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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180801 02:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
midterms. that is the focus of tonight s angle. now you probably heard this, traditionally, parties in power loses seats in the midterm elections. according to the latest quinnipiac poll, there are some troubling signs for republicans. but all is not lost. check this out. you have to understand what is at stake, among independents, a group that trump won by four points, republicans face a 17-point deficit as of now versus the democrats. among white women, a group trump won by nine points in 2016, they are now preferring democratic candidates by a 14-point margin. among voters, 65 and older, they prefer dems by a 14-point margin. look, there is no doubt that the left is energized and they are craving for power. but if the democratic party gains majority, either house of congress, they will try to
turn? let s remember, should nancy pelosi repossess the speaker s gavel, you can bet that she will mier the country in endless investigations of the trump administration, and plunge us into a daily impeachment drama. no doubt about it. tonight, i have four recommendations to keep all of this from happening. number one: the republicans should be out, day in and day out, selling the trump economy. go across your districts and remind people that for his administration, its promises made, promises kept. the republican congress helped him along the way. the president promise peace and prosperity and that is what he delivered. he promised to hold china accountable, make nato countries pay their fair share. renegotiate nafta. and that is what he is doing. republicans promised to cut taxes and rollback onerous job killing regulations. and they did that, too.
now this is why the democrats keep talking about other issues, talking about things like mueller or michael cohen, michael avenatti, stormy. by the democrats do that? because they have zero answers. to trump s success. they have no alternative except to go to the tangential, unimportant issues. now the president, because he gets out or tell a story, he understands the value of touting the economy as he did tonight in florida. we are setting records like never before, since the election, we have added 3.7 million new jobs. we are in the longest positive job growth streak in history. the african-american unemployment rate has reached the lowest level in history! history! sorry about this, women. but the unemployment rate has
elections and republicans grip? educate voters on what the democrats have become. the democrats, let s face it, have gone totally nuts. then i want to abolish i.c.e. they believe people should not be able to use things like normal gender pronouns, that is offensive to democrats. they prefer that i guess we go to war with russia rather than supporting trump s diplomatic overtures to russia. they want to sanctuary cities from sea to shining sea. one guy even wrote a column, a democrat, about how we should have no borders at all. at least they are honest. they have a world where where illegal immigrants are protected while our citizens become an afterthought. so on the campaign trail, emphasize how the democrats are on the margins. they are the fringe. they are the radicals. they threaten individual libert liberty. this is the party now of regulation and speech codes. it s a party that is intolerant of any view but their own. they want to turn our entire
trump was having that fun tonight and telling those stories. i was shaking hands with policeman in new york city and the first one came up to me and said, mr. president, i want to thank you so much. i said, what did i do? he said, my 401(k) is up 44% and to my wife thinks i am for the first time a financial genius. she is giving him all the credi credit. she said, darling, i love you so much. and he said, yes, i am great financial wizard. laura: the audience is laughing and having fun. that is what politics is all about. making people s lives better. connecting with the electorate. personalizing the narrative. that is with the president did tonight. he is out explaining why his policies are working. highlighting the results and the benefits for particular reasons of the country. i hope he goes to places, by the way, that he lost in the general
election, or the vote was kind of close. don t be deterred by the protesters or their resistance mentality from traveling to places like california, illinois, colorado, and go back to wisconsin, go to michigan. to win over independent voters, and even some democrats, the president and the republicans have to take the wind out of the resistance s sales. this is best done by focusing on your results and offering more solutions without the histrionics or the side issues that will just be used to caricature you later on. and finally, if the president wants to do something in congress before the midterms, hey, i would push for a middle-class tax cuts. i know they are considering another capital gains tax cut but how about another middle-class tax cuts? make what you already passed, and is working, permanent, and expand the cuts you have in place. that puts the democrats totally on the defensive and on the
that would happen. as a political strategy i m talking about winning at november to prevent the impeachment of this president dash i think it is really risky. it s really risky. why is it really risky? because with suburban women, with the independent voters, that is not really where they are. results matter. making their lives better matters. and with the president on the wall 100%, but if you will takeg down the government, the time to do that, that was last march when the whole omnibus spending bill debate was going on. right? that was in the president had the good instinct, it was in the morning he voted on it, the good instinct to veto it. the republicans made him change his mind had not come he didn t veto it. that was a time to take the sand. now it is too close to the election, the midterm election. it would also convey a sense of chaos. that is not with those independent voters want to see.
they want a happy warrior president. they want the economic success is touted. they want to know who the democrats really are. they wanted steady as she goes. mr. president, keep the focus on the economy, like you did tonight, and your party cannot lose. remind voters that without a g.o.p. congress, your booming economy isn t sure to unravel. and then when it does unravel, it is going to give way to daily impeachment warfare on capitol hill. as for you republicans, who still don t really fully embrace the president s record, i have to say this, frankly, you don t deserve to win. for the rest of you, make these midterms just the start of something phenomenal. and that the angle. joining me now for reaction as john summers, a democrat and former communication director fy leader harry reid, and dan bongino, and every tv contributor and author of the forthcoming book, spygate: the
attempted sabotage of donald j. trump. great to see both of you. all right, john, take it away. where do you think i went wrong with my four steps to holding the house and senate and on boarding impeachment? speaker you had a lot of stuff in there. you also had some stuff that i don t disagree with. i think when we talk about with the president needs to do, first of all, he s got to improve his approval rating. they are abysmal right now. his approval ratings are currently lower than richard nixon s work at this point in his presidency. he s got to take some steps to improve his approval rating. i would love to see the happy warrior tweet overnight. it would be a welcome change, i think laura: he was having fun tonight, jon. did you watch the rally? that he was having a great time. he was having a great time in front of his base. but the base isn t what he s going to need to enact. it s great he s got i believe 88% approval rating among his base but that won t win over as you are saying, independence and other people.
what he s got to do is go back, and republicans need to do this, and democrats need to do it, we all need to be focusing on the people who the hardworking families, who elected trump into office. a notice where he has lost sigh. one way he can do that is to provide farmers relief from this terrible trade war that he started. laura: terrible trade war that s working. republican members of congress are begging for relief. laura: of course they are. they are used to big money from big lobbying organizations that want to keep the globalist going. dan bongino. the end, you know the drill. these were some of their predictions for the november elections coming up that we ve been hearing on tv from the usual suspects. let s watch. you see the makings of a democratic majority. figure the democrats have to win 21 seats to take control. i think it is a better than even chance at this point that it s going to happen. there is definitely a blue wave coming and we ve got to get ready for it and stop lying to
ourselves. you are plugged into a lot of republicans. were they releasing behind-the-scenes? speaker they are saying, get off the beach. laura: okay, dan. first of all, most of those people hate trim, were wrong about the election in 2016, but now they are giving out the advice. your reaction? laura, these are the same people who printed in the washington post that trump had approximately a 0% chance of winning. that was an actual headline. one of the bylines. why would you write something so absurd? he obviously didn t have a 0% chance of winning. he speaks more to your animosity toward the person then i does your political acumen. now i just want to address something john says. i am always kind of weirded out by this, when people say trump s should focus more on the middle class when he just was responsible largely for tax cut that has filtered down to the middle class and now we are seeing the numbers. i get this a lot when i debate with democrats. they try to prod you with
emotion, but they lose all of the facts and data. we just had the employment cost index. 2.8%. barack obama hovered around 2.2 present this entire time! he s at 2.8! trump is only been in office two years! we ve just seen an explosive growth, even an income tax revenue toward the government. we ve seen 4.1% gdp! recovering from eight disastrous years of barack obama. i think the middle class gets donald trump and i think, jon, i respect your analysis, i think you are way off there. if anybody sent up with the middle class, it it is trump. it s bigger approval rating would be way higher. but it s not. the middle-class tax cuts that you are talking about, yeah, some of them do trickle down to the middle class mother majority of those tax cuts actually benefit laura: those of the people to take pay all the gases, jon. the billion-dollar tax cut is pushing for today for rich people. laura: for everyone who has
investments. how many people are invested in the stock market? if you are smart, if you are interested in in the stock mar. it s important for the republicans to take the high road. i would go for a middle-class tax cuts. you agree with me, dan bongino? i would push even further for those families under $100,000 income with three or four kids. i would cut them further. let the democrats be told that. they would support the middle-class tax cut, not another tax cut that would laura: a win-won for the country. i would like to see a five or six percentage point cut in the metal brackets that would affect would affect middle-class married families, no doubt about it. notice that jon spins it again. they do this all the time. they say, it will trickle down to the middle class. no, the middle class got an actual tax cuts. i know if you are i don t know if you are unfamiliar with how the tax cut works. maybe you should take check the
data. laura: we are out of time. i will say this. the president gets about 55% approval on the economy. we ll see. a lot more to get to. ron desantis up next. big rally tonight. what happened behind-the-scenes? will tell you. don t go away.
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laura: president trump headline a wild rally in tampa, florida, this evening. a lot of my friends were there. making a push for his agenda and throwing his support, full throated support, behind florida congressman ron desantis gubernatorial bid. we are restoring american strength and american pride. this may be, in fact it probably is, the greatest movement in the history of our country. but you keep it going, we need to elect more republicans. we need more votes. and we need to elect ron desantis as your governor. laura: you wonder how you get chosen to sit behind the president? i want to know. [laughs] joining us now with more as congressman ron desantis. what an amazing night, congressman. i know you were on cloud nine because somehow, last month, when i was down there, you were down 15 points, and now you are
up 12 points. again, poles can change. i m not saying we are not getting too confident here. but that is like a 27-point spring. what could possibly account for that, congressman? look, we had the president has been behind me but was more public toward the end of june. we had a big debate on fox news, which showed the distinctions between the two candidates, which was very important, not just the fact that i am supported by president trump in my opponent was fighting trump during the election, but also on some of these substantive issues that you and i have discussed, things like e-verify, being tough on illegal immigration come a big distinction there. but tonight, i think was just taking it to another level. laura, that whole arena was filled with people. there were thousands of people waiting outside that couldn t get in. there was a lot of electricity. those folks are fired up, ready to go, and florida is going to i think we will do well in florida and the midterms this year. laura: a lot of people are
talking about, because of the horrible natural disaster in puerto rico, and a lot of people are moving into florida from puerto rico, a horrible situation. they have failed to personally deal with registering to vote, some of them weren t, they were going to a registered democrat. do you have a strategy for dealing with that because i understand that the democrats are moving on that front? obviously moving past the primary. visiting congresswoman from puerto rico has endorsed me. she s a republican. jennifer gonzalez. she s a good friend. that community in central florida is receptive to pro-jobs, promote economic growth, pro-education message. so we can do it. governor rick scott, his approval rating amongst that community in central florida is, like, 70% because he s worked very hard. he managed the hurricane, aftermath as well, and the maria aftermath, when you had folks
that were leaving part of regular come to florida. we need to compete everywhere. laura: you just came out with an ad that you are getting some flack for. a lot of us think it s pretty adorable. we have to play it. let s watch. ron loves playing with the kids. build the wall. he reads stories. it s bigger than mr. trump said, you re fired. i love that part for you he s teaching madison to talk. make america great again. people say ron is all trump but he is so much more. bigly. so good. laura: some people don t have any sense of humor. what is your reaction tonight to that ad? some people think it s kind of goofy. i have already endorsed you, full disclosure. i d discourse to five years ago when you weren t announced yet. but what about that? the response has been overwhelmingly positive because in this business, you have to be able to take a step back, poke fun at yourself, have fun at this, and part of what makes me i think effective is that i have
a wife that is my best friend and best supporter, we have a family, that is very important to both of us. we wanted to let voters know about that. we wanted to do it in a way that is not the typical cookie-cutter add to that no one pays attention to. so people who were getting upset about it, they have no sense of humor. i think that some people, it is just, like, the trump derangement syndrome, it sets in so much that they lose the ability to reason and have a laugh at some of the stuff. laura: first of all, i think your wife should run in the future. i m already five steps ahead of you on that. she gave a heck of a speech tonight in the warm up, laura. laura: already heard about it. congressman, congrats. great night tonight. we really appreciate it. the final sprint to the midterms is on with 90 days to go can you believe it a critical question looms. how will bob mueller and the rush of probe impact voters, if at all? there is no sign of it wrapping up but will the surging economies sweep the investigation to the side of the ballot box? joining us now, the polling
heroes. frank lance and doug schoen. great to be with you. doug schoen, your reaction, you heard the angle tonight, four pieces of advice as to how to avoid impeachment. as a democrat and a conservative centrist democrat, sort of where she would keep your opinions to yourself. the rant was exactly right. running on the economy, a middle-class tax cut, is the pro-growth message that the republicans need. if they get distracted shutting down the government over immigration, that is the stone cold loser. you asked about this benign investigation, trump s numbers have gone up, the republican numbers have gone up, as this investigation has carried on. i don t think that issue, frankly, is going to be relevant unless and until something demonstrative and definitive happens, which shows no signs of happening before the election.
