time they have been in this business but every day is a win or a loss, a win or a loss. you know what, by the fourth day, i was saying on the air mitt romney blew it at his convention, it was a disastrous convention and it was going to cost him in the fall. you don t realize how tight of a timeframe you have here. you can t lose a day and three days from now and say, you know what, the pressure is too big, we re going to have to fire somebody. they need to do it now. as you pointed out paul manafort has done it before. he s got a lot of experience and a lot of experienced deputies. they can t claim they have never done a convention before.
i do think when people make it over and over it s cliche, convention and speeches are the last things they have control over that are big opportunities to reach millions of voters. the debates are not in their control. the fall is crazy. this is the moment they have under their complete control. so what are you going to do today? are you going to let this be a two-day story or just take the hit and move along. there s three options. she did it her self, which would be unfortunate. someone did it who can t be fired on the campaign. someone did it who can be fired on the campaign. until we know the facts of who did it, it s hard to know. this is the candidate s wife. this is about you ve got to protect the candidate s wife. i think the candidate probably ultimately has to do that, but something has to happen. no one is going to accept
paul manafort s position. nobody. why does paul manafort think he can say things like that and run over people. the facts are such that they have no other choice. the facts are so bad. somebody they can t fire? my questions. that is not going to be something that can be suspended. saying this is not plagiarism. why wouldn t they fire someone. if they fired someone, what would be the point. the big question paul manafort, let s get paul manafort s statement up and we ll roll it again and we ll let america decide. again, paul manafort can just say, listen, we ll talk about it later. but to say it s that position. while we re queueing this up, if their official position is it s not plagiarism, we re going to run it again. not because we want to but because their campaign is
doubling down and so we ll let americans decide. let s do it after the break. i don t think we have time. do we have time, dan? no more time. washington post robert costa is joining us. robert costa, i really like what he s doing with his hair. it s a total mess. it s like bed head. we re not talking about the mayor frank jackson who has fantastic hair. fantastic hair. he joins us next. we ll talk about the security challenges surrounding the convention and ongoing struggles with community policing across the nation. morning joe is coming right back.
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it s just about 50 past the hour. joining us mayor frank jackson, mayor of cleveland. how are you? welcome to the show? thank you. welcome to cleveland. we re glad to be back. absolutely. have you enjoyed your self? absolutely. we have a week ahead that s going to be fascinating. don t you think? i hope so. let s rephrase that.
we re trying to avoid anything too fascinating. tell us how you re handling security here. it feels like the city is locked down and safe. that s what our goal is to have a successful convention for the party so they can do what they need to do but to also have a safe and secure convention in terms of visitors, delegates, police, protesters. i noticed make of the protesters weren t where they were supposed to be. do you have a lot of problems with that? that s what protesters do. if you give them a clear script to do something, they will do whatever you told them not to do is what they do. but we ve had experience with demonstrations and protests before. so we take an engagement approach, community policing and engagement approach. if need be, we ll do whatever we need. mr. mayor, i happened to encounter your police chief, chief williams yesterday. very impressive.
very low key in the way he s handling all the demonstrators. but there seems to be some concern among a few of the police i was speaking to yesterday about the boundaries of the open carry law. are you at all concerned about it and would you like to have had the ability to prevent the open carry law from being employed here at least during if you re asking my preference, i would prefer we not have open carry, but it is the law of the land. since it is the law, we enforce the law. not only do we enforce it to allow the open carry but we enforce it in terms of letting those who do that understand what their parameters are. so his job and the police job is to enforce the law and not allow people either way to go beyond their boundaries. you ve seen a lot of this, mr. mayor and the country has seen a lot of it, tension in
police, dallas, baton rouge and cleveland, certainly had its own taste with shooting death of tamir rice. how are you changing that dynamic in cleveland? what are you doing to work to make that relationship better between police and the communities they police? it s an ongoing effort. there s no one thing. anybody tells you i do this and we re going to be okay, panaceas don t work. it has to be an every day ongoing situation where you engage people. it s pretty hard to do harm to somebody you actually like. so we have a police policy of engagement, community policing, interacting with people. the one thing that we are focused on is a lot of training. a lot of good training. also we re encouraging police officers who have urban experiences because of urban conversation and urban behaviors
distinctly different than other behavior. very aggressive. because it s aggressive does not mean it s going to do anything or go any further than that. but those police officers who don t understand that conversation or that behavior may take it as a threat. so we want police officers to be engaging but also to understand who are you policing and being part of it. go ahead, mike. do you have a sense of how many members of the cleveland police department police officers live in the city? we once had a law that required all to live here, all employees of the city of cleveland. the state passed a law saying you could not enforce that. so i don t know what that percentage is now. but it s higher than what people anticipated it would be once the state law passed. thanks so much for having us here in cleveland.
we really appreciate it. thank you. thank you. up next, the very latest on the controversy swirling around melania trump s keynote address at the convention. what the campaign just said in response to charges of plagiarism. chuck todd and robert costa join us with their latest reporting. morning joe is back in a moment live from the convention.
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all the way to november. there will be good times and hard times and unexpected turns. it would not be a trump contest without excitement and drama. welcome back to morning joe. so this is, mika, pretty remarkable. the world we live in. we saw this early on morning joe when willie, you and i started the show, would go on at 6:00. at 6:01 we would get an e-mail from david axelrod saying that s not right. the clintons would say it s not right. we would read a statement at 6:03. we would then get a statement from hillary clinton camp and howard would go, that s not right. so it was in realtime. what we had last night were a lot of people falling asleep saying, wow, melania trump
outperformed expectations. she really put a great checkmark on day one. then we wake up this morning and ka-boom. as valerie jarrett said the morning we were talking about stan mcchrystal and said he s going to be fired, he s going to be fired. she told politico the next day and said i saw a cloud rising over morning joe and i knew we were in for a turn. that s what happened. we went to bed last night thinking, wow, she did a great job. we wake up this morning and suddenly the world we live in, everybody was working through the night and we find out that there s this plagiarism. last thing i saw as i went to bed last night was chuck todd on nbc sorry about that, you put me to sleep. we were talking about the speech. we said, wow, for someone who stepped on a stage for the first major speech of her life really, she did a great job.
then you wake up at 5:00 or 4:00 in the morning to this story about plagiarism. or 5:59. the thing we talked about this morning, boy, did they botch the order of that last night. can you imagine? why didn t they end with melania. by the way, the delegates thought the night was over. they all left and johnny ernst, a nice moment that should have been at 10:30. i don t think convention order is the problem. no. the problem this morning is melania s speech. donald trump took to the stage on the first night of the party s gathering in cleveland, as you saw there, addressing the convention before his wife s speech with a dazzling entry. i could watch this over and over. over and over again. look at that. let it stretch out.
impressive looking. thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you very much. we re going to win so big. there is a word for this in greek theater. epic. huge. what do you think freddie mercury thinks of this? looking down. he spoke for only a few moments before welcoming his wife on the stage where she talked about her journey to america and her husband. i can tell you with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as i have known him. with all of my heart, i know that he will make a great and
lasting difference. donald has a great and deep and unbound determination and a never give up attitude. i have seen for years to get the project done or even started, and he does not give up. if you want someone to fight for you and your country, i can assure you he s the guy. wow. so within just hours, two hours of her star turn before the convention, the speech she delivered was called into question over two passages in the speech that had word for word similarities with the speech of another aspiring first lady, michelle obama at the 2008 democratic convention. here are the two sections side by side. from a young age, my parents impressed on me
barack and i were raised with so many values. same values. that you worked hard for what you want in life. you work hard for what you want in life. that your work is your bond. that your word is your bond. you do what you say and keep your promise. that you do what you say you re going to do. you treat people with respect. that you treat people with dignity and respect. barack and i set out to build lives guided by these values and to pass them onto the next generation. we need to pass those lessons onto the many generations to follow. because we want our children because we want our children and all children in this nation. in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievement. to know that the only limit to your achievements. is the reach of your dreams.
is the strength of your dreams. and your willingness to work hard for them. and your willingness to work for them. i ve got to say that james comey talking about hillary clinton and clips between what hillary clinton said at the u.n. press conference and what james comey said nine months later proving that what she said was just not true, that was a devastating clip that our crack staff put together early on. chuck todd, in its own way, this is extraordinarily devastating, too. we just wonder what they are going to do to get behind it because right now paul manafort is doubling down. let s read the statement moments ago trump campaign chairman paul manafort responded, quote, there is no
cribbing of michelle obama s speech. these were common words and values, and she cares about her family. things like that. she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama s words is crazy. this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton how she seeks out to did he mean her and take her down. it s not going to work. went on to say, what she did was use words that are common words. to expect she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech would be last night is really absurd. so chuck, this is what we would call taking a bad situation and making it worse. seriously there are other ways, other ways to explain as mark
halperin said last hour, if they don t fire somebody there s a reason, because the person responsible cannot be fired. that s the only explanation. that s it. that statement is even worse this morning because of the statement they put out four hours ago. which i didn t understand that statement, which to me was their version of saying, we don t know yet. we have it. go ahead. the trump campaign issued a statement after brought out on twitter. her beautiful speech, melania s team of writers took notes on her life inspirations and in some instances used fragments of her thinking. melania s experience and love for america shone through. some instances. this is their way of admitting they messed up.
what manafort did this morning has now made that statement seem false. manafort. obviously a great story of what occurred overnight, which we ll all eventually figure out. this is a test for them. if they can t put this out by prime time tonight they are in danger of having half the convention being dominate bid this. you can t waste half the convention. by the way, if they don t think robert costa that something like this doesn t stop the campaign dead in their tracks, i suggest they go back to the fall and winter of 1987 and see how joe biden s entire campaign was stopped dead in its tracks over plagiarism charges. the statement last night and paul manafort this morning, it s really not that surprising to see because there is a culture of defiance within the trump
campaign. there s a sense. and trump. enabled by trump, driven by trump, shaped by the candidate. it comes from the candidate down. based on my reporting last night, jason miller, the communications adviser, paul manafort, they took about an hour or so to come up with this statement huddling together, and there was a sense within the trump campaign a few blocks away as they were thinking this through that the press is the problem here, the press is stepping overboard. that s the way they think about it. i don t think they are thinking that this morning. they just can t. look at the tape. this is not us. they can t be thinking that this morning. from some conversations i ve had this morning, they are not thinking that this morning, that this is the press. this is an internal problem they have got to fix. i ve got to say, paul manafort is not helping things at all by coming up with statements last night that didn t make sense and
making them operative this morning four hours later. i don t know how a corner painted by the statement manafort put out, in no uncertain terms, this is not plagiarism, without them going back manafort has just put a target on his back. now the way you fix it is by firing paul manafort. two days in a row, you could argue that manafort himself, a manafort statement has caused a bad half of a news cycle. manafort statement, chuck todd, made i believe before 7:00 a.m. drove news all day. the governor of this state, who is pretty popular, right? saying he s embarrassing himself and the irony if manafort had simply said, we respect the
governor. we know he s popular here. we re looking forward to him coming on the campaign at some point. by the way, nobody is talking about john kasich. nobody is talking about him on the first day of the convention, unless manafort. the one thing manafort was hired to do initially was what, make sure the convention didn t overthrow the results of the primary. half a day to make sure that point is right. that half went well. there s a looming question here, you look at the initial statement, they have this phrase, a team of writers. a team of writers. a team of writers. still not clear trying to figure out, who is part of that team of writers. steven miller main campaign speechwriter. based on what i heard he did not participate in melania trump s speech. this had to be up here. three speeches that matter in the convention, just three.
the nominee, the vp nominee the wife. the first lady. and ivanka. now ivanka s is even more important. but that speech, that speech. you know they didn t do it on purpose. let s stipulate that. this is not something planted on purpose. someone made a mistake. many people make a mistake. this the kind of thing you need suspenders to catch it. videotape doesn t lie. someone made a mistake. that person has to be identified or they have to make a scapegoat. what does it say about the campaign did they make it through the belt and suspenders. if you re going to write first lady you go back and review speeches, haven t done this before. somebody obviously read michelle obama s speech. well received. to cut and paste that speech and drop it into a speech that
made it into the teleprompter is something else. they cut an pasted and changed like one word here and there. that s the worst part of it. it s almost if it were totally word for word, you could say cut and paste. they tried to hoodwink google. very strong, just swapping. let s step back a bit and look what happened over the past 12 hours. the speech is made. it got past the vetters. there are no vetters, a couple of cats walking around, wires hanging from above. that s mistake number one. it made it past the vetters. mistake number two, still in this 12-hour time period not even 12 hours, i think it s seven hours. second mistake they make, they put out a statement talking about a team of writers. the third mistake they make, they make three or four hours
later where they say, manafort says, no problem here. there is no vetting, making the statement they put out four hours earlier inoperative. this is exactly what the republican establishment has feared for the past several months that donald trump would not have a team he could put together to run an effective general election. i would dial back and say the mistake started when they put together the speech, whoever it was, and not looking at melania trump and her value. this is a multi-lingual woman with international experience. she could have spoken in several languages. she could have talked about how she came here the right way. it s definitely part of their message. she could have been incredible. i thought her speech, except for the plagiarism, was lovely. but it could have been incredible. she could have been unbelievable articulate. she s a very bright woman. she just missed their nose in front of their face.
it s not that problem. the problem is bob costa, reported on the trump campaign all along, they are stretched so thin. it s not like they even have one person say, okay, you re going to take care of the melania speech. work on it for the next month. that does not exist in the trump campaign. it could have been done in a day. the thing about the trump campaign is the trump campaign is donald trump. what i heard is he flew back to new york last night. he s in new york, his campaign is here in cleveland. he s moderating the news. everyone is waiting to see what mr. trump does. that s kind of the way people talk about trump within his inner circle. he s driving the decision. i have to say, funny you say this, as we ve been talking here, you can picture jason and paul manafort coming up with that statement at 4:00 in the morning, trump seeing it and then manafort. manafort basically parroting
trump this morning. wouldn t be surprised if trump tells manafort that statement isn t going to work. you say, you know what, i m not doing it. it s going to mess things up even more. since i already messed things up yesterday, maybe perhaps i m not playing to form, though, donald trump doubles down. he did it on mccain. he did it on megyn kelly. they are doing her a disservice. she did a lovely job. they wrote a good speech for her. she obviously practiced a lot. beautiful. it would have been the triumphant story of the night. instead they are letting her be out there. i think he will try to create a distraction where they fire somebody. they have to do one or the other. what manafort has done now is ask everybody to play over and over today to judge for themselves whether there s plagiarism now. they have brought more attention to it by denying it. they are denying it, play the clip again.
it s like to protect her they need this is 6:00. to protect melania, who has to be protected. absolutely. as possible first lady. this should be the most important thing they are very quickly this morning. however they do it, if they it s politics, i m sorry. if there s a scapegoat, they have to get this behind them. paul manafort s approach, donald trump s approach in the past won t work. on what grounds do you fire somebody this morning. you just said plagiarism. what are they fired for? for not organizing the campaign in such a way that would have been caught this. who do you fire. whoever the guy that s made news for the past two days. i m not saying paul manafort should be fired. don t you think i am. mika is.
i m just saying if there s nobody to fire on lower levels, then you re going to have to go there. this is not just a metaphor for something, this is an active problem. basic things, as you said before, republicans are concerned about, they can t always do the basic things. trump himself papers over a lot of the weaknesses but this is a problem that embarrassed someone central to the campaign. by the way, let s not forget there are a bunch of angry delegates from yesterday afternoon s session. this is no way to make delegates feel better about the campaign. no. i m not saying anything is going to happen. nothing is going to happen. but they are a pretty angry bunch. you have some delegates i talked to yesterday evening that thought never trump votes were poorly treated by campaign and rnc and the way that rent down. so they are not building new love with their delegate. that would be an
understatement. chuck todd and robert costa, thank you both. look for you throughout the day. still ahead on morning joe what happened to there s no black america, there s no white america, there is just america. what happened to it. where did it go? how has it flown away. rudy giuliani electrofied the audience last night. i m scared. kind of like the howard dean thing. if you were in the hall at the time it sounded far different than it sounded definitely. because inside the hall, he he electrofied the crowd. we re sorry about that. it actually changed coverage of the prime time. everybody turned around, what was that? the crowd went crazy. hear from some of the less conventional speakers as well.
plus washington post chris cillizza has a piece on chris christie s future. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. when my doctor told me i have age-related macular degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look. i m reminded to stick to my plan. including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. mary buys a little lamb.
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is donald trump a messiah? no. he s just a man. a man who wants to give back to his country, america. the country that has given him everything. a country that has also given us so much. now it s time to give back to her. we have a choice in november. hillary clinton wants to be president for hillary clinton. donald trump wants to be president for all of us. let s make america great again,
but let s make america america again. mika, willie. joanie loves where are we? not a messiah. not a messiah. just a man with beautiful diagonal ties. i did not know where you were going. editor of the fix, khris cillizza, also nicolle wallace, and also new york times you can clap for her if you want to. new york times super columnist and superman frank, good to see you here. george w. bush.
you wrote sarah palin. an original work. how does monaco like this happen? could this have ever happened under any campaign you ever worked for, whether bush or mccain? no. why not? because what you never do is subject a family member to this. there are things. the wife. the wife or husband. that is actually, you ve said this before, that s when you were the most fearful. that s when you would spin out the most. you know why? that s when the politician himself or her self is the most anxious. i m sure donald trump was more stressed about his wife s speech than his own. george w. bush far more stressed when laura spoke. the year she spoke at the white house correspondent s dinner was the most stressful in the eight years. so to subject a spouse to what is now going to be a day long controversy is really almost a
pr crime. chris cillizza, how does that happen? well, it shouldn t. it s malpractice, but it s not unique in this campaign. look, in college, the college professors have software, probably high school, that allows you to find common phrases. do they really? you re freaking me out? how else would they kw it s plagiarized. the point is, this is not a high bar checking. this is not 1980 when there was no internet, you couldn t check. also, if you re going to plagiarize a speech plagiarize a republican. democratic nominee s wife. mamie eisenhower. so frank, making matters worse, it seems to me the first rule of crisis management is mitigate damages as quickly as
possible. manafort doubling down saying no plagiarism here when clearly there s plagiarism. not just saying no plagiarism here but i think he put out a statement saying hillary clinton is threatened by other women. i don t know what hillary clinton had to do with this. this was noticed by many people, not the hillary clinton campaign. it s astonishing, we keep being told by donald trump how amazingly he s going to run the country but he doesn t seem to be able to run a coherent campaign or put on a convention without controversy. i love the line, somebody on twitter said to me today, everyone knows that famous slovenian phrase, my word is my bond. there s no wiggle room here. we ve played the tape twice, side by side. they are direct phrases michelle obama spoke eight years ago that melania repeated last night. to come out and say it s not plagiarism, american people aren t dumb. they know their own eyes.
it s such a soft area. people want to forgive a spouse. so easy to say a mistake was made and we are sorry but we re really proud of melania. she didn t do it. fire her speechwriter. what s worse, i think people are tougher on women. they are in a terrible position. that s to nicole s point, this is the worse possible position to put someone in. the only thing i can think of the speechwriter not named and fired is if the speechwriter is a member of donald trump s circle that can t be named and fired. otherwise, this is the sort of thing you would see someone be gone for. to nicole s point, look, it was a mistake. she didn t know about it. to her point, an honest error. this person has been removed. so this person not removed, you have to ask your self, who was the person writing the speech. there s no way anybody would be foolish enough, frank, to lift michelle obama s words and
put them in the speech. we talked about pulitzer prize winners in the past who have been charged with plagiarism, talk about this is what happens. we all know because we all write. you write a lot of things. you get a note from here, you get a note from there. you go somewhere else, you come back, there s a note. again, this one instance, this pulitzer prize winner said, there are some notes here, it happened a while back. i was pulling everything together very quickly and i didn t have the notations there. people would accept that. instead they are just saying this isn t plagiarism. which makes it worse. it can happen, you re reading a bunch of stuff and writing your own thing, you always worry you ll unintentionally have a phrase that came from elsewhere. if they said that, that s human, still sloppy that the campaign didn t catch it. the biggest crime there would be putting in words that are kind of pleasantries, which is
focusing on her story, which is useful. how does she move forward from this? she has not been someone taken to campaigning easily. she obviously doesn t want to play a huge role. you need your spouse in a campaign like this to play some kind of role in the coming months. what does she feel like today and how does she move forward with any poise. credibility has been if i were here, nicole, the thing that would upset me the most, when everybody went to bed last night, they were praising her. praising her grace under fire, her ability to step up on a stage that nobody can even begin to imagine how big that stage is, and she did. that s right. i m just judging this from e-mails and text. it was good. the speech was well delivered. i was in the hall. it was a high mark by a mile. she was elegant, articulate, funny. she delivered the grace note to bob dole. it fell to her to be the person.
what it speaks to, the question i keep asking, why isn t he getting better and why isn t this campaign getting better? she s the first victim of this sort of campaign mired in mayhem. make no mistake, somebody sitting at home and doesn t know politic, this is not about melania trump. no. this is about a campaign that is dysfunctional. careless. that s careless and, again, doesn t have the institutional controls in place that can win general elections. you can t let this happen. it s such an avoidable error. vice presidential role. nothing is happening with any discipline, nothing happening with any thoroughness. you re asking people to let me run the country and this the stuff that keeps happening, how do you give voters confidence in your management. i always said you want to win a republican primary, i can
teach you how to do it in five minutes. i m serious. i can teach you how to do it in five minutes. when i ran at 29, i knew how to win a republican primary. for a little congressional race i didn t pay anybody a dime. i got to the general lec, things started getting more complicated. i said i need help with this. right. for donald trump to think he can win a republican primary and move onto a general election and not do the sort of things we started saying two months ago he needed to do is insanity and that s why we have vice presidential rollout the way it was, as sloppy as it was, and now this. if you go back to last week where he was so publicly ringing his hands about the process. you string through the 60 minutes interview and last night, this is a campaign that is literally screwing the wings on at 30,000 photo and thinks going to get away. don t insult the governor of a state that no republican won
the presidency. a nice guy, too, people like. day one unity, day two, plagiarism. stay with us, chris cillizza coming back later in the show. that s big. i feel good. the unrest that took over the floor over the adoption of the rules. we ll bring in colorado delegate. you love her. she s on my tv show, where is my blackberry. anyhow donald trump : i love the old days; you know what they used to do with guys like that when they were in a place like this? they d be carried out on a stretcher, folks. and you can tell them to go f - themselves! i wbr id wbr56262 could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn t lose any voters, okay? it s like incredible. when mexico sends its people, they re bringing drugs, they re bringing crime, they re rapists. /b
you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. you gotta see this guy - ahh, i don t know what i said, ahh. i don t remember. he s going like, i don t remember! our children and grandchildren will look back at this time. .at the choices we are about to make. the goals we will strive for. the principles we will live by. and we need to make sure wbr-id wbr56862 that they can be proud of us. i m hillary clinton and i approve this message. seconds can mean the difference between life and death.
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sometimes you re better off if you re in a position of strength allowing people to vent and using that as an opportunity to bring the party together. reince priebus is a good chairman and he s decided to plow through. my guess is this is not going to be seen as the right move to maximize. we haven t seen this over a candidate for a long, long time. it s not, in my judgment, good. that was former congressman vin weber reacting to the chaos on the convention floor yesterday. joining us now convention
delegate from colorado and anti-tru anti-trump, good to have you on board. we saw you live on tv. they were trying to ask questions, you were like, i ve got to find my phone. when you re in the midst of that and the distraction is all around and you re trying to do a job. this is the key moment. this is what you ve been working for? this is why she s so good, joe. she s a teacher for high school juniors. so if she can handle them, she can handle a bunch of us. kendal unruh. what happened? notice the fact i m in my funeral attire. you watched the conservative voice in the party yesterday and you had a candidate like donald trump who already had his foot on the oxygen hose. yesterday it was just the strangulation of the voice of
conservatives. actually what happened yesterday, the whole world got to see and that was the shutdown of a procedural move where we were just trying to have our votes counted. and it s very the idea of having a vote and a vote heard and counted is something that s systemic to the core of america. do you expect to get a vote? well, i just wish we would have had a vote. were you surprised watching it they didn t get a vote. actually what we had, we had the coalition we came in with, unbound and free the delegates. we came in with 1100 votes. we had interesting coalition wasn t just about the clause and unbinding, what you saw on the floor, it was actually people truly upset that all the power is in the hands of the rnc. and that is truly what you re seeing the backlash against was just this overwhelming power grab with rnc joined at the hip
now with trump and making sure that the brass roots know they have been disenfranchised. trump has said himself he doesn t need conservatives to within and i guess he means it. there was a walk out by someone yesterday about this. do you have an expectation people will walk out during his speech? here is the deal, it s now organic. they are upset. they want their voices heard and they certainly want to have their votes counted. can you see when it s been railroaded, you can see when it s not a fair process. from day one we said even with unbinding movement, just allow people to vote their conscious. let me bring you back to my specific question. do you plan i know others are planning to walk out. do you plan to walk out during his speech? we are going to do a little more dramatic we re not going to walk out because i don t want our seats filled, i want to make the statement we re displeased so we re going to be reading the rise and fall of the roman
empire. getting ready for the school year. you never know, he may borrow some passages from that. so there s a question of strategy. let me ask you, what are the pros, what are the cons of letting the vote go forward and sort of letting everybody abstain versus not letting the vote go forward and rolling over everybody so you don t have to hear how many people are against donald trump. if there was a vote the programming would have gotten thrown off. finding out how many votes there would have been against donald trump. the other interesting part of it is, this is a lot of rnc internal politics combined with donald trump. it was clear to me donald trump
isn t being injured in this process by the fact a lot of this fight was over actually rnc internal rules and control and the chairman. already, kendal unruh, thank you so much. you don t teach a summer school class. it s going to be interesting what i did over my summer vacation. yes, it is. bring the kids in. thanks for being on. still ahead, the man who had the pleasure of addressing the convention stage while all this unrest was taking place on the convention floor. it was awkward but he got through it, senator john barrasso along with senator tom cotton who spoke last night. morning joe from cleveland is back in a moment.
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senator tom cotton from arkansas spoke last night at the convention. his lovely wife here as well. also with us chair of gop platform committee john barrasso, he s already complaining. why? he s always complaining. last time i got a t-shirt. i ve got some fabulous cups for you. wow, look at that. that s a cup. tom. they told me all access pass. great pens, too. don t say i didn t give you anything. come on now. we need to save some of those. for all of our guests, departing, rice a roni, the san francisco treat. awkward. drove through it. presenting the platform adopted overwhelmingly at times. it was an interesting time we got out there. the crowd came together.
i think they liked the message, which is a conservative message of getting people back to work again. jobs, the economy, national security. out there yelling saying conservatives got crushed. it was the end of conservatism. it s interesting. today the new york times calls republican platform an extreme platform because it s so conservative. so it is a solid conservative republican platform. is the candidate conservative. he s embraced the platform and it s a conservative platform. that s a careful answer. tom cotton, what was it like last night getting up on the big stage. it was a lot of fun. i had a great time getting out. they asked me to prepare about my service and veterans. my dad served in vietnam, my granddad. moving speech, moving story. i wonder, was it hard for you to decide to come and speak for a guy who has been a democrat stop. no, i m serious. this is a question people have to ask.
he s been a democrat 67 of his 68 years. he s taken positions in arkansas, even though i know he s popular there. any problems for you making the decision? for a man who has been a democrat all their life, my father, too, a lot of arkansasans. this is the first time it s been the majority party at a convention. an exciting time for us. it s an example of how to grow our party. we have a conservative platform but conservatives aren t majority in our country. we have to have more than just conservatives to win as republicans. donald trump. i support donald trump. i support the trump/pence ticket and i want to make sure republicans win the presidency and congress and on down the ballot. that s one reason i m here this week. senator, i m a republican. one of my concerns, as republican, is that there are going to be a lot of people that are going to get wiped out in the fall and we may lose the senate. whether you re talking about kelly, whether you re talking
about what s happening in wisconsin with ron, pennsylvania, there are a lot of other states. i m worried about ohio right now. is that a fair concern? we want to hold the senate. i believe we are going to hold the senate. this is an election about change versus more of the same. donald trump represents change. hillary is another four years after eight years of barack obama. the country can t stand that. two-thirds of americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. barack obama has high approval ratings right now. his personal approval ratings may be high. but in terms of the direction of the country, people want fundamental change. they want a successful future with a strong and safe america and donald trump is ready to deliver that. i m sorry, go ahead. on track to win now. going to be changes. if they do, what changes? this is a solid campaign focused on the things that unite americans. jobs, the economy, national
security. the platform is an optimistic appealing platform for people from all on track to win just as they are? i believe absolutely. you take a look at some of these polls in battleground states, whether florida, ohio, pennsylvania, within the margin of error. these are states that don t always go republican. these are states we can win. we have senate candidates very strong candidates on the ballots in each of those states, so i think we are on track to win. we as a party are losing women by 23 points at the top of our ticket. do you even want to win with white men? i m embarrassed. 40% of hispanic vote. narrowed gender gap. are you proud our path to victory is to turn out more white guys?
bring in others. donald trump can t appeal to women. change, more of the same. the platform the most conservative ever. do you think women are attracted to the platform. it s a platform focused on jobs. women are concerned about economy. senator tom a republican. i m worried. thank you for coming on the show. we appreciate it. still ahead, andrea mitchell sits down with the only former nominee. his last name is not romney, mccain or bush. you re watching morning joe.
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so the story of melania speech, who was responsible inside of the campaign. we ll have more on that breaking news. katy tur reporting actually that a campaign source told her each family member was assigned the member of the family.
donald trump made sure everyone knew that the most important family member was melarnia trum. will is a name attached to who is in charge. each person had someone assigned to them. you also heard which staff member was assigned. we are waiting to get confirmation on a third source on that. right now quote this is a save my marriage issue for donald trump. no staffer is safe. there has ban growing discomfort for katy tur and people she talked to that melania has become less andless enthralled and she did not show up because she was angry. she felt like the children had pressured her husband to pick mike pence when he did not want to pick mike pence. right now it s not a campaign pulling apart at the threads.
right now it looks like a fight between family members. i think paul is in the middle of it all. we ll be right back. it appears paul is in the middle of it. we ll be right back. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they re daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we ll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that s another safelite advantage. safelite repair, safelite replace. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as gunnery sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids
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you heard the speech from melania trump you remember portions of michelle obama s speech from 2008. could you make a case for
plagiarism? not when 80% is completely different than michelle obama s speech. almost word for word. at the first day is the worst day because everybody is building up to it. everybody gets about something to cover and controversy to talk about. i think after tonight we ll move onto whatever comes up tonight. no. no. no. we ll be talking about this because it s getting crazy. it s getting absolutely crazy. good morning. we are live again from cleveland at the site of the republican national convention. we have bloomberg politics mark halprin, nicole wallace and chris and political reporter robert costa. joe, you have so let s do a little background before we set the scene.
okay. we have obviously shown clips of melania trump s speech. lines lifted from my shoichelle obama s speech in 2008. mark has been reporting on this. we all have. i have been making calls. katy tur also making calls also obviously. this is what we know right now from what katy tur is reporting and what mark and i have started to dissect and that is that each family member according to katy tur was given a family member they were responsible for. a staffer. a staffer. donald trump made it very clear that the most important family member was melania trump. paul manafort and somebody connected to manafort, he put
one of his most trusted deputies reportedly on melarnia trump. it came under his per view. he was supposed to sign off on it. he did in fact sign off on it. and a speech she did not really want to do. right. a speech she did not want to do. donald trump pushed her into doing this speech, saying it was very important to do. katy tur reporting this morning that melania trump has become disillusioned with the campaign and did not show up with a mike pence selection because she felt like the children had put too much pressure on her husband to select a vice presidential candidate that he was not comfortable with. donald trump also said a source said to katy tur this is now a
save my marriage situation and heads are probably going to roll in the campaign but he is going to fix this. i will tell you, people associated with paul manafort s camp, and we have all heard it this morning, have actually thrown melania trump under the bus and say we have three different reports that s a no. we have three different reporters that have come back saying that manafort are claiming or those close to manafort are claiming that melania trump is the one that added michelle obama s words to the speech. you don t have to have a masters degree in political science to know that that stuff is not going to fly. donald trump reportedly 45 minutes ago still asleep because he got back very late.
he flew back to new york. the guy works 24 hours a day. but he got back very late last night. a lot of this unfolded while he is trying to recover with a four or five-hour nap. i suspect it will not fly well with donald trump. if we are hearing allies are trying to throw his wife under the bus we ll see shake-up sooner rather than later. we are told saturday it is clearly the first time the wife did not come to the have thevice presidential announcement. a lot of people wondered what was going on. even if she inserted the words herself no body believes that. but even if she did a staffer is in charge of her saying where did all of these words come
from? right now there is a lot of tension within the campaign because people are worried there will be a show down today about whether a manafort or trump is the driver of how to solve this. manafort has been putting the blame squarely on melania trump. he really set the convention on a bad course by picking a fight with john kasich. this morning he is throwing melania under the bus. we would say he is not having ra good weechlkt anyone thk. the fastest way to get yourself in trouble is to do a bad job serving the spouse. the spouse doesn t pick this path. it has to be pure upside for the
campaign and pure upside michelle obama had this much good will but melania trump had 100% good will. everyone was roogt far very polarizing political figure. she had an opportunity to soften his very rough edges. this morning all we are talking about is how the plagiarism tack place. i have never seen this before with another family member. it is definitely unprecedented. it was a first day in cleveland. it looked like it would be capped off by donald trump s thr theatrical entrance.
he was a super hero. he was 100% professional. it because fog machine. he is addressing far few moments. he is sort of arnold schwarzenegger versus i don t know what here. melania talked about her husband s ability to lead. my husband has been concerned about her country for as long as i have known him. with all of my heart i know that he will make a great and lasting difference. donald has a great and deep and unbonding determination and never give up attitude. he does not give up.
if you want someone to fight for you and your country i can assure you, he is the guy. it bears repeating this morning when we all went to sleep, we all had concluded and certainly the people we texting me concluded this was a hit, she not only performed but she had exceeded expectations and wowed the crowd and a lot of people across america. i do a winners and losers column. she was number one on in the winners. it wasn t the most amazing speech but you knew she was reluctant to give it. she executed beautifully. she is likable, warm. it was hard for me to believe you would be thinking worse of donald trump. there are is many things that
are frightening about her voice and physicality and yet i had to move her this morning i get all of these e-mails. we can t leave her in winners. now the whole story is not this was a well-delivered speech. yeah, but really i think making it all the more impressive is she was reluctant to give the speech. she is always behind the scenes. yet she did it for her husband, for her marriage. that s what makes this morning, i m sure, all the more galling, that she was let down by a staff member. i was there last night when paul and jason miller, others were leaving, they were being congratulated because of melania
trump s turn. within that time period from midnight to 2:00 a.m. this thing picked up. it became a national story quick. trump is on his way back to new york. it was chaos inside of the trump campaign. the statement took a while to come out. that s where we are right now. and the statement is you cannot reasonable people cannot look at those things side by side and say well, this is not maybe it was just in chris christie s explanation, look, 96% is still plaplagiaris. they had the statement they put out last night and then manafort undercut it. they were all clustered around her phone, what is going on? i haven t heard from her in a
week. the speech had word for word similarities with another aspiring first lady. this is more strange at the 2008 democratic convention. here are the sections of the two speeches side by side. from a young age my parents impressed on me we were. the values. the same values. that you work hard for what you want in life. you work hard for what you want in life. that your word is your bond. that your word is your bond. and that you do what you do. that you treat people with respect. that you treat people with dignity and respect. we set out to build lives and pass them onto the next
generation. we need to pass those lessons onto the many generations to follow. because we want our children because we want our children and all children in this nation. in this nation. to know that the only limit to the height of the achievement. that the only limit to your achievements and is strength of your dreams. and your willingness to work hard for them. and your willingness to work for them. i would ask you if that would have ever happened in the campaign you were involved in. it would have never happened. about a month ago we had a conversation on the set when you said the most nervous you ever were during all of your years with george w. bush and john mccain is when you had to write
something for laura. because it is the thing that makes the candidate in the roller derby rink, as vulnerable as a child. a spouse is so vulnerable when they are exposing their spouse to a public life they did not choose. i think he wanted everyone focused. he would rather more attention and care be paid to melarnia s speech than his own. this is stunning what we just aired. the fact that they were careless with the speech and they are treating her from a surrogate from a state they embarrassed her last night and this morning based on reporting from several sources they are throwing her under the bus. so i still think this all comes back to paul manafort for
some reason. there is something wrong there. mark my words, he is going to have to go. paul manafort is defending the speech in interviews. this is like saying everybody who is listening to me right now, you have stupid. he says to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama s words is crazy. this is an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton and how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. i don t even know what that means. there are a couple of phrases in a it is basically three places in the speech. it is fragments of words. she knew what she was doing. she never cribbed from another speech without acknowledging that she was quoting somebody else. see, those are friends of mine. they are not stupid.
what is he saying? he said 58 words appeared to be lifted and he responded, probably 30 words. about six hours ago the trump campaign issued this statement. in light of writing a beautiful speech they took note on her life s inspirations and in some instances included fragments that included her own thinking. bizarre considering that melania wrote a lot of her speech herself. speaking with matt earlier in the day melania said she wrote most of the speech herself. one part ends and another part begins. your wife is going to get to speak to the delegates about you. did you practice it on the plane? i read once over it and that s all.
i wrote it with a little help as possible. and again, the statement made last night from the team that they scrambled to put together was contradicted when they talked about a team of writers. a team of writers wrote this speech and then this morning und undercut that. i think we are learning a lot about the trump campaign. you have paul manafort doing the cues. you have a candidate that is in a sense isolated. this is a campaign that s grappling with this crisis with only a handful of people. that s what the trump campaign is. just a duck tail of what you said, this is the hardest, most important thing you can do. it s not a hard speech to write. correct. and you don t want to overmanage it. her story
is beautiful. and it was well delivered. the delivery was perfect. it was not an hour-long speech tlch speech. there has been a carelessness that in some way he embrace. he embraces that. no body likes that right now. combine that with a small staff. he has compared to most that his staff and so the vetting process, this would never happen forget democrat and republican. george w. bush, al gore, it is very unlikely this would happen especially to the pospouse. i would think it would be more likely the nominee. the nominee probably cares more about the spouse. let s go ahead and take manafort s allies that it was
melania s i m not even going to do it. let me finish my statement. okay. even if it were her fault that s why you have a staff to say, you know what? we ran it through google and i m afraid you lifted some notes you must have made. so there is no defense for this staff. there is no way to blame melania for this. if you taught this in campaign management school you would find out who is responsible, whether they are the ones that lifted it or not and the persons or people responsible have to quit. it is too big a deal. they can try to blame the press. it is not about the press. the video tape speaks for itself. and again, people are going to see this. it is going to become viral if this clip hasn t already become viral this morning.
they have a choice to make. do they want melania to be the target or want the staff member who let her down. who is the one that should be responsible. and the trump campaign doubles down but it is always trump s skin in the game. now it is his lovely wife in the game. i m really curious to see if he doubles down with her image and her integrity based on the mistake of a staffer. someone said in 2004 we scoured the words of every convention speaker. we vetted every word. not being normal is how he won but not being normal, he will pay a price for it at this point. this is true. all right. still ahead on morning joe. this is the party of law and order. i was an attorney general.
that matters to me. if you won t obey your own rules you won t any others. they are trampling their grass roots delegates. it is a last ditch effort to change the rules dies on the floor. we ll have that when morning joe sh morning joe returns. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet?
