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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180731 02:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
plus, first, the elite still don t get it. that is the focus of tonight s angle . over the weekend, the libertarian-leaning coke network hosted a rocky mountain retreatd political leaders. they use the occasion not to amplify and hear the president s policies, but to decry them. 82-year-old charles koch has taken the reins of the network. he released this video in advance of the retreat. now he claims opportunities in the global marketplace are creating anxiety and the loss of jobs at home. in response, we are seeing the rise in protectionists, for countries, organizations, and individuals are trying to protect themselves from these changes. they are doing whatever they can to close themselves off from the new, hold onto the past, and
facilitating the outsourcing of jobs, even through really lame policies, like regulation, or through poorly negotiated trade deals. don t get me wrong. the kochs have done great work on tax reform, stuff like tea regulation, and also in the area of education. last year that, they spent $90 million in university programs, and they are committed to expanding their support for k-12 education. i have a question for you. how effective other education efforts be if americans enter a world where china dominates most major industries? including the areas of stem, science, technology, so forth, including things like artificial intelligence. we can t just look the other way while china and a lot of other countries, by the way, gained the global trading system and rack up huge trade surpluses. i.t., stem, , on her subsidies, and so forth. any fair-minded person, would
have to agree with her at the white house economic advisor larry kudlow, a free trader himself, set over the weekend. people will say, well, trump s tariffs are damaging this, that, and the other thing. i say, don t blame president trump. he inherited a completely broken world trading system, including a wto, most particularly china, but not only china. okay? is trying to fix that. laura: remember the kochs a part of the job and sovereignty killing trans-pacific partnership, and then after agreement. bush, obama, and until the campaign, at least, hillary champion. the koch network, like the rest of the g.o.p. old guard, is positively furious with trump s use of tariffs to level the playing field. in fact, they announced last month that they have committed to a multimillion dollar, multiyear campaign to oppose what trump is doing on trade.
i have a question, though. why would they want to lock us into these never ending trade deficits when the president s efforts so far are actually bearing fruit? we saw what happened with the e.u. last week. south korea already renegotiated their deal. and watch what happens in the next few weeks with both mexico and china. it s going to be really good. meanwhile, american workers, and even farmers, some have been caught in the cross fire of trump s tough trade battle with china. but they are standing by the president. why? well, they like that he is fighting for them even if it hurts their interest in the short term. i am a good american. i believe that we all have to have two toe the line. you are okay with bearing the brunt of these tariffs? am i willing to take my lumps for the benefit of the entire country? yes, i personally am. you are willing to weather the storm for a certain amount
of time? but how long is too long? this cottage and recess come to the death. laura: oh, scottish and him. i love that. don t you want that kind of deep sense of patriotism? they want to make money obviously but they are also deeply patriotic americans and they are willing to take that hit. i think the kochs can learn a lot from those regular americans, what they said. i love it takes. trump s immigration plan, by the way, also displeases the old guard of the g.o.p., the big republican donor class. why are they so fixated on that? because they love the flood of cheap labor into our market. but trump sees the border and enforcement and the whole deal and i were southwest border very differently, and he articulated it today. our countries have learned through hard experience that border security is national security. they are one and the same. laura: arguments of national security and culture
are totally lost on the billionaire set. but for most americans, these are major concerns. now the koch network is taking it a step further. they are now going so far as to financially punish of some politicians who are supportive of the president s agenda. they announced today that they will not be supporting g.o.p. s north dakota senate candidate, kevin kramer, trying to unseat democrat heidi heitkamp. what is the koch reason for that? well, the republican candidate supported trump on both trade and immigration. at that confab i was mentioning earlier and colorado, charles koch made a big deal about unie previously divided. what does that mean? how are these latest retaliatory efforts actually doing that? trump is the one uniting people, for all the talk of divisiveness, trump enjoys an
88% approval rating among republicans, according to the wall street journal, nbc poll. only george w. bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 saw support like that. but the koch network and others talk a good game about unity, embracing change, seizing opportunities. but when the president comes along who is actually embracing a new path, something different, on behalf of the american people, let s try a new thing now, the kochs and the globalists just have their blinders on. they won t have any of it. i had to laugh when, in a future on the koch retreat, it said the following, democrats who attacked the koch brothers in recent years, controlled that, at least in the area of trump, the billionaire industrialist, are no longer the left s number one enemy. [laughs] yeah, that s funny how that works. that is because republicans lack the leader for so many years that the kochs were the only game in town. but now, the left has a new
enemy. it is trump. and they are resisting him at every turn. sadly, the kochs are too often joining in their ranks. like the bushes, the koch brothers did not support donald trump in 2016. think about that. but they have certainly reaped the benefits of trump s thriving economy. are they prepared to take their profits that they made over the last two years and donated to elizabeth warren because that will be good for their business? you think they will give them a better deal on the things they believe in, tax reform, regulation, so forth? what a pity. if the seas kochs and their well-heeled donors miss the opportunity to support the president and be a part of the america first unity that people believe in. and that is the angle. joining us now the reaction, the washington examiner s byron york. democrat and radio talk show host brett han and monica crowley come out of the london center for. great to see all of you.
monica, the koch brothers have done a lot of good things, no doubt about it. but it is wild to hear them rail on about trump s use of a tool that bush used, obama used, reagan used, and is one of the classic tools of our economic negotiation throughout american history. yes, this is yet another example of the empire striking back against donald trump. trump ran on this premise that he was going to come in and smash the corrupt existing order, the corrupt status quo. that meant the elite ruling class on both sides of the aisle, the media, and the networks like the kochs, who are so deeply invested in the globalist agenda. he promised that he was going to smash all of that and actually represent the american worker, the american taxpayer, and americans economic interests. the reason we have donald trump, among many reasons, laura, is because he went out into the heartland and he said, you know what? icu, i hear you, and i will be
your champion. now after just a year and a half and the presidency, he has delivered on this economic poli. and therefore, he represents an existential threat to the kochs, to the left, to the right, deeply invested in a cheap labor laura: they agree on the lot of the big issues. we ve made that point before. chris hahn, as of the case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? if i can go back byron has written about this if you can put a loop together about what the democrats had about the kochs of the years, now suddenly they are again for trump is doing in ontario s, and the new york times is saying, oh, maybe it s time to take a second look at the koch brothers. i find that hilarious. go ahead. i don t have enemies, and i don t think people should have a enemies and domestic apollo disease, you have opponents laura: you know what i mean. we are having fun here. i know what you meant. [laughs] but on the kochs, i was listening to my good friend, monica, just now, talking about the kochs, i say they are
consistent. they were never for trade barriers. they would never stand for the $15 billion bailout for the farmers in the midwest of the president is doing, something that monica would have called socialism had obama done it during his term. the kochs are consistent and they are consistent in their message. i don t trust that they will support liberals. they haven t said that they will support democrats. they said they will stay out of heidi heitkamp s race. they didn t say they would give her money. they will still spend about $400 million on the midterms to try to elect republicans and conservatives who agree with their viewpoint. they are still going to be active laura: but what we are saying, no one is saying they are not consistent. what we are saying is, their time has come and gone. they have a lot of dough, they done some good, philanthropy they have done. but the era of endless wars, byron, and these global trade agreements, where america really can t get satisfaction, frankly, what elizabeth warren and bernie sanders have talked about at different times, they talked about these unfair trading
regimes that benefit their well-heeled people, those days are over and the republican party. there is no constituency for it, why we have an 88% approval rating for donald trump. byron? donald trump a candidate in 2016 really did blow up republican orthodoxy and some very, very key ways. trade was one of those ways. immigration actually was another. the kochs have had a complicated relationship with that because if you asked them last year, they were absolutely delighted with all of the deregulation that has been taking place under the president, happy with the tax cuts, too. now very unhappy with trade and with immigration. i think a lot of republicans are really going to part with them on this north dakota thing. for example, the kochs are now spending about a million dollars to support the confirmation of brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. republicans partisans would say, if you don t support republicans to the senate, there is not going to be another trump nominee to the supreme court.
well laura: that s why it s important to support the challenger to heidi heitkamp. monica, there s a big talk about a potential shutdown now. you know, with a border wall. trump said i want to the omnibus spending bill again. let s watch it with the president said today about this. we need border security. border security includes the wall. but it includes many other things. we have to end the lottery. we have to end the chain. the chain is like a disaster. you bring one person and, you end up with 32 people. the whole thing is a ridiculous. we have to change our laws, and we do that through congress. i would certainly be willing to close it down, to get it done. laura: the democrats are already going insane about this. again, old guard republicans, this will blow the midterm election cycle. what are your thoughts? i think they are afraid that donald trump means it. and you know what? he does. this is a man who relishes everything go fight and when he says i m willing to shut down
the government unless they get real money to start is border wall, they know that he means it. so republicans and democrats i like are really afraid of this. look, of the many reasons donald trump got elected in 2016, the primary one was illegal immigration, building the wall, and all of these issues. ending chain migration, the visa lottery laura: they ve done nothing! and he knows, in order to browse the states going into the midterms, he needs to stick by this premise and shut down the government. laura: chuck schumer had no problem shutting down the government when trump was putting the pressure on with the daca kids, and he wanted to give amnesty, and he was fine with shutting down the government. he tried to pass it off on trump. it wasn t trump. it was the democrats. now trump says, i m not doing the omnibus thing. you should never have signed that other omnibus. he should have vetoed that back then and he wouldn t be in a situation now. but do you think the democrats are hoping for a shutdown? no. i don t think we are because we don t want to see people hurt by that. i don t understand how mick
mulvaney still has a job at the president was so upset with the budget that mick mulvaney wrote with congress that the president signed. i would say that s for the president. if he doesn t get his wall before the congress leaves, he won t get this wall because the best-case scenario for him is that the republicans have a smaller majority than they have now. they are more than likely going to be the minority in the house of representatives. the president knows that brady is going backwards. i get the strategy on his part because look, november is lost no matter what, so the president might as well go all and come up with his chips on the table come and see what he gets out of it because the presidents are taking the housee the senate, and then there will never be a wall. if he doesn t get the wall, he might not get reelected. it s a real issue for him right now. laura: you are predicting a lot of things there. you will hit mega millions. come on. [laughs] byron please. i d have a better backdrop. laura: the house of representatives might go democrats. this is the shot for the border
wall. i think chris is right. you don t get this money now, i don t think you will get it at all. mitch mitch mcconnell was asked about this over the weekend and once again it is kick the can down the road, mcconnell, on this issue. let s watch. is the funding of the border wall going to wait until after the midterm election? probably. that is something we do have a disagreement on. homeland security won t get funded before the midterms? probably not. you are not worried about a government shutdown? that s not going to happen. laura: [laughs] i kind of like that. byron, this is what they set last year. remember, last year, oh, we will wait until next term. next term rolled around, and the republicans, they just don t want this wall. let s face it. the g.o.p. does not want this wall. you got to remember, this was the president premier campaign promise. i went to a lot of trump rallies, covered a lot of trump rallies. this is what he said in every single one of them. if he doesn t deliver on it, that he has not delivered on his
biggest campaign promise. i agree that, obviously, if the house goes democratic in november, just not going to happen. i think the president has not been focused enough on getting this. he has used other factors, like a chain migration or the visa lottery, thrown those into the banks, when perhaps the street wall for daca deal could have been done. but if it doesn t happen now, very, very good chance it s never going to happen. you have to remember, think about the secure fence act of, what was it, 2006? laura: yeah. congress, by big majorities, passed a rule to install aaa or fencing, really serious laura: democrats were all for it. along large parts of the border, both parties, but it was never done because it was controlled by republicans and democrats never wanted to do it. he had to deal he had to the daca for the wall deal. that is what you call those
schumer shutdown happen. that was the trump shutdown because he called the dash pulled the deal out. laura: no, he didn t. he want to do. laura: no, he didn t. he had that deal and he was talked out of it. laura: chris, he doubled the number of people who will get amnesty, he wanted the end of the perverted system of chain migration, which has tripled the number of immigrants coming in every three years. it s ridiculous. that is what he wanted, and he wanted the end of visa lottery. that made sense. he was going to give a doubling of the people got amnesty. he didn t pull anything. he sweetened the deal, frankly. he change the deal. laura: it was what he campaigned on, and the democrats did not want to give him a victory. guys, we are out of time. i wanted to get tomorrow but we don t have time. fantastic segment. thank you so much. by the way, rudy giuliani, boy, he launched a media blitz to take out mueller. you check that out? michael cohen. what does it mean? that shut down over the russia probe. next. including nasal congestion,
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trump tower meeting with russian nationals. there was another meeting that has been leaked, but hasn t been public yet. there was a meeting, an alleged meeting, three days before. according to cohen or according to the leak, may be koch withdrew this, i don t know, he said it was a meeting with donald, jr., jared kushner, with paul manafort, with gates and possibly to others, and which they come out of the presence o, discussed the meeting with the russians. we checked with their lawyers. that meeting never, ever took place. it didn t happen. it s a figment of his imagination or he s lying. laura: what to make of that? here to discuss, john solomon, pinion contributor at the hill. in general charles mccalla, a former inspector general who was targeted in the past four is passed into hillary clinton s
email server. gentlemen, good to see both of you. john, you ve been a lot of reporting on this. have to get you on this first. rudy was all over the place over the weekend. and that little exchange on premeeting, saying, picked up everybody s ears. what do we know about that? i did a lot of reporting a year ago when the story first broke on this meeting. if bob mueller was still interested in that meeting right now, seriously interested in it, cohen s case would not be sitting in a southern district of new york. it would be sitting in the prosecutor s office. i think there s a lot of hot air on this particular focus that doesn t actually amount too much. there is just not any evidence that mueller has been that interested in it for some. lack of time. meanwhile, a lot of things i will say this, there is no tweet for the president could issue, there is no defense that has lawyers can put out there, there is no bar that any politician can put out there that will change more the course of the russia investigation then if the
president were to be classified, the remaining parts of the fisa memo. this is where the story lies. when that is released, i think the american public will learn a lot about the flaws in the investigation, the circular intelligence reporting that occurred, and whether there is any evidence of collusion, which i don t believe there is based on my reporting. also i think we will learn there was other tactics, other ways of gathering information about the president, that have not yet been revealed. when they are revealed, they will be very troubling to the american public. laura: sound like they are doing prereporting. looking forward to reading your piece. charles, you get the sense that this is coming to a head here, both with whether the president will testify and the intensity of giuliani s comments about mueller and cohen. we ll get to your experience with the hillary email investigation, what happened to you as inspector general. what was your take on how long this drags on for and where we are today with this mueller probe? we ve gone on for well over a
year. there is nothing wrong with the administration putting a hard deadline on this. they shouldn t interview with the investigation. investigators get to do what they do. but there is certainly nothing wrong, these things can t go on forever. they are stressful for everyone involved. you have numerous people having to expend great amounts of money for legal fees. so they should put a hard deadline on this and stick to it. laura: again, we have a scenario here, where bob mueller puts on its investigation, not as an independent counsel, but special prosecutor. there is a fight going on now about whether the president is going to testify. clearly, from the beginning, the president was like, oh, i ll testify. but you run these investigations, you know, sending your client in to testify in this open-ended fashion would be nightmarish. i think it would be terrible for the administration. john, do you get any sense that
we are going anywhere except a federal court, and probably all the way to the supreme court, to decide whether the president is going to be compelled to answer mueller s questions? you know, the special counsel mueller could have issued that subpoena a long time ago. it s been clear this has not been moving in any direction what was going to come to a resolution. a lot of conversation, no resolution. if you wanted to make it happen, he could have issue that subpoena a while ago. my gut tells me that they know what they need to know about the president, they know enough to write whatever report they want to write and pursue whatever prosecution they will pursue. i don t get a sense of a major constitutional crisis on the horizon. i could be wrong. he would ve issued that subpoena it a while ago if he had so chosen. laura: charles, i want to get your thoughts on about nine months ago or so, you revealed to catherine herridge that you were targeted by hillary s allies for blowing the whistle on her illegal server. now the president is marked for continuing to bring this up, it
sticks in his craw, and in the craw of a lot of us. you said that the november, sources and methods, lives and operations, were all at risk. go into more of that if you could. it sticks in my car, too. we started this whole thing. we ended up referring edge of the fbi. but yeah, there were a lot of classified documents, highly classified documents, that were among this cache of documents that were on a private server. and there were open threats made to my folks who are looking into this, and to me, it is well documented at this point. it hit me the other day when there was this conversation about whether jim clapper should lose his clearance or director of brennan, and i don t think anybody can answer right now whether or not hillary is still
cleared. i m thinking she s probably still cleared at this point. that is probably part of that whole security clearance discussion. laura: talked about the other players, charles? sara miles, huma abedin laura: do they have clearance and still? i defy anyone to get a straight answer on whether any of them are still cleared. my sense is they probably are. i certainly would have hurt if they weren t. we would have offered if they weren t by now. this dative are our in her was best to look up at some time ago and i ve never heard anything a. laura: we have a lot more to get into. charles, you ll stay with us. we have a shocking investigation into how the tsa may be spying on you as you check in for your flight. this is a mind-blowing report. every american has to see this. coming up next. ba® reason. now i m doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours
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swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. (man) i found my tresiba® reason. find yours. (vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. laura: the tsa is tracking american citizens on flights without their knowing it. even if they have not been suspected of any crime or if
they are under investigation at all. the boston globe reporting that this previously undisclosed program known as quiet skies what the heck? this program is generating significant criticism from within the tsa. here was also discussed as boston globe reporter who broke. we are also rejoined by former inspector general of the intelligence community during the obama years, chuck mccullough. a wild thing. first of all, john, great story on this. incredible reporting. quiet skies. it sounds so placid and lovely. but what is this deal? it seems to me that none of this know about it. i ve never heard congress talk about it. does that work? how should we be tracked? here is what we know. we know that thousands of ordinary american to americans who are suspected of no crime,
and warranty on any watch list, are being followed by teams of armed undercover air marshals on domestic flights throughout the united states. when we reported the story on sunday, there has been a bit of outrage, i suppose, and at least four committees on the hill have demanded answers from tsa. tsa will be briefing for coke committees at least earlier this week. laura: you did great reporting, enough to get everyone s attention. big piece came out an hour ago, i know you saw it, it is your piece, lawmakers demand answers on quiet skies, surveillance program, after the globe report. they re going nuts over it, as they should. here s a behavior checklist, chalk, i read this tracklist anw this morning to new york. a kind of i experienced all of these things, or at least observed them. excessive fidgeting. strong body odor. cold penetrating stare. that is a lady who wouldn t help with the overhead.