it could change. but as we sit here today, i think the democratic advantage has as much to do with 40 open republican seats, which are either open or retirements, than it does with any groundswell for the party. laura: frank? is a simple question. are you better off today than you were two years ago. so many americans are in the country is. laura: these independent suburban women, you talked about it, you put up the warning flag him i know it is easy for republicans to say, the pollsters were wrong last time, you can discount the pollsters. i think you do that at your own disadvantage this time around because the resistance is so powerful, they are mad that they were along last time i they want to prove themselves right this time. i agree with you 100%. the problem is some of the language is an effective way the words they are using on the way they presenting it doesn t work with women. there is a backlash because of exactly what you said. middle-class, low income, middle america women, republicans are
to be much better job. one more thing. i actually think that it s not enough for them to say, you have 4.1% growth rate. nobody understands what that means. laura: personalize the story, correct? personalize it, and two years from now, the speaker nancy pelosi, i think they actually have to use her in the campaign. laura: you undo the gains that you made in the last two years. separate what you don t like about trump s tweets, undo it all. and then how are you doing? there is a new poll avenue, harris neil paul that came out just an hour ago or so, about mueller, going to your point. they believe the bias has spurred trump, the mueller, the way the fbi handled the investigation, and so that he demonstrates again that people don t think this process is fair. i don t think it ultimately has much of an impact in the november elections. i agree with you. i don t think it well. frank s point is an important one and one of the reasons why i think the democrats have a better than 50% chance to win the house.
women, suburban, white voters, middle-class voters, on both coats are really reacting to th. laura: when they go to the country clubs, talking about suburban women, country clubs, to hang out, have coffee with their friends, is it that they are embarrassed, they feel embarrassed to say they support trump s results? they want to feel there is a way to support trump because he shows empathy or compassion on n issue? oh, he s good on this. how does he message them? you stay on the tax cuts, job report, everything that is economically based. on the end, that is what matters to more than them. some people will vote based on donald trump. this election, you won or lose based on whether they think they are income level will be better two years from now than it is today. laura: that story and the rally tonight, the 401(k), the firefighter. i want to do a whole hour with you guys.
we ll get flack if we do that. thank you so much. the president using force to divide america. why is ruth bader ginsburg s groupies rejoicing? a lot more to get to. raymond arroyo next. if yor crohn s symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn t worked well enough, it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn s.
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to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. plus, it freshens breath. biotène. immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. laura: a supreme court justice refashioned into a pop culture superhero? well, a sports giant claims the president is dividing us. to explain further, in his special tuesday appearance what s going on? let s bring in fox news contributor, new york times best-selling author, raymond arroyo prayed over the weekend, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg said she would s, she chose five years. why five years on the high court? 85, 86? 85. i noticed something cultural is happening with ruth bader ginsburg. i am out of the children store, a bookstore, and i m going through the rocks, they are not
one, not two, not three, but four books about ruth bader ginsburg. i also noticed there are dolls. actual dolls. laura: dolls? and a new documentary that is called rbg. here s the glimpse. i ask no favor for our sex. all i ask of the brethren is that they take their feet off of our next. we welcome today just as ruth bader ginsburg. to become such an icon. would you mind signing this? i m 84 years old and everybody wants to take a picture with me. that is why you are rbg. when you come right down to it, the closest thing to a superhero i know. the closest thing to a
superhero. gloria steinem sorry about that. that was truly a slip of the town. many on the left who were upset with ruth bader ginsburg, they that you should have retired when obama was still the president and now they say she is just holding on. i believe she is trying to give them a reason to rally during the midterms. now you have a reason to vote because ruth is going to hang on for another five more years. laura: i understand that people i saw this last night on twitter are offering up their organs, their internal organs, to keep her going. is that true? you see here with the barbells. the woman survived pancreatic cancer. laura: she s amazing. i actually have known her for almost 30 years. you will get another five years. laura: she s a delightful person. we will move on. basketball superstar lebron james just opened a brand-new, state-of-the-art school in his hometown of akron, ohio. during a media tour, he had this to say about the president. listen. this race thing has been
taken over, and because i believe our president is trying to divide us. he s using sports to divide us. that is something i can t relate to. dividing us. look, he got to say right off the bat, lebron james, this is cool that he opened it akron is incredible. it s food, its stem and math, it is a fantastic school for at-risk kids. this comment, though, that the president is dividing people with sports, i think that goes too far. the president capitalized on what he saw and amplified it. laura: wise the president dividing people on sports? people kneel at the national anthem colin kaepernick did that. laura: the people in the stands reacted to that. trump spoke about it but the fans didn t like it. how was that the president look, when you are an athlete undo comment on politics, that is fine, you have every right to comment on politics, you are an american citizen.
on i expect they re going to be half of the country that disagree with you. when you go to sport games, they just want to enjoy the sports rates because they want their movies, sports, films, free of politics. it should be uniting. lebron stands in stark contrast to this new dallas quarterback, dax prescott. he had this to say about the same controversy. watch this. i never protested during the anthem and i don t think it is a time where the writing to do so. the game of football has always brought me such a piece and it does the same for a lot of people. when you bring such controversy to the stadium, to the game, it takes away from the joy and the love that football brings a lot of people. the love and the peace that football brings. i think he is onto something. laura: i adore him. he s the new tim tebow. i love him. when i go to a game you just want to bond with one another and share with one another on. i don t want to think, he
laura: redskins, redskins, redskins. forget the saints. who dat? laura: another celebrity was speaking out about her trip last night, kim kardashian. listen to the way that she handled jimmy kimmel s comment. like nothing bad to say about the president. you still have people on the list. i don t have any laura: she probably has something good to say but she is a parade to because hollywood will descend on her. call or a hater, racist. the president commuted the sentence of the woman laura: hand he just had a fantastic interview. he released her. i think what you are hearing from a kardashians and kanye before her, it is the struggle to come to terms with being fair to the good things the president is doing while disagreeing in the areas where you think he s wrong. laura: everyone can disagree, let s just be a little
bit more polite. aren t you kind and sweet in your? laura: good for lebron to open the school. and raymond, we ll see you tomorrow. we just want you to shine in this beautiful studio. it is a pretty studio. laura: a house candidate, by the way, hurling a horrible slur at melania trump, and house majority leader kevin mccarthy wants him banned from twitter. what is that all about? mccarthy joins us exclusively to talk about it next. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk?
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can you imagine if someone said that about michelle obama, what they be doing tonight? now leader mccarthy is calling on twitter to suspend roberts. the congressman joins is now exclusively with more on that and other issues. congressman mccarthy, this is so low, but it s one of the many things the left has said about conservative women over the last few years that have gone on with impunity. no repercussions, no boycotts, they say it, they get away with it, and they are celebrated for it, congressman. exactly right. that is why he saying it. this is inappropriate on any platform to say about a first lady. this first lady, or any other first lady. and twitter is treating people much different way you look what they a a to conservatives. a shadow banned them. when you shadow banned them, everything you put up on twitter is invisible except you ourselves. you know what they did to the rnc chair, ronna mcdaniel? bate shadow banned her.
congressman devin nunes, they shatter banned him him. they just said it was a an algorithm. there is not one of the 78 progressive liberal members who ever got shadow banned. going after conservative speech. laura: jack dorsey is a big liberal, who founded twitter. he s a big fan of barack obama. that is fine if he is a big liberal. he even apologized for eating at aaa. chick-fil-a. but here is an individual who said a speech, that in my belief, is hateful. it is not for long on that platform. he should suspend his account. he goes on to even speak more about the first lady, but he bans conservatives. laura: it wasn t he wasn t banned from twitter, correct? i learned about he got suspended. to be when i learned about this because i saw your retweet. not to get you into it. it was a response to something our friend charlie kirk of turning point usa had written.