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coming up on morning joe, he was the only to come to the national convention. we have bob and his call for party unity. first the chaotic last stand
on the convention floor. plus, more breaking news on this speech went terribly awry. it is not a battle between staff members, it now looks like a battle between family members. stay with us. we ll be right back. we got another one. i have an orc-o-gram for an owen. that s me. you should hire stacy drew. she wants to change the world with you. she can program jet engines to talk and such. her biggest weakness is she cares too much. thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. i m a wise elf from a far off shire. and sanjay patel is who you should hire. thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she s really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay s a team player and uh.
donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue i m hillary clinton and i approve this message. and shoot somebody and i wouldn t lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f - themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don t know what i said, ahh. i don t remember. he s going like i don t remember! enis really built into theat foundation of the company. whole foods market is engaged with pg&e on many levels, to really reduce energy and reduce our environmental footprint. for a customer like whole foods, saving energy means helping our environment, and we can be a part of that. helping customers save energy is a very important part of what pg&e does. we can pass those savings on to the environment, the business, and the community. pg&e really is an expert in saving energy, and that partnership is extremely exciting. together, we re building a better california.
it s basically three places in the speech. it is fragments of words. she knew what she was doing. she never would have cribbed from another speech without acknowledging that she was quoting somebody else. i think that is kind of the end right there. she knew what she was doing. hillary clinton, i know you were going to work this week, don t bother. let s just let this cluster, just play right out. absolutely remarkable that paul manafort said on national
television that we basically have been saying here. people around him and close to him were saying this is basically melania s fault. he just said quote she knew what she was doing. and according to people i was talking to this morning donald trump has been up for several hours. he clearly is quite angry about this mess and no matter what you think of his campaign you have got to feel terribly bad for his wife. that s the focus now of this story. i understand it was the candidate s spouse. and melania not only did well, she exceeded expectations. he gave them something to go
home with, happy. then this morning donald trump wakes up to this nightmare. she stole the show in a sense. it was a very dark evening. yes. your heart goes out to a couple of speakers that spoke, the brothers that lost sons in war. she ended the evening on a very high note on national tv. it ended with her. prime time. and it gave everybody there a reason to go home optimistic. she certainly did. we are not talking about that speech this morning. we are talking about a a campaign, a crisis. it really is. all right. joining us now north dakota gop candidate. a role call vote was not allowed on the convention floor.
it would have let delegates vote their conscious. stirring up trouble. always. jacob was on the floor yesterday reporting in the midst of it. it was hard to follow what was going on. you did a good job figuring it out. i was in north dakota and then yesterday, this is my first. i have a question for you guys, mr. barnicle this isn t all no. it s not always like this. you can go back to reagan and ford in 76 and jimmy carter and ted kennedy, there was chaos there. 1972 68. and the craziest was 1968. what was different here was that gary had petitions and
signatures given to the rnc which is supposed to trigger certain things. what happened is we knew we had to have seven states. we knew they were hiding the secretary from us. we had three sets of signatures. we had got 11 states. what they ended up doing was peeling back and stalling the process. all we wanted was a role call vote. it was going to be no debate. it is unfortunate. you kind of see what happened. manafort doesn t surprise me. the rules committee said we crushed them. is that how you get unity? we crushed them? and two of the guys signing the petitions were iowa and colorado, two swing states. it just seems strange to me the campaign wants to pressure those states to have such negativity
in a situation like this. and tell us about the woman you spoke with. and he joined these guys earlier today. she is amazing. she is a history teacher. her husband is a chiropractor. my back feels great after that. it is crazy to think this woman is the one to take on donald trump. during the pence announcement speech he made it very trumpy to say we took care of the stop trump campaign but it didn t look like that yesterday. zb wh so what does this mean for actually the speech? is there going to be a walkout? there were multiple factions that were part of bringing that forward. so that was really, we just want an up or down vote. for them to come out and take two hours and then call people
with delegates who got phone calls and asking them to take their name off of all kinds of pressure those are wrong tactics. i said he should resign over things like this. this is not america. this is not what we as citizens she in a bad position. and trump campaigns suffered from the internal national committee battles over who will be the nominee after donald trump. so the trump campaign by uniting has actually taken on water not because of issues don t forget sorry. don t forget. don t forget this is not just a stop trump campaign but between the ted cruiz folks. we probably wouldn t have seen this hot mess. they would probably be looking far larger story to overtake this kind of story. oh, my god.
and we heard time and again that trump and the rnc don t have the money they have had in the past. you resigned. how bad is the money situation right now for the trump campaign? i was in the meeting in manhattan when the finance committee came together. the reality is donald trump does not have the funding like normal presidential campaigns would have like romney in 2012. they need the rnc. they need the field teams, all of that done. trump said he is not happy when the checks are written for a half million dollars. i don t know the numbers for sure but when that occurred most of it goes to republican national committee. i don t know how ryan scott on the backside of this, and i think trump said i don t think this is quite fair. it s not anybody s fault but his
campaign s fault. thank you very much. thanks, guys. great reporting yesterday. still ahead, while all of this was going downhi hillary clinton was throwing sharp el w elbo elbows. andrea mitchell joining the conversation ahead. jordan and chelsea were searching for the perfect place for their wedding on oh! yurt. yes! earthy. just rustic. [laughing] oh my gosh. wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uh, how about an island? island, yeah. yeah. yeah. [laughing] were you laughing in your fantasy? yeah! me, too. [gasps] be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress.
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melania trump herself. you have been on the phone with somebody that has confirmed what we talked about today and that is that she stayed away from the pence speech because she was not pleased with the process. just a couple of days she committed news by her absence, by not coming to the announcement of pence. the rest of the family was there. she was in new jersey, not very far away. but now they are saying no big deal. they acknowledging she did stay away for a reason. trump has to deal with something that implicates the man running the campaign. he has been differential about what would happen here in cleveland and now there s a problem to be dealt with. and as we said, manafort supporters of manafort were blaming melania trump for the
plagiarism and manafort went on tv not so long ago and said quote she knew exactly what she was doing. you know, joining us now in cleveland and host andrea mitchell. you have been talking to party officials. and they are trying to just push it off onto manafort, the campaign, anybody but themselves, anybody disavowing anything with this. we heard manafort say these are common words. when you look at the tape no. we are all writers. we all know what we all know what plagiarism looks like. the other piece is there is a lot of party distress over what happened on this program yesterday when manafort trashed kasich. he is a train wreck. this is a great governor. she a great friend, the party
chair. could ohio be anymore important as you know we love cleveland. as you know, andrea, no republican has ever made it to the white house without winning ohio. and he gave the middle finger to ohio. seriously, on live television. and after here did it several other full-timtimes. it even goes back to i don t know what the premises. instead of smoothing things over. as you know, i sat down with bob dole yesterday. he was the only former nominee who was actually here in the hall with a place of honor with the family. talking about if we could show some of that we have that actually. let s take a look at andrea
mitchell talking to bob dole. why did you decide to come? i am a republican. i have been one all my life. i have been going to conventions in 1964, haven t missed one since, and i wasn t going to miss this one. i didn t have the same feeling that my friends, george and george bush had. what is your message to jeb and the former president bush and other former president bush for not showing up? the former president bush has many health issues, so i can understand. but i wish his son, george would have come and jeb signed the pledge to support the nominee and the nominee is donald trump. now, the pledge didn t say they would attend the convention, but
it s implied in my view. so you think he should be coming? yeah, look what the party has done for all of us who have aspired to be president or govern governor, but they decided not to come, so that s their choice. but i bet they watch it on tv. bob dole still has a punch or two in him. yeah, he does. he will be 93 years old on friday. i covered him in the senate and covered him in the campaigns. he was reminiscing about the lack of name calling. he said he didn t support him. six months ago he said he thought trump should cool the rhetoric. he was a supporter of jeb. he talked to him twice, once of trump criticized martinez. he is not happy about that but
he thinks trump is moving in the right direction and is better than hillary. he thinks that hillary clinton is dishonest, the e-mail thing and he think it is system is rigged and clinton should have been punished for what she did with the e-mails. i was just thinking watching it, the first convention i covered was as inintern in 96. there aren t guys like that left in politics anymore. we should treasure bob dole for being there this week. and melania it because lovely moment. undermined by the headlines this morning. and the headlines keep moving. and again, we keyed in on manafort pointing the finger at melania not only off stage but
now onset i think with cbs this morning when he told charlie rose she knew exactly what she was doing. it has been mocked and ridiculed. we are a sort of lot of whiney hand wringers. when you have a campaign, when the stakes are this high, when your wife who is an accomplished businesswoman is humiliated at the hands of your chairman you re paying the price for the pirate ship with your marriage. his marriage is on the line until this is resolved. and the most important member of the family to get it right. well, first of all there are two competing things, the most important member of the family to get it right.
donald says it to them but number two, not the hardest speech to write. she has a great story. there are great things she could have put out there. she is multilingual. this could have been written in two hours. i could have written this speech and it could have been better. i m just telling you, she is an amazing woman. she is a bright woman, a beautiful woman. how could you mess up this speech? why would you need to plagiarzem plagiarize? and from a democratic speech. this work she is doing you could see a laura bush speech! andrea mitchell, stay with us. we ll be right back with much more from cleveland. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close.
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he has shown none of that. let s return to torture and i will order the american military to commit war crimes. what he has laid out is the most dangerous reckless approach to being president than i think we have ever seen. the most dangerous man to
ever run for the united states? i believe that. she is working too hard. she is working too hard right now. take a break. she can save it for next week, right? that was hillary clinton who campaigned with brown in cincinnati, one of many names said to be under consideration as a possible running mate. andrea, what do you think? i don t think it is brown. i think she is focused on not picking a senator who would be relaced by republican governor state. very concerned about that balance of power. i think it could be tim cain. she fluent in spanish. fluent in spanish says a lot. she will be rolling this out in florida. and he has been a senator. two-term governor. battleground state. yeah.
what s that? one-term governor because it is virginia. and against mike pence. i think there were concerned her pick could be overshadowed but she needs somebody safer. i think it will be a hard-fought campaign. you know, mark has been saying this. look, you need a solid partner. she saw the joe biden relationship. she has seen the relationship before it went off the tracks for other reasons. she wants compatibility. yeah. and you have said before trump trump looses by being disqualified by hillary and a h solid pick shores it up. right. and picking someone so solid
whose character has not been questioned is a smart bet. and chris christie join us for his first interview following his speech tonight. what if anything we ll learn. we learned a lot today. so much. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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[smokey whistling a tune] i m guessing smokey liked that idea. ssoon, she ll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she ll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he ll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. welcome back. it has been a very eventful
morning joe. what did you learn today? i think hillary should relax and take a break. i know she was going to work all week but that s great show happening. what did you learn? trump has held up for three hours. we ll see how much longer it continues. we ll see. bill, what did you learn? you got to learn the plagiarism program before there is an app or something. what did you learn? that willie is right for now. what did you learn? melania trump paid the price for trump s sloppiness. and that we can never overestimate trump s wife being humiliated on this campaign. i think we learned she rose to the occasion. she gave people that went to the convention a reason to leave
with a spring in their step and the campaign staff let them down. paul manafort has no problem throwing melania trump under the bus going on tv saying quote she knew exactly what she was doing and saying that at the same time many of his supporters were throwing melania under the bus. my gut is that s a no no. stephanie picks up our coverage right now. good morning. i m stephanie live from cleveland, ohio. it has been a wild and controversial time following the first night of the republican convention, donald trump s rock star entrance overshadowed by melania s

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160823 23:00:00

running for vice president of the united states. cool. sometimes it s humbling being v.p. nominee. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. here s greta. tonight, donald trump is demanding an investigation into hillary clinton and the clinton foundation. the amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. donald trump lamented campaign manager kellyanne conway goes on the record. good to see you, greta. your boss wants a special prosecutor who is going to appoint. they indicated they are not going to do any more investigating. donald trump today got
the support of his vice presidential nominee the chairman of the republican party. mayor giuliani and many other people who just want to get to the bottom of this. to answer your question, greta, i would hope that this administration, who called itself, quote, post partisan and the most transparent administration in history would do the right thing here appoint a special prosecutor so that all of us can know what s happening. it doesn t look good and it doesn t look good for somebody who was already distrusted by a majority of americans as dishonest and untrustworthy. you have seen the numbers. you have more than half of the meetings resulting in people who gave to the clinton foundation, upwards of $156 million. and i also just think it s untoward but i also think it s lazy. members of congress who raise money they leave their congressional offices and they walk across the street to the republican committees. to the democrats frankly to their committees you make the phone calls there because you are not allowed to do it on federal property. we should not allow the state department to be
concierges for foreign donors who want access to the clinton foundation who has little access to the state department, period. why do you think the fbi director comey said that he basically shut down the investigation? do you think it was political or do you think that based on his good judgment and his experience as a prosecutor that this was an investigation that should go no further? i will try i would imagine that director comey is exhausted by hillary clinton. he went ahead and he gave out what he thought was a report to go against indicting her for, you know, for her email server but made very clear to all of us in the public that he knows she didn t tell the truth. that she basically lied about using one device. lied about how many emails contained national security information. lied about how many emails were classified, et cetera. and lied, you know, lied certainly by deleting them all. i think he is just exhausted by that that doesn t mean as we learn more facts that he can t change his mind and we can t go through the other route which is through a special prosecutor.
kellyanne, nobody knows polling better than you do, i don t think. tell me this why was all the pounding on secretary clinton about all these emails the last six weeks and including just roongtly that the numbers don t change between your candidate and secretary clinton? do you think the american people and american voters don t care about these emails? i know they care about having a transparent honorable and accountable government run by somebody trust one way or the other and accountable. these things take time to foment. all the reasons you laid out is precisely by hillary clinton s floor and ceiling in the ceiling are so dangerously close together. for all of the advantages she has, for somebody who has not held a press conference in 262 days and there is no press outrage about it practically, why in the world is she not at 60%? why isn t she at 70% among women? it s a great question. there is a reluctance that you see in these polls that is holding hillary clinton back from really putting away donald trump. and i think you are going to start to see all the people who had an excuse to vote
against her will now find more of a reason to vote for him. if you say to yourself as apparently a majority of americans do in the polling, greta, that you don t like her and you don t much trust her, what in the world then can you say but i think i will vote for her? that s where a lot of americans on the fence keeping 50 to 55% in most of these states are right now. explain your candidate s polls. he doesn t have very high number favorables either. explain his to me. there is such a difference in why hillary clinton and donald trump have unfavorable ratings. you know, with donald trump, you hear from people u a combination of i don t like what he said or how he said it but for her they think she lies for a living. they actually think there is a separate set of rules for the clintons. there is always a budding new thing and never ending scandalabra she always reinforces her greatest negatives. with her i don t like what he said or said it here and there or i m not sure he can
execute and deliver because politicians never execute and deliver. what if he is just the same? that s why he is giving these very specific solution specific policy speeches right now at his rallies where he is telling people shear my 10 point plan to v.a. taking the case right to hillary clinton and the democrats who have been in public office to explain why communities of color have unemployment rates and crime rates and homelessness rates that really are unacceptable to all of us as americans. i think for him the reason that it sometimes is distaste for things that he says, for her it s distrust which is more fundamental character flaw. you caused a buzz this weekend over a possible shift in trump s immigration plan. trump denied that his plan has changed. here is what he said to sean hannity in texas town hall that will air later tonight. we have great people in this country. they shouldn t be here. great people. got some really, really bad gang members and some horrible people. start with them.
those people are going out day one. they are going to be the first order. they re going out day one. i know this question has come up a lot. what about people that work hard, have been here a long time. they own homes. they have their property. this is a question everyone is going to want answered, what about them? do they have to go back or would you reconsider that? we are going to follow the laws of the country. kellyanne, before i get to that, on thursday we were expecting an immigration policy speech from donald trump. that has been taken off the schedule. it was supposed to be in colorado. that s a speech that we inherited. such a complex issue. and he is very clear about what his thoughts on immigration are. that we want to get it right. he is taking the counsel of many different people, greta. he has said he hasn t changed. i have said he hasn t changed because he wants to do a couple things. enforce the law, which would take care of a lot of these issues. and then, also, get rid of the criminals and find
humane and effective way to address the issue that 11 million plus live among us. be fair to the american work and fair to all of us who are looking for jobs or who are also concerned that employers maybe around doing enough to verify who is working in their businesses and living among us. kellyanne, nice to see you. thank you for having me, greta. thank you. donald trump getting ready to speak in austin, texas. fox news campaign carl cameron inside the arena. carl? hi, greta. there is awful lot of discussion about immigration also the idea of a special prosecutor. trump has had a quiet day. he has been in texas. he has had a couple of private meetings and here in austin later tonight. texas is a red state. it s been voting republican for president for the last nine cycles. tomorrow go to mississippi. another state that s been solidly red for almost, you know, 30, 40 years. so, for trump to be here is about raising money and it s about organizing the base. and it does come in this
week as you were talking to ms. conway about where there has been taken off the schedule. the immigration speech has been postponed because how you choose to describe it, the trump original throw major pillars of his immigration plan one, build a big wall, two deport all the aliens here and three muslim ban although the those things what trump said his decision would be. he says he is a deal maker and in winner-take-all state dials have to be made that wall is going to places technology and not a wall would necessarily be required. the idea of a muslim ban. he has modified that to say that some certain countries might be temporarily banned but others would, face quote extreme vetting. it s not a ban on all of them. when it comes to 11 to
18 million undocumented immigrants in the country right now using existing law going after hardened criminals repeat law breakers get them out of the country. after that it s a little bit unclear. there has been some talk about whether or not mr. trump is willing to soften his positions a little bit. and in keeping with the idea that these are negotiating positions. he may well and that might actually put more of the republican establishment camp in his favor based upon a more favorable view that that might happen with hispanics and other minorities who see it as too exclusive in its former form and are looking forward to the evolved version of the immigration plan from the trump campaign. greta? carl, thank you. tonight the burning question from the fbi will there be an investigation into the clinton emails? we went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related emails and deliver them to the state department.
authorities uncover 15,000 pages of previously unreleased of hillary clinton work-related emails. they are worried this is going to hound her for the rest of her political life. this is about hillary clinton having made repeated representations that have turned out to be false and we are seeing evidence that they were false in black and white. this is about the public trust and whether we can trust public officials to work on our behalf. the. dry by running around there is nothing to see here. all they are doing providing access. there weren t any favors being done. the favor is the access. j. brand new investigation into the investigation of secretary clinton s emails. catherine herridge is here. catherine? thank you, greta. the associated press has released a new analysis tonight, based on records that were released to them of hillary clinton s schedule when she was secretary of state. and what they found is that of the 84 donors for whom they had records. at least half gained access to then secretary of state
hillary clinton. many of them were major donors now well into the seven figures to the foundation. her campaign has said that this is cherry picking. it s not a true reflection of how it works. but it certainly feeds into this idea that if you paid money to the foundation you had a better chance of access and getting your issue addressed. people think i mean, there is no indication that someone went to see her and that she changed her policy as a result of seeing anybody, right? no information so far? no. but presumably, and this does have some value, she had her picture taken with the person when the person went to see her because that s sort of common. and then you put the picture behind yourself on the desk and that has some value. it shows you have some sort of connection to somebody important. it does have some value in some instances. one of the things that s come out in the emails is a lot more information about someone who is a key fixer but has often operated in the shadows. his name is dennis change. this is someone who has had many hats for hillary and bill clinton. he worked at the clinton
foundation where he was able to secure donor base of about $250 million. he then worked at the state department, deputy chief of protocol. the gate keep his or her greeted heads of state and now is he a finance director for the campaign. what the emails show is this very tight relationship between chang and long time aide huma abedin. you see it was very seamless. people would say that the lines were blurred. the way the information flowed back and forth between the foundation and state department and the fundraising crossed ethical lines. here is my problem the campaign came out and made a statement basically saying this is outrageous, this is unfair. you know what? the ball really is in secretary clinton s court. she needs to sit down and explain this. if everyone is imagining crazy stuff and they are unfair to her, she needs to speak up. that s the problem. she issues these press
releases, campaign press releases and they say it s outrageous that people are suspicious. the problem is, she needs to answer. this. it s a valid point in that if the intention is to really minimize or shut down the foundation, if she is elected president, then why was it okay to operate the foundation when she was secretary of state. i don t want to get any of this wrong or bad suspicion. if she won t sit town and provide information, that s really, you know, she has made that decision and not the rest of us in the media. good point. anyway, catherine, thank you. you are welcome. jason chaffetz turning up the heat on the clinton email investigation. chairman chaffetz firing off a letter to fbi director james comey demanding more information about unauthorized people gaining access to classified information on clinton s private server. chairman chaffetz goes on the record. good evening, sir. hey, greta. so you sent a letter yesterday to the fbi director. what specifically do you want from him or do you want him to do? i want him to provide
more light on the problem. this is the biggest breach of information on classified information that we have had at the state department. it was done knowingly and willingly the very day that hillary clinton started her senate confirmation is when she went to go get this domain name and set this thing up. she created this problem for herself. it was the inspector general that gave the criminal referral to the fbi that started this investigation. we want the fbi director to look at those people that hillary clinton gave access to this information who did not have a security clearance. there is classified information it s so classified that even i as the oversight committee can t see it but hillary clinton gave it to people who don t have a security clearance. two things. one if there is an explanation for all of this, instead of making us look like we are on a witch-hunt, she should speak out. she should give a press conference and answer these questions. i don t think anyone at least i don t want to get it wrong. i only have the information can i operate from if as we sort of pull teeth and get
the information out. the second thing and maybe you know. this her lawyers went through her server and emails and deleted 30,000 of them. they went through the full, not reading all of them but the header. did they have security clearance. this whole process going back to the get-go, did they have the appropriate security clearance to go through her with the possibility of a classified one there? we do not believe they had the proper and high enough security clearance in order to go through those emails. she testified under oath, hillary clinton, that they had rehad gone through this in detail. fbi director testified to us that was not the case. even before we get there, they have to have the authority to look at classified information. that s the first thing. yes. the second thing which i would love, i would love to hear from her about, is that her lawyers went through and sorted it. they found 30,000 that they said were personal and knowing that the house wanted them, they then deleted them. they made the choice. she is not the head of
fish and wildlife. she is the head the secretary of state. she is dealing in classified information on an hourly basis. it s reasonable to think that her information is chalkewas chocketd fullof class. that s why she gave access to those attorneys. by the way the i.t. professionals that were also allowed to access that computer, we don t know who these people are. i went into the scif and go look at these materials. that information is redacted. they shouldn t be holding information back from congress. who are these people that are access to this information? i take no pleasure in getting it wrong and so i beg of the campaign, beg of secretary clinton if this, you know, if we are all wrong, please hold a press conference and explain it because i don t think anybody in the media wants to get it wrong. but anyway, congressman, thanks very much. let me go to the viewers now. thanks, greta. viewers at home this is your chance on twitter. do you think the fbi should reopen the investigation into secretary hillary clinton s emails?
tweet yes or no using #greta. we will show you your live twitter votes throughout the show. and brace yourself, here comes the mud. the political television ad games are heating up. rnc releasing new tv ad about secretary clinton. you will see it next. also, has donald trump changed his mind about how to deal with illegal immigration? find out from donald trump jr. he s coming up. extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don t suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell em cedric sent you. i m going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card
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late last night donald trump launching his first general election television ad and today the rnc releasing a new tv ad aimed right at, you guessed it, secretary clinton. the title caught lying
again. no, no, it was allowed. one of my wbr id wbr12637 predecessors did the same thing. previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing. the truth is she was using the private email server for a year before i sent her a memo telling her what i did. my predecessors had engaged in a similar practice and they didn t have a private server and she was doing it before this advice that he gave her. damage has been done. there s no question. the on the record political panel is here from the washington post aaron blake and from fortune magazine nina easton. for six weeks the donald trump and rnc calling hillary crooked, lying. it doesn t seem to exact her on numbers or donald trump on numbers. what s going on. part of what is going on. they will underscore this i think effectively and trump by calling for a special prosecutor as you keep hearing. they ever amping up the /b
argument. that said, she is right about with donald trump and the dishonesty field and the polls. and the other thing is that people are voting or choosing a candidate in part on temperament. and wbr-id wbr13327 she comes out much higher on temperament as a commander and chief than he does. he is there is 65% fox news poll doesn t think he has the temperament to be president. the biggest poll he has when you look at it demographically. look at blacks, this isn t going to effect his standing with blacks. you have got to look at latinos. not going to effect his standing with latinos. with women, you go back to temperament thing. he has this problem with women. and almost like a version of 2004 security moms concerned about donald trump having his finger on the button. that s the problem they are in right now. even the women were all behind secretary clinton because it was the glass ceiling. now we have three supreme
court justices and millennials can now vote. they see women in high positions they don t have that sort of you go girl a little bit. she doing politically well with the millennials as spectacular as you would think. the millennial vote is not a gift to her. it s not. on this issue in particular donald trump is goff disqualifying himself as much as three fourths of women have unfavorable view of donald trump. by the way, i do think the crooked hillary stuff and cress about her honesty have hurt her. it s the things donald trump has done hurt him more. there are still questions that the electorate have about hillary clinton s character, her honesty, stuff that s going to be furthefurtheredby this clinton s stuff today. i think not that the attacks on clinton haven t work as donald trump has hurt himself even more and created this problem for himself particularly among women. they re clearly concerned. they are doing damage
control over the clinton foundation, right? they re talking about down sizing the clinton foundation. president clinton would step off the board. it wouldn t take donations. that should be done now is the problem. they understand the optics of this and the polls are going to tighten and it does hurt her to some degree. i think what if she didn t have emails and trump didn t have twitter the temperament thing, how would they go after each other? policy, oh my gosh. look at the numbers. 88% think there should be a special prosecutor. i don t know who is going to appoint that that s supposed to be the attorney general. that s not happening. fbi investigation is what they want. fbi investigation 88%. nina and aaron, thank you both. and donald trump is about to take on texas. is he getting ready for a big as you austin rally. his son donald trump jr. is here next. . (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here.
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(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn t refreshing. (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. donald trump is determined to tackle legal and illegal immigration. is he sitting down with sean hannity to talk about border security. don t miss that right here on fox news channel. what is trump s plan? donald trump s son, donald trump jr. goes on the record from the set of john s big town hall tonight. nice to see you. how are you doing, greta? good to be with. you good to have you. so, give me a preview. when donald trump first declared he was going to be candidate for president. he told us about the wall. he told us that he was going to keep muslims out of the country. things now seemed to have changed a bit. i must admit i m a little
confused. what is his immigration policy? really, greta, i don t think anything has changed a bit. i think things have been pretty much the same. obviously the media, maybe they are bored because they don t get enough entertainment from hillary because she has been in hiding. all he wants to do is make sure that americans get taken care of first and we put americans to work rather than letting anyone else come in here. he wants to take care of americans. that s been his plan from day one and consistently. he wants to make sure those people are taken care of. he is not anti-immigrant. my mother is an immigrant. his mother is an immigrant. he understands that he understands the rule of law. he realize that people have to follow laws like they did to get in this country and that s how it should be done. does that mean that mass deportation of the estimated 11 to 12 to 15 million illegal is off the table? does it mean it s off the table? i don t know the exact details in terms of that. is he going to do something humanely. is he a good, caring guy.
in the end he has to care about americans first. that s the job of the president. when i look at the administration currently. when i look at who we are running against, i feel most of the time they are concerned about taking care of people from parts of the country that hate our guts, people love to wipe us off the face of the earth. they are worried about their feelings rather than americans. we are here to put americans back to worth. to build up americans, to take care of all americans all ethnicities and background and make sure in their country they take precedent. i think that s just common sense, greta. all right. right around the corner are these debates. i m curious whether or not donald begins to focus on these debates, whether he is preparing for them, reading material. has he started to look at the debates? he certainly has. is he looking at it he is hearing what the american people have it say. i have been saying it for a long time, greta. he is giving them a voice again. our politicians have largely forgotten the american
people. they are catering to their special interest. they are catering to the people foreign and domestic. giving millions and hundreds of millions of dollars to their various foundations. that s not what my father is about. my father is about hearing the american worker. the hard working people who made this country great who built this incredible nation. is he about making sure that they have a voice again. so he is hearing from them on a daily basis as he travels the country. that s his debate prep. often here at on the record i talk about lbj s war on poverty that he declares in 1965, and which has been a dreadful failure. we have lost that war on poverty. he spoke the other night to experience who live in many of these inner city areas that are very poor. what, what difference what would he do differently for these inner cities to try to win this war on poverty that we have so far lost dreadfully? well, listen, again, the democrats certainly have a strong hold on those cities. if you look at policies starting from lbj it s been a total disaster. it s created a vicious cycle
that has kept people in poverty. that have kept people from jobs. what does he do. first of all he would create law and order. he has been vocal advocate for that you have to have law and order. you can t have cities and towns run by gangs and thugs and people afraid to ultimately prosecute them. i think you need law and order. then you have to focus on education. making sure those people get the same chances at an education, not a an education system that s ruled from dc that can t understand the inner workings of those cities that haven t been in the cities. you have to give people an education so they can get out of that cycle. it s not an easy task. it s something that he is going to do. he has said look at the policies that the democrats have given him. look at where you are today if you live in those communities. you are never better off than you were two decades ago yet alone eight days ago. you are worse off. it s to make sure have the same opportunity you and i want for our kids and grand
kids. we want to make sure that those people get the same chance. thank you so much for joining us. a note for the viewers one more time, do not miss the sean hannity town hall tonight at 10:00 p.m. with donald trump. 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. get ready to speed read the news. remember former stanford swimmer broke turner? he was sentenced to six months in jail for raping a passed out drunk classmate. now the university is making changes. the university is banning hard liquor for under graduates on campus parties. beer and wine can still berved. turner blamed his criminal behavior on being too drunk. and watch this wild video showing a drug bust on the high seas. chafing two suspects on high speed jet sees. one suspect arrested. police findly 500 pounds of marijuana. the other suspect got away. and take note. this is not the way to impress a girl. the university of pittsburgh student got himself stuck between two buildings.
the 22-year-old was showing off to a young woman jumping roof to roof. unfortunately he jumped between two buildings and got wedged in 16-inch wide space. police had to break through the walls to get to the young man. no word if his female friend was impressed. look at this. pokey mondapokemon go. thousands of people crowded the streets. so many people that police reinforce. s were called in to help keep everyone safe. here in the u.s. people have died while distracted playing the game. that s tonight s speed read. and this is disgusting. a possible isis beheading right here in the united states. on the record investigates next. plus, president obama heading to louisiana. did he make the right decision by waiting? that s coming up. isn t it time to let the real you shine through?
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disgusting and disgraceful. a possible isis beheading right here in america. the fbi is investigating a stabbing in roanoke beings, virginia. possible terror attack. he may have tried to behead one of the victims. griff jenkins is on the ground in roanoke investigating this horrific crime. griff? that s right, greta. shortly after 8:00 p.m. saturday night, police say that the 20-year-old faruqy attack ad couple come home in apartment complex coming home over my soldier. the couple live in the top floor of a three story apartment complex. he apparently attacked them with a knife. it appears to have been random and the fbi, of course, investigating because multiple witnesses to what happened here said that he was shouting allah akbar or god is great often heard in acts of terrorism. we were able to speak with one of the neighbors here who lives directly across from the couple that was attacked. her name is angel bonbarin here is what she told us.
i saw a lot of blood on the rails down there on the second landing and a rag looked like it might have been part of her shirt. so no one was fight not guilty stairwell. not when i came in. what you saw was a trail of blood. yes. where was blood on this? there was blood here and over here. so it looked like signs of a struggle? yes. and it sounded like it. but i thought it was kids at first running up and downstairs. that s not what it was. now faruqy fled this scene. the husband was able to fight him off. but he was actually apprehended at local area hospital where the victims were. and that s where police took him in custody. we spoke with roanoke county assistant police chief chuck mason. here is what he had to say. as far as we can tell, there was no connection between the victims and the suspect. they had never seen him before. it appears to us to be a
random attack. there has been, i m aware, of some speculation that this was an attempted beheading. both victims were stabbed and cut repeatedly. and the male victim did, in fact, suffer a severe laceration to the side of his neck but there was nothing that appeared to be an attempt at a beheading. the local officer who lives in this apartment complex behind me did not want to be named or go on camera told me leapt into action with his training to sigh trisave their lives. the husband is out of the hospital. the wife remains critically injured. the fbi, of course, investigating and faruqy in jail awaiting a hearing on september 1st. greta? griff, thank you. and today president obama saw firsthand the louisiana flood damage. the president took heat from critics including donald trump for not going sooner. the republican governor of hz had told president obama to wait. fox news correspondent will carr is live in baton rouge with how residents received
the president. will? good evening, greta. we re driving down the streets here. i want to give you visual of exact thing that president obama saw a few hours ago. piles of doe bree as one resident put it to me, thousands of memories dragged to the curb. 145,000 homes damaged. estimated $30 billion. we re told it s going to take years for this area to recover. president obama today touring the area and telling the community every resource is available. he also took the time to meet with alton sterling s family and the families of the slain police officers from this area. some residents questioning if that was the right time because they think this disaster really has pulled this community together and they don t want to focus on the schisms that happened before. at the same time, we re seeing so many examples of selflessness. one man whose family lost everything has been cooking chicken stew in this neighborhood and then handing it to neighbors. and then there are the five high school football players who go to east ascension
high school in the baton rouge area here. they had a four hour practice in 105-degree weather today. then they went to one of the neighbors around here and helped him pull out all of his items for six hours. just a short time ago. they go home. get dinner and go to sleep. go to practice tomorrow and plan to go to a widow s house and do the same thing. two examples of the strength that we are seeing as this recovery continues. greta? will, thank you. and, not too happy with the 2016 candidates? the doctor may have a cure. green party presidential candidate dr. jill stein is here next.
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carry this movement forward and bring it to the american people who have rejected these two candidates donald trump and hillary clinton in unprecedented numbers. these are the most untrusted
and disliked presidential candidates in history. the american people, not only have a right to vote. they have a right to know who they have coat for. the next steps are to make sure we that we have media with integrity cover real choices and thank you for being here today. that was dr. jill stein the green party s nominee for president. yes yes, there are more people than donald trump and secretary hillary clinton running for president. jill stein doctor on the ballot. eight states including washington, d.c. she says we need a third option for president. majority of voters have rejected hillary clinton and donald trump and clamoring for something else. so who are those on top to be giving marching orders to, you know, voters who be good little boys and girls? politicians do not have a new form of entitlement. they are not entitled to our votes. they have to earn our votes. and hillary clinton and donald trump have not earned our vote. green party candidate
presidential candidate for the united states jill stein is here to go on the record. good evening, doctor. good afternoon, greta. just in the sound bite why shouldn t somebody vote for hillary clinton or donald trump? well, they have to earn your vote and so far they haven t. either one? yes. i mean, the polls show that the majority of the american voters dislike and distrust both of those candidates at record numbers. and are clamoring for someone else. are they lousy candidates? in my view they are. they are a continuation of the system that we have that has thrown the american people under the bus they have sent our jobs overseas and hillary has a track record and donald has sent his jobs overseas. he complaining about the transpacific partnership although that s what he is doing. is he a hate monger and fear monger. hillary has a track record for doing most of what donald is talking about. what is your passion? you are a harvard educated doctor. why did you become a candidate for president of the united states.
i m a mother on fire. we have a younger generation that really does not have a future. they don t have jobs. they are locked into student loan debt which is not payable in the economy that we have economy is collapsing on their heads. as a medical doctor i m practicing political medicine because it s the mother of all illnesses. and if we want to fix the things that are literally killing us, we need to heal our sick political system. you have 32 policies which is big. more than that now. i believe it s 40 at this point and climbing. so we expect to be just on every ballot. we ll really help to you get your message out to get on the debate stage that doesn t look like that s going to happen. that polling is predicated on having no visibility in the media and only in the last week have we begun to get a window. we actually did an hour and a half long forum, town hall forum on cnn. we were number one on
twitter in that forum. there is enormous interest out there in our campaign. i would dare anyone who says that there are is not interest. host a town hall forum and see how much interest there is. obama care. people unfortunately get sick. people worry about it insurance companies leaving the markets. no competition is going to drive prices up. very succinctly, what would you do about obamacare if anything? obamacare had failed before it implemented we had it in massachusetts we called it romney care before obamacare. prices skyrocket. people didn t get truly sick were covered. it had all kinds of holes in it we need a simple system. a medicare for all system. basically drop the age ofor med. you patch up the holes that have been knocked into it. it has really low overhead about 2% as opposed to our current system where it s more like 20%. half of a trillion dollars a
year of our healthcare dollars are paper pushing, break crazy, into big ceo salaries not into healthcare. we can streamline this with a single pair system and be able to afford comprehensive healthcare for everyone as a human right. tax code. everyone is mad 3300 special interest in the tax code and even the members of congress passed the tax code can t do their own taxes. what would you do about the tax code? well, number one, the tax code is extremely unfair in addition to being extremely complicated. we need to make a fair tax code. like flat tax? aggressive tax? sales tax? value added tax? where are you? yeah. i mean, there is al all that s currently what we have except for the so-called consumption tax. we have have a plethora of taxes. largely regressive so that the burdens fall on middle income and working people and poor people for that matter. how would you change that? i would make taxes more
progressive. i would ensure that the wealthy are paying fair share. some are paying over 50% when you add all these state taxes. i don t know where all these deductions are that everybody is getting. bernie sanders paid 13% i think it was. did you know that? he paid pretty low. i know it was maybe it was 13. i think it was 20%. still, that s low. yeah. we need to eliminate the unfair deductions. we need to ensure that the people who are really benefiting from the society are paying into it like, for example, do you know how many lawsuits donald trump has? donald trump has been involved in 3500 lawsuits and apparently not paying taxes. what s wrong with this picture? he is bankrupting our legal system. we don t know whether he is paying taxes. he hasn t shown taxes. hillary clinton hasn t shown her speech transcripts. we need more trans (if i have everybody. thank you for joining us.
this is what happens when you are not in the tabloids. i will tell you off the record. (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away.
