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Transcripts For DW Shift 20190810 10:15:00

and bennetta won the award for the weekend s most valuable player for her house for the rest of africa s basketball lovers the future is looking bright. you re watching the news from berlin up next shift with an in-depth look at how women worldwide are using social media platforms for fight violence and discrimination back at the top the hour with more nukes sit with us. i m secure that my war that s hard and in the end is a me you re not allowed to stay here and more we will send you back. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers we re alliance. what s your story. ready on what numbers of women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture.
another villa turn out and yet you want to become a citizen. in 4 migrants your platform for reliable information. over 800000000 people use the internet in china but things look a lot different there than elsewhere facebook and google are blocked for example what s the internet like behind the chinese fire wall i want topic today. most of the world uses products from apple facebook and amazon or. but not china there are 3 homegrown tech giants dominate the industry they re called by do
. and handsome also known as be 80 in china but i do replace a google is for e-commerce and is more popular than facebook is here but that s not all. by twos maps service instead of google maps where you go instead of twitter and tweet chats instead of what s. in china separate providers for almost every online service available in the west but they re far more than just copy. in many fields like live streaming. and online payments chinese providers have become global leader. stockman is a professor at the hattie school of governance in berlin and an expert on china s digital trends she says uses play a big role in these developments one main difference between chinese users and european users that chinese internet users a fast adopters so when there is
a new platform they were. try it out. we chat alone has more than $1000000000.00 users a month. pain is the leading mobile payment service it works in supermarkets and at restaurants hardly anyone uses cash in china anymore uses can even but doctor appointments. we chat is like without it getting around in china isn t easy . social media platforms like we chat for example emphasize less the distribution of information but more social networking so we chat was invented as a means to develop what s called in china. social connection. video streaming services are especially popular in china. instead of future and this flicks 10 cent video. popular
platforms for short videos that last around 15 seconds are flooded with $800000000.00 visitors each month. the current market leader is pythons with a program. outside of china we know it as to talk. and the other innovation to video streaming is on the platform user comments are displayed live as the video player. things are trending more and more towards live streaming the market leader. 25000000 active users every month the company takes user supervision very seriously with the help of ai more than 1000 schulman contant managers monitor streams for violations they look for pornography depictions of violence and calls to violence but smoking on screen or showing large could also get your car a lot the tiny state has started much earlier than us based
and european platforms to develop a vast institutional infrastructure in order to control and censor content in the west this is called clinton moderation in china they call it content management but china doesn t stop at moderating content it s created. and enormous fire wall to shield his users from the rest of the digital world this comes in handy for many chinese path forms because it eliminates foreign competition but it also makes it easier to silence uncomfortable opinions how does it all work it is basically a huge huge vast either net connection that is connected by a very few stormers to the global internet and. because all traffic has to go through these servers the chinese government is able to block certain
content in china foreign websites are mostly inaccessible when the content the scene is not conforming to chinese government regulations their ip addresses are simply blocked that applies to google the most you search engine in the world as well as the user administered online encyclopedia we could p.d.f. and even less websites. chinese online services are usually censored before they even reach the public show chang is familiar with this phenomenon is a human rights activist and editor in chief of the china digital times the advantage of those chinese companies are the promise of the government they harbor compasses to censor and control are like contracts so they will not they will listen to the government or they will actually preemptively deleting lot of the contents before the internet police even take a look the messaging up we can use algorithms to prevent the transfer of photos in
real time. canada s university of toronto citizen lab found this out the image of an empty chair commemorating a dead human rights activist simply doesn t go through to chat partners in china. so if upload a picture to share with a friend it s immediately compared to a database if it raises concern there the pictures are simply not sent the whole process is completely automated with image recognition software while it s technically fascinating the socio political consequences are terrifying she was young says online censorship has massively increased under general secretary xi jinping now the chinese internet it s much more a politically quiet place. it s a still commercially very vibrant and culturally still full of activities
innovations. in the last of its political action intense of a lens has all but politically silenced china s internet but the government is not satisfied with just blocking and filtering out on one of the pinions it also keeps looking for new ways to use technology to its advantage the communist party of china has its own and it s been especially successful. digital politics the communist party of china citizens in line with a little red app in the beginning of 2019 she jungle which means as much as study to make the nation strong was the most downloaded app in china even more than we chat and do you mean. the propaganda tool spreads the views of the general secretary of the communist party. uses must register with a telephone number and their real names in order to study political articles to comment little puzzles. coupons and prizes just like in mobile games
