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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20171202 00:00:00

about a pending vote in the u.n. general assembly regarding israel. according to the charges, a very senior member of the presidential transition team directed flynn to contact officials from foreign governments, including russia, to learn where each government stood on the resolution and to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution. nbc news reported today that the very senior official was jared kushner, the president s son-in-law. in a statement today michael flynn said, i recognize that the actions i acknowledged in court today were wrong, and through my faith in god i am working to set things right. my guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the special counsel s office reflect the decision i made in the best wanted of my family and of our country. i accept full responsibility for my actions. there was strong reaction to today s news from democrats on the hill involved in the russia probe. their message, there s more to come.
inside the white house they don t have the information. what they know is there were few people closer to this president throughout the campaign than mike flynn. he was someone who was vetted to be vice president. this is a guy who was with trump, had every rally, i mean when obama, sally gates came and said, you might want to think twice about this guy, they were in this post-election glow, they thought nothing could touch them, they thought they were being political, they said no we re going to stick with this guy. even after he fired mike flynn, trump regretted firing him. this is a person that they can say, he ll only work here for 25 days, oh, he worked for the obama administration too. but there is no in the real world, mike flynn was pretty close to this. michael schmidt, backing that up, it seems trump laid that out well by two things. the first getting rid of comey. after pushing comey to protect flynn, that didn t work, he got rid of comey. all these months since cuddling up by long distance to flynn. trying to make him think, we re still together, we re still
buds. all the time he seemed to be saying, i don t want this guy on the other team. now he s on the other team. yeah, i mean, look. mueller and the justice department don t give out cooperation deals like this, plea deals like this, if they don t have anything to give. i think that is really what unnerves the trump lawyers is that to go to this extent, to go this far, is pretty significant. and raises questions about what does he really know? this is not just something they give out for free. so that is a thing. and the other thing that i think is significant here is that the russia thing continues to cast a cloud over this white house. the white house had tried to push the notion that by the end of the year, the russia investigation would sort of be moved beyond it, that mueller would have wrapped up. i don t think this is the ending of the year that they thought it was going to be. the president s lawyer must look pretty stupid, he d been telling the president that tale for months now that everything s cool, it s going to be over by christmas. all he could do today was trash on the credibility of flynn by
saying he was obama s guy. although obama warned them not to hire him. how does he still have credibility as an attorney for the defense here? well, in terms of cobb, look, he s in a very difficult position. he s forced to explain this. they fall back on this argument that it was the obama administration that had given him a security clearance. it was also the obama administration that fired flynn. they got rid of flynn when he was head of dia, the intelligence branch of the pentagon. and as you pointed out, obama says to trump at the white house right after trump s elected, hey, look, national security adviser, big job. you can t give it to a guy like this, he s not sophisticated enough to do this, you really need to go with someone better. he wasn t warning him about the fbi investigation, he was simply warning him about what he thought flynn s capabilities were. well, nbc news reported today, quoted a source close to donald trump, said the developments regarding flynn this talks like an 8-year-old. are very, very, very bad. it s like a kid s book.
congressman schiff, ranking member of the house intelligence committee, reacted today pointing to the president s past behavior regarding flynn. let s watch. the president, when he was in the process of firing mike flynn, was at the same time very defensive of mike flynn. that s the kind of conduct you would expect if the president was forced to fire mike flynn not because he lied, but because the lie was exposed. and if the president is one of those senior transition officials who was knowing of the contact and perhaps even supporting this contact with the russian ambassador, that would explain both his reluctance to fire flynn, but also why he would be intervening with james comey and urging comey to drop the flynn case. what does everybody carol, what do you make of the fact that the president, when he first came into office, said, i didn t tell good general flynn to talk to the russians but i should have or would have.
prior to your inauguration no, i didn t would you have fired him if the information hadn t leaked out. i fired him because of what he said to mike pence, very simple. mike was doing his job. he was calling countries. and his counterparts. so it certainly would have been okay with me if he did it. i would have directed him to do it if i thought he wasn t doing it. i didn t direct him, but i would have directed him, because that s his job. jared kushner directed him. he said various governments, he was checking about the u.n. resolution on the establishment. so trump is hiding the fact that he knew his son-in-law did it, looks to me. although he was saying it s fine what he did. here s what s perplexing. if he did nothing wrong, if he should have ordered him to do it though he didn t, why are they lying about it? why did they then lie even knowing that would be a felony, to lie to the that s the beginning of the cover-up, the obstruction, they thought it was against the law, because technically it is. it s not a law that s usually enforced do you think general flynn
knew it was an unenforced law? eli, everybody on this, my hunch about this cover-up is that flynn was so unaware that this law was never forced, the logan act, against anybody not in the government to be negotiating with a foreign power, he thought it was unenforceable. i think when you play that clip of the president trump at the press conference basically kind of offering a incoherent answer, talking about both guys, that if he did do it, no big deal. but he didn t do it. i mean, it s basically creating spalts for him on both sides. and maybe that s just the usual trump answer to everything, rhetorically he s back and forth and kind of spinning you into knots. but it also, as susan said this could also be a president who is aware of things that happened because the tweet that the president sent out right after, when putin did not respond, when he did what flynn asked him to do and trump tweets, putin, very smart not to respond, i knew i mean, you look at that, then you have to ask yourself, is this really a president who had
no idea that these overtures were being made to the russians? let s get back to the one on the territory, israel from its territories. the question there, michael schmidt, is the president was obviously engaging in foreign policy. he was telling somebody or they were telling on behalf of him to try to kill this u.n. resolution which he didn t want to carry and obama was ready to abstain on and let carry, let be enforced. i mean, clearly he was setting up a counter foreign policy in the middle east. yeah, long-standing precedent has been there s one administration at a time. that the incoming one sort of defers to it. but what we saw here was very different. we saw an administration that was constantly engaging in its own foreign policy, in its own meetings with foreign leaders, its own attempts to influence things. we re seeing some of the consequences of that now. it s sort of a gray area that we hadn t really seen in previous transitions. they ve gotten themselves into a lot of trouble here trying to explain it and that may be at the root of the cause why flynn
went to the lengths he did in the interview with the fbi to deny stuff that the fbi had wiretaps about. i think it s going to end up being a black area for this administration. thank you, carol lee, susan page, eli stokels, michael schmidt. we ll be covering michael flynn s guilty plea and the russian probe throughout the hour. where does the investigation go from here? will donald trump move to fire mueller or start giving out pardons? plus everything we know about trump s relationship with michael flynn. the hardball roundtable is here to talk about whether the bombshell news has anything to do with trump s increasingly erratic behavior this week and the tax cut for the wealthy. let me finish with trump watch on this historic day in washington. this is hardball, where the action is. farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can t see. this is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data
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president trump ignored the bombshell development, of course, instead tweeting the media has been speculating that i fired rex tillerson or that he would be leaving soon. fake news. he s not leaving. and while we disagree on certain subjects, i call the final shots, we work well together and america is highly respected again. that s the president tweeting. constipated?
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implicate? as nbc news reported today flynn discussed the nature of his calls with the russia ambassador with jared kushner and k.t. mcfarlane. court documents show flynn discussed those conversations with other unnamed officials on the trump transition. flynn spoke with senior members of the presidential transition team about flynn s conversations with the russian ambassador regarding u.s. sanctions. that means multiple people were aware vice president mike pence was not telling the truth when he said this in january. did mike flynn ever discuss lifting sanctions in any of those conversations? do you know? i talked to general flynn yesterday. and the conversations that took place at that time were not in any way related to new u.s. sanctions against russia or the expulsion of diplomats. furthermore, nbc news confirms that the purpose of one of flynn s conversations with the ambassador was to reassure the kremlin that the incoming
administration would reverse the obama administration s sanctions punishing russia for meddling in the election to help trump win. i m joined by frank figlusi, former assistant director of counter intelligence at fbi. john laurel and paul butler, former federal prosecutors. what do you think is the damaging information, frank, that this guy holds? that flynn can give to the prosecutor to use as he wishes? yeah, look, we heard the judge today in court say that your sentence depends on your cooperation. i think that cooperation s going to go right to the top. i want to throw out three names here. first, vice president pence has some serious explaining to do about his prior statements in public, about no conversations involving sanctions and the russians. jared kushner is clearly exposed now criminally possibly for violations of the logan act or conspiring to violate the logan act. and then lastly this unnamed senior transition official is
also now exposed. so we ve got to watch carefully the next moves that take place here. john laurel, i think the question lies out there, who gave the inexperienced jared kushner, the president s son-in-law, the notion that he could negotiate mideast policy with all the nations around the world, including russia? who gave him that right? well in fact, that duty to do that? presumably it was the president, president-elect that did it. i want to be clear about something. the special prosecutor has tipped his hand. he is not looking at this as a criminal matter with respect to contacts with russia. this is now an obstruction of justice case. it s about people who went in and were interviewed by the fbi and didn t tell the truth. so the focus of the investigation is on lying to the fbi and obstruction of justice, not the contacts with russia as a criminal activity. paul, do you agree the focus now, because of what happened today with flynn coming in and plea bargaining and accepting a low charge, that we re talking obstruction here more than
collusion, that this is the real path we re headed down? i think so. in part because of what a sweetheart deal flynn is getting. he s got criminal exposure for money laundering, for bribery, maybe even for conspiracy to kidnap. and all he s pleading guilty to was one measly count of false statements. he probably won t do any jail time. his kid won t be indicted. mueller would only make a deal with a snitch like flynn if the snitch has really good evidence to offer. compelling evidence of criminality of someone higher up in the chain. i think, again, it s got to be trump, trump jr., kushner, or vice president pence. that s where this investigation is heading. frank and john, same question to you. looks to me like they re not going to be able to get trump himself on collusion, but they could damn well get him on obstruction. frank, you first. i think that s where this is headed as well.
let me throw out another name. let s not forget attorney general sessions we learned this week refused to answer a question from the house intelligence committee about whether president trump directed him to impede the russia investigation. he wouldn t answer that question. i believe nike ankle flynn may have information about sessions knowledge and involvement, that s where this could be going. i ve represented a general and people in the military. honesty is so critically important to them. what was going through flynn s mind when he lied to the fbi? i mean, that s the million-dollar question. he had to be doing it for some reason. and what the prosecutors have done, i m certain, because they ve interviewed him, is drilled down on why he took that step, why he consciously lied about something that frankly was not a crime. that s what we need to know. is it not that he talked to kislyak, the russian ambassador to the united states, but that he talked about relieving sanctions? by offering during the transition a different, nicer foreign policy to the russians?