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siriusxm. road happy. let s go off-the-record there is much going on from catastrophic floods in louisiana destroying 10s of thousands of homes. secretary hillary clinton campaigning making appearance on jimmy kimmel show campaigning and even tweeting which always captivates the attention of many. in the midst of all that s going on, donald henderson died. who? yeah. that s what i thought. who is donald henderson? well, i decided to find out. and when i did, i thought shame on me dr. donald a. help derson died last week at age 87. i didn t even know who he was. you probably didn t either. but the world owes him enormous amount of gratitude. this baltimore resident was the leader of one of mankind s most important public health feats the eradication of small pox.
it killed millions of people and nothing was going to stop small pox for millions more except for dr. donald henderson. many great people who do spectacular things. never appear on tv and never in the tabloids to so we never get to know them to thank them. so tonight from all of us i thank him and i sure hope his family is watching. that s my off-the-record comment tonight. and it s time for your campaign flash. get ready, donald trump is about to speak in austin, texas and then at 10:00 p.m. eastern watch the trump town hall on hannity. secretary hillary clinton holding a fundraiser at justin timberlakes los angeles home. you can bet it was star stud. tweeting this photo with his wife and jessica biel. governor mike pence stopping for a hair cut. near philadelphia when he needed a trend. awkwardly after the 20 minute hair cut asked what s your name? that s your campaign flash. do you think the fbi should

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160907 10:00:00

photo on facebook. a feud between two neighbors goes out of control after one man bulldozed the other s home. it was because of an ongoing feud. that makes more sense. that s pretty bad for the ugly. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning to you and your family. it s wednesday, september 7th. i m ainsley earhardt. another benghazi bombshell for hillary clinton. did her team try to manipulate the questions that she would be asked in that first congressional hearing? this morning we may find out what difference it all really does make. well, finally. meanwhile, donald trump promises to release his tax returns absolutely immediately as soon as this happens. when is she going to release her e-mail? she knows how to find it. let her release her e-mails and i ll release my tax returns
immediately. that s a deal. that as the two get ready to go face to face. and it was a long shot from a basket from across the lecture hall. if he hits it, the whole class gets an a. would he? [ cheers and applause ] i believe the answer is yes. this hour that student and the professor join us live to talk about anything but the curriculum. mornings are better with friends. and smoke music. right. barbecue mobile from our friends at mission barbecue. they have a number of locations throughout the northeast. they re very patriotic. these are the folks who at noon
every day play the national anthem. that s what happens when you cook barbecue for a long time. it peels off the bone. is that what they mean by pulled barbecue. i think that s a pork bone there. pork butt. we have a huge show with so many celebrities coming on our show. so many politicians. governor mike pence, chafitz, martina mcbride, shaquille o neal as well as melissa jones heart. let s hope jeff ross wears that jacket. whoever is running the projector. we re taking the 1970s by storm. got a busy three hours. kicks off right now. and a brand-new e-mail bombshell for hillary clinton this morning. i know you ve heard a lot of them. this is a new one. shocker. new claims that she and her staff tried to plant questions
during her first hearing on benghazi. yeah. it was just an e-mail to chelsea. now clinton incessantly trying to flip the script. mike emmanuel is live on the campaign trail. mike, for the record i can flip your script. you keep all your scripts in your noggin. reporter: good morning, brian, steve, ainsley. hillary clinton is back talking national security after weeks of questions about her e-mail controversy and the clinton foundation. clinton was in tampa near the home of the u.s. military central command after attacking donald trump on his vision. trump is very loose in his take about nuclear weapons and she ripped donald trump on how he would deal with the threats from isis. and when it comes to fighting isis, he has been all over the map. you would have to literally map it out. he s talked about letting syria become a free zone for isis. look at the map, donald.
he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis, but the secret is he has no plan. reporter: this comes as there is a new report from my colleague katherine herrige on new e-mails from after the 2012 bens attack. a clinton aide wrote chelsea clinton and said, quote, we wired it that menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk, her actions/whereabouts on 9/11 and these e-mail from chris stevens about moving locations. bob menendez was the acting chair of the foreign relations committee at the time. chris stevens, of course, was the u.s. ambassador that was killed on the benghazi attack. we haven t gotten a comment from the clinton campaign. no kidding. comment. they gaut caught.
they got nailed. she wanted certain topics discussed. right out of the gate those were the topics discussed by this democratic individual sitting on the panel. you brought up last night the new host of the 7:00 show, keith said, listen, it s not new for a party friendly to the party in power in the executive branch to have topics that are friendly. however, when it comes to scripting the topics and questions, that s new. it is. by the way, there s more. the chairman of the house gove reforms committee, jason chafitz has written a letter to the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c. they want them to investigate and look at the facts. there s jason chafitz going to be with us later on. why after congress subpoenaed a number of hillary clinton s e-mails after benghazi did an i.t. guy working for hillary clinton destroy them?
that is against the law and it looks like they were just thumbing their nose and nobody would ever get caught. well, now, as it turns out, people are getting caught because we ve got a whole bunch of fbi records and other freedom of information act records. question, were they covering up evidence, violating statutes? why did they purge e-mails. it s illegal. and they got caught. and he s going to talk about what they do congressly. the probe is not over, james comey is not true. julian assange, you can t avoid what he does is news. he went on with sean hannity last night. he s been following what s been going on here from the ecuadorian embassy in brittain where he s hold up. very exclusive. he got on with us. he said, listen, i ve been watching this testimony and what s just come out. there is no way that hillary clinton does not know about
classification symbols. list listenen. everything she said she knows what in brackets it stands for. everyone knows it stands for classified confidential. in fact, we have already released thousands of cables by hillary clinton. here she is. clinton with a c in brackets right there. thousands of these where she herself you can see in brackets and signed it off and more than 22,000 times that she has received cables from others with the c in brackets. so it s absolutely incredible for her to lie. she is lying about us knowing what that is. she said she thought it was numbering the paragraphs, cb3 but there was no a and b or d. how long has she been in
government? 400 billion years. she knows what c means. we have to go by her word. the fbi bought it. they say they will release batches of her e-mail in the coming weeks to prove that she is a liar. speaking of not liar, just mass amnesia. coming up in the next hour, we re going to talk about how the rnc has gone through the fbi transcripts, they ve gone through the transcripts on ca capitol hill. they have revealed that hillary clinton and her team have mass amnesia for the most part. 327 times they said either i don t remember or i can t recall. 327. keep in mind, a lot of them are lawyers and they know how to work it. if you have the answer, you answer it because it will exonerate it. but if you give the answer and it gets you in trouble, that you don t remember. a lot of people are saying they want donald trump to release the tax returns.
he s saying he ll release the tax returns when hillary does this. listen to trump, listen to hillary. clearly his tax returns tell a story that the american people deserve and need to know and if he s going to pursue this campaign, he owes it to the american people to come clean and release those tax returns. nobody cares about it except some of the folks in the media. nobody cares about it. how does she talk about my tax returns when she has 33,000 e-mails that she deleted. when is she going to delete her e-mails? she probably knows how to find it. let her release her tax returns and i ll release mine. as soon as she releases the tax returns that don t exist anymore. donald trump, audit, no one would advise me or let me do that. no one would do that. i would say this. i m wondering tactically if it makes sense for tim kaine and
hillary clinton to speak about transparency. you took a hammer to this, you blew this up, you lost your ipad. 327 i don t knows. i m wondering tactically if they should pull back on that. i have a feeling what they re trying to do is just change the subject. on capitol hill everybody s talking about, hey, it looks like they destroyed property, hiding e-mail. i wonder if she ll be quiet now. she won t ask him for his tax returns anymore. now he s firing back and saying, i will when you give me the e-mails. i have a solution. that would be why down the julian assange simply release her e-mails, because he s got them, and then he can release his tax returns. he says he s going to. the first batch he s going to release could be as early as next week. did you notice heather s body language. this is a woman that s like, you should have talked to me 45 minutes ago. this is a woman that s very cold.
solving the world s problems at 6:10 in the morning here in new york. nice job. you covered all the bases. good morning. great to see you guys. good morning. i hope you re off to a good day already. fox news alert we start with overseas. iran playing with fire harassing another u.s. warship similar to this encounter caught on camera. watch this. no response. weapons uncovered and this time one of the iranian boats stopping less than 100 yards in front of ours forcing a patrol ship to change directions to avoid a possible collision. this after a u.s. ship was forced to fire three warning shots just weeks ago. back here at home a murder suspect who vanished from an interrogation room while still hand kuchd is back behind bars. he was arrested in los angeles overnight. he was sitting cuffed to his
chair when he twisted the handcuffs until they snapped. he broke flee and walked right out of the building. he s been on the run since friday but he is now back in jail. a big bank now playing big brother. goldman sachs reportedly banning some of its high ranking partners from donating to donald trump s campaign. politico reports today that the company told staff it wants to avoid looking like it s taking sides or part of some sort of take place screen. well, apple fans rejoice. the iphone 7 set to be unveiled later today. bigger storage and double the camera lens. there won t be a head phone jack. instead you have to use a wireless head phone or head phone that connects to the charging port. so clayton morris is celebrating somewhere today. here s the problem at the doocy house. we all have headphones to plug
in. us, too. you know why apple is going to do that? so you have to buy more stuff. because apple sells them. aha. i might have to get rid of my victrola if this continues. all of this advancement. coming up straight ahead, retired navy s.e.a.l. getting slammed by his democratic opponent for his service. i have visited with vets across the state who thought congressman zinke would do a better job and he hasn t. he s spoken with them in small groups and said that they shunts become dependent on the government when he accepts disability payments every month himself. the mom and her son drive towards a swarm of crocodiles. wait until you see how this one ends. i have asthma.
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. mud slipping being taken to a new level in the montana congressional race. former navy s.e.a.l. ryan zinke s democratic candidate attacking him for being a disabled veteran. is that what s going on in this sound bite? i have visited with vets across this state who thought congressman zinke would do a better job and he hasn t.
he said they shouldn t become dependent on government when he accepts disability payments every month. those are the type of hip critical actions we need to get over. brian zinke is in our nation s capitol. good morning, congressman. great to be with you, steve. good to be with you. congressman, what did you make of her bringing up your disability. i ve been shot at before. i say we need more veterans in congress. we re supporting brian matt and others. veterans aren t numbers, we re faces. we all have a record. we re solution minded, red, white, blue. i think it s important to have a larger veteran voice in congress. it s good to have a vet voice, you re absolutely right. here is what your opponent, 49, the state s two-term superintendent of public instruction here she is attacking your ambitions. she said it seems like he,
that s you, congressman, always has his eye on what s ever coming up next for mr. zinke and not really on what s happening here in our state. what do you make of that? she s making it sound like you re an opportunist or very ambitious and that you re looking at the next thing down the road. montana has one congressman. my voice has to be louder than 55 from california so standing strong on issues that matter to montana i think is important. leadership, i think i m rated number one in the houseworking with the senate to get things done. i think that comes from the veterans background, being a commander of troops and willing to put yourself on the line. look, yeah, we live in a great country and i m an optomist. i wouldn t do the job if i didn t think it was fixable in washington, d.c. we just need to get at it. she is the, as i mentioned a moment ago, superintendent of public instruction.
essentially top educator in the state. how are stats for montana right now and their school kids? well, the graduation rates are up. the test scores are down. about 50% of the kids graduating high school are not proficient in basic math and english. that s a problem. montana s a big state as far as size goes, population. a lot of challenges in rural schools. she brought common core to montana and the republican congress undid it. i think she has a challenge. and you do as well. there are the delegations out there and, you know, some of the mudslinging, we just wanted to get you on to respond. i ve been shot at before and in washington, d.c., in politics you have to get used to it. we wear thick body armor and don t stay in one spot. there you go. good idea. congressman, thank you so much. great to be with you. meanwhile, straight ahead on this wednesday, we ve seen
chilly video where abductors attempt to kidnap kids. as kids go back to school, they re the most vulnerable. how do you protect them? we ll tell you. high altitude horror. a man goes ballistic and screams at other passengers in arabic.
she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she ll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. .nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea! nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea! here s pepto bismol! ah. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!
we have got some quick wednesday morning headlines for you. breaking overnight a win in the war on terror as u.s. air strikes wipe outer or lists. look at this. a u.s. central command confirming a series of blasts carried out over the past two weeks in yemen killed 13 al qaeda members. officials say the new strikes are to prevent terrorists there from recruiting and executing
the attacks in the united states. brittain s so called hate preacher will spend the next several years in prison for encouraging others to support isis. you may remember him was with sean hannity over radical islam, he was sentenced to five years for backing the terror group. so long. hello, brian and ainsley. steve, a string of brazen abduction attempts happening in broad daylight have been caught on camera in recent months, sometimes in front of parents very eyes. look at that video. unbelievable. a disturbing new study shows that 70% of attempted child abduct shuns happen on school days, most when kids are on their way to and from school, brian. what do your kids need to know to stay safe? joining us now is executive director of outreach and prevention. her name is jarise cologne. thanks for having me. very important topic. we of course love our children.
don t want anything to happen to them. what are some of the tips? we want to make sure that parents are talking to kids early and often about these type of things. making sure they know there are four simple rules for them to implement. checking first with a parent before they go anywhere. taking a friend. there are safety in numbers. anything short of them telling people no. they have the right to say no if something makes them feel scared. kids are taught to be polite. don t say no to an adult. they can say no because they have to protect themselves. let s make sense and expand on the big four topics. check first, what do you mean? check first with an adult that you trust. if you re going to the park, leaving school, tell someone first. make sure someone knows where you are, where you re going and who you re going to be with. about 70% of kids are attempted abductions are happening involving a vehicle. there are people who are kind of
approaching children using a variety of different things. sometimes it s force. sometimes it s, hey, help me find my lost puppy. you know, your mom just sent me to come pick you up. i m going to take you to see her. let me give you $5. help me with directions. it can be anything. that s why it s so important that we talk to kids to make sure they are aware of these things and they feel empowered to get away. anything they can to get away. we talk about a man attempting to snatch a small girl. man grabs a girl and drags her through the store in florida. there s other problems being over powered, correct? absolutely. force is definitely a factor. anything they can do to get away, kick, scream, yell, draw attention. a lot of times other adults are getting involved. we want to make sure that other people know if something is going down, they can help as well. they re vulnerable during the school year. when kids are out playing, that s not the case.
during the summer your schedules are hectic. you may be going one place at 10:00 a.m., another at 11:00. on school days kids are going to and from school at the same time. oftentimes they re going alone. walking to the bus stop. they have a 23re7bd with them. they re more vulnerable because they re alone. we want to keep you safe? absolutely. absolutely. we have a great program sponsored by honey well. did talks about the safety rules. it s really easy. thank you so much. check that out on our website. there it is. a parents biggest nightmare. thank you so much for being here. 28 minutes after the hour. one group is trying to scrub the truth from a 9/11 memorial. it refers to the attackers as islamic terrorists and they want those words removed. the man behind the memorial not standing for that.
he is alive. those who serve mission barbecue. we re helping our heroes. first happy birthday to gloria gaynor. she turns 67 today. she s surviving. hold onto your forks. endless shrimp is back at red lobster. that means you get to try as much as you want. .of whatever flavors are calling your name. seriously. like new garlic sriracha-grilled shrimp. it s a little spice. .a little sizzle. .and a lot just right. and try new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. helloooo crispy goodness. and the classic. .handcrafted shrimp scampi. .you can t get enough of? still gonna floor you. it may be called endless. .but that doesn t mean it ll last. it s a very specific moment, the launch window.
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we are back with the latest from the campaign trail. did you see this election? donald trump heading into hostile territory tonight as he and hillary clinton appear back to back in a military forum in new york. meanwhile, fox news senior national correspondent john roberts is live in philadelphia with what we can expect in the coming day. hello, john.
reporter: good morning to you steve, brian, ainsley. in front of the union league in downtown philadelphia where donald trump will be speaking. he could get a bit of a rough ride at the peace forum in new york city. it is being hosted by the iraq/afghanistan veterans of america organization. it s been less than kind to donald trump. still actively circulating a petition online demanding he apologize for what he said about john mccain a year ago. his military advisors wanted him to lay down markers yesterday in virginia beach, greenville, north carolina, and then in the union league. and come pair and contrast what he would do with what hillary clinton s record shows she would likely do. listen to what he said in greenville, north carolina, last night. hillary clinton favors what
has been called military adventurism. creating power vacuums by groups like cisse isis. i believe in a foreign policy based on our national interests that focus on american security and regional stability. you can create democracies in countries with no democratic history. the union league in philadelphia. rebuilding the military. talk about ending the sequester. how to pay for ending the sequester and upping the military budget. we ll be talking about missile defense. we re also going to get, ainsley, brian, steve, this morning the latest fundraising numbers for the trump campaign for the month of august. donald trump yesterday predicting a big number though he admits a lot of the money that went into this went into
his own pocket. hillary clinton brought in $120 million and 60 million going towards her campaign. fundraising numbers huge. john roberts, we thank you very much. very big. also, donald trump got some really good news last night. one of the loudest never trumpers, mark levin revealed he s going to vote for trump. that is extremely powerful. meanwhile, we have some news for you. three bank robbery suspects opening fire on the cops while making their get away in the city of phoenix. cornered at an intersection by an unmarked police truck. officers opened fire. they killed the suspect. two others were arrested. panic on a plane, steve, when passengers after a man started screaming in arabic. the united airlines flight
making an emergency landing in asheville after the crew says muhammad al dosrey kicked a bathroom door. police stormed the plane arresting him. he s charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. yup. meanwhile, terrifying video as a swarm of hungry crocodiles surround a driver on a flooded bridge. can you imagine? the heart-stopping scene played out in australia. those log looking things you see in the water, actually nine foot long saltwater crocodiles. the driver counting nearly 21 at one point in total as her suv slowly moved making it across the bridge and later she would post this of course on youtube. good idea to stay in the car. a terrorist from gitmo, he s
upset over his living conditions in uruoguay. they re demanding to be put into another country. wanting to see their families. it was feared, by the way r, he may have tried to fly to rio before the olympics. a confusing story. no kidding. let s go on outside. ainsley and heather out there with the barbecue. talking barbecue and football. florida state had a great comeback. that s right. what s more american than barbecue? how about free barbecue for our troops and first responders. nothing better than that, ainsley. it s just what the good people at mission barbecue do each and every year in memory of the bravery shown on september 11th. the restaurant chain also recognizes american heroes by playing the national anthem every day at lunchtime.
and that will bring tears to your eyes. i ve been there and done that and it is just incredible. here to tell us about their patriotic owner, bill proud. congratulations on the success of your restaurant. what do you do on 9/11? so mission barbecue, it s just a couple of best friends who had a love of barbecue, more important a love of country. specifically on 9/11 our business was born on september 11th, 2011, so ten years after the world changed as we knew it in some small way we re going to try to do our part to change it back. we can t believe it s now been 15 years since the planes hit the towers. so on september 11th we try and bring the entire community of first responders together by offering free sandwiches all day long at all 35 of our locations now across 11 states but at the same time, too, we do offer that
perspective, specifically on 9/11. we do a live version of the national anthem at 12 noon. it s our best two minutes of the day. and ultimately that national anthem, we do that every day at every mission barbecue because we can because we re free, because we re safe and we don t take that for granted. steve, i talked to a lot of the employees in your store. many of them have family members who are currently serving or they served themselves. what does it mean to you to be part of a company that does that? certainly honored and privileged to represent an entire company. many of our teammates have family members that have either served their community or their country. they re honored to come to work every day. what did you think of colin kaepernick. when they hear the national anthem, everyone stands. we have a tremendous amount of respect. every day we stand and put our hand over our heart and sing the national anthem. the key to making barbecue so the barbecue just pulls right off the bone? first, you start about 12
hours ago. exactly. you dry rub it, cook it low and slow for 12 hours. you take a tough piece of meat and you re a south carolina girl, you know. i know how to drive through your drive through and have a sandwich. i don t have 12 hours to cook it. carolina puts a little bit of vinegar. you prefer a vinegar base instead of mustard base? bill, he likes a ketchup base. bill and i are midwesterners. and at mission barbecue, we just dry rub everything. we re not smart enough to know if you like sauce, how much sauce. all we assume is you re a ka carnivour. six different sauces. all represent different areas of the country. kansas city, st. louis, memphis. they drive this incredible big truck up here. they have those outside the
stores. we love having you here, bill and steve. thank you so much. mission barbecue in 11 states, 35 stores now. congratulations on your success. hope you re hungry. steve and brian, we re going to eat. yeah. we ll bring you some maybe. tell you what, ainsley, bring in a bottle of that kansas city sauce. i will. all right. 19 minutes now before the top of the hour. one group trying to scrub the truth from a 9/11 memorial. it refers to the attackers as islamic terrorists which you can see right there. they want those two words removed so they don t offend anybody. well, the man behind the memorial not standing for that. he s here next. and it was a long shot. make a basket across the lecture hall from a high angle and the whole class gets an a. don t worry, he won t hit it. oh! [ cheers and applause ] those students are sleeping in this morning. and, by the way, that student
and professor join us live next.
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. with trulicity, i click to activate what s within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. controversy brewing over a 9/11 memorial in owego, new york. it s an interfaith group that s upset. they want the words islamic terrorists wiped off. on september 11, 2001, nineteen islamic terrorists unsuspectedly boarded four air liners departing east coast airports to hijack the planes and carry out a series of coordinated attacks against the united states.
this is a tribute to all the lives lost that day and to the heroic sacrifice to all who rushed to helps. as americans, we honor their memory by living our lives in freedom. we will never forget. what have you heard? only positive things. august 14th i received an e-mail saying they were offended by the particular wording and they were going to reach out to their groups and see if there s something that should be done and i have been contacted by that group s representative a lawyer? no. no. people interfaith group, very special group of jewish people, christian people that are trying to promote peace and they felt that that was an indictment of islam as a religion. really? here s an example what they want. the group of the children of abraham of the southern tier. we d suggest the term al qaeda
terrorists to be more accurate. the current word choice in essence tars and feathers upstanding and patriotic american muslims and other mulls limbs who are our allies in the fight against terrorism in our country and around the world. we bounced things around for a couple of days. it was never an indictment. it said 19 islamic terrorists. no more, no less. to a specific day, a specific date and a specific event. it s not any more than that. i don t view it as an indictment of that. 75 to 80% of the muslim people are peaceful. we know that, we respect that. it doesn t indict them. if it was a christian group, you would have written christian terrorists. no, i told them that. do you want to back down and do that? actually, the story has gone national and i ve received 100%
support and calls in e-mails. not one person has called complaining. they ve all been supportive. i do find some of the animosity is still there. unfortunately you feel it in some of the comments but i think in general most americans are peaceful people and they believe the muslim people are peaceful and i don t think any differently. why was it important for owego to have this memorial? i did it because our neighboring town had one last year. so we applied for it, we got it. while i was doing this we found out that one person from appalachia, the town of owego, died in that tower. we incorporated that into the memorial. gotcha. very comprehensive of everything. don casalucci, the town supervisor of owego, not backing down. thanks so much. appreciate it. we will be here live at 11:00 on
sunday. coming up, reporters who covered hillary clinton s coughing fit now feeling the wrath of the coughing fit. is that news off limits? it was a long shot. make a basket across the lecture hall and the whole class gets an a. watch. that student and the professor join us live next. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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one student earned an a for effort and all of his classmates got 100% on their pop
quiz when he scored an incredible shot in his organic chemistry class. [ cheers ] that video has been retweeted now. 108,000 times since we started the show. joining us right now, ohio state university junior and the professor who issued the blanket challenge joining us today from ohio state. professor, i know you were trying to something. what was it with the big air ball? we were having a discussion of acidbased chemistry, the ball that turns into a proton. vinnie caught it. it s the best way to understand that. everybody knows that. professor, isn t this your opportunity to make a joke about
bases and acids. correct, by throwing the proton into the audience i make an acidof myself. you knew the pressure was on you. first of all, it s organic chemistry. this might be the hardest class you can take in challenge. ever. everyone is depending on you because they know they get a 100 quiz grade if you make the basket. lots of pressure on you. what s going through your mind? nothing really. after he passed it to me, he lucktured a bit explaining everything. he gave the decision, you can pass it off to somebody and i just decided to just take the chance and i kept it and i just aimed and throw. what makes you think you could hit that shot? i was confident about it. that s all about i can say. right. professor, you ve done this for a dozen years, how many times have kids actually hit the basket? the first ten years we were 0
for ten and we have actually had two years in a row. the problem is last year no one recorded it. so what did you do this time? i told them, lot of pressure on you. they made it last year. everyone get out your phone just in case it happens again. are you surprised how this gone viral and so many people have watched it? it s been amazing. i got an e-mail on friday night saying hey this is going viral. i was pretty shocked. all the e-mails over the weekend from former students and osu e alumni have been fantastic. vinnie, you glad you went to college? definitely. vinnie what are you going do you only take organic chemistry if you re going to be a doctor or going on to pursue something in science. what do you want to do? i m pursuing chemical engineering as my major. that s great. because this is such a hard class to get everybody in the class 100 on a quiz is like winning the heisman trophy in organic chemistry.
true. professor, do they get an automatic 100 for the entire season or one tiny portion of their grade. just this small portion. quiz 1 counts 100s for they show up and take it. we re still working hard to get better everyday. i think it s awesome you re making it so much fun in the classroom for these kids. i know you re going to be the most popular organic teacher. everyone will want to sign up for your class. thank you so much. vinnie, your the most popular student in your class. without a doubt. thank you. thanks for joining us today from ohio state university. that s an awesome story. fantastic. straight ahead on this wednesday, hillary clinton s e-mail controversy not going away any time soon. and now it s getting even bigger. republicans now pushing for a new investigation. congressman jason chaves is leading that push. he ll join us in 15 minutes. stand proud or sit on the bench permanently. one coach sending a very strong
message to his players about the national anthem. hockey is not tolerating it.
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introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at good wednesday morning to you and your family. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast, september 7th, i m ainsley earhardt. another benghazi bomb shell for hillary clinton. did her team try to manipulate the questions she would be asked in the very first congressional hearing. this morning we might find out exactly what difference it all really does make. how convenient. meanwhile, wikileaks founder julian assange says he has proof that hillary clinton lied to the fbi and that s illegal. and now there s a september surprise in the works apparently before the october surprise. so many surprises, so little time. athletes, thinking of skipping out on the national anthem colin kaepernick style? this coach in hockey will make you regret it. we ll expand on his philosophy
in just a moment. let me remind you of our slogan should someone ask you in the hall, mornings are better with friends. are you ready for this? we have a great 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. hour here on fox & friends. first up, that man right there, shaq. shaquille o neal will be here on the couch with us and so is martina mcbride. we love her. and governor of indiana mike pence who rumor has it is running for president with donald trump. congressman jason chaffetz is sending a letter to investigate hillary. comedian jeff ross. and melissa joan hart. thank you very much for joining us on this wednesday that kind of feels like a tuesday. meanwhile, a brand new e-mail bomb shell for hillary clinton on this wednesday morning. new claims that she and her
staff tried to plant questions during her first hearing on bengha benghazi. this is hard to deny. clinton is desperately trying to flip the script and turn everything upside down. anyone going to buy it? mike emmanuel is live on the campaign trail in westchester, new york. private servers? brian, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. hillary clinton is back home here in new york ahead of her appearance on a televised national security forrum tonight. clinton tried to go on office yesterday in tampa attacking donald trump for his positions on national security and foreign policy. tampa is the home of the u.s. military central command, so military issues should play big there. one example, clinton criticized trump for how he would take on the threat from isis. he said he has a secret plan to defeat isis, but the secret is he has no plan. after all his talk, the only thing that is clear is he has no clue about what he s talking
about. my colleague katherine is out with a new report on the clinton team s collaboration with the key ally on capitol hill. new jersey senator bob me mendes ahead of a major foreign relations committee in january 2013, looking into the benghazi terror attack. then clinton aide chelsea clinton quote, we wired it that menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk. her actions, whereabouts on 9/11 and these e-mails from chris stevens about moving locations. the newly released e-mail that led to this moment in the foreign relations committee hearing. can you give us your insights on the decision-making process regarding the location of the mission? and as part of that can you also in your response you touched upon it in your opening statement, but what actions were you and your staff taking the
night of september 11th and into september 12th? we ve gotten no comment so far from the clinton campaign. ainsley, steve, brian? unbelievable. what are they supposed to say, mike? they got caught. he read it exactly like the e-mail said. it s to chelsea. what are they going to say? excellent questions we re asking that they have not responded to. so she said i want these topics discussed at the hearing. right out of the gate, senator menendez, those are the first topics he throws to her. unbelievable. it is incredible. the other big story out there is what has been revealed is that apparently it looks like right after you know it started to hit the fan and the house started asking the clintons to send te mails to them, they erased them all. so congressman jason chaffetz is going to join brian in ten minutes sent a letter to the u.s. attorney in d.c. to
investigate why a staffer after they were instructed hold on all that stuff forever until the investigation, hit the delete button and did that. that s against the law. the whole convenience thing, she flipped back from an ipad to a blackberry or a private phone back and forth and we re missing the ipad. we re missing 11 devices. unbelievable. i can t keep up with one. keep in mind, who keeps a hammer in their office to smash a blackberry. how could you keep 11 devices in your clutch? we can t. there s no room. there s no room. one at a time. meanwhile, one of the things that hillary clinton it was revealed when she talked to the fbi they said to her, you know, that c in the quotations, that means classified, right? she goes, i didn t realize that. julian assange was on last night and has proof that that was a lie. she knew exactly what the c stood for because he s got
thousands of e-mails. watch. it says that she can t remember what a c stands for. everyone in positions of government and in wikileak knows it stands for classified confidential. in fact, we have already released thousands of cables by hillary clinton, here she is, clinton, see that signature, clinton with a c in bracket right there, thousands of examples where she herself has used the c in brackets and signed it off. so he s telling sean hannity last night that she sent thousands of e-mails and accepted thousands of e-mails with the c. i can understand if it s just one e-mail and she wants to say she doesn t know what the c stands for, but thousands? her husband was president. she s been in politics for years. she knew what she was doing. plus also apparently she used the c in the brackets. exactly. so she knew what it meant.
nancy pelosi tried to get paul ryan to agree in a bipartisan way not to make public any of these hacked e-mails so we can t see them. i m sure that s politically motivated, but nobody here on this couch supports what julian assange does. he s done countless damage to us by combining with chelsea bradley now in jail and by releasing all these cables that did a lot of damage to us internationally. we re not pro hacking. we re trying to say no one can doubt the authenticity of what s going on behind closed doors. meanwhile a couple days ago in cleveland, hillary clinton had in total a giant cough-a-thon that lasted four minutes. two minutes there in front of tim kaine who is standing by there watching her cough. did nothing. then on the airplane later. this was a big story on drudge and other outlets. however, the mainstream media, not so much. we asked our brain room to do
some checking into the first two nights. monday and tuesday, how much did they cover that, the coughing fit? 15 seconds on abc. on monday night. nothing on tuesday. cbs didn t cover it at all and neither did nbc. on social media, they got rebuked from the campaign. hillary clinton struggles to fight back coughing attack is what was out there. that was the nbc story that was put out by andrew rafferty, an nbc correspondent. he put out a five paragraph report. and dan pfeiffer, what is his title with the campaign? he was an obama former seek senior adviser. will be very curious to see whether nbc tries to justify this crap or just does the right thing and apologizes. nick merrill wrote, get a life. to the reporter. the headline only said hillary clinton struggles to fight back coughing attack. it s not that bad. it s been pointed out, too, the headlines of one story about
john mccain. most think will not survive a second term in the white house when he was running for president. they were all over him with his health. it looks like all the pushback it s press intimidation. you write a story about hillary clinton, if you go to the drudge report, everyday he is questioning her health and stuff like that. these reports weren t even close to that and yet andrew rafferty took some flak. she had two coughing fits in one day, four minutes. what do you think about that? e-mail us. hello, heather. good morning, all of you. we start out overseas. iran harassing another warship, similar to this encounter, you may recall it was caught on camera. watch. no response. weapons uncovered. man conducting that one happening just august 23rd. this time one of the iranian boats stopping less than 100
yards in front of our ship, forcing that patrol ship to change directions to try to avoid a possible collision. this after a u.s. ship was forced to fire three warning shots during a similar incident just weeks ago. back here at home that murder suspect we told you about over the past few days, he vanished from an investigation room while he was still handcuffed is now back behind bars this morning. police arresting alonzo perez inside a las vegas home over night. she was sitting cuffed to his chair and he twisted those cuffs until they finally snapped and that s how he was able to break free and walk right out of the building. he has been on the run since friday. now back behind bars. well, it was considered one of the worst cyberattacks in u.s. history and it s all thanks to government incompetence? there s a new scathing house report out today that says that the office of personnel management opm failed on the most basic levels to protect government employee information. they were told to fix blatant
security flaws multiple times but that agency did nothing. that allowed hackers to steal 21 million files that are filled with vital personnel information. this happened back in 2014. and this is a wonderful story to tell you about. a little boy was so excited to get baptized that he took matters into his own hands. watch this. i now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son don t do it. and of the holy spirit. that little guy just couldn t wait. that the 6-year-old jordan warwick from louisville, kentucky. he couldn t wait for the pastor to dunk him. he took the plunge himself. he told his dad the water was too cold. that video has been seen by more than 30 million people and those are your headlines. i love how pure and innocent kids are. he loves jesus. i m ready to get dunked. let s do this.
so sweet. thank you, heather. thank you, heather. all right. hillary clinton s e-mail controversy, who is behind you, brian? who is massaging you? wait a sec. i recognize these hands. that s right. are you the center? this is shaquille o neal, ladies and gentlemen. shaquille o neal is giving brian a massage. good to see you again. it s been a long time since he s rubbed my shoulder. we have some catching up to do. shaq is being inducted into the hall of fame. he ll talk about that. we ll step aside as they have that bromance out in the hall. jason chaffetz is going to join brian and maybe shaq will interview jason chaffetz in about two minutes. jason cha fets. chafe et cetera. with the right steps,
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out of the woods yet, just yet when it comes to her e-mails. republican lawmakers now pushing to reopen the investigation after the fbi notes revealed that its i.t. staffer deleted clinton s e-mail archives after the house benghazi s committee order that clinton keep all her e-mails. so what happens snex in jason
chaffetz joins us now. chairman, what bothers you most about this? that the house had been asking for documents, they re federal records, they re not hillary clinton s e-mails, they re federal records, more than two years after she left office suddenly when the subpoenas in place preservation order is in place you have this high level meeting with david kendall, with cheryl mills, the top lieutenants there for hillary clinton. this is roughly march 25th of 2015. a couple days later we don t know exactly what time but within days, certainly less than a week later, there is a work order at plat river networks and then these documents are destroyed using bleach bit nonetheless a tool to erase everything and these were federal records under subpoena. but the fbi knew this, saw these chain of events and did nothing. well, that was curious. when we had our hearing with director comey, i asked him
specifically if he look what had she said under oath. he didn t take it into consideration, never looked at that. the house of representativess have to stand up for itself. i m tired of congress just sending off letters and not doing anything. we have some equities here we have to protect and to protect those federal records. the whole system, if you could tell someone not to do something and they do it and there s no ramifications, what good is it to have any of these. i want to bring you to what hillary clinton said yesterday in response to your calls for more hearings do you have any concerns that e-mails were deleted after they were already supposed to be preserved and did you ask for them to be deleted? no, of course not. i have no concern on either account. none and neither did the fbi. the congressman calling for more hearings is just a perfect segue. you know the fbi resolved all
this. the report answered all the questions. the findings included debunking and latest conspiracy theories. i believe i have created so many jobs in the sort of conspiracy theory machine factory because honestly they never quit. between the smashing of the blackberries, to the smashing to disappearing ipads. we re just getting to the surface of this, yet the fbi closed the book, chairman. well, he said he never actually looked at what she testified in front of congress. so i don t think hillary clinton gets it. the fact of the matter is they did not look at this and the house of representativess also a branch of government also gets to look into this. of course we re going to do hearings. we re going to get to the truth of this. the fbi since that time has come out and said they found 14,900 more e-mails. the associated press is suing the state department because they can t get hillary clinton s calendar from 2009. so, there are a lot of documents
and things out there the public has a right to have. there are federal records. they re not her e-mails and we are going to get to the truth. you wonder why he slost about 12 points in the polls in three weeks. chairman jason chaffetz, next thing we know we ll see you and james comey soon because you ll call out comey for this. not necessarily director. we have hearings. we have one on thursday and monday where we ll drag up the odni, we ll bring up a representative from the department of justice. so there will be a series of hearings, absolutely. congressman chaffetz, thank so much. thank you. thinking of skipping out the national anthem colin kaepernick style? this coach will make you regret it. we ll explain. who is taller, melissa joan hart or shaquille o neal? the answer after the break. we re getting exact measurements. (humming) so you re up at dawn,
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we have got some quick headlines for you. shocking admission overnight from the obama administration which paid iran $1.7 billion in cold hard cash straight from taxpayer s pockets. the payment happening at the exact moment iran released four american prisoners. you know, the hostages. senior officials call it leverage. some people technically call it ransom money. what do you think? coming in for a landing. watch as american astronaut jeff williams returns to earth in a fiery bang. boom. right there. smoke rising as his spacecraft safely touches down in kazakhstan. williams setting the record for most time spent in space by an american. he logged more than 534 days in
the final frontier. and missed some holidays. ainsley, over to you? thank you. she cast a spell as sabrina the teenage witch. melissa joan is taking on faith-based role called god s not dead 2. she brings up the teachings of jesus christ in the clasds room. love your enemies. pray for those who persecute you that you will be children of your father in heaven. dr. king described his inspiration from scripture saying christ furnished the spirit of motivation while gone be furnished the message. that classroom incident leads to a high profile religious freedom court case. why are more and more people flocking to these faith-based films. actor melissa joan hart joins us now.
it did really well in april. now it s actually i think number two right now dvd sales behind angry birds. my kids like angry birds too. why do you think it? people are really drawn to well, first of all characters that remind them of themselves and i think they also just want a good story and a good movie that makes you feel good. people are so sick of all the drama, all the action. i think that they just really want at the end of the day be entertained and feel like they got something out of it. were you worried about playing this role? the backlash in hollywood. i knew there would be. i knew there would be both sides of it. i knew i would get a lot of love from the christian community and i knew there would be a lot of people out there not necessarily hollywood, the atheists and whatnot would come after me. i have to avoid twitter. i do. every time i post things about it, there s numerous posts.
i respect other people s opinions, but i comment when i feel it s appropriate. i remember when you commented on mitt romney. you endorsed mitt romney. yeah. i simply said i was voting for mitt. it all blew up. everywhere. yeah. you saw this at the republican national convention this year. you tried to put up a poster, billboard god s not dead 2 and what happened? apparently the billboard company wouldn t allow us to they didn t take it down. they wouldn t put it up. supposedly there were three atheist posters around you. thousands will support you. there s three people that will get offended and it can t go up. it s just about the movie. it wasn t necessarily huge christian stance. right. just too bad. this is a big week for your family. you have three beautiful boys and they all went back to school. it s back to schools. i m been in wales for six weeks
directing a film. that s the day my two big boys went to school. i missed that morning. i ve been home since. now the little one starts preschool. i m going to get there and take him for ice cream after. are you okay? are you emotional? what s it like, it s your baby? i think it s worse when you watch the bus go away and whatnot. i saw all these kid s picture on instagram. off to school. off to school. off to school. i think i m more emotional about other people s kids. i ll be there for mine. i ll be there on the second day. i m watching them go off on the bus, yeah, i get to clean the house now and take care of some stuff i need to take care of. maybe get my nails done some day. people say the time flies by. my youngest is about to be four. he turns 4 in two weeks. planning a karaoke birthday party for him. i can t believe he s not my baby anymore. congratulations on all your success. melissa joan hart, god s not dead 2.
god bless you. thanks for joining us. this terrorist was all smiles walking out of gitmo. now he is protesting his new living conditions. wait until you hear this one. the last time that shaq was here, this is what happened [ laughter ]. it didn t go so well for brian. we are talking to the soon to be hall of famer shaquille o neal. there he is with the boys. come on in, guys. [alarm beeping]
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[ laughter ].
wow. it s your shot of the morning and a possible evil genius in the making. is that a real laugh? that s a real laugh. cackling laugh just like a cartoon villain. it s going viral this morning. it sounds like a horse. kind of. her mom catching her in the act at home out shopping and even in the bathtub. the video has been seen hundreds of thousands of times and shaquille o neal questions whether or not it s phony. it s not phony. okay. that s real. it s a baby. yeah, it s a baby. give the baby the credit. identify each one is shaquille o neal. he has six kids. don t you remember when you hold on to your dad s arm, i bet you could do that with all six hanging on. they re so strong. not now. the ages range from 24 to 10. can t do it anymore. don t want to be picked up anymore at 24. we ll talk to shaq, more shaquille o neal coming up, but first we have headlines with
hetder. shaq, great to have you back here. good morning to all of you. a dangerous gitmo detain knee living life in uruguay has been hospitalized because this guy isn t eating. he is now on a hunger strike because he says he s not happy with his living conditions, even though he s been seen partying it up. he s smiling there with friends. he and five other terrorists refusing every job they re offered and are now demanding to be moved to other countries. authorities worried he may have been planning to attack the rio olympics, that did not materialize, though. a drug crisis back here at home has some authorities in ohio calling it a public health emergency. after at least eight deaths are now blamed on a combination of heroin and an animal sedative. officials in hamilton county say it is drug that s found legally only in zoos, more than 300 heroin-related overdoses have occurred there since mid august. and it reads like a new
chapter of the hatfield and mccoys, a man mad at his neighbor driving a bulldozer right through his home. why would you want to put a family out of your home in unless you re coldhearted. there s been an on going fuld between the two. the man now charged with trespassing and vandalism. stand in line to ride the pine. that s the message from team usa hockey coach john tort rel la ahead of the world cup of hockey later this month. he tells espn he will not tolerate players sitting in solidarity with san francisco 49ers colin kaepernick. i m having a hard time this morning. he s been of course boycotting the national anthem. if they do, they ll be riding the bench for the rest of the game. those are your headlines. back over to you. star struck this morning. so excited that shaq is here. what do you think about that, shaq? you heard heathers last story? to each his own.
something i wouldn t do. there are injustices, have always been injustices, you know, me personally i would probably go about it a different way. my question is, what happened last year? how come you didn t decide to do this last year or the year before that or the year before that? i don t know colin, but again to each his own. i don t have a say on it, but i would never do that. my father was a military man and, you know, he protected this country. uncles are in law enforcement. they go out and work hard everyday. just other ways to get your point across. so you re an african-american. you re an african-american and a lot of people feel as though perspective you should be standing with colin kaepernick, but you also are pro military and pro cop. can you be both? yes, i can be both. again, my thing is, you have to enter on to the scene one way. people like muhammad ali and bill russell, they were one way
their whole career. you can t show us something and go to another just because of certain issues. again, i m aware of all the issues, but my question is, how come you didn t do it last year? how come you didn t do it when you first entered the nfl? again, i don t know colin. to each his own. he has his constitutional right to do that, but i would never do that. something they do at the conclusion of a great career is they induct people into the hall of fame and shaquille o neal will be inducted into the hall of fame for basketball. your going to make me cry. stop it. going to make me cry, stop it. allen iverson and yao ming. that s a great class. here is your ring right here. how do you like it? by zales. you re not allowed to put it on. yes. what size is that? that s size 17. wow. of course it is. and zales is the official ring provider for the hall of fame. that ring right there is fabulous. i know you can t put it on. ainsley, would you like to try
it on? i would love to. oh. can t do it like that. no. you want to get down on your knee. no, can t do it like that. it s bad luck if i put it on. wow. that is huge. there s so much room there. i would lose it. that is incredible. i ve been with zales now for five years, i also have the shaquille o neals men s collection there. this is what i m going to do for the people. now until sunday if you go to zales you get 10% off on regular jewelry and on the shaq o neal jewelry we ll give you 15% off. wow. you have the power to do that from this couch? yes, i do. power invested into you. now to sunday. the zales sale. you re a big personality, great personality, i remember when you were broke in your rookie year, everyone was happy to have you. did you envision this day from day one? yes and no. my father told me as a youngster
that if i followed his plan and if i go out and play with passion and energy that this day would happen. never really thought about it. i just wanted to make him happy. make my mom happy. make the fans happy. i think you ve done that. last night go ahead. sorry. but ever since day one, ever since being a youngster, everything my parents told me would happen and it s happened. little kids out there, make sure you listen to your mom and dad. that s such great advice. last night i was at the u.s. open and i was watching the game. watching the match. you looked super fabulous. i was sitting behind the photographers. incredibly fabulous. the moment his face came up on the big board, all the paparazzi turned immediately to the box where you were sitting. the whole crowd instead of watching the match started watching you. but i wasn t watching the match. i was watching you. look at this. you looked fabulous. as always. thanks. of course because you re so tall, it s very helpful when
you re in the professional basketball league. what is the one downside to being 7 1 ? nothing really. nothing. when i was young, i always wanted to be the same size as my friends. i think it helped me to become incredible athlete. my friends would go out and flip and jump off roofs. i wanted to be little so i did whatever they did. so all my little friends, thank you. thank you, shaq. you also said that you really never displayed your whole game. that you have great dribbling skills but you never asked to do that. do you regret that? a little bit. i see these guys stepping out, shooting jumpers. i actually had that but i never got a chance to go do it. i got doubled and triple teamed. overall i m pretty happy with my career. that s why you re going into springfield, all seriousness, an incredible accomplishment and it will be a great moment. for you and your family, it will be special. we re going to walk around the block me and you? yeah. great idea. and i will get absolutely no attention. go to zales and get some of
the shaquille o neal collection. it s on sale. go to zales. again, from now until sunday, regular jewelry 10% off, shaq o neal jewelry 15% off. i have the power to do that. great to see you. great friend of shaq. thanks, shaq. shaq should fill in for us because the chemistry between these two is undeniable. would be less news channel and more smooz channel. good one. hey, coming up next with shaq s approval and with zales okay, he served as a top adviser to george w. bush during one of the country s darkest hours. alberto gonzalez here to reflect on september 11th and talk about his years as attorney general. she is one of country music s biggest stars, before kicking off her cross-country tour, martina mcbride is here on our couch. hey, martina. nexium 24hr is now the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn.
