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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 20140610 23:30:00

welcome to world news. tonight the breaking news. the deadly school shooting. shots fired. authorities on the scene. what happened inside? including the popular gym teacher racing down the hall to get away. the teacher was running away and he got shot. the gunfire breaking out just as school children gearing up for vacation. is we re on the ground tonight. the severe weather hitting this evening. the rescues playing out. the flooding. parts of the east coast and hart land now on alert. on the run a major rocky city falls to terror, the officers our american soldiers trained running for cover and families in traffic jams escaping, too. abc s martha raddatz on it all tonight. and your credit card, how easy is it to steal your
information? you ll see how quickly our correspondent undercover tonight is taught how to do it. this evening what you need to know about your credit card and how to secure it right now. good evening on this tuesday night. in for diane. we begin with the scene playing out. the last week of school and it happened. a gunman walking into an oregon high school heading straight for the locker room. opening fire. killing one student. others running for cover. including a teacher who was hit and survived. then that scene, becoming all too familiar. students streaming out, hands in the air. a mountain of backpacks left behind. as the students fled. at this hour we re learning about the students who survived. some who heard the gun fire while they were in the gym and others barricading themselves in. abc s david wright is there tonight.
reporter: 8:05 this morning in troutdale, oregon sirens blaring. police respond to a high school s call for help. priority call reynolds high school. got a report of shots fired in the locker room. at least one person down. medical is responding. reporter: police on site within minutes, guns drawn. and a swat team. students filing out, hands in the air, bags searched by law enforcement. i was really scared, i was like this is happening, this is real. reporter: witnesses say the gunman armed with a n assault rifle started shooting in the locker room near the gym, chasing a beloved phys ed teacher down the hall. he was carrying a gun running after one of our pe teachers, mr. rispler, who ended up getting shot. reporter: cameron and cayden were right inside the gym. the second shots were really loud and really close. our friend tate was banging on the door saying there was a guy with a gun there s a guy with a gun let us in, so we let him in, and we sprinted towards our weight training room and hid there. reporter: 100 students
huddles together behind locked doors. terrified. many texting their parents. when we were in there everyone was, be quiet, this is not a drill. reporter: the school locked down for nearly an hour. over the intercom, they said this is a real lockdown, turn the lights off. stay quiet, no cell phones. reporter: worried parents waited outside for news of their kids. i know everybody wants to get to their kids. we don t want a mad rush. we have got to account for everybody. reporter: one student killed by the shooter. the victim remembered tonight by friends. he wrote me a letter one time telling me he likes my smile. i can t imagine it was alex. reporter: tonight the shooter was a teen-age male. no word whether he was a student at the high school. authorities say they found him slumped in a bathroom stahl and
sent in a robot to confirm he was dead. as for the teacher, he s okay. he suffered only minor injuries. david. thank you. so many people reacting the same way today. how could this happen again? by one count this is at least the 74th school shooting since the shootings at sandy hook elementary in newtown, connecticut. on the map, every one of those dots, a school shooting in just the last year and a half. and one more note, the president today reacting after learning about this new shooting. just listen. i have got 2.5 years left. my biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who, you know, can do just unbelievable damage. the president today after getting word of the latest school shooting.
meantime, we re learning more about the couple in las vegas, the husband and wife who went on a rampage together targeting police officers and going after a walmart customer who tried to stop them. tonight what to do when you see the warning signs in your own neighborhood. this couple made some very alarming comments before. abc s senior justice correspondent pierre thomas with what they said. reporter: we now know that jared and amanda miller were ticking time bombs. their hatred for government was there for the world to see. you have to go down to that big stone structure monument and submit. sounds like nazi germany. reporter: they even told neighbors they were planning for war with police. i should have called the cops. because there are two cops who got families that are dead. reporter: now there s regret. i am so, so, so sorry. if it doesn t look right, notify the police.
reporter: we re learning more about the citizen who tried to stop jared miller at the local walmart after the couple had murdered two police officers. our victim mr. joseph wilcox was carrying a concealed weapon and he immediately and he immediately moved towards the position of jared miller. reporter: mr. wilcox walked right past amanda miller not knowing she was a threat. she apparently came up from behind and shot from close range. it angers me so much. reporter: tonight police are emphasizing if you see something, say something. lives are hanging in the balance. david. pierre, thank you. now to severe weather targeting parts of the country. 13 million americans in the path of the storms tonight. we have seen the flooding in maryland. drivers trying to navigate the washed-out roads. and there were people trapped under an overpass who had to be rescued. the water simply too deep were their cars to handle. i want to bring in chief meteorologist tracking this all in the weather center.
you were telling me there was a lot more rain to come. there certainly is more flooding on the way. a narrow band of storms between d.c. and baltimore. it sat there. the rain falling at three inches an hour. that s what caused the flash flooding. the next 48 hours it s going to be widespread. we re looking at the potential for more than four inches of rain from the gulf coast up to the midatlantic with the risk of more flash floodings. in the meantime, there s severe weather coming tomorrow. two areas of severe weather. one of them across plains from texas into nebraska. another one this the mid atlanta. the main threat will be damaging straight line winds but the potential for large hail. we re in an atmosphere traffic jam. this unsettled weather will be lasting through the end of the week. all right. our thanks to you. we turn overseas and to a disturbing scene in iraq. one of the very cities american
soldiers fought to protect, tonight now in the hands of al qaeda. so dangerous the iraqi soldiers our troops trained on the run and so are a half million families. look at this. a massive traffic jam. cars trying to get out of the city to get out of harm s way. abc s chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz who has travelled to iraq more than 20 times with a desperate race to get out tonight. reporter: the sounds of all out war. explosions, gunfire, al qaeda flack flying. militants moving freely throughout this city. once a focal point of america s fight to bring peace and stability to this country. face after face of the fallen, more than 200 u.s. troops in all, giving their lives to secure the city. now this. james smith. still suffers from traumatic brain injury after hitting a roadside bomb in 2005. my heart sank into my stomach.
it was very up setting because of all the hard work we did to save stabilize the city. reporter: it was where a confident david told me hundreds of thousands of iraqi forces being trained would not be intimidated. we can t have that situation and i don t think you ll see it hear. reporter: those same iraqi forces fled under attack in u.s. supplied armored vehicles. abandoning them, their weapons and uniforms. this is just the latest city to spiral out of control. now that the u.s. has pulled out. in january, we headed to militant controlled faluja. about five miles out the roads became more desolate and iraqi security forces warned us we should not go further. america s ambassador telling us then of his fears. it s very much in our interest to have an iraq that is stable and not to have conflict
or an al qaeda presence that can be used to disabilize the rest of the region. reporter: 11 years after the u.s. invaded iraq lost nearly 4,500 american lives and spent over $730 billion iraq is in crisis. those iraqi forces were trained and expected to stand up to the threat. clearly they failed. tonight there is little the u.s. can do about it. david. troubling pictures tonight. thank you. from afghanistan we re learning more about the five u.s. service members dead. they were killed in friendly fire. a u.s. air force b1 bomber rushing to the scene of a taliban ambush unleashing an air strike mistakenly hitting the operations team. one of the deadliest friendly fire incidents. in if last decade. in nigeria tonight the group that kidnapped hundreds of school girls has struck again. the reports that at least 20
women were abducted and taken from their town by militants. just five miles from where those school girls vanished. nearly two months ago now. just 24 hours after the diane sawyer exclusive with hillary clinton, look at the scene in new york city. families in sleeping bags, lines around the block, people behind the fences all waiting to get the new hillary clinton book from the former secretary of state herself. tonight not everyone wants a book. some want answers about mrs. clinton s comments that she and her husband were broke after their time in the white house and what did viewers tweet? about her golden girl s answer? abc s jonathan karl tonight. reporter: hillary clinton s book tour kick-off in new york looked like a campaign rally. many of these people had been waiting in line since yesterday. in her book, her accomplishments as secretary of state repairing america s relationships and pushing for human rights. but mrs. clinton has taken heat
about the $200 she makes for giving a single speech. it has been reported you ve made $5 million making speeches. the president s made more than $100 million. well, if if you you have no reason to remember but we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for chelsea s education. you know, it was not easy. reporter: that set off something of a fire storm. is this the first gasp of 2014. she s going to be explaining this one for quite a while. reporter: on twitter the #hillaryissopoor went viral. on gma this morning mrs. clinton did some damage control. let me just clarify that i fully appreciate how hard life is for so many americans today.
reporter: with humor mrs. clinton now 66 pushed back on suggestions her age could be a campaign issue. you know they have said that mitch mcconnell said at one point at a conference that 2016 will be the return of the golden girl. that was a popular long-running tv series. reporter: that golden girl s line prompted a flurry of tweets including this one, if ronald reagan could run for president at age 69. then so can hillary. and running is exactly what it looks like she s doing now that the book is out. she has 20 events in nine states all before the end of june. john carl with the reaction to the diane sawyer interview, thank you. now to the up roar over the move by united airlines. changing the rules and how passengers earned those frequent flyer miles no longer getting a mile for every mile you go. instead it depends on how much you spend. is that fair? abc s chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis. on p big debate tonight.
reporter: you remember george clooney counting his miles. and what hasn t done that. i don t spend a nickel unless it profits my mileage account. reporter: it used to be for every mile you flew you earned a flier mile. now it s based on what you spent. not the miles you travel. take one flight. the people in the front of the plane that pay more will be getting more miles than the people in the back. they re no longer frequent flyer programs. they re frequent spender. reporter: it s a boom for business travellers but not for the people in the back. delta, southwest, virgin america and jetblue have implemented similar plans. and now united is onboard, too. why are they doing it? too many american families are getting too savvy with those miles just like clooney. she just pitched 10 million miles. reporter: now the plan takes effect next year march 1st. the experts tell us tonight, if you do have those frequent flyer miles, now is the time to
use them. start planning that summer trip. a lot of people are going to be unhappy about this. thank you. take a look at this picture. the video shows the moment the crew a sheriff s helicopter was blinded by a laser pointer coming from the ground below. the bright green light filling the cockpit. the pilot using a high tech damage it, a night vision camera to track down the 19-year-old suspect who tonight faces felony charges for misusing a laser device. catching him in the act. more ahead. how easy is it for thieves to steal your credit card information? we ll show you how our undercover is taught how to do it and what you should do to protect your own credit cards. would you go swimming with the sharks? our team does for an amazing show. power and beauty inches away. stay tuned for that. feet.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
if you re trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate.
ask if xeljanz is right for you. take it on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day women s 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster. next to an abc news investigation. tens of millions of americans are victims of credit card theft every year.
tonight here see what happens when abc asks thieves to teach him. they had no idea he was a reporter. reporter: you don t need to be pick pocketed to have your credit card stolen. it happens to at least 40-million people every year electronically. an 18 billion dollar a year internet based business. remember the hackers who broke into target s system? that credit card information is then distributed in an underground web world most of us are unaware of. when we did a search for how to get credit card numbers we got 26,200 results. reporter: tom galvin with the online watchdog group digital citizens alliance, showed us how it works. reaching one man claiming he could provide credit card and social security numbers, $10 to $20 per card. every single card they block or cancel. reporter: the man on the phone is what called a carder, the broker between those who stole the information and anyone wanting to buy it.
we called him too. he told me if i bought 100 credit card numbers, he d also provide a how to manuel. you can use the numbers for online sales or make your own card. with machines that are perfectly legal and easily bought online. i bought that on amazon about $175. reporter: matthew ferrante is a former u.s. secret service agent. as a test, he duplicated his own card, took the fake one too a department store. so you took a blank card like this, took it to a store and handed it to a teller. they took it? didn t look at it? swiped? swiped it. reporter: new security technology is already available in europe and coming to the u.s. next year. in the meantime, carders are hard to stop. experts tells us for now your best protection vigilance. check your card statements frequently. report anything suspicious. byron pitts, abc news, new york. always check the statements. when we come back, the big medical headline for moms tonight. and tracy morgan. we have new details coming in on his injuries. his injuries.
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our instant index tonight begins with the medical headline for expected moms trending tonight. it s been wisdom they should avoid certain fish. but tonight the fda is urging pregnant women to eat more fish. those low in mercury. critical for brain development. they should still avoid high in mercury. we turn to tracy morgan still hospitalized after the car accident over the weekend suffering a broken femur. rumors swirling that doctors might have to amputate a leg. morgan s team confirming he s had surgery on the leg and saying his recovery will be arduous but his legs should be okay. we re glad to hear that. when we come back, our team under water with the sharks tonight and our cameras right down there, too. replace your laptop?
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mermaid hannah fraser looks like shark bait. reporter: but for fraser, there sharks aren t close enough. the only contact, a tickle on the snout. she is a very brave girl. reporter: her seemingly death-defying dance, a protest performance meant to show sharks man-eating reputation is undeserved. in fact, while every year humans kill 100 million sharks for sharks only kill about six humans. you surrendered yourself to these animals. there wasn t one single moment when i felt like the shark was going to attack or was interested in eating me. reporter: it s a point this mermaid s made over and over, swimming with whale sharks, manta rays, even a whale. diving in with her i saw it firsthand with a shark that seemed to crave affection.
but the list is real which is why her mermaid tail stays onboard. too easily mistaken for shark food. behind her! behind her! reporter: instead no mask or air tank. every 90 seconds she gulps air and another breath hold and she s back dancing with her shark friends. matt gutman, abc news, the bahamas. our thanks to matt and remember game three of the nba finals 9:00 eastern tonight. for diane and all of us thank you for watching. we ll see you back her next a tragic accident involving a 10-year-old boy and illegal fire works a spotlight on washington red skins controversial team name. i m sandhya patel. temperatures toppling today.
how long our cooling trend will last, coming up. a dramatic display of the dangers of fire works that turned brutally real in this san jose neighborhood a child got into his father s stash of explosives. good evening, thanks for joining us. i m cheryl jennings. the boy is just ten years old, now has devastating damage to his hand. it happened after he lit fire works, discovered in his home on lewis road in san jose. david? the lives of this immigrant have been turned upside down the son, disfigured by illegal fire works they re trying to determine whether the inr intent was to sell them. explosion so powerful, it blew the screens off the bedroom window, causing a neighbor to

Sky , Atmospheric-phenomenon , Cloud , Atmosphere , Atmosphere-of-earth , Nature , Phenomenon , Wind , Cumulus , Haze , Mode-of-transport , Horizon

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140514 10:00:00

to do it for them. kristen says i think the 9 p.m. curfew in baltimore city is a great idea. however, i think baltimore city needs a lot more than a curfew to handle what s going on there. thank you for responding. we appreciate it. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it is wednesday, may 14. i m elisabeth hasselbeck.ç @&c@ an afternoon of fun turns to horror when a bounce houpbs house gets thrown 50 neat in the air, catapulting kids to the ground below. how this happened and the latest on their condition ahead. the left slamming karl rove for questioning hillary clinton s health calling him pathetic and scared. but where was the outrage when the same questions were asked of republican candidates? a motorcycle slams into an s.u.v. head on and the guy on the motorcycle walks away. that was no stunt. that wasç real. and mornings, as far as we
know, are real, and they re better with friends. you re watching fox & friends. that s a great way to begin your day. thanks very much, don king. welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen. it is national biscuit day. that means a lot. it goes back how many is this the first year? ever since popeye s louisiana kitchen developed a special one, today you re going to get one. i cannot believe they re still working to improve the biscuit. to me, it peaked. repeat what s out there already. ç bisquick, that was your choice in your house? growing up we had biscuits until bisquick came along and that changed everything. they have gluten-free biscuits? yeah. biscuit day, something
to talk about around the family table. i was watching fox & friends this morning. ainsley and heather were on. what does ainsley do after the show? i think ainsley does this, fill in for heather nauert. were you really watching? yes i was. let me tell you what happened overnight. bigç developments overnight that will affect the mid term elections. clay aiken won the congressional democratic primary in north carolina. the former singer and actor squeezed out a narrow victory one day after his point chris kisko died. aiken faces an uphill battle against a popular republican incumbent. over in nebraska, key party favorite, ben saff won the republican nomination for an open seat after a heated primary. in west virginia seven-term
congresswoman won the republican primary. natalie tenet won the democratic nomination. whoever wins the general electionyu)s& make history. west virginia never elected a female senator. one minute it was staked to the ground. the next it was swept off the ground. a gust of wind lifting an entire inflatable house with three children inside 50 feet into the air. a 10-year-old girl did escape just with scrapes right before it went into the air but the two boys left eup inside ages five and six are in the hospital. one broke both arms after the other has a head injury after hitting a parked car. i heard him hit the ground and i heard screaming everywhere. little tykes is the maker of the bouncey house. this is their statement. we re looking into what happened. our thoughts and prayers are with the children and their families. a major health scare in
florida. 22 hospital workers at a hospital in orlando ordered to stay home now for two weeks after their exposure to a saudi patient that is infected with mers. the 44-year-old man reportedly developed symptoms of mers mid flight from saudi arabia to london. he sat in the emergency room for hours before being admitted into the hospital. this is the second confirmed u.s. case of that deadly and rareç virus. a happy update to a story we told you about yesterday. the 21-month-old boy with leukemia who desperately needed a lifesaving drug will get his meds. the company, chimerex, is changing its mind after first refusing to provide the trial medicine to him that would t virus. i was very emotional. it s been tough knowing there is a drug out there and we couldn t get it atç
first. i hope we don t have to wait as long as us and joshua s parents. you might remember the company chimerex that repeatedly denied drugs for josh hardy. they eventually changed course after eup tense public scrutiny. ainsley, thank you very much. in both those cases, our own peter johnson jr., america s attorney was key in helping them get it. we re going to talk about something that has a little bit of sickness in everybody s belly. talking about health, karl rove kicking off a political firestorm in a war of words with hillary clinton. he s getting slammed for suggesting clinton might have brain damage or some sort of damage after a fall she suffered, as you recall, in 2012. but he says his words are being twisted. elizabeth prann is live in
washington to explain. reporter: the new york post reported that karl rove did make those suggestions last week at a conference, and rove clarified on the channel he was never claiming clinton had brain damage but he did suggest details are not forthcoming on what medical issues then-secretary of state hillary clinton was dealing with. clinton s team is quick to fight back, oneç spokesperson saying quote they are scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offer. time for them to move on to their next decks pratt attack. rove said senator john mccain faced similar questions when he ran in 2008 and it s not an uncommon inquiry for such high-profile candidates. i didn t say she had brain damage. she had a serious health episode. this was a serious deal. she s in and out of the office starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic but then it begins an over a month-long period where she
has a serious illness ending up putting her in the hospital. jay carney mocked rove during the briefing yesterdav3 you re asking the question based on the assertion of a political consultant which is a kind waive putting kind way of putting his job. here s what i would say about cognitive capacity, which dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge the president had won reelection including the state of ohio, so we ll leave it at that. this incident stemming from a fall clinton took back in 2012 after returning from a european trip where she fainted, fell and did suffer a concussion. we have a lot to seeç on this story. elizabeth prann, thank you very much. she was supposed to testify in the benghazi situation and they said she was not feeling well. then she shows up with the glasses on. i thought it was one of the
most unreported stories. the secretary of state passes out; we don t know why. she comes back and testifies after delay. she wasn t feeling away. karl rove said she was in the hospital for 30 days. not straight. she had to go back and forth for observation. i remember working with barbara walters after she suffered a fall in the same season. hillary clinton sent her a letter explaining, saying barbara you know how it goes, throwing a casual comment out there when you fall and hit your head, sort ofç softening a bit primarily to a female audience. this is not something that is unusual to question the president s health. absolutely not. it is hypocritical for attacking somebody for looking into the records of somebody who may be candidate for president of the united states. the way i recall, bill clinton never released his medical records. i think they released a medical summary when he was running because people wanted to try to figure out what was going on with him for a variety of reasons. but there does seem to be
hypocrisy between the right and the left. but you know this. president obama talking about john mccain back in the day when obama was still a senator and how mccain lost his bearings. for him to toss out comments like that, i think, gives an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. a little hypocrisy checkup there. can you imagine if a candidate said my point lost their bearings. can you imagine let s go back all the way it s not thursday yet but we re going to throw back to the 1980 s, 1984 i believe it was when it was the second debate between ronald reagan and mondale. brit hume said let s try to understand what it was like for someone to questionç someone s age when they would be president. look back at ronald reagan running for reelection in 1984. he loses his debate to
walter mondale and i ll never forget the night richard threlkeld, the question was on the air as to whether reagan was okay. there were questions about his mental acuity at that point which he managed to take care of in the next debate. but all president s health records become public. age sharpens the issue. hillary clinton will be the age ronald reagan wasç when he was running in 1980. that s right. essentially i think what we have seen is a preview of perhaps a presidential election. if you pick on hillary for any reason, some will say you re picking on her because of her age, so you re an ageist. if you re picking on her because she s a woman, you re a sexist. she knows what it is like to be the target when she ran against obama. i think she is going to get competition.
governor o malley of maryland is going to go at it. let s see if he starts calling out hillary maybe that she s too old or more of the same. later on the show we re going to have a guest who says maybeç the biggest obstacle that hillary clinton has is that people have obama fatigue. fatigue is a real condition. very good point. there are conditions that should have been investigated, so we re going to shift gears to the v.a. debacle. jeff miller, a representative out of florida, wrote a letter to president obama explaining, daily we are hearing about the inaction of the v.a. and how veterans, 40 reportedly, died waiting on a secret list. this is just getting too awful to wait on. we should have a select committee to investigateç here. and eric holder, though, attorney general, says no, we re not going to do that. we re going to hold the offer on looking into why these veterans are being left to die after serving our nation. meanwhile you ve got
bernie sanders out there, and he s figured it all out, what s going on with all these people dying, waiting on these secret lists. you know who you can blame? the koch brothers. there is right now as we speak a concerted effort to undermine the v.a. so the point is you have government entity itself, social security enormously popular. medicare enormously popular. postal service popular. v.a. popular. what are theç problems? the problems is that all of these are large governmental institutions, and you have folks out there now, koch brothers and others, who want to radically change the nature of society and even make major cuts in all of these institutions or maybe do away with them entirely. amazing too, the guy talked about changing major
portions of society. he happens to be a socialist. a lot of people think in his view, we re all on the wrong side of society. but i think it s also important toç understand. this reminds me of, remember when you used to get spelling words and you had to memorize them and to help you do it, you had to use it in a sentence and you couldn t possibly think of a way to use this word on your spelling assignment in a sentence. it is as if he starts the day thinking how do i use the word koch brothers in a sentence? then he calls harry reid. right. and he says harry, i got my sentence in. coming up, he founded the weather underground, but no one complains when he sç asked to speak. coming up next. why did alec baldwin end
up in handcuffs? and guess what? he s on twitter again. it s progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was. i just couldn t handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes.
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and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there s tons of info on our website. that s why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you re all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america s largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon.
the list of canceled graduation speakers is growing this morning. we just learned international monetary fund chief christine le guard is withdrawing from smith college s graduation. she joins secretary of state former condi rice who dropped out as rutgers commencement speaker as well because of protests from a handful of kids. joining us to talk about what s going on, the president of the foundation for individual rights in education. good morning to you. thanks for having me. what s the matter with these kids? why don t they want to hear somebody else s opinion? it s amazing. much so we call it
disinvitation season. students get together, and sometimes faculty. i think it s the long term result of students believing they have the right not to be offended or even challenged. when you look at the woman who ran the i.m.f., you would think they would want to hear from such a powerful woman who ran the i.f.m. they feel because they discriminate against women or condi rice, because they feel like she had a hand in getting us into some wars we shouldn t have been in, they shouldn t hear that. it s almost likeç the students are trying to figure out who can we have speak to us who sounds just like us. that s exactly right. and it s amazing the purity test that students are implying. the chancellor of berkeley just got disinvited, just withdrew from haverford college. it is hard to imagine who is going to be allowed to speak on campuses anymore. kermit the frog.
they love sesame street ; not too political. how big a factor, greg, is the fact that on these college campuses you ve got all these lefty professors for four years beating into their heads a certain ideology and they want to hear that when they say the big so longç everybody? sometimes the professors are right in front. when it comes to condoleezza rice, that wasn t student led. that was faculty led. i think the entire campus environment and the problems of speech code teaches students to think like censors. this is a natural result in some ways of what they re being taught. i looked at the list. it looks like more conservatives or right-wing speakers get disinvited than to the left. but there is a number of of lefties as well who are left not speaking. r&c@ what does this say about where we are on college campus stph-s it says there is a real
intolerance for different points of view. students are not taught to say why don t i hear this person out? we send our college for four years for a different opinion, so they can see everything. greg lukianoff, sir, thank you very much. if i ever run a college, you re going to be my speaker. you hear me? i might get disinvited. you never know. straight ahead it is an olympic sport but the fencing team at one college is now kicked off campus and wait until you hear why. nearlyç 22 million millenials, the young people, still living at home with mom and dad. our next guest made millions of dollars in real estate before he turned 30. why he says moving out is the best thing you can do.
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quick headlines now. celebrities behaving badly. overnight justin bieber accused of attempted robbery. this isn t live, by the way. the pop star is accused of trying to take a woman s cell phone at a golf course in california who was taking pictures ofç him. alec baldwin arrested after he allegedly screamed at cops who caught him riding his book in the wrong direction down the street in new york city. he then tweeted this. new york city is desperate
for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign. his wife tweeted him back, shhhh! all right elisabeth. a record number of millenials, more than 30%, admit they re still living at home with their pare%ts. between college loans and cost of living for not taking the initiative to move out. when they do many choose to rent thinking that is a better option. blake sloan is a reality expert, also a millenial who has been recognized by forbes and the wall street journal as one of the best in this business. good morning, blake. your story is interesting. by the time you were 27 you were a self-made million. your mom is one of your employees. what was the secret to your success? just a lot of hard work in the beginning. a lot of sleepless nights in the beginning. out learning from the best and make sure we re innovative in our real
estate business as a whole and work very, veryç hard to do so. you talked about your mom moving into your business and you hiring her. many millenials are moving back home with their parents. 13% only say having their own home is a priority according to recent studies here. why do you think it is a better idea for them to get out of the basement and buy a home? right now such an unprecedented time regards to opportunity for millenials to buy, the a affordability of the housinghmarket. you can get a mortgage for about 4.25%. let s say you re too busy and you want to wait a year, and now you wait a year later, that same house, maybe about $270,000, with rates going up you re looking at a rate of maybe about 5.7%. now that same mortgage payment is about $1,500.
overall it can cost $100,000 more over the life of the loan by waiting one year. let s go over cities here. you say charleston, south carolina, is a good place for a millenial on a starting salary to look. it s been dubbed silicon harbor, the silicon valley of the eastç coast. it is a startup for tech companies. there are 200 miles of pristine beaches. average commute is 10 to 15 minutes. it has a great restaurant market. you can get a starter home for $145,000 or $700 a month. the second place you talk about is austin, texas. austin has a cool, young vibe. in the past five years, a big increase in millenials going there. a great music scene. you can get a starter home for about $200,000 or about $1,000 a month to buyç
there. nashville, tennessee? nash vegas is an awesome place. starterups come and thrive. it is an easy-going life. you can get a great starter home for about $150,000. orlando, florida? everybody loves orlando. everybody loves the weather. it is great in the hospital ity industry. we thank you for being with us today. nash vegas. coming up transgenderç national security officer about to get special treatment. have you seen this video? a motorcycle slams into an s.u.v. head on. how did that motorcycle rider walk away?
i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair
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it does? yeah. it s our shot of the morning. that s your driveway. my driveway. yesterday i posted this on instagram. i came out and my kids said to me, mommy, is it okay if i use all my talk to make use all my chalk to make a big american flag, make our american flag? i said oh yeah, it s quite o uz i hash tagged it raising patriots. it is so good to see that. it is so big. one of them ran over it on a bike and there was a big argument about that. and a little trail, red, white and blue. i just thought that how great that is what they decided to use all their chalk on. i m going to buy them more chalk. you didn t tell them to do it. you let kids be kids. you let them decide what to do with their time. from 6 p.m. from 6:17, you didn t say make a flag. from 6:17 to 6:26 prepare
for dinner. that is not the elisabeth hasselbeck way.ç some people refer to them as helicopter parents. others call them the beta parents. the beta parents will do anything they can, even when the kids are two years old, to make sure they get into harvard. they ll hire bilingual nannies, make sure they get the right foods. some serve them fish for breakfast? beta fish? yeah. here s the thing. that s what alpha parents do. jen nesser has written a book. she is saying the way parents areç raising their kids these days is a far cry from how we are raised. she says beta parents sometimes leave them alone with a crayon, a piece of string and cardboard box. beta parents let their kids eat processed cheese.
beta parents own televisions. they don t make cupcakes out of cantaloupes with frosting. they re saying back off, let kids be kids. there is a school of thought with parents that you basically have the kids and then let them get busy. don t bother me unless it s important for ten years. and now you have people, maybe the kids of those parents saying i didn t like being a kid, being ignored so they re overdoing it with theirç kids. they re scheduling their free time. there is no such thing as free time anymore. beta parents are the parents like we had growing up. when you look back to the way we were raised, we weren t the centers of the universe like many parents my mom didn t even like me. there you go. not at all. a couple of days ago she loves you. one time i tried to make ice cream out of bananas. it didn t go well. that was an alpha moment. as a mom orç kid?
as a mom. when our first child was born we looked at all those books for alpha parents. we were convinced the child should never have a fried food before the age of six. by the time our third child rolled around, we stopped at the mcdonald s drive-through when sally was born on the way home to get her fries. no teeth yet but we re stopping. what s your favorite beta parent moment? and what s your favorite the beta parent is somebody who is? hands off. and what s an example of looking back at what steve just said, maybe you were too there are two. alpha. beta. meanwhile, let sç start with the a ainsley earhardt in for heather nauert. i was the b child. you re the a team.
he screamed i am god, i am god! before ramming a stolen landscaping truck into a tv station in baltimore. the 29-year-old then barricaded himself in an editing room for five hours while he was watching himself on the news coverage. police eventually cuffed him while he heldç a golf club. no one was injured. the man who has not yet been identified is being treated now at the hospital. she was charged with attempted murder. and the exact moment she was attacked was caught on camera. this happened off the coast of hawaii. a man trying to rip out the diver s air supply. she was reportedly filming another diver stealing fish
under water when the man detached her oxygen. she was able to reattach it without shooting to the surface which can be deadly. the daughter of radio legend casey kasem makingç a desperate plea to get her dad back from her step mother. she last saw her dad on may 6. his health is deteriorating. and the daughter says the trouble with the step mom isn t anything new. we told her if it is about the money, take the money, take the house. we won t contest anything. take it all, have it all. give us our dad back. the family plans to file a missing person s report this morning. they think their dad might be at an indian reservation in washington state. it s the video we ve all been talking about. surveillance video capturing a horrific motorcycle crash in missouri.ç that rider slamming head on into the side of that black s.u.v. amazingly the biker wasn t seriously injured. he% himself up as you can see, and he walks away.
brian says what was he looking at? he came out of nowhere. what s happening in sports. thanks for asking. i guess we re on speaking terms again. nba playoff, a controversial call in the final seconds. the clippers against the thunder, game 5, 104-102, clippers. reggie jackson ends up with what appears to be fouled. the ball ruled off the clippers out of bounds. westbrook pulled up for 3, no good.ç he fouled. he goss a handle on 3. he does. the thunder wins. the wizards beat the pacers 102-79 forcing game 6. looks like charles barkley and shaquille o neal won t meet in the ring for martial arts. last week during their inside the nba show, gave fans a preview of what they
can expect. shaq said barkley backed out. i would kill him. i would definitely kickç his a because i m from the streets of newark and he is not. plus he s seven foot and over 300 pounds and barkley is like 6 4 and not. everyone writes me about hockey. hockey will be in the next sportscast. i promise. is there a score you want to give? 20 minutes before the top of the hour. transgender national security leaker chelsea manning. it gets more than 10,000 criminals a month but what do you know about u.s.ç marshals? next the fascinating details you never knew.
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the pentagon approving a transfer for private bradley manning to get gender treatment after being convicted of leaking top secret military documents, manning changed his name to chelsea and requested hormone therapy. the treatment is not possible in a military prison, only in civilian prison. okay. convicted killer van der sloot is reportedly set to marry his pregnant girlfriend in prison. there is speculation the baby is not his. a judge sentenced van der sloot to 28 years in prison for theç murder.
the little bit you know about the u.s. marshals probably comes from a movie. i did not do what they said i did. if you thought the chase was over, you ve got another thing coming. what are you going to attempt to do? a u.s. marshal is considered the most dangerous job in law enforcement and it s been around since 1789, but there isn t much known about what they do untilç now. this man served 28 years with the u.s. marshals. his book is out, u.s. marshaled: inside america s most storied law enforcement agency. what you don t know about them and what they do. mike, first off, you write this book, the sheer numbers of people that you capture is staggering. we arrest an average of around 23,000 fugitives a year. that s 10,000 a month
throughout the united states. these are the most violent of fugitives. they are wanted for murder, rape, homicide, child abductions, sex offenders. you name it, they are the worst of the worst. your jurisdiction is anybody, anything in the u.s.; right? correct. weç do also international fugitives, fugitives wanted in the u.s. that have gone abroad. we re responsible for finding them abroad. also foreign fugitives that come into the u.s., we re responsible for apprehending them. united states of america founded the witness protection program? that is true. since about late 1970 s we ve been in charge of protecting all the witnesses within the program, their families. that can include 24-hour protection while they re in danger. this is the ultimate reality show. there s only 4,000 of you guys? correct. there s actuallyç less than 4,000. in the fugitive program we have a task force network
of about 4,000 also that assist us. the bigger names that you ve captured, been a part of? the u.s. marshals arrested general manuel noriega during the invasion of panama. the d.c. sniper case, we identified two individuals in their vehicle they were in. guzman, most of the drug cartels. it goes on and on. just the organization and execution is something every government agency could learn from, don t you think? it seems like your chain of command is very pure. we do the most we can with the resources ue have. the marshals are very effective at it. one of the reasons is we get along with all other agencies and our state and local task force officers are such an integral part of what we do. you are related to wyatt earp. this is the legend.
i don t know exact what the relationship is. 30 years i ve been called wyatt more than i have mike. kevin costner had fun playing that. mike, the book is fascinating. thanks so much for your service to@-ui country. look what i ve got. my own patch. i m going to start speeding as soon as i leave here. coming up, they serve this nation only to be hahn pherd with out-of - only to be hammered with out-of-control student loans. have you ever heard of a drinking game that uses skee ball as its theme.