and this freak responds to his tweet and says the letter each word, i don t even know if that is paraded so stupid. something he would read or hear it some kind of lame, gross hip-hop thing. but if he said about michelle obama, what would be happening? this person would be shut down. they would be no opportunity for them to be on twitter again. listen to what he responded to charlie. charlie simply pointed out that our first lady is running a center lienor operation, where there are fewer people working there. he responds this way to her. but what goes farther, this is happening on social media in a lot of different places. remember what it googled her to the republicans in california a week before the primary. they said our philosophy was not nazism. remember what twitter continue
to do were to republicans? shutter ban. this is got a step i go into the campaign. how many individuals are setting out there that want to have a communication or talk about a conservatives object get banned or their views are never being seen? but individuals can talk like this and they never got suspended? this is what is wrong. laura: the problem, congressman, when young people do basic searches for information, they do basic searches for capitalism, tax cuts, it is interesting to see what comes up on those searches. invariably, the most left wing, progressive, even socialist views, which are couched in the most beautiful terms, come up first. that is a problem when you have companies that get so big, their market cap is larger than most countries. and they have such an outside influence, it s a problem. is a major problem because we found facebook, prior to the last election, was suppressing conservative views that were go. it s exactly what you are
talking about. they are only allowing other views to come forward. that is why they have to have a very clear policy, have to be held accountable. laura: is there anything you can do on the gretchen a level? we brought them in for a hearing. what i fundamentally believe is they have to stop the bias. ever since i came out with us, i have simply did a tweet, one time, of what i found has happen, stop the bias. it even happened to my own mice in the process. i was able to speak up for it. i am getting many people across the social media showing me what has happened to them. they don t have a voice. laura: code, we have to have the evidence. i did my opening angle, congressman, on four ways to avoid impeachment and avoid losses on my terms. i focused on the economy, and the focus has to be on economic growth and how pelosi will reverse the gains that have been made. at the same time, there is concern that we will have a risk
of the government shutdown. now president trump said at his rally tonight that he is considering drastic measures if necessary to get the funding for the wall. he campaigned on the wall and congress hasn t delivered on the wall that he campaigned on and i believe the american people want this enforcement done. what is your read on this? what a government shutdown hurt republican chances in november? i think timing is everything. if you shut down in the 30th and you ve got 60 votes in a seven, the democrats would take advantage of that right before the election. let s be very clear, we have put money into the wall, we are currently building it, but we have to finish it. laura: $25 billion, congressman. we have a lot further to go operate in the house, it s not a problem. it s a senate and the rules of where we go. we have to pick the right timing. you are correct when it comes to the economy. think for one moment there s three entities you really want to watch and a selection. women, independence, and
seniors. if you watch and you look at from all the democrat open seats, when it was a race between a woman versus a man, a woman won 78% of the time. what happens when this tax cut went through, 1 million new jobs. women in america, the unemployment for women, the lowest point it s been in 65 years. laura: congressman, don t women want things to calm down? women want things calm and peaceful, more happiness. i think trump has to be the happy warrior. he was happier warrior tonight. we want happy warrior trump. he is very charming i think it just makes people happy. we want that. do you agree with me on that or am i overstating it? i agree 100%. people rarely saw the president trump i always see. he is a happy warrior. he s a lot like when you watched ronald reagan, if you believe that his policies bring him more freedom, could liberty, you should be a happy conservative. laura: we know what happens if the democrats get control,
it s going to be mired in investigation mania on capitol hill. it s all going to be undone. congressman, thank you for joining us exclusively tonight. we really appreciate it. up next, seven illegal mexican immigrants attempt a brazen robbery in texas but why do the local authorities not tell us about it initially? stay with us. including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist.
laura: if viewer warning to all of our liberal viewers, you won t like the story because we have yet another example of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. brazen. this time is coming from the border town of mcallen texas. on saturday, masked men is termed a jewelry store in a botched robbery attempt. as you can see, the surveillance video, at least some of the men appeared to be armed. thankfully, authorities quickly took the man into custody. there were no injuries. according to customs and border protection, all seven of the suspects were in the country illegally. what a shocker. a fact that the local police neglected to disclose in their initial statement! joining me in every action, christopher comay spokesman for the national border patrol council. chris, i always find that it s like pulling teeth to get immigration status out of local authorities or reporters who are covering these stories. this was amazing. you have some background information in at least a few of
these rappers. tell us. a couple of these individuals that a temper that robbery had been arrested in california in a smash and grab type operation, where i think ten people went into a store in the los angeles area and two of them ended up, t of the previous group. laura: chris, what i think american people get frustrated by is that these people coming to the country illegally, some of them get arrested for crimes, they do sometime, and then they are released into society because california is a sanctuary state. they are released into society, not related porta, some of them are both in and they come back over. they commit yet another crime. they do time here, we pay for three square meals a day, we pay for their incarceration, and then perhaps they ll be deported into mexico. how bad is it right now at the border and what in your mind has
to be done immediately to stop this flow across the country? i think we need to be tougher on the prosecutions, tougher on the sentencings, and make it a real deterrent against coming over here. also we need more agents in the area, on the ground, however we managed to do that, it remains to be seen. but it needs to be done because right now, it is wide open out there. the american public deserves security along the border. laura: i have a friend of mine who actually used to work for me years ago, but he works in mcallen, texas, he loves the people of mcallen, but it is in some ways, it is the wild west, as a border town. is that accurate? it denies community, a great community. there are times when there is crime out here, there s a lot of home invasions usually, those are done those are within the drug community, guys fighting against each other. but it s just a matter of time before something breaks off. we have had cross-border
violence for some time. unfortunately, the local authorities, whether it is the city or the county municipality, they don t want to admit that we are having over violence from mexico, and it is coming slowly but surely, increasingly has gotten worse, it s just that people are pretending it s not there. laura: the new president of mexico, it s not going to end. there is no more thruway from central america through mexico or mexico into united states. not going to happen anymore. chris, thank you for that insight. it s fascinating. we ll be right back. close at this hour. do not go anywhere. there. bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
so chances are, you ve seen us around the house. or. around the yard. on the shelf. or even. out in the field. your mom knew she could always count on us. and your grandma did too. because for over 150 years, we ve been right by your side. advancing the health of the people, plants and pets you love. so, from all of us at bayer. thank you for trusting in us. then. and now. shannon: by the way, our earlier guest made the point about trump s approval rating, s so low. trump s approval rating is at about 48%. okay? obama had about 46 percent at the same time in his presidency. don t be making those points on the show. there he is. he just got off the plane.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180803 06:00:00

that don t s say that, but we ll do it any way. let s not be honest with the american people. we want open borders. and obamacare. that is all the time we have left. always fair and balanced. never the destroy-trump-media. let not your heart be troubled. ingraham standing by. laura: hey, i m just writing eric trump a thank-you note for mentioning me during your show tonight. [laughter] sean: i m sitting here, and he goes, you know who is great at defending melania? laura ingraham. i m like, what am i, chopped liver? laura: listen, this is why you and i i have been friends for 18 years. you re number one in cable, you are number close to rush in radio. a little mention of someone else, you are like, what about me ? typical man. sean: [ laughter ] you know why? let s be honest everyone in this business, you know this is true is overpaid, lazy, and narcissistic. and most of them are all agenda. we are honest. we are talk show hosts. we do journalism, we do straight
interviews, commentary, opinion, we do it all. laura: radio. we do this i mean. sean: by the way, how great was it? rush 30 years, paving the way for all of us? laura: unbelievable. 18 years i got into radio. you and i started the same year in national radio. 2001, i never would have imagined. sean: i was with the guy in santa barbara in 87 and then huntsville, alabama and then atlanta. you started at thehe top. i m so sorry it was so hard for you. laura: i was a lawyer. i was a lawyer. have pity for me as a lawyer. > sean: we ll fill the show with us bantering back-and-forth andg bickering like a children. laura: one friday when you are not taking a vacation day, we ll do that. sean: you and tucker take more vacation than anybody! laura: when you live in a
Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
reprehensible comparison. we won t talk about steve scalise. we ll talk about that later. i don t recall the same level of concern over the violence at let s say, berkeley, whenn conservatives speak, or outside the trump rallies in san jose during the campaign. remember when that guy was pummeled? when the left engages, in not just harsh language, but criminal acts of violence, destroying property, putting police lives at risk, the media work overtime to understand the underlying anger and upset. i see a lot of people expressing their humanity in the face of a candidate who has really built his candidacy on denouncing their humanity. yeah, there are a few people out there who were not out there to actually protest, but at the end of the day, they accomplished their goal. they got on tv and they gotre their issues aired. they have grievances. it s not like his mindless or they just want violence. they are speaking out about somebody who is attacking their communities. our hearts are out there marching with them. o
laura: did any of them bemoan the vile nature of the commentary or the signage at, let s say, the women s march? i didn t know devils could be resurrected, but i feel hitler in these streets. yes, i m angry! yes, i am outraged! yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. laura: remember when madonna did all that yoga? i thought that was supposed to make you calm and zen-like. l where were the liberal complaints about this rhetoric? and with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. i wish i could take it behind the gym. that is what i wish. how dare he say the things he does.
of course i want to punch him in the face. laura: where was the media outrage about that? did president obama or other well-known democratic leaders decry that approach, that language, that vitriol, that incitement to violence? of course they did not. because after all, president trump, the people whos supported him, continue to support him, they all deserve that and worse. and where where the media condemnations when women who were affiliated or supported the president were harassed at restaurants, driven from movie theaters? the liberal media don t have any difficulty finding tough words to describe trump supporters, though. it is truly dangerous. we keep referring to his base. well, i m sorry, but the people we saw, at that rally, if that s his base, it is deranged. ha laura: deranged?
see them as backwater, intolerant, and yes, even racist. this just made them furious and resentful. but then came donald trump. our economy is soaring, our jobs are booming. factories are pouring back into our country. they are coming from all over the world. and the forgotten men and women of the united states are forgotten no more! [cheers and applause] laura: you can almost hear the peals of laughter at certain cable news at studios after he says stuff like that. but most in that crowd in theca audience, across america, they like what they hear they are. they don t want to be forgotten. my friends in the media, you cannot ridicule and attack a major part of the american electorate. you can t disparage them and the
understand if someone only watches another channel every night. it s very possible that you are not 100% right, you, being fox. and that cnn is not 100% right. there is somewhere in between. but you don t get any of that. there is no comment i m not going to be cutesy about common ground but we were talking earlier about different conspiracy theories. there is nothing i could say tou debunk one because i would say, well, here, look at this associated press story, or here, look at this fox there is nothing we all agree upon. so you have, yes, the toxic environment. i don t think it should be on tv anymore. but you also have a president who is lying, he is lying multiple times a day, he is lying at a rate more than anyone ever has. it is true. he has lied 4,229 times that is the slime from left-wing outlets.29 that s exactly what you re talking about. we can agree on truth. we can agree on truth. there are good reporters. t
but that does not help fact-check organizations that all these people are all paid by your leftists. that shouldn t happen. there is truth, laura. there is right and wrong. all politicians should be held to that standard but i agree with you, you can t go out there as a journalist and say you are objective and then be on your twitter feed making fun of me and my friends and my family on a regular basis. you don t get to have it both ways. laura: do you think that the polling on the way the people feel about the media in general, whether they approve or disapprove of the coverage of the president, the majority, it s not a fox poll it s, the the thehe the majority doesnt agree on how the president is covered. the majority not a fox poll the majority, they do not approve the way they cover the president. the majority believe they are biased toward the liberal side of the equation. i know you have your views about the president. i m trying to keep this argument focused on this conflagration between the media and
conservatives and the media and his administration.. victor david hanson, you just wrote a column today about this. the culture that we live in. your reaction to what you saw and heard over the last few days and the angle ?ct well, i think there is a certain people that feel that their aims are so virtuous or they are so well educated, that there means are okay. take jim acosta, and reaction to that, a reporter at politico said people at that rally had no teeth and they were garbage. we haven t heard that since peter strzok said that people smelled at walmart. you get into this deplorable and irredeemable, your political activist that talk about her twitter, they go across the white house and make noise so the president can t sleep. it s all predicated on this attempt on my contempt they have a geographical or sociological or cultural subset of america and they are imbued with it, and the irony of it, laura, is that when you take this member of the new york times editorial board, she is a product of
berkeley county is a product of harvard law school. yet, she s voicing sentiments that are right out of the middle ages. the same thing with ocasio-cortez. she s a boston university graduate but she s clueless on the middle east are on basic economics. so red state america is presented with this paradox that this really well educated, enlightened elite know everything but they really don t. they disparage people on the base of class and we are reaping the whirlwind of that. we need to step back. laura: yeah, you re talking about the new you re talking excuse me you reing you re talking about the new editorial board member of the new york times, sarah jeong, who said among the most hateful things about white people, i guess, when you re not right, you say hateful things about white people, the new york times will hire you if you delete your tweets and say you are sorry. i am for redemption, i think that s great, but wow.atueue i can imagine people tweeting other things that are directed to conservatives, they would
never hire them at the new york times. he made a point we don t know what the rules are. laura: the rules are different. we say the elites. it s not about where you go to school, it s the way you look down upon regular people. i see people at the trump rallies, they don t go to fancy clothes stores and buy the fancn clothes, certainly not like paul manafort does. they don t get the cool clothes. they don t speak in the same highfalutin terms of other people. but they are good people. they think america is in trouble and i think donald trump has more answers than the in crowd. that is why they voted for him. they believe he fights for him.c the media don t get that. they are focusing on the media.y do you believe that they are giving the policies of this administration a fair analysis, philippe? i do. i think you are defining unfair as coming up with a negative outcome. that is assuming president trump never makes any mistakes. laura: of course he does.