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tragedy struck. it s hard to believe it was that long. what s your primary remembrance when you go back to that day you had? actually it s that evening. karen hughes and i karen hughes was the communication director. we stood on the oval office poach porch.
i remember thinking or wondering, what would i see in his face. both karen and i had worked for bush when he was governor of texas. we ve known him for a while. as soon as he got off that helicopter and walked toward us, we greeted him. he sort of acknowledged us and just walked straight into the oval office. when i saw his face, i knew we were going to be okay. he was determined and he was angry, but he knew that he had a job to do to protect this country. ultimately to protect the country, some decisions were made. one of them water boarding. that s one of the things you talk about in your new book. i wanted to talk about all the controversial issues. that s the headline. so, you know, unlike new york senator chuck schumer said under certain circumstances it would be okay to torture, president bush gave us a director, we re not going to engage in torture. the job of the lawyers was to work very hard over series of months to come up with guidance to ensure that whatever we did would be consistent with the anti-torture statute.
right. the way the letter that laid it out the way they did the water boarding would be legal and not considered torture. exactly. the lawyers worked very hard. listen, i know this is a very controversial issue. we did it because we thought it was effective. we thought it was necessary. and ultimately the lawyers concluded the department of justice that it would be lawful. can we switch gears to today s politics. okay. what do you make of what s going on with hillary clinton, e-mail with the fbi and now jason chaffetz talked to brian about how he wrote a letter to the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c. saying, after we asked for all the records, save all the letters, save all the records and we subpoenaed them, they erased them. yeah. i don t know what the fbi looked at what their investigation included that is clearly against the law, isn t it? typically congress or the fbi or an investigator will give you notice. you have to preserve all that information and all evidence. after that you can be charged
with obstruction of justice. i don t know what i don t know. people ask, what do you think what s going on here? i can understand why some americans, many americans, are frustrated. they re mystified about how could this be? how could someone do this and get away with it? weren t any laws broken here. but again, i don t know what i don t know. i wish i had more information and could give you some answers. have you figured out what you re going to do on november 8th when it comes to voting? i m still making up my mind. i heard you last night. haven t decided yet. isn t that the reason swrooel these three presidential debates try to get more information, try to inform the american public. i want to see them standing by side by side. i figured you would be an republican vote. i believe in republican values. lot a about the party i believe in, but i think all of us, all americans, need to look at each of these candidates and decide who is best to lead this country. who is best for me and my
family. at the end of the day, i m going to do what s best for me and my family. you ll be watching fox news channel we hope on the night of the debate. absolutely. the new book is called true faith and allegiance. alberto gonzalez former attorney general of the united states. thank you, sir. good to be with you. good to have you. straight ahead, one of the country music s loveliest ladies is getting ready for a brand new cross-country tour but she is stopping here first. martina mcbride coming up next. wish upon a shooting star you re beautiful the way you are i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan.
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gosh, those lyrics, your music affects us in a mighty way. she is one of country music s biggest stars. she released her 13th studio album called reckless. she s about to kick off a brand new tour all across the country. thrilled to have martina mcbride right before us before she ll sing. i heard you warming up this morning, incredible. thank you. also atypical. you re not usually up at 5:00 a.m. i usually don t sing until i had my coffee and settled in for the day. we re glad you did. you have to tell us about this. this is the sara cannon band against cancer campaign. it s a national campaign. i partnered with the sara cannon hospitals. we re doing five shows part of a tour. to raise awareness and it s a national campaign for people to find resources in their own community close to home to help them fight cancer. it also raises money for blood cancer research, leukemia and
lymphoma society. you go and have a fun show and you re doing a bunch of good work, too, at the same time. part of your new tour you re kicking off and heading all over the place. yeah. we do the band against cancer tour and then we come back in october and kick off our love unleashed tour, which will be all over the country. how do you balance you have three children at home in nashville. how do you balance the tours and being a mom? well, you know, now my daughters i have three daughters. and a dog. and a dog, yes. one is 21, the one on the left or i don t know if it s the right if you re looking at the camera. then i have an 18-year-old we just dropped off at college a couple weeks ago and then an 11-year-old. so, you know, it s obviously gotten easier now that two of them are out on their own. but as far as when i was coming up and having a career, we just took them with us wow. we kind of grew up on a tour bus on tour and we had a lot of fun on the road. are you trying to tell me
that your life is not like the tv series nashville. it was different? what was it like dropping your daughter off at school? brian had to do it. you had to do with all three of yours. let freedom ring! that s what it s like, independence day for them. usually the mom is just buckets of tears. you know, it s a bittersweet thing. i m super excited for her and for her to start her new adventure. and then, you know, it s sad because we miss her. so it s a different it s definitely different dynamic in the house. you should write a song about it. that would be a great country music song. write about dropping them off, the buckets of tears. yeah. you re going to be singing reckless with us shortly. can you tell us what this song means? yeah. it s the title track of the new album. it s really just a song about being grateful for unconditional love. it s about somebody who is reckless enough to see you at
your best and at your worst and still love you any way. and so, the lyrics really touched me and i love singing it. what s your favorite song or your most popular song that everyone, when ever you re out in public martina, play this, sing this. probably independence day still to this day is the one i couldn t get away without performing live. mar tee narks you have to come back later and sing for us, right? i am. can t wait. it will be great. thank you. meanwhile, coming up, before that, donald trump s running mate and indiana governor mike pence will join us in a few moments. we have a lot to talk about. you don t want to miss that. he s coming up next. and he roasted everyone from justin bieber to donald trump you like my trump-ado? it s good. trying to honor you in everywhere i can. he cut out the punch line.
now comedian jeff ross lost his hair and is taking on a very serious issue. he is here to talk about a brand new project that is just fantastic and strikes right at the news in just a moment. what a great show if i do say so myself. some really good guests. zero heartburn! prilosec otc: the #1 doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for ten straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. always has to be who sat your desk? phone now, with one talk from verizon.
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even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. good morning. it s 8:00 a.m. here on the east coast and it s wednesday, september 7th. hillary clinton has reminded us over and over that she has answered every question from congress about the benghazi attack, but we didn t know until now her staff helped write the questions. what? a brand new bomb shell just revealed about her e-mails. can t wait. meanwhile, donald trump is ready to release his tax returns, but it s under one condition and hillary won t be happy about that. governor mike pence is here with us within the half hour. and ever gotten a message from how about a massage? ever get a massage from shaq, shaquille o neal?
i recognize these hands. are you the center? this is shaquille o neal, ladies and gentlemen. yep. i m going to try to explain that at the top of the hour. i hope you buy that excuse. i won t have to destroy a blackberry in order to sell you on it. keep in mind, mornings are better with friends. watch. let freedom ring independence day, martina mcbride just with us. she ll be singing a brand new song this hour called reckless. good morning. good morning. there will be a costume change. and coming up, vice president nominee mike pence, who is also governor of indiana, he ll be joining us about the fast-breaking news and the fast-changing poll numbers that has us in a virtually flat footed tie. this will be the first time we had him on the program live
since the day after donald trump announced him as the big show in cleveland. exactly right. i wonder if he ll be nervous. i think he s done this a time or two. i think so, too. yesterday donald trump was on a plane. he was taking some questions, as was hillary clinton. one of the questions was, hey, when are you going to release your tax returns? oh, yeah, i ll do it when hillary clinton releases her e-mails. so it looks like she ll do that. hillary clinton was trying to change the subject from the fbi investigation of the notes that were released and here they are both. clearly his tax returns tell a story that the american people deserve and need to know. and if he s going to pursue this campaign, he owes it to the american people to come clean and release those tax returns. nobody cares about it except some of the folks in the media. nobody cares about it. how does she talk about my tax returns. she has 33,000 e-mail she is deleted. when is she going to release her
e-mails? she knows how to find it. i ll release my tax returns immediately. that may be the last time she mentions that because you need to release your tax returns, he s going to come back constantly and say where are those deleted e-mails and remind all of you about this e-mail scandal. some more of that quid pro quo stuff. we asked you what you thought about that. steve, another steve out there in tv land wrote this, how about hillary releasing her speeches to wall street before trump releases her tax returns. i don t care how much money trump made. i do care about hillary and how much she made and their money. good for trump. tax returns are irrelevant. deliberately deleting documents concerning the security of the u.s. is very relevant. it would be a lot easier if he just released them but he says he is under audit. jessica says two wrongs don t make a right. if he wants to be president, he has to be better than the competition. we ll talk to governor mike
pence republican from indiana coming up within the half hour. stay tuned for that. meanwhile, a brand new e-mail bomb shell for hillary clinton this morning. i know you heard a lot about it. we have something new. there s new claims that she and her staff tried to plant questions during that first hearing on benghazi. yep. now clinton is desperately trying to change the subject. mike emmanuel is life on the campaign trail in westchester, new york. mike? reporter: brian, ainsley, steve, good morning. hillary clinton has tried to move her campaign forward, talking about national security after weeks of questions about her e-mail and clinton foundation controversies, clinton was in tampa, florida, near u.s. central command, the military headquarters there talking about national security and foreign policy. she took to aim at donald trump s policies, for example on nuclear weapons. he s very loose in his talk about nukes. he says he doesn t care if ore countries get them, doesn t know why they haven t been used
already. it s so mind boggling when i hear these things i say that can t be true. and then they replay it for me again. our colleague is out with a new report about the clinton s team interaction with the then acting chairman of the senate foreign relations committee bob menendez of new jersey. citizens united released a january 2013 e-mail from then clinton aide to chelsea clinton ahead of a foreign relations hearing looking into the benghazi terror attack writing we wired that menendez would release two topics we needed to debunk. her actions, whereabouts on 9/11 and these e-mails about chris stevens about moving locations. then there was this moment in the foreign relations hearing with menendez playing a leading role. can you give us your insights on the decision making process regarding the location of the mission? as part of that, can you also in
your response you touched upon it in your opening statement, but what actions were you and your staff taking the night of september 11th and into september 12th? as for the campaign, hillary clinton is back here in new york ahead of her appearance in a televised national security forrum. steve, ainsley, brian? mike emmanuel, thank you very much live from west chester. that was good acting from menendez from my state of new jersey pretty much read the script. just shows what hillary clinton s concerns were going into this hearing and her plotting, plotting to make her look good. and those two people her key aides. her daughter a big adviser and her daughter and ryan is the long-time spokesperson and message handler as well. while she was senator of new york. jason chaffetz is saying enough is enough and is asking for a new investigation. he is asking the u.s. attorney for the direct of columbia to
investigation this e-mail scandal. it just continues to get worse and worse. apparently her aide and contractors tried to delay the congressional inquiry by deleting e-mails. they were subpoenaed. these e-mails were supposed to be they were subpoenaed. she got the subpoena. she got a letter from congress saying save everything. right. and she didn t. and her aides went and deleted it all. they purged a handful of these e-mails. jason chaffetz sat down with brian less than an hour ago talking about, look, we re thinking about a new hearing because we didn t have all the evidence then. we don t have all of it yet, but we got more. listen to this. when we had our hearing with director comey, i asked him very specifically if he had looked at what hillary clinton had said under oath and he said he never even looked at that type of thing. didn t even take it into consideration. so the house of representatives got to stand up for itself. i m tired of congress sending off letters and not doing
anything. we have some equities here that we have to protect and to protect those federal records. the fbi since that time has come out and said they found 14,900 more e-mails. the associated press is suing the state department because they still can t even get hillary clinton s calendar from 2009. so, there are a lot of documents and things out there the public has a right to have. they re federal records. they re not her e-mails and we are going to get to the truth. they are getting back to those calendars will be released at the end of this month. originally they said we ll hold on to them. they re online. they exist. there s no reason to hold on to the calendars if there was she works for us. we pay if you work for the government, you work for us. we should be able to see what your calendar looks like. maybe the calendar shows she met with somebody from somewhere and on thursday as we know from clinton somebody gave must be to clinton foundation. if you don t have anything to hide, let us read the schedule
and e-mails. meanwhile, julian assange gets documents not through foye ya but through hackers who give them to wikileaks. he was on with sean hannity last night saying hillary clinton said to the fbi, according to the files, that she didn t know what the c in brackets meant. that, ladies and gentlemen, is a lie, according to mr. assange listen. hillary clinton says she can t remember what a c in brackets stands for. everyone in positions of government and in wikileaks knows it stands for classified confidential. in fact, we have already released thousands of cables by hillary clinton, here she is, clinton see that s her signature. clinton, c in bracket right there. thousands of examples where she herself has used a c in brackets and signed it off and more than 22,000 times that she has received cables from others with
the c in brackets. so it s absolutely incredible for clinton to lie. she is lying about not knowing what that is. she s saying because she s in public office for so long. her husband was president. she sent and received thousands, not just one, thousands so she had to know what the c stood for. the more you read i have all the pages over here, 39 pages from the investigation from the notes, the more you read the more you think you might be right from last week or two weeks ago when you said there s political pressure on the fbi. the pressure could have gotten to that makes you get one conclusion. it s so disillusioning to think that a government official will try to put that pull the wool over our eyes in that rudimentary of a fashion and the fbi might be complicit. one of the things julian assange says, he has many more they ll be releasing in batches. could come next week or the week after. we could have not only an october surprise but september.
he said they ll all be released before the election. any way 8:11 here in new york city. heather joins us with the headlines. good morning. a fox news alert to start with right now. iran playing with fire. harassing another u.s. warship. this is similar to the encounter that happened in august that was caught on camera. watch this. no response. weapons uncovered. man conducting patrol. this time one of the iranian boats stopping less than 100 yards in front of our ship, forcing that patrol ship to change directions to avoid a possible collision. well, this happening after a u.s. ship was forced to fire three warning shots during a similar incident just weeks ago. a desperate search at this hour for a dangerous suspect that police say walked into a restaurant and randomly slashed a man s throat. this happened in denver, colorado, and that attack was so violent it happened in the
middle of the day. police say that the man was holding a knife. he walked up behind a customer and slashed his throat before taking off. that victim was seriously hurt but is expected to survive. panic on a plane packed with passengers after a man starts screaming in arabic. it was united airlines flight that was forced to make an emergency landing in nashville after the crusade that mohammed al dorsy became violent and started kicking and breaking a bathroom door. police stormed that cincinnati-bound plane. they arrested him. he s now been charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. and a big bank now claims big brother goldman sachs reportedly banning high-ranking partners at its firm from donating to donald trump s campaign. politico says the company told staff it wants to avoid looking like it s taking sides or engaging in a pay to play scheme. the catch though, top officials can still donate to hillary
clinton s campaign because she s not a part of a sitting federal office. that is raising some eyebrows. that s very convenient. thank you very much, well, hey, there, you thinking about skipping out on national anthem? colin kaepernick style, you know he did it. meet the coach that was going to keep his players on the bench if they decide they re not going to stand up. and what would happen if you answered i don t know 327 different times from the fbi? that s how many times hillary clinton and her aides forgot the answers when asked about her e-mail server and other things. the reporter exposing that new development here next. i have asthma.
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327, that s how many times hillary clinton and her aide were unable to recall facts about the private e-mail server setup, including details around its setup and whether clinton asked permission to use a personal e-mail account at all. here with his reaction, thing with washington, d.c. bureau chief of the new york post. daniel, you put this number together. are you stunned by it?
yeah. it s very, very high obviously, higher than anybody i think would guess. republican national committee they scoured the transcripts of various depositions, fbi notes from four clinton aides including cheryl mills, huma abedin and came up with this number 327 times when they were asked a certain question and all of a sudden they were hit with amnesia. so, it s kind of convenient for them not to remember key facts in this investigation and i think it s interesting we re just learning about this now. key embarrassing facts, daniel. true. some of these people were attorneys. if they told something that would harm hillary clinton s chances to be president of the united states, that would blow everything up. yeah, at least half of them are attorneys. it s interesting if you talk to any attorney, if you talk to any prosecutor, of course anybody the subject of a criminal investigation is going to tell you they can t remember or deny anything. what s interesting about this case in particular i think there was a lot of deference given to
their word. the fact that when hillary clinton says she didn t know that c stands for confidential or classified on these markings on some of these notes, why is she believed? why is the assumption that she is telling the truth? why isn t the assumption that she isn t and looking for further facts to perhaps bolster that case. i think lots of subjects in criminal investigations were never given the benefit of the doubt. these powerful people have been. what about the benefit of having cheryl mills sit in on your interview? why was she allowed to storm out and not come back. it s interesting. cheryl mills was hillary s lawyer? of course you re allowed to have your lawyer present, the weird thing she was also subject of criminal investigation. it s kind of strange and perhaps unheard of for that connection to be allowed for you both the lawyer also to be the subject and for her to be able to hear multiple interviews and hear what s going on. sure. it s not common practice.
then again, you know, maybe they don t know the answer and maybe they don t recall. maybe they weren t in on the decisions but nonetheless, when you look at the numbers, whoa, that s some number. well, we ll never know. that s the problem. we ll never know what she really believes what she really knows. unfortunately investigators didn t see it worth pursuing the facts outside of it. we can only they took their word at face value. jason chaffetz isn t stopping the chairman of oversight said he is going to start looking into it because of things like that 327 number. daniel halper thanks so much. thanks guys. what do you think about that e-mail? are you buying it. meanwhile, donald trump s running mate and indiana governor mike pence will join us in a couple of minutes. we have a lot to talk about. you don t want to miss that. yep. comedian jeff ross is known for roasting celebrities like justin bieber but now he is roasting cops in a way you ll like. he joins us to talk about his
latest documentary next. hey, jeff, nice to see you. i fought the law and the law won writes mostly in emoji. soon, she ll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all computers on sale like this dell laptop. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
hi. quick look at the headlines right now. breaking right now, obviously, devastating news that could change hollywood forever. taylor swift and tom hiddleston are finished. it s splitsville. it s true. devastating. i loved them. never ever ever getting back together we i wonder what song she is going to write about this one. taylor and tom dated for just three months. word is she didn t like his pda. what does that mean? personal digital assistant? and the news all of america has been anticipating for
months, a major announcement from kelly ripa, rumors are swirling after the live host she has something to share on today s show. former co-host michael strahan caused national outrage when he left for gma earlier this year. he started full time there today. i think they ll announce she ll get a co-host. pda stands for personal display of attention. he roasted everyone from donald trump and justin bieber. now jeff ross is taking on a very serious issue with comedy. why are we talking about him? he is joining us right now live and taking on the boston police department. look at this tape. white cop/black cop dynamic come into play on how you deal with certain things? racially charged times. the black people don t talk to me. they talk to him. why? they know if we go to certain areas, that ll it s a
racially charged point. they ll look at him, why are you on his side? i m not on anybody s side. i m on the side of the law. wow. right there that s fascinating. right now jeff ross joins us. funny guy taking on a serious topic, why? i wanted to see what it was like. roasting brings people together. people have been tough on the cops. i wouldn t want to be a cop right now and i was curious. what did you do? i went there for five days. did ride-a-longs. the cops are a tough crowd. it took a while to break them. cops are very skeptical obviously. i left for a week. came back and wrote an act. with traditional roast going back to the days of dean martin. sure. a bunch of people go up on a day yas in a ballroom and make pot shots at somebody. this is the combination of a roast and journalism. you go out and shoot it
documentary style. it s interesting. comedians people open up to comics. it s like having a back stage pass to the world. i put a bullet proof vest and body cam, brought comes up on stage one at a time and speed roasted them. it s almost a social experiment to see what makes the cops laugh. we saw a little clip. when can we watch the whole thing, saturday night at 11:00 p.m. in a speed roast what would typical comments to a boston police officer be? you know what, every kind of joke you could make except, you know, it s funny i don t want to say the jokes because they re pretty rough. i wanted to see if the cops would laugh or would they want to shoot me. the answer was both. a little bit of both. a little bit of both. my opening joke was pretty good. i said every morning when a police officer leaves the house, his wife and kids have no idea if he s even coming home that night because he might fall asleep at his girlfriend s house. wow. you said that? you said they were skeptical. yeah. they didn t like you at first. they didn t trust me at
first. why? because i went to a black lives matter. like most white guys in america, i had no idea how bad things were between the cops and the community. it was right outside here actually. here are the cops protecting the very protesters that are screaming at them. the whole thing made me very upset and i got very curious. that s when i decided to go and do this. you say that some people take the side of the cops some people take the side of the protesters. no one talks to the cops. you wanted to get their perspective. not to give away your show, where are we at? what did you learn? i learned that no one is talking to each other. the protesters, their mantra is which side are you on. the cops weren t very trusting. i challenged the most open minds on both sides to start talking to each other. you talked to a black cop who says when i go to a black neighborhood, they don t want to talk to me. yeah. well, this has to end. this is not a sustainable world we re living in. it s practically a civil war right now. it does have to end, but how did it start? it probably started before
our time. it sounds like this goes there s some african-american woman in the show saying she was hassled by cops as a young child in the 50s. nothing new. this isn t the first time you ve done this. you embedded in a prison, maximum security prison last year. yeah. i roasted criminals. much better crowd. [ laughter ]. captive audience. they are. and you know what, i believe in second chances. i wanted to humanize the inmates, so i went in and inside every orange jump suit is a person and we forget that sometimes. well, it s a roast, but really it s a tribute to the men and women who wear the uniform. i think all roasts is out of love and affection. really? you have to dig deep to find it. all right. especially after the first joke. jeff ross is going to roast the cops september 10th, saturday night 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. good deal. thanks, jeff, great to see you. meanwhile straight ahead. attention athletes if you re thinking of skipping out on the national anthem colin kaepernick style, meet the coach who will
keep his players on the bench if they don t stand up. speaking of the same topic. donald trump vowed to release his tax returns under one condition when is she going to release her e-mails? she probably knows how to find it. let her release her e-mails and i ll release my tax returns immediately. but they re under audit. his running mate governor mike pence joins us after the break. relief often leads here. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection.
i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he s not a war hero, he s a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren t captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i ve made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i ve had tremendous success, i think. those are sacrifices? upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at
whmade plastics that tmake them lighter?rs the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that s who. we re working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. helping you save money and reduce emissions. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. his tax returns tell a story that the american people deserve and need to know. and if he s going to pursue this campaign, he owes it to the american people to come clean and release those tax returns. nobody cares about it except some of the folks in the media. nobody cares about it. how does she talk about my tax returns.
she has 33,000 e-mails that she deleted. when is she going to release her e-mails? she probably knows how to find it. let her release her e-mails and i ll release my tax returns immediately. now we have a deal. he will release his taxes when she releases those e-mails. joining us live from his hometown of indianapolis, we have the governor of that great state mike pence. good morning. good morning, guys. what do you think? do you think hillary clinton will take donald trump up on that? she will release those e-mails and he has to release his taxes? well, look, donald trump and i made it both clear we re both going to release our tax returns. mine will be out late they are week. it will be a quick read for me. and he ll release his tax returns after the audit is done. but last night you heard donald trump i think essentially double down on the really important issue in this campaign which is the fact that what s becoming more evident to the american people everyday is that while she was secretary of state, hillary clinton and the clinton
foundation were taking major foreign donors contributions to that foundation and as the ap reported those individuals major donors were more than half of the meetings that she granted while she was secretary of state. this pay to play politics has begun to come to light for the american people, but it s time for hillary clinton to come clean and make all of those e-mails available. i mean, i have to tell you, it really is breathtaking when you look at it that after the new york times first reported that she had a private server in early march of last year she was there was congressional requests. there were specific requests for all of those e-mails to be preserved and then we find out some time between march 25th and march 31st that the company that operated her private server used a high-tech system called bleach bit to completely eradicate all of those e-mails. you know, that doesn t look like politics to me. that looks like obstruction and the american people deserve to
know what was in those e-mails so that they have the full record of hillary clinton s tenure as secretary of state and the activities of the clinton foundation. now that all of this has come to light, is that the reason you are doing better in the polls? no. i think the reason that donald trump is catching on all over america now evident in the polls is because of his message. i mean, donald trump and i are campaigning all across the country. earlier this week in ohio together, i ll be in california the next two days. he s last night in the carolinas. you know, the message that donald trump is delivering to make america great again, focussing on security, on prosperity, on the supreme court of the united states and on ensuring we have the highest standards of sbegfy and highest office in the land is connecting to the american people. we re winning more hearts and more minds everyday. i think november 8th will be a great, great victory for all the people of this country.
governor f you look inside the numbers and i know you do if you want to be victorious, you have to be the first to do something republicans have traditionally maybe taken for granted and that s win over white college educated voters. you re losing in 30 of the 50 states by a substantial margin. what s not resonating? well, look, i actually think it s still early in this election. we just passed through labor day. we were canvassing both campaigns were canvassing across the battleground state of ohio. now quite frankly i think people all across the spectrum are really beginning to focus. undecided voters are beginning to focus. and i think they look at donald trump who has now laid out a plan to get the economy moving again, to end illegal immigration, to name and to confront and to destroy isis and radical islamic terrorism as a threat to the world. this entire agenda is resonating with people across the country. all we get from hillary clinton
and tim kaine are insults. insults are not a plan. american people are responding to the positive agenda that donald trump has to make america great again. governor, i think a lot of americans are embarrassed by the fact that on the world stage america looks kind of weak. we ve been showing these images of the little iranian boats harassing the big american ships over the weekend. we saw the chinese wouldn t bring out the special american staircase. wouldn t roll out the red carpet. the president had to take the back steps the back end of the airplane. what about the philippine president saying dispairaging terms about president obama. how do we reestablish respect around the world? right now it s sorely wanting. there s no question the last seven and a half years of barack obama and hillary clinton leadership on the world stage has weakened america s place in the world and eroded american
credibility. the way we restore american credibility is electing a president who will command the respect of the world. all of those incidents that you talk about just in the past week all demonstrate that whether it be the vulgar diatribe of the president of the fill fephilipp the unwillingness in china to roll the staircase up to air force one, they give lack of respect for this president and lack of respect for this country that is totally unacceptable. hillary clinton s comments the new york times this morning was with the refusal to roll the staircase up that donald trump s pledge that we would have just shut the door and flown the plane off, she said something like, well you have to get off the plane and do the work. no, hillary, you have to command the respect of the world. donald trump made it clear, if they weren t going to wheel the staircase up, the plane was going to roll. i guarantee you, five minutes
after that tower was informed in beijing that we were going to roll, i guarantee you that staircase would have been rolled up to air force one and the president would have been able to walk off with dignity. there s no g20 without america. governor, hillary clinton was on her plane. one of the reporters in the back had an orange and wrote in a black sharpie, who would you rather have dinner with, donald trump or putin? you can see it there. rolled the orange down the aisle of the plane up to hillary clinton and she rolled it back and circled putin. doesn t look like you ll have dinner with her any time soon. she would rather have dinner with putin. well, this is look, the orange got rolled on my plane as well and we had a little fun with it. what did you circumstance? it did? what did you circle? they asked me what my favorite song from six pence none the richer was. i said it was holiday for two. but this is little bit of stress
relief for everybody. look, quite honestly, i think the clinton campaign actually is clarifying the orange now and saying they misunderstood the question. i mean, look what? donald trump showed in mexico city even with the president in mexico with whom he has strong differences of opinion, he ll be the kind of president that can sit down with anybody. hillary clinton says she can t en agree to sit down for dinner with donald trump. i just got to tell you, the american people the american people know donald trump will be the kind of leader that s going to be able to work with leaders across this country and across the world. putin is the new orange. real quick, governor, one of the never seem to be never trump very big critic of trump has decided to support and vote for him mark levine, what does that mean? he has been a tremendously important voice in the conservative movement. i can tell you donald trump and i couldn t be more grateful to have his support.
i think it s also emblematic that leaders around the country are being drawn to his positive message to make america great again. donald trump and i are going to continue to travel across the country. you know, not with a series of speeches that are essentially predicated on insults, but a series of speeches that focus on where the american people are focussed and that is on jobs and on security, on ensuring the strict constructionists are appointed to the supreme court of the united states and that we re going to have a president that will uphold the highest standards of office the highest standards of integrity in the land. that message is resonating. we re tremendously grateful for mark levine s support and more grateful to the people coming out to these rally ace cross the country and more and more people recognize when we elect donald trump we ll make america great again. we thank you very much for stopping by. you have a busy day. not far from the governor s residence there in indianapolis. mike pence, thank you, governor. thank you, governor.
thank you. coming up straight ahead, yep, we still have more show to go. this was all smiles when he was walking out of gitmo, but he is now on a hunger strike protesting his new living conditions. outside of gitmo. as a free man. that story next. plus she sold 18 million albums worth six number one hits and now martina mcbride is getting ready to perform live right here on fox & friends so keep it here. i m going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or. you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn t have to ask. what s in your wallet?
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quick look at the headlines now. stand in line or ride the pine? that s the message from john tor tell la ahead of the world cup of hockey later this month. he tells espn he will not tolerate any players sitting in solidarity with san francisco 49er backup quarterback colin kaepernick. he was of course boycotting the national anthem.
if they do, he says they ll be riding the bench the rest of the game. and ever gotten a massage from a future hall of famer? i did. who is behind you? who is massaging you? wait a second. i recognize these hands. are you the center? this is shaquille o neal, ladies and gentlemen. shaquille o neal joining us earlier this morning because i seemed a little tense. using his world class hands to relieve some stress in a very taxing time on the couch. you re a pretty tall guy, but next to shaq not as tall. not so tall. go ahead. he has a bright future as massage envy. i ve never been so relaxed. he s a funny guy. that was cute. meanwhile, switching gears, a dangerous exgitmo detain knee is so upset over the new living conditions freedom in the country of uruguay he is willing to starve himself to get back to
cur turkey. it can t be that bad because he s been seen partying with friends. ed, the gitmo guy is not happy. good morning, guys. this is a syrian-born terrorist who got out of the prison at gitmo and yet somehow still not happy. gone on a hunger strike that left him so weak he was hospitalized for a brief time. he is a 45-year-old former prisoner at gitmo. locked up for having tied to al qaeda. he is released to uruguay with five other gitmo detainees. he was all smiles. living it up. does not appear like the officials kept a close eye on him. american lawmakers furious because the terrorists went missing for a few months. he appeared to make it to brazil before turning up at the end of the july in venezuela. now back in uruguay and went on that hunger strike. he is mad that local officials have not done enough to help get him back to turkey. that s where he has relatives.
several,000 miles away. who is going to pay for the flight? uruguay has been giving him money and social services but now this terrorist is mad that a nongovernmental organization owes him about three months in aid. so he is looking for another handout guys. let s see what happens. ed, thank you very much. coming up straight ahead, martina mcbride will join us live with a new song. can t wait. there s something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it s whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
owes him about three months in [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that s why we want to make sure you won t have to wait on hold. and you won t have to guess when we ll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
look who is here country music star martina mcbride. now she is going to sing her new song called just around the corner from her new album reckless. here is martina and her wonderful band. take it away.
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i have some bad news. what? we got some oranges to write some messages on to roll through the halls here at fox. i was going to write paper or plastic and roll it? who would you rather have lunch with? what they did on hillary s plane yesterday, the sharpie does not write on orange. that s a problem. don t forget tomorrow s show. bob mass will be here to answer some of your real estate questions and we ll have the latest breaking news about the
oversight committee looking into hillary s e-mail. we ll do the after the show-show with martina mcbride. she was terrific. if you have to run from the tv, run to the radio from 9 to 12:00 p.m. have a wonderful wednesday. bill: morning, everybody. top republicans calling for an investigation into the hillary clinton email scandal. they want to know if hillary clinton and her staff destroyed evidence and obstructed justice. martha: good morning, bill hemmer. i m martha maccallum. all of this comes after the f.b.i. quietly released the notes from their investigation and the interview they did with hillary clinton. the document rereal clinton s emails were deleted using a special software called bleach bit and a couple devices her smashed with a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160904 10:00:00

truly a synthesis of everything. a great coherence, many similarities between the two. he only met her i think once. he did, yes. during the senate of bishops. and when asked about that encounter, he replied, mother teresa said what she said she was going say. if she had been my superior, i would have been scared. no mailing address, no phone or fax. nowadays actually everybody knows how to reach her. she s very easily reached. didn t you love that
returning by pope francis in his holiday to the idea of stooping down, just that the lord has come to meet me, stooped down to my hour in my hour of need and i need to bend low for those, family in crisis, imprisoned refuge refugees, children, elderly, this stooping down which was exactly what mother teresa would do, reaching people at her level and how difficult it is for those in images of power. prop francis, stooping
further. garbage, throw people away. no one must be thrown away, especially the elderly placed in homes, thrown away from society, and how healing is present, to accompany, to walk with people, the holy father s magnificent words. we must accompany, to integrate. when he addressed in cardinals in 2015 he said the work of the church is to integrate people and to bring the outcast back to the center of the community. what better person to do that than mother teresa. he speaks of bowing down to those who were left to die on
the side of the road. here once again is the magnificent portrait of mother teresa. an american artist commissioned by the knights of columbus to give us this beautiful beautiful image os after woman smiling. and the holy father referred to that that mother teresa would be in a country and said, though i can t speak of the language, i can smile. you think of the beaming smile of mother teresa and the beaming smile of pope francis. and the hands, the wrinkled gnarled hands that touch so many people spiritually in a healing
way and continue to be a sense of peace for us. the prayer, the heart of her vocation and her work of service to the poorest of the poor. sean, i think you know her most famous work was back in 1950 in calcutta when she opened up tender heart, a home for the dying and destitute in calcutta. to these days her words are still inscribed, simply put. nowadays, the most horrible disease is not leprosy or tur buck loefs, the feeling to be rejected, abandoned by all. she also addressed the great diseases of our time. and everything said the great disease is heart disease.
he said you go on and discussing causing i will neil beside the poorest of the poor and attend to their needs. a powerful lesson. we need to discuss that. who are the ones that are isolated and shunned and cut off. she opened up the house for people with aides and hiv in san francisco and new york while the world and the church were trying to figure out what to do with this reality. she moved into a neighborhood and opened up hospices for these people, creating a home for people who had been discarded from society. i think there are those who
claim that mother teresa was very much closer to the orthodoxys of social improvement, more the reformer and less the comforter. what does that mean? let s go in the cause of protest, let s have a lobbyist. did she a lobbyist on her team? they missed the point. in the west we re can doers, for every problem there is a solution. but mother teresa is the classic doer. her spiritual beauty is overlooked. she moved into neighborhoods and befriended people. the equipment and tape machines and cameras, notebooks and so forth and how she told me the first day to put all of that
stuff down, that i wouldn t need that for what i was doing. all i really required was my hands. because when you work with the poorest of the poor, that s what you use. service is providing service through the hands. so that s why that image is so powerful and so eloquent. the singing is magnificent. it is so fitting. mother teresa recognized the poorest of the poor. i said this must be one of the signatures. it was her, one of the phrases she used to say. to recognize the challenge was
to recognize jesus and what she called the distressing disguise of the poor. her funeral took place in calcutta 20 years ago tomorrow. the cardinal at the time, the secretary of state, went and presided over the funeral for pope john ii and there was an incredible line. at the close of the century which is known for terrible extremes of darkness, the light of conscience has not been all together extinguished. she lit a flame for her sisters and the world badly needs the light of the flame. those words remained with me all
of these years. [ speaking foreign language ] let us keep prayerful silence for this moment. [ speaking foreign language ] the congregation here in st. peter s square is invited to a prayerful silence. one of the interviews i did with her, she spoke about god s love and the challenges, how do i love god, how do i prove my love for god. for her, doing the work i ve been doing and doing the work that god entrusted to me, in whichever form it may take, in
true freedom of poverty and obedience, free service to the poorest of the poor. this is how we prove our love for god, putting our love into action. if i want to know how much i love god, if i want to know if i m really in love with him, i don t need to look at how i do the work he has entrusted to me. how much love i put into the doing of that work. yesterday we saw the volunteers here in st. peter s square, the pope had a special audience for them. and he spoke, he addressed them specifically during his homily here this morning offering mother teresa as a source of inspiration to them specifically. [ speaking foreign language
[ speaking foreign language ] amen. you re faithful my loved who you nourish and in your light. from your beloved son s greatness. who lives and reigns forever and ever. [ speaking foreign language ] [ applause ] the holy father now this celebration, all of those who have taken part in the ceremony. i want to thank the missionary of charity, men and women who
are the spirit and family of mother teresa. may she watch always over your path and give you ways to become faithful to god and to the church. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: with grateful deference i greet the authorities here present. in particular those from the countries closely linked to the person, the person of this great saint. as well as many children who have come from the country for this very happy circumstance. may god bless your nation. volunteers and workers, i offer you the protection of mother teresa. may she teach you to contemplate and to adore jesus christ crucified every day and to
recognize him and to serve him in your needy brothers and sisters. we ask this grace for all of those who are united with us right now through the means of the communication, through the media in every part of the world. translator: in this moment i want to remember all of those that give their lives, the brothers and sisters in difficult situations, i think of so many women religious who have given their lives without cause, given everything. we pray for the missionary sister, sister isabel who was murdered two days ago in the capital of haiti, a country so torn and wounded. i pray, i wish that all of these acts of violence will come to an end and there will be greater security for the people. i also remember other sisters
who recently have lost their lives in violence in other countries. we do all of this in opening ourselves for the prayer of the blessed mother, the queen of all of the saints. [ speaking foreign language ]
[ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ]
and now the final blessing to conclude this celebration in st. peter s square today. [ speaking foreign language ]

good morning everyone. it s sunday, the 4th of september. this is fox and friends.
we ve just continued coverage to mother teresa s canonization. fox news religion correspondent loren green is live from rome following the ceremo ceremony. your overall impression of the ceremony. reporter: this is a wonderful celebration. i took a walk around the vatican yesterday and you could feel the excitement for what was happening this morning. today is the climax of a week of celebrations here in rome to honor an extraordinary woman who before she died in 1997 was called a living saint. today mother teresa is officially recognized as a state of the catholic church. and pope francis leading the mass, a larger than life portrait hanged above the stage.
some 1500 homeless people got seats of honor for the celebration. most live in shelters run by mother teresa s order. mother teresa s loving care for the sick and the dying, forever a legacy to mark this year of mercy. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: declared blessed teresa of calcutta to be a saint. reporter: mother teresa said if she were to become a saint, she would be a saint of darkness. well known are her interior faith struggles, writing how she
felt god s darkness more than presence. his family prayed for him to mother teresa s intercession for the second miracle required for her sainthood. half today, pope francis following the footsteps of mother teresa is having a pizza party for about 1,000 homeless and they re bringing in three portable pizza ovens from naples. the festivities continue tomorrow with a mass and also tomorrow is the 19th anniversary of mother teresa s death. back to you. thank you so much. 19 years, that s unbelievable. we re going to bring in a reverend here this morning. thanks for being with us. many say that mother teresa, this is a long time coming. her devotees have been calling for this for a long time. the process suz sped up for
mother teresa but it s appropriate in this year beca. e her ministry was to those who were uncared for, unwanted and unloved. that s an enormous amount of people in our world today, even in our own country despite our wealth. remind us who she was and what she did. she started as a teacher, went to india. and it was in the midst of her vocational ministering to the people in india that she felt the call to the poorest of the poor. and she left her congregation two years thereafter, ended up taking on that white sarri and was working with the poorest people on the streets. she heard this call within a call to go serve for the poor and she became scared. he said, my life was a sister was comfortable.
so she wanted to go back to the sisters. but she knew that the lord was calling her to this ministry, to those who were uncared for, unwanted and unloved. she talked a lot aboutfa facg fear. she was on the cover of time magazine in 1975 and won the nobel peace prize saying i m unworthy of this, even living among the lepers. t.s. elliott spoke in a great play, said to do the right thing for the wrong reason. and mother teresa was asking herself this question, am i doing the right thing for the wrong reason because there was a question in her own life that she believed in god with all of her mind and heart but she didn t have the faith.
so she asked herself the question, do i belief. she believed in her mind but she didn t have the very feelings. so this woman that reached out to the poorest of the poor, she herself was poor. she haven t the feelings, the good feeling associated. if mother teresa is questioning her own faith, the rest of us can feel better about our u doubts. what she was saying is don t feel that god loves me. i know he loves me but i don t feel his love. that s an interesting time. we re facing a bigger divide between the haves and have nots perhaps now more than before. what would she say about that. one of the famous lines quoted by the pope is i may not be able to speak people s language but i can smile. and i think this is what bridges the divide. this question of connecting with the other person. you know, again, mother teresa realized where is poverty
located. it s being unloved. we live at a time of unprecedented prosperity. we have a lot of vacation time, a lot of technology, a lot of comforts in life and yet why do so many people struggle with depression and anxiety. it s a question of not being loved. mother teresa said, our country, the united states and incidentally the image that was unfurlded by mother teresa was an american artist, said is the poorest of the countries. and she was saying there was a crisis in our country of loving which was epitomized by the abortion epidemic. that s why she was so opposed to abortion. having a broken heart and not being loved and wanted. we thank you so much for you time. this is a great morning for the faithful.
thank you. thank you. well donald trump tells african-americans in detroit that our country is too divided. we talk past each other, not to each other and those who seek office do not do enough to step into the community and to learn what is going on. will his words be enough to sway those voters? we ll discuss that next. and the ruling off of the red carpet for all of the world leaders except president obama right there in the middle. what happened? is important to e.
