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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20171015 00:00:00

it emboldened our enemies and look what they ve done since then. our friends in the region, the saudi s and the israelis never wanted this deal and they are happy it is not being recertified. are you confident that republicans and democrats in congress are going to be able to actually get something done on this in the next 60 days? that s the question. there s some great people on the hill that have spoken out about what needs to be done. jesse, what needs to be done you look at the last eight months what have the hill where the gop establishment on whether it s obamacare, tax reform they have dropped the ball again and again and again, so this is their opportunity to tell the world they are serious as the president is about national security, but it s too early to tell. if we scrap the deal altogether come is there anyway to get the billions of cash we gave them back? i think that ship has already
left the port. those pallets of cash, the $150 billion, including all the hostage money or the ransom anita was paid i mean, we gave the obama administration the obama administration unloaded the cash advance, so that money is buying weapons and threatening our friends and troops right now. anybody that knows dealmaking, you don t give the cash at the beginning, you get it at the end but obviously that wasn t the case. earlier this week, donald trump smacks down this fake nb nbc reports along the lines of if the president wants to increase the nuclear arsenal by tenfold, he was then asked about it when sitting down with the canadian primprime minister, and here s t he said. [inaudible] i never discussed the increasing. that was just fake news by nbc,
which gives a lot of fake news lately. i know the capability that we have, believe me. it is awesome. the president doubled down network news has become so partisan and fake that licenses must be challenged and if appropriate, revoked, not fair to the public. and of course this sent cnn brian seltzer into a tailspin. you could say he s just venting and increasingly angry at the honest accurate coverage of his presidency and white house but we should take his words seriously. he s suggesting that networks, local stations, should have their licenses revoked and presumably given to the pro- trump owners. that is against the first first amendment and against america. it is the talk of an autocrat, not the western democratic leader. i don t think the president is going to revoke.
does this save honest and accurate did he say honest and accurate reporting on the white house? yes and that is coming from cnn. was that an snl skit? i said all the time when i was in the white house come 80 to 90% of the stuff they wrote about us was either manufactured or 180 degrees opposite of what was going on in the building. we had nine months of russian inclusion made up garbage, and then they spike stories on harvey weinstein sexual predation. it events took a four-star general this thursday chief of staff kellchief ofstaff kelly he press and say guys, why are you doing this because you are just lying? you said you don t necessarily make it up, but gets
new forces because they are terrible. that is being polite. is a very polite guy and did a great job at the briefing. so the president was at the summit, which is a conservative group of people that congregated on in washington. and the war on christmas came up. we are getting near the beautiful christmas season that people don t talk about anymore. they don t use the word christmas, because it s not politically correct. you go to department stores and they say happy new year were other things. it doesn t say guess what, we are saying merry christmas again. [cheering] shots fired on the war on christmas. doctor gorka, how does this play out? doesn t that make you feel good? my boss dumped me from the voter summit. i was supposed to address them today and felt like opening my
speech with merry christmas. it may be october but this is a man, the first time i met him in 2015, i knew donald trump is the kryptonite of political correctness. and he s going to bring it back. we are a judeo-christian country. god bless him, his feed and merry christmas to you. and merry christmas to you. i predict the war on christmas is going to be the exact same thing as the nfl dealing controversy. 75% will agree with the president and the hysterical 25% will make themselves look foolish. again, thanks very much for joining us. still i had come is the harvey weinstein disease starting to affect the democratic party? plus, the las vegas massacre generating an insane amount of conspiracy theories. we will be with our experts ne next.ld you are my hammer out there.
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conspiracy theories are running wild. here to break them down is the las vegas police department and the host of blue lives radio, randy. i m going to start with the first one is swirling around here. the woman who gave an interview with the nbc affiliate we can show the video here s what she said. there was a lady that pushed her way forward and started messing with another lady and told us we were all going to die tonight. the reporter said you didn t know why she was saying that come is this after the shots were fired in brianna said it was about 45 minutes before the shots were actually fired but then she was escorted out by security. this is just amazing if it actually happened. what do you think happened?
i don t think it happened. if it did happen, that person would have been identified. it would have been questioned by law enforcement and would have been a focus. you think the woman is making this up completely out of thin air with the reporter asked you to there may have been some disturbance, but i m not buying it. something else very interesting i believe you brought to our attention. the mgm ceo in the weeks leading up to the attack he sold a ton of stock. that s always suspicious when things of this nature have been. why would he be doing that? i m sure there is a normal reason. i think there is a reason, but talk about giving fodder for the conspiracy theory. i mean, you couldn t ask for
anything better. better. let s just feed the sharks. i m sure there is a legitimate reason. maybe he had to buy the baby new shoes or something. that s like when people dump stock right before 9/11 in some industries, it was very suspicious. but it leaves a lot of questions out there. one of the other things i think a lot of people really honed on to at the jump was the isis affiliation. isis immediately taking credit for the attack saying that he converted to six months before and now we see he may have taken some cruises to some middle east locations. do you believe that there is any isis connection? i don t think there s been anything that s been said for an isis connection. they are a bunch of leeches. talk about people who are sucking it up for pr. somebody can get killed in oshkosh and they are going to
take credit for it. so i think it s a bunch of garbage. and the police are still doing a forensic investigation into his computers, so we don t have that information yet, but so far there is no isis connection. one of the things that interests me, there s been talk about accomplices. there s been talk about second shooters, and people all over the internet say they saw second shooters. if you look at the video and now we are hearing about this man employing prostitutes in the days before the attack. do you see any involvement of any other person including the wife or the girlfriend, whoever, that draws your attention? not at all. one thing that s interesting about the prostitution angle, a prostitute came forward and said he had violent rape fantasies and considered himself evil. i think that may be more significant than it is being held out to the public.
that does show a very odd personality kind of thing going on. but i do not think there were any shooters. personally, i ve gotten some crazy e-mails and messages accusing me of being an accomplice for reporting on this. that happens when there is a tragedy, people always look for conspiracies. i was also reading reporting on the prostitution angle. apparently he had told one of the escorts that his father was on the fbi s most wanted list fd he had the bad blood. it could be he just had nasty dna. he is was a suicidal, homicidal maniac that might have ticked down to his bloodstream. but obviously he s an evil person. the last one, the timeline. very confusing. it s now changed three times. the security guard was shot, allegedly, the forehand. then it was afterwards.
then he called in a dead-end call. then the security guard was supposed to do interviews and bailed and no one can find him. what s going on here? i think that he was told to shut the hell up is what i think. i think he was ready to come to the studio to do his thing and suddenly moved away by lawyers. i don t think it s going to be mysterious. i think that it was a business decision, if you will. so i think that s the reality. because someone at the mgm or the mandalay bay has been out all night figuring out how much money they have to pay in settlements because this thing obviously didn t go well on a number of levels. they also just reported that he checked in on the 28th, then they changed that he checked out on the 25th. they need to get a hold on what actually happened before the
start begin to the public, because i think that is what is bringing out all these conspiracy theories. thank you very much. thank you, jesse. more disgusting details from sexual predator harvey weinstein. watters world had their own run-in with the producer. plus, al sharpton putting himself in the nfl and some controversy. curt schilling has a take.
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for years, harvey weinstein despicable actions were a dirty secret among the hollywood a-list stars who joked about it. i m not afraid of anyone in show business. i turned down intercourse with harvey weinstein on no less than three occasions. you no longer have to pretend to be attracted to harvey weinstein. it seems insiders knew what was going on. nothing came of it. the 2015 nypd operation even had the producer on tape harassing a model. he admitted to groping her the day before. please, i m not going to do anything i swear to my children. i m feeling very uncomfortable right now.
charges were never filed at the time. but that may change. now the fbi has reportedly opened up an investigation as police in new york and london are also taking a fresh look into the allegations. reporters caught up with harvey weinstein at his house. i m not doing okay. i m trying. i ve got to get help. you know, we all make mistakes. joining me now to help fill in the blanks, 24/rec seven reporter carlie shimkus. raping a woman is not a mistake. he was also caught giving the finger. i think we have the photo, to the reporters when he was leaving for sex rehab. there he is flipping off reporters. how do you think that he handled this from a pr perspective?
you just saw him give the middle finger there. he is very upset, and he should be very upset with his own self inflicted wounds. he lost his job and his wife but those could be the least of his concerns because as you said in the intro, there are criminal charges that could be filed against him in cases in new york city and london. so he could be going to jail. speaking of losing his job, there s an interesting thing about his contract they said they put language about not being able to do what? this is the smoking gun. tmz reported to harvey weinstein s contract actually a loud sexual misconduct to take place. all he has to do is pay the settlement and then pay to train $250,000 to $1 million to the company and then he would be allowed to keep his job. suet insulates him. in my opinion, that means
that the weinstein company was profiting off of the instances of sexual assault. also, why would you have that written in your contract if it wasn t already widely known. you don t put that in there out of the blue and a lot of board members resigned but they could be facing a legal implications as well if they knew about it and tried to cover it up somehow. so, rose mcgowan has accused him maybe even of raping her and everyone is mad on twitter. rose mcgowan is one of the first people to come out against weinstein and has been one of the most vocal out of the accusers. yesterday she went on a twitter tirade and told the amazon studio head i should say, his name is roy, that she was raped and he did nothing about that.
now he s on a leave of absence. there is another allegation against a man that he is now being accused of sexually harassing a woman a few years ago. said he is looking up to legal situations. it looks like the cover-up is getting worse and worse. jane fonda as we all know and love, she s been out there first on meghan kelly and now surfaced in this situation and said something like she had been then made aware of this a year ago. but she never said anything. i found out about it about a year ago, and i wish that i have spoken out. had spoken out. it didn t happen to me, i didn t want to expose and i will admit i should have been braver. now as a woman, you know about something like that, it s complicated, if you don t see anything. did she have good reason not to say anything or hold her tongue?
that is a tough situation. the best way that you could put it is no matter how you feel about jane fonda, it wasn t her story to tell. if someone can t fight it in her tummy and who knows maybe she encouraged that women you should say what s going on, it isn t up to her to tell the story. so, i actually think that she is placing blame on herself that she might not that might not be warranted. so many women, not just jane fonda that so many other women, and men, said he knew about this. i had a little run in with him. i was at a red carpet event after the inauguration and was asking him questions. there d been a lot of shootings in the country and he put out a lot of movies that have such violence, especially gun violence. so i asked him about that. on gun control, do you personally take any responsibility for the
shootings? of course not. do you? know i m just saving so he walks away and comes back when the cameras were off and gets in my face and grabs me by the arm and says that was a bs question and he s in my face right here don t you ever ask me a question like that again. very, very intense moment and i can kind of see the anger in his eyes. it doesn t surprise me what s happening now. i feel like we are learning that hollywood is quick to point the correct other people when a lot of the problems are in their own backyard. thank you very much. up next, liberal hypocrisy. later, curt schilling, eminem, and donald trump. s gary? saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico.