hong kong activist is critical of the way millions of chinese people are directly manipulated in this way he says the voluntary civic education platform is a surveillance tool. in china and it shows how. true it propaganda ideology there we go muslim minority in northwest china they are being monitored very closely. region it s like a testing ground for total states available police officers into what s called the integrated joint operation from the program collects extensive personal data and flags individuals who appear potentially dangerous the organization should. and rights watch analyze the program on its surface most of this information looks like
standard fare for police but as we dig deeper into the hour we can see that ordinary routine regal behavior is being treated by authorities as suspect the data gathered in citizens is shockingly comprehensive and includes information ranging from religious affiliations and driver s licenses to employment records and even gathers data on residential energy consumption movements patterns of filmed by the ever present surveillance cameras if something appears out of the ordinary consequences can be devastating for example it s helped single out detain approximately 1000000 people from the week are minority. recent studies show that the state is not only monitoring residents but also foreigners who enter the country by land at the border police install an app on their smartphones that scans contacts images videos and voice messages for certain key words there are 73000 terms deemed suspicious even the picture of
a mosque could raise eyebrows and other chinese regions surveillance is not as massive here the internet can also polls a great opportunity this is possible in theory as long as you stick to certain rules. one way to start online discussions and spread news is way about it similar to twitter and it s china s largest micro blogging platform when they use wave or they re using it as a means to. come out with news stories that then often are picked up and go viral and they re picked up by market based media and then funneled into the center of public discourse one example is a discussion of a working hours that the founders of the startup dimension have kicked off they developed encryption software but on the sign they engage in the fight against the heavy workload from the tech industry. the so-called. 996 phenomenon working from 9 in the morning till 9 in the evening 6 days a week is a violation of chinese labor laws. they also speak with successful business men
like ali baba founded jack mom who compares work to love. despite all this it s very important to them to not be perceived as political activists here s what they had to say in an interview the 1st question he asked me if. i was just. part of this. is that. i know. despite various battery is online political debate is possible in china to a certain extent. chinese internet users are incredibly politically active and they can criticize policies specifically leaders becomes more sensitive because as soon as you mention a specific person by name topics become more sensitive and if you organize collective action chances are that your information your messages will be removed.
when we look at the internet behind china s fire wall we get a glimpse into the future there s live streaming and mobile payment but there s also reaching surveillance and have the state control users and platforms alike are quick to censor themselves to avoid sanctions this makes a free and open democratic discussion practically impossible behind satisfy all the internet culture and economy surprisingly dynamic vibrant and diverse but personally the prize i d have to pay for that would be too high for me what do you guys think that was on you tube facebook and e.w. dot com that s all for today take care and see you next time. the middle of the. view is clear as mud hill you want to get close to nature
i want to try it. just one constantly change on the big things the much. exploring. punching kicking the can do any thing any cost specializing in enjoying. g.w. . the world is getting worse and. lords could just refuse a month from. the global $3000.00 talks would seem british researchers to take a more optimistic view. though while it is not always a good plan but it s much like the airliner one. is the rules really getting better

Story , Smugglers , Part , Violence , Women , Numbers , Culture , Victims , Platform , Information , Citizen , Villa

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190911 23:15:00

score 8979. this is he doesn t use live from berlin for the latest jihad to our website that is dot com i m having a. thanks for your company and c.c. . we speak different languages we fight for different things that s fine let me also make up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom for us global news that matters d.w. made for mines. it s all happening coach of pretty.
sure link to news from africa and the world. your link to exceptional stories and discussions can you and will come to student news after coming from grammy night from one to many from the news of easy town while with safety deputed comes the traffic come join us on facebook at g.w. africa. as. best as d.w. muse africa coming up on the program the call for national dialogue in every breath public appearance from converse press the beat box which suffered as leaders to jail talks to bring about peace. on the brink of extinction the north and why it s right there is hope scientists are trying to break the fast getting to rhino baby to lux and we ll tell you how.
i met you micah julia you re welcome to the program is. call for national dialogue to end the bloody separatist conflict in cameroon president paul b. i gave iraq public statements in which he announced plans to hold major talks in an effort to bring peace to the country for the past 2 years under foreign separatist have been fighting for independence in a war that has killed 2000 people and displays hundreds of thousands be called on the separatists to surrender on promised they will be pardoned. because. it s a sign of the severity of cameron s crisis that the president the man who doesn t usually appear in public address the nation on t.v. many had gathered to hear his call for dialogue.