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a controversy is brewing this morning over america s favorite arcade game. ski ball. there is one calls brewsski ball where people drink alcohol. joining us for a fair and balanced legal debate, arthur aidala. welcome this morning. before we get to some playing of the game here, this is a big deal. it s going to come down to a lot of money. what s the problem? i ll start with you, with brewski ball using the name or is this fine? no trademark infringement? the line they re taking in
the beer league that did this in the ski ball people should zip their lips. aspirin, yoyo, zipper, are names no longer trademarked. they re genericked. and the idea in this case is that the brewski ball people are saying it s ski ball. we call this game ski ball. they can t trademark it. and brewsski ball doesn t confuse anybody, so go away. they say nothing going on. and nobody is harmed. this is what i say. first of all, it says right here, skiball, u.s. patent office. it s not a trademark, but there is a patent on this design and there is a company that actually owns the name. but the reason why he s correct, why all the names, yoyo and things like that are household names is because nobody went and did this and went to court to challenge it.
yoyo never went to court and said this is my did she this is our name. what would happen if they did? we don t know. so skisexual going to court and ski social security ball is going to court saying this is our name. they don t want somebody playing and getting in a wreck and kill somebody. now their good name, all kids love to go and play skiball are ruined. so let me ask you this, what s next? beer pong is something for ping-pong. should ping-pong be worried about their name being used there is no ping-pong name. if that s your example, it s not a good one for ski ball because there is no ping-pong trademark. we play ping-pong, you can call it beer popping, call it anything you want. ping-pong is more like football. whereas this is a thing. what if it looked completely
different? it s not the machine. it s the league that these people are not manufacturing a machine that looks like a ski ball machine, but isn t. so there is no confusion and when you got a trademark case, the issue is, are you confusing people? are people going to think hey, the ski ball company is running this league? there is no possible way you could think that. what happened between 2005 and now, because they the league founder, he gave the blessing in 2005. this is the interesting thing. when we ran an investigation into our company, life is lived chronologically. these guys did nothing to defend their name. then they went in to an agreement with the brews ski ball people. it was a handshake agreement. a week after they start to reveal confidential information. this is what s in the superintendent all of a sudden they say hey, our trademark, our good name and went to court. initially it was a publicity stunt for them to get a name and
it blew out of proportion. we re going to see what happens and how it unfolds and how the game unfolds, who is the winner and the loser. we want to thank aardvark amusement for giving us a nice time to play this morning. ladies first. i came so close. coming up, veterans being cheated when it comes to student loans. they were charged more than anyone. and speak of our military, he hasn t played football in four years, but that s because he was fighting for our freedom. that s about to change. the army ranger headed to the nfl. we re honored to have him here. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests!
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good morning. it s wednesday, may 14. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. an afternoon of fun turns to horror when a bounce house is lifted 50 feet off the ground with three children inside. how this could have happened and the latest on the kids conditions up next. they called karl rove pathetic and scared. what was the outrage when the same questions were asked of republican candidates? we report. you decide. but steve s got to talk first. that s right. then from the front lines to the nfl, meet the army ranger who is trading in his fatigues for a helmet and shoulder pads. yep. that s him right there. we got a busy two hours on this wednesday morning because wednesday mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends one hour ago i revealed it s national biscuit day and i ve just been told by the people at
popeye s that in addition to biscuits and gravy, they re bringing chicken. we ve been up since 2 or 3:00 o clock in the morning. it s lunch time for us. period of time near supper time. i had no idea that popeye s loved chicken. i thought it was all spinach. maybe that s a different pop eye. i remember something about when popeye was in the blue uniform, he was much more entertaining as opposed to the white uniform. you spent a lot of time analyzing cartoons, haven t you? how about pink? here is someone in a pink outfit. he has a bicep focus. good thing mine are covered. let me tell you what s happening in the news. a fox news alert. big developments overnight that will affect the midterm elections. tea party favorite won the republican nomination for an open senate seat in nebraska.
in west virginia, seven-term congresswoman shelly moore capito won the republican primary. secretary of state natalie tenet won the democratic nomination. whoever wins the general election will make history because west virginia has never elected a female senator. former american idol runner up clay caken won the democratic primary, one day after his opponent died. aiken now faces an uphill battle against the popular republican incumbent, renee elmers. look how high this is. a gust of wind lifting an entire inflatable house with three children inside 50 feet up into the air. a ten-year-old girl did escape with just scrapes just as it was taking off. but two boys, ages five and six, they were inside and now they re in the hospital. one broke both of his arms after hitting the ground. the other has a head injury
after falling on to a parked car. then he hit his head off the back of my car. then i heard him hit the ground and i heard screaming. little tyke the manufacturer said we are looking into what happened. our thoughts and prayers are with the children and their families. a happy update to a story we ve been following. the 21-year-old boy 21-month-old boy with leukemia who needed the life saving drug will get it. the company changing its mind after first refusing to provide the trial medicine to him that would treat his adeno virus. i was very emotional. it s been tough knowing that there is a drug out there and we couldn t get it. it should be easy. i hope the next people don t have to wait as long as us and
joshua s parents. you might remember the company from the case of josh hardy. it repeatedly denied him the drug as well. eventually that company did reverse course after intense public scrutiny. the 9-11 memorial museum opens up tomorrow, but we have this brand-new video just into fox & friends of what it looks like. the museum dedicated to honoring the tragic events of september 11 features more than 20,000 photographs, 500 hours of footage, and thousands of artifacts. 25 bucks. to get in. it should be free. it s five minutes after the top of the hour. karl rove kicked off a political fire storm yesterday in a war of words with hillary clinton. so he s getting slammed for people suggesting that he said hillary clinton might have brain damage after a fall she suffered in 2012. but he says his words are being
twisted. to sort it all out, we fetched elizabeth prann who explains what s going on. karl rove came on the channel this week to clarify what the new york post is reporting saying he never claimed former secretary of state hillary clinton had brain damage. listen here. she had a serious health episode. i mean, this was a serious deal. she basically is out of action from she s in and out of the office starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic. but then begins over a month long period where she s got a serious illness, ending up putting her in the hospital. we don t know what the doctor said about what does she have to be concerned about. so you see there that rove says details surrounding her medical issues are not forth coming, especially when it comes to the fall she took in december of 2012 after returning from a trip to europe where she fainted, she fell and suffered a concussion. he we want on to say that senator john mccain faced
similar health questions when he ran back in 2008, that, in fact, it s not an uncommon inquiry for high profile candidates. clinton s team is quick to fight back, one spokesman saying they re scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offerment time for them to move on to their next desperate attack. the white house even chiming in, jay carney took a jab at rove during the press briefing just yesterday. you asked the question based on a political consultant, which is a kind way of it is medical evaluation. shear what i would say about cognitive capacity, which is dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge that the president won reelection, including the state of ohio, so we ll leave it at that. clinton has yet to say if she ll even run in 2016. back to you. thank you very much. look, it wasn t karl rove, the first to on the national scale
to mention hillary s problems. i think it was two or three months ago, drudge report mentioned is she sick and people were talking behind the scenes about a myriad of intentional health problems for hillary clinton. will she release her medical records? i bet not. think about her husband, bill clinton, when he was running for president. he was asked to repeatedly and to the best of my knowledge, he never did. they did release a general summary about his health. but that was it. you want to talk cognitive capacity, which we just saw jay carney refer to, perhaps we need to check on memory because this isn t first time this has been tossed around because of cheap shots. remember when president obama was saying that mccain lost his bears because he was too old. listen to this. for him to toss out comments like that, i think it s an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. i mean, that s important to bring up. the other thing is, i said this
last hour, it was one of those underreported stories i can remember because we were just waiting to see if she was going to testify for benghazi. all we heard about is she wasn t up to it. somehow she had a virus. then she turns out, well, she hit her head. whoa, did someone hit her head? did she fall? yeah, she hit her head, fell. then comes back with these glasses. they go, it s just going to be temporary. that s how hard she hit her head. i m thinking to myself, that s huge. if that was in my family, that would be huge news. all of a sudden you re wearing glasses for months, you can t go to work. you re in and out of the hospital for 30 days. so i think ha as a consultant if you re asking karl rove to give his prognosis and he s on stage next to robert gibbs and other experts and ask him to talk about prospects in 2016, i think her health is only natural to bring up, especially her age. it s an issue. especially as it relates to benghazi. is she still not okay? still haven t heard anything as it relates to decisions made prior to, during and after. i m sure she ll be subpoenaed, though. brit hume took us way back
here, a little throw back tuesday it was. we re going to bring it to you on wednesday when he said look, this has always been called into question. remember when president reagan was facing mondale in the second debate in 1984? check him out. look back at ronald reagan running for reelection in 1984, he loses a debate to walter mondale and i ll never forget the night that richard thrill kill of abc news said on the care, the question was whether reagan was, you know, okay. certainly there were questions about his mental acutity at that point which he managed to take care of in the next debate. but all presidents health records become public. age raises that and sharpens the issue and hillary clinton will be about the age i guess that ronald reagan was when he was running in 1980. surely it will be an issue, her health. and it has been for a while. it s funny how rumors have a way of getting injected into the campaign. remember back in 2008 the suggestion that barak obama was
not born in this country. that actually came from supporters of hillary clinton. of course, here we are years later, people are still talking about that. just let s change gears and talk about your house. let s talk about your household perhaps. the author of good night nanny cam has come out with a fascinating look at overparenting perhaps in today s society, called a beta parenting where you are pretty much a beta parent is somebody that is laid back, kind of like the 1970s parent or the 1960s parent, or every other parent in america. alpha parents are the helicopter parents. they want to do everything for their kids so that the kids go to mit by the time they re seven years old. the beta parents, more like the way we were all raised. remember this? there is dvd s and videos out for the baby when it s in the womb, to play certain music. we had that. you did that? sure. see, that s an example of
alpha parenting. that s why i was doing a story on it. it didn t work, by the way. so this is what she said the beta parent said, they don t try to engage their kids every second of the day. sometimes they leave them alone with a crayon, string and cardboard box. they let their parents eat processed cheese. beta parents don t hide pumpkin puree in the pancakes. sometimes you let your kids color the flag on a driveway like you did. the way she has written this thing she wrote this beta parent manifesto in the huffington post, you really want to be a beta parent when you look at it as opposed to an alpha parent. we asked you what you thought. one said let kids be kids. that s how they learn. give guidance when needed, but let them be themselves. doug said when i was a kid, my parents were beta. i d be jumping off the roof onto
the trampoline and then into the pool all day. excuse me, i think that s a little bit out of control. do not do that. jerry e-mailed, my older brother and i used to travel by subway from the bronks to brooklyn to watch the dodgers play. we were 11 and seven and it took about two hours each way. i guess we had beta parents. that was the story back then. sure. these days that would be regarded as child abuse. anita writes on facebook, building forts in the woods, ice skating on frozen ponds, good lord, how did i ever survive a childhood like that? somehow i remember occasionally going swimming less than a half hour after i ate a meal. wow! that is incredible! somehow i made it. that s akin to joining a gang today. being beta may you betta at being a parent? keep them coming. i actually think i was definitely too alpha.
really? yeah. i think katy, my youngest, is benefitting from the fact that maybe i was too alpha with brian and in between i canned of lost interest with kind of lost interest with the last one. it s a perception that a lot of parents have. in the beginning they push as much as they can. i remember sitting at the table going what s her name again? coming up, america, what s hillary s biggest issue heading into 2016? other next guest says it s not benghazi. we ll talk to doctor, professor, genius larry sabato who predicted nearly every presidential race correctly. the brawl between jay-z and beyonce s sister raising eyebrows. we ll break it down for you. you, my friend are a master of diversification.
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we all remember hillary clinton s response to the benghazi terrorist attack. remember? what difference at this point does it make? it is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again. benghazi may not be her only hurdle for a potential white house bid. could it be her health or just general fatigue with the president s policies? dr. larry sabato is the director of the center of politics at the university of virginia, joins us with a look inside his crystal of people are going to be saying we need a change after barak obama. what do you think? will that hurt hillary? here are hillary clinton s real challenges, brian. not benghazi, not monica lewinsky. it s the fact that president
obama, at least right now has low approval ratings. if those approval ratings continue to be low in 2016, she will be held accountable. people say, well, she ran against barak obama. she has a separate identity. john mccain ran against george w. bush in 2000. didn t help him in 2008. the second factor, brian, is that there is some good research in this field. just a party running for a third consecutive term actually subtracts a point or two from that party s popular vote total. why? americans are inclined to switch out parties at regular intervals because the truth is, they don t fully trust either one and they want to avoid corruption. yeah. bush 41 followed ronald reagan, but did not get a second term. look at this pew poll now. 65% of the country said they would like to see a president who offers different policies and programs from the current president. 30% want to see a president with similar programs and policies.
that s right now in 2014. how much do we care about being the election is in 2016? we shouldn t care overly. you re right. polls can change. but americans do get tired of the same direction. i always like to compare it to tv series. not talking about morning shows, of course. talking about comedies, sitcoms and cops and robbers shows. how long do they last? very few go eight seasons. most go two, three, four seasons and people are ready for a change. right. except for cheers. i wish that could have gone on. i got to ask you, when karl rove brought up the health of hillary clinton, do you think that s out of bounds or is that up with tradition for a 68-year-old that did pass out in her last few months in office? here is something that most people don t know. hillary clinton, by the time of the election in 2016, is going to be exactly the same age, 69,
that ronald reagan was in 1980 when he was first running for his first elective term as president. so health questions are always legitimate. we never want to go back to the situation that we ve had that i studied in 1960 when john f. kennedy had some very serious health problems that were covered up and even denied, lied about. i know of nothing that would prevent hillary clinton from being president. she seems very vigorous to me. but every presidential nominee should have to have a thorough examination and the results of that examination should be revealed to the public. we ought to require that for presidential detainees. it does make sense. the kids are graduated and you can take the rest of the summer off. thanks so much. this weekend, brian, is graduation. i m not free yet. sorry. after that. straight ahead, veterans being cheated when it comes to student loans. they were charged more than anyone else. this morning we have a huge
update for our military members. her son was left starving and embarrassed by the school because no one told her about her outstanding lunch balance. so what did she have to do? we will tell you when we come back what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional. or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. callsmoking with chantix. a free one-on-one review. as a police officer, i ve helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is
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welcome back. time for news by the numbers. $100 million. that s how much student lender sally mae will have to pay for charging veterans excesstive rates on student loans. 60 million of that going straight to service members. a medicare fraud team. 16 doctors accused of making $260 worth of false billing. and two. that s how many paper applications obamacare contracts
process a month. a whistle blower said the employees are being paid to basically do nothing. steve has something special for us. i do. thank you very much. he was left embarrassed and humiliated, starving in school after his hot lunch tossed out. the reason? he was 45 cents short and didn t know he also owed 4.95 from a meal back in april. school didn t notify them. but his mom wouldn t let the school standard slide. she not only paid his debt, she also paid the balances of 18 other students. that mother, amanda cowan, joins us now. good morning to you. good morning. let me get this straight, your son is 45 cents short and they won t give him the lunch? correct. why? they have a no charge policy, as a lot of other schools do. did you know that he owed
4-point about five bucks from something he charged in april? no, i didn t. it was his last charge was april 15. you never got a notice that your son was delinquent, right? no, i didn t. okay. so he comes home and he tells you that not only was he short, he didn t get the lunch, and not only that, but the lunch person took the lunch out of his hand and threw it in the garbage, right? well, he actually called me from the school and told me they weren t allowing him to eat. i asked him what was going on. he said they wouldn t he tried paying the $2. they wouldn t accept it. so they took the lunch, threw it in the trash and that s when he called me. oh, man. here is what the school says. although we do not encourage the charging of school lunches, the union schools do allow charging many schools across the nation have very strict policies that say if a child does not have the money, they do not eat. we are proud to say we do not
have that policy. i can t imagine they re proud of what that lunch person did. i mean, they threw the lunch in the garbage and then your son went hungry. you re being calm right now. but you were really agitated the day this happened. what did you do first? first thing i did is i went to the school to talk to the lunch lady. i asked her, why wasn t he allowed to eat? she just basic well, he didn t have enough money. right. i was to the point i didn t even know what to say. sure. so you went back on friday and talked to one of the bosses at the school. what did they say? i went back on monday and talked to the vice principal. and you said? she told me i needed to understand that at the end of the year, they re stuck with the bill if parents don t charge, pay the charges. sure. and so you decided you were going to make good. fair and square, you did owe, although the school never let
you know ahead of time that you had an outstanding balance. so you wanted to make sure this did not happen to any of the other kids in the school. so what did you try to do? well, what i tried to do is give her $250 to not only pay the bill, but distribute the rest of it in the accounts of the 19 kids on the list. she told me they couldn t do that. sure. but they wouldn t take 250 bucks, would they? no. she took 60. she paid the $53 tab and put the rest on my son s account. well, now he can have lunch for the rest of the year. but the damage is done. i know he was humiliated. but you made it very clear that it was not appropriate, although the school doesn t feel like they did anything wrong, which is crazy. well, they said they followed within their guidelines. no disciplinary action will be taken. yeah, but he was 45 cents short. just give him the piece of pizza. i know. i don t understand throwing it
in the trash. exactly. it s not solving the problem. it s crazy. thank you very much. summer is coming. he s not going to have to stand in that lunch line much longer. he s not. bad memory. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, rubio for president. the republican senator said he may still be in for 2016 no matter who else is running. that includes somebody else. jackie kennedy s deepest secrets revealed 14 years of personal letters now made public. the intimate details, including what the first lady feared most about marrying that man, jfk. for paul ridley there s no substitute for advil. it s built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you
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yes, they are. free biscuit today at any popeye s with a purchase all day long. you can t beat that. why is it you love the biscuit? i know the guy who started pop eye s worked on it for two years in a culinary lab. well, my biscuits are the best tasting in the known universe and my popeye s customers are the best customers in the world. you re taking credit for the entire organization? the entire organization because i love my biscuits. so come on in today at any popeye s for any purchase, you ll get a free biscuit. it s perfect with the chicken. of course. i grew up on the popeye s spicy chicken. i love that stuff. you got locations across the country. so drop by a popeye s, buy something and you get a free biscuit. very nice. honey on it. we ll have to do that. that s the way i like it. perfect. yes. amy, annie, thank you very much. thank you.
now to ainsley, time for the news. thanks so much. we re going to start with this, a major health scare in florida. 22 hospital workers at an orlando hospital ordered to stay home for two weeks after they were exposed to a patient infected with mers. the 44-year-old man developed symptoms of that virus mid flight from saudi arabia to london. he sat in the emergency room in orlando for hours before being admitted into the hospital. this is the second confirmed u.s. case of the deadly rare virus. rubio for president? the republican florida senator now admits that he would still enter the 2016 race even if it meant running against former florida governor jeb bush. he says the presidential candidate doesn t make decisions based on what someone else does. i think when someone contemplates running for president of the united states, you too so based on a criteria that you set for yourself. i don t think they re decisions
based with someone else s decisions in mind and i bet if he was here, he would give you the exact same answer. i think that s the way you approach a decision of that magnitude is based on your own criteria. not what someone else might or might not do. he admits jeb bush would make a formidable president, a candidate at least, for president. newly discovered letters revealing 14 years of secrets from jackie kennedy bearing her soul to an irish priest that she met only twice, but had written to for years. she opens up about her fears of marrying jfk because he might be like her father, she says. she goes on to say, quote, he loves the chase and he is bored with the conquest and once married, needs proof he s still attractive, so he flirts with other women and resents you. the unpublished letters are up for auction next month. fencing might be an olympic sport, but tell that to the officials at north dakota state university because they have
banned it, saying the sword-like equipment known as foils are deemed weapons and as such possession or use on the university campus owned or controlled property is prohibited. the sword, however, has no actual blade and does not have a sharp tip. the team is now forced to move off campus. and those are your headlines, my friends. over to you on the sofa. is it arthur? it is. we got to get ainsley a monitor. she should have seen awe long time ago. leave ainsley alone! that s for tomorrow s segment. i m with you on that. let s talk about this. so we ve seen it on television. important case. surveillance video, it looks like beyonce s sister is beating up jay-z. that s an elevator at the standard hotel in new york. so we have many legal questions. first of all, there is a story out there that tmz paid $250,000 for that video.
to whom? that s the question. do they pay it first of all, let s get this out of the way. it s not jay-z s video. it s not beyonce s video. when you re in a public hallway, on a public street, when you re in a public elevator, you have no expectation of privacy. so it s not your video. you re basically consenting by being there that you could be videoed in today s day and age. known a hotel? in a public place, yes. this was in their room, in the bathroom or maybe even a phone booth, some expectation of privacy. does that mean they can t sue for this video? that is correct. but wherever they had access so to that video monitor, that would not be a public place. that could have been a private place. here is the real thing, who sold the video? or who got their hands on it? is it the hotel who probably owns the video. it s their video. what if it is? or is it an employee of the hotel who stole the video? if it was an employee who stole
the video, they may have some big problems. criminal problems and civil problems cause it s not their property. but if i m tmz and i write the check to that shady person who did something that s a fireable offense and despicable, do i have to say who i bought it from? am i responsible to say you guys are the journalists. you re asking me that question? it depends if they say listen, this is our source. i don t think they would reveal. what if the people in the hotel, those individuals, be it jay-z or two other people involved in a domestic issue in an elevator, can that video that was wrongly sold, assuming that it was, be used to then prosecute one of them? yes. there would be an evidentiary hearing if it ever went that far about its add admissiblity.
jay-z could pick up the phone and press charges against her and she would be arrested for assault in the third degree, which it s a no brainer, which is a misdemeanor. all you have to do is cause harm and pain, substantial pain. so it looked like he got a little substantial pain in there. and on the civil side, if he wanted to be a jerk, he could sue her and for his injuries. and just for the record, it seems as though the story in the daily news today is solange was mad at him because he was going to rihanna s party after the big event. the undercurrent is he was supposed to help so dlange s career get on track. there is one more part. solange brought some of her friends to this party, the met party and they were using jay-z name to try to get in and he had just found out about it. he said, don t you have your friends using my name to try to get into any parties. that was what started the whole
thing. why do you have to go out to riri s party? why can t you go home with your wife? i can t believe we re talking about this on fox & friends. you were talking about the u.s. marshals doing all this good. your rights are not what you think when you re in an elevator. or hallway or any public place. you re never private. anywhere anymore, in my opinion. thank you. i just know this, this conversation was private, just between us. straight ahead, from the front lines to the nfl, meet the army ranger who is trading in his fatigues for a helmet and shoulder pads and hopes to put an eagle on that helmet. can you pick him out? yes, i can. but first the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1944, the film maker is best known for creating star wars. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. i ve got it, by george
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time for the celebrity s behaving badly edition of headlines. first overnight, justin bieber accused of attempted robbery. okay, it s not like he tried to knock over a bank. he is accused of trying to take a woman s cell phone at a golf course in california who was taking pictures of him. and alec baldwin arrested after he allegedly screamed at police officers who caught him riding his bike in the wrong direction here in new york city. he then tweeted this, new york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.
it looks like 190. now to a great story. when the battlefield from the playing fold, our next guest spent the past four years defending his country in the u.s. army. now he will spend this offseason trying to make the philadelphia eagles 53-man roster. joining us in his first tv interview. we are so thankful to have you here. what an exciting time for you, sir. thank you. appreciate it. yeah, absolutely. a good opportunity here with the eagles and something i ve been waiting for a long time. three tours of duty in afghanistan. now it looks as though you will have the time to go ahead and try to make this team. how now after serving overseas are you perhaps better prepared to be successful in the nfl? well, that s something that obviously the coaches will have to determine here in the next couple months. i ve been in shape as much as i
can, it s given me a little maturity and taught me a lot of things i can possibly use here on the football field. bottom line, obviously a lot of this is going off potential. i haven t been working out as a football player should have for the past couple months, just like everybody else has. but it s great opportunity and i m very excited to see what happens. they ve got to be excited to have you come there. this is something you ve long wanted since you were 16. but you were playing offense. are you going to switch from defending our nation to defending on the football field in terms of preparation, i know june 17 starts the mini camp there. what does this mean for your transition from the battlefield, just coming back to citizenship? obviously right now, i can stop dwelling on this and start hitting the weight room. a lot of that stuff, obviously
the coach also have to decide where they want me weight wise and how to make this transition a little easier. it s a path that not a lot of players have done. i know there was a couple players who play in the nfl. but it s a little bit of a complicated process. so i m trying to learn day by day and try to make adjustments as i go. you re a wide receiver, outstanding wide receiver in college and now looking to be a defensive lineman. you kind of stood out even with the fatigues. i imagine in afghanistan. but amongst these guys, these eagles, you won t. they have a bit of a history there of taking some risk. look at the size of you in that pick. what about the fact that they did a movie about a guy that was just walking on and made it and called the invincible requesting, now you re coming in off the battlefield trying o make it with the eagles. what is the key for to you adjust to this level of play in a position that you haven t been at before? listen to the coaches
obviously and understanding what they want me to do. obvious will he they saw something to make that decision, to move me to defensive end. coaching staff here is unbelievable. i ve been very pleased with everything they have to say and listen to their advice and work every day. it s a day by day sort of routine. i improve my technique. i go against the guys here and i try to get better and see where it goes from there. we can t wait to follow up with you. we thank you for your great service to this nation and we wish you well in that mini camp. thank you so much. he won t be like every other rookie. thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, his wife won t throw away any junk mail. she insists on opening it all. is this normal or nuts? dr. keith ablow will examine. first this day in history, 1973, sky lab, the united
states first space station launched in 1998. seinfeld aired its last episode. in 1979, reunited by peaches and herb was the number one song. that s how brian and i felt in this segment. we were reunited. we felt like peaches and herb. i was two. oh.
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what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. that s my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. the answer is george lucas and our winner, linda crowle. scottsdale, arizona. she ll get brian s book george washington s secret six. which i will sign, i promise. let s get started. who is normal and ho is nuts? it s a question we ask dr. keith
ablow every week and he joins us now with some answers. good morning, dr. keith. so we meet again. we do. so we have an interesting to st. why is it that young people, especially girls, add so many useless words to their sentences. examples are like, you know. is this normal or nuts? well, it sure is annoying, but it isn t nuts. like here is, like, what, like, this is like the problem is, i think, we re so uncertain as a culture about everything now that literally our uncertainty and our sense of having no autonomy is creeping into our language. it s all about, like, this, like, do you know. it s all about doubt. there is nothing certain. we better get our heads screwed on right. all right. sounds good. you just don t know when to start correcting that.
i do now. let s go to our secretary e-mail and talk about men and women. my wife won t throw out any junk mail. she insists on opening all of it and we currently have three garbage bags full of unopened mail. she has not had the chance to open yet. is this normal or nuts? for this you call a psychiatrist? she s nuts. okay. because you have three bags of garbage that she won t throw out. she either has ocd or those traits. here is the metaphor. she s been searching for something important in junk for a long time. maybe she thinks there is secrets in her family that are worth uncovering when there is really no love there. she s got to get to a therapist and find the truth about her life. not some publisher s clearing house letter she forget to open. maybe she forgot to open the big check. finally, here it is, when i m alone, i start thinking about loved ones and how they will be eulogized. i even think about how i will be remembered, too. that s cheery. thinking about the end.
normal or nuts? it isn t cheery, but it isn t nuts. in fact, i like it because you know what? here is the thing, here is someone who is not running from the ultimate truth that we re all mortal. that can guide your life. if you re thinking about how you ll be eulogized, you might just make good choices. i think probably more of us should do exactly what this viewer has asked about. that makes perfect sense. think about the impact you re making right now and ultimately how they will remember you. good advice. very nicely done. well, thank you. so you applaud the last ones steve. the other two you weren t too happy with. just e-mail dr. keith and he will have more advice coming your way. he does one of our favorite segments. keep that mail coming. thank you. still ahead, is senator joe manchin throwing in the towel on politics? he will join us live coming up shortly. russia firing back on the u.s., cutting off access to the international space station. by the way, i thought we owned
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good morning. it s wednesday, may 14. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. huge developments overnight that will impact the midterm election. we re going to tell you what happened in three big races, one of them will be a showdown for the ages. and just one minute it was staked to the ground. and the next minute it was 50 feet in the air. that is a bouncy house. kids are in there. three kids inside. so how can that happen? the company that makes the bounce house just spoke out. you ll see it live coming up. then should the health of a presidential hopeful be fair game? not if it s hillary clinton. why the left and some others on the right are hammering karl rove for something that all candidates we thought went
through. we ll examine. first let me tell you this, mornings are better with friends. float our pictures. it s time for fox & friends i cannot tell you how many that s a commercial on our air all the time. pinocchio would be a terrible what kind of speaker? motivational speaker. that s right. oh, boy. how many times have you been in a couple of times we ve rented those bouncy houses for our kids parties. those pictures right there, the first thing they do is pound it in the ground. how does that happen? they staked it down. i know! how does that happen? heather is off today. we ve got ainsley earhart in with the breaking news and we do have some. yes, we do. let s give you that break news right now. we re going to start with a fox news alert. big developments overnight that
will affect the midterm elections. tea party favorite ben sass won the republican nomination for an open senate seat in nebraska. in west virginia, seven-term congresswoman shelly moore capito won the republican primary. secretary of state natalie tenet won the democratic nomination. whoever wins the general election will make history because west virginia has never elected a female senator. and former american idol runner up clay aiken won north carolina s democratic congressional primary. this just one day after his opponent, the former state commerce secretary, keith krisco died. aiken faces an uphill battle against the republican incumbent, renee ale meres. and one minute it was staked to the earth. the next swept off the ground. a gust of wind lifting that inflatable house with three children inside 50 feet high. a ten-year-old girl was able to escape with scrapes, but two boys that were trapped inside
ages five and six, are now in the hospital. one broke both of his arms after hitting the ground. the other suffered a head injury after falling onto a parked car. then he hit his head off the back of my car and then i heard him hit the ground and then i heard screaming. little tykes, the manufacturer, released this statement. we re looking into what happened. our thoughts and our prayers are with the children and with their families. we do have a happy update to tell you about to a story that we ve been following here on fox. the 21-month-old boy with leukemia who desperately needed the life-saving drugs is finally getting those meds. the company is changing its mind now after first refusing to provide the child medicine to judson shepherd to treat his adeno virus. i was very emotional. it s been tough knowing that there is a drug out there and we couldn t get it at first.
it should be easy. i hope the next person doesn t have to wait as long as us in joshua s parents. you might remember the company from the case of another young boy, josh hardy. the drug was reapedly denied to him and eventually the company did reverse course after intense public scrutiny. the 9-11 memorial museum opens tomorrow. but we have this brand-new video just in to fox & friends of what it looks like. inside you ll see piece of history from that day, including a destroyed fire truck from ground zero and personal items, like a teddy bear. the museum also has more than 20,000 photographs and 500 hours of footage. those are your headlines. back to you. you walk into it, it takes you right back to that day. sure does. thank you. karl rove kicked off a political fire storm in the war of words with hillary clinton. he is getting slammed for suggesting clinton might have had brain damage after a fall
she suffered in 2012. but he says his words have been twisted by the press. elizabeth prann will break it down because that s not what he said. good morning. let s start from the beginning. new york post reported that republican strategist and fox news contributor karl rove made the suggestions at a private conference last week. not long after he clarified here on the channel. he says he never claimed clinton had brain damage, you about suggest details are not forth coming about her medical issues back in 2012 and early 2013. take a listen. she had a serious health episode. this was a serious deal. she s in and out of the office starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic, but then begins over a month long period where she s got a serious illness, ending up putting her in the hospital. we don t know what the doctors said about what does she have to be concerned about. hillary clinton s team has not hesitated when responding. one spokesperson said, quote,
they are scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offer. time for them to move on to their next desperate attack. white house spokesman jay carney even took a jab at rove during the briefing yesterday. listen. dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge that the president won reelection, including the state of ohio. we ll leave it at that. he also said senator john mccain faced similar health questions when he ran in 2008 and is not an uncommon inquiry for high profile possible candidates. back to you guys. all right. elizabeth prann live in the gray dc bureau today, thank you. thank you. karl rove saying it will matter because it has mattered. as elizabeth prann noted, saying we need to take a step back to 2008 when president obama actually kind of took a shot at john mccain, saying he was losing his bearings because he was getting older, in fact. take a listen to this.
for him to toss out comments like that, i think it was an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. okay. so where is the press attacking then senator obama for suggesting that john mccain was off his rocker? there wasn t any because there is just a double standard when it comes to the left and the right and the mainstream media. is it amnesia or hypocrisy? i m not sure. i will say this, karl rove was at an event. now the next thing you know, he s talking about it here, expanding on his comments. what he brought up was something barely reported. the secretary of state in the final days in office disappeared when she was supposed to be testifying. many people thought she s trying to get out of testifying. later they found out she fell, had a blood clot behind her ear, so there was a legitimate health situation here. so was it the fact that it was fatigue or was it after four years of rigorous tension and stress that she was in bad
health? she was worn out by the end. she didn t look like the same person competing for the nomination with barak obama. so i think that was an interesting point to bring up. and the fact that she s going to be that age, is going to be doing this again eight years later, i think health is a legitimate issue. i think when they talked about brain damage and something wrong with her, they re trying to corner karl rove into an explanation of saying you re out of bounds. i know nicole wallace who worked with president bush came out and said i thought that was out of bounds. i actually don t. especially after hearing karl rove explain himself yesterday. the biggest statement that was made about it at the time were the glasses she had on that people can use if they have traumatic brain injury, concussion. nothing was truly explained. the most explanation that we re look at them right here, the most explanation that anyone was given, as i recall, was a letter she actually wrote to barbara walters. she read it on air after barbara suffered a serious fall and she said you know how it goes, sort
of aligning their two situations, trying to be more casual about it. but there were not explanations. therefore, there were speculation about the spectacles and questioning going into an election is normal. so with all that speculation, it would be nice for us to all know what exactly did happen because when people had asked at the time, you got vague answers but nothing specific. bill clinton when he ran for president, he did not release his medical records. they released a summary of his health, but they didn t go deep enough for many into his personal health history. so don t look for hillary to do it either. the funny thing is as dr. larry sabato told brian about an hour ago, questions about a person s health is always legitimate when you re running for president. here he is. hillary clinton, by the time of the election in 2016, is going to be exactly the same age, 69, that ronald reagan was in 1980 when he was first
running for his first elected term as president. of course, health questions are always legitimate. every presidential nominee should have to have a thorough examination and the results of that examination should be revealed to the public. we ought to require that for presidential candidates. you like my input during the interview? got, which ha. it was on the cards. but it is an issue. people do need to know about the health of the person running for president. karl rove was really reminding hillary as well, look, you really want ten years of this? the road to the presidency is bumpy. two years running, eight years if you re reelected. do you really want that? that also is something that goes into the equation whether or not to run. speak of, is senator joe manchin giving up on politics?
the west virginia democrat is here to answer that question next. then russia cutting off america s access to the international space station? what? we got brand-new details that s going to get you going on this wednesday morning. what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it s the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal.