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maple bourbon caramel. that s what we re working on right now. from design through production, siemens technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. i think this ll be our biggest flavor yet. when you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. good morning. it s sunday, the 4th of september, 2016. this is fox and friends weekend and we have a fox news alert. hermine is getting ready to pack a punch once again, the storm gaining strength up the east coastline. it may become a hurricane once again. we re live on the scene with the latest. and where in the world is hillary clinton, like waldo she is missing. she s been charging celebrities hundreds of thousands of dollars for pictures like this. plus, president obama gets snubbed in china, forced to exit from the rear of the plane.
they almost never use this exit after they wouldn t roll out the airplane stairs on the tarmac. left alone wut a red carpet. what happened in china. we ll dive into it. fox and friends begins right now. a diplomatic snub was really highlighted when you see the pictures of others with the red carpet. teresa may was given tea and scones. i don t believe it. if we elect obama, the world will love us. not so fast. four more years. millions bracing for impact right now as hermine regains strength overnight. warnings and watches blanketing the east coast. the storm already responsible for two months. maria is live in atlantic city, new jersey, tracking the path.
reporter: good morning. hermine is a storm that doesn t go away. it started out as 99 l, an area of interest several weeks ago. we ve been tracking the storm system throughout the atlantic and eventually making landfall in florida as a category 1 hurricane and now is east of ocean city, maryland. we re in atlantic city, new jersey and the storm is forecast to continue to track up the coast but it s a slow mover. its forecasted to slow down in speed. the scene is quiet, weather is calm. but we ve noticed that attendance for labor day weekend, a very big weekend out here is very quiet. we asked some of the hotel staff and they mentioned that attendance is also lower than what is normal for a weekend like this along the shore. that s something to consider. people are heeding the warnings and staying off of the beaches. right now it has maximum sustained winds at 65 miles per
hour. the big concern is it with classification. whether it s a tropical storm or a hurricane because it s lost some of the tropical characteristics and the point is that it has a very strong wind field that s expansive, extending 200 miles from the center of the storm and it will bring impact to many coastal communities along the mid atlantic one including maryland, delaware, new jersey, even extending up into parts of new york city, connecticut and new england and for several days it s going to be interacting with another storm system across the northeast slowing down and meandering, potentially turning closer to the coast. storm surge will be a big concern, especially during high tide in many coastal communities and we could see flooding in some areas, possibly record setting. tropical storm winds are in the forecast over the next few days, some wind, some rain and also very dangerous surf out there with rip currents also in the
forecast. back to you in new york. on to some other stories making headlines, starting with this fox news alert. two correctional officers are in the hospital fighting fir their lives after being shot by a visitor in the lobby of a central california jail. the unarmed officers were shot in the head and neck while trying to excourt a man out who tried cutting to the front of the visitor s line. this man is under arrest. and new overnight, a car barrels through a fence, slamminslams into pedestrians, hitting a car pushing it into a picnic area. the chain reaction injuring nine people outside the irvine meadows amp theater. the elderly driver is now under investigation. and china rolls out the red carpet at the g-20 summit for
the world s leaders but not for president obama. the chinese delegation we fusing to roll out the red carpet forcing him to exit out of air force one. staff members getting into a shouting match on the tarmac. [ inaudible ] the chinese official shouting a the a white house press aid. a secret service agent stepped no to stop the altercation. and alabama football picking up where it left off. deflection, interception. scores. all right. take it away. the defending national champs crushing the usc trojans 52-6 in their season opener. so it was a pretty close game. a massive upset by wisconsin taking down the lsu tigers.
the first ever college football dame at lambeau field. houston knocking off the sooners. this was returned 109 yards for the touchdown. and navy pulling their third string quarterback out of the stands. malcolm terry not expected to play on saturday and the starter was injured and it was a blowout so the team let him take some downs. did you eat some wings and sit on the couch yesterday? donald trump during a visit to a black church yesterday. the african-american faith community has been one of god s greatest gifts to america and to its people. i m here today to listen to your
message and i hope my for instance here will also help your voice to reach new audiences in our country. our mags is tnation is too divi. we talk past each other, not to each other and those who seek office do not do enough to step into the community and learn what is going on. trump later met with the pastor of the church and a number of con gre gants in a behind closed door meeting. will all of this be enough to sway some voters? here to weigh in is a pastor and national director at the center of urban renewal, reverend mccoy. first to you. you heard what donald trump said yesterday. does this have any effect on the minds of the voters he was speaking to? i think it absolutely will have effect. one of the things that we saw was wow, this donald trump showed up. we haven t seen this one yet.
and this is one of those ones that he sounded genuine. there was integrity in his voice. the message was filled with very compelling ideas. and bottom line, again, we have to have solutions that are presented. but i think this goes a long way for him beginning to make some real strides within our community. pastor, he said something interesting. i haven t heard anybody say this weekend. he framed crime as a civil rights issue and said when you community has a ton of crime, you re under attack, it s hard to get a good job and lead a normal life. he kind of flipped it away. is that an effective way to approach the question of crime? i just drove in from going through 17 different countries. and all of the small town areas, all you see is trump posters all even the place. and they are believing that trump is going to make america great again. the question is can trump make a hood great.
can trump make the black community great. and i think he s coming in with business ideas and i think there s a great opportunity that he has to really show in this next 64 days in the wakeup if he could really pull that off. we want to see the fruits of that speech really begin to come to life. and it s a shame we only got 64 days to see some real fruits of repentance. so pastor mccoy, his immigration positions, you got to wonder if maybe people in detroit aren t open to nem more than we realize. the new idea is detroit can be fixed we filling it with immigrant from other countries and that leaves the people living there wondering what about us. is he open to what he s saying on immigration? when you look at detroit specifically, he spoke to a crowd, one, a pastor of a church but also to abindependently
owned african-american news network, which we ll see that interview later. one of the things that s key is nine out of ten of the students and young men and women in that area are not reading at grade level. you re talking about 50% of graduation rate in terms of black students. in detroit specifically when you have those kinds of statistics happening, you re going to have to think about what s going on in that community. i understand the immigration part of it but how am i going to integrate the people that are already here. i like what the other pastor said in terms of what s really going to make a difference in that particular hood. isn t that sort of the point, pastor? people in detroit are really hurting and yet the idea from washington is let s just give up, let s stop trying to fix the schools and stop trying to elevate these people out of poverty. let s just replace them with people from other countries? it s really a theological issue.
jesus does not sit in any party perfectly. the reality is as african-american, you ve got to think through these things. the republican party lines up more biblically. the republican party early on in the race needs to show compassion towards the african-american community. but now when you think of the democrats, they have things that are just straight up offensive against the word of god that s hard to stand by. so to be an african-american and to vote democratic, you have to almost say, here s some things i have to turn a blind eye to so that some needs will be met in my community. that has been the burden. it s tough situation that everyone is dealing with as african-american voters. thanks for joining us this morning. good to see you both. clinton camp isn t worried at all. they re convinced they can run out the clock and win. are they right or will that plan
backfire? fair and balanced debate is next. plus, do you remember this professor? you need to get out. i actually don t. all right. who wants to help me get this reporter out of you do. well she s got a new job. where she ll be lecturing this fall coming up. all right. who wants to help me get this reporter out of here. is findina different angle. my eyelove is season 1, episode 1. my eyelove is making a story come alive. eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. but it s also having a chat with your eye doctor about dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. because if your eyes feel dry, itchy, gritty, or you have occasional blurry vision, it could be chronic dry eye. go to and feel the love. wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you
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downside from opening herself up. and we know where she is. she s at a fundraiser. she raised $143 million last month. i get her schedule, every single day, three to four times a day. she s spending time as a the new york times reporter this morning with supporters. but she knows she s in a strong position in part because she does so well with women and with minorities and those are blocks of voters that are essential to win the white house that trump is not going to win. do i think it s the right strategy? i would like to see her be out there more but no downside to her running out the clock. we only have a few weeks and ohio starts october 3rd. the election is upon us. but the strategy that hillary clinton following is a little bit like prevent defensive
football. it s a good theory but it requires really skillful execution. and the reason is because a lot of issues about the foundation, the e-mails, the fbi report are likely to come up for the first time in a presidential debate with the largest audience of the campaign season. hillary clinton may not be ready for that. so wait until really the first debate. we re going to see hillary out there in front of everyone. she s going to do that first debate i think when early voting begins. there s two americas. the america who is rich enough to meet hillary clinton and then the other america. and the problem with that is they have three debates, if trump handles that well, the scabs will be open for everyone to hear. she s doing poorly with millennials right now, 42%, down 20 points from where obama was. and that s a significant loss. will they stay home in.
anyway, millennials have not been showing up to the polls as much as they should. but i think look on social issues i don t think there s any question she s winning millennials. trump picked a running mate who is vehemently against gay rights. even conservative and republican millennials support gay rights. it s not an issue for her. the reality is without women, without minorities nobody wins the white house. and if i m her she s an amazing debater. she s going to be incredibly well prepared. are democrats worried right now? no. they re a little nervous look, they re nervous not about that they think she s behind but how in the world is she not further ahead. how in the world is this race not over. democrats look at this race saying there s in way this man should be competitive. one mistake by hillary clinton could turn the election. basically we re in a situation where you have two flawed and
unpopular candidates. a neither one can win the race but one of them has to lose. she s got to answer to the press eventually. great to see you. it worked for hillary but why not him. what one mother was asking after her navy son was sent to prison of sending one classified photo. a big show ahead, mike huckabee, we have a jam packed sunday morning. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn t it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream.
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sully. sully, where were you? sully reveals the untold story of the miracle on the hudson. the film is set to land in theaters this week. here is kevin mccarthy. kevin, great to see you. in a clint eastwood directed movie. i m excited for this. good morning to you. incredible filmmaker, incredible story. honestly, i didn t know a lot of the behind the scenes parts. clint eastwood directed this from the miracle on the hudson. i spoke to clint eastwood which was a huge honor for me. how do you recreate that water landing. watch this. shot all the point of views
of the boats coming in, then we shot back in the lake here in california, with a plane, the exact same type of plane, and in the lake on a gimball. that s so awesome. yeah, it is. you surround yourself with people who know a lot of stuff. yeah. that was a really, really crazy situation, by the way. i wasn t even supposed to get him. he was walking through the hallways. i randomly got him for five minutes sitting there? l.a. it was the most amazing thing in my life. i love him. he s such a phenomenal filmmaker. think of all of the movies he s made, million dollar baby. this story is 90 minutes long.
he was very, very nice. i sat down with the real captain sully. that was a huge honor. he was very, very cool. kevin, real quick. reporters here still talk about the weather being icy cold. what about the weather will we see in the movie that we didn t see unfold in the press? for me. i did not know everything that happened behind the scenes. they were trying to say that he could have made it back to la guard yeah. he could have made it back to the airport. they took the humanity out of the flight itself. when the bird struck he had to make a decision. one of the things that captain sully told me was he never once thought about his family or kids because he had to go to that mind set, 208 seconds, make it back and save everyone s life. looking forward to the interview. governor huckabee, up next
talking about hillary clinton and is she going to have a press conference any time soon. there he is. he s up bright and early. we got him some coffee. good morning, governor. while the other guys use frozen beef from far away. wendy s only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. so we don t have to freeze it. add six strips of thick, applewood smoked bacon. and wendy s baconator isn t just different, it s deliciously different.
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in the treatment area. find a doctor at something weird about this picture. china s rolling out the red carpet for all of the leaders, president obama. what really happened? elect obama, the world will love us. try to find out what s different. guess who s got a new gig this morning. you need to stay out. i actually don t. all right. stay over there. get the reporter out of here. guess where she ll be lecturing this fall?
we ll tell you. fox & friends hour two starts right now. looks like a lovely labor day weekend here in new york city. the wind whipping around. you re right, clayton. bill withers playing the music. there s a hurricane, tropicaorm. some day i want to book bill withers on this show. still with us. doesn t do a lot of work. ease you right out of bed. we need to get right to this. as mentioned, hermine is taking aim again. millions of people along the eastern seaboard in the cross hairs right now. coastal cities hunkering down. maria molina tracking the path of hermine. good morning, maria.
reporter: good morning. it s 250 miles east southeast. something to keep in mind is it is a very large system. we have tropical storm winds that extends from the center of it. i want to share with you the scene because it s relatively calm in atlantic city. the surf is very dangerous. we do have rip currents that are a big concern along many coastal cities. the governor of new jersey did issue a state of emergency for three new jersey counties. for atlantic and ocean and that s going to be a big concern out there. that s something to keep in mind. many places like cape may, new jersey, could be looking at very dangerous flooding as we head into the later couple of days because of the combination of storm surge and also high tide. that s something we ll keep in mind out there. the wind is also going to be picking up over the next few days. the storm is forecast to
meander. we have tropical storm force warnings that extend all the way up to places like new york city, portions along new england. would he have watches in effect. heads up. several days ongoing. in atlantic city we spoke to some very disappointed vacationers that came out here and had concerts that were canceled. blink 182 concert canceled on monday. yesterday s florida s georgia line was supposed to play on the beach. very disappointed vacationers. attendance is low. again, the storm forecast to bring impact over the next few days. slow mover. not stopping people from flexing behind you on camera. you missed it, maria. guys getting i missed it. maria molina on the beach. we want to bring you former governor mike huckabee, one of our favorite and most frequent guests. good morning, governor. good morning. great to be with you guys on a
labor day weekend. many are saying donald trump appears to be acting more and more presidential, others critical of hillary clinton acting like she s in the witness protection program. take a listen to the sound bite of brian fallon saying, she ll do a press conference when she s president. i think i could safely commit that as president, hillary clinton would hold press conferences but the puerto rico si of them is something that i think is something that would just play out as time went on. i think in general she would continue to take questions in a variety of formats and i know there s been an intense focus lately onconferences. the reality is in the course of this campaign she has answered questions in a variety of formats? i think she s making howard hughs look like a dog gone publicity hound.
she s running for the most visible job in the world and yet she is invisible. i think she thinks the presidency is like the wizard of oz. nobody ever sees you, they hear from you from releases you put out. this is unbelievable. why anybody at this point believes that she s prepared, ready, even capable of doing this job is beyond me. there s something incredible going on here. the strategy i m curious about the strategy, governor. she s making millions of dollars at their fundraisers. she s running ads in states like arizona. she hates talking to the press. so maybe behind the scenes this is a smart strategy for her. well, if it is, then it s the death of american politics as we know it because it used to be that dants went out and had to make their case. they had to answer questions. they had to be available. frankly, they had to do something that may have been a little demeaning to them, like
go and slurp down a barbecue sandwich with the little people as hillary probably calls them. not have the fancy hors d oeuvres and finger foods. we need to know that our president understands. with hillary, the one thing you can be sure of, she hasn t a clue who we are as american people because she s never with them. the only people she hangs out with are the uber rich. they live in a la la land. if we want a president who s president of la la land, hillary s the girl. i think that would be a disaster. that s not speculation. it s factually true. the new york times has a piece on that. mrs. clinton has gone to great lengths to protect an image of her. some of the closest relationships she and her
husband, former president bill clinton have, are with long standing contributors. the proof of course is in the selfies with justin timberlake and jimmie buffet and paul mccartney. there s justin timberlake with the form joer secretary of state. we have a list of the prices she s charging to interact with people. she s charging 2700 bucks for every question she received from kids under 16. 10,000 for a family photo. tucker, i think one of the big questions, it s not just what she s doing. here s the bigger question, why? why is she so afraid to answer questions from anyone who hasn t been scripted, preapproved, checked, double checked. threatened with a gun to their head if they go off script. i ll tell you why. she s afraid of having to face
what she has done as secretary of state, as relative to the clinton foundation. these are questions she cannot answer truthfully and when she has gone out in public and answered, she s flat out lied whether it s to congress, whether it s to the press. so she can t afford to be out there talking because everything she says will be revealed to be untrue. that s a terrible place for someone to be if you want to be the leader of the free world and especially if you want to be president of the united states. the person who s supposed to preside over integrity. over the coming weeks it s reported hillary clinton will have on board full force 1 as they ve been calling it. is this going to make a difference at all? no, because they re going to be in the cargo section. so what if they re on the plane. have you ever been on one of
those campaign planes? the candidate s up front. there is about, you know, secret service and a whole bunch of other people that make darn sure you never go up there unless the candidate comes back and says happy birthday to a reporter and then even then in most cases it s very scripted. it s very controlled. as soon as the questions get tough, well, the pilot just turned on the turbulence light. we ll have to be seated. come on. it s a show. it s an embarrassment to the democratic party that they ve nominated somebody they can t find. if you ve been to chicago you know it was hit by the recession. the trump campaign is slamming the clinton plan because they want to bring refugees into detroit, syrian refugees, in order to look for jobs. lis zwroen bill clinton on this. the big loser in this over the long run is going to be
syria. this is an enormous opportunity for americans. detroit has 10,000 structurally empty sound houses. 10,000. so come in there, governor, these burned out hobbles and get the syrian refugees to rebuild them. what do you think of that? you know, i think he inhaled. i really do. i think he did inhale. maybe not in college but he s doing it now. this has got to be one of the most outrageous ideas and here s why. we have americans who need jobs, who need places to stay, who need housing. if we re going to say let s take detroit and fill it up with people, why not fill it up with
people who are americans and put them to work. what a shame. detroit, one of the great cities of the world. if it hadn t been for detroit, we wouldn t be here. it was the arsenal in world war ii that saved america s rear end. there s a certain sense of, gosh, we ought to do everything we can do. this is our whole immigration policy. not to bring in syrian. they look at america. it s about replacing americans who the elite think are not worth trying with anymore. and, tucker, it doesn t bother them because they re going to be surrounded by armed guards, the very kind of arming that they don t want the regular citizens to have. they re not going to rub shoulders in these cities, not unless it s carefully controlled.
it s like alfred e. newman from mad money, what, me worry? no. sometimes these plans sound like they come out of an ivory tower. they don t have a clue about how most of america actually lives day to day. governor mike huckabee, great to have you on the show. thanks, governor. enjoy your holiday weekend. great to be with you. thank you. chicago just had its most violent month in years. will anyone from the press understand. anna s final day on fox & friends weekend. we re going to look back at some of her best moments and i hope some of the most embarrassing. look at that couch. and my hair! hey, searching for a great used car?
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you re only a day away they can do a lot better, but they can goat more help as well to do better. tougher gun laws, we have all of these gun laws. dwyane wade lashing out at gun laws in chicago after his cousin was shot dead. police responded this way. our fight against violent offenders who torment neighborhoods with gun violence is unwavering. joining us is retired police sergeant. great to see you this morning. good morning. the crime rate in chicago is a little bit shocking to those
of us who don t live in chicago. last month, 92 people murdered. what is the core problem in chicago? it s about turf, it s about neighborhoods and it s about money, drugs and we don t this is like you could say the old movies escape from new york and escape from los angeles with curt russell. you don t have any escape. you have 497 murders this year so far. you have 2600 people shot, about 2600 shot so far. there s nothing going to solve this except putting more police out there and getting police in the community to zblauk police are the problem says president obama and the democratic party. no. you this guy was a community
organizer, made senate and then he made president. he doesn t have a he s not in his home by his house. two people were shot and killed a block away from his home. people don t realize the answer, bring in the national guard. can you imagine a guy that s a dentist or store clerk or works in a paint store giving them an ar-15 and you re going to put them out on the street corner. what s that guy going to do? he s going to be terrified. the mayor has said, we re going to hire more police. when you have 800, 900 retiring a year, you hire 4 or 500, you are yo at a diminishing return. if i m going to open up restaurants and stores in what jesse jackson refers to as endangered communities, a kid that makes 100 or 200 shrinking dope or 100 or 200 going out
there being a shooter, is he going to work for $10 an hour? no, that s right. we have to go back and get the kids. three things we need. kids need three square meals a day. kids need a roof over their heads and they need an education. get into the grade schools. get that going. forget about the 16 and 30-year-old gang members. you have the investigatory stop reports so police are tied up longer so they re not getting guns off the street. we ve taken 6,000 guns off the street, more than new york and l.a. combined. we also have 497 murders, more than new york andes combined. eddie johnson is did go the best that he can, but if you don t have the resources and you don t have the opportunities given to these kids when they re young so they get an education, they get a good job, you re losing them.
that s obvious. but instead i think political figures blame indiana. do you think if you closed down every gun store in indiana there would be no murders? no, they re going to go to mississippi, they re going to go to alabama. they re going to go up to which is son sin. i can buy a gun for 2 or $300 in indiana, alabama, mississippi. come back here and sell it for 400, 500. if i want to kill someone i ll use a baseball bat, knife. if you have bad people that want to commit violence, they will. bats you have a chance, guns you don t. poor dwyane wade, she s walking with her baby. two brothers come up and want to whack the guy she s with. they miss him and shoot her twice. yeah, bad shots, too. thanks for coming on this morning. good to see you.
thanks for having me. it worked for hillary but not him. that s what one mother is asking after her navy sailor son was sent to preison. he sent one unclassified photograph. she joins us next. we re here, and we ve got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. marcopolo! marco.! polo! marco.! polo! marco.! polo! ask override causing
the safety system to shut down. he was sentenced to a year in prison while taking pictures of a classified nuclear submarine. rchltsz his defense was why hillary clinton wasn t held to the same standard. joining us is his mother. thank you for having me on. you say that it s not so much about your son s punishment but more about the double standards between what happened to him and
what happened to hillary clinton. what do you mean? right. first, let me clarify on the lead in to the story they stated that my son had transmitted a photo. there is no evidence whatsoever and that was clearly stated by the judge that any photos were ever transmitted off of his phone. so what i mean, my son has been charged with a crime, he s been sentenced for that. we accept the fact that he has a year in federal prison as well as a year in prison and probation and electronic monitoring. what i do not accept is just for the fact that hillary clinton is not held to the same standard. over and over evidence has come forward. people have stated that there is a clear, obvious situation where evidence has been destroyed on her part or the part of her staff and there is no accountability. to me, i don t understand that
people can t see the clear double standard. there is one. it s not like he put it on an unsecure server. that is correct. how do you feel about hillary clinton getting away with it and your son got convicted. this is from july. watch. i often feel like there s the hillary standard and then there s the standard for everybody else. what s the hillary standard? well, it is a lot of as you saw at the republican convention, unfounded, inaccurate, mean spirited attacks with no basis in truth, reality. the most powerful woman in the world is a victim of bias. how does that make you feel? honestly it disgusts me. i look at it from the point of view that over and over as i mentioned evidence has come forward that she has clearly violated what is expected of her
as the secretary of state as well as a future potential president of the united states and she s not held to that same standard. what do you think about the integrity of the fbi investigation into hillary clinton s private e-mail server? i again, i feel it s a double standard. i feel that what we went through, my family, my son has gone through for the past seven years this happened when my son was 22 years old. when there was not a cell phone ban. he and many others took photos during that time. i feel there is a double standard and it disgusts me that as american citizens we re held to a different standard. it s depressing for those of us like you, me thinking justice is blind learning that it s not at all. thanks a lot for coming on this morning. i m really sorry about what s happened to your son. thank you so much.
i hope we can continue to stand up for what s right for us as americans and a standard for all of us, not just the elite. amen. i know it s been tough for your family. thank you for coming on. next up, the chinese roll out the red carpet for all the leaders at the senate. they didn t give him the stairs. it s awful, isn t it? plus, this is sad, today is anna s final day on fox & friends weekend. we re going to look back at some of her best moments, there have been many, and try to stop ourselves from crying on tv. so stay tuned.
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hi, everyone. another snub on the world stage. china rolling out the red carpet for the world leaders at the g20 summit but not for president obama. look at the picture. it doesn t end there. there was a lot of drama on the tarmac. kevin was traveling with the president. what s going on? reporter: it reminds me of that meme.
you had one job, get the stairs with the red carpet. alas, that did not happen. it was pretty interesting to look at. let me show you again that picture. i think that s perfect, right? so the official word is they didn t have the right stairs, the ones that would reach all the way up to the door of the presidential aircraft. that photo says they had them everywhere else, so what gives me? trust me. they had the stairs. i don t believe they had the stairs. the president was forced to deplane through the under belly. no big whoop, but the fireworks really started after that. the chinese tried to corral the american contingent delaying national security advisor susan rice and ben rhodes for a short time. words were exchanged. this is our country and our airport. wow. later on it was all calm and cool as the president, obama and
xi jinping strolled through a little garden, had some tea before all the hard work. interesting beginning to things here in hangzhou. the president had his meeting with president erdogan. the americans are trying to get to the bottom of the attempted coup. the president has a meeting with vladimir putin. you know that will happen. i ll bring that to you when it does. thanks a lot, kevin. 35 minutes after the hour. some other stories making headlines we re following. a car barrelled through a crowd and hit a cop car. injured 9 people, 4 seriously. it was outside the theater in
california. elderly driver behind the wheel is now under investigation. mother teresa is now saint teresa. pope francis performing the canonization ceremony in front of thousands of people in vatican city in a ceremony ending less than an hour ago. saint teresa died in 1997 and was known for her lifelong service to the poor in india. riding the bench and taking a knee is paying off for collin kaepernick. he s still feuding and calling cops murderers and oppressing african-americans. heading back to the classroom after being fired by the university of missouri. you may remember this video going viral. you need to get out. you need to get out. no, i don t.
you need to get out. i actually don t. all right. hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? i need some muscle over here. melissa landing a new job at gonzaga university. they say they are confident she will thrive in her new role. those are your headlines. what a fascist. so a journalism professor inciting violence. you have to leave. no, i don t. the irony alarm goes off. this is anna s last day here on fox & friends weekend. it s hard to believe. you re going to be moving to australia. not just like a state away, you had to go a whole other hemisphere. i feel like i can t talk right now. we feel the same way. here s a look back at some of anna s greatest moments. clark pennsylvania. chicago, staten island.
anna kooiman. welcome to new york, anna. i can wake up to fox & friends. anna kooiman in her spot. thanks to anna kooiman for filling in for anna for anna. welcome, everybody. oh, thank you. making us look good. here s anna. yeah. come over here. wake everybody up with a smile. thank you so much for joining us for the debut of fox & friends first. other stories making headlines. you are on fox & friends, right? i m anna kooiman and this is a fox news alert. anna kooiman is live on long beach in new york where i ll tell you it s supposed to hit hard there. tell me about the devastation you experienced during the storm? well, we lost a lot. this is what a f-5 tornado
can do. we have fox news coverage of the worst terrorist attack can do. this is owned by the fun man, omar mateen. it reminds me so much of when i was in san bernardino covering the terrorism there. the best thing about your life you re going to remember? everything. here on fox & friends weekend, i m anna kooiman. everyone gets to the show differently. you dance. i like to do a little music. anna b. kooiman, really a great sing ter.
it s gonna be hot! wow. she flies through the air with the greatest of ease on the trapeze. here we go! start pushing for hazardous pay. what do you think? that s right. you re going to teach me to drive? let s go. all right. trying to kill me? you re going to race me? i m anna, anna kooiman. oh.
i love the ending of that. big thank you to samantha koenig. i ll never forget the day you started. we were so happy and a breath of fresh air and the ennerge fwi that you bring to this show is unrivaled. what is the most embarrassing? hands down in las vegas which i don t like las vegas. i don t care if i ever go back to that place. but i was with cirque du soleil. i had to dress up in that yellow costume. the bird costume? bird, white face. it was awful. good. we have more of those moments. we showed one of them. i m going to miss you guys so much. yes, thank you. still got a few more hours. you have the best natural rhythm of anybody i have ever met. in an elevator you can dance to the muzak. coming up here on the show, donald trump tells a black congregation that he s here to
listen. america s mayor rudy giuliani joins us at the top of the hour. plus, hillary clinton blames her health. did it help her and hurt her? we have doctors and attorneys. we re breaking it down after that.
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after banning a chemical ingredient from hand and body washes but allowing them to remain, brace yourself, in toothpaste. triclosan is one of the chemicals banned in anti-bacterial soap but it s in colgate toothpaste. colgate has proven the benefits outweigh the potential risks. hillary clinton blaming her mental health for e-mail confusion. what does this mean as far as her ability to lead and does the admission hurt or help her from a legal perspective? let s dive into it. dr. nina radcliffe and dr. kelly powers in the blue and red. the pink is erin erlich. let s dive into it. we ll have the doctors and lawyers on this. from the legal perspective, erin, the argument is i don t remember. is that a lawyers will often tell their clients, just say you don t remember. well, you have to be careful about that.
lawyers do have an ethical responsibility. we do not have the ability to tell our clients even if it is in their best interests to perfepur perjure herself. what she s telling her attorneys she s not quite clear on the details. it s a perfectly acceptable answer to say, i don t remember even if at one time she maybe did know the answer. should this be a concern, her health? she says she didn t remember certain briefings. this was coming out of the fbi, 58 pages. she didn t remember certain briefings because she was only supposed to be there a few hours a day according to her doctor. is that a concern? is that fair game? it s hard to say. as a medical professional it s very subjective. we do know it s her time line. she hamd mad a has an extens history. in 1998 she had a dvt, deep
vein thrombosis. when it travels it s called an emboli. she also has a repeat dvt in 2009. then in december 2012, december 12th, 2012, is when she fell and had the concussion and at the end of december she was getting an mri, another blood clot was found in her brain, a cvt. the trump campaign has called her brain damaged. is that fair game? should that be a concern for the american people, all of this history? i have to go back and say i hope hillary clinton is perfectly healthy. they recommend that she has a complete neurological evaluation. the office of presidency requires tremendous skills. it requires tremendous responsibilities, tremendous powers. we want to know that she s completely physically okay. if i may. i m not here to give medical opinion, i am not a doctor.
i had a concussion in 2011 20rks 12. i had some ramifications throughout that period but now i m perfectly able to practice law. i m here with you guys this morning. i m not a notable profession. you had one concussion. i want to take a look at the e-mail. here is a message discussing hillary clinton s time line, this is from huma abedine. have you been going over calls with her for tomorrow? hanley writes, will go over with her. abedine said, very important to do. she s often confused. i was reading in a neurology magazine. they said when you look at imaging of concussion you can see brain damage. it s hard to tell, almost impossible to tell if someone has memory loss. what we rely on is subjective findings and evaluation. as physicians what we would need
to find what we need to look at is more in depth medical records. she was confused. this was a month later. a month after the concussion. is that normal? most people do completely recover but there are some that go on to havepost-concussive syndrome and she s describing headaches, difficulty with vision, memory loss which may suggest she has that. most of this resolves within six months but there are a minority that continue to have long-term effects. we re seeing that the nfl and professional athletes that concussions have long lasting effects. do she open herself up legally with this defense? i think the medical opinions legitimize the responses that she was giving to the fbi. is she saying she doesn t recall if she was concussed or is having con squepss sequencescon would not have known and she s a correct and honest answer to give to the fbi. great to see you this morning. thanks. thank you so much. coming up on the show, rudy
giuliani is hanging out in the green room down the hall. he s here to share his take on hillary s health woes straight ahead. up next, looking to save some cash on a new coat, shoes, or tablet. we have some labor day deals for you out on the plaza when we come back. doctor about your medication. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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hi, friends. good morning. it s sunday the 4th of september, 2016. i m anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. brace for impact. hermine gaining strength and may become a hurricane once again. we re live from atlantic city. and then where in the world is hillary clinton. she hasn t been seen by normal people for the past two weeks. she s been charging selects hundreds of thousands of dollars for pictures like this. we have the price list ahead. did you get your picture? no. and china snubs president obama on the world stage rolling out the red carpet for every
world leader except when air force one landed. fox & friends hour three starts right now. our stage manager, dave, said they went stair crazy. very good. awful. awful and good. welcome to fox & friends on this sunday morning. great to have you with us. we re going to start this morning with news headlines. this was breaking news overnight. mother teresa is now st. teresa. pope francis performing the canonization ceremony in front of thousands of people at st. peter s scare this morning. she died in 1997 and was known for her lifelong service to the poor in india. two officers are in the hospital fighting for their lives after being shot by a visitor in the lobby of a central california jail. the unarmed officers were shot in the head and neck while trying to escort a man out who
tried cutting to the front of the visitor s line. this man, a known gang member with a long rap sheet, is under arrest. bernie sanders making a surprise return to the campaign trail. the vermont senator rallying voters in new hampshire for former challenger hillary clinton tomorrow afternoon. he ll hit on economic inequality in his first public endorsements since the dnc. clinton lost to sanders in the battleground state s primary and is hoping his backing can give her an edge. and a crazy story from college football s opening weekend. navy pulling their third-string quarterback out of the stands. midshipman freshman malcolm perry not expecting to play on saturday but the starter was injured. it was a blowout. so the team let him take the snaps. perry helped lead navy to the 52-16 win. those are your headlines. joining us to break down the morning s news is the long-time mayor of new york city, rudy
giuliani. nice to see you. i want to ask you about this, because of hillary clinton in hiding. no one has seen her except for celebrities shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for these big dinners. she hates talking to the press. we in the press have our feelings hurt because we can t talk to her. she continues to rake in millions of dollars and run these tv spots in apz. is this a smart strategy for her? i think it s her only strategy because she can t answer very, very difficult questions. so there s no upside. and, number two, she doesn t really have a program she s going to lay out for america that takes us in a different direction and 65%, 70% of american people believe we re going in the wrong direction. so long as she remains slightly ahead or even even, i think she s going to play hide the ball. she can play prevent defense. now, i always get annoyed when my football team plays prevent
defense because that s usually when the other team comes from behind and beats you. and it s not a very noble strategy. i think she s dying by a thousand cuts and she doesn t raeldize it. i think she s bleeding to death. the e-mail stories and the clinton foundation stories and the state department pay for play stories would have destroyed a candidate who gets less protection from the press. i think your football analogy is apt because it s the fourth quarter. we only have a few weeks until early voting. yeah, but he s donald trump has caught up in most of the polls to either ahead, even, or within the margin of error. in justify of the battleground states so he can win. national poll, los angeles times, he s ahead by three. a couple of the national polls are very, very tight, and this is with him having spent virtually no money and her spending about $200 million on the air and his ads just started four days ago. right. so she s eventually, i think,
going to get drawn out because eventually i think he s going to take the lead, and she s going to get drawn out, and she s going to have to answer, for example, i read the entire fbi report twice. for some reason they printed it in little print. yeah, i noticed it. then put it out late on friday afternoon. it was hard to read, wasn t it? very, but worth it. very worth it. i underlined it. i have read probably 5,000 fbi 302s, 10,000 in my life as a prosecutor. when she says that she didn t know that it was confidential information because at the beginning of the paragraph there was a c, a capital c, is she kidding? well, she goes on to say she thought it was in alphabetical order. if i was cross-examining i would say have you ever even an a, a b, or a d ? but she says i had a brain injury. we have only two answers why
the secretary of state of the united states doesn t know that a c in front of a paragraph means confidential information. one, she s stupid, or, two, she s lying, or possibly three, her brain injury has made her incompetent. i don t know. i happen to think it s the middle one, but i cannot believe we had a secretary of state that doesn t know if you put a c in a front of a paragraph in a sensitive document that means confidential. she can t remember 26 things like did she get a briefing on how to handle top-secret information. i remember the briefing i got on doing it, and it was 25 or 30 years ago. wait a second. then why aren t questions about she seems perfectly healthy. i don t know if she s healthy or not healthy. people ask questions and they re attacked by senator amy klobuchar of minnesota as, quote, sexist. and yet she says my health prevented me from retaining and digesting information. she was secretary of state at
the time. she should have resigned. we had a secretary of state who couldn t remember whether she had a briefing? also, her briefing by the secret by the cia on how to handle classified information took place before her so-called brain injury. right. why can t she remember that? i can remember it. why can t she remember it? she can t remember her exit interview or whether there was one with the cia. there always is. you re given an interview and you re basically told how to forget classified information. 26 different occasions on which she can t remember. most of them strike me more as lies than they do as things she can t remember. i think it s the liars retreat, i can t remember, i don t recall, rather than brain injury. when you first started to react to this you mentioned the small print and that it was just before a holiday weekend, which seems to be the timing of this.
are you questioning the credibility of the fbi s investigation? good question. it s very strange. a number of these things have been put out on holiday weekends. the interview of her was rushed. when i read it, there are numerous follow-up questions like that c. the minute she said to me i didn t know that a c meant confidential information, i would have said have you ever seen a, b, c, and d because she said she thought it was in alphabetical order. then i would have said what s wrong with you if you didn t know the basics of classified information. how could you possibly have been our secretary of state and how can you possibly be our president? she lied completely about having turned over all her e-mails. she didn t turn over thousands of e-mails. we re not talking about three or four. we re talking about thousands. she lied completely about the fact that the e-mails she didn t turn over, they didn t contain any confidential for classified information. they re filled with confidential and classified information,
including 68 separate documents that are so secret they can t even be revealed now. these are massive memory lapses, which i don t think she is massively brain damaged, but i do think she s a massive liar. if the fbi is trying to minimize the effect of those lies, as anna just asked you, doesn t that mean the system itself, the justice system is corrupt at a high level and that s bad? i think you read that, and as i wrote in an op-ed piece having prosecuted supervisor of prosecutors of 5,000 cases, you can t not prosecute her. that report yells out for a prosecution. i mean, she violated so many laws, obstruction of justice, how about destroying her smartphones using a hammer? criminals do that. how about using bleach bit. these are the things these
are all the things that in a criminal case, if you re an experienced prosecutor, these are the things you use to prove intent. somebody threw the gun away. somebody serial number off. in a white collar case, somebody destroyed the records. these are the things donald trump has talking about while hillary clinton is not doing press conferences. donald trump out in detroit speaking to african-americans. it s amazing to listen to the liberal press sort of falling over themselves as they watch donald trump try to court the black vote, and he s done it a couple of times, and it seems like the liberal press can t stand it. they come out of the woodwork. they get so upset about it, like how dare you come in here and talk to black votes. we own this vote. and the reality is they ve been criticizing republicans for 40 years for not reaching out. so he can t win. if you don t reach out, you re a racist, and if you do reach out, you re a racist. the reality is here is why i think the speech was so important and historic in many ways. donald trump went to the
african-american community with what i call our solutions, conservative solutions, which is what i did in new york, and i d like to compare new york to detroit. when i took over new york in 1994, we had 1.1 million people on welfare. when i left it was 500,000 people. 10.5% unemployment, when i left 5% unemployment. and we had approximately per capita the same kind of murders they have in chicago and we went down to something like 500. we reduced it by 65%, a$65%, an utilizeed all conservative principles. i didn t increase welfare or food stamps or dependency. i made people on welfare work. i incentivized my welfare workers to find work and i said to people in the poor communities of new york city, which are not all minority, i m going to restore for you the ladder to success in america, which is a good job and a good education. if i give you those two things, now it s up to you to succeed, and what you ve been deprived of
by the democratic party or the democratic leadership in all these cities is both a good education, rotten school systems, and hillary can t move on that because the teacher s union owns her, and no jobs because you re taxing so high nobody has room to grow or m build. we have a picture of you in a new hat, but it says what does it say? it says make mexico great also, and the idea of that was when we went to mexico to meet with the president, the trump campaign had 40 hats made up and we were going to give them 20 and keep 20. they took 38 of them and we only had two left. did the president of mexico take one? oh, yes. are they going to wear it? i don t know if he wore it but he took it and all his staff were grabbing in the bag and taking them. and the whole idea is we can do this in a cooperative way with mexico.
the reality is we have illegal immigration problem coming over the border from mexico. they have an illegal immigration problem on their southern border from guatemala, honduras, and el salvador almost as bad if not worse of ours. some of those are coming across the border with us. so in some ways there s more empathy for our problem than you realize in mexico. plus, what we ve found out in the meetings, in which donald trump i wish it could have been just shown on television, his understanding of trade is really terrific, and what we both realized is we have a common problem, china. our imbalance with mexico is one thing. our imbalance is china is dramatic. of course. and their imbalance with china is about like ours, and we talked about how we could work together on joint cases in which they re doing illegal dumping, violating rules, and maybe if the united states and mexico
went together on these things, we would have a bigger impact. and they d be welcomed on the tarmac like president obama was without the red carpet. thank you, mr. mayor. we have chris wallace coming up. he s moderating one of the debates. we ll ask him about it. you push and pull and struggle and fight and love to run your business. and when you need legal help with that business, we re here for you. we re legalzoom. and over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners navigate every day challenges. so visit us today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it s right for you. on friday the commission on presidential debates announced the moderators. and the third and most important debate is reserved four our own chris wallace. it s a big milestone as he becomes the first fox moderator of a presidential debate in our network s history. joining us is a chris wallace. nice to see you this morning. congratulations. are you nervous? well, not yet. i have all the way until october
19th, but i m, one, very excited. frankly for myself but also for fox. it is the first time we ve gotten to play in the presidential debates. how important will these debates be and how are the candidates prepping? well, very differently. hillary clinton doing exactly what you would think as a policy wonk and as a very experienced lawyer. she s delving into the briefing books, they re holding mock debates, planning everything out. there was a story this week in the paper that they re doing psychological profiles of donald trump to try to figure out how to get under his skin and try to get him to go off during one of the debates. trump, orn the other hand, much more informal, talking about strategies but apparently very resistant to the idea of these formal mock debates where you stand there and somebody stands
and pretends to be hillary clinton and you go through the process. so trump is handling it as trump would and clinton is preparing for it as clinton would. how are you prepping? i don t know if you have a public e-mail address. but people must be sending you their ideas of good questions nonstop. but honestly, it s way too soon. i say that because there are going to be two presidential debates before i get up to the plate. one of the things i m going to have to decide is what is kind of plowed ground. you have to wait and see because this is not, as i said, until october 19th, what the campaigns are talking about at that point, what is going on in the world, so i figure i have a few weeks before i really have to get in this in depth. but you re right, people are sending me ideas for questions and some of them are pretty darn good as our viewers input usually is. we don t know if there will be a third person at the podium also there during the debates. could gary johnson make it there? you have an interesting show
today with another potential spoiler in the race. tell us about who you have coming up on the show today. i m not going to call her a spoiler because she thinks she s going to be elected president. but you re right. you have to get to 15% threshold and if you do you end up on the debate stage with trump and clinton. we re going to be talking, first of all, about donald trump s visit to detroit, his first visit to an american inner city to hold a public meeting with african-america african-americans. we ll talk to ben carson, his post opponent, rival, and now his adviser who shepherded him through detroit yesterday. we re going to talk to democratic congressman gregory meeks, a big clinton supporter. talk to both of them about the various ideas that both candidates have for inner city america, african-americans, and then as you point out, we re going to be talking to jill stein, the green party candidate, and, yeah, she s on the ballot in 41 states and we ll talk to her about her plans for what she would do for america if she actually got into
the white house. amen. we ll watch it. thanks a million, chris. thanks, guys. up next the untold story of the miracle on the hudson hits theater. eth was weakening. the whiteness wasn t there as much, my teeth didn t look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that i m doing the right thing so it s nice to know that it was as simple as that. hmmmmm... [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm.