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authorities in california say they are working on about 300 unresolved missing persons reports due to the catastrophic wildfires that they don t expect a death toll anywhere near that her. now standing at 38. about 100,000 people evacuated so far. hi winds and dry weather continue to pose a threat to containment. more fire crew and equipment staged in the southern part of the state as a precaution. the arts and sciences revoking harvey weinstein membership, a move that is unprecedented. the decision was reached during a session on saturday. the academy released a statement saying that sexual predator behavior in the industry is over. now, back to watters world. you are watching fox.
the harvey weinstein scandal and its cover-up and what it means for the democratic party exposing the hypocrisy of hollywood. take hillary clinton it took her five days to respond to the allegations. i was just sick. i was shocked and appalled. it was something that was intolerable in every way. you know, like so many people have come forward and spoken out, this was a different side of a person who i and many others had known in the past. but she still calls him a friend. would you have called him a friend? i probably would have come and so what so many others. people in democratic politics for a couple of decades
appreciated his help and support. what happens to his political donations? would you give the money back? there s no one to give it back to. we will donate to charity of course. fox contributor tommy, what do you mean there s no one to give it back to? you just write a check back to hollywood. we know that hillary struggles with some of these things especially when put in that position. but the funny thing about her comment is that she finds it intolerable. you are still married to bill clinton. apparently you don t find them dot intolerable. you believe her when she says that she had no idea about harvey weinstein? come on, she just admits we ve known each other for decades. i ve considered him a friend and many others in the democratic party a friend. of course she knew about it.
everyone knew about it and kept quiet because it didn t fit the narrative and the agenda, it didn t fit their idea of what hollywood is supposed to be and that is the quiet and let them do what they want to do. how much damage do you think this does to the democratic party, because weinstein and his money infected everybody at all levels and now there s a little bit of a cover-up going on among possibly the board of the weinstein company, people at amazon who knew about the allegations. do you think that they may suffer from this? i don t think they are going to suffer or take accountability unless we hold their feet to the fire and make them discuss this and show the hypocrisy like we are doing right now, because otherwise they will sweep it under the rug and say it s just a bad apple. i m waiting for more to come out come in at amazon as well, let s see these folks in the liberal elite hollywood circles let s
see more people come out, because i have a feeling we will see more in the next couple we. every day there s another allegation, and another allegation of a cover-up, speaking of part of the story broke in for the new yorker on msnbc being asked about why they didn t nbc run with the story when he was there and this is what he said. i walked into the dover at the new yorker with an explosively reportable piece that should have been public earlier and at the new yorker recognized that and it s not accurate to say that it wasn t reportable, there were multiple sources. i m not saying that they covered it up, but it is suspicious because they have a lot of deals with weinstein, through b-bravo, nbc universal and the fact that they sat on this didn t do anything with it and it broke in the times and right away the new yorker and it makes people think is nbc trying to hide something to preserve
some mulah? i have no doubt into the way to get the answer is to ask the question. let s ask when did you know, did you hear about the allegation, why didn t you report, why has it taken this long? let s keep asking until we get answers. i think the when did you know, what did you know, that question needs to be asked and there will be more litigation to expose the cover-up of what people knew and when they knew it, and people will have to start paying a lot of money because it is getting worse and worse and worse. we had a theory the other day, if hillary clinton had won the presidency, this story never would have seen the light of day because it would have been so damaging to her, her husband, that it wouldn t have been reported, but now that donald trump became president, it was
easier to report. do you buy into that theory? i due in part, but i ve got to ask you, jesse, what hasn t she been able to get away with and would it be damaging to her in deleting 33,000 e-mails and was a damaging in bill clinton and his history was a damaging? what more could she do that she hasn t gotten away with? i don t think it would matter, she s getting away with it now. she isn t being held accountable by her own party. we are the only ones doing it. someone who calls herself a feminist and champion of women s rights, what would you like to see her do with the weinstein scandal in hollywood? it seems like there s a lot of opportunity for mrs. clinton to make some change in her own backyard. well maybe not wait five days to make a statement through your spokesperson, maybe not just call it disgusting five days
later. the time is past for that. but i would like to see what she s going to do with that money. what charity? she s taken a lot of money from people questionable. what s she doing with the money? and moving forward, if there are more people in the inner circle that seem to have a problem, we know anthony wiener, she had to know about that. i want to see her come forth and expose more of her inner circle and then maybe i will give her more credit. i know which charity she will give the weinstein money to come of the clinton foundation. is a safe bet. thank you, tomi lahren. and espn anchor calls it a slave master. curcurt schilling well named the winners and losers and and some controversy. later president of trump working on his pronunciation.
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will not play, period. we are going to respect the flag and create the perception of it. president trump was grateful for the position but not everyone was. we recently made headlines and they called for a boycott of the dallas cowboys advertisers as payback for the patriotism. espn suspended the anchor for two weeks. al sharpton and espn michael will. suspicion in many ways in that mentality. the word that comes to my mind coming and i don t care who doesn t like it is plantation. the players are here to serve me and they will do what i want no matter how much i pay them, they are not equal to me. joining me now to discuss the world series champ, curt
schilling. there s no slaves or slaveowners in this country, and these guys sign contract. they are dying to get into the nfl and jerry jones pays them a fortune. he isn t a scrappy owner and he s giving second chances with ridiculous rap sheets. to say that he has a plantation mentality, what is going on? it s the left playing the race card once again. al sharpton has been a race fraud his whole life. go no further than the duke lacrosse case to find out what kind of a man al sharpton is. and i m so disappointed with michael, what the hell would he know about the plantation mentality? here s the thing all of a sudden these owners, jerry jones could
be in any crisis. when you work for people it doesn t matter what your salary is, when you are employed by somebody else, they get to make the rules. if you don t like them, go somewhere else or get fired. i was fired from espn because i m a conservative and i made the offense claim that men should use the men s room to urinate, and jerome hill was suspended for hitting the nfl and espn in the wallet because [inaudible] money talks and his whole life question. and bosses can tell in employer to do anything. they tell you when to smile, went to eat, how to talk to a customer, when to dance, how to dance, how to dress. why is that okay, but in the nfl, bosses if they tell in them for you to do something all of a sudden it s racist? it s the beauty of capitalism that when you are in the private
sector you get to make the rules. and if you are a racist business owner and espouse racist practices than the market can shut you down because customers will not shop at your store. there are no covered only bathrooms anymore, it s not like that. there s always going to be racism in the corn petition, but for people to continue to push the issue, let s be very clear about something, the hand of don t move movement that started was a lie. it is a complete fabrication. never happened. the four women on cnn with their hands uprooting the officer and his wife who was a police officer as well because he shot a felon. the narrative that here is what i keep asking. what are you kneeling down for? there is no disproportionate level of violence from police officers to black youth.
it s not true. now that s not to say that the ferguson police department was not correct, and i m sure that there are things around the country that needs to be fixed. the fact is from the obama administration and all sharpton and all of these civil rights people to turn their backs on our law-enforcement officers is as repulsive and i still believe they have blood on their hands from a lot of these murders and assassinations that have happened. you and i agree. it is a noble thing if you want to protest and injustice for the police brutality, there s bad apples in every industry but to do it at any time we were supposed to be respecting law enforcement and respecting the men and women that are serving overseas, to protect your rights, not the right time to do it. i ve got to run, thank you very much. up next, eminem lashes out on president trump. i don t want to sound paranoid, but d ya think
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nobody nobody s doing that, nobs calling him orange like he just did. he s an irrelevant wifebeating win, that s what he is. it s already documented in his songs, he raps about raping and punching women and now he is a snowflake running in sweatpants over president donald trump. he s got a big mouth and small pair. [laughter] you know who he should go after, kid rock. he loves donald trump and his his neighbor and he might hit back. maybe he should run against kid rock for senate. he s too stupid. albright. i m a safe space in a parking garage and stay there and hope you never run into each other. so, donald trump kicks off national hispanic heritage month and have some fun when he tried to pronouns or mispronounce the island of puerto rico.
we are also praying for the people of pwerto rico. and we also love puerto rico. so he s just having a lot of fun but he caught a lot of heat for that. he s funny. first that s why people like him because he s got a big smile afterwards. other people its outrage. if you go to new york city like the president, you love puerto ricans, they are the life of the city. how do you say it? puerto rico. sometimes on the red carpet this week, a mexican soap star slapped a reporter in the face when asked a question. check this out.
[speaking spanish] that was eduardo. basically that is the war on the press. you are right about that. that is a microcosm of what trump has been doing. that is like the cnn rustling. it was on the red carpet they asked a question, personal question and he got mad so he hit him i guess. the red carpet almost got a lot more red. it s a metaphor about things like that. sometimes they step out of line. i m not saying that he deserved it, but it happens. they don t like to call him and get him into the octagon. that was a slap. no one has ever done that to
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20171105 00:00:00

smoking crack. he got locked up for that. the mayor has passed. the cost of the statue. $300,000. so thomas jefferson statue no, marion barry statue, yes. moving on. this week a muslim terrorist mowed down 8 people in his van in new york city. thankfully an nypd officer shot him. and he asked to fly and isis flag in his hospital room. the president tweeted this. the wall street journal reporter took issue with the president s call for the death penalty. the unifying threat is the broader politics of donald trump, the ethnocentric nationalism. he did not react this way when a
white person shot dozens of people in las vegas. he did not come and say we have to do an immediate policy change, we need to give this guy the death penalty. jesse: donald trump didn t call for the death penalty because the las vegas short killed himself. malcolm nance says this after the nypd attack. what you are seeing is not islam. none of this is condoned including the sacrificing and getting yourself killed at the ends of the terror attack. 10 christians, we have seen catholics in canada who converted to islam and carried out acts of terror. jesse: a muslim-american who
yelled allahu akbar and killed 8 people. how do you get a tech job at the dnc? don t be a straight white male. the democratic national committee date ra service manager wrote an email look fortress mays to fill their tech positions. she had one small qualification. i personally prefer you would not forward to characteristics sgender straight white males. as they are already in th ine majority. can you imagine if they sent an seem saying gay blacks may not apply.
their qualification should be don t get attacked again. finally, not in america but absurd not less. a prominent egyptian lawyer went on television and said it s a man s duty to rape a woman if she dresses provocatively. the lawyer is not even backing down. he says he s protecting morals. that, my friends is absurd. joining me now, conservative columnist, ann coulter. any reaction? if i can say one thing about the man thing. i always imagined the terrorists
getting so frustrated. they are yelling ala across bar, asking to fly the isis flag. they must be sitting in isisland asking what do we have to do? isis did criticize obama for claiming the fort hood slaughter jesse: was workplace violence. give us the credit we deserve. we talked about the terror attack in downtown manhattan. apparently he came here from a diversity lottery program. president trump: i m calling on congress to immediately terminate the visa diversity
program. applicants are selected in an annual lottery. and the people put in that lottery are not that country s finest. jesse: we spin a wheel? yes, yes, every single part of our immigration laws are inseine. are insane. and as soon as they learn by the they want to boil the politicians. you remember the egyptian who shot up the israeli airline counter. it was his wife who got diversity lottery. this is why the media is con
repl iscomplicit. it takes a terrorist attack for most of people to even hear of the diversity lottery which is everything you would think it is. jesse: when they have these parties in in the, the liberals who hate the policies of the government. they don t have a drawing from a lottery. they select who they want. they are going to add value to the party. they will be good conversationalists and not do anything bad. everyone wants to come to america. we are the patriots. it would be like the patriots saying we don t have enough blind people playing on our team. look at which countries are not admitting those. the original purpose of the diversity lottery was to get more people like the people who
populated america, i.e., western europeans because the 1965 immigration act basically shut down white immigration to america. the original idea is we are not getting anyone from england. let s have a diversity lottery. jesse: they already speak english. and they don t think it s a man s duty to rape a woman dressing provocatively. within a few years it completely flipped. the ones who are on the 8 department terrorist list, those are the winners of the diversity lottery. that s bad enough that we are going to put all of the countries on the 8 department terrorist lottery. by the s a powerball. we get 20 million applications a
year. 7% of all immigrants from the united states, you are coming in from one of the worst countries in the world and we are going to randomly pick your name out of a hat. we are already a diverse country. i have got to correct you. i know we have been told this he dave our lives. there is nothing good about diversity. every place there is diversity there is civil war and countries are breaking up. it s never been a good thing. in the history of the world all over the world. look at just ireland. they are all irish and the catholics and the protestants can t get along. they are not melting and we have enough of them. it s not a good thing. we can learn to deal with it. jesse: i m saying diversity
should be here, then i say ability to speak english, education, vocational abilities. who does not think it s a man s duty to rape a woman dressing provocatively. jesse: this issue of chain migration. it is policy in this country. the president addressed it on lawyer r on laura ingraham s show. president trump: this animal, he was only in with a green card, a chain migration where his whole family comes in. his mother, this father, this grandfather. chain migration is a disaster for this country and it s going to end. jesse: the terrorist hits the
lottery and he gets to bring in more of his friends. guess how many immigrants come in not because we want them but because what he approve them. i m the third cousin. we are bringing in entire tribes. that s why cab drivers in minneapolis won t drive you if you have alcohol or a dog. what percentage of immigrants we legally take in every year just because they say i am related to someone you took in 10 years ago. 77%, and most of americans don t know that. 77 72% come in on average from chain migration, i.e., this is my brother-in-law and he doesn t have a job and i would like to come in and accept
welfare. jesse: how many people did this man bring in? 23. jesse: from uzbekistan as well? there may be been another uzbek. once he gets one in, the next one can have miss relatives. if you follow this guy s life. he place he goes i had no idea we had so many uzbeks in ohio. he s living with all uzbeks. his friends are all uzbeks. we are not melting. jesse: you have coal miners in this country who are out of work and we are bringing in uzbeks into america and they are causing a lot of problems. even before they commit terrorism. there is a big problem with the left. even when they are not mowing
down pedestrians or flying planes into the world trade center, they are accepting welfare, they are bringing in relatives who accept welfare. a tiny percentage of american immigrants are here because we want them. probably less than 10%. take the h-1b visas. silicon valley. most of of them are doing at least they are not committing terrorism or accepting welfare. but their relatives are. it s great for mark zuckerberg and bill gates because they can under pay them. they are not allowed to go to another company. it s indentured labor. and because they are here they get to bring in their relatives supported by the taxpayers. jesse: ann, thank you very much as always. the democrats out of control. tomi lahren on that later.