i have decided to convene from the end of this month a major national dialogue that will enable us to seek ways and means of reconciling the demands of the people of the north west and southwest. and all other communities of our nation. no tonight show. dialogue is sorely needed in a country that has been mired in a bloody conflict between the army and anglo find separatists who demand independence for the north west and southwest regions of come rain. it s a conflict that has left more than 2000 people dead and forced tens of thousands to flee across the border to refugee camps in nigeria. last month the leader of the angry phone separatists and 9 of his supporters were sentenced to life in prison and move that has left even francophone cameroonians skeptical of
b.s. message. as i know our angle of phone brothers this dialogue will not succeed since the leaders have not been released. really i don t want to be like this but their leaders can be in jail and we say there s dialogue. that you don t you need to free people in jail to talk about doggedly i don t deserve it when people are in prison who are going to talk to you is going to he s talking about national dialogue who is actually going to have this dialogue with not to give a devil good question and questions since for a genuine effort at national dialogue in cameroon all parties will surely need to come together at the table. joining me now is did of your reporter plays a young boy in cameroon. many thanks for your time now president be. public speeches so why now. that s correct. honey
talks to the nation sometimes twice a year why no president has been in power for 26 years and all the want that he has done in this country to all the rigs because of the un crisis a lot no one is talking about anything that he has done for cameron everyone is talking about that and in full crisis or he needs to solve this problem before he needs follow up story he said he has already been here for the 6 years also they go based on that immense pressure in and out of this country pressure from us from the african union from the european union everyone is talking about the crisis so i think the government is trying to do something the government is trying to show and they re doing something if you listen to the species the when that person was talking you could understand that he was not just talking to terrorists he was talking to the international community so the government is on my intense pressure and they are trying to solve the crisis this crisis cost the government a lot a lot of money currently the regions of africa they are on the shutdown and this
this shows that the country is losing a lot of money that the now he wants to have a national dialogue to address the crisis what separates us and the country how feasible is this. oh 1st of all start by saying a lot of people who work on this move by the president call for national dialogue also we we have heard even from our moderate voices as they re calling camera who do not believe that this is fear is very possible all the government the government really means business when the government talks about organizing dialogue is yesterday the president raised the question here asking questions that everyone is talking about don t know who are going to die don t we and then at the end of the species eases e.-w. was involved everyone but before that he also said that all that out calling for secession are living in poverty just like germany and all the western countries and it should be prosecuted there so people kind of i mean this is
a sense that the government itself is not really willing to solve this problem but again this is a bit too early to do to talk about this is possible ok plays a young bit of your reporter in boy cameroon thank you. it s a race against time to save this species the northern whites right only to female ryan who s live in the last meal died last year and now there is hope a team of scientists has successfully created in vitro embryos of the northern whites rhinoceros a spam was have a step from your right nose of the same species has been celebrated as the mouse stone age trying to rescue an endangered species. these are now seen and fed to mother and daughter the last 2 individuals of their species in the world the northern white rhino. the last male sedan died last year
although the 2 rhino ladies are still very much alive those species will become extinct when they die excessive poaching was their death warrant that and losing their habitat but an international group of scientists hopes to bring the north and white rhino back to life with the help of frozen sperm collected from 4 rhino balls before their death after years of perfecting the technology the scientists have been able to harvest egg cells from the 2 last females a risky procedure. they almost have to understand why we were so tense we operated on blood vessels that a verse big needle can make a hole of 2 millimeters and when such a big blood vessel is split or pierce the animal complete to death that s the shuffleboard done for the test here. but it all ran smoothly
right after the operation in fact 2 went grazing and took a much bath. and the scientists way successful they flew the harvested excelled to the lab where they were fertilized with the activated sperm cells. isn t it well it works dreamily happy to say today that we produced 2 blastocysts from the exiles. these are early embryos that have a very high potential to develop into a baby from by these blastocysts these embryos have now been put in liquid nitrogen and so we ve achieved a new life of a new hope for this patient s noisily in lawyer hoffman fifty s art the embryos now need to be implanted into a rhino uterus but as you know in fact you are both sick and can t carry
a pregnancy to term anymore so the researchers have another plan the closely related southern white rhino ism are abundant species the plan now is to implant the embryo in a southern white rhino surrogate mother but they have to move quickly now you know in fact you might not be able to give birth but the right no baby would still need them. this isn t a northern white rhinos of and they must pass on their knowledge of how a northern white rhino behaves to the offspring and. that s the time pressure where on the talk. the researchers are still working on the implantation procedure for the southern white rhinos but they hope to bring a small northern white rhino baby to life in the next 3 years. i m on this race had vine mileage and director of all projects i can 7 see which is home to 2 of the world s remaining not in the white right hello richard it s nice
having you now how do you feel about soon have been the baby white rhinos not the white rhinos. no i mean it s exciting the the fact that they ve managed to produce embryos is very exciting that we need to call it a qualified success we re a long way from getting a lot of ryan is on the ground because they still have to perfect that perfect the technique of getting the embryos into surrogate mothers as their produce viable pregnancies that will produce cobbs and so we need to get a lot more embryos we need to develop that technique and hopefully in the next one to 2 years i m not sure exactly of the timeline we ll be able to see cops says an exciting moment in the process but we have a long way to go now we had the only 2 female north and white rhinos left not feeling well how are they doing now i think that feeling ok they re just getting older one is actually still compares and the young one is one is quite old now she
