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Transcripts for BBC Radio 4 FM BBC Radio 4 FM 20200101 050000

The problem they got in and there was no problem whatsoever I also want to thank the Iraqi government they really stepped up I spoke to the prime minister today I thanked him but they stepped up very nicely tough new rules on song for all signed emissions from ships have come into force to combat air pollution the International Maritime Organization has banned the ships from using fuels with a sulfur content of more the north point 5 percent compared with 3.5 percent now shipping companies have been preparing for the software cap for months about the changes costly world news from the b.b.c. . The u.n. World Food Program says it faces monumental humanitarian challenges in the coming year it s identified parts of Africa as the most threatened by food shortages including South Sudan the Democratic Republic of Congo and they saw how the region in Zimbabwe the agency says the combined effects of drought and an imploding economy have driven the number of hungry people to the highest level in a decade. In a New Year address the French president Emmanuel mackerel has insisted his controversial pension reforms will be carried out nationwide strikes against the plans which would raise the state s pension age for many people have caused weeks of disruption but Mr Magro said the proposed changes were vital footy pull it down on one say a shot in a clip be in a place should we give up changing our country and our daily lives. Because that would mean abandoning those whom the system has already abandoned it would be a betrayal of our children that s why the pension reform to which I ve committed myself will be carried out it s a project for justice and social progress the far left leader. Described the Commons as a declaration of war against the millions of French people who reject of the president s plan the changes arrived at a prison in Venezuela is supported to have laughed at least 10 mean mates dead human rights groups and 4 grenades were detonated in the clashes one wing of the jail in the northwestern state of Zulia was set on fire violence is common in Venezuelan prisons which suffer severe overcrowding hopes that the trade war between Beijing and Washington might be easing have helped push up share prices in New York the Dow Jones index closed up by 22 percent for the year b.b.c. World news. You re listening to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service with me Alex Ritson it was North Korea s ultimatum to the u.s. Off to denuclearization talks collapsed come back with better incentives by the end of 2019 all will take a different path well as 2019 passed into 2020 the North Korean leader Kim Jong un was laying out that path and it includes a return to testing nuclear weapons and long range ballistic missile house but Washington is holding out hope that written to go Shay sions can be resumed NEWSROOM s peace a gulf in reports Kim Jong un has spent the last 3 days at the conference of his political party addressing his followers for hours on end in speeches broadcast by North Korean state media So what do you know your son promising one unicorn with his promise to the u.s. Not to test the nuclear weapons or long range missiles has been abandoned instead Mr Kim said he has a new strategic weapon ready to be unveiled to the world whereas North Korea at one point had asked for relief from economic sanctions in exchange for denuclearization Mr Kim has now said he doesn t need foreign money pledging a renewed commitment to North Korean self-sufficiency Mr Kim s remarks are a blow to Donald Trump who continues to tout his relationship with the North Korean leader and the supposed progress the pair has made towards did nuclearization On Tuesday Mr Trump s Foreign Secretary Mike Pompei o told c.b.s. News that he hoped Kim Jong un would return to diplomatic negotiations if Chairman Kim has reneged on the commitments he made to President Trump that is deeply disappointing I was there when Chairman Kim made the commitment that said he would not engage in in a kind of missiles or testing their nuclear weapon systems he made those commitments to President Trump in exchange for president trouble agreeing not to conduct large scale military exercises we have lived up to our commitments. We continue to hold out hope that he ll live up to his as well North Korea s ambassador to the United Nations has said the talks with the u.s. Are dead and the denuclearization is off the table although Mr Kim said this week the scope of weapons testing would depend on Washington s attitude wording that suggests he may still be open to talks some u.s. Officials have dismissed Mr Kim statements as bluster and attempt to gain leverage in future negotiations but there are also reports that North Korea is just trying to drag its heels while it waits for the outcomes of Mr Trump s impeachment trial and the 2020 presidential election by the end of 2020 Mr Trump could be on his way out of office and the u.s. Relationship with North Korea would in many ways begin all over again with a new president be to go often to Iraq now and the u.s. Defense secretary Mark esper has announced that up to $750.00 u.s. Troops are on their way to the capital Baghdad after Tuesday s demonstrations at the American embassy which saw protesters set fire to a guard post and scale a wall at the fortified compound Mr esper said the deployment was an appropriate and precautionary acts action taken in response to increased threat levels against u.s. Personnel and facilities the demonstrators were supporters of an Iranian backed militia Cateye eep Hezbollah that lost 25 of its members on Sunday during a u.s. Airstrike as dusk fell on the Iraqi capital most of the people had dispersed but pictures released by the American military showed us helicopters circling the embassy setting off flares and keeping an eye on activities in the streets below. Before the start of a New Year s Eve party at his Mar Largo estate in Florida Donald Trump commented on the u.s. Response. I think it s been handled very well the Marines came in we had some great warriors come in and do a fantastic job and they were there instantaneously as soon as we heard. I used the word immediately they came immediately and it s in great shape as you know this will not be a Bengazi but Gazi should never have happened President Trump is placing blame for the day s events family with Iran he tweeted that to run would be held fully responsible for lives lost or damaged in could and could pay a very big price Mike preachin to see the f.n. Night with the Hudson Institute was a former intelligence advisor to General David Petraeus in Iraq so here s what s likely going to happen it s obvious when law will continue to stay where they are inside of the Green Zone right in the u.s. Embassy there will hope that it somehow or concerning the event on u.s. Actions were seen by the u.s. President as president send in reinforcements we have Maureen s that are now in the embassy compound to protect personnel and to protect the embassy and we pretty ments pressure on Baghdad to protect the u.s. Embassy we do expect the top of a lot to launch walk its and mortars at u.s. Bases throughout Iraq trying not to kill Americans but just showing a capability if they do kill Americans I m afraid that the u.s. Response will be a response that s going to be inside the wall against Iraq do you see or the I or the secrets force Iraqis are asking us to separate Iraq from the u.s. And not use Iraq as a battlefield it s your Rons militias in Iraq that are chilling Iraqi protesters and launching rockets on Iraqi bases that are children American and injured Iraq uses soldiers and American soldiers and yet baguettes somehow condemn the United States for defending itself instead of arresting the leader of this well the Shia and but and going after the terrorists will all the american be there from Mike preaching. Our Middle East analyst Alan Johnston has this is us mint to the Iraqi government s predicament the Iraqi government is in and the impossible sort of position there are these 2 vast influences bearing down on them one from Iran and the other from the us and this latest episode it has ratcheted up tensions all the more the Iraqi government worries that. These tensions will be played out that Iraq will become some kind of battlefield of course the Iraqi militia men were hugely aggrieved by the events Sunday and it seems they were allowed to March molested into the heart of the heavily fortified Green Zone the security center at the heart of the city no effort to stop them is normally very hard indeed to get into that area but they just breezed through the checkpoints which would suggest that they had some at least official blessing for this from the government Johnston now to Australia where the scale of destruction caused by catastrophic bushfires is becoming clearer 7 people have been killed on the New South Wales south coast and hundreds of homes have been destroyed military helicopters have been deployed to help contain more than a dozen emergency level fires that are still burning across a 500 kilometer stretch of land a.b.c. Journalist Shelby Stewart is in the coastal town of Nowra south of Sydney at the moment there are still more than $100.00 bushfires that have burning across New South Wales and majority of there is a still uncontained and this comes just after one of the most devastating days I ve had this bushfire season at the moment residents here awaiting up it in the morning here and they re discovering just how devastating the last 24 hours have been we now know that around at least actually 200 homes have been lost just yesterday which of course was New Year s Eve. Meant to be a time for celebration have been lost yesterday right now there are many people who are trapped I believe to be injured and because they re in isolated communities it s just impossible for merchants he said his services to reach them and of course despite those terrible fires that we saw yesterday there are many that still continue to burn and one of the big risks for these communities now as well is falling trays meant much of this forest has been burnt we ve seen over 4000000 hectares of land burnt now which is it s larger than Wales the size of Wales it really is incredibly credible Sainz down here in these communities are really hurting journalist Shelby Stuart the thousands of people who were forced to seek refuge on a beach in the state of Victoria remain stranded as major roads have been closed by fires that are still burning out of control correspondent Phil Mercer has the latest some communities remain cut off and there are some of those that remain in active fire zones so the oath or it is very worried about those communities in the town of Malik where thousands of people sought refuge on the beach 24 hours ago those people still can t get out of the town because the roads are deemed too dangerous to leave so supplies a dwindling and we ve heard that a police boat will be taking supplies in at some point today and the military may well be needed to try to fortify these communities as the author of his try to make it make it safe for people to leave Phil in Australia Neil has some other stories from our news desk a new study has found that smokers report living with more pain than nonsmokers searches from the University College London so they don t know why this is but propose that it may be because smoking causes permanent changes in the body but also suggests that it could be because people who are more susceptible to pain are also. More likely to smoke the United States has demanded that China release Pastor Juan ye the leader of an unregistered Protestant church who s been sentenced to 9 years in prison the Us secretary of state might bump a 0 so he was alarmed that the pastor had been tried in secret and sentenced in what he called a trumped up charges you appealed to Big doing to and repression of Christians and all the religious groups and one of the brightest stars in the night sky has been fading fast prompting speculation among some astronomers that it could be about to explode Birtles use a red super Johns in the Orion consolation is known to have a short life span and it s now the dimmest it s been in a century many musicians a key getter advocate for environmental action which can be at odds with their own behavior if large to cause significant carbon emissions the group massive attack has been working with the Tyndall Center for climate change which is based at the quays University of East Anglia to look at ways the industry can reduce its carbon footprint Sarah Smith has been talking to massive attack band member Robert Dole Niger. The music industry is no different to any other and that has to change his behavior fast but you know it isn t and because of its huge social influence and emotional resonance you can argue it has an even greater responsibility to change to the fact that we re not doing much about it is pretty glaring. Lots of us in lots of businesses are trying to work at least in which they can behave in a more environmentally friendly fashion you re actually taking a good hard look at everything that s involved in turning to try and work out what would genuinely make a difference yeah we re working with the group on climate change research and also work with the poor little cousin authority to put on a show as a kind of exemplary of what within which endo he can mean working with the. Consolatory to close car parks and you could use more to keep the train operators Electric Bus deals and see when your will power sources when the main things is working with responsible corporate partnerships it s great that gigs have believed to convey a message but if you then partnering with corporate entities there or Also less than sort of like clean on their environmental records and also. Potentially financial institutions that are backing forcefield institutions then the more commissions us and that. And when we think about reducing the environmental impact of tearing we think about moving the band around and then presumably there are all often flights involved that kind of thing is that really what has the biggest impact or what else would need to change we did a lot of of weapons during the moment years of saying and when it came down to the calculation of the carbon the band and crew cut 10 percent of what the audience was the audience made up of 18 percent of the carbon we re working with the poor the 30 they re going to close car parks for the day which is quite a big thing to do in terms of local politics as you can imagine how that s going to go down and we re working with an electric bus company we re going to look at all the energy being renewable and the power we can create will go back to the grid so we re hoping that we can actually create legacy green infrastructure which can then power the future gigs. Robert Dole Nyjer of massive attack coming up to 520 g.m.t. . Good morning this is Kathy Klug stone Happy New Year from b.b.c. Radio 4 It s 20 past 5 on Wednesday the 1st of January 2020 after the new search 545 Charlotte Smith visits the new National Pig center that s how to start a new year. She d probably did more green politics the anybody profiling environmental game changers in the Parliament we want to represent suffering plants and suffering animals too he was faced with clear evidence of a link between human behavior and atmospheric damage her thoughts Rouge very much plan to treat and you plot an idea across 3 weeks Radio 4 showcases green originals beginning with the environmental pioneer Rachel Carson male is a bore against nature is inevitably a war against himself starting next Monday to Friday afternoon at 145. It s news briefing and 10 minutes but 1st it s over to Susan Powell Good morning and a very good morning to you and now the shipping forecast by the Met is with on behalf of the maritime it has got agency I 5 I 5 on Wednesday the 1st January 2020 there warnings of Gale s in Viking north at Sera r.e.c. Shannon Rockall Mallon Hebrides Bailey feral ferries and southeast Iceland that little synopsis at midnight low Biscay 1027 slow moving losing its identity by midnight tonight new low expected mid Atlantic 985 by same time highs Spain 1036 and Germany 1038 both new things slowly away east the area forecasts for the next 24 hours Viking north etc Southwest in a 4 to 6 increasing 7 or 8 Fair good south at Sarah south westerly 5 to 7 fair good forties comedy 4th south west 5 to 7 perhaps later fair good occasionally moderate. Tine dog a Southwest 45 increasing 6 or 7 for moderate good fish a North German bite southwesterly 5 or 6 increasing 7 later fair good occasionally moderate South Jim invite Honda southerly or southwesterly 3 or 4 increasing 5 or 6 mainly for good occasionally poor Thames Dover white Portland Southeast 2 to 4 veering Southwest 3 to 5 mainly for good occasionally poor Plymouth verbal 3 or less becoming Southwest 4 or 5 showers good occasionally moderate this guy West 2 to 4 backing Southall Southwest 3 to 5 showers good occasionally moderate south east Fitzroy variable 3 or less becoming south westerly 45 Fair good Northwest Fitzroy so bearable 2 to 4 the coming south westerly 5 to 7 perhaps 8 later mainly for good the case in the pole and on day Fastnet bearable becoming Southwest 2 to 4 increasing 5 to 7 fair good occasionally moderate Irish Sea Southwest 2 to 4 increasing 6 to go 8 Fair good occasionally moderate Shannon Southwest 45 increasing 6 to Gale 8 mainly for good occasionally poor. Rockall melon Southwest 6 to get 8 perhaps a bit ago 9 later mainly for rain later moderate a good occasion the poor Hebrides Bailey feral ferries Southwest 7 to severe gale 9 occasional rain or drizzle moderate or good occasionally pool southeast Iceland south westerly 6 to get 8 occasionally severe go 9 at 1st occasional rain or drizzle moderate or good casually poll. Weather reports from coastal stations but on the 1st of January tare automatic Southwest 513 miles 1024 for in most learning Stornoway south southwest 79 miles 101814 mostly Loic west southwest 77 miles 1016 forming Lucas west southwest 45 miles 1026 boarding Burlington south southwest 31029 forming mostly. Sunday at Ely vessel automatic southeast 62 miles 1034 ning slowly Greenwich live us automatic South by West 32 miles 1029 forming slowly. Jersey southeast for recent rain one mile 1027 falling more slowly. Channel at Bethel automatic South by West for 2 miles 1028 Falling Slowly. Silly automatic North by West to mist 4 miles 1027 forming slowly. Valentia South by West to 16 miles 1027 now rising Ronald s way South by West to 16 miles 1028 owning slowly melon head South by West for 16 miles 1024 now rising. And here is the weather forecast for the Ensure waters of Great Britain and Northern Ireland valid for the following 24 hours issued by the Met Office at a $5.00 on Wednesday the 1st of January general situation strong to Gale south westerly winds covering northern waters of the United Kingdom will extend further south and east to reach all waters by Thursday after name severe girls are likely across far north western waters during Wednesday night. After wreck she had including a southwesterly $4.00 to $6.00 increasing 7 or 8 increasing severe gale knowing for a time it hit Roth occasional rain in North good occasionally moderate in north actually had to Burke upon Tweed Southwest 4 to 6 increasing 7 or Gale 8 for good Beric upon Tweed to Whitby Southwest 3 or 4 increasing 5 or 6 occasionally 7 later for good occasionally moderate. Which beats your broader point Southwest 3 or 4 increasing 5 or 6 occasionally 7 later mainly for moderate or good occasionally poor brought to point to North Pole and southerly 2 to 4 veering south westerly 45 occasionally 6 later mainly for moderate or good occasionally poor North wanted to sell CBOE variable 3 or less becoming south westerly 3 or 4 later mainly for moderate or good occasionally pool so see below to Lyme Regis variable 3 or less becoming Southwest 3 or 4 later mainly for moderate or good occasionally pull lonely just a lens and including the hours of silly variable 3 or less becoming southwesterly 4 or 5 occasionally 6 later in West mainly for moderate or good occasion the pool. Lands enters in David s head including the Bristol Channel variable 3 or less becoming South $4.00 to $6.00 occasionally 7 Leyton isn t David s had mainly for moderate or good occasionally poor Bristol Channel since David s had to grate on head including St George s Channel se fearing south 2 to 4 increasing 6 or 7 perhaps 8 later in Anglesey fed good occasionally moderate right will head to the mall of Galloway south 2 to 4 increasing 678 later bearing south west later. Good occasionally moderate Isle of Man south or south west 3 or 4 increasing 6 to get 8 fat good. Lawful to colleagues along southerly 3 to 5 increasing 6 or 7 later occasionally go 8 later fed good occasionally moderate. Mull of Galloway to Mull of Kintyre including the Firth of Clyde and North China southerly 3 to 5 increasing 6 or 7 later occasion the later for good occasionally moderate. Mother of can tell us to our number one point south or southwest 4 or 5 increasing 6 or 7 occasionally 8 later for a good occasionally moderate odd number one point to Cape Wrath south or southwest 6 to Gail 8 increasing severe go 9 for a time rain and drizzle later good becoming moderate or poor later. 7 dollars southwesterly 6 to get a late perhaps severe go neuer later in West it has no rain at 1st good occasionally more 1st and that completes the shipping bulletin but I ll be back with a look at the weather for New Year s Day in just a few minutes Kathy thanks Susan this is b.b.c. Radio 4 it s half past 5 on Wednesday the 1st of January 2020 Good morning this is news briefing with Kathy Claxton the United States is sending hundreds of extra troops to the Middle East after demonstrators besieged the American embassy in Baghdad Boris Johnson has delivered an optimistic New Year s message saying it s time to leave behind a vision and uncertainty in business President Trump says he ll sign a long awaited trade agreement with China in 2 weeks time and in sport pop Guardiola has asserted that his money just a city football team are the best of the past decade as they prepare to keep their title hopes alive with a match against Everton. The United States has annoyance the immediate deployment of $750.00 troops to the Middle East after militiamen and their supporters attempted to storm the American embassy in Baghdad the demonstrators were angered by u.s. Airstrikes on Sunday which targeted an Iranian backed militia group in Iraq and Syria killing at least $25.00 people President Trump has threatened Iran saying it would be held responsible if any lives were lost Mr Trump told reporters at his Mar-A Lago Club in Florida that the situation in Baghdad had been handled well we have some of our greatest warriors there they got in there very quickly soon as we saw there was a potential for problems they got in and there was no problem whatsoever I also want to thank the Iraqi government they really stepped up I spoke to the prime minister today I thanked him 7 people have died in bushfires that tore through the Australian state of New South Wales on New Year s Eve officials expect the number of dead to Rice hundreds of homes are feared lost the state s premier Gladys Berejiklian warned that more hot weather was on the way we are assuming that on Saturday weather conditions will be at least as bad as what they were yesterday and that s something all of us have to brace ourselves for and that s why all of our people on the ground thousands of them attacking advantage of the model conditions to make us as well prepared as possible to Saturday when any of these fire fronts can again exacerbate and cause damage people across the country have been celebrating the 1st day of 2020 in London Big Ben rang r 12 times after being silent for most of the year while under renovation there were fireworks today in Manchester Cardiff Newcastle and Nottingham the streets of Edinburgh echoed with the Old Lang Syne sung 580-0000 revelers at the city s traditional Hogmanay celebration. Boris Johnson has marked the arrival of 2020 with an optimistic assessment of the year ahead in his New Year s message the prime minister promised to represent the whole country and turn the page on a year of political uncertainty and division figures collated by the b.b.c. Show the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats was more than 6 times higher in 2019 and in previous years more than 800 people were intercepted by Border Force officials last year. More than 100000000000 songs were streamed by people in the u.k. Over the past year a new record Louis Cataldie Ed Sheeran and Billy English were among the most popular artists according to research from the music trade body the b.p.i. Gennaro Castello a spokesman said the industry had changed drastically while in the past we would have largely bought it we ve gone to our local stores online and actually physically purchased that album and played and collected at home and now vast majority consumption takes place through access where you know actually owning it necessarily like a global sheep ox if you like where you ve got up to $50000000.00 plus songs that you can access any given time obviously people listen via playlists as well but that s wonderful for discovery both the music all kind of established kind of classic albums as well. Those are main story so far this morning let s get the weather now