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sully, sully. sully. sully, where are you? sully is a brand new movie. it s about that remarkable plane landing on the hudson river here in new york several years ago. the film is set to land in theaters this week. should you spend the money on it or let it fly. let s ask fox news contributor kevin mccarthy. nice to see you this morning. good morning to you guys. what an incredible story. we all know remember the images of the plane on the hudson, but the beauty of this film that clint eastwood direct
is you re dealing with a story line i didn t know much about. i didn t know about the ntsb saying he could have made it back to laguardia and him going to hearings and him trying to explain himself about putting the humanity into that flight after the bird struck the plane. it s a fascinating film and actually opens up right after the plane had already landed on the hudson and takes you back in a nonlinear fashion. it s a very, very well-told story. i spoke to clint eastwood, the director, which was a mind blowing thing for me. to sit down in a room and talk about film makes was a massive, massive honor and here is what he said about recreating the landing. we shot all the point of views of the boats coming in and all that, and then we shot back in a lake here in california we shot with a plane the exact same plane, same type of plane, and in the lake on a gymble and we
could move that around and it could duck down in the water and all that. you surround yourself with people who know a lot of stuff. you know what s crazy is i wasn t even supposed to interview clint eastwood that day. i ran into him a day prior in the elevator. i rode the elevate every just g to go up where he was going. through a chain of events it turned into an interview the next day which was incredible. a huge honor to meet him. what was it like to have captain sully watch tom hanks play him? it s so fascinating. when i spoke to captain sully one of the things that blew my mind is during those 208 seconds he never thought about his family or children. he was so laser focused on getting that plane to a safe area, but whey said when you sat in the movie theater and actually you experienced it, what s it like watching tom hanks, one of the best actors ever, play you on screen?
watch this. do you learn things about yourself at all, mannerismswise that maybe hanks picked up on? absolutely. first of all, it s almost an out of body experience the first time i watched the film to see someone else portraying me and saying my words. it s like, wait a minute, that s me, but that s not me, and it s kind of weird. but you re right. i began to notice things about that i move my hands or how much did i blink or something, the little things that he does to portray me that aren t things you really think about but in aggregate they really as a whole mean that it seems like sully. so it seems true. it seems real. the beauty of what he did obviously is 155 souls are still living because of what he did and also it s took 24 minutes for all of new york to come together to basically save everyone, all the rescuers, all the boats. it was a collective effort. it was an icy, cold day too
and the reporters in the new york bureau still talk about it. thank you so much. what a great review. can t wait to see that movie. anna, i love you. i loved working with you. i m going to miss you so much. you re going to make me cry. you ve been so kind to me over the years. come see me in australia, buddy. i will. i ll be there for my honeymoon in november. call me. are we still on tv right now? we ve got to get to this 29 minutes after the hour because it is a fox news alert. hermine gaining strength as it turns off the east coast. millions of people bracing for impact. we are live tracking the storm next. plus, the clintons have a solution to rebuild detroit. bring in foreigners, syrian refugees. donald trump calls that crazy, so who is right? pete joins us next to react. hey america,
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because the weather has actually been quite beautiful. we have the sun shining, the wind isn t too bad. you can tell something is up when you take a look at the water. very rough conditions early this morning and beach erosion is going to be a big concern in addition to coastal flooding that s going to be occurring over the next couple days as the storm continues to linger off the coast. regardless of what hermine does we know the economy has already taken a hit in atlantic city. two concert that is were supposed to take place on the beach were already canceled. attendance is also lower than what was expected for labor day weekend here in atlantic city, so many people staying away from the city. so that s very unfortunate. a state of emergency already declared for cape may, ocean, and atlantic counties in southern new jersey where some of the worst flooding could take shape. we received an update from the national hurricane center. the storm still has maximumed sustained winds at 65 miles per
hour and it s about 300 miles to the east-southeast of ocean city, maryland. so it s still a ways away from us, but it is forecast to eventually turn north and bring some tropical storm force winds along many coastal areas. it s going to be a slow mover. so it s forecast to slow down and the impacts will stay with us for several days, potentially even into midweek across parts of new england. leads head over to you in new york. thanks, maria. just like me, a slow mover on a sunday afternoon. we want to bring in our old friend pete here to respond to all the day s news. thanks for having me. trump this week out in detroit slamming the clintons plan. you know detroit obviously has been terribly hit. was really ground zero for the recession. you see houses that are burned out hovels next to houses you can buy for $500.
the clintons have a plan to rebuild detroit and it involves syrian refugees. truth is the big loser is going to be syria. this is an enormous opportunity for americans. detroit has 10,000 empty structurally sound houses, 10,000, and a lot of jobs to be had repairing those houses. isn t this the whole point of our immigration system. the elites have given up on american citizens, they think they re lazy and losers so they want to replace them with foreigners. it s also the entire contrast of this election cycle. it s dromp saying america can be great, our people here deserve the best possible jobs and wages and the best possible opportunity. the left is saying let s bring in more refugees who by the way we can t count on their assimilation oar allegiance. i want to the middle of detroit to do this program.
it s not clear refugees if they re just plucked and placed are here to be a part of american society. there is a ghettoization. there is a place where they live amongst each other and don t integrate. doesn t mean they re not americans, doesn t mean a lot of them don t want to live here peacefully but we have to be careful how we integrate. i m sure contractors are insulted just to assume 10,000 syrian refugees all are contractors, all know how to use a circular saw. i m from minnesota and you can t count on that. who knows. it is. and to think that for certain placed in these homes in these places they re going to be productive members of society out the language, without the culture there s a difference between it s striving immigrant who fought to be here and a family plucked out of the middle east in the middle of civil war and placed in the united states. they don t know where they re going to go. it s so unfortunate when we talk about detroit, one of america s great cities, the motor city, and we talk about
corrupt government, failing schools, crime, drug addiction, all of that going on, it s awful. so maybe this could work possibly. dhs says this is the united states of america taking in refugee at the times of crisis is the right thing to do. could we force assimilation and is that possible? we haven t done it so far. the left says if you don t want them in, you re racist. same thing happened in minnesota. our governor said you re racist if you didn t welcome every refugee. i m not a racist. i just want the people that live in minnesota or detroit to be a part of my country, the fabric of my community, part of the social contract of what it means to be an american not to stay not learn the language and effectively enforce certain social moremores. if we did teach them the
language and the culture, is it a bad idea? if we did demand they be a part of the fabric of america, it s never been a bad idea. what about the democracy component. you grew up in this country learning we were in control of our own government. i haven t heard anybody in power on either side solicit the opinion on american citizens. we re soliciting the opinion of the american citizens, it s the rise to donald trump. we re sick of open borders, seek of elites telling us we need to live in this multicultural utopia when we ve always welcomed waves of people regardless of skin and religion but we want them to want to be here, we want them to love america, we want to invest in our communities, not sort of tell us to change to them. that s i think what donald trump is reacting to. and nobody in washington has learned that lesson. they look out at all this and they say, lesson, americans are
stupid and bigoted. they have not learned one thing from this trump candidacy. frankly on both sides of the aisle. i couldn t agree more. we re so happy you re here today. your kids are coming on for cooking with friends. we re going to be grilling pizza and steak for football season. i like that. they are so cute. thanks. some other stories making headlines. panic at the fair. eight people, including six children, taken to the hospital after a ride suddenly shuts down. people were yelling get me off this ride. it was just really scary. everybody was crying on the floor. they didn t know what to do. memphis officials say the moon raker ride s computer discovered a problem when it began slowing down. the operator panicked and pressed a manual override causing the safety harness to release. and donald trump s running mate mike pence will release his tax returns this week. the vice presidential nominee also reiterating what we ve
heard, that donald trump has said he ll release his tax returns once the irs is done with the audit. hillary clinton and her running mate, tim kaine, released their returns last month. and stop clowning around. that s the message police are sending to creepy clowns similar to this one terrorizing a south carolina neighborhood. it s just creepy. greenville police warning dressers of clowns will get arresting on an ordinance relating to disturbing the peace. this comes after several reports of dressed up creeps scaring members of the community and reportedly trying to lure kids into the woods. wow. gun violence now being considered a health crisis in the university of california-davis launching a research department funded by $5 million with scientists claiming it s the best way to stop deadly shooting. it s geared towards taking politics out of mass chushootin
even the san bernardino shooting. hillary clinton blames a concussion for not remembering key intel briefings. why didn t the press cover this at all? is she getting another pass? oh, yes, she is. plus, colin kaepernick still refuses to stand for the national anthem and guess what? the 49ers did not cut him. but we ll tell you why you probably won t see him on the field anytime soon. don t let dust and allergens get between you and life s beautiful moments. flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6.
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discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at just in time for the holiday weekend when they didn t think you were paying attention. the fbi working on behalf of the hillary campaign released a report detailing its interview with hillary clinton including bombshells like this, she blamed a concussion for failing to
remember key security briefings. did the press cover that at all? here to discuss that is julia gundlach. i thought it was a big story. hillary clinton, according to the fbi, said she didn t remember entire briefings and couldn t go to work except for a few hours a day because of a brain injury. that s a story, no? i didn t read that somehow in the new york times. it s absolutely a story. look, i think there s no doubt that the press is in the bag for hillary clinton but now it appears they re not just giving her a pass. they re concealing things from the american public, things that are really important for the electorate to know. it s not the press job to determine what voters should know and yesterday you have a press saying this didn t important. i think the health of the candidate is critical and the voters should have that information. i think so too. i d like to see trump s full health report. a lot of people have jumped on his doctor for being flakey, et cetera. that s fine with me but there s no cover at all of hillary s health and that let s you know
they re taking sides pretty aggressively. when you compare it to other candidates, john mccain, even mitt romney, they were saying is he suitable? does he get too angry? ronald reagan for goodness sake. so, you know, when you look at how the press has hammered people on the right, it s not consistent. so i hate to keep beating up on the new york times but it was once the most serious newspaper in the world and it sets the tone for a lot of other news covera agage still as kinda legacy effect. here is the news account. i m just reading cold the first paragraph of the news account of trump s meeting at the black church yesterday. this is in this morning s new york times. verbatim quote. donald j. trump who has campaigned for president of rashs insensitive as political correctness took an uncharacteristic step on saturday for the first time. he visited a black church for
the first time and tried to blend in. that s a news story? the press cannot control themselves anymore. they re absolutely deranged when it comes to their opposition on trump, and it s really disturbing how they in news stories these are news stories, they can t help but editorialize. i think the voters are really having a hard time tuning this out. again, hillary, she has total contempt for the voter, for the press. the press doesn t mind. and what s so frightening is a free and unbiased press is so important to our democracy. they diminish themselves when they give hillary a pass and editorialize on trump. and it s not because they re liberal, though they are. it s because they see the establishment under threat from middle america and they are rushing to the rescue because they are members of that establishment. that s what it s about, i think. again, again, it s a matter of the press determining what the voters should know about.
they don t think that hillary s health and her judgment i mean, the stuff that came out from the fbi is amazing, and when you couple it with the e-mails and abedin s information, it s pretty remarkable how fragile and really kind of confused she gets. i think the voters are owed this information from the prus. i m giving up my time subscription because it s garbage and propaganda. it s driving me crazy. thanks for having me. neck, a praying man told to getting off a college campus because he s not in a free speech zone. the university said it s because he didn t attend the school there and he can t pray there. plus, we were told voting for obama would make the world love us. that s not true. china refused to roll out the red carpet for him for the g-20
summit. that s not true. in fact, they didn t give him a ladder for the plane. hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh. but with added touches you can t get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it s good to be in, good hands. this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision.
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ten minutes before the top of the hour. help you re doing well. our college safe spaces outlawing free speech on campus. officials at clemson reportedly denied a man from praying in pub lake because he wasn t in a free speech zone. they said he had to fill out a request to pray on campus because he didn t attend the school. our next guest says this can just as easily happen to students. joining us is nicole sanders who
last year fought and won a lawsuit against her own college s free speech zone. good morning. thanks for being with us. thanks for having us. greg, first spell out exactly what happened at clemson, this most recent incident. clemson incident, someone was trying to pray on campus and they told him he couldn t unless he applied for permission to do so. you say it s a slippery slope. he wasn t a student but you say it could happen to students too? it happens to students all the time. for praying? for trying to hand out copies of the constitution, for example. we have two different campuses on which students were told they could not hand out copies of the constitution without getting advanced permission from the state. that seems unreal. what are your thoughts on this, nicole? i think it s crazy, and it does happen to students a lot. and then how about your instance where you fought and won in houston is that right?
yeah, in houston. i was just talking to students about campus carry. i wasn t even handing out anything. itch i was just telling students about a new club and americans for liberty and i wanted students to get involved. what do you think about free speech zones in general? do you think they re right? not at all. i don t think that students should pay money to go to school to be told where they have free speech and where they don t on campus. what about what happened at clemson? do you think a different standard should aplply for peope who are not students like this gentleman? i m not quite sure about this. i don t have a lot of specifics on that case. sorry. all right. well, we ve got some tips on how to fight for free speech on campus for all my friends at home. first tip is know before you go. next up, get any reprimand in writing. no public college speech code limits as well before you start trying to go out there. what do you say to folks who
want to get their message out? say they want to hand out a constitution or they want to simply pray, that seems unbelievable you can t do that anywhere on campus. you can do it in your own mind without speaking out loud too. what s your advice? my advice is they should contact my organization, the fi and they should consider suing their school. universities have speech codes that are laughably unconstitutional. the speech zone nicole had to deal with was 0.0007% of the entire campus. you don t have to put up with that. before we go, do you feel like there s a double standard flash flood it s somebody pushing a liberal policy rather than a conservative policy? oh, yeah. definitely not all speech is treated the same. guys, thank you so much for your time today. thank you. thank you. have a good labor day. i hope you stay dry. four minutes before the top of the hour on a sunday morning. it s about 274 days since hillary clinton held a press conference. where has she been hiding?
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see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you re eligible for 12 months free at hi, friends. how are you feeling? thanks for joining us on fox & friends weekend. it s sunday, the 4th of september. i m anna kooiman. both candidates gearing up for the final stretch of the campaign as new pressure builds on hillary clinton over her e-mail scandal. one, she s stupid or, two, she s lying, or possibly three, her brain injury has made her incompetent. the latest from the campaign trail is coming up. plus, yet another snub on the world stage. they told us if we voted obama, the world would love us, but that hasn t filtered down to china. they rolled out the red carpet for every other leader but with obama they didn t even give him stairs off the airplane. we have the latest on that
story. the bern is back, bernie sanders hitting the campaign trail for hillary clinton. will he keep the same message. in terms of her judgment, something is clearly lacking. probably not. fox & friends hour four is starting right now. our own anna kooiman is leaving us, leaving fox & friends weekend. this will be the final hour of fox & friends weekend. going down under. wow. like sands through an
hourglass, it is too weird. it is. you know, a lot of people wondering, do you actually like each other. we love anna. we love anna and this is going to be really hard to see you go. if you don t know her in person, she loves all the right things. she loves her family sincerely, her parents, her brother, her sister-in-law, her husband, her dog baxter. her values are the right values. that s right. she cries easily. i love you guys. this was my dream to get on this show, and you guys have made my dreams come true. and our executive producer and the top brass here, and thank you so, so, so, much. i didn t want to cry today. the good news is you ll be here tomorrow and my parents just walked in. oh, my gosh. surprise. i ll do the headlines for you. we actually know her parents. can you do that? i m sorry. i ll do the headlines. we ll get her parents over here. you can sit back and enjoy this
last hour. to our headlines. mother teresa is now saint teresa. pope francis performing the canonization ceremony packed into st. peter s square early this morning. she died in 1997 and was known for her lifelong service to the poor in india. 27 years after disappearing the remains of a missing boy have been found. jacob was just 11 when he was abducted from an armed masked man in central minnesota. the suspect in the case lied to the fbi excuse me, led the fbi to the child s remains. he was named a person of interest after being arrested in october on federal child pornography charges. his disappearance led to the creation of jacob s law requiring states to establish sex offender registries. and to another story we re following, two correctional officers are in the hospital fighting for their lives at this hour after being shot by a visitor in the lobby of a central california jail.
the unarmed officers were shot in the head and neck while simply trying to escort a man who tried to cut the line. this man who cut it s line, thong advantavang, a known gang with a long rap sheet, is now under arrest. and riding the bench and taking a knee during the national anthem is paying off for colin kaepernick. now he gets to ride the bench for the entire nfl season. the controversial quarterback losing his starting job to former back up. he s still feuding with santa clara police for calling cops murderers. it will be interesting to see if gabbert gets hurt. all right. we ve regained our composure on the set. we have. and we want to tell you about a story we ve been following for 274 days. right. we ve been tracking this. where s waldo. that was the last time
hillary clinton had an official press conversation. her campaign has responded by saying she s done a ton of interviews. they sent out this thing listing all the interviews she s done. one was with phillip levine, the mayor of miami beach florida and a really good guy, but he s a friend of hillary clinton. he s a clinton supporter. you remember a few weeks ago she had that kind of pseudopress conference at the journalism conference which they were giving her hugs and practically throwing flowers on stage and aflaweding her and giving her softball questions. i think honestly this is really smart for her. she hates the press. she s a fascinating piece politico this morning. when she shows up at events they re kept in a separate house when she s at events. when she goes to fund-raising events, they can t even hear her in the sore room being muffled. she does that a lot. she speaks only to rich people.
in this hilarious new york times piece, it says that hillary when she s at steven spielberg s house talking to various billionaires attacks donald trump by saying he s an out of touch rich guy as she addresses a room of out of touch rich people. don t worry about it because she will hold press conferences and she ll hold it when she s president. take a listen to brian fallon. i think i can safely commit that as president hillary clinton would hold press conferences, but the frequency of them is something that i think is something that would just play out as time went on. i think in general she would continue to take questions in a variety of formats. there s been an intense focus lately on press conferences. the reality is in the course of this campaign she s answered questions in a variety of formats. i think she was hoping donald trump would self-destruct. a few wekts aeks ago when he wa
having a really you have to time and his poll numbers were going up, she was probably thinking it s a good strategy. is it still a good strategy as he s starting to act more presidential and starting to close the gaps in a lot of those polls? if the conversation is all about trump and his personality, she can say he s a racist, he s a sexist, i m going to back to steven spielberg s house. but if he can make it about issues, about the economy, about jobs, she s going to be forced to respond. imagine a press conference right now. what would the spquestions thro her way. it s going to be about the fbi investigation. about her brain injury. why didn t she even though she admitted to the fbi the brain injury kept her from remembering entire briefings. rudy giuliani, he doesn t buy it, and he thinks that one of three things could possibly be
the reason for this problem. listen. we have one of two answers as to why she doesn t know, why the secretary of state of the united states doesn t know that a c in front of a paragraph means confidential information. one, she s stupid, or, two, she s lying, or possibly three, her brain injury has made her incompetent, i don t know. i happen to think it s the middle one, but i cannot believe we had a secretary of state who doesn t know that if you put a c in front of a paragraph in a sensitive document that means confidential. she can t remember 26 things like did she get a briefing on how to handle top secret information. i remember the briefing i got on doing it, and it was 25 or 30 years ago. and america s mayor was even on the program earlier again said he couldn t believe there wasn t an indictment, and remember the press conference that james comey gave at the fbi and he laid everything out, i was going, oh, my gosh, hillary clinton is going to get indicted
and because there was no intent they said, he charges for the doj to do that. and then in this big document dump we had on friday, it wasn t video. it wasn t audio. it was written notes. and mr. mayor brought up that it was in small font and it was done on a holiday weekend just like a lot of these other document dumps. chuck todd of nbc, i was reading the hill this morning. he says as an american citizen it bothers him the fbi only took written notes of the july 2nd interview and did not record it or create a tran script. why? the real problem is not only that it s helping hillary get elected, it s that it is shaking the faith all of us had about the justice system. a candidate and a plumber were treated the same way and we re learning the fbi is basically helping hillary clinton. that s a third-world scenario.
donald trump is talking to african-american voters. hillary clinton is being quiet hiding behind closed doors with celebrities. she gets to put out all these ads and blanket the air waves and remains quiet. when the celebrities go to one of these events, the breakdown of what they have to pay is fascinating. if you have a child who is under 16 years old, you re allowed to have the child come up and ask questions. you have to pay $2,700 for a child s question. like do you like fresh vegetables. i don t know. what s in your garden. if you want a family photo, you have to shell out $10,000 to have a family photo taken. we need to get into this racket. $100,000 for a sit-down dinner? this is a person who hasn t driven a car or flown commercial in decades who surrounds herself with the same group of people as when i covered her 20 years ago.
this is a person who thinks the new york times is unfair to her. reporters worship her and she thinks they re too tough. this is the same candidate who has a history of roping off the media to keep them at a distance. but they re going to be flying with her. just because you re on the same plane does not mean you see the person. wee see some of the these polls tightening in states like wisconsin and virginia. larry sabato said he thought it was crazy that donald trump was wasting time in virginia but he s tied. another snub on the world stage. china rolling out the carpet for other leaders but not for president obama. plus, we re three weeks away from the first presidential debate. what can we expect from hillary clinton and donald trump?
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yesterday, and that s sort of the jostle that happens whenever you come here to china. let me show you some of the pictures. i don t want to make more of this than we ought. sometimes this story can have legs and generate talk. they were so restrictive they were keeping the national security adviser susan rice from getting close to the president. that s a push and pull of what happens when you come to china. one official from china said this is our country. this is our airport. the president of the united states talked about it afterwards. we don t leave our values and ideals behind when we take these trips. it can cause some friction. it s not the first time it s happened. it doesn t just happen in china. it happens in other countries where we travel. reporter: that is true, it does happen in other countries. i have traveled around the world with the president and i have seen it to different degrees.
and if that weren t enough, unlike other world leaders, the chinese failed to get the right stairs up to air force one. the president was forced to deplane from the under belly. no red carpet, no stairs. later presidents obama and xi jinping strolled through a garden. i think this is one of the more important meetings. this is the first face-to-face between the two leaders since the much talked about failed coup attempt in turkey. the president did promise that the u.s. would help their nato ally in trying to get to the bottom of what happened there, but he refused to commit to sending the turkish cleric over to turkish custody. he d like to see it work its way through the international courts. back to you. thanks, kevin. i think the chinese government
knows how tall a 747 is. when the united states president shows up on the tarmac, you probably have some things in place. we re about three weeks away from the first presidential debate. what can we expect from hillary clinton and donald trump? well, they re right here in our studio. what? not quite. but we ve got a republican and democratic strategist to take us inside that debate prep. that s next. plus, pete is back this time with his kids and he ll be showing us how to grill the perfect steak with his three boys. there s something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it s whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
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she has an expectation that she can t make mistakes and i think that puts a tremendous amount of pressure on her. we ve been hearing these stores she s poring over briefing books and she s really wonky and donald trump is playing it fast and loose. and as kathy will tell you, these debates are more style over substance. it comes across how important that visual element it is for donald trump to look presidential. his trip to mexico helping him. the debates will come down to tone. it s not about the smartest person in the room. if it had been, we would have two very different candidates. what kind of tone does he have to strike? he needs to let his humor come through. he needs to be relaxed, and he needs to not be agitated. he can t be unpredictable to the point of looking unstable or,
you know, reactive in any way. he has to be very calm. she also needs to not get defensive and keep her tone on a friendlier nature. not the i know the answer, i know the answer kind of person. authenticity is a big thing for these debates and hillary has to struggle with that teachable moment which she had two weeks ago on the white supremist speech is probably the right tone for her. also so much of what s not said. remember al gore sighing and saturday night live mocking him and then george h.w. bush checking his watch. debates there s preparation, there s debate stalyles. this is like having an argument with a loved up with you want to make up with.
this is a conversation with the american people. it needs to be presidential. you need to be substantive. they both are but this is about a conversation getting your deposit points about what you want the american people to remember about you. kathy is right. you really do need that coffee table conversation with the american people. what kathy has said previously about donald trump is best marketer since madonna and i think that s the real challenge that hillary clinton has. we ve been hearing they re looking for ways to get under donald trump s skin. where could donald trump screw up, if he lets her needle him. she s really good at doing that to others, so she has that same concern. he needs to do two things and two things only. use his sense of humor and pose the question back to her and be ready for it. if he responds to her attack with an attack, he has to do it based on policy or actions of hers. otherwise he needs to use humor. how does she go off the rails if he gets under her skin? i think she has to be presidential and have the right tone throughout this campaign
and be in command of substance throughout the debate and be in command of substance. for him, he can t both be authentic and presidential. that s a conflict for him. i don t agree with that at all. i think he can be. jfk, reagan, that was their specialty. but donald trump has already positioned himself as so outside it s mainstream by being authentic, it s going to be very hard for him to back that into being presidential and remain authentic. but he did it during the immigration speech so we ll see. not really. he said to the mexican president, you re not going to pay for the wall and to us he said he will pay. we want to thank our debate staff today. thank you. and the american public for watching our debate. bernie sanders hitting the trail for hillary clinton. will he keep the same message he had during the primary? her judgment is clearly lacking. plus, guess who is back with a brand new college gig?
plus pete is back with his kids. he s going to show us how to boys. the perfect steak with his we re cooking with friends when we come back. he s got his minnesota vikings uniform on. he has high hopes. your car got rear-ended and you needed a tow. did your 22-page insurance policy say, great news. you re covered? no. it said, blah blah blah blah. the liberty mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what you re covered for and what you re not. liberty mutual insurance. hmmmmm... [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm.
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hermine is taking aim again. millions along the eastern seaboard are in the crosshairs. coastal cities hunkering down bracing for a destructive blow this labor day weekend. kristin fisher is live in maryland with the latest on this. good morning. good morning, anna, tucker, and clayton. when we got in here last night, it really felt like there was a hurricane acoming. dark skies, a lot of wind. when we woke up this morning, it was pretty beautiful. right now hermine is about 300 miles off the coast heading east-northeast at 12 miles per hour. so the biggest threat here is not wind or rain. it is flooding, storm surge, and these rough conditions that you re seeing right now at the beach. we ve got waves at about 8 to 10 feet and really strong rip currents which are, of course,
very dangerous for swimmers and surfers. one of the big concerns is perhaps because it is so beautiful people are not going to heed the warnings and stay out of the water. but right now believe it or not we are still under a tropical storm warning. we are still technically under a state of emergency here in the state of maryland. the maryland national guard has to do been deployed as a precautionary measure in case of flooding. if it does, indeed, flood, it will likely happen sometime at high tide later tonight or tomorrow morning, and this area is, no surprise, definitely very prone to flooding, but if it does it will happen a little later. the biggest impact may end up being an economic one. a lot of the businesses here very unhappy about all the lops busine lost business on a big labor day weekend. kristin fisher live on the scene. thanks a lot. to your headline this is morning. first up, bernie sanders will make his return to the campaign trail. the vermont senator rallying voters in new hampshire for hillary clinton, his former
opponent. he s doing that tomorrow afternoon. he ll hit on economic inequality in his first public endorsement since the democratic national convention. clinton lost to sanders in the battleground state s primary. and a disgraced professor is heading back to the classroom after being fired. her name is melissa and she teaches journalism. the video of her encounter went viral. you need to get it out. no, i don t. you need to get out. i actually don t. hey, who wants to help me kick this reporter out of here. no reporters allowed says the journalism professor summoning the mob. she landed a new job at gonzaga. the website lists her as a lecturer. the university says they re confident she will thrive in her new role. and will the new iphone be unveiled this week?
that s a question for tech apple hosting an event in san francisco this week. among the many rumored features a larger improved camera, storage capacity up to 256 gigabytes. a water resistant design and most controversially there will be apparently no headphone jack but we ll have to wait until wednesday to find out. and those are your headlines. anna? labor day weekend and you know what that means. it means we re grilling on fox & friends. that s right. we are celebrating the holiday, cooking friends style this morning. showing us how to do that with steak and pizza with his boys is pete with gunner and boone and mike. you re all wearing vikings gear and he s wearing a seattle seahawks jersey. how does that happen?
he s an independent minded guy. two popular items are pizza and steak. my wife s famous recipe, very easy. and then steak. these guys have already he s eating all the cheese. we have one eating. you like the cheese. two eating. the sauce you can go online on fox & friends and get the recipe. my wife samantha makes it perfectly. a store bought crust. is the cheese supposed to be mixed into the sauce? that s a special plaza technique. tell us about the pizza stone. when you put it on the grill, i found out that if you just throw a pizza on the grill, you burned the heck out of it. put the stone on before you put the pizza on. i found when you close the lid eight to ten minutes, it cooks personal and gets a little bit of the grill smoke. what are you putting on here? cheese. no pepperoni yet?
he said no pepperoni. we do half pepperoni do you like pepperoni, buddy? you don t like pepperoni. his side of the pizza won t get pepperoni. what s your favorite foot? gunner, what s your favorite foot? meat! we have some meat too. boone and gunner have come to like steak. they won t like this because this is what i call hot steak. there s hot pepper stuff called slap your mama from louisiana. you put slap your mama all over it and then some great quebec seasoning. i like to overseason and overseason. i like it hot. a ton of flavor. your boys are real quiet. my kids never stop talking. is that how they usually are? hey, buddy. they are pretty well behaved. gunner, do you want to go for a pass? grilling is really not grilling. it s family time outside.
this is what you said was going to happen. this is basically what it looks like outside anyway at our house, anarchy. the baby is sad you re leaving fox & friends. that s what it is. we all are. sorry, bowedy. he wants some food, food, food. how long are you cooking the steaks for? i m a thr like it medium to rare but i usually overcook it because i m learning. one hand on the baby, one hand on the grill. yeah. so are you a grill man or do you ever get in the kitchen too? my wife, who is happily off camera right now, preps everything, and i throw it on the grill but i do prep the steaks. i love it like everybody else out there, grilling outside, the family outside. throwing the football around in the yard. wait a second. i loo nif jersey. jersey corn is delicious. you have great corn in minnesota as well. that s a staple on the grill
too. an easy staple. how do you make it? you have to shuck the corn first. you have to pull all the stuff on the inside out and then put it back inside the outer it looks pretty. and place it right up here. a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and it keeps the juice inside. thanks for bringing your boys. do you want anna to hold the baby anymore? yeah, anna, hold the baby. thanks, pete. we ve been keeping track and it is 274 days since hillary clinton last held a real press conference. where has she been with rich people? is the strategy of disappearing from public view effective? a.b. stoddard and byron york assess it next. and then sadly anna is saying good-bye to fox & friends weekend. she has about 20 minutes left. we look back at some of her best moments ever. there are many. stay tuned. for those who can t imagine life without two wheels,
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raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. get out your political advent calendars. today marks 274 days since hillary clinton held her last legitimate press conference. where has she been in the meantime and why is she doing this? here to tell us, two of our all-time favorites, a.b. stoddard and byron york joining us from washington. hillary s strategy of speaking only to donors is obviously intentional. is it a good idea politically? she, i think, tucker made this decision to run out the clock a long time ago. the problem was all these new questions are mounting a in the e-mail scandal. if it was dormant, no revelations stopped coming a
while ago, she d be fine, but look at what happens day after day. there are new things scheduled for release in september. in a four-way race, possibly five-way race, donald trump doesn t need 50% to win. so i think it s really, excuse me, i think it s a really risky strategy for her. byron, if i were a democrat, i d be concerned because it suggests a certain arrogance, that they believe that donald trump is such a bad human being he just can t be president and she s going to be by default. maybe that s not true. absolutely. first of all, you asked where she was. she s been in steven spielberg s guest house in the hamptons. right. new york times reported that she s raised $50 million at fund-raisers in the last two weeks of august. so she has been doing something, but she hasn t been getting out there and pressing the flesh. meanwhile, donald trump has been campaigning pretty aggressively through august. i think a.b. is right that it is a sign of overconfidence. we ve seen a number of reports from inside the campaign that
they believe, frankly, that they just can t lose, and if they run out the clock, if they stay away from the e-mail allegations, then their built-in electoral advantage, which they believe is unassailable, will come through for them in november. it s interesting. we ve been talking to the jeb bush people, just can t lose. money, money, money. part of the reason they think that, a.b., is because of the hispanic vote. hispanics famously don t like donald trump. hillary thinks she has a lock on them. clinton s favorability rating drops to 43% while trump goes up to 29%. that s not she s still winning but that s a lot closer. yeah, look, these same problems we re talking about
that she would need to answer questions on in a press conference, all her ethical liabilities which are a disaster bother latino voters as well, but there s a new latino decisions poll out in the l.a. times yesterday that shows that latinos are far more engaged in this election, that they re checking in and reading up on the election a majority of them several times a week, that they re very energized. i think if you look, tucker, at the obama coalition of all the voting blocks, this is the one she can count on the most. young voters don t like her. believe me, they re far more galvanized than in 2012 and i think there will be impressive turnout for the democrat among latino voters. it all matters in a swing state. are they in florida, nevada? that will count and she shouldn t take them for granted. they need black turn out to be really, really high. will it anywhebe anywhere near t
was in 2012. john kerry to barack obama, a big jump with barack obama in 2008 and 2012. i think you have to ask will that turnout stay at that level for hillary clinton? and the answer is probably no. probably not. she s winning as of this morning but i don t think she has it locked up as far as i can tell overall. thanks. it s great to see you both. thanks a lot. thanks, tucker. today is anna s final day on fox & friends weekend. we re not going to hide it, we are sad. we ll look back at some of her best moments. there are a ton of them so stay tuned. i wanted to know where my family came from. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i m 26% native american. i had no idea.
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we always say on this show, it s almost over. off the set we always say that because it s four hours long but today it s actually almost ana . we are set sad, but before we go, we wanted to look back at a lot of fun moments on the show. fimplgts i think i need a nap. ana in her spot. our thanks so anna kooiman for filling in. welcome, everybody. you make the couch look good. where s anna? yay, come over here. we re going to wake up everybody with a smile. from the debut of fox & friends first. other stories making headlines.
you like fox & friends , right? anna kooiman is live on long beach, where it s supposed to hit hard there. tell me about the devastation you experienced during the storm. wow, you know, we lost a lot. this is what a ef-5 tornado can do. we have fox team coverage of the worst terror attack in american since 9/11. this is condominium 111, which is owned by the gunman omar, the best thing about your wife you re going to remember. everything. here at fox & friends weekend, i m anna kooiman.
everyone gets ready for the show differently. anna, you sometimes dance. i like to do a little dancing. you know what i mean i solve it check out the anna kooiman, a great singer. put some music that s soft and slow down down down and the flames went higher it s gonna be hot. she flies through the air with the greatest of ease. here we go. i should start push fog hazard pay, what do you think?
you re going to teach me to drive, right? let s go. all right. are you trying to kill me? you re going to race me? i m anna, anna kooiman. pack your bags, anna, it s time for another road trip. here we go. yeah. i absolutely love your road trips, anna. i always want to go on them myself. we re going to have a little fun. whoo, oh, my god, this is definitely the coolest ever. it s the intrepid anna kooiman. anna does it all.
i m going to compete against anna kooiman, like i m stupid? quite the athlete. have you even her arms? she beat mer in an arm-wrestling competition. you re looking to be active, you don t need an expensive membership. just get a dog. i brought along my baxter bear. really? they re as warm ago you are. our friend anna kooiman, it s her birthday and she got engaged. wait, are you allowed to say that? anna got married last nine.
we re going to start with. he landed a big job in australia, in sydney, and we moving. eel be sorely missed. it s not fox & friends , it s fox & family here. such a family. i don t know how to ever duplicate this. i hope that i can. i m hoping to stay in tv in some way, shape or form. tucker and i have offered as a tv family to move with you to australia. yes, we have a spare bedroom. seriously you re making a life-affirming choice. making a choice for my husband and my marriage, and i m crying, because i m going to miss this show, but i m excited about this adventure, an opportunity to live in another culture and be close to my nieces and nephews, and my mother and father-in-law, and live on the beach. what will you mist most about tucker? about tucker?