that doesn t matter that he s worried about the logan act has never been used to prosecute anybody, it s clear that the special counsel is not using the logan act in this case. so the question to me is, who did flynn think he was protecting, and why? that s why he lied. was he afraid of what richard nixon did during the 68 campaign that johnson never forgive him for, that he was negotiating a better deal for the government in saigon than they were getting from johnson? we will never know until he testifies in public. the prosecutors certainly know about it. let me say this. once you sign on the dotted line as a cooperator, your life becomes an open book. anything and everything you ve done becomes exposed. they re going to question him for hours and hours and hours until they drill down on every aspect of the campaign and every aspect of the administration in its early days. chris, until we know the focus is on obstruction. so when we look at donald trump,
he s famously not loyal to anybody, right, except michael flynn. the whole reason that he fired fbi director comey was because comey wouldn t call off the investigation on michael flynn. so flynn clearly knows something about donald trump that donald trump does not want out there. now flynn is going to sit down with 16 of the country s best prosecutors, even more fbi agents, for hours and hours, days and days, spilling his guts. frank, let me get back to you about speculation here. everybody agrees that the russians tried to help trump win because they hated hilly, even if hillary managed to squeak it in the electoral college, they want heard to be starting off weak. does trump have a hand in that? can we see that in this story so far? i think flynn holds the key to that kind of knowledge. but we re beginning to see this glimpse of collusion. and even the charging document today where we see the transition officials well knowing what mike flirn s up to with the russians. so i think we re getting glimpses of that. i think it s within the realm of
possibility that trump actually had a hand in that. let s talk some legal questions here. john, you and then paul. let me ask you this. what about the president sees his son-in-law, he knows he has to care about just as long as he lives he s got to worry about his son-in-law, the husband of his daughter, his beloved daughter, and the father of his grandkids. he wants to keep him out of jail. i would think. the same way michael schmidt wants to keep his son out of jail, we saw that today effectively. there s the question. does he now simply pardon the guy? that kid we re looking at. he seems like a kid to me. i think any pardon at this point, i think any effort to try to undermine mueller or to fire mueller, results in impeachment proceedings. i doubt, i significantly doubt he s going to do that. paul? if he does, mueller would be like, make my day, president trump. fob number one, you are writing your own article of impeachment. that might be too much. a pardon of trump jr., of
kushner, might be too much even for the republicans. moreover, mueller s a crafty dude. so he s working with state prosecutors as well. lots of exposure for all of these guys for state crimes. guess what, the president of the united states has no power over state prosecutions. couldn t pardon. the attorney general in albany can t wait to get going here. let me ask frank one last question. i forgot my last question. i was already done here. no, what about the fact that the president will have this pardon authority? do you agree he won t use it? i think he might, but i agree that it would lead to impeachment proceedings. here s what i think. knowing mueller and his team, they re already factoring that in here. i don t think they need kushner. i think they re assuming there s going to be a pardon. i think they ve got flynn, they ve got enough, they re going to get inside that oval office. what a week. thank you so much, frank, john,
and paul. up next the trump white house may be trying to distance itself from michael flynn but the tape doesn t lie. trump used to heap praise on his former national security adviser. we ll take a look at their relationship coming up next. remember how the economic crash
was supposed to be a wake up call for our government? people all across the country lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs. i m tom steyer and it turned out that the system that had benefited people like me who are well off, was, in fact, stacked against everyone else. it s why i left my investment firm and resolved to use my savings for the public good. but here we are nine years later and this president and the republican congress are making a bad situation even worse. they won t tell you that their so called tax reform plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. it blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation. it s up to all of us to stand up to this president.
not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed. join us. your voice matters. former national security adviser michael flynn s guilty plea makes him the highest figure in donald trump s orbit to face
charges in robert mueller s investigation. as part of the deal, flynn has agreed to cooperate with the investigation, seemingly turning on his former boss. today marks a watershed moment in the relationship between the two men that dates back roughly two years. the retired general first met donald trump in august of 2015 when flynn traveled to trump tower to meet with the then-candidate. according to the new yorker they were scheduled to talk for 30 minutes, the conversation lasted 90. flynn left the meeting deeply impressed with trump. by february 2016, michael flynn was serving as informal foreign policy advisor to the trump campaign. he had openly advocated for closer ties with russia, in fact, two months earlier lieutenant general nine had traveled to russia to moscow as a paid speaker for a russian today anniversary dinner. he was seated two seats over from russian president vladimir putin. on april 27th, 2016, donald trump delivered his first major foreign policy speech in which he advocated for closer ties
with russia. let s watch. we desire to live peacefully. and in friendship with russia and china. i believe an easing of tensions and improved relations with russia from a position of strength only is possible, absolutely possible. by may of 2016, donald trump becomes the presumptive nominee of the republican party. in july flynn s early loyalty is rewarded with the now-infamous speaking spot at the republican national convention. let s watch. we do not need a reckless president who believes she is above the law. if i, a guy who knows this business, if i did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, i would be in jail today. in september 2016, despite
increasing evidence from u.s. intelligence that russia was meddling in our election, candidate trump continues to praise putin. here he is during an nbc news commander in chief forum. he s been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. on november 8th, donald j. trump is elected the 45th president of the united states. two days later, president barack obama hosts a sit-down meeting with the president-elect and warns him against hiring michael flynn as his national security adviser. november 18th, grump disregards president obama s warning and names michael flynn as his national security adviser. a few weeks later, according to the new york times reporting, flynn and the president s son-in-law, jared kushner, hosted a meeting with the ambassador kislyak at trump tower in order to establish a line of communication between the new administration and the russian government. on december 22nd, 2016, according to today s court documents, michael flynn called ambassador kislyak and asked russia to delay or defeat a
pending u.n. security council vote on condemning israeli settlements. a week later obama orders the ejection of 35 suspected russian intelligence braves from the country and imposes sanctions on two russian intelligence services as retaliation for election interference, according to the new york times. mr. kislyak was irate and threatened a forceful russian response. that same day, flynn has a series of phone calls with kislyak in which nbc news is reporting flynn promised to reverse those sanctions. court filings today reveal flynn asked kislyak to refrain from escalating the situation in response to the sanctions. a day later, putin announces he will not retaliate against the expulsions. trump takes to twitter to take the russian president writing, great move on delay by v. putin, i always knew he was very smart. january 13th, once news of flynn s calls to russian officials, the white house misrepresented the content of those calls. let s watch the vice president,
mr. pence. they did not discuss anything having to do with the united states decision to expel diplomats or impose a censure against russia. on january 24th, the fbi, troubled by intercepts of the call, asked to meet with flynn. it was here where he lied about his conversations. on january 26th, 2017, acting attorney general sally yates was so alarmed by flynn s characterizations of the calls that she warned the trump white house that flynn might have been compromised by the russian. she recounted that story back in may before the senate judiciary committee. we were concerned that the american people had been misled about the underlying conduct and what general flynn had done. and additionally, that we weren t the only ones that knew all of this. that the russians also knew about what general flynn had done. and the russians also knew that general flynn had misled the vice president and others.
because in the media accounts it was clear from the republican and oth vice president and others that they were repeating what general flynn had told them and that this was a problem, because not only did we believe the russians knew this but that they likely had proof of this information. that created a compromise situation, a situation where the national security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. the following day in a private one-on-one dinner, president trump appears to ask fbi director james comey for his locality. on january 30th, president trump fires sally yates for not defending his travel ban. on february 13th, flynn resigns. on february 14th, in another oval office meeting, trump tells comey, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. he is a good guy. i hope you can let this go. comey was asked about this during his testimony before the senate intelligence committee. this is the president speaking.
i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go, he is a good guy. i hope you can let this go. now those are his exact words, is that correct? correct. the reason i keep saying his words is, i took it as a direction. this is the president of the united states, with me alone, saying, i hope this. i took it as, this is what helps me to do. i didn t obey that, but that s the way i took it. all along, throughout this relationship, president trump has defended his former national security adviser. michael flynn is a fine person. and i asked for his resignation. when i looked at the information, i said, i don t think he did anything wrong. if anything, he did something right. you know, he was just doing his job. the thing is, he didn t tell our vice president properly. up next, president trump was hoping to take a victory lap today, touting the passage of the trump tower tax cut. but then the flynn news broke. we ll get to that and more with
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i think the at least the quick report of the charge, it seems obvious to me that he had made a lot of misstatements to a whole lot of people. and the frightening thing is this guy was the national security adviser of the united states. and the key foreign policy adviser to the president. i think most of us believe it s not a witch hunt or a hoax and that the fbi director and all others believe this is a legitimate concern. i like general flynn. he served this country for a long time. with honor and effectiveness. it s a sad day. but this is the way the system works. i love lindsey graham, he reminds me of what senators used to be like. welcome back to hardball. reacting to the news of michael flynn s guilty plea, the
bombshell that overshadowed what should have been today s headline, the battle over the republican tax bill. majority leader mitch mcconnell declared he had the votes to pass the tax bill today. the trump tower tax cut i call it. just hours ago. the flynn news broke. four holdouts montana s steve danes, wisconsin s ron johnson, arizona s jeff flake, and maine s susan collins declared their support for the bill, giving republicans the 51 votes, one more than necessary to pass this sweeping overhaul. let s bring in the hardball roundtable for this friday night. jennifer rubin, opinion writer with the washington post. george willis, column us with washington post. cornell belcher, democratic strategist. this is interesting because here s a bill about to be passed with a lot of hoopla and grandeur, it s exciting, with about a 28% popular support. yet the republicans consider it an essential, necessarily, mandatory thing to do. and they are going to celebrate it. right. i think it s two reasons why they re behaving that way. one, they haven t done anything
else and they re scared to go to the voters and say, we ve done nothing other than neil gorsuch. the second is that the dogma of trickle-down economics is very strong and these people believe it. does it matter that we re not in a recession, doesn t matter it s going to create debt, this is what they do. this is what they believe in. and they re willing to get behind regardless of the cycle? exactly. regardless whether it s a dog s breakfast of a bill or not. we have almost a trillion-dollar deficit right now. to add another $1.5 trillion doesn t sound like traditional republican dogma. under current law, the deficit s going to the national debt s going to go up $10 million before this, $12 billion with it, and people think that s a rounding error nowadays. i will be interested to see how these people go back to damour ra, pennsylvania, the money ga hail la valley, and say obamacare wasn t repealed and replaced, the trillion-dollar infrastructure is still a hypothesis. but we cut corporate taxes. see how thrilling that is.
the republicans are making a serious lunge for 3% growth. if we don t get the 3% growth, our politics is going to be just increasingly bitter, distributional conflict. when s that payoff? by 2020? we don t know. one of the beauties of economic debates like this is we re going to learn something. people have made predictions. they ve given a hostage to fortune. we re going to find out how taxes affect behavior. that s what economists argue about all the time. the republicans have said, cut these taxes and this will happen. we ll see. you know, it s interesting cornell, despite i think the democratic party s figure to do education role here, to actually explain how it does to different brackets, 75k a year, people think it s a rich person s tax cut. despite our inability to message properly you have a majority of americans against this tax bill, a majority of americans who think most of this tax bill is going to the wealthy. this is almost a gift, right, to
democrats. it is hard to understand why republicans are doing this besides their donor class. so they re going to go into a midterm election with a very unpopular president, with their approval numbers at an all-time low, and not passing anything that actually a majority of americans want them to pass. we are looking at 2006 perhaps all over again. i m very suspicious of the democrats on this. i think their donor class is very much the same donor class republicans have in terms of interests, economic interests. they benefit because now they have a big target to attack. but also they didn t offend their people economically. all their people did well. do you know? if you want to live like a republican, joke like a democrat. they got it made, a win-win for them. they lose the fight and republicans take the blame. i want to jump into that conversation, though. because as someone who worked for the obama campaign, when you look at sort of where we raised money, it wasn t from the big donor class. when you look at someone who also worked for howard dean, when you look at what we raised
our money from, it wasn t from the big donor class, it was grassroots upsizing. it is different. chuck schumer isn t better off politically? i m talking about the last two people who are head of our party democrats, you think they made a fight of this? sure. you re quite right, the people who said this is a rich person s tax bill. but remember, they get this from the media coverage of it. 20% of americans believe the son revolves around the earth. seriously. 50% of americans, college students, can t tell you the length of senate and house terms. yet we pick up the paper and 18% of americans oppose this provision of the tax bill. they don t know what the senate is. the idea that there s formed public opinion out here or informed is wrong. they do stumble on the truth. it is getting to the large benefits going to i think they learn what they need to learn.
next we ll get back to michael flynn s guilty plea, how it s made this a historic day here in d.c. you re watching hardball. am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. today we re bringing you america s number one shave at lower prices every day. putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. as one of those workers, i m proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. gillette - the best a man can get.