here Susan thanks very much Kathy it s a generally dry start to the new year and pretty quiet out there however some cloud hanging around across the u.k. So pretty gray a murky prospects for many of us as a low cloud as well foggy across the hills we ve been the last frost free overnight a few chilly a spots in Northumberland and the North East of Scotland but I think a chilly feel for this New Year s Day nonetheless because we re in quite dank So start our day let s take a look at England and Wales where I ll try and find you some sunshine we ve got a southerly or south westerly bracer that favors the north and east of high ground to some brightness so perhaps the east of the penance today sings and sunny spells East Anglia North Wales that could be a few breaks in the cloud elsewhere but I fear it will stay pretty solid for the southwest of England for South Wales and they ll be some drizzle here at times today temperatures 6 to 8 degrees about what we d expect for this time in the year the Northern Ireland a cloudy day in prospect a little bit of drizzle from time to time best of the brightness possibly along the north coast and in the east every now and then the breeze picking up further in or into the day we go highs of 7 or 8 phenomenon and Scotland quite a windy. Or actually especially across the Northern and Western Isles where the wind will touch a gale force at times it s a chilly start for the North East of Scotland because he would have the clearest skies over night system sunshine today to come for the Murray Firth and across the northern Highlands else weather I m afraid just with the murk cancelled resulting in the north west our top temperatures this New Year s Day for Scotland 6 to 9 degrees Susan Powell is 25 to 6 just before the business news let s take a look now at some of the newspapers this morning and the New York Times leads on the violent protests outside the American embassy in Baghdad it says the situation remains combustible with a cried vowing to camp outside the compound indefinitely until u.s. Forces withdraw from Iraq the paper notes that while few were armed many of the demonstrators were part of fighting groups technically overseen by Iran for The Washington Post the demonstrations laid bare the fragility of the u.s. Presence in Iraq despite hundreds of billions of dollars and 17 years of investment in the country. The protests are also the main focus for the Guardian It says the demonstrators dealt a symbolic blow to u.s. Prestige by storm in the compound and trapping diplomats inside the paper describes it as a humiliating day for Washington and one that unfolded with the apparent connivance of the Iraqi security forces it says a lot of the men inside the highly protected green zone. The main story for The Daily Mail is what it calls a dramatic intervention by Prince William after he launched a climate change prize and called for a decade of action to save the planet the male believes it s a sign he s determined to follow his father Charles as lead on environmental issues a decade to save the world is the Daily Mirror s headline as it leads on the same story it says the Earth shot prize revealed by the juke may become the most prestigious environmental award in history. The Daily Telegraph cites figures suggesting the number of children who were the victims of thefts and muggings looted the equivalent of 500 every day in the past year but according to data from the Office for National Statistics for the past year only one in it s between $10.15 then told the police the paper s editorial says the country s in the grip of a crime wave of children preying on other children often to steal their smartphones there s a buoyant tone to some of the other papers this morning The Times reports that Britain has seen in the New Year on a wave of optimism it s carried out a poll suggesting one in 5 people expect to get richer in 2020 The paper says the survey by You Gov shows that optimism was most marked among those who voted Conservative in last month s election the Daily Express leads on Boris Johnson s new year message saying he s hailed a new chapter for a prosperous Britain and the sun s leader column says it can t remember feeling as hopeful about the country s future as on the 1st day of this new decade. Let s move on to business now and President Trump has set a date for the signing of a long awaited trade deal with China Dominic O Connell is here with the details good morning good morning President Trump says that what s being called Phase one of a trade deal with China will be signed at the White House on January the 15th he said he would then go later to Beijing to launch negotiations for a 2nd phase agreement since the start of the trade war the 2 countries have raised import taxes on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of exports are nervous markets and hurting global economic growth and your business correspondent Michelle Fleury says the details of the deal are sketchy what we understand from White House officials is that they re being translated from Chinese and being reviewed by the 2 sides are no doubt we ll get more details on January 15th but the broad brush sort of take on all of this is that the Chinese will buy more American agricultural goods in return some of those levees have been removed or withdrawn new rules have taken effect reducing sulfur dioxide emissions from ships it s part of an effort to combat air pollution shipping phones have been preparing for the new rules for months but the change is costly and they have been warnings that trade could be disrupted. The charity Citizens Advice which runs a national consumer helpline has revealed the 5 issues that are trying to the most complaints and 2019 topping the list were complaints about 2nd hand car purchases the charity said 57000 calls it received mostly concerned broken order Finck vehicles other issues that made the top 5 were complaints about broken furniture faulty tech devices and complaints about clothing and footwear The charity said it had received 500000 calls and $3600000.00 Web site visits in the past year the markets now the $4100.00 was slightly down on the last day of 2019 finishing down just half a percent at 7005 $142.00 points on Wall Street the Dow Jones Indeed also down no point 4 percent at $28538.00 in Hong Kong the Hang Seng index is currently down nor point 4 percent also at $28189.00 points the pound is unchanged against the $1.01 pound is worth $1.32 and the slightly up against the euro one pound is worth one euro and 18 cents the stomach at almost 20 to 6 and a sport in football Manchester City s manager Pep Guardiola has claimed his side are the best of the past decade they ll take on Everton this afternoon with more on that and the rest of the sport here s Joe Parsons Manchester City have won 13 domestic trophy since 2010 Chelsea with 9 a 2nd on the list despite their position in the league Pep Guardiola described 2019 as an incredible year for city in which they won 4 titles they ll attempt to close the gap on Liverpool when they host Everton later today Chelsea have recorded a loss of close to 100000000 pounds for the year ending June 30th but after 2 profitable years the club insists they re still compliant with European football s financial fair play regulations in rugby union the Munster doctor Jamie can this is being given a suspended 3 week ban for his role in a brawl in. Almost 30 players at Saracens last month an independent panel found that can s virtually abused Cyrus and Jamie George during the Champions Cup game on the defending champion Michael van Gerwen will play Scotland s Peter Wright in the p.c. World championship darts final at Alexandra Palace later Joe Parsons Now let s take a look back at some of the stories making the news on the 1st of January in years gone by the European economic community came into being in 1958 it would later become the e.u. It s 6 members were France Italy West Germany Holland Belgium and Luxembourg Britain Arland and Denmark joined on this day in 1973. Scientific Instruments detected a rogue wave for the 1st time on the 1st of January $995.00 it was an $84.00 foot wave off the coast of Norway confirming confirming what sailors had long described in country at sea the South African newspaper editor Donald Woods arrived in London in 1970 is after fleeing the apartheid regime which had placed him under house arrest. New Year s Day was celebrated as a national public holiday for the 1st time in 974 in 159 the president of Cuba. Fled the country in the face of an advance by the rebel army a fiddle Castro days later surrounded by press Mr Castro answered questions regarding a free election gambling and whether but he still supporters were vanquished ran with a wrapper for election. I would have been ripping on an opener about what happened when they hear my phone from. The brain I think I am going without altogether approach you re right no heart trouble at all from the people I m hopping up up up up in the moment if I were in Cuba. That is there from 1959 the 1st episode of The Archers was broadcast on the Midlands home service on this day in 1951 and that brings us to the end of news briefing appropriately enough Charlotte Smith s at the National Pig center in foreign today in a couple of minutes but 1st it s prayer for the day with Bishop John enjoy good morning anyone listening to this either went to bed before midnight or didn t get much sleep whichever a very Happy New Year to you New Year s resolutions tends to divide opinion people are either very committed to them at the beginning of the year at any rate or they can t abide them the proverbial Marmite effects. Whatever attitude what lies behind them the invitation to reflect on what s important is surely worth considering clergy have a habit of going on retreat a period of time used to pray and study quietly or to think carefully away from normal activities and the duties of parish life. I was once given a task or retreat to write my own a bitchery 1st I thought it rather macabre but as I got into it I found it a really helpful exercise it enabled me to reflect on what it s worth spending time on and what it s not what I m really care about and what I don t what it s worth fighting for and what it s not what I want to be remembered for it put things into a helpful perspective as I try to reflect on my life I commend it if you don t think it s quite the thing for New Year s Day itself loving God give me grace to make good use of the time given to me here on Earth. In this coming year give me the wisdom to know how best to use my time my talents my energy and my resources help me to discern what it s worth spending time on and what it s not what I really care about and what I don t what it s worth fighting for and what it s not our man prayer for the day with Bishop John Ange You re listening to b.b.c. Radio 4 it s a quarter to 6 and Charlotte Smith is in Yorkshire for farming today. Good morning happy New Year. To start 2021 with a program about paychecks. Today we re going to be talking really about the future of Paix. The National picks and the University of Leeds I went along to find out more about. The ribbon. I. Now when. You re imagining but I suspect a group. There is a visitor s center that is perhaps a little bit more elegant than where I am right now which is outside the Green sheds looking out does represent an awful lot of investment and one of the organizations involved is the center for innovation excellence in. The chief executive how much money have you invested. Vested. Why it s part of the scheme to catch how we make sure that we ve got the research capability that infrastructure with fantastic scientific expertise to answer the questions that have to make. And efficient So what sorts of questions then industry and indeed. They would be very important how do we make sure we deliver our commitments on. Health. Disease management and new technologies because the so much happening in the sector that s quite exciting. We use that technology to solve these really big challenges a let you get back inside out of the right thank you but when I m going to go into one of these huge sheds his this is actually the south house it s a very very big and it s all concrete so we ve got concrete floor and then concrete areas with natural light coming in you can probably hit the road as well and also some for us and strips there is one thing missing and you can probably guess what it is because it s relatively quiet in here that are new Paix well to find out why I m going to speak to the professor of animal science here Lisa Collins your head of the school of biology where your picks Well that s very good question we re making sure that all the equipment that we ve got installed here with some really high level equipment is working before we migrate them in so we re expecting that they ll be moved in probably in February and this is an indoor unit isn t it and that s what you ll be using it to live catch it is so we also have an outdoor unit as part of the same facility and this is one of the things that makes this unit unique in Europe is that we can compare both the indoor and the outdoor systems in one place many people will say what you re doing in this area is actually factory farming and it s something we shouldn t be looking at more we should be trying to move away from it factory farming is an interesting turn of phrase I think you know we we have an increasing population size so we need to make sure that we can feed that population now what we feed them with this is a really interesting question it s one that s being discussed a lot at the moment and whether we should be moving more towards a deacon diet for example but actually there s a lot of evidence that says that having animal products as part of your diet is a really healthy way to get a balance of nutrients so I think in encouraging sustainable environmentally friendly and high health and welfare systems. Full production is a really good way to move forwards Let s leave the discussion for another day now in this big echoey empty shed there are going to be a lot of technical gizmos really one being c.c.t.v. So on it will have 24 hours 7 days a week c.c.t.v. Recording of every single plan we have set up a brand new system that can detect and track individuals just from the video footage itself how will it be recognising when will it be getting the information from the attack it doesn t use any tax it holds there s no marks on the animals it simply recognize an individual by its outline and it can then track it through light and doctrine to 4 hours a day for us his entire life goals even when it grows even as it grows it s amazing the main reason we want to do this is a allows us to look at what is normal for an individual so what is that baseline level of activity and then just like us a pig if it gets sick will slow down and so it s looking to look and see the departure from normal for the individual so that we can start to identify from a much earlier stage an individual that is sick in a particular pen so then you can get in that quickly you can isolate the animal and treat it quickly and Ritchie Shero for once microbial usage. Presumably you ll end up with an awful lot of data about the way pigs behave the about the way they behave in this indoor fairly intensive system which you could use for all sorts of things and obviously the one that springs to mind is tail biting which is a historic problem in indoor systems where where pigs just eat each other styles Basically that s right so one of the things that we found from a very obese stage is actually this algorithm naturally detects outbreaks of aggression very very easily so at the moment what we re doing is training it to recognise tail by saying and other types of aggression really reliably as well as trying to spot infectious disease. It s from a really early stage as well although some say if you actually give the pigs more to do because they can t absorb it standing on concrete they can t reach around if you give them things to play with if you give them store if you can then actually you can avoid tail biting you know in about more basic less as data centric kind of a way yes that s true there s been a wide range of studies that have looks at different types of enrichment in fact one of the studies that we re doing at the moment looks it exactly what type of advice we should be giving to farmers around him which meant in terms of the type of enrichment and how often it should be given because actually that the evidence isn t completely clear at this point so with this research we can actually be evidence based in terms of the policies that we perhaps. Should have come here earlier. I ve come inside the nursery shed it s where the pigs will come once they ve been weaned from their mothers and it is so warm in here no Paix as yet but they re on their way home with George Sorenson George are going to be sort of in charge of this field research manager here how many pigs are you expecting and when so where I m stuck in the unit in the new year and this unit will produce a total of approximately 12000 pigs the year up to 900 pigs every 3 weeks attempts to go a little bit more about some of the technology that we re surrounded by in this small area in front of us it s a slotted floor it s got 2 small boxes to Twitter that I serve a small boxes are actually highly advanced bits of pig research criminate So on the left we ve got drinking areas and within away in crates so every time that the pig goes in to have a drink the pig is weight and then the amounts of water that that individual pick drinks is also measured and then on the right hand side we have 2 feeders the pig. Goes in it identifies that individual pig feeds it and records how much food that pig has eaten and why do you want to know that much detail about each individual pick one of the main factors that interest the pig industry is trying to provide the best nutrition to individual animals to get them to grow as fast as possible to stay as healthy as possible to reduce the use of antibiotics and also to grow pigs in the most cost effective in an environmentally sustainable manner from your point of view are you managing a pig farm or are you managing a research station we try to tread the fine line in between both and that s a different matter cancer. There are facilities which are specific pathogen free so they re very clean they re almost a lab setting and they re very useful for testing pharmaceuticals for instance but they re not at all representative of the normal farm in the u.k. And then there are also farm trials where data that s generated on those trials may not be quite as reproducible as if it had been conducted in a scientific institution so Leeds has always tried to tread the line between the 2 where we ve got a commercial style operation but we re able to monitor everything in a large degree of detail with academics and research technicians doing the work so you can be assured that the data that we generate is of very high quality It s very serene in here at the moment isn t it it s warm it s quiet it s the looking forward to the pics. Yes it s a bit too shiny that s the thing as soon as we get pigs and that s when we find out really. How well everything s been installed because pigs as you probably know are excellent at breaking everything so we re looking forward to putting a member also there some trepidation. Now pig production here in the u.k. Is very varied from pigs that spend their whole time inside pigs to spend their whole time outside so we ve left the lovely rooms and come outside interest really fresh. We have frankly squelched and slips out to the outdoor pigs reaching up again with the professor Lisa Collins and this in a way is what the national pigs center is all about indoor and outdoor in the same place it is exactly so the really neat thing about this is allows us to look at the benefits that we see in an actual production system and to understand what are the causal factors behind that can we translate that indoors as well and we can basically move our pics from outdoors to an indoor environment have the same pigs going through both systems so if you look at what we have in front of us here on a fairly flat field here it s divided with wire fencing into little paddocks and each little paddock there is a pig arc inside most of them now there is a a sour and her babies the ones actually nearest to us are without any babies because we don t want to upset the ribs with offspring. This is pretty much what most people perhaps imagine when they eat pork Why not just concentrate on this sort of production. This takes up an awful lot more space than an indoor system and so in terms of satisfying the demand for meat we need these more indoor systems where we can house animals and in comfort but with more animals coming through those production systems so what exactly will you be comparing them between these 2 systems we can look at the same approaches the same methods and measure them in both the indoor and the outdoor system so we can look at nutrition we can look at growth we can look at performance and we can look at survival from right at the very outset when the piglet was born all the way through it s lie. Time understanding the risks and making sure that they all have the greatest health and welfare benefits that we can offer them no matter what system they re in really taking the learning from one system and applying it in the other the neat thing about having an actual system of this type here is allows us to integrate it with a lot of the other research that s going on at the University Farm so monitoring and recording and soil climate water and above and below ground conditions so that we can really get a thorough repitch or of everything that s going on you could have so much information on both the pigs indoor and outdoor and actually their effect on soil water everything else it s going to just reveal I suppose how complicated it is measuring the impact I think feel for too long we ve looked at these problems through a single lens really and we need to accept that actually all the different ways that we farm have there agreeing with me I m. Very much that was a little bit of a turf war further or you would say so yes so I think the the key thing here is that yes it s complicated and there are multiple factors but that s why we have to measure so many of the different elements around us and understand what the impact farming has on those elements and how the elements impact on our farming as well time for a cup of tea I think that s it from us here in Yorkshire I m sure that Smith the producer today has had the song and. Nitrate of the day David Attenborough presents the song thrush. I lent a palm a copyist gate when frost was spared to ground and winters Driggs made desolate the weakening of day. At once a voice rose among the beat twigs overhead in a full hearted even song of joy eliminated. Thomas Hardy s polling darkling thrush written at the end of the 19th century is about the hope the bird song can bring at the bleakest time of the year. So how regularly do song Thrashers usually sing in winter. In the Monte long tis only solid just labeled snow kept records of singing songs rushes in the Buckinghamshire village what he discovered was that song thrushes sang from late October through to spring and summer but the number of syllables fresh is very good from year to year and that singing still in service coastal. This picture so listen village is likely to be distant in other areas of the u.k. But wherever you live it s always a pleasure to hear a doctor when you thrash in the depths of winter. And tomorrow at the same time so David will present the Tony. On f.m. On longwave on digital radio and on b.b.c. Signs this is b.b.c. Radio 4. It s 6 o clock on the 1st day of the new decade Good morning and a Happy New Year this is today with Sarah Smith and Martha Carney the headlines this morning the mother of a 19 year old British woman found guilty of lying about being raped by a group of men in Cyprus has told this program the results are via Nupur is not safe and she would support a boycott of tourism to the country 7 people are known to have died yesterday in the bushfires that are ravaging parts of Australia also in today s program we ll speak to a friend of the former Nissen boss who s absconded from the authorities in Japan and. This charter points the way. But whether the world is to move in that direction will depend finally upon the peoples of the world. The United Nations turns 75 this year but what kind of future does it have the b.b.c. News is read now by Cathy clogs than the mother of the British teenager find guilty of lying about being raped by a group of 12 Israeli man in Cyprus has warned parents in the u.k. That the holiday resort of iron is unsafe in an interview with this program the 19 year old s mother who cannot be named for legal reasons said she supported an online campaign which is calling on tourists to boycott the country saying she doesn t trust the police she is also concerned about the impact the case is having on her daughter s mental health as the young woman could face up to a year in prison her words have been voiced by an actor to protect both of their identities she suffering from p.t.s.d. She spends a lot of time with hypersomnia at the moment that means she s sleeping an awful lot of the day she sleeps probably 1820 hours a day she s also quite withdrawn which is very sad for me to see and she also experiences hallucinations and she needs to get back to the u.k. To get that treated that s my absolute.