has problems with have feet but they re in good health. but they are they have reproductive issues which means they can t. reproduce naturally and so the reason for the i.d.f. the in vitro fertilization process that we re undertaking. so you know it s a race against time at the end of the day everything gets old and everything everything eventually dies so we need to get as many embryos or at least as many eggs from them as we possibly can before they die but in the meantime they re in good health they re on the heavy protection and we intend to go after them in good health for as long as possible ok 1 may ask why is it so important importance to save right news. it s a good question 99 percent of all the species that have ever existed on planet earth have gone extinct so if you think about the dinosaurs they went extinct millions of years ago i think i think this is a slightly different issue the truth is as humans we can live without right as it went to affect our quality of life particularly but actually what is happening to
the northern white rhinos and the efforts that are now having to be made to recover that species should be seen as a signal to what is happening to millions of species across the planet as we speak largely as a consequence of human activity and we re currently in an age of extinction which is the fastest that has ever been recorded in the history of the planet the dinosaurs probably went extinct or at least a 1000000 or even longer at least a 1000000 years women making a 1000000 species at least of it with that we were given the latest latest estimates that have been been published we re making at least a 1000000 species go i think in the space of a probably 10000 yes i ll say that s that s really the issue ok i read said vine my den direct tells all the jets i can 7 see many thanks for the time it s a pleasure. that s a phenomenon d.w. news africa you can catch all our stories on our website on facebook we ll leave you with pictures from zimbabwe where crowds of god that awaits him there it s hand
of god is the body the former president died in singapore why do you have the blast meet his remains arrived wednesday absent in zimbabwe s capital harare we ll be covering the events of that for you to the next time it s 5. into the conflict zone with tim sebastian. here in london it s still all about bricks of course johnson has shut down the fractious and i agree column of my guest to this week is andrew bridge a conservative m.p. and leading critics it supports a move or strong so now i ll say the law of the condiment was put in front of him
so for 60 minutes to go for. clothes and somebody adventurous of the famous naturalist and explorer. to celebrate the nixon go from the most 250th birthday morning on the floor each of discovery. expedition in boyd on. a real olive branch from beijing or just another distraction and nasty dispute china spends some tariffs on your supports does the move put both parties closer to reaching a deal well they get the. also coming so far it s just a trial run to cameroon but soon and you could help and african farmers identify

Score , Student-news , News-africa , News , Many , Deputed , Grammy , Safety , Town , Traffic , Facebook , Gw

Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20190925 06:45:00

lens on germany s erstwhile industrial heartland the rouer valley. and since the beginning of the 19th century they re a fixture in sicilian folklore look into the traditional horse drawn cart that still charmed the island s tourist. was a critical moment for sun to. this past weekend the young finnish conductor debuted with the berlin philharmonic orchestra even though he s already a star in scandinavia with no less than 2 orchestras in his charge in finland and in sweden the true test for the 33 year old was on the continent so let s see if he passed. to watch. movies like a percussionist because he is one. and
. they are. they can do different things so when you read this and. then somebody shows some little figure and then somebody shows some other thing and even. different you can think of many things i think that the help of the cautions. works regularly with 3 or 6 weeks a year of guest conducting but also finds time for what he calls his forth position his farm in finland and going hunting and fishing with his young son fishing together even hunting together his 5. he loves to eat the ducks hunting but it s ethically and morally clean it s the right thing to do it s bit of time to buy a chicken from shop because the chicken has been in the cage but i run after my meal and then. that s how it looks and that s how i sort of get the
music and then i can be enough that i m not a mile. high into the. normal or not sun to my t. is he has been stirring up the classical music world. even with 3 known berlin philharmonic he knew exactly what he wanted. legendary orchestra can strike fear into the heart of many a young conductor but asked about them and of all the sounds self-confident and very nonchalant. it was so good that i think it s. it yeah it s slightly different than i m used to they want to take time for the better on sol and quality of sol and how the sound is formulated and intimation . so it s. like this. not this.
they also have this but it s the secondary thing. and my colleague the author of that piece was actually at that performance and person welcome right thanks so much for joining us i don t know about you but i was absolutely astounded with that last sound bite when he said what he said about the berlin philharmonic being a good orchestra that s going to be understatement all of the year pretty plucky from the from a 33 year old conductor and then not only that rather than waxing enthusiastic about this body of musician he went on to say i think it will be a nice experience so am i sensing there was some tension there tell us how the concert went off in the end i wasn t there for the entire rehearsals but i had the feeling there was tension like the blues are saying who is this 33 year old trying to tell us how to play you know as it turned out. it was more than
a nice experience to reveal g. major concerto elise sirah the soloist was jazzy in he was very fresh absolutely and the main thing was the sibelius you had this elemental pure pristine pure and sometimes breathtakingly beautiful music by the sound quality of the berliners and the energy of this young maestro who as we heard is that this was a percussionist so he s quite unusual as conductors go also played in a rock band goes hunting with his son. is this kind of typical of this vibrant new generation of conductors that we re seeing maybe along the lines of a. bit where you know i think conductors thrive under individual differences but that said all 3 have a body language with a huge vocabulary they are physically extremely expressive and it s actually relevant to the music you can watch them and understand something about that was just the. they move their gestures the other thing is they re all 3 very media