wide open staring eyes. exaggerated emotions. and facial flushing. that is just to name a few. [laughs] what is this, chuck, go ahead. we ve been running around for years telling people, if you cease and become a say something. laura: or smell something apparently. or if you smell something or somebody s got a stare. look, those items came from some study somewhere but the government i m sure he paid for. but i am glad that the tsa is doing this. this is why we pay the air marshals. but we have been telling people to do this for regular citizens, if you cease and become as a something. and yet we have 1811 1811 law enforcement officers who are on the plane that they are not following people home. as long as they are on laura: what are they doing? that is what i want to do. are they keeping a database of people s names, observations about them? of these people have done
nothing wrong, american citizens, and have done nothing wrong it goes into a room, changes, two, three, four times laura: may be an adult diaper. maybe you are called on a plane. it s irregular, and someone should knowledge that somewhere. if they don t noted and something happens, then guess w? they get blamed for it. laura: go ahead, jana. chuck is really smart but i m surprised. go ahead, jana braids because the reason why the story is often the reason why i know anything about this to begin with is because the air marshals who are literally working theses not the best use of taxpayer money, and this is leaving us vulnerable, as a country, and on aircraft, because we are diverting our resources to follow people who are not suspected of anything. laura: this was started in 2010. everyone should know. this has been going on for eight years. i hope the inspector general of homeland security, if we even
have one. do we have one, by the way, chuck? i think there is an acting over there. laura: okay. he gets to examine maybe it works, maybe it doesn t. there are going to be individual conduct, but if they have guidelines, and guidelines can be enforced, you will have problems case-by-case. we have been telling people for years, if you see something, say something. laura: this is people, this is the government. we have a constitution. would you not want them to say something if they see something? laura: we are talking about databases. go ahead, jana. one, this is not see something, say something. these are trained law enforcement officers who take it very seriously, to become whistle-blowers. this is not, as you know, this is not a decision made lightly to come forward about this program. they truly feel that we are putting the country addressed by following people when there is no reason to be doing so.
collecting vast, minute-by-minute information from the moment they are spotted and identified from the gate at the departure airport up to taking note of the license plate of the vehicle that picks him up in the arrival city. everyone i talk to, every type of phone, every phone conversation, are they on a computer, are they sleeping? this is a lot more then see something, say something. this is not that. this is above and beyond and these are ordinary americans. i m glad they are doing it and i hope they keep doing it because that is what we pay them to do. laura: john, i don t i mean, chuck, i don t pay them to be keeping the tabs on grandma who happens to have facial flushing and face touching. they are real threats in the air marshals would like to cover them. looking for irregularities, i m sure that love came from somewhere, you can enforce controls laura: wait a second. spittle that is not the best defense. laura: chuck, you come as inspector general of the intel committee, so all this irregulag
government. use of regularity and frankly stuff that was happening that could have her to national security. so use our people with good intentions go totally awry, correct? this is different. we are not leaving the airport, my understanding is. these are people and planes and in the airport who are doing things like ducking into a bathroom and changing for your four times in a very short. lack of time. that s weird. that is irregular behavior. that is not with this program is doing, though! respectively. laura: let me say, one of the other things on the checklist, by the way, the tsa has an $800 million budget. that is all i ll say. gripping there is less than 3,000 flying air marshals. there is more than 40,000 domestic flights a day. if you are following people who are not suspected of any crime laura: we don t want to do what israel does because that offends people. maybe that is why we are doing it. we don t have enough people to be doing it. this is what the air marshals are saying. this has been going on for
eight years. laura: guys, guys. come on. i want to add another piece of data here. we will get more answers on this, i hope, this week, that is because it jana did the reporting and i m happy we are having this conversation. maybe some good can come of it but right now, here are some of the other things. rapid eye blinking. adam s apple jumps. i guess that is when you swallow. and gripping or white knuckling bags. i like to knuckled my bags in minnesota today because i was i mean, some of these things are ridiculous. may be no one noticed. laura: maybe i m being observed. that is a copper hands of list, okay. my guess is those are a few items out of a much longer list. i would want context. i can give you that context. laura: jana, keep on the story. we got to keep reporting this story. thank you for being with us. chuck, and valuable analysis from you. we will have you back. we haven t gotten to the hillary
email questions. we need a three hour show. the case of a florida police officer shot by a haitian immigrant takes a tragic turn. stay with us.
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ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. laura: less than a week after he was shot and wounded at a gas station while responding to a call, florida police officer adam jobbers-miller has tragically succumbed to his injuries. his killer, wisner desmaret, your rate remember from our coverage last year, came to the country from haiti when he was nine years old. he managed to escape conviction in the past but now i.c.e. has filed an immigration detainer hold on him. inexplicably, the city of philadelphia just announced that they will no longer grant i.c.e. access to a rest databases the one wisner desmaret was actually discovered on. here to debate this is a former i.c.e. special agent in charge of l.a. and immigration attorney alan orr. we were so worried about officer
jobbers miller over the weekend, because he was in intensive care, we thought he might be improving. that came across my phone over the weekend. your heart sinks. as it does for anyone gunned down in the united states. tragic loss for his family and the community, the police turned out to honor him of the weekend. but claude, let s start with you here. people say, immigration, as his own issue. don t conflate the issues of illegal immigration are people who overstay a visa with a case that is horrible and tragic as this because police officers are shocked by american citizens, too. yeah, sure. look, i have been to far too many police officers at funerals than i would like to have atten. several who have been killed by people who are here illegally in the united states. and we have enough criminals and cop killers of our own.
we certainly don t need to import any from elsewhere. the fact is, if mr. wisner desmaret had been ripped from the country he was here illegally the police officer would be alive. laura: allen or? condolences to the family and community for losing an officer. i bank him for his service. the issue tonight, it s not clear from the court filings that this individual is undocumented or illegal, they are probably an immigrant with a green card that is deportable. i haven t seen that in the facts. if you read the case hearing today, from his statements, it s clear that this person might have mental deficiencies, as he assumed that everyone was after him. the thing i wanted to say tonight is that the issue in this case is not as immigration status but crime in the united states. when we look at the failure of immigration, it is not at this individual immigrant, we should be looking at congress, for they haven t done. laura: right now we find ourselves in a situation where people are still allowed to walk
across our southwest border where there is no fence or a fence that is have torn down or you can hop over easily, swim the rio grande, and i.c.e. the border patrol, excuse me, has stopped ms-13 gang members, just last week with the week before, stopped known gang members, who have actually been deported out of the country and stopped on their way back in. there clearly is an effort by the cartels, by human traffickers, to bring people into the country, both illegally obviously, and also to help gang activity in the united states, to grow the gang ranks, to replenish gang ranks, that is just a fact. while of course americans commit crimes everyday, we know that, i think we don t want more crime in the united states. we don t want more problems in our cities. we have kids that need help. we have allegory who need help. we have officers who are stretched with budgets who are stretched. we don t need any more problems. claude, right now, we have
philadelphia, brotherly love city, you know, they are not going to be part of the database anymore. what could that do to hamper the apprehension and understanding of the people we are arresting for these crimes? real quickly, i would just like to say, in wisner desmaret s case, he came here as a visitor. the family applied for asylum, the information i have, it was denied. they were approached in removal proceedings, he was ordered deported. but then, out of the generosity of this country after the earthquake in haiti, they were granted temporary protected status. to show gratitude, he killed one of our heroes in blue. his status had ended so he should have been removed from the country. laura: had he been removed, we have an officer who is alive today. exactly. laura: let s get to the philadelphia story.
the philadelphia story, yet another example of sanctuary city policies going to affect. how this helps the people of philadelphia is beyond me. claude, quickly come with an allen gets the last word. it doesn t help the people of philadelphia, this is just the city of philadelphia doubling down. first they are harboring people here illegally by refusing to cooperate with i.c.e. and then now they are refusing i.c.e. access to the records, so the people they release from jail, i.c.e. can t track down using that information. i believe i.c.e. should just issue subpoenas and then when they refuse the subpoenas, they should initiate a criminal investigation, and u.s. attorney for the eastern district of pennsylvania should convene a grand jury. laura: allen, the mayor of philly was the same one who literally did a snoopy dance when he found out the judge ruled that they could to the sanctuary city policy. as a practical matter, how does this happen keep the citizens a
safe? i will move to my conservative side. these are local people. the mayor was saying they did not want to be rapid enforcement. the problem was, not only was it criminals, but it was also witnesses and other individuals related to crimes, and the problem was, i.c.e. was spending too much i m rounding on the low-hanging fruit rather than focusing on people who really are a danger to the community. that is a problem in immigration right now. we are not trying to sort people out, we are just saying, every immigrant is a problem and we need to focus on that and that is not leading to security. we need to recognize that we want to deport 1,200,000,000 people. we don t have the money but for it. laura: 12 million. 1,200,000,000, will probably there soon. great segment, guys. thank you so much. the gap between the elites and everyday americans is widening. ben shapiro on what that means for the country next. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
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that struck me as either sincere or an amazing facsimile. the workers, for their part, couldn t give him a standing ovation because they never sat down. i left the hall thinking, donald trump is going to be reelected in 2020. the democrats don t have anyone who can touch him. bank on it. don t hate me for being they want to tell you. hmm. joining me now is ben shapiro, editor for the daily wire. i thought that was an honest liberal view. he hates trump. can t stand trump. but going to the reality and seeing the people of of the reaction of the people, but kamala harris, cory booker, will they get the mojo going? what are your thinking? the culture war that is being waged is not between the elites anomalies, it is the elitists and no one else. people think that the jobs being lost of the new york daily news is a national tragedy but jobs being lost in the steel
belt is perfectly fine president trump does better than any other politician on the american scene, he conveys that he cares about people that are in these industries, pe that are doing the so called dirty jobs that people on the coast tend to think on the illegal immigrants are willing to do. laura: i did my angle on the koch brothers who have done a lot of things on tax reform and supporting brett kavanaugh and deregulation. they ve done good stuff on that. but they are just adamant that even discussing tariffs is going to creator the global economy, it is going to be terrible. 60,000, 65,000 workers overseas. they have 60,000 in the united states, lot overseas. they are the older republican guard, and they don t like this. they will start finding some democrats because they want to fight that trump approach to trade. i think obviously funding democrats is not the answer. i m a free trader and i m not fond a pair of policy. the real key here, less policy
driven then it is cultural. the president has a lot of sympathy for people who are in these industries that have paid a price due to trade. there is no question that there are winners and losers in trade. overall, i think is a great thing for the united states. free-trade is a great thing. but to pretend there are no downsides to trade is not telling the whole truth. laura: again, the results of the election in those rust belt states, they suffered a great job losses over the last 20 years, china being in the wto, all these neocon hawks who all they did was tell us, we got to both of the military, that is great. i agree. but china is the big write to america s dominance, militarilyd economically. if we grow their economy at the expense of our own, we will be untroubled on the road. i also want to get some thoughts from you on something that is the opposite of what the chicago sun-times columnist road. this was a piece published this morning imagining the day after trump s reelection loss in 2020. here it is.
as trump seeds and tweets and defeat late tuesday, president-elect elizabeth warren celebrated, the ark of the trump story is starting to make more sense than it has for much of his chaotic presidency. the normal rules of politics do apply to donald trump after all. so now the time was up for trump. they are already imagining his loss, which tells you, welcome of the derangement syndrome, whatever you want to call it, that cliche is wearing thin, they are not having to write about 2020 in 2018. they are desperate to take on president trump right now. they are hoping obviously that 2016 was an outlier and they will blame it on anything. hillary clinton being a bad candidate finally or russian collusion, which they have yet to prove. they want to acknowledge there is a stomach problem inside the democratic party and screaming medicare for all in running hillary clinton clone like elizabeth warren is not going to fix a giant gap that they have with them at all the country who may still consider a bunch of better cleaners working jobs they would never deign to get
their hands dirty doing. i am a guy who was from the coast. i m from l.a. i spent some time in cambridge, massachusetts. i am an elite, by any of these standards. but the bottom line is, the people in bootable country are doing work that is as important or more importantly the people on the coast, who are sitting in their coffee houses writing scripts. laura: you are not that i lead. just because you go to those nice institutions, if you understand the plight of the regular working person, and you think that they have a role in our economy, you are not an elite. i m an elite but not trump made this distinction at a rally. he said, the people in this audience are elites but you are good at your job, if you work hard, and united states, you are an elite by any standard but you are not an elitist. that is where democrats get it wrong. laura: gott ha it. ben shapiro. awesome segment as always. is wa i say, i ll go my own way, with anoro. go your own way
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180801 06:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
market in decades. by the way, we have 375,000 manufacturing jobs that did come back to the united states president obama. according to marketwatch today wage and benefits are rising at the fastest pace in the decade. the employment cost index rose .6 percent in the second quarter, a tick below the marketwatch estimate of 7.4%. more important, the cost of worker compensation, pay and benefits, edged up 2.6 percent to reach the biggest gain since mid-2008. in other words, workers are making out better. you bet. the argument for every republican candidate goes something like this. economyant to get this going, if you want to keep this job market thriving, see your investment accounts growing vote republican. number two, a way to avoid impeachment, keep the midterm elections in republicans grip?
educate voters on what the democrats have the democrats, let s face it have gone totally nuts. they now want to abolish i.c.e. they believe people should not be able to use things like normal gender pronouns, that is offensive to democrats. they prefer that i guess we go to war with russia rather than supporting trump s diplomatic overtures to russia. they want to sanctuary cities from sea to shining sea. one guy even wrote a column, a democrat, about how we should have no borders at all. at least they are honest. they have a worldview where illegal immigrants are protected while our citizens become an afterthought. so on the campaign trail emphasize how the democrats are on the margins. they are the fringe. they are the radicals. they threaten individual liberty. this is the party now of regulation and speech codes. it s a party that is intolerant of any view but their own. they want to turn our entire country into, like, one big
college campus, where every expression is controlled by them. number three: argue that a life democrat congressional rule is merely going to be the nation will be locked into two years of relitigating the 2016 election. in other words, any real hope of solving our immigration, our spending,, entitlement, our infrastructure problems it is all going to evaporate. with this economy roaring, right now, we can focus on those things, because of trump and his big victory, we are finally out of the post-9/11 crisis mentality. remember, it wasn t so long ago that we were either mired in the middle east or dealing with fallout from the housing bubble the financial crisis, or essentially just allowing china to dominate us with impunity. but thanks to trump, we can now as a nation, have a real
conversation, a debate would be nice, about the role that the united states will play in a world where the limits off globalization have frankly become pretty obvious. but let s not forget, the democrats are loathe to even begin considering that. they don t want to debate. they want to personalize demonize, isolate trump from his base. the fourth way to win in the midterms and avoid impeachment: be happy warriors! have fun on the campaign trail. it is a great time to be an american. i can t think of a better time frankly, in my lifetime, and this economy, then right now. you kids out there watching these are the good old days. because of the efforts of republicans and this white house, more americans will be able to pursue happiness. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. sometimes we forget the latter part. people can realize their dreamsr trump was having that fun tonight and telling those
stories. i was shaking hands with policemen in new york cityie and the first one came up to me and said, mr. president, i want to thank you so much. i said, what did i do? he said, my 401(k) is up 44% and my wife thinks i am for the first time a financial genius. she is giving him all the credit. she said, darling, i love you so much. and he said, yes, i am great financial wizard. laura: thee audience is laughing and having fun. that is what politics is all about. making people s lives better. connecting with the electorate. personalizing the narrative. that is what the president did tonight.nn he is out explaining why his policies are working. highlighting the results and the benefits for particular regions of the country. i hope he goes to places, by the way, that he lost in the general election, or the vote was kind
of close. don t be deterred by the protesters or their resistance mentality from traveling to places like california illinois, colorado, and go backm to wisconsin, go to michigan. to win over independent voters and even some democrats, the president and the republicans have to take the wind out of the resistance s sails. this is best done by focusing on your results and offering morece solutions without the histrionics or the side issues that will just be used to caricature you later on. and finally, if the president wants to do something in congress before the midterms hey, i would push for a middle-class tax cuts. i know they are considering another capital gains tax cut but how about another middle-class tax cuts? make what you already passed and is working, permanent, and expand the cuts you have in place. that puts the democrats totally on the defensive and on the spot.