Radio-program , English-electronic-music-groups , International-trade , Western-asia , Air-pollution , Diplomacy , Business-terms , Political-autobiographies , Subdivisions-of-wales , Violence , Electronic-music-duos , Experimental-rock-groups

Transcripts for BBC Radio Cambridgeshire BBC Radio Cambridgeshire 20191214 060000

Let s. Get the. Thing. Up what. We. Think. What. last boy. Am I ready for Christmas what does that question even mean are you ready for me being ready for Christmas a I don t even know what it means I mean does that mean I presume it means you have everything done. Surely that s kind of you know Christmas eve of sorts 1 o clock at night when you ve got a glass of wine in your hand everything s done but yes one asked me last me ready for Christmas I mean you thought about Christmas yet Anyway Merry Christmas to you cannot. Fail to thank you for listening to John thank you for getting in touch. On the Saturday morning right weather wise this weekend Well certainly today I would check out today s weather will check out the weather in full around about 630 today highs of 7 degrees today mostly dry and finally morning but the showers will spread in from the West lights are on the afternoon should be drawn with some good spells of sunshine actually that contradicts itself and is dry Ok so the showers will spread in from the west in the early morning and then the afternoon will be dry with good spells of sunshine Russia sunshine brisk south westerly winds today highs of 7 degrees that is your weather forecasts check out the weather in full around a good. Goal a flying. C. Or and they get around the city ready came Chinese after 6 o clock Saturday morning it is their 14th of December 29th seeing 11 days to go till Christmas I said no election stuff on the news today on the show today rather we will be covering in the news obviously but there ll be no election talk on the show the election is done we must move on with our lives whether you like it or not what happened yesterday we should move on there be no election talk on the show unless or until rather we do the news headlines the news headlines are coming out let s do some election years Boris Johnson will visit the north of England today a region where traditional Labor supporters help him achieve the largest conservative victory for more than 30 years for labor The inquest has already started with many supporters angered by Jeremy Coleman s refusal to apologize for the party s worst performance since the 1930 s. Elsewhere in the world of politics in the election news 2 people were arrested near Downing Street last night when scuffles broke out between police and several 100 people protesting against Mr Johnson elsewhere in the world of news today election not election related timetables on Britain s railways will undergo major changes from tomorrow with passengers being urged to check their trying times before they travel journey times are being cut services increased and new routes added to. The country the consumer group which says broadband customers could save $120.00 pounds a year by negotiating with their internet provider and elsewhere millions of viewers will be shooting into b.b. She wants to see who wins the lights a series of Strictly Come Dancing 3 celebrities and their professional dance partners will be competing to win the glitter ball trophy and in music news this morning Saroj Stuart has become the oldest male solo artist to have a number one album in the u.k. Charts at the age of 74 and 11 months he s taken the accolade from Paul Simon his record your in my heart an orchestral recording of his greatest hits. Number One album so congratulations to Roger. I say gotta go from We ll say his mom used to have a go what about that for tenuous connection between me and Russian. News headlines at 7 o clock Lucy life is the voice of reason on the show today will welcome her to the show at about 7 o clock see Jackson the voice of sports Lizzy Rick Seaney the voice of your weekend weather and I ll be the voice in between all the recalls. This time supply a Christmas song it may be winter outside by love on limiting. I ve just been looking through our Christmas selection box that I stay for for some reason the. Christmas songs this hour the next one being. Right. Pulling money to one of our last. Guest today I learned in and I know you didn t read the memo Ok with their marriage. Will move up. Towards Christmas. Oh I see so you re very lucky Mike to go to this so when is the B.B.C. s cut off day for We ve moved up to Christmas I don t know hopefully next weekend I might be able to play to an hour but certainly today we ve got what we got to an hour in the 1st hour and then one an hour in the next 2 hours. Your question I don t know presumably no will really loud to myself. Is missing a bow good question what he would do if we could thing is Ken how desperate do you want to hear I could part I could I could I absolutely 100 percent plus. Mr Christmas bar I might get in trouble for it to do you know to me that much trouble season of goodwill. I think in the interest group where we should because surely would. Compensate for the fact we re only doing one and the next 2 hours listen leave it with us my friend I need to talk to the wife and say listen I might lose my job. Before. But you know it s going to be worth it because of course he s a lovely listeners of the show yeah and he s 87 not just me I think we should play I mean we should place u.k. . Anyway Happy Christmas too and here to listen and having received everyone listen to the shows going to prison even if you re not listening to the shark. Morning stay. With me we can t discriminate I know we carry the lot listening to the show I still wish them a Merry Christmas they just won t be able to just wish they d listen to absolutely that s what I want is for them to listen to the Geneva subcommittee watch by the way why was it I told you both I believe they call this number a t. Shirt number yeah well as in. Know it kind of starts off playing and then goes what . It s like soccer but it was all speak to Lucy about it she knows more about clothes and you know I welcome Steve. Thank you very much Merry Christmas and see you. And got back in touch on the 2nd just say. All this a tennis waits in it for me if I play it you re not allowed to accept and can you can bribe someone from the b.b.c. My friend we are completely impartial we cannot cite Broad s or payment in calling for what I actually some people take payment card for make sure they fix. But let s crack on with the show it was fun I was somebody on the show today Steve . And we talked for so long because your own are going to get the music s. That was a look crash on the slopes that was much better yeah he fell off a skiff the ski run is about it wasn t any other show today. And glad you asked because we re talking Christmas and Christmas food in Christmas trees and all things edible with Caroline deeth steve G. s from the Darwin nurse race and farm shop need television state but it s more than just a Palm shop state the project also helps the adults with learning difficulties looking forward to Carolina 10 past 7 today that since way so glad you asked me about 10 to 8 stay Daniela from the urban dance academy state based in peach we are they ve joined the state they just completed competed rather in the bady ocean treat dance world championships. Whenever they want to we will indeed they ve also performed at the recent Christmas lights which only in Peterborough Danielle Steve Steve Steve act Empire State so glad just about 10 past 8 we re staying in Pete s resting to catch up with the male voice choir and the youth choir ahead of their concert Stephen which broke at the 2 later on today stage Mark Korea will be our guest I tense and I are so glad you asked about 10000 tension on a final guest I will talk to a local homeless charity who have saved a not for profit tech recycling company Steve Diane dockets see the chief he was a day off of a mayor s choices on the show stage that s great why was it can you stop in one minute 23 seconds or one of very long Chuen with what should be a great credit sequence is ever right what s gone wrong with Roy I mean it s still counting down is it to 2 minutes to 7 perhaps that s a bit of suspended in the air for jump. Might be has just launched him so he has a job let me see if I can forward this on the heady days of friends clamor cost of maintenance as a future nothing s working. Just frozen I thought it was a cold or maybe go computer program. You know when I listen I do apologize if you re enjoying. I think she makes cakes and I but a woman if it s if you play often for 2020 nostalgia one minute and 32 seconds it just stops even though it s still plying his way to graze right away Doug possibly thank you b.b.c. Radio Cambridge the folk. Clubs along festival join. The fun. Monday nights from. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge to. Just up his broad from a tin of sweets from a to a tin of sweets for the family if we play she wanted to go across Cambridge Saturday for it 1st with Charlie Thompson on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge. Leave it with a scan for Sallis would for you all in the All Request hour he s back on Monday by the white 12. As a guest in the 1st hour requests between one and so and then another guest check him out he s good I can listen to him on base he sounds as well right 623 Stand by for the stereophonic song the way our next Christmas offering will be you 2 and Christmas bracket baby please come home close bracket. Before that as promised some election news Boris Johnson will visit the north of England today in a region where traditional Labor supporters help him achieve the largest conservative victory for more than 30 years for labor The inquest has already started with many supporters angered by Jeremy Coleman s refusal to apologize for the party s worst performance since the 930 s. From Westminster The B.B.C. s Nick Utley reports on the election Boris Johnson begins his new term as prime minister in a position of remarkable strength leader of a party indebted to him for turning around their electoral fortunes prime minister of a government with a big enough majority to deliver it breaks it pledges and shape its own domestic agenda to the prime minister has promised to lead a One Nation government and there will be pressure from those Tory M.P. s in the north of England who dramatically one former Labor heartlands to offer more to the region Labor meanwhile continues to lick his wounds with critics pointing the finger at Jeremy Corben while the leader s office puts the party s defeat dying to pull the eyes ation over breaks it the b.b.c. Sneakily that and that is it will be no more election news on the show you the place tonight between now and on o clock unless and until. You. the roads lead to jail. Question of the day you know thank you. Listen to us in Breton little things have a question in the techs it s rude to us and we ask you to answer any just for fun before 7 o clock there are no prizes because we are the b.b.c. They normally set around about 5 questions so I have to just choose one of them I think I ll go with this one actually thing Lizzie I had a son of course called The Boys Are Back In Town and it was used in a t.v. Programme in the ninety s the t.v. Programme was on a Saturday Night Live. What was that t.v. Programme programme in the ninety s on a Saturday night use the song The Boys Are Back In Town. Before it. Was the one that the program. The big program is whether he s. Just for fun away fast. 3 started a message with camels or just before. Right . The birds the but. The but. The bottom You know we want to. Stop the cavalry instead. It s a Christmas song state. Tell Steve Jackson that Hilter is making shortbread a whole Schmeichel shortbread. Wow you guys are up really early on a Saturday morning doing stuff and I would listen if I wasn t doing the show my friend I d still be in bed but he s. Good to know what you re doing as well while she listening to the show if you are open about listening to the show and thank you very much Dave for doing so I know there s far more important things to be doing in your life than listening to me. What you do and we can have a little kind of thing of what people are doing as we got Kenneth and Hilda listening to the show Kenneth keeps asking me for Christmas records and wife Hilda he s making some beautiful. Love thank you very much and I will assume we re trying to get you song. Right let s check out your weekend weather drawing fine early morning but showers could spread from the West lighter the afternoon should be dry with good spells of sunshine brisk southwesterly winds today maximum temperature of 7 degrees tonight a dry start to the evening with clay spells but the clouds and showery Ryan will drift East like to the right maybe heavy for a time but it should play before the end of the night to remaining windy throughout Saturday night lows tonight of just 2 degrees so it will be a bit of a cold one Sunday we re looking at highs of Sunday will be generally find spells of sunshine. Little in the way of clouds however it will continue to be breezy with a cage no showers there possible to highs by as I ve mentioned on your outlook for the early part of next week we re looking at highs of 7 degrees on Monday degrees on Tuesday 8 degrees on Wednesday. Across Cambridge Saturday frightful with a tough my 97 year old. God bless you my. Body had been up since 4 am I ve already had some tea and some Rich Tea biscuits I ve read a Danielle Steele book and I ve had a great morning could you please play Michael bublé and he s beginning to do a lot like Christmas listen we got to be a little bit careful with the Christmas song requests we have strict guidelines is to what we complain when we comply and as much as I love to play all the various Christmas songs you ve asked for I can only kind of play what I ve been given. This texting from Nicky Good morning Shelley even though it looks like night time still I m walking the dog right now on grand Chester Meadows before I can believe this before my chilly river swim you must be mad Nicky. Then I ll be Christmas shopping in space or taking the young son to play golf and I ll be catching up with friends I think I ll be asleep by the time strictly starts I love the show and most of the music. I love that thank you very much today Merry Christmas to you all of it was ready and thank you for keeping us listeners going Best wishes Nikki were best wishes to you as well Nikki and so much respect to you for being up so early walking the dog on grand just to Meadows before a chilly river swim Are you sure you really want to be doing that right now I d love to listen maybe maybe we could do the show one day from the river bank whilst you do your chili river swim anyway great to have you all listening to the show and if you are right about listening so early it s great to know what you re doing and why you re listening to so many people have to get up and go for work many people just have a son in the background or they re doing stuff around the house whatever big rights and I wire up listening to John and thank you for listen we ve been doing the show nearly 4 years now thank you very much due to have only listened to the show right let s get back to some users making the news headlines this morning before we check out the news at 7 o clock with Lucy Britain s railways will undergo a major timetable change tomorrow with passengers being urged to check the. Trying times before they travel journey times being cut services increased a new routes are being added across the country here is the B.B.C. s business correspondent Katie press going train timetables which changed in May last year chaos ensued passengers face delays cancellations and overcrowding so there s a certain amount of trepidation around they said regular twice yearly transition but if a success some parts of the u.k. Will benefit from foster more frequent services the electrification of the line between London and Bristol will shave 12 minutes off the quickest services they ll be Sunday services for the 1st time on the my stag and Conway Valley lines in Wales and there will be major improvements on the Scot Rail network with additional services in Northeast Scotland and longer trains between Edinburgh and Glasgow the . Night of. The walk. The district. Radio came ashore Janet Jackson and the whoops now Pet Shop Boys on the way we re trying to squeeze in that Jonah Lomu a song for a candidate and Hilda held up by making shortbread already this early on a Saturday morning love. Right let s do some more news making news this morning millions of viewers will be churning into the b.b.c. Tonight to see who wins the latest series of Strictly Come Dancing 3 celebrities and their professional dance pounces partners will be competing to win the glitterball trophy our entertainment correspondent. Looks ahead to the show. She was applying a while Janet White Why are you playing again you ve played once you don t need any more money from us. It s been on that screens for 15 years and is still one of T.V. s most popular shows regularly being watched by more than 10000000 people was at the bottom place honey on Eastenders. Appeared on Adele for 20 years but the celebrity contestants Karim s are well is well known from the children s channel c.b.c. Each couple will perform 3 routines one that s chosen by the judges one show dance and one of the couples by early in the series the results will be decided purely by boats from the beauty public. I mean he recorded that in his toilet or something larger Paula just for the sound quality of music that was report. Not sure what he s doing in the music terrible. Anyway Strictly Come Dancing b.b.c. One so not the final. championships championships and I ve also performed at the recent Christmas lights switch on Danielle chatting to us at today that is bring you from the Pet Shop Boys he s called Dreamland on our fun topic today what are you doing whilst listening to this morning Charlie enjoying my 1st cup of tea whilst enjoying the show and all then be walking to get a pipe when it gets light says bucketful by the way I won t be watching Strictly because I don t like Strictly I ll be reading a book in stashed a guy we could add so I say what he was listening to the show and will you be watching Strictly tonight and if not what will you be doing especially for Kenneth in Hilldale we go. To see you Tuesday and. In this New Monsoon. In the. Mary. Cole who in fills me that he. Sizes and shapes every morning wow you re a foot long. Listening to the show goes for a reverse wave should be going for a very short How mad is that I mean it s freezing out. However having said that I have enormous respect for some crisis like. heartlands Mr Johnson has said he will resist cools for another independence referendum in Scotland in spite of the prime independence s.n.p. Winning $48.00 of Scotland s $59.00 seats its leader Nicholas judging has argued there s now a clear mandate for another poll as are Scotland as Sarah Smith reports Nicolas started to make knowledge is that not absolutely everyone who voted s.n.p. Is ready to support independence but after winning. 80 percent of Scotland Cs she believes she must be allowed to hold another Scottish referendum Nicholas sturgeon insists she didn t want to see Boris Johnson returned as prime minister but she knows a Tory government in Westminster while Scotland voted the opposite way is the result that s most likely to advance her greatest ambition independence for Scotland timetables on Britain s railways will undergo a major changes tomorrow with passengers being urged to check services before they travel journey times are being cut services increased and new routes added right across the country when timetables were changed in May last year chaos ensued with massive delays and overcrowding guy Dangerfield is from the passenger watchdog transport focus there are a lot of timetable improvements which should bring great benefits to passengers in terms of capacity journey time improvements clearly when you change anything there s a degree of risk but that isn t the sort of late chopping and changing of the plans which lead to the problems in May 2080 thieves have stolen almost to the entire stock of meat from a family run birches shop around 2000 pounds worth of prepared phrase and meat would take in the early hours of Friday as Sarah very reports t.f.m. Butchers has been run by the Thompson family on their farm in our Islam since 1975 the thieves removed an entrance gate before smashing into a workshop and then cutting a hole to gain access the owners described the damage and loss as devastating but says customers had been extremely supportive they ve also promised to fulfil all their customers Christmas orders the village of great Paxton will be getting a new post office service from January it will become the 6th village supported by the postmaster for hemming food gray and a specifically designed vehicle the travelling office will be parked at the bell carpark on the heist. Every day often ng the 1st toybox Appeal held by the central England co-op has seen thousands of toys donated which will be given to local children campaign which ran during November collected 4000 Tories in Cambridge share that will be given to local good causes including East Anglia s children s hospices. The company s public relations offices said the firm was grateful for the response from customers really says it s all get we were just kind of hopeful that we have enough to to give a couple of 100 bridge across all of us writing a state to kids so when when we found out we had 12000 Total 4000 in the area locally it was we were astonished and now amazed because you know our generous people come into our stores and that s why I want so big thanks to everybody as millions of viewers will be turning into b.b.c. One tonight to see who wins the latest series of Strictly Come Dancing with the final 3 couples competing to win their place it will try thing one of them is see b.b.c. Presenter Kerim 0 he says he can t wait to take to the dance floor with his partner I mean it s very very exciting and really hard not to just go out every weekend just trying to enjoy ourselves and put the best performances possible on our thing or in the finals not only humbling but also a little bit surreal it s just crazy isn t it and in Suppose ahead of hosting Bolton piece about United a wasting on the fitness of midfielders Marcus Madison and George Boyd Colin Calderwood has labelled Cambridge United s trip to permission chasing Cheltenham as a great opportunity 5 players could be ruled out going to illness while George Taft is continuing to struggle with a cough problem Speedway in the Peter Pan things have announced the signing of the 1st of next season s writers Dana Michael palm.