savvy and they know how to market themselves korean says kind of like a demigod but his rebel rocks. and european very very open to all kinds of music and so is hoover. and they re all just absolutely brock solid with their material that s my impression too they are absolutely not just the good looks and the and the charisma you know they rehearse and rehearse and rehearse and rehearse until it s finally just right as does go by the way to corrupt a trick of the new chief conductor of yes well we know how wonderful he is now what s the deal with finn and let s get back to that so many unbelievable classical musicians comic and of course conductors coming from there from such a relic from a relatively small country where you know he explained that to me he said it has to do with finland being sent reached in this tiny country with a language nobody can speak sent which in between the slavs the russian in their temperament and the more reserved nordic countries and also but just look at their
history 100 years ago music was part of their search for a national identity and now fast forward to today look at their school system entire all of europe is looking at finland to find out where all of these high performers coming from what are they doing right he said it has to do with music education too they don t cut corners he had a real orchestra to work with when he was studying conducting which is quite unusual for a young guy just learning the trade absolutely they really don t scrimp on their music education and ok i ll get to know a son too much yes but i ve only made good with the berlin philharmonic from what i ve heard actually i think they even liked him and that was the 1st of 3 very important debuts for him this year right with the new york philharmonic and the concept of our in amsterdam coming up big program we wish you well and thank you so much for the full kerf running i m not you heard it from us 1st we did thank you for what. well on now to a jazz musician a virtuoso on the trumpet in fact but talent doesn t stop there is also
a sensational photographer and is a native of germany s rouer valley or part region as it s called he s as blatantly direct and honest with a camera as he is with his instruments. this is how he s best known as the man with the trumpet at home on the stages of jazz clubs around the world. but still has a 2nd passion. he spent a year shooting in the region for his project melting pot. personal view of the former mining region one location one a special place in his heart the rhine slack he. left over from the old colliery. now offers a fantastic view. of foreigners from the mix there you see the
next like cave and the one after all crowded together it s a very densely populated area but from up here it looks like a vacation. the repurchasing of places for something else like these like sculptures that fit through the region absolutely. landscape but also characteristic of the rouer alongside industrial structures in harsh black and white suburban or places soft green. the close down so far and it is now a cultural heritage site. but the people who haven t changed at all still down to land rights. quickly see the mentality which is very straight and clear and very special it s very direct and very open hearted and how to get mentally to. pictures of people from the region that bring us closer to these tight knit
communities some pictures capture the somewhat bizarre and the humor of everyday life. callie. a lot of what i have seen is not at all funny i believe that parts of the room have just been left to themselves and it s important to put your finger on this and to show what s been left in a study to. the breaker signs to the region visible here but it is not judging he just wants to show us what captured his attention. that stuff finally we re headed to the beautiful island of sicily to see how utilitarian vehicle evolved into something akin to a storybook on 2 wheels the horse drawn cart is closely linked to the history of the island it was originally used of course to transport wood and agricultural goods and now it s the colorful safeguard of an endangered set of craft and customs
. the exit in the italian town of szekely hundreds of wooden carts with elaborate carvings and paintings moved through the streets. the parade of locals and musicians celebrates the long tradition of wooden carts in sicily before cars came along these carts were the main means of transport on the island. for me this car represents a tradition that i was born into. back in the day the constant for a job that could feed the family just like my father my grandparents did it was work 1st then passion with a passion for being sicilian and the passion for our history whether you like it or not it s simply no blood the cart represents life. that today the wooden carts are only brought out on special occasions. frankel don t sell i want to preserve this
tradition to assisted by his family he prepares his cart for the evening parade. it was the greeks who originally brought the 2 wheeled carts to sicily the credit he says in jani have been painted since the 18th century the director of the regional museum in terracini. says different regions develop their own styles and designs that i thought that will much count tells the story the customers would choose the design some images were very popular others were transformed over time the 1st carts had religious depictions which later changed to heroic deeds or historical images. of. the sicilian cards are unique in the world now their efforts to protect them as intangible cultural heritage and official.
unesco designation. and i can highly recommend a ride in one of those well rolling to a halt for this show you can find more on those stories any time on our website at e.w. dot com slash culture in the meantime for myself and the team here in berlin all the best from tough you just. can t believe.
in syria no mercy in germany no guilt. a surprise visit to an alleged war criminal. the confrontation was preceded by research that pushed both investigators and reporters to their limits. criminals in germany tracking down my son s henchmen. to song 30 minutes on. the choice of knowing the world economic forum 2019 on sustainable development from new york business how do we create a market for people who want our answer to that question would be to involve people in the planning for those markets involve the young people take our 8 years as crazy as they might be v.w. presents a high profile panel discussion hosted by seroquel a few minutes double. that
. and i m just going to brand new w. from the bottom of it s personal device and it s about topics that affect us all on a solution to climate change and the turn. check out.