i call him out for mistakes. immigration, all the time. i think the problem is, elite is code for looking down at someone. soy boy. calling someone beta male. low iq. this is not one group looking down from a mountain saying the other group is scary.g laura: i think people get offended and then they strike back. it s a bad cycle. you have 100% of the country angry at itself and the media, to some extent, is one of the ways to hash it out. and they have been neutered. you have been neutered. the same way you talk to your crowd, jim acosta talks to his crowd. laura: but he s not an opinion journalist. i am!ot i m not a reporter. i m a commentator. i worked for the reagan administration and clerked for justice thomas. i don t pretend to be objective. i m an opinion journalist but i think i am fair and i think there are great reporters but the impact on fact and story, sean hannity is single-handedly given incredible credence to some of the worst conspiracy
no no. laura: first of all, if you are going to come on this network and attack fox, philippe conspiracy theories. you know what i think it is a conspiracy theory? saying garbage people, jeering at another person, falsely accusing them, flipping them off mark caputo, who says the most horrific thing, as a political reporter i don t know laura: mark caputo? sara young person. everyone said things they should regret, whether they do or not. laura: these people are reporters! they are supposed to be calling balls and strikes, correct? and they are. and when sarah sanders lies, they call it out. when jim goes to a trump rally you will have trump supporters and conservatives these are americans. the audience they are trying to whyy doesn t cnn listen to
what the american people want? the ratings will do better. i think they do, actually. final thoughts? center ininterested harvard says 90% of the press coverage was slanted antitrump. this idea on the one hand and the other hand is disingenuous. whether we like it or not, the media is for a particular subset of american life. they feel it s their odyssey and their journey to delegitimize this president and the people who support him for a variety of cultural and class reasons, and i m not saying that trump is an angel, but the coverage is not it s really laura: all right, gentlemen. thank you so much. stay with us. we have an exclusive interview with white house insider kellyanne conway next.- we have an exclusive interview with whi we have an exclusive interview keep it comin love.
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started hearing these reports that they wanted me to walk up they wanted me to walk up and go like this whatever happened to fair press? whatever happened to honest reporting? these horrible, horrendous people. laura: well, that was president trump tonight in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania to discuss the press and a a lot of hot news. let s bring one of our close friends, at least mine, for too many years to count, and the president s closest advisor, white house counselor kellyanne conway. kellyanne, thank you so much for joining us tonight. we ve been discussing the relationship with the press, and the crybaby response, which i think is feigned, phony moral outrage, the horrible things said about this president, the horrible types of violence, anti-trump protests, smashing windows, and beating people up
who have a cap on that says make america great, but now the press is upset because some 70-year-old lady yells at jim acosta. i mean, i don t get it. i thought press secretary sarah sanders handled it beautifully today when she really read it, an entire litany of facts. things that have been said about her and some violence that has been incited against her, she is the only press secretary in u.s. history to hear her say it thatt she needed bodyguards andst secret service. i had secret service when i got there for much the same reason. laura, i have a slightly different take on all of this. i know that it may be annoying, it may be irritating, and may be unfair, it may even be biased at times, it certainly is. but i am also not sure it s particularly relevant or consequential. the media is overall the approval rating is at 17 or 20%. i will give the range, i saw a low of 17, high of 20%. the president s approval ratings are ticking upward.
particularly on matters that are of consequence to the american people, like his handling of the economy. trying to forge peace and prosperity around the globe. people know what they see and what they see are their bonuses, their raises, that the deregulation andnd the historic tax cuts. they have confidence inn this economy, and they are spending more of their money. i was at that rally tonight with the president. i participated in the round table ahead also. people are absolutely brillianto buoyant. they know that beginning with hillary clinton, they referredre to as irredeemable and deplorable, and looked down upon, they know that barack obama, when he was running for president, said these people who cling to their god and their guns just always dismissing them, and this is why it is very important point. i m not sure they care anymore. i speak to these people all the time. you know what they care about?
the care they have a president who respects and takes actionha daily for the military, for the veterans, and for them. look, let s not mistake was going on here, too. a lot of these journalists have very expensive seven-figure contracts, go on late-night tv where they can yuk it up and c they just laugh all day long, particularly about the women in the trump administration, and then they can go and giveic speeches i mean, they speak for free every single day, and half the country doesn t want to listen to them. somebody pays them a lot of money to give speeches, so they are raking it in. listen, donald trump is right.t. president trump, laura, is correct, when he says nobody has been better for the media than him.he certainly, the revenues, the popularity laura: but, kellyanne, i got to jump in here, because when i talk to my radio listeners every day and i did a thing a couple of days ago, i said, tell me how the trump economy, is affecting your business, your family, you know, don tou sugar coat it. if it s not working, i want to
hear from you. i did this for three hours. we did, too. laura: three hours! people literally talking about truck drivers, salesman, people in medical devices you know what they say?k people are happier. people are happier because they are not worried about waking up and saying, oh, my god, i will lose my job tomorrow. i was i knew the economy was great. - but until you hear from the regular people, just saying, i don t know what these media are saying, everyone is unhappy, people are angry. people are happy because the economy is doing well. the hill has a great piece today, kellyanne, but other about how the tariffs that are trashed by the media and the democrats, let s talk about the democrats, the media are getting that wrong, too.ev the tariffs are very popular with businessmen across the united states and they want more tariffs to level the playing field with china. so they are missing the story. it s going to your point. the president said today that china is way down now and he told everybody to be patient.
i wanted to mention something else. bias is not just it doesn t come in the form of overtly, one-sided, lopsided reporting. that is easy to detect. bias is also a selectivity of what gets covered and what does not. the pool reported from the new york times saying there was no news made when the president and ivanka trump and high school students were in tampa bay at tampa bay tech, soo excited that the perkins legislation had been reauthorized, it s going to benefit upwards of 11 million students across this country. no news was made. just today! in the briefing room! this was so important. just today in the briefing room, we had cabinet members come and talk about what they are doing in 2018 to stop meddling in interference in our elections laura: but, kellyanne, guess what happened? no. no. guess what happened?
not only did they not cover it, kellyanne, listen to what chuck todd said. again, four, five top intel national security officials saying russia meddled, we ll stop it, for the next time. what president trump is doing.ti laura: this is what chuck todd said. let s listen.n. we begin tonight by trying to make sense of what happened this afternoon. perhaps more importantly, why? for some, it s going to take more than one surprise briefing to convince them that what we heard today about cracking down on russia has the full backing o of the president. that it was not an effort by a white house communications team desperate to turn the page from the other headaches they have been asked about all week. laura: damned if they do, damned if they don t. your reaction to chuck s point? here s my reaction. in 2016, the president at that time, clapper and comey and brennan, everyone on their team had information that russia was meddling in
trying to enter the election. they sat on it because i m with her also meant that i will bury the information they have about meddling. fast forward, this president is untried, his entire team is on task. the security of homeland security said she s got a 50 state effort on way. they are investing cyber and election security. secretary nielsen, they were in new york city, for all the public to see. the media hardly covered this entire conference on cyber security, election security. but for this mainstream media, who, as you pointed out, coveren the russian story more than anything, this calendar year,an when it came to speaking from the podium, about what this president s administration will do to stop it, try to stop it,pr they are not covering it because it s not coming in the manafort trial, not coming in the mueller report, not coming out of the mouths of someone else. it s coming in a cohesive and positive fashion from this president, what he s going to do. it s complete hypocrisy. laura, if the mainstream media truly cared about election
interference, they would be able to write a story, or finish a sentence without mentioning donald trump s name. they can t do it. laura: all right, we re out of time. thank you so much for joining us tonight. thank you. having fun in the rain.n. thank you. laura: we ll continue to cover this one more. stay there. stay
i thought we were supposed to be away from labels and gender the only thing that matters is merit in what you bring to the equation. why are we now labeling the election a year of the woman? why isn t this the year of great issues? i think it is the year of great issues. i don t know why it is being labeled the year of the woman. i just think that one reason wht people were referring to it as the year of the woman is because you have more women candidates than ever before. m so that would be one reason. i don t think people are just going out and saying, she wears a skirt, so i m going to vote for her, won her ideas are so far-fetched and they are different from mine. i don t think people really do that. at home and we will do that think that is tantalizing fact that pollsters do to make people come to their side of the equation. ra laura: i want to play this michellero obama sound bite from september of last year when she
talked about the women who turned out for donald trump. let s watch. women who voted against hillary clinton voted against their own selves, why does it mean for us, for women, that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, that guy, he s better for me. his voice is more true to me. laura: harmeet, again, it seems to look down on women who voted for trump. if you vote for a conservative republican, you are voting against your interests. with this booming economy, every level of the economy is up, female employment, optimism, manufacturing, all of it, up, up, up. how can you say that this year, after all these results are already in?af laura, they see it because they are out of ideas. they got nothing for the year of the woman was 2016, by the way, didn t work very well for the democrats. they tried to use gender to catapult an otherwise bad
candidate across the finish line and it didn t work. i am a woman business owner and i can tell you that woman or man, everyone who is a business owner who works for a livingan looks at their 401(k), their rising salary, job competition from people who are not in the country, not citizens, andar everyone factors those things in. it is very passe for leaders to say that women should be voting according to their lady parts, as opposed to with their brains, their pocketbooks, and voting for their futures. a party does need to do a good job, though, after finding of defining those issues that americans all care about. particularly people who have households, caring about health care, caring about safety, and we can do a better job in congress are making sure that we pass obamacare, making sure that we get border security, the issues like that. that is what women, men care about. we all care about it. that is what people care about, laura. i don t think it is so much this gender focus, as people want to make a make it about.
i think it s about the issues. i got to worry about what is going to happen, if, god forbid, something happens to my daughter, if she s raped and you can even get a way to deal with that way that is a problem. laura: when you say a way to deal with that when you sayt, a way to deal with that you re saying abortion. that s the word you re searching for? abortion. just say it. because i don t want to. i say it the way i want to! laura: pam, you believe in this election psychois that up with of the pre cycle is that one of the preeminent issues on the minds of the voters is the ability to get an abortion? you think that ll be outlawed in the united states?, all 50 states? why do youha think that? i think it becomes dangerous when it s outlawed in some states. i think it should be a policy across the united states. laura: for abortion?