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we re back with the hardball round table. today s historical importance? it s huge. this is inside the white house. this is not an errand boy. this is somebody potentially implicating the president of the united states, his son-in-law and let s not forget about the attorney general. this is real. this is not a hoax. the president could pay a permanent penalty for this. george, i wonder what the king is thinking tonight. probably that there s an inverse relationship between the lightness of the sentence, the one charge that flynn has been convicted of and what he must have been offering in order to get that lightness. and all those charges that were pending against him, like kidnapping that s the point. they go away. anyway, cornell? it s hard to call this fake news now. to a lot of real americans who haven t been paying attention to
this, now you have someone admitting of a crime. it s harder for americans not to pay attention to this right now. and so here we go. yeah. you and i remember this from a time gone past. what s the watergate parallel, george? i suppose the watergate parallel is what happened when james mccord, one of the burglars, was given not a life sentence but a draconian sentence in order to unravel the whole system. what s the difference between punishing someone for talking and rewarding them for talking? everyone likes their own methodology. mueller is getting one to flip after another. nixon appointed the judge and he went out and did his job. same with mueller. by the way, with comey, cheering him on biblically. sound like dr. king. well, the rule of law is winning today and we re seeing a lot of chaos in america, but the
rule of law, our legal system is working and i think we have a lot to be thankful for today. i think we have a merry christmas and happy holidays coming our way. i think it s looking good for the country. jennifer, cornell, george, thank you. when we return, trump watch. you re watching hardball. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it?
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trump watch, friday, december 1st, 2017. today was the day donald trump was told would never happen. his lawyers said special counsel robert mueller was going nowhere, that the president was going to go scotch free and today everything changed. you heard the hecklers yelling lock him up. they were sar nating michael flynn reminding him of his own cheer at the national convention when he yelled lock her up, just as general flynn is ending up this november, copping a plea to testify against the guy hillary beat. what is year it has been. a question hanging over the heads of the trump team, did they collude with the russians and will they eventually get caught? trump s attorney telling him again and again that mueller is ready to close shop, that he s coming up with nothing and then today mueller s got general flynn, got him by the back of
the collar and who told him to tell the russians to stay cool on the sanctions, that trump was coming with help? who told him to kill the u.n. resolution for israel about the new settlements, the resolution that obama was going to let pass. flynn knows all kinds of stuff, about stopping fbi director comey from looking into this and how trump was ready to dump him rather than allow the investigation to go forward, one that would lead to an impeachment before his presidency even got started and now general flynn is in the steady hands of bob mueller, ready and willing to tell all he knows about the man who sits now worried, resentful, a bit disoriented about a fix his lawyer said he would never be in because whatever comes next, today was a day of history. and that s hardball for now. thanks for being with us. all in with chris hayes starts

Mike-flynn , Government , Team , Governments , Officials , Member , Charges , Israel , Vote , Russia , Un-general-assembly , Will-donald-trump

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180124 09:00:00

the attorney general was questioned for several hours by mueller s team last week on wednesday, according to a source close to sessions. former fbi director comey, he spoke with investigators last year. the interviews, we know, focused on two things. first, russia s meddling in the election. and second, whether or not president trump obstructed justice since taking office, especially as it concerns his firing of james comey in may. jeff sessions and james comey, they are of key interest. sessions for his meetings with the russian ambassador during the campaign, and of course the fact that he was involved in the firing of james comey. of course, as for former fbi director james comey, he took many notes that he s talked about, about his interactions with the president, and of course the special counsel will be interested in comey expanding upon those. the president weighed in on sessions interview on tuesday. are you concerned about what the attorney general told the special counsel? not at all.
not at all. did you talk to him about it? didn t, but i m not at all concerned. reporter: sessions interview is a major development in shoot probe. the white house has continually said that it is cooperating with mueller s investigation. thank you. robert mueller s team is interested in why the president asked the fbi deputy director, andrew mccabe, who he vote for in the 2016 election. mccabe was acting director at the time of the discussion. according to a story first reported by the washington post and then the new york times, the president and mccabe met in the oval office shortly after the president fired james comey. mccabe described the exchange as disturbing. he reportedly told the president he did not vote after de not vote. after declining the discussion, president trump said he did not answer after asked mccabe about his family and the discussion pivoting to politics and his wife who ran for virginia senate as a democrat and received huge donations from terry mcauliffe,
an ally of the clintons. the fbi is not commenting. this as president trump denies fbi director christopher wray threatened to resign over pressure from attorney general jeff sessions to fire or reassign mccabe. he didn t. he did not even a little bit. nope. and he s going to do a good job. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders could not explain how president trump would know wray has not threatened to resign. she guesses he found out from conversations he had with the fbi director. new signs that former trump campaign aide rick gates may be negotiating with special counsel robert mueller s team. gates has quietly added defense attorney tom green to his legal team. that indicates ongoing talks with prosecutors. green was spotted at mueller s office twice last week. in october, gates pleaded not guilty to eight charges of money laundering and failing to register foreign lobbying and other business. his longtime partner, former
from the latest cache of text messages exchanged by two fbi officials who were later removed from the russia investigation. in one newly revealed text, counter-intel specialist peter strzok seems to suggest he doesn t think there is any there there in the mueller investigation and for that matter doesn t want to be part of the investigation. strzok and lisa page discuss a secret society and ways to fix damage done by the fbi investigation into hillary clinton s e-mail server. this is the latest ammunition for republicans already suggesting there may be something nefarious behind the loss of months of text messages between the pair. the republican chairman of the senate intel committee says don t read too much into that.
today senate democratic leader chuck schumer has pulled funding for the border wall off the table. he offered the wall in exchange for daca protection for d.r.e.a.m.ers in talks with president trump last week over cheeseburgers. last night the president lashed out at schumer s change of heart, crying chuck schumer fully understands especially after his humiliating defeat that if there is nowalli wall, is no daca. john cornyn called the move a step backward. some say he offered the wall funding as part of the negotiation and for the white house to bank the offer was unfair. now this about the only bipartisan compromise it would not secure or border, encourage more illegal immigration, increase chain migration, and retain the visa lottery system.
in short, it s totally unacceptable to the president and should be declared dead on arrival. one of the deals architects republican lindsey graham responded, the white house better start telling us what you re for rather than what you re against. security secretary kirstin nielsen told spus without commitments it was impossible to negotiate with her. tonight the president heads to davos. not on vacation but on global business, attending the world economic forum. gary cohn, director of national economic council, says the president will sell his accomplishments high and remind world leaders the u.s. is open for business. many cabinet members will travel with the president including treasury secretary mnuchin, secretary of state rex tillerson, and commerce secretary wilbur ross. there are also planned meetings with british prime minister
theresa may and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he heads to davos as trade tensions are running high. the tpp is back on that trade deal, remember, but not for u.s. just as president trump restricts asian imports, trump ditched the transpacific partnership a year ago. the remaining 11 pacific nations have forged ahead without the u.s. japan, canada, mexico and others say their new trade deal will help combat rising protectionism. there s concern that the u.s., a longstanding leader in global trade, is turning inwards as others preach america first. i m defending american companies. they ve been badly hurt from harmful import surges that threaten the livelihood of their workers, of jobs all over this country. trump signed an order slapping tariffs on foreign solar panels and washing machines to help u.s. companies.
that could likely hurt some consumers. americans buy washers from other countries. a tariff will make all washers more expensive. foreign makers will have to offset the higher costs. with less competition, u.s. companies can raise prices. tammy duckworth is about to become the first u.s. sitting senator to give birth. the illinois democrat announcing she s expecting her second child in april. nine other women have had babies while serving in congress, but none were in the senate. duckworth says her daughter abigail is ecstatic to welcome her baby sister home adding, as tough as juggling the demands of motherhood and being a senator can be, i m hardly alone or unique as a working parent. duckworth is a retired army lieutenant colonel who served as a helicopter pilot in the iraq war. she was elected to congress in 2013. she is a double amputee, folks. this is one of the toughest womenor men in all of congress women or men in all of congress. just fantastic. great for her and her family. really wonderful
basketball game between two other kentucky high schools wore marshall county high orange and blue as a tribute to the victims. the alabama house of representatives has advanced a bill to eliminate special elections when vacancies occur in the u.s. senate. it would instead allow senators appointed by the governor to serve out entire terms. the republican-backed bill passed along party lines and now moves to the state senate. the house member who sponsored the bill says he wants to spare taxpayers the cost. the race to replace jeff sessions did cost $11 million. house democrats say voters should have a say, clearly aware a governor in deep red alabama is likely to appoint a republican senator. and this, of course, weeks after democrat doug jones won a narrow victory over roy moore. formal sentencing expected later today in the trial of disgraced usa gymnastics dr. larry nassar. court resumes at 9:00 a.m. eastern with more of nassar s sexual abuse victims scheduled to deliver impact statements. there have been 163 so far
including an 18-year-old who demanded an apology and got one. i believe in forgiveness, larry. you and i are human beings. we make mistakes. although you have hurt me, i want to forgive you and feel closure and move on to healing in my life. i want you to apologize to me right here. i want to forgive, but i also want to hear you tell me that you regret all the hurt that you ve caused. [ inaudible ] thank you. the ncaa is investigating michigan state university for its role in the scandal. nassar was also a doctor for student athletes there. faculty members have called for an emergency meeting of the faculty senate for a vote of no confidence in president luanna simon. florida voters will decide in the fall whether a million
and a half felons will get their voting rights back. if 60% approve the amendment would restore voting rights to state residents with felony convictions after they complete their sentences, including parole or probation. the petition spearheaded by the group floridians for fair democracy would not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, those ex-cons would still be permanently barred from voting. the san francisco board of supervisors appointing one of its members to serve as interim mayor but not without drama. mark farrell was approved after the board voted down president london breed. she s been the acting mayor since the sudden death of ed lee last month. the vote coming after hours. the public comment with charges of racism toward breed who is black. some argue who breed who is running for mayor in the citywide election in june should not have a leg up over other candidates. farrell is not on the ballot. the secretary of state with some harsh words for moscow.
rex tillerson says russia is complicit in syria s use of chemical weapons. we re live in moscow. hold together. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! (horn honking) alright! alright! we ve all got places to go! we ve all got places to go! washington crossing the delaware turnpike? surprising. what s not surprising? how much money sean saved by switching to geico. big man with a horn. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. hi, i m the internet! you knoarmless you got this, jimmy! you know what s easy? building your website with godaddy. pick a domain name. choose a design. you can build a website in under an hour. now that s a strike! get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral.