Lens , Old , Continent , Percussionist , Movies , One , Things , Thing , Somebody , Figure , Guest-conducting , Help

Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20190903 21:45:00

almost me shooters suicides of old mary jo of the end of the city. bumps we begin with the nominations for the prestigious booker prize one of the most important prizes in the literary well this year names like salman rushdie and wood on the list join file man of letters david leavitt s to take his through this and an impressive list it isn t actually in some ways but listed self is more exciting than even the winner because a lot of people they ve got now they re reading list for the next year until the next list comes out these are the 6 novels that they re going to be reading this year and of course the most anticipated novel of the year the testament by margaret atwood the queen of dystopian fiction you can just see it is and this book is not even out yet and it s already on the list people have been waiting for this book for 34 years this is the sequel to her masterpiece the handmaid s tale but
a lot of demand for it certainly it finally hit shelves in a week s time the jury of the booker prize are some of the very few people who ve even gotten to see it and they have vowed silence however they will say that it is terrifying and that is exactly what afterwards readers of course once the 1st novel the handmaid s tale takes place in a totalitarian theocracy if it is turned women into sex slaves and of course many people know this from this series the handmaid s tale which has of course increased demand for a sequel that series already went off book 2 seasons ago this new book is going to spin the story forward 15 years millions of readers are going to want to see how ours is going to spin the story forward is going to match up with the series and can it get any worse because she is the queen of dystopia is just another heavyweights all the book of prizes short is salomon rushdie his novel keep. shots
which we can read. just hit shelves this is a bowl the reinterpretation of servant is classic don quixote. publisher s promises promise but this is a donkey go to for the modern age except in this version he s not chasing windmills he is chasing a t.v. star that he s fallen in love with now the 1st reviews of this book say that this is rush doing rushdie they say the act is getting old he s getting lazy obviously the jury didn t feel that they clearly think that he was living up to his reputation and that s why he deserves to be on the list now those of course are the biggest names on the list there are 4 others that are not yet as big but maybe they ll soon be household names as well and one of them actually who will be getting a lot more attention soon is the turkish. shah facts living in exile in london his small. today author and leave south park because london home.
the turkish writer left her own country behind to escape the political situation there. may have come to england out of necessity but she s come to appreciate her new life here she s made friends people know her around here to get it all sort of . i came here over 10 years ago and i feel free here whether i speak right or give interviews i can i can openly criticize things for example breck that i m free to do that. in this modest and riders it s very important to live in a democracy and to me the summit which he. took being. and after a decade here in england has also taken the step of writing in the language of her new country. kids.
like i m leaving the turkish language behind when i write an anus that s what the nationalists say for them everything is either black or white but you can dream in more than one language sometimes we start in german and the dream and turkish people can live and write in different languages but that doesn t mean that you re giving up your native tongue. timbs on them they get in the us. suffolk s booker prize shortlisted novel 10 minutes 38 seconds in this drains world takes the reader back to 970 s. istanbul a vibrant city that also provided a safe haven for social outcasts the story s protagonist is a prostitute who works in istanbul as a red light district and finally gets murdered the people closest to her are outsiders like herself all of them tolerated but not quite accepted as tied to view the reader as being sent on a journey to the past but that s how they will learn to understand the many things
that are happening today a lot is the same today the polarization marginalization discrimination and despotism take it was important to me to tell that story. a writer in exile in her book 10 minutes 38 seconds in this strange world istanbul is a refuge the authors found her own refuge here in london. shortlisted for the booker prize as it is one rushdie. would. who else made that short list well one of their author to watch on this your shortlist is 33 year old nigerian author she cozy o.b.o. more with his novel and orchestra of minorities now that s a great title she is not yet a household name but maybe he will be soon he s already been hailed as the heir to . nigeria s a late literary doyin
a big there s also berna deen every step she s on the list with her novel girl woman other about the overlapping lives of several black british women who couldn t be more different and then there s lucy elements novel ducks newburyport a 1000 page long breathless rants by an american housewife while the title of the main character about how the us has gone insane oh. yeah that states without punctuation as i just as they all do of course is going to keep people busy reading you ve also been very busy as well because you know helping launch of a new exciting project called d w books tell us about books is a new you tube channel for everyone who likes books who likes to read even people who would like to read but maybe don t have the time to and you know what robin i m not going to tell you anything else about it until you show the trailer ok let s have a look at the trial. why subscribe to d w books. e.w.