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after last night s primaries, west virginia is on its way to electing its first female senator. while they campaigned for a shot in the senate, joe manchin says he might be done with politics all together or just changing positions. he joins us now. senator joe manchin known for the man who gives straight
answers and doesn t really care what his party thinks. always great to see you. hey, brian. how are you? first off, the partisan divide, i know you ve been on before ask radio and tv talking about how you want to get this xl pipeline done and you also want a fair shot at clean coal because it means a lot to people of west virginia. right now do you believe you have the votes to get the xl pipeline passed through the senate? i do. i believe that we can pass it. the bipartisan fashion, brian. that s the way it should be done. the other thing is when i say clean coal for west virginia, clean coal for america. we still depend on coal. we can do it better. we have done it better. cleaned up the atmosphere and the climate more than in the last two decades than ever before. we can do more if the government will work with us. they need what we have. we want to produce and provide what we have. the partisanship is another story. listen, in this issue, you have democrats i don t care what they think. if it s about the election, doesn t matter. you have democrats lined up to
get over 60 votes and make the president do this, to get it back to his desk saying this is the sense of the senate. but your majority leader won t do it. when you looked him in the eye and said harry reid, why don t you do it, what does he say? i ve said harry, i came here to vote. i can take any tough vote. i can explain myself, i can look every west virginiaian in the eye and said this would help our country and state. i can do that. and i m asking him to open that process up. there is other reasons behind the scene, maybe we don t know about. but him and mitch need to get together and work and move forward as leaders are supposed to do. we re hoping that will happen. you re a straight talking guy. when harry reid when you ask him why, what does he say? basically he says it s a moving target. he makes one deal and they change to another deal. i guess it would be mitch and the majority on the republican side. i m not in those conversations, so i have to say okay, harry.
sit down and work through it. five bills, five amendments, they re all germane to the bill. that should be something we could vote on. i would hope that we could. let me just say this, i think the keystone pipeline is a very extremely important vote for our country and i think also portman and shaheen s bill is very important for energy importance. if we had to forsake and vote on those bills clean we should do that for the sake of this country. i would hope it would get done, but we ve been waiting for this for four years now. i know. let s talk about what s happening with coal. are you like marco rubio very much saying to yourself, i m not sure about global warming, weather has always been erratic and we should not give up on fossil fuels because maybe the environmentalists are putting pressure on us? let me just say this, i believe that 7 billion human beings on mother earth here have affected the environment and we re responsible for that.
with that being said, you got to find the balance. i m not a denier. on the other hand, i asked my friends from really the far left if they will, are you a denier? are you denying that this country can continue to provide affordable reliable energy without using fossil or coal or any of that? it s going to take all of us working together. so deniers on both sides are wrong. you don t get anything accomplished by just pointing fingers and saying this person is wrong. we can go along. if we go through another polar vortex that we won t through this win and they take off the fossil fuel, reliability of 10,000 megawatts of power, we re going to have people that their life is in danger and many people will die. we shouldn t let that happen. reliability is the name of the game. reliability, affordability, what we can provide in this country to keep us competitive. it s going to take everything. i don t want to be relying on foreign oil anymore. we don t need to be. senator, when are you going to decide if you re going to stay in that chamber? you re out in 2016. people are talking about
2018. i m sorry. i know it s been frustrating for a governor. might you run for governor again? might you run for president? brian, here is all i ve said. basically i don t want my time here to be nonproductive. and it has been a nonproductive time for me. that s frustrating for me. but yet i m seeing things differently. i m prepared to do things, i m prepared to work across. i will not go and campaign against a sitting colleague. i won t raise money against a sitting colleague, whether democrat or republican, whether they re my dearest friend or maybe not. i m not going to do that cause i think it s disingenuine to look them in the face the next week and say, listen, will you work with me? how can you work with me if i was raising money against you and trying to beat you? i m not going to do that. i m putting myself in a position that i can work with anybody coming together. i have said this, i want my time to be productive. i have an awful lot of good, productive quality public service to give. i m going to wait until the 2014
elections are over. i ll see the lay of the land in washington and west virginia and hopefully i ll see where i can be the most productive and where i can be, that s where i ll go. very much up in the air. very much. with the mine disaster on monday. it s horrific. i called both of the families last night. i don t know the details on it. we ll get to that. the safety of our miners is the foremost thing and we ll continue to do everything we can to make our mines as safe as possible. that s when you were kind enough to join us for the first time after that mine disaster when you were governor. senator joe manchin, thank you for joining us. still joe, that s the most important thing. that i know for sure. thanks. straight ahead, brand-new calls for a committee to investigate the scandals at the v.a. hospitals. but eric holder says no thanks? then it s not just a problem for the kennedy family. christopher kennedy battled alcoholism and addiction and he s winning. he has firsthand advice for every kid and every parent out there. he s here with his brand-new
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we got some headlines for you. the caught on camera insane video edition. first of all, a man screaming, i am god, rams a stolen truck into a baltimore tv station. he locked himself in the building, watching himself on the news before the cops arrested him. he had a golf club. a scuba diver claims this guy tried to kill her while she was diving. you can see him detaching her air supply. luckily she was able to safely reattach it. officials believe he was stealing fish from the reef, which is illegal. video capturing a horrific
motorcycle crash in missouri. the rider slams head on into the side of a black suv that was turning to the left. amazingly the biker was not injured, got up, as you can see right there, and walked away. elisabeth, over to you. incredible video there. no family in the political spotlight has been there more than the kennedys. drugs and alcohol fueled the family through scandals and tragedy. for john f. kennedy s nephew, getting arrested during his uncle s presidential campaign, led to a moment of clarity that would change his life forever. joining us is the nephew of jfk and the best selling author of what addicts need to know. christopher kennedy lawford joins us now. good morning. good morning. good to be here. your story, your family story is so well-known. and actually related to you. your story, you started drinking really entering into addiction at what age? at 13. my story isn t that unique.
even today. most kids begin this process early on, believe it or not. the issue becomes whether parents and society is paying attention. why? because at that age, between 13 and 18, you can really make a difference in a kid s life in terms of changing trajectory. in terms of statistics, one in four young people that use alcohol or drugs before the age of 18 technically becomes addicted. so when you think about right now the big conversation, legalization of marijuana, will that help or hurt addiction? i don t think legalization is a good idea. the two most damaging drugs on the planet to the individual and to society are both legal, nicotine and alcohol. so do we really need another legal drug? and big business is definitely going to take this over in terms of the money that s involved. it s huge amounts of money. most people when they re walking through adick and
running to or from drug, alcohol or nicotine, are doing it privately, but it affects everyone. cause it affects their whole family. it really affected everybody when you were arrested during a major election time. how did you get through that and what was your rock bottom? right. the people have to remember is this is a brain illness and also a genetic piece to this. i was 13 when i began this process. so i had the genetics. i also had what we know today that trauma, an adolescent who suffers any kind of trauma in their adolescence is much more susceptible to this illness and culturally it was an entirely different situation back then. we know much more today, we re paying attention and there is good science today. kids have a real opportunity to avoid this issue if it s picked up early. it can cost them their life. it almost cost you yours.
absolutely. your rock bottom moment as you describe it is? there is a lot of rock bottoms. what we try to do today is elevate the bottom. i hit bottom and bounced along that bottom for six years. addicts have an enormous capability to tolerate the intolerable. but today we re looking to elevate the bottom. we re telling people, you don t have to go there. you don t have to go to the bottom. there is ways out. how do you break the cycle and advice for the parents who right knew are looking at these statistics need it? i work with great team centers. these people treatment centers. they know how to talk to parents. it s important that parents pay attention and don t sweep it under the rug. know your genetic legacy. know where you come from. my kids know their genetic legacy. my kids, if they go down that road, they get talked to and there is boundaries that are set. this is what this is really
an issue that has to be dealt with in the home. sometimes it s dealt with with shame. how do you address that? the science addresses it. this is not a shame-based thing. this is not a moral issue. this is a brain illness. american society of addiction medicine calls this a brain illness. it s not a matter of bad choices or bad behavior. i would say the first step here that you discuss would be to check out this book for so many parents and people out there who literally have family members suffer from addiction. this will be a life what addicts know is this book will show people what addicts know and will help normal folks live an enhanced life. christopher kennedy law ford, we thank you for inc. bringing bringing us this great book. thank you, elisabeth. coming up, brand-new calls for a committee to investigate the scandal at v.a. hospitals. but eric holder says no thanks. is it political cover for another scandal? and it s an olympic sport. but the fencing team at one
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this is kind of cool. new research suggests people who are more ambitious will live longer, while people who are less ambitious will live longer with their parents. late night with seth myers last night. i m just shocked that the same background as the tonight show in the same city as the tonight show. two guys who look the same. all those shows look exactly the same. i have to do a double take every time. you do. you may do a double take on this. we have been detailing over the last week or so what s going on with veterans affairs hospitals. first we discovered in phoenix 40 vets sounded like died on a secret waiting list because they never got the care. now it turns out it s all over the country. extraordinarily, now the department of justice has announced no, you know what? we re not going to investigate this, even though it could be criminal. we re going to go ahead and let the v.a. do it first. then if we need to get involved, we ll get involved. so you have jeff miller op
one side, wrote a letter to the president saying, hey, this is serious enough. we ve got long delays, preventible deaths, botched care when it comes to our veterans. this deserves an independent commission to look into it. then you have eric holder who is saying no, we re just going to monitor it. it s on our radar. no need to jump in. i thought monitoring was for something that actually felt as though it was running smoothly, just in case something is going on. we now know something is going wrong here and our veterans have their lives at risk as they return home under this care system. this is the most political justice department that we can remember. having said that, there is nothing political about this. veterans are apolitical. they are wearing these veterans out hoping they would die to keep their percentages die and it continues to grow. every day we come in, there is another state with another problem. the attorney general walks away. so senator bernie sanders starts to speak about it and i m wondering, what s this socialist who holds caucuses with the
democrats have to say and harry s assignment every day is bring up the koch brothers. there is right now as we speak a concerted effort to undermine the v.a. so the point is you have government entity itself, social security, enormously popular. medicare enormously popular. postal service popular. v.a. popular. what are the problems? the problem is that all of these are large governmental institutions and you have folks out there now. koch brothers and others, who want to radically change the nature of society and even make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely. way to go, bernie. so he s been able to, in his mind, successfully connect the
koch brothers with what s going on at the v.a. that is one of the dumbest sound bites i ve heard in a while. for him to say that they are undermining the v.a., that s wrong. we need to investigate the v.a. there are dozens of people who perhaps have died because the v.a. in the management was doing something that was not up to snuff and now for him to say that, that s just crazy. to put them in the victim seat. he s saying the v.a. is the victim, under attack by the koch brothers. go figure. he listed everything that s not working. medicare is buried in red ink, social security is buried in red ink. you have the post office, they invented red ink. and now he s pointing to them as institutions that might be popular. but none of them is effective. they all have to be streamlined and reformed. it s not a matter of getting rid of them. nothing is work! next time you see story about what s going ton at the v.a., remember, it s the koch brothers, according to senator sanders. right. let s turn to something that
works quite well, ainsley, she s here. thank you. filling in for heather. the pentagon approving a transfer for private bradley manning to get gender treatment. after going to prison convicted of leaking top military documents, manning changed his name to chelsea and requested hormone therapy. the treatment is not possible in a military prison, only in civilian prisons. and new this morning, american astronaut back on earth after a six-month stint on the international space station. but russia says that he might be the last one to go up, at least from america. they re cutting off america s access to the space station. vladimir putin firing back over ukraine sanctions, saying russia will not help the u.s. launch astronauts into space, this despite america paying them $60 million per launch. we just learned
international monetary fund chief christine lee guard is withdrawing from speaking at smith college at their graduation. she was derailed by protesters. she joins secretary condoleeza rice who decided not to speak at rutgers for the same reason. students get together as among faculty to make sure students who have opinions they don t like get disinvited. earlier we said whether underground founder bill heirs spoke at a graduation in 2008, but he was disinvited as well. and take a look at this picture. it will melt your heart. a firefighter saving this kitten, giving the animal oxygen after being rescued from a fire in washington state. thankfully the kitten is going to be okay. the owners also escaped unharmed. what a sweet story. all right. now i am told i m handing it over to you, brian. all right. thank you very much. everyone is writing me for the
last month and saying, what about hockey highlights? i m waiting for them to get deep in the playoffs. rangers, penguins game 7, winner take all. the third period, 2-1 rangers. things getting hairy when the puck rolls close to the penguins net. it s almost kicked in. but the penguins keep on coming. rangers won a dramatic game 2-1. let s talk basketball. looks like charles barkley at 6 4, 260, and shaquille o neal, 7-foot, 300 pounds, won t meet for a mix the martial arts match. they floated the idea last week and even gave fans a preview of the type of fight. is there a script and rundown on that show? the reason they canned it, quote, shaq says, barkley backed
out. i m serious. i would kill him. i would definitely kick his blank because i m from the street and he s not. you re also seven foot and outweigh him by 100 pounds. fencing may be an olympic sport, but tell that to a north dakota state university. they re banning it, swaying the sword-like equipment, known as foils, are deemed weapons. and as such, possession of use of university owned or controlled property is prohibited. the sword has no actual blade or sharp tip. the team is now forced to move off campus. that s a quick look at the world of sports. i guess the biathlon would be out. you don t shoot people. you shoot targets. that s a quick look at what s happening in sports. coming up, veterans being cheated when it comes to student loans? they were charged more than anyone else. this morning we have a huge update for our military members. i m sure bernie sanders would blame the koch brothers. he raised $100 million to push
for climate change in the mid terms. liberal activist tom stiner wasn t always so green. he made billions off of coal. that man will talk about it next. [ male announcer ] ortho crime files. reckless seeding. .failure to disappear. a backyard invasion. homeowner takes matters into his own hands. ortho weed b gon max. with the one-touch, continuous spray wand. kills weeds without harming innocent lawns. guaranteed. weeds killed. lawn restored. justice served. weed b gon max with the one-touch wand. get order. get ortho®.
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welcome back. time for news by the numbers. $100 million. that s how much student lender sally mae will have to pay to settle claims they charged military members excessive loans. 60 million going straight to service members. 90. that s how many people arrested in a medicare fraud scheme. the suspects include 16 doctors accused of making $260 million worth of false billing. and two. that s how many paper applications obamacare contractors in st. louis are
tasked with processing per month. a whistle blower coming out to say employees are being paid to basically do nothing. that means zero. way to go. they just refresh their screen. tom styer pledged to raise $100 million for democratic candidates to push his anti-keystone pipeline climate change agenda. but where did stier make a lot of his money? fossil fuels. here to explain, charles payne is here. he made his money how? a large chunk of it from investing in things like coal. in fact, listen, his fund right now is worth about 19 billion. about 10% of that is still invested in energy. they won t say what exactly. don t necessarily have to. coal projects all around the world. indonesia. there has been this build up for coal demand. the tar sands out of canada. pipeline deals. it runs the gamut. so it s so amazing in this golden age of hypocrisy, this
guy climbs rapidly to the top. what s that message? just not here? it s okay everywhere else? that s an interesting message for all the democrats who is going to back them. maybe they ll tell their friends outside of this country, coal is not good enough for us, but okay for you guys. it s the worst form of hypocrisy because we ve had a war on coal in this country that devastated thousands of american families. great paying jobs gone. it s decimated them. coal is the fastest growing form of energy in the world. right now, the fastest form of energy growing in the world. a couple weeks ago, ge wanted to take over a french company that grinds coal because there is never going to be a treaty upon coal. all the stuff we re trying to do to be great global neighbors by crushing people in these great jobs is a farce and it s nuts. and for all the lefties who are driving their electric cars, those electric cars are running
on electricity generated by coal. absolutely. again, for me it s all the jobs that have been lost. the companies that are going bankrupt. for what? and for this guy to talk about this, i guarantee you, if we could follow him for a 24-hour period between a private jet and the mansions, he probably has a global foot print that sucks up more energy in a day than the average person watching this show in a year. give us a break on this. seems so disingenuous, sort of crushing these jobs and then also taking a back seat to the rest of the world when it comes to innovation. yeah. listen, the environmentalists, i don t know how they did it. they pulled it off. they have the upper hand with respect to the white house right now. they get their way. listen, this guy wa his money, $100 million this way, he should give that to some of these veterans that we re talking about all day long. there is a lot of other things you can do with that. in reality, you have enough votes in the senate to pass the
keystone pipeline, this guy doesn t want to get it done, he has enough money. the energy revolution in this country has been a god send and it really is the only thing that s keeping us out of recession right now. all right. charles payne, king of payne from fox business, thanks a lot. thank you. he seems nice. he sure does. coming up, she turned around the failing school system in dc, so it may surprise to you learn michelle rhee supports the common core. she ll join us to defend that. first, we ll check in with bill hemmer for what s coming up at the top of the hour. good morning. interesting discussion there with charles payne. leaving a lot of opportunity on the table. tea party comeback. we will analyze these election results. we ll see what they tell us in a moment here. breaking news, mining disaster. seems to get worse by the day on this story. and new information on the virus outbreak, what you need to know now. martha and i see you in ten minutes, top of the hour i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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creators and supporters say it s an educational initiative designed to level the playing field for students all across the country. but not everybody likes common core. i feel like the common core is driving a wedge between parents and their children. we don t like common core. it s a federal power grab. it s an unconstitutional mandate from the federal government. so what does our next guest think about common core? former dc schools chancer, michelle rhee joins us from san francisco with her take on it. good morning to you. good morning. we ve had a number of parents on who were puzzled by a couple weeks ago we had on an engineer father who said that he cooperate even help his son with a problem like this. this is an example of a common core math problem. it was jack used the number line
below to solve 427 minus 316. find his error. and write a letter to jack telling him what he did right and what he should do to fix the mistake. the father threw up his hands and said i can t figure it out. that s one of the common complaints is the math is so hard for the kids. look, i don t think that we should be complaining about having higher standards for kids. the bottom line is that the u.s. is falling behind. we are 17th, 21st and 26th in the globe in reading, science and math respectively. 26 out of 34 developed nations is not a place that we want to be if we want our kids to compete in the global economy. so are we going to have to raise our standards? absolutely. no doubt we need standards, but there are some who, for instance yesterday we had governor mike pence of indiana. they were the first state to opt out of common core. now i think there are over three dozen states that have said we just don t like the national
standards. we would prefer statewide or local standards. i think what people have to remember is this is not a set of national standards that was a federal mandate or anything like this. the common core was actually developed by governors coming together, local states coming together and saying, we want to do something differently. we need higher standards for our kids. and so it was really a locally-driven process. but one of the problems is the teachers are having trouble with it. in fact, here in new york state, the teachers union is now against common core. i believe it s illinois, they re against common core in the union as well. that s got a lot of people saying, if the teachers can t even do it, if the big unions are saying no, maybe we ought to start over. let s be clear that the vast majority of teachers actually support common core. in fact, by the unions own admission, 75% of teachers are saying that the common core is a good thing. the reason why union leaders are trying to avoid this is because they don t want accountability
now that the common core is actually being tied to teacher performance, the upleaders are saying wait. we don t want any of this. we shouldn t have a situation where we are allowing the union leaders to shirk responsibility. we have to have them accountable for insuring their kids are getting a great education. sure. well put. all right. we do need to do that, but none the less, the common core debate continues. it s great to have your opinion, michelle rhee, thank you very much. thanks. more on fox & friends, about two minutes away. (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes.
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that s it for today. we got a busy show tomorrow. how do canine dogs train? she ll be here to show us all of that. bob massi live and also real life models for charity. what else is tomorrow? throw back thursday. and it s graduation pictures. bill: good morning, everybody. busy show as the tea party making a comeback? that is the question after ben sasse, a tea party-backed candidate, won a key senate primary. watch here from last night. you told us that you still believe in the nebraska way and the american creed because it wasn t just a hope and promise of yesterday but it is hope and promise of our kid for tomorrow. you also told us that you wanted to turn the minority leader into the majority leader. [shouting] and it is time to fire harry reid. more from that now. good morning, everybody, welcome here to america s newsroom. we have a busy day. martha: good

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140808 10:00:00

the ugly. mets fans surprised after receiving this gift. that little image is a phillies logo. oops. thanks for joining us. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. today is friday, the 8th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the president takes action on the crisis in iraq. earlier this week one iraqi in the area cried to the world there is no one coming to help. well, today america is coming to help. he says he s ready to strike, but when and how? we break down all the angles. then hawaii bracing for two summer storms, one of them now a tropical storm. the other a hurricane. a tropical hurricane. maria molina is going to explain it all because it is changing in the pacific.
she is right behind you working on that very storm. then this principal asks her students to speak english in texas and this is what she got for it. you crossed that moveable red line, you will be drummed out of public life. perhaps you will be terminated. you ll be fired. you ll be harassed. you ll be called all sorts of names. why is no one coming to her defense? we ll look at that in about 30 minutes. meanwhile, mornings are better with friends. you re watching fox & friends. that s a great way to begin your day. we begin this day with a fox news alert. overnight the crisis in iraq exploding. president obama at 9:30 last night announced to the nation he has authorized targeted airstrikes against isis. doug luzader is live in washington, d.c. with what the president said last night. douglas. reporter: good morning. a couple of aspects of this, one has to do with
the humanitarian mission but the tricky part here is the possibility of airstrikes. based on what the president said last night he is looking at the city of rabbil as his trigger point. strategically important. when you look at this red area controlled by isis militants irbil is the last holdout. there are u.s. military advisors stationed in irbil and there is no question the white house was under enormous pressure to do something. earlier this week one iraqi cried to the world there is no one coming to help. today america is coming to help. we re also consulting with other countries and the united nations who have called for action to address this humanitarian crisis. while a lot of focus on the president is on irbil we also want to talk about the city to the west of there, mosul. there is a dam just north of mosul. it is strategically
important and it is a very complicated facility to operate. there are reports that isis militants have now gotten control of that. why is that such a big deal? look at where this dam is located. again, north of the city of mosul upstream from baghdad along the tigress river. if they control the dam, they control water supplies to a good portion of the country of iraq. this is one of the reasons why some administration critics say there needs to be a more robust response to this threat that isis poses. i think we need to give 24/7 air power around the kurds and we need to very aggressively go after isis. and by defeating them significantly in that region, they will pull back. i believe we can do it with bombers and with their precision weapons. and we ought to have very liberal rules of engagement and not this restrictive rules of engagement that they ve come up with in iraq and afghanistan.
the president, though, last night making it clear that he is taking a very cautious approach to this kind of one step at a time. also making it clear that this will not involve any u.s. combat forces on the ground in iraq. anna, steve, brian, back to you guys. last night around 9:30 the president got heend the microphone. you knew it had to be serious. he gives a live address, talks for about 22 minutes. in that address he says we re moving into iraq. and i thought he is very direct, concise, and then afterwards goes out of his way to say we re not starting another war there. engt humanitarian i think the humanitarian effort is laudable, typical of what we do. also i think we have to recognize that isis is an enemy of america, let alone the iraqis, who at this hour are in the process of replacing their prime minister al-maliki, about four years two late but replacing him. the president last night
announced he was going to allow these targeted airstrikes. but the curious question is why now? where has he been? this has been going on with isis building steam over there for months now and we ve seen genocide, and yet he s acting now. this is a far different tune than what he s been singing so far about the many successes in the country of iraq. we ve removed 100,000 troops from iraq. we ve ended combat missions. we are on track to remove the rest of the troops, bring them home by the end of this year. in iraq we ve succeeded in our strategy to end the war. we re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant iraq. ending the war was a mistake; i disagree. bringing our troops home was the right thing to do. the war in iraq is over and we welcomed our troops home. we have removed our troops from iraq. we are winding down our war in afghanistan. that is clear that was a mistake kicking everybody
out in 2011. big mistake because look at where we are now. isis is gaining steam in syria and iraq as well. we ve noticed this seven or eight months now. in fallajuh, isis took over. is this a campaign of the president in the middle east. the people in the world that want to kill us, the majority of them are aware they re in the middle east. and yes we need to save these 35,000 people because we re america. they either die at the hands of terrorists or die of thirst or hunger on the mountaintop. yes, we need to help them but what are we going to be doing long term? the kurds, our true allies in the rejn, people we can couldn t we can count on, looking for
autonomy, their economy was thriving. now they re getting killed; guess what? by the weapons that isis took from us because the iraqis ran in fear and are now beating up on the kurds and taking those regions and threatening their existence. joining us, a man who knows this region. how grim do things look and do you think the president is taking the right step with this move announced last night? if we analyze the two steps, one says if isis gets closer to irbil where we have staff and diplomats, we will do our strikes. what if isis goes to other cities and other places, control the dams and beyond? two, we can drop aid to those 40,000 or so on the mountain. and if isis interferes with that operation, we re going to strike them. so these are the measures to stop isis from coming into the capital of
kurdistan or interfering with that refugee problem. my question is how are we going to bring the refugees back home into the valley of sinjar? the president did not cover that point. that is an issue now. clearly it was a strategic disaster on the president s part to bring everybody back. there should have been some sort of residual force. now we look at where we are given the fact that isis has a lot of our hardware now. they ve robbed the banks in their way, persecuting and killing christians left and right. then you ve got to wonder where has the president been on this? in your introduction you said very clearly it was a strategic mistake on how we exited iraq. not the principle of exiting iraq. we did not leave behind us in the sunni area where isis is in control, allies and mad ras gave everything to mr. maliki and he suppressed the
sunnis, took care of the madras and isis was able to seize half or one-third of iraq. a lieutenant general yesterday said they are a 10,000 man army. there is only way to defeat an army. with an army. do you see it as something we have to do now, bigger than the insuj is i that we won bigger than the insurgency? absolutely, an enemy of iraqis, of the arabs, of the middle east, of israel and the international community. european union officials told me that they are concerned that isis already has somewhere between 1,800 to 3,000 jihaddists, half of whom are going to go ba to the west. we re talking about hundreds. remember, two guys with the bomb in boston, one guy in fort hood. we have hundreds of jihaddists. if isis is successful in
iraq they re going to come back to the west. not good news. in iraq clearly christians are being persecuted. but it is not just there. it is all over the world. in mosul we have 30 churches and monasteries under isis control where at one time there was tens of thousands of christians. now there s close of zero there. this is a problem around the world. what needs to happen? first of all, what we see is that the jihaddists are on the rise in many spots as you saw on the map. we see it in the boko haram in nigeria going widely against christians and the females. we see it in egypt. we see it in sudan. would he see it in syria of course. as you mentioned, in mosul and iraq. if you time it, of course persecution has been there for many years. if you time it and go back a few months, when we released those taliban leaders, it put the jihaddists on steroids around the world and you see persecution going high. you can look at the archives and make that
judgment. it certainly did embolden them. walid farris joining us live. thank you. thank you for having me. we have other breaking news out of israel. heather nauert joins us with more on that. good morning. so much going on overseas today. after three days of peace, the war in gaza is back on, this after hamas launched rockets at israel. israel responded by resuming airstrikes on targets across gaza and the i.d.f. is mobilizing at the border. police in gaza saying israel launched ten strikes and that seven people have been hurt. this all unfolding after peace talks that had been brokered by egypt hit a deadlock. while you were sleeping tennessee senator lamar alexander cruised to another primary win with 50% of the vote. during his victory speech alexander said the problems facing our country can be
overcome. you read much history, you know there s much more, that we have many more difficult problems back in the earlier days of our country. we re just as strong as we ever were as a country. we just need a different kind of leadership. also cited last night the matchup of the governor of tennessee. voters will choose between governor haslem and charlie brown. sad news out of the west coast. it is a tragic end in the search for missing jenise wright who vanished from her home in washington state. authorities found her home in the woods a short dance from where she lived. i cried. she is just a little girl. say a little prayer for her. just six years old. investigators say they hope the autopsy today will provide answers. here we go again. a top obamacare official
who oversaw the botched rollout admitted to losing important e-mails. marilyn tap ner who works for the centers of medicare and medicaid telling congress she may have accidentally deleted e-mails instead of saving them and because it wasn t initially reported it may have broken the law. this comes after the i.r.s. admitting to losing thousands of e-mails that belonged to lois lerner. heather thank you very much. right now tropical storm iselle had been a hurricane, now closing in on hawaii, while reyes didn t take cover while residents take cover. it outer bands wreaking havoc in paradise, these images from yesterday knocking down trees, causing power outages on the big island alone. whoa! that is huge. if it makes landfall it will be the first tropical storm to hit hawaii in 22
years, and there is a category 3 hurricane right behind it. maria molina, nothing like we mentioned surprises you. you talked about it yesterday. and you are in the weather center to give us the latest. take a look at this radar image. i want to look at the eye which continues to inch toward the big island of hawaii. you can see right there on the radar image, a lot of rain around that eye and it is continuing to move there. over the next couple of hours we expect landfall in the big island of hawaii. by the way, there has never been landfall in that island of hawaii in recorded history by a tropical storm or hurricane. there are other areas of hawaii that have seen storms rolling through but this could be the first time in history we re seeing this happen. a lot of rain associated with the storm. we re talking about up to a foot of rain possible in higher elevations. we re talking 13,000 foot high mountaintops across the big island. that is a big concern in terms of flash flooding, mudslides and landslides.
maximum sustained winds at 70 miles per hour moving 10 miles per hour towards the west. it was moving quicker in the overnight hours. now it slowed down. over the next few days it is forecast to continue to weaken and move south through the rest of hawaii. that is welcome news for places like honolulu. julio, category 3 hurricane, maximum winds at 120 miles per hour. that storm is forecast to stay north of the hawaiian islands but still several days out. we ll keep an eye on it. remember fast and furious, that scandal the u.s. government put in the hands of mexican cartels a lot of weapons. brian terry, as you know, was murdered with one of those guns back in 2010. now another illegal alien has been charged in his murder. the department of justice announced yesterday that rosario alvarez, in this
country illegally was indicted. he recruited mexican bandits to prey on people stealing their drugs and cash. the vice president of the national border patrol council outraged. listen. we catch people and due to prosecutorial discretion, we let these people go. why do we have immigration laws if we re not going to enforce them? why do we have a border patrol? why do people like brian terry die, robert rosas and now javier vega? what do we have to do to take this threat seriously and be able to do our job? javier vega an off duty broarm agent was proarm agent was killed in front of his family.
that catch and release policy causing problems in more ways than one. if you catch somebody and they are in the country illegally they depot them but time and time again that does not happen. in a couple of cases guys have gotten murdered. 17 minutes after the hour. this story is insane. a driver shot behind the wheel but that didn t stop him from chasing down the gunman. 911 emergency. i just got shot? are you hit? yes. they took out my window and i think my arm is shot. i m trying to catch up to him now. wait until you hear how it ended. in god we trust is america s national motto but having it on a simple energy is causing a major controversy. stick around for this. you re watching fox & friends on this friday morning.
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overnight the world health organization declaring the ebola outbreak in west africa an international public emergency. since the outbreak began in march nearly 1,000 people died in guinea, liberia and sierra leone. sergeant bowe bergdahl
says he wants to leave the army and go to college. his lawyer says bergdahl wants to get back to his normal life and, quote, make up for lost time but first he has to overcome an investigation into why he deserted his base in afghanistan if indeed he did. steve? thank you, brian. one county in texas has decided to add our nation s motto which is in god we trust to some of their official paper work and the decision has some people up in arms. tarent county s tax assessor made the decision to add the motto to his office s envelopes and it will be prinked on tax statements last year. critics call this a clear violation of the separation between church and state. joining us right now is tarent county tax assessor ron wright joining us from dallas. good morning to you. good morning. what were you trying to do by putting in god we trust on your
correspondence? the surprising thing is that this is controversial. it shouldn t be. it is the national motto, and i think it is a timely reminder of the values upon which our nation was founded. it s historic. it s iconic. things that are iconic to americans like the motto and the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem, these things helped define us as a people, as a nation. last night at the conclusion of the president s speech on iraq, he said god bless america. he said god bless our troops. he invoked god right there. all you re doing is invoking the national motto, which is on the money, but you said it s been controversial. what have people been bugged about regarding this? well, they have claimed that it violates the constitution, it violates their constitutional rights, that i m inserting religion into a secular
office and things like that. they ve you know, there are people that are perpetually offended and agrieved. they are always going to be bothered by things hike this that don t by things like this that don t bother most americans because most americans like the motte taupe and want it continued. the beauty of the motto is it speaks to all religions. it doesn t favor one over the other whether you re christian, jew, what have you. it speaks to all of us. i read in one of the local papers down there that at one point even though your county has two million people in it they only received one complaint. somebody did write an open letter to the fort worth newspaper and it said in part, i consider that a violation of the doctrine of the separation of church and state. it is true my coins and bills contain this phrase but it has been on those for years. this is something new and a lot closer to home. those are my tax dollars and i don t want them
funding a religious opinion. is it a religious statement or do you think it is a patriotic statement? it can be both. one could view it as a religious statement. one could view it as a patriotic statement. i see it as both. the thing is her mention of cost, the total cost of this was $3. what? $3 for the plate. yesterday we received a letter from a lady in kansas who was very supportive and included a check for $3 to cover that cost. look at that, ron, you caused all this trouble with $3. here s a five. i would have gotten change back. do you have any intention of changing this? absolutely not. absolutely not. god stays. all right. good enough. ron wright joins us from dallas, texas, today to talk about how they have put the national motto on the local tax bills. thank you very much, sir.
thank you. what do you think about that? e-mail us coming up, this story is insane. a driver is shot behind the wheel but that didn t stop him from chasing down the guy who shot him. 911 emergency. what are you reporting? i just got shot? are you hit? yes, i m hit. they took out my window and i think my arm is shot. i m trying to catch up to him now. did he? wait until you hear how this all ended. this principal asked her students to please speak in english in texas. and you know what? she was fired. how did that happen? we ll be right back.