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you ll always be up to date. you can easily add premium channels, so you don t miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you re looking for - because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. breaking news overnight. at least two dead and 12 injured in a suicide attack outside a save the children aid office in afghanistan. one attacker detonated a suicide bomb at the gate, and another attacker was killed by security forces inside the building. police are still working to clear part of the building. we ll bring you updates as they become available. president trump and the turkish president scheduled to speak by phone today amid a
growing rift over turkey s assault on kurdish troops. sarah sanders says the goal is to get turkey to de-escalate. a top adviser tells cnn the u.s. assured turkey it would only support kurdish militias until isis was defeated. turkey considers isis eliminated and says the ongoing military operation is necessary to protect the border with syria. a school in aurora, illinois, closing for a week due to a flu outbreak. one in six students that attend the illinois math and science academy were absent monday. school officials confirm most of them were suffering from flu-like symptoms. 13 of the 55 faculty members were also out with flu symptoms. illinois math and science is a residential high school where students live in dorms on campus. flu remains widespread in 49 states and puerto rico. at least 30 chi 0 children have from the illness. the hard part at this point, as you know, is no one has the flu shot. they are out across the country.
the vaccine. there might be one clinic in a given city or town which is deep trouble for parents. this is january. a lot of people tried to get the flu shot in october, the beginning of the flu season. now there s this rush as people are reading headlines. look, 30 children dying from the flu. it doesn t peak until march. that s triple from last year. gives you some perspective there. the firings of james comey and michael flynn under increasing scrutiny. rapid developments in the russia investigation, next. if you have medicare
decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they re the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. major developments in the russia investigation. the special counsel narrowing its focus. why michael flynn and james comey firings could be critical. new reports say the president asked the acting fbi director who he vote for in 2016 right there in the oval office.
it comes as the white house beats back claims andrew mccabe job was targeted by the attorney general. and a kentucky community is reeling after yet another school shooting. two teens are dead as the epidemic shootings continue across the country. good morning, everyone, welcome back to early start. i m dave briggs. i m christine romans. 31 minutes past the hour this wednesday morning. russia special counsel robert mueller focusing on the firings of former fbi director james comey and former national security adviser michael flynn as he prepares to interview president trump. two sources confirming to cnn a story first reported by the washington post that mueller is aggressively scrutinizing efforts by the president or others to hamper the investigation. cnn s sources say the terms for questioning the president are far from set. mr. trump s lawyers want him to answer questions in written form only but understand there may be in-person interviews. press secretary sarah huckabee sanders was asked why the president has not simply fired mueller. she said he hasn t in part
because of how the media might react. why doesn t the president just get rid of robert mueller, fire him? mr. gidley said that it s wasting taxpayers money. in that regard, why doesn t he just end the investigation? because it s wasting the taxpayers money. look, we want to see this come to a complete and full conclusion. i think we all know what everybody in this room would do if the president did that, and i don t think that s helpful to the process. the report on mueller s plans coming as we learn two critical players in the probe have already spoken to mueller s team, including a member of the cabinet. more from cnn s jessica schneider in washington. reporter: we do now know that both the attorney general and former fbi director james comey have both been interviewed by the special counsel s office. the attorney general was questioned for several hours by mueller s team last week on wednesday, according to a source close to sessions.
former fbi director comey spoke with investigators last year. the interviews focused on two things first, russia s meddling in the election, and second, whether or not president trump obstructed justice since taking office, especially as it concerns his firing of james comey in may. jeff sessions and james comey are of key interest. sessions for his meetings with the russian ambassador during the campaign, and of course the fact that he was involved in the firing of james comey. and of course as for former fbi director james comey, he took many notes that he s talked about about his interactions with the president and, of course, the special counsel will be very interested in comey expanding upon those. the president weighed in on sessions interview on tuesday. did the attorney general tell the special counsel not at all. not at all. did you talk to him? no, but i m not concerned. reporter: jeff sessions
interview is an important part of the probe. the white house says it is cooperating. robert mueller s team also reportedly interested in why the president asked fbi director andrew mccabe who he voted for in the 2016 election. mccabe was the acting director at the time of the discussion according to a report first reported by the washington post and then the new york times. the president and mccabe met in the oval office shortly after the president fired james comey. mccabe described the exchange as disturbing. he reportedly told the president he didn t vote. after declining comment to the post, the white house told the times mr. trump did ask the question. a white house official tells the times it happened after trump asked mccabe about his family, with the discussion pivoting to politics and mccabe wife. his wife ran for virginia state senate as a democrat. and received $500,000 in donations from a pac tied to terry mcauliffe, a clinton ally. the fbi is not commenting.
all this as president trump denies fbi director christopher wray threatened to resign over pressure from attorney general jeff sessions to fire or reassign mccabe. did he threaten to fire no, he didn t. he did not each a little bit. did not even a little bit. nope. he s going to do a good job. press secretary sarah huckabee sanders could not explain how president trump would know wray has not threatened to resign. she guesses he found out from conversations with the fbi director. president trump inclined to allow the release of the memo spearheaded by congressman devin nunez said to allege the fbi has abused surveillance laws. a person familiar with the matter is telling cnn the move is contingent on the house intelligence committee approving declassification. that could come next week. the white house insists no decision has been made on the release. conservatives have rallied around the memo, but democrats say it is republicans latest attempt to undermine special counsel robert mueller s
investigation. i think it is sloppy, careless, and again, i think has no grounding in fact. top democrat on the house judiciary committee said it was profoundly unfair that house republicans have not share the policemen oh the memo with the fbi and justice department, the agencies the memo claims to unmask. new details from the latest cache of text messages exchanged by two fbi officials who were later removed from the russia investigation. in one newly revealed text, counter intel specialist peter strzok seems to suggest he does not think there is any there there in the mueller investigation. in others, strzok and fbi lawyer lisa page discuss a secret society and ways to fix damage done by the fbi investigation into hillary clinton s e-mail server. this the latest ammunition for republicans, already suggesting there may be something nefarious behind the loss of months of text messages between the pair. but the republican chairman of
the senate intel committee says don t read too much into that. it may be a technical glitch. the bureau, the fact that they have provided the rest of them certainly doesn t show an intent to try to withhold anything. attorney general jeff sessions promising to leave no stone unturned, looking into why the texts were not saved by fbi retention software. efforts in congress to find common ground on an immigration bill are not off to a great start. senate democratic leader chuck schumer has pulled funding for the border wall after the table. schumer offered the wall in ex-change for daca protection for d.r.e.a.m.ers in talks with president trump last week. last night the president lashed out at chuck schumer s change of heart. cryin chuck schumer fully understands especially after the humiliating defeat that if there is no wall, there is no daca. john cornyn, second ranked republican in the senate, called chuck schumer s move a step
backward. dick durbin, second-ranked democrat, said schumer offered wall funding as part of a negotiation and for the white house to bank his offer was unfair. the white house is saying this about the only bipartisan compromise it would not secure our border, encourage more illegal immigration, increase chain myself, and retain the visa chain migration, and retain theviews lottery system. in short, it s totally unacceptable to the president and should be declared died on arrival. one of the deal s architect responded lindsey graham said, the white house better start telling us what you re for rather than what you re against. homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen got a similar message, pushing for her department s immigration priorities. democrat claire mccaskill said she told nielsen without agreement with president trump, it was impossible. a group of scientists is suing the epa saying they were
illegally removed from the boards and committees as they received illegal grants. the epa announced it would not allow scientists to serve on the panels to keep advisers and free from potential interference. the scientists argue their removal was aterry and a violation arbitrary and a violation of the act. a spokesman refused comment because of pending litigation. democratic senator steve mnuchin of west virginia telling colleagues he will run for re-election this year, that s according to the new york times. chin s flirtation with mnuchin s flirtation with retirement triggered talks among democrats who feared losing the seat to a republican in solid red west virginia. he s been vocal about his displeasure with washington telling chuck schumer and others, this place sucks. he plans to file re-election paperwork before saturday s deadline. democrats must defend ten states in november and states president trump carried. tonight president trump heads to the swiss ski resort town of davos. not a vacation but on global
business, attending the world economic forum. gary cohn, director of the national economic council, says the president will sell his accomplishments and remind world leaders the u.s. is open for business. many cabinet members will travel with the president including treasury secretary mnuchin, secretary of state rex tillerson, the commerce secretary wilbur ross. and there are planned meetings with british prime minister theresa may and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this comes at a time when the u.s., there s a lot going on in the trade front. they re in the final stage of renegotiating nafta. that s not going well. the united states has imposed tariffs that are not popularpopulara popular among the crowd at davos. how do you think he ll be greet thursday? you ve been there. he s the star. he likes pomp and circumstance and pageantry to welcome him. he won t get that. he will get a lot of attention. he is now the marquee guest for sure. fascinating dynamics. ahead, a kentucky community mourning the loss two of high school students. a 15-year-old facing charges for
opening fire at their school. another deadly shooting.
yellen steps down february 3rd. she was first woman to lead the most influential bank. the first chair in nearly 30 years ton get a second term. a 15-year-old student facing murder and attempted murder charges after police say he opened fire at marshall county high school in western kentucky. two people were killed. police identifying those victims as 15-year-olds bailey holt and preston cape. 14 others suffered various injuries. the victims range in age from 14 to 18-years-old. these children belong to this community and to specific families in this community. this is a wound that is going to take a long time to heal. mourners held vigils around the area last night. students attending a basketball game between two other kentucky high schools wore marshall county high orange and blue as a tribute to the victims. police have yet to reveal a motive. gabby giffords, a victim of gun violence herself, issuing a statement saying this is the
13th mass shooting this year. this calendar this year. it is january 24th. the alabama house of representatives has advanced a bill to eliminate special elections when vacancies occur in the u.s. senate. it would instead allow senators appointed by the governor to serve out entire terms. republican-backed bill passed along party lines and now moves to the state senate. the house member who sponsored the bill says he wants to spare taxpayers the cost. the race to replace jeff sessions did cost $11 million. house democrats say voters should have a say. clearly aware a governor in deep red alabama is likely to appoint a republican senator. this of course just weeks after democrat doug jones won a narrow victory over roy moore. former sentencing expected later today in the trial of disgraced usa gymnastics dr. larry nassar. the court resumes at 9:00 a.m. eastern with more of nassar s sexual abuse victims scheduled to deliver impact statements. so far there have been 163, including an 18-year-old who demanded an apology and got one.
i believe in nor giveness, larry in forgiveness, larry. you and i are human beings. we make mistakes. although you have hurt me, i want to forgive you and feel closure and move on to healing in my life. i want you to apologize to me right here. i want to forgive you, but i also want to hear you tell me that you regret all the hurt that you ve caused. [ inaudible ] thank you. the ncaa is investigating michigan state university for its role in the scandal. nassar was also a doctor for student athletes there. faculty members have called for an emergency meeting of the school s faculty senate for a vote of no confidence in president lou anna simon. david and louise turpin will appear at a court hearing today. prosecutors are seeking a criminal protective order that would bar the parents from
contacting the children before the case goes to trial. it would prohibit direct or indirect contact in person, written, or electronic. authorities allege the turpins held the kids, age 2 to 29, captive in their home, chaining them, not feeding them or letting them shower. both parents are being held on $12 million bail. the san francisco board of supervisors appointing one of its members to serve as interim mayor, but not without some serious drama. mark farrell was approved after the board voted down its president, london breed. she s been the acting mayor since the sudden death of ed lee last month. this after public comment that included charges of racism toward breed who is black, but some on the board argued breed, who s running for mayor in the citywide election in june, should not have a leg up on other candidates. farrell is not on the ballot. a series of storms barreling toward the pacific northwest could dump over a foot of rain through the weekend. meteorologist pedram javaheri with the latest. good morning.
