o donnell. it s nice to see you do these interviews because you are seemingly able to cover the ground you were never able to cover last year. i don t know exactly what the worry would have been from the trump administration about letting senior doctors come on a show that was hosted by somebody who they think is a terrible person. there s no harm that dr. fauci would have done to the trump administration by answering questions from me or from you while they were still here. i don t know what petty thing was driving that, but it was such a relief to be able to ask questions directly of the policymakers at the heart of these things and get real answers. it feels like we re finally doing the real work. of course, there was the constant pretending that covid-19 either wasn t so bad or was getting much better every day when it was getting much worse, so there was just that madness about trump world and the trump white house, and what is odd about it, i agree with you, is th
yeah, and i don t know what exactly what the worry would have been from the trump administration about letting senior doctors come on a show that was hosted by somebody who they think is a terrible person. there s no harm that dr. fauci would have done to the trump administration by answering questions from me or from you while they were still here. so i don t know what petty thing was driving that, but it is such a relief to be able to ask questions directly of the policymakers at the heart of these things and get real answers. it just feels like we re finally doing the real work. of course, there was the constant pretending that covid-19 either wasn t so bad or was getting much better every day when it was getting much worse, so there was just that madness about trump world and the trump white house, and what is odd about it, i agree with you, is that dr. fauci was allowed to do certain shows at certain times where perfectly reasonable questions were asked. exactly ri