that means they are going to have to vote against their own constituents economic well-being. that s a great idea. on midterm strategy, there was something of the president said about his wall and the desire for the wall that caught my attention. we are going to have tremendous border security that will include the wall! we have started large portions of the wall but we are going to need even the way we e negotiate, we are going to need more, we will get more, and we may have to do some pretty drastic things, but we are going to get it. laura: all right, well, i hope by drastic things, he s not referring to a government shutdown. and a lot of you conservativesot are like, yeah, government shutdown. i get it. it s tantalizing. it s, like, the skeleton crew works the government and functions just fine for a time being and it might force congress to fund the wall before the midterms, although i m not sure that would happen. as a political strategy er i m
talking about winning in november to prevent the impeachment of this president ?- i think it is really risky. it s really risky. why is it really risky? becauseur with suburban women with the independent voters that is not really where they are. results matter. making their lives better matters. i m with the president on ther wall 100%, but if you will take a risky gamble on shutting down the government, the time to do that, that was last march when the whole omnibus spending bill debate was going on. right? that was in the president had the good instinct, it was in the morning he voted on it, the good instinct to veto it. the republicans made him change his mind had on it, he didn t veto it. that was a time to take the ngstand. now it is too close to the election, the midterm election. it would also convey a sense of chaos. that is not with those independent voters want to see.
they want a happy warrior president. they want the economic successei touted. they want to know who the democrats really are. they want it steady as she goes. mr. president, keep the focus on the economy, like you did tonight, and your party cannot lose. remind voters that without a g.o.p. congress, your booming economy is sure to unravel. and then when it does unravel it is going to give way to daily impeachment warfare on capitol hill. as for you republicans, who still don t really fully embrace the president s record, i have to say this, frankly, you don t thdeserve to win. for the rest of you, make these midterms just the start of something phenomenal. and that the angle. joining me now for reaction is jon summers, a democrat and former communication director for senate majority leader harry reid, and dan bongino, and every tv contributor and author of the forthcoming book spygate: the attempted sabotage of donald j.j. trump.
both of you. all right, jon, take it away. where do you think i went wrong with my four steps to holding the house and senate and avoiding impeachment? you had a lot of stufff in there. you also had some stuff that i don t disagree with. i think when we talk about with the president needs to do, first of all, he s got to improve his approval rating. they are abysmal right now. his approval ratings are currently lower than richard nixon s work at this point in his presidency. he s got to take some steps to improve his approval rating. i would love to see the happy warrior tweet overnight. it would be a welcome change, i think laura: he was having fun tonight, jon. did you watch the rally? that he was having a great time. he was having a great time in front of his base. but the base isn t what he s going tos need to enact. it s great he s got i believe 88% approval rating among his base but that won t win over, as you are saying, independence and other people.
what he s got to do is go back and republicans need to do this and democrats need to do it, we all need to be focusing on the people who the hardworking families who elected trump into- office. and that is where he has lost sight. one way he can do that is to provide farmers relief from this terrible trade war that he started. laura: terrible trade war that s working. republican members of congress are begging for relief. laura: of course they are. they are used to big money from big lobbying organizations that want to keep the globalist going.ey dan bongino. dan, you know the drill. these were some of their predictions for the novemberer elections coming up that we ve been hearing on tv from the usual suspects. let s watch. you see the makings of a democratic majority. the democrats have to win 21 seats to take control. i think it is a better than even chance at this point that it s going to happen. there is definitely a blue wave coming and we ve got to get ready for it and stop lying to ourselves. you are plugged into a lot of republicans. were they releasing
behind-the-scenes? speaker they are saying, get off the beach. laura: okay, dan. first of all, most of those people hate trump, were wrong about the election in 2016, but now they are giving out the advice. your reaction? laura, these are the same people who printed in the washington post that trump had approximately a 0% chance oo winning. that was an actual headline. one of the bylines. why would you write something so absurd? he obviously didn t have a 0% chance of winning. it speaks more to your animosity toward the person then it does your political acumen. now i just want to address something jon says. i am always kind of weirded out by this, when people say trump should focus more on the middle class when he just was responsible largely for tax cut that has filtered down to the middle class and now we are seeing the numbers. i get this a lot when i debate with democrats. they try to prod you with emotion, but they lose all of
the facts and data.ou we just had the employment cost index. 2.8%. barack obama hovered around 2.2 present this entire time! he sis at 2.8! trump has only been in office two years! we ve just seen an explosivep growth, even an incomewo tax revenue toward the government. we ve seen 4.1% gdp! recovering from eight disastrous years of barack obama. i think the middle class gets donald trump and i think, jon, i respect your analysis, i think you are way off there. if anybody sent up with the middle class, it is trump. his approval rating would be way higher. but it s not. the middle-class tax cuts that you are talking about, yeah some of them do trickle down to the middle class, the majority of those tax cuts actually benefit laura: those of the people that pay all the taxes, jon. the billion-dollar tax cut is pushing for today for rich people. laura: for everyone who has investments. how many people are invested in the stock market?
if you are smart, if you are invested in the stock market. it s important for the republicans to take the high road. i would go for a middle-class tax cuts. you agree with me, dan bongino? i would push even further for those families under $100,000 income with three or four kids. i would cut them further. let the democrats be told that. they would support the middle-class tax cut, not another tax cut that would laura: a win-win for the country. i would like to see a five or six percentage point cut in the middle brackets that would affectoi would affect middle-cls married families, no doubt about it. notice that jon spins it again., they do this all the time. they say, it will trickle down to the middle j class. no, the middle class got an actual tax cuts. i know if you are i don t know if you are unfamiliar with how the taxow ct works. maybe you should take check the data. laura: we are out of time.
i will say this. the president gets about 55% approval on the economy. thwe ll see. a lot more to get to. ron desantis up next. big rally tonight. what happened behind-the-scenes? we ll tell you.. don t go away. including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist.
headline a wild rally in tampa florida, this evening. a lot of my friends were there.u making a push for his agenda and throwing his support, full throated support, behind floridg congressman ron desantis gubernatorial bid. we are restoring american strength and american pride. this may be, in fact it probably is, the greatest movement in the history of our country. but to keep it going, we need th elect more republicans. we need more votes. and we need to elect ron desantis as your governor. laura: you wonder how you get chosen to sit behind the president? i want to know. [laughs] joining us now with more is congressman ron desantis. what an amazing night congressman. i know you were on cloud nine because somehow, last month when i was down there, you were down 15 points, and now you are up 12 points. again, polls can change. i m not saying we are not a
getting too confident here. but that is like a 27-point swing. what could possibly account for that, congressman? look, we had the president has been behind me but was more public toward the end of june. we had a big debate on fox news which showed the distinctions between the two candidates which was very important, not just the fact that i am supported by president trump in my opponent was fighting trump during the election, but also on some of these substantive issues that you and i have discussed things like e-verify, being tough on illegal immigration come a big distinction there. but tonight, i think was just taking it to another level. laura, that whole arena was filled with people. there were thousands of people waiting outside that couldn t getpl in. there was a lot of electricity. those folks are fired up, ready to go, and florida is going to i think we will do well in florida in the midterms this year. laura: a lot of people are talking about, because of the
horrible natural disaster in puerto rico, and a lot of people are moving into florida from puerto rico, a horriblee situation. they have failed to personallyda deal with registering to vote some of them weren t, they were going to a registered democrat. do you have a strategy for dealing with that because i understand that the democrats are moving on that front? obviously moving past the primary. the sitting congresswoman from puerto rico has endorsed heme. she s a republican. jennifer gonzalez. she s a good friend. that community in central florida is receptive to pro-jobs, pro-economic growth pro-education message. so we can do it. governor rick scott, his approval rating amongst that community in central florida is like, 70% because he s worked very hard. he managed the hurricane aftermath as well, and the maria aftermath, when you had folks that were leaving part of
of puerto rico to come to florida. we need to compete everywhere. laura: you just came out with an ad that you are getting some flack for. a lot of us think it s pretty adorable. we have to play it. let s watch. ron loves playing with the kids. build the wall. he reads stories. then mr. trump said, you re fired. i love that part. he s teaching madison to talk. make america great again. people say ron is all trump but he is so much more. t bigly. so good. laura: some people don t have any sense of humor. what is your reaction tonight to that ad? some people think it s kind of goofy. i have already endorsed you full disclosure. i endorsed you five years ago when you weren t announced yet. but what about that? the response has been overwhelmingly positive because in this business, you have to be able to take a step back, pokeke fun at yourself, have fun at this, and part of what makes me i think effective is that i have a wife that is my best friend
and best supporter, we have a family, that is very important to both of us. we wanted to let voters know about that. we wanted to do it in a way that is not the typical cookie-cutter ad that no one pays attention to. so people who were getting upset about it, they have no sense of humor. i think that some people, it is just, like, thee trump derangement syndrome, it sets in so much that they lose the ability to reason and have a laugh at some of the stuff. laura: first of all, i think your wife should run in thee future. i m already five steps ahead of you on that. she gave a heck of a speech tonight in the warm up, laura. laura: already heard about it. congressman, congrats. great night tonight. we really appreciatera it. the final sprint to the midterms is on with 90 days to go can you believe it a critical question looms. how will bob mueller and the russia probe impact voters, if at all? there is no sign of it wrapping up but will the surging economy sweep the investigation to the side of the ballot box? joining us now, the polling heroes. frank luntz and doug schoen. great to be with you.
doug schoen, your reaction, you heard the angle tonight, four pieces of advice as to how to avoid impeachment. as a democrat and a conservative centrist democrat sort of wish you would keep your opinions to yourself. the rant was exactly right. running on the economy, a middle-class tax cut, is the pro-growth message that the republicans need. if they get distracted shutting down the government over immigration, that is the stone cold loser. you asked about the mueller investigation, trump s numbers have gone up, the republican numbers have gone up, asmp this investigation has carried on. i don t think that issue frankly, is going to be relevant unless and until something demonstrative and definitive happens, which shows no signs of happening before the election. it could change. but as we sit here today, i think the democratic advantage has as much to do with 40 open
republican seats, which are either open or retirements, than it does with any groundswell for the party. laura: frank? it s a simple question. are you better off today than you were two years ago. so many americans are in the country is. laura: these independent suburban women, you talked about it, you put up the warning flag him i know it is easy for republicans to say, the pollsters were wrong last time you can discount the pollsters. i think you do that at your own disadvantage this time around because the resistance is so powerful, they are mad that they were along last time i they want to prove themselves right this time. i agree with you 100%. the problem is some of the language is an effective way the words they are using on the way they presenting it doesn t work ewith women. there is a backlash becausewo of exactly what you said. middle-class, middle income middle america women republicans are to be much better job. one more thing.
i actually think that it s not enough for them to say, you have 4.1% growth rate. nobody understands what that means. laura: personalize the story, correct? personalize it, and two years from now, the speakerze nancy pelosi, i think they actually have to use her in the campaign. laura: you undo the gains that you made in the last two years. separate what you don t likeo about trump s tweets, undo it all. and then how are you doing? there is a new poll out, harris neil poll that came out just an hour ago or so, about mueller going to your point. they believe the bias has spurred trump, the mueller, the way the fbi handled the investigation, and so that he demonstrates again that people don t think this process is a fair. i don t think it ultimately has much of an impact in thedo november elections. i agree with you. i don t think it well. frank s point is an important one and one of the reasons why i aink the democrats have better than 50% chance to win the house. women, suburban, white voters
middle-class voters, on both coasts are really reacting to the rhetoric of the republicans. laura: when they go to the country clubs, talking about suburban women, country clubsbs to hang out, have coffee with their friends, is it that they are embarrassed, they feel embarrassed to say they support trump s results? do they want to feel there is a way to support trump because hem shows empathy or compassion on an issue? oh, he s good on this. how does he message them? you stay on the tax cuts, job report, everything that is economically based. on the end, that is what matters to more than them. some people will vote based on donald trump. this election, you win orr lose based on whether they think theo are income level will be better two years from now than it is today. laura: that story in the rally tonight, the 401(k), the firefighter. up 44%. it is smart.
i want to do a whole hour with you guys. we ll get flack if we do that. thank you so much. the president using force to divide america. why is ruth bader ginsburg s groupies rejoicing? a lot more to get to. arroyo next.
four books about ruth bader ginsburg. i decent and the ruth bader ginselburg story. and i also noticed there are dolls. actual dolls. laura: dolls? and a new documentary that is called rbg. here s the glimpse. i ask no favor for our sex. all i ask of the brethren is that they take their feet off of our necks. we welcome today just as ruth bader ginsburg. to become such an icon. would you mind signing this? i m 84 years old and everybody wants to take a picture with me. that is why you are rbg. when you come right down to it, the closest thing to a superhero i know.n the closest thing to a superhero. gloria steinem sorry about
that. that was truly a slip of the town. tongue. many on the left who were upset with ruth bader ginsburg, they that you should have retired when obama was still the president and now they say she is just holding on. i believe she is trying to give them a reason to rally during the midterms. now you have a reason to vote because ruth is going to hang on for another five more years. laura: i understand that people i saw this last night on twitter are offering up their organs, their internal organs, to keep her going. is that true? you see here with the barbells. the woman survived pancreatic cancer. laura: she s amazing. i actually have known her for almost 30 years. you will get another five years. laura: she s a delightful person. we will move on. basketball superstar lebron james just opened a brand-new state-of-the-art school in his hometown of akron, ohio. during a media tour, he had this to say about the president.ho listen. this race thing has been taken over, and because i
believe our president is trying to divide us. he s using sports to divide us. that is something i can t relate to.po dividing us. look, he got to say right off the bat, lebron james, this is this school that he opened in acron is incredible.e. it s food, its stem, and math it is a fantastic school for at-risk kids. this comment, though, that the president is dividing people with sports, i think that goes too far. the president capitalized on what he saw and amplified it. laura: why is the president dividing people on sports? people kneel at the national anthem colin kaepernick did that. laura: the people in thee stands reacted to that. trump spoke about it but the fans didn t like it. how was that the president look, when you are an athlete and you comment on politics that is fine, you have every right to comment on politics you are an american citizen. on i expect they re going to be half of the country that disagree with you.
when you go to sport games, they just want to enjoy the sports. they want their movies sports, films, free of politicst it should be uniting. lebron stands in stark contrast to this new dallas quarterback, dak prescott. he had this to say about the same controversy. watch this. i never protested during the anthem and i don t think it is a time where the writing to do so. the game of football has always brought me such peace and it does the same for a lot of people. when you bring such controversy to the stadium, to the game, it takes away from the joy and the love that football brings a lott of people. the love and the peace that football brings. i think he is ontoto something. laura: i adore him. he s the new tim tebow. i love him. when i go to a game you just want to bond with one another and share with one another on. i don t want to think, he laura: redskins, redskins redskins. forget the saints. who dat?
laura: another celebrity was speaking out about her trip last night, kim kardashian. listen to the way that she handled jimmy kimmel s comment. i have nothing bad to say about the president. you still have people on the list. i don t have anything bad to say about him. laura: she probably has something good to say but she is afraid to because hollywood will descend on her. call or a hater, racist. the president commuted the sentence of the woman laura: hannity just had are fantastic interview. he released her. i think what you are hearing from the kardashians and kanye before her, it is the struggle w to come to terms with being fair to the good things the president is doing while disagreeing in the areas where you think he s wrong. laura: everyone can disagree, let s just be a little bit more polite. aren t you kind and sweet in your?
laura: good for lebron to open the school. and raymond, we ll see you tomorrow. we just want you to shine in this beautiful studio. it is a pretty studio. laura: a house candidate by the way, hurling ara horrible slur at melania trump, and house majority leader kevin mccarthy wants him banned from twitter. what is that all about? mccarthy joins us exclusively to talk about it next.
they be doing tonight? now leader mccarthy is calling on twitter to suspend roberts. the congressman joins is now exclusively with more on that and otherus issues. congressman mccarthy, this is so low, but it s one of the many things the left has said about conservative women over the last few years that have gone on with impunity. no repercussions, no boycotts they say it, they get away with it, and they are celebrated for it, congressman. exactly right. that is why he saying it. this is inappropriate on any platform to say about a first lady. this first lady, or any otherr first lady. and twitter is treating people much different way you look what theywi do to conservatives. a shadow banned them. when you shadow banned them everything you put up on twitteo is invisible except you ourselves. you know what they did to the rnc chair, ronna mcdaniel? they shadow banned her. congressman devin nunes, they shatter banned him him.