we ve got an interesting setup here across the pacific northwest. a series of storms working across the region. one of which comes in later on today. we bring in heavy rainfall with it. not too unusual for this time of year. a break between wednesday and thursday, and a couple more systems line up with the moisture source directed toward portions of the northwest going into, say, saturday and sunday. how much moisture are we talking about? winter weather advisories, storm warnings, already in place across the region for significant mountain snow and certainly heavy rainfall along the coast. generally six to ten inches, some areas could see more than a foot of rainfall. that s on the immediate coast. get into the mountains, the snow amounts could accumulate to over four feet across parts of the cascades and even into the siskiyous, as well. big story developing over the next couple of days across the pacific northwest. really beyond that, generally quiet. we have snow showers, much of it lake enhanced, across the great lakes. temperatures across chicago into the 30s. little rock, around 60. dallas, middle 60s. new york, normal for this time of year, call it around 40.
it will stay around the same trend for the next couple of days around the northeast. guys? all right. thank you very much. netflix just joined an exclusive club of companies worth $100 billion or more. we ll tell you why on cnn money stream next. my name is jeff sheldon, and i m the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it s great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i ve got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll
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secretary of state rex tillerson says russia bears responsibility for failing to hold the syrian regime accountable over using chemical weapons against its people. tillerson in paris at a meeting with high-level diplomats to discuss a new international effort to combat chemical weapons. let s go live to moscow and bring in cnn s fred pleitgen. fred? reporter: good morning. all this comes after what appears to be another chemical attack that recently happened on the outskirts of damascus there in syria. clearly the u.s. firing at russia over all this holding russia accountable. one of the things secretary of state rex tillerson said toward the russians, he said that russia s failure to resolve the chemical issue in syria called into question its usefulness in trying to find a resolution for the conflict as a whole. now, after tillerson made the comments, there was a big diplomatic battle of words at the united nations between nikki haley, u.s. ambassador to the u.n., and the russian ambassador to the u.n. both sides trading barbs there.
nikki haley saying, look, this should weigh heavily on the conscience of the russians. the russians for their part firing back and putting forward their own resolution on how to deal with chemical weapons that the u.s. calls a ploy to try and distract from what s going on. all this coming as the russians apparently are looking for new ways to influence u.s. policies. one of the main think tanks that s close to vladimir putin put out a paper saying that the russians will create a lobby inside the u.s. to try to influence things going on there. christine? thanks, fred. president trump and turkish president erdogan will speak by phone today amid a growing rift on turkey s assault on troops in syria. the u.s. and the kurds are allies. sarah huckabee sanders says the goal is to get turkey to de-escalate. a top adviser to erdogan tells cnn the u.s. assured turkey it would only support toured issue militias until kurdish mishals until isis was defeated.
turkey says the ongoing military operation is necessary to protect the border with syria. let s check cnn money stream. global stock markets are lower after the u.s. stocks hit fresh record highs. the dow closed slightly lower, but look at the s&p 500. the nasdaq, all-time highs helped by a strong earnings season. netflix, big story there, surged 10%. reported record subscriber growth. now worth more than $100 billion. it joins an exclusive club of only 59 companies in the s&p 500 worth at least $100 billion. the new tax bill is a gift to big banks and jpmorgan chase is giving some of that gift back to its employees. 22,000 workers will get a raise. mainly frontline employees like bank tellers and customer service representatives. the bank will also open 400 new branches, hiring 3,000 new workers. jpmorgan credits tax cuts, less regulation, and an improved business climate for the investment. it s not so rosy for all companies, though. the makers of huggies and
kleenex is laying off 5,000 workers. kimberly clark blamed low prices and poor sales of consumer goods. toys r us is planning to shut one-fifth of its stores, closing 180 stores as soon as next month. toys r us declared bankruptcy in november based on the shift toward online shopping. it will close unprofitable stores this. after a brutal year for retaile retailers. u.s. store closings hit a record high in 2017. there s so much change happening in the retail space. and in many ways, it s good for consumers, you know. when there s how s that? there s so many more choices and competition for your dollar, especially on line. but a lot of people are crushed that their local toys r us is closing. true. the new ones i guess will emphasize experience and babies r us, a successful model. early start continues with a major day in the russia investigation.

James-comey , Fbi , Robert-mueller , Director , Attorney-general , Things , Team , Sessions , Interviews , Investigators , Source , Two

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20171214 01:30:00

next. tonight, breaking news. your money, your taxes. president trump declaring republicans are on the verge of a major tax victory tonight, and promises if it s passed, americans will save on their taxes by february. mary bruce tonight with a fact check. who wins, who loses? corporate america or middle class americans? also tonight, the election night upset. the deep red state of alabama electing the democrat, sending doug jones to the senate. roy moore losing. and what the president now says about roy moore after all. abc news has confirmed tonight, omarosa escorted out of the white house. no longer in the west wing. the fbi in the hot seat today. is there bias in the russia investigation? the text messages revealed right here. breaking news tonight. the deadly shooting at a penn state campus. the images coming in late today. the officer handcuffing an
11-year-old girl. the police chief admitting it made him, quote, physically nauseous. and the winter storm tonight, from minnesota to new york, moving in now. and will your packages arrive on time? what we ve learned tonight. good evening and it s great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. and we begin with your taxes. is president trump on the verge of victory? he thinks so, and tonight, he s making that promise that if passed, americans will see savings within weeks. tonight, republican leaders in both the house and the senate have now agreed on a single plan. president trump making what the white house called his closing argument today. this evening, what does this mean for the middle class versus wealthier americans, and what does it do to the deficit? and will it pass? abc s mary bruce, leading us off. reporter: at the white house today, republicans proclaimed they re on the verge of a big win on tax reform. the president with a christmas promise.
we want to give you, the american people, a giant tax cut for christmas. and when i say giant, i mean giant. reporter: but back on the hill, protests. kill this bill! kill this bill! not us! not us! reporter: protesters say it will hurt the working and the middle class. as lawmakers huddled in the basement of the capitol to finalize the bill. even top republican negotiators admit it s not a totally done deal. so do you have a deal? ah well, it s going forward. very positive. it feels very close to an agreement. reporter: even the president is cautious. i mean, we are so close, right now, so close in fact, almost i don t want to talk about it. maybe we shouldn t talk about it. reporter: tonight, they have agreed to this. helping corporations, it drops the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. caps the mortgage interest deduction at $750,000, a middle ground between the senate and house versions. repeals the obamacare individual
mandate that all americans have insurance, which could leave 13 million more americans without insurance in the next decade. and to help the wealthy, it lowers the top individual tax rate from 39% down to 37%. how does that help middle class americans? this bill is going to lower the tax burden on working families, on middle income families and it s going to generate tremendous economic growth. reporter: but what about the deficit? it s still unclear how much this will ultimately cost. a new analysis predicts it could add more that $1.5 trillion to the nation s debt. and a previous analysis of the senate version said americans making $75,000 or less will pay more over the next ten years. democrats insist the long-term benefits will go to the wealthy. most of what s there for the middle class is written in disappearing ink. the republican tax bill is one that ebenezer scrooge would love. it is a big bah humbug.
but that s not likely to happen. reporter: david, there is very little chance of that happening. doug jones victory last night puts even more pressure on republicans to pass tax reform here and fast. david? mary bruce leading us off. mary, thank you. in the meantime, to that special election in alabama. the nation watching late last night. in that deep red state, doug jones, he ll be the first democratic senator in nearly 30 years. defeating republican roy moore, who battled accusations of sexual misconduct with teenagers. the president gave him a full endorsement, but what he said today about roy moore after the loss. here s abc s chief white house correspondent jonathan karl. reporter: a subdued president trump made it clear today, he is unhappy with the results in the alabama senate race. even as many in his party are relieved. a lot of republicans feel differently. they re very happy with the way it turned out. but i would have as the leader of the party, i would have liked to have had the seat. i want to endorse the people that are running. reporter: although the president tweeted this morning, i said roy moore will not be able to win the general election. i was right. adding, if last night s election proved anything, it proved we need to put up great republican candidates.
but unlike many republicans in congress, trump went all-in for moore. get out and vote for roy moore. do it. do it. reporter: this despite the fact that eight women accused the candidate of sexual misconduct, much of it when they were teenagers. he denies it. and by the way, he totally denies it. reporter: but trump s endorsement carried surprisingly little weight. in 2016, he won 63% of the vote in alabama. but among voters yesterday, his approval rating, just 48%. on the flip side, democrats are energized, boosted by a big turnout of women and african-americans. elections have serious consequences, and when you realize that, you tend to turn out the vote. reporter: at least some republicans were actually celebrating. republican senator jeff flake tweeting, decency wins. you tweeted decency wins. yeah.
reporter: what do you mean? well, i think this was a good result, paradoxically, it was a good night for republicans. we didn t want roy moore here in the senate. it s we have enough challenges as republicans without being the party of roy moore. reporter: perhaps the second biggest loser of the night, steve bannon, the president s former chief strategist. he helped convince the president to support moore. now, some republicans want bannon banished. he looked like some disheveled drunk that wandered in off the street. i think we should shun him. i think we should cut him off. jon karl with us live from the white house tonight. and jon, we re learning that president trump actually reached out to the senator-elect from alabama, doug jones, today? reporter: the white house has confirmed that the president called doug jones to congratulate him on his victory. jones says the president also invited him to the white house. as for roy moore, he still hasn t conceded, he insists the race remains too close to call, although election officials in alabama say there is no reason to question the results, which are expected to be certified before the end of the month.
david? all right, jon, great to have you, as always. now, to the fbi tonight, and the russia investigation, and this question. is there bias inside that fbi investigation? tonight, right here, the text messages, and the deputy attorney general in the hot seat. rod rosenstein on capitol hill, facing tough questions about alleged bias. and he was asked, has he faced any pressure to fire robert mueller? here s abc s senior justice correspondent pierre thomas tonight. reporter: tonight, the fbi on the hot seat amid questions of fbi bias, after hundreds of text messages, some of them anti-trump, between an fbi agent and fbi attorney, have been made public. the messages were exchanged during the primaries between peter strzok and lisa page, shown here in a daily mail tv photo. long before the russia investigation was under way. donald trump often the target of the fbi employees ire. but they take aim at others, too. still, they re drawing fire for some. in august 2015, page texts, i just saw my first bernie sanders bumper sticker. made me want to key the car.