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it is 6:30 in new york city and we ve got a fox news alert for you right now. overnight the crisis in iraq exploding. president obama last night in the white house
authorized targeted airstrikes against isis if necessary. elizabeth prann up already in washington, d.c. elizabeth, what is the president saying? good morning. like you said, the president pulling the trigger calling for airstrikes if necessary against islamist militants in northern iraq, specifically if advancements are made toward irbil. the u.s. is dropping humanitarian aid to the tens of thousands of religious minorities homeless and stranded on or near mount sinjar. when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre and i believe the united states of america cannot turn a blind eye. i directed our military to take targeted strikes against isil terrorist convoys should they move toward the city. those who are being persecuted are christians and other minority members of a religious sect called gaziti. many convert to islam, pay a tax, flee or die. the humanitarian aid being
dropped overnight includes bundles of fresh drinking water and thousands of meals ready to eat. thank you very much. tropical storm iselle closing in on hawaii. the outer band knocking down trees and knocking out power to some 5,000. this is the first tropical storm to hit hawaii in 22 years. we got this picture from space. there is a cat 3 hurricane behind that. right after one you got another. and we ve got maria molina to make sense of all of it. good morning. you pointed out julio, that category 3 storm. that one has been intensifying over the past 24 hours and it looks very impressive on satellite. you can clearly see the eye right there and a lot of outer rain bands starting to wrap around it. it does have moisture to work it. it looks like dry air on the western side of it is trying to influence it. right now that forecast for that storm is for it to stay north of the hawaiian islands as we head into this weekend.
we hope it continues to move away from the island over the next computer model runs. iselle does look rather disorganized but it doesn t matter what looks likes on the satellite image. it is about the impact. in hilo we are receiving reports of 55 mile per hour wind gusts and we re expecting that to ramp up. maximum sustained winds with iselle at 70 miles per hour. it s very close to hurricane status. that would be 74 miles per hour. that movement, it is slowing down. ten miles per hour. that was a lot quicker yesterday and during the overnight hours. that is why landfall originally anticipated several hours ago has not happened yet. on the radar image you can clearly see that eye starting to inch towards the big island of hawaii. a lot of heavy rain with the storm system. we re looking at up to a foot of rain. along some of the higher elevations that is going to be a big issue in terms of possible mudslides occurring out here. we have mountain peaks as high as 13,000 feet.
steve, you pointed out something important earlier. it looks like there is a cutoff there with the radar image. those are those mountains. they cut off the radar so you can t see that rain falling down out this but that rain is there and is going to be there for the next couple of hours. maria molina with the latest on the two big storls out there. big storms out there. first tropical storm in recorded history to hit the big island. this story coming from the houston chronicle. a principle named amy lacy was fired from hem stead middle school for telling students in her classroom they need to speak english. it is a heavily populated hispanic community. it doesn t seem like anybody is coming to her aid. this is what she says. i informed students it would be best to speak english in the classrooms to the extent possible in order to help them prepare for these tests. this is not my rule or that of the district but per state regulation. even so, i did not suggest that there would be any adverse consequences for any students speaking
spanish at any time. i merely encouraged students to speak english in classrooms by advising them it would be to their advantage to do so especially with regard to state testing. she has been put on administrative leave. according to the houston chronicle, not allowed to speak publicly. laura ingraham debated that last night with bill o reilly. there s a red line that the left will establish and reestablish. maybe one day it will be you can t tell people to speak english. the next day it will be you can t refer to the washington redskins as the washington redskins. the next day it will be you can t ever say that bilingual education is a bad thing. we don t know where that red line is but if you cross that moveable red line you will be drummed out of public life. perhaps you will be terminated, you ll be foyersed, you ll be harassed, you ll be called all sorts of names. this principal now, her contract was not renewed so she s speaking out because the gag order has been
lifted. it is extraordinary. she says she said i didn t tell them they couldn t speak spanish. i simply said it is a state law. you should speak english to prepare for the test. it s absolutely true. she also said that apparently some of the kids during class would talk in spanish and she would say please don t talk and they said it s our right to speak spanish. and to that, she responded, wait a minute, we re teaching class. it s our right as the teachers for you to please shut up unless you re inquired to give an answer. think about how your kids learn french, german, in any classroom. the teacher, professor makes sure the students speak that language. go to facebook. we re going to put that question up. we want to know how you feel. does the teacher have a right to do that and keep her job? i thought it was impossible to fire a teacher these days especially if you ve
been doing it for so long. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. heather nauert has been following a blizzard of news. we have a lot of news going on. he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. after eight hours of deliberations, jurors in detroit found theodore wafer guilty of murder. wafer shot a teenager who showed up on his front porch screaming and drunk. he says he was fearful for his life. the teenager s family says thesm vindicated they feel vind ceated. we have what we need to move on with our lives. sentencing is set for august 21. this story we re about to tell you is revolting. police say a group of teenagers attacked a school bus driver in baltimore using a trash can and a fire extinguisher. after the attack the teenagers took his bus on a joy ride. the three eventually ditched the bus. they took off but didn t
get far. police catching up with them and then arresting them. the driver scraped and bruised this morning but otherwise okay. some terrifying moments in florida. that is an alligator lurking in the water. there were people there attacked by this alligator. a nine-year-old boy was bitten three times while swimming in a lake south of orlando. he knows we re looking for him so he s taken off and trying to stay in safe water. this guy is a big boy. he s not aprayed of people. i think not afraid of people. i think somebody has been feeding him. the second attack happened in tampa. a woman was bit while canoeing on a river there. both are in stable condition this morning. neither gator has been caught but they re on the lookout for that guy. this story is insane. a gunman opening fire on another driver on a california freeway. that driver was shot three times but he wasn t about to let the suspect get away. he went after the guy. 911 emergency.
what are you reporting? i think i got shot. are you hit? yes i m hit. they took out my window and i think my arm is shot. i m trying to catch up to him now. that is kenneth baker going as fast as 98 miles per hour. i didn t want this man to get away. i knew if he were to leave me or if i were to break off from the pursuit that i would never see him again and he would get away with his crime. police eventually arresting the gunman. they have no idea why he fired at baker. the two don t know one another at all. and that is the suspect right there. and those are your headlines. brian, what have you got? you know summer is coming to a close when the interns have to say goodbye. it is sad news. chris has to say goodbye today. you chose as your final appearance weather or sports? i actually chose the weather but because of the hurricanes today, i get to be with brian for sports.
it only took two hurricanes to hit hawaii after 22 years. it was the second one that put her over the top. that hurts me to the core. with that i m going to move aside, kristen, this is your time. a scary moment at the pirates-marlins game last night. marlins pitcher dan jennings hit in the head by a line drive. he struggled to get up, then puts his hands on his knees. medical staff say he suffered from a concussion. jennings was carted off the field but gave a wave to the crowd. he later tweeted the scans were negative. seems i m going to be okay. the support shown tonight has been unbelievable. speechless. god is amazing. landon donovan considered one of the best american soccer players ever is calling it quits. donovan announces he will retire at the end of the m.l.s. season. the 32-year-old played in three world cups for the united states but was left
off the roster this year. donovan is the top goal scorer in the m.l.s. history. that was great. thank you. is this what you want to do for a living? you want to be on air? i would love to do that. it s a dream. you re a senior. after this people can bid for your services. thanks so much. i loved it. it was fabulous. finish out strong. thanks, kristen. a fox news alert. another one as we wait on how wall street is going to react to the president authorizing airstrikes if necessary, in economy. he says the economy getting stronger. there s almost no economic metric by which you couldn t say that the u.s. economy is better. what about the dial metric? are people buying what the president is selling? we break down the details and the dials next.
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15 minutes before the top of the hour. all eyes on wall street to see how the stock market will react to the news. the president authorized airstrikes against isis in his humanitarian effort. this as the president makes a case that the nation s economy is stronger and americans are better off today. here to take a closer look
is is lee carter. you have a unique way of dialing in and looking at the president s words and how it relates to leadership. here s the first one. let s look at the track record. let s look at the facts. since i have come into office, there is almost no economic metric by which you couldn t say that the u.s. economy is better and that corporate bottom lines are better. the red lines republicans, the blue lines democrats. that is how they respond. that was a steady decline. people felt he was completely out of touch. i think any time a leader starts with let s look at the facts, let s look at my track record, you sound defensive and out of touch. people say i m going to tune you out. the numbers reveal he is not saying something incorrect. it is about how you feel? it is a visceral gut reaction and people say i
don t buy it because i don t feel the way you re telling me it is. people feel jobs aren t growing and they think he is out of touch and being defensive. hillary clinton said people don t feel the economy is recovering so she feels something maybe the president doesn t. you grade that how? a d plus. just because the facts are on your side doesn t mean they re accurate to anybody else. let s move on to something else. here s another thing with the president talking about being in touch with the american people. let s listen. so if in fact our policies have produced a record stock market, record corporate profits, 52 months of consecutive job growth, 10 million new jobs, the deficit being cut by more than half. speaking to the economy, these numbers are right but you give him? a c.
why? he has the facts on his side but he has his facts, woaf our facts and we have our facts and you re never going to win when people don t feel the same way. he s got to show the path forward because people aren t feeling it right now. the numbers show there s 52 months of jb growth job growth. however we have much more to go because not a lot of people are feeling that. that would have given him a higher grade? much higher grade. people would have felt where they are and where they are going and that would have shown leadership. we ll have you back here to grade what he said last night. thank you so much. thank you. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, terrifying moments on a busy highway. flood waters rush in taking cars along the way. watch. get out! oh my gosh!
in that car an elderly couple. up next, you ll meet the airmen that saved their lives. hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan. a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you! r check out bass pro shops fall hunting classic for amazing daily specials - saturday when a redhead 3-piece field kit is under $15. this ridge hunter hub blind is under $80. and save $70 on this big game deluxe ladder stand. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it.
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good morning. 52 minutes after the hour. some terrifying moments on a busy highway. check out this incredible video. flash flood waters rush in, taking cars along the way leaving an elderly couple stranded in their prius seconds from disas whenever a few brave disaster when a few brave airmen step in n get out! get out! get out! joining us now are three of those brave heros, sergeant adam dixon, first class christopher jones and airman first class christopher fitzgerald. thank you for joining us this morning. good morning. adam, i ll start with you. you see this water, initially it s about boot height and then goes to waist height and you see this elderly couple in a car not able to get out. what s going through your mind at this moment? well, i first saw them, there was no water. we were just trying to push them out. that s when i started talking to
them. but then when the water came, we tried to get them out of there. and airman first class christopher fitzgerald, what do you see happening and what made you decide to spring into action to help? i was back in the truck and when i saw what happened, like the water started going over the grand marquee, so me and my supervisor, we both jumped out of the truck and ran down there to help out. didn t know what was gog going to happen. never expected the water to get there before we got them out. christopher jones, do you feel like your training as an airman, did that help new that scenario and give you the gumption to go at it? yes, ma am. basic training definitely teaches you to perform under pressure. i also learned a lot from training with my supervisor and my ncose, seeing them spring into action kind of helped me
follow that example and do it when it applied to me. adam, how difficult was this and were you scared? i see another car coming down, too. were you worried that was going to pin you? no. for some reason i was kind of calm. i knew what i had to do. i knew i had to get these people out and that was the only thing i was really worried about. christopher jones, do you feel like a hero this morning? a lot of people are calling all three of you by that term. hero, no. i d like to think that anyone would have done the same thing in that situation. it just came down to being at the right place at the wrong time, being able to help out when you re needed. it s a great thing the three of you guys did. thank you so much for your time and i know that that elderly couple is so happy you happened to be in the right place at the right time and decided to spring in action. we appreciate you being here this morning. thank you. 55 minutes after the hour on
your friday morning. a fox news alert, ready to strike. the president now authorizing air strikes against the terrorists in iraq. but is it too little too late? why now? congressman adam convincinger has been calling for military action for months. he s here top of the hour. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating.
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hello. good morning. today is friday, the 8th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. president obama taking america s military back to iraq. earlier this week, one iraqi cried there is no one coming to help. today america is coming to help. what happened to a stable self-reliant iraq? all the details coming up. hawaii bracing for impact. residents and tourists holed up in shelters as two storms bear down on the islands. we re tracking it all. another arrest in the murder of border agent brian terry, but is it too little too late and will more innocent americans lose their lives? why do we have immigration laws if we re not going to
enforce them? why do we have a border patrol? why do people like brian terry die? great questions. brian terry s uncle is here this hour and says enough is enough. it is 7:00 o clock in new york city and you re watching fox & friends right here on the fox news channel. hey, america. this is famous dave and you re watching fox & friends . we ve got a fox news alert. overnight the crisis in iraq exploding. president obama has authorized targeted air strikes against isis. doug luzader in washington with the latest. reporter: up with has to do with humanitarian mission, but the tricky part here, this possibility of air strikes and based on what the president said last night, he is looking at the city of rabil as his trigger point. strategically important because when you look at the red area all crawled by isis, it s the
last big holdup, plus also there is a u.s. presence. there is no question the u.s. was under enormous pressure to do something. earlier this week one iraqi cried, there is no one coming to help. well, today america is coming to help. we re also consulting with other countries and the united nations who have called for action to address this humanitarian crisis. while a lot of focus from the president is on irbil, we want to focus to mosul to the west of there. there is a dam just north of mosul. it is strategically important and it s a very complicated facility to operate. there are reports that isis militants have now gotten control of that. why is that such a big deal? look at where this dam is located. again, north of the city of mosul, upstream from baghdad, for instance, along the tigris
river. if they control the dam, they control water supply to a good portion of the country of iraq. this is one of the reasons why some administration critics say there needs to be a more robust response to this threat that isis poses. i think we need to give 24/7 air power around the kurds and we need to very aggressively go after isis. by defeating them significantly in that region, they will pull back. i believe we can do it with bombers and with their precision weapons and we ought to have very liberal rules of engagement and not restrictive rules of engagement they ve come up with in iraq and afghanistan. reporter: the president last night making it clear he is taking a very cautious approach to this, kind of one step at a time. also making it clear this will not involve u.s. combat forces on the ground in iraq.
so doug does an effective job of spelling out how bad this crisis is. we also got an e-mail from general garner in the area. he says they re running out of ammunition, are the kurds. isis forces are using america s stuff that we gave to the iraqi army, cutting edge equipment that they just left there and ran for their lives to overpower the special forces in the area and were thought to be the protective force for everyone. right now they have to cover 600-mile area. meanwhile, christians as well as small sect is being crushed and they re taking the lives of the dead fighters and they re making them marry the isis fighters who happen to be available. that s how insidious and ugly this group is that is spreading through the area ten to 12,000 that we should look at for what they are, an enemy of the u.s. and the west, along with the iraqi people. this is something that s been going on for months now.
we ve known about this for seven or eight months, isis picking up speed in iraq. but why are we just now acting now? the president taking to the state dining room last night speaking for about 20 minutes, speaking reluctantly. there were hundreds of protesters. ed henry said outside the white house yesterday, a woman advocating for these 40, 50,000 religious minorities on the mountain who are faced with either dying on top of the mountain of hunger and insist this and heat exhaustion or having their heads cut off if they go to where the terrorists are. the president heard their cry and he spoke. but what have we been hearing for the last couple of years from the president? he campaigned on getting out of the middle east and here is a listen to it. we ve removed 100,000 troops from iraq. we ve ended combat missions. we are on track to remove the rest of the troops. bring them home by the end of this year. in iraq we ve succeeded in our strategy to end the war. we ve leaving behind a
sovereign, stable and heavy-reliant iraq. ending the war was a where is stake, i disagree. bringing our troops home was the right thing to do. the war in iraq is over. we welcome our troops home. we have welcomed our troops from iraq. we are windowing down our winding down our war in afghanistan. this morning after the president ordered targeted strikes on isis, the problem is not that we got out. the problem is how we got out. clearly it was a strategic disaster to pull everybody out. there should have been some sort of residual force left there so that what is happening right now didn t happen. of course, it s happening right now and now we ve got to figure out what to do about it and the expert on this topic joined us one hour ago and said if isis continues their march, which it looks like they will unless we stop them, you know what? once they re done with iraq, they re going to move throughout the middle east and we are next.
european union officials told me that they are concerned that isis already has somewhere between 1800 to 3,000 jihaddists, half of whom are going to go back to the west. we re talking about hundreds. remember, two guys what they ve done in boston. one guy what he s done in fort hood. we have hundreds of jihaddists if isis is successful in iraq, they re going to come back to the west. it s not good news. that is somebody who really understands that region and called the arab spring before it was the arab spring and knew it would be a disaster. also last night the new york times reporting that in the green zone they had emergency meetings about replacing prime minister al-maliki and we know how terrible he has been for a leader so far. we also know there has been at least one air drop over the mountains. that s what it was all about cause you got 40,000 people stuck in the mountains. there has been an air drop. they got some water there, but it s only to a fraction of the people there. also there have been some air strikes, but we understand they have been from the iraqi air
force. some say the turks are taking action. that was some speculation, but iraqis said that was us. it could be both. somebody who has been calling for action for eight months is illinois congressman and iraq war veteran, adam kinzinger. he joins us right now live from chicago. congressman, good morning to you. thanks for having me. how are you? what did you think of the president s remarks last night? well, look, i want to have cautious optimism here. this may be the beginning of a broader campaign. he s always reluctant. you can never imagine the president coming on national television and saying he s going to crush isis because he doesn t frankly have the courage to do that. but this may be the beginning of a small move. i commend this. but look, this is going to be more than just creating humanitarian corridors or saving the 40,000 on the mountain right now. this is going to continue to happen until isis is crushed and
this is only going to grow. they re not going to stop. their blood loss is not going to be satisfied. the only thing that can happen is that the west, the united states has to provide air power to iraqi troops. one thing to keep in mind, when american forces get engaged on the battlefield, the first thing they coo is call for air power to come in and crush the enemy. the iraqis are going to need the same thing if they re going to take their territory back. it sounds like at this point the air power is i heard from somebody in washington last night, the air power is there. essentially to clear the way so that these humanitarian air drops, they don t get shot out of the sky when coming in. beyond that, that could explain why it s targeted. it s not going to be very broad. is that really enough to crush isis, because if you can t do it, then what? yeah, no, this is not going to be enough to crush isis. again, i think the president is a very cautious person to a fault. i think he s just kind of toe in
the water a little bit. this will continue to spiral out of control and the longer he takes to make the decision, it s a isis is a very bad group, and also in syria. this is going to continue to get worse. there are hundreds of western passports fighting for isis that are clean that could come back into europe or the united states. it is their stated goal to attack us here at home. this is in our core interest not only to prevent genocide, not only to save people, but to perfect our home land here. this is dead serious. i called for these strikes eight months ago and only continues to get worse. let s talk about that because the urgency is coming from the 40, 50,000 people on the mountain top that we want to try to help aid so that they don t die, right? but the real issue is americans are worried about putting troops back on the ground, boots on the ground in iraq. the president saying he doesn t want to do that, but at the same time, yes, everybody is sick of innocent our heros dying, but we need to protect our homeland.
what s the long-term strategy here? crushing isis, how are we going to do that? look, i don t know what the president s long-term strategy is. i would never take the idea of boots off the ground off the table. you can do it personally, but to say it, you re only telegraphing to the enemy what we won t do, which gives them an opportunity to do what they will do. america has this idea we re war weary. i understand it. but the reality is we can t pick the world that we live in and we live in a world with very evil people that want to kill us, want to kill our families and want to right now create a genocide on 40,000 ethnic minorities. i wish we had a different world. we don t. one thing we have to do is get the kurds modern weaponry. they know how to fight and organize. they are unbelievable at it. but they re using antiquated equipment. they are our true allies in the area. they would help secure that 600-mile border. what do you think to people who say we re war weary? guys like you are the ones who
fight the war. shouldn t you guys have a say? i fully agree with you. i hear this idea of war weariness and it shocks me that the president of the united states is on television telling the american people how war weary they are when the military, the ones that should be war weary are the ones saying we have to defeat this, we have to protect the home lapped. you re absolutely right. the military members i know, i still serve, do not like to see this happen. and frankly, understand that this is a major threat to their homeland and their families and we re ready to crush them. they assemble in open right now. isis is sitting this wide open. we have drones in the area. this is the time to hit them, before they start hiding. and they re murdering people, innocent people, they re murdering in droves. it s just a sad thing to see. it s time for the president to stand up and say america, i know you re tired, but it is in our national interest because in ten years, history is going to judge us very, very harshly. what he did last night was a
step in the right direction. the big question is what comes after that? congressman from illinois, thank you very much for joining us on this important friday. thanks for having me. and a fox extreme weather alert. we re going to tell you about now. tropical storm iselle close not guilty on hawaii. the outer bands knocking down trees and cutting power to thousands of people. this is the first tropical storm, believe it or not, to hit hawaii in 22 years. maria molina is tracking it for us. good morning. you mentioned the downed trees and power outages. now they re also getting reports of damage to roofs across parts of the big island in hawaii. so we are seeing those tropical storm conditions increasing and even though iselle is a tropical storm, we do have hurricane warnings in effect out here across the big island. that s because we could see hurricane force winds and a lot of heavy rain as well out here. flash flooding also a concern. there was a warning that was just issued out there across northeastern parts of the big island. flash flooding already starting to occur. we could see up to a foot of
rain in some of the higher elevations, especially up on top of some of those mountain peaks. they re as high as 13,000 feet. there is a look at those warnings you can see across the big island. tropical storm warnings across the rest of the portions of hawaii. i want to show you an update that we did receive. that s iselle has weakened a little bit more. right now maximum sustained winds at 60 miles per hour. you have to wonder what impact those mountains are going to have on this storm. we do think that should help to weaken it. it has also continued to slow down, moving to the west now at 7 miles per hour. here is a better look at the center of circulation, continuing to get closer and closer to the big island. i do think that we could be looking at landfall coming up before the end of the show this morning. you can see it right there getting closer and closer. a lot of heavy rain around that eye as well. all right. thank you very much. it is now about quarter after the top of the hour. we turn to heather nauert who joins us. good morning. we ve got a lot of things going on this morning. i want to start in the middle
east. after three days, the war is back o. this after hamas launching octobers at israel this morning. israel responded by resuming air strikes across gaza and mobilizing at the border. israel launched ten strikes and seven people have been hurt. this all unfolding after those peace talks that were brokered by egypt hit a deadlock. back here at home, while you were sleeping, tennessee senator lamar alexander cruised to another primary win. he defeated joe carr with 50% of the vote. alexander says the problems facing our country could be absolutely overcome. you read much history, you know there is much more that we have many more difficult problems back in the earlier days of our country. we re just as strong as we ever were as a country. we just need a different kind of leadership. the matchup for the governor of tennessee come november, voters will choose between
republican governor bill haslam and charlie brown, the same name as the cartoon character. a tragic end to tell you about in the search for a missing six-year-old girl in washington state. police found the body of the girl in the woods not far from her home there. i cried, sad. she s just a little girl. say a little prayer for her. all we can do. investigators hope that an autopsy will provide some answers. our prayers to that little girl. just days ago she vowed to never try sneaking on a plane again. obviously they ll be on the watch for me, so i wouldn t dare attempt this again. they were on the watch for her. that is a serial stow away. she has been arrested again at the airport in los angeles. police say she was on a scouting mission. earlier this week she slipped past three tsa agents in san
jose, california and flew to l.a. without a ticket. why can t we do that and save some bucks? those are your headlines. because it s illegal. let s start with that. thank you very much. we told you a little while ago about this former principal in texas, amy lacey. she made national headlines last year when she reportedly told her students at this texas middle school you got to speak english. well, she was placed on administrative leave. there was a gag order. eventually the school board decided, you know what, let s not renew her contract. she was fired. she is now speaking out and telling exactly why she told kids you really should speak english in class. she says i informed students it would be best to speak english in the classrooms to the extent possible in order to help prepare them for these tests. this is not my rule or that of the district. but her state regulation. so what she was saying was that the teachers were telling her, these hispanic students were speaking spanish not just to
each other about what was going on in their day, they were doing it while the teachers were giving instructions and it was her belief and the teacher s belief that they were thinking they could get away with this by claiming racism. so she put this out there and a lot of folks on facebook talk being it. here is an example of this. say we speak other languages. it s not her place to say that. she should lose her job. as she said, it is, however, a state regulation down in texas because it is the official language of texas. phyllis said on facebook, of course she should keep it. her job. if we go to another country, they don t change their language to adapt to us. we are the united states. we speak english. learn it. when we go to other country, we speak english anyway. you can use your google translator. it works very well. uh-huh. coming up straight ahead, another arrest in the murder of border agent brian terry. but will more innocent americans lose their lives? why do we have immigration laws if we re not going to enforce them? why do we have a border patrol?
why do people like brian terry die? brian terry s uncle says enough is enough. he will join us live. and first lois lerner and now another top official says she s lost e-mails as well. female announcer: sunday s your last chance to save big
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we have seen devastation that tornadoes can bring to a town and now a new movie that opens today brings the terror of actually being inside one of those twisters to the big screen. get down! cover your head! stay down! that is just one of the scenes from into the storm. here to tell us whether or not it s worth you going to is fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy. this is an update on the movie from, what, 15, 20 years ago? that s correct. by the way, i have to bring up the cow in that movie. they have homage to that sequence. if you watch this movie closely, there is a cow flying around.
kevin, in twister that, cow flying was really fake. right, right. but now adays, the effect it s 18 years later. the effects look so much better. this is a film that you just need to turn your brain off and go in and enjoy the special effects. the acting and the script and the dialogue are absolutely horrendous. but it s a pure it s a popcorn movie. you go in and enjoy it. the movie basic israeli about a huge storm system hitting a small town in oklahoma and it s documented by people trying to survive the event. here is the cool thing. they used a lot of practical effects, so all the actors, they were getting wet. they had 140 miles per hour wind machine. they were being flown out on wires. it looked really, really cool. it adds to the realism. it s a movie you just go to for 85 minutes, sit down how many stars? three out of five. it s fun. it s a fun movie. nowhere near as good as
twister. what was their extra budget? yeah. that s a good question. i don t know the budget. i was watching some highlights from the teenage mutant ninja turtles. pretty funny, right? here is the deal, i grew up on this particular film. all these characters, it was an animated show in the 80s. there was a movie in the 90s i watched 100 times. i had the bed sheets and t-shirts. going back and watching this, it was aeneas stale i can t thing for me. this time around, they re rebooting the series. the reporter takes down the evil villain. if you re a fan of those movies, i definitely recommend it. it s a nostalgia thing. a lot of parents ask, is this appropriate for my children cause it s pg-13? it is a little violent at times. but not too much bad in the movie. i would recommend for ten and up. i do not recommend the 3d. do not waste your money on the 3d ticket. i gave it three out of five.
does it stay true to the 80s cartoon? we all remember the song. do they all have the same characteristics as they did back then? of course. they re doing the whole cowabunga thing. they digitally create them from wearing suits. if you re a fan, i recommend it. three out of five. sir, thank you very much. 26 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, wonder where all your mail is? you better check a dumpster. a postal worker caught on camera chucking letters into the trash. is one of those yours? we don t know. and another arrest in the murder of border agent brian terry. but is it too little too late? will more innocent americans lose their lives? why do we have immigration laws if we re not going to enforce them? why do we have a boarder patrol? why do people like brian terryft
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a fox news alert at this hour. the u.s. poised and ready to strike in iraq. the missions have begun. president obama authorizing targeted air strikes against isis if necessary? when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, and i believe the united states of america cannot turn a blind eye. i directed our military to take targeted strikes against isis terrorist convoys should they move toward the city. specifically if advancement is made towards irbil, a northern city in iraq, home to american servicemen and women, then we re going to get even more aggressively involved. while you were sleeping, u.s. cargo planes escorted by fighter jets dropping aid to a group of 40,000 religious minorities trapped on a mountain top. apparently only a fraction of them wound up with the water. also for the past eight weeks, religious minorities have been haunted by isis, or isol, faced
with a choice. convert to islam, flee, or simply die. the humanitarian aid being dropped overnight included bundles of fresh drinking water for thousands and meals ready to eat. the big question is when will the next batch come and the batch after that and what are we going to do about isis? ultimately if we are able to feed them on the mountain, how do we get them off the mountain if we re not going to do anything except for give them food to live? this could be their last meal if we tonight do something to get them off. here is the problem, we only have one aircraft carrier in the area right now and the good news is, over the last few weeks, we ve been putting a lot of drones in the air. so we have been moving them in the right direction. we ll stay on top of this all morning. also this trop iselle, just 30 minutes from making landfall in hawaii. right now the outer bands are knocking down trees and cutting power overnight to thousands of people. surf is up out there obviously. take a look at this picture from outer space.
the satellite shows you got a cat 3 hurricane right behind the storm that s about to make landfall. maria molina tracking both of them. it s going to be a crazy weekend in hawaii. yeah, that s right. you have these two storms that we re tracking across the pacific. i have to say, taking a look at the radar here, we ve been talking about how imminent that landfall is with iselle across the big island. you can already see that center of circulation starting to creep on shore. within the next 30 minutes, it should be official. we re going to be hearing word from the national hurricane center and surrounding that center of circulation, you do also have areas of very heavy rain. that red yellow shading is where we could be looking at very significant rainfall and as much as a foot of rain is possible, especially along some of the higher elevations of the big island of hawaii. it has weakened some. now maximum sustained winds at 60 miles per hour. we still do have those hurricane warnings in effect because you could see hurricane force wind gusts. a hurricane is just 74 miles per hour. so you re very close here. you re looking at a strong tropical storm making landfall.
it s moving rather slowly as well, at 7 miles per hour. it moving slowly means that you re going to be seeing those impacts for a longer amount of time across the big island. here is a look at the forecast over the next few days. continues to move westward and continues to weaken and then of course, julio right behind it. category 3 hurricane. forecast now to stay north of the hawaii islands as we head into the weekend. we ll keep tracking it. let s head over to you. thanks. heather nauert is following the rest of the news. believe me, there is a lot of news this morning. good morning. it is a busy news day. he could spend the rest of his life behind bars after eight hours of deliberation, jurors in detroit found theodore wafer guilty of murder. he shot a teen-ager who showed up on his front steps screaming and drunk. he said he was terrified for his life. so the woman s family says they feel vindicated by the jury. we have now what we need to move on with our lives. justice was served today.
it was. the sentencing is august 21. here we go once again. a top obamacare official who oversaw the botched rollout admitted to losing important e-mails that congress needs to investigate. she told congress that she may have accidentally deleted e-mails instead of saving them and since it wasn t immediately reported to the national archives, the health department may have broken the law. this comes on the heels of the irs admitting to losing thousands of e-mails that belong to lois lerner. this video is pretty crazy. it s an out of control car and it goes over a wall and then into the air, crashing into two police helicopters. take a look. okay. you see part of it right there. this unfolding in arkansas. people ran to save the 71-year-old who was trapped inside the car. no word on why he lost control. then caught on camera, u.s. mail carrier going postal.
look at this right here. yeah. tossing in paychecks and other hail into a dumpster. residents in cincinnati say we knew something was up. we haven t been getting our mail lately. they decided to ask questions. this guy recorded the postal worker and ended up catching her in the act. the post office says they re investigating and that worker has been put on leave. she now could face federal charges. lois lerner said she should have thought of that. that s probably where my publisher s clearinghouse check is. it s not just those checks and paychecks coming in, it s bills. so is that a viable excuse? like the dog ate my homework? i hope so. thank you very much. meanwhile, the fast and furious fallout continues years after the murder of that man right there, brian terry. another person indicted in the murder of the border patrol agent back in 2010.
the seventh person indicted in the murder and by the way, he is in this country illegally. this all coming on the heels of the death of another border agent killed this week at the hands of two illegals. shouldn t this serve as a warning? our border isn t secure enough and the consequences can be deadly. everything that we told you is not new to our guest. his name is ralph terry, brian terry s uncle and founder of the brian terry foundation. ralph, what s your reaction to this latest catastrophe? we were shocked to learn that border patrol agent vega was murdered by illegal aliens and these two men here illegally in the country have been deported between the two of them, six times in the last four or five years. each time serving 30, 60 or 90 days in jail and a $10 fine.
this time they did the ultimate. they committed murder. they told police that they re guilty. the real tragedy is that border patrol agent was murdered in front of his wife and children and his father and his father was also injured in the incident. brian terry foundation will be helping to support the vega family, the widow and children. that s one of the things that we do at the brian terry foundation. we support agents that are killed. sure. and we just showed brian terry, your relative. of course, the other news is that a seventh illegal has been charged in connection with the murder of brian terry as well. but what s curious you ve done such a good job describing what s going on down there. over the last couple of months, sir, we ve heard so much regarding this invasion on our
southern border with these kids and their families and stuff like that. we ve heard from a number of people on capitol hill, the border is secure. really? i think recent events it s not secure. they are not secure. ralph, i want to get your thoughts on this, we just recent ly had sean moran, the vice president of the national border patrol council on the channel saying what s the point of even having these border laws? listen. we catch people and due to prosecutial discretion or custody redeterminations by ice, we let these people go. why do we have immigration laws if we re not going to enforce them? why do we have a border patrol? why do people like brian terry die? robert rosas, louis aguilar and now javier vegas if we are not going to be serious? what do we have to do in this country to actually take this
threat seriously and be able to do our job? so the two suspects who actually have admitted to killing javier vega, one arrested four times for entering illegally and another twice for the same thing. what do you think about this touch and release catch and release policy? i m sorry. could you repeat that? what do you think about this catch and release policy? they ve been arrested. they go out of the country and just come right back in. i think it s ridiculous. i don t know what the policy should be, but i think the policy that are in effect today are failing the public miserably. people are dying because of it. we want to help with you the brian terry foundation. how do we do it? there is a number of tabs there that will let you know wt we re doing, what we ve been doing, how you can help us
monetarily so we can help the border patrol agents and their families. we just now recently awarded the 2014-15 scholarships for the brian terry foundation. we ordered five scholarships to young college kids going into criminal justice and law enforcement. these students go anywhere from i think we ve got one in alaska, two out of california and two here in texas. we re real proud of that. great way to salute brian terry. ralph, thank you for joining us today from dallas. thank you for having me. 41 minutes after the hour. still ahead, should parents teach their kids about gun safety or leave them in the dark? you will meet some families on the other side of this break about this heated debate. yep. al sharpton s good buddy in hot water this morning. serious charges that could land him in jail for 20 years.