they just said it was a an algorithm. there is not one of the 78 progressive liberal members who ever got shadowm. banned. going after conservative speech. laura: jack dorsey is a big liberal, who founded twitter. he s a big fan of barack obama. that is fine if he is a big liberal. he even apologized for eating at chick-fil-a. but here is an individual who said a speech, that in my belief, is hateful. it is not for long on that platform. he should suspend hisit account. he goes on to even speak more about the first lady, but he bans conservatives. laura: it wasn t he wasn t banned from twitter correct? i learned about he got suspended. laura: i learned about this because i saw your retweet. not to get you into it. it was a response to something our friend charlie kirk of turning point usa had written.
and this freak responds to his tweet and says the h word, i don t even know what that is. it s so stupid. something you would read or hear it some kind of lame, gross hip-hop thing. but if he said about michelle obama, what would be happening? this person would be shut down. they would be no opportunity for them to be on twitter again. listen to what he responded toor charlie. charlie simply pointed out that our first lady is running a thinner, leaner operation, where there are fewer people working there. he responds this way to her. but what goes farther, this is happening on social media in a lot of different places. remember what google did to the republicans in california a week before the primary. g they said our philosophy wasek nazism. remember what twitter continue to do were to republicans? shadow ban. this is got a step i go into the campaign.
how many individualso are settig out there that want to have a communication or talk about a conservatives object getat bannd or their views are never being seen? but individuals can talk like this and they never got suspended?ei this is what is wrong. laura: the problem congressman, when young people do basic searches for information, they do basic searches for capitalism, t tx cuts, it is interesting to see what comes up on those searches. invariably, the most left wing progressive, even socialist views, which are couched in the most beautiful terms, come up first.oc that is a problem when you have companies that get so big, their market cap is larger than most countries. and they have such an outsize influence, it s a problem. it s a major problem because we found facebook, prior to the last election, was suppressing conservative views that were going out there. it s exactly what you are talking about. they are only allowing other
views to come forward. that is why they have to have a very clear policy, have to be held accountable.s laura: is there anything you can do on the congressional level? we brought them in for a hearing. what i fundamentally believe is they have to stop the bias. ever since i came out with us, l have simply did a tweet, onep time, of what i found has happen, stop the bias. it even happened to my own wifeh in the process. i was able to speak up for it. i am getting many people across the social media showing me what has happened to them. they don t have a voice. laura: good, we have to have the evidence. i did my opening angle, congressman, on four ways to avoid impeachment and avoid losses on my terms. i focused on the economy, and the focus has to be on economic growth and how pelosi will reverse the gains that haveth bn made. at the same time, there is concern that we will have a riss of the government shutdown. now president trump said at his
rally tonight that he is considering drastic measures if necessary to get the funding for the wall. he campaigned on the wall and congress hasn t delivered on the wall that he campaigned on and i believe the american people want this enforcement done. what is your read on this? would a government shutdown hurt republican chances in november? i think timing is everything. if you shut down in the 30th and you ve got 60 votes in the y senate, the democrats would take advantage of that right before the election. let s be very clear, we have put money into the wall, we are currently building it, but we have to finish it. laura: $25 billion congressman. we have a lot further to go operate in the house, it s not a problem. it s a senate and the rules of where we go. we have to pick the right you are correct when it comes to the economy.ic think for one moment there s three entities you really want i to watch in this election. w women, independents, and seniors. if you watch and you look at
from all the democrats. open seats, when it was a race between a woman versus a man, a woman won 78% of the time. what happens when this tax cut went through, 1 million new jobs. women in america, the unemployment for women, the lowest point it s been in 65 years. laura: congressman, don t women want things to calm65 dow? women want thingss calm and peaceful, more happiness. i think trump has to be the happy warrior. he was happy warrior tonight. we want happy warrior trump. he is very charming i think it just makes people happy. we want that. do you agree with me on that or am i overstating it? i agree 100%. people rarely saw the president trump i always see. he is a happy warrior. he s a lot like when you watched ronald reagan, if you believe that his policies bring him more freedom, liberty, you should be a happy conservative. laura: we know what happens if the democrats get control it s going to be mired in investigation mania on
capitol hill. it s all going to be undone. congressman, thank you for joining us exclusively tonight. we really appreciate it. up next, seven illegal mexicanan immigrants attempt a brazenpr robbery in texas but why do the local authorities not tell us about it initially? stay with us. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
laura: viewer warning to all of our liberal viewers, you won t like the story because we have yet another example of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. brazen. this time is coming from the border town of mcallen, texas. on saturday, masked men is stormed a jewelry store in a botched robbery attempt. as you can see, the surveillance video, at least some of the men appeared to be armed. thankfully, authorities quickly took the man into custody. there wereo no injuries. according to customs and border protection, all seven of the suspects were in the country what a shocker. a fact that the local police neglected to disclose in their initial statement! joining me now for reaction thes cabrera, spokesman for national border patrol council. chris, i always find that it s like pulling teeth to get immigration status out of local authorities or reporters who are covering these stories. this was amazing. you have some background information in at least a few of these robbers. tell us.
a couple of these individuals that attempted that robbery had been arrested in california in 2015 for a similar robbery, a smash and grab type operation where i think ten people went into a jewelry store in the los angeles area and two of them ended up, two of them are part of the previous group. laura: chris, what i think american people get frustrated by is that these people coming to the country illegally, some of them get arrested for crimes they do sometime, and then they are released into society because california is a sanctuary state. they are released into society not really deported, some ofd them are both in and they come back over. they commit yet another crime. they do time here, we payy for three square meals a day, we pay for their incarceration, and then perhaps they ll be deported into mexico. how bad is it right now at the border and what in your mind has to be done immediately to stop
this flow across the country? i think we need to be tougher on the prosecutions, tougher on the sentencings, and make it a real deterrent against coming over here. in the need more agents area, on the ground, however we managed to do that, it remains to be seen. but it needs to be done because right now, it is wide open out there. the american public deserves security along the border. laura: i have a friend of mine who actually used to work for me years ago, but he works in mcallen, texas, he loves w the people of mcallen, but it is in some ways, it is the wild west, as a border town. is that accurate? it s a nice community, a great community. there are times when there is crime out here, there s a lot of home invasions usually, those are done those are within the drug community, guys fighting against each other. but it s just a matter of time before something breaks we have had cross-border violence for some time.
unfortunately, the local authorities, whether it is the city or the county municipality they don t want to admit that we are having spillover violence from mexico, and it is coming slowly but surely, increasingly has gotten worse, it s just that people are pretending it s not there. laura: the new president of mexico, it s not going to end. there is no more through way from central america through mexico or mexico into united states. not going to happen anymore. chris, thank you for that insight. it s fascinating.ap we ll be right back. close out this hour. do not go anywhere. stay there. ition called dry mou. which can be brought on by many things, like medication and medical conditions. biotène provides immediate, long lasting relief from dry mouth symptoms. it is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180731 06:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
policies, like regulation, or through poorly negotiated trade deals. don t get me wrong.ot the kochs have done great work on tax reform, stuffff like deregulation, and also in the area of education. last year, they spent $90 million in university programs, and they are committed to expanding their support for k-12 education. i have a question for you. how effective other educationn efforts be if americans enter a world where china dominates most major industries? including the areas of stem science, technology, so forth including things like artificial intelligence.ud we can t just look the other way while china and a lot of other countries, by the way, game the global trading system and rack up huge trade surpluses. i.t., stem, unfair subsidies and so forth. any fair-minded person would
have to agree with what the white house economic advisor larry kudlow, a free trader himself, said over the weekend. people will say, well president trump s tariffs arere damaging this, that, and the other thing. i say, don t blame president trump. he inherited a completely broken world trading system, including a wto, most particularly china but not only china. okay? he s trying to fix that. laura: remember the kochs supported the job andix sovereignty killing trans-pacific partnership, and the nafta agreement that bush obama, and until the campaign at least, hillary championed. the koch network, like the rest of the g.o.p. old guard, is positively furious with trump so use of tariffs to level the playing field. in fact, they announced s last month that they have committed to a multimillion dollar multiyear campaign to oppose what trump is doing onn trade.
billionaire set. but for most americans, these are major concerns. now the koch network is taking it a step further. they are now going so far as too financially punish of someme politicians who are supportive of the president s agenda. they announced today that they will not be supporting g.o.p. s north dakota senate candidate kevin kramer, trying to unseat democrat heidi heitkamp. what is the koch reason for that?t well, the republican candidate supported trump on both trade and immigration. at that confab i was mentioning earlier in colorado, charles koch made a big deal about uniting people who were previously divided. what does that p mean? how are these latest retaliatory efforts actually doing that? trump is the one uniting people for all the talk of divisiveness, trump enjoys an 88% approval rating among republicans, according to
the wall street journal, nbc poll.. only george w. bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 saw support likeke that. but the koch network and others talk a good game about unity embracing change, seizing opportunities. but when the president comes along who is actually embracing a new path, something different on behalf of the american people, let s try a new thing now, the kochs and the globalists just have their blinders on. they won t have any of it. a i had to laugh when, in a feature on the koch retreat, it said the following, democrats who attacked the koch brothersin in recent years, controlled that, at least in the area of trump, the billionaire industrialist, are no longer the left s number one enemy. [laughs] yeah, that s funny how that works. that is because republicans lacked a leader for soso many years that the kochs were the only game in town. but now, the left has a new enemy. it is trump.
doubt about it. but it is wild to hear them raio on about trump s use of a tool that bush used, obama used reagan used, and is one of the classic tools of our economic negotiation throughout american history. yes, this is yet another example of the empire striking back against donald trump. trump ran on this premise that he was going to come in and smash the corrupt existingng order, the corrupt status quo. that meant the elite ruling class on both sides of the aisle, the media, and the networks like the kochs, who are so deeply invested in the globalist agenda. he promised that he was going to smash all of that and actually represent the american worker the american taxpayer, andct americans economic interests. the reason we have donald trump among many reasons, laura, is because he went out intoon the heartland and he said, you know what? i see you, i hear you, and i i will be your champion. now after just a year and a half
barriers. they would never stand for the $15 billion bailout for the farmers in the midwest that the president is doing, something that monica would have called socialism had obama done it during his term. the kochs are consistent and they are consistent in their message. i don t trust that they will supportve liberals. they haven t said that they will support democrats. they said they will stay out of heidi heitkamp s race. they didn t say they would give her money. they will still spend aboutth $400 million on the midterms to try to elect republicans and conservatives who agree with their viewpoint. they are still going to beep active laura: but what weew are saying no one is saying a thy are not consistent. what we areau saying is, their time has come and gone.s they have a lot of dough, they done some good, philanthropypy they have done. but the era of endless warsey byron, and these global trade agreements, where america really can t get satisfaction, frankly what elizabeth warren and bernie sanders have talked about at different times, they talked, about these unfair trading regimes that benefit their well-heeled people, those days
are over in the republican party. there is no constituency for it why we have an 88% approval rating for donald trump. byron? donald trump the candidate in 2016 really did blow up republican orthodoxy in some very, very key ways.ea trade was one of those ways. immigration actually was another. the kochs have had a complicated relationship with that because if you asked them last year they were absolutely delighted with all of ther, deregulation that has been taking place under the president, happy with the tax cuts, too. now very unhappy with tradee and with immigration. i think a lot of republicans are really going to part with them on this north dakota thing. for example, the kochs are now spending about a million dollars to support the confirmation of brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. republicans partisans would say if you don t support republicans to the senate, there is notub going to be another trump nominee to the supreme court. well laura: that s why it s important to support the
challenger to heidi heitkamp. monica, there s a big talk about a potential shutdown now.rt you know, with the border wall. trump said i won t do the omnibus spending bill again.n. let s watch what the president said today about this. we need border security. border security includes theid wall. but it includes many other things. we have to end the lottery. we have to end the chain. the chain is like a disaster. you bring one person in, you end up with 32 people. the whole thing is ridiculous. we have to change our laws, and we do that through congress. i would certainly be willing toc close it down, to get it done. laura: the democrats are already going insane about this. again, old guard republicans this will blow the midterm election cycle. what are your thoughts? i think they are afraid that donald trump means it. and you know what? he does. this is a man who relishes everything go fight and when he says i m willing to shut down the government unless they get real money to start is border
wall, they know that he means it. so republicans and democrats alike are really afraid of this. look, of the many reasons donald trump got elected in 2016, the primary one was illegal immigration, building the wall, and all of these issues. ending chain migration, the visn lottery laura: they ve done nothing!di and he knows, in order to rouse the states going into the midterms, he needs to stick by this premise and shut down the government. laura: chuck schumer had no problem shutting down the government when trump was putting the pressure on with the daca kids, and he wanted to give withty, and he was fine shutting down the government. he tried to pass it off on trump. it wasn t trump. it was the democrats. now trump says, i m not doing the omnibus he should never have signed that other omnibus. he should have vetoed that back then and he wouldn t be in this situation now. but do you think the democrats are hoping for a shutdown? t no. i don t think we are because we don t want to see people hurt by that. i don t understand hownk mick mulvaney still has a job at the president was so upset with the budget that mick mulvaney wrote
with congress that the president signed. i would say this for the president. if he doesn t get his wall before the congress leaves, he won t get this wall because the best-case scenario for him is that the republicans have a smaller majority than they have now. they are more than likely going to be the minority in the house of representatives. the president knows that. he s going backwards. i get the strategy on his part because look,. november is lost no matter what, so the president might as well go all in, put his chips on the table it see what he gets out of because the democrats are takini the house and they might even take the senate, and then there will never be a wall. if he doesn t get the wall, he might not get reelected. it s a real issue for him right now. laura: you are predicting a lot of things there. you will hit mega millions. come on. [laughs] byron please. i d have a better backdrop. laura: the house of representatives might go democrat. this is the shot for thee bordr
wall. i think chris is right. you don t get this money now, i don t think you will get it at all. mitch mcconnell was asked about this over the weekend and once again it is kick the can down the road mcconnell on thiss issue. let s watch. is the funding of the border wall going to wait until after the midterm election? probably. that is something we do have a disagreement on. homeland security won t get funded before the midterms? probably not. you are not worried about a government shutdown? that s not going to happen. laura: [laughs] i kind of like that. byron, this is what they said last year. remember, last year, oh, we will wait until next term. next term rolled around, and the republicans, they just don t want this wall. let s face it. the g.o.p. does not want this you got to remember, this was the president s premier campaign promise. i went to a lot of trump rallies, covered a lot of trump rallies. this is what he said in every single one of them. if he doesn t deliver on it that he has not delivered on his biggest campaign promise.
i agree that, obviously, if the house goes democratic in november, just not going to happen. i think the president has not been focused enough on getting this. he has used other factors, like a chain migration or the visa lottery, thrown those into the banks, when perhaps the straight wall for daca deal could have been done. but if it doesn t happen now very, very good chance it s never going to happen. you have to remember, think about the secure fence act off what was it, 2006? laura: yeah. congress, by big majorities passed a rule to install triple layer fencing, really serious laura: democrats weree all for it. along large parts of the border, both parties, but it was never done because it was controlled by republicans and democrats never wanted to do it. he had to deal he had to the daca for the wall deal. that is what you call the schumer shutdown happened. that was the trump shutdown
because he called that pulled the deal out. laura: no, he didn he want to do. laura: no, he didn t. he had that deal and he was talked out of it. laura: chris, he doubledl the number of people who will get amnesty, he wanted the end of the perverted system of chaiw migration, which has tripled the number of immigrants coming in every three years. it s ridiculous. that is what he wanted, and he wanted the end of visa lottery. that made sense. he was going to give a doubling of the people got amnesty. he didn t pull anything. he sweetened the deal, frankly. he changed the deal. laura: it was what he campaigned on, and the democrats did not want to give him a victory. guys, we are out of o time. i wanted to get tomorrow but we don t have time. fantastic segment. thank you so much.or by the way, rudy giuliani, boy he launched a media blitz to take out mueller. you check that out? michael cohen. what does it mean? the shut down over the russia probe. next. ls? flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms,
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trump tower meeting with russian nationals. there was another meeting that has been leaked, but hasn t been public yet. there was a meeting, an alleged meeting, three days before. according to cohen or according to the leak, may be cohen withdrew this, i don t know, he said it was a a meeting with donald, jr., jared kushner with paul manafort, withit gates and possibly two others, and which they come out of the presence of the president discussed the meeting with the russians. we checked with their lawyers. that meeting never, ever took place. it didn t happen. it s a figment of his imagination or he s lying. laura: what to make of that? here to discuss, john solomon opinion contributor at the hill. and general charles mccullough a former inspector general who was targeted in the past for his investigation into hillary clinton s email server. gentlemen, good to see both of
you. john, you ve been a lot of reporting on this. have to get you on this first. rudy was all over the place over the weekend. and that little exchange on premeeting, saying, picked up everybody s ears. what do we know about that? i did a lot of reporting a year ago when the story first broke on this meeting. if bob mueller was still interested in that meeting right now, seriously interested in it cohen s case would not be sitting in the southern district of new york. it would be sitting in the prosecutor s office. i think there s a lot of hot air on this particular focus that doesn t actually amount to much. there is just not any evidence that mueller has been that interested in it for some period of time. meanwhile, a lot of things i will say this, there is no tweet for the president could issue there is no defense that has lawyers can put out there, there is no barb c that any politician can put out there that will change more the course of the russia investigation then if the president were to declassify the
remaining parts of the fisa memo. this is where the story lies. when that is released, i think the american public will learn a lot about the flaws in the investigation, the circularn intelligence reporting that occurred, and whether there is any evidence of collusion,n, whh i don t believe there is based on my reporting. also i think we will learn there was other tactics, other ways of gathering information about the president, that have not yet been revealed. when they are revealed, they will be very troubling to the american public. laura: sound like you are doing prereporting. looking forward to reading your piece. charles, you get the sense that this is coming to a head here both with whether theen presidet will testify and the intensity of giuliani s comments about mueller and cohen. we ll get to your experience with the hillary email investigation, what happened to you as inspectorie general. what was your take on how long this drags on for and where we are today with this mueller probe? we ve gone on for well over a year. there is nothing wrong with the administration putting a hard
deadline on this. they shouldn t interfere withmi the investigation. investigators get to do what they do. but there is certainly nothing wrong, these things can t go on forever.r. they are stressful for everyone involved. you have numerous people having to expend great amounts of money for legal fees. so they should put a hard deadline on this and stick to it. laura: again, we have a scenario here, where bob mueller puts on its investigation, not as an independent counsel, but special prosecutor. there is a fight going on now about whether the president is going to testify. clearly, from the beginning, the president was like, oh, i ll testify. but you run these investigations, you know sending your client in to testify in this open-ended fashion would be nightmarish. i think it would be terrible for the administration. john, do you get any sense that we are going anywhere except a federal court, and probably all
the way to the supreme court, to decide whether the president is going to be compelled to answer mueller s questions? you know, the special counsel mueller could have issued that subpoena a long time ago. it s been clear this has not been moving in any direction what was going to come to a resolution. a lot of conversation, no resolution. if you wanted to make it happen he could have issue thatom subpoena a while ago. my gut tells me that they know what they need to know about the president, they know enough to write whatever report they want to write and pursue whatever i prosecution they will pursue. i don t get a sense of a majorwr constitutional crisis on the horizon. i could be wrong. he would ve issued that subpoena it a while ago if he had so chosen. laura: charles, i want to get your thoughts on about nine months ago or so, you revealed to catherine herridge that you were targeted by hillary s allies for blowing the whistle on her illegal server. now the president is mocked for continuing to bring this up, it o sticks in his craw, and in the craw of a lot of us.
