they re so boxed in by identityo politics that yonceiveu cannot conceive of a democratic ticket that doesn t have a womann you person of color on it.e be and pretty soon you re going to line up behind that latino and you re going to have to have a deaf eskimo. now, the democratic party is not liberal anymore. gro instead, they are a far left group of elitists. they want to transform america comm their communal equity based society, that they controle ca cradle to grave to the tomb. but they will rulen with an irn fist from washington, dc, th and their perfect world. there is n o dissent, no individualism, no freedom, no checks and balances. just one party rule in perpetuity forever and never here. now,perpetuity for with reactio fox news contributor is leo 2.0. terrell valchek founder traviste leel. n tovicet your reactio the vice president s comments about the hurricanthe, equity yu and people of color. i ll tell you right now,e of she s playing race politics. she s a i m
0 children and don t join gangs or sell drugs or spray painto d things or shoot people? why not try that for once?or they ll never even etc.. reminder, our first interview with tony babinski tomorrow, fo 8:00 pm for the hour. before we go check on our friend trace gallagher.r he begins as main anchor of fox news tonight, midnight here on fox. we ll see you tomorrow. here s sean. all right. and tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity.hort tim and we start with this fox news alert a short time go . japan issued a warning to itsr h citizens to take shelter aftern they detected a missile launch from north korea by littleir rock rocket man. he s back atec itiont that he ff in their direction. thankfullyul it la, it landed ae threat has now passed. and we can now see the wholestil world can see all these hostiled regimes around the globe. sarouh are they emboldened by a weak american president ? we will analyze that. also now here at home, we areenb only five weeks away from these all impo