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after 72 hours of peace, the war in gaza back on. this after hamas launched rockets at israel early this morning. so for the very latest, let s go
to conner powell who is there at the israeli-gaza border. conner, are you surprised by this? reporter: not particularliful there was hope this 72-hour cease fire would hold. there were negotiations going on. despite the sort of brief calm here of the fighting here has resumed and the negotiations between israeli officials and palestinian officials have actually broken off just before 8:00 a.m., which was the deadline for the cease fire to be extended. israeli officials left cairo and hamas began firing back into israel. we ve seen at least 30 rockets be fired from gaza into israel today. four israelis have been injured in one of those strikes. israel has responded by firing into gaza. just in the last few minutes, we ve seen several strikes into gaza. big ones. at least one palestinian has been killed that we know of. but the fighting here resuming and both sides seem to be digging into their position. hamas saying until the blockade
around gaza is lifted by israel and egypt, they will continue firing rockets into israel. israel saying that as long as rockets are being fired, they re going to continue to respond in firing air strikes into gaza. both sides really not backing down, brian. fighting here continuing, at least 1900 palestinians have been killed and 67 israelis during this fighting. five weeks now. one of the longest conflicts in this region. conner powell giving us the absolute latest. thanks. it turns out the u.s. learned about this truce breaking up on twitter. coming up, should parents teach their kids about gun safety or leave them in the dark? meet the families on both sides of this heated debate next for over a decade,
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heartache this morning. a small oklahoma town after an accident so tragic, even the local police chief had a hard time holding back his tears. the young lady was searching or looking around, found the weapon, was pulling it out of the drawer and the gun discharged as she was pulling it out of the drawer. a nine-year-old girl dead after finding her father s gun.
nearly 2 million children under the age of 18 are living at homes with loaded and unlocked firearms. so when it comes to educating our children about our guns, where do you fall? is it a hands off policy? is that the way to go, or should we be arming our kids early on? you re about to meet two families, one on either side. dan roberts with his daughter and colette martin with her son. good morning. thanks for being with us. good morning. even the five and nine-year-old up early with us. thanks for being with us. which side of this debate are you on? clearly cheyenne has been around firearms since five or six years old. as an instructor, i knew it was important to remove that curiousity factor. they re secured when she s not using them. by law i have to keep them secure from her access unless she s using them. don t necessarily agree with it, but i have to do it. however, i don t think that it would be a risk for her to have a loaded rifle or access to it
if she needed it. i grew up that way. my father gave me a rifle when i was seven years old. he made it very clear what would happen if i didn t use it properly. i never had a problem. okay. colette, how about you? i would say i m, as gun owning family as well, i m not antigun. so i want to be real clear on that. i am very pro-gun safety. i am very pro-responsibility. and as gun owners here in new york, ours are locked up at all times. ammunition is separate. this is over and above state requirements and most responsible gun owners i know have a similar storage plan. because even though i know the likelihood is that nothing would happen, i can t take that risk with a five-year-old who is my joy and my responsibility. so we go over and above the storage requirements of our state. dan, i wanted to get your response to the news that we just had about the
nine-year-old. imagine that hits home with you if you have a nine-year-old. sure. does that make you doubt at all your decision to not just teach your daughter about them, but to arm her? she s only armed under direct supervision. it s not like i m running out to run errands and say okay, you re in charge. but no, i don t think that the decision for our family brings any questions about that. it s certainly a tragic situation. but the flip side is you had an incident last year in oklahoma where a 14-year-old girl was home alone and someone broke in and found her hiding in the closet. she fired her mother s gun through the door and by all accounts, including from law enforcement, probably saved her life. right. we talked about that story earlier this week during the series, young and armed. your reaction to this news this morning? i ve been following these accidents because as i said, i m very pro-gun safety and i do try to work with guns working toward that. so once that happens the story came out that this is a
girl who grew up in a home with guns. obviously i would think any of us, the responsibility is incumbent on us, both to teach our kids about gun safety and store them appropriately, which was not done in this case. so the tragedy of it is that most of tes, and we ve had ten children accidentally shot this week alone in this country. that to me is a tragic number. it doesn t have to happen. almost 100% of them are preventible. what do you do when other kids come over to the house to play with your daughter? curiousity can get the best of kids. yeah. again, they re always secured unless we re actively at a match for her or taking her to practice or something like that. so any of her friends that come over, they have no way to get to them anyway. it really hasn t been an issue that s come up for us. we need to wrap things up. we want to hit home with everybody is that parents ought to talk to their kids about this and also talk to their friend s parents about it. say, do you have allergies? do you have a pool? do you have a pet? do you have a gun?
and that way it s all out on the table. thank you. thank you. 55 minutes after the hour. fox news alert, the president says he s ready to strike terrorists in iraq if necessary. but is this tough talk strong enough? geraldo and his brother almost lost their live when is they were ambushed there in 2004. he s live top of the hour with his take. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i d get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating.
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good morning. today is friday, the 8th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the president finally announcing action in iraq. earlier this week one iraqi in the area cried to the world, there is no one coming to help. well, today america is coming to help. he says he s ready to strike, but when and how? geraldo is here live with his take. also landfall is being made right this hour, the state of hawaii, the big island, being pounded by the first tropical storm there in more than 20 years. that s right. we re tracking the storm s path and the cat 3 hurricane right behind it. and the principal asked her students to speak english in texas. and this is what she got for it.
if you cross that moveable red line, you will be drummed out of public life perhaps. you will be terminated, you ll be fired. you ll be harassed. you ll be called all sorts of names. wow. fired. this is the united states of america. i think we speak english here. according to all reports, the gin box are here and mornings are better with friends. we start with a fox news alert. the crisis in iraq exploding. president obama has authorized the targeted air strikes against isis if necessary. wendell goler is live at the white house with what the president is saying. in particular what the president said last night at 9:30 to all of us. reporter: no indication of any air strikes yet. but the president spoke after american military planes had already dropped food and water to tens of thousands of people trapped on a mountain top in northern iraq. he said the u.s. will protect
the embassy in baghdad and several hundred special forces he sent to northern iraq last month. he was, however, clearly reluctant to take the action and he assured the american people he was not resuming u.s. involvement in the war in iraq. american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq because there is no american military solution to the larger crisis in iraq. the only lasting solution is reconciliation among iraqi communities and stronger iraqi security forces. however, we can and should support moderate forces who can bring stability to iraq. reporter: the president said the isis terrorists have been especially brutal, rounding up families, conducting mass executions and enslaving women. his aides say the u.s. military involvement is only possible because iraq s leader have made progress toward a more inclusive government, collect ago kurdish president and a sunni to a
senior position in parliament. still some critics think the threatened air strikes are not enough. i think we need to give 24/7 air power around the kurds and we need to very aggressively go after isis and by defeating them significantly in that region, they will pull back. i believe we can do it with bombers and with their precision weapons and we ought to have very liberal rules of engagement and not this restrictive rules of engagement that they ve come up with in iraq and afghanistan. reporter: senators lindsey graham and john mccain say mr. obama should order air strikes on isil forces in iraq and syria and provide military aid to sunni iraqis and nonshould be inclusive on a different government in baghdad. wendell goler live at the white house. four minutes after the top of the hour. the part of iraq we re talking about, nobody knows better than geraldo rivera.
we have just been attacked. we ve just been sniped! we ve been hit! we ve been hit! wait a second! wait for the bus! where is the bus? okay, go! go! that apparently was in 2004. geraldo joins us live. that was pre-isis. pre-isis, but it was the same people. sunni extremists. we were going to mosul. the striker brigade had replaced the 101st airborne. it was a time of great flux and turmoil. as we were approaching the base, we got bush whacked. our car got hit 14 times. a driver in the second vehicle got hit in the arm. it was pretty hairy stuff. but that region so close to syria, so important to the oil industry, a big, big thriving city. when isis crossed the syrian border, and i sat right in this same seat, i urged president obama then to hit those columns
flying their arrogant black flags. wide in the open. in the open, unlike gaza where you have civilians and military bunched together. there were the columns in the desert. that s the high desert. you can see them for 30 miles away. why he didn t do it i think is really shameful. now thankfully to save this christian community and these other minorities, he is contemplating it. we have not yet heard that he has done it. but i just don t understand why i understand the revulsion americans have about getting involved in another war. but this is an existial thing for the united states. did he not define the enemy. he said there they are. that s not our problem. when they get reconciliation in baghdad, then we re going to see some reform. i don t give a damn about reconciliation. this is an extremist terrorist enemy that has global ambitions. this is an enemy where rarely do they put themselves in a
concentration where they can be vulnerable. they have done that for two months. we have held back. we took our finger off the tricker. as a result, they ve taken over a third of iraq now. they took over our humvees. let s hit the abrams tanks they re using so arrogantly. hit them now. hit them hard. even if maliki and iraq go to hell in a hand basket, this is an enemy. there is nothing bad that happens when you kill sunni extremists who are vowed to kill you. should we be rallying the british and french to join us? i don t give a damn about them either. we do need some help. why should we shoulder it all ourselves? i appreciate that, brian, but i think if we wait for them, if we vacillate and wait for them this is not like libya where the french dragged us kicking and screaming. this is a situation where it s us against them in terms of the sunni extremists. we ve got to hit them when what we have now.
the president pulled on american heart strings, the 40, 50,000 people, these religious minorities on top of the mountain. they were either come down and be beheaded by terrorists or die of thirst and hunger up on the mountain. that gives us the urgency. but it s the bigger picture and if americans are reluctant about putting boots on the ground in iraq what, does he need to say to americans with how the world is interconnected and this could be a disaster? i think the president should have taken the cue from the pope. pope francis called this a humanitarian crisis weeks ago. this is not the first time christians have been assailed in northern iraq. it s just the most egregious and the most urgent because this big community has been displaced. but they were being taken over, these christian villages weeks ago. the pope said this is horrible. he had an urgent appeal to the international community to end the tragedy now underway, to act to protect those affected or threatened by violence and to
provide aid, especially for the most urgent needs for the many. so the pope is asking the world to react. we re the only ones reacting. but we re doing it in such a limited way. we have a great weapon that they don t have. we have the drones and we have the hell fire missiles. these are effective weapons against infantry in the open. we must have we should have unleashed them many weeks ago. we should use them yesterday, today, tomorrow. we have to stop imagine, we went to war in afghanistan after 9-11 to root out the al-qaeda cells that were hiding in the desert of afghanistan all the way in south asia, thousands of miles from anything of u.s. interest. we went after. here we have iraq 300 miles from israel. 300 miles from the suez canal on top of the world s greatest oil reserves, a place where europeans and north americans with maybe with bad
intentions come and go, with clean passports. they come through, they get laundered. then they come here. i think this is really what about the kurds sitting with antiquated weapons right now and they re being attacked by u.s. weapons with isis behind them? last week you had the very good fighting force, i ve been with them. you could go to kurdistan now, there is mcdonald s. there is peace in the streets. there is integration. why didn t we help them last week and the week before? i just don t understand. it is as if the revulsion over war and the reluctance of the american people to get involved in another war is holding the president back. last night was interesting in the sense that he urged the saving of the 40,000. but this could be it s too late. it may be too little, but we have to urge them to do something now. it s not that we got out. it s how we got out. obviously it was a disaster. i was on the last convoy out. you were.
we re going to switch gears. there has been troubling news. an off-duty border patrol guy was murdered by a couple of illegals. now there is also news that another illegal has been arrested and indicted. actually was in the brian terry case. exactly. he was in custody, but he now has been a grand jury handed up an indictment against another illegal. all these illegals involved with the murder of our border patrol guys. sean moran is vice president of the national border patrol council. he says look, that southern border supposed to be secure, it is not. we catch people and due to prosecutial or determination by ice, we let these people go. why do we have immigration laws if we re not going to enforce them? why do we have a border patrol? why do people like brian terry die? robert rosas, louis aguilar, now javier vega, if we are not going to be serious? what do we have to do in this
country to actually take this threat seriously and be able to do our job? they want to do their job, but the word from washington is let them in. i don t think that s the word from washington. well, that s what s happening i understand how unpopular my views are on this topic. let me preface i get it. i understand that most people don t agree with me. unlawful immigration, undocumented immigrants, the trend was way down until this children s crusade in recent months, which is driven largely by a misunderstanding and sometimes an intentional propagandizing of the president s leniency and compassion toward the dream act students here. he said okay. if the kids were brought here through no fault of their own, they can stay. that message was then taken, perverted by the coyotes and the smuggling network in central america to mean kids, if you can get there on your own, you can
stay there and it led to the unintended consequence. the president should have responded to this a year ago and should have made clear to these students and these youngsters that this was not the reality that they would be deported even after they made the 1400-mile trek from guatemala. so the president should have done something a year ago. it is his fault largely now because of the misconception that he allowed to metastasize. whatever, it s happening. but i have to say this, people have to look at the big picture. from 1990 to 2010, that 20-year span, violent crime in the united states dropped dramatically. every survey from 1990 to 2010 showed that undocumented immigrants commit far fewer crimes than citizens of the united states. they are not driving a crime epidemic here. a case like brian terry s tragic murder give that impression and
it s false. there is also the impression that why is it that these guys involved in these heinous crimes against our people, they were deported. they should have been they keep coming back again and again. remember, fast and furious and brian terry and what happened there and why it was so outrageous. brian terry was probably killed with weapons our agents gave to mexican drug criminals. right. it was more tragedy because of bureaucratic craziness than it was a story about undocumented immigrants, i maintain. it was drug gangs and there was a shootout and it was u.s. it was a dumb idea. it was a dumb idea. no one truly held responsible for it. we lament the passing of brian terry. but to continually hit, and i took on matt drudge the other day, continually hit this situation at the border as if it was this extensionial crisis for the united states, i think just
exacerbates the situation. geraldo rivera joins us every friday. i do. opinions all over the place. that s why we love him. i love you all. trop iselle making landfall in hawaii. the outer bands are knocking down trees and knocking out power to thousands. take a look at this satellite image that s a cat 3 hurricane to the right of the screen. and it s right behind the tropical storm. maria molina taking a look at both. maria, it s making landfall in hawaii right now and it s going to be a rough weekend. yeah, it s going to be a rough weekend and a rough day today, especially. we re looking at flash flooding occurring here. once that center makes landfall across the big island of hawaii, it will be officially the first time that that island has seen a direct landfall from a tropical storm or a hurricane. the toll that the mountains are taking on the storm system right now are significant. it s starting to look very
disorganized. maximum sustained winds right now at 60 miles per hour. you can see right there, that s the center of circulation just inching closer and closer and we ll see whether it officially makes landfall. a lot of heavy rain around that eye wall. we re going to be seeing significant flash flooding being a concern and rocked by the mud slides also because some of the mountains are high as 13,000 feet. so there is a look at the latest. the pressure has been also rising. so that s a sign that the storm weakening, moving toward the west northwest at 9 miles an hour. there is the forecast track. but i quickly want to show you the track for julio because this one is forecast to move farther off toward the north and that will be very welcome news. right now that storm, a category 3 hurricane. let s head over to you. the one-two punch. meanwhile, as we told you this morning, the truce is broken in the gaza strip. israel and hamas are going at it again. heather nauert has got more. good morning. this is a fox news alert. after three days of peace, it s now back on. this after hamas launching
rockets at israel early this morning. israel saying 33 rockets were launched. take a look there. israel responding by resuming air strikes on targets across gaza and the ids is sending tanks to the border there. police in gaza saying that israel has launched ten strikes and that at least seven people have been hurt. we ll watch the story throughout the morning. here at home, tennessee senator lamar alexander cruised to another republican primary win. he defeated tea party challenger joe carr with 49.7% of the vote. carr got 40.5% of the vote. also last night it was decided the matchup for governor of that state in november, voters will choose between republican governor bill haslam and charlie brown, the same name as the cartoon character. we ll watch that one throughout the year. investigators have some tragic news. an autopsy they hope will give new clues as to what happened to cause the death of this six-year-old girl. her body was found in the woods not far from her home in
washington state. you may recall she went missing last weekend. it s sad. she s just a little girl. say a little prayer for her, you know. all we can do. that is so hard for folks in that community there. investigators say that this is a criminal investigation. an old pal of reverend al sharpton is now facing charges of lone sharking, extortion and illegal gambleing. he was arrested in new york. he faces up to 20 years behind bars. pagano was reportedly linked to an unsuccessful mob attempt to recruit sharpton to distribute drugs. those are your headlines. a lot of stuff going on. absolutely. thank you very much. he s now running new york city. sure. that other channel also. a driver shot while behind the wheel. you re not going to believe this. he ends up chasing down the
gunman. listen. are you hit? yes, i m hit. they took out my window and i think my arm is shot. i m trying to catch up to him now. wait til you hear how it all ended. no shoes, no pants, no problem. this teacher busted without either one. what s worse, it was the first day of school. vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come.
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quick headlines now. group of teens using a trash can at a fire extinguisher to attack a school bus driver in baltimore. police say the teens took his bus on a joy ride. they were all arrested. the driver walking away with some scratches and a couple of bruises. a texas principal fired for asking hispanic students at her school to speak english. now amy lacey is telling her side of the story. she says she wanted to help students with standardized testing that s only in english. and it s not the kind of show and tell you would expect at a school. oklahoma teacher is arrested after police say she showed up to work drunk and without shoes or pants. sounds like scotty. police finding an empty vodka
bottle in her car. she was booked on public intoxication charges and forced to get dressed. anna? continuing our fox news alert now. president obama vows that america is ready to strike in iraq. earlier this week, one iraqi in the area cried to the world, there is no one coming to help. well, today america is coming to help. we re also consulting with other countries and the united nations who have called for action to address this humanitarian crisis. with christians on the run all over the middle east, is this too little, too late? here to break down the crisis in iraq, fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. it s been very little and it s been a long time coming and it may be too late, but this is the president s beginning, miss opening salvo on his war on terror. he declared in a legitimate way a war on terror that is very
much his and that he owns forever. this will have dramatic consequences around the world and dramatic consequences with regard to the jihaddists who will see this as a ramped up attack again by america on jihad. what we re seeing the beginning of is this humanitarian aid. is this just something, a smoke screen? the humanitarian aid is something that has promoted and provoked the president. he understands finally the hardship that christians have been undergoing in iraq. in june of 2014, 35,000 christians living in mosul. now mosul is empty of christians. 12 or 13 years ago there were about a million or million and a half christians in iraq. now estimates of two to 400, thousand. all churches and monasteries in mosul are under the control of isis. because isis has told christians you either convert so islam, you pay this religious
fine, or we re going to kill you. correct. but the president can say this is humanitarian. he can say i m waiting on the reunification of iraq. he can say i m looking for a more inclusive government. but what he is understanding for the very first time and he can t go back on it is the per knishes, evil power of this al-qaeda affiliated organization called isis that has designs on the middle east in a califate. will they take syria? will they take jordan? can they take israel? when he talks about genocide, he s understanding and believing that genocide and jihad are equivalent entities and he s acting in a way that he s going to have a very hard time turning back. first humanitarian aid. then he s saying he s going to strike convoys going to towns and cities in northern iraq. the kurds. this will continue.
this will get larger over time. it will be difficult for him to turn back once he s acknowledged the power of isis. we have known about isis gaining steam in syria and iraq and all over that region for months now. you wonder why now. is it too little too late? dramatic turn of events that may not be able to be turned back. thanks so much. 26 minutes after the hour. still ahead on fox & friends, the story is insane. a driver is shot behind the wheel, but that didn t stop him from chasing down the gunman. are you hit? yes, i m hit. they took out my window and i think my arm is shot. i m trying to catch up to him now. wow. wait til you hear how it all ended. then it s the story that everybody is talking about. a bear walking like a human. we know the video is real. do we? the reason why he s walking like that. you re going to have to stay tuned to figure this thing out
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earlier this week one iraqi in the area cried to the world, there is no one coming to help. well, today america is coming to help. we re also consulting with other countries and the united nations who have called for action to address this humanitarian crisis. that was the president addressing the nation last night at about 9:30 eastern time. an extraordinary address in that i m sure he never expected to do it. chris wallace joining us right now.ould you rate those remarks last night in its goal and its candidness? well, look, i don t know. it s obviously something the president didn t want to do. he very much pride himself on being the man who ended the war
in iraq. but sometimes even when you re president, you have to bow to reality and the reality was the situation in northern iraq was collapsing, both in a strategic sense, there is a humanitarian sense. i think the president felt he had no choice but to react and i suspect most people i think a lot of people in the country are going to have problems with it because they don t want us to get involved again. but i suspect most people in washington will support at least a limited u.s. role again in terms of trying to blunt the isis attack. one specific thing that s interesting, the president didn t want to go after isis in mosul, for instance, in some of these cities it s taken over because they very much integrated into the civilian community. it would be a situation like hamas and gaza. but if they re on the march in places like approaching irbil, or on the march in sinjar mountains, then they re more
exposed and that s when he talked about attacking the convoys. they re an easier target and opportunity to reach them and take them out. he hasn t actually launched any air strikes yet. he s simply authorized them. sure. chris, cbs is reporting a top white house advisor are predicting u.s. intervention in iraq will be part of a very long military campaign. of course, right now all we ve heard is targeted air strikes. but the big question is, how much can they really do with that and how do they get those people off the mountain if all they re doing is shooting at the people down on the ground, the isis guys? i suppose if people are surrounding them at the bottom of the mountain, if you blast them to bits, then you re going to have opportunityies to evacuate the people who are there. look, what this is going to do is it doesn t take it stops the isis advance if you want to pursue it going toward irbil, there are hundreds of thousands
civilians there, there are kurds who are maybe our most reliable allies in the mess that is iraq today and there are americans there. so you can stop the advance. you can t actually reverse the gains they ve already made and the decision as to whether to do that, and there are a lot of people who think we have to, that would involve a very prolonged military involvement and that gets us back to the situation we had a month ago which is you ve got an iraqi government which is very divisive, that the sunnies feel dealt out of and despite our best efforts and the best efforts of a lot of other people, including the iraqis, they ve been unable to get maliki to step down and put a unity government in there. so i m not sure that in terms of really rolling back isis you re able to do that. you can maybe stop them, but you can t roll them back until you get a situation in baghdad that s more stable. this one of many crises going on around the world. no kidding. what is our action going to say to our adversaries around
the world? are they watching how we handle this right now? absolutely. there are different people who will give different arguments about it, having covered ronald reagan for six years, i kind of believe in peace through strength, which is the idea to the degree that your enemies fear you and your allies are certain they can rely on you, that you re able to project strength and often times that s the way to get peace. obviously there are a lot of critics of the president who feel that this president has done the exact opposite of that. best example being setting the red line in syria and then not enforcing it. you can t draw a direct line and say that therefore caused, but it is interesting to note that after that, we ve had the situation of isis and syria and iraq. we got the situation of putin in crimea and eastern ukraine. so you bet people are going to be watching to see is this just a speech by the president? are there just a few token air
strikes? is it really a muscular effort to project u.s. force? that s going to have an impact not only in iraq, but around the world. not a slow news weekend. what s on your show? well, we re going to have the very latest on the situation. we re going to talk to general jack keane who will give us a talk. we ll talk to senator lindsey graham of the senate armed services committee who has been a critic in asking for u.s. action and by sunday we ll have a better sense as to whether this is a token or whether it really is, as i say, a new policy. there you see talking about this question of tax inversions where u.s. companies reincorporate as foreign companies with millions of dollars in taxes. chris koonce, who thinks it s a failure of economic pate idealism. and john angler says look, it s legal and it s legitimate. tell that to apple. see if chris koonce will do that. it will be interesting to see your show this weekend because you re going to have to be at the top of your game. america is counting on you. don t let us down. you know, that s the way i
feel every week, brian. thank you so much. you re welcome. thank you, chris. and over to heather nauert with a look at what else is making headlines. really putting the pressure on there. this first story is insane. coming out of california. a gunman opened fire on another driver on a freeway there. that driver was shot three times. but he wasn t about to let that suspect get away. he went after him. 911 emergency. i got shot at. are you hit? yes, i m hit. they took out my window and i think my arm is shot. i m trying to catch up to him now. despite getting shot, look at that bullet hole in his car. he hit speeds of 98 miles an hour to go after the guy. i didn t want this man to get away. i knew if he were to leave me or if i were to break off on the pursuit that i would never see him again and he would get away with his crime. police eventually arrested the gunman. they have no idea why he fired at baker.
the two have no history with one another, but good thing nobody else got hurt there. he could spend the rest of his life behind bars after eight hours of deliberations. jurors in detroit found theodore we ver guilty of murder. he said he was terrified for his life. the woman is the victim, her family says they feel vindicated by the jury. we have now what we need to move on with our lives. justice was served today. it was. sentence not guilty that case is august 21. new developments in the irs scandal. federal judge has just refused to allow a conservative group to hire a forensic expert to locate lois lerner s lost e-mails. this happening at the same time that a top obamacare official at the center for medicare and medicaid who oversaw the botched rollout of obamacare admitting to losing some of her e-mails.
she told congress that she may have accidentally deleted them. we showed you this story earlier in the week. mystery solved about this bear. we just found out why that bear in new jersey is walking around like a human. we all thought it was a human in a costume. but animal experts say it is a bear and that this little guy hurt his front paws, pablo when he was hit by a car. they say it hurts him to walk on all fours. so locals tell us that they re used to seeing him. they ve nicknamed him vinny. he s apparently a baby, barely three years old. don t you feel awful about that now, guys? there was speculation whether or not it was fake. there was a guy in a suit. that s vinny, folks! it s just vinny. it s just vinny. he s not going to let s make a deal. coming up straight ahead, what s the latest on beau bergdahl?
he wants to go to college. the sergeant accused of deserting the army has dreams of campus life. wait until you hear why. then it s a story you won t hear anywhere else. russian bombers invading our air space at least 16 times. what? how is that possible? first the gin blossoms are performing hey jealousy. (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour.
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. got news for you. it s a scene right out of the cold war. russian nuclear bombers have crossed into u.s. air space 16 times in the last ten days. u.s. fighter jets being forced to scramble on several of those occasions. thanks a lot, vlad. and sergeant beau bergdahl wants to leave the army and go to college. his lawyer says bergdahl just wants to, quote, make up for lost time. but first, of course, he has to overcome an investigation into why he allegedly deserted his post in afghanistan.
that s the news. now it s time for music and some stars, brian. absolutely. i don t know if you know it, but the gin blossoms are here and these people couldn t be happier or prouder! this is robin, their lead singer. he s been playing all morning. we re thrilled to have you here. you sound fantastic. thank you. you played in 25 countries, about 120 dates a year. you re here this morning. but what is the journey been like to get here in here we are in 2014. do you remember the early days in the 80s? yeah. we remember everything. being here now is in a way better because we know more than we did and we re much better band than we were before. i think i i guess i understand we get a lot better when you re making your way up. through the 80s, ten years. today the story goes in your industry, you can get famous on youtube without a record deal. is that true and would you rather come up now or the one
you guys came up? i m glad we came up when we did. we were part of the old music industry where they would groom bands and you recorded on analog tape and stuff like that. having the internet levels the playing field, but at the same time, it s easy to get lost next to the nabisco cookie web site, or whatever. i understand. you went to iraq and played for the troops in 2010. what was that like? we ve got some photos to go through. the food was great at the commissary. we really enjoyed the food. what about the soldiers and the troops? of course, they were awesome. we were filled with pride to be able to perform for them. i got to start a show by saying, happy thanksgiving, baghdad. so that will never happen again. hopefully not. it s great you re here and you re safe. follow you down you ll be playing in just a few minutes. you guys like that song, right? gin blossoms are here. bill hemmer is coming up in ten
minutes. what do you have planned? good morning to you and a big friday morning. breaking news friday as well. the latest from iraq and those on the run from islamic terrorists. will the help get there in time? in the middle east, the cease fire is off. hamas is back at it today. here at home, a leading republican holds up a tea party challenge. we ll talk to senator lamar alexander live. and we ll talk to the border patrol about the killing of an innocent agent in front of his family this week. see new about ten minute, top of the hour here vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140506 23:00:00

organizations like this that, you know, can cause such havoc in people s day to day lives. he s right. this is a global problem. an estimated 4.5 million people are victims of sexual exploitation worldwide. it s time to bring our girls home. all of them. thank for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. star witness in trenton. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this breakthrough in the christie case. today, right on television, a christie aide said on the record that she had been told to destroy evidence, to cover up the efforts by trenton officials to punish mayors who didn t play ball. the person she said gave that
order was bridgel kelly. the christie aide who sent that eye-popping e-mail, time for some traffic problems in ft. lee. more damning than this evidence of cover-up was the insiders culture of the christie operation that was exposed today, this time on the public record. the star witness who testified christine renna said the fact that the office might be punishing a mayor for political reasons was business as usual. certainly nothing to blow the whistle over. with this, the new jersey investigating committee got its first on the record testimony of the inside culture of a governor s office where punishment and reward were apparent lly meted out in the run-up to his reelection. and the big question, from how high up did the orders come. christina said she didn t think started with bridgel kelly. she described her as someone who took her guidance from above. all of this is out there for the
legislators, the media and the national republican king makers to see. the notion that this tight skrooutny on governor christie represents a partisan attack today lost out to the fact that we are now hearing real officials talking real official business in the nvj nj governor s office. the prospect is now the reality, people are now testifying. john wisniewski is the co-chair of the committee investigating the bridge scandal. and brian murphy is a political analyst and former managing editor of as i mentioned for the first time on television, we saw a christie employee under oath today describing how her boss told her to destroy evidence. this is christina renna recounting a dramatic conversation back in december when reporters were getting the first real indications that something had gone terribly wrong with those lane closures. here s renna. she led by saying i didn t know anything about this.
the lane closures. i countered with, well, yes, you did because mayor sokolich called evan and i e-mailed you about it. and that s when the tune started to change. that s when her demeanor changed and she knew exactly what e-mail was talking about. and she sounded very nervous and then she said, you know, just do me a favor and get rid of it. i said you want me to delete the e-mail? i said that to her. and she said yes, listen, i m getting a lot of questions and i m just really nervous. and, you know, i can t take getting grilled about this over and over again. assemblyman, what does this mean? well, what this means is that the investigation that we ve led so far by getting documents has taken a new direction with the testimony of christine renna. what s troubling more, even than
the fact that christine renna was asked to deliver the e-mail was she felt uncomfortableable going to anyone in the governor s office to say hey, this sounds wrong, this seems wrong, what do i do about it. her testimony was she was afraid that reporting the request to destroy the e-mail would have cost her her job. well, chris are enna also revealed this piece of dra mat eck and damning revelation, how she apparently didn t think bridget kelly had done anything wrong by requesting that she destroy that potential piece of evidence. renna said she didn t tell anyone about kelly s request until january 9, the day after the bergen record blew this story wide open by revealing that bridget kelly had been directly involved. here s renna today. i didn t think it rose to a level of having to go to an ethics officer for it. i didn t. not at the time. you were aware at the time there were legislative hearings on this issue. i was, yes.
and knot withstanding that there were legislative hearings on this issue, bridget kelly asks you to delete an e-mail from your own personal e-mail account. you delete it, preserve it somewhere else, but you don t think it rises to the level to talk to somebody? i didn t, no. when i heard that, i hear a culture which it s considered business as usual to punish a mayor and also to cover up the fact that you did it by deleting evidence. i don t know any other way to wash that but her assumption was that s the world in which she worked. right. and in that context, it is a stunning thing. there are legislative hearings going on at the time she s asked to delete this. there are press stories that have been going on and on for weeks now. and according to christie s own testimony, she s already asked people in this administration to begin digging into this. it s one thing for bridget kelly to ask her to do this, but the one thing that really gives us a
sense of what the culture is that christina renna went ahead and deleted the e-mail. she forwarded it to her personal account, but she did, in fact, delete it from the one she had kept it in previously. so i think the idea that we had talked a lot about the culture and what the culture would permit and what kind of office this was and this would tell us what kind of administration christie has. we got a glimpse of it today. . something like this, where you re being asked to delete an e-mail about an issue that s on the front pages of newspapers, that doesn t meet the bar of what you would go to an ethics officer for. she said bridget kelly wasn t the architect she thought of the lane closures. here s her exchange with luis greenwald. do you believe that bridget kelly broke from what was her
persona, her responsibility, and for whatever reason in the exchange of e-mails to you broke from her normal course of action and that bridget kelly orchestrated and was the architect of the theory around a study and to take it from three lanes to one. do you believe that? i wouldn t say she was the architect. but she was instrumental in the process. i believe that, yes. well, she s not the architect. assemblyman, what does that tell you. do you believe that christina renna was keeping a secret here because she s afraid to go public with it? or is that the norm in the office? what is it? i think that s part of the troubling pattern that s emerging here. if you remember back in december, we heard testimony from employees of the port authority, and they said closing the lanes was wrong, it was unprecedented, they knew it would add badly.