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jesse: a new book by former dnc chairwoman, donna brazile, claims hillary clinton rigged the party s nomination process. she wrote she invested in the dnc and would control party s finance, strategy, and all the money raids. and would make final decisions on all the other staff. even pocahontas is disgusted. we have to hold this party accountable. do you agree with the notion it was rigged? yes. jesse: pocahontas just stated that hillary clinton rigged the
primary. joining me, tomi lahren and liz swift. tomi, i will begin with you. hillary can t say this is a vast right wing conspiracy. this is the democratic party admitting she rigged the election against bernie. and she still lost. jesse: she is incompetent. if she could rig a primary against bernie, why wouldn t she try to rig a general against donald trump? are we really shocked by any of this? are the democrats in shock and awe after what donna brazile
announced? no, we are not. two years ago when this was happening, people like me and the guy i was work for, martin o malley, we were raising alarm bells. jesse: she also rigged it against martin o malley. i m not going to use the term rigged. but there is no question they act inappropriately and put a thumb on the scales. jesse, tomi, where were you when it was happening. jesse: we didn t know about this until the wikileaks emails revealed it. and debbie wasserman-schultz had to step down on the eve of her own convention. this was reported in 2015. we were screaming from the rooftops and i would have loved to have had your help.
jesse: well, scream and little louder. is is this the democratic party telling hillary to go back in the woods. i think so. where is bernie sanders in all this? i said it last night on twitter. if bernie has any grit at all he will tear the dnc a new one and all these supporters he had will come out even nals and the dnc will change. but he s been quiet about the whole thing. we are moving on. everyone agrees the dnc act inappropriately in 2016. the new leader tom perez said the 2016 process was flawed. you guys were oh obsessed with
hillary clinton. it s like move on. democratic party has moved on. jesse: i didn t break the news that she rigged the primary. donna brazile, a democrat, wrote a book about it, that s why we are covering it. every day, it s hillary, hillary, hillary. do you remember after world war ii, theyed found a japanese soldier still fighting because he didn t know the war was over. jesse: nobody told hillary clinton the election is over. she continues to fight. we are obsessed with hillary because hillary is obsessed with hillary. there are still people protesting the election. i wonder when the other side of the aisle is going to accept it. day in and day out, that s all
we hear. that s a little bit of the pot calling the cut black. jesse: let s accept the results. donald j. trump is the president of the united states. i want to show a despicable ad by the latino fund. this an actual ad that was released on television. go. run! run, run, run! is this what donald trump and
ed gillespie means by the american dream? jesse: this is a new low in american advertising. they have yanked the ad because a muslim terrorist mowed down pedestrians in his car. this is helping ed gillespie in virginia in the governor s race because it s so outrageous. it s disgusting and misguide. is this what democrats think republicans are want to go do, mow down immigrant children? jesse: if romney in 2012 cut an ad with a bunch of black gang
members on motorcycles running down white kids and at the end of it paid for byrum any for president. the outrage on the national scene would have been white hot. but this is a blip. i disagree with that. to tommy s point. she is waiting for democrats to weigh in? democrats have weighed in. i have not spoken to a single democrat who testified this ad. rafflralph more than said it wa. you know, it resorted to the fear tactics we are used to seeing from the republican party. it was an ad that was released from response to an ad from ed
guy less pie tying ralph northam to ms13 gang members. it was a race to the bought. jesse: if it was a race to the bottom, the democrats won. there is nothing wrong with saying my opponent supports sanctuary cities that allow ms13 to run wild. it s not like it s part of gillespie s platform to mow down minority children. jesse: we have got to run. there are no sanctuary cities in virginia and ms13 is not running rampant around virginia. jesse: rosie o donnell blaming president trump for having to
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land in japan for the tart of his first ever trip to asia as commander-in-chief. he s scheduled to arrive in tokyo in just about an hour from now. he s going to meet with shinzo abe. they are expected to discuss the topic of north korea. he will next head to south korea then china, vietnam and the philippines. senator rand paul was allegedly assaulted at his home in bowling green, kentucky. witnesses say was motion his lawn. police arrested a 59-year-old man. jesse: comedian and trump foe rosie o donnell recently told
w magazine that it was in pure, unadulterated shock. it was a severe shock to my entire essence and my beliefs in the order in the world. i did a lot of of therapy. our next guest has treated several patients like rosie who are experiencing so-called trump anxiety. are you really seeing an jup ann up-tick in patients since the election? human beings are affected by our social and political climate. if people are under stress and peel anxious about the world at large. we don t just treat the
individual. we have to look at the community and the world in which they are functioning and living. jesse: what kind of age group comes in to talk about their trump stress? all ages. it crosses political affiliation. jesse: are there republicans stressed out about donald trump, too? definitely. i get stopped in my office and personally about this. people who voted for trump because they didn t want hillary to win but they feel concerned about the political climate. jesse: are these patients you see for other issues and during the hour they are they bring up trump? after the election, leading up to the election and after the election i saw a lot, especially
young women. i practice in new york city and con. i saw a lot of young women between 16 and 30 who were really upset. jesse: what do they tell you? are they experiencing physical symptoms? what are they worried about? we can see how that manifested in terms of the marches that took place after the election. people literally took to the streets. they started mobilizing and going into politics in their own small way. jesse: what are they experiencing physically and emotionally and what is it about? what do they tell you they are worried about specifically. a lot of them are worried about the fact that trump would be the person leading the country and his policies would dictate what their future looked like. jesse: what policies were they
mainly worried about? a lot of people were worried about the immigration policies. jesse: did you see a lot of illegal immigrants worried about being deported? not on do i see people of all different ethnic races and different stages in immigration. but people who know somebody who is in some sort of immigration process. i saw a lot of women who were very upset about the rhetoric and the tenor of donald trump when he was running for president. how he feels towards women. when he was elected president they showed up in my office to say how could this have happened. jesse: how do you treat someone who has stress about donald trump s presidency. do they meditate? do they do yoga? do they have man tras they repeat when he speaks on
television? it s important not to belittle this point. jesse: i m not belittling it. you have to understand when people are stressed in our society, we are facing a massive mental health crisis and it cannot be said enough. one of every six americans in this country is on psychiatric medications. one in every four women is in psychiatric medication. $200 billion in income was last last year because of mental health issues. jesse: have you prescribed drugs to help them deal with their anxiety? miem wh i m who holistic.
jesse: i agree we are living in a very, very dangerous time internationally as well as domestically with the shootings and hurricanes. but with all due respect, do you think the generations these days, do you think they have gotten a little soft when they need to see a psychiatrist to deal with the president? they are dealing with the social and political times in the place in which we live. i want to qualify. i don t just see young patients. i see people in the take raings of 18-65. again, across political affiliation. people are stressed. people are worried. jesse: if the president can do anything to reduce the stress of
the country, let us know. i know he watches watters world. i have to give it to the president that he is talking to the opioid epidemic this country which is great. jesse: an inspiring personal story from a hispanic immigrant democrats don t want you to hear. i don t want to sound paranoid, but d ya think our recent online sales success seems a little. strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they re affordable and fast. maybe too affordable and fast. what if. people aren t buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it s william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground.
responsibility. you now share our obligation to teach our values to others and live by the highest ideals of self-governance and highest standards. jesse: joining me is newly minted cite season, esther donahue and her husband tom. esther, you were born and raised in mexico city. and you met tom on a business trip. take it from there. yes, so i met my husband in one of his business trips. then we he started visiting me back and forth, mexico. so we he pros posed to me. before that i tried to apply for my visa and was declined two
times. we start the process again. but now we changed the wait. jesse: how many years from the time you guys met until you became a citizen. we met in 2003 and she became a citizen last month. jesse: during the naturalization ceremony this video plays from the president. what did you take from the video. did it move you? it surprised me the way he was very humble. welcoming all the people and i felt so very happy and i don t know, something in my heart moving to be very grateful. jesse: that s beautiful. one of the messages from the video is a assimilation is very
important. also to help other people assimilate. did you take anything away from that as well? i don t know how i can explain that. jesse: tom, you want to help her out? being at the ceremony, it was emotional for me, too. there were 56 people there from 3 countries. the department of homeland security took it very serious it was a solemn events. we had individuals reciting the national anthem for the first time and the pledge of allegiance was played. the thing i took away from the video is it was sincere. you take this oath and you get all these rights as an american citizen automatically. once that oath is done, you are it and you have those rights. now it s your opportunity to
give back. we are grateful for that. it was important for us. it took 14 years for her to become a citizen. but it took years for her to get here to the united states. but it was important to us to do it the right way, to follow the process. we got declined a couple of times. jesse: and you have to take a civics quiz to learn about the country. next up i m going to be asking americans if they can answer those same questions that you had to take, and so stick around. i want you guys to see that thank you very much. i m so glad you are an american citizen. get ready to laugh. a funny one up next. y hun,
huh! we gotta go. come on. grandma! grandpa! thanks mom. here we are. look, right up to here. principal. we can help you plan for that.
test. but could your average american answer these questions correctly. what did the declaration of independence do? i have no idea. that s awful. i m not that knowledgeable on the declarations and the constitutions. jesse: what country did we declare our independence from? virginia. jesse: how many senators are there? 12. 42 jess 100. i don t know how many senators we have, but i don t really care. jesse: who are the senators from the state of new york. i don t know. jesse: i wish i didn t know either. crying chuck. doesn t ring a bell? doesn t ring a bell. joation who is susan b.
anthony. you can see her at the library a lot. dr. anthony? he was never on the john oliver show, i don t know. jesse: it s a woman. jesse: who wouldn t civil war. i would have to say the south won. the civil war is still going on, nobody won. but, but, but. jesse: what was the emanicipation proclamation? i need to go home and read my 6th grate history book. what are you doing, trying ruin my life and make me look like an idiot? jesse: who is the vice president of the united states. mike i don t know. mike pence.
jesse: what body of water is on the east coast of the united states. the pacific ocean. jesse: what body of water is on the east coast of the united states. the atlantic ocean? jesse: what territory did america buy from france? paris. benjamin franklin. jesse: we bought paris? with benjamin franklin we bought paris. jesse: you are on to something with that. louisiana. i thought it was the statue of liberty. jesse: that was a gift. we didn t pay for that? jesse: if i was a citizen trying to get into the country would i get in. you are telling me there is a
chance. jesse: i m watters and this is my world. up next, hate mail. (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night.