you said that the november sources and methods, lives and o operations, were all at risk. go into more of that if you could. it sticks in my craw, too. we started this whole thing. we ended up referring it to the fbi. but yeah, there were a lot of classified documents, highly classified documents, that were among this cache of documents that were on a private server. and there were open threats made to my folks who are looking into this, and to me, it is well documented at this point. it hit me the other day when there was this conversation about whether jim clapper should lose his clearance or director brennan, and i don t think anybody can answer right now whether or not hillary is still cleared. i m thinking she s probably
still cleared at this point. that is probably part of that whole securitycl clearance discussion. laura: talked about the other players, charles? s cheryl mills, huma abedin laura: do they have clearances still? i defy anyone to get a straight answer on whether any of them are still cleared. my sense is they probably are. i certainly would have heard ife they be weren t. we would have offeredit if they weren t by now. the state department was laura: we have a lot more to get into. charles, you ll stay with us. we have a shocking investigation into how the tsa may be spying on you as you check in for your flight. this is a mind-blowing report. every american has to see this. coming up next.ev
without their knowing it. even if they have not been suspected of any crime or if they are under investigation at all. the boston globe reporting that this previously undisclosed program known as quiet skies what the heck? this program is generating significant criticism from within the tsa. here with us to discussat is boston globe reporter jana winter who broke the story. we are also rejoined by former inspector general of the intelligence communityrs during the obama years, chuck jmccullough. a wild thing. first of all, jana, great story on this. incredible reporting. quiet skies. it sounds so placid and lovely. but what is this deal? it seems to me that none of this know about it. i ve never heard congress talk about it. does that work? how could we be tracked? here is what we know. we know that thousands of ordinary american to americans who are suspected of no crime and warranty on any watch list
are being followed by teams of armed undercover air marshals on domestic flights throughout the united states. when we reported the story on sunday, there has been a bit of outrage, i suppose, and at least four committees on the hill have demanded answers from tsa.t tsa will be briefing four committees at least earlier this week. laura: you did greatef reporting, enough to get everyone s attention.hi big piece came out an hour ago i know you saw it, it is your piece, lawmakers demand answers on quiet skies, surveillance program, after the globe report. they re going nuts over it, as they should.po here s a behavior checklistov chuck, i read this checklist and i am like, i just flew this morning to new york. i kind of i experienced all of these things, or at least observed them. excessive fidgeting. strong body odor. cold, penetrating stare. that is the lady who wouldn t help with the overhead. wide open, staring eyes.
exaggerated emotions. and facial flushing. that is just to name a few. [laughs] what is this, chuck? go ahead. we ve been running around for years telling people, if you see something, say something. laura: or smell something apparently. or if you smell something or somebody s got a stare. look, those items came from some study somewhere but the government i m sure dearly paid for. but i am glad that the tsa is doing this. this is why we pay the air marshals. but we have been telling people to do this for regular citizens if you cease and become as a something. and yet we have 1811 law enforcement officers who are on the plane that they are not following people home. as long as they are on laura: what are they doing? that is what they want to do. are they keeping a database of people s names, observations about them? if these people have done nothing wrong, american
citizens, and have done nothing wrong if a person goes into a room changes, two, three, four times laura: maybe it s an adult diaper. maybe you are cold on a plane. it s irregular, andnd someone should knowledge that somewhere. if they don t note it and something happens, then guess what happens?? they get blamed for it. laura: go ahead, jana. chuck is really smart but i m surprised. go ahead, jana. the reason why the story is out, and the reason why i know anythings anything about this to begin with is because the air marshals who are literally working thesea flights have said, this is not the best use of taxpayer money and this is leaving us vulnerable, as a country, and on aircraft, because we are diverting our resources to follow people who aree not suspected of anything. laura: this was started in 2010.sp everyone should know. this has been going on for eight years. i hope the inspector general of homeland security, if we even have one. do we have one, by the way chuck? i think there is an acting
over there. laura: okay. he gets to examine maybe it works, maybe it doesn t. there are going to bexa individual conduct, but if they have guidelines, and guidelines can be enforced, you will have problems case-by-case. we have been telling people for years, if you see something, sa, something. laura: this is people, this is the government. we have a constitution. would you not want them to say something if they see something? laura: we are talking about go ahead, jana. one, this is not see something, say something. these are trained law enforcement officers who take it very seriously, to become whistle-blowers. this is not, as you know, this is not a decision made lightly to come forward about this program. they truly feel that we are putting the country at riskk by following people when there is no reason to be doing so. collecting vast minute-by-minute information from the moment they are spotted
and identified from the gate at the departure airport up to taking note of the license plate of the vehicle that picks them up in the arrival city. everyone they talk to, every type of phone, every phone conversation, are they on a computer, are they sleeping? this is a lot more then see something, say something. this is not that. this is above and beyond and these are ordinary americans. i m glad they are doing it t and i hope they keep doing it because that is what we pay them to do. laura: john, i don t i mean, chuck, i don t pay them to be keeping the tabs on grandma who happens to have facial flushing and face touching. they are real threats in the air marshals would like to cover them. looking for irregularities i m sure that list came from somewhere, you can enforce controls laura: wait a second. that is not the best defense. laura: chuck, you, as inspector general of the intel committee, so all this irregularity with big government. you saw irregularity and frankly stuff that was happening that
could have hurt national security. so you saw people with good intentions go totally awry correct? this is different. we are not leaving the airport my understanding is. these are people in planes and in the airport who are doing things like ducking into a bathroom and changing three or your four times in a very short period of time. that s weird. that is irregular behavior. that is not what this program is doing, though! respectfully. laura: let me say, one of the other things on the checklist, by the way, the tsa has an $800 million budget. that is all i ll say. gripping there is less than 3,000 flying air marshals. there is more than 40,000s domestic flights a day. if you are following people who are not suspected of any crime laura: we don t want to do what israel does because thatt offends people. maybe that is why we are t doing it. we don t have enough people to be doing it. this is what the air marshals are saying. this has been going on for eight years. laura: guys, guys.
come on. i want to add another piece of data here. we will get more answers on this, i hope, this week, that is because it jana did the reporting and i m happy we are having this conversation. maybe some good can come of it but right now, here are some of the other things. rapid eye blinking. adam s apple jumps. i guess that is when you swallow. and gripping or white knuckling bags. i white knuckled my bags in minnesota today because i was -y i mean, some of these things are ridiculous. maybe someone noticed. laura: maybe i m being observed. if that is a comprehensive list, okay. my guess is those are a few items out of a much longer list. i would want context. i can give you that context. laura: jana, keep on the story. we got to keep reporting this story. thank you for being with us. chuck, invaluable analysis from you. we will have you back. we haven t gotten to the hillary email questions. we need a three hour show. the case of a florida police
officer shot by a haitian immigrant takes a tragic turn. stay with us. are
laura: less than a week after he was shot and wounded at a gas station while responding to a call, florida police officer adam jobbers-miller has tragically succumbed to his injuries. his killer, wisner desmaret your may remember from our coverage last year, came to the country from haiti when he was nine years old. he managed to escape conviction in the past but now i.c.e. has filed an immigration detainer hold on him. inexplicably, the city of philadelphia just announced that they will no longer grant i.c.e. access to a rest databases the one wisner desmaret was actually discovered on. here to debate this is a former i.c.e. special agent in charge of l.a. claude arnold and immigration attorney allen orr. we were so worried about officer
jobbers miller over the weekend because he was in intensive care, we thought he might bejo improving. that came across my phone over the weekend. your heart sinks. as it does for anyone gunned down in the united states. tragic loss for his family and the community, the police turned out to honor him of the weekend. but claude, let s start with you here. people say, immigration, as his own issue. don t conflate the issues of illegal immigration are people who overstay a visa with a case that is horrible and tragic as this because police officers are shot by american citizens, too. yeah, sure. look, i have been to far too many police officers funerals than i would like to have attended. several who have been killed by people who are here illegally in the united states. and we have enough criminals and cop killers of our own.
we certainly don t need to import any from elsewhere. the fact is, if mr. wisner desmaret had been ripped from the country he was here illegally thee polie officer would be alive. laura: allen orr? condolences to the family and community for losing an officer. i thank him for his service. the issue tonight, it s not clear from the court filings that this individual is undocumented or illegal, they are probably an immigrant with a green card that is deportable. i haven t seen that in the facts. if you read the case hearing today, from his statements, it . clear that this person might have mental deficiencies, as he assumed that everyone was after him. the thing i wanted to say, tonight is that the issue in this case is not is immigration status but crime in the united states. when we look at the failure of immigration, it is not at this individual immigrant, we should be looking at congress for they haven t done. laura: right now we find ourselves in a situation where people are still allowed to walk across our southwest border
where there is no fence or a fence that is have torn down or you can hop over easily, swim the rio grande, and i.c.e. the border patrol, excuse me has stopped ms-13 gang members just last week with the week before, stopped known gang members, who have actually been deported out of the country and stopped on their way back in. there clearly is an effort by the cartels, by humann traffickers, to bring people into the country, both illegally obviously, and also to help gang activity in the united states to grow the gang ranks, to replenish gang ranks, that is just a fact. while of course americans commit crimes everyday, we know that, i think we don t want more crime in the united states. we don t want more problems in our cities. we have kids that needte help. we have elderly who need help. we have officers who are stretched with budgets who are stretched. we don t need any more problems. claude, right now, we have philadelphia, brotherly love
city, you know, they are not going to be part of the database anymore. what could that do to hamper the apprehension and understanding of the people we are arresting for these crimes? real quickly, i would just like to say, in wisner desmaret s case, he came here as a visitor. the family applied for asylum the information i have, it was denied. they were put in removal proceedings, he was ordered deported. but then, out of the generosity of this country after thede earthquake in haiti, they were granted temporary protected status. to show his gratitude, he killed one of our heroes in blue. his status had ended so he should have been removed from the country. laura: had he been removed we have an officer who is alive today. exactly. laura: let s get to the philadelphia story. the philadelphia story is yet
another example of sanctuaryth city policies going to affect. how this helps the people of philadelphia is beyond me. claude, quickly, then allen gets the last word. it doesn t help the people of philadelphia, this is just theau city of philadelphia doubling down. first they are harboring people here illegally by refusing to cooperate with i.c.e. and then now they are refusing i.c.e. access to the records, so the people they release from jail i.c.e. can t track down using that information. i believe i.c.e. should just issue subpoenas and then when they refuse the subpoenas, theyl should initiate a criminal investigation, and u.s. attorney for the eastern district of pennsylvania should convene a grand laura: allen, the mayor off philly was the same one who literally did a snoopy dance when he found out the judge ruled that they could to the sanctuary city policy. as a practical matter, how does this happen keep the citizens a safe? i will move to my
conservative side. these are local people. the mayor was saying they did not want to be rapid enforcement. the problem was, not only was it criminals, but it was also witnesses and other individuals related to crimes, and the problem was, i.c.e. was spending too much on roundingd up the low-hanging fruit rather than focusing on people who really are a danger to the community. that is a problem in immigration right now. we are not trying to sort people out, we are just saying, every immigrant is a problem and we need to focus on that and that is not leading to security. we need to recognize that we 12 million people. we don t have the money but for it. laura: 12 million. 1,200,000,000, we ll probably there soon. great segment, guys. thank you so much. the gap between the elites and everyday americans is widening. ben shapiro on what that means for the country next. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
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or an amazing facsimile. the workers, for their part couldn t give him a standing ovation because they never sat down. i left the hall thinking donald trump is going to be reelected in 2020. the democrats don t have anyone who can touch him. bank on it. don t hate me for being they want to tell you. hmm. joining me now is ben shapiro editor for the daily wire. i thought that was an honest liberal view. he hates trump. can t stand trump. but going to the rally and seeing the reaction of the people, but kamala a harris cory booker, will they get the mojo going? what are your thinking? the culture war that is being waged is not between the elites anomalies, it is the elitists and no one else. people think that the jobs being lost of the new york daily news is a national tragedy but jobs being lost in the steel belt is perfectly fine. what president trump does better than any other politician on the
american scene, he conveys that he cares about people that are in these industries, people thal are doing the so called dirty jobs that people on the coast tend to think on the illegal immigrants are willing to do. laura: i did my angle on the koch brothers who have donel a lot of things on tax reform: and supporting brettan kavanaugh and deregulation. they ve done good stuff on that. but they are just adamant that even discussing tariffs is going to creator the global economy it is going to be terrible. i 60,000, 65,000 workersba overse. they have 60,000 in the t united states, a lot overseas. they are the old republican guard, and they don t like this. they will start funding somegu democrats because they want to fight that trump approach to trade. i think obviously funding democrats is not the answer. i m a free trader and i m not fond of tariff the real key here, less policy-driven than it is cultural. the president has a lot of
sympathy for people who are in these industries that have paidl a price due to trade. there is no question that there are winners and losers in trade. overall, i think is a great thing for the united states. free-trade is a great thing. but to pretend there are no downsides to trade is not telling the whole truth. laura: again, the results of the election in those rust belt states, they suffered a great job losses over the last 20 years, china being in the wto, all these neocon hawks l wo all they did was tell us, we got to build up the military, that is great. i agree. but china is the big threat to america s dominance, militarily and economically. if we grow their economy at the expense of our own, we will be in trouble down the road. i also want to get some thoughts from you on something that is the opposite of what the chicago sun-times columnist road. this was a piece published this morning imagining the day after trump s reelection loss in 2020. here it is. as trump seethes and tweets in
defeat late tuesday president-elect elizabeth warren celebrated, the arc of the trump story is starting to make more sense than it has for much of his chaotic presidency. the normal rules of politics doo apply to donald trump after all. so now the time was up for trump. they are already imagining his loss, which tells you, well, the derangement syndrome, whatever you want to call it, that c clie is wearing thin, they are now having to write about 2020 in 2018. they are desperate to take on president trump right now. they are hoping obviously that 2016 was an outlier and they will blame it on anything. hillary clinton being a bad candidate finally or russian collusion, which they have yet to prove. they want to acknowledge there is a stomach problem insidee the democratic party and screaming medicare for all in running hillary clinton clone like elizabeth warren is not going to fix a giant gap that they have with them at all the country wh may still consider a bunch off better cleaners working jobsry they would never deign to get their hands dirty doing. i am a guy who was from the
i m from l.a. i spent some time in cambridge massachusetts. i am an elite, by any ofss these standards. but the bottom line is, the people in bootable country are doing work that is as important or more importantly thes people on the coast, who are sitting in their coffee houses writing scripts. laura: you are not an elite. just because you go to those nice institutions, if you understand the plight of the. regular working person, and you think that they have a role in our economy, you are not an elite. i m an elite but not trump made this distinction at a rally. he said, the people in this audience are elites but if you are good at your job, if you work hard, in the united states you are an elite by any standard but you are not an elitist. that is where democrats get it wrong. laura: got it. ben shapiro. awesome segment as always. trie, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way, with anoro. go your own way
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180801 18:00:00

A look at the day s top news and headlines.