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160928 10:00:00

expected to appear doing an event at the university of new hampshire there in durham. donald trump holds rallies in both iowa and wisconsin while his running mate mike pence holds an event in mention that clinton is getting help from first lady michelle obama who makes two stops in pennsylvania today, a sign that there may be some concern over that state. that s going to do it for us this wednesday. morning joe starts right now. did anybody see that debate last night? [ applause ] oh yes. one down two to go. he made it very clear that he didn t prepare for that debate. you know, at one point he was kind of digging me for spending time off the campaign trail to get prepared but just trying to
keep track of everything he says took a lot of time and effort. for 90 minutes i watched her very carefully. i was also holding back. i didn t want to do anything to embarrass her. good morning. it s wednesday, september 28th. it s almost over. almost in october. can i ask you a question? what? look at halperin for a second. he s very handsome. i m wondering if we need to get rid of him. we ve been getting together for dinner, and it s a little too much. quite frankly it s a big problem. he s up seven pounds. technically i m morbidly obese. we can take him up to the
club. get him a trainer. we ll put it all on tape. with us we have mike barnicle who is looking pretty fit. legendary. about eight over. do we call halperin mr. piggy? no. wouldn t be the worst thing i ve been called already this morning. and mark halperin and msnbc political analyst and professor at the school of public policy, former democratic congressman harold ford jr. we ll get into this story. i guess because i m almost 140. you should leave. i should get out of the business. let s not talk about weight? why? who cares. i m heavier than you think. i tweet my weight. go on. it s not about you. okay. it actually though is about
women. yes, it is. not women who look like you. we get on the set and everybody said where they were yesterday. this is all people were talking about. the miss universe thing. i went to kate s parent/teacher thing last night. by the end of the night when the parents were outside, everybody was talking about him calling a poor woman fat, miss piggy, et cetera. at the time, you re like wait, that s jarring. wherever you went, it s all people were talking about. drugstore yesterday getting a prescription. paying for the prescription. woman unfortunately for her recognizes me. and asks me what i thought about the debate. i said, well, that was really something. what did you think about the debate? she referencing miss piggy. she reference donald trump referring to the 1996 winner of
the miss universe pageant and what he said about her, and she is furious behind the counter taking my visa card, furious. mark halperin, same with you? yes. this is something people can understand and it s really they say this about a lot of what donald trump has done in this campaign. it s unbelievable he tried to chose to recover from a bad debate performance by attacking this woman saying she was a bad contestant and worst they had. when he criticized her for her weight and the fact that she had problems because of that experience. of all of the things he s done in the campaign this could linger in a way that could hurt him. he must do better with female voters to win. he must. it s not going to help. it cuts to the core of everything that s wrong with donald trump as it pertains to
women. hillary clinton s campaign has put out a video that actually shows him in realtime during the pageant era when this woman won and he actually says, well, she s gained a lot of weight. she clearly likes to eat a lot. and walked away. called her miss eating machine. it was unbelievable. this is not going to work. and by the way, she wasn t let s get into the story. what he did yesterday as a follow-up. i can t believe what happened yesterday. i m still digesting the reaction he got. the former miss universe thrush into the spotlight during the first presidential debate. the 1996 miss universe in making a point about donald trump s remark about women. clinton claimed that trump called her miss piggy and miss
housekeeping because she was latina. this is how donald trump defended those remarks yesterday. when she brought up the person that became i know that person. that person was a miss universe person. she was the worst we ever had. the worst. the absolute worst. she was impossible. and she was a miss universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as miss universe. she was the winner. she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem. we had a real problem. not only that, her attitude and we had a real problem with her. hillary went back into the years and she found this this was many years ago. and found the girl and talked about her like she was mother theresa and it wasn t quite that way. that s okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. they looked uncomfortable. that conversation went on and
no one said to him what? excuse me? did you just say what? did you say she gained a lot of weight and that was a problem? i ve never seen a more awkward interview in my life and quite frankly the most unfullfilling interview in my life. how can they not say that s incredibly inappropriate? would you like to rephrase yourself? are you saying that the fact that this woman gained weight is a problem? did you just say that? this is about donald trump and what s incredible, mika, is this is about donald trump. let s focus on donald trump. what s incredible about donald trump is the night before with something he did 20 years ago that was terrible, he then doubles down and says she was the worst contestant ever and she gained a lot of weight.
that s just unbelievable. the day after a debate. he mixes rosie o donnell in with nuclear threats. and then he goes on the day after to fox & friends talking about a woman saying she picked up a tremendous amount of weight. maybe she weighed 160 or 170 or something like that. a lot of women said i would like to look like that. that s a healthy weight. whatever she was. leave aside the window into his attitude that this represents. leave that aside. i m not minimizing it. in the clinton campaign they constantly look at things trump does and they cannot believe he s giving them the political opportunity. this is the exact thing they have thought for months they would win the election on which is trump s attitude toward women and many other people is just not something the country is going to see as fit for president. this is exactly what they would
want to have happen. the fact that she s latina and a woman, the fact she s an hispanic woman, they couldn t script it any better. it will be on saturday night live on saturday. the day after a debate attacking an hispanic woman and basically digging back up the fact that you called her miss housekeeping because she was latina and also calling a latina woman fat. and an immigrant. repetitive nature of the news cycle is such today that we re doing this stories, other stations will do this story and other news outlets will do the story and the miss housekeeping phrase is just as damaging as miss piggy. people look at debates and maybe it s a conversation about nato or the defense against this or that or the other. there are in every debate
moments that penetrate public consciousness. at my school meeting last night, parent/teacher conference and duane reed in new york city, everywhere you went, sure everywhere you went, this was the moment that penetrated where people said oh my god does this guy have the temperament to be president of the united states? that s the word that stood out for me. he talked about it during the debate. it was interesting and bewildering to say that his temperament was better than hillary clinton s. he had every right to say that. he s entitleded to his own opinion. the immediate body of work from the debate shows that he doesn t have the temperament. how do you not the next morning after being confronted with words that were wrong, inflammatory and damaging to your campaign not back up and move onto something else.
consistent with what he did during the debate. every time he was thrown bait by secretary clinton, he took it and took it. he couldn t help himself. he can never avoid striking back. the miss housekeeper piece is as damaging as anything. there s these moments where he attacks the weak, the vulnerable. the people that he doesn t see rises to his occasion and knocks them down and it is exact opposite of what inspires us in leade leaders. there s a book that i reviewed on bobby kennedy. great moment while i was reading it i started to tear up where bobby kennedy in the 68 campaign sees this little girl that looks awkward. lost her front tooth. freckles. head is down. bobby in the middle of everything and there weren t microphones on him, he got down on his hands and he grabbed her by the face, and he said you re beautiful. your freckles, don t be
embarrassed of your freckles. you look like one of my daughters. you re the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. he connects with her. you go home. be proud. a beautiful girl. you made my day. gives her a big hug. the girl runs off. the mom is crying. the girl is on cloud nine and he elevates. he lifts. he finds somebody that feels awkward and out of place and not a part of the crowd, and he makes them feel like he s part of a community with a hug and with some positive words. we have the opposite of that right here. whether it s a reporter with a disability or whether it s a woman who is overweight or whether it s somebody that just doesn t measure up to what his image is of what should be the superior race. it s one after another. the clinton campaign has damning evidence that this is a
decade s old conviction in him. weight issues and things about women because they ve got a video that shows him years ago, we can find that sound bite, talking about this pageant winner saying how much she likes to eat and kind of laughing it off and walking away. the thing is, judgment-wise, how do you go back to that the morning after? how do you not know that s we all said stupid things on tv 20 years ago. 10 years ago. for me, yesterday. we all made mistakes. why does he always go back and roll around in it, mark? he turned this into an oops moment after the fact by saying what he said yesterday morning. you know, her crime was she had a weight problem. an eating problem. that was her crime. to be so ungracious compared to what we want in our leaders, i just think it s going to be something they ll bring up over and over again and he is just going to ignore it? ever say that was a mistake?
if he just said i said that 20 years ago. that was a stupid thing to say. i hope she s doing well. i ve grown up a lot in 20 years. i have my own children now. they re grown children. i understand the challenges we all face. boy, i feel bad about that. boom. over. now the narrative is hers. you have said he bullied you. he called you miss piggy. what else did he call you? what were the names that he called you. miss piggy, miss housekeeping, miss eating machine. all to your face? yes. all the time. that was really normal for him in that moment. how did that make you feel? well, you know, 18 years old, when you are growing up and you are the most beautiful woman in the world, that was horrible for me. do you think he s racist?
yes. yes absolutely. absolutely. what s the proof that you think he s racist? you know, i listened to a few comments from him when he was my boss, but i don t want to talk about it because it s too much rude for the black community, and i respect a lot of things. not just against latino, you say, blacks, african-americans as well. yes. he don t like that people either. he s trying to make up fractions and now he s in the churches.
he s ridiculous. she said she never recovered from her miss universe experience and said she had eating disorders and psychological issues. she gained 12 pounds after being crowned miss universe. in a 1997 interview with howard stern, trump claimed she gained over 50 pounds. she told reporters yesterday she hoped her bad experience with donald trump will open eyes in this election. dean tweeted notice trump sniffing all the time? coke user. here he is speaking yesterday with msnbc s kate snow. i m suggesting we think about
it. so he sniffs during the presentation which is something that users do. he also has delusions. i m not talking about being cra crazy, but when he told everyone he was smart and not to pay taxes and denied he said it, it s not that he s delusionary about it, it s that he thinks he s not going to get caught. that is delusional. he has trouble with pressured speech. he interrupted hillary clinton 29 times. he couldn t keep himself together. do i think at 70 years old he has a cocaine habit? probably not. interesting to ask him to see if he ever had a problem with that. what in the world? mark halperin, what in the world is going on there? we know howard. we like howard. what is going on? a doctor diagnosing a coke
problem because a guy was sniffing? i couldn t believe the tweet. i thought he had been hacked. my poor 8-year-old son i m going to have to do drug tests now because he gets the flu once a month. are my kids doing lines like on the way to t-ball? stop it. how stupid is this? i think an apology is in order. it s not necessary. i ll just say if a trump surrogate said something like that we would go crazy. a trump surrogate would get killed. by the way, they did. the guy in new hampshire. the one that said she should be, like, killed. should have been slaughtered. he s their surrogate.
they should be asked if that s appropriate. he should take it back. two days after a debate and we re talking about the size of a woman, whether or not racial stereotyping and governor dean is a friend. i have a cold. i don t want to sniffle for what people to think and for him to double down, if this was said about secretary clinton, we would be lighting this person up and urging the campaign to denounce these words. they need to denounce dr. dean s words. he s a medical doctor. he s our friend. he s a doctor. and he s going around diagnosing a coke problem on tv because a guy has the flu or is rundown and look at what the clinton people did when people started speculating about why she passed out the way she did. they freaked out.
conspiracy theorist this and that. they need to distance themselves from these comments. i got to sniff. we won t accuse you of anything. let s get one more very big headline in here. breaking news overnight. former israeli president and prime minister shimon perez has died. he was 93 years old. perez was best known for his efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians. in a statement, president obama said per erz changed the course of human history and in a joint history, bill and hillary clinton called peres a genius with a huge heart. he was seen at the end as a man of peace fighting hard to actually bring peace to that
troubled region and yet the beginning of his relationship with israel was bringing up israel s defense to stop against aggressive neighbors who never wanted israel to have the right to exist peacefully in the middle east in their own nation. the arc of shimon peres career is extraordinary from its origins to its end. and president obama s statement about the passing of shimon peres is truly extraordinary in itself. the outline of peres role in the history of israel, a healing person in an extraordinary combustible area. joe to your point about leaders elevating people. god bless him and his soul and
his family. not only his people but people all around him. a story in the new york times, nbc also reporting on this that the wife of a man killed by police in charlotte sought a protective order against him. we saw of course a gripping video over the weekend. she sought a protective order after he punched her 8-year-old son in the head three times, kicked around and threatened to kill us with a gun. he said i am a killer, and you should know that. we re going to get to that in the next block. full report on that in the next block. we ll also bring in robert costa and the new york times columnist frank brunei. but first, here s bill karins with a check on the forecast. dreary, soggy forecast. washington, d.c. had a dry
summer. about to change. it s poori ipouring from d.c. t charlotte. 9 million people under flash flood watches including washington d.c. this bull s eye of 5 to 7 inches of rain is baltimore and d.c. down almost to richmond. that s going to be really today, tomorrow, into friday morning. and the forecast i mentioned changed. areas in the northeast that were gorgeous like boston to new york, the clouds have moved in. they ll be with us for four to five days in a row with temperatures in the 60s. cooler but sunshine there in areas of the middle of the country. other major weather story that s developing over the next five to ten days is going to be this tropical disturbance which will be tropical storm matthew later on today. all computers are bullish on how intense this will get in the next couple days. this is the five-day formation zone so in about five days from now take us into sunday areas around jamaica will be at risk and areas around eastern cuba. as we get to the hurricane season, we haven t had a lot of threats like this.
this takes this dangerously close to the bahamas and possibly florida in seven days from now. that will be a major story. we ll know in about a week. also again, bad weather coming to the northeast. going to cause a lot of people to get sniffles, a cold, just like harold. a lot of coke freaks sniffing out there, right? we ll have to get should we call the bill. doing lines. all right. let s get him off the air. you re watching morning joe. we ll be back. you work at ge? yeah, i do. you guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right? like a new language for crazy-big, world-changing machines. well, not me specifically. i work on the industrial side. so i build the world-changing machines. i get it. you can t talk because it s super high-level. no, i actually do build the machines. blink if what you re doing involves encrypted data transfer. wait, what?
wowwww. wow? what wow? there is no wow. what comes to mind when you think about healthcare? understanding your options? or, if you re getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages at i m hillary clinton, and i approve this message. brian ross: an abc news investigation has found his real estate fortunes have benefited greatly from russian investors, putting a get-tough u.s. policy with russia in direct conflict with his bottom line. george will: that s perhaps one more reason why we re not seeing his tax returns, because he is deeply involved with russian oligarchs. timothy o brien: he doesn t want his tax returns out there. stephanie ruhle: why? lisa desjardins: what could trump s taxes tell us?
a lot.
all right. there are new details i haven t seen harold ford look like scar face but he s sniffing like crazy. do we call the cops right now? do we call his wife? maybe we all get together and start talking about how important he is to us and he needs to take care of himself. onset intervention. new details emerging about keith scott, the man shot and
killed by charlotte police last week. according to court papers filed last october, his wife applied for a restraining order against him alleging that he had a gun and scott had threatened to kill his family with it. in a handwritten complaint, miss scott complained her husband had hit their 8-year-old son three times with his fist and added that he called himself a killer and that we should know that. the order was dismissed a month later when miss scott said her husband with a no longer a threat to the family. a lawyer for the scott family says the claims by ms. scott should have no bearing in determining whether or not the police shooting was justified. yeah, i don t think you can discount that at all. it has nothing to do with the police shooting though. no. but that s information that s he may have been angry and police should have acted but the
two seem like separate you hear her in the video that she shot saying, keith, don t do it. don t do it. there are moments that s what people don t focus on. she s yelling at the cops, but she s also yelling at her husband. don t do it. she knows that he has that s a big jump from that to shooting a man. we re not saying it s a justification for shooting him. i thought that s where we were going. there s a lot of jumps being made on the other side of the story. true. i m just saying let s put all of the facts out there that we find. the new york times did the right thing of finding out background information. we need to report it. if we re going to report about riots all night against the police. why don t we just talk about the reverse of this situation also. we were talking about the reverse about what if up wione trump s people suggested hillary clinton was a coke addict. what about the black cop had a wife who had written this about
him a year earlier. the black cop that shot keith scott. they would have written about it front page. it would have been screaming front page. sealed the deal for them. of course this doesn t have anything to do with the shooting. just like all of the things that are said about these cops and their backgrounds doesn t have anything to do with the shootings except for the fact that these police officers continue to be tried in the press. with the burden of presumption on them at all times. at all times. they deal with it every day. first of all, i m a supporter of police. this is not an indictment of police. there are some police officers who have done bad things. i think part of the criticism here was about this video and whether or not it was released and how it was released. that s been a huge focus. by the way, i was critical. i m sure you know time and time again. they should release it from the very beginning.
i think all of it should come out. i m not complaining. i think there are two separate the police officers didn t know about this as they were pointing their guns. i said before, the training that takes place with these officers how do you know they hadn t been there a few times? how do you know? how do you know? i don t. i said i don t think the police officers knew that the guy had this we don t know that. i said i don t think so. i m not saying i know for a fact. two, the training police officers get is amazing. i watch what happened in new jersey with suspected terrorist who was firing at officers and shot two officers and officers had where with all to shoot him and allow him to go to the hospital. it seems when black men are pulled over, these are traffic incidents, let s assume the worst traffic incident ever, i don t think it warrants the kind of responses that we ve seen in some instances. all of the facts need to come out. as you watch these videos, if you re a mom or dad at home and you have a 16-year-old son and you said follow exactly what the
police officers say and you can still be harmed, there s a worry there. i m not dismissing this finding on this gentleman here. if the facts come out and we learn that there s something that they knew all of these things and firing at him because they felt he was a threat to his wife, fair enough. those facts have not come out yet. a threat to the people around. they have to make that determination. but, you know, the question is in this case, does this play out about race as much as, say, tulsa, where al sharpton said the day after you had black cop that actually shot him, and you also have a black police chief who is refusing to release the tape until they felt they were far enough along in the investigation. i don t know. charlotte, i don t know that charlotte is as racially tinged as, let s say, tulsa, which has
responded quite well to the shooting out there and tragedy out there. because in this case, if there s racism, it s racism between black cops and black police chiefs and a black victim. all right. we will continue the conversation as all of the facts come out. coming up on morning joe i have these guys. maybe he s not worth 10 billion. i think he s only worth seven. i m actually worth more than 10. they thought i wouldn t file because they said he s probably not as rich as people think. but then it turned out i was much richer. they really screwed up. much richer. when did it turn up he was much richer? the time line is still unclear. do we have documents? did he release documents? his tax returns. no new documents. he s saying richer than public estimates. according to whom? donald j. trump, millionaire. does he have any legal
documentation out that suggests that he s worth more than 10? nothing knew. i didn t know if it was a moment where he released them yesterday and i was napping. doesn t take kindly to people questioning his net worth so he s probably not going to like brand new reporting this morning in forbes magazine. we ll reveal what it says about the billionaire s bottom line. ahead, a modest proposal goes completely wrong much like the yankees season. we ll show you what happened in the stands yesterday. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. i m in vests and as a vested investor in vests i invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. or not in vests. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars.
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this is just that would be awesome. okay. we re in. sorry, mika. okay. so sitting four games out of the a.l. wild card race, which is five games left on the schedule, the yankees chance of getting a championship ring this season is just about over but the show was in the stands last night in the bronx for something else. let s go to michael kay for the play by play. there was a couple on the scoreboard in center field where the guy asked the young lady to marry him. took out the ring and the ring dropped and they could not find it. they re looking now under the chairs. they ve got a story. maybe somehow he can come up look at this poor guy. maybe he can come up with the
save somehow. wait a minute. they re smiling. they found it! that s great. he s on one knee. that s awesome. she better say yes now. that poor guy. congratulations. so cute. he lost the ring. it was on the big jumbotron too. up next, new york columnist frank bruni joins us. morning joe is coming right back. thinking about what to avoid, where to go. and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications
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when you ache and haven t you re not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you re a better you all day. tylenol®. as i said last night, last night, last night, did anybody see that debate last night? [ applause ] oh yes.
one down, two to go. last night at the debate one of my guests was mark cuban. now mark cuban who is a real billionaire by the way, i ll leave it to the fact checkers to go through all of donald trump s claims. there was a lot of work for fact checkers last night. it s hard to keep up sometimes when he s talking. i agree with her on that. that was hillary clinton back on the trail yesterday clearly savisav savoring the debate. frank bruni joins us now. sometimes the dog eats my notes. donald trump was complaining about his microphone in the debate. the volume was not as high and blah, blah, blah. frank has the same problem. he wrote about it to kind of get it out. how do you complete a column?
it s heroic. columns are some of the greatest ever written. i m glad you came to terms with this. amazing, joe. people can t believe it. you write this. laugh at donald trump s claims he was foiled by a finicky microphone on monday night, but i can relate. when i write a bad column, it s all my keyboard s fault. you think dear, god, he didn t prepare for this column to which i say, president obama plays too much golf and rosie o donnell has been vicious to me. very vicious. whatever. i wrote a great column any way. polls show it was a huge success. wait? what? they don t know. you must look at the wrong polls. so many dishonest people out there, not that i m complaining. all that and a faulty keyboard. i press on like donald trump. i press on. beat on against the currents.
david also writes about the debate. hillary clinton had many good moments in monday s night showdown but if you were watching from abroad, what probably resonated most was her assurance near the end that if she s elected, surely the most plausible after the debate ended than when it began, there will be continuity of u.s. foreign policy. clinton nailed this theme contrasting her clarity and global policy with the meandering fluff head that stood next to her. we ll see if the american public regards clinton s performance as presidential but i would get that in the global capitals there was a sigh of relief monday night that maybe american politics isn t heading off a cliff after all. what a fascinating 48 hours we ve had as mark halperin said. the night of we can all draw our conclusions about what happened that debate night. most of us in manhattan think
donald trump lost but the real tell was the next day whether it was what he said on fox & friends, whether he was complaining about his microphone, it was what happened after the debate that cast the die for how we ll talk about this for some time. he not only passed the bar of seeming presidential in the debate. he did not seem presidential. i m not sure i ve seen a post-debate reaction this unpresidential. it was my microphone. it was the moderator. no one is ever fair to me. i think this is just she s coming out of this debate with with a seems to be unfettered confidence. nobody was ever fair to me. she was fat. we re talking about that too. like so many things it plays into pre-existing qualms about donald trump. already the narrative was set that he s not somebody who treats women fairly who objective him. this wasn t you gained weight and weren t supposed to.
if i understand the story correctly, this was him dragging television cameras to the gym to watch her workout. it fits into so much of what you see from him. telling howard stern she was miss eating machine mocking and ridiculing her. another part of the debate i thought was fascinating was a guy that constantly talks about other people being low energy once again seemed to collapse about halfway through the debate as far as his energy level. he seems to fold up. he did it in several presidential debates where he disappeared. did it again here. incoherent and low energy by the end. barring some intervening event you can t anticipate now, he has to wait until the next debate to change the narrative in the fundamental way. hillary clinton is as confident a candidate as i ve seen her and a town hall meeting is a big challenge. so little experience doing town
halls even on his own but to sit on the stage with her will be a big challenge for him. hope for some of the people around him is that he recognizes that he didn t do well. ironically if the polls go down for him, that may be his only way out. do you think anybody has told donald trump that he didn t do well? they all think he didn t do well. you have to think someone. he s talking about a microphone. i m just wondering. has someone close to donald trump told him he didn t do well because everybody close to donald trump have said he didn t do well. have they told him? i don t know. i think it s hard for him to take criticism so i think to frank s point he s blaming things that children blame for problems they have. look, i hope i listened to secretary clinton. nothing wrong with being excited about our performance. we have a long way to go here. i hope there s a recommitment to the seriousness of why she won the debate. she talked about he can t be trusted on taxes.
i want to hear that from my candidate over the next few weeks. believe me, donald trump every time we have written him off, he has reemerged. let us not ignore and deny that he s done something connected with the electorate in a way that we find incomprehensible. the guy can go up five points in the poll this week. i hope i m wrong. he s been told he didn t do well. he s been told he didn t do well. it s clear to most people she won the debate. i m only concerned at least he s been told. read this tweet. this is what he put out yesterday in a tweet. wow, well, now they re saying that i not only won the nbc presidential forum, but last night the big debate. nice. so everyone else thinks he lost. i m worried about the polls. we ll see what happened. just to be shallow given his comments about women and the fact that he doubled down on this miss universe and actually
weight shamed someone, a woman, i m really glad that a woman cleaned his clock. i m really glad that he was wiped the floor that she wiped the floor with him. i love it. that s very shallow. i love it. i love it. frank, you know, it s something that you he s going to have to reassess the strength of a woman. he really is. his whole idea of what a woman is and how he objectiveies them, he needs to understand that perhaps i might want to bow down and realize a woman brought him into this world. frank, this is just the first of three debates most likely. barack obama did horribly in his first debate against mitt romney. george w. bush delivered one of the worst debate performances i ever saw in 2004 in his first
debate against john kerry. nicole wallace has a great story about that. she went back and explained to him that he lost something like 14 points since the first debate. he looked at her and said, well, it was the prep work and all of the spinning afterwards. you did a horrible job in the spin room. he broke out laughing. basically said i know it s on me. i ll do a better job next time. he did. that s the challenge for donald trump, isn t it? can you learn from mistakes and move forward? we haven t seen that in him. we ve seen no evidence that he s capable of that. does he have the capability to adjust for it? a big difference between george w. bush s bad debate that you mentioned to president obama s. they had many years of political life before them. those bad debates came after a great deal of voter familiarity with them in other contexts and other ways. donald trump was making his first impression on this role on the debate stage.
i don t think he recovers from it as easily as george w. bush or barack obama did. frank bruni, stay with us. still ahead, there are many villains in syria s civil war but there s also a small group of heroes. a new documentary follows a group of syrian volunteers known as the white helmets who risk their own life to save the innocent victims of the bloodshed. this morning we ll talk to the filmmakers. we ll be right back. just can t wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features,
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i have a feeling by the end of this evening i m going to be blamed for everything that s ever happened. why not? why not. yeah. why not. that was so good. that s awesome. drunk debate. all right. coming up at the top of the hour get drunk. hillary clinton is brilliant after the first debate even takes an endorsement from a newspaper that s literally never endorsed a democratic ever. the washington post robert costa is standing by and also a
message for donald trump. lay off a woman s size. morning joe is back in a moment. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet?
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to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there s more to know. xarelto. before candidates go on stage, they do a sound check. we have a sound bite. first up was hillary clinton. listen to this. testing, testing, trumped up trickle down. trumped up triple down. pause for applause.
nothing. this is donald trump s. testing. testing. testing. yeah, that was the one. weird. welcome back to morning joe. it s wednesday, september 28th. with us on set, mike barnicle. columnist for the new york times frank bruni and joining the conversation washington anchor for bbc world news america katty kay and bob costa. does team trump understand they certainly do off camera, do they understand in front of his boss how badly he did and was perceived the other night? there s an acceptance within trump s inner circle that he s trump. you can t make him into a traditional politician. my reporting tells me that for the second debate they want a lot more prep but they re not expecting a different performance. does he understand, have you got any reporting that suggest donald trump understands he did
not do well the other night? the people who matter most are those like roger ailes, rudy giuliani, those who aren t paid who are in his inner circle telling him and of his generation and say this is on the line. you ve been on the rise. your candidacy has to start to pick up speed. she s bouncing back in the days after the debate. they are being candid with him on that airplane and behind the scenes. pretty candid on his poor debate performance the other night? there s a sense that when you listen to trump, i m told by one person that has spoken with him, you hear him for 15 minutes about why he did what he did and how he was thinking it through and then he starts to ask you, his friends, what does he have to do next? that s how he s talking to his allies and associates. the reporting we ve got is everyone around trump believes, the people that matter, believe that he did poorly the other night. a lot of eye rolling going on the night of the debate saying
they can t believe he botched it the way he did. the question is, has that news gotten to donald trump? if it does get to donald trump, what does he do about it and what does donald trump prepping for the next debate actually look like? clearly there was a degree of political malpractice. he missed key opportunities to go after hillary clinton s vulnerability and spent far too much time talking about his own weaknesses. does it mean he ll sit down with briefing books, old fashioned style, and master the issues and master subjects and do practice debates and practice town hall sessions like this one? even if they say to him even if he listens to them and says, okay, maybe i can improve. can we see him sustaining time and effort and energy it takes to prep for a presidential debate. 17 candidates on the stage far different than him against
hillary clinton who has prepared. understanding how policy is developing and how it works and how the system works. understanding washington. having her own baggage with washington. i mean, by all indications, everybody see ps her as ts her winner and him as the total loser. two things were talked about at parent/teacher night for kate s class. one was donald trump talking about miss universe. two, i must say, shock and great dismay at your assessment that donald trump may go up in the polls after the first debate. i just think that everything has been upside down until now. everyone yesterday said he s going to go down in the polls. this is what s going to happen. i stopped doing that. every time we think he s done badly, he s done better. i agree.
i didn t say i thought he won and she did not. i thought she won the debate. i don t know if the polls will reflect that with donald trump. i have to tell you i think he s hit crossed a certain line and crossed many lines before that you think would be ir irredeemable but this thing about how he objectifies women, we ll look at the language he s used. your assessment yesterday, i get it given the freddy krueger aspect of donald trump s candidacy. i mean, he just keeps coming back. the thing that mystifies a lot of people and, robert costa, perhaps you can shine light on this. the potential lethal revisiting of the weight factor of a 20-year-old incident that donald trump goes out on the stump yesterday and recreates it in
terms of people who he listens to. you mentioned rudy giuliani. roger ailes. according to your sources, did anybody speak to him about let s stay away from this? did anybody speak to him about it? there s a real divide based on my reporting from those in the institutional republican party and they re telling him and his people to stop with the personal attacks. it s turning off swing voters. focus groups, that s what it s signaling to them. those in the trump orbit who don t come out of the political word, when it comes to rosie o donnell and the khan family, trump s brand and it helps him in their mind if the clash with private citizens. this is who trump is. always had public clashes. there s a divide on whether it really matters. that s why the real trump is the trump that s reacting and fighting because that s how he s been in public life for 35, 40
years. you know, okay, i m just going to read. former miss universe thrust in the national spotlight during the first presidential debate is speaking out. as you ll recall, hillary clinton brought up the story of alicia machado, the 1996 miss universe in making a point about donald trump s remarks about women. clinton claimed trump called machado miss piggy and miss housekeeping because she was latina. let s stop right there. miss housekeeping because she was latina. this is how donald trump defended those remarks yesterday. watch. when she brought up the person that became i know that person. she was a miss universe person. and she was the worst we ever had. the worst. the absolute worst. she was impossible. and she was a miss universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with
as miss universe. she was the winner. she gained a massive amount of weight. it was a real problem. we had a real problem. not only that, her attitude and we had a real problem with her. hillary went back into the years and she found this girl. this was many years ago. found a girl. talked about her like she was mother theresa and it wasn t quite that way. that s okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. massive amount of weight gain according to donald trump. she said she gained maybe 17 pounds. 12 pounds. she gained 12 pounds. he s calling it a massive amount of weight. i can tell you, most normal human beings across the country, men and women, gain weight over time and struggle with it. that won t sit well in a way that that i can feel confident with. i m also confused. i don t i can t watch that show because i m here.
i don t understand why i hope it s not because they re worried about not getting another interview with donald trump or there s some thing from management, how could you not stop the interview right there and say, whoa, wait a minute. what did you just say? i feel sure that someone l e would have said what on earth are you saying? how can you possibly say that it was a big problem. she was thin for the miss universe contest. unhealthy thin as many beauty pageant contestants are and gained enough weight to become strong and healthy. that was a massive problem for donald trump? it s crazy that it didn t register. i think they were surprised. so surprised. one of the more interesting aspects of the past couple days and this issue is that we can sit here each and every morning and talk about the potential of donald trump as commander in chief. we can talk about donald trump s
economic package. up or down on it. when you combine miss piggy with miss housekeeping with this woman, that has more resonance to many people than anything we talk about with issues. i think so. frank bruni, if he had just said i said that 20 years ago. i was talking to howard stern. it was so stupid on my part. you know what? i ve got a grown daughter now. i ve seen the struggles her friends have been through. i feel really bad about that. everyone would have been, wow, he s grown. take a negative and turn it into a positive instead of, she got fat. moments during the debate where self-criticism, apology, could have done a world of good. he didn t just have a bad debate, he had an incompetent debate. he didn t raise things he should have raised and didn t respond to things left hanging out there and this notion that maybe he
will prep better for the next debate and that will go well, prep only works over a foundation of knowledge. at this point it is too late for him to bone up on these issues. hillary has had decades in public life. when she does debate prep, she s doing it over a foundation of knowledge. he s gotten this far without doing any of his homework and it won t be solved by a slightly more vigorous debate session before the next debate. trump called attention to machado s weight gain holding a press conference with the beauty queen featuring her working out. she spent weeks at trump s resort exercising. and actually, in that same time, he did a press conference and he says this woman likes to eat a lot and kind of smirked. so humiliating.
frank? i m looking at those pictures. that s supposed to be the heavy version of her? to most human beings she looks perfectly lovely. which, by the way that will hanger normal women out there. that s what i heard an awful lot last night at kate s parent/teacher conference. a lot of women were, like, that s fat? she s fat? good luck in the suburbs of philly. it s personal. with working women who don t have time to get unhealthy. i got really angry about this yesterday. my daughters, my friends, every woman i know who has had issues with weight gain or with weight which s you know. and struggled with these things. we deal with it in a way that s
personal, intimate and supportive of each other. this was so humiliating. you write for bbc news that mr. trump should sue his campaign for political malpractice or better he should look in the mirror and have a long, hard think about his obsession with how women look. weight is an intensely personal issue among women. if mr. trump is serious about winning women voters in the suburbs of philadelphia or small towns of ohio, he should learn basic gender etiquette. lay off our size and maybe look in the mirror. i can t believe that this is going to help him with women voters. we circle the wagons when somebody talks about our own size and when somebody talks about our friends size in that way. i felt that that video particularly of him inviting the cameras in to watch her exercise
was the most grotesque exercise in humiliation of a woman i have almost ever seen on television. the idea that these cameras had a right to watch this woman workout because she put on too much weight and donald trump wasn t happy with it. it s a spectacle. he s bringing these reporters in and he s sitting there and he s smiling like some overlord. and having the cameras okay. there we go. that is brought to you by donald j. trump himself. breaking news overnight, former israeli president and prime minister shimon peres died following a major stroke earlier this month. he was 93 years old. peres was best known for his efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians.
in a statement president obama said peres changed the course of human history and in a joint statement, bill and hillary clinton called peres a genius with a big heart. peres joined us on morning joe two years ago to discuss the search for peace in the middle east and the role that you should play. there are 400 million people very poor most of them. and the young people don t have jobs. but they have youth. 60% of them are below the age of 25. i think we have to with the younger nation. one of the great ironies, the man known for peace at the end of his life who dedicated his entire life to the nation of
israel and one of the was the last remaining pillar of the foundation of israel s creation in 1948, was a man responsible at the beginning of that country s creation for the defense of israel. that s how he could do it. he could become the man who negotiated because he had been known as the strong man who would always defend israel militarily when it was necessary and put him in this remarkable position. you can t help but listen to that clip and after all we ve been talking about this morning, there s a politician who stood for values and stood by his principles and did great things for his country. what have we been talking about? all right. we ve been talking about frank bruni s defective typewriter. good luck with that. the fact that you re the little engine that could. i think i can. i think i can. frank bruni, thank you. robert costa, thank you as well. love having you on. the kids aren t all right.
hillary clinton campaigns today in new hampshire but bernie sanders to try to bring in millennial support. chris jansing joins us with that. first, walter isaacson is here. they believe russian hackers were behind two attempts to hack into voter registration records. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. our debt problem 19 trillion and growing money for programs like education will shrink. in just 8 years, interest on the debt will be our third largest federal program. bad news for small businesses. the good news? there s still time for a solution. ask the candidates for a plan to secure our future.
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i don t think it was anybody that knows it was russia that broke in. it could be china. it could be lots of other people. it could be somebody sitting on they are bed that weighs 400 pounds. you don t know who broke into dnc. what did we learn with dnc? we learned that bernie sanders was taken advantage of by your people. by debbie wasserman-schultz. look at what happened to her. but bernie sanders was taken advantage of. now, whether that was russia, whether that was china, whether it was another country, we don t know because the truth is under
president obama we ve lost control of the things we used to have control over. that was some of what donald trump had to say but the issue of cybersecurity at monday night s debate and yesterday jeh johnson told senators that 18 states have accepted his agency s offer to help improve cybersecurity for the election systems. the move comes in the wake of breaches on those systems which officials believe russia was responsible for. joining us in washington, president and ceo of the aspen institute, walter isaacson. teaming up to present the first ever cambridge cyber summit one week from today. it s the next front year s already begun. we ve been talking about this in the run-up to this conference and whether it s the fbi or the justice department or the nsa,
they re deeply worried about the fact that russians have hacked in to a whole variety of systems. you talk about what donald trump said that was appalling and frightening in the debate and of course there was so many of them. you have to include the fact that he s blubbering around saying nobody knows about these things and what they are. of course we do. we re definitely sure of the russian involvement in many of these things protecting our electoral system and you really need a president who is going to say our election system is critical infrastructure like our electricity grid. if you attack it, we re going to name you as the attacker. we re going to retaliate. you re going to have a consequence. i think that was pretty bad that trump kept calling it the cyber, but he didn t know what he was talking about. these are things not quite like the nuclear codes but almost like the nuclear doctrines where you really should know what you re talking about.
what are russians trying to do? are they trying to determine the outcome of the u.s. election or are they trying to sew enough doubt about the electoral process that some people might feel that the process is not legitimate. right. they re trying to show doubts. that plays right into trump s hand. obviously most of what they ve done is helping or trying to help donald trump who has the alliances with putin and russia, which may be why he s minimizing it. he has his financial arrangements there that, you know, most people know about, but we haven t yet seen the taxes. there are two ways to do it. they can say we ll break into the orlando county system and try to change votes. very unlikely. very hard to do. but what they could do is sew doubt and confusion. they could wipe out a voter role
in a few selected counties so when you show up at the polls, the computers don t know up with your name and everything has to be done by old books and paper so it takes 12 hours to vote. those type of things can be deeply disruptive, and i think i would criticize everybody involved here. we should make it clear that messing with our election is an act of war. walter, the russians, cyberattacks, they are already here. within the financial system to a certain extent. what s the defense? people have been thinking about this. this is an issue that s not just arisen in the past couple of weeks. we need both a defense and an offense and a deterrence. the defense is difficult because the moment hackers if they have, say, all of the records of someone working some place. they have social security numbers from yahoo!. they can say, michael, this
is here, i sent our household finances, please click on this. she would never do this. i was trying to think of a better example but too early in the morning to figure out what she would want you to open. let s just assume that, you know, she knows some way to say click on this and open and they ve hacked into an account. that s called spearfishing. it s a simple thing. people are doing it every day. now, we did stop the chinese a bit. we did call them out. we did indict people in the people s liberation army there and the chinese have backed off. backed off quite a bit. but they were mainly trying to steal trade secrets. economic things. russia is in this game right now to sew confusion and maybe disrupt our election and this is something i disagree with. we have not yet named the name and said here s the retaliation.
there s a difficulty because, you know, you start a war, cyberwar, that way. we retaliate. take down putin s bank account. take down some electricity grid somewhere and they escalate. that s not something you want to have happen at an election. we re a little bit too paralyzed right now. the cambridge cybersummit takes place wednesday, october 5th at m.i.t. walter isaacson, thank you very much. this will be one of the topics but also how private industry has to be part of this. your bank, your insurance company, your credit card company, your hospitals. they are being hacked by the same code, by the same malware and same people. we have to have a national system in which we figure out, identify these people, call them out. retaliate. stop them. we look more to hearing about that next week. walter, thank you. up next, how do you make chris christie laugh? it depends on who you ask. we ll talk about testimony in
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in the latest testimony in the bridgegate trial, a former high ranking appointee of new jersey governor chris christie testified that his boss not only knew about the traffic jam while it was happening, but that it made him laugh. david wildstein who has already
pleaded guilty for his role in tying up traffic to get back at a small town mayor is now a star witness in the case. wildstein told jurors that they met with christie during the lane closures before 9/11 memorial ceremony and according to wildstein, christie was told about the tremendous amount of traffic in ft. lee. major traffic jams. you ll be pleased to know the mayor is very frustrated wildstein told the court. the governor laughed when he heard the news. one of the prosecutors asked wildstein if they were bragging to the governor. yes, very much so he said. we discussed how pleased we were the boss was happy. yesterday christie once again denied being involved. i have no role in authorizing it. i had no knowledge of it. and there s been no evidence ever put forward that i did. mark halperin, what does that mean?
i want to believe chris christie. this has been a difficult thing to understand given the way his office operated and given his keen interest in politics to think that he didn t know. you have one person testifying vividly that he did. you have photos. it s not proof. it s going to be interesting if anything emerges at the trial including testimony from others. don t know if the defendants are going to take the stand and whether other people make the case that governor christie knew. he s been steadfast in saying didn t know. didn t authorize it. and the latest version is maybe they said something to him but he thought it was a joke. mike barnicle? i m inclined to agree with mark. i like chris christie. he s fun to cover. he s fun to follow. the idea that the way he operates as a politician that he would not know or have an inkling of this occurring is tough to get your hands around this. he s not under indictment. as far as i know, he s not under
investigation. we ll have to see how this plays out. just the notion that someone would do that who is on his staff without telling him and took the risk he wouldn t like it, i always found that hard to believe. if i worked for chris christie, i would not order ten more envelopes without checking for him. he ran an authoritarian office from what we ve been told. i would like to believe him. up next, there was her appearance on jimmy fallon. an interview of humans of new york and interview between two ferns. all part of hillary clinton s strategy to win back millennials. nbc s chris jansing joins us next with the campaign s latest outreach efforts. morning joe is back in a moment. i can watch every sunday ticket game live on any device. well i m retired now. so i just sit here watch nothing.
