begin this week as the justice department opens an investigation to the police department. and the president vowing to meet with members of congress about enacting new gun legislation. we ve been i have dealt with more mass shooting aftermaths than any president in american history. it s just so much of much of it is preventible. in a moment, senator rowan gutierrez has this message for my potential school shooters in his county. we re going to shoot you graveyard dead if you come to a campus shooting at our children or shooting at us. we re with jeff paul with more. good afternoon. yeah, trace. the first of many funerals getting underway today as the memorial here in the city of uvalde grows. this is the beginning for the city as they say good-bye to the 21 that were killed and will continue on the next few weeks. if you look at the schedule of these memorials and funerals and visitations, there will be one until mid june almost every day for this city. one of
fall, the russians will exhaust thenselves. they re throwing everything they can at this one little town right now, donetsk. when that is over, they will be exhausted and the ukrainians will be pushing back. then i hope finally the russians will come to their senses and say it s not working. we have to fullback. thanks, ambassador. we appreciate your time. thank you. trace: a memorial to help honor soldiers killed in africa during world war ii. that is next.