opinion, it s ridiculous the corruption and dishonesty with the witch hunt, the president has watched this process play out but he also wants to see it come to an end as he stated many times. we look forward to that happening. dana: i understand why she would want to answer it that way, last week we found out that mueller s team is looking at the president s tweets to see if there was a pattern of obstruction. this is just his opinion, just fighting back, it s not obstruction. amazing when you have the white house under siege like this one, much as with the nixon white house or the clinton white house, the way in which the team there comes to reflect the attitude, the language, the perspective of the boss. and you can hear it there, and the loaded words and the hard language. this is a white house under siege and this is an administration that is ready to fight, fight, fight. the problem for trump is the same as it is with, you know, all of that stuff about they re
going to impeach rod rosenstein and that business. it comes down to this, trump can act 450eshgs has constitutionally appropriate he can act. he has constitutionally appropriate remedies that he can do. he could order the documents to be released. he could discharge rod rosenstein. he would intervene yet he doesn t. this is the predicament. if he acts then he creates a constitutional crisis and loses republicans in the senate who say you ve gone too far. but he wants to talk about it and rally his fwas. dana: they also made a decision, the president decided he is not going to throw paul manafort under the bus. paul manafort isn t being charged here or tried on charges of collusion or anything to do with the campaign. this is separate and apart. what he s charged with, are the very things that president trump campaigned on, saying he would drain the swamp from.
he can t let paul manafort twist in the wind y worry about him? this is outside and apart from the campaign, why? we don t know what donald trump knows that paul manafort knows. this is the wilderness of mirrors situation. what you see may not be so. and this also goes for his former fixer, cohen, and bunch of other people in his orbit. we don t know what they know or what he thinks they know. for manafort this a logical gambit. he s richer than he made $60 million off the oligarchs. dana: don t say that, you will be struck from the courtroom. he s old and he s rich. for him it makes sense. take it to trial, see it through. as they get through the trial and i ve covered enough of these to know. if it gets to the trial and they re getting close to the end you can see plea deals in cases like this right up to the last minute.
understandably playing out his hand. dana: let me switch gears and talk about the mid terms. president obama announcing today his first wave of endorsements for house candidates, some i guess senate. i noted two things that he didn t include on his list, two types of people, one was the new instantly famous alexandria owe casio-cortez who beat joe crawley in the primary. oept bam a does not have her on his list. why would he, she doesn t need help. she won with, what, about the same number of votes as nothing. nd if she s in a safe seat she doesn t need help. she has enough visibility. dana: can i ask you, is it better for her not to be endorsed by president obama? she s running an anti-establishment campaign. i m not sure, do the democrats consider the clintons and the obamas establishment or just the
clintons? if she can find any way to lose in this district it would be a miracle greater than the senate reds winning the world series. it s not going to happen. the issue here is, is it good for democrats for obama to be doing this. i think no. i think this is hub ris, he has to stand back and let the chaos reign in the party. he can t show up and say i m out but here are the people you should do. dana: do you feel the same way about him not endorsing any current red state democrats up for re-election or are they glad to the to have the endorsement? you think joe manchin wants barack obama to say that s my guy? no, does not help you. dana: he said this is his first wave of endorsements, do you think he will have an impact on any of the races? he will have an impact in some places. but again the larger impact is a negative one for his party.
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dana: president trump is heading to central ohio to campaign in a final special election before the mid terms. republican troy balderson is running against daniel o connor, a house seat that s been in republican hands since 1980. but the crystal ball rates the contest a tossup. a new monmouth poll, he leads o connor only 1%. collin reeves joining me now, columnist for the boston herald. and dave brown, former senior advisor and community counsel to senator patty murray and democratic strategist. experienced folks to talk about ohio 12. collin. trump going to the race must mean that president trumps things that balderson has a good chance of winning or he wouldn t go. but him going could make all the difference in the turnout. absolutely. special elections usually come down to turnout. it s not always able to
extrapolate from the results what does happen in future elections. but i think one thing that the republicans have made clear in this race is the playbook they use against the democrat in the race is one they can use all across the country. and that is make every race a referendum on nancy pelosi. the democrats want to make every race a referendum on fond trump but that doesn t work in ohio, west virginia other places where he s very, very strong. that s where the mid terms seem to be going in terms of the battle lines. remains to be seen who will win. nancy poe less joy is a liability no matter where you go, nancy pe lows si. dana: the democrats must have done something right with this candidate, your thoughts? you re seeing a major enthusiasm gap in this race as well as races across the country. one reason why democrats over the past year, in special elections, have been consistently outperforming even in states that were historically red or went for president trump
in 2016. to win the house democrats need a net 23 seats. republicans are defending 25 seats that hillary clinton won last cycle n ohio and other suburban districts, the more the president wants to campaign in the suburbs we welcome that. if you look dana: why? if you look at the you be in of suburban women who strongly disapprove of the job that the president is doing, nearly 6 in 10. and even among republicans who support the president, there s a major, major gap between men who strongly support his performance and women. it s overwhelming. democrats are enjoying a 30-point lead with the suburban women, that s going to translate into gains in november. dana: collin, the other thing i learned is that the democrat candidate not only is there enthusiasm on his side, but to the extent there are independent enlts left, and apparently there are, they re leaning toward the democrats. that s typical in this type of a mid-term election.
can the president s visit change any of their minds? you have to believe if he s going there, he would look at a poll and assume he s going to be helpful and not an asset not anything that s going to drag down the republicans. look, these mid terms in the middle of august, people have a lot of other better things to be doing than paying attention to politics. and what s happening there. i think you just need to pay attention to what happens on turnout and who shows up. dana: let me ask you about a poll, i ll go to texas, this was a little bit of a surprise, this morning the texas iceum group poll showing that ted cruz is just two points ahead of o roarke, cruz the incumbent. o roarke on his heels. i would heat the quinnipiac poll came out saying that ted cruz is up 49-43. but that race, dave, is probably closer than ted cruz would like. i think it s very fair to say it s closer.
i thought it was striking, i think last week, when an incumbent sitting senator ted cruz challenges beto o roarke to five debates. that s crazy, an incumbent wants to debate, that speaks to his sense of waeshgness at this position. beto o roarke is running an interesting and compelling campaign, the small dollar donations he s generated and keeping up financially with senator cruz and running on kitchen table issues, whether it s insuring affordable healthcare, whether it s ensuring that they are able to have a winning wage. dana: he s been doing it in a different way, facebook live. collin, the last word, the democrats have had this dream of flipping texas blue. are their dreams to be dashed again this year? yes. texas isle into s gold for the democrats. cycle after texas is fool s gold. they want to make it competitive, they never do, the republican usually wins, i m
confident that will happen as well in the state of texas. dana: we ll make you buy is a drink if it s not true. thank you. thank you. dana: one group making a major push for a member of the national guard running for congress, i ll speak to lt. colonel ashleigh niklos about her primary fight tomorrow night. gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
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xwechb that the health inspengtors have given it the all clear, i m not worried right now. no, if i get sick, we ll see. but as of now not worried at all. dana: the restaurant was closed monday after the illnesses first surfaced. officials say they inspected the location and found no reason for the outbreak and the store reopened yesterday afternoon. ashley nickloes, serving eight deployments since 9/11, trains military and civilian groups on disaster response. her most important job, devoted mom. now, nickloes is on a new mission, challenge the career politicians, rebuild our military, grow our economy. dana: that was an ad recently released in support of lt. colonel ashley nickloes. the republican is part of a crowded field running in a primary tomorrow hoping to win the open seat in the second district. i m joined now by lt. colonel
ashley nickloes. thanks for being with us today. you re running for seat held in the duncan family for many, many decades. yes, ma am, 54 years. dana: why did you decide to run? you brought were you brought to my attention by this group called with honor. david ignatius is a columnist for the washington post, wrote this today, the coalesce evens of young veterans of iraq and having a may be the most positive trend on the political horizon. they have been through the nightmare of combat, they know what it means to serve the country beyond flag waving and slogan earring. did they re chute you to run for this seat? how did they find you? no, ma am, i just got tired of how broken washington is. my view from 18,000 feet over syria, iraq, and afghanistan is different than the view with a. after multiple deployments,
after the pad few decades, i thought it was time to bring a new voice and voils of experience to congress. dana: what do you think are your main issues you re concerned about? . national security of course is my top priority, closest to my heart. healthcare is also very close to my heart, my husband is a trauma surgeon and dedicated his life to healthcare in addition to serve 2g 2 years in the military serve 2g 2 years in the military. and term limits. i believe it s time to bring congress and the representatives back to the voice of the people. term limits would bring it back to what our founding fathers original intent was. kp there are many more women running for congress than in years past, the democrats doing better than republicans. where democrats are running in a primary with at least one woman and a man and no incumbent, 66% of democrats have won, they were women. 38% of republicans have won. tomorrow, in a crowded primary, trying to win it tomorrow. i know that you don t go about
talking about how you re a woman and that s why you should vote for me. what do you think about the republican party trying to promote women in this year? it s imperative that the republican party show what the actual republican party is. we re looking at over 435 seats in the house of representatives and only 11 of them being held by women after this election campaign. so we want to make sure that republicans reflect what we really are in this nation. as you said, i have a crowded primary, there s seven of us. i am the only female. but i ve run on my experience and the power of our message. i believe i m the most experienced to take this message to congress. dana: let me ask you about the on issue of a lot of people in tennessee, the effect of the trade policy that president trump is pursuing, while he tries to work out the trade deals there are consequences for tennessee, with canada, for example, being the top sip yent,
soy beans, and whiskey. i m curious what you say to your constituents when you come to washington who you would do to stick up for them on this issue? well, i applaud president trump s ability to try and bring a level playing field to our trade policy. we have over 850,000 jobs that are dependent on the trade policy here in tennessee. over 1.4 billion in money that we bring in to our state because of trade. i hope that president trump makes it an expedite, the negotiations, because the longer we draw it out the harder it will be on my constituents in tennessee. if ever there was a time to negotiate a better trade stance for us internationally, then right now is, they are into the booming economy. dana: lt. kol them ashley nickloes, thanks for being here today.
thank you so much, it was a privilege. dana: pension problems to the tune of trillions of dollars corks your retirement fund face insolvency? new tariff talk, what the president is tying when it comes to billions of dollars worth of chinese goods. president trump: everyone that says hello mr. president, congratulations on what you ve done for the economy. it s the talk of the world. china paying hundreds of billions of dollars a year with nobody there to protect your money. but you re there now.
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dana: a new place to raise the stakes with china, fox news learns president trump floated the idea of boosting property moesed tariffs from 10% to 25% on billions of dollars worth of chinese goods. here s the fox business network live with this story. tensions are is lating, the proposed move from 10% to 25% is more than double obviously. some see it as a tactic aimed at the chinese government. beijing has reacted with anger, threatening retaliation. we ve seen 25% tariffs on $34 billion, largely industrial goods that. s imposed on china amount the u.s. on schedule to heavy similar tariffs of an additional
$16 billion, either this week or next week. as for this next proposed level, the white house probably going to make a decision towards the end of august. those in favor of the tactics say they re justified because of the chinese yuan has fallen about 6% against the dollar since the end of may, a clear advantage of chinese exports when they sell their goods overseas. trade tensions clearly between the u.s. and china escalating but they are calming down between the u.s. and europe. president meeting with the e.c. president last week, the e. you have freeing to import more u.s. soy beans, very important big $20 billion export crop for us. and more liquified natural gas. the u.s. stood down on imposing tariffs on imported european cars. dana: and american consumers are paying more for certain items. which ones stand out? they certainly are. basically, hearing from a lot of ceos that metals, that cost
more, it costs them more for certain products, packaging, the ceo of coca-cola saying the company is taking an unusual step of raising soda prices midyear, referenced the rising costs. he said freight rates and prices for plastic and aluminum went into his decision. executives at sam adams brewery and boston beer company saying prices would go up 2% in the second half of the year. r.v. manufacturer winnebago won t say how much it raised prices, but the company has admitted to modifying r.v. floor plans to trim costs. separate from tariffs, americans are also paying more this summer to fly due to rising fuel costs. you have american airlines for example spending more on fuel, jet fuel prices up around 50%, that company said it s hurting its bottom line. delta s ceo saying ticket sales are up about 4% from last year. american consumers taking a few hits from all sides.
kp. dana: all right, thank you. good news on the economic front for the american worker with the employment cost index showing that pay and benefits are climbing at the fastest pace in a decade. joining me is arry fliescher, former secretary under george w. bush and fox news contributor. great news for the president, unemployment at 4.0% and news about increase in pay. i want to spring this on you, i just got this in, president trump doing an interview with rush limbaugh, he called in, rush limbaugh celebrating 30 years on air, pretty remarkable. trump saying this about farmers and trade. our farmers were we re going to open up markets for them but they re great patriots. i watch them all the time, saying we trust our president. you know they make take a short-term hit. you look at farm and farming has been going down for 15 years. sow beenls five years before the election cut in half, the price was cut in half, i wasn t there.
he made comments on other things, but relevant on the economy, everything seems to be going well. one question about trade. that s right, donald trump is trying to do something long term when it comes the tariffs. it s high, high risk and high, high reward. on the fundamentals of the economy and the most important fundamental, are you making more money. working class, blue collar americans, first the time in ten years they can report a significant raise in pay. that s huge. and that has a tendency, historically, to change how elections come out. dana: in terms of, we do these stories about mid terms all the time. republicans out there running are not running on the economy. they re talking about other things like immigration, things that will get the base out. i understand it s a mid-term election. but is the good feelings about the economy, are they baked into people s thinking? i don t think so, not yet. unemployment is low and he gets credit for that, that s baked into the economy. but the missing picture, one of the big reasons why donald trump
got elected, wages were stuck for 10 years. blue collar americans weren t getting a pay raise, but the wealthy were. that was pal possible, the weakness of the obama years. now, it s going up. that s a tremendous development. the parallel to the 90s when bill clinton was under investigation by ken starr and the economy boomed. people didn t really care about the investigation. if that s the case here, it benefits donald trump and republicans. dana: any concern for that deirdre was reporting because of the trade issues, prices are going up, even coke a cola saying they ll to have raise their prices a little bit. middle class wages, low income going up, but do they get eaten up by cost increases? everything feels different these days, with donald trump. inflation unless it s rampant doesn t hurt you as much as if your wages are not going up f your wages are going up you feel better. you don t foo notice that your
coke costs five cents more or airline ticket costs 5% more. you re making more money week-to-week. dana: and maybe your anxiety is alleviated and that makes you feel better about things. i want to ask about this, the economy is so good, should we be trying to make hay while the sun shines, in terms of the structural problems? there s a problem with pensions, people forget about pensions, we don t talk about them as much any more. a lot of states are underfunded with their pensions and there are laws that kick in that says taxpayers don t have to bail them out. aren t these great issues, the issues republicans wrangled with for decades and we haven t talked about them for years. this is the time with a booming economy to go after tariffs as trump is doing, when the economy is strong we can take the risk. secondly, deal with long-term pension issues and the underfunding of them. this is the time to get your books in order when the economy is well. when the economy is doing poorly, the resources aren t there to do it. this is better than before. dana: and impact on the
budgeting for congress, they re looking at that as entitlement spending continues to grow, the stuff that you can t mess with, the amount of money that you have to put around to other things is basically smaller and smaller. exactly right, the government gets squeezed. one of the things about the trump years, he doesn t want to do anything about social security and medicare going bankrupt. we have to one day. i guess it won t be on donald trump s watch. dana: maybe a second term. he says he s going to do it. dana: greg gudfelled is coming up, were you at an event last night. i was at the mets national game in washington, dwk my son who got to watch his favorite player, trey turner, what a pounding. 26 runs for the nationals. what a game. dana: fun park, too. it is. dana: best part of washington sometimes. it is. they don t tax when you you walk in. dana: keep an eye on. thatari fliescher, thank you. vice president pence is in hawaii to receive the remains of
american service members who died during the korean war. a solemn ceremony taking place at pearl harbor. stan springer is live in honolulu. this is an emotional day for anyone who served in the military. but it will be especially powerful for the more than 7,600 families who lost servicemen in the korean war whose remains have never been identified, never brought back to the united states 65 years after the fighting ended. vice president mike pence is in hawaii now, to take part in today s honorable carry ceremony. it means a lot to him personally, his father fought in korea and received the bronze star. he will be accompanied by two people whose fathers were killed in the war and their remains still missing. also attending will be 10 local korean war veterans who will be part of the honor guard. dozens of vets have been meeting every week on tuesdays for the last 20 years. the group s president is herb shriner whose brother was killed in korea.