Statue , Mayor , Cost , Statue-no , Thomas-jefferson , 300000 , 00000 , People , Terrorist , Yes , Officer , New-york-city

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20171130 22:00:00

squeaky clean. there were complaints. meredith vieira says he kept sex toys in his office. hoda and savanna knew about thi this. and at msnbc, they said it was kind of a open secret. i know that s been a band phrase. some of it was consensual but a lot of it was not. a lot of it was humiliating, degrading, harassment, borderline sexual assault. it looks like they have a problem because when you combine them spiking the ronan farrow weinstein peace with them spiking the juanita broaddrick bill clinton peace and protecting matt lauer for all these years. and doesn t good for them and they made a half a billion dollars in profits every year and the ratings are great.
people who were playing by the rules that got them where they were doing with the rules say this is a huge error. dana: what to think about the ronan farrow piece? nbc-today show fixture and have a harvey weinstein story. nbc said take it somewhere else. it s not a story want to do. it comes out in the new yorker and that s the spark that lit the wildfire. kimberly: i think after you mention this yesterday. dana: things i should ve said during the a block. kimberly: why didn t you make that point? i think it s very bad for them because it makes them look like they were trying to do kind of a cover-up. they don t want to do a story like that another have their own skeletons in their own closet. such a big story. ronan farrow obviously was telling the truth, and there was never there to not talk about these stories and not shine a light. dana: we are not saying we know for sure it s connected. we don t, but it does raise
putting out a statement. that s not what i said. the fact of the matter is the young lady in question is african-american, and i know he her. dana: juan, ever since nancy pelosi was on meet the press and screwed it up in a week later calling for the roseate trickle resignation come are the democrats trying to get themselves into a place where they can agree these allegations are serious. juan: there is so much to say. you have to put it in this democrats are not united and not all of 1 party when it comes of this. what you had is pelosi trying to maintain relations with these senior members of the democratic delegation in the u.s. house of representatives, john conyers. 88 years old, senior member of
the party in the head of the judiciary committee but you want to maintain relations with the congressional black caucus which is going to be especially protective of the man who founded it and is referred to in the black community but by pelosi as an icon. brian: would you also say the right thing to do politically and the right thing to do personally. if you listen to these women talk and you read these accounts and close the book and say i have to go do meet the press. i ve got to be honest. i can t back him anymore. as opposed to i better not lose the congressional black caucus. kathleen rice has been the hero of this entire. freshman new york congresswoman has spoken out on both sides. she said she walked out of a meeting with nancy pelosi because they weren t addressing the elephant in the room. that takes guts, telling senator franken to step aside.
that s takes cash that takes guts juan: i think they are asking him to step aside. if you re talking about the institution, there s no way of getting away from the politics. nancy pelosi wanted to demonstrate she s a leader to her members but also i think she screwed up on meet the press when she talked about questioning the women, the same screwup that my friend james clyburn made. jesse: she managed to alienate both constituencies, women and blacks. at first she says he is an icon and raised doubts about the women and you know democrats need women because they are a key constituency. then she flip-flops and says should probably resign but she hasn t called for the white al franken to resign. a lot of members in the black unity see little bit of a different standard there. juan: wait a second. this is what greg was talking about. it s a huge difference between these cases. you want to throw them in the
same bucket. i don t think that s fair. jesse: there are similarities between both. conyers has four allegations against him. frank n photographic evidence, groping. similar. dana: when it comes to the law, sexual harassment, the women accusing al franken weren t working for him. is that the key distinction? kimberly: yeah, because it wasn t something taking place in a work environment or he was a superior to them or supervisor. it s a completely nonconsensual, unwarranted, inappropriate. that s what makes it so disturbing. people think they have free rein to behave in this way but it s injurious to others and women. when you see the situation of conyers and the situation with
franken, there s evidence to substantiate these claims that it can be independently corroborated. dana: do you think conyers will resign by tomorrow? juan: conyers is in the hospital. as kimberly said, this is an 88-year-old man under tremendous stress. i think you have to stop for a second. we don t often do this but be sympathetic for a second. the poor guy s whole life has crumbled here because he is no longer going to be known as the founder of the black caucus or the longest-serving member or a terrific representative of southeast michigan. he s going to be known as the guy who got caught up in this. the real crime in the conyers case is that he used public funds to pay off this woman as hush money. that s the sin here. brian: would you say we should give tribute to harvey weinstein for doing some great movies. he s been doing this for 50 years. if it turns out, the v shape.
bill cosby is hysterical but i don t the could put on an album again. stephanie templer. dana: can i interrupt. we have good news. the president of the united states has just lit the national christmas tree and i think we have some tape of it. merry christmas and happy holidays. i want to thank you. we want to wish everybody a merry christmas, a happy new year. have unbelievable holidays, and we are not going to light a very beautiful tree, and i will ask our first lady to get ready. maybe we will do a countdown
from 10. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. dana: that is pretty fun. the white house christmas tree lit for all the people of america. the president and first lady enjoying their first christmas season at the white house. we will bring you more if we have it. i i had come british prime minister theresa may condemns president trump over his recent activity on twitter. he had some words for her as well.
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britain s prime minister theresa may in a war of words over some recent tweets by the president. the president has come under fire after he retreated anti-muslim videos. that prompted this response. the fact that we work together does not mean we are afraid to say when we think the united states has got it wrong and to be very clear with them, and i m very clear that retreating retreating from britain first was the wrong thing to do. jesse: that didn t sit so well with the president. he fired back with: @theresa may, don t focus on me, focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that is taking place within the united kingdom. we are doing just fine! kimberly, is this an old spanish between friends or is it more than that? kimberly: this is the new age of politics. we are in a twitter war with theresa may. did we ever think we would be here? jesse: no, we did not. kimberly: this is a new day, a new age and i expect it will continue especially now
with more characters on twitter. she s also getting back. you wouldn t think this is the new president trump affect. she says i m going to get in the mix. jesse: she says she s not afraid to criticize her friends when she thinks her friends have done something wrong. juan: first of all, apparently much of the video that was retweeted is fake. it s not real. it shows muslims engaged in violent acts and the like and the president read tweets it. the key point to me is not theresa may. she is our ally. she says it s not affecting the u.s. british relationship anywa anyway. but it somewhat different than what we saw from president obama, wouldn t you say? yes want, they said it was in america s best interests to maintain its alliances with muslim majority countries. from south carolina, senator graham said this is not
good. brian: he didn t say all muslims were bad. he said these two extremist groups. juan: when you retweet something like that. jesse: re-tweeting is not an endorsement, juan. brian: the mayor of london wants theresa may to rescind the invitation the president accepted. we don t have a date yet for the visit, because of this. she says they are doing just fine. i say, if theresa may got video of the bike path terrorist and tweeted that out and said hey, theresa may, hey president trump, cracked down on your terrorism problem in new york city, how would president trump have handled it? dana: there s a few things. the extremist groups here is britain first. that s the extremist group.
they are too far right wing to call them right wing. they are a white supremacist group. on twitter, you can turn off retweets, that s a good rule. he doesn t need to retweet anything. retreating his a bad idea. i also think this idea that they are fake but in general we know there are muslim extremists and therefore its okay is wrong. it reminded me of 2004 when dan rather tried to pass off those forged documents about george w. bush s air guard participation, though they were forged. the new york times editorial page wrote fake but accurate. not good enough. i think she s the most ideologically aligned with president trump. she agrees with him. they are allies. i think instead of punching back at her, you have to understand she has domestic politics she has to deal with as well.
she is inclined in a precarious situation. they might have to call for another election soon. she has to be able to stand up. i would say there s no need to put your allies in that positio position. jesse: i am going to give the royal expert the last word. the president is going to england later next year. what do you think his reception is going to be and how do you think they are going to handle it? kimberly: let s see how the relationship is. the mayor into more trouble. last time, a lot of back-and-forth. people want to get in on the feuds. general speaking, i think will be favorable but i think there ll be protesters are people offended by something on that particular day and they will hit him and he will hit them back twice as hard. jesse: spent some time with the queen. a winning progress report from president trump on the economy, next.
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remember when i used to say we are going to win so much. i used to say that, right? i used to say it, and that s what s happening. that s what s happening. the governor is going to come to that beautiful historical oval office. he s going to say to me mr. president, the people of missouri cannot stand all this winning. were going to keep winning and winning and winning. i used to say that. i had fun with that. but we are winning. we are winning again. we are winning a lot bigger than anyone ever thought possible. kimberly: winning indeed. the dow broke 24,000 for the first time today and president trump taking credit for that on twitter, another sign of a booming economy. consumer confidence is up also
because a long-awaited tax cut for americans is possibly on the brink of passage. john mccain announced today he will vote for the tax bill, increasing the chances of getting through in a senate vote tonight or tomorrow. fortuitous, jesse, in terms of the president, the timing, the numbers. getting senator mccain to get on board. jesse: the president has always been a closer. he s closing the time this year. once he gets these tax cuts passed. they are going to slip and obamacare mandate repeal once they go to conference. that s of two-for-one. republicans going to the midterms next you re going to feel a lot better once they post those wins. maybe throw in an infrastructure bill, get some democrats to vote for it. the economy is already juiced. jobless claims started all-time low. consumer confidence, 17-year high. manufacturing, housing markets
booming. dow, historic records. there s a lot to look forward to next year. i think they revised the gdp last quarter to 3.3%. could see a 3% gdp for the year. obama never saw that in eight years. if trump gets that after the first year, it s pretty impressive. juan: thank you, obama. thank you. brian: he can t turn the economy around in ten months. juan: i know that. brian: confidence, the stock market. what i like is that the business world looks at what tax reform is that we can debate it. the business world is about dollars and cents and they say this is getting close. i m doubling down. i like the confidence they are showing me the markets. juan: reduce the evidence of doubling down? up 24,000, as it gets closer to closer to package, the market has rocket fuel. much like rocket man.
we will talk about north korea later. this is the mccain surge. when he walked forward and said i can support this, right tell me corker is going to sit on the sideline? juan: corker, flake, susan collins. i think danes from montana. when you get john mccain to say yes, i think a lot of those people now feel like the bandwagon is rolling and we better get on board. my feeling is even as people say let s get something done, this is not a good tax bill. i m a bigot it helps people. i think 25% of the money goes to people making over 300,000. brian: two different plans. kimberly: i want to get the dana perino forecast. dana: i think it is unstoppable. imagine if senator mccain had said he was not going to vote for it. i think he made the decision on the merits. the question will be on, the
republicans were able to ensure obamacare remained the most unpopular piece of legislation ever passed. although it s more popular now. that really help them in the midterm elections. this will be a little bit different. obamacare, for many people, was a bridge too far because of it s a step towards socialized medicine. everybody can understand tax cuts but the debate will be on the statistics. does the economy continued to do better? do wages go up? do people see more money in their paychecks starting in january and does not have an effect? the democrats are going to say clearly this is only going to the rich. all these people who voted for president trump and are disappointed, we will have a better answer. that s what the debate is going to be but i think republicans, because the economy is in good shape right now, you add tax cuts to it. i don t see how it doesn t get better. brian: it s not like
health care was going good and obamacare made it better. right now the economy is going in the right direction by almost every stat. if it improves incrementally, it s only going to help. dana: the economic concern the president will have to deal with will be inflation. brian: one quick point. chad pergram wrote, senator senator kennedy from louisiana, he said the meetings are different. they are more positive, upbeat. he s rallying people together. he s not scaring them, intimidating them. they are cutting commercials. he s going on the road. he s working them. jesse: tell everybody who chad pergram is. kimberly: you are saying bees with honey. brian: i wouldn t be surprised if you get four democrats voting for it. heidi heitkamp, joe manchin, may
be claire mccaskill. dana: i don t think so. i will bet you dinner on that. brian: are we taping the show? we could play it back. kimberly: may be some bold predictions on fox & friends brian: every break i get into an argument with kimberly which has never happened. i am afraid to go to commercial right now. juan: what did i say? kimberly: get ready. the twitter employee who deactivated president trump s twitter has come forward. his explanation, if you want to believe it, next. (avo) when you have type 2 diabetes, you manage your a1c,
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twitter. we now know who he is, a german man. he has come forward as the customer support contractor for twitter who deactivated the president s account on his last day, november 2. some people may not believe this but he insists it wasn t intentional. in my opinion, it was definitely a mistake. if i m involved in this, i really apologize. i didn t do anything on purpose. i was tired sometimes and everyone can do mistakes. of course, not only one little mistake of one human being can lead to such a result. i think it s all about a number of coincidences. juan: wow. you guys are laughing. brian: there is no way he is telling the truth. it was his last day. hoda were laughing at the guy
who was interviewing him. brian: i don t know what you re talking about. dana: he said he did like the president. brian: i don t believe it. his last day. he said authorities are not interested in him. it s the preston are relentless. he lost his privacy, and his explanation is i didn t do it on purpose on my last day. no one tells the truth anymore about anything. juan: maybe he is worried about criminal action or liability. dana: i tend to think the best of people. english is his second language. maybe the sincerity of his statement there was no coming through. i don t know. brian: he s not telling the truth. dana: i think there was no harm done, so maybe we can let this guy live his life. jesse: no harm done, dana?