but they feared for their jobs. they dare not anger david wildstein. and now this woman is saying i didn t raise the awareness about this e-mail because i feared for my job. i heard her say, the way i watched it a couple of lines, it sounds like she s saying i don t think it rose to the level to report it. well, she said that, but under further questioning, with easked her, why wouldn t you go to the governor s chief council, she said if i went there, i might get in trouble and i might lose my job essentially. that s a troubling set of circumstances for any governmental administration to operate under. the people have to act under fear of their job before they could do the right thing. let s talk about how high up this goes. what about this issue she raised saying bridget kelly the governor has pointed to as the
perpetrator here, the punishment of all the mayors, the governors put all the onus on the woman we re looking at on the tape here. and now we re looking at christina renna saying whoa, she s not the architect. she takes guidance from other people. how do you read that? that s a significant development, because obviously the mastro report wants us to believe this is something bridget kielty orchestrated. the testimony today said she may have been involved, but she s not the architect. that means we have to continue to dig to find out who exactly the architect was. was it your reading of what she said today under oath, the architect was her boss. i m sorry, the architect was above her boss. the architect the testimony leads you to the conclusion that there was somebody above bridget kelly that was directing her efforts. i mean, that was the clear
sentiment given by christine renna when she talked about how kelly would operate. she would take orders from above. a what we don t know who above is and how far above it goes. let s go to the logical conclusion it s bill stepien. but then he s now the campaign manager who s in charge of getting those mayors to endorse the governor. he s the guy, he s the kingpin. he reports to the governor. what do we make of all this? i think that map is really important. in understanding how the new jersey state house functions. it s clear that they share information in that building on need-to-know basis. bridget kelly hadn t been in that job long enough to become someone who s truly a member of that trusted inner circle in the waybill stepien was. you could tell the way christina renna discussed this today,
there s a sense that just on the day to day interactions people have, that people above her, too, are being told information on a need to know basis. and that comment that kelly made to her, trust no one, something out of the the x files. don t trust anyone here. boy does that speak ill of how that office is run. here we have a ceremonial office, the only thing separating it. the governor is on the left side. and there s bridget kelly. they re all connected politically. they re working in the same place. right. chris, what i said all along
is you have these people communicating op a daily basis. the question that comes to mind is how is all this going on and we re asked to believe there s not anybody sharing information. that everybody is operating in silos, nobody knows what s going on and that bridget kelly felt very comfortable in asking her assistant to delete an e-mail. it really raises some serious credibility issues. any one of those three people had a pizza for lunch, the other two would know. people with common sense, how was your day, what s the buzz. i ve been in political offices. it s constant chatter. your thoughts finally here, brian. what does this add to the story? now we have a public record, public testimony under oath from christine renna that she was, in fact, asked to kill evidence.
you certainly have now tbeginnig of a picture. when the governor comes out for those pressers, he s coming out of his private office. the first office that s behind all the cameras there and to the right, that s where bridget kielke kel kelly s office was. you can t go through that hall way without passing them. so i always thought that the idea that bridget kelly can run an operation out of an office like that without anyone else knowing about it is completely preposterous. unless there was some massively effective cover-up on her part. it just isn t plausible you could get away with doing something like that because the quarters are too tight will the argument the governor made on day one go ahead. when you have the issue of credibility, i wasn t talking about christina renna s
testimony today, but people on the first floor who all say they knew nothing about this, and it s hard to imagine with everyone in such close proximity that there wasn t a better level of communication between people on that first floor. thank you so much. . coming .uh, the right strikes back as they try to take control of the u.s. senate. if they succeed, this november could mean an historic, nasty assault on president obama and yes, of course, hillary clinton. the benghazi hearings will only b be part of it. plus, playing the race card. a candidate for governor in pennsylvania is trying to bring down his party s front-runner with a racially charged attack ad top democrats say is slanderous and below the belt. ed rendell calls it one of the worst he s ever seen. and the obama administration is trying to help the nigerian government find hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped by islamist rebels, threatening to sell them into slavery.
finally, robin wright named me her favorite washington correspondent. that s in the side show. are you ready grandma? just a second, sweetie. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. we know you do so much more. at your ford dealer think? they think about tires. and what they ve been through lately. polar vortexes, road construction, and gaping potholes. so with all that behind you, you might want to make sure you re safe and in control. ford technicians are ready to find the right tires for your vehicle. get up to $120 in mail-in rebates on four select tires when you use the ford service credit card
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there s someone around the office who hasn t had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i m looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. welcome back to hardball. the republicans are taking first steps in their quest to take
control of the senate. a series of primaries today. here s what the republicans will do if they succeed. they re saying they will gang up on the president with the republican dominated house and the senate passing bill designed to hurt president obama and the likely democratic nominee for next time, hillary clinton. here s some of the ways it s going to happen. they ll force obama to veto or buckle to the conservative legislation they put up. leave obama and democrats with no chance to initiate bills of his own. republicans can stifle any obama supreme court nominees. that s a big one. the daily beast article says it wouldn t be surprising to see the gop give a nominee a hearing but sit on the vote. that s for the supreme court, leaving the supreme court with only eight members until they see who wins the presidency. and the big cherry on the top of this sunday, benghazi investigations hour by hour. joining me right now, the author of that piece, msnbc political
analyst joan walsh. i want both of you to paint the picture. i admit this is a get out the vote effort by me. i think people should note. i think people should especially vote if they have something at stake. but this side, i think it s the progressives who have something to worry about. these numbers are not good. so what is going to happen? what s the bad at the end of the tunnel if they lose the senate? if the republicans control the senate as well as the house, chris, that means they control the senate calendar. mitch mcconnell, assuming he reelections. he could lose and republicans could still get control. republicans run the senate, they run the calendar. they say what gets to the floor, what doesn t get to the floor. they say what the committees have a hearing on, don t have hearings on. majority control the senate judiciary committee. the house has passed a lot of conservative legislation that harry reid has just blocked and said we re never going to bring this to the floor. he s protected obama in that way. if the republicans have the senate, that legislation all
comes to the senate floor. obama is going to veto presumably. he s had two vetoes in his presidency, the least since james garfield who was only president for six months anyway. obama would be forced to take a lot of stand, and the republicans can pack a lot of things in appropriations bills that he s going to be really uncomfortable with. i think the republican goal was to make president obama s presidency himself was an asterisk. he wasn t really president. like a guy who used drugs in baseball. well, he doesn t really belong to be on the batting list of all time. if they can use the next two years to stifle the guy, to smother him politically, force him to spend all his time battling to just not sign thing, they win. absolutely, chris. i think what they would try to do if they had that power would be repeal his presidency. erase his legacy. it would be as though he didn t exist. they would do everything they could to chip away at the
affordable care act. we would lose the contraception mandate a lot of it. i don t think we would lose all of it. but they would be able to chip away at parts of it. they would gut dodd-frank if not repeal the consumer financial protection bureau. but the president can still veto it. where he really gets jammed if you don t get the democrats back in the senate. supreme court nominations. ginsberg is a bit old. you never know when they re going to want to retire. and all the republicans in the senate have to do if they run the place is just sit on that. nay done this back with johnson. wouldn t allow them to pick a supreme court justice until they left office and gave it to nixon. ginsberg says she s not going to retrier. she says she has no interest in that. i talked to about 20 from this story. a clear majority of them, democrats and republicans yeah,
they would give a nominee a hearing for show. but i can totally see them, a lot of these people said i could toetdly see them just sitting on it and we would have eight supreme court justices until the year of 2016. you know the reporting, how close is the supreme court to flipping on roe v. wade just flip option the whole policy of a woman s right to choose. they have four votes, don t they? yes. i think it really could flip. and i think losing any of the more liberal of the justices appointed by democrats would be very dangerous for roe v. wade. and, you know, it s possible that they would give somebody a vote who was very conservative. i think the president would have to appoint somebody to the right of david suter. david suter couldn t get confirmed in this climate. even if they picked somebody, they would work really hard to make sure they were palatable to the conservative majority, and
that s scary in its own way. i think it s very, very grim. we don t know where roberts will go on that. if he gets another ally on the right, he might go with the crowd. sherrod brown in ohio, your article said for a glimpse of what a republican-controlled congress would do, look to the state. senator brown says if you want to know what a wholly republican congress would do is look at what they ve already done in state capitals, like in ohio. gone after voters rights, workers rights, women rights. so true. voter suppression nationwide. that would be a big one. they could stop black people from voting, they would have a real advantage. that would be the name of their game. women s issues, i think they would really clamp down on that. this is an example of something the house passed in 2013 that said no abortions after 20 weeks nationwide. virtually life of the mother was the only exception.
would the senate pass that? would they want to pass that? trying to reach out to women voters. and if they follow their instincts on that, they might just pass it and the courts, even the court we have now might just accept it. thank you. scary times. i ve said this before, only losing five seats is a good night for the democrats this november. up next, the one thing jimmy fallon saw at the dinner that everybody else missed. we re moving our company to new york state.
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late night comedians finally had a chance to react to saturday s white house correspondent dinner and jimmy fallon caught something about the president s speech we all seemed to miss. obama had some pretty funny lines at the din e, but since he s not a trained comedian, i think he was concerned people wouldn t know when to laugh, so he had an interesting technique to make sure people knew when to laugh. in 2008, my slogan was yes, we can. in 2013, my motto was control-alt-delete. these days, house republicans
actually give john boehner a harder time than they gave me. which means orange really is the new black. that orange is the new black is one of the best lines i ve ever heard. anyway, speaking of the correspondent dinner, i was thrilled to get a shoutout from robin wright of house of cards over the weekend. here s what she told a washington post reporter when she was asked who her favorite white house correspondent was. i don t live here. you guys talk to us as if we know the ins and outs. i don t know who anybody is. is chris matthews a correspondent? i love that guy. he covers the white house every day. talk about a bulldog. right? anyway, next up, everyone s heard of the old phrase from baretta. don t do the crime if you can t do the time. but bobby scott of virginia, there he is, thinks that kind of political sloganeering simplifies crime policy.
they actually do little or nothing to reduce crime. well, congressman scott joins steve colbert last night in his latest better know the district segment. colbert tried to help the congressman come up with rhymes of his own. you don t think you know your stuff. put some rhymes into your crime talk. i mean, people don t think you re walking the walk. that s the next rhyme. my rhyming is sub lime. i can rhyme on a dime. see i m trying to help you. but you got to help me out. you got to drop a few rhymes yourself if we re going to make the world a better place. that s. the problem with crime policy. we re pushing so far for an evidence-based approach where you look at the studies, look at the evidence and then you support things that actually work rather than things that make you seem like a jerk.
i don t think so. he is so smart. the ugly attack ad at a high profiles governor race in pennsylvania. and top democrats sate s one of the worst ads they ve ever seen. now that s a statement. with diabetes, it s tough to keep life balanced. i don t always have time to eat like i should. that s why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [male announcer] glucerna.
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the president of the l.a. clippers is taking an indefinite leave of absence. it will annoy a new ceo to begin with a clean slate. the secret service says a vehicle trailed a motorcade through an entrance at the white house earlier, prompting a lockdown there. the driver has been arrested. and interstate 15, a busy highway connecting l.a. with las vegas closed after a fire collapsed in an overpass.
the charge of racism is in the air in pennsylvania and it s taeking place among democrats. two weeks before the democratic primary for governor, which is coming up, the front-runner tom wolf is leading his opponents by get this, 25 point, which explains a lot of what s coming here. and one of the candidates trailing him by so many points rob mccourt is running this ad. he spent millions on tv ads, but now serious questions tom wolf can t answer. why would he chair the campaign of a man arrested in the role of a race riot, one that left a black woman dead? why would he stand behind a man charged with first degree, an admitted racist who handed out ammunition and shouted white power. york, pennsylvania, it was an ugly episode. for tom golf, there s just no
good answer. now the facts. democratic front-runner tom wolf chaired the re-election campaign of the mayor of york, pennsylvania. mayor charlie robertson was charged in second degree murder in of an african-american woman in race riots 32 years earlier. he was a police officer and accused of stirring up crowds that led to the death of a 27-year-old woman. robertson was acquitted. get that fact. acquitted of the charges. in this ad deliberately ignored that fact and more importantly, the ad ties tom wolf to the previous racist attitudes of another person. i m calling foul. i m not the only one. form nder governor of pennsylva ed rendell said it was the worst ad i ve seen seen. it makes me a shamed to be a part of this business for most of my adult life. bob casey called the ad offensive and says it slanders wolf s character by implying he
is insensitive to racism. we re going to invite rob mccourt to come on but he declined. former governor of pennsylvania ed rendell is a political analy analyst. he sits with me now. the former chair of the republican national commit teen an msnbc political able list. what good is this kind of an ad? i lost two races before i started to win, act actually. they were high profile races. you believe in yourself and you believe you can do gootd. you become almost obsessed with winning. what s wrong with this ad, ris chris, in addition to his tone is rob mccourt knows it s fall. he s endorsed by the african-american mayor of york. the state general democrat said that what wolf did by not disavowing robertson immediately, wolf was given the
task of talking robertson into withdrawing his candidacy for the general election, which he did two days after the arrest. mccourt knows it s not true. never put something on, you know it s not true. it s wrong, it stirs up racial tension, and the only one that benefited was tom corbitt. to me this is terrible politics at its worse. it seems to me this is coming off the situation out there in the l.a. clippers. this isn t something who said hey, we can exploit this thing, it s in the atmosphere. pointing the fingers, appropriately or not, will work. also, i don t understand why you foul this late in a game. you re 24 points down, you re not going to win. all you re going to do is put fi the air and probably hurt the party s chance of winning the general. your thoughts? well, i think that last statement is an overstatement. i think the governor is going to
prevail rather handley this fall. but set that aside, this is a form of racial inopportunism that comes off the heels of not just the l.a. clippers story, but also cliven bundy. and the general mood in the country with respect to race. the goal is twofold. one is to begin to drive the passion the of the african-american community. given the support that s already out there for, you know, the candidates in this race among african-americans, it s kind of hard to do that. they re kind of set in their ways in this regard. i think this drives the passions the wrong way. but you take the shot. i think the goal here is to take the shot. how do you take it back? you can t. you say well, i never said he was a racist. i said he had bad judgment. give me a break.
by the way, they should have pointed out a fact. he was acquitted. it s not in the ad. and robertson did admit he said some racially insensitive things during the roy ottawa. he ain t running. tom wolf actually acted to defuse tensions by getting robertson off the ballot and mccourt knows it. he s a decent guy. i don t believe he did something like this. i sfent, as i said there, chris, i spent my adult life in this profession. i believe there s some great things about politics. but when you see ads like that, it makes you wond whaer you did. what do you think the limits are, you had to decide on these things. how far do you put the knife in when it s just about winning the election. you would never put the knife in except to make up 24 points in the election. you can t possibly make up 24 points in two weeks. i don t know why he would do this. i think part of it is, you know, this type of thing draws
the bright line. i think for a lot of campaigns, i ve been a few where i ve been a subject and a victim of the racial polarizing, advertising and the like. in maryland. but at the end of the day, you can t pull back from it, number one. it draws a very bright line as a party official as to where you do not want the party to go and certainly don t want the candidates to go. because at the end of the day, this blows up for not just mccourt, but also for golf. when he wins the primary, this now becomes an overhaj in some respects that could get played by supporters. so you want to draw a very bright line. i think governor rendell is appropriately done so as a former party official and governor of the state. and hopefully people will listen to that. the good news is it s not working. i did phone calls today. it s not working. we ll see. thank you.
great governor. my favorite mayor of philadelphia. i think you re my favorite republican national chairman, michael steele. it s not even close. it s up like 24 points. islamists have captured, kidnapped 280-something schoolgirl, hauled them off into the jungle and are selling them into slavery, making them marry people. this is the worst case we ve seen since maybe 9/11. are you ready grandma? just a second, sweetie.
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an absolutely horrific crime in nigeria sparking outrage. just over three weeks ago, nearly 300 teenage girls were absua abducted in the middle of the night at their school in nigeria. their only crime, wanting an education. the group responsible, an islamic insurgency group opposes the west s influence in nigeria. this weekend the head of the group released a taunting video. here it is, i abducted the girls at a western education school, it says. i said western education should end. i abducted your girls. i will sell them in the market. eight more girls were reportedly abducted in northeastern nigeria by the same group. international condemnation has ratcheted up. the united states senate today voted to condemn the abduction. hillary clinton spoke about the incident on twitter. access to edge ka igs is a basic right and an unconscionable reason to target innocent girls.
we must stand up to terrorism. bring back our girls. she s not alone, of course, expressing her outrage. let me be clear. the kidnapping of hundreds of children is an unconscionable crime and we will do everything possible to support the nigerian government. our vocabularies don t fit into how offensive, a proper way to describe how offensive this is. i think we should get surveillance equipment down there. this is not acceptable in any century, much less the 21st. let s call this what it is. one of the most brazen and shocking single incidents of human trafficking we ve seen in recent memory. there s news today the united states offered to send a team of military and law enforcement experts to support the nigerian government s experts.
the team will share their experience and intelligence, investigations in hostage negotiations. michelle bernard is the president of the bernard center for women politics and public policy. lla is a british-born nigerian writer and commentator. thank you for joining us. in an interview with al roker, president obama also responded to the kidnappings in nigeria. here s our president. this is a terrible situation. boka haram, this terrorist organization that s been operating in nigeria has been killing people, innocent civilians for a long time. we always identified them as one of the worst local or regional terrorist organizations there is out there. i can only imagine what the parents are going through. we ve offered and it s been accepted, help from our military and law enforcement officials. we re going to do everything we can do to provide assistance to them. in the short term, our goal obviously is to help the
international community and the nigerian government as a team to do everything we can to recover these young ladies. lola, what s the best repo reporting right now about where the girls have been taken? take? there isn t much. to be honest with you there really isn t. no one really knows. what people think is they may have been taken to the sambisa forest which is a former game reserve. a vast space where the bok boka haram spent most of their time and are based. to be honest, nobody really knows. that s as big as yellowstone park. it s enormous. yes. that opens the question. you know the terrain. is it feeble for a military operation from washington if we get troops over there does that make a plausible campaign for them to go into the jungle testify never been into and the world of languages they do not know seeking out a group of
people they don t know what they look like. i wonder if it s feasible. they have to do it from above. an aerial way in, of looking at things. that particular region borders other countries as well. we are not just talking about forests. they could have escaped into countries. it s a difficult mission. they are dealing with terrorists. they won t walk in and the guys will say, here you go. it is a ricky situation. your views on the this. tell me how you go into this thing. you go into it, number one, and say this is another story in a long line of history around the world of how we see people, particularly islamist groups view and treat women and girls. we see women regular areally kidnapped, abducted and raped as a tool of war. this is a horrific example of
what happened. you have to ask what took the world three weeks to talk about the fact that this this is a terrorist organization run by people with very proud ties to al qaeda and we have absolutely got to do something about it. for the people who don t necessarily care about women s human rights as they should, we also need to look at the fact that women s human rights are a part p of the united states nation international security interests. we have a duty and a moral obligation to send in troops and do what we can to get the girls out and stabilize a thu and fragile democracy in nigeria. tell us about the group. boka haram. they started in 2002. they have done a lot of damage in that time. they claim they want sharia law, that they are against the
westernization of nigeria. there are 12 states already there with sharia law which emboldened them. i believe they are disaffected, living in an area that s rural. although they are islamist they have been killing muslims, too. they attack christians, muslims, increasingly women and children as we see with this. they are a shadowy group. we don t know how many there are. maybe in the hundreds. we don t know how much money they have. so that s the scary part. they have caused a lot of oh havoc. we don t necessarily understand who they are. the scar ier part to me is this is the world we live in now. the this is a world with people have different ideas than we have, who feel they have a moral right from god to go in and do this stuff.
boka haram s leader said, i enjoy killing anyone that god commands me to kill, the way i enjoy killing chickenens or rams. no moral pobs with taking girls, making them marry guys and ruin them in their own community ifs they get out. by threatening to sell them for $12 a child. they have no sense of humanity. this is a major terrorist group. this reminds me of when we first saw taliban way before we got involved this in afghanistan. when they blew up the buddhist statue. the sense of nothing stand miss the way of the religious zealotry. they were called the al qaeda there. in the south particularly christians and muslims live eeply together. they are using rereligion to justify their insanity.
that s really the issue. you know, these are crazy people. it s not just to do with their religion. they are disaffecteded. they don t have much else going on. o this is their way act on crazy ideas the they have tied to god because it gives them a power they wouldn t is have otherwise. i m hopeful the organization african unity can do something here. we can help as best we can. africa has to move on this lt thank you, michelle, bernard and lola. we ll be right back after the this.
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let me finish tonight with this horror in africa. over 200 schoolgirls aged 15 to 18 hauled away in trucks by a group out to destroy modern education. some have been forced to marry. others have died already. the question is what can we do? what can our country do to rescue them from what could end up being a life in captivity of degradation, fear and possibly death at the hands of men who think women should be subjected to the worse to make them, in their twisted kwies, pure. i hope we can help and i hope the afr can association of unity gets together. i hope the world can pressure,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140513 10:00:00

a new album is being released today nearly five years after his death. the record features eight previously unreleased songs. the songs selected were written between 1983 and 2001. we re going the have to check that out. that s it for a tuesday way too early. morning joe starts right now. michael sam s war on traditional gridiron values started as soon as he got the phone call. this is the moment where michael sam got the news that he was going to be a member of the st. louis rams. there you see the raw emotion.
holding. unnecessary tenderness. good morning. it is tuesday, may 13th. beautiful sunrise over washington this morning. with us on set in new york, msnbc contributor mike barnicle, former communications director for president george w. bush, nicole wallace, mark halperin, donny deutsch with important information. and in washington, columnist and associate editor of the washington post, msnbc political analyst and a man who has important news mr. eugene robinson. good to see you in d.c. good to see you. joe and mika have the morning off. there s things to be talked about this morning. the post has a story that can t not be talked about. most importantly there s donny
deutsch. we have a realtime correction here. i ve had my publishers up all night over this. these are the kind of things, they seem small, these details. next thing you know, they re writing about me kissing mike barnicle. look in the camera and ask for a correction. i would like a correction because i was there four hours earlier. this is why republicans don t trust the lame stream media. you can tour with sarah palin and, like, seriously have you know, i know you ve been through this before. what an ordeal. i m reported to be in central park at times when i m nowhere near central park. not by a newspaper, but the police department. . fine, good food. been there many times. but not this past sunday. not this past sunday. i think we need edward snowden
on this. you have to draw the line at time, date, and place. the next thing you know, you will be on a date with sarah palin. you will be hunting moose. you will be making your own moose sausage. and it s all going to be all over. speaking of which, you know, mr. scarborough has a whole new notice his wardrobe he has. very pricey stuff. looks good. but yet i still take the heat. that s another trick for republicans. that s the media s double standard. men can spend as much as they want on their clothes but if women buy a fancy skirt it s like you ve been through this before. we ll let you work through your ordeal. take as much time as you need. let s get to some of the news this morning. donald sterling has spoken on the record with cameras rolling fully aware of his remarks this time going public. but that did not stop the disgraced los angeles clippers owner from sounding off again. in an interview with cnn
sterling says it was jealousy, not racism that fueled his conversation with his former mistress. but that wasn t all. sterling only made things worse with what appeared to be a disillusioned view of the controversy around him. i think you have more of an plantation mentality than i do. i think you re more of a racist than i am? how so? i m not a racist. i ve never been a racist. i ll never be a racist. the players don t hate me. the sponsors don t hate me. the fans don t hate me. the media hates. it s all the media pushing it. honestly you believe it s just the media? i believe that 100%. i believe it, people call me by the thousands and give me support. you believe the players of the los angeles clippers absolutely. they know i m not a racist. and i m not a racist. anderson cooper well known for his plantation mentality. meanwhile, former lakers guard
magic johnson was also the subject of sterling s ire. you re not going to believe this one. listen. what has he done? can you tell me? big magic johnson, what has he done? well, he s a business person. he s got aids. did he do any business? did he help anybody in south l.a.? i think he has hiv. he doesn t actually have full-blown aids. what kind of guy goes to have sex with every girl and catches hiv? is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. i think he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people? doesn t do anything. you call up and say he s opened a lot of businesses in inner city neighborhoods. the jewish people have a company and it s for people who want to borrow money with no interest. they want to give them a fishing pole. we want to help people. if they don t have money, we ll loan it to you.
one day you ll pay us back. i m just telling you. he does nothing. it s all talk. so you re saying that african-americans don t contribute to african-american communities as much as jewish people? there s no never mind. i m sorry. you know, i they all want to play golf with me. everybody wants to be with me. this is the damage control interview. in response to those remarks about magic johnson, nba commissioner adam silver issued this statement, quote, i feel compelled on behalf of the nba family to apologize to magic johnson that he continues to be degraded by such a malicious and personal attack. the board of governors is continuing with its process to remove mr. sterling as expeditiously as possible. gene robinson, it s hard to know where to begin when you listen to comments like that. i m just oh, my god.
you could spend an entire show telling what magic johnson has done for african-american communities. he s donated tens of millions of dollars in low income communities around the country. he could have picked any random person and said they, you know, they might not have done something for the african-american community, but not magic johnson. tus just this guy is on mars or something. but he s not a racist. right? i m not a racist. but let me tell you about every african-american. it s just get him out of here. i ll tell you one way that video helped, he s clearly out of his mind. beyond being a racist. you could just see in the way he responds and as he drifts off, he s just mentally just not there. apparently soon-to-be ex-wife
has indicated she feels strongly he s in the early stages of dementia. and he has proven it. you watch him and then he talks, he s not a well man. just to accentuate the positive for a moment, anderson was awesome. just let him talk. took a lot of restraint to not step in. i thought that was good. stepped in just enough. that s one where you get out of the way and let the guy do it. sterling s argument says what was on tape was out of context and this woman pulled this out of him. and then he does this interview that s supposed to clean up the mess and the true donald sterling comes out. he s not fit to own an nba team anymore. what is surprising, the guy is worth a couple billion dollars. he must have handlers around not very good one. i don t know who s advising around him, but someone with a great sense of irony. yeah. someone who loves him just
like the players love him. we re going to leave donald sterling now. let s move on to other news. want to get you in on this, nicole. karl rove isn t just analyzing political races now. he s talking about the medical condition of one potential presidential candidate. according to the new york post, karl rove speculated last week that hillary clinton may have brain damage. the former adviser to president bush repeated his theory several times to the audience. he cited the health care in 2012, remember she fell and suffered a blood clot. on thursday rove said, quote, 30 days in the hospital? and when she reappears she s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? we need to know what s up for that. it caused her to postpone her testimony on benghazi. supporters note he was hospitalized for 3 days, not 30. her spokesperson says please
assure mr. rove she is 100%. i was asking for glasses for brain damage. and they were all out. what do you make of this? karl did not raise this issue by accident. i worked with karl far long time. this was a deliberate strategy on his part to raise her health as an issue and i think in his view a legitimate line of questioning ahead of the next campaign. what s interesting to me and doesn t seem to be in line with karl is that he had some of the facts wrong. she wasn t in the hospital for 30 days. listen, this sounded pretty off the wall to me, but i worked for john mccain. his health was a question and issue every day. dick cheney i think ended up writing a book about his health. she will answer questions about her health. if he voters and her opponents have questions about them. but this attack seemed out of place, out of time, and some of the basic facts seemed to be wrong. in the absence of a strong
front runner, leading republicans right now are more focused, less focused on finding a candidate, more focused on trying to define her. this is one of a thousand things that has happened the last month of republicans trying to see what will undermine her and maybe intimidate her out of the race. there are people around her who don t want her to go through this stuff. she did suffer an injury. she had a blood clot between her skull and her brain in 2012. what do you make of this approach from karl rove? you know, i think that the assessment that mark s assessment this is an attempt to define her and raise an issue which as nicole says will be an issue if he decides to run. any major presidential candidate s issue in health or weight or whatever physical condition is a legitimate issue. but dr. rove really should he
didn t do very well in medical school, i gather. because he doesn t have any of his facts right. i, too, have been shopping for those special traumatic brain injury shades because i think they look cool. but i can t find them. i think, gene, it proves that karl rove probably didn t do that well in medical school. but he s doing very well in the school of demographics. he knows looking at his field, the republican field of hillary clinton takes each one of those potential candidates and beats them. and so this is as mark indicated, this is just another measure that they re taking to try and knock down the presumed front runner if she does run for the democratic nomination. another reality of this, this is a private event. i don t know who put out what he said, but at these private eastbound traffics sometimes, people like karl want to perform for the paid audience and say stuff they wouldn t necessarily say in public. when it makes its way to the public and it s harder to explain. who thinks there are private events anymore, though, mark? what is a private event these
days in a time when cell phones are everywhere. mitt romney was at a private event. don sterling. karl is smarter than that. i don t think that s the issue. karl s been getting videotaped on cell phones for the better part of the last two decades. this, i think, is a strategy. he may have been trying it out on behalf of the party and nominee. while his comments may have been off, her health regardless of why she was in the hospital or whether she was in the hospital, questions about a candidate s health are not only legitimate, they are always part of a presidential campaign. particularly someone as old as she is. we take it to extremes suggesting brain damage. the substance of what he said listen. voters are smart enough to cancel out anything that s either wrong or over the line. so if you overreach with questions about health, the voters make a correction for that. the notion she isn t going to have to answer questions even in
a democratic primary about what she went through is ludicrous. of course she will. and wrap benghazi into this as well. benghazi and her health into one statement. another issue that s likely to come up during the presidential campaign coming up, the chamber of commerce is issued the party an ultimate tum when it comes to that race. tom donahue is pass comprehensive immigration reform or else. if the republicans don t do it, they shouldn t bother to run a candidate in 2016. wow. i mean, think about that. think about who the voters are. and i just did that to get everybody s attention, but we are a nation with people without jobs and jobs without people. we need all these people that we re training in the universities. the best universities in the world and we tell them to go home? when you do that, you send the work to where the people are.
nicole, i see you nodding your head over there. he s absolutely right. i wish he hadn t walked it back and said i m only saying that for effect. he s absolutely right. that wasn t a private event. that was a public event and he was in front of the association of manufacturers. employers. people who know a little bit about how we educate workers and then basically waste them by not having a comprehensive immigration policy. so when does the republican party do that? is that on track to happen in the lame duck? early next year perhaps. but people in the chamber need to go to republicans and say this has to happen. because it s not on track to happen. he conflated two issues. talking about people who are highly educated people trained in this country who are then forced to go home. he s going to have to if he wants this to happen, he has to take on citizenship for the 10 million here that are here
illegally. the business community if they want this to happen, they have to make republican dos it. isn t the path to citizenship a third rail at this point in a republican primary? what candidate is able to step out, make that claim, say that s the way we should go and still get through the primaries? jeb bush if he runs. but the party is so far and away from dealing with this. there s two tracks. there s everything else you can do to improve your standing with hispanic voters on which they ve done virtually nothing since the election. and then comprehensive immigration reform on which they re still standing in the way. the party s committing suicide. people in the chamber want this to happen, they must act now and they re not. they re giving, you know, remarks like that. but that s not how it changes. it s amazing, donny, in the world of big business and small business, the amount of intellectual property that s leaving after being educated here. the waste right in front of our
eyes as people come and go to premier schools. and universities around the country. and then are forced to leave and go back to their country. how about revenues leaving this country like pfizer buying companies not to pay taxes here. the money s going, the people s going. that s no good. quickly before we go, every time i hear jeb bush i i think think the same thing. how long has jeb bush been out of office? he s been out of the governorship for a couple of terms. eight years, ten years. i know having been out of advertising for ten years now, i m out of it. jeb bush isn t out of it. i don t know. that s a long time to not be in the business you re in. that s a long time in any business. he s in the business. no, he s not. what has he been for eight years? participating in the debates. i participate in debates every day. i m just saying in any business,
any in industry when you re gone for a decade as far as really hands in it, that s a big deal. well, hillary clinton has a similar challenge because she s been in the state department engaging in diplomacy which is a far cry from presidential politics. there s a big difference. that s one of the highest a offices in the country. go to iowa and see how many people ask about foreign aid. one of the biggest issues you ve raised, the difference is that a lot of people i suspect republicans are clamoring for jeb bush to get in. nobody is clamoring for you to get back in your business. as a result of page six. you re right. libel and slander and everything else. still ahead on morning joe, he ll be trading the capitol floor for a booth. and then the united states of secrets, documentary film maker michael kirk is here with
headlines gripping new project. and scott brown said earlier this month he probably doesn t have the best credentials to run for senate in new hampshire. our casey hundredkasie hunt givr crack at that answer. also the list of high profile people who have canceled commencement addresses this year because of protests keeps growing. we ll tell you who the newest person is to join that list. but first bill kairns has a look at the forecast. good morning to you. yesterday was the hottest day we ve seen this early summer season. we were 90 for the first time in hartford, connecticut, yesterday. that warmth was from boston all the way down to d.c. today things change. we got cool air coming in off the atlantic. also it s pouring rain this morning with thunderstorms in western new york. there is a little bit of flooding out there on the roads. be careful driving there south of buffalo. so the forecast for your tuesday, look at boston. went from mid-80s yesterday to 53 today. that s because of the cold water
just off shore and the breeze coming in. even new york city about 20 degrees cooler. but you re still going to be very hot from philadelphia southwards. southeast you look great today. all the troublesome weather is in the middle of the country. especially in texas. we ve got a lot of heavy rain there. that s going to be the case for flash flooding today during the day. so from dallas to houston, san antonio, all the way back up in there towards little rock, a chance for flash flooding. already had had about five inches of rain in areas east of texas. chicago you had bad storms yesterday. chance for more storms today. how about the west coast? l.a. today, 96 degrees. as we go towards tomorrow, we should be just as warm out there. they re still dealing with a horrible drought. when you see san francisco at 90 degrees, that s impressive stuff. that s a very cool city right by the bay. more morning joe when we come back.