Radio-program , Political-science , Biscuits-british-style- , Synthpop-musicians , English-electronic-music-groups , Christmas-decorations , Saturday , Holiday-related-topics , Cookies , Christmas-traditions , Emotion , Spinning

Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland FM BBC Radio Scotland FM 20191128 200000

A.b.c. . You . See. Everything. Through the. Season so. Please pray for me. I was. Only tried to teach music. Too much water and too much sun. It s. Terry jacks and Seasons In The Sun couple things I didn t know about one of the Beach Boys were originally going to record the Beach Boys a little too is known and you can almost on their show harmonies the production as well there is no Braille song about was the kind of English version of it which we best sentimental and I just looked it up there and realized it is been included on our list of the borscht pop songs of all time there is an official. That is going to be a big lapsed as in it includes. Durans covers album. State schools ref s album school Luan that s all that s a shocker this is obscene that cannot be true. Yes sir that s my baby Richard Harris is version of MacArthur Park Ob-La Di Ob-La Da by the Beatles you re having my baby by Paul on cat which really is. Something. That has got things like a soul I get to edit it I feel but then true by Spandau Ballet Now you might say it so we better of a ripoff Yeah the frame you might say many things about true by Spandau Ballet but does it deserve its place or not lest the songs don t think it us we should do the theme of the things that shouldn t be on the washer. Once the evident thanks are terrible bikes that you want to save so we give the listeners the fool less than the they say you know I m taking these I have a list. All of the songs that are going to song Hail and use it to pay their Rockstar by Necco bike well spent now though Thong Song Barbie Carolyn Mr Blobby I could show that you know that I shouldn t be on things I ve never even heard of Chinese food by Allison for. Swagger Jagger are owed by one of the x. Factor people that stand as a theme in their fair share of pizza right and gave us a Franklin is coming up after news of one of Scotland s based loft writers coming back to redo school. Please join me as I explore some of the most famous and bizarre cases in Scottish legal history someone is going to inherit all of these estates and of course the whole of Scotland suit who is going to do it on our 1st I rethought say a little prayer pizza right must go braids give a start no I was keen on playing. For the roses. Gratitude take whatever happens. Lens and I ve had the bay about I m figured as it s the only bet of the song where he s expressing any Cratchit would probably have to rely on the exists angel of the theme of the song as. It s all fallen apart Ted a bolstered life made that happened but at least it s been a good year for the roses so I don t know if it s going to count that tonight enlisting late Diana Krall who is married to because that will has been suggested John and Don t. Has got a song that truly is a by being grateful and counting your blessings which will be one of our metal moments coming up read about our fate tonight now we played seasons in the sun by Terry Jack that speculated was it one of the worst pop songs of all time. On the last I had said probably haven t had the years and you know a causeway by average aggrieved has pointed out on our Facebook it was only the Christmas number one for Westlife and 1999 there it goes on and he s right it was a sight I have a dream and Seasons In The Sun I cannot believe it s such a surprise are you for going isn t it I know there s loads of these the of either forgotten or don t know surrender by the time Spice Girls were Christmas jumper one for 3 years in a row then you bought the belt. Well they must pay these people blah blah blah lots of x. Factor a talent show people Ed Sheeran one clean band one and I don t even recall I have no idea last year s Christmas number one we built a city the starship song by someone called Lod baby does last year so that there isn t anything yet so loved to baby joins the likes of Elvis clef Brita offs and someone for the school choir is having a Christmas number one and messed up a hobby. Even if it was no more almost is that music is changing is that the charts is changing or is it just us those changing of these things but you look out for the past few years over the folk our age don t think they are as valued does as bands like The Beatles as you know about my selection at less than chain cheeky. And Cliff Lee packed to me bought a set a Samaan Now I do it to people really care about Christmas number one s. Anymore tonight it is all about gratitude it s all about being fine for Facebook s get on with Brian button where callow says Hi Brian and is just heading home from another long shift and he says I normally suggest Bon Jovi to point you all but really think thank you for loving me would make agree mellow moment so thanks for that calum thank you for loving me thank you for loving me Ok Bon Jovi. Might have well have a place on The Tonight Show this been some of them won t do want to play since the start of the show has been across the by Raymond strong Morag and guess on Luis Morgan a lot of smaller say b.b.c. Radio. Luis Morgan. Freeman strong. Tonight Baltimore said tons of Georgetown. On bald. Not for you he was on the 1st record day and it can be found I m one of the Bootleg Series and earlier angling of traveling while British pop star is interesting to know and he said 11 you John s version and version featured a couple members of the shadows but not Marfan is a song with a kind of fascinating history as not Mike said I m a believer ever since I met John 30 years ago that s been the song that says all about me there is a theme and I. And a plum that I might have a theme for you you d someone say that they wanted the 1st song played at the wedding but it was his wife we alternately got her choice said what about the theme of the 1st song you wanted but never got good because we ve done the 1st songs you re waiting. We ve done now you ve known your partner for 30 years what song do you do if you didn t want guy takes the band for Mony Mony by Russia thank you for that. But I like the ones the 1st song you never a goal she said mine s was Heaven knows a measurable no somehow never got one no sense of humor. Skid marks people would say fuck you more thank you for the let s get the mike I m going to note the majority of it hopefully I will get right into that and the next we will be else we thought and I am Facebook Vincent is asking for a Fairport conventions no Be thankful. Says Thanks a lot by tempting Boehm and thanks for a great week all things get on Team thank you very much a Vincent says if you want to lighten the mood tonight if the whole you know becomes too sugar sweet and small so you might pump for movie near by Dr Who can the maids ensure before we begin to thank you thank you or thank you thank you thank you as there are stars there is a song deviates from the theme but as told loaded so maybe only the playlist Thank you have a Vincent we have to apologize the pain is real that we do actually have money to time bubble thought we did really like yeah yeah we enjoy their own onus on a service but we can find it in our more antiquated services sorry he s a man with attitude heads you know I always think that must be it she don t know maybe it s just that I ve got Bevan h. He had some to his baby I just think and your head when. He doesn t sign like. This when you look at pictures of I mean you can expect to be a but Morpheus Yeah he seems like a lovely child and it was quite mellow and then Ellen a friend person said a great chance to nominate some my favorite artists and I said maybe you given them play Otis last time seriously if you don t need any encouragement to play Otis Redding honestly his song this I want to thank you Elena thank you for suggesting that gives us another good reason to play them tonight. P.b.c. Radio. Go on on the vestry coming up they celebrating a big moment in your relationship and you ve forgotten. To order a special present at the petrol station and buy flowers to gather a little playlist I sold at the b.b.c. . If you want to do that and of course you could listen to that s than any of the other programs as well g.d. Said you made me very happy blood sweat. Which I see signs like as the title of the song. She said is a brass and several Thank you sign up well what more could you ask for play in the us. Moments which are truly lovely. for. Him fight. Is perfect. Because Betty Gore to us. Finder cool wrote but song on the his 90th birthday today. That so yet most play the dedication of Barry Gordy in everything that he s contributed to music if you can think of a color motived songs that would fit the banks theme and could even try and include as well as spend a week of big bucks they say marking the fact that a Tina Turner was 80 that s week and next week on the program as a theme we did last year and it was probably in the can of thought we should do every year because there s always going to be people who are fretting the bell they are folks who are turning 60 or who have tons. The sheer jam care 60 it believe it is going to be a law that you really think. That if I don t call in 70 was a boy and and I wouldn t have put their passion as a contemporary affairs Sheena Easton they Rico all born a night in $59.00 as a show full of 60 year olds I would watch years ago would have sounded like a fairly sleepy proposition. Jessie even about those names an exciting show of great music it s going to be a promise to some lovely mellow moments tonight so if you ve been dashed in a by trying to get stuff ready for the weekend or whatever or you work or and the traffic jams then these next to solve things are for you and they truly are all about being grateful and those things that we that we should take time to say thank you for thanks very much to John and Eve Telford for suggesting them music s most beautiful voices and mixing it with your breath away the mellow moment and get it on from b.b.c. Even to school. On Christie I gave Christine s wedding so Mr Wonderful World Louis Armstrong before the. Old the old song a good sort of remember as a lullaby. I think bring Crosby was the one the weather count your blessings instead of sheep Diana Krall thanks very much to you John and d. For coming out as well I think it was from one of his family was a from holiday n. Was my Christmas maybe I don t know but anyway so lovely to hear someone is feeling or not kind of mood at the moment as Harry he said I m just back from a fantastic weekend in Vermont where a beautiful daughter from Colorado Julia Clark joined us to celebrate my 69th birthday best Prezi ever she gave me a copy of her 1st published book or restorative yoga but they dedicated to me and the dedication beats enjoy every sandwich get. The phone. She s the d.j. Over there instantly remade broke and still they remade my 69 year old heart last Saturday oh so sweet and it must have been such a proud moment as well that Werewolves of London are shared favorite is a break my heart again tonight while still we re celebrating Thanksgiving and the us how broadly I m good look up because well Bradley says that if a terrific time I must be hard to your family or the states that live on a day like today clear asked on water for you. May pumpkin pie pee camp I often. Thought Jillian Marshall is just going to face peace in her the rock singing your welcome for more Ana a and there s an email from as a belief 16 people say is a can please please sit down by James she says she s loving the choices so far I m just going to have super buttery tools for dinner tonight as of a very a table I will have some of my cookie doorways cream cake for dessert as it was my birthday on Monday will happy birthday on Monday passed as it will fly but there s just something about it superbly but to be tossed the way he said. Barrel in the cookie dough and I am a sucker for a cookie dough always every oh my gosh I come up with an idea fashioned right and I m going to share this with the nation. It s a food I love and it s pre-state this even better score an ice cream scone I say. I know but can you have my did seek it of sentimental reasons I mean if you want you could have just plains gone but. That is a brilliant idea and you should never feel I know but I m too lazy to bother me Mr Maki from his ice cream or whatever. That has been across the by gentle. Sly and The Family Stone No mention of thanks but he is grateful it s all so much just by Paul for Martin Paul MacLean and this is one of the songs but to this day when people read that and have a think and get a go at me and he told me earlier I was that I was I thought someone was being clever on the Facebook page by spelling it like that by doing it which he called a fanatic yes but as I say called Thank you for letting me f.a.l. Out and. Be nice elf again. And. Say. It. Q. X. K j. O o. O. O . O. O o. O o. Look . At. Her. A. Sly and the family. Ok so let me be myself so I get a. 5 way Williams was on the afternoon show talking about his Christmas album. See him past a like i m italian if you. Know me of us tomorrow. On the radio what exactly is. T.v. On the b.b.c. Scotland Channel tomorrow night at 10. And I suppose given thanks to some of the guests the father over the past couple of weeks is going to bring you highlights from Korean poll were Powell freshers Idlewild arcade. Less than 20 minutes of the call on the way. 90 minutes there we go whenever we. Can chart late night because it s Thursday. On our Facebook page Depeche Mode from the eighty s. I think it s one you might not know what I didn t know so much so that when she ruined message I thought she gesture and Depeche Mode but no 10. I would normally ask for the past but no it s a night says the passion but not tonight I have a listen to the lyrics. Legolas as last though I pull from Aberdeen point side least 50 years ago this month and it s still a beautiful song. Saccharine is suggesting that s fine it s given from Wisconsin. I m doing stuff for the swell. Like shad to Jane Grove come our family copy files cut up and can buy and contact to make up the state of their boy how great. Sound but feel. If the sun with few. Would still be love then you. Thank you very much for all of your suggestions tonight I want to finish with a grown up letter Coleman said the show keeps me company and most nights for the Love Field and for our house and for the t.v. Set by so many gratitude to my late husband who would be at life with you by the proclaim rush or to my beautiful daughter she told a friend to help me through the last 2 years the 10 most I am blessed lovely send to my microwave finished the. McCormick s last truck or a. Song to. My lawyer got. In on the. Radio. It s 9 o clock b.b.c. Radio Scotland News I m talking care cooperatives and the families of the victims of the Hillsborough disaster have reacted with shock and anger after the police commander on the day of the match was cleared in relation to the deaths of 95 Liverpool fans a jury at Preston Crown Court from David Duncan field whose 75 not guilty of gross negligence months lot are after a retrial last in more than 6 weeks Steve Kelly s brother Michael was one of those who died in the crush of the 1909 f.a. Cup Series final he feels cheated feel now. That it was. An. However one is due. By force race and. Obviously means he was the man if he wants you to decisions and you know that you ll choose it is just that. Before starting a high school in the Borders is to remain shut until Tuesday at the earliest after a serious fire at its height 40 firefighters were tackling the blaze at people s high the building was evacuated and no one was hurt it s believed the fire started in the art department of lunchtime and old Jim Hall adjacent to the department has also been badly damaged Isaac King is a 60 a pupil at the school I was a bit shocked that originally you know I was I heard he was in on the smoke the smoke and I was like God. But then I see myself as a little bit like oh this is actually quite serious you know you hear about these things happening on the news but very rarely doing is going to happen to you or or you know you can be involved no ever so it was a bit of a shock to me it was dealt with really well the s.n.p. Has withdrawn support from one of its candidates over alleged anti Semitic comments Neil handy had been standing in Kerkorian code and Beith his party membership had been suspended has been suspended pending disciplinary action an investigation is underway following the death of a man and police custody in Mari the 29 year old died on Monday Fiona stocker reports around 11 o clock on Monday the man became unwell Adele going police station emergency services were called and he was staying in the dock to graze hospital but he was pronounced dead Police Scotland see a post-mortem examination will be carried out and report submitted to proper fiscal the deaths currently being treated as unexplained in a statement to police Scotland said as is normal procedure the instant will be reported to the police investigations and review commissioner p.i.r. Sees confirm the deaths being investigated and it would reports Inge of course the last state school in Scotland.

Radio-program , English-new-wave-musical-groups , Musical-trios , Desserts , Musical-quintets , Musical-quartets , World-cuisine , Synthpop-new-wave-musical-groups , Mercury-records-artists , Columbia-records-artists , Mute-records-artists , Cookies

Transcripts for BBC Radio Sheffield BBC Radio Sheffield 20191128 120000

The one and a half 1000000000 in the u.k. The research is being carried out by Greenpeace and the campaign group environmental investigation agency supermarkets say they re trying to address the problem these campaigners want the price of a bag for life to go up to 70 pity Fiona Nichols is from Greenpeace what we ve learned is that in the last year these back the life cycle. Becoming more of a back for a week we re going through 1500000 of them a year that s 30 percent from the year before so it seems like the I m the 5 people may have that save me the problem somewhere else and scientists are creating a blueprint so musicians can continue to perform live music around the world without contributing to climate change the $10.00 center for climate change research is analyzing data provided by Massive Attack heard them last week Coldplay announce they wouldn t talk with their latest album because of the potential impact on the planet s Laura Foster reports. Scientists are going to be looking at every aspect of massive attacks touring cycle from the lighting to the sound to the sets the way Cruzan stages a move from city to city and what changes the audience could be making to the research will conclude next summer and will be shared with artists across the music industry it s hoped if more musicians are seen to be acting sustainably It ll also encourage fans to do the same. To score the 2nd and final Test between New Zealand and the glen starts tonight our time in Hamilton England s trial the 2 match series one nil wiki keeper just Butler is an injury down to only pope is on standby to take his place behind the stumps b.b.c. Radio Sheffield 3 minutes past 12 Thank you Nicholas. So the well is God Chris is happy to her across South Yorkshire with patchy outbreaks of rain continuing on and off these will gradually clear to the south of the region there is we head towards the end of the day it will stay quite breezy with highs in. But I would like to be . Clear when temperatures are low enough for. 2 Celsius. But it should be. Plenty of sunshine temperatures. Just 6 Celsius that. It s become you know Don t Leave Me This Way b.b.c. Radio Sheffer to listen Suppose that Neil grunts in the House is poised with his pen and paper to take your questions to don t let him down away a 100 triple 14949813 double 3 on the text of the message with Sheffield Grant Good afternoon before we launch into our discussion we re going to talk about bikes for your life and the fact that you know should increase the price that occur in bags for a week according to what Nick was saying in the news Tania from Chesterfield going to she says she tries to use cotton bags as much as possible but even when she forgets her bags she doesn t buy a new one she says I just look for cardboard boxes in the store and power my items up in a box and carry that s my car so that s actually quite an element you know often see the boxes as much as you used to you know get out into a flat and some other they are recycled by stores including some get paid from some of them we don t get paid enough to pay to have it taken away but I guess part big numbers can be the company might actually get a bit of money back but I am used to always the same box look at methadone and I reckon that part they can do can go to your boxes are good to go down there and I remember actually where no when I was in Holland me fellas mum they really couldn t haul and whistles like this and she s got these beautiful cotton the lot string Vesper in bags you know out of there. Once again the Great for their age but you can t put anything else into the very trendy but they ve got bigger holes in them so there you go but console was like a cult thing yeah cottons restartable you can you know it can go back into the things you always want to debate where it comes from and so that s right so we re talking today we re saying Easy all summer is it winter it feels like winter it s actually still autumn isn t it when I think probably meteorologically you have to check with the weather people toss that poll year ask him and one of the. Year I think at the winter starts on Sunday book from a plum point of view it s very much autumn Yeah on the ground amazingly still warm still got some heat from left from the summer when the hydrangea flowers show yeah that s phenomenal I love you know when a shelter garden or 2 of them look to white flowers and it just pops out shelter garden keep going longer so a lot in urban garden which is what a lot of people have got much warmer the the walls the housing retain some heat so it keeps that he hired. A country garden probably autumn s been arriving in been almost gone like the army to get the trees and there in the last 2 weeks they ve dropped their leaves or it s a leaf on them if they re not at all so we need to start clearing dead plants that s one way in which we can get our gardens to thrive don t we should you know I mean there s Luther Yeah I mean if you got a basis plants the you know the ones that died down to ground level there s 2 types of people as those I have to tidy up and those are below me leave them and then when the frost forms on them which we re going to get there is a process wanted for tomorrow there is here they just look amazing when the light that I was at there s an amazing Dusty s on a copy old who s now very famous around the world he s gardens completely her base is plants he only cuts them down in February so he gets 12 months almost of interest going through flowers foliage then the winter twigs and then the frost on them and so on yeah it s a whole concept it sure is that once it s a bit cooler in the garden this time of year we ve noticed our apple tree because we thought that it was the the branches were going down but obviously was because of the weight of the tolls on high school. You know is it time for us to prove he wants to leave the form of apples and pears you can stop throwing them into printing on apples and pears tends to produce a lot more young growth so I would remove big stuff move stuff that s crossing inside it so it s not rubbing and so on lots of air through that makes a big difference and then also get in the habit of pruning in the summer if you prune the summer you ll get more fruit you cut off the new growth from the spring twice a year then you know when in some area and it s always important on very much trying fruit the only pretty much during the summer but traditional orchard provings during the winter but some uprooting in the garden gives you more flowers give you more fruit less growth all the energy goes into flowers and that s when the some of them well I guess when when you put your rose food on injured reserve right after that that s the reason that you see that model of catchphrase of Rossford in June hottest food and the pruning produces more buds in anything that flowers before dry I m going to end up with an orchard on top with all the same advice that. Is helping us with our gardens this afternoon in search if you ve got a question for him away 200 triple 149-498-1323 extension 1 the text message with chef of this is Paul Well if you do something to me I love the song it s gorgeous pole whether it is bats. Well you do something to me b.b.c. Radio Sheffield jealous Interpol that s the same age as. The name though. Yeah the life of me. Singing And let s not get involved so we are looking for questions about you God And Neil is happy to help you with a pen poised over sheets of paper with a few notes on it on what he s been writing about. The questions of a 100 triple 149-498-1323 extension 1 the text message with shuffle to us at the right and make Josie in croaks the south to New Jersey what you do in the. Oh well it s my very lovely hope. I m all that mind your own business that s. So you ve got a baby trees not right yes outside the 1st few years now and during the summer months she get some kind of I don t know what it is that makes all the leaves go yellow and yet and then I just told them all seems to be fine well I d like to know is do you have a trim tree to make it bushy Yes and you can often buy normally people have by trees or clipped into various shapes up sometimes on a stamina pompom head and so. We re going to do that you not now because it s actually a Mediterranean plant if we have a hard winter yeah then those leaves might get a bit scorched and best thing to do is to wait till about April May time and then you can prune it now pruning hardback is not brilliant because some plants base included can be a bit reluctant to reshoot So I would only do light pruning so it would be sort of like trimming the outside edges. Ok and the holly little bush down the garden Yeah but that seems to be a very sparse troll least book Shake and also the berries only to yellow and not so I presume that they were going to be red hasn t had any berries on it since up to that which was about maybe 5 years ago right and this is in the ground as well as in your soil ground yeah the yellow buried ones are yellow and there aren t many of them around they are yellow. Maybe they are going to go red but I think if they are generally yellow and the been yellow for a while they are going to stage yellow right well let s leave them that I may be more reluctant to wait because they don t look like the normal want but having said that if we get a hard winter they ll start well so it can t be choosing very fluent the. Go for all the easy stuff 1st and you know the power counters in the red holies and stuff probably will do. Their part of the native plant you know it s a variety of. Make they holly tree you can t because what with Holly s anybody used cut them back will know they reshoot really easily unlike the bay tree so if you want to cut them back but other again I d leave that until probably April May next year let the berries berries do the stuff keep evergreen for the winter you ve got a bit of color in the go but you can actually cook them quite hard by some of the small leaf smooth a variety a less prone or less happy being prone to are but with a bigger leave perspire leaves ones absolutely fine sounds wonderful say using a Bailey s for anything it s all Josie put when you cook and sometimes I do yes very nice kisses nice I don t think picking something out of the garden and. I m supposed to give them away as well you Bailey give them away some kind of I don t know a slot in order that they re searching that after a while someone s all that anyway Josie look at Stuart she sees to you too late fee a pompom of the bay tree but it sounds like it s doing well and they were like I would love to talk to Josie in crooks talk about her bay tree and holly tree I ve got said Neil Graham with a we re talking about your garden anything that s all that you ve noticed not doing as well as it should do or maybe you ve noticed some slight changes a few shown in pictures of my beautiful hydrangea. There are public policy going on about you are as if I ve didn t think that I was a bore at least resisting for all these years I have you really helped me Rockwell says this message I ve just planted is to go to be a towel Rockhill I ve just planted a 7 foot Nordman Christmas tree my garden I ve planted in multi-purpose compost do I have to do anything else to have to feed it or not at the moment and probably not next year either another Nordman Christmas tree which is what she basically got there if you just say it out I was it was already in Iraq right because a lot more you confuse and you know so. Just make sure it s well watered next year the problem with things like conifers and Christmas trees in particular that they they look at other doing really well really well and then suddenly they drop all the needles because actually they died a long time but now if this is a being grown in a container so all it s life being grown as a colony for rather than a Christmas tree then it should be fine should establish nicely they are forestry and when they get going they are big and that s what was used for Christmas trees this is a Christmas tree variety because they want them to grow quickly so they can quickly cut them lift them or whatever so. It s a cycle that they re going to continue. While I was really bad actually so yeah. I wasn t expecting. Lots of water next year to make sure that the roots are going to stop it probably doesn t need a lot now. Because the problem with evergreens is the root balls can dry out if we get a month of dry weather now evergreens that just been planted will need watering to keep an eye on them and talk about my magnolia as well it s not lost any of its leaves. Live in the tropics where you live do you Sheffield Ed Sheeran and. Forget to get your question. On the text message with Sheffield place. Thing. And. Same. The story comes out of the but when it s a good song he said she wouldn t come in with south of the border which group that song as well Newgrounds is with us we re talking about. Gardens and there are a few things that we need to be aware of now is this time here to plan because you always said you don t need to start planning at all it s still you know thinking over I think it s always a good you can always be thinking about what you could improve the following year and you go and you can do that anytime you know because even in spring you can go actually next spring you want to make that look better but now is a good time because you know you re not going to get in the garden a lot of people are you know you know I don t know and you know and I ve got a passion about it so you look out your window and look at your window you know that view from where I sit where me cup of tea or through the window when I m doing the washing up is all for that s the bit to make sure you really make it good and mad about making sure your front door steps looking good yes you ll have seen a hole in the Christmas on the continent particularly northern Europe decorate the front doors then you can cry yeah it s tech or same parts and things that are in flower and little jars with candles in a light every night you can get these electric ones that come on automatically now and it just is so welcoming I saw a display of any sort of a long. Flower pot and they had. Called Heather you know Heather something with berries you know holy holy holy there s a thing called Go theory which is very popular low growing evergreen shrub has these big berries on. So that Heather that you know with the berries in ivy in the middle and then the berries again in the head and you just fire a little new ones probably a pound each you know you know expensive anyway but you know maybe just dropped in on plant or not Hansen just dropped in and they looked up some if you to feel if you drop a big jump jar in there or at least hurrican type plants not the traditional of the metal but like a storm lamp drop a big candle in there you can light that every night the wind might blow it out because the wind can blow across it it just looks amazing in the sim Well we go out to Holland to buy Christmas they re still doing that in January and Christians make the time we were in it so you darn it just want to lift what about. The lighting on plants is all right some amazing rain in the new over the last 7 or 8 years fully waterproof battery operated lights with timers in you put them on at the time you decide so it might be just before you get home so I do that the weekend click them on 6 hours to stay on switch themselves off come on every night til about trees wind and yeah candles and light they do it for me they get me through the winter months I was going to leave and so am plant too late to plant out winter bedding you said well that you can still but it just doesn t you need to put them in closer because they don t they were not going to grow now support more planting to get the fact the big job that s really important though is getting the leaves off the lawns so vital if you just go out if you ve got lawns with leaves on at the moment to scrape off you ll find the grass is going yellow underneath and it will cause you so much problem in the spring so get a blower get a rake get broken up with the blades set high woods will chop them all up and drag them off what about people in our community that so much water on that you know the floating all of that that all the horrible things that come out the house that had to be lived outside. Soiled the bacteria so will deal with anything that s gone through from the sewers and so on it ll just take time but the extra rain will help because it sort of washy things clean as well but until the gardens are fully drained there s no point in doing it and I suspect those gardens will be spring before they can get in the main thing is people go back get back to their normal life the house. Yeah. There s a bit you get a little joy out the garden you know so you know little bit even now things on the doorstep much cheer people up so you know something like area and then they are around and back in their houses something for the front door step be sweeping and say thank you for helping us with our gardens Thank you. For your really comes. Down. To deny life music and That. He got for his plays. Heading 3 Chapeltown the name on the pedestal right the I $61.00 keys that because it s around the whole would write junction moving obviously now in both directions on the m one though on the m $180.00 there is still slow on the the traffic heading through because the ongoing works on the phone right. Down as you head in towards that the West Malling exposer problem with a line out up 14561212 in 30 minutes. Days is b.b.c. Radio Sheffield half past 12 headlines with Mick Good afternoon make good afternoon a leading economic research group is warning that neither the conservatives nor Labor offering credible spending plans in their election manifesto is accusing both parties of not being honest with voters the research has been done by the Institute for Fiscal Studies the region s 1st dedicated walkway to remember those who ve served in the armed forces is to be extended in Bhansali It s called the Armed Forces commemorative and the 1st dozen granite slabs bearing the names of individuals and units are already in place the plan is to extend it between Westgate. And shamble streets and there s a call for more historic artifacts from British museums to be returned to their countries of origin this after a Cambridge College decided to send back an African bronze Cockrell to Nigeria the item had been looted by British colonial forces in 8097 some students at Jesus College successfully lobbied for the cockerel to be sent back on the weather forecast cloudy patchy rain fading 9 Celsius dry overnight around one Celsius and chilly start to Friday and surprisingly therefore but dry and bright throughout the day with a high 6 Celsius. On the b.b.c. Radio Sheffield. Thank you Mick So it s time then for you to get your act together because we re going to be playing a game of round about this time 12 of the week day we tend to use our brain to work out the time of a song and see which would connect with the story in the news today I ve got 3 great songs for you your challenge is to work out their connection in terms of the new story when you put it out o. a 100 triple 14949. 3 on the tax start your message with the word Sheffield 1st song come in oh. Thank you yes one direction story of my life. Radio Sheffield We re learning. This I. Was. The story of my life that seek your home. Phone and i say keep. As for. The. a clue in this one not so much thinkin though you know we re pretty straight forward so that was some time between word upon b.b.c. Radio Sheffield the Connell s and 70 full 75 we salted off with one direction and story of my life I ve got a correct answer here from pots in new poll more on default song suggestion Linda in Swinton s which is out as well and she has sneaked in a full a couple of full song suggestions she s not messin about nice lovely beautiful mocked in the Big Red didn t go off for another week and he says we should all have a lovely weekend census requests cases as well do we need to share those Or can I have a mole. Out of a moment to thank you very much let s jump into song number 3 then in fact it will be a jump away 100 triple 14949. 813231 the Texas never played before you need to find the word in the title song that connects with the story in the news today that s because I m going to 3 then it s James Brown It s papa it s got a brand new bike. Like the pool was. Designed for the song James Brown and Papa s Got a Brand New Bag b.b.c. Radio shuffle 2 minutes one second long that s why I didn t bother to do a song if you re just going to do that short anyway let s just go through the songs that we ve got that was our 3rd song Papa s Got a Brand New Bag James Brown we had the 2nd song was the Connell s with 7475 and one direction story of my life song number one how we re doing then for I guess a word on b.b.c. Radio Sheffield I ll give you the numbers again in case you are in clean schools announce our 800 triple 149-498-1323 extension 1 the tags start a message with Sheffield running Robinson s coming in a very snug looking sweater that you feel he s sweating not. Yet and eyes in a slightly rosy red line and he wants a full drink as to what it letter oh today we do a different letter of the alphabet every every Thursday we re almost run out of now Tricia I don t know what we re going to do we only get 26. Up we might do might go into the Greek alphabet as long all don t want to. Impress management showing off but we do know she would have been honest the question I m asking everybody might be would have been on the radio of the Bouchard no honeymoon on trial you know it s not big on the honeymoon that s where you could just a number of people think you should perhaps have done you want to show Modern you think you are so so not Monday reading this account but that s good and I don t like wearing very much of the good you know that you know I know he did and he lied to you I don t know why we spoke good you did and you don t speak. I was reading not help anyway and I ve just got a message from Rob who s just simply produces you from somebody could be bothered Yeah yeah exactly he says I am on. In Tal s direct. Remain I m on the radio in Tulsa right in that you know in the shop Yeah yeah yeah I was either in there will be laughing now because I ll be a no serious conversation was hearing that well I think he s fine in most people in tiles Well you didn t I don t know you do. Really fertile all the things we don t child or towel tiles tiles are doing some obvious to the whole improvement kitchen bathroom I think he s got 3 toilets he needs a lot of Charles and his oh yeah he s maintaining 3 toilet Yeah I m not sure what design Well I don t think there s anything to really I m on the radio this afternoon looking forward to that Ronnie Robinson joining us from one on b.b.c. Radio Sheffield she was jumping we were at about 6 feet. So we have 3 great songs and we had one direction story of my life we took the life from that we had the Connell s with 7475 we took both seventy s and James Brown Papa s Got a brand new back our 3rd song we took the bag from that and the answer to word up today s the environmental campaign is a calling for supermarkets to increase the price of bags for life to 78 pence research shows the use of bags has risen to 1500000000 in the u.k. This year Jani shortfall and mine so if you ve got a fall song 0800 triple 14949813 double 3 to get in touch on the tax with your 4th son that appreciates it thank you this afternoon she asked the Mariah Carey where. Diva. b.b.c. Radio Sheffield So the answer to what up today is that it s bags for life. And a mental campaign is if I m saying that Iran wants to raise the price of a back $5.00 to $70.00 pay because we re just you know when messing about tempi It s when you play that oh I forgot and went back I ll get a new one so about they re about 50 for an average in each house in the u.k. Clinton White House is going to with the right answer for word up because that was what we were looking for to smile at all the people who virtually keep virtuously rather keep in that call driving a car to the shop surely more than cancels the green credentials of bags thank you very much gleaning would because I m one of those I was looking for a full song that connects with that story of banks for life in any shape or form possibly that they could be going up in price oh a 100 triple 149-498-1323 extension 8 message with Sheffield think it s time for it s a selfie Ellie specs to myself. It s Do you. Still. Feel. So strong b.b.c. Radio. Today was that banks for life should go up to 70. Environmental campaigners So which song did we choose for a fall song. But. B.b.c. Radio show on a Thursday afternoon we choose a letter of the alphabet we have a bit of fun with it a letter today is the letter o after the news from make learning run a good afternoon next migration from the European Union the difference between the number of citizens coming to live in the u.k. And those Emigrating is at its lowest level for 16 years the Office for National Statistics published the figures and says fewer people from the e.u. Are coming here to work overall net migration stands at 212000 that is still more than double the government s target as a home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw in the 12 months to the end of June 8th you next migration was an estimated 48000 that s the lowest level since 2003 a year before Poland and 9 other countries joined the block the decline has been driven by a fall in immigration from the e.u. States and a steady rise in the number of e.u. Citizens returning home 151000 emigrated in the past year almost double the number 6 years ago experts say overall net migration from e.u. And non e.u. Countries remains broadly stable a leading economic research group has warned that neither the conservatives nor labor is offering a credible spending plan an election manifesto is it s accuse both parties of not being honest with voters the research has been done by the Institute for Fiscal Studies we have 2 weeks to go before polling day play. Changing its election strategy to widen the party s appeal to voters in areas that support brigs it more activists are said to be moved to those constituencies Well members of the Shadow Cabinet who back leaving the e.u. Will be given a higher profile at a campaign event in Southampton Jeremy Corbyn was asked whether Labor was struggling to balance support in leave and remain seat I don t have one message for one group and another message for another group I say the same message everywhere vote Labor in order to get a government that will deal with the inequalities and poverty and injustice that are staring down this country vote Labor in order to have a sensible grown up approach to the issues of relations with Europe in the future a unique way for families to mark the service of loved ones in the armed forces being extended in bands comes in the shape of a special walkway as radio Sheffield s only constable reports in a 1st for the region the armed forces commemorative walkways intended to serve as a way of remembering fellows who have served and been lost in defense of the country and its citizens it features granite slabs inscribed with details of military units and individuals who deserve recognition there are already a dozen slabs in place and the walkway will eventually extend between West Gate and shambles St The 1st stone is dedicate.