you know how hard it is to hear that they re missing in action and you don t know where they re at, what s happening to them, are they captured, are they suffering? families think about that. 55 boxes of remains were turned over by north korea late last week and flown to a u.s. base in south korea draped in the united nations flag. when they arrive shortly at joint base pearl parlor hick couple, they will be covered by u.s. flags. then the painstaking work begins to identify the remains. it will be done by the defense p.o.w. m.i.a. accounting administration, one of the premiere anthropologist groups in the world. last year it made 201 identifications of our war dead giving families a chance at some closure. but it is not a quick process. one of the few countries that spends this type of effort and
time and money to bring closure to our military families. each and every one of those families has been made a promise by the u.s. military to come home. we are the end of that promise. the relatively easy identifications will take at least a month, dna will be part of that process. some of these identifications could take many years, if ever. yet getting done. those 55 boxes could contain hundreds of individual service members. dana: dan, thank you. a new ruling today by a jum on something very up judge on something very upsetting regarding the children separated from their parents at the border. what one major league pitcher did to get himself out during a game that his team won by 21 runs. oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven
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officials from giving kids psycho troepic medications without permission, saying they need parental consent or court order. legal filings show officials at the shila treatment center were giving kids medication without approval. the baseball world is talking today after the washington nationals pounded the new york mets 25-4 last night. it s new york s most lopsided loss in the 57 year history but not the score everyone is talking about. it s nationals pitcher sean kelly, cut this morning after throwing a tantrum on the mound in the ninth inning with his team way ahead. i m joined by my co-host on the five and the author of the gutfeld monologues. kelly s agent put out a statement, that kelly had no issues with pitching in the game, that they were winning, kelly was fresh from four days rest, warming up in the bull pen before the phone rang to tell him he got the call to pitch the
ninth inning. the they said he grew frustrated when the umpire implored him to work quickly and trip gibson told him to slow down or get called for a balk. the whole story, they were looking for something to get rid of this guy. they released him because he threw his mitt down. there s a backstory. he s probably not a popular player. what would you call him, dane? what would be the word? dana: a diva? [laughing] no, i would be respectful of maybe a jerk. he might be a jerk. i think, like, this is the equivalent of a yard sale. they put him out, there so somebody could pick him up. a teachable moment for him, he hah to prove to the people who pick him up that he isn t what you might call, um dana: not like he took an ally gator into a convenience store and chased people around.
no, that would be terrible. dana: i would call them something then. [laughing] okay, everybody. what would you call that, dane? dana: i might call you that. are you going to explain this on the five tonight? you know what it is, something that outrageous and immoral happens on family television, it s incumbent on the host of the show to talk about it. and i think we need to air our grievances. a lot of people at the table, need to have a discussion. dana: family counseling? it needs to be a toechable moment. dana: show counseling. because of what happened to me on the five no, what i did on the phi last night, let me take full responsibility, i m sorry, we ll lead the five with it. but we ve been talking about twitter outbursts. what i did last night was sort
of like if you did it on twitter, the mob might come after you, right? or if you did it, like sean kelley, he s throwing his mitt down, on twitter that would be seen as, you know, ridiculous. but you might get fired for it, too. i think it s a testament to the amount of leisure time that we have that we can examiner sides those kind of exercise, i don t know, crucifixions where we go after somebody and have the time to do it. i call it, sort of like a ritual sacrifice almost every week, we find somebody and cast them out. and then we find somebody else. it s such a strange thing. it s almost like we need to create a ritual to replace that. you know what i mean? something that people can do. to take their minds off? right. like mass is like that, you go mass and take part in a ritual that keep from you doing actual sacrifices and actual crucifixions. there almost needs to be a mass
for social media that teaches people this will replace that, so stop hurting people. dana: i love this mass for social media. you had a great time. i did special report with brett in d.c., he s a jolly foally and molly and jonah and myra. never try to maybe everybody. dana: you had a good time. it was great and i did a couple of talk shows, too. at fox it s unusual to see somebody plugging a book. dana: doesn t happen very off. right, so people are shocked and surprised to see me here plugging a book that s a collection of all of my monologues, which are bursts of thoughts that you probably would have had. dana: it s brilliant. i won t go that far, i don t blow my own horn, i m not like you. [laughing] but dvp i know this, i have been warned that your monologue today on the five is must-see television. my mom, she s going to be there and watching. she better be.
and i don t think she s not a proud mother right now. [laughing] dana: all right, mom, bail me out on twitter. greg, thank you. three republicans fighting to replace senator jeff flake, a live update in arizona, straight ahead. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? and help you feel more strength & energy in just 2 weeks. i ll take that. ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure® withthat s the same thing ti want to do with you. it s an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he s gonna get mine but i m gonna get a new one! oh yeah! he s gonna get mine but i m gonna get a new one! when it s time for your old chevy truck
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stirewalt moved this race from tossup to leading democrat. there are a few things going on. first of all, two of the three leading republican candidates, they re trump-based far right conservatives, including maricopa former sheriff joe arpaio. he said he will not ask for an endorsement, that s up to mr. trump. he accuses the other hard liner of promising him a lot offy job if he would drop out. they ve been after trying to get me out of the race from the beginning and i don t like them bribing for money to get me to drop out of the race. now, ward the former state senator who unsuccessfully challenged john mccain in 207 16 brushes off the words with this. joe has been a folk hero, somebody who has been important in arizona. and i hate s to see the people he s surrounding himself with on his campaign really ruining the
legacy that he has left. the frontrunner is two-term congresswoman and former fighter pilot martha mcfamily, a moderate. but they say she s warmed to the president of late, even though she s critical of him in the past. i welcome an endorsement from the president. i don t expect him to win this race for me, but we d welcome it. early voting evens august 28. dana: is the democrat that strong or something else at work here as you mention chris making that ratings change a couple of weeks ago. right, well maybe to your first, the first part of the question, and yes definitely to the second. the electorate is definitely changing. latino population is up to 30% here in arizona. and independent voters are much more influential. all of this of course helps democratic congresswoman kirsten cinema who has a strong past,
including being a green party activist. she s worked to move and distance where self from that past and even signaled she would be willing to work with the president. dana: all right, alicia, thank you for that. a man searching for a diamond in the ashes of his home destroyed by the california wind fires. watch this. i was thinking, okay, there s not going to be anything left. maybe some molten metal. ham has no added nitrates, nitrites or artificial preservatives. now deli fresh flavor is for everyone. like those who like. sweet. those who prefer heat. and those who just love meat. oscar mayer deli fresh. a fresh way to deli. oscar mayer deli fresh. i start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new and butch.aura. and tank.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180802 02:00:00

team. i m like a bridge between two generations of fox. on the old man. laura: great show tonight, shawn, as always. sean: have a a great show. laura: i m laura ingraham. this is the intermingle. back in washington, d.c., as sean said. what an exciting show. great guests, including an unbelievable twist in the mueller investigation. we ll tell you why hillary clinton and barack obama suddenly have a new connection to it. plus, our seen and unseen segment, raymond arroyo digs into some utterly bizarre trends among all millennials and hillary clinton s expansion into tv. a disturbing report on how easy it may be for non-u.s. citizens to register to vote and cast a ballot. michelle malkin joins us for what it means in the upcoming election. but first, the defenders of lawlessness. that is the focus of tonight s angle . if you want to see just how
radical, how extreme democrats have become an immigration, check out the freak at their anti-i.c.e. protests. the siege at the i.c.e. building at portland, oregon, started june 17th and continues today. protesters even followed them home to their residences, follow them when they went to pick up their kids at day care. repeatedly threatening their lives. this was an absolute siege of a i.c.e. facility. a lot of people don t know this. this really isn t getting covered in the mainstream media. we lost that building for ten days, almost two weeks. the protesters took control of that building. again, these were not normal protesters. folks like antifa, violent, militant groups. laura: you know what you haven t seen the media coverage that aspect of it? we have new information for you tonight. to top it all off, portland mayor ted wheeler shot down the terrified i.c.e. officers calls for help. saying that police would respond
hawaii, mazie hirono. again, i think we are missing the point. these individuals are there because they have broken the law. there have to be a process. they have broken the law only is deemed so by the president. no, ma am. they are therefore a violation of title eight of the immigration illegal entry, criminal and civil violation. my understanding that under your tolerance, you through them not under civil proceedings but for criminal proceedings. they are both. i m confused. we went okay. god bless her. she s confused. all that volcanic ash dash if they violate the laws, there will be a penalty. the pundits wonder how trump got elected. roughly 2500 children who were separated from their family units at the u.s.-mexico border. more than 1800 have already been reunited with her parents. of the 700 children are so who
Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
security that will include the wall! that will include the wall. laura: the applause went on and on last night. the biggest a blonde wind when the of immigration came up. look, in my mind, it s actually sad, it s really sad to see what happened to the party of fdr and john f. kennedy, the democratic party. on this issue and so many others, they used to believe america was worth defending. laws, or constitution, the declaration, her borders, her h. now their most vocal voices believe it is time to destroy that old order and replace it with something closer to socialism. but we are not about to let that happen. and that is the angle. joining me an awful reaction is tom homan, the former acting director of the i.c.e. mr. homan, thank you so much for being here. i got to tell you, when i see what s going on in portland,
oregon, beautiful portland, a lot of history of political activism, that s fine, this is not your ordinary political activism. what s happening there that the american people are not seeing because the media will not adequately cover this story? during the time i saw your clips earlier, and chris kramer is right. the mayor has refused to take action on those folks that have illegally prevented us from doing our jobs by shutting our building to hover over a week. how many child molesters, predators, weren t arrested that week? committee criminal aliens, aliens would enter this country illegally and commit yet another crime or director that we? a lot of criminals are not walking the streets of portland that would have been arrested that week. the mayor turned his back on the citizens of portland for his own political ambitions. laura: chris crane was talking about the nt for infiltration, or someone would say takeover of this protest. are the run-of-the-mill, kind of millennial protesters, with the magic marker signs, and the black mask people, kind of
working hand in glove there from what you are gathering? yeah, i watched video of the portland office showed on for days. antifa was there. in a matter of fact, they hung their antifa flag up over laura: they talked on the u.s. flag, they climbed the building, they took on the u.s. flag, and they replaced it with? yes, ma am. i.c.e., the first thing they did when they took a building back, the patriots raised the building back up. laura: the only thing i can think about it is when isis was rolling through parts of iraq. they were going to those christian villagers in mosul and so forth. they were knocking down those churches, taking up the cross, and raising the isis flag. as a form of domestic terror. it s pathetic, what s going on in portland. i don t know who is worse than that mayor or the mayor in oakland, philadelphia, the whole bunch of them right now, who have never accepted this president, and they will put their own political ambitions ahead of the public safety of their citizens.
no the mayor of portland, i m sure he will hear about that, these i.c.e. employees, are also tax payers and citizens of the city of portland. he has a duty to protect them. laura: ever teach outcome interesting name, democratic candidate for a new york attorney general, calls to abolish i.c.e. i.c.e. has to be abolished and as attorney general, i will continue to speak out against i.c.e., i will prosecute i.c.e. for their criminal acts. we have stories of consistent abuse. the idea that we could call this law enforcement is a real offense to the idea of law itself. laura: a real offense. i think she s mixing up i think she means offense. that s okay. i ve never seen that video but now i m more irritated than i was when i walked in here. that attorney general laura: candidate. candidate. i hope that is as far as she
gets. look, prosecute i.c.e. agents? i.c.e. officers and agents have taken more than 5,000 criminal aliens up the street in new york. that walked out of there sanctuary jails. i.c.e. has done more for public safety in that state in their own governor has. i.c.e. officers on the northern border have shut down opioid trade and laura: but they say the reason they are upset is because you are separating families, you are focused on deporting these families, when you should be focused on the illegal immigrants. they are conflating border patrol, hhs, detainment centers, and i.c.e. they are putting them in one big pot. what you could do a better job if you weren t focusing on these four children. let me tell you about separating families. watch the hearing and i was quite disturbed by some of the questions by democrats. they kept wanting to put the blame on border patrols and i.c.e. we have a process, we ve been separating families for decades, first of all. laura: decades. decades. they want to blame somebody? congress need to look in the mirror. i have been up on the hill
several times along with the head of cdp and cis talking about the loopholes, if they want these folks to see a judge and claim asylum, we do, too. there is one way to guarantee to see a judge is to keep it in a family residential center. they don t want to do that. they refuse to fix the loopholes, the attorney general did what he had to do operationally to defend our borders. the attorney general did exactly what he should have done. laura: zero tolerance is a way to go. he was right. we have a runaway judge situation in this country. they are acting as super legislators. speak of a judge in san diego, he ordered during the unification stop, the dna testing, when we did the dna testing, 55 and 7% were at the parents. if you bring that to 2500 people, how many children do we have to release them to people that want their parents because i judge decided the dna wasn t important? laura: other 20% of kids were not brought across by their parents there s 10,000 children in
custody, hhs that were separated by their parents who hired criminal organizations to put their credit in the trunk of a car and smuggled into united states. that is child abuse. laura: who are the parents who send their kids across the border alone? what kind of parent is at? the administration of dash putting your code in the trunk of a car and smuggling to united states. laura: tom homan, great to see you. we miss you at the homeland. i m in the fight. laura: good for for you. bob mueller is the mayor to make it significant concession to the trump legal team. he s agreed to reduce the number of questions for president trump and a potential interview from his initial list of 49. mueller is also willing to accept some answers in writing, though he wants oral ancestor others. trump attorney rudy giuliani responded to the tug-of-war over an interview earlier today. they sent us a proposal. we responded to that proposal. it took about ten days and yesterday, we got a letter back. we are in the process of responding. at the end of it, they should
render their report, put up i guess, put up or shut up, what you got? we have every reason to believe they don t have anything. laura: joining us now to analyze, alan dershowitz, author of the book, the case against abusing, impeaching trump, along with sol wisenberg, from the whitewater investigation. professor dershowitz, what you make of this development? the posted concessions, they don t on the concessions to me. down from 49 questions, some in writing. as a change the calculus? i don t think so. it s not about quantity. it s all about quality. all he has to do is ask one question, what was your motive, why did you file your comey, or why did you ask comey may be to go easy on flynn? all they want to do is get him to say in a context where he would be charged with a crime, something that is controversial, and something that somebody else
will come in and testify and say, no, he told me something different. no, he told me that his motive was this or that. motives are so vague and subjective. and you can be charged with lying to prosecution officials, even if you tell the truth. if there is another witness who comes in and gives a different account and the prosecutor is trying to get you. they want to put you in perjury trap. believes or says he believes tho made out only be singing, but he may be composing, in order to get a better deal. you ve walked into a perjury trap. in the end, i don t think as lawyers are going to let president trump testify orally at all. look, the president make it his way. he says he wants to testify. but no lawyer is going to walk his client into a perjury trap. laura: tonight, the new york times is reporting that the president is pushing for an interview with mueller against the advice of counsel. now i don t know if this is kind
of a they are playing around here on this, good p.r., or if that is the real deal. but let s pretend for the moment that is real. your reaction? i think it is suicidal. i think it s idiotic. i agree with the professor. here is the real peace here. based on everything we know, they don t have anything close to an obstruction case on the president. but it is much easier, in addition to the stuff that professor dershowitz said, it is much easier to prove a case of flying to the government under 18 u.s. code section 1,001 than it is to prove an obstruction case, particularly based on what they have. it has to be material, but the threshold for a material blog is extremely low. and their cases are legion of convicting people under 1,001 and including martha stewart. it s a terrible strategy and i can t believe i would physically restrain my client in these circumstances.
laura: [laughs] you and i both. hold on, alan. we all stay for another segment. we have an incredible story ahead. hillary clinton and barack obama is a stunning connection now to the mueller probe. you won t believe this. stay here. chicken?! chicken. chicken! that s right, candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
one of the other cable news network boots recently, first of all you probably are bombarded with updates on former trump campaign chair mark paul manafort federal trial kicked off today. despite no allegations of russian collusion, he is facing serious prison time in a case brought by the special counsel, bob mueller. it s not related that manafort s work that russian friendly ukrainian political party that. predated his time at the trump campaign. i got swept up in this whole deal. interestingly, there are reports that mueller has referred three cases to federal prosecutors in manhattan involving high-profile lobbyists who also worked on behalf of that same ukrainian linked group. without registering as foreign agents. haven t heard much about that. have you? could it be that, because, well, one of those names is tony podesta? super lobbyist and the democratic party and brother of john, the chairman of hillary s failed 2016 campaign. or that other name, greg craig? former white house counsel for barack obama. re-joining us now for reaction,
alan dershowitz, and sol wisenberg. okay, guys. how potentially serious, or not, is the deal with referring both podesta and greg craig to the southern district of new york? greg craig, full disclosure, work for my old law firm, and they parted ways. months back. let s start with you, professor dershowitz. what is going on here? greg is a great guy. he lives on martha s vineyard with me. i see them periodically over the summer. full disclosure. look, this proves that you never needed a special counsel. they are taking these cases more and more and referring them to ordinary u.s. attorney s office. the man a manafort case could have been tried by the u.s. attorney s office in northern virginia. the other manafort case by the district of columbia he was attorney s office. why do we need a special counsel? the cases don t involve russia for the most part were the only cases that involve russia are cases that will never be tried
at all, the 12 russians. they are not coming to disneyland any day soon to be served. they are not going to be expedited by vladimir putin. so we are seeing more and more proof that we never needed a special counsel. the special counsel will end up filing a report and getting some low-hanging fruit and getting some convictions, largely unrelated to waters mandate originally was. i didn t like the special counsel when they were appointed to get bill clinton, i didn t like them in other cases. i don t like them now. it is against the principles of democracy. laura: sol, we are vacuuming up a lot of information about people, and it is going after the special the southern district of new york, same deal with michael cohen. it doesn t seem like it is expanding to places that have nothing to do with the original charge. two things in mind. one, i think probably, if it has related gone to the southern district, unlike michael cohen where they could say it is not
in our daily work, here, this part of the original manafort thing, but here, they will decline those cases, and my guess, and of mueller declines cases against democrats, he would get a tremendous amount of criticism for it. so it s easier to send it to the southern district. laura: it looks better for mueller, who s been accused by the president of having 17 prosecutors i don t agree laura: not all of them have ties to the democrats. the president shouldn t be doing that. here s the other thing. here s a difference. right or wrong, mueller sees manafort as a key to his russia conspiracy case. he believes, right or wrong, that manafort knows that something manafort is the key and that is why he is going after manafort that he is clearly going to laura: judge ellis said that today. he said it repeatedly. he says i don t like it by the system let him do that. every prosecutor has done that at some point in their career. that is the key to mueller.