a classic trump tweet, may be a new nickname, he let that happe happen. juan: maybe he was working for the white house and this was a way to get trump to stop tweeting. jesse: it was john kelly. kimberly: obviously you do it on purpose. yes, come on. couldn t you tell? juan: i thought he was trying to protect himself in case it turns out he did something that was in violation of american law. kimberly: so you do believe he s lying? juan: i don t know. deflecting attention. brian: he was in the trust and safety division of customer support and he was a private contractor. again, a private contractor with this type of control over something as powerful as twitter. dana: maybe we should thank
him for pointing out this huge flaw. maybe twitter will fix it. jesse: though dana feels sorry for this guide. you used to work for the bush administration. kimberly: say it again, dana. juan: people say how is that trump is allowed to use twitter when he violated some of their policies, like for example this thing not in keeping with their standard but at twitter respond, anything the president says is newsworthy and so we have to put it out there. brian: there is no one man who s done more for any one thing then president trump has done for twitter. if you re in the news, in the country and you don t follow twitter, you are missing nine or ten things to talk about every single day. for us, we are missing nine or ten stories to rationalize. jesse: trump probably thinks twitter owes him stock options.
kimberly: don t you think they kind of do? juan, you would be crying in the corner if he wasn t tweeting. you love it. you like to do the dramatic reenactment when you read the president s tweets. juan: the national christmas tree was lighted at the white house. some grinch slammed this year s decorations. all of that grazing is coming up next on the five .
shining and narnia. this is fantastic. look at this. some of the memes. dana: what is a meme? brian: a series of phrases that bring highlights to pictures. there it is. as we watch this, let s go over it. it s another attack at this white house and the trump twist on the white house. they have in this main room, white branches in the east colonnade. i love the look. silver and black. do you feel like you are in the woods. what s wrong with that? dana: nothing. every white house is pretty at christmas. one time, laura bush had a seashell theme. it was a national seashore thin thing. some people were making fun of her in the media. we didn t have twitter way back
then. it s never appropriate. the white house can be whatever the first lady wants. brian: i think people should be open to it. everyone puts their own stamp on it. 25,000 people walk-throughs and state room. gingerbread houses. jesse: shots fired on the war on christmas. i remember christmas controversies during obama year years. i think this was a fox news exclusive. you covered it heavily. they had a christmas tree ornament mao on it. eight years in a rural president obama refused to use the word christmas in his annual christmas card. his christmas cards have happy holidays. we can say merry christmas again. brian: of those were the good old days when those were our controversies. kimberly, your reaction to people s reaction to somebody s version of a fashion forward christmas. kimberly: my reaction to
somebody s reaction? dana: knee bone connected to the shin bone. kimberly: i love christmas. i like the decorations. brian: do you like the first lady s decorations? kimberly: i do. what s wrong with that? brian: nothing. people complaining about the branches. juan: i haven t been there but looking at the pictures, the initial pictures, it s a very dark setting that looks like something from the nightmare before christmas. jesse: juan, come on. juan: look at that picture. kimberly: winter wonderland. bring juan: bring out the to, we will butter up the trumps. brian: the east wing has a tribute to gold star families.
jesse: you insulted christmas and the military in the same breath. juan: i did? brian: may be people out there are better fashion charges that we are but i believe it s unanimous. this is one heck of a decoratio decoration. it s unanimous. jesse: more eggnog for juan juan. dana: it s been a long day. you ve been up since 2:00 in the morning. brian: one more thing is next.
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get more out of your water. get zerowater. dana: it s time for one more thing. juan. juan: as you know, i am a granddad and these days i get my d.c. scoops from a lot of people in elementary school and they tell me disney s pixar film cocoa is the hottest movie of their season. it s an animated musical fantasy that has grossed over 160 million worldwide and about 12 days. it tells the story of a little boy named miguel. he visits the land of the dead apparently not scary. particularly exciting because with the budget over 200 million, the first budget animated film with an all latino cast. dana: kimberly. kimberly: thank you.
cute story of an airline reuniting little girl named summer with her teddy bear. summer lost her teddy bear when she boarded a plane. her mother took to facebook to ask for the public s help and that s when the airline stepped in and flew the teddy bear first class back to summer. first class seat with a little snack. very cute, and with the pilot. dana: that is sweet. i ve got one for you. there were 18 new names that were added to the nypd s memorial wall yesterday here in new york city. these are 18 forgotten cops who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. most of the officers being saluted died before 1922, the oldest being in 1869. the officers were killed in unusual circumstances. one was thrown from a horse. another died trying to save a
drowning girl. william martin died in 2011. many descendants and family members were there in attendance, and i think that was a really great thing for the nypd to do. brian: i love the way they salute their legacy and care about those who used to serve. jesse: you have been consumed with the daily briefing. i m going to try to pick up some of your slack and throw a great dog video at you. this is a dog, and the dog plays jenga. spencer the rescue pup. he was adopted and now he is a jenga master. he s really good at it. i don t think jasper can do this. dana: jasper cannot do that that. brian: i can t do that.
jesse: very talented. the producers found this for me. brian: isn t real? it seems like the tower seems pretty secure. dana: you have said almost everything on the show is not real. brian: i am a little cynical today. here we go. there s no wide shot? i am finally on camera. kimberly: how ungrateful. brian: andrew jackson, hero under fire will be on the 8:00 a look at jackson in the battle of new orleans. his incredible life. he is front and center because everybody makes the comparisons with president trump. the one thing i wanted to share. they let me behind the glass at his house. they brought me to the trophy room. these are the things that mattered most to andrew jackson. this is the front parlor of
the mansion and if you are coming to visit president jackson or former president jackson, you would have been invited to come in here and wait for him. he would ve let you wait long enough to look at the things he has in this room that would tell you he is important man. brian: see the candle on the table? that candle was led by george washington after the battle of yorktown. he sat down with his officers and set hold a candle. i m going to light it for you. we made history. jackson looked up to washington, and when one of the officers there had to go give that candle to andrew jackson himself, and that very candle was held by george washington, handed to andrew jackson and sat out on a table. dana: did you get to touch it? brian: yes. jesse: does this have something to do with your book? brian: miracle of new orleans. it s going to be on december 10.

Meredith-vieira , Office , Complaints , Sex-toys , Msnbc , Some , Kind , Secret , Band-phrase , Ehoda , Lot , Peace

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20180128 01:00:00

1980s. that s how fox reports this january 27, 2018. watters world starts right now. jesse: welcome to watters world. i m jesse watters. building a safe, proud, strong america, that s the message in president trump s state of the union address. deputy press secretary roz shaw joins me now. the white house is putting this on the table giving amnesty to 1.8 mill people and phasing in getting rid of the lottery and chain migration, how does that make sense?
thanks for having me on. i think the president is showing leadership. he s presenting the proposal that democrats can wrap their arms around parts of it. he s trying to fiction the immigration system to provide border security. and ending the visa lottery program, and fixing our legal immigration system by ending extended family chain migration. it reaches across the aisle. jesse: people say the president ran on a strong border policy. one thing people are upset about is dreamers getting voting rights. a lot of people when they voted
for president trump didn t sign up for that. what s your response? the president always said he wanted a responsible outcome for the daca. so we want to find a responsible solution for that group of people. jesse: do you have to give their family members citizenship as well. why can t you just give the dreamers the citizenship. it s a pathway that involves 10-12 years. they cannot commit crimes. they have to pay back taxes. there is a process these individual have to go through. jesse: why do you have to give the immediate family members of the dreamers citizenship as well. why can t you just give the dreamers citizenship. it s already a lot to ask for trump supporters.
lowest unemployment. jesse: you guys have a great track record. if they bring illegal aliens to the state of the union, is trump going to bring i.c.e. agents to arrest these people? what do you do? it s chaos. we live in a big country. there are a lot of views and a lot of perspectives. they are doing it a lot of it to create attention. we are going to stay focused on the agenda and what we are trying to don on immigration, stop the flow across the border. the president said he s a deal maker who can get the job done. this is the first step forward. jesse: i want to play astounded bite from nancy pelosi who said something inflammatory, in my opinion.
about the illegal immigration proposal the president has been offering. very racialized rhetoric. that plan is a campaign to make america white again. it s a plan that says over 50% of the current immigration will be cut back, that s people will be sent out of the country. jesse: so according to the latest harvard poll, 75% of americans want restrictions on legal immigration. legal immigration. i don t see how that s racist. but how is the white house going to counter that kind of race baiting? it is race baiting, and it s outrageous. i am the son ofism grants. my mother and father came here from india. they brought skills to this country and they came here
legally. we love immigrants. we want them to come and bring skills and contribute to the tax base and help our economy and country move forward. wanting more agents to stop the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants is not extreme, it s not racist. i m personally offended by what nancy pelosi has to say there. but it s just rhetoric. i don t take it that seriously. the president has brought forward a serious proposal and we think it deserves serious consideration. jesse: bill clinton gets heckled about monica. bill clinton, you are the best president,
facts matter. apparently not to the left. let s look at the numbers. 267 companies announced $1,000 bonuses. min amendment wage hikes, 401ks are exploding and people are seeing more money in their paychecks. instead of celebrating the good news for americans, democrats are in denial. here is what nancy pelosi said about the bonuses. there is a cartoon i love, the mousetrap with a piece of cheese. jesse: so $1,000 is a crumb?
maybe if you are worth $100 million like pelosi is. here is what she said about barack obama s so-called middle class tax cut. today is a victory for the american people, and $40 each paycheck will make a difference. $40 makes a difference but $ $1,000 doesn t? nancy needs to brush up on her arit me take. here is a what debbie wasserman-schultz said? 2011. house gop refused to extend tax cut. $4 some per paycheck. tweet what $40 means to you. debbie, i ll trade you two 20s for a thousand. it illustrates their dishonesty. for them it s not about the size of your paycheck.
it s about the party in power. here is hillary clinton touting women, rights. i wants to thank you for being a role model for my daughter and young women everywhere. a new democracy can t be built on the persecution of women. the only way we ll get sexism out of politics is to get more women into politics. somebody who has been a defining figure in come even s empowerment. we need to be serious about supporting and nurturing our girls. jesse: but the new york times says hillary clinton had an advisor who repeatly sexually harassed his underlings. she gave him a slap on the wrist
and moved the female underling to another job. hillary taking a ton much heat on the a ton of heat for this. katie, what do you think about this? katie: this is par for the course for hillary clinton s behavior, starting with the way her husband treated women who was sexually abusing or having afairts with, the woman who complained about being sexually harassed. she was the one reassigned. when hillary clinton is out there making comments about standing up for women, including today in a derogatory fashion, she is more concerned about proprotecting herself, protecting her power, and protecting her position. her conduct at the state
department, covering up sexual harassment of under and girls. jesse: a story appeared today about something that happened in 2008. i was dismayed when it occurred. but was heartened the young woman came forward, was heard and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed. as a woman do you think that addresses it appropriately? katie: no because the actions taken against the young woman are clear. she was the one reassigned and punished for bringing this forward. when hillary was on the campaign trail against donald trump, she tweeted all the women deserve to be believed when it comes to sexual abuse allegations and she has a long history of ignoring it. jesse: she was one of the point people trying to destroy the
women who came forward. i guess the tweet didn t do enough good so they had her get on camera and say something bizarre at dinner because this thing was still percolating. let s listen to hillary s second time responding. go ahead. i just wanted to say thanks, thanks for your feminism, your activism, and all i can hope is you keep up the really important good work. this is direct toward the activist bitches supporting bitches. katie: i had the same reaction. what is going on with this. i had to ask your producers if i could say the b word on air. i am allowed to say it but i m not going to say it because i m a classy lady.