books is here to bring you interviews with famous authors who are all writing books in the service of the 2nd chance which is to reaffirm life and up and coming writers i think the characters who know most people and put them you poignancy videos where we explore the world through literature we ll also lay out for you the key points of top books about subjects you want to know more about and the best of german literature in english translation. books on the album back to book visitation classic novel it s him drop this is g w books and we re looking forward to reading these you ll get smarter for free t.w. books on youtube. now for free don t forget this is a challenge just launched this week there are a lot more videos coming in the pipeline and what else can subscribers expect. there s one series that i ll be hosting that i m excited about called in 3 books
and this is about different topics that are important to people as seen through 3 different books i will have sex in 3 books climate change and 3 books yoga cats bragg s it in 3 books all of them another series that will be coming out with a wonderful one where we travel to different countries and meet authors in those countries who show us their homes their cultures through their own eyes and words and their books we actually also just put up a great interview with richard ford on the channel and in the next weeks and months there s going to be lots lots lots more to come robyn that actually fascinates me. the you tube channel d.w. books david you must brush your very busy day there is always a pleasure a thanks very much for covering it because there are. finally a book today that it has to be said doesn t make easy reading national socialism in germany and all the horrors it spread continue to be the stuff of films of and
books of coles and historian still discover new stories from the 2nd well will that leave us in sheer will didn t like florio book cold rather frightening they. actually does not hold that promise me you ll shoot yourself it is called a big problem strange how the local civilian population of a small town in germany took their own lives as the russian army approached. at the beginning of the 940 s. and scarred by war a thriving trading town. just a few years later the downfall allied troops and brands on the nazi capital burned in. 2 hours north of berlin the soviet red. is that the gates of deming will be on who by describes what happened in his book promise me you shoot yourself. america being killed and her mother recorded the deaths of more than 600 people. more than
how to go to school and shot his wife and 3 children one after the other it was as if the death occurred suddenly gripped them all it was the end of the german state if you want and that was too much for so many of them. it isn t worth living a life without so let s better leave this world and let s even take them with us. above all the fear of marauding soviet soldiers drove many to their deaths . the suicide usually had to subject became a major topic and damn and towards the end of the war everyone was talking about it neighbors even side advice from each other how are you going to kill yourself did you also buy some poison no i don t believe in poison i think it s better if you shoot yourself yeah but where did you get the gun well i m going to ask my friend
he has one from the 1st one you know it was a kind of day to day conversation this was something that we had never witnessed before in any part of the society of germany but all over the world. the tragedy continues to occupy thoughts and damning to this day. documentary filmmaker martin fact has visited the town a few years ago and spoke to survivors. almost 40 years the young woman who was so bright and was picture was shot by the forester together worser 2 daughters in the garden. the forester then wanted to kill himself but only succeeded and blinding himself rules. and demin it s believed 1000 people took their lives for the whole of germany estimates are in the 10s of thousands there are no precise figures. it s
a chapter of german history that has long been ignored purely on who best book describes it in ferocious detail. don t forget to check out our new you tube channel d.w. books spots it bookish edition of arts and culture the.
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List , Course , 1st-novel-the-handmaids-tale , Novels , Margaret-atwood , 6 , Book , The-handmaids-tale , People , Sequel , Masterpiece , Dystopian-fiction

Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20191002 18:45:00

our senior correspondent gillick much of this is going to take us there for a taste. but 1st it s the symbol of a country that no longer exists and a city that was once divided 50 years ago communist east germany completed construction on the berlin t.v. tower just in time to mark the now defunct country s 20th anniversary the imposing structure was meant to show the world what east germany was capable of and the tower still dominates berlin skyline today attracting a 1000000 visitors a year. with the heights of 368 meters it s butlins most visible land since he doesn t deny 969 the t.v. tower has attracted 60000000 visitors from all over the world. but it scary i didn t expect it to be quite so high when we looked for places to go in berlin we did the 1st thing we saw. the big dollars to come for the night every
modern man is exactly in the new one we ll. show you elevators transport guests to the top in just 40 seconds from the lift that takes visitors to the viewing platform at a height of 200 free meters has a top speed of 21 kilometers per hour. for safety reasons i mean 350 people are allowed on the platform at any one time on a clear day you can see 80 kilometers. the revolving platform also doubles as a restaurant guests can enjoy an ever changing few joining the meal. and to come in and the tables are moving so 1st of all you have to find your table then you are amazed by the view that greets you so yes it s very special when you come up those definite you know wow effect. brinkman is the boss here so he gets to play. he says most visitors don t see the antenna platform at 246
meters for example. he told me it s an architectural achievement and above all a mosque the full piece of engineering my colleagues thought using slide rules and glass is quite remarkable. the burn in television is not just a draw for the tourists it s also a very special building that can tell many tiles about the division of germany and reunification. and here with me now is do w. cultures dream candidate adrian this tower was supposed to demonstrate the achievements sapir you already would say of communist east germany did it really well is testimony to german engineering not only east german engineering because some of the components had to be imported from the west who are example. from
belgium the elevators from sweden and most troubling of all the stainless steel show. from a west german company over that disco ball there so this was a this was a west german disco actually secretly and as a propaganda tool for east germany in some ways the tower kind of backfired didn t it in a way because berlin is very quickly noticed that when the sun shone on and sometimes for the symbol of cross so they gave the building the nickname for the pope s revenge socialism calls to not told religion in high regard and the tallest buildings in the area well then churches legend has it that the communist was so incensed about the cross problem that they considered tearing the talent down but this is just legend is actually really quite little evidence to suggest that the communists or as. such a great problem does make
a good story. the revolving restaurant in the tower that was a pretty big hit with these germans wasn t it yes it was some suggest it has more to do with the fact that you got amazing and the red views of west but then. there was a joke going around at the time that if the t.v. tower collapsed while you having to do something not considered so unlikely to actually get lucky and and in the way lucky enough to be having dinner in a collapsing tower let me get this straight the tower is celebrating its birthday on october 3rd this in germany is a big holiday marking reunification of germany but the tower itself was actually built to mark the birthday of communist east germany which would be on october 7th that s why and it did actually open to the public but it was. on the 3rd fortunately. coincidentally became day if you know the date of unification
and. has become something of a symbol of the unification of the young lady and they need the sites that the thorny issue that it was actually built to commemorate the founding of the state so much more convenience did so commemorate this for the present germans the way to make those a monument for everyone and not just for the former communists thank you adrian kennedy so much for giving us that insight into germany s highest structure thank you. and crossing the iron curtain back to the west now it was the height of rock n roll and no one captured it quite like it s a target for norman see after brief careers as a soccer player and a doctor she became a celebrity photographer catching the attention of the stars with his wild and rowdy photo shoots and their exhibition here in germany pays tribute. sax drives rock n roll ike and tina turner and body the spirit of the seventy s like no one else
and 975 photographer norman c. captured the energy and the studio as you can see in the background there is people around so norman all he turned to sessions in the party and he just would be doing a session invite everybody off the street in that can you imagine there were $200.00 people. and just getting crazy it was. like joni mitchell. singer van morrison what you. want. are comedian steve martin. so he was developing this technique of how to get these spontaneous improvisation methodology really and how to get people to be sincere and honest and real.