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start building your confident retirement today. all right. we ve already told you about the new york post. let s look at other morning papers from our parade of papers. the washington post, a stunning twist in the congressional election involving former american idol star clay aiken. his primary opponent keith crisco died after falling in his home yesterday afternoon. aiken turned his website black with only a statement displayed. he s now temporarily suspending that campaign. the race is still too close to call. keith crisco was 71 years old. daily mail, a female diver in hawaii was attacked last week while 50 feet under water and it was all caught on tape. in the video a diver quickly
swimmed towards her and rips out her oxygen line. the daughter comes back and tries to rip it out again but fails and swims away. she was disconnected from her oxygen for almost 30 seconds. no charges filed. what s up with that? boston globe, investigators trying to figure out what caused a house to explode in new hampshire yesterday. they believe it all began with a domestic disturbance where a police officer was allegedly shot by the homeowner when he entered the home. reports say the alleged shooter also fired at another officer. his condition has not yet been released. additional police arrived on the scene to find the home on fire. wow. it later explodes as you can see right there. police believed the shooter did die in that fire. oh, my gosh. mike s favorite paper the tampa bay times, at&t reportedly in talks to buy directv for $50 billion. it would give at&t control over the country s largest satellite
tv provider. talks accelerated. the new york times, new research shows glaciers in antarct antarctica are melting too fast. pouring ice into the sea at an accelerated pace. they are on the verge of collapsing. scientists say this will likely rise in the global sea level of about four feet or more within a couple of centuries. usa today, john conyers election may be in trouble. only turned in 592 of 1,000 signatures needed. the los angeles times, this is a strange story, a judge in california is ordering an investigation into the whereabouts of radio personality casey kasem.
he suffered from advanced parkinson s disease and can no longer speak. an attorney for kasem s wife who is custody of the deejay says he was taken out of the country and they don t know where he is. kasem is 82 years old. the boston herald. the international monetary fund is backing out of smith college commencement following protests from the students. they were called an oppressed system. lagarde would not attend to, quote, preserve the spirit of commencement. it s the latest in a group of people who have backed out due to protests. these college students have got to lighten up. college is all about free speech and progressiveness. this is ridiculous. i don t agree with you on this one issue so you must not appear. oliver stone was my speaker
and that s why i m a republican. let s look inside the politico playbook. john harris, good morning. good morning, willie. there s a new piece in politico magazine breaking down some of the potential scenarios for the midterm elections coming up in november. whether it will be a ripple, perhaps tsunami, tell us about the calm seas scenario first. sure. larry in our pages west virginia university scholar writes about this. calm sea scenario likely isn t going to happen for democrats. that is obama sets much more popular. then a republican wave doesn t happen and just a switch ofr one or two seats and democrats keep control of the senate chamber. believes that unlikely. let s go to the next which is the gael force white cap scenario. that is certainly a plausible scenario. it s not one i happen to think
is likely. but that is republicans win and win pretty comfortably on the strength of seventh states, i believe it is, that romney won and where democrats are at competitive races and therefore they take over the senate chamber or come very close. what do you think is most likely? i think that democrats are and there s polling that suggests this that democrats we ve been looking at as in a lot of trouble are running more vigorous races than we expected. mark pryor in arkansas is the premiere example of this. if he ran as mark pryor, democrat, he d be in big trouble given how unpopular obamacare and obama is in arkansas. but he s running as mark pryor, you know me. you ve known me for a listening time. you can watch me fight for this seat and earn your vote. it s suggesting that s working well. there s a vulnerable seat that pryor s got a decent chance of
holding. john, you mentioned obamacare. is it possible the numbers in obamacare are being misread by some republicans? there was a debate about this. no question it s unpopular. the question is whether the electorate in these competitive states wants a backward looking debate, litigate obamacare. it s been law of the land for four years and promise to repeal it. or they say let s move on to something different. if that s all you have to say, that s not enough for you to earn my vote. in other words, give me a forward-looking argument. the third scenario is the republican tidal wave, outcome of the gop picking up 11 seats or more. what do you think about this one? it s just not going to happen. larry himself doesn t put a lot of stock in that. still a competitive nation. we ll see that in the senate results this year. even though the map tends to favor republicans just as come 2016 it s going to be more
favorable democratic map for the senate. we re still six months or so out from election. what i call an eternity in politics. thank you very much. which you don t have to put it in terms of gael force white caps. but what s the pickup in the house and does the senate swing? today republicans would pick up in the house. if obamacare gets less popular, they could lose substantial seats in the house. i think the key for the democrats is they ve got to make these individual senate races as john said. people like pryor can really fight themselves into contention if they run strong races independent of the national tie. the problem is they still are facing a national tide that will be strong enough to topple for republicans to get a majority. it s tough math for them still, but they are not giving up. they are not overwhelmed. and they re not taking it for granted. they know they can be wiped out and they re fighting. and do republicans take the
senate? today they do and i still think something has to change for them not to. politico s john harris with a look inside the playbook. thanks, john. coming up with the nets looking to even with the heat, lebron james performs with a career high. highlights next in sports. vo: once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours
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time for some sports in the nba playoffs. we ll start in portland. the spurs looking to take out the broom against the blazers and sweep them. damian lillard had other ideas. portland survives, lives to fight another day. spurs though still up 3-1 in that series. let s go to brooklyn. nets looking to even that series with the heat in game four. they had to win this one, but lebron went off matching his career playoff high with 49 points. it was a tight game, though. tied with a minute to play, great ball movement. chris bosh with a three from the corner. how do you stop that team? the heat take the lead and they don t look back. they win 102-96. they push the nets to the brink now with the 3-1 series lead going back to miami. tonight the pacers against the wizards. and the clippers visit the
thunder. that series tied 2-2. lebron actually had a free throw with about five seconds left that would have given him 50. even though he scored 49 and he won, you could see how upset he was he didn t get 50. now to the ice for round two of the stanley cup playoffs. gets the puck. scores! for the second time from the cross. one timer. loose puck. and scores! the steal. gets by. to the front. there he is. he scores! and for the first time in the series, the home team has lost. all right. so the ducks take the series edge now after beating the kings 4-3. they re up three games to two. and the canadiens shutout the bruins to stay alive. tonight the rangers/penguins play a decisive game.
and the black hahawks looking t finish off the wild. some interesting tv during half-time of the spurs/blazers game last night. an acrobatic tandem performance. so inspiring that shaquille o neal decided to try it himself. back in the studio. who s the other guy? a stage manager maybe. pretty good. that s a 7 1, 350 pound man. i thought that was good. that s how we get loose for the show. i think at 8:00, donny should try that. why wait until 8:00? how great is that show? they re great. incredible. coming up next, what new hampshire voters really think of scott brown? use one word to describe scott brown. carpet bagger. wow. massachusetts.
kasie hunt takes us inside the granite state in our next installment. she s got the suitcase, she s just back. we ll talk to her next. i tr ied depend last weekend. i tr ied it really made the difference
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with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. use one word to describe scott brown. carpet bagger. i love him. i m a fan. wow. massachusetts. massachusetts. a gentleman. handsome. very handsome. in the 80s. scott brown. halfback for the pats in the 80s. how do you like that? running for senate once again. he s trying to steal what s supposed to be a safe seat for the democrats not in massachusetts but new hampshire.
kasie hunt traveled for the latest states of play. one of my favorite support es. scott brown wants his job back. he lost his seat in massachusetts two years ago. so he moved into his vacation home, but namps plates on his pickup truck and started down the trail again. this is the kind of retail campaigning you did in massachusetts. is that your approach here and do you think it s working for you so far? we ll see. doing what is right and fun. reporter: he shot to prominence when he won ted kennedy s old senate seat in massachusetts. a college basketball star turned cosmo model turned politician, brown ran on his every man persona. now brown is starting to get to know his new home turf where voters are informed.
i voted already three times to get rid of it. reporter: he got off to a rocky start. in march he told the associated press, quote, do i have the best credentia credentials? probably not because, you know, whatever. when you were asked about your credentia credentials, you responded whatever. that s not accurate at all. i started listening and learning. i ll put my credentials up against anybody s. i m looking forward to convey that. reporter: brown could run into trouble in his primary. he supported gun control and abortion rights. but national republicans believe he ll win the primary easily. they pushed hard to get brown to run against shaheen who otherwise seemed unbeatable. you were a great governor. you re a fantastic senator. reporter: what is the central difference between you and scott brown? that i m from new hampshire, that s why i m doing this. we don t know why scott brown s
doing this. reporter: shaheen stands by her support of the health care law which she says has helped thousands in the state. over 40,000 people enrolled and 80% of those were people who didn t have health insurance before. we need to fix what s not working about the law, but repealing it is not the answer. because they have no plan to replace it. reporter: still, polls show a close race. the president is unpopular. and this is shaping up as a good year for the gop. that s what scott brown is counting on. can i count on your vote? thank you very much. thank you. and kasie hunt is back from new hampshire, joins us here in new york. how uphill is the climb for him in terms of anecdotally talking to people in new hampshire saying he s not one of us. he has a bit of a ways to go. it s not necessarily about where he was born or where he s from, but this idea that he s sort of job hunting. that s what we heard from voters that we talked to up there. which is okay he lost in massachusetts. just go looking for ood senate
seat. and that s going to be one of his hurdles just from the perspective of the position he took as a republican in massachusetts. you have to sort of adhere to a certain line that it doesn t necessarily play well with republicans in new hampshire. he at one point supported an assault weapons ban. those issues are flaring in his primary. don t think his primary is going to be an issue at the end of the day. he s having to walk a careful line as he faces that. that s not until september. he s going to be contending with those issues until then before he can focus on jean shaheen. and shaheen raised one of the critical questions he s going to have to answer over and over again in the piece you just did when she says, you know, we don t know why scott brown is running. you know, why is he running? he s going to have to answer that over and over again. new hampshire is a very unusual state as mark can attest to.
go go sit in alex s shoe store on saturday morning and get a good feel for the state. and jean shaheen is incredibly familiar in that state. she s not taking anything for granted. his problem is he s just too inconsistent. his announcement speech, he talked about obamacare was quite good. it was one of the best republican messages i ve heard about obamacare. but in general he just makes mistakes. he s a little bit too careless. the voters are sophisticated there. and they don t want a senator they don t want to replace jean shaheen unless they can prove it s a better quality product. it s going to be hard for him to focus the way he needs to consistently. if you look at him this year in a vacuum and take away the massachusetts thing, is he a good fit for new hampshire as a candidate but also the positions he s taken? well, i think mark is talking about things that make it difficult for him. the things that make it different for jean shaheen is
her hardy embrace of obamacare. so he may have style challenges, she has substantive structural challenges. i d take his challenges over hers. one of the big news is new hampshire is expanding medicare under the affordable care act. jean shaheen wanted to talk about scott brown s record on it. scott brown i guess did not. let s take a look. it was my understanding when he was first talking about running that he said he didn t support medicaid expansion and now he s, again, trying to have it both ways. i think it s very important and i applaud the governor. agreed to a compromise to expand medicaid. the state of new hampshire just expanded medicaid. listen, we spoke last night. do you support it or not? i m already on record. i ll have my office give you the information on that matter. i ve talked about it quite a few times.
you were talking about obamacare. this is such a tricky issue for him. he s now backing away from this idea he could oppose medicaid because it was unpopular in the legislature. and we i followed up with his campaign and said what did you say on the record about medicaid and it was from march. and it s not as clear as what he said there. where is he today from what you can tell? it s not 100% clear whether or not he supports expanding it. his campaign will say it s a state issue that is not something he has to weigh in. these reports are really fun. appreciate you doing it. we re going to georgia next. all right. what are we talking about in georgia? we ll talk to michelle nunn who democrats see her to take back a state in the south. and also establishment versus tea party dynamics. kasie hunt on the road. snatch up that suitcase again, slap another bumper sticker on
it. going to fall apart there. vintage. thanks. coming up next, he s got 99 problems and his sister-in-law is officially one of them. the violent video of jay z and solange knowles, that s beyonce s sister, that has the entertainment world talking this morning. news you can t use is next when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! he s a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta!
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all right, gang. it s news you can t use time. this is the water cooler story that you re going to be talking about for a couple of days until we actually get an explanation on this. tmz reporting that this surveillance video from an elevator in the standard hotel right here in new york city and the people in the ooh. the people in this elevator is solange knowles, jay z, and beyonce there in the corner of your left of the screen. and that s a bodyguard. solange gets in the elevator at this party after the met gala. they had an afterparty there at the standard and goes off on jay z. you see the bodyguard there, he s pausing the elevator to let this play out. goes on for roughly three minutes. now, solange connects. right? she connects and gets in there with her purse, her feet, and a couple other things. anyway. this is very interesting as you see it all play out.
because no one understands exactly what set solange off. then they all had to exit that elevator to a chorus of waiting cameras that were outside of the hotel snapping away pictures. there s only one reason is sister does that to her sister s husband. i have sisters. what is it? i think people can figure it out. if you have a sister, you can figure it out. jay z is one of the nicest guys around and she was attacking him. we don t know all the information. i think sisters are now, the carters were at the nets game yesterday. beyonce and jay z at the nets game. we see beyonce in this video and she is letting her sister get out the frustrations necessary. you have more questions than answers though. be honest. a lot more. also who at the standard is going to be in trouble for releasing that video to tmz. you d think their privacy would be protected. good question. someone who made a little extra money, i would guess. say what you want about tmz, they are in the thick of things,
boy. you may like them or not like them, but they certainly have are they this ones that put out that thing on page six about you? it s serious about you. they had me in a restaurant, but they were off by four hours. these are the kind of things that can derail careers. get the security video. we re going to look at this. don t let it go, donny. this is where the mainstream media starts. you ll be republican by the end of the day. somebody s got to step up. page six is powerful and i love the people there, but you have to stand up. don t pander. can you hand me page six now? i need to read this. okay. we got to go. coming up at the top of the hour, we re going to tell you what karl rove is saying about hillary clinton s potential run for the white house in 2016. the serious questions he s raising ahead. plus i had understood from conversations with you that we would have enough information about how the stress test is
composed that reasonable people could sit down, build in other assumptions, and see how the stress test would come out with these major banks. and, in fact, we don t have the risk model, and we don t have the data inputs to make necessary to repeat them. i d be happy to spend as much time going through this. i ll take yes for an answer. i need to slightly change the way you framed it. elizabeth warren s grilling of timothy geithner became youtube moments. what he said about the senator in his new book. and we ll get into eugene s column that says everyone that wants to investigate the benghazi attack should be required to do. keep it locked on morning joe. we re back in a moment. vo: once upon a time
there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses
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the only one that i know that i talk to is magic johnson. he s a good person, and he what am i going to say? has he done everything he can do to help minorities? i don t think so. i love that moment where sterling is clearly thinking, should i say something awful again? you know what? why not? what the hell? [ bleep ] magic johnson!
look at this beautiful shot of the white house. a tuesday morning in washington, d.c. we welcome you back to the set of morning joe. we ve got donny deutsch, eugene robinson, nicole. joining us now political director and host of the daily rundown, chuck todd. but donny, let me ask you about this sterling interview. this was supposed to be his apology. now it seems he has to make another apology about this because the commissioner of the nba has already said this is a malicious attack against magic johnson. sterling, step away from the motorcycle ro phone. the only thing this does in his bizarre favor, you can see what he says is repugnant i don t comprehension, he s not well. his wife has suggested early stages of dementia. you can watch as he talks, his his mind this man doesn t seem to be in control of his
faculties. and we talked earlier, anderson did a great job of just letting it roll. and the irony and gene pointed this out, there is probably nobody that has done more for the african-american community than magic johnson. so this guy has just at the time johnson went public with having hiv, it was a huge deal. he s done a world of good for everybody. and so i think that to have negative things to say about somebody like that who is a role model in every way is ridiculous. but i have to say, i m curious to see i think anderson did a great job. but this becomes scandal porn. if someone wants the next sterling interview and the next one and the next one, then shame on all of us for watching that. i think also once again, what he does is despicable. this is a vile human being. but you have to consider age at
some point. not to say to give anybody leeway. no, listen this is a guy who is just the wheels have come off. you can see it. i don t want to see it anymore. in this industry we are all in, we know something about vanity and narcissism, let s just be honest. you watch that interview and the narcissism, i, i, i, me. how many times did he say that in this interview? he s self-obsessed. . magic johnson has now become a center piece in all of this. magic s a great guy. a guy that shouldn t be a part of this. but listen to this. what has he done? can you tell me? big magic johnson. what has he done? well, he s a business person. he s got aids. did he do any business? did he help anybody in south l.a.? well, i think he has hiv. he doesn t have full-blown aids. well what kind of a guy goes to every city and has sex with every girl. then he catches hiv.
is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. i think he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people? doesn t do anything. you call up and think he s opened a lot of businesses in inner city neighborhoods. the jewish people have a company and it s for people who want to borrow money and no interest. they want to give them a fishing pole. we want to help people. if you don t have money, we ll loan it to you. one day you ll pay us back. i m just telling you. he does nothing. it s all talk. so you re saying that african-americans don t contribute to african-american communities as much as jewish people do? there s no african-american never mind. i m sorry. you know, i they all want to play golf with me. everybody wants to be with me.
eugene robinson, i think people can see as donny brought up here, obviously age might be a factor in terms of him being able to string together coherent thoughts in this interview, but the thoughts he s putting out there and the fact that he s trying to make some type of apology here with all these justifications and then throw magic johnson into all of this, it seems so completely bizarre. the nba commissioner has come out to apologize on behalf of him and to magic johnson. it ll be interesting to see how magic johnson responds to all of this. and why does magic have to say anything? clearly inside sterling s head it s pretty ugly in there. and the sensor is off. right? he doesn t have the sensor anymore that keeps him from spewing this stuff. for the record i don t want to play golf with him. i wouldn t mind an interest-free
loan of half a billion dollars or so. where is he coming out with this stuff? donny raises a good point about is this the beginning of dementia? but how long has this been going on? there s all sorts of racist stuff that s been on the record for some time about donald sterling. and one wonders if this is if he s been like this for awhile. yeah. i mean, history shows he has been this way, gene. i guess as an african-american i can ask you this question. you hear about these things and read about these things and we are all outraged. then you see this almost pathetic man and you just want to look away at this point and just this is not even somebody worthy of our attention here. except that he s a pathetic man in a very powerful position. so pathetic or not, this is a guy with a couple of billion dollars and owner of a team. very powerful in the league. and so, you know, you can t cut
that much slack. it seems if the nba is going to neutralize him. the potential of another camera of getting in front of him for more apology porn. so we ll see how that goes. he s probably not done speaking. let s shift gears as the special committee preps to talk benghazi, critics say it s old talk. that harshly criticized the state department and near eastern affairs. clarke saying in that review unlike the current one in congress was not intended to score political points. take a look. in the past, that could have been enough. two nonpartisan career people each of whom had served over 40 years. one in the foreign service, one in the military. they say this is the truth. that s usually the end of the story. it s not on this because people want to make partisan hay out of
a national security issue in which americans died. and eugene robinson writing this in the washington post. we want to read that part about what he says about asking a question at the cummings show trial. every should be able on an map. my guess some of the house republicans would be hard pressed to find libya much less pinpoint the city where four americans were killed. it s impossible to take seriously a house committee investigation not to unearth new facts. but to achieve political goals. rousing the gop political base and soiling hillary clinton s record in case she runs for president. it is disgusting that the september 11th, 2012, attack would be used in this matter. i don t think it s an exaggeration to call this a new low. it will probably backfire on republicans. chuck todd, is this political everything that s going on as
eugene writes? it looks more partisan than looks like a serious inquiry. because to go to richard clark s point, they ve done a ton of these inquiries already. there s been a senate intelligence investigation. forget just the state department, the outside board. i think that you could argue that congress should have done what it did. which is go through some of these committees. but as for the need for the select committee, they re just you know, i ll hear from republicans that say, but there are unanswered questions. well, no, all the questions have been answered. there s just some people that don t like the answers. that wishes the answers were somehow more conspiratorial, i guess. have a conversation about the policy. have a debate and investigation into whether the policy is working. to whether the response in the arab spring whether we did the
right thing with the light footprint in libya. but to sit here and investigate talking points seems to be totally missing the larger point here. it s like investigating who cut down a tree, one tree in a forest that s been burned down. you know, nicole, your party, the republican party, and right now feeling pretty good about themselves if they look to midterm elections are still stupid. here we have a party focusing on what will be pfive years out by the time the election come along, something people don t care about, they don t care about it now. now you have karl rove suggesting hillary clinton maybe has brain damage as a result of a fall she took. this is still the party of no. this is still the party of backwards. this is still the party that has no answers going forward. this is a still a party taking shots at obamacare where every statistic shows this thing is working. when are you guys going to figure it out? it s ridiculous. let me try to say this as
calmly as i can to you and to chuck. don t lump me with chuck. well, you are now in my chuck category which is not a good place to be. that is not a good place to be. you re about to be ground chuck. i can t make you care, but you should care about the white house talking points. and so should you. this is not about getting to the bottom of what happened. i think the republicans feel, the defense department in explaining and detailing what happened on that night has been extremely cooperative. i think republicans feel as far as investigating on what happened that night, there s a whole lot of information and testimony. what came out last week, what enraged john carl, the correspondent from abc news who is a lot angrier than republicans even in the moment, was that the white house did not release all the information about why susan rice went out and blamed the attacks on a video. that should interest everybody. not just republicans. you should care. chuck should care. everyone should care about why the white house said what they said. but they shouldn t just be about polls. i m talking about going to a vote.
this is not about listen. this is everything that s wrong with our politics. this shouldn t be because the polls show not polls. i say when i go to vote, what i care about is can i afford my sugar frosted flakes. what i care about is mortgage. people voting don t care about this. and you re certain you d feel the same way if this was done by the bush administration? at the end of the day, they care about how things affect them and their pocketbook and their family and their homes. not what we talk about. i completely disagree. my parents are conservative. my father brings this up all the time to me and asks why the media doesn t care more. i wish i m running a campaign where my adversary is running on benghazi. i would win. i m going to push back on you and you. i m not defending it, i m just giving reality. can we stop saying the republican party. as someone who grew up in a conservative household, i don t recognize the republican party of even my youth. i don t like what i see. i don t like the far right. i don t like the extremism.
they ve pushed me away. as someone pretty much not religious, pro-same-sex marriage, pro-legalization of marijuana. what party is this? what party am i supposed to be in? when i m a fiscal conservative who believes that small government can often be better. there are times for larger government. so we keep saying the republican party. i love you guys and this show, but i don t know who the republican party is anymore. i don t know if the republican party knows who the republican party because it s not a party unfortunately republicans that i can get on board with because i don t like the small minded attitude a lot of the far right wing stuff that comes out. i should go home now. well, come on down. wow. give this man give this man a decaf. he s come out as an independent. as my final appearance on morning joe, i d like to say bring some here. chuck, as nicole points out
about how the media should be caring about this story, it s not they don t care about the story. obviously we re still talking about this right now. we want to give it the time it deserves. but at what point do both sides decide this has properly been vetted and this isn t just a calendar game? and that the republican party is looking at the calendar of how to make this relevant as we get to the midterms, how to sully hillary clinton if she should run. is this just a calendar game or truly about finding answers? well, i think they have to it is the burden is now on this select committee to make the case that they re trying to look. i think they ve made a bunch of political mistakes in the last week. number one, nancy pelosi went out there and said what about making it even. republicans should have said, great idea. and taken the credibility. would have gotten, would have been able to basically allow nancy pelosi to give this select committee credibility. they didn t take that offer. i understand looking in the past they say it s never been done
before. but if you are serious about having the investigation be taken seriously considering how there is you know, sully me for being skeptical of political motivations here. and by the way, the idea that the white house did talking points on this, i don t think anybody is shocked there was talking points for somebody going on a sunday show. what i don t understand the focus on this talking points is two days later the video was no longer even a part of the conversation. so to focus just solely on what s going on in the 72-hour period, when two days later we were talking again, i go back to the policy. i think there s a serious debate about having about this light footprint of the u.s. and this leading from behind. is the policy working? you can argue it s not working. the response to the arab spring hasn t worked. have that policy discussion. have that investigation. i think it would be a lot more relevant.
wasn t the poison pill for what the democrats were asking for not equal balance? wasn t the poison the subpoenas isn t that what the democrats knew full well republicans couldn t give in on? it s possible that s what some republicans believed. but if what i m saying is take nancy pelosi up on the even split. you want to do even split? you want subpoena power? fine. but we have the same subpoena power. the point is they had an opportunity here, i think, to basically make nancy pelosi give them credibility. the democrats looked foolish the last week about this whole debate they were having. nancy pelosi offered even split, then others said boycott. you know. and the republicans never took any of it any of those deals which they could have taken and made this committee look more credibility. and voters don t care, period. they just don t. only congressional on one
side if the voters care? this is let the republicans go down that path. we re going to check in with brian sullivan. we need to make sure he s all right. we ve medicated him. we ve sedated him. i m trying to get you on the ballot. what s your home state? i don t know. we need angry independents. we found one. america needs them. we booked you specifically for this, brian sullivan. that s not true. you booked me to talk about tim geithner. this is what i m trying to get to. this is my segue, angry independent. i m a liberal. we agree. that s the amazing thing. the republicans and democrats, the world is purple. listen to this. it s been over a year since he left his post, but tim geithner already defending his post as treasury secretary. the new york times is calling his new book stress test: a memoir from the eye of the financial storm and in it geithner stands by his actions following the economic collapse
in 2008 including the decision to let lehman brothers fail. geithner also has tough words for elizabeth warren who was then in charge of congressional oversight on the government bailouts. he characterizes their relationship as complicated writing, quote, her bailout oversight hearings often felt more like made for youtube in i inkwi inquisitions. then identifying any feasible. also had criticism for republicans taking aim at a party that he says was driven by, quote, extremists during the 2011 debt ceiling debacle. he writes of the gop leadership about many of them truly seeming to believe default would cleanse. tim geithner is going to be live here on set of morning joe tomorrow. i m a day early. so you re a day early. not only an angry independent but an independent who doesn t
know the day of the week. there s nothing wrong with being punctual. brian, there s something behind all this. anything happening at home? everything okay? everything s fine. [ laughter ] everything s fine. everything s fine. i have not talked about it on the air, but i will say this. surprise, my wife is pregnant. i m 42, almost 43. so it was a bit of a whoops. you met my beautiful daughter, she s ten. so it s a little but, listen. i don t want to down play the, quote, rant. i ve been meaning to say stuff like that for awhile. any financial challenges when he reacts to the third pregnancy? what s that? paul rudd in this is 40. yeah. so, yes. this is not water is my point. no. listen, guys. i ve been meaning to say it for awhile. i m sorry to get frustrated. i don t understand where the republican party is going. i don t understand what they re gaining to your point donny from
all of this. listen, i m not down playing the importance of benghazi to some people. i have no idea what people in texas think or arizona think. i do know this. on vacation in wisconsin, people there feel differently than the people in this area and sometimes us about this region. when it comes to what geithner is saying about the republican party about default will cleanse the sins of the economy which is insane, what s your reaction to him putting this down on paper. and is this a logical reflection? secretary geithner is much more connected than i was. i m sure there were some that felt that way. but there were other republicans that did not. i went down to d.c. when lehman brothers collapsed. i had no clothes, spent five days unexpectedly down there, spoke with a number of people on capitol hill. and that s sort of where we saw the split. you had no extra clothes. i wanted to save you. come on the show, we talk about underwear. there is nobody that thinks
back and thinks lehman brothers was the right call. i ll tell you what was scary though. i was in capital hill walking around one day off when the bill was being written, and i had a fairly prominent number of them ask me what it was. this was a great block. we re going to take a break and cool you down. chuck todd, we ll watch the daily rundown coming up president and brian sullivan, deciding in the break whether you can stay. everything s fine. i vote we keep him on morning joe. we keep him. still ahead on morning joe, edward snowden may have blown the whistle on government spying. but history of intelligence gathering goes much deeper. front line s compelling new documentary. then the answer to how china transformed from a struggling nation into a rising super power. up next, the chairman of the
house intelligence committee, congressman mike rogers is going to be joining the table. keep it locked in right here. you are watching morning joe and we are back right after this. customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed one-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price
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joining us now republican congressman mike rogers of michigan. first of all, we apologize for our friend brian sullivan. he s being sedated off set now. cranky this morning. it could be the chair. be careful. we ve been talking about benghazi, if you were to score it right now as far as how the republicans have been handling it to date? first of all, there are all the committees that have been doing their investigations. so i have been conducting an investigation on the intelligence portion. and i think what frustrated people is i did the intelligence investigation, somebody else did the armed services investigation, somebody else did the state department investigation. i think what sent the speaker
over the top was two things. to date one of the big things we ve found is there has been no accountability and no justice. that we know where those folks are, no plan to get them. people who were involved in the security decisions around the temporary mission facility, some of them have been promoted. there is evidence that clearly is not the right decision. i think when the speaker found out, hey, you know what? you told us you gave us everything and you didn t and it certainly implies there was something more going on. i think he said that s it. i m going to have all of these committees, all of their work. i m in the process now of batching my work and handing it over to the committee. can you explain to donny for me why it matters slowly. and don t use big words. i m serious. good news is i don t know big words. susan rice went on five sunday shows. you know every word matters. she was instructed as far as the talking points now by the white house. as a result of what she said, she was denied an opportunity to
serve as this country s secretary of state. i think it matters very much. but donny doesn t see it that way. can you explain why it matters where the talking points come from. before you even answer. it does matter. it doesn t matter to voters. that s what i m saying. i disagree. i think there are a lot of people who this really matters. let me tell you why. when you have four dead americans, the first ambassador killed since the 70s, this is serious business. what we don t want to do and i believe in expeditionary diplomacy meaning you ve got to go to hard and dangerous places. we want to make sure we get it right and we don t abandon the folks we ve asked to go there. there were decisions made clearly and through my investigation and others where they decided even though the security threat was as bad as it was, that they weren t going to help provide more security. this was a very powerful statement in the investigation one of the cia agency security
officers went to this compound by the way, they weren t responsible for securing this compound. these guys are great patriots. in the middle of a huge fight they went down to save these people. but a week before they went to this facility and looked around at their security posture and said hey, man, if you don t change your posture here, you re going to die here. that is a powerful thing. his response he received was we ve been asking and asking and they didn t get it. reason this is a problem, if we whitewash this thing today, we have other places around the world that are very dangerous. and me fear is if you don t hold somebody accountable, somebody else is going to die. chairman of the house intelligence committee, was there anything in the intel that you saw that would lead you to believe that they knew of that coming attack? that they knew the attack was about to take place. and b, was there anything in the intelligence you saw that would lead you to believe there
was a deliberate effort not to defend once under attack? well, i can t speak to the armed services part, but i went back and reviewed some 4,000 classified cables as part of our investigation from the agency leading up to that event. and it was very clear that the security situation was deteriorating rapidly. including, by the way, in august when they wanted to merge the facility where is the cia officers were and the temporary mission facility. they went down and said this place is not defendable. we re not going to do it. i m an old fbi guy. that is what we would call a clue of problems brewing. did they know this was going to happen on that day at that time? i don t believe there was information. did the consulate know of the location and the existence of the cia safe house? the individuals at the yes. i ll tell you why.
because the agency security officers coordinated with folks. this was not by protocol. everyone thinks their job was to protect the embassy. they did it because they didn t want their americans to die on the battlefield. that s why those guys are heroes. i know they got some grief early on. i have to tell you if you look back, they are heroes. they jumped in those vehicles when they got a call for help. they had no idea if it was five people attacking or 200 and they drove there. since we only have a few moments left, we re not going to solve benghazi. you re about to embark as a radio host and commentator. what makes a good radio host? i think we re going to find out next year. this is one of those things that when somebody approached me i love what i m doing on the intelligence committee. we forged a bipartisan working relationship which just doesn t happen in congress. i think too often enough on something as serious as national security, we ve changed i think fundamentally the committee.
we work very well together. i know this is you re not allowed to say this, but we ve developed a friendship over the last four years. i know. shocking. but he s a great american and great patriot. we formed a good relationship. we disagree and fight like cats and dogs. somebody thinks we re holding hands skipping into the spaces, but that doesn t happen. but we work through our differences. and somebody came and said would you we don t need another radio talk show host out there, we have plenty of good ones. we d like to take your experience and put it on the radio. i thought that was interesting and compelling and allows me to talk a lot more people every day on things i think is important. we ll see if it makes a good radio talk show host. i think there is an audience for it. i m going to have people i disagree with on the radio. i m going to have people my listeners disagree with on the radio. i think at the oend end of the day, it s growing. we will be listening. really appreciate your time.
still ahead, the definitive story of the u.s. surveillance program. created after 9/11. extraordinary means are required to deal with a threat. then he said don t ask anymore questions. collecting data on american citizens. anything you hand to a private company is potentially government s. you re looking for unknown conspirators. the way they devised to do that was look at everybody. michael kirk joins us with a look at frontline s new documentary. up next, a stunning turn of events in clay aiken s bid for congressional seat. also kelly o donnell joins us live with the story. do not go anywhere because you are watching morning joe. vo: once upon a time
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welcome back, everybody. this really is some sad have been shocking news that s coming out of north carolina as clay aiken s primary opponent keith crisco passed away after falling in his home. joining us from north carolina, correspondent kelly o donnell. this really is shocking and so sad for the crisco family. reporter: absolutely, thomas. i had already been down here in this district covering the race.
i had met keith crisco and had seen he and clay aiken and a third candidate tony morris competing for this. no one could have imagined. the race got attention because of the celebrity factor with clay aiken being in the race. and then of course a razor thin margin last week that was still unresolved until today. but this sad turn of events, the accidental death of keith crisco on monday afternoon. sharing the campaign stage in north carolina. i ve lived my life in the district. reporter: wealthy textile executive, 71-year-old keith crisco. we need a leader with the experience. reporter: the former north carolina commerce secretary had fought hard against american idol alum and first-time candidate clay aiken. i think people who get into public service should be doing it to help people. and that s why i m doing it. reporter: their battle was so intense and so close, it lasted a week after ballots were cast. aiken was ahead by just 369
votes out of 29,000. in the democratic primary for north carolina s second congressional district. crisco had not conceded deciding to wait for a final count including absentee and military ballots expected later today. but then a shocking end. so tragic, untimely. the last thing any of us expected. reporter: monday afternoon crisco was found dead at his home of an apparent fall. brad chrome was a friend of 30 years. he was a great candidate. i felt like he ran a great campaign and he ll be missed greatly. reporter: aiken expressed his shock in a written statement. i am suspending all campaign activities as we pray for his family and friends. aiken s campaign website now posts only this tribute to his former rival. he was a gentleman, a good and honorable man, and extraordinary public servant.
unrelated to crisco s death, state officials had set today for a final vote tally from all of the counties. his passing does not automatically make clay aiken the winner of this primary. what happens is they certify the results and a friend of crisco s told us he expected to concede the race because he did not believe there were enough of those outstanding ballots that could be counted that would have changed the outcome. had crisco won this race, the democratic party would then choose the candidate. but it is expected that given the way the vote appears at this point, aiken will be named the democratic primary winner. he would then go on to challenge a republican incumbent in what is a conservative district. she also put out a statement offering her condolences to the family of keith crisco, his wife, widow, grandchildren, and family. what an unusual turn and a sad one. i d had chance to meet him. he was a lovely man. nbc s kelly o donnell.
appreciate that. really is a sad story. we ll continue to follow it and see how this turns out as the primary turns into the race. coming up tomorrow on morning joe, want to give a preview of our guests. former treasury secretary timothy geithner. longtime great yankee randolph. coming up next, what does the government know about you? and is there anything you can do about it? we have a look at frontline s newest project. that s coming up next on morning joe.