Radio-program , Christmas-plants , Political-terminology , American-soul-singers , Population , Columbia-records-artists , Polydor-records-artists , Military , American-rhythm-and-blues-singers , American-composers , Virgin-records-artists , Alternative-hip-hop-groups

Transcripts for KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] 20191128 080000

With China to end a trade war one of the leaders of Hong Kong s protest movement Joshua one said it was a victory for those who had fought to defend democracy called you as president sign on the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act That s the remarkable achievement of all the home callers with the courage and determination of Hong Kong as to fight for freedom and democracy to start a protest movement on it just and Grace world leaders and politicians aware that it s time for them to hold call at the same time Hong Kong police is searching classrooms at the Polytechnic University where an 11 day siege has come to an end students had barricaded themselves inside the university which was then sealed off by police at one stage more than a 1000 students were trapped inside Nick he s at the university this is a crime scene I guess and so that s why some offices of collecting evidence which could be used in prosecutions in the future at the same time we ve seen a massive stash of our news petrol bombs being taken out of there also a moment ago we saw some power and arrows being carried out order to try to send all the weapons that the police were coming up against in what was one of the most dramatic and violent episodes in this conflict which has gripped the past 5 or 6 months a planned 3 day general strike in Lebanon to push for the formation of a new government has been called off by its who denies this an open ended strike by petrol stations is continuing to me Bowen reports from Beirut the protest started in Lebanon 6 weeks ago there the result of deep discontent with a system that protesters say is corrupt concentrating power in the hands of discredited leaders some political bosses will warlords during Lebanon s long and disastrous civil war in the 19 seventies and eighties the protests have mostly been peaceful and have cut across Lebanon s deep sectarian divides. At least 8 Iraqi protestors have been killed and 50 others injured after security forces opened fire to disperse anti-government demonstrators in the southern city of Nasiriyah the authorities have been trying to clear to block bridges video footage shows some protesters throwing stones and using slingshots to launch projectiles at the troops across one of the bridges there s been 2 months of protests Well news from the b.b.c. The authorities in the u.s. State of Texas have ordered 60000 people in 4 towns to flee their homes after new explosions at a petrochemical plant where a huge fire has been burning for hours the order covers a 6 kilometer radius around the plant in Port nature is east of Houston. For the 1st time the New Zealand government and the country s national airline have apologized to the families of over 250 people who died in a plane crash in Antarctica 40 years ago the Air New Zealand sightseeing flight crashed into the side of Mt Erebus the disaster was originally blamed on the pilots but an inquiry later accuse the airline of a cover up because it had changed the plane s navigation system without telling the crew. Russia s limpid Committee is meeting sports federations and top coaches and athletes to discuss the country s participation in the Olympic Games in Tokyo next year which has been thrown into doubt Last week a committee of the world anti-doping agency recommended Russian s drug testing agency be suspended again because of suspected new breaches of anti doping rules Scientists in Britain say they re creating a blueprint for bands and pop stars and maybe them to perform live music without negatively contributing to climate change it will be based on tour data from the British band massive attack more from door Foster. Scientists are going to be looking at every aspect of massive attacks touring cycle from the lighting to the sound to the sets the way Cruzan stages a move from city to city and what changes the audience could be making to the research will conclude next summer and will be shared with artists across the music industry it s hoped if more musicians are seen to be acting sustainably it also encourage fans to do the same was b.b.c. Knees. Thank you for the news and a welcome to News Day. Up with for the next half hour which will take us to Hong Kong and to Syria we ll also have more on the u.k. Election campaign with just 2 weeks to go before the vote and it s a who rob for my blood. Drops its controversial. More on how the very dollars shutdown came about in the 1st place and why it s now been dropped again coming up. But 1st let s start with our top story where President Donald Trump has signed a your backing pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong the requires him to annually review Hong Kong s favorable trade status and threatens to revoke it if the territories freedoms are quashed in any way one of the leaders of the protest movement Joshua won t say praise the new legislation and said that this was testament to the efforts of Hong Kong people who had fought to defend democracy call you as president a sign on the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act That s the remarkable achievement of all the home callers with the courage and determination of Hong Kong us to fight for freedom and democracy to start a protest movement on it just and Grace Well leaders around the world and politicians aware that it s time for them to Hong Kong Well you know in the program I spoke to Professor Chang from City University in Hong Kong about the bill take a listen the negotiations certainly have been going on in the past year. And they do not seem to have been affected by to developments in Hong Kong the 2 crisis began in June as we all know and obviously as you said the train the conversations are entering into a very dedicated final stage and I actually seem to meet. Stage agreement may be concluded. In January next year or so. The protests the Act pass certainly is a major morrow both stuff to the people in Hong Kong to the protesters who feel robbed a helpless facing an Iraq and hawkish. Government in Beijing and in Hong Kong and they do count on the support of the international community on the support of the international public opinion now we have the response from Beijing what should we read into when China speaks of countermeasures against the United States what would they mean. There. Is something expected just not in a surprise and yet the negotiations on going on they don t seem type enough acted the stamens made by the Chinese authorities are expected to teen Chinese authorities also always at the top of very strong 9 against what they perceive to be interfering in times as to mistake affairs but in this case it is still a lot of room of minority for that on news from administration the State Department could live report to Congress in one year s time and certainly the State Department will follow the line of the Donald Trump administration Congress then recommends actions and whatever actions to be taken will be decided by the White House so both download from and the time the Steve ship understand that there is still a lot of room of Minoan about but the stamens of this kind made by the time these leaders are men photo mastic consumption Chinese leaders want to present to the Chinese people that Western powers do not want China to be strong they are trying to contain China s development and opposed these payments are also intended to discredit the Protestants. Labeling them as collaborators of Western imperialist powers not separate vested chain from City of s.c. In Hong Kong. A year ago unidentified gunmen in Syria has lost a position held provincial That left us unaided I remarkable mine many of the viewed as a flame of gender pollution 46 year old activist and democracy campaign operate for as long to fight both Islamic extremists and President Assad s regime his main weapon which was frequently expressed through has reduced. Radio fresh f.m. And when an al Qaeda linked group demanded that he stopped playing music broadcast tweeting but and grunting goats and mocked aside in online satirical Fritos our correspondent Mike Thompson who interviewed her as several times reports on the man and his legacy. The. Thing is our sounds you d expect to be coming from a grip of what was said Mike serious. But activist right ferrous the founder of Radio fresh f.m. Which broke cause these noises was no warden remand as Al Qaida linked to extremists found out. That. That s the. But your face. Who later became known as Hyatt to me or Al Sharpton more h.t.s. Were in for another surprise when they demanded that right took his female news readers off air a lot of things the voices of the. New voices some thought. Oh no that isn t America but armed with a McCarthy for the group you re looking for a bit hard. Right also organized many anti Assad protests like this one but he had other enemies closer to him for years earlier he d never really survived after being shot by so-called Islamic State gunman now he was in the sights of extremists he. Ts and good luck and every time I heard a gunshot I would call him and ask if he was Ok right went into hiding in October last year and he s frightened wife one time rarely saw him after that can you imagine just how worried they was all the time the threats kept growing. Right had stopped answering my phone calls and his last text stated starkly it s personal this time I remember it was a Friday I was sitting in the backseat. And I was sitting in the driver s seat another car pulled up just a meter away and opened fire alley down douche and spent 2 months in hiding with Ride and their friend Homuth I saw a ride being shot and threw herself down between the seats. I tried not to breathe and faked being dead. When I finally raised myself I saw that their eyes was motionless. For the 2 later this year h.t.s. Crushed other militia groups took control of it live for his wife or 3 sons fled the country. A few months after that Russian and Syrian regime planes began a new ongoing offensive against had led the bombing became so intense that most civilians fled Catherine Bell and radio fresh which continues to broadcast in rides memory has moved its offices to another town an hour s drive away. Gathered around a laptop in their new home in France where they ve been granted asylum rights wife and 3 sons listen to radio fresh. Close. Then to mark the anniversary of their father s brutal killing one year ago they sing his favorite some my homeland. Journey or the. View. His oldest son Mahmoud believes that when his father is gone he ll never be forgotten. My brother always used to say. That he would use in is an idea and an idea. Cannot be can. Result report by Mike Thompson You re listening to news day from the b.b.c. With an and county shout the main headline this half hour China has warned the u.s. That it will retaliate after President signed into law measures approved by Congress supporting pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong Matthew Kenyon has latest sports headlines Leno messy and other mark in his record book for Barcelona 700 games for Boston now and 613 goals he has scored for them created rather a lot as well he scored one and created 2 more for boss or as they beat Brazil Dortmund in the European Champions League on Wednesday evening to go through his group winners for the 13th year in a row with a game to spare only one of the team made it through last night that s all be light sweet crude through to the last 16 for the very 1st time which means that live a pole the reigning champion still have work to do They were held to a one old troll by Nat police so they need at least a point in their final match lots of points for Le Bron James 33000 of them and counting in the n.b.a. As he helped the l.a. Lakers to a 16th when of the season they ve got the best record in the league so far and Ferrari s team principal in Formula One says their driver Sebastian Vettel and Charlotte like a well aware that their collision at the Brazilian Grand Prix wasn t acceptable for Ari say they ve had to clear the air talks ahead of this weekend s season ending race in Abu Dhabi but it s pretty clear they don t like each other sport today at 1930 g.m.t. Master Kenyon thank you very much and now we are going to talk about Tories we are in the business news and he guesses 1st of all little quiz for you what links these 3. Ah ah. The roads to Rochester the last one Thomas the Tank at the start and the Michael Jordan commentary I admit was slightly grainy off there any guesses well big fans of. Your home the railway sets upon Iraq I read that of your. Thomas the Tank Engine was a bit of a cheat because when we were always got a licensing deal with him when I make him and you can buy him but yeah I mean if people are seen as well go and check it out on the b.b.c. Website Rod Stewart sort of version of Manhattan he s built right away say he s not a fan he s an obsessive but the company just released its financial results this morning and while it narrowed some of its losses it s gone he goes upon for you Allan off the rails or slightly in the last few years it announced another loss this year in excess of $3000000.00 but with Christmas on the horizon and some high profile types like that Thomas the Tank when I mention the company which also owns Airfix model planes and Skeletor it s race cars police there s a big appetite for its products still here s the boss Lyndon Davis I took over something that wasn t good was given a hospital pass there s no point in trying to grow a company when you don t have the right products and what we ve had to do is get the right products and become product focused so you know the revenues are growing they re up 15 percent in the 1st half year losses are narrowing and we are preparing for growth I mean if you actually look at what we ve done in the last 18 months is you know we signed licenses there was a time where you say home the railway sets you know now we have Harry Potter railway sets we have micro scale electrics we have wacky races we have big dastardly Muttley You know we have a lot of product that is more relevant to the to our order next year is the 100th anniversary of the 1st loco that Frank or will be put into the market so we ve got an awful lot planned this it s exciting we re going to see growth Linda Davis the boss of all me that I know Alan is very excited for that sense and I want to get you in the news day Secret Santa now and Harry Potter train a replica of the Hogwarts Express The Wiz ran around procedure towers you got a big enough garden for a nice big truck I mean no I m not getting half of West London joking I m getting a new roof in like a watch like. I was thinking about my little Harry was also watching. Moving on in the run up to the British general election on the 12th of December we have been visiting various areas of the United Kingdom to meet the voters and hear what issues will decide how they cost their ballots today we visit Cheltenham It s a town in the southwest of England which is about 2 hours from London the B.B.C. s grimly joins us from their children voted largely to remain in the wind when they voted Breck s it didn t they tell us a little bit about what the voters have been telling you it s very much or a main area or it s a rather elegant quite well feast thoughts hound and it s definitely been watched by everyone who is trying to predict the outcome of this general election it s 6 on the liberal democrat hit list they want to take it from the conservatives who currently hold it now tactical voting will be key as to which way and to find out a little bit more about being speaking to Professor Chris Henry he s a consultant for the Polling Company savation. Well Charlton was one of the seats the Lib Dems would have to win if they re going to go forward in this election so see the previously held between 92 and 2015 and it s a straight conservative contest so there aren t any of these questions like Is it the Lib Dems or is it Labor who are the best placed to defeat the Tories a street fight and finally a seat that voted to remain in the referendum and so the Lib Dems with a very clear program in position to do well so can we expect conservative voters or Labor voters to sort of get behind the Liberal Democrat candidate because they re the most likely remain candidate to win I think the case is clearer for Labor voters I think because it s a straight conservative let them fight I think you could expect Labor voters to swing behind the Liberal Democrats I think there is a an interesting question about conservative remainders they re kind of really cross pressured on the 100 got some party loyalty pulling them in one direction on the other hand they ve got the referendum vote which is screaming at them to defect from the conservatives the conservatives have been you know much better keeping their supporters compact certainly much better than the labor in the Lib Dems who often are fighting over the same groups of people in the same places that Boris Johnson has been on that quickly prove Rexy it s indeed saying he d rather die in a ditch the not leave the e.u. I mean that does leave moderate conservatives in in a bit of an isolated place doesn t it you know it s difficult and we know that for most people Rex is the most important issue but there are always be some people who are willing to say well I understand it s important but I also value economic policy and for that reason I m going to vote Conservative people s reasons for voting can be amazingly flexible if you if you push them and prod them if you ask people what s the most important issue facing the country in their selection then a clear majority of them will say if you phrase it slightly different. And if you ask was the most important issue for you in your family you re more likely to get issues like the n.h.s. Or employment mentioned I think particularly with a winter election people start looking well you know her local hospitals coping under the strain how is my G.P. s practice dealing with winter bugs and flus and all of our kind of stuff having said I think breaks it is one of those decades generation long events which is going to be structuring our politics not just for this election but for elections of the next 20 years the British system is 1st plus the paste it s not a proportional system does that mean it s harder for the Liberal Democrats to break through in this election absolutely I mean it s very very easy for a party in the u.k. To get 1015 percent of the vote and almost no seats at the Lib Dems probably are better than most part is exploiting some of those marginal gains that the party that has historically tended to be really disadvantaged was you can no I guess the breaks the parties in a similar position a party that could get really sizable percentage of the vote until 2 in any seats. Thank you very much that said Naomi Ed just before you go to me a new polls out today what do they say yes this this special very detailed poll that is being conducted by Hugo of company it gives Boris Johnson and that 11 point lead and when money is translated into seats in the House of Commons that gives him a majority of $68.00 a comfortable majority now one would have caveats it is just one poll but this particular company predicted it exactly right last time around in 27 to the B.B.C. s Dimmy grimly thank you very much. Yes it was truly of the New South Wales Government announced as the city s controversial lookout laws have been scrapped and they started from 2 deaths as a result of alcohol fuelled violence from 2014 the laws districted parts of Sydney city to stop selling alcohol after 10 pm and prevent a particles from entering bars or nightclubs after 1 30 am unless peak to Jackie Munro who is a signal resident and also not to vist a good afternoon to you Jackie I m Tell us a bit more about these laws well as you say the laws were brought in in 2004 tame and although there were very tragic circumstances that the laws were brought into in response to Unfortunately it really came to be quite a significant overreach in the government s restriction of trade businesses conks essentially give patrons access to their premises despite premises things of safe Sydney being one of the safest cities in the world and it s something that remained for 5 years up until now and the legislation will be changed next year just to talk to me about what it was like to go out in Sydney. Well look before the lockout so yeah but I don t know during the lockout during the lockout so the restriction in trade meant that the footfall in Sydney was significantly reduced and we in New South Wales that we ve lost literally billions of dollars in trite but total didn t mean for someone who wanted to go out on a Friday evening. Really though a very few options and businesses close. Started closing down very very quickly and new clubs didn t spring out to take place so there was a real restriction in what young people could do what people could to in the evenings so there really wasn t much choice I don t have friends who aren t clubs people who had stage a able to actually hospitality people who were sound engineers all these professions that essentially had most of. Skills became defunct in with the stroke of a pen so if I wanted to go out of me to leave by what time by 1030 is all right so so you couldn t get back into a club 130 if you left right and clubs were closed down definitely by 3 I am sorry the there is strict. That they meant that people couldn t be out and about and enjoying the night tourists would come to our supposedly global city and not have the option I mean there are stories about Madonna not being able to attend her own after policy when she came suppose form because she arrived at the venue off to 1 30 am and she had to be turned away. And the time Ceterus tempi a restriction on alcohol so there were restrictions on the types of alcohol people could buy so you couldn t have shots after a certain time you couldn t have gloss gloss wear so everything so in plastic drink holders cups and other losses were restricted so there were many aspects own consumption that were affected so how is this news being received today. With a lot of enthusiasm but there s still a lot of room. Have those restrictions lifted there s still a cessation of alcohol in place at 3 am and there are certain areas of Sydney that will still have to look out some place so people in Sydney just want to have a drink right they just want to go out when they are able to her and when they want to. Enjoy themselves and city and it s not just locals it s tourists as well and it is a bit embarrassing when people come here and they continue to live. To talk to you thank you Jackie Monroe Street Sydney City resident and also an activist all and you just thank you very much for joining us and used to this morning. Distribution of the b.b.c. World Service in the United States has made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio content engaging audiences creating meaningful experiences and fostering conversations a.p.m. American Public Media with support from a lot of your melon dedicated to making a difference for children battling cancer you can join the fight Black Friday through Cyber Monday at love your melon dot com. Stella Bowles is a 15 year old citizen scientists whose grade 6 school project and a lot of youthful determination prompted a multi-million dollar cleanup along the Hay River where she lives in Canada I m Sandra can fall and in this week s compass on the b.b.c. World Service we ll hear from teenagers who are using their initiative to try and change the world in which they live join me for The Kids Are All right coming up after the news b.b.c. News with Debbie rests China has Want to the United States that it will take firm counter measures after President Trump signed into law a bill in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong China accused Washington of sinister intentions the legislation requires the State Department to certify that Hong Kong has enough autonomy to justify favorable u.s. Trading terms at least 8 Iraqi protesters have been killed and 50 others injured after security forces opened fire to disperse demonstrators in the southern city of Nasiriyah the authorities have been trying to clear 2 bridges blocked by activists the New Zealand government and the country s national airline have for the 1st time apologized to the families of more than 250 people who died in a plane crash in Antarctica the disaster 40 years ago was originally blamed on the pilots but an inquiry later accuse the airline of a cover up India s governing party the b j p has dropped one of its politicians from the defense committee after she made highly controversial remarks in Parliament on Wednesday Praga Tuku described the man who murdered Mahatma Gandhi in 1988 as a Patrick at a planned 3 day general strike in Lebanon to push for the formation of a new government has been called off but an open ended strike by petrol stations that began on Wednesday is continuing. Your thirty s in the u.s. State of Texas have ordered 60000 people in 4 towns to flee their homes after new explosions at a petrochemical plant vies been burning for hours at the site in Port nature is east of the city of Houston Russia s limpid Committee is meeting sports federations top coaches and athletes to discuss the country s participation in the Olympic Games in Tokyo next year last week a committee of the world anti-doping agency recommended Russia s drug testing agency be suspended. Welcome to the compass on the b.b.c. World Service I m Sandra can fall. We re standing in the special exhibit at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic here in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. We re looking at 17 contemporary women who are redefining the ways of living near the sea and still is one of them. Stella is Stella Bowles she s 15 years old it says Stella bowls m s m m s and Amazon stands for Meritorious Service Medal and that s the word I received from the Governor General of Canada last summer so when I m at school I read a big say I d like to put Stella balls and most of my teachers ask me sometimes is that necessary and I always say of course not bad to be 15 and have your own special initials but after a day it s pretty cool to be honest that s what earned this 10th grader the right to use such grand initials after her name the project was called open source that I thought. Oh poop it s worse than I thought was Stella s entry into her year 6 Science Competition So how is it that the results of a cleverly titled school project run by a citizen scientist from generations e convinced the Canadian government to launch an environmental project costing more than $15000000.00. If you look up the most common words used to describe a teenager you ll find a list of adjectives like awkward rebellious and arrogant is that a fair summary of teenage traits it probably depends on what mood you catch them in adults often dismissed teenagers as being irresponsible too connected to their phones to take in the world around them but I ve been lucky enough to meet a large number of teenagers around the globe in the last year to say nothing of the ones I m attempting to raise and these young adults strike me as being anything but unaware and disengaged quite the opposite. In this 3 part series The Kids Are All Right you me of a variety of teenagers who are using their initiative and determination to try and do what they can to change the world in which they live like here in this extraordinarily beautiful part of Canada. For the radio audience who can t see how unbelievably gorgeous this is describe what we re looking at so right now we re standing on my front porch and we re looking right along the river you see houses on the other side of the river there are some trees we were little front lawn here it s autumn when I visit so the vibrant colors on the trees reflect beautifully off the pristine looking river it s so disappointing to realize this is something of an illusion a river has a dirty secret when you look at it it s beautiful if you really just want to die radiance go for a swim or get in a boat but it s dangerous not scary Stella s family has lived on the banks of the Hay River in Nova Scotia for over 100 years in fact many of the houses along the river are quite old and one problem with old houses old plumbing many of the homes here were built with systems which haven t passed the test of time when the septic system established family s house collapsed they were told they had to make an expensive upgrade fast so my mom s kind of upset at the gentleman that was telling us we ve had 3 months to fix it and at the dinner table that evening she was going on about straight pipes and how our neighbors have these pipes and I said What s a straight pipe and that s where the whole story starts. Straight pipes are cheap alternative to modern day septic systems they deposit the contents of a residential toilet directly into the nearest body of water they are illegal but along the the Hay River there are hundreds of them that means whoever swims in the river is going for a dip in the waste from their neighbors laboratory so when 11 year old Stella asked if she d. Go for a swim in the river right in front of her house her mother of course said no I was disgusted I was upset I didn t understand why people had these it made no sense this is where Stella science project comes in the one you heard about earlier with a catchy title with the help of a neighbor she set out to test the contamination levels in the Hay River and when we had a result of being q. Better after 36 hours we looked at them and they were appalling anything over 170 the water should be in contact with your skin and the levels in our town Bridgwater were over a 1000 and this is a 1000 and 2 o clock I put 100 milliliters what s in and. It s a measurement for fecal bacteria like why. Stella showed me a picture of what an early testing card looked like when it came out of the incubator so you can see the dots here they re in a circle so each dot you count and if they re over 70 you shouldn t swim and if they re over 175 the water shouldn t be in contact with your skin so our town it was gross is like one big. Oh so is that what your town looks like look that s a fairly disgusting photo but the green circle on a yellow background it should only have a few dots and if you re having a clean river and that is just covered in brown which was actually looks like the fecal matter which is a presenting it does it s quite gross This is surface water testing as well so if you go in the water and you stir up the bottom the results are going to skyrocket you re going to have worse results because the fecal contamination in Europe is settling it s not a glamorous way to put it but that s. So what do you want to do when you re a kid and you find out something really important of course you want to tell the world I wanted a Facebook page to warn our community but my mom said no you re alive and so Stella came up with a more targeted plan so we compromised we put a huge sign right here on our wharf and it said this river is contaminated with Eco bacteria and instantly we had the neighbors up the door we had media at the door asking who put the sign up and why it was there what the evidence was and evident she had I ve had a credit labs validate my testing I ve done duplicate testing I ve gone to university I ve been in the lab to do Graeme standing to prove that what I was testing for was under a cocker I think a bacteria so I ve covered all my bases so people can t say well you re just a kid you don t know what you re doing because I ve had scientists back me up after stellar sign got noticed her mom gave some ground on using social media and together they came up with a plan to keep the community updated on the results of her testing we compromised and we had a Facebook page my mom and I ran together then we had even more media. And even more calls and one night after hockey practice actually my mom said You ll never believe this we just had all 3 levels of government contact you the original Facebook page went up in November 25th and then February 26th of the politicians contacted me. So after that I went to multiple council meetings about this issue if only became an issue that people talk to both and had dinner conversations about it s not the best suffer conversation because it s but it s long as it got the point across then they announced that there was a chance to have $15700000.00 to clean up the river to replace these straight pipes but a chance of a government project with an estimated 15 point $7000000.00 Canadian dollars is not the same as a guarantee and Stella knew that while we were waiting for the federal funding to come through it kind of got a little quiet we were getting a little worried that the money wouldn t come through so we put up a new sign on our wharf the sign said $600.00 plus homes toilets directly into this river and it was sitting right along our busy busy busy highway and people drive past it going to work going home every day but it was going to stay up until something was going to happen so as soon as they announced the funding the municipality called me and said Ok we ll take your sign down now and I said no so not until the river is clean and then they called me back again and said Ok well now that the funding is coming through your sign down and I said Ok as long as it goes through I ll take it down but if anything stops I put it right back up. Stella had a mentor on her project a neighbor who also lived along the river retired physician David Maxwell she achieved what we couldn t as. Dr Maxwell bought one of those old houses in Stella s neighborhood and when he discovered it had straight pipes he swiftly replaced them he then tried to join forces with other locals to address the problem of pollution in the river but they struggled to get their message heard. We started doing our own testing to try to document the levels of pollution and then having got results we sent them off to all the politicians we could find and they completely ignored us then he met Stella I undertook to teach you how to do science and the concept of generating accurate valid and reproducible data we were completely unsuccessful we adults she got away with it because she was a kid and it s impossible for a politician to say well you don t know what you re talking about or you are just a kid and so you don t understand and we re not going to pay any attention to you but I think that s exactly what a politician would say that you re too young you don t know you re talking about and they happily walk away and ignore someone who doesn t vote or who can t vote absolutely but if that young person puts up a sign on the river saying this river is polluted which is seen by everybody visiting the community it s very difficult for a politician to say but it doesn t matter she shamed the politicians into taking an interest in it. How are you going to keep her from putting the sign back I m optimistic at this point that every time that you remove a straight Pike is definitely a step in the right direction Carolyn Bolivar gets and is the mayor for the municipality of the district of Bloomberg I guess for about a decade we had been working to come up with a solution for straight pipes so when Stella Bowles came along with her science project and her national attention that she was garnishing really the stars all aligned for us we ve currently replaced upwards of $132.00 straight pipes right now with approved septic systems hopefully by the end of the year we ll have 140 some done and we put together a program to make sure that the a river would be straight pipes free by 2023 and you know Sela still watching absolutely Stella still watching and I hope that she does still watch at the end of the day the overall cost of this project will be over $15000000.00 And that s a direct result of our young activist Stella Bowles stepping up to the plate and advocating for her community and for cleaner water and the ability to be able to swim in a very prestigious river I hope that she definitely has the opportunity to do that and I ll do it whether. It s done where we re going we re going to hell a fact which is the capital of no is goes we re going to a conference for what I presentations in 700 meters that Stella s the Hay River project has brought her national recognition as a teenage citizen scientist she s now a sought after speaker for all kinds of environmental conferences like the one we re headed to quite early on a Monday morning it is the Atlantic Canada water and wastewater Association to do this often and I do this often Yes for sure under normal circumstances he s been to school I should be out. School here but I feel like this is more learning for me and where excitement the school. Yes it is located. Stella has a real presence at the podium she s an engaging very composed 15 year old and has become quite accomplished at presenting her story to encourage other potential environmental campaigners now you re giving presentations all over the world how has that changed you. It certainly helped my confidence I love public speaking I love presenting it s my favorite thing to do did you have that before definitely not the 1st time I ever gave a speech I was shaking I didn t know what to do I was scared to make mistakes I didn t know how people would think I was a life in the know and my dad told me that everyone makes mistakes so just keep going and I did that and as I continued doing presentations more and more it definitely became easier and easier and I actually like presenting to larger groups rather than small groups because I sometimes tell bad jokes and I find that if you re in a small group and no one laughs It s very awkward but if you have a larger group and at least someone will probably laugh so I like having the odds with me what a bad joke well I like to say we re probably the only home on the street that goes fecal bacteria in our basement and sometimes people don t laugh at that and I just stand there kind of. I m still here. So telling jokes isn t her strongest talent but somehow I don t think that s going to get in her way. So this is your word covered it s taken all of our family knickknacks and kind of move them to the top shelf at the bottom shelf and I have I have the middle shelf for an impressive cabinet for a 15 year old thank you very much I am very proud of everything Stella shelf in the cupboard contains a variety of science and environmental awards she s also met the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and has been invited to give a ted talk on her experiences later this year plus there s one other more unusual accolade Yes I m the youngest ever published micro paleontologist in the world which is really fun title to tell people Well what do your friends think about all this work that you do I don t speak about my project with my friends it s just not a topic that comes up why this is awful but I find jealousy is very present in my age category with what I m doing what you seem to be jealous about I travel a lot for this project I miss about 50 days of school year and I m almost always like here s an article from last week I think of me in the paper and just more ways around on social media I m not sure how does that make you feel it s kind of upsetting to know that I can t talk about something that I m extremely passionate about with my friends because they just wouldn t listen sitting at the kitchen table with us is Stella s mom Andrea she s a teacher at a local school and also acts as stylish gatekeeper Stella refers to her as her mama Ger So Stella has a lot of teachers across Canada and around the world that are definitely in support of her and definitely want to contact her we had a little girl 11 years old the other day from Ontario who s doing a project actually have biography on Stella. It s been a hard balance really as a parent to give you all of these great opportunities and then try to help you reconnect with being a normal kid. Stars adapted to a routine which weaves back and forth between a world populated with grown ups and her everyday life as a student she plays hockey in volleyball is a fan of Taylor Swift and keeps up with her homework pump planes and buses when she s traveling with a teacher for a parent slipping grades aren t really an option there s an inevitability about my next question in that at the moment the teenage environmental campaigners getting quite a lot of attention it s got a tumor but not all the attention is good does that concern you yes but no because there are people that still understand what she s doing knowing that she s doing a positive thing for a better world and we have to really focus on the positive rather than the negative still has worked out how to handle the attention her campaign has brought her and it s a useful commodity if you re trying to attract attention to a cause however if social media has taught us anything in the past few years it s that a spotlight is something to be handled with care. With Stella situation when she was in Facebook if there was someone that posted something negative we didn t respond we let the other people in the community respond and take that on and that worked really really well and she s always so positive and I think that s the other part I don t know if she told you that often on Facebook I draft up what she was going to say and then I was never allowed to post anything obviously because it s in her voice and she d come and read it and then she would totally rip what I wrote apart my mom would write my speeches she showed them to me a bit like no I m not saying that that s too negative nobody wants to listen to me say things that are positive and that s made a big difference in how people hear you I think for sure yes even when I would post things on my Facebook page we d use a big sigh and see words like cockeye or things that people might not fully understand but that in brackets I put hoop or just have things that anyone and everyone can understand what I m trying to get across. But ability to communicate a message clearly is rare enough in adult. Style as aim is to demonstrate how anyone of any age can be the guardian of their local waterways with a simple testing kit and some determination it s a message that travels well enough I was in Sweden then I was had my kid with me I went to a few schools and the students there were very involved with the science and they were like yeah I want to take the poll I want to get the sample or can I do the next step for testing what I was eating lunch in the big cafeteria there were 2 younger boys that hadn t been in the classroom that I was presenting in and doing it has to and they said if you re from Canada right can we get your autograph and I thought was really sweet and funny because nobody had ever asked me for my autograph. What s your name than human and I will do you pretty Hello my name Sandy what s your name Emmanuel I knew how old you are 13 and so you guys met Stella when she was here. Yes What made you ask for her autograph because she was famous do you know what she s famous for you know what she does she cleans. Lakes and stuff so you could say yes that s something you d like to do. Too much work clearly some people are going to be harder to motivate than others. Welcome to hustle homes Montessori school in Sweden where Stella demonstrated her testing kit on a visit last year the woman who organized that trip is Jenny Larson a Ph d. Candidate at the world maritime University in Malmo I think we have a lot of things in common in Canada and Sweden and we can learn from each other when I went to Canada my mission was to bring home all the good solution ideas and then I found that instead of bringing home some idea I brought home to. Help the students to actually do the sampling themselves and they had a discussion about all the e-coli bacteria that they found do you think the kids are going to follow it up yeah we actually applied for something to actually implement the levels project here in Sweden as well among 4 schools and then actually starting with 4 classes taking water samples every month and at the same time they re doing the same thing in Canada so connected to Canadian classes with Swedish classes. I miss a moment I m 15 I m a less and I m a 15 I m so feel animal 15 Did you will meet Stella Yes yes it was cool to see how she even at such a young age how much she has been able to do to us were nice to. Did you take the testing kits and go out and test the water here yeah we went down to where the river and we tested and what did you find lots of bacteria is visual in the lake and what did you think when you found out about it I was shocked because I. Like playing in there and there are so certain that you shouldn t even touch the water so now that you know this what you going to do not swim there. In has at the moment the world s most famous teenager in Grutter to him very to teenagers like Stella and Grettir do they inspire you do you think you guys could stand up and raise your voices and say listen to me I deserve to be heard absolutely everyone has something that they care about everyone doesn t care about the climate but maybe someone cares about other teenagers or poor countries and it inspires everyone to do something for their class. Where the reverse bores beach in the middle of a mama we re going down in a watery waiters. Michael Powell runs the Marine educational center in Malmo like the Maritime Museum in Nova Scotia they also have Stella s picture hanging on their wall today he s giving a class of schoolchildren kitted out in rubber waders up properly hands on lesson here we have the outdoor classroom and then I ll go there walking down this jetty as a group just into the sea just walking collectively into the sea. And that s how I ended up doing my 1st interview with waist high in the waters of an outlet up the Baltic. And you say really how old are you and 13 how you falling waiting around in the water here I like it do you think when you go home this makes you a bit more passion about the world around you and then you can even start telling your parents you really should pay more attention to this. Yes because it s very important for the animals in the ocean too they suffer from all the testing get everything just around here but if people help the player to be that. Sweden has an impressive supply of environmentally aware teenagers one is 16 year old Elsie manual originally from across in Ghana she moved to Sweden when her father a professor took up a posting here and she s the winner of a Marine awareness competition she received 20000 kroner for a project to decrease the amount of plastic in the ocean and this wasn t just a competition for young people yes actually I was the only child in my division that was made you feel really good you have had him and his comment in the environment one of the great causes of your generation I think it is because if they are predicting for a world this really true these will be real things for us up to now it has been easy for us to live just like everybody else but should. Weather conditions get harsh or life will get increasingly hard to live and it s hard to know if we will also be able to live the same. Lives that people live nowadays to do other things that we have Speier to do like everybody wants to grow up pursue their dreams get their dream job make money start a family all the usual things and sometimes I think it s sad that if we don t do something like drastic about the environment and sustainability issues a whole generation of us might not have that opportunity. Every generation has different takes on different issues so I think we also have our unique views to bring to the table. Just because we are young doesn t mean we don t have anything important. So right now we re on my mom s old computer and we re looking at my Facebook page doesn t look that old to me it s just very slow so we re just going to scroll down a little bit it could take a move. Back in Canada Stella Bowles is showing me some of the latest entries on her website it s amazing that scooping up some more of the river and being persistently her Cicely curious about it has brought you all of this I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that any of this would have happened with this project I ve come to realize ation that your age doesn t matter anymore you can create change in your communities where I really want to promote that I want to show other youth that they can also create change and that sometimes you might do it yourself but you can go for me for example I didn t think this would ever happen and it has. So what do you do next what do you want to do from here I m not sure yet I m leaning towards maybe environmental law studying that I m not sure I m 58 and it is pretty silly to ask 15 year olds what they want to do with the rest of their lives and it is a little silly because the world at your fingertips at this age and you could go into anything. Stella may not be able to pinpoint exactly where her future is going but she is pretty clear about what she wants for the river the one which runs right in front of her house. Success for this river would be to have all $600.00 straight pipes removed they are legal they re gross and by 2023 The plan is to have all of them out so I m hoping after my 1st year of university I think it will be to be able to just cannonball right and. You ve been listening to the compass on the b.b.c. World Service this programme has been produced and presented by me Sandra Council the editor is Emma rippin and has been mixed by Tom brick mill next week we ll meet a Syrian refugee who decided when he couldn t go to school he would build one from scratch more than once. You re listening to the b.b.c. World Service and here s what s happening in the studio this week join me. As I meet pretty and a fellow said African and an opera singer making waves across the I meet her as she takes on her biggest role to date and find out what it means to her to be the 1st black woman to play Violetta at the palace opera in this studio at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash in the studio. You re listening to the b.b.c. World Service Washington Post Antony So as more our South America correspondent Katie Watson reports from Brazil Well our Europe regional editor Mike Sullivan is here in the studio America s editor Countess peered began by telling me about owning your own line on smartphones and on smart Speaker this is the b.b.c. World Service the world s media station. Welcomes the inquiry on the b.b.c. World Service I m Tanya back it is a year since the July Asia own took to the streets of France to demonstrate against a hike in fuel tax. In a video I m speaking directly to President Marco and I m telling him Have you really thought about the decisions you re making a push back against government measures to protect the environment there s also in other countries Prince party definitely has gained a lot of support over the you know environmental questions How has the environmental agenda managed to a noise so many people Birkenstock wearing urban centered environmentalists who doesn t have to think too much about where their energy comes from in their city and what can be done to craft policies the don t alienate voters we re asking why is there a backlash against climate policy is the inquiry starts after the news. Hello I m Debbie Ross with the b.b.c. Nice China has warned the United States it will retaliate after President term signed into law a bill in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong it requires the State Department to certify every year that Hong Kong retains enough autonomy to justify favorable u.s. Trading terms Washington and Beijing are embroiled in a trade war our correspondent in Beijing John sad with says China is furious as you might expect we ve had an immediate and pretty angry reaction from China s Foreign Ministry accusing Washington of having absolutely sinister intentions and threatening to take firm counter measures China which has been warning all along that it sees the signs of foreign meddling and foreign influence in the situation in Hong Kong is clearly going to take a very dim view of this in Hong Kong Police have now entered the Polytechnic University to gather evidence and look for any remaining protesters following an 11 day siege their offices collected hundreds of homemade bombs and were dusting them for fingerprints at least 13 anti-government protesters in Iraq have been killed by security forces who opened fire in the southern city of Nasiriyah the violence comes a day after demonstrators attacked.