a choice for women. for abortion. that is not the top issue, at least for me, laura: it s not the top issue for any american. i don t think abortion is in the top ten. i don t think so, either, laura. laura: why d you bring it up? i brought it up because i wanted to make a point. laura: what point? i m not finding it let me read you the comment from hillary clinton. we are talking about, a lot of women candidates, they are doing really well. the democrats are fielding a lot of female candidates who are doing well so far in the pulling out a lot of open seats. polling and a lot of open seats. this is what hillary clintons said, she said, we do not do well with white men. we do not dohi well with marrie, white women. and part of that is an identification with the republican party, and a sort of
ongoing pressure to vote the way your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should. pam, do you agree with what mrs. clinton said there? you read between the lines, you don t even have to read between the lines. these women are kind of stupid. they vote the way their men want them to vote. no. i don t think that the vast majority women are stupid and vote the way their men want them to vote. but i think there are some people who do that, just like there are women who might just vote for women because they are women. i think the issue is, what is the importance of the majority of people in america. for me, it s a pocketbook issue. i am a business owner laura: right. so you should be for trump? no, i would never be for trump! i ve got very serious issues with him laura: how s your business doing? it s doing ok. it was doing better insure george bush. i ll put it like that. laura: was it doing better under obama? my business is doing great! i don t have that type of i m a lawyer, ok? h laura: ok. so is harmeet. so am i. i m recovering. harmeet, last word.
the type of the democrats the democrats are fielding in this election are extreme. these younger women, standing o for socialism, ocasio-cortez, women who are far left, women who are open borders, women who are abortion extremists. frankly, i don t think that message will resonate with the majority of the voters. the majority of voters are somewhere in the middle. i hope that i m correct that these young women are attractive, good-looking candidates, not necessarily going to get the vote in november but that depends on republicans to field people with gbetter ideas. laura: can i just say that i don t care what party you like or if you don t like trump, you like trump, you have to like this economy. i can tell you this, it s not going to get better than it is right now. it might get marginally better but this is a great time. if you want a job in the united states, i can t think in my lifetime of a better lifetime to be an american citizen. we really appreciate both of you joining us. actually, it wasn t bad with obama. it wasn t bad.
it s terrific now. laura: the gdp, taking china to task it s it s i mean, this is a factual argument at this point. the american people give him very high marks in the economy. thankfully, about 55%, and that is a good thing. good for all americans. whoever was president, providing over these policies, these are good policies for the american people. i really appreciate both of you joining us tonight. harmeet and pam, thank you so much. still ahead, herman cain on the brewing battle between the president and former president obama. glenn greenwald on president trump versus the old world order also. stay with us. greenwald on president trump versus the old world orde
president trump s foreign policy. that is a shock. you heard that right. president trump has both sides of the swamp so riled up they are not collaborating. they re now collaborating. during me now for reaction, glenn greenwald, journalist at the website intercept who has written about the recent alliance between the bush era neocons are liberals. glenn, it is good to see you tonight. this is wild. for us conservatives who took a step back after the iraq war, said, this is a mistake, we got to be much smarter on military interventionism, i guess it is not all that surprising but it is just now out in the open, what we thought is now true. yeah, i think it is one of the most under covered stories of the trump era, the ideological shift. when i started writing about politics in 2005, the root of all evil for liberals was theng american enterprise institute. bill kristol, these are the
people who are now joining with the establishment ring of the democratic party to defend this very militaristic, internationalized institutional assertion of military force. they see president trump in a lot of cases, rightly, as well as people on the left, as opposing. this predates for trump. a lot of neocons were preparing to support hillary clinton before trump became a candidate because they found her brand of hawkish and nice, she criticized hockingishness, and she criticized obama for being insufficiently belligerent, quite attractive. this shift is profound. laura: he s doing it in other ways, too. trump has blown up a lot of old alliances. the koch brothers, you are seeing that split. richard trumka, i think it is good to make this up. all these old alliances, theye didn t deliver a good resultsll come on foreign policy, a mixed results, vis-a-vis united states versus china on the economy, and trump is like, well, i ll work with anybody who will work with me, and i guess his enemies are
saying the same thing. absolutely. the view of trump, for example, that i ll meet with any leaders without preconditions was obama s flagship position at horrified hillary clinton. on these international trade agreements, like the wto, nafta, tpp, opposition to those, which has become trump policy, was orthodoxy on the left for a long time, and that, too, is driving the establishment wings of the republican and democratic party is crazy because they are financed by the same banking interest, corporate interests, that love is globalized industries that have been terrible for the american worker but great for american hedge funds, and banks, and that, too, is causing a remarkable shift and a lot of coalitions. i think it will endure long after trump was gone. laura: i think the old f order is forever disrupted. i don t think that is ever coming back, as much of the kict
no matter how much they kick and scream. h speaking of unholy alliances, glenn, i want to get your thoughts on something the intercept has written about former los angeles times writer and current nbc darling,i intelligence reporter, ken delanian. tell us more about thete relationship with the cia and why we probably see him on tv so often? delanian is an l.a. times reporter and what he had to share with the cia? well, it is really amazing because we at the intercept didl a foia request where we askedre the cia to turn over there communications with reporters. they turned over emails that had all kinds of communications between the cia and ken dilanian, where he would say, i m about to report on you, here s the draft, what are you guys thinking? what should i change? we published all those emails, lots of liberals said, dilanian is the worst, a servant of the
cia. he got pushed out of the l.a. times, ever since then, he s kind of climbed up the ladder, and now he is the star reporter at the msnbc and nbc, where that is all he does, just blindly and mindlessly repeat what the cia tells them to say, gives them anonymity, essentially their puppet and mouthpiece, that is called journalism over at msnbc. laura: but he s an expert. i mean, they hold him out as a real expert on brennan, clapper, the whole crowd, and so he speaks with authority, because he covered it for that much time , but until you did that foyer request, no one knew the back story. i think american journalism for a long time has been far too deferential. these intelligence operatives who operate in the dark, they give them anonymity. that was why we got the iraq war. i think ken dilanian takes this horrible practice, he is the world champion of benefiting his
own career by just acting as a stenographer for the intelligence committee and he s become a hero of democrats and liberals who watch msnbc because now the cia remarkably if the is the agency that they venerate and review more than anyone else and therefore, a journalist with their spokesperson is kind of a tv star for them. it s really remarkable and bizarre and surreal turn of events. laura: oh my goodness. it s wild. thank you so much. president obama is returning to the political fray in a big way. herman cain joins us next to break down the heavyweight matchup between obama and president trump. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
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they love him. you see these bumper stickers, i miss barack, it s kind of sad.. he seems to be having fun in retirement. he s wading back in. will this make a difference? no. that s because president former president obama is a lightweight. he presided over the president donald trump is a heavy weight. he s leading the nation. that is the difference. if you compare the results side-by-side, even though president trump isn t even two years into his leadership yet, r the results are startling. so former president obama s endorsement won t mean a thing in my opinion. now the list of people use that that you said he endorsed, the democrats, and the ones he left out, here s the difference.
he endorsed closet socialists but he did not endorse open socialists. that is a difference and i don t think it s going to make a difference. laura: well, i think what the democrats are trying to sell this time is you re undoing. all the great progress of barack obama, environmental regulations, that s going to be big in places like california. p they are really going to sell c the abortion issue, that we lose another seat on the court, we don t put a real roadblock in front of trump, it s going to be goodbye to abortion and that is going to threaten women s reproductive health. you can hear it already building.dy it s environmental, it s women, it s you know, the animals. that is kind of where they are going. clean air, clean water, he s going to poison your kids and your dog. that is where they are going, laura. but that dog ain t going to hunt. i know from the people i listen to every day like you, the people there to support donald trump are not leaving donald trump.
the democrats that believe in this malarkey, some of them are believing it, but some of them are saying, maybe i need to take a second look and here is what donald trump is really going to pick up ground, with the independent, correct thinking people in the middle. all of the noise that has been generated by the liberal noisese chamber, the liberal news chamber, it is the narrow lensal of the media, and as one of my callers said today, it feels like they are talking about the twilight zone. that is exactly what they are talking about. they are not talking about the americans that you hear every day on your show, the people that i hear from every day, they are not listening to y others. they are creating their own n narrative that is not in touch with reality. you ve got a lightweight, a former president, versus a heavyweight who is the lead in the nation, versus someone who was presiding over the nation. laura: herman, i want to
get your reaction to this other story that s causing liberals to go bonkers.y afl-cio president richard trumka reportedly has not yet ruled out endorsing president trump in 2020. you re reaction? the union leaders do this every election cycle to try and squeeze more out of thehe democrats, the liberals, and the progressives. they would never do it but they threatened it to see if they can t squeeze a little bit more. laura: all right so you re not buying trumka? i knew i would get the truth from cain. thank you, herman. when we come back, vogue will feature something coming up in september. you won t believe it.. or maybe you will.

Laura-ingraham , Man , Friends , Radio , What-about-me , Someone-else , Cable , Number-one , Liver , Mention , Number , One

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180802 02:00:00

A recap of the day s news.