it appears to knee feminists only have standard for everybody but themselves. if you want respect as a woman, stop going to rallies dressed like female genitalia, stop saying the b word and stop holding up hillary clinton as a feminist icon. jesse: we have new text messages from the love bird fbi agents. listen to this one text from lisa page. they were about to interview hillary for the email scandal. here is what she said. one more thing. she might be our next president. the last thing you need is for us to go in there load for bear. do you think she ll care that it was more doj and fbi? and strzok says agreed. they admitted they were going to
go soft on her before she was interviewed. katie: james comey wrote that exoneration memo of hillary clinton long before she was even interviewed. two other things are they either wanted hillary clinton to win the presidency and allowed that to jeopardize their investigation of her and treat her fairly and equally under the law. or they believed donald trump couldn t win and they wanted to go soft on hillary. based on all the other texts that we have seen about how they felt about trump, i m pretty sure it was the former. jesse: bill clinton is riding dirty in an suv. he had a fan who started say something things to him. he rolled his window down. you are the best president,
man. trump got to go, bill clinton. trump gotta go. have a nice day. all right. best president. how s monica? bill clinton! katie: he loves attention, then okay, time to go. i always had it that it was called the monica lewinsky scandal when it was bill clinton who started that entire process. in today s standard it would have been sexual harassment in the workplace for bill clinton to do what he did. jesse: pedal to the metal. katie: be careful saying bill clinton is riding dirty. i don t know what that means and
i don t want to think about it. jesse: megyn kelly and jane fonda up next. i don t want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine with botox®. botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it s injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life -threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don t take botox® if there s a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins,
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molly: president trump jins much of the world in condemning the terrorist bomb attack in kabul. mr. trump adding that the u.s. is committed to a secure afghanistan. 95 people were killed, nearly 160 others were injured. the taliban is claiming responsibility. here at home a flu activity is blanketing the country. 49 states are reporting widespread infection. one in he 15 doctor visits is for flu symptom. 39 deaths have been reported so far. i m molly line, now back to watters world.
jesse: may can kelly reigniting her feud with jane fonda which began when she asked her about her plastic surgery. fonda still very upset by her question. how long have you two known each other? 50 years. before your first facelift. i was stunned, it was so inappropriate. it showed she wasn t that good an interviewer. i have no regrets about that question. nor am i in the market for a lesson from jane fonda about ways and is not appropriate. look at her treatment of our
military during the vietnam war. many of our veterans still call her hanoi jane. jesse: but the journalists at the view are questioning her integrity. i have never seen a journalist do something like that. who is a journalist? jesse: joining us with reaction, joe concha, for someone who has had work done like yourself. what do you make of this? i think megyn kelly was in the right here. jane fonda brought up in multiple interviews that she had cosmetic work done. jesse: i like the fact that megyn came back hard on this. this is the old megyn.
old viper, the old tenacious prosecutor megyn. she isn t going to take it and punch right back. if you are going to criticize fonda, you can t go back four wars. jesse: you are right, though. that did play well with this audience. i don t know how well that punch-back will play with the nbc audience. i think joy apologized later. i didn t mean to call her the b word. so she knew she went over the line. the allegation always trumps the apology. jesse: we had this breaking story at espn. mespn.
saying donald trump is a white supremacist. now she has been demoted. they will make her do some dot com stuff. you go from the sports center which is the flagship show to dot com, that s a demotion. it s all about buck skin. ratings were way down. the reason why they were down on that show is jemele hill decided to be polarizing to half the country. the guys there want escapism and you have to listen to her talk about donald trump. she wasn t even suspended for that. she said we should boycott the today has cowboys. jesse: not very smart.
bye-bye. now we have another story. president obama before he was president, when he was running, 2008, was photographed with louis farakan. let s look at the picture. i think we have it right there. here it is. this is the 2005 photo. but it came into circulation right before he was running in 2008. explain what happened. they buried this. they buried it. a member of the black caucus said that photo, do not run that. jesse: the congressional black caucus said what? do not run it. jesse: the photo journalist, does he have to listen to the congressional black caucus? so he could have run it but he chose not to.
if bill ayres can run around with the president in his early career and reverend wright. barack obama was teflon. even if this photo got out, it wouldn t have changed anything. jesse: it s photographic evidence, everybody knows farakan. i think we have some highlights. the satanic jews. they control everything and mostly everybody. don t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong. he s worthy to be hated. jesse: he was running against mccain at the time and we had the stock market crash. but this was explosive. this was more than reverend wright, more than bill ayres. i think this was pretty bad.
don t celebrities and senators take photos with a lot of people? jesse: you don t want to see some of the photos i have taken. but they could be problematic if i was running for president. i was young. let me ask you about this. nikki haley. she is the u.n. ambassador. this guy wolf, he puts out this thing in the book and he s trying to make some scurrilous allegation that there was an affair going on with president trump and someone else. he mentioned it on the bill maher show. there is something in the book that it was absolutely sure of by the was so incendiary that it just didn t have the ultimate proof. considering what he s done,
was it a woman thing? yes, i didn t have the blue dress. when you hit that paragraph you will say bingo. jesse: there is something about the president spending a lot of time with someone on air force one. they are making an allegation that nikki haley had some sort of affair with president trump. it s an example of gossip being treated like gospel. michael wolff is a ludicrous figure. in his own book s introduction he says there are some things in here that are badly untrue. you have a media that cheers it on and doesn t even question. bill: i feel terrible for nikki haley that she has to respond 20 to something like this.
it s absolutely not true. it s highly offensive and it s disgusting. i have literally been on air force one once. and there were several people in the room while i was there. i have never talked to the president about my future and i am never alone with him. jesse: where are the other women saying you are making a ridiculous allegation about a woman that she has to sleep with her boss to get ahead. she was the governor of south universal. shd of south carolina. she wasn t a waitress. why don t you substitute kathleen sebelius. where are all the pundits defending nikki haley.
wilbur ross, and others are the heroes of this administration. jesse: overconcha. thank you very much. a cherokee indian taking on elizabeth poke than as warren next. let your inner light loose with one a day women s. a complete multivitamin specially formulated with key nutrients plus vitamin d for bone health support. your one a day is showing. in acres and a half day ofjust becauswork is twelve hours.ured
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ythen you turn 40 ande everything goes. tell me about it. you know, it s made me think, i m closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. hm. i m thinking. will i have enough? should i change something? well, you re asking the right questions. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in am i going to be okay. i like that. you may need glasses though. yeah. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade. president trump: she is a hopeless case. i call her pocahontas and that is an insult to pocahontas. she is not big forth nra. that i can tell you. pocahontas is not happy. she is the worst. you are very special people.
you were here long before of any us were here. though we have a representative in congress they say was here a long time ago, they call her pocahontas. jesse: elizabeth warren is accused of lying about her heritage to get a job at harvard. the university celebrated her as the first minority woman to receive tenure. rebecca, what would you like to hear from senator warren? as a mixed native woman, i get to relive the squareio types
elizabeth warren relive the stereotypes. we are not fractioned of imagined indians who used to exist. what i would love to see elizabeth warren do is take responsibility for her false claim. she heard a story while growing up. she has been presented with a lot of evidence to realize it s not true. there are a lot of people who are confused who think they are cherokee when they don t have cherokee relatives. jesse: she was applying for jobs at university and claiming she is a native american. and she continues to claim native american heritage long into her adult lifetime. it s not just a mistake. this is something she did intentionally.
despite many native people and cherokee people coming forward and asking her not to do that. a cherokee geologist traced herd heritage to well before the trail of tears and she doesn t have a single cherokee ancestor. the fact that she hasn t responded shows that today we have native people that are silent. jesse: so you are saying she is not cherokee at all? a lot of people think they have, you know, a great, great great cherokee grandmother. and there is this myth that after we traveled the trail of tears we scattered and vanished. but what actually happened is for those of us who came to oklahoma, we reestablished our sovereign government. we still have our language and ceremonial ways.
so for people to draw on a distant relative where they have a fuzzy connection where they can t name it. i can t think of a growers misrepresentation of who we are. we are connected. we know each other. jesse: she is a democrat, you are a democrat. if she does come out and apologize, would you vote for her? you know, it s interesting you played trump calling her pocahontas in the lead-up, and i was listening to that. jesse: is that offensive as a native american? yes, pocahontas was a teenager who rather than the fictional love story we have been told was actually kidnapped and held hostage and died when she was 21. it s a sad story. today in the u.s. four in five
native women will be raped, stalked or abiewsd in their lifetime. so for those cartoons to be thrown about when the reality is we are still living the violence the real pocahontas lived is wrong. jesse: california s party bros are back. with rocket mortgage, i can manage the whole process from my phone, so i do it when it s convenient. i can explore all my options, adjust my rate, my term, and get approved in minutes. sounds dummy proof. rocket mortgage by quicken loans. get approved in as few as 8 minutes.
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and i like to sort of go to our party regular st. louis method on that. there is a simple platform for who gets to come in and who has to leave. you are chilled you can come in. if you are a d. bag you have to leave. it s better than who you know. you can miss out on quality dudes. jesse: you guys aren t for chain migration where it s who your cousin or uncle is. you are for merit base. so what you have to offer the party is who gets in. you are boxing usn into a point of view we may not share completely. but we appreciate your extrapolation. jesse: i would never want to box
you in. your state until it cross mayors of little rocket man. he s threatening armageddon. kim jong-un. the guy with the funny haircut from the hermit kingdom. he wants to annihilate california. what do you think we should do about little rocket man? that s a bummer. don t annihilate him. in times like these i turn to the original fast fan furious where paul walker, in the first one vince was flex on him really hard. but paul reef made chill and stoked and said i love the tuna here. that sort of put vince at ease. if we held that stance, we are chilled, we like the tuna.
nobody wants to leave the party. if you start hurling nukes at each other there won t be many parties. i can see a chilled out resolution. jesse: i hope so. we need a resolution on that front. weed is legal now in california. you guys think that s a good idea? i think it s dank. jesse: have you noticed a difference in the vibe in california since they legalized it. ed the lines are longer. that s the big jest difference. jesse: no one wants to wait in line. i love having you on the show. you guise are one of the best guests we have on watters world. you are the best at having us as your guest. jesse: i m a le jenlds in your
thais and i love it. have a good night tonight. i know the night it young out in l.a. do your thing and keep it chill. thank you. jesse: you have next. last call. each year sarah climbs 58,007 steps. that s the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home. even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl s orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you re killing it. dr. scholl s. born to move. vof hundreds of families, he se hmost proud of the one the heads
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1980 , It , Proposal , Democrats , Arms , Parts , Leadership , Fiction , Immigration-system , Visa-lottery-program , Border-security , Family

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20180429 00:00:00

they are talking about this incredible success. if i didn t get elected, if the opposition party i call the obstructionist party, that s all they are good at. if they got elected they wouldn t have cut regulations and taxes. you would have been down to a gdp that would have been negative. you see what s happening. our companies are ready to soar. wages for the first time are rising at the fastest pace in many, many years. 18, 19, 20 years. and i tell you, i would always go around and say to you strongly, people have jobs, they made more money 21 years ago than they make today and in some
[applause] wages are going up for the first time in mani many years. that s freight. as a result of our massive tax cuts which by the way debbie stabenow voted against. if the democrats get in they will take the tax cuts away and raise your taxes to a much higher level than you ever thought possible. that s what they want to do, so they can give the money away. millions of americans are receiving large bonuses and bigger paychecks than they ever received because they have so much money that they didn t even know they were making. you see what s happened as of february 1. and right after the cuts, the corporations gave massive bonuses and they continue.