and he had different methods to do this he wants through a car he can frank zappa s fice and that didn t work at all so a huge microphone shuts the next 2 curtis mayfield jodie foster is being fanned with a piece of cardboard sea of signature style included imperfections but after a mistake on his 1st big shoot with the band he thought his career was dead. when so very wrong because he might have got you know his mistake you can see the reflection of the flash in the windows of the speakers that s so he went back to new york and drove on his way home and said my career is over before it began and he just showed the photos under bob cato s the door and it was so embarrassed. so bob looked at them and loved them the band loved them they didn t know how to get hold of no i m confident put his phone number and. now see exporters and display and cologne germany we caught him at a studio in l.a.
to tell about his photo session with the late great child. so we need a ride he was in a bad mood and us case as we started talking about creativity she suddenly garth s where i was coming from and she started to express in some of the most articulate conversation i ve ever had. what goes on. as he s working now you look like another man one or more that s incredible you would be so excited that i get the commercial shops in the last 5 minutes seems total for a child as world famous it s absolutely about the relationship with your i think we ve got the session ok. or the legend the former soviet state of lithuania is one of the smallest countries in the european union with just around 3000000 people think enough though to have its own
proud baking culture correspondent and baking nerd continues his colon area tour of europe with this lithuanian installment of our series baking bread rai making the politics of bali comes a close 2nd it grows very well in the north europe and it s still a popular staple in the nordic kitchen take 145000000 liters of who called water 135 grams of poly flour and a small pinto feast and let them ferment overnight. next meets 250 grams of plain flour with 200 milliliters of buttermilk and let it rest for 30 minutes. while you re waiting mesh 70 grams of boiled potatoes along with another 50000000 liters of bottom up and don t be gentle that s what. i am maybe telling you former president. is famous for the tough line she took
against fluffy me putin she really likes to go against the grain but sometimes wants to be taken with a pinch of salt and a joke. if i if i will know i will be happy to see if i can joke a little bit let s be serious and not just a pinch actually. 8 grounds is what you need right now. then had 115 grams of barley flour and 50 grams of poly mulch. 7 grams of yeast. now at your bottom oat flour mixture and need everything well for about 14 minutes. let the dough rest until it doubles in size. split the dough into 9 pieces. barley is a small but versatile crop and it s very resilient just like list you weigh in the
within the e.u. with the baltic states is at the forefront of efforts to counter russian dissed information and other forms of aggression with uranium likes to be right on target usually there are some i can joke tricks and guess what there are use the handle of a wooden spoon and press a cloth shape into the top. spray the tops of the rolls with water and roll them in bali flakes with a cross on the underside cover the rolls with a flour tea towel and leave to rest for 45 minutes in the warm place. then bake your body bombs at 230 degrees for about 20 minutes. enjoy the fresh steaming cup of coffee. 5 by the way the coffee is on brussels if you re a me are receives one euro 25 put had put day out of the e.u.
budget more than any other member state and when your coffee is free bread tastes even better. and if you re getting hungry all of georg s baking recipes from across europe are on our website e.w. dot com slash culture.
into the conflict zone with sebastian with time running out cold brussels in london to get a back seat deal the e.u. is planning to keep the blame on the britons before they go she ations fire my guest this week here in prague is the czech foreign minister tomas patricia he has surprisingly clear differences with the government who say so why doesn t he resign conflict sophie and. w. o world unto itself. with its own gravitational pull. the finest musical compositions. that some mysteries.
mean that you listen to them don t tell me that the scene. and the joint should come off in the morning. resealed the symphonies of the hummus pumps. how do the romantic master couple such past. the brahms come. to her 11th on you enough.

Collapsing-tower , Visitors , Heights , Land , All-over-the-world , Berlintv- , 368 , 969 , 560000000 , It , Dollars , Places