sessions you should stop this rigged witch hunt right now. it s a dirty disgrace, would that be a problem? you bet it would be. if he had sent jeff sessions a memo to that effect or said it in a meeting, would that be important evidence? in an inquiry into obstruction of justice? it certainly would. i know that, i m not an attorney, i m sure you know that as well. because he types it out on twitter for the whole world to see, including jeff sessions, are we supposed to ignore it as just the president blowing off steam? why? and it s far from the first time that we have been told so treat the president s public statements as something else, something other than what they say. remember this from july of 2016? russia, if you re listening, i hope you re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. this is why this is important. this is how the new york times
cnn has learned the president s tweet today was just hours after his legal team updated him on the possibility of a sitdown interview with robert mueller, one in which mueller wants to ask questions about instructions. the president might be making mueller s job easier in putting himself in jeopardy. let s get to our panel right now, to our folks here who can discuss all of this. patrick healy, cnn global affairs analyst laura coats. good evening to all of you. it s good to have you on. reporting that robert mueller, senate proposal about a possible interview last night and agreed to accept some written answers. want the ability to be able to ask follow-up questions in person. what do you think about that proposal? i think it s really a compromise that s kind of expected. the reason he would never agree to all written questions is because he would not have had
the opportunity to ask the follow-up. if he s going to get it in written, and have someone s words written down before them. able to lock them in on an answer, and be able to ask follow-up questions, it seems to me mueller has the best of both words. he doesn t have to have the simple note taking. he s able to have the combination of the two. it is a bit of a compromise in the sense that being able to respond to questions in writing mines you re able to prepare quite fully, and they re not able to have the off the cuff statements or have a genuine authentic action. preparation doesn t lead to you being able to have an assessment of truth telling. i want to ask you one more question. they re reporting that the president s lawyers want to reject it, but the president is pushing them to keep negotiating. at what point does the president do it against their counsel snil. i think given this presidential administration, any time, remember, the beauty of
being able to have the negotiation tactic here is that he can have his lawyers in the room. as long as he s negotiating, he has the ability to say my lawyers can come with me, if it gets to the point where he has to be compelled under a subpoena in front of a grand jury, that s never going to happen, you cannot have an attorney present. he s trying to maintain the upper hand. his lawyers will say, if the choice is either we cannot be present and we can allow this person to talk in front of a grand jury without us, or we can present and negotiate a combination we ll take the latter option. what do you think about the reporting that president trump is eager to meet with a special counsel. he s been calling it a witch hunt for a year and a half. and he s been eager to clear his name. he s been frustrated with this, he sees this as the most overt and direct threat to the legitimacy of his presidency. and he wants to get in the room. the problem, though, for his
response is to obstruct justice. that s what he was doing, saying the attorney general needs to end this rigged witch hunt right now. i love the fact that have you all these trump apologists, the word should means this doesn t mean anything. i beg to differ. if your boss says i don t like your shirt. if your boss says, you should go home right now and change your shirt, that s a little more than an opinion and let s remember, donald trump is not some blow hard bloviating on the web. he s the president of the united states and he s jeff sessions boss, and saying i should do something that is improper. this is a tweet from this morning i wonder if you see it as obstruction of justice in
plain sight. because max, you write this, you think the president is throughtouflouting the law. i m looking here at 18 u.s. 553. whoever corrupts by threats or force endeavors to influence, impede any officer of a court of the united states. isn t that what trump is doing right here? typically the difficulty with proving obstruction of justice is proving corrupt intent that he has some ulterior motive for doing that. all you have to do is read his twitter feed or listen to his interviews. it would be fascinating to get him on the stand and ask him, do you take twitter seriously. he sees himself as a master
communicator, who has found a way to use social media to energize millions and millions of readers. he fired the secretary of state by tweet. i mean, if his tweets don t mean anything, how come rex tillerson isn t secretary of state any more. this idea that the president of the united states is trying to suggest that somehow the should versus shall. i feel like we re back in 1998 when bill clinton was saying, well, it depends on what your definition of the word is is. and people were very critical about this semantics based argument. and it became a meme. and it should have been. you don t have to prove intent by that one smoking gun. it can be the context tulle arguments, it can be all of the comprehensive things over time to show that there is no other
conclusion, that someone can reasonably draw some nefarious intent here. laura go ahead. quickly, i have it s your show. i just wonder if you look at all of these tweets, should we be looking at them any differently, as i said in my opening statement, because he said them in public rather than he didn t pick up a phone, write it in a memo. clearly jeff sessions and others have access to twitter. you should not look at this and say, nobody commits crimes in broad daylight. a great number of crimes are committed in broad daylight. especially those who think justice will not apply to them. repeat criminals, serial criminals. people who can say things like, i could go out on to the street and shoot somebody, no one would know. that s more than 18 months ago.
clearly the idea of committing a crime in the dark is not the only way to do so. no prosecutor worth their salt or investigator would ever consider obstruction of justice to be the end game. it is part of the overall inquiry, it would be like giving a speeding ticket to somebody who is fleeing in having just robbed a bank and ignoring the robbery charge. the president of the united states has put himself in this position and continues to do so. and prolongs the investigation with every single tweet. if he wants it to end, he should stop speaking. when we come back, the president s lawyers update him on the mueller investigation. the president calls on jeff sessions to immediately end the mueller investigation. coincidence? taking a shortcut. (woooo) taking a breather. rewarded!
special counsel investigation indicates somebody who is deeply worried about what they will find. his mantra of no collusion. is pretty thin. why would he be freaking out on twitter if he thought they weren t going to find anything. i thought laura made a good point. i m excited to be on here with a future host of jeopardy. they are the arrogant ones, the ones who think they can get away with anything, because they ve gotten away with a lot of stuff in the past. donald trump has been getting away with stuff his whole life. including as the presidential candidate, attacking john mccain for being a pow. i think that leads to a sense of impunity that he is bulletproof, he said he could kill somebody
on fifth avenue and his supporters would be behind him. that s why he has the hutzpa to be attacking people on twitter. you said it doesn t matter, when you re talking about the president and what i said in my opening remarks about if he says it in public. it doesn t matter if it s whispered in secret or shouted for all to hear. it doesn t matter if the investigation is stopped or not, a crime is still a crime, even if it s not carried out to a successful conclusion. the impeachment proceedings would have already started if the congressional republicans weren t including with trump to obstruct justice. what do you think when things like that are said? i m an ex-republican. they are protecting donald trump as evidence is accumulating.
republicans are protecting him. there is legislation that was passed by the senate judiciary committee to protect robert mueller from being fired. paul ryan, the house speaker will not bring that legislation to the floor. they will not protect robert mueller, and they will not hold donald trump accountable. instead, they re allowing members to engage in the most reprehensible obstruction on behalf of donald trump, maligning people like rosenstein, the brave and honest men and women of the fbi, tearing them down, in order to save donald trump s hides, that s where the republicans are, they re firmly in the obstruction camp, that s the big difference between now and watergate, at the time of watergate, there were a few honest republicans who realized they could not let nixon get away with this stuff. so far, there are no republicans that are willing to stand up to trump. it s interesting what max is saying, it goes to president
trump s mind-set. the republicans have formed this wall of defense around the president. publicly. they are defending him. it brings him no comfort, it doesn t calm him down. he s been a command and control person his entire life. he was taught by roy kohn and some of the other people that helped him come up in business, you get what you want and you do what it takes to get it. he had a very small family he business, he relight on family members, he relied on people like michael cohen to be fixers to deal with problems as they came up. now he s president of the united states. roy kohn would say, you should squash this. you are the most powerful person on the planet. you should squash this. it doesn t matter to him that mitch mcconnell and paul ryan are protecting him so well. it bothers him such a great deal
that he can t squelch it, democracy doesn t work that way. it s simple when you continue to give a child what they want, and they keep lashing out, wanting more and more and more, you never say no. it s like dealing with a child, but they are not good parents. impulse control from the campaign throughout. people inside the white house say the burst of tweets reflect the anger trump has aired privately for months. he s been in a dark place since the cohen story broke last week. . when someone is in a dark place like that, in your experience are they operating? does this come from a guilty conscience? it s hard to say definitively. with the actions of someone who s acting out. are they someone who should be defiant? or should they be a defend. you wonder about this, because at the one hand you mentioned
roy kohn who is the master of witch hunts, you wonder if he s taking a page out of that book and saying, here s the way to become the johnny apple seed of planting seeds of doubt, you lash out, you make people realize that the court of public opinion links directly to impeachment. you will have the strings attached to congressmen and women who will have to vote in some way on your impeachment. on the other hand, someone who would like everything to be resolved, let the chips fall as they may. that often tends to see someone who is silent, who let s everything go on. it s always a constant battle trying to reconcile what his intent is, which is why you can t look at any one thing he s saying in isolation, it s about the pattern of behavior, the series of things, the pattern you have, and the other contextual clues you have, this has been broading for quite some
time, and it makes the pendulum swing closer to a guilty conscience, as opposed to somebody who s simply defiant. i think what he s engaged is in a successful campaign to tear down robert mueller. this is how he is defending himself, by attacking the people who are investigating him. the public opinion, will that that won t make a difference? it will make a difference, he s not going to be tried in the court of law, because the doj position is, you can t indict a sitting president, he has to be impeached, he would have to be tried in congress. and public opinion matters a lot for congress. thank you all, i appreciate it. the white house defending behavior like this. you ve got to hear the false stories the white house is using in their defense. know what? no, what? i just switched to geico
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we support a free press, but there becomes a level of security with that. the media risks national security tools. this has happened in our administration and the past administrations. one of the worst is publishing listening to osama bin laden s phone in the late 90s. because of that, he stopped using the phone and the country lost valuable intelligence. that story is just not true. it was debunked years ago, despite the claim having been made by george w. bush and the 9/11 commission. osama bin laden was known to use a satellite phone, something that was widely known at the time and had been previously reported. by the time it was reported the u.s. may be able to monitor that phone, bin laden was already
scaling back use of those devices, it s quite a stretch to go back two dpek aids to a debunked story to defend the behavior we all saw last night. are you supporting a free press if you spread lies from the podium? and does the president support a free press, if he also support the people who try to stop journalists from doing their jobs. the president retweeted a video of fans booing jim acosta. the rally gets ugly. what does the president do? retweet a video in support of the hecklers. that s why when asked a second
time whether she supports what happened to jim acosta. no one was violent and no broadcaster was broadcasting state secrets, they were trying to do standups at a public rally. you had people yelling over them, and yelling that their network sucks on live tv. do you support that or not. we support freedom of the press and freedom of speech, we think that those things go hand in hand. april ryan is here, cnn political analyst. boy oh, boy. lowest common denominator. and then to have it defended from the podium. the most esteemed podium in the world. what do you think why would she go back to a story that s been debunked, years and years ago about the satellite phone?
because she s trying to justi justify. trying to justify the irrational. trying to justify foolishness. there was no cause for that. and she s playing to this base that listens to the president. they need this to rally behind the president, because this president is embattled, when this president is embattled, he either goes to sports and talks about the knee or he goes to the press or he goes to some other things that just make his base get into a africandy and forget all the other stuff. that s what it is, it s a big shiny silver ball at the detriment of free press. you have been at the white house 20 years now? 21. for republican and democratic administrations? yes. i m sure this is different. do you sit in that room and say, i cannot believe that someone is standing here lying to the
american media and the american people? yes. or trying to gaslight them. is it surreal to you every day? don, i m going to say this to you today when she said that, i couldn t believe how she was talking about how we get leaked information. we don t just walk into an office and open files. our sources are giving it to us. giving it to us willingly, because they re whistle blowers. and for her to assume or say we are gathering she s not she s changing the facts 23 you want to say she s like, she s lying, i agree with that. it was shameful today that podium is no place to play. you don t play with words or moments. that s a serious moment and a serious place. and jim acosta s life in my
opinion was in jeopardy that night. there was a safety issue. she gets run out of a hen house a couple weeks ago, and gets secret service detail. we don t have secret service detail. this president, president donald trump has stoked the flames for reporters to feel like they are in jeopardy. their lives are in jeopardy, their safety is in jeopardy. she gets taxpayer funded security for some she stokes. yet it s okay, it s freedom of speech for us. i talked to ari fleischer. and we had our back and forth quite a bit, i ve had back and forths with robert gibbs. it was always a friendly adversarial situation. it was never personal. this has gone into life, into changing lives.
here s the thing i have to say, a couple things here. we don t bee grudge her security or anyone who has they need it, and many journalists need it now because of what this president and this administration i m raising my hand, i m one of those. a lot of us are. it started with lock her up. build a wall, and all of these unseemly chants, now it s cnn sucks. it s not about cnn, it s about the behavior, oh, cnn is wining because they re it s not. if they had said it about any other network or person in the crowd, we would be having this conversation, because this is supposed to be a dignified respectful place to do the american people s business. what you re reading and hearing, what you re seeing, whatever, it s not true. so further stoking that. here s the problem.
. and people want to listen to the now and listen to this president and be entertained by him. they talk about patriotism and the constitution in this country. they forget, before they talk about the guns, second amendment, there s the first amendment that beat out the second amendment. within that first amendment is the freedom of the press the founding fathers put into the constitution this account ability piece. if the checks and balances over here don t work, you still have a press to ask questions. to give transparency to a check and balances. yes, yes. it s there for a reason, april, that it s the first one. it s in the first one. yes. thank you. i appreciate it. thank you. when we come back, the president spreading lies and stoking divisions with another ralgly tomorrow, and more this weekend. should we expect more angry crowds? we ll discuss.