manafort is the key. the question is, if he s convicted, does he become what susan mcdougall, and say, not steve, i m still not talking to you, or does he say, he d rather talk if he has any information? laura: he was at in the trump campaign for 5 minutes. four or five months. laura: i don t think trump is worried about paul manafort. i know for a fact he s not worried about her. dershowitz you made a very good point, though. he made a very important point. it s much easier for you to tell mike he was attorney to decline a case and that is why we should have u.s. attorneys. they are professional prosecutors. and they don t have a target. they can decline cases if the facts and the law don t warrant prosecution. it s harder for a special counsel to do that. laura: let s advance his narrative today. we have this trial kicking off in in the east or director. and, instruct me, it struck me that much of the time in theg statements, a lot of the conversation went to paul manafort s wealth.
and there was one point where they brought in this witness, okay, maximilian katzman, former manager of the new york city men s where story. he claimed manafort spent $929,000 on suits between 2010 and 2014. judge ellis then says can t take this old judge ellis away, all this document shows is that mr. manafort had a lavish lifestyle. he had a nice home with a pool and a gazebo. it s not relevant. of course he went out to make a really funny comment about the clothes, saying he spent a lot of clothes and it wasn t even that well-dressed. is it a crime is a crime not to spend a lot of money, but we got a lot of people guilty of that in this town, washington, d.c. if he doesn t say men s warehouse, i don t know anything about it. laura: i like t.j. maxx. he likes men s warehouse. that is my kind of judge. that is my kind of judge. i will never be convicted of
anything, expensive clothing is a prerequisite. i also go to men s warehouse. speak of the interesting thing is under the law, the prussic -e law is terrible at showing lavish lifestyle. under the law, the prosecutors, and most courts would be allowed to say that but judge ellis really doesn t like it. every time he makes those comments, the jury is listening and they know he doesn t like it. laura: professor dershowitz, at one point, they talked about the fact that manafort used foreign wire transfers to pay for his clothe clothes. this maximilian katzman, who is the kato kaelin of the trail so far, he says she says, well,r i ve ever had. who cares? this is not against the law. i don t know what manafort did. i think this whole thing i don t know, my antenna, my spidey senses are going up about this case. i don t know if it is rick gates, if they are afraid to bring him and as a prosecution witness, they seem to be hesitant about bringing gates
income which i find interesting. professor? whenever you bring a witness who has admitted to lying, it is a very hard job to put them on the stand. the witness always says, i lied to the past, i know that, but now i am telling you the truth. the lawyer for the defense says, you expected benefits from telling the truth. don t you expect to get a good deal? but it is very hard to get a successful conviction based on a flipped witness who might not only be singing, but composing. this judge is very synthetic to that. he used that term. he said sometimes witnesses who are squeezed, not only think about compose, and make the case better in order to get a better deal. laura: real quick, they talked about not doing that early morning raid. apparently, the fbi had a key to his condo. they said, how did you have a key? we said, we don t know how we had the key. a little weird. a little weird. again, this is my own litigator sense. that is interesting. listen, gate is going to
testify. laura: gate is going to testify. guys, we ll have you back all the time. this is really interesting. great panels, great to see you in person. big name now scouring hollywood for new production gigs. we ll tell you about the latest. raymond arroyo next.
starbucks? they are willing to move, they are willing to change, find their destiny. they are more mobile than we are. here s what they are doing. they have adopted what is called small house movements, where they live in campers, or rvs. laura: or containers. these little babies, they are offering to them, they are also living in pods and their parents backyards. now three fourths of all campers are generation x and millennials because they are transient, they are impermanent a little bit, but there is an interesting thing i saw in the los angeles times, a ton of other periodicals. they are green thumbs among the millennial generation. laura: how do we go from containers i will make it. listen. a2017 gardening survey found that of the 6 million new gardeners in america, 5 million are age 18-34. they are millennials they are cohabitating with plants, laura plates. when there is too much of a
commitment of a cat. they don t want to go all the way with a cat laura: a cactus. a character s earned will work. let s go back to the dash they are jamming their apartments with greenery because they want a sense of connectedness. my take on this is he wanted something natural in an impermanent world. my advice, get a pet, get a child. laura: get a child? where you going to get that? costco? got to get married first. that s usually how it happens. my advice, don t spend your youth on the ficus. it would not give you a mother s day card. when you get old, and will not order you. don t do that. there is more we have to do that, and of course, i have to tell you about a great decision by netflix this week. they released a notice to subscribers that they would soon be streaming a new documentary with a very snappy title. the honorable minister louis farrakhan: my life s journey through music it was called. this week, netflix said that the documentary would not be airing
on their service. this is based on a five cd musical release. i had forgotten laura: i used to played on my radio years ago. i had forgotten. laura: screwy louis. i wouldn t google that. laura: he s talented. a calypso singer. laura: harry belafonte of calypso. harry belafonte of haiti. here is his calypso a little bit of his upcoming album that the documentary is based on. an album that speaks from the pain of the heart of a little boy wanting to see his people, this is a project that attracted some of the most brilliant, award-winning musicians and artists. now chaka khan, stevie wonder i hope he is going to sing a duet of you are the anti-semite of my life that would be cute together. chaka khan, common, why are these people lending their names to someone like louis farrakhan? this man has peddled hate like
no one else. i have to tell you, when i started listening to some of his original compositions, laura, this is something you could put a playlist together, it s really fun laura: radio show. for the radio show. he s got a song called heat of the call, yell, of white man s heaven is a black man tell. listen. of torture, and misgivings, yet the bible speaks of a heaven filled with material luxury, which the white man and the preacher has right here. laura: [laughs] white man s day is done. laura: there is no rhyming. this is like a cornel west combo, cormorant dome at cornel west with reverend wright. it is william shatner meets reverend wright. laura: for space odyssey music. hurry up. hillary, branching into tv,
you tease this earlier. she has a new deal with steven spielberg. laura: of course! let me tell you about this, how did you get a good, no tv experience at all. she read a book on the suffragette movement. you like to become a product to her lawyer, bob barnett, he took it to spielberg, he bought it and made her an executive producer. this is how it happens. laura: this is how hollywood takes care of its own. laura: you know what you need to do? find a book and bring it to your lawyer. laura: i m sure. by the way, the notorious rbd, i was down at dinesh deserves her, i went to the premiere of his movie, guess what the first break poster was, the first dash ruth bader ginsburg. the new superhero of the left. now the obama s netflix, hillary hillary is at cbs. she is going to be on madam secretary on their premiere, playing herself. you can dvr it. you love it. laura: with harvey weinstein gun, the clintons needs a benefactor in hollywood.
rate agreement, thank you so much. i can t get that screwy louis out of my head. you will be grooving to that. laura: i m surprised he didn t do it in numerology. remember the numerology? he loves the numbers. this is new to me. laura: the left is enraged by a new documentary, speaking of dinesh d souza, chocked full of inflammatory claims about democrats about u.s. history. he joins us with his reaction right after his world premiere tonight. the upper next. around the house. or. around the yard. on the shelf. or even. out in the field. your mom knew she could always count on us. and your grandma did too. because for over 150 years, we ve been right by your side. advancing the health of the people, plants and pets you love. so, from all of us at bayer. thank you for trusting in us. then. and now.
both mussolini and hitler set up and ran welfare states. this was done by the liberals come the people who wanted to improve society. laura: joining us now with more, dinesh d souza, whose film, as i said, had the big washington, d.c., premiere tonight. huh, dinesh, good to see you. you are really kicking the hornets nest with this film. it s out tonight. you have a book out today, we ll have you on radio tomorrow, the next day. they are saying you are making leaps of logic, democrats are the real racists, look at where they are doing to these poor kids in in the detention cente. trump doesn t like brown people. he s putting his immigration enforcement is a place. what is your response to all these critics? there s a lot here. the movie focuses on two things, racism on the one hand, and fascism on the other. as you know, from the time trump was elected, the left has been dropping these two big incendiary bombs, not just on trump but on the right, but on
conservatives and republicans. so the movie has a historical component because it dives into what is awaiting a fascism, who is the real party of racism, but where it really kicks off with that looks at where is the fascism today, where s the racism today? and it shows that it is the fascist and racist detail belong not on the republican elephant but on the democratic donkey. laura: getting a lot of hits from variety, the guardian, they love you, and this embarrassing new film from the far right provocative all personal attacks, dinesh d souza, he compares donald trump to abraham lincoln, claims hitler was lgbt friendly and calls antifa the real nazis. let s talk about this trump-lincoln business. the idea of marking their heads together but look at how similar their situations are. in 1860 come outside a president, lincoln, comes in. he s narrowly elected, in a three-man race. and the moment he gets in, all
hell breaks loose. the democrats in the north are calling for his assassination, which happens eventually. the democrats in the south are willing to break off the country. so they are trying to get rid of lincoln, you may say, by any means necessary. look at how eerily similar that is our moment. trump faces a democratic party that is still refusing to accept the result of a loss of election, wants to get rid of trump however they can, and is pursuing all the strategies, including the inflammatory race card and fascism card, to discredit trump. laura: this antifa group is terrifying. black masks, whipping molotov cocktails, throwing desks through windows, with signs come stop the fascists. they are antifascist brady point out in the film, which is lucky enough to see the first 20 minutes or before had to come to the show, they want to stop speech. you have dealt with it on college campuses for decades. they want to stop speech, stop debate, and they are terrorizing
people, trump speaking out. they look like fascist, the act likes fascists except they could claim to be antifascist. i think i am also red, not just about antifa on the street but i would call the fascism of the deep state. when a party employs the weapons of the state, the fbi, irs laura: john brennan. against the political opponents, you re merging the unity of the party with the idea of the government. now mussolini did that. hitler did that. so that is as close as you will get to clinical fascism american-style. yet it s coming from the left. laura: richard spencer is him on the left holds up as he s alt-right, he is the real republican party, he s racist, and you actually interviewed him. he was at that charlottesville rally. you interviewed him in the movie. let s watch. what would be your take on reagan? i do not think he was a great president wade who is your favorite president? there was something about
jackson. they are something about pole, as well, someone who only served one term. jackson and pull, bow both democrats. party party is just the vessel that one uses. jackson is the founder of the democratic party. laura: dinesh, you and i have been doing this politics culture stop since we were at dartmouth together in the 1980s. have you ever i ve never heard of this richard spencer until 5 minutes ago. i literally had never heard of him. there is a deep strain of leftism inside the white nationalist movement. jason kessler, the organizer of the charlottesville rally, was an obama supporter. think about it. a white supremacist who voted for obama. and in occupy wall street guy. now this guy, richard spencer, and the core part of the interview, i asked him, where do your rights come from? they come from god? he goes, no. we don t have any rights. the right that we have are given to us by the government. so he s a statist, he s a collectivist.
and yet the left, when they see this, it horrifies them because it doesn t fit their narrative. and so they don t want to interview spencer in this kind of thing. i think the movie in a way blows the whistle on charlottesville and that whole charlottesville narrative and it blows it up and shows that there is a whole unreported side of it in which the left statists are trying ultimately to smear the right with guys like spencer, who are their willing accomplices. laura: do you think is movie in a way is a combination of, liberal the liberal education the end of racism. laura: the end of racism. a lot of the stuff you ve written about in a way comes together right before the midterms. everybody has to see this film. the race narrative i have been pursuing for 20 years. the fascism narrative is new and it s eye-opening to me. we have a scene in the movie, of nazis getting ready to pass the nuremberg laws against the jews and they have the laws of the democratic jim crow south and may have them as the nazi laws.
laura: congratulations. but, will, driving all the right people crazy. thank you so much for being here. but just how easy is it for noncitizens to vote? cast ballots? can be that easy, right? guess what, michelle malkin will tell us the truth next. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist.
laura: a disturbing report is raising questions about non-u.s. citizens ability to register to vote and cast ballots. the washington times reported, noncitizens are signing up to vote in states including pennsylvania, new jersey, and virginia, according to the research where the public interest legal foundation, the nonproduct on my profit organization. they found that a lot of of the that noncitizens manager cast ballots as well. yet, here s a common refrain we always hear from democrats. the voter fraud mantra is said to so often, it is almost said robotically, that some peoe have unthinkingly begun to believe that the issue is real. this whole notion of elections, or voting fraud this is something that has constantly been disproved. this is fake news.
the notion that they are a whole bunch of people out there who are going out there and are not eligible to vote and want to vote. we have the opposite problem. laura: joining us now with the reaction, conservative commentator, see our tv host michelle malkin. those golden oldies are just they are the gifts that keep on giving. they are always worried about voter i.d. because they think it is so hard to get a government issued i.d. in this country, really difficult. they think that is onerous. but then they are not worried about illegal immigrant voting, they brushed it off, even if it cancels out a legal citizens vote in any given reaction. your reaction to this report? laura, first of all, i commend the public interest legal foundation for doing the work that the liberal, open borders press won t do. you ve got the leftists in the elite media screaming about foreign interference and meddling in our political system and having noncitizens and
illegal aliens voting at our ballot boxes is the textbook definition of foreign meddling. this goes back years and years and years. back when i lived on the east coast, of course, all around me, all of the counties in then-liberal blue maryland were inviting noncitizens, and they kept it very vague. they said, we only want illegal immigrants who have a naturalized yet to be able to feel a part of the process and cast their ballots and school boards. this has been the gateway, laura, as you know, for all manner of legalizing illegal aliens participation in civic and electoral life. it is radical and it s transformative and it s happened right before our eyes, all legally. that is the real scandal here. whether it is judicial watch or project veritas, and the last
several election cycles, has been able to do undercover work, show that democrats are nonchalant about it, what it shows you are that these people are more interested in banning plastic straws and 3d guns than they are in illegal aliens from the ballot box. to be when you see this story this week, last week, san francisco, local board elections, school board elections, legal immigrants now can vote. they say, they are in the community, why shouldn t they have a right to vote? now we have that ninth circuit ruling today that you can t defund sanctuary cities. you can always count on the ninth circuit court of appeals on the issue of immigration to get it wrong. i m sure it will be reversed with the supreme court were nevertheless, the president is up against my completely biased media, perfectly ill-informed my judges, until they can appoint far, and to democrats and the old g.o.p. guards. they don t want that wall. let s face it. the g.o.p. on capitol hill, they do not want to this wall. correct, michelle? do not want at.
yes, they don t. we have fought these people for a long time, you and i, laura, long before there were a lot of johnny-come-lately is on this issue. we could smoke out the phonies in in the lip service payers from the people who truly believe in these fundamental principles of sovereignty. it is going to be a reckoning, these midterms. i have said many times as people have tried to sort of downplay the internal strife over this, of course it should be front and center of the midterms. the gallup polls are now showing that the majority of americans are with us more than ever. you ve got to left-wing enclaves, even in oregon, which now has an anti-sanctuary measure on the ballot, and it qualified with i think something like 50 or 60,000 more signatures than were needed. that is left-wing pacific northwest oregon! when it is beltway g.o.p. going to get the message? laura: michelle malkin, you
have done such great reporting on this. you were also doing some reporting on another case we will try to get you next week that involves criminal justice reform, and i can tweet something you know what i m talking about. i don t want to get too far into it. i want to bring you back to discuss that particular case next week. thank you so much. thank you, laura. i am so grateful. wrongful convictions are a huge issue for me. laura: wrongful convictions, prosecutors who are out of control in our country, and people rotting in prison when they could actually be gainful members of society. there s a lot of abuses out there. we really appreciate your covering not. michelle malkin, thank you so much. we have a lot to still get to. we ll squeeze it in, if we can, when we come back. oh!
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stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. tell your doctor if you have diabetic retinopathy or vision changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. laura: we didn t have time for raymond s last topic. 30 seconds. neil diamond announced, the great american legendary singer, he was going to be retiring because of parkinson s. he broke that promise to speak, or sing rather, to think these firefighters in colorado. watch this.

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