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in the intel world, if a president says to you, i need this in order to keep the american people safe, you need to try to figure out where that line is constitutionally and
march right up to it. two other nsa lawyers would also sign off on the program. we came to the conclusion independently. but consistently that there was no doubt in our mind it was a legitimate use of the president s authority. general hayden had heard what he needed. article 2. that you were just watching a clip from united states of secret. joining us is michael kirk who directed part one this is a well woven look at what it means for our government in the spying game. i guess the big revelation here is we know we re a country in the business of spying on other countries. the real revelation is we re now, everyday americans are also the target.
once upon a time, the nsa got their hand slapped for spying on americans in the nixon administration. it became against the law as a result of that to ever spy on americans. one or two hours after 9/11, the process begins starting with the vice president and his lawyer to turn those eyes and ears on us. partly as a result of the thing we all worried about which were sleeper cells but also because they just didn t know what they didn t know. and what s amazing in my experience of making the film, is the extent to which will meeting great patriotic americans out at the nsa suddenly cross the bright line and went the other away and cumulated what they accumulated on all of us. michael, in making these films, it s not like two or three-day enterprise. it s months and months and months of working. what surprised you the most in this? i think the extent to which
it was really big and the american people didn t seem to know it or understand it. i think people like me when i started the project, i thought well i know snowden and i know little bits and pieces about it. but i had no idea i had no way to understand it, what actually happened. and now after six months talking to everybody on all sides of this and trying to lay it out in a coherent way so that you understand it, i finally understand it. and i hope americans will too. once they really understand the magnitude of what happened. michael, let me ask you a question. make me feel better or worse. i ll do my best. to make our country safe, obviously the line can get blurry. and my belief has been even if they re collecting data on me, i m part of a huge sweep. and unless live been yemen ten times in the last six months, nobody s looking at nicole wallace, donny deutsch, maybe
mike barnicle. but is that able to think. unless there are major red flags with somebody, they don t care where i went to dinner last night. they have everything about you and everything about everybody and your brother-in-law who wants to quit his job and doesn t want anybody to know. or something you think is isn t important but turns out to be important. but what about after the next attack or the attack after that? that s what peopletell iing me. it has trillions of phone records and other things. the numbers are astonishing. what happens when we have an attack, we don t know who they are. there s another attack. it s a different government and they can get what they get. we don t know what they ll do with it, but that s the frightening prospect. that a lot of people both sides
right and left are concerned about how big and how far does big government go if it can access what it can access. believe me, i ve come to understand how they did it, how they built it. these are not evil people necessarily. they did what they thought they could. what did they do with donny s information? it s in a giant reservoir out in bluffdale which has a tremendous number of servers. it s as big as you can imagine like out in the desert out there. somebody could go out with a fishing pole some time when there s a phone call you accidentally get or get from a safe house in yemen and they run and they ll just drop the line down in and pull up barnicle. what are they going to do with it? who knows. isn t that my understanding of this program, how it would work operationally is if they seize a computer in yemen and they want to check all
the phone numbers, they can. they wouldn t necessarily look at mike s brother-in-law unless there s concerned about a government that for good reasons stepped up and said we need in order to find some suspect, we re going to go get everybody. is this a bigger question about our desensitize being desensitized i can t talk. desensitized. desensitized to the fact that our right of privacy that we re willing to give it up with tweets, with facebook postings. to donny s point, who cares where i had dinner, go through my phone if you want to, i haven t done anything wrong but it s a right of privacy that we re born with. not the fact that we have nothing to hide. here s my challenge to you and the people watching this program. watch this film tonight. spend two hours of your life, it may be worth it, to watch it and come away and say i feel
comfortable, they re doing the right thing. but if you know how it got started, what it was designed to do, how much it has and how few people can check on it. and if you know somebody like 29-year-old edward snowden can get a job, go into a bunker somewhere and pull down what the government says is 1.7 million pages of documents and that you read those documents and think, my god, my government is everywhere and they re all over me, how do i feel about that? am i okay with it? maybe you are. that s the point of the film tonight is to try to get you up to speed so that you finally understand. michael kirk, great to have you here, sir. thanks so much. part one of united states of secrets airing tonight on pbs. still ahead, the story of a young woman who went to start the largest online dating site. what her tale is telling all of us about china s future on the world stage. keep it locked into morning joe. we re back after this.
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st. louis rams. there you see the raw emotion. [ whistle ] holding. unnecessary tenderness. get used to it. all right, coming up at the top of the hour, donald sterling is at it again, and this time he knew he was being recorded. he agreed to it. his shock and awe apology interview that scorches the earth between him and magic john z johnson and dr. karl rove giving his diagnosis on hillary clinton s 2016 chances. a new reason that he thinks she shouldn t run for the white house. plus a front row seat to the ten and a half hour meeting that
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auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what s your policy? good morning. it s 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, 5:00 as you wake up out west. that s a live look at new york city. with us on set, mike barnicle,
nicolle wallace, mark halperin, donny deutsch and in washington, eugene robinson. there s a lot to talk about this morning but there s something that can t wait. this morning s page six of the new york post there s a story, yeah there s angelina jolie, brad pitt, but most importantly donny deutsch. our very own. i believe we have a realtime correction here. i had my publishers up all night over this. you know, they have me at a restaurant on sunday, mother s day, where i actually was there saturday. these are the kind of things that they seem small, these details. next thing you know, i ll be kissing mike barnicle. look in the camera and ask for a correction. mr. murdoch, i would like a correction because i was actually there four hours earlier. this is why republicans don t trust the lame stream media. you can tour with sarah palin and like seriously have it s just mike, i know you ve been through this before. what an ordeal. yeah, i m reported to be in
central park at times where i m nowhere near central park. not by a newspaper, by the new york city police department. upper east side eatery. oh, yeah. you ve been there. many times, many times. but not this past sunday. not this past sunday. and i think there needs you know, i think we needed ward snowden on this. you have to draw the line at time, date and place because the next thing you know, you will be on a date with sarah palin. you will be hunting moose. you will be making your own moose sausage and you ll be spending more money on your clothes than you actually do, which might be hard to imagine. mr. scarborough has a whole new notice his wardrobe? nobody makes fun of him. very pricey stuff, looks good, yet i still take the heat. that s another thing for republicans, that s the media s double standard. men can spend as much as they want on their clothes but if women buy a fancy skirt. nicole, it s almost like
you ve been through this before. all right, donny, we ll let you work through your ordeal and then we ll get to you. let s get to some of the news this morning. donald sterling has spoken on the record with cameras rolling fully aware his remarks would go public. that did not stop the disgraced los angeles clippers owner from sounding off again. in an interview with cnn, sterling said it was jealousy, not racism that fueled his former conversation with his mistress. sterling only made things worse with what appeared to be a disillusioned view of the controversy surrounding him. i think you have more of a plantation mentality than i do. i think you re more of a racist than i am. how so? because i m not a racist and i ve never been a racist and i ll never be a racist. the players don t hate me, the sponsors don t hate me, the fans don t hate me, the media hates. it s all the media pushing. honestly, you really believe that it s just the media? i believe it 100%.
i believe it 100%. people call me by the thousands and give me support. you believe the pleasure of the los angeles clippers absolutely. they know i m not a racist, and i m not a racist. anderson cooper, well known for his plantation mentality donald sterling points out. meanwhile, former lakers guard magic johnson was also the subject of sterling s ire. you re not going to believe this one. listen. what has he done, can you tell me? big magic johnson, what has he done? well, he s a businessperson he s got aids. did he do any business? i d like did he help anybody in south l.a.? i think hiv isn t full-grown aids. what kind of guy goes to every city, has sex with every girl and catches hiv. is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. i think he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people?
he can t do anything. you call up and he s opened a lot of businesses in neighborhoods. the jewish people have a company and it s for people who want to borrow money and no interest. they want to get them a fishing pole. we want to help people. if they don t have the money, we ll loan it to you. you don t have interest, one day you ll pay us back. i m just telling you, he does nothing. it s all talk. so you re saying that african-americans don t contribute to african-american communities as much as jewish people? there s no african-american never mind. i m sorry. you know, i they all want to play golf with me. everybody wants to be with me. and this is the damage control interview. in those to those remarks about magic johnson, nba commissioner adam silver issued this statement. i feel compelled on behalf of the nba familiar tally to
apologize to magic johnson that he continues to be dragged into this swagts and be degraded by such a malicious and personal attack. the nba board of governors is continuing with its process to remove mr. sterling as expeditiously as possible. gene robinson, it s hard to know where to begin when you hear comments like that. oh, my god. you could spend an entire show telling what magic johnson has done for african-american communities. he s spent hundreds of millions of dollars in low income communities around the country. pick any random person and said they you know, they might not have done something for the african-american community, but not magic johnson. it s just this guy is on mars, on like bizarro mars or something, but he s not a racist, right? i m not a racist. but let me tell you about every african-american.
get him out of here. get him out of here. i tell you one way that video helped, he s clearly out of his mind. beyond being a racist and repugnant human being, you could just see in the way he responds and as he drifts off, he s just mentally just not there. well, his apparently soon-to-be ex-wife has indicated that she feels strongly that he s in the early stages of dementia and he is proving it. you watch him and you see he starts to talk and he forgets. he s not a well man. just to accentuate the positive for a moment, anderson was awesome. just let him talk. it took a lot of restraint not to step in. stepped in just enough. it s one where you get out of the way and just let the guy do it. donald sterling s argument was what we heard on those tapes was an aberration. this woman had it out for him and pulled this out of him. then he comes to do this interview and the true donald sterling comes out. one thing that he made clear is he s not fit to own an nba team
any more. i think that s over right there. the guy is worth probably a couple billion dollars. he probably has handlers around him. to let this guy go in front of the cameras, i don t know who s advising him someone with a great sense of irony. someone who loves him just like the players love him, i think was advising him. we ll leave donald sterling now. i want to get you in on this one, nicole, karl rove isn t just analyzing political races now, he s talking about the medical condition of one potential presidential candidate. according to the new york post karl rove speculated at a los angeles conference last week that hillary clinton may have brain damage. the former adviser to president bush repeated his theory to the audience several times. he cited the former secretary of state s health care in 2012. remember, she fell and suffered a wloblood clot. on thursday rove said 30 days in the hospital and when she reappeared she s wearing glasses
for people that only have traumatic brain injury. we need to know what s up with that. the incident forced clinton to temporarily postpone her testimony on the deadly attack on benghazi. clinton supporters note she was hospitalized for three days, not 30. her spokesman said, quote, please assure dr. rove she is 100%. you know, i was at lens crafters the other day asking for these special glasses for brain damage, and they were all out. what do you make of this? look, karl did not raise this issue by accident. i worked with karl for a long time. this was a deliberate strategy on his part to raise her health as an issue and i think in his view a legitimate line of questioning ahead of the next campaign. what s interesting to me and doesn t seem to be in line with karl is that he had some of the facts wrong. she wasn t in the hospital for 30 days. now, listen, this sounded pretty off the wall to me, but i worked for john mccain.
his health was a question and issue every day of the campaign. dick cheney ended up writing a book about his health. so she will answer questions about her health. if the voters and her opponents have questions about them. but this attack seemed out of place, out of time and some of the basic facts seemed to be wrong. in the absence of a strong front runner, leading republicans right now are more focused less focused on finding a candidate, more focused on trying to define her. this is one of a thousand things that have happened in the last month of republicans trying to figure out how to undermine, what will stick with voters, what will undermine her and maybe what will intimidate her out of the race. one thing that s a reality is there are people around her who don t want her to have to go through this stuff. gene, she did suffer an injury. she had a blood clot between her skull and her brain in 2012. what do you make of this approach from karl rove? well, i think the assessment mark s assessment that this is an attempt to define her and to raise an
issue, which as niccole says, will be an issue if she decides to run because any major presidential candidate s health or weight or whatever, physical condition, is a legitimate issue. but dr. rove really should he didn t do very well in medical school, i gather, because he doesn t have any of his facts right. and i too have been shopping for those special traumatic brain injury shades because i think they look cool but can t find them. i think that gene proves that karl rove didn t do that well in medical school but he s doing very well in the school of demographics. he knows looking at his field, the republican field, that hillary clinton takes each one of those potential candidates and beats them. yeah, yeah. so this is as mark indicated, this is just another measure that they re taking to try and knock down the presumed front runner, if she does run for the democratic nomination,
hillary clinton. that s right. this is a private event. i don t know who put out what he said, but at these private events, people like karl want to perform for the paid audience and say stuff that they wouldn t necessarily say in public. then when it finds its way into the public, harder to explain. who thinks there are private events anymore, mark? what s a private event at a time when any cell phone is a tape recorder. mitt romney was at a private event. karl is smarter than that. i don t think karl has been getting videotaped on cell phones for the better part of the last two decades. this, i think, is a strategy. he may have been trying it out on behalf of the party, on behalf of the eventual nominee. while his comments may have been off, her health, regardless of why she was in the hospital or whether she was in the hospital, questions about a candidate s health are not only legitimate, they are always part of a presidential campaign. particularly someone as old as she is.
take it to extremes suggesting brain damage. no, no, and i m saying the substance of what he said listen, voters are smart enough to cancel out anything that s either wrong or over the line. so if you overreach with questions about health, the voters actually i think make a correction for that. but the notion that she isn t going to have to answer questions even in a democratic primary about what she went through is ludicrous. of course she will. and wrap benghazi into this as well. you ve got benghazi and her health into one statement. another issue likely to come up in this presidential campaign, one of the biggest backers of republican candidates, the chamber of commerce, is issuing the party an ultimatum when it comes to the race. the message from chamber president tom donahue is pass comprehensive immigration reform or else. if the republicans don t do it, they shouldn t bother to run a candidate in 2016. i mean think about that. yeah. think about who the voters
are. i just did that to get everybody s attention. but we are a nation with people without jobs, and jobs without people. we need all these people that we re training in the universities. the best universities in the world and we tell them to go home? when you do that, you send the work to where the people are. nicolle, i see you nodding your head over there. he s absolutely right. i wish he hadn t walked it back. he s absolutely right. that wasn t a private event, that was a public event and he was in front of the association of manufacturers, employers, people who know a little bit about how we educate workers an then basically waste them by not having a comprehensive immigration policy in this country. so when does the republican party get to it? it s not on track to happen now, before the midterms in the lame duck. it could happen early next year is the best chance. but people like the chamber need to go to republicans and say this has to happen. because it s not on track to happen.
now, look, he had two issues. highly educated people who were trained here and forced to go home. that has a lot of support. if he wants this to happen he has to take on a path to citizenship for the ten million here illegally who are not in too many cases high-skilled workers. the business community, the faith community, if they want this to happen, they have to make republicans do it and they haven t so far. isn t the path to citizenship a third rail at this point? what candidate is able to step out, make that claim, say that s the way we should go and still get through the primary season? jeb bush. jeb bush if he runs. but the party is so far and away from dealing with this. look, there s two tracks. there s everything else you can do to improve your standing with hispanic voters on which they have done virtually nothing since the election when they realized they had to do it and then there s comprehensive immigration reform on which they re still standing in the way. the party is committing suicide. like i said, if people like the
chamber and faith community want this to happen, they must act now and they re not. they re giving remarks like that, but that s not how it changes. it s amazing, donny, in the world of big business and small business the amount of intellectual property that is leaving this property after being educated here. the waste right in front of our eyes as people come and go to premiere schools, universities around the country, and then leave forced to leave, to go back to their own country. what about revenues like pfizer buying foreign companies to not pay taxes here. so the money is going, the people is going and that s no good. very quickly before we go, every time i hear jeb bush i think the same thing. nicolle, i want to ask you this. how long has jeb bush been out of politics or out of office. he s been out of the governorship for a couple of terms. eight years, ten terms. i know having been out of advertising for ten years now, i m out of it. jeb bush isn t out of it. i don t know.
jeb bush isn t out of it. i don t know, that s a long time to not be in the business you re in. he s in the business, and i think he ll be no, he s not. what has he been doing the last eight years? participating in the debates and doing so with courage is what puts him at the top of the pack. look, he s at the top of the pack. i m just saying in any business, in any industry when you re gone for a decade as far as really hands in it, that s a big deal. hillary clinton has a similar challenge because she s been in the state department engaging in diploma diplomacy. there s a big difference between that s the third or fourth highest office of the country theoretically versus a guy who s been out of the game. go to iowa and see how many ask you wiabout foreign aid. one of the differences is a lot of people i suspect, republicans, are clamoring for jeb bush to get in. nobody is clamoring for you to get back into your business. as a result of page six. coming up on morning joe,
a stunning turn of events in clay aiken s bid for a north carolina congressional seat when his primary opponent dies suddenly after falling in his home. also a house in new hampshire explodes just as police arrive on the scene. why they were called there in the first place. first, bill karins has a look at the forecast. hey, bill. good morning, willie. if it s not one thing, it s another. we ve been dealing with a lot of tornado action and now we re going into a flood threat as we go throughout the day today and right through the end of the week. this morning, all eyes on the houston area. they picked up a little over 3 inches of rain in a short period of time. a lot of houston is low-lying and they see a lot of this. it does clear up pretty quickly but you don t want to be driving through that stuff. you ll stall your car out and be stuck waiting for a tow truck for a long time. houston, it s still raining. we picked up a little over 3 1/3 inches over the houston airport. nacogdoches, 5 1/2 inches of rain. that s a lot of rain overnight. as far as from here on, we ll
watch the rain spreading into arkansas, louisiana, and over the next two to three days, this is a slow-moving storm. it gets all the way to areas like virginia. even d.c., new york, by the time we get to thursday and friday the heavy rain will be on the eastern seaboard. the other story out there today, how about our friends in the west. they didn t have much rainfall this winter and now the spring is unusually hot. today is going to be 86 in san francisco, which is very warm for them, and 96 in l.a. l.a. today is going to be warmer than even vegas, phoenix and tucson. as we go throughout the next couple of days, the heat wave will continue at least into thursday. how s that for three days in a row in l.a. this is the second heat wave you ve already had this spring. of course the fire danger is very high. relative humidity low. they re under red flag warnings in case any fires do form. unfortunately they would spread rapidly. we leave you with a shot of more flooding in houston. the rain slowly will ending and your morning commute will get better, it s just going to take a while for that water to go
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we ve already told you about the new york post let s look at some of the other papers. the washington post a stunning twist in the congressional election involving clay aiken. his primary opponent, keith crisco, died after falling in his home yesterday afternoon. ache tiriken turned his website with only a statement displayed. he s temporarily suspending the campaign. the race is too close to call. keith crisco was spun years old.
the boston globe investigators trying to figure out what caused a house to explode in new hampshire. they think it began with a domestic disturbance where a police officer was shot by the homeowner. the alleged shooter also fired at another officer. his condition has not yet been released. additional police arrived on the scene to find the home on fire. wow! it later exploded, as you can see right there. police believe the shooter did die in that fire. oh, my gosh. mike s favorite paper, the tampa bay times at&t is in talks to buy directv for $50 billion or $100 a share. the deal would give at&t control over the country s largest satellite tv provider. sources say talks accelerated following the announcement of comcast s plan to purchase time warner cable. the deal is expected to be announced in the next few weeks. glaciers are melting past the point of no return. scientists have identified two separate areas in antarctica where glaciers are pouring ice
into the sea at an accelerated pace. they are on the verge of collapsing. scientists say this will result in the rise of the global sea level of four feet or more within a couple of centuries. usa today john conyers re-election may be the clerk is expected to make a final decision today give him three days to appeal to the michigan secretary of state. the los angeles times, a judge in california is ordering an investigation into the whereabouts of radio personality kasey kasem. he suffers from parkinson s disease and can no longer speak. he was taken out of the country and they don t know where he is. he is 82 years old. that is a bizarre story. the boston herald head of the international monetary fund is backing out of the commencement
address at smith university following protests from faculty and students. critics accuse the imf of being part of a, quote, corrupt system that fuels the oppression and abuse of women worldwide. she said she would not attend to preserve the spirit of commencement. it s the latest in a growing list of people who have backed out of speeches because of protests, including connedy rice. these college students have to lighten up. college is all about free speech, progressiveness, this is ridiculous. and i don t agree with you on this one issue. oliver stone was my commencement speaker and i think it s why i m a republican. it was a watershed day for you. totally. let s take a look inside the politico playbook. the editor in chief is john harris. good morning, willie. there s a new piece in politico magazine breaking down some of the potential scenarios for the midterm elections coming up in november. whether it will be a republican ripple, perhaps a tsunami. tell us about the calm seas
scenario, first. sure. larry sabato, the respected university of virginia scholar writes about. this the calm sea scenario will probably not happen for democrats. that is obamacare gets enough more popular between now and election day that what we have all expected which is a republican wave doesn t happen and maybe it s just a switch of one or two seats and democrats keep control of the senate chairman. so as you say, larry sabado believes that s unlikely. then the gale force when i had cap scenario that you guys are calling it. that is like certainly a plausible scenario. it s not one i happen to think is likely, but that is republicans win and win pretty comfortably on the strength of seven states, i believe it is, that romney won and where democrats are in competitive races and effectively they take those all and, therefore, take over the senate chamber or at
the minimum come very close. what do you think is most likely? i think that democrats are there s polling that suggests this, that democrats that we ve been looking at in a lot of trouble are running more vigorous races than expected. mark pryor is the premiere example of this. if he ran as mark pryor, t democrat, he would be in big trouble but he s not running that way. he s running as mark pryor. you know me. you ve known me for a long time. you can trust my values and you can watch me fight for the seat and earn your vote. it s suggesting that s working well so there s a very vulnerable seat that pryor has a pretty decent chance of holding. john, you mentioned obamacare. is it possible that the numbers in obamacare are being misread by some republicans? i mean there s a debate about this. no question it s unpopular. the question is whether the electorate in these competitive states wants a backward-looking debate.
let s litigate obamacare. or they say let s move on to something different. if that s all you have to say, that s not enough for you to earn my vote. in other words, give me a forward-looking argument. the third scenario is a republican tidal wave. the gop picking up 11 seats or more. what do you think about this one? it s not going to happen and larry himself doesn t put a lot of stock in that. it s still a very competitive nation, very divided electorate. we ll see that in the senate results even though the map tends to favor republicans, just as come 2016, it s going to be a more favorable democrat map for the senate. mark, we re still six months or so out from election day what i call an eternity in politics. thank you very much. you don t have to put it in force of gale force white caps but what s the most likely outcome here? what s the pickup in the house and does the senate swing? today republicans would pick
up seats in the house, even some democratic strategists say if obamacare gets less popular, they could lose substantial seats in the house. i think the keep for the democrats is they have got to make these individual senate races, as john said. people like pryor can really fight themselves into contention if they run strong races independent of the national tide. the problem is they still are facing a national tide that will be strong enough to topple enough for republicans to get a majority. at least nine democratic held seats in play, as many as 13. it s tough math for them still, but they are not giving up. they are not overwhelmed and they re not taking it for granted. they know they could be wiped out and are fighting state by state. and do republicans take the senate? today they do and i think something has to change for them not to take the senate. john harris, thanks so much. up next, the 48 hours that ended the cold war. that story when we come right back.
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here with us now, form erp arms control director for president ronald reagan, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and former assistant to the defense secretary, ken adelman. i know you. he is the author of the new book reagan at reykjavik, 48 hours to ended the cold war. we figured something out here. kissinger, ken burns, buckly,
isaacson, crystal, mccain. who s missing? mitchell. joe scarborough. no, meacham is the only guy in the club. can i call you ken? you may. that feels weird. i can t do it. how did you know her? when she was little. you played tennis. i was over at her house for brunch and everything else. is it true she s a big cheat in tennis? i wouldn t say that, but the line calls are close. they re so close. you are not the first to say that. always a diplomat. all right. this was a remarkable time. it was remarkable summit. i remember when reagan was leaving, hearing all three broadcast networks declaring it an utter failure. and pat buchanan was with reagan. he said they went to an army
base dejected, and when reagan walked through the door, the entire base exploded and jumped on its feet like he had won a war. set it up for our viewers that may not have been alive. it was a summit in 1986 at the height of the cold war when people thought that there was a chance of nuclear annihilation on this and the two of them discussed for ten and a half hours back and forth the main issues of the day. and it s just remarkable that they did it without staff advice, without memos, without talking points. and so what you do is you look through the keyhole of the little conference room and you see ronald reagan s mind at work. you see his character in play. you see the back and forth and they re raw. they re more like themselves than any time before. you know, the big deal at this conference was reagan sort of surprised everybody by
pushing the notion of just eliminating nuclear weapons. you were there. did that surprise even the advisers. it shocked us, because we know that ronald reagan is a hard liner. we know that he was tough. but the idea that he was that anti-nuclear was a big surprise. the second big surprise, walter, was the fact that he just stood firm with them. that was on missile defense. sdi, the unkindly called star wars on that and gorbachev said i ll offer you all these nuclear reductions if you give up star wars. and without hesitating ronald reagan just said no. why? so he was willing to sit down with the russians and the soviets. he was willing also to stand up to the russians. why did he say no to a program whose capabilities were not known at the time? what happened was he thought that there was a good chance that this program would work,
technologically, and i think he s right on that, and the fact is it would protect the united states from incoming ballistic missiles. what it ended up doing is protecting the united states from the soviet aggressiveness because three years later, the soviet union fell and the point of the book is that that was not a coincidence. that everything started at reykjavik that led to the end of the cold war. john meacham, i remember my professor at the university of alabama, dr. chonner who was taught by your father, telling us in 1981 that the bureau was far more worried about the xerox machine than missiles and that fear of technology i think at the end backed go eed gorbachev against the wall. that s what they were the most afraid of. in retrospect, i think it s safe to say reagan was right to hold on to it. one question i have, ken, going
all the way back to fdr and stalin and churchill, there are possibilities at summits and there are perils. and i think there was a lot of the professional diplomatic core that thought this was a perilous moment. oh, absolutely. the summit the year before at geneva was nicely laid out. it was nicely choreographed and nicely done, according to the state department bureaucrats because nothing much happened. and that was their goal. this was a come as you are summit. this showed the two leaders raw. they were flying by themselves. and so in essence from a historical point of view, it shows them as they really are. they must have felt more like themselves than at any time in office because they were unfettered by the usual kind of talking points, the usual kind of advice staff hovering around them. they were by themselves. and both of them, gorbachev did
a fine job, reagan did a sensational job. what is your take on the standoff with putin today? well, the fact is that there is no kind of today you don t see the kind of strategy that reagan laid out, a long-term strategy. it s remarkable that during the research for this book i recount a conversation i didn t know about that on the plane on the way to 1980 receive the republican nomination, stu spencer, an adviser to reagan, says, ron, why do you want to do this? why do you want to be president? and reagan says, to end the cold war. okay. he knew how it was going to end. he said in the 70s even before that time we win and they lose. and that was his consistent but the question was asked of reagan what was your strategy? we win and they lose. and his strategy laid out was an sdi delegitimatization of the soviet union, real reductions in
arms control and nuclear weapons and a buildup of the forces. and he had those four principles were clear. mika, the fact is that kind of strategy laid out clearly and then pursued over eight years is lacking today. remarkable story, a remarkable book. if you don t believe it, just look at the people. every great mind of our time other than john meacham, who was at the men s grill at the time, all talking about what a great book. reagan at reykjavik. ken aldelman, great to have you here. thank you so much. we ll be right back. [ brian ] in a race,
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welcome back, everybody. joining us now is staff writer for the new yorker evan osnos: his new book is entitled age of ambition, chasing fortune, truth and faith in new china. so talk about this when we talk about the parallel universe when you are an american in competition with the chinese. what is the new china? this is the thing that s such a difficult and fascinating moment that we re living in. on the one hand china looks sometimes like it s a partner in what we re doing. after all we re bringing in $400 billion worth of goods from china every year and it seems like a competitor. their students do so well on the international tests so how do we reconcile these two facts. the truth is it has enormous strength but also enormous
weakness. we talk about the new china and being honest about both things. it s got an economic dynamism. what s amazing is china and really what it is, is the people. as this country has emerged from, you know, kind of a communist cloud to this capitalistic juggernaut, these stories, these individual stories, and we should go through them. a woman from a tiny farming town who created the largest dating site in china. these rags to insane riches stories is incredible. that was a woman named gong haiyan and she had a single focus on her mind. she was trying to get married. she had a problem in her mind which is she had a ph.d.. she thought that made her essentially hard to find somebody. don t i know it. i know this hits close to home. so in her case her solution was she started essentially china s by the time i left the country, she had taken the public public, she had $77 million and her husband no longer had to write. you also write about a gambler and you make a comparison to las vegas. i never think of china has having a las vegas and gangsters of their own. it makes vegas look like a small town. that was one of the things that happened while i was there. china was trailing las vegas and now mocow has five times as much as las vegas. for me it was always this metaphor for the whole spirit of the place, which is everybody is going out in china and take these enormous risks. that actually feels very familiar to us as americans. but macow is so emblematic of what i view as the biggest problem with china. we talk about income inequality here erchgs. i was in hong kong. hong kong makes manhattan look impoverished in certain ways. the conspicuous consumption,
fraury, lamb jeannorghinilambor. you ve got glittering million dollar apartment towers and most people can t afford them. and it is ruled by the chinese communist party so every day people get up and are stare at a hypocrisy. the country is this thriving capitalist society, but the political system is still, after all, run by a one-party state. so this is their problem is they re trying to figure out how do you still have, for instance, 40% of the skyscrapers are in china but the gap between rich and poor is new york and ghana. that s their biggest political risk is how do you diffuse that. where does faith get into all this? faith is a big part of people s lives. we think of china as not being a country that is religious. but in his own way he is a religious figure. what he said was i am the salvation and will lead you to
the promised land. then they said we re turning towards the free market. everybody has gone out and looked for their own kind of religion. china has more christians than it does have members of the communist party. what is the average, in one fell swoop, average chinese person perception of the average american. in many ways they admire us for things that we may not think they would. like our education system. they re dazzled by it. chinese party leaders send their kids to school in the united states. not just college, but high school. the president of china, his daughter is studying at harvard under a pseudonym, for instance. but they look and say i wonder whether it s going to be the american century or the chinese century. they said we were the leading civilization in the world and we ve had a bad millennium, but we re coming back. this book is called age of ambition, evan osnos, thanks for being here. the book is out today. congratulations. coming up next, the feature twitter just added that was long
overdue. brian sullivan has it on a different app. come on now. keep it locked into morning joe. we re back after this. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it s earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa s commitment to serve current and former milary members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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i want to give you a quick check of business before the bell. brian, you can talk about this. we re seeing this rebound on the dow. we closed out last week poorly. yesterday we re doing really well. it s weird. i mean the market just keeps going up. you ve got ukraine, you ve got russia, concerns about a chinese slowdown. it doesn t matter. stocks just continue to go up. by the way, good news, even if people at home are like i don t own stocks, i don t care. you might have a retirement plan or pension fund. it came out yesterday the new york pension fund is at a record high. so the market gain is helping, you know, school teachers and the people that have their money invested in pensions. what about cal pers. that s the california public retirement system, so that helps. the crazy money that s now being thrown at new startups, it usually feels it s time. i hesitate to opine but i will say this.
i think that you could be right out west. we talk about income inequality. go to silicon valley. they should replace the bear on the california state flag with a bmw 5 series. twitter unveiled this new feature about the mute button. how do you think that s going to enhance their service? it s going to enhance my feed muting you, thomas. that s harsh. that s for the underwear comment with my kid. you can thank shea for that comment. i muted her long ago. so you can mute instead of blocking somebody, you can now mute them so they don t know you ve blocked them, but you don t get their stuff in the feed. how do you do that? so i have muted the words rant, gop and crazy person this morning. so i don t have anything in my feed. now you can put underwear. because his daughter admitted on this show that he walks around the house in his underwear. his daughter says he walks around in his underwear. boxers. up next, what did we learn today, if anything? [ female announcer ] who are we?
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what have we learned today, mike? there was a big debate about whether or not i could do that. you just did it. brian, what did you learn? that you re a much nicer person than you appear on television. donny, what did you learn,
not that we need to know. nothing. that s good. that s very honest. i learned don t ride in an el cater with solange if she s pissed at you and be leery of giving brian sullivan an open mike. nicole, what did you learn? the angry middle has a new spokesman. what s up next, nicolle? chuck todd. good job. i passed. the midterm mayhem rolls on. today it s a fight on the right in nebraska. we re going to talk live to all three republicans that are duking it out for a seat in the u.s. senate as voters head to the polls. plus, a surprising and sad development in a north carolina house primary that was and still is too close to call. the democrat one of the democrats, keith crisco, died suddenly from a fall at his home. state officials are still counting ballots, though. his opponent, clay aiken, has temporarily

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