Radio-program , Sports-rules-and-regulations , Provinces-and-territories-of-canada , Mass-media , Metropolitan-areas-of-china , Olympics , Sports-organisations , Water-pollution , Law , Elections , Politics , Māori-history

Transcripts for WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio] WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio] 20191128 060000

After President Donald Trump signed into law a bill in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong China accused the u.s. Of sinister intentions after legislation was approved by Congress requiring the state s departments to certify every year Hong Kong retains an awful Ptolemy to justify favorable u.s. Trading terms Mr Trump is currently seeking a deal with China in order to end a trade war between the 2 countries one of the leaders of the protest movement Joshua Wong s said the new legislation was testament to the efforts of Hong Kong people who that force to defend democracy as president sign. Rights and Democracy Act That s the remarkable achievement. With the courage and determination of Hong Kong as to fight for freedom and democracy to start a protest movement it just encourage world leaders and politicians are aware that it s time for them to call police in Hong Kong or searching classrooms at the Polytechnic University for any remaining protestors as an 11 day siege is finally being brought to an end specialist units a clearing a large stash of unused petrol bombs at one stage around a 1000 students had barricaded themselves inside the university it s always in the u.s. State of Texas have ordered tens of thousands of residents in 4 towns to flee their homes after new explosions at a petrochemical plant where a huge fire has been burning for hours officials in portion aitches east of the city of Houston gave the order to evacuate the zone covering a 6 kilometer radius of the plant when the lid when the latest huge blast destroyed a chemical distillation tower a town resident was in bed when the 1st explosion happened. No sleep. No water was. When he was gone one bedroom with. A 3 day general strike is about to get underway across Lebanon to push for the formation of a new government Jeremy Byrne reports in Beirut cars were queuing at petrol stations to fill up ahead of a 3 day general strike it s the latest development in protests started 6 weeks ago there the result of deep discontent with the system that protesters say is corrupt concentrating power in the hands of discredited leaders some political bosses were warlords during Lebanon s long and disastrous civil war in the 19 seventies and eighties Jeremy Bowen and in the past few minutes it s been announced that a general strike in Lebanon has been called off you re listening to the latest world news from the b.b.c. Here in London. With the British general election now 2 weeks away most polls seem to suggest the governing Conservative Party is on track to win the most seats a major survey just published by You Gov indicates if the vote were to take place today the prime minister Boris Johnson would secure a comfortable conservative majority. The husband of a Chinese woman who was found dead inside a freezer in Sydney has been arrested in Sichuan Province in China how long you are left Australia this week with the couple s 2 young children a day before his wife s body was discovered police officers had to break into the Chinese couple s home after receiving a call from a concerned family friend. Scientists in Britain say they re creating a blueprint for bands and pop stars enabling them to perform live music without negatively contributing to climate change the $10.00 center for Climate Change Research says it could also encourage millions of fans to reduce their carbon footprint the plan will be based on Top data donated by the British band massive attack after its members said they wanted to help find solutions to the climate crisis Laura Foster reports. Scientists are going to be looking at every aspect of massive attacks touring cycle from the lighting to the sound to the sex the weight crews and stages a move from city to city and what changes the audience could be making to the research will conclude next summer and will be shared with artists across the music industry it s hoped if more musicians are seen to be acting sustainably it also encourage fans to do the same. A bronze Cockrell is to be given back to Nigeria by the University of Cambridge in England the bronze was looted in the 19th century when the British army occupied Ben in city and present day Nigeria and 930 it was given to Cambridge fired by a former British army officer that s the latest b.b.c. World Service news. Thanks for the news Hello welcome to News Day with county show a very good morning to you good to have you with us wherever you are listening to news day yes we re going to be in Hong Kong in a moment in this half hour as the u.s. Signs a no in support of the pro-democracy protests is it going to China we ll get reaction and we re just 2 weeks away from a general election here in the United Kingdom an election seen as important for the country to move the BRICs a decision forward to today we ll gauge the mood in the city of Cheltenham a city who voted to remain in the European Union if you have anything you want to text us on the number is possible 477862059. And we re going to start in Lebannon the general strike that was supposed to start this morning has been called off Germany is our Middle East editor and joins us now good morning to you. Was what more can you tell us. Well it s a little bit unclear because it s all just been happening but it seems like the main general strike has been called off but there s still lots of signs that a strike of petrol stations has not been called off and that s because the angry that they they get their money they sell their petrol and Lebanese pounds. Buy it in u.s. Dollars and. We re going to try to stay with Jeremy if we can this is still on the line. No he s not and we ll try to call him back and see if we can get back to this important story again those a strike that was supposed to start this morning a general strike and from the last few minutes we ve heard that the general strike has been called off it has been called is a back up. Yes germ Yes yes. I was just saying I don t know quite what I disappeared but I was just saying that the main strike appears to be called off to strike all petrol stations which obviously in a country with loads of causes very important that appears still to be on right just give us a sense of how these strikes are organized who s able to call them and then call them off for the last minute while there are national organizations here there s an economic council which was talking about calling the general strike and there s also an association of petrol stations. And so there s you know this is a this is not love is quite an organized country but these protests have been going on for 6 weeks now and that happening because a lot of people take the young people very very fed up with the way that this country operates and as a particular system here were important jobs split between the different religious groups but the way that that was. The idea behind the system is to try to keep together this you know very diverse country but the. Complaint is that the the lead out of touch that corrupted the whole system is corrupt and pretty it s corruption and they want root and branch reform and one of the things that we ve heard about this strike Well the participants of the strike trying to push for is. The formation of a new government. Is there any progress as far as the just goals and what of the asking for was who s in charge at the moment well to start with the end of October the prime minister Mr Hariri resigned but he stayed on and his government has stayed on. As a caretaker government until they come up with a new candidate for prime minister and that s the negotiation that s happening at the moment. There have been a few names. Mentioned and talked about that they had and it hasn t come to anything so far but that would just be the beginning of it because what the demonstrators want are early elections but the thing about the way this country works is that the elections will be based on the system the sectarian system that they have and that quite possibly might end up satisfying no one when they see all the old faces afterwards if that went ahead so what s the mood in the city generally you know what is going on at the moment what s a typical day in Beirut where you are like on a morning like this. You know this is a country that s gone through a great deal and people are very resilient so you know life goes on it looks pretty normal except where demonstrations have happened in some places this we weren t really there have been some quite violent episodes of you know scuffling or rioting call it well stone throwing between. Protesters and young men who are loyal to the main the 2 most powerful Well the most powerful organization here Hezbollah which is a Shia Muslim movement and also imo which is the other main Shia move Muslim movement and they ve sent in a few places have sent some of their. Supporters night vests harass the protesters and in a country with a. History and the central fragility of Lebanon that is always worrying when people turn against each other Middle East editor German board thank you Germany. Now the u.s. President Donald Trump has signed a new law which backs pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong the legislation which has already been approved by both the upper and lower houses is aimed at protecting Hong Kong s a ton of autonomy and its special trade status that requires the u.s. State Department. Just certify that China is not infringing on Hong Kong s rights and threatened sanctions if it is this woman who s been involved in the protest told the b.b.c. She welcomed the new legislation it s like a small victory for the protesters as like a mental support at least because it s been a really tough few months so I think actually really helps them to make sure like the wall actually cares about Hong Kong and to protect democracy here well the Hong Kong government said that the legislation will send a wrong signal to protesters and will not help ease the riots and the reaction in China was even stronger with threats of retaliation and counter measures Professor Joseph Shang from the unicity University in Hong Kong joins us now hello to you professor a moral victory here for protest is but it s coming at a very delicate time isn t head for the us for us China relations are especially regarding trade relations. Yes the negotiations certainly have been going on. In Moscow and they do not seem to have been affected by the developments in Hong Kong the the crisis began in June as fior know and obviously as you said betraying the conversations are entering into a very at a cave final stage and perhaps and intermediary stage agreement may be concluded. In January next year also. The protests the act because certainly is a major morrow to the people in Hong Kong to the protesters who feel robbed a helpless facing and and hoaxes. Government in Beijing and in Hong Kong and they too counting on the support of the international community on the support of the international puppy will pinion. As a response from Beijing what should we read into when China speaks of countermeasures against the United States what would they mean. The acting. Is something expected just not in a surprise and yet the negotiations going on they don t seem to hurt enough. The stamens made by the scientists of heart these are expected our routine Chinese authorities of always at the top of very strong 9 against what they perceive to be interference as in time as domestic affairs but in this case there s still a lot of room of mine only about for the Donald Trump administration the State Department to live report to Congress in one year s time and certainly the State Department will follow the line of the Donald Trump administration Congress then recommends actions and whatever actions to be taken the b.p. Cited by the White House so both download from and dishonesty the ship I understand that day is still a lot of room of men only about but the stamens of this kind made by the Chinese leaders men photo messed it consumption Chinese leaders want to present to the Chinese people that Western powers do not want China to be strong they are trying to contain China s development and oppose these payments are also intended to discredit the POTUS does. Labeling them as collaborators of Western imperialist powers thank you much that s Professor Joseph Chang from the city of assets in Hong Kong on top story the solid news take on the shop on me I ll include the start of the looking up also coming out of the u.s. The state of Texas has ordered the evacuation of 60000 people from so overtones postal chemical plant where does being a father explosion used a Live from London all inclusive joke on the shop most of Kenya with the sports news yeah Good morning Al enough money made life difficult for Liverpool and one old tour at Anfield which means that the European champions need at least a point from their final group game against Red Bull so. Spoke to make sure of reaching the last 16 of this year s competition elsewhere Barcelona made it through as crude poorness for the 13th season in a row after they beat Brissie document 31 it s now 700 bossa games for Les and now Messi in which he scored $613.00 goals to $630.00 of those came last night Abby Leipzig into the knockout stages for the 1st time in their history though after scoring 2 like goals a 90th minute penalty and a 96 minute header to level it against Benfica and confirm their progress all the other spots go to the final round of group games and in the n.b.a. Another landmark for Le Bron 33000 points and counting and his like his one for the night game in a row also a bit of relief for Golden State 14 point win for them of the Chicago Bulls much opinion thank you very much more from Martin about or sorry for tonight not 20 minutes trying to target somebody I will see about anywhere we very quickly people to business news and the walls because Cobalt mine the more tendre mine in southern Democratic Republic of Congo has been closed by its operators Glencoe business reporter Mr Rubin is here now and yeah let s take a couple of interesting strands to this actually Glencore said in a statement that they were sort of citing a lack of sulfuric acid in Cobol money we ll explain a little bit more about that in a moment but there s also an issue that the global price of cable has been falling sharply so seeking gradient things like electric car battery killing cattle is vice chairman of metals and mining at the research firm would be Ken s in explained a bit more essentially what you do and he is most of it to dissolve. The issuance of spirit is not directly related to see it s really. Because the government has introduced a 5 percent concentration of bowls that means produces the soldiers along at lower d levels if they were at lower levels they ultimately produce less off your ass and that means that the culture of testing it isn t available to. Important to tell say that s the issue and not just the r.c. But anywhere else that s contrary to this type of mining right across the sub-Saharan African region the script returns or is the world s largest supplier of Cobol also now if you think whether the Cobol process go to a couple price Pete around no $2000.00 a ton it currently rests around about $40.00 to $43000.00 a ton so effectively a small home office and so obviously the reduction the cable price massively trances the production economics we can call it also massively affect the tax take for the d.l.c. The given everything you ve said what would you say is the outlook then for a number of these countries in this region some are extremely dependent on revenues from carbon copper money cable is a byproduct of other d copper. But the challenging Cobalt is that there s a lot of hype around E.V.A. s because the 2 technology that s electric vehicles electric vehicles Yes consumes Cobalt with nickel does a lot about how quickly electric vehicles are going to take off the problem we have is that the cable comes out so you produce the top of the cables coming out and so therefore this announcement was made d it was made to appear to structure lives d probably the global economy is slowing. Adoption in some tips for electric vehicles you put all this together and the outlook for the Kobo process is flat potential today what they do is that turret is going to be reduced to governments in the region so it s going to be challenging for governments and the only way to fill these taps holes is to raise rolls and there s drill in cattle vice chairman of metals and mining of the research from Ward McKenzie speaking to will Bain. Now we just had 2 weeks away from an election here. In the United Kingdom which you may remember the prime minister Boris Johnson called in order to resolve the deadlock around Breck said to the b.b.c. The Via Aria has come to you to the u.k. Covering a very decisive divisive story election in India and is now touring Britain to find out how divided the vote is here today she s in Cheltenham a 2 train ride northwest from London good morning there via tell us about children and what have you discovered in your time there it s a far cry from end isnt it. And a far cry from London to a very good morning it s still stars in the sky but when I came in yesterday in my court it s I mean the train ride is lovely you just go in the middle of the green rolling hills this is the green belt you see the fall coming down into the trees it s a bit true but very and also when you get into the town which is a really small town just 115000 people it has a very affluent feel to it of course a lot of people in the u.k. Would remember it well it s because it holds this really important horseracing event in March the Gold Cup every year our tracks a lot of business attracts a lot of tourists very important for this town it is really small I was thinking how does it compare to a city back in India and you know the one of the wonders of the world and even that city which has. 10 times the size of this one so it s a really small city but very important because politically it has a bit of a dichotomy. It s a city that has a conservative and b. Has been traditionally conservative in the way it votes but in the referendum 56 percent of people voted to remain now the 3rd party in the whole u.k. Election the Conservatives in the labor we talk about a lot but the good important some would call it the Liberal Democrats think of this as a key seat because each voter to remain and that s where they re targeting their efforts and when I spoke to a family here I found that the voting choices were right in the middle the husband conservative and the wife. So I spoke to them Dimitri and Kerry and Mark and I asked them how would they describe British politics. And this is what they said. Is a very strong word. Yeah I have seen aggression and this is really serious social media mainly to do with bricks it the hostility towards M.P. s and history lity also towards people who vote for certain parties people deface the posters you know party posters but just respect that someone else might have an opinion and leave that post to be this whole Breck s it saga How does it make Britain look like the Bassman Britain must look it s messy business saved as an embarrassment across Europe it s been very difficult because the people voted to leave us be a barrister but Paul I m hoping this election will sort things out it won t be called in some ways whatever the outcome of this election event we have another referendum do you feel this whole experience has altered Britain and its people for the longer run. Yeah I would say so you know I would say sir like to think there s light at the end of the tunnel of the political system move change because it was such a divisive referendum then you re always going to have when is and loses and you know people have 100 winning Well people have 100 losing Well I think that one of the thing that s coming to it as people become more engaged in politics I think which I don t see necessarily is about thing you know I think there was a lot of apathy towards politics and all day there might be a bit apathy towards this election I think people are much more engaged in politics and political debate I see that as quite a positive thing coming out of it and all this crazy mess that they ve you are we are talking to a couple in Cheltenham. I ve been hearing this week about the beauty of I m talk to each hard to imagine the such pristine landscape mostly untouched by humans has been severely affected by carbon emissions elsewhere in the world but yes the huge ice sheet which covers West into Arctic air is being held in place by ice shelves some of which have been melted by warming oceans the B.B.C. s the colony has been talking to climate scientists and others at the largest British Antarctic says city . Which lies to the south of China about how the trips to Antarctica could actually affect all of us take a listen. To bright reds down which propeller plane is just landing now it s really a lifelike people here with all the right age speed a cargo today of 200 kilos of what they call fresh sheets that so fruits and vegetables as well as passages of course including a team of scientists. But you know I mean you well there s so much of the work done here rather is about climate change and that s something that s noticed by the people who work here who aren t scientists Steve King is one of the pilots he flies the dash and between offices on skis and he s been coming to this part of the world for nearly 30 years and what kind of changes to be noticed in that time we usually use charts to navigate our way around Antarctica and show the church show it quite clearly the case is breaking as large chunks of ice missing from 20 years ago and that s a testament to just how much is breaking off the many cracks starting to form which I imagine is the norm but they re opening up much much quicker than they used to and it is that what you re seeing from the air yeah it is actually it s painfully obvious what are the changes that you noticed rain even here we got a little rain which actually isn t all that abnormal being an island further. In generally get Pine Island where it rained for 2 or 3 days which is pretty unusual for that area. There s definitely a lot more snow here and there was when we 1st came out to the point in Rothera now each plane brings more and more scientists in because it s the start of the summer season and among them is Dr express bones from the Persian touches survey and your last year physicist another way to an expert on the ice sheets here in Antarctica and why are scientists so worried about what s happening to ice shelves the ice shelves of Antarctica form a ring around the continent when the ice flows off the constant It floats on the ocean and the ice shelves form a buttress holding back the flow of the r. Streams so they can slow the departure of the ice into the ocean because they re floating on ocean they re actually quite vulnerable to warming ocean and we know the ocean is warming the ice shelf then retreats and this allows the stream to accelerate because it s not buttress to the same degree and as we saw on the last night shelves in the ninety s his people members very dramatic pictures right there was this really rapid collapse of those ice shelves and then you lose this book or sing effect and there s not celebration of the flowing ice of the continent because it s losing that protective Bandra which is keeping the whole ice sheet together that s right what could the consequence is that the well if we carry on as we are with greenhouse gas emissions we could potentially have very rapid ice loss and consequently very rapid Confucians to see otherwise we just had a report out from the United Nations Environment Program saying that carbon emissions are accelerating. What happened here and then talk to Kate if that continues to happen I think because like this another wake up call that we have to take action. It feels in a way that the public conversation is moved on from being skeptical about climate science to accepting the science and even at the political level there s no acceptance we have to do something but we need to act now. And that report by the b.b.c. The county You re listening to news day with Alan Keyes to stay with us more coming up after the latest update of the nice. Tradition of the b.b.c. World Service news are in the u.s. Has made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio content a.p.m. American Public Media with support from Cabot cheese a farmer own co-op offering cabbage cracker cuts pre-sliced cheeses available in resealable packages in 6 Fridays more information at Cabot cheese dot co off. Hello welcome to New Day from the b.b.c. World Service with Alan concision counted Good morning Fios of more rooms of flood . Flood who do stop because more than 50 people have died in was called Con 2 according to local officials doctors in Zimbabwe continue to stay away from work they ve described the situation in hospitals as a silent genocide We ll get reaction and a more effective more affordable richer of a treatment for softer fosters news b.b.c. News with Tom what China has warned the United States it will take firm countermeasures after President Trump signed into law a bill in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong China accused the u.s. Of sinister intentions after legislation was approved requiring the State Department to certify that Hong Kong retains enough autonomy to justify favorable u.s. Trading terms police in Hong Kong research in classrooms at the Polytechnic University for any remaining protestors as an 11 day siege is finally being brought to an end specialist units a clearing a stash of unused petrol bombs Yes or as he s in the u.s. State of Texas have ordered $60000.00 residents in 4 towns to flee their homes after explosions at a petro chemical plant where a huge fire has been burning for hours officials in ports natures east of Houston gave the order to evacuate. A 3 day general strike to take place in Lebanon over government corruption has been called off there have been 6 weeks of protests in the country sparked by deep discontent over the ailing economy and rampant corruption Scientists in Britain say they re creating a blueprint for band and pop stars enabling them to perform live music without negatively contributing to climate change the plan will be based on Top data donated by the British band massive attack. The husband of a Chinese woman who was found dead inside a freezer in Sydney has been detained by authorities in China howling left Australia this week with the couple s 2 young children a day before his wife s body was discovered Ukraine has angrily criticized the decision by the us tech giant Apple to show Crimea as part of Russia s territory on its map and whether apps and the bronze Cockrell is to be given back to Nigeria by Cambridge University in England the bend in bronze was lucid in the 19th century when British troops occupied Ben in city and present day Nigeria b.b.c. News. Thank you then he used Hello welcome to News Day. With you we ll go live to Kenya and Zimbabwe in a moment more European Champions League action to come what you can and will be joining us a bit later and we have more African artifacts and displays Ruston museums we heard from Belgium yesterday which still has thousands of exhibit from colonial days today we hear from the d.l.c. Which is trying to retrieve some of the items was taken out of the country to be put on display elsewhere. Let s head to Zimbabwe 1st and then untold number of people have been turned away from public medical facilities since early September when more than $400.00 junior doctors paid less than $200.00 a month went on strike demanding better wages and conditions as well as equipment and supplies for t. Treating patients we ve been covering this story here on News Day No senior doctors say they have joined the movement in support of their junior colleagues who were sacked by the authorities I m joined now by its Hi Josh Rosicky He s the executive director of community working group in Zimbabwe one of the biggest groups in the country that has come together together to help the health sector Good morning to you Can I just confirm that you are a doctor. No I meant public you know the activities Ok so you ve come together then to help the people of Zimbabwe those a patients who haven t had medical care because of this stay away we ll have all those patients gone to because there s 400 patients by hospital right so where have they gone to. Yes I think it s a tragedy you know we can have begin to develop with right now in the outfit and like you re saying you know average you know if enrollees Bickel not less than 400 Haitian in the United Nation and then the be the you also have a lot more in terms of outpatient activity and go because every day so I did been happening now for the incapacitation crises of the doctor that the my joining of that patient I going to mission was because a some of them are like 400 kilometers away from our area and some leg fall expecting mothers was about to deliver they are now going to be attended by the traditional payback and that is the hour that we had this thing using the traditional base that they did a long time ago because they are not able to deal with the you know in a situation where you know there are complications or even I do mean you know support for the you know for you know transmission of interview for my that each out yes unfortunately those I do want to now while providing their view and the general public by just getting sick at all and in some cases even just dying at all and this is such a tragic case because since covering the story here on the b.b.c. We ve had so many people being tend to way people losing their lives as you said what do you make all the doctors describing the situation in hospitals as a silent genocide. I think it s understandable because. Almost 3 months ago when the doctors down the death toll was fighting in Gaza tested. The mortality rate has also increased you know a lot more people are now dying. Even our military you ll find bodies you know piling up mainly because you know post-mortems are not are not being done on time because the doctors are not there to carry out your safety and the general area you would fire the. You know most people to share in the way some of these dates are voidable into preventable we are now you know the people we re not supposed to die if if if the hospitals we re functioning properly indeed . Indeed and then you know we spoke about the ethics doctors taking a code you know questioning doctors here on Tuesday as well about the code that they take but they can t help it because as you said there s just no equipment when it comes to the hospitals in Zimbabwe but do you think now now s the time that the international community can help briefly if you could. Yes definitely I think what is needed right now is for the president of the country himself you know to accept the crises there and the. Initial disaster in the Urtext our initial imagine for that international community and of the donor community can come in and chip in would be much needed to vote these is the our way of the doctors we re not just trying to involve the better condition the families they were also striking for the tools of the trade track the equipment standard is there for any of those things are not available you know I mean. Thank you very much that s it Tony Jones case is executive director of community working group in Zimbabwe. More than 50 people have died after heavy rainfall and rest because County in Kenya it s a county the borders you counter and a father 120000 people have been affected by the heavy rains of mudslides is the last hit area in the country and where the focus shows of the rain is set to continue falling bringing more devastation to the area such as of warned that are causing unpredictable weather patterns in the East African region we can all speak to a colleague mussy drama reason was because and joins us now what have you seen mussy How about of things. Ok that s a pretty ropey line hoping that we can get it corrected or can you hear me mussy. Ok but the line is still not fantastic So we re going to try to call you back in a few moments to talk about this important story about the. Rain and its impact on the people of West Bill Clinton Kenya now one in 5 people in the world on HIV medication will be able to switch to a simpler more affordable more effective treatment thanks to a rollout by the South African government 20 percent of those who have HIV live in South Africa and the introduction of the new treatment is expected to have a far reaching impact unit Aids is supporting the government with the rollout and its director of programs is Robert material I asked him how significant that is this new treatment so this new treatment is a treatment for people with a Chevy it s a 1st line treatment meaning it s the treatments you start people out on one that s a stagnant with a charity a link to care and it s a drug called volatility or so it s one of 3 medicines that you give to somebody in one pill who has a charity and what s different about integrity here is that it knew a treatment that is more effective than the current standard of care the current treatment it s has fewer side effects it has a higher barrier to resistance meaning it s also more forgiving for people who might miss a treatment or take a break from their treatment for the reason it s less likely for the virus to resistance against it which is really important and lastly it s ability been that s actually cheaper than the kind of standard of care that s where where when a new treatment comes in that s better but actually costs less and that s important because it means there can be savings for programs who can put more people on treatment because of that and you say it costs less so a lot more affordable than Exactly this is key for the South African government they have about 4500000 people on treatment out of 7 and then this new one rolled in is actually quite significant for South Africa isn t it it really is significant because you know one in 5 people. HIV in the entire world lives in South Africa so it s Africa s HIV population represents 20 percent of the global burden for 20 percent of the global disease to be switched to a better regimen is important for South Africa but important for the global response as well and for a check the treatment at large so it is a really big deal that this is finally done in South Africa and that they have such an aggressive plan to switch all those d 4.5 people to put 5000000 people they get on to this new treatment in in a body here how long has it been around has it been rolled out to other countries what is interesting is that only take Riviere when it was 1st released in North America and Europe you know 120122013 you know normally it takes it has taken 10 to 12 years for a new treatment that is released in the West to actually reach developing countries and in the case of the Tegra here for a number of reasons deliberate and otherwise it has taken 3 to 4 years to reach developing countries so South Africa follows number of other countries on the continent that introduced allègre variant 272018 the 1st generic versions of the drug were launched in Kenya and Uganda Nigeria about a year and a half 2 years ago so Africa is now doing it and the scale and scope was that there s going to general out probably explains it was an extent why it is following a little bit later in these countries but also the government as Africa has one of the has buttons of tuberculosis and they have to make sure that this drug don t take it when administered to people where they cherry and TB is safe so they had to do a number a few checks as well and ensure it was safe for these populations who have other disease buttons as well that s right but material who is the director of programs for Eunice hate. Thank God you re listening to news daily on the b.b.c. World Service it s a pot so into. Minutes to 7 o clock here in London it s about 17 minutes to 1 o clock in Texas and all 4 it is there a lot of people in 4 towns Trayvon homes following 2 explosions at a chemical plant 3 people were injured in the 1st blast which blew out the doors and windows of homes nearby and ignited a fire that continues to pan Jacob Dick is a reporter with the Beaumont Enterprise so they were saying that they know that at least 3 tanks they re still on fire trying to maintain those using water to call them out so there s no way to suppress chemicals that are fired. And so if that holds through the night they hope to prevent more explosions. If there is a likelihood of more explosions that it was discussed briefly that if one of those containers were to completely burned through as was suspected to happen that 1 am and actually around 2 o clock today as well there is a possibility that could happen again right. Just tell us about the location and why the threat of possible explosions exists so this plant is an old plant it s about 70 years old and the dates back to Iran the World War 2 And so the community is kind of built up around it there s a lot of residential areas subdivisions apartment buildings right across the street from it so whenever this explosion happened early in the morning it broke windows didn t doors even broke loose and rafters from from roofs I m not lead to an evacuation of how many people so we have it least 4 cities in a 4 mile area and so we re not exactly sure how many people have taken shelter there s a shelter clearly in place in northern Jefferson County probably about 15 or so miles away from this plant so well we re not exactly sure how many people have taken shelter there yet and this is all happening on the eve of Thanksgiving the amount of destruction it s causing must be huge yes yes and it s kind of compounded by the fact you know people here are really resilient but also as you go through the neighborhood there s homes that were recently destroyed you know devastated in a flood from trouble storm a meld and some that you re still being repaired some r.v. Is anybody surprised the vis has happened but these explosions of Hoppen You know oddly you would think people that they grow up and such a touchy chemical heavy areas and live and work here you think they would be used to the idea but I talk to people live. Their entire life and never remembers something quite like this so I think it kind of came as a shocked and is that any indication of told us to ha long the threats will continue how soon can people go back into their homes so are our judge executive Ferrugia premix said there is no timeline at this point that was around 7 pm And so hopefully we ll know more in the morning but it depends on what kind of progress they can make on the fires but the key feeling is to manage the possibility of more explosions exactly they had a much narrower field earlier in the afternoon and then after the 2nd explosion there is actually video of a flaring tower that was sent kind of to launch across the plant property and after that I think is when they. Made sure to extend the area mystical Dick He s a reporter with a bomb and and to produce this is News and the main headline on news day President Donald Trump has approved a new no backing protesters in Hong Kong despite be objections from Beijing. Let s get sports to stand with morning to change through to the knockout stages of the European Champions League after last night s action the completion of the penultimate round of group games for the further to the 13th time in a row Barcelona are through as group winners and for the 1st time in their history . Have made it to the last 16 but everyone else including reigning champions Liverpool are going to have to take it to the last round of games could have been worse. Came back from a goal down at home to Napoli but they now need at least a point to read but to go through in the final round of group matches club says they have given it everything anyway in the morning. Already through but they have to play games at home and. Now we have to play again and have to put in everything what we have but it was never different I can remember one game here where we could go in with 50 percent permutation in their group Liverpool made a point at Red Bull Salzburg if they lose they will be out unless Napoli lose at home to think Napoli will go through with the troll Chelsea I don t like going through last night but conceded a late equaliser to Valencia happy to agree to a degree was coach Frank Lampard post match verdict all the details on who did what on the b.b.c. Sport website lots of notable numbers doing the rounds today in particular days 700 bastard games for Messi it was his 700th last night and he scored his 613th goal for the club in their 31 win over documents now that might have been the lead story for today s Spanish sports newspapers you would think had the former Spain coach now restored to that role not revealed the bitterness behind his falling out with the man who temporarily replaced him while since daughter was ill she you remember later died in Enrique has returned to the job a job it seems clear that Robert Marino had long term designs. But the former friends are no longer a team here s a quote ambition is to be encouraged but excessive ambition is a defect not a virtue Enrique said Payne explaining why his one time assistant is no longer in the setup search and Ricky and Marino who dominate the front pages in Spain this morning making headlines around the world now that a red letter day in the stellar n.b.a. Care career of Le Bron James to tell you about he s now tossed 33000 points for his career 4th on the list of the all time scores that hasn t changed pretty now has a total of 33008 points and even better for him the l.a. Lakers came back from a 16 point deficit to win against the pelicans under 142111 Wednesday night that s 9 wins in a row for them sport today 1930 g.m.t. And this time tomorrow on New Year s Day We ll look ahead to the start of the group stages of the African Champions League. Matthew thank you now nearly 80 percent of African cultural heritage looted during the colonial era is exhibit is in western museums or in private collections if you re listening yesterday you may have heard our report about the museum in Belgium that is still home to 4000 artifacts from Africa for decades Western countries have been reluctant to repack treat them raising concerns over lack of adequate infrastructure but recently African countries have been demanding the return of these objects So how prepared are they to receive them from Kinshasa guys Cohen It takes a look at the efforts made by the Democratic Republic of Congo to conserve its cultural heritage Take a listen. Drumming and jumping tolls to celebrate the office of opening of the Congress new museum last weekend a 22000000 dollar undertaking deleted by the South Korean international corporation agency whose construction lasted 3 years. 2 more new and every day for objects from the. Exhibited here such as musical instruments must and more taking the visitor only discovery journey of life and culture in action to Congo on the country s 450 tribes only 66 have items on display the rest need to be sourced or about treated from foreign museums and private collections then you zooms they Richter are hidden Joe Cool says the country is now well equipped to receive the items in a long race and this is a visit. This museum as you see it was built respecting international norms and standards we also have stores that fulfill all requirements for optimum protection of art objects your confounded. But it s not just a museum 6 years ago the Democratic Republic of Congo created a school to teach our troops to ration and conservation in the capital city Kinshasa so far only 60 wouldn t have graduated from the school but courses are ongoing every compound is one of the teachers. So founders of small objects that is here are authentic wants the museum notices that object is damage they would need for us to work on it for example if insects at the Golden object they re willing to talk to us and with. The opening of this new museum and the beginning of academic training in conservation and restoration of objects opens up infinite possibilities for Congolese contemporary artists we are its academia the boys are one of the oddest and most prominent art school in the r.c. I came here to understand why this new museum and its collection are so important for upcoming artists. In the last green gardens of I think it was our artist and Professor Emin Panny is guiding students to a station where they take uncomfortable postures around a slippery stitcher the aim is to ignite the students inspiration for future artworks he believes this new museum will give momentum to the Congolese art scene when they visit this sundown in God The planet is going to solicit for a museum you don t need to be physically inside it would be great if they hadn t on one collection to inspire artists who are not in Congo Kinshasa and can t visit in person the other is him as Davis submit to you as. The challenge is now to maintain this museum and its collection intact in a constantly changing political context of a country yearning to own its past and write its present. Guys Cohen reporting from Kinshasa. The Mali and desert blues band to another one absolute breach of their 40th anniversary this year formed in the late in the novel my legal name comes from the tamasha club which and translates as the people off the deserts with a very distinctive sound that includes driving rhythms and guitars the band have become musical busters from Mali to spy the huge difficulties they faced during the 2012 go with a new album that s been titled I m a die alcoholic Well I m also spoke to the bar member hostile to harmony when the band was in London recently on tour. And. It played out me so at the start we were just playing. Music for our friends for the people of our village it s true that s how we began. How has it been for you in the past maybe 10 years as tonight when especially when the war broke out and we even saw the extremists trying to prevent any form of culture being expressed how did that affect you. It was a big big problem with the music a lot of people play music in our town now we don t play as we did before in public we have to hide even now it s not like before. The people play music for weddings for gatherings but it s not like the for. Painful not being able to express yourself enjoy yourself musically as you did before that being able to do it away from home like here in London other parts of your other parts of the world more. Yes very sad because before we used to go and play in our country is forbidden and we re not free to play as we want in a way I think it s quite amazing for people outside of Mali to see how unified the culture is it s a bit like the fuller community. War the war. They are together they are together after the war they sought refuge in Mauritania and Bicheno But the trick have for a long time also been uneasy and also in Libya in Algeria and even in Sudan to. Go out to go or what. Is interesting that was sitting here in big concert hall and in the background we can hear very heavy bass and you guys are not young How is it that you are maintaining your leave them maintaining your stamina after 2030 years you re still playing and going strong and touring. The. World we maintain our health because we torics have always walked everywhere 28 years on the road and I m not tired there are some who would. All the way north to Libya. We just meet. Your. Melancholy. Somebody who s heard your old albums which have maybe a bit more elements this one to me sounds a little bit. Of course it s not the same thing through lots of problems in Mali which was on our minds when we were recording. Most of the songs about. Talks about peace and about the trying to find unity juicing about. Such a beautiful song this is not. Speaking. To me. From Mali from the b.b.c. News is next to. Surprises wars of words it s not your favorite t.v. Drama this is real life and its major news unfolds Morning Edition moves fast break it all down to give you context and understand what s happening in politics and when you need a break. With stories on science and art and even some humor. In every day from n.p.r. News. Mornings from 5. This is Connect. The live in p.r. And in p.r. . At 90.5 p. . H. D. 189 point one. And Stanford at $88.00. F.m. Southampton at $91.00. Or. Welcome to the forum from the b.b.c. World Service coming up after the news with me Bridget Kendall. They were the ancient horse Lords of the aeration step nomadic warriors who flourished 3 millennia ago and whose influence extended all the way across Liberia to the northern reaches of the Black Sea the legendary city of. Spectacular gold jewelry and other parks preserved in the ancient burial mounds tells us something about their way of life but what else do we know about this mysterious people I ll be joined by 3 archaeologists who studied the city and in depth and one of whom has even excavated an ancient mummy in the time mountains so join us for the forum on the city and off to the b.b.c. . Hello I m Tom what s with the b.b.c. News China has warned the United States that it will retaliate after President Donald Trump signed into law a bill in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong at the same time police are searching classrooms at the Polytechnic University where an 11 day siege has come to an end make be kids in Hong Kong specialist units are clearing a huge stash of unused petrol bombs 8000 miles away in Washington President Trump has lobbed a Molotov cocktail into the Hong Kong crisis at least in the eyes of China Beijing condemned the legislation which will require u.s. Officials to make a yearly assessment of whether Beijing has eroded Hong Kong civil liberties the Chinese Foreign Ministry accused the u.s. Of sinister intentions and promised firm countermeasures President Trump insisted he s acting out of respect for President Xi of China as well as for the people of Hong Kong to help bring long term peace and prosperity the authorities in the u.s. State of Texas have ordered tens of thousands of residents in 4 towns to flee their homes after new explosions at a petrochemical plant where a huge fire has been burning for hours the order covers a 6 kilometer radius around the plans in Port nature is east of Houston Crystal homes is from the Jefferson County Sheriff s Office right now we have a mandatory evacuation for needle and port nature and grove where they re asking that if you cannot evacuate to shelter in place we have nurses and doctors and firefighters and police officers and troopers and deputies that are all staying to make sure that everybody gets out a planned 3 day general strike in Lebanon to push for the formation of a new government has been called off by its organizers but an open ended strike by petrol stations that began on Wednesday is continuing Jeremy Bowen is in Beirut these protests have been going on for 6 weeks now and they re happening because a lot of people particularly young people very very fed up with the way that this country operates and there s a particular system here where.