agent strzok responds, he s an idiot like trump. figure they ll cancel each other out. three months later, strzok writes, at some point, the republican party needs to pull their head out of their expletive. shows no sign of occurring any time soon. the day after a republican primary debate, page writes this text god, trump is a loathsome human. he may win, agent struck responds. america will get what the voting public deserves. that s what i m afraid of, says page. strzok writes, god, hillary should win 100 million to 0. page s response, i know. also, did you hear him make a comment about the size of his blank earlier? this man cannot be president. strzok was removed in july from special counsel robert mueller s team, because of these texts. on capitol hill today, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein answering questions about whether there s bias in the fbi and the justice department. i think it s important to
recognize that when we talk about political affiliation, that all demonstrates political affiliation. the issue of bias is something different. we recognize we have employees with political opinions and it is our responsibility to make sure those opinions do not influence their actions. reporter: rosenstein also pressed about special counsel robert mueller. he was asked if anyone had pressured the department to fire him. nobody has communicated to me a desire to remove robert mueller. i think it would be very difficult, congressman, for anybody to find somebody better qualified for this job. director mueller has, throughout his lifetime, been a dedicated and respected and heroic public servant. pierre thomas with us live tonight. and pierre, you were watching this hearing today, but you were also watching something else, you and the team. donald trump jr. interviewed behind closed doors by the senate intelligence committee. the third committee now to talk to him about that trump tower meeting with a russian lawyer during the campaign. the e-mail that don jr. received promising dirt on hillary clinton. he was questioned about his contacts with wikileaks? reporter: that s right,
david. the president s son, don jr., was behind closed doors for more than eight hours, being questioned by senate investigators on all those topics. david, a full day of grilling. pierre thomas, thank you. there was a high profile departure at the white house today. the press secretary announcing the resignation of omarosa manigault newman, a former contestant on the apprentice. why is she suddenly out of the west wing? abc s senior white house correspondent cecilia vega tonight. omarosa has to go. you re fired. reporter: it happened three times on the apprentice. and tonight, omarosa manigault newman is out of a job at the white house. the official line, she resigned, quote, to pursue other opportunities. but multiple sources tell abc news manigault newman was fired. and in a dramatic departure fit for a reality tv star, she was escorted off the white house grounds. polarizing to say the least. every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to president trump. reporter: she was also one of
the most high profile african-american staffers in the administration. a friend of the boss, who could walk into the oval office whenever she wanted. that is, until chief of staff john kelly took over. she notoriously clashed with fellow aides, and there was this scene at a journalism conference this summer. if you don t want to be here, don t be here. don t disrespect reporter: many in the west wing couldn t even say what she did in her role as director of communications for the office of public liaison. and she will perhaps best be remembered for her lavish wedding and showing up to the white house wearing her wedding dress. a party van full of guests with her for an unannounced photo shoot. cecilia vega with us live at the white house tonight. and cecilia, omarosa, a long-time favorite of president trump s, but as you reported, chief of staff john kelly, not a fan? reporter: yeah, david, he cut off her access to the oval office, that did not make her happy, either. and there does not seem to be
much love lost here among many sources in the west wing. one source described omarosa as, quote, one disaster after the next. david? okay. cecilia vega with us tonight. thank you. next, to a deadly shooting on a college campus near pittsburgh. the penn state beaver campus put on lockdown when shots were fired. police finding two people dead, a man and a woman, an apparent murder-suicide. neither were students. next, to grand rapids, michigan. officers pointing their guns at an 11-year-old girl, handcuffing her as she screamed for her mother to help. and what the police chief is now saying tonight. here s abc s alex perez. reporter: this hard to watch video sparking outrage tonight. no! no! you re not going to jail or anything. no! keep your hands up! quit crying. stop yelling! reporter: those screams from 11-year-old honestie hodges. the incident, captured on the officer s body cam, began when the elementary school student, her mother and aunt were leaving a home in grand rapids, michigan. police incorrectly believed a
suspect, sought in an attempted murder case, was hiding inside. stop yelling. i will not calm down. that is my child. reporter: weapons drawn, the girl terrified, starts crying as the officer cuffs her. no! i didn t do anything wrong. i ve never been in trouble by the grand rapids police. reporter: her mother demanding answers. you got us all into cop cars, have my child scared, like, why? for what? reporter: the grand rapids police chief admitting the young girl was not treated properly. listening to the 11-year-old s response makes my stomach turn. it makes me physically nauseous. reporter: and david, the police chief says the 11-year-old should not have been treated as an adult and says there s an internal investigation into the officer s actions under way. david? alex perez tonight. thank you, alex. next, the bitter cold in the east tonight, after a first round of snow. the highest snow totals in upstate new york so far. 15 inches in syracuse. a second round of snow falling right now in wisconsin, accidents lining the highways near green bay tonight. winter is here. wind chills, many in the single digits. meteorologist rob marciano tracking it all.
i know it s not officially here but it s here. reporter: it is. it s been a biting wind all day long. new york, not alone, as you mentioned. take a look at some of these numbers, what it feels like right now across much of the northeast. single digits in many spots. teens. and as we look ahead towards tomorrow afternoon, really, it doesn t get any warmer. nor does it on friday, because we ve got a strong alberta clipper that s bringing the snow to the great lakes. that s going to usher in more in the way of cold air. it s got snow covering the entire hand of michigan. detroit and getting in through pittsburgh. could see four to eight inches of snow including northern parts of ohio. by the time it gets to new york, though, tomorrow, only one two three inches, but maybe enough to slick up the morning rush. david? rob marciano with us again tonight. thank you, rob. there s still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. will your packages arrive on time? what we ve learned tonight. the new headline. also, the airport scare today. word coming in about the passenger plane, was it about to land on the taxiway by accident? the former vice president joe biden s emotional moment with meghan mccain. and news tonight about her father.
and the documentary so many of you fell in love with. well, there s news coming in tonight about the penguins, were they once the size of humans? a lot more news ahead. a lot more news ahead. a lot more news ahead. even a sw. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum aleve direct therapy. the only remote controlled tens device that s drug free, wire free for deep penetrating lower back pain relief. get aleve direct therapy with $10 back and extra bucks rewards at cvs pharmacy.
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if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. all right, no pressure, but christmas is less than two weeks away now. and with the record number of online purchases, will your packages arrive on time? again tonight, rebecca jarvis. reporter: with more than 2 billion packages set to crisscross the country this holiday season and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes. reporter: and just 12 days until christmas, the mad dash on to make sure that special gift reaches that special someone even the smallest things. reporter: on time. are sometimes the biggest. reporter: are you a procrastinator? yes. reporter: always last minute? yeah. reporter: amazon today announcing they re expanding prime free same-day delivery and prime free one-day shipping to more than 8,000 cities and towns.
prime customers can shop until christmas eve morning. and if you re not a prime member, you can do a free 30-day trial. best buy and target now offering free shipping on most orders without a minimum purchase. and this friday, free shipping day, nearly 900 retailers taking part. you get everything shipped for free on time for christmas. okay. i m definitely doing that this friday then. all right, free shipping day friday, but does it get there on time, rebecca? reporter: that s right, david. it does get there on time, by christmas eve, but keep in mind, some of these retailers restrict it to certain items and a minimum purchase price, david. all right, know that going in. rebecca, thank you. when we come back here tonight, big news on bon jovi tonight. also, the airport scare in atlanta. the passenger plane, was it about to land on the taxiway by accident? what we ve just learned. accident? what we ve just learned. you outf the game for weeks, even if you re healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization.
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they did land safely. former vice president joe biden sharing a personal moment. joe biden on the view consoling cohost meghan mccain. her father, senator john mccain, battling the same form of cancer that claimed biden s late son, beau. one of the things that gave beau courage, my word, was john. your dad, you may remember when you were a little kid, your dad took care of my beau. your dad, when he was a mil aide, worked with me and became friends with beau, and beau talked about your dad s courage, not about illness, but about his courage. it was a moving moment. late word today that senator mccain is currently being treated at walter reed medical center for what his office describes as normal side effects of his cancer therapy. senator mccain and meghan both thanking biden for his support. quite a discovery in new zealand to report. imagine penguins the size of humans. fossils up to 60 million years old revealing a giant penguin measuring 5 10 , 220 pounds. the biggest penguin these days,
the emperor penguin, standing less than four feet tall. we all love that documentary. and the new inductees into the rock and roll hall of fame tonight. oh we re halfway there bon jovi headlining the class of 2018. the band joined by the cars, dire straits, the moody blues, nina simone and sister rosetta tharpe. when we come back here tonight, we have not forgotten las vegas, and there was quite the milestone today. you have to see it after the re was quite the milestone today. you have to see it after the br when you have a cold. .stuff happens. shut down cold symptoms fast. .with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. tired of sore throat lozenges that only last a short time? try new alka-seltzer plus sore throat relief. the melts dissolve quickly. plus, the powerful pain reliever provides long-lasting relief
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reporter: when the sound of music became the sound of terror that night in las vegas jason mcmillan knew. i m just watching people get shot, and it s coming closer and closer, so, i knew it was inevitable it was going to happen. reporter: the 35-year-old offduty california sheriff s deputy stood as tall as he could to protect his girlfriend, ella gaete. i just made sure she was behind me. i just put my arms out as wide as i could, made myself a bigger target. reporter: seconds later, taking a bullet to the chest. he was just drenched in blood within seconds. reporter: ella knew that it was her turn to save jason. dragging him to cover, helping race him to a hospital. i was just telling him, you know, it s going to be okay. to just breathe. and that we ll go home after this together.
reporter: jason, one of nearly 600 people injured in the shooting, is paralyzed from the waist down. so far so good? reporter: but doctors tell him there is a chance he could walk again. at craig hospital near denver, he s been fighting to make that happen. you hopeful? oh, yeah, definitely. especially when i m lying in bed and i look down and wiggle my toes, it s pretty awesome. reporter: today, they finally left the hospital, and standing at the door, a row of officers, waiting to salute deputy mcmillan. ella by his side. i m glad she found that resilient, tenacious spirit that she has and drug me out of there. she s my hero. definitely. incredible moment today. cannot forget the victims and the survivors in vegas. thank you, clayton. good night. who s next? that s the question on the minds of many now that san francisco
needs a new mayor following the unexpected death of ed lee. heros in our midst. meet the two people now being recognized for helping save the life of a police officer. plus, the nontraditional twist being put on the nutcracker. live where you live, this is abc7 news. my interpretation of the political landscape now is in one word, it s choppy. that sums up the situation in san francisco one day after the unexpected death of mayor ed lee. good evening. i m kristen. grieve the sudden loss of life here, it is important obviously that we look to the future and right now the president of the board of supervisors london breed is the acting mayor. a special election will take place june 5th of next year. the winner chosen by voters will

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180106 01:30:00

a jagged ice rink but small powerful vessels like this one can break through up to 3 feet of that ice providing a clear path for other ships like those carrying heating oil. something so many homes here in the northeast desperately need. especially this winter. david? adrienne bankert, our thanks to you. next the storm leaving a travel mess. more than 5,000 flights canceled in just the last 24 hours. take a look at new york s jfk. firefighting equipment on the tarmac as an american airlines flight made an emergency landing because of an engine problem. here s linsey davis on that story tonight. reporter: tonight after the storm tens of thousands of passengers still stranded from both coasts. we re stuck here another day. all the flights before us were canceled. reporter: at laguardia, the thurston family has battled cancellations for their flight to aruba since wednesday. now we re booked for tonight s flight, but they had to break us all up, each parent s flying with children individually, but right now
we don t know how that s going to go. reporter: with new york s big three airports shut down for most of the day thursday more than 4,300 flights were canceled and dozens international flights to new york and boston had to divert to other airports. this singapore a-380, had to land at stewart air force base in new york, and 31 flights diverted to washington s dulles airport. we didn t have anywhere to go. reporter: some passengers trapped on the tarmac for hours as planes tried to find gates. some managed to make it out faced other problems. this american airlines flight from jfk to cancun, forced to make an emergency landing in the cold after takeoff due to an engine related issue. linsey back with us tonight. you were telling us some signs of life at laguardia but other airports remain closed? reporter: things are starting to get back to normal but more than 200 flights were canceled. let s talk about charleston, south carolina, that airport remains closed.