chrysler hand out $2,000 bonuses to 0,000 workers and announced plans for a $1 billion investment in warren creating a minimum of,5 of 2,500 jobs. they are now leaving other countries and coming back to michigan. remember i told you that five or six years ago. they are now coming back. and they will come back a lot faster than you have seen. you know what s even more important than that? leaving? we don t give them the incentive to leave anymore. we are giving them incentive to stay and to pay our people. [cheers and applause] but to protect our families we
down the country because we need border security. [cheers and applause] so we don t have a wall, but a big portion is being bilt. a lot of it is being fixed. we have a wall with big holes in it that s being fixed. weird building new in san diego and other places we are building new in san diego and other places. one good thing. watch the caravan. watch how sad and terrible it is, including for those people. because they come up, and the crime that they inflict on themselves and others inflict on them. it s a horrible, dangerous journey for them. and they come up because they know once they get here they can
walk right into our country. we have the greatest people on earth and they can t do anything because the laws are corrupt. so we have fought to secure our border. but democrats in congress, nancy pelosi, schumer, they opposed us at every stop and every step. they opposed every effort to close the loopholes to keep the violent criminals like ms-13 the hell out of our country and to stop the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs which are pouring into our country. and we have done a great job. and the numbers are great. but part of the problem is, people are smart. and they see how ridiculous these laws are. they know if they can get anywhere near, once they touch our ground it s caldwell come ts
called welcome to the united states. the republicans are working hard and debbie sab kno debbie sts one of the leaders for weak borders. i don t know how she gets elected. a vote for a democrat in november is a vote for weak borders and crime. it s also a vote for much higher taxes. it s also a vote for be careful of your second amendment. be careful much your second amendment if they get in. the open border policies of the democratic party are not just wrong, they are dangerous and they are in fact deadly. they are deadly. they make no sense. they are deadly. their policies let gangs, some of the most of vicious gangs in the world pour into our country.
they pour into our country. you know on long island you have gang members that are so tough that we send in these incredible i.c.e. agents. but you know what? the i.c.e. agents are much tougher. and they are grabbing them. and i ll tell you what. a doctor please, doctor? take your time, take your time,
darling. jesse: president trump speaking live in washington township, michigan it looks like in the middle of the speech a man or woman became ill. we don t know what happened to that person. people were asking is there a doctor in the house. the president has paused the speech and is showing some
concern for this individual. as a doctor comes there he s making sure everything is okay. these things happen. we remember these things happened at some of the obama rallies where people would pass out and faint. we don t know what happened to this person. but it s obviously very serious and the president is concerned by the and compassionate by the. he is not going to speak while this is happening. he obviously cares more about the person than the speech. he s doing what all humans would do, to stop this and make sure this person is okay, attended to and taken care of.
i said and it was an unexpected stop. but i heard the opponent was going out with the president and they were going out also unexpected, and they had a very small crowd. but when i heard that, we left where we were, i said let s go to michigan, grand rapids. and i got there at 12:00 in the evening. remember that? and i said, how s the crowd. we couldn t get near the arena. there were 32,000 people. i finished speak at 1:00 in the morning on election day. 32,000 people. michigan hadn t been won in many, many years. i said, wait a minute. we had 32,000 people. i got home at 3:00 in the
morning. i said tell me, why are we going to lose michigan. we had 32,000 people at 1:00 in the morning and even beyond. nobody left. we had a great time, right? and i said, so why are we going to lose michigan? they said because the republicans lose michigan. i said wait a minute. i m bringing the cars back, i m bringing the plants back, i m bringing the jobs back. we won michigan, and i think quite easily. remember that? i always said i made that speech. that was my last speech. i made that speech on election day. by the time we finished it was 1:00. election day. this november he american will
face a choice. now, they say if the house doesn t make it you have great congressmen these are great, great people. and thank you. but we have to keep the house because if you listen to maxine waters [crowd booing] president trump: she goes around saying we ll impeach him. people said but he hasn t done anything wrong. oh, that doesn t matter, we ll impeach the president. so i don t think we are going to have a lot of happy people if that happens. i think it will be a little bit tough. but she goes around and some others. it doesn t matter if you are doing anything right or wrong. we have got to win the house, and we are going to win anyway. we are going to win the house.
we are going to win the house. now, historically when you win the presidency, the person that wins, the party that wins does poorly in what they call the mid-terms. the reason is i guess you take it easy. something happens. 93%, 94% of the time. you get complacent. we cannot be complacent. we have got to go out, we have got to go out and fight like hell and we have to win the house and win the senate. and i think we ll do great in the senate. i think we ll do great in the house because the economy is so good. the economy is so good. and because if you look at us all around the world we are respected again.
we are not pushovers. you saw the president of france he came in, great guy. chancellor merkel came in yesterday from germany. [crow booing] president trump: no, it will be fine. blame the people who used to stay here with much smaller crowds. blame your american president and your american representatives. but it s not happening anymore. we are respected again as a nation. we are not the patsies or pushovers anymore. by the way, speaking of not being a patsy or a pushover. do you ever watch corey lewandowski on the shows? where is corey?
and david bossie? he also had very little experience. he only ran one campaign and he won, so he s 1-1. corey, say a few word. this is trump country! we love you, michigan. thank you for supporting donald j. trump as your next president of the united states. thank you very much. president trump: thank you, corey. i saw them back there and they work hard. we appreciate it. we need more republicans. we have got to get more republicans.
they say we have a majority. one in the senate, very few in the house. we need more to get it done. we are going to get it done one way or the other. but with your help we ll elect more republicans and deliver even more. other than healthcare which frankly we got rid of the individual mandate which is the worst part of obamacare. we are doing association healthcare very soon, it s coming out the next couple weeks which will be incredible where you will buy great healthcare, highly competitive. i used to talk on the debates about getting rid of the state lines. he ll be able to buy great healthcare at a great and competitive price. we are getting rid of obamacare, to people would say essentially we have gotten rid of it. but you no longer have the
individual mandate. that s where you had the privilege of going out and spending a lot of money so you had the second privilege of not having to buy healthcare. so you paid for the privilege of not buying healthcare. we got rid of it from the tax cut plan. big thing. that was the worst part of obamacare. we got rid of that. you see what s going on. except for run vote. remember the one vote, 3:00 in the morning. thumbs down. what a vote that was. what a vote that was. that was some vote. but despite that, it s going to come out great. so we have gotten rid of a lot of obamacare and we ll get rid of the rest. we got you the tax cuts. we want every american to know
the dignity of work, the pride of a paycheck and the satisfaction of a job well done. there is nothing like it. together we can lift millions of americans from welfare to work, from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity. [cheers and applause] we are supporting job training and we are supporting vocational schools. right? vocational schools. i said to the guys, i said these community colleges, they are wonderful, but nobody knows what a community college is. when i was growing up we had things called vocational schools. i would go to a school and would be sitting next to a guy, i never looked at his papers because he didn t do well. on the other side i would have somebody note too good.
but they could take an engine apart blindfolded and fix it. they could build a brick wall better than all of the guys in the class and gals together. they could do things nobody else could do. and nobody knows what a community college is. we are going to start using and we had this vocational schools where you learn trades, and you will do it and you will love it and you will make much more money than anything else you can do, right? those are the people we need in our country right now. we need skilled people. and when people come across the border we want to take them in, but we want to take them in based on merit, not based on a lottery. lottery, lottery. we want them to come in based on
skill and based on merit so they can love our country, they can help our country, they can do things for our country, not come in based on some random lottery system. and that will happen. it s all happening. we ll build new bridges and airports and highways and waterways all across this magnificent land. and you know what we are doing with your locks. we are going to start that as soon as i get back. i told your congressman, write that name down. the army corps of engineers. we ll be calling them. it could be tonight depending on when i get back. it might be tomorrow. but tomorrow is sunday. can i call object sunday? your locks aren t working too well. it hasn t been fixed in 50 years.
after spending all that money in the middle east. we can t fix a lock? we ll put new steel into the spine of our country and breathe new life and hope into our beautiful communities. and in everything we do and every decision we make, we ll stand up and we are going to be proud. we ll be proud of america again. we are going to stand up for america and we are not going to apologize anymore for america. i told you before, we have done a lot. we have done more than anybody in a year. honestly it feels like we have been here a long time together. the fight has been a long fight. did you ever think we would have blaished we accomplished in this short period of time? part of the problem the country
had and one of the reasons our jobs are doing so well and our companies are doing so well and wages are going up because we had regulations which were staggering. it would take 0 years to get a highway or roadway approved it would take 20 years to get a highway approved environmentally. it would take years and years to get a simple highway. i got rid of those regulations. and we ll have crystalling clean water and clean air. we ll reject people if they don t have the right project. but projects aren t going to take 18 years to get approved. then in many cases it s thumbs down after working 18 years. we ll stand up for places like detroit that need help. we ll stand up. and we ll stand up for great states like michigan. and we have done that.
this is the state where henry ford invented the assembly line. this is it. it s the state that gave us motown, the mustang and the might of the american midwest. it s a great state. it is where generations of proud workers at general motors and chrysler and kellogg transformed our nation and changed the entire world. we were the leader. and now we are the leader again, and everybody is seeing it. and don t forget this. we have increased the values the last 16 months tremendously. we are almost twice the size of the next largest economy. remember that. don t forget that. don t forget that. and we are going to be growing very fast.
it s time to look past the old divisions, tired thinking. the steal debates of the the stale debates of the past and finally come together as one nation under god. [cheers and applause] we are one people with one home, and one great american destiny. remember what i said, they are look at us all over they are looking at us all over the world. when chancellor merkel came in to see me, she said congratulations, mr. president. what you have done with your economy is even credible. when president macron came in to see me, emanuel, we like shaking each other s hand. she s terrific. she is for germany, i am for france. i m for the u.s.a.
does that make sense? emanuel came in and angela came in. they said, amazing, congratulations. what we have done in a short period of time of is incredible. regulations. we have cut more regulations in 15 to 16 months than any other president has cut in four years, 8 years or fdr in one case 16 years, and it s not even close. we inherit the legacy of the
great americans who constructed the railroads, caused out the panama canal and put a man on the face of the moon. by the way, excuse me, did you see how our space program is going? a little different. and we are letting those rich guys that like rockets. go ahead, use our property, pay us some rent. go ahead. you can use cape canaveral. you just pay us rent and spend that money. pretty amazing. how about when the engines come down. they come down and land so they can use them again. that looks like futuristic beautiful stuff. we have reinvigorated our space program to a level that nobody thought possible in this short period of time.
nasa is back. nasa is back. and mars is waiting for us. you know that. great. you know what it is? it s great, it s science. it s important. very important militarily. we had the best military. we have the best military in the world. we are going to have a military the likes of which nobody has ever had. the best we have ever had by far, and these are the times when you want to have a very powerful military. you don t want to have to use it, but you have to have it. we stand on the shoulders of patriots who poured out their sweat and blood and tears for our country, for pour flag and for our god.
