whenever anybody asked him about it or the odd occasions that journalists got to him he would be very angry and very indignant about the idea that anyone would question his integrity. nwe see because devon archer is about to testify about what he witnessed and what joe biden knows that he witnessed about those meetings between hunter and joe biden and hunter s overseas business partners, they have changed their tune. thought line is joe biden is not in business with his son and you can bet that coming in the future they will be pausing the meaning of in business in glis when devon archer faced his own mere yacht adbusiness problems. hunter biden texted him in 2019 saying every great family is
Budowa centrum sportowo-rekreacyjnego w Brennej wciąż budzi ogromne emocje. Lokalni radni dali inwestycji zielone światło, by potem wycofać się z tej decyzji. Wójt gminy wierzy, że zmienią zdanie. Ich stanowisko jest jednak niezmienne: "Głosowaliśmy na podstawie faktów i dalej mamy takie samo zdanie" - piszą w przesłanym do redakcji stanowisku.