they got about 5 inches of snow but not equipped to handle it. the faa says they might not reopen until monday night. david. let s get to ginger zee tonight. this cold we can t underscore how dangerous it is. places like new york and set ten minutes of exposure and you get frostbite tonight and tomorrow morning. that s how close the windchill warnings are. from south carolina to augusta, maine and freeze warning as far south as daytona beach those are the windchills saturday morning. tomorrow morning what you re feeling like, indianapolis 16 below. new york city 27 below. it feels like in boston. turn it around in the afternoon you say it s got to get better. not that much better. not a day you want to be exposed. here s the last thing, actual air temperatures sunday morning, if philadelphia drops below zero it s the first time since 1994. thanks. on to other news this friday
night. new fallout over the book about the white house. after the president tried to stop its release, the publisher rushed it to bookstores today. in the book steve bannon turning on the president and his family. president trump is tweeting about bannon nicknaming him sloppy steve. the president is going after the author and the author saying he spoke to multiple members of the president s inner circle. he says they told him the president is like a child, does not read or listen. here s cecelia vega tonight. reporter: president trump headed to camp david for the weekend. as for questions, he wasn t having it. we re making america great again. thank you very much. reporter: the new book taking his white house and it seems all of washington by storm. at bookstores, long lines, within hours empty shelves. the president now lashing out at author michael wolff and former chief strategist steve bannon, a key voice quoted disparaging the president and his family.
the president tweeting the book is full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don t exist. look at this guy s past and watch what happens to him and sloppy steve. wolff stands by every word and tells nbc news the president s inner circle thinks he is unfit for office. they all say he is like a child and what they mean is that he has a need for immediate gratification. it s all about him. they say he s a moron, an idiot. let s remember this man does not read, does not listen. reporter: wolff paints a portrait of a mentally unstable man saying the president often repeat the same stories every three minutes and recently at mar-a-lago failed to recognize life-long friends. i will quote steve bannon. he s lost it. reporter: these incidents not confirmed by abc news.
but the white house now forced to answer questions about the president s mental stability. it s disgraceful and laughable. if he was unfit, he probably wouldn t be sitting there. this is an incredibly strong and good leader. reporter: their strategy, to disparage wolff as someone who had limited sources and limited access. the president tweeting today i never spoke to him for book, but wolff says whether or not the president realized it was for the book, they did spend about three hours together during the campaign and in the white house. let s get to cecelia vega from the white house. president trump was hoping to start the new year boosted by victory on the tax cuts but this book is dominating the white house s agenda. reporter: there is definitely a sense of outrage and frustration about that. but this is a west wing used to dealing with crisis. as one senior white house official told us, quote, people expect us to be running around with our hair on fire but hard
to do that when it s already been burned off. cecilia, thank you. next to new reporting on the russia investigation. several reports claiming that president trump directed his white house counsel to tell attorney general jeff sessions not to recuse himself in the russia investigation and reports claiming robert mueller has received handwritten notes from former chief of staff reince priebus that do shed light on the president s firing of former fbi director james comey. here s abc s pierre thomas tonight. reporter: new questions about whether president trump was attempting to obstruct justice by controlling the investigation into russian meddling. the new york times reporting the president ordered white house counsel to personally pressure attorney general sessions not to recuse himself from the russia probe but sessions did it anyway. infuriating the president. if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and i would have picked somebody else. reporter: administration
officials do not dispute to abc news that he pressured sessions. times also reporting new details of the president s alleged attempt to convince former fbi director james comey to publicly proclaim trump himself was not under scrutiny. he asked to get it out that i the president am not personally under investigation. reporter: the times claims former white house chief of staff reince priebus kept notes of conversations where the president told him he made that request of comey. special counsel bob mueller has these notes. according to the times as the president s frustration with comey mounted, the aide to general sessions approached a capitol hill staffer looking for dirt on the fbi director. tonight the attorney general spokeswoman insists sessions did not ask his aide to do that, telling abc news this did not happen and would not happen. pierre thomas live from washington.
there s also news tonight that the justice department is now renewing its investigation into the clinton foundation and whether or not donations were made in exchange for political favors when hillary clinton was secretary of state. your sources are confirming that? and we re getting reaction from the clintons? reporter: that s right david. our sources tell us the investigation began during the obama administration but has recently intensified. the republicans have been calling for it for months and the president had been urging the justice department to investigate hillary clinton and we have a response from hillary clinton s spokesman and it is blistering. he said let s call it what it is, a sham. this is philanthropy that does life changing work which republicans have tried to turn it into a political football. disgraceful and should be concerning to all americans. the goal is to distract the special from the special counsel s investigation and accusations from treason from trump s own people. next from alabama, a fire at the home of a woman who accused senate candidate roy moore of sexual assault. and late today authorities
revealing they are speaking to a person of interest. abc s steve osunsami tonight. reporter: fire investigators in alabama tonight believe that this was no accident. that someone purposefully burned down the home that belongs to tina johnson, one of the women accusing republican senate nominee roy moore of sexual assault. but they tell us tonight they don t believe this was any sort of payback for that accusation and not connected to roy moore or any of his followers. johnson claimed moore crossed the line when she was 28 and meeting with moore in his law office. he just grabbed me from behind on my buttock and just squeezed it really hard and i remember thinking i m so ashamed. i felt humiliated in that moment. reporter: the house burned down tuesday and neighbors report seeing a drunk man walking around the home before the fire. in a statement tonight, investigators say they re speaking to a person of interest. but say the ongoing investigation does not lead us to believe that the fire is in any way related to roy moore or allegations made against him.
no one was home and no one was hurt in the fire. neighbors say they know the man seen around the house and say he has long been a problem. david. steve, thank. the government out with a december jobs report tonight. the u.s. employers adding 148,000 jobs last month. fewer that man economists had expected but it is the 87th straight month of job gains. the unemployment rate remaining at 4.1%. and as for wages, average hourly earnings grew by 9 cents to $26.63 an hour. still much more ahead on world news tonight this friday. a new headline about the pulse nightclub terror attack. the gunman s wife and what she has revealed. the health scare for jeopardy host alex trebek. why he ll be off the air. and what we have now learned. the cdc next week will tell the public how to survive a nuclear attack. if you own a iphone, mac, pc, there is a major security flaw, what authors say you need to do immediately. a lot more news ahead tonight.
scare for alex trebek taking a leave of absence as he recovers from brain surgery after a fall. here s matt gutman. reporter: tonight, speaking a shade more deliberately than his normally peppy clip on jeopardy we learn alex trebek is taking a medical leave from the show. during the holiday break, i had a slight medical problem. subdural hematoma. blood clots on the brain caused by a fall i endured about two months ago. reporter: trebek suffering complications checked into a hospital in mid december for brain surgery. subdural hematomas are pools of blood on the brain. compressing it. they can be deadly. most insidious is they can go unnoticed. trebek has been hosting jeopardy for 33 years. the prognosis is excellent and i expect to be back in the studio taping more jeopardy programs very, very soon.
he could start taping as early as this month. now the symptoms of a subdural hematoma range from dizziness or a light headache to the severe like seizures. david. great to hear from alex trebek. as he said the prognosis is very good. we wish him well. when we come back, the headline from the cdc, they will tell the public early next week how to best survive a nuclear attack. as i mentioned, anyone who has an iphone, smartphone, pc, a major security flaw we have learned about and what authorities say you should do right away. that s after the break.
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or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. to the index of other news. the new headline about the pulse nightclub terror attack, omar mateen killing 49 people inside the club in june 2016. usa today reported recently released records show his wife allegedly admitting to the fbi she knew the attack was going to happen and saw him preparing for months. she previously said she did not know.
the headline from the cdc the agency said it will meet january 16th to come up with ways to help americans prepare for the possibility of a nuclear war including a presentation they re calling preparing for the unthinkable. the cdc calling a nuclear detonation quote, unlikely amid rising nuclear tensions with north korea. the massive security flaw affecting billions of devices. researchers now saying two computer bugs have been found in smartphones, macs, pcs that could allow hackers to steal information. apple, google and other major companies releasing software fixes. don t ignore them. they say you should update your apps immediately. when we come back, amid the frigid temperatures and the deadly storm this week we thought it was important to name several people our persons of the week.
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much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. sorry about that. that s alright. i got a box of em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool from td ameritrade. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it s the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how.
in boston people giving the city bus a push. they knew it was a job well done. and then there were those who have to work in this. the mail carriers and the motto, neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night. even pizza delivery men. listen to this man impressed looking out his window. pizza delivery guy, man, making the run. it s impressive. it sure is. in norfolk, virginia after ten inches of snow, greg is back to work tonight delivering dinner. we hope somebody gets him dinner too. stay safe out there. good night.
investigation, romaine carrying e. coli. why local farmers are not under scrutiny. i heard screams and everything. police arrest a man accused of sexually assaulting a teacher at a san jose middle school. it s not this suspect s only crime. spencer christian, still rain falling, a dry weekend. weekend forecast coming up. fire and fury is flying off shelves days before it was supposed to on them. i m jonathan bloom with more on the book about the trump white house on abc 7 news. announcer: this is abc 7 news, live where you live. the sign says it all, slippery when we. these are the conditions we re finding across the bay area. doppler 7 shows it s raining where you are right now. and stronger storm on the way. i m kristen sze. dry weather this weekend. but, a moderate storm is only a few days away, and it will

Ice , Something , Feet , Homes , Ships , Carrying-heating-oil , Ice-rink , Vessels , Path , One , 3 , Washington-by-storm

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - The Other Jerusalem 20171213 01:15:00

a jewish settler claims that he is showing us something that no one else has seen but not even a knesset member he says. it s just. jerusalem mean city of peace we learned that thirty five years ago when we first came to this strange place. it s located between the merits. uranian and the dead sea surrounded by valleys and dry river beds the city rises up to the temple mount. it is a home for all of the three major religions of the world judaism islam and christianity . was. here that jesus entered jerusalem as king to shouts of his santa here jesus healed the blind and it was here he was
crucified. jerusalem houses two of the holiest small asks for the muslims al aksa mosque and the dome of the rock where mohammed ascended to heaven on his white horse. and it is here or judaism originate it here lies its holiest site the western wall on the site of the first temple built by king solomon. it s all here. life should be pleasant here one dares to imagine. but the pleasure is deceptive. jerusalem is
a city of war and destruction. jerusalem has been a contested city throughout history and still today the city is a political powder keg. for israel jerusalem is its historic capital while for the palestinians it is their future capital. the situation has been rapidly to tear. orating we have felt it ourselves during the last two years. many books have been written about this strange place. dr mer margolese historian author and politician has a bow to his life to this divided city he is worried about the legacy of the jewish state. and playing good to several in the same single.
why. nobody in the government into me to really realize the deep feeling of mediation. that palestinians feel you should stick to the the role of the dignity in the palestinians for them is just a matter of balance and criminals that s the reason why the police took control of the city immediately it was controlling against the kings of the city to the police he given to seek mismanagement by the police. yeah.
close to damascus gate we need counselors ziad al homily. many people have told us he is the last hope for many palestinians in jerusalem. in the in this war. they don t give up for peace in. the world. and the only. ship at the start of the of it bothers us so whether it was the. yeah. yeah. there are the around. that will get it. good.
masculinist of it no less to live here resident this is about this facility and i think that the real bit of the things she s. interested in this is. for them to be aware that they re very young and the other about the bush did it. because she added i said the system over the heads of us i haven t yet had the pleasure to develop of it yet i ll send it said it had a little doubt the other day with him so much better than this one yet i feel as the other of a bad boy well off the drug problem doesn t matter but seven billion with a man i ll call up whatever the other element of. truth. for the good of. mission in. the woods is not. you know.