Radio-program , International-relations , Industrial-processes , Industry , Chemical-processes , Industrial-workers-of-the-world , American-businesspeople , Elections , Bodies-of-water , Chief-executive-officers , Chemical-engineering , Unit-operations

Transcripts for KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] 20191125 040000

Nemi intellect trying to join in from a heart of shades and shadows on this transmission other parts of space. Life. Was. a man. The I have. A. The. The of. Name the intellect tronic journey for later when you shave and shadow on this transmission whether it s of space. We began our music by California ambient electronic duo ascendant down Tyler and Chris Bryant from particle horizon. And 2 pieces by Manchester England have been trailing Marconi Union from dead air a short piece by Los Angeles guitarist Mars Richmond and synthesis Peter granite are from p.o.v. And music by veteran Arizona synthesis Steve Roach from trance cracky allergy. We move deeper with 2 organic ambient journeys by New Zealand Musician Rudy Adrian from Woodland. And then in the deep south a dark ambient sound world by said a phantom x for musician apparence aka Brian McWilliams from y. Symmetry. And extended electronic environment by ingress synthesis tea and body from outer and more by Marconi Union from dead air. And we leave you this music by Japanese synthesis jitters talking harshing from light and shadows. This edition of parts of space was produced by Steve Davis and Stephen Hale you heard program number 1232 shades and shadows. You ll find our playlist with all the details about the music on this program in the program section at h.l.a.s. Dot com You can subscribe to the hearts of space playlist and get it every week by email for free for information send a blank email to info at a choice dot com or on the hearts of space website or a choice dot com You ll find searchable playlist for all programs thousands of links to help you find music you hear on the show background information on music and the hearts of space music service with on demand streams of every program since 19838 full time hearts of space music channels from electronic space tour all dandy and plus this week s show and the album archive it s all there waiting patiently for you at h.l.a.s. Dot com. I m Stephen Hill thanks for listening join me again for more slow music for fast tires on hearts of space safe journey space fans wherever you are. Pride of this is Steven Hill if you enjoyed tonight s hearts of space consider becoming a Hearts a space sponsor on k. High if you have a product or service to offer space fans can be very loyal customers you d be surprised how affordable advertising on k. Hi can be called 530-885-5636 tell me right information on sponsoring hearts of space on k. Hi That s 530-885-5636 safe journey for your space fans wherever you are. At that one a 4.5 k. To a 3 C.M. s Auburn head am 950 k.p.h. Ah ah. News this hour from townhall dot com I m Rhonda Rockstro the series Senator Roy Blunt marked National Adoption Month by calling for expanded tax credits for low income families who adopt Senator Blunt says a recent survey indicated that for about a 3rd of families considering adoption from the foster care system receiving financial and emotional support would make a difference in deciding whether to adopt and considering that some 50 percent of families who would like to adopt don t make enough money to pay income tax said her blood again this year proposing a refundable tax credit for low income families who adopt some 125000 foster care children are currently awaiting permanent homes buying new Capitol Hill the average price of regular gas dipping $0.03 a gallon to $266.00 over the past 2 weeks that according to industry analyst Trilby Lundberg in the they says she says that may continue to drop a few more pennies at the pump in late November as gasoline demand decreases adieu to the holiday season and the interrupted work schedules also combined with seasonally inclement weather pro-democracy candidates won nearly half of the seats in Hong Kong s local elections that according to partial returns Monday voters sending a clear signal of support for the anti-government protests that rocked the Chinese territory for more than 5 months the turnout up 71 percent that is the highest turnout ever recorded in any Hong Kong election where you can hear all the excitement here and that is because I was trying to a 3 year old democracy activist was just on the seat of pro-government incumbent who is held this seat for the last 20 years seems like these are being repeated across Hong Kong tonight the new very young faces of Hong Kong politics Rupert Winnfield he is with that report so far pro-democracy candidates have won 201 of the 452 seats more a townhall dot com. The mastering Ok if you really factor the 100 percent drug free supplement that was formulated by doctors to help your body deal with inflammation and pain the reason I ve told so many of my friends about the 3 week quick stop is because as we get older occasional aches and pains can be a real problem keeping you from sleeping through the night or during the things you love and need to do like taking walks will playing golf going up or down stairs or simply playing with your kids or grandkids tens of thousands on now like me glad they ordered the 3 week quick stop just 995 after years of back pain I found relief and I believe you could too folks this is why the father of the owners of relief back to Pete and Seth all but created the 3 week quick start and they discounted it to only 1995 approximately 70 percent of those who order it go on to order more let s see if we can get you out of pain to go to really factor dot com Really Fact dot com or call 805-8384 what do you get the techie nerd for the holidays and chili Walker reports how about your own personal assistant the 1st cargo carrying robot marketed directly to consumers is now on sale this holiday season and it s a little like a robot butler but it doesn t come cheap it s called geed and it looks like a large round red cooler on 2 oversized wheels it can transport groceries or just walk with his co-founder Jeffrey schnapps still reaching for the Keys the car will go out for a walk with the point says Co-founder Greg Lynn is to be both functional and fun we decided to focus on helping people be pedestrian and outdoors rather than giving them another thing to ride on that sounds like something you would like under your Christmas tree you have to pony up about $3000.00 Sunday birthdays Basketball Hall of Famer Oscar Robertson is 81 former n.f.l. Commissioner Paul tag 79 news and analysis at townhall dot com. Amazon says it s considered adding facial recognition technology to its ring door bell cameras the company is telling Congress the facial recognition is a contemplated one unreleased feature of its home security cameras u.s. Senator Ed Markey wrote to Amazon c.e.o. Jeff Bezos in September raising privacy and civil liberty concerns about rings video sharing partnerships with hundreds of police departments around the country now massage initial response to Marcie s said ring doesn t currently offer facial recognition but in a follow up Amazon said it frequently elevates based on customer demand and facial recognition as an increasingly common feature in cameras made by competitors such as Google Jeremy House reporting Nov 24th 1963 Jack Ruby shot and mortally wounded Lee Harvey Oswald the cues to sasin of President John f. Kennedy in a scene captured on live television more on these stories a Town Hall dot com I m Rhonda Rockstro And now another hour of the greatest music in the world it s Sinatra and friends weekend watch you buy me.

Radio-program , Elections , Taxation , Income , English-electronic-music-groups , Adoption-fostering-orphan-care-and-displacement , Family , Broadcasting , Marketing , Spain , Medical-terminology , Sexual-orientation-and-society

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191118 150000

Money on drink or drugs the people you re giving this to you still have a choice but you know that it s going to be a hot drink or some food it s going to be something that is helpful and they can go and redeem it when it s useful for them you don t know if that person is gluten free you don t know if they ve just. We re hoping that the scheme will give people a bit more of an option to be able to I guess take things into their own hands the research says as many as $260.00 deaths per year in Bristol could be linked to Appalachian a team from Kings College in London has been looking at the data which dates back to 2011 that doesn t include non-fatal conditions which could be aggravated by pollution such as asthma the most I found the number of possible deaths wasn t necessarily linked to the areas with the highest levels of pollutants. Bristol energy has posted losses of 12100000 pounds for the year ending March 2019 is the 3rd year in a row that the energy company which is owned and set up by Bristol City Council has posted a loss despite increasing its customer base by 45000. You in Bristol museum an art gallery of teamed up to create a new podcast series Uncovering the stories behind some of its exhibitions that revealing the uncomfortable truth behind some exhibits for example the links to colonialism with Stacey lake is managing the project as the world being so multifaceted multicultural I think is a different experience as a person of color stepping into a space you would not get the same feeling looking looking at an object knowing the origins of it and knowing that it s from a country the you are from and that s a completely different experience than a white middle aged man and going to that museum and I think that s 2 separate experiences that we really need to like tell the truth and the weather forecast it ll be a dry and fine afternoon temperatures today reaching around 8 degrees Celsius a frosty night to come with patchy low cloud temperatures tonight dropping to around minus one and staying mainly fine tomorrow and that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now for most prospering thank you riches Yes beautiful autumn day today in the West Country Welcome to the Sun Monday afternoon let s check the race with all of ahead and we ve got a few problems. We have is only a 370 on Bristol raids by the turning for yet and there s been a crash which you can get around that slowly backing up onto the high street and onto small way as well Duncan turn on the downs Bath Road the a 367 road works a back coming from heading out of the city really busy through the red line roundabouts Bristol on Temple way and temple gates and hang grove on Airport Road acing road which queues and the a for Keynsham is well into the broadly drowned about the bulk of those queues are coming from Bristol but it is also heavy from the sulphur direction north on the m 5 between junctions 17 Cribbs Causeway and junction 16 for tech West and Bradley Stoke delays they have cleared as the collisions come and he updates its own 8008559490 years. Haven t b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Might be sick on a Monday I know why it s a. Big . Thing. That you. Thank you and. The big. Thank. You. Thank you thank you. Thank you thank. You. Thank you. Thank. The our. You be 40 Red red wine it is passe b.b.c. Radio Bristol Welcome to the show it s Monday afternoon and we had we had a really fun time on Friday at the Marriott Cribbs Causeway over b.b.c. Children in Need a pale it was completely manic it was like nothing I ve ever done in my life and probably won t ever do again but thank you to all of you who came out and said hi and put money in the bucket so hopefully we ll have a total for you about how much she raised very soon indeed you probably will have already heard the amount the whole appeal raised on the nice round about $46000000.00 pounds which is just a phenomenal amount of money so if you manage to put any money in the bucket cribs thank you so much for doing that it was great to meet so many of you while we were doing the most bizarre thing I think I ve probably ever done coming up on the show this afternoon my guest today is going to be here in a minute is that John Hopkins taking on the part of Scrooge in this year s winter show a Christmas carol Bristol Old Vic which opens a week on Thursday and runs well into January loads of time to see it it was also the show last year there reviving it but with a different Scrooge So we ll hear how Joan feels about that in just a moment. In the news today is the start of Road Safety Week and we re going to talk to a woman from bus who had her life changed at the age of just 9 when she was not down by a car while crossing the road Also we ll hear about the delay to the massive development behind Temple Meads station to create a new campus for students from the University of Bristol so that s to come later connection to can look at that off in about half an hour s time brand new one the start of a brand new week and you re going to play and good a bad day to come as well also 2 years on the show from listener and simple minds and this one from pink walk me home. There s something in the way a huge bowl we re. Up to a petard. But. To be. In the other. So what. Was. To Adam. Who can be. Oh that s. So. Wrong. Yeah that s what me who I am by paying from the greatest showman soundtrack kind of the anyone in town still at 12 minutes past 3 b.b.c. Radio Bristol is Monday afternoon and it s clear with you let s talk to my guests today actor John Hopkins who is taking over the part of Scrooge in this year s Bristol Old Vic when to show a Christmas carol which opens a week on Thursday and runs through until well into January you re also recognised John if you re a fan of the i.t.v. Juggernaut midsummer night as John welcome to the show I very much for having me and over I think I mean reinventing it to be honest Oh yeah I m making it my own that I want to reimagine how much stronger Yeah I get that s how I feel about it yeah. I mean this is a really Familia story for pretty much anyone I think this is actually the show that Bristol Old Vic did last year that s right when I saw it so yeah did you see it last year I did say yeah it s good isn t it I think very good shot yeah it s a great I mean big picture is to film and I just think across was Cal is just the best story is more it s really it s such a universally relatable story because Christmas is a time of joy for many people and family and coming together but it s also a time of reflection and it s a time when you can look at the look at the last year or where your life is and not feel so good about it and that then the joyous thing Dick. Captures is the possibility of reinvention the chance to start again and it s never too late to do that and you can start again and become a different a better happier person and that s what he that s what he tells us and that s a lovely lovely story to take away or you can become a grumpy so you can become your own story that you can start good and go screw you . And you re playing the part of scream. Now do you know why they changed actors from last year maybe you want involved in the whole thing I do not know that s a really controversial question doesn t live on and I m not sure I know I ve met Felix who played it last year because he s currently in Cyrano de Bergerac of course the Old Vic come and see it now but I haven t sent him what you want me to do then you know you would if you walk out. Someone obviously hate someone but who is it was some kind of creative different I ve got no idea how we do it we should be discussing nobody but I don t know but someone s loss is my game because it s an absolute joy of a part to play he was really good because it s quite a complicated play there s a video of it filmed last year so a distressingly large amount of my rehearsal involves watching last year s for Tim and then going can you do it like that. You can t do it better can you just try and do it as good as that. Generation Game moment so. I know how good it was and I know how good he was you know I m sure he wasn t fired yes this is this is this is who he was on this show last year playing Scrooge and now you John and I do much about him as all us did yeah I m following in his footsteps I know everywhere but he s better in the interview as well and let s see and see if you that s nice. And then we ll judge the whole thing and so you know in rehearsals and you ve been doing that for a while I think about 3 and a half weeks in you have a final week of rehearsals Ok yeah absolutely songs being learned still not to remember and there s a lot if in doubt humbug if in doubt. Just vamp on humbug and someone or some of you know there is a lot to do and it s a really spectacular show. As well there s magic and there s dancing and there s and there s songs but it s got this sort of rather dark gothic timbre the sort of steampunk ethic. And anaesthetic I say which which really sort of pings off the stones is very it s yeah it s very Nightmare Before Christmas yeah this music and this isn t and lots of incredible music where the lovely Gwyneth heard it it s almost a musical it s not musical I would say but it s there s a lot of music and also when there aren t songs being sung there s a sort of slow pulsing rather evocative underscore going on so it really it s a really evocative show it s a really sort of enticed enchanting dark Crispus jewel do you know what Scrooge is meant to look like. Me exactly like precisely I mean I think it was. John Hopkins I be a bit I might be a bit on the young side to Scrooge but you re not you re not you know I mean I m slightly wounded but I would say I mean you re handsome and you re good looking man I was thinking Scrooge bit more gnarly. And yeah I know what you mean I know what you mean. I think I m going to try and be a bit more gnarled in ways and in performance than I am now but I also think that it s quite a physical show. And there s quite a lot of jumping around and running about and things and so on and so forth so I don t think you want to be too wasn t to get through it but Felix last year Felix Felix should Felix with shaved his head and drew another really big beard yeah I haven t had time to do that no I m not saying my head is. Going to grow the beard he s doing I m doing the best you can I m doing the best I can I have to shave it from previous jobs some working on it and come at it later in the run and I ll be more recent. So we ve talked about this story a little bit and I wonder if the whole world knows that story I don t know I think we re talking about ghosts of Christmas Past of Christmas Past and Present and Future Yeah a man who a man who s made all the wrong choices and on Christmas Eve is. Shown Well sort of 3 awful things really 3 he s shown all the things he did wrong when he was younger he s then shown in the present what everyone says to him about him rather behind his back and then he s shown what will happen in the future and how he will die and be unmourned it s pretty it s tough it s hard it s like it s a full on what I believe is called an intervention in certain parts it s a major intervention but it really works for him spoiler and yet one doesn t he s been told so many times Michael Caine with the Muppets I know yeah I mean yeah a lot of people s favorite because he plays it really straight he never notices that he s talking to socks. Bill Murray did a version I was thinking that s. Like that one as well do you have a favorite I actually remember watching Scrooge in the cinema as a kid and really loving that because he referred to point earlier is at that point very young man a sort of you know up and coming you know 980 s. Executive but the coldness in the Wizard and was and this is in his heart Yeah so yeah and the book itself have you really read the read it s all know it s really it s really. Ready for this. It s you know underneath all of the sort of. Pyrotechnics and the supernatural stuff there s a there s a serious social conscience to Dickens which there isn t a lot of his writing in the foreground we have we have the parsimonious Scrooge but it s against a backdrop of incredible you know deprivation in London and of people suffering and you know sort of 19th century version of austerity and of people on the streets and songs over. I think we can really well you know in London now you can you can really relate to that yeah yeah it s a really good point and let s talk about because we must I mean this is a perfect target audience midsummer murders you played saw Scott said So you like the side kick to it when you nettles or Dudgeon nettles I was now. I was the 2nd sidekick so I was I was the 1st time they changed it it was it was a guy called Daniel Casey played Sergeant Troy and they were the originals John and Daniel and then I stepped in to great great lack of a claim of what I was I was really young and I was quite bad and I didn t really know I was doing. And I had to learn how to drive because I ve never driven a car before it is truly scraped through my driving test. I only had one chance to pass because if you fail you have to wait a month and by the time we were filming so I was taking my driving test No I didn t offer it knowing that passing was dependent on them doing the job and I got like 11 miners or something and just about got through. It and then the next time I sat in a car and drove a car the 1st time I was driving a car that didn t have either an instructor or an examiner next to me I had the guy played back and there was like a 500 gram camera strapped to the bonnet and we were doing dialogue about someone who d been murdered in jab and I was like I couldn t I couldn t believe what happened to my life and I was terrible so I Bunny hopped a lot and I nearly drove into a pond and then on Episode 2. In the script to John John that was going you know I m going I forgot my car and there goes oh never mind I ll drive I never . Ever do that it s funny you know but I love that I love watching actors pretend to drive because they never actually look at the road to the. Very poor road when you know if they re if you know if you want to trade or something like that if you re if you re on the back of a truck yes wobbling around you know thinking about it I was really thinking about it you can sell it all I m thinking about. Thinking about the jam at all I m just thinking about I was trying to do a car chase but I didn t know I had not learned how to cross my hands when you drive so I do not tend to too. And I didn t make a corner as a result of me driving to cottage where you the worst cop in all in all history cops on Talley I think we were all pretty bad I mean how many people don t like it on average 666 per week now no one was winning awards really further for solving crimes I found this amazing blog as you have a look to the Met some of his blogs No I ve not been around many I ve not opened that bag of snakes many Sure so d.s. Danny I m quoting from the blog him d.s. Daniel Scott played by John Hawkins you join the cast amid some of his in 2003 a cocky Londoner he is a gas being posted to an area he regards as the stick that s right and then this is brilliant d.s. Scott was never formally written out of the show he s just been in one episode and never mentioned again yeah I never came back I never came but I was. It s really clear that I ve either but it s a Felix haze in Christmas Carol might have either been 5 or something happened exactly that exactly that. I was a sort of young ambitious actor then. And I ve done a lot of theatre and I found myself in this for 2 years and I enjoyed it but I slightly lost my mind filmed 10 months a year which is quite a lot and it was what s called 11 day fortnight so 5 days one week 6 days the next you get up at 530 get home about 9 at night and during the day stand in a field behind John Nettles slightly out of focus. Getting things wrong so he could get them right for recapping the plot after every outbreak and after about 2 years I lost my mind so. Will I said I said Yeah I basically said let s ask 100 percent pay rise and then maybe they ll give me 50 percent and then it ll be worth it with 2 days to go they said we think he s worth 5 percent but not much so then did. Walk and that s the that s a shame that because I would have gladly done the final episode or been killed or been a murderer or crashed my car finally I thought cliff but instead it s really clear that something s gone wrong because then Ben then. D.s. Ben Jones Tex and you know his name is after but yeah from what most elusive that s because I don t know I m not sure where we go that s just that was him that was my that s my mitts. And they were talking about early 200-2000 it s all about. 5 still showing the 73 Yeah absolutely I can never say but yeah well it s wonderful yeah they re still making it I think they are still wearing it yeah I think so yeah thousands of episodes there s a lot of it and it goes or it goes on all around the world still I was hiking the Appalachian Trail 2 years ago I was coming out from behind a tree we re going to the toilet and an American man said You sir are an actor on British television. That was in the middle of the like redwoods country. Goes everywhere and the the whole upshot of the murder it s always to do with witchcraft there s a lot of fun witchcraft are all about Absolutely it s so all we must do witchcraft and then just trot it out every week it s the it s basically I mean they knew what they were doing which was selling archetypal idea of Old England not just to England itself but mainly around the world you know $108.00 countries so they were going for you know anything that was a bit weak a man a bit pagan you know you know look the Lord in his manner and so on and so forth that was that was what they sold. Slightly too strongly I would say. Producer eventually had to leave after making comments along the lines of only you know using a certain type of actor for that reason. There s a great spoof of it at the moment in a b.b.c. Show called family where they do where they do a sort of blaxploitation 1970 s. Midsummer murders. Midsummer something something murders have something. Them. Incredibly funny. That s brilliant Wow Wow what a thing you must get Let s turn to the mid some of his blogs well. I m not sure I m going to have you in the back of that we got enough time left in your life you know not to read analysis of every single episode all right and Ok you ve also been told all I was important for families to hear that was that something was really funny yeah it was it was all filmed in Bristol I didn t do any corner stuff because all the Comal stuff was the experience down the mine on the cliffs going from anywhere to anywhere you. Anywhere anywhere at all riding on the edge of a cliff but I was all indoor smoky rooms politics and stuff like that so I did that for a couple years until I ran out of things for me to do and then I was doing it as a pattern here yes it was you know what I did that left me I didn t leave that gate and I just read today that there is a t.v. Adaptation of a Christmas carol coming to your actual telly where when it was most great going as it is it gets people it gets in people s heads again they think you know well go and see that Bristol that I won t I won t go see a press like I ll see Mike from Neighbors. As I m sure he s always referred to yes I m sure he was just like to point him still yeah oh that s good to know yeah it s always I mean it s a great story and your name is John Hopkins Do you ever get mistaken for the university Johns Hopkins no one has been aware of that being the whole thing when they mean obviously but yes Americans especially it s like if you re an American and you were called the London School of Economics It s a curious secure is going to. Lead a life it is direct you know I think in this yeah and I also had him on the show when last year when it was 1st time around. And he said he s a great he s a really really interesting he s extraordinary sort of he s a real showman. Which I like I mean he s a. Obviously a proper theater director as well and we can we can talk about motivation and character stuff all day long with him but then he ll just pull some amazing magic trick out of his ear as it were. An actual magic trick it s quite a magic in this year we had some we had some magicians come on the other day to teach us various bits of conjuring and magic and reveals and things like that some of which you knew from the previous iteration did you have to be fast tracked into the Magic Circle I did as I thought there were a lot to it I mean it was an idea you have I don t understand unless these guys are sort of renegades from the Magic Circle or so they ve been thrown out of rebels. Exactly the magic splinters killed but you know I don t know I don t know they didn t I thought we re going to have to sign something if you get to do Harry Potter that stage show you have to sign lots of things and they take your phones away but this is all just yet do that do that put it behind her and put it behind your back look over there and then bring out. A few new one of those in the show so that if you ve seen it before that s a reason to come back there would be some different magic Well that s the thing because we want to encourage people who have seen it last year you know to come back yeah yeah because obviously you are different quite a few different yes. But half the cast of changed basically there s a young George who s still in it s from last year and the musicians the beautiful going to her and the rubble where he s. Got the most amazing we get I think from and she has yes she looks a bit sort of looks like a horizontal Bride of Frankenstein That s right. On the poster so they re in it but we ve got. We ve got a beautiful that could Steven who. Certainly wants the show which is signed and sort of translated live as well so speaking b.s.l. It s there s a lot of gorgeousness in it and it s got a huge amount of heart as well as being I think really really funny really funny and laugh out loud funny and then and then touching and you get you get to watch a man s soul being saved to sort of in real time that s a lovely thing I think yeah and actually I remember the big. Quite a few kids in the audience and they loved it as well yeah just as probably like the sort of magical elements although they really got into it and they love yeah there s a drought in there and yeah glad to hear. Especially you even though they haven t seen it especially you playing that so that s what I love about that yes. Yeah I think there is this sort of dreamlike quality to it I mean sort of a slightly theory quality which which works on all levels ages 7 and up I believe has been speaking because if you go just but nothing too drastic do you do any or do you books you ve got amazing speaking Thank you I do I do do I just started doing what happens to one of them I do I do video games as well as my years my grubby see that s my little grubby side so is it do you I don t if you play video games I don t know I don t know but in between the bits where you get pew and shoot things there s normally a base of story which is which is like a little cinematic film so there s lots of little little what they call cut scenes in there so I do that and I play lots about his play American baddies in video games I feel like you were Agent please get me somewhere. Anything else I want to talk about it s good donor organs I m brilliant to meet you thank you so much for coming on so much please going to see the show is going to be a cracker really looking forward to this one opens a week on Thursday 28 from every you ready. It s like. Going to be fine yeah you know 28 I remember till the 12th of January effect thank you so much John Hopkins Grayson all of it go see it sounds. For me. In every. A little. You can. Know my. I.q. . I used. To love. To know. The bullies. I just one of. The best. The. roses Monday afternoon and find out what s happening already has the latest high on I don t Claire on the outskirts of Duncanson on the a 367 there s road works with temper traffic lights coming from both which is through the red line roundabouts at the Broadmead roundabout as well so hold ups on the bypass coming from Bristol on the other side back through so fill in Bristow ng grove on Airport Road and Temple way and Temple Temple way up through those roadworks and seeing if you delays pretty much screen farm for only a 39 because of temper traffic lights as well on the a 370 on Bristol raid that s busy as ever will there be crash by the 10th yet and has been moved out the way and yet they call us to be hands free in legal it s 80085599 generally now just to clarify this is Tom Walker b.b.c. Radio Bristol star of Jonathan part not the singer yes really annoying the more famous names so I ve done a couple recently one for the extinction rebellion thing where they ve shut down London and I did one when there was a big pain in the middle of Oxford Circus because people know who I am now it drew a crowd so it was really weird having to film pretending to be this reporter with people cheering and clapping as I went along in exactly the same thing happened outside Buckingham Palace because I did one recently about Trump s visit Jolene are politically is really difficult to keep up weekday morning some find the moment and I mean it s for a long on b.b.c. Full b.b.c. Stereophonic shop at the end. 20 minutes to a full b.b.c. Radio Bristol would be on a Monday afternoon how you having a nice day weather is lovely today if you like cold crisp autumnal type stuff instead of the city battering dam a rain love it good stuff today right then let s crack on because we ve got a brand new week of connections for you and kicking off today all you have to do is list not to the clear list not to the Chins up it s easy as well put together and tell me what you reckon the answer is the soft name it could be potentially one of a few things I was thinking but see if you can suss it out the point is to listen to the Chuen in those jeans are up to say sing song title sing names think lyrics and get in touch with us if you want to have a guy take your cold. This afternoon 1st up pain but your is here is a staff News Connection player and it is what s being revived it s not me what Spain revived is a connection clear this afternoon and here are those do you. Like the fact that. The body with. Us. Oh so many good to use Assaf today in all this and those are just 4 of them what s been revived is the connection clear the Saturnian might give you another clue as we go on that was see how you go this one what s being revived is the connection clear listen out to the tunes they will hopefully help you make the connection the Saturnian song titles yes artist names will help and also lyrics will help you hopefully make that connection what s been revived is the connection glue and hit is the number you need to call cool 3 on only has an 8 Fine thank you 950 good rubber Texas 81 triple 3 is how you do that place out the message with Bristol and then you ll get your name way from stick all of that in the text message and send it to 81 to pull 3 is the number you need or you can tweet me at Cadwell it is on Twitter and lots of you do that at Cavil s or you can email cloud or kavanah at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And see a doc kavanah c.a.v. a n a G h at speed b.c. Dot co dot u.k. What s been revived. Is it can a clue what s been revived I have a think about that and listen to the tunes and hopefully you ll be able to suss it out over 80055949 Alfre phone number. Was about me how you. Talk big time flavor the money. With Ariana Grande day and get as Hal quoted to full b.b.c. Radio Bristol and Monday afternoon and it s clear with you on the plane the connection at this could be one of I would say $1.00 to $2.00 maybe 3 or 4 maybe 5 or 6 things it s all you have to do is focus in on the Chines and suss out what the connection is a soft inane and the clue is what s being revived and what s being revived and it s something that you may have come across in the last 24 hours I want spin revived is a connection can you tell me what you think have a listen to the teaser and have a listen to those tunes pick out the useful bits song titles yes artist names lyrics they will help you to write the connection the Saturnian and then get in touch with us once you ve got an answer you might just want to have any old get one of those that s perfectly fine with us get in touch I ll tell you all the ways of doing that after you ve had another listen to the teaser what s been revived and here are those cheap. Which. Is funny listening to that Duran Duran track planet Earth mixed around the other songs some very thin doesn t it production wise yeah maybe they can put the money into the state 10055949 if you d like to get in touch and tell me what you think it says assassinate the clue being what s been revived what s been revived at tell me what you think 3 if you like to text instant message with Bristol then you guess then your name and where you re from and press send you can tweet me at Cavill is how you do that at Cavil on Twitter or you can email kavanah at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Alfre phone number I remind is this so called free on only 8 Fine thank you 94 someone is on the way by a group of Bristol s finest musicians listen up for that and get guessing what s been revived is the clue and song on the why not c.b.c. Radio Bristol and for you we can upload or get a brand new house and although we played with Adam Carolla this week it s been this is about. When we play live it s just a completely different experience it s wonderful played your content Ok to b.b.c. Don t care don t you Kate slash play these guys bring. Them out to my sound and if you heard Chris s guitar say that you would agree it s insane amount Tylenol. I feel super super lucky to have met these guys from Saturn on b.b.c. Radio Bristow. Here we go then with song One song is absolutely. Unfinished. And at. Some point in the last 20 years come on at 12 minutes to phone b.b.c. Radio on a Monday and the clear this afternoon it s been revived tell me what you think. 94 not all free phone number or you can text 813 stuff that messes with. So rhythmic sorry beautiful love that massive attack on finish them but the track won today on the connection by some of Bristol s finest musicians and Sharon Nelson is a woman who sings on it and I remember the video I think it was filmed it was filmed somewhere in America maybe Los Angeles and it was one of those where they did it in a single shot and they just filmed the whole way through and that was the video which was rumored to be how they did want to be by the Spice Girls but apparently that was a fib which is disappointing you know when you ve trotted out saying oh by the way . What s been revived is a connection to this afternoon we ve got a few. Not I hate but a few. See how you get on with s one the thing is it could be one a few things listen to the chance they will help the song titles names and lyrics will help you make the connection the Saturnian hopefully And if you just want to have I guess you can do that as well what s being revived is a connection played today. $559049.00 if you would like to give it a go you can text. 3. Or if you re on Twitter and You. Have. What s been revived. A massive attack on Finnish sympathy and to that the. Planet Us. 880594. The message with. Tell me. Connection track to cancer and your branch of. Planet Earth from 1980 was really that far but you know my goodness I m old truck to tell me what you think of 80085594 I get in touch with your guesses please love to hear from you this afternoon if you just want to have a gas that is perfectly Ok with us if you re not quite sure but you think oh maybe it s you know the. Get in touch over 80085949 is a free phone number you can text 83 star a message with Bristol and or you can tweet me at scaffold is where you find me on that their Twitter much less controversial than literally anyone else on Twitter and all you can e-mail don t kavanah at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Connection play this afternoon what s been revived what s been revived also as a guess is coming in today I love days like this what s being revived keep those guesses coming. From Weston super Mare to bar room bring to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol and remote connection tracks on the way the other side of the news now it s 4 o clock with the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News Richard Lawson Good afternoon a 300000000 proud project to transform the area behind Temple Meads in Bristol has been delayed by at least a year University of Bristol is building a huge new campus but the b.b.c. Is learned it s already fallen behind shadow is our reporter Keith good in the temple water enterprise campus runs next to the train line and is on the site of the old sorting office it will be a purpose built. Center for hundreds of students and staff and is a vital part of the university s plan to increase overall student numbers it s a massive project and up until now the university has said it will be finished in 2022 considering work only starts on it next year that s always looked up to Mystic but now they ve confirmed that the target date has slipped to 2023 saying they want to responsibly manage the program of works and ensure they realize the full benefits of the campus the conservatives Labor and the Liberal Democrats have all be making their pitches to business leaders Boris Johnson told the c.b.i. Conference he d perspire 6000000 pounds worth of cuts to corporation tax to invest in the n.h.s. Jeremy Coburn insisted he was not anti business saying he wanted prosperity in every part of the country not just London s financial centers and yes when Sense had the Lib Dems with the natural party of business because they wanted to cancel Bragg s it Prince Andrew has been facing a backlash for not expressing sympathy for the victims of his friend Geoffrey Epstein ensuring an hour long b.b.c. Interview the prince who denies allegations about his own conduct is under pressure to tell us authorities what he knew about Epstein s criminal activities. A woman from Bath is urging drivers to pay attention to driving safely It comes as Figures released from National Road Safety wake show that $260.00 people with are either killed or seriously injured on the roads in the radio Bristol area last year imagen co-author a from Bath was just 9 years old when she was knocked down by a car had brain surgery and tried everything to be cured and that s it but I just won t want to go away learn just what is known as a loss just because of my memory Hollands which is chaps the humiliation and I just want people to just be so grateful that they can they can get behind the Will they can do what they can get to where they want to get to they just have to pay attention. A new scheme has been launched in Bristol which allows people to buy food or drink from someone sleeping rough the Billy chip is a blue chip onselling cafes which can then be given to someone on the street to exchange for food or drink mega Abernethy hope runs the v.a. Hope Foundation which is behind the idea she says it s about giving people a choice it s the nation that you don t want to be an enabler to somebody he may have a drug problem or a drink problem by giving them cash I think there s always the thought that actually this isn t going to help because they would just go buy drugs with it and I know that that s sort of not our choice and you know when we have that money Eva we re giving it to that person and it s for them to do what they want with their new project in Bristol is aiming to reveal the story behind some popular museum exhibits that we may take for granted uncomfortable truths as a poke cast made by the Bristol museum an art gallery and the University of the West of England it aims to tell people how some exhibits were collected and the David Cole pass that might be behind them Simmons s the you think Gage meant office or at the museum many museums there in I developed during this of Victorian times we know that during that era that was you know colonialism is run well in place really at the moment a lot of museums are starting to be more truthful about that example law what that really really meant and finally the organizers of Glastonbury of confirmed that support McCartney will headline the festival next year I believe has said that having the former Beatle headline the Pyramid stage for the events of 50th anniversary was an absolutely dream come true. And the weather forecast it ll be a dry and fine afternoon temperatures reaching around 8 degrees Celsius today a frosty night to come with fog and patchy low cloud Los tonight of around minus one degree Celsius and staying mainly fine tomorrow and that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now for minutes past 4. Thank you Richard I wonder if he ll open with a front chorus thing one of his finest songs. Maybe you never know it will be off.