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the president is set 20 return to the campaign trail tomorrow night, leading a rally in pennsylvania. that coming as a worried president is reportedly in a dark mood over michael cohen, paul manafort and the mueller investigation. all of that with the midterms looming. i want to bring in matt lewis and dan pfeiffer and condition krfrn contributor, the author of the great revolt. a great book, welcome one and all. let s start with the author of the great revolt. the president is heading to pennsylvania, he s going to have another rally tomorrow. last night s rally, if that was any indication, he s going to go all out are you concerned at all about how these rallies are going, the lies, the aggression
toward reporters and on and on? sometimes i feel like we re in groundhog day, right? i think it s a little more amped up right now. people have looked at the results from the special elections, and they see that the democrats are excited, and energized to come out. and they believe that they need to they need to be at that pitch as well. and so i think we re just. i think it s going to be this way, every day not every day, but every rally we see him host or speak at. going to be the exact same way, now, i didn t see the whole rally, i didn t see the whole thing. i did see some of the parts that acosta tweeted out.
honestly, can we all be nicer to each other. i feel like, it s simple and common sense, right in? i doubt that was everyone in the place, certainly that didn t look very comfortable at all. i ve been in those situations, i don t like when i m in those situations. dan, you seem concerned. it s almost like you can t believe this is happening. i was disturbed by what i saw there. when i see that, the crowd got like that, they were screaming things calling president obama a terrorist, saying he was a danger to the country. and mccain grabbed the microphone and said, we disagree.
but he is a decent man and you should not be afraid if he becomes president. candidates are not accountable for every member in the crowd at the rallies, they have a responsibility to try to speak out against that, to try to be a leader, that was one of the last times that a major republican figure spoke out against this anger and outrage and division that s been driving the republican party over the last ten years. i wonder if he s honing in on their energy. it really was as much a cultural event as it was a political won.
so i was he feeding off of their energy? i think that s part of it, a leader can take the crowd and channel their energy in a more positive way. but that is not what we have in the republican party and the conservative movement right now, sadly. instead, again, i don t think donald trump caused this problem, i think he s a symptom of it, and i think he s actually taking amping it up john mccain lost. he did the right thing and lost, i think a lot of republicans, a lot of people in that room don t like john mccain any more, they want a guy who s a fighter. and if it tears the country apart, that s okay. the country is already the institutions, the media. the other institutions, they believe have already sold them down the river.
i need to get to the break. when we come back, i want to talk about the shadow we group spreading dangerous conspiracy theorys and why they showed up last night. the new united explorer card hooks me up. getting more for getting away. traveling lighter. getting settled. rewarded! learn more at - thank you. now i m at a time in my life where i want to do business with companies who do right by me. - [narrator] the hartford is the only auto insurance company voted one of the world s most ethical companies 10 times, and customers rate the hartford 4.8 out of five stars for their claims experience. join the millions of customers who trust the hartford. call to get a quote from the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford. mitzi: psoriatic arthritis tries to get in my way? watch me.
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with tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. new fixodent ultra-max hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. so now you can eat tough food without worry. fixodent and forget it. so the president is using his campaign rallies to fire up his base, but those rallies are also attracting the members of a shadowy conspiracy cult with pretty shocking beliefs so let s talk about it. matt, dan, and selena are back. so disturbing signs, disturbing signs popped up at the trump radially last night. we have svideo from it, a group called quanon. the mother of all conspiracy
theories identifying a nonexistent person named q. follow along. a nonexistenter. named q. reported to be a hig high-level government official and believe crazy things like this group like president trump against a global elite seeking to murder him. that s just nuts. so how worrieded shout the white house be about attracting these kinds of supporters? those are some of the conspiracy theories that are out there. well, they should be worried. i m positive they re not, because america s most famous conspiracy theorist is donald trump of birther conspiracy fame. and this is something that it s not just donald trump, the entire republican party has allowed this to go on for a long time. you take donald trump, for example, the ratest birther conspiracy theory crusade, that gets debunked, high he sort of waddles off stage in shame. you know, a few months later every republican candidate goes to trump tower, bends the knee, tries to get his endorsement.
he stays involved in the republican party. there is an opportunity for leaders to stand up as matt mentioned, to debunk this stuff, to call it out, to say that that is not welcome within our party, but no one does that. they want to have their cake and eat it, too. they want to seem serious, yet still get alex jones supporters, quanon supporters, i think that is problematic not just for politics in the moment, just for sort of the state of society in general. the muslims cheering, that was one, voter fraud, thousands of illegals voting. that sort of thing. so, but matt, we have been operating in the satrange kind f space be truth is being devalued. all these kinds of groups. i m wondering if there s a consequence of that. there are people who are convinced in these groups that everyone put trump is lying to them. yes. this is a really weird thing, right? you used to be able to disagree about politics, you know, obama a socialist, this guy you could do that.
that s weird. it s fine. it s fair. but right now, what we re doing is actually questioning reality. like, is did ronald reagan really even die? like, if we can t believe that we watched on tv, they say there was a school schohooting, if we can t believe that event actually happened, if swn omeons saying not only did you have the facts wrong, but, like, it didn t even happen, the shooting, like, if we can t agree on basic reality, like, how am i even here right now, is donald trump really the president? when we start questioning things like that, sanity goes out the wind window. and that is i mean, i know it sounds like i m being crazy right now, watch some of the videos. . the explainers on this group. they believe that every president since reagan, by the way, they believe that this globalist cabal killed kennedy and every president since reagan, so both bushes, the clintons, the obamas, are all part of this evil, you know,
conspiracy to take down america and donald trump somehow has out it s really unbelievable. and this is, like, a you know, a lot of people who were in the shots last night at these rallies. yeah. and a lot of folks have written about it, about that, and we saw we witnessed it with our own eyes. selena, you re shaking your head. my question is, should the president should he reject this administration s support from groups like quanon, with these sketchy histories and people who believe in conspiracy theories that are just outlandish and completely not true? like, like one of the trump rallies, this guy seen wearing that blacks for trump t-shirt, he once belonged to a violent fringe cult. these are the people who are at the rallies. not all of them, would assume. i m not there. but you certainly see a whole lot of them. well, i mean, i think we should all disavow violent fringe cults and the i ve
never even heard of this q thing. quanano. quanon. no. of course you should disawe vow things like that. it s ridiculous. i was not at this rally. i ve never seen this at other rallies. maybe it s a new thing. but, you know, if it becomes growing, and it becomes dominant as part of the rally, certainly, it s something you should say, hey, hey, hey, we re not part of that. you know, it becomes introduced as part of mainstream. hey, quick a quick answer, if you can, because i m pushing it here, so if because i know that trump supporters hate to be, you know hate for people to paint them with a broad brush, right? that they re racist or conspiracy theorists, on and on and on. absolutely. shouldn t they be upset about these people making them look ba
bad, shouldn t they be our rallies, you make us look back, or, hey, it s all great? of course not. of course, they speak out against it. i was just at a rally for pence the other day in newark, ohio, for the special election in ohio 12th. they, you know, obviously a much different tone rally, right? but they half the tweets they love the results of his presidency but they don t like hatch the tweet half the tweets that the president does and certainly call out or are unhappy when people make trump voters look as part of this sort of kracrazy gp of people. these are trump voters who are doing it to themselves but go on. right, but it s not all trump voters and not everyone should be lumped in that same see that crazy person? that s what all of them are like. that s when we get in trouble. that s how we missed the election because we would see these voters you know, viewers would see these voters and say, that s what they re all like, there s no way he s going to win.
yeah. and that s not what they re all like. yeah. and that s our problem. we have a problem with trusting institutions and expertise and i think that s the larger problem that we have in this country that we need to address. i ve got to go. i don t want to be rude and cut you off. thank you, all, i appreciate it. i have to get to the top of the hour. we ll be right back. bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that.

President , Attorney-general , Situation , Tweeting , Reporter , Message , Line , Justice , Fact , Anything , Witch-hunt , Jeff-sessions

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180802 06:00:00

A recap of the day s news.
mines you re able to prepare quite fully, and they re not able to have the off the cuff statements or have a genuine authentic action. preparation doesn t lead to you being able to have an assessment of truth telling. i want to ask you one more question. they re reporting that the president s lawyers want to reject it, but the president is pushing them to keep negotiating. at what point does the president do it against their counsel snil. i think given this presidential administration, any time, remember, the beauty of being able to have the negotiation tactic here is that he can have his lawyers in the room. as long as he s negotiating, he has the ability to say my lawyers can come with me, if it gets to the point where he has
is himself speaking his mind. does that explain why the president was so freaked out on twitter this morning and this week. he s got a lot of reasons to be freaked out. if his impetus was the fact that mueller wants to ask him about obstruction of justice, trump s response is to obstruct justice. that s what he was doing, saying the attorney general needs to end this rigged witch hunt right now. i love the fact that have you all these trump apologists, the word should means this doesn t mean anything. i beg to differ. if your boss says i don t like your shirt. if your boss says, you should go home right now and change your
shirt, that s a little more than an opinion and let s remember, donald trump is not some blow hard bloviating on the web. he s the president of the united states and he s jeff sessions boss, and saying i should do something that is improper. this is a tweet from this morning i wonder if you see it as obstruction of justice in plain sight. because max, you write this, you think the president is flouting the law. i m looking here at 18 u.s. 553. whoever corrupts by threats or force endeavors to influence, impede any officer of a court of the united states. isn t that what trump is doing right here? typically the difficulty with proving obstruction of justice is proving corrupt intent that he has some ulterior motive for doing that. all you have to do is read his twitter feed or listen to his interviews. it would be fascinating to get him on the stand and ask him, do you take twitter seriously. he sees himself as a master communicator, who has found a way to use social media to energize millions and millions of readers. he fired the secretary of state by tweet. i mean, if his tweets don t mean anything, how come rex tillerson isn t secretary of state any more. this idea that the president of the united states is trying
to suggest that somehow the should versus shall. i feel like we re back in 1998 when bill clinton was saying, well, it depends on what your definition of the word is is. and people were very critical about this semantics based argument. and it became a meme. and it should have been. you don t have to prove intent by that one smoking gun. it can be the context tulle arguments, it can be all of the comprehensive things over time to show that there is no other conclusion, that someone can reasonably draw some nefarious intent here. laura
go ahead. quickly, i have it s your show. i just wonder if you look at all of these tweets, should we be looking at them any differently, as i said in my opening statement, because he said them in public rather than he didn t pick up a phone, write it in a memo. clearly jeff sessions and others have access to twitter. you should not look at this
and say, nobody commits crimes in broad daylight. a great number of crimes are committed in broad daylight. especially those who think justice will not apply to them. repeat criminals, serial criminals. people who can say things like, i could go out on to the street and shoot somebody, no one would know. that s more than 18 months ago. clearly the idea of committing a crime in the dark is not the only way to do so. no prosecutor worth their salt or investigator would ever consider obstruction of justice to be the end game. it is part of the overall inquiry, it would be like giving a speeding ticket to somebody who is fleeing in having just robbed a bank and ignoring the robbery charge. the president of the united states has put himself in this position and continues to do so. and prolongs the investigation
with every single tweet. if he wants it to end, he should stop speaking. when we come back, the president s lawyers update him on the mueller investigation. the president calls on jeff sessions to immediately end the mueller investigation. coincidence? great, can you sign for this? yeah. hey, uh.. what s in that one? that s a shark. new and only with at&t, you can get unlimited data, 30+ channels of live tv, and your choice of things like hbo or amazon music. more for your thing. that s our thing. visit att dot com. and i m the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it s great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i ve got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything s pretty much done. it s so much easier so now, we re ready, bring on t.