she s a sweet olds and others and the. owner is in a good shape. and if the shit be that me in a church. it s the end of the. insurance. who can get a mincha. it will pay. when ziad is not in his office he is on call twenty four seven for every new trauma. you know this is god also and of course that is the father. ziad
organization the jerusalem center for social and economic rights provides reports for the e.u. and the other international bodies on the situation in east jerusalem and. every assyrian family has own story. it. exhibition is closed and. we are to cry we are shouting we are doing it within to let all the wall of the stand that we don t want that his vision we don t want the cube asian we want one that if they should. come. in one nine hundred sixty seven israel. said war with its arab neighbors on the seventh of june israel seized
control over the entire west bank including east jerusalem and the old city was. too much. for me sixty seven was one of the most powerful years life has treated a self to war started we we get to read information from israel and then we discover that for four hours it was a miracle that the david and the goalie it east really beats the happens again and and did for us it it was a. deplorable that. yes you are a strong country strong people and that all of us. was
. created through us because deep. under home we re so naive to seeing so that the territories where hand that know our lives here that the we never ask ourselves what to put relation that leaves in these territories our thinking about ok could barone we have brought these spark of our easter but they are palestinians living to do we never ask over safe what they think about. it was on the civilians or all of the success of them. was an early warning of course we have that the war started if. you get
a number. all the way. any. of us it. just was together me and my mother my father was in the city. there was because of course no interest at the time there was what he said this week from the soldiers assuming of course. you know that there were killers. i left the house and i came here no. there are from some thanks derrick s without any signs or not then i tried to say hard for the facts then one
of the soldiers who saw me i thought relieved it s arabic. like you know what they re about but suddenly this guy who saw me then he shoot at me and i was back home to the garage all the families and all the neighbors. i think if he didn t want to kill. me shortly. afterwards most. everybody was thinking it s there and the thought of some modest. acupressure in the room and nobody thought that the think that you. east jerusalem used to be under jordanian rule. israel s capture of east jerusalem in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven removed the green line that had separated the city since one thousand nine hundred eight the year that israel was founded. later on israel made
a highly controversial move and annexed east jerusalem it was done against international law. and it changed the course of history. with. time it is a local hero in so wanted. he had quite a turbulent you re right and today is still a rebel well that s it. he dares to stand up and defy the authorities but it is not that he has nothing to lose yes to fight for his property family and for his livelihood every. day. he had upset at. this madness going for the fun last hadn t gotten in the safe in a. minute he went out going in the. images and for the rest of it i was
a cunt and all thought if we don t look at that eventuality. then to sheffield out of a list and. i thought of it hadn t i left it at the deal as of about. it only got a movie called you a liberal on it at the apostle to. check and i ll be off. that everybody in for the. fall of the wash it do you know what either well like i haven t had given the way it was either said the fact. that the us that when it does a lot. the first time finance house was demolished was in two thousand and thirteen. the authorities destroyed it as it was built after nine hundred sixty seven. we did not realize at the time that this was just one of the pretexts that would be used against him. demolition orders are hanging over him like
a sword of damocles. of a bit of. a bit of the if this good. you ll be able to buy a new head of it but at the he s out on the air but i m sick of all the shit out of these. other examines this mess while a swath of going to heaven had to have a little boy and have it does apply never saw one of them up thought no doubt the father brought him into that us we re going to. be almost all for me. a bit of the dump on a whole lot of it just like. it that. every time we go to see how he has
a new project going he refuses to sit down and rest he s always on the move. with. siwon is time leds birthplace southeast of the old city walls and in the shadow of the al aqsa mosque. this is a palestinian neighborhood a place of densely packed houses mostly built without agreement to. all of the components of the bitter struggle between israelis and arabs i condensed within salaam. today it feels like the core of the volcano. one kilometer east of highlands land is the israeli settlement mali has a.t.m. . here lives are eking. often flawed but by the name of the state not of him leaving not come up with the
hook but should become able to move forward on a. more limited because of it. ari is a passionate settler and a politician whose family moved to israel from england in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven his family first lived in a gaza settlement but later on he moved to east jerusalem. his mission is to claim land in the city that holds deep historical significance to all religious jews. the out day a million hundred families living here where we stand a good look on the temple mount and all the old city. unique sport with a unique view no doubt that in under the earth there would be tens of thousand of the jews there here. and believe we will buy more and more in situ on
properties from our roads they would sell because they want to sell to chew with and more jews would move the why would they want to sell because they want money. they simple. white people are sitting in stock or more in line or floor in the london or in paris because they want money and they want might be to improve the quality of life so that the still here and they move to somewhere else or they move or together from the area. i live will not sell his land. he never carried out the mission as he was ordered to do. instead the municipality took care of that kind of sixpence in november two thousand and fourteen after the thirty day warning expired. the bill goes up and the office i want to go to the book i do on this board is who is living
a good one or how the whole. thing was was. that stuff that. i live in an occupied city live in a city that forty percent of its residents don t have equal rights are not citizens i have to do something about it especially because i have a huge amount of privilege i come from the oppressing side of things i benefit from their question and i think i have a moral responsibility and that. was. that it all it was
a war. that the heart abiding is an israeli activist she pays the price for it. she is one of the very few who chooses to between the two societies she even goes to so why. one of the main issues and one is an archeological site called the city of david that is a governmental archeological site the government should be running it and yet they let the private n.g.o.s. settler organization that publicly says that their purpose is to judea is the surest and that s what the leaders have been saying they let them run that are killing and it s the only or killer in the country this depravity
that is run by the state. was really. that it was. the. one you re the one that fell just to know what they re going to fight on the what do you do that in the going to down the road and what that even weeks came back with the station to even though if you re one of the best places to explain it it s the end of an education it s a school it s called the gandhi or it s already monday what if you can shop for the kind of the range it is to live in jerusalem without understanding the city of david. so jerusalem
a city of david we see through our own being through rounded with mountain the controlling the city. we have everything we all here is that is this jew the tend to feel they belong to jerusalem. the city of david is a popular tourist spot in jerusalem. the united nations and the international community consider the site to be a settlement as it is built on land occupied by israel in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven. everything is still going to come through this is maybe somewhere around three thousand years ago. from somewhere near king in this he was standing in the foundation for he didn t sound good and he does david said you know it s palace. at the moment we have. zero.
here he was. looking right. follicle. posting first for him. right. when we stand here i m missing just one thing and see the temple. because knowing and believing that he threw abbeville the temple built i m sure would like exactly like doing the time of the first temple the second temple. it s where bring . real peace. and peace to the city and peace between the people and peace to the whole legion. see the flag still to be this is fill the flag waving flag it s my house i live in the internet i ses but it s new and it s new it s a new label. now most of the few jews in the. south part of the
land but we are working real working and all the crew make all of this is one nice united. tourist area where you can feel comfortable to leave feel david and to go into the streets it s a nice to. plan is to extend the city of david. through. k.-k. k.-k. . through an hour. archaeology and green politics are central to the israeli occupation of east jerusalem. where. we meet she lives in the quarter of so was her house is
marked for demolition. abandonment movie. and we are almost a month far. in who lindsay had to range young to be the most money and we re going on this everything in this city is not just adults it was. the mother heartland this may be. we haven t been sucking the banks it s mostly the not a bit of history in the center of the. country that you cannot put the show man show man the motor city son of sr so you need the money adequately. not a common. problem becomes. the hans. booth. i says and no is a big deal made that we had to open our coffee on
a how to care don t miss it but almost all of us are producing one or you know. we have a good number which is amazing it s feet planted close to the mission. it seems that there is no limit of. collective punishment from. your service to those ghosts to the same old to the city this is the idea not to shame. leonard he says he didn t have choices i want to leave the city you leave. two months later we are back in so long and tension is rising will look
a lot more. so hard is really at last is here to attend a palestinian public prayer and show solidarity with the protesters. the gathering is a protest against the constant house demolitions and new israeli settlements and so one of. every kind of practice organizing a bunch of people standing together will bring police. at this time they can decide to actually do it. or not. it s usually helpful that they see that there is very basis that they re in with a camera and kind of like in any kind of monday morning what situation is it kind of feeling that i m watching but you never know. ziad is here as well to check and to report about the tense situation and the protests are planned for every friday a machine because. i m sure the morning every
day i would have border police wasn t here there will be no one throwing stones or you know i m a criminal many farmers along the hamas our machine with. the palestinian mayor of so on is very upset during the prayers a new house demolition order was delivered. at about thirty two people was leaving here on this house i m talking whole families. when did the morning before a week ago. what did that mean that s bad. today where we was praying praying for a shot there and give it to him about this. yeah if you will dawn this story. we re gonna come and destroy you go ahead we re going to be on the back of my mind i want to. be going to. plan. b.
if you want to build you have to be roughly between forty and fifty thousand dollars for just the license and sometimes we never get this license. the demolition in the name of don t. add something without the license from town but i mean. you ll find one or more of their income from coming here but here but do you. live in mansions. like. this in happily about fifty people from their houses and taking over the houses it also comes in a wider political context if there is a strong enough jewish presence in these neighborhoods then there is no separation jerusalem palestinians will never agree to a separation of tristen without access to the old city so if you take over the ring
around the old city that s it game over there is no division of jerusalem there is no two state solution there is no state of pounds. the. in one thousand sixty eight israel declared a national holiday to celebrate victory and the six day war jerusalem day. when we were here thirty years ago this was a small thing. today it s much more political and some thirty thousand demonstrators are marching. up. the the. that bridge or are they going to. win a was.
very small. activist and informed to new one thousand and nine thousand of right when there is this donate a saloon that was coursing through. and now a new all with the knowledge and the family and the warst fields history of the peace. was the. law that. the world is missing one thing. and this is out forgot. it s written that big deal in the baking bit. and the whole army of god told us. it did but feel like
a little i mean. and the end of god was upon the properties each year and he brought him from babylon to jerusalem and placed him on a high. day he was shown a vision of the future temple that will bring peace and harmony to the world. in the vision and angel spoke to easy kill and sit son of man pay attention to all the time about to show you in. each to the house of israel the angel took easy kill through the entire temple measured its chambers and called charts its walls and it s against. the mosque that they built on the dome of the rock would be to take down nobody would notice you moved it twenty meters north nobody would notice and where i am looking forward to see. the temple. you
must miss yanni or something crazy because they believe that the reason why they must see us doesn t guns is because the church temple is not there where they don t have their old ways you know there are two must see yes they do come they should it collapse did almost iraq and then. from here even directly to this didn t map or always did it yeah it s in described exactly which would be what the size of. the high conflict would be a mistake is it s not that we would be size written it s very thin and have you started climbing you ve. got people already planted on top of the talks with
already planning. the planning it s talking about. it s not the never. going to listen. let s look. at. it. in the middle so. that the shelf off some place there s. just. nothing left but. what would you want me to say that s all that i left mr. i don t
. understand an astronaut who. love their image appreciate. that it s not all that much. about theatre. and i love that here that it has been there was that alice and i that i said to her that this love had to have know that the fullness of the love the. letter that right now but the but. the citizens said if they d been in the middle of. the city any of them and then i was there that it would know that the high school would get the one hundred fifty people wounded if you go before a few go but if you re going to go i have been here for a while that i may be in good by then he has been. at it.
but. he did. think. that. that. is a v.m.
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Settler , Something , No-one-else , One , Old-city , Israel-jerusalem , Place , Peace , Member , Merits , Sea , Knesset