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listen to me. i am captain of the track team, and if i m late. she doesn t really think she s going to get out of here, does she? be nice. she s new. hello! is anyone there? rrr! wow. even from our standards, you look awful. oh, sweetie, what happened? girl: me? my friend becky got to talk to this super-cute boy, and i tried to act like i wasn t jealous, but i so totally was, and then, out of nowhere, this concrete barrier just popped up. maybe it was a semi. you mean you were driving? yeah. i mean, i know the whole eyes on the road thing. but this was a super important text. maybe you have to know becky. texting? great. but it was only, like, 5 seconds, and i m a really, really fast texter, so it wasn t even a big deal. actually, has she texted me back yet?
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hillary clinton and donald trump are getting outside help in the race for the white house. john warner who represented virginia for three decades will cost the aisle to endorse the democratic ticket at a rally with vice presidential nominee tim kaine today and in an edi r editori editorial, hillary clinton received endorsement of the arizona republic. this as a prominent critic of donald trump has joined his campaign. former new hampshire governor john h. sununu. all politics are local and all politics are personal. i don t understand. i was walking past him. i said, hey, how are you doing,
governor, and he started yelling at me. he has a temper. if you re going to scream at somebody you hardly know and say you re giving him too much press coverage, i don t understand why you would turn around. it makes absolutely no sense a couple months later actually endorse. his son is the gubernatorial nominee. i don t understand. all politics is family. ted cruz, do i need to say any more? now in the same camp with ted cruz. who has not been yelled at by him. he s a yeller. he has the character and backbone of ted cruz. i agree with you. of all of the people endorsing donald trump, this is one of the most stunning to me. he was as negative about trump during the primaries of anybody. now he s for him. okay. maybe he and ted cruz can sit around and read bible verses together. hillary clinton will campaign in new hampshire with a high
profile supporter today. her former primary rival senator bernie sanders in an attempt to sway young voters and michelle obama will rally for clinton in pennsylvania today and the clinton campaign are rolling out a new ad featuring the first lady. our children watch everything we do and the person we elect as president has the power to shape their lives for years to come. hillary is a president who believes in our kids and will fight for them every day. that s why i believe in her. joining us from gainesville, florida, nbc news white house correspondent chris jansing who is covering the presidential campaign. you have been looking into something that s been keeping the clinton campaign up at night. where are the millennials? what have you found? well, far too many of them for the clinton campaign s comfort have gone over to jill stein and over to gary johnson
and here s why it s important. there s an analysis done after the 2012 poll, if mitt romney had just split the youth vote with barack obama, he would have won the presidency and so there is this huge push on by the clinton campaign. let me show you a few things that will explain why. bloomberg poll, just a four-point difference for millennials between hillary clinton and donald trump. that s terrible compared to past democrats and far below what we saw for barack obama. there was another poll that was done by quinnipiac in the last month. she s lost 20 points with millennials. have of them going to either johnson or stein. i caught up early this morning as you can see far before most of the students are awake, with a couple of students and asked them about this millennial vote. here s what they told me. i was at the debate the other night and jill stein came. there was a group there. it was a very small group. she s only polling in single digits, maybe around 3% so when
people say it s a wasted vote, what do you say? i don t think anything is a wasted vote. if you say 3% is a wasted vote but it causes the party to change and become more left and realize this is the fragment of the party that you re going to need to win and adopt policies that pander and adhere to that rhetoric, that s a good thing. if you get 5%, you re federally funded for the next election. we can break out of this strang stranglehold. he s not your republican nominee but that s probably better for our country. it s also why you see a lot of millennials not supporting clinton either. they don t want the career politician. i grew up during the great recession. that was caused by career politicians and bureaucrats. i don t want to see that again. so what are they going to do about this? major outreach on college campuses like this one and really engage the young democrats. we ve seen in this election places like new hampshire where she s going to go today, she was
beaten by bernie sanders by 20 points. he s a key to this clinton strategy. watch for him to go to many of the states, the battleground states that he actually beat her and some where he didn t win. places like pennsylvania. when you look at this campus, and joe, they are very proud of you here. very proud that you came to this campus. 71% short memories there. 61% actually voted. they seem to think there could be a lot of enthusiasm. they need a lot of that to go their way. go gators. chris jansing, thank you so much. they re proud of you there. like i said, short memories. i have one question. i have two college-aged kids. you do too. would they ever be up at 6:00 in the morning to talk to reporters? i felt after that debate she had
a very solid debate and she touched various points that you could see her trying to reach out to millennials on. i talked to my kids about this. what was it about bernie sanders that you felt so excited about? there was a slightly undefinable factor of inspiration. he inspired them. she does not inspire. i think between now and november, if she s going to get out young people, there s got to be a slight sense of magic for them to get out. they ve got classes and hangovers and they have to get out of bed to go and vote, there s got to be something more. how surprising that in the bloomberg poll that they are basically tied. who would believe that donald trump would be tied with the democratic nominee among millennials. she s the favorite still. if she loses, this will be as big as any other demographic factor and the gary johnson thing is huge. i still believe that if gary johnson is above 8% in
battleground states, her chances of losing go up significantly because trump can win some of these states with 44% of the vote. that s why they cannot depend on bernie sanders to turn this millennial thing around. she s got to do it herself. i think the other night was an initial step, a small step forward in trying to do that because if you frame it up as look at only one of these two people on the stage, trump or hillary clinton is going to be president toward millennials, this argument pitched toward millennials, you truly are risking your immediate future by voting for gary johnson or certainly jill stein. you re in college. you re a millennial. take the time to check out their platforms and then come back to hillary clinton. i would really target young women. young, college women. she has new material as well. still ahead, utter devastation in syria. just as the obama administration pledges hundreds of millions of dollars more in humanitarian aid. we ll talk about the brave
people on the ground there risking their lives to save those with nowhere else to go. we ll be right back. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena.
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syrian government forces have tried to retake aleppo from rebel forces. the syrian observatory says at least 23 people were killed including nine children in the eastern part of the city.
and newly released drone footage shows the horrifying destruction in rebel held areas which have had ten strikes since the breakdown of a cease-fire last week. estimated 250,000 civilians are trapped in the area. 100,000 of those are children. meanwhile, the u.s. has pledged $364 million more in humanitarian aid to help those affected by the civil war in syria. officials say the money will help the united nations and others provide food, water and medical care to those who need it. you also get a real sense for the first time that the state department, that the obama administration, we saw samantha power calling russia out and syria out for their deliberate attacks against civilians and it looks as if something is going to happen over the next few weeks, certainly from the united states. if you need more evidence
that something needs to happen, a netflix documentary called th war torn aleppo. take a look.
how do you follow that? joining us is the film s director and the film s producer. they are the oscar-nominated team behind the 2014 documentary. thank you so much for coming on the show this morning. it s hard to watch that, but there s so much more in there. and you just look at these images and you wonder how we could just be going on with our lives. just how? i know. it s impossible. it really is. i mean, you know, our motivation for making this film is because syria is so tragic. it s such a hard issue to engage with, but the white helmets, the focus of our film, are a story of hope. these are real life heroes,
ordinary civilian volunteers just like me or you who decided not to pick up a gun, who decided not to leave syria and decided every day to wake up and risk their own lives to save complete strangers. i take it they are targets themselves? they are. they ve saved 60,000 lives already which is extraordinary in that area. they won the white livelihood award. every day they run and risk their lives. they ve lost 140 of their own, first responders. yes, they are a target but they continue their work. the white helmets, they re in the rebel held side of syria, how many of them are there? i ve been hearing reports that aleppo is down to something like 30 doctors at the moment. yeah. there s about just under 3,000 white helmets and, you re right, they are in rebel controlled territories. they d like to operate in government areas, but they re not allowed to. as you said, they re attacked regularly by government forces.
how do they organize? how many are there? and, i mean, is there any way of is there funding? what s the funding? it s actually it s like if it were to happen here, god forbid, but these are voluntary people walking in to volunteer their services to help. when the bombs go off, they have choices. they run towards them. thankfully this organization gets training. how are they getting supplies in for the white helmets? we know the aid has been cut off to aleppo for months. are they getting what they need for digging equipment to try to get through the rubble? how are they surviving? the tragedy is at the moment they aren t getting the supplies they need. just last week in aleppo three of the four centers they operate from were deliberately targeted and destroyed. they lost a number of vehicles. so they re operating under incredibly difficult conditions but what is amazing is they are still running into the smoke and fire to rescue people. and while the international
community has really struggled to find a solution to syria, what many people can agree on is the need to support the group. do we know the fate of the baby? the baby is good. if you watch the film you ll see what happens to the baby. unfortunately the boy who did save him died a few weeks ago. in the bombs, those are just for people watching, those are from the syrian government and the russians? yeah, they are. and one of the most devastating bombs which we used are things called pbarrel bombs. they re packed full of metal fragments. they re tossed out of helicopters. they re thrown into civilian areas. there s no way of aiming them. the devastation you can see on the screen. the white helmets is streaming on netflix. thank you so much. thank you so much for this. i mean, americans need to see
this, the west needs to see this, the world needs to see this. up next, the death of a statesman. israel s shimon peres, the last of a generation. we ll talk about his legacy. also ahead this morning and one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. he loves beauty contests, supporting them, hanging around them, and he called this woman miss piggy, then he called her miss housekeeping because she was latina. given the opportunity to back down from his body shaming of a former miss universe, donald trump actually doubled down on morning television. how can you do that? we ll be right back. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs.
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he made it very clear that he didn t prepare for that debate. you know, at one point he was kind of digging me for spending time off the campaign trail to get prepared. just trying to keep track of everything he says took a lot of time and effort. for 90 minutes i watched her very carefully, and i was also holding back. i didn t want to do anything to embarrass her. good morning. it s wednesday, september 24th 28th. oh, gosh. it s almost over. almost in october. can i ask you a question? what? what? look at halpern for a second. very handsome. i m wondering if we need to get rid of him. i know. he s picked up some weight.
he s looking chunky. he s a little too much. quite frankly, it s a big problem. he s up seven pounds. at this point ptechnically, obese. we re taking in the most we can take him off to the rebook club. you can read my book. equinox. we can take him to the equinox. get him a trainer. we ll all put it on tape. all right. so with us we have veteran columnist mike barnacle who s looking pretty fit. legendary. about eight over. eight over? do we call halpern mr. piggy? no. wouldn t be the worse thing i ve been called already this morning. with all due respect it airs at 6:00 p.m. on msnbc, mark halpern and professor. professor, good morning. former democratic harold ford
jr. listen. we re going to get into this story i guess because i m like almost 140, is that bad? should i i m going to tleef. i should get out of the business. let s not talk about weight? why? who cares? i m heavier than you think. god. go on. i tweet my weight. stop. it s not about you. i know. okay. it actually isn t about women. yes, it is. not women who are quite you. which i think donald trump lost most women the other night. so i would love to start by just saying we get on the set and everybody said wherever they were yesterday. this is all people we re talking about. i went to kate s parent teacher night last night and, of course, we ve got by the end of the night when the parents were outside, everybody was talking about him calling a poor woman fat, miss piggy, et cetera. i mean, you saw at the time
you re like, wait. mike, wherever you went this is all people were talking about. dwayne reed, getting a prescription. paying for the prescription. woman unfortunately for her recognizes me and asks me what i thought about the debate. and i said, well, i said, that was really something. i said, what did you think about the debate? she references miss piggy. right. she references donald trump referring to the 1996 winner of the miss universe pageant and what he said about her and she is furious behind the counter taking my visa card, furious. mark halpern, same with you? yes. this is something people can understand and it s really it s say this about a lot of what donald trump did in this campaign. it is unbelievable that he chose to try to recover from a bad debate by attacking this woman saying she was a bad contestant, she was the worse they had when he criticized her for her weight. and the fact that she had
says she had problems because of that experience, just i just of all the things he s done in this campaign, this is the one that could linger in a way that hurts him because he must do better with female voters to win. he must. mika? it s not going to help. that just cuts to the core of everything that s wrong with donald trump as it pertains to women. if any woman was about to let anything go that he said in the past, this is not going to be it. hillary clinton s campaign has put out a video that actually shows him in real time during i guess the pageant era when this woman won and he actually says, well, she s gained a lot of weight. i mean, said some numbers about her weight. she clearly likes to eat a lot. and like walked away. called her miss eating machine. it was unbelievable. this is not going to work. well and, by the way, she wasn t any let s get to the story. let s get to the story. what happened yesterday as a follow-up. i can t believe what happened yesterday. i m still digesting the reaction
he got yesterday. let s read it. the former miss universe who was thrust into the national spotlight is speaking out. as you ll recall, hillary clinton brought up the story of miss machado, the 1996 miss universe in making a point about donald trump s remark about women. clinton claimed trump called her, quote, miss piggy and also miss housekeeping because she was latina. here s how donald trump defended those remarks yesterday. when she brought up the person that became you know, i know that person. that person was a miss universe person. and she was the worst we ever had. the worst. the absolute worst. she was impossible. and she was a miss universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as miss universe. she was the winner and, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was it was a real problem. we had we had a real problem.
not only that, her attitude. and we had a real problem with her so hillary went back into the years and she found this. this was many years ago. and found the girl and talked about her like she was mother teresa and it wasn t quite that way, but that s okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. they looked uncomfortable. that conversation went on, and no one said to him, what? excuse me, did you just say what? did you say she gained a lot of weight and that was a problem? well, i ve never seen a more awkward interview in my life, and quite frankly the most unfulfilling interview in my life. well, we conduct those here, too, every day. how could two men and a woman in this day and age who know this world that we live in not say that is incredibly inappropriate. would you like to rephrase yourself. are you saying okay. okay. the fact that this woman gained weight is a problem? did you just say that? this is about donald trump,
and what s incredible i d like to know. i think it is about donald trump. it is about donald trump. let s focus on donald trump. what s incredible about donald trump is that after getting caught the night before with something he did 20 years ago that was terrible, he then doubles down and says she was the worst contestant ever and she gained a lot of weight. that s just this is unbelievable. the day after a debate. he mixes rosie o donnell in, mark halpern, with nuclear threats and then he goes on the day after to fox and friends and he s talking about a woman saying that she s picked up a tremendous amount of weight and maybe she weighed 160, 170, something like that. there are a lot of women out there looking at her going, yeah, i would like to look like that. i m totally fine with that. i d be good with that. that s a healthy weight, whatever she was. you leave aside the window into his attitude that this represents. leave that aside for a moment, although i m not minimizing it
because a lot of people are bothered by what he said. in the clinton campaign they constantly look at things trump does and they cannot believe that he s giving them the political opportunity. this is the exact thing they have thought for months they d win the election on, which is trump s personality, his attitude towards women and many other people. it s just not something the country s going to see as fit for president. this is exactly what they want. the fact that she s latina and a woman, i mean, the fact she s a hispanic woman is just they couldn t script it any better. it will be on saturday night live on saturday. who goes the day after a debate attacking a hispanic woman and basically digging back up the fact that you called her miss housekeeper. that s that s because she was latina and also calling latina women fat. by the way, an immigrant. an immigrant. the repetitive nature of the news cycle is such today that we
are doing this story, other stations will do the story, other news outlets will do the story and the miss housekeeping phrase is just as lethal to donald trump as miss piggy. this is a great example, harold ford, of people look at debates, they re expecting maybe it s a conversation about nato or the defense against this or that or the other, but there are in every debate moments that penetrate public consciousness. again, i can tell you at my school meeting last night, parent teacher conference, dwayne reed in new york city, everywhere you went, i m sure everywhere you went this was the moment that penetrated, where people said, oh, my god, does this guy have the temperament to be the president of the united states? that s the word that stood out for me. he talked about it during the debate. it was interesting and bewildering to hear him say that his temperament was better than hillary clinton s. now he had every right to say that. he s entitled to his own opinion. the body of work leading up to
the debate proves him wrong, but the immediate body of work from the debate shows he doesn t have the temperament. mrs. clinton, secretary clinton has said tweets can excite and anger him and force him to do things. how do you not the next morning after being confronted with words that were wrong, inflammatory, damaging to your campaign not back up and move on to something else? it s he doesn t think it was. he thinks it s okay. every time he was thrown bait by secretary clinton he took it and took it and took it. he can never, ever avoid striking back. you know, it also i agree with mike though. the miss housekeeper piece is as damaging as anything. mika, there s these moments where he attacks the weak, the vulnerable. yeah. the people that he doesn t see like rises to his occasion and knocks them down, and it s the exact opposite of what inspires us in leaders. there s this moment, larry thi, the book i reviewed on bobby
kennedy, while i was reading it i started to tear up. bobby kennedy in the 68 campaign he sees this little girl who looks awkward. she has lost her front tooth, has freckles, her head is down. bobby in the middle of everything, there weren t microphones on him, he got down on his hands and knees and he grabbed her by her cheeks, her freckles, you re beautiful. you look like just one of my daughters. you are the most beautiful girl i ve ever seen. you go home and you be proud of yourself and what a beautiful girl. you ve made my day. he gives her a big hug, gets up, the girl runs off. the mom s crying. the girl is just on cloud nine and he elevates. he lifts. he finds somebody that feels awkward and out of place and not a part of the crowd and he makes them feel like they re part of a community with a hug and with some positive words. we have the opposite of that
right here, whether it s a reporter with a disability or whether it s a woman who s overweight or whether it s somebody that just doesn t measure up to what his image is of what should be the superior race. it s one after another. well, the clinton campaign has pretty damning evidence that this is a decades old conviction in him, weight issues and things about women, because they have got a video that shows him years ago, we can find that sound bite, talking about this pageant winner saying how much she likes to eat and kind of laughing it off and walking away. i guess the thing is judgment wise, how do you go back to that the morning after? how do you not know that that is we ve all said stupid things on tv 20 years ago, 10 years ago. happened to me yesterday. but we ve all made mistakes. why does he always go back and roll around in it, mark? i said originally. i said there was no oops moment
in a debate. he turned this into an oops moment after the fact by saying what he said yesterday morning. you know, her crime was she had a weight problem. she had an eating problem. that was her crime. yeah. to be so ungracious as you said compared to what we want in our leaders, i just think it is going to be something they ll bring up over and over again and is he just going to ignore it? is he ever going to say, you know what, that is a mistake? if he could have said, mika, i said that 20 years ago, that was a stupid thing to say. ungracious. i hope she s doing well. you know what, i ve grown up a lot in 20 years. i have my own children now and they re grown children. i understand the challenges we all face. boy, i feel really bad about that. boom, over. so instead the narrative now is all hers. machado spoke out about how donald trump treated her 20 years ago. listen. you have said he bullied you, he called you miss piggy. what else did he call you? what were the names that he called you? miss piggy, miss housekeeping, miss eating
machine. all to your face. yes, all the time. that was really normal for him. machado said she never recovered from her miss universe experience and told the new york times she had eating disorders and psychological trauma as a result of the episode. she recalls gaining 12 pounds after being crowned miss universe. in the 1997 interview with howard stern trump claimed machado gained over 50 pounds. she became an american citizen in august. she has vowed to support hillary clinton in november. she told reporters she hoped her bad experience with donald trump will, quote, open eyes in this election. former democratic national committee chairman howard dean is standing by his controversial tweet about the source of donald trump s sniffles about monday night s debate. dean quoted, notice trump sniffing all the time. coke user? here he is speaking with nbc s
kate snow? i m suggesting we think about it. here s the interesting constellation. so he sniffs during the presentation, which is something that users do. he also has grandiosity, which is something that accompanies that problem. he has delusions, i m not talking about being crazy, for example, when he told everybody it was very smart not to pay taxes, then denied he said it after he said it in front of 100 million people. it s not that he s delusiary about it. he thinks he s not going to get caught. he interrupted hillary clinton 29 times. he couldn t keep himself together. do i think at 70 years old he has a cocaine problem? probably not. but, you know, it s something that i think it would be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that. what in the world no. mark halpern, what in the world is going on there? we know howard.
what in the world is going on? a doctor diagnosing a coke problem because a guy was sniffing? i couldn t believe the tweet. i thought he had been hacked. my poor 8-year-old son. i m going to have to do drug tests now because he gets the flu once a month. i don t know. i hope he follows that up. are my kids doing lines like on the way to t. ball. stop it. no i hope dr. dean is watching and i hope he calls in and explains. i think an apology is in order. yeah. also just not necessary if you re trying to be i ll just say if a trump surrogate said something like that oh, my god, we d go crazy. a trump surrogate would get killed. by the way, they did. the guy in new hampshire. yeah. i mean the one that said she should be like killed. yeah. yeah. thank you. like he should should have been absolutely slaughtered.
hillary clinton s campaign, he s their surrogate. they should be asked if they think that s appropriate and he should take it back. i mean, it s i mean, that s we are two days after a debate and we re talking about the size of a woman, whether or not she racial stereotyping and governor dean is a friend, i m hesitant. i have a cold. i don t want to sniffle so people may think for him to say and double down, i agree with mark. if this were said about secretary clinton or something in the same realm, we would we would be lighting this person up this morning and urging the campaign to denounce these words. they need to denounce dr. dean s words. there s no doubt about it. i say dr. dean because he s a medical doctor. he is our friend, but he is a doctor. right. and he s going around diagnosing a coke problem on tv because a guy has a flu or is run down. and look at what the clinton people did when people started speculating about why she passed out the way she did.
they freaked out. conspiracy theorists, conspiracy theorist that. they need to distance themselves. i m going to sniffle. can we go to break? we won t accuse you of everything. can we show eric and show harold? let s get one more very big headline in here. huge headline. breaking news overnight. former israeli president and prime minister shimon peres died following a major stroke this month. the nobel laureate was 93 years old. peres was best known for his efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians. in a statement president obama said peres changed the course of human history and in a joint statement bill and hillary clinton called peres a genius with a big heart. when shimon peres, mike barnacle, the great arc of his life was that he was seen at the end as a man of peace that was
fighting hard to actually bring peace to that troubled region and yet the beginning of his relationship with israel was building up israel s defense to stop against aggressive neighbors who never wanted israel to have the right to exist peacefully in the middle east in their own nation. the arc of shimon peres s career in israeli politics and in global politics is truly extraordinary from its origins to its end, and president obama s statement about the passing of shimon peres is truly extraordinary in itself. he is not only effusive in his praise of peres but the outline of peres role in the history of israel, a healing a healing person. right. in an extraordinary combustible area, region of the world, the statement is truly extraordinary. still ahead on morning joe, donald trump rakes in millions after his debate performance thanks to
fundraising teams with names like team yuuuge, teams maga as in make america great again and team irredeemables and team deplorables as well. fantastic. ha hallie jackson joins us. the irredeemables sounds like a pretty good movie, doesn t it? guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i m hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don t let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit what comes to mind when you think about healthcare?
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brian ross: an abc news investigation has found his real estate fortunes have benefited greatly from russian investors, putting a get-tough u.s. policy with russia in direct conflict with his bottom line. george will: that s perhaps one more reason why we re not seeing his tax returns, because he is deeply involved with russian oligarchs. timothy o brien: he doesn t want his tax returns out there. stephanie ruhle: why? lisa desjardins: what could trump s taxes tell us? a lot.
coming up on morning joe. he actually bragged about gaming the system to get out of paying his fair share of taxes. in fact, i think there s a
strong probability he hasn t paid federal taxes a lot of years. and i got to that point where i said, well, maybe he s paid zero. he said that makes him smart. now if not paying taxes makes him smart, what does that make all the rest of us? exactly. hillary clinton assails donald trump over his tax returns, and while he says his financial disclosures are more important, we ll talk if he s really as wealthy as he claims. that s coming up on morning joe.
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i was a little bit upset that the microphone in the room wasn t working. when i tested it it was beautiful, an hour before. what a great mike. i don t want to believe in conspiracy theories. anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night. the cnbc poll, mika. he won it by 8 million percent. who did? trump did. he won it 8 million percent to 3. donald trump will be campaigning in wisconsin today. wow. that s where we find nbc news correspondent hallie jackson. hallie, what do we expect today? reporter: milwaukee which is where we are and he s going to be talking about presumably the same stuff he was last night, this idea where he s trying to
spin his post debate performance. he s trying to come out and say hillary clinton was the one who was scripted, he was the one who was strongest on stage. how s he going to do that? he will likely point to his fundraising numbers. we have new figures for you. let s pull them up for you on screen. a look at his $18 million haul pulling it in in a single day. it s typical we see big fundraising hauls after the debates. we saw that in the primaries on both sides of the aisle. this is an interesting take on trump trying to capitalize along with the rnc, the party itself. another sort of nugget that we re following today, the continued questions that the washington post has been reporting on on the trump foundation. i had an opportunity to ask one of trump s senior advisors about this, about this painting. we ve been talking about these paintings, this football helmet that was apparently purchased with trump foundation money but that trump may have at his golf clubs, for example. listen to that exchange. the i.r.s. rules specifically state that when a foundation has
an item, an individual can store those items on behalf of the foundation in order to help it so is he storing the items? for storage costs and that s absolutely proper. so the portrait that is hanging of him at his golf club in southern florida, you re telling me that is storage for mr. trump? right. of course. he is doing a good thing for his foundation. so david, the washington post reporter who followed this story picked up with this, spoke with tax experts, found the i.r.s. code that this may violate. there was one quote from somebody who s familiar with taxes who said it takes a lot to make an i.r.s. auditor laugh but this is something that will, what that senior advisor was saying from the trump campaign. continued questions about that foundation, guys. bring me the helmet of tim tebow, some ask, where would that helmet be? have we figured that one out? no. no? eric trump eric trump said that possibly donald trump had
given it away. boris epstein in that interviewee lewded to the fact that trump still had it in storage. question marks. perhaps henry cox has it. hallie jackson, thank you. he s been collecting for years. joining us for the political roundtable, mtv news senior political senior. well, yeah. senior. senior. senior. 1, 2, 3, go. ana marie cox. she s senior. and cnbc s brian sullivan is with us as well. by the way, i have to say ana, ana marie cox has senior, she has the senior letter jacket which is reversible. i love it. very cool. very cool. members only. i am no longer the only member of the members only club. we re going to talk about millennials.
they have done fact checks. i don t know. our polling shows us that they can swing the election. that s what it shows. in the spin room.
they re swayed by that debate. both candidates are facing turning them out. they re incredibly disenheartened by the tone of this campaign, by the lack of attention paid to policy. they sound like we would want them to sound. i want to say something about the miss universe, which is i think this might be the one way donald trump has found to get millennials excited about voting for a woman. one of hillary s problems coming into this election has been that millennials don t see her as transformative. right. they don t think of electing the first woman as being a necessarily, you know, huge deal. they ve kind of been spoiled by this transformative era of electing obama. for him to bring this in, for him to be so overt in his shaming of women, i think that i think you re 100% correct. you think this may be a way to activate millennials. oh, my gosh.
yes, i do. look what you saw at parents night. look what you re hearing from young people. this is the one area that s pretty universal for women. if you re not suffering from body image issues, you have friends who are that you re trying to help. 80% of women. you don t want to see that. 80% of women, all women, not millennials, have a negative thought about their body during the week. that s a perfect segue to brian sullivan. you have negative thoughts about your body image. 103% of the time. what does this mean to you? no, you re sitting there watching the debate and what s your take on when this is brought up and how trump responds the next morning which is what we just find we don t understand. listen, i have a daughter. i have a 12-year-old daughter. there you go. any issue with young women sort of hits home because my daughter is very tall and sticks out and sort of is slouching because she s scared of her height a little bit. so you as a father, you forget about the politics. just as a dad. you feel it. you just feel anything that
has to do with it, right? by the way, that brings up a great point because we re talking about women, the way women respond. talking about the way that women responded last night that i talked to at my daughter s parents teachers night. my entire attitude changed. i had a daughter, i didn t like her playing with barbies because it was so unrealistic. these pageants, it s a barbie mentality. what i m saying, this not only impacts women and younger women, it also impacts fathers. you would think it would impact someone who was a father like trump. you were talking earlier about one way he could have turned this around would be to say i ve had a daughter, since then i ve seen how she struggles. i m not sure ivanka struggles that much. maybe that s part of the problem. can i rope it back which is what we do at cnbc. i m a day late. i was very pleased about the amount of discussion on the economy. the word economy was mentioned 16 times.
the word energy was mentioned 14 times either with oil or with solar power as well. there was a lot of economic discussion. i was surprised by the lack of discussion of health care because that s a huge economic issue that affects millennials so much, paying for health care. i don t think it came up at all. by the way, i mean, this is pretty stunning, and i what is that? retweeted this. fix the debt. cyber? social security and health care represent 53% of the federal budget. 78% of spending over the next decade, 0% of what was discussed on the debate, in the debates. not social security, not health care. by the way, that s economic story. who s paying for it? that was my tweet. i said memo to millennials, you re toast. i wanted to say something else that i couldn t say on the twitter machine. they ignored the issues that millennials know matter. issues of student debt. the millennial generation is not
know stall beginning for this era that we all should return back to. manufacturing jobs are not the jobs that they re thinking about out of college. they re thinking about climate change and its effect and the kind of jobs that climate change can bring. a lot of people we talked to after the debate said they were incredibly disappointed that that wasn t mentioned. one is hillary brought it up and trump said the chinese never brought that up. when he tweeted five times. they re also thinking how do i get out of living at home. yeah. back to your original point about the beauty pageants, about his latest, you know, tripping a wire on weight and looks and everything. there s a common thread in donald j. trump and you can trace it far back, years ago, but it was reactivated again with his assault on the khan family, his assault on this young woman, still a young woman
20 years after she became miss universe. he doubled down on it. it is his lack of empathy for the human condition. and for things that he zblas do you want that in a president? ana marie cox, thank you so much. brian sullivan, stay with us. still ahead, forbes magazine has been tracking donald trump s wealth since 1982. this morning they have new numbers. we ll reveal their new reporting and how that could impact the race. o state for the first time. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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forbes magazine, randall lane. he s going to answer this. he s out this morning with your latest findings on what donald trump is worth. all right. so here are the questions. there s a suggestion he s not rich. is he rich? he s very rich. he s the richest candidate for president ever, richer than ross perot. there s a suggestion he s not a billionaire. we hear it all the time around new york. billionaires, other multi-millionaires say trump s worth maybe $200 million is right? neither is right. trump says he s worth more than 10 billion. he s not even worth close to 10 billion. he s worth $3.7 billion based on the findings we ve been spending most of the last year. we ve been given an audit. we ve been tracking his wealth. we have years and years, decades and decades. there s no assets that are hiding that we don t know about. we ve been tracking him since before anybody knew who he was. he s worth a lot less than he said he was.
he s down $800 million. he is a billionaire. worth 3.7. worth a lot more than what his critics say? he s worth more than his critics and worth 1/3 more. where does the income come from? he has tons of properties. he has licensing. it s a lot of income, but he s not an income guy. that s why this whole part about the income taxes, they re not going to tell you how rich he is. the income taxes are going to tell you what tax rate he pays, that is clearly what he is trying to hide. but we have every single asset. if you look at his we ve compared his sec documents, 35 years of records. we have a very good fix on every asset he has, how much debt is on each asset, what the partners are. do you have a fix on where he gets his money from? like, for instance, some people are speculating the reason why he s so nice to putin is because he s funded by russian ol oligarchs. he has partners with ties to
eastern europe and he s got all sorts of he s had partnerships with the chinese. let s be fair, you just described half of the english world. when you have as many assets as he does, you re going to have there s not necessarily there are some things that are questionable. there s a lot that s not nefarious. if you go to deutsche bank you re getting a foreign loan. any response from trump on this? we have a rule at forbes. whatever trump tells us we generally think he s worth about 1/3 of that. that s been true for 30 years. they still are saying he s worth more than 10 billion. there is no way he gets towards 10 billion. it s impossible. there s a there s an idea in trump land that his brand is worth billions of dollars magically, but if you look at what he s put his name on over the years, trump stakes, trump water, trump vodka, it never materializes in anything. there s no way you can conjure billions of dollars in theoretical value. if he was that good of a businessman, he wouldn t be leaving that much money on the
table billions of dollars in profit he could have made. do we know whether any of the major banks, the big banks in the united states would bank him or are banking him. listen, he s got assets way you know, he s got assets way, way, way over his liability. he s somebody that banks would line up to give money to because he s way, way, way, you know, in the oh, sure, absolutely. he has income producing properties. he s got blue chip properties. have they? are they now? sure. of course. you know, we mentioned i mean, he s got hundreds of millions of dollars he just you know, we re talking about his washington he was bragging the other day about his washington hotel. he took out a $100 million loan on that. that s how it got done on time. if you re familiar with real estate, there s nothing nefarious. the idea that he s magically building these, they re instantly profitable. he took out $100 million of debt. do you know where he got that from? huh?
do you know where that came from? i don t know that offhand. that s not secret. he has credit lines here, there. all these projects. you can t get you can t build something like that without a big credit line. randall, thank you so much. we ll be reading the new issue of forbes magazine. thank you, randall. i want to see the letter when he writes it. still ahead on morning joe the single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, nuclear weapons, not global warming like you think and your president thinks. there s a lot to unpack in that statement from donald trump from monday night s debate, but we ll stick to the climate change part on it. needles to say, the white house has a slightly different view on the matter. up next, we ll explain the landmark event taking place in washington today designed to literally save the planet. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow,
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i am in the town of kutsaview above the arctic circle. the reason we re here in particular is to describe in real concrete terms to describe what s happening with climate change. this is ground zero where we re seeing the effects of what s happening. it is not going to be contained unless we are serious about climate change. that was president obama a year ago when he became the first sitting president to visit the u.s. arctic. a trip designed to make the rest of the country more aware of climate change.
nearly one year later science ministers from around the globe will gather in washington for the first ever white house arctic science ministerial. joining us now, two people who love the development of this meeting, chair of the united states arctic research commission, fran omar, she s a former lieutenant governor of alaska, former mayor of juno and former chancellor of the university of alaska in anchorage and jeremy mathis, scientist at noaa. thank you both for being with us. thank you for being with us. fran, let s start with you. explain to people that are watching how the arctic really is ground zero in the battle against climate change. well, the arctic is warming faster than any other place on earth. alaska, for example, has warmed about 4 degrees in the summer, 7 degrees in the winter and that s having profound effects on a system that is very much driven by the importance of ice.
we need ice because actually the arctic kind of acts as a refrigerator for the planet. it helps moderate temperatures in mid latitudes as well as in alaska and in the arctic, so it s very important that we increase our understanding of what is happening, the rapid rate of change in the arctic. if you look at some of the communities in the arctic, for example, the u.s. army corps of engineers has estimated that about 2 dozen villages in alaska will have to be moved because of rising sea level, increased coastal erosion, thawing permafrost. this is huge. this is only the beginning for coastal areas around the world. i was just going to ask. dr. mathis, is what s happening up in the arctic, is that not just a leading indicator of what faces all of us if we don t take the appropriate steps to curb climate change and global warming? absolutely. absolutely. the arctic is giving us a pulse of the map net for what s happening. and just like you go to the
doctor and get a blood pressure reading to tell you whether you re healthy or not, the blood pressure of the arctic is really high right now and so if we use that to tell us how the rest of the planet s going to respond to climate change, i think there s still time to do something about it. but we have to pay close attention to the really dire warning signs that we re seeing in the arctic right now. these images are stunning. it s so interesting, joe, that you have the president of the united states right now, president obama, wanting to make this a significant part of his legacy and then you ve got donald trump. take a look. do you believe in global warming, climate change? do you think the world s going to change for the worst because it s getting warmer? i think that there will be little change here. it will go up, it ll get a little cooler, it will get a little warmer like it always has for millions of years, but i don t believe that what they say i think it s a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. so, fran, what do you think
of the republican nominee calling this whole thing a hoax as it pertains to climate change? you know, i m hopeful that as time goes by more and more people, including people running for public office, will take the time to really understand this issue. it shouldn t be a partisan issue. it should be one of the most important things that we as a nation and we as a world focus on, which is why president obama has really elevated the attention given, not only to climate change but to the importance of the arctic as a region. well, congratulations for getting this together. good luck today. so important. thank you guys so much for being on and we look forward to hearing what happens. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers?
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tomorrow, i m gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your heart doctor about entresto®. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. as i said last night. last night. did anybody see that debate last night? oh, yes! one down, two to go. last night at the debate one of my guests was mark cuban, mark cuban who is a real billionaire, by the way, i m going to leave it to the fact checkers to go through all of donald trump s claims. there was a lot of work for fact checkers last night.
what we hear from my opponent is dangerously incoherent. it s unclear exactly what he is saying, but words matter, and last night it sounded like he was basically telling our treaty allies in asia, hey, we re not sure we re going to be there for you even though we have a mutual defense treaty. words matter. time to talk about what we learned today. mika, what did you learn? amazing event taking place today in washington, the ministerial on global warming and climate change, and i think that you should go online and see much more of that because we ll have ab extended version. no doubt about it. mike, what did you learn today? donald trump s reference to women s weight issues, calling her miss housekeeping. don t even. could potentially be lethal. this one could. brian? but i follow up on that and say that despite this debate being the most watched in the history, two things. espn should have negotiated
tuesday night football. but also i think we ve got a long way to go. the next 50 days? we didn t get a whole lot from the debate. i think it s going to get real interesting. very interesting. and joe? we ll see how donald trump is with trying to take care of the problems, you know, that he had on election night. doesn t seem he knows he has them. well, i think he may, actually, but he certainly took a bad situation and made it much worse. crisis management 101, he should have left it behind. he didn t. he didn t do it with the khans either. that s something that stayed with him for several weeks. we ll see if he does better. that does it for us now. stephanie rule picks up the coverage new. thank you so much, mika. i m stephanie rule. this morning everybody s a winner. donald trump and hillary clinton each declaring victory. as i said last night last night last night. did anybody see that debate last night? almost every single poll had us winning the debate against
crooked hillary clinton bigly. maybe. as trump suggests, he was holding back. i didn t want to do anything to embarrass her. speaking out, the beauty queen thrust into the center of the election. one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. she gained a massive amount of weight and it was it was a real problem. massive. now alicia machado is speaking out to nbc news. what were the names he called you? miss piggy, miss housekeeping, miss eating machine. all to your face? yes, all the time. plus, the case of the sniffles. clinton surrogate howard dean doubling down on this big whopper. you wrote on twr,

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