as long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing beyond our reach. there is nothing. look what happened to us. here we are. look what happened to us. you know, a poll came out the other day, rasmussen. i was at 51%. you don t read about that. you never hear them talking. you watch the fake cnn. you ever notice? ever notice cnn, well, you know web s not very popular. they were saying that before the last election victory now we are much higher than that. but they said 51%. then some genius analyst said but he s got at least 10% of the people that don t want to say they are voting for him. you know what i say to that? we ll take them anyway, whatever it takes. i don t know if it s an insult
or not. but you know what? we love those people because they came out in the last election and they said don t talk to us. we want to know how you voted. don t talk to me. they go in trump, they come out. remember the exit polls? they come out, who did you vote for. none of your business. 100% those people are for trump. we love those people, we love them. we love those people. there was a mayor of a certain city by the way, is this better than that phoney washington white house correspondents dinner? [cheers and applause]
president trump: i could be up there tonight smiling like i love when they are hitting you shot after shot. these people hate your guts. then i m supposed to and you know, you have got to smile. if you don t smile they will say he was terrible. he couldn t take it. if you do smile, they will say what wbr id= wbr21860 /> was he smiling about. we are proud to be american, and the future belongs to us. remember that. the future belongs to us. the future belongs to all of you. this is our moment. we never had a moment like this. the economy is raging. our military is strong and getting stronger. er single day. we are ordering the greatest equipment in the world. we make the greatest military equipment in the world. look at what happened in syria. /b>
boom, boom bing. [cheers and applause] you know, after the attack we had to do that. people cannot use gas. frankly they shouldn t use anything. but they can t drop the gas, and it was gas. but you know, when we did it, it came out, they hit 23 of our missiles. then they said we shot 43 and they hit 43 of our missiles. we shot 110. you know how many they hit? none. zero. you know how much of our missiles hit their target? 100%. 100%. and the british and the french were great. great team. it s a great team. but this is our chance. wear in had a chance like this.
we are take our country back. you have no idea. so many people come up to me, thank you, sir, thank you. i say for what? you are taking our country back. its true. so many people, they say thank you, sir. i always say for what? they say sir, you are taking our country back, and it s true. we are all taking our country back. you know the great state of tennessee, a congressman, a wonderful guy, came up to me, they had early voting. this was before the election. and the voting just started. and i was in pennsylvania making a speech. he s a friend of a pennsylvania congressman and they were together in pennsylvania and he comes up to me and goes, i wasn t president yet, we were campaigning.
with the early voting he said, you know, mr. trump, he goes, i don t know what s happening in the rest of the country, but tennessee early voting i have been doing this stuff for 25 years and i have never seen anything like it. people that are great americans but they never voted before because theyer in had anybody wbr-id= wbr23660 /> they wanted to vote for. they work hard, they pay taxes, they are coming out of the hills and valleys. they have the red caps on, they have the make america great on. i don t know what s happening. but in places like tennessee you will win this election, mr. trump. true. so true. he said, i haver in seen anything like it. you know what? we are higher now than we were on election day. we are higher now.
because now people are seeing the results. it s actually easier. before i said, i m going to do this, i m going to do that. we are going to get a tax cut. we ll get rid of the individual mandate. we ll do all these things. judges, regulations. now i have done it. somebody from the news i won t call it fake news because he turned out to be right he said trump is one of the first people ever to actually accomplish what he promised. i accomplished more than i promised, and i m doing it for you. our great journey together is just beginning. so with love in our hearts and hope in our souls i say these words again, you have heard them before, you liked them before,
we can t say them too much. together we ll make america strong again. together we ll make america wealthy again. together we ll make america proud again. we ll make america safe again. and we ll make america great again! thank you, everybody. thank you! [cheers and applause] [ ] jesse: there you have it, president trump adressing a
rally in michigan. take on many of his critics including the media gathering in washington for the course interest dinner. here for the course responsible don t dinner president trump: one of the fake news groups this morning. they were saying what do you think of president trump had to do with it. i ll tell you what. how about everything. jesse: that was president trump talking about not getting any credit for helping broker the talks between north and south korea. let s bring in conservative commentator dr. gina loudon who is a member of trump s media board. and phillipe renis.
we always struggle with your name. it s not our fault, i think it s your parents. this was an hour 20 minute speech. the rest of the media is in washington toasting themselves and patting themselves on the back. i don t think cnn is even covering this rally. what did you think of the president s counter programming tonight? dragon energy. this was classic trump at a classic rally. he went longer than other presidents would go. of course other presidents didn t have rallies. he outlined who his enemies are. outlined what his accomplishments are and outlined his goals. jesse: have much a campaign rally, philippe. he eked out an historic victory over clinton. i think this was paid for by the
campaign. he brought up something that is making people in this country very angry. attack on dr. jackson who was nominated for va secretary. a lot of things the senator from montana said turned out to be flat-out wrong. things about crashing a car while being drunk and knocking on doors in south america while drunk. they could not find any evidence of that. the president mentioned that in the speech. president trump: what they said about this great american doctor, ronny jackson, an admiral in the navy. he served three presidents. president obama said he was fantastic. president bush said he s fantastic. i say he s fantastic. this is a high quality individual like they would love in montana. and tester started throwing out things he heard.
well, i know things about tester that i could say, too. and if i said them, he would never be elected again. jesse: philippe you have to admit that smear of dr. jackson by senator tester is pretty disgraceful. i don t have to say that. there is only one man that could nominate ronny jackson to be secretary of the va and only one man to undo that and that was donald trump. if he wanted ronny jackson to be the veterans affairs secretary it probably would have happened. it was donald trump thursday said he wasn t really qualified. it was donald trump who led him to water to revoke his nomination. jesse: i think he said he wasn t politically qualified before he
knew these allegations against his character were untrue. donald trump doesn t run away from a fight. he ran away from this one pretty fast. if he s so sure, he could renominate dr. jackson monday. jesse: he could have fought that battle but you and i would agree if there was a nomination coming out of a democratic president and there were unfounded smears from a republican senator that didn t check out it would be salacious. a democratic president i hoped would win probably would have vetted him first. jesse: he vets with his guts. it s not working with his cabinet. jesse: i want to play some sound about what he said about jim comey who is on his book tour. he mentioned comey on bret
baier s show on fox news. president trump: how about this guy comey. he said the other night the fake dirty dossier, he said the other night on fox, he said very strongly, no, i didn t know that it was paid for by the democrats and hillary clinton. he didn t know. how about that. they start something based on a document that was paid for by the dnc and hillary clinton. honestly, folks. let me tell you. it s a disgrace. but you watch comey, and you watch the way he lies. and then he s got the memos. i wonder when he wrote the memos. then he s got the memos and he puts them up. watch the way he lies.
do you remember the liar? comey is worse, comey is a liar and a leaker. i did you a great favor when i fired this guy. jesse: it was astounding to hear the former fbi director say he had no idea hillary clinton paid for the dossier. he said he thought republicans paid for it. what s going on with that man. i don t know. and i m glad the president delineated who the actual colluders are. all this time they are frying to prove a trump-russia collusion, the actual collusion was between the democrats and russia and the democrats and the media. jesse: philippe i have got to let you go, and dr. gina. trump went so long we want to get some of our other guests in
here. but thank you for sticking around and we ll have you on soon. joining me now by phone, former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski who was actually at the rally. tory, are you there? hey, jesse, how are you? jesse: you are a big celebrity. the president brought you up to the podium to address the crowd. what was it like there? do we have corey? we lost corey. i want to play some sound from the rally. we have some great stuff talking about some of the ms-13 members that poured into the country across the southern border. the president addressing the need to secure the southern border. let s hear it. president trump: democrats don t care about our military. they don t.
and they don t care about our borders, and i don t think they care much about crime. if you look at it, ms-13, they pour through. and they want it. by the way, we are getting rid of ms-13 in record numbers, okay? record numbers. jesse: the president making the border a very big issue naturally tonight. he talk issue in the rally tonight. he talked about how easy it was, you step foot on american soil then you go to court and you say i m scared, then they tell to you come back to court in a year, no one ever shows up. he spent a good portion talking about the southern border and the need to secure it. you talk about building the wall, the wall is already under way. he touted his cooperation with the city of san diego to be able to do that.
the president addressing black unemployment in michigan giving props with newly outspoken supporter co kanye west. let s hear president trump talk about kanye at the rally. president trump: in all fairness, kanye west gets it. he gets it. and he saw that. when he sees that african-american unemployment is the lowest in history, you know, people are watching. that s a very important thing he has done for his legacy. it s a very important thing. but hispanic unemployment lowest level in history. women, female, unemployment, lowest level in 18 years. jesse: joining me now communications director for
turning point u.s.a. and new star in america candace owens. he spoke about unemployment being at record low and talked about his new friend kanye west. do you think kanye is throwing his support behind president trump because of his economic policies for black america? for sure. i think what kanye west is doing is assessing the continues between how black america is doing now versus how it was doing under obama s administration. we know that kanye has particularly cared a lot about chicago and its community and what s been going on over there because that s where he s from. they are doing better under this administration. so i m excited to see where black america is going to head and excited that kanye west jumped on board fully and he seems to be double down and tripling down with his support. jesse: black america, 90% votes
democrats. whites are evenly split. asians 60-30. why do you think as a black woman in america that there is up a monolithic group that supports the democratic party in america. it s simple. i come from the left i was a liberal. it has to do with the educational system. we learn that lbj was the greatest president for black america and that couldn t be more false. what he did is even slave us with the great so what he did was enslave us with the great society. our fathers are not in our homes because that was i season toughized by lbj s great society act. they have all of us voting for
them for all the wrong reasons. we don t understand our history and don t understand the economic policies behind it. jesse: you think the education system in our country teaches america that the big government policies started under lbj are good for them, but you are saying those government policies have maybe stifled the growth of black america. it s not a matter of opinion. it s a matter of fact. i came up in the public school education. we also learned, the republican party is virtually demonized in our textbooks. most of blacks believe the republican and democratic parties switched in the 1970s switched. that s a myth. it never happened. something called the southern strategy. they are learning to be ignorant in the school system and once again at home via culture.
they are idolizing people who are not telling them accurately what s going on in our countries. jesse: i know when i hit the streets and you ask people if abraham lincoln was a republican or democrat. i think about half of them think lincoln was a democrat. we have corey lewandowski on the phone, is that true? no, we don t have corey. okay. we don t have corey lewandowski so what we ll do instead is play some more sound from president trump, then we ll go to mike tobin, one of the reporters from fox news who was at the rally. let s hear some more sound from the president tonight in michigan. president trump: i m tougher on russia. nobody ever thought. look how these politicians have fallen for this junk. russian collusion. give me a break.
i will tell you, the on collusion is the democrats collude with the russians and the democrats excluded with lots of other people. take a look at the intelligence agencies. and what about what about comey, do you watch him on the interviews? what about comey. jesse: let s go to mike tobin, one of the reporters at the rally. this was typical of the trump rallies so far. he hit all the points with the border and nancy pelosi, and taking credit for the peace on the korean peninsula. what struck you as somebody who has been to a few of those. the discussion about nasa when he said mars is waiting. certainly very interesting. i paid attention to syria because i just got back from the
middle east. the president summed it up with bakda bang. it generated arousing cheer when he said 100% of the missiles hit their target. he s haven t preaching to the choir. he got involved in local politics. debbie stabenow is the democratic nor up for reelect. he tried to mobilize people. jesse: i was struck with the mars comment. i had no idea we were that close to visiting the red planet. he bragged about charging some people like elon musk or some of
these other billionaires with their private space shuttles to use cape canaveral. i didn t know we were charging a fee to use these facilities. that s good for the treasury, i guess. i don t think i ever heard anybody tout the accuracy rate of tomahawk missiles that struck some sites in syria. with the boom, boom bing, the patriotic crowd enjoyed his approach to universal affairs. reporter: in terms of dealing with the other world leaders. he kept coming back to this notion i don t blame them for taking advantage of america. he says i blame it previous presidents. he was a little bit harsh when he came out blaming his predecessors. but he indicated that s not
going to happen anymore. he said america is not going to get played any more. and that met rousing cheers with a crowd that sides with him from the beginning. jesse: very popular lines. thanks very much, mike. i believe we have corey. corey, you came up on stage. i want to show the audience that quickly. let s see it. this is trump country! we love you, michigan. thank you for supporting donald j. trump as your next president of the united states. thank you very much! jesse: you have got 20 seconds left in the show, go ahead. not on were there 10,000 people inside there were 25,000 outside. this is one of the best speeches president trump has made. it was right on point. promises made, promises kept

Republican-party , Success , Opposition-party , Didnt-get-elected , Taxes , Gdp , Wouldnt-have-cut-regulations , Wages , Companies , Many , Time , Soar