Wyoming Hot Springs LLC proposal for Hot Springs State Park entails a new spa and wellness center, more lodging, upgrades to slides and additional water facilities. Star Plunge owner calls decision “heartbreaking.”
Epics // Getty Images Seventy-three Confederate monuments were removed or renamed in 2021, leaving 723 such monuments standing in the United States and even that stark number pales against the greater number of Confederate memorials that continue to .
The average Social Security benefit for retired workers is $1,548 per month. That comes out to $18,576 in annual benefits for a single person, or $37,152 per year for a couple about $31,500 less.
The average Social Security benefit for retired workers is $1,548 per month. That comes out to $18,576 in annual benefits for a single person, or $37,152 per year for a couple about $31,500 less.