Radio-program , Meteorology , University-of-bristol , South-gloucestershire , Broadcasting , Driving , Tests , Virgin-records-artists , English-electronic-music-groups , Experimental-rock-groups , Traffic-law , Theatre

Transcripts for BBC Radio Devon BBC Radio Devon 20191113 150000

120. B.b.c. I am a china girl on b.b.c. Radio Good afternoon and welcome along here we are it is the 13th of November not long to go now is that until the stuff of Christmas closing day I ll give you all the details and ask a little bit later on has it going so far as the rain belt cleared through where you are we were told yesterday with a really heavy rain again on the way in where I sit in your face there s like a skylight right above me and I do mean that Scott I was there until the rain started a few weeks ago they definitely is some heavy rain again the softening his Victoria was telling us and it will give you the latest on that later on today world kindness day and even calling to someone today if not why not you need you need to sort that out also symphonic metal day now I m unsure on how I should have done better research among sure whether that means we re talking about Metallica working alongside the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra or whether or not it s making classical music using bits of metal but whichever way kind of works to make Indian putting day to day so it s time to dig out if you think that having a carry tonight cull feets a full life Today s the day to celebrate right with Abba is on the way for you in a 2nd to place in layer your level mate will update the travel news of the England Dan. And. Not. Just. To. Really love to sing is the suffering that if me just after 10 past 3 although I know the track. Wake this week from the scripts it s really really good being listened to again to be working this morning very very good track from that for you later today s the start of the lighting up few days you next to for Christmas lights going to check in with one of the organizers of that 5 day kind of mini festival thing right. Find out exactly what is going on with that this. Is coming in. Question This one s really. Some of those for you when dozens and dozens. And the question. Now rewind and the home run. 101 I 3 for it could be their way of putting on the fly at around about quarter to 5 right trannies up day start today some goes down as one of my favorite. Love on b.b.c. Radio Devon. The bank. The bank was. The material now coming out of my dealer to himself. B.b.c. Radio. Reports of the a 3123 partially blocked in both directions due to an accidental cross traffic which is good a 38 traffic westbound between change in the manager and roundabouts on the trains t.w.r. Services between xterm Weston super Mare disrupted by engineering work and cross country services between Bristol Temple Meads there s a bus service replacing the trains that again to engineering work traffic is doing fine bridges around a 10 minute way we 3 ferries running between Devon boards and point up days to get married the softer. 12829. So summary released a couple of months too late from. Her Thanks Mulai 9 seconds on b.b.c. Radio Devon I am of course of Goldman Laura at breakfast they are going to be back tomorrow morning bright and early 5 o clock Doris here why she s here considered really a mass to be said at some Are they going to big day details on wife seaweeds the focus of a new exhibition in Exeter. I mean an e. Could eat seaweed there are other things you can do that as well apparently Anyway details tomorrow morning also why 50 children from chattily about to hit the international stage how cool is that bag smart because the golden years of the golden hour from 9 o clock to morrow morning now we re going to track my of the week for you next week up to Gordon sparks and your James and breakfast this morning we spoke to the ministry of fun Santa school they train sound as a stand ins for the real one around the country and they re dealing with a show Sage I m very excited about I m golden voice you ve got a very rich voice I give you your house I think you might have what it takes Merry Christmas everybody. Entering you went a bit creepy on me there oh sorry there was a little that s a message that we need to up the judge we also heard from a group of women in learning carpentry part of a project hoping moving to take control of their lives with a new focus breakfast is back from 5 tomorrow catch up on b.b.c. Sounds on b.b.c. Radio Devon. B.b.c. Radio Devon How come all of those when. They re on tour is well soon the scurry to give you details of the nearest place we can catch and where we are at this though from Sun so soon full moons is called to her game on b.b.c. Radio Devon. So much use of tears just. To . Choose. To. . Live. Without so. You told me I should lol. The scrapes and again from sunsets and 4 means which is our album in the wake of the say they re about to go on tour when they get Christmas off and then they go from here the ride right across Europe actually they start in Liverpool at the nearest they can source of Fortune I think is Cardiff which is going to be a March when they go right the way through until middle of June as well and they re off to Holland also to Belgium and Denmark as well so loads of chances to catch them however you re going to need to travel at another track from that album tomorrow afternoon at around about 20 past 3 now if you want to get in touch as afternoon drive don t forget you can if there s something important maybe having a celebration maybe you ve just had a particularly good day at work and you want to share it with Devon we need to do is drop a text at one trip or 3 Start your message with the word Devon You can call as well it s a free call 08008101 of 3 for the way for you from Take That we call some Barry White we got the new chain from the Pet Shop Boys and this from the cats in Crow I just died in your arms tonight on b.b.c. Radio Devon. I. Back to playing. Computer chip. Right through the series of the various radio stations you can listen to the time different styles of music for some reason that s the one that weighs your mind driving the. It s the way forward is now I got to say good afternoon to dance you know cantons been in touch said had a lovely day today building a new studio from the ground up what kind of studio is this you know King together a t.v. Studio radio studio What is it picking up the kids now shopping venti and then hide in the warm Don t blame me it s a great plan what a good day. Travel News. On the way for you make some take that going to find out what Kerry was up to this morning as well. As want to look into his name but anyway I wrote assassinates 2 parts reports on me a 3123 partially blocked in both directions due to an accident a Lynton cross traffic coping well there be a 38 curing traffic westbound between affordable interchange and the manager and roundabout and even some size slow traffic on the a 377 both directions from 5 Elms lane to acquire a cross on the train services between extreme western super Mare distracted by engineering and on cross country services between tickets and Parkway in Bristol Temple Meads bus service is replacing trains g. 20 nearing work traffic is doing fine on the time of bridges around 10 minute waits with 3 ferries running between Devonport and 12 points if you can update us that travel I number we can reset at the end of it waiting for you call these 12829. B.b.c. Radio examiner. Edward. Thank . Don t really can do no wrong. And giant song b.b.c. Radio Good afternoon to you school runs to long. Fingers crossed you ve you ve about stuff for Christmas 2019 if you haven t come on these 9 days left it s 9 days to rehearse it planned it and possibly sing it and record it and get it into us for grabs that chance to go and appear on stage alongside the commissions at the Riviera center in silky on the 18th of December how Christmas is that get a baby there s bound to be Christmas trees up and around you get to sing your Christmas song on stage it s going to be filmed you could be on b.b.c. One on spotlights as well which is a pretty cool Christmas presents. Find out the details b.b.c. Don t go to ek Ford slash Radio Devon there s a really Christmassy kind of silly star thing on there click on that and all the details pretty noticing everything you need to know is there 9 days left to really Stickley 8 to give yourself a day to sort it all out get the teachers to. Send it all in right away for its National Radio Devon for the details now Kerry was in this morning looking after things the fits and really rolled out the red carpet it was a dramatic day today because none of of Matthew Bourne Dons director extraordinary choreographer to the stars has been there he masterminded the all male Swan Lake ballet back in Plymouth now a Theatre Royal with a classic story The Red Shoes now he says the city is symbolic of a very special time of year I ve come here for many years now we just we started at the barbecue actually when we had a small company my company started very small we used to play the barbecue and then we moved on to Theatre Royal So I got to know it very well and seen the changes over the years it s quite nice when I come here at this time every year because Christmas starts to happen always when I come to Plymouth it starts all the decorations start to go the fairgrounds starts to appear you know and it sort of happens while we re here so that s all was something that I think about with Plymouth that s when Christmas starts so nice and happy to be here which is in the pop in the lights and I think it s tomorrow isn t it for us that they. Knew where I think I m bringing a wave you the red shoe yet was based on a very famous British film probably the most famous film about dance at that time and made in 94. About the weird and eccentric strange world of ballet about ballet company about this girl wants to be a great dancer and the original has because Sharon is wrote a story called The Red Shoes and this film was called but they base the story around the sort of myth of the girl who puts on the red shoes these ballet shoes. Suppose in this story and she can t take them off and she can t stop dancing and it she dances to death that s a classic So they took that metaphor of how dance can be something in the sea you re very passionate about the you want to get involved with but the conflict with other things in your life like falling in love with someone and the relationship and the pull of your career against your private life that s what it s about so it s sort of an Equine Adult fairy tale in many ways there s a lot of magic about it still. To the 23rd of November when they carry she was going to be doing something we should use on the show today very excited she was even more excited when I get. To be in the building I m going to be in trouble. That quick. Of course it s. Just so. Very wide. And you can listen to the air for the next 30 days right after Barry White. going to be sure the trip we ve made. Sentences that requies the. Business. Of the Christmas. Question in around 25. Reports of heavy traffic. Very slow traffic a threesome for the Plymouth right in both directions in the right works the a 38 traffic westbound between the 4 the valley interchange and the manager and roundabouts traffic steering final it s a mile bridge run a 10 minute wait we 3 ferries running between Devonport and toll points if you can update us talk to Gary this afternoon it s 12829 it s that time of year again when we turn to the absolute. Runners all for the raw. Data for it because it s time for the b.b.c. Children in said gets everyone to get up and get ready to make a difference he said we ll watch is a Brinkley. Tell us what you re doing but think she s children in need by emailing now to Brady Devon b.b.c. . And get you ll support a kid today such b.b.c. Children in Need This is b.b.c. Radio play that classic kids like. The touch. Slow slow. Slow slow. Slow. Slow leg. Below. Love that Pet Shop Boys with years news that s dreamland the I m confirmed for just after Christmas a looking forward to that now there s loads going on across the county we re moving into the time of the year when the Christmas lights are being switched on we get all facts Steve there is the season of goodwill towards men well hopefully anyway and happening over a longer period the next time this is a great idea the Christmas lights switch on happening over the next 5 days now so many can tell us all about cities and hunters the pavements of me next it s days to start isn t it and so where where we actually starting high right here in just a little over a doubt will be kicking off the 1st about not like event. North and South Street in the heart of it so we did the idea to do it over the 5 days high is a great idea because he s going to see extends that feeling of goodwill and happiness yet really don t there in 2018 we celebrated a one day event in the heart of Victor on the high street and that attracts labor sort of 26000 people with an incredible day and here we decided to shake things up a little bit and sort of spread that Christian love approach by night by day and celebrate each. Separately but of encouraging people to eat. Well the city and making sure that the community is fully involved in each of the 5 nights the thing with the x 3 I mean people always talk about this quarter of that quarter wave but the the city makes it has very distinct feelings in different parts of the city just from making any kind of sense that and that s what we re trying to celebrate with these 5 night. Launches tonight on South Street then we move to Queen Street and Gandy street gunship beautiful make up of independent businesses we then move on to street which is relaunching itself with cross. Makers we then move to the High Street and celebrates it about central display of like and then down to 4th Street again with its own unique identity celebrating the festive for St Louis so you re right each quarter area has it has a very distinct feel now I want to get you want each day so we can talk about what s going on in each area so so today then South Street and North streets. It s the cathedral green lights as well as neat stuff as well I think. Some of them Ok be turning out on Friday. Nights which So what if we got there if we were going to come out tonight. So he has to be saved. And that s why we need some Christmas lights the chairs all up what you know what there s something about it isn t it because when the lights go down in the Christmas lights come on it s a different come a quality of lonely you know absolutely and it just has that for atmospherics feeling to the city it s wonderful brilliance what we got if we come out what we look forward to tonight from 5 o clock we ve got the roller skating president and p.j. Mart character doing a meet and greet hometown St between $545.64 that s when the let the mainland to parade will be and that s the makeup of the choir and children carrying lanterns. Should be a real display of sort of community. Groups that move back to p.j. Mark characters and then key to the event really is the sounds of the sirens get up and down to the fire and the local. I just think the local people along to join them and I think that s a clash of the people and that s the brilliance of people in a funny way you do have a social media or not online presence where can people find out more yes either online next to dot com or following Instagram Twitter Facebook all the all the lineups across the board might. Be great when is why people can use their hash tag that they can put their own pictures up for various things that they say yeah times 5 nights of like excellent. Excellent brilliant thanks very much and we will talk again tomorrow afternoon and find out what is going on and where it s going on. As part of Crete I can t believe we re talking about Christmas but we are smart more Leone rhymes come fight the moonlight because the movie that came from that was Coyote Ugly if you re looking for a feel good movie to sit down with a great soundtrack. Brilliant Def Leppard when they pull some sugar many times did a number of the songs from that including But I do love you which is absolutely brilliant that was Don Henley in excess Nat right makes a music great film as well right let s find something else to do across Devon then now this one bites my interest now I know it s just over the border in Somerset but will let me go on Apple can see is a friendly welcoming women only acapella great and capella groups have really grown in popularity over the past 2 years they were huge and break up years ago but anyway giving you a chance to go along they would welcome you to go along there and enjoying their joyful noise Christmas choir nights in their happening in the run up to Christmas over the next 4 weeks now the events are on Thursday evenings starting tomorrow night 14th of November finishing on the 5th of December Now if you if it ever thought well I kind of like to join a choir but I don t really know anything about it this could be the one for you so they say that they are quite happy to welcome people coming from Devon and that they do already so you will not be alone but if you want more information Apple County chorus at post basket dot com is the e-mail address Apple County chorus place basket dot com final chance over the last couple of days to see an exhibition by the internationally acclaimed Potter Manda going on at the steam gallery in beer until the 15th and all now we ve been asking you of the policy days as well to tell us about the events that you re involved in at the Children in Need and again we want to know so if you re doing something funny for Pudsey it doesn t have to be funny could just be something very serious but you re raising a lot of money for Pudsey please let us know there is a there s a couple of things here one. Pudsey could come along you never know we ve spoken with his handlers and he s attention so he could come along Secondly you might be able to come along to the very very exclusive live television performance which is going to be happening on Friday night location secret because it s so great they way you could be there at let us know just drop us an email radio Doc Devon at b.b.c. With the details one is happening is actually happening on Saturday. And the movie based are more boarded Maryse troop troop side is next a side of Mauresmo they re having their annual event is happening tenants who for. Bedford thirds Bedford Square in Tavistock last year collected over $1500.00 quid 6 hours of dancing in and around Tavistock Bedford Square doing it again this year if you want to go along I hear that Pudsey is going to be there as well which is great Christmas lights getting turned on at a quarter to 6 you can find more information on their website www dot more border Morris dot com That s one word more Morrison dot com so as to say if you want to know about something you re involved in that you can send it to the same e-mail address that you send it to normally for our friends Devon events one word of babysitter Ok for the radio dot Devon after b.b.c. Caves Well if you re involved in a vent for Pudsey for children in a day which is of course Friday let us know and you never know the Big Bear could be that the sound of damper was. Accompanied with a pledge that. Was. All digital b.b.c. Sound the silent after death of a b.b.c. Radio. But 7 sneeze at 4 I m Victoria Mitzi the 1st public hearing in Donald Trump s impeachment inquiry has begun in Washington the president has accused is accused of improperly seeking help for me crane to investigate his presidential rival Joe Biden a child which he denies the Democrat chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff open the televised proceedings and he s Mr Trump of trying to obstruct the inquiry president has instructed the State Department and other agencies to ignore Congressional subpoenas for documents is instructed witnesses to defy subpoenas and refuse to appear and he has suggested that those who do expose wrongdoing should be treated like traitors and spies but the Seine a Republican on the committee Devin knew Nez said the hearing was a sham anyone familiar with the Democrats scorched earth war against President Trump would not be surprised to see all the typical signs that this is a carefully orchestrated media smear campaign. Royal Mail has won a legal battle to prevent a postal strike in the run up to the general election and Christmas the high court back to its application for an injunction jus to potential irregularities during the ballots of workers indorsing the industrial action the strike was called as part of a dispute over job security and terms of employment the Communications Workers Union called the ruling an utter outrage stating in a tweet that it was represented 110000 workers 1st says the establishment a man s been punched in the face in an alleged road rage just sold implements the 2 men got into an argument after pulling into a lay by of food or valley road on the b. 3413 near to the Liam roundabout after a collision between 5 50 pm and 6 pm on Friday the 7th of November when the victim a man in his forty s says he was punched in the face receiving a facial injury. Planners have delayed a decision on a mobile phone mast for the knee 5 g. Network at the entrance to Holiday Park at Paignton which has been called an I saw Beverley holidays objected to the 20 metre replacement mask in mast in good ringtone wrote fearing it would put visitors off concerns of a possible health effects of also been raised to a council s planning committee voted to defer a decision for negotiations to see if another site could be agreed the application is on behalf of and 3 the government s advisor Public Health England says health effects are unlikely. The charity which provides counselling for teenagers in Devon says the number of young people asking for help with anxiety and depression is going through the roof but the service called Young Devon says funding uncertainty has had an impact was our school it is head of the wellbeing and participation service at the charity we need to contract 12 months we need to be able to be looking at things for 3 or 4 years at least and then we can really Lance and those systems and some young people can t find counselling you know the left look very hard and because service are quite short lived have gone or they ve they want what they were offering before and response the Devon you think why are we service which is commissioned by the n.h.s. And Devon County Council says it s considering introducing longer term contracts at the start of the next financial year. Extra based airline Floyd b. Has announced it s to extend winter ski routes from Exeter through Easter as part of its new 2020 announcements the extension. Was was. Was was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was.

Radio-program , Light-sources , Lighting , Road-transport , English-electronic-music-groups , American-singers , Kindness , Streets , Transport , Radio-bbc-devon , Stream-only , Radio

Transcripts for BBC Radio 6 Music BBC Radio 6 Music 20191103 170000

For a lazy Sunday track that is a cover version thank you very much Paul who is currently prepping a beef bourguignon in rainy low and when he says please can you play cakes a version of I Will Survive it s a great version and perfect for a laid back Sunday he says I love the show especially the French fancies with thank you very much Paul loads of other suggestions too let s see we ve got a number of requests for this track mark in Bristol and rich have both asked for Jeff Buckley is how the Luca Mark says I 1st heard it at my grandad s funeral when I was 11 brings back some sadness but it s also utterly beautiful and to my mind so much better than the original Rich says that there s been a number of dreadful saccharin covers of that song of how little the to quote Jarvis he says but the version by the amazing Jeff Buckley really is in a class of its own will keep your suggestions coming 64046 is the text you can tweet at b.b.c. 6 Music it s got to be chilled out it s got to be fitting with our lazy Sunday and it s got to be a cover version. So now we re going to go into a little bit of a coal ash mode for those of you that enjoyed the show that we did London Calling the 40 year anniversary of that iconic album and presented the show a couple of weeks ago with Penny Smith the Don let s and Johnny Green and chatting about the album and you can catch up now on b.b.c. Sounds if you missed it but let s get into that clash zone Shelley. Cover version a brand new Cadillac. Live Tainted Love a cover of the Gloria Jones track that was covered by socks huge Lee popular and now I have lined up for you a track by toy it s called Fun City it s taken from their upcoming covers album Songs of consumption which is coming out in the 15th of November on trade love records and this track was originally a Beside on soft cell s 12 inch single Say hello wave goodbye. To. You Chad. Oh boy it s fun. To. See smug. Fun fun. 6 My favorite cover version is take on Neil Young s I. Thoroughly agree with you. On the other side of the 6 Music News. I have another absolute corker for you so don t go anywhere let s get the latest headlines thinks . This is b.b.c. Radio the b.b.c. News at 530 I m Lisa Costello a Scottish Conservative m.p. Is standing down after being accused of sexually assaulting a Labor m.p. In a Commons bar last Thompson who s 32 and represents Aberdeen South denies any wrongdoing and says he s the victim of a political smear the leader of the backset party Nigel Farage has announced he won t be standing to become an m.p. At the general election he s previously failed to win a seat 7 times Mr Farage said he d focus instead on travelling up and down the country supporting the party s 600 candidates the conservatives deputy chairman Paul Scully has warned of a very real threat of the u.k. Not leaving the e.u. Or tall if the Brits at party splits the leave vote we differ as we probably. Differ on some of the. Terms of the Deal or No Deal that we end up with afterwards but you have to beg the question what are they trying to achieve as knowledgeable for I want to be known as the guy that stopped the Work and Pensions Secretary Trey s Coffey has made no commitment on future payments after the government announced it would lift a freeze on benefits next April Labor says the announcement is cynically timed before the general election Mackoff he said the decision was weighed year by year but it made sense to remove the freeze for now we have to make an annual judgement that s the role of the state pensions but the good news is that what s been happening is that the economy has been getting stronger and stronger and for the 1st time we ve seen significant increase in average earnings and that s why pensioners will be seeing a 3.9 percent increase next April sharing in that growth in in wages and the general strength of the economy people in the Indian capital Delhi have been told to stay indoors because of toxic smog is choking the city the air pollution has all . That s the city have moved up to 3rd in the Premier League the Crystal Palace Rangers will face Celtic in the Scottish League Cup Final after training and that s that 6 Music News the next update at 636. Takes. On b.b.c. Sound 666. Was. Was Fire appears on their wall of video from 1980. S. . California new ways. Of course. Of the classic Johnny Cash track Wow is that the time already where did that come from. Time for. Time to kick the can relax because this is officially the moment when your Sunday afternoon instead of their very gently into Sunday evening and we ve been asking for your lazy Sunday suggestion of cover versions of that to be chilled out of course to carry on with our theme and Robbie joins us now hello Robbie how are you. Good Where where are you at the moment Robyn current almost at the pub. Left with my with my wife to come to the approach if you look like they re enough to bring in the Sunday evening and we re back home to what part of the world are you in right now we re in Bristol Eastern Ok And is that your local pub. There are you going to walk in and is your drink going to be like waiting for you know you to. Be so I m probably going to like but I don t know either way I ll get in and what have you been up to today than before you had a dog I m a confirmed really an annoyance rag and we ve been getting our house ready because we ve got baby coming on. Thursday and the last little bit well the 2 days so you know you never really know Ok I was going to say Are you sure it s coming on Thursday because you cannot be coming on to plan for these things unless you know you ve booked and you know too posh to push and all of that. You know we re not going to be doing any push and we re going. To make great you know really living in a good way. Wow So is it your 1st baby as you know. So these are literally your last days of the last Sunday that we have together this could be the last transition from Sunday afternoon to Sunday evening a little person 1st quite special Oh my gosh that is a very exciting so what kind of preparations have you made I mean are you like well stocked up on nappies in oh yeah we we pull a prayer which is a really poor we only go about once a day because we ve been given the good stuff but it s more and more just around the house sorting out some blogs and some work on the older stuff that we wanted to do so it s likely to play a bit more stuff for us. Very well and everyone really. Well exciting times around yours you know I m really honored he took the time out to have a chat with. A living. So tell us what your choice is of lazy Sunday track it was I couldn t go on probably. Obviously originally done by the knife which is unbelievable I love tonight but it s close and it s just incredibly shearling. Could it be very very lovely and sentimental for a time as I know how wonderful. I think about that little that little baby on its way. There s crossed for Thursday and I don t know what. It means I get take a look when we re up to Christmas you know. It s like Ok well I hope it all goes nucleus misery as a man and we ll play this for you and for and for the little baby who is now a little baby. It says has a good solace and heart beats thanks so much trying to. Gloria Hey Jed cover of a Donovan song $965.00 and that is from Gloria s album e.p. And that was released last November on ample play which is Ginger saying and then as from corner shop it s that label want to squeeze in the southern track Crazy Now it s Jack medley secure men and people are strange. Live . The Lead.

Radio-program , Alternative-rock-musicians , Synthpop-new-wave-musical-groups , Synthpop-musicians , American-singer-songwriters , Elections , American-composers , Singers-witha-four-octave-vocal-range , English-electronic-music-groups , Sire-records-artists , Masculine-given-names , Sequenced-genomes