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child, voice-over: there was an old woman who lived in a shoe. she had so many children, she didn t know what to do. i m home. child, voice-over: she gave them some broth. without any bread. [siren in distance] and kissed them all soundly. lights out. good night. child, voice-over: and put them to bed. hunger is a story we can end. end it at the white house trying and mostly failing to mop up the mess tonight after the latest alarming tweet from the president. president trump is sieging and lashing out on twitter as his lawyers negotiate for a potential face to face interview
with robert mueller. what does the president s twitter tirade say about his state of mind right now? what it says to me is that he is guilty as sin. this is his outbursts which have been going on for more than a year now, in reaction to the special counsel investigation indicates somebody who is deeply worried about what they will find. his mantra of no collusion. is pretty thin. why would he be freaking out on twitter if he thought they weren t going to find anything. i thought laura made a good point. i m excited to be on here with a future host of jeopardy. they are the arrogant ones, the ones who think they can get away with anything, because they ve
gotten away with a lot of stuff in the past. donald trump has been getting away with stuff his whole life. including as the presidential candidate, attacking john mccain for being a pow. i think that leads to a sense of impunity that he is bulletproof, he said he could kill somebody on fifth avenue and his supporters would be behind him. that s why he has the hutzpa to be attacking people on twitter. you said it doesn t matter, when you re talking about the president and what i said in my opening remarks about if he says it in public. it doesn t matter if it s whispered in secret or shouted for all to hear. it doesn t matter if the
investigation is stopped or not, a crime is still a crime, even if it s not carried out to a successful conclusion. the impeachment proceedings would have already started if the congressional republicans weren t including with trump to obstruct justice. what do you think when things like that are said? i m an ex-republican. they are protecting donald trump as evidence is accumulating. republicans are protecting him. there is legislation that was passed by the senate judiciary committee to protect robert mueller from being fired. paul ryan, the house speaker will not bring that legislation to the floor. they will not protect robert mueller, and they will not hold donald trump accountable. instead, they re allowing members to engage in the most reprehensible obstruction on behalf of donald trump, maligning people like rosenstein, the brave and honest men and women of the fbi, tearing them down, in order to save donald trump s hides, that s where the republicans
are, they re firmly in the obstruction camp, that s the big difference between now and watergate, at the time of watergate, there were a few honest republicans who realized they could not let nixon get away with this stuff. so far, there are no republicans that are willing to stand up to trump. it s interesting what max is saying, it goes to president trump s mind-set. the republicans have formed this wall of defense around the president. publicly. they are defending him. it brings him no comfort, it doesn t calm him down. he s been a command and control person his entire life. he was taught by roy kohn and some of the other people that helped him come up in business, you get what you want and you do what it takes to get it. he had a very small family he business, he relight on family members, he relied on people like michael cohen to be fixers to deal with problems as they came up. now he s president of the united states.
roy kohn would say, you should squash this. you are the most powerful person on the planet. you should squash this. it doesn t matter to him that mitch mcconnell and paul ryan are protecting him so well. it bothers him such a great deal that he can t squelch it, democracy doesn t work that way. it s simple when you continue to give a child what they want, and they keep lashing out, wanting more and more and more, you never say no. it s like dealing with a child, but they are not good parents. impulse control from the campaign throughout. people inside the white house say the burst of tweets reflect the anger trump has aired privately for months. he s been in a dark place since the cohen story broke last week. . when someone is in a dark place like that, in your experience are they operating?
does this come from a guilty conscience? it s hard to say definitively. with the actions of someone who s acting out. are they someone who should be defiant? or should they be a defend. you wonder about this, because at the one hand you mentioned roy kohn who is the master of witch hunts, you wonder if he s taking a page out of that book and saying, here s the way to become the johnny apple seed of planting seeds of doubt, you lash out, you make people realize that the court of public opinion links directly to impeachment. you will have the strings
attached to congressmen and women who will have to vote in some way on your impeachment. on the other hand, someone who would like everything to be resolved, let the chips fall as they may. that often tends to see someone who is silent, who let s everything go on. it s always a constant battle trying to reconcile what his intent is, which is why you can t look at any one thing he s saying in isolation, it s about the pattern of behavior, the series of things, the pattern you have, and the other contextual clues you have, this has been broading for quite some time, and it makes the pendulum swing closer to a guilty conscience, as opposed to somebody who s simply defiant.
i think what he s engaged is in a successful campaign to tear down robert mueller. this is how he is defending himself, by attacking the people who are investigating him. the public opinion, will that that won t make a difference? it will make a difference, he s not going to be tried in the court of law, because the doj position is, you can t indict a sitting president, he has to be impeached, he would have to be tried in congress. and public opinion matters a lot for congress. thank you all, i appreciate it. the white house defending behavior like this. you ve got to hear the false stories the white house is using in their defense. when i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment . i m beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it s not just picking a surgeon, it s picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit
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this administration is waging a war on journalism and the truth. just today had he she was asked about jim acosta, being heckled at a trump rally tuesday night. instead of answering, she makes this baffling and false claim and then she dug way back two decades to find it. watch. we support a free press, but there becomes a level of security with that. the media risks national security tools. this has happened in our administration and the past administrations. one of the worst is publishing listening to osama bin laden s phone in the late 90s. because of that, he stopped using the phone and the country lost valuable intelligence. that story is just not true. it was debunked years ago, despite the claim having been made by george w. bush and the
9/11 commission. osama bin laden was known to use a satellite phone, something that was widely known at the time and had been previously reported. by the time it was reported the u.s. may be able to monitor that phone, bin laden was already scaling back use of those devices, it s quite a stretch to go back two dpek aids to a debunked story to defend the behavior we all saw last night. are you supporting a free press if you spread lies from the podium? and does the president support a free press, if he also support the people who try to stop journalists from doing their jobs. the president retweeted a video of fans booing jim acosta. the rally gets ugly. what does the president do?
retweet a video in support of the hecklers. that s why when asked a second time whether she supports what happened to jim acosta. no one was violent and no broadcaster was broadcasting state secrets, they were trying to do standups at a public rally. you had people yelling over them, and yelling that their network sucks on live tv. do you support that or not. we support freedom of the press and freedom of speech, we think that those things go hand
in hand. april ryan is here, cnn political analyst. boy oh, boy. lowest common denominator. and then to have it defended from the podium. the most esteemed podium in the world. what do you think why would she go back to a story that s been debunked, years and years ago about the satellite phone? because she s trying to justify. trying to justify the irrational. trying to justify foolishness. there was no cause for that. and she s playing to this base that listens to the president. they need this to rally behind the president, because this president is embattled, when this president is embattled, he either goes to sports and talks
about the knee or he goes to the press or he goes to some other things that just make his base get into a africandy and forget all the other stuff. that s what it is, it s a big shiny silver ball at the detriment of free press. you have been at the white house 20 years now? 21. for republican and democratic administrations? yes. i m sure this is different. do you sit in that room and say, i cannot believe that someone is standing here lying to the american media and the american people? yes. or trying to gaslight them. is it surreal to you every day? don, i m going to say this to you today when she said that, i couldn t believe how she was talking about how we get leaked information. we don t just walk into an office and open files. our sources are giving it to us. giving it to us willingly, because they re whistle blowers. and for her to assume or say we are gathering she s not she s changing the facts 23 you want to say she s like, she s lying, i agree with that. it was shameful today that
podium is no place to play. you don t play with words or moments. that s a serious moment and a serious place. and jim acosta s life in my opinion was in jeopardy that night. there was a safety issue. she gets run out of a hen house a couple weeks ago, and gets secret service detail. we don t have secret service detail. this president, president donald trump has stoked the flames for reporters to feel like they are in jeopardy. their lives are in jeopardy, their safety is in jeopardy. she gets taxpayer funded
security for some she stokes. yet it s okay, it s freedom of speech for us. i talked to ari fleischer. and we had our back and forth quite a bit, i ve had back and forths with robert gibbs. it was always a friendly adversarial situation. it was never personal. this has gone into life, into changing lives. here s the thing i have to say, a couple things here. we don t bee grudge her security or anyone who has they need it, and many journalists need it now because of what this president and this administration i m raising my hand, i m one of those. a lot of us are. it started with lock her up. build a wall, and all of these unseemly chants, now it s cnn sucks. it s not about cnn, it s about the behavior, oh, cnn is wining because they re it s not.
if they had said it about any other network or person in the crowd, we would be having this conversation, because this is supposed to be a dignified respectful place to do the american people s business. what you re reading and hearing, what you re seeing, whatever, it s not true. so further stoking that. here s the problem. . and people want to listen to the now and listen to this president and be entertained by him. they talk about patriotism and the constitution in this country. they forget, before they talk about the guns, second amendment, there s the first amendment that beat out the second amendment. within that first amendment is the freedom of the press the founding fathers put into the constitution this account ability piece. if the checks and balances over here don t work, you still have
a press to ask questions. to give transparency to a check and balances. yes, yes. it s there for a reason, april, that it s the first one. it s in the first one. yes. thank you. i appreciate it. thank you. being in the know is a good thing. that s why discover will alert you if your social security number is found on any one of thousands of risky sites.
the great revolt. a great book, welcome one and all. let s start with the author of the great revolt. the president is heading to pennsylvania, he s going to have another rally tomorrow. last night s rally, if that was any indication, he s going to go all out are you concerned at all about how these rallies are going, the lies, the aggression toward reporters and on and on? sometimes i feel like we re in groundhog day, right? i think it s a little more amped up right now. people have looked at the results from the special elections, and they see that the democrats are excited, and energized to come out. and they believe that they need to they need to be at that
pitch as well. and so i think we re just. i think it s going to be this way, every day not every day, but every rally we see him host or speak at. going to be the exact same way, now, i didn t see the whole rally, i didn t see the whole thing. i did see some of the parts that acosta tweeted out. honestly, can we all be nicer to each other. i feel like, it s simple and common sense, right in? i doubt that was everyone in the place, certainly that didn t look very comfortable at all. i ve been in those situations, i don t like when i m in those situations. dan, you seem concerned. it s almost like you can t believe this is happening.
i was disturbed by what i saw there. when i see that, the crowd got like that, they were screaming things calling president obama a terrorist, saying he was a danger to the country. and mccain grabbed the microphone and said, we disagree. but he is a decent man and you should not be afraid if he becomes president. candidates are not accountable for every member in the crowd at the rallies, they have a responsibility to try to speak out against that, to try to be a leader, that was one of the last times that a major republican figure spoke out against this
anger and outrage and division that s been driving the republican party over the last ten years. i wonder if he s honing in on their energy. it really was as much a cultural event as it was a political won. so i was he feeding off of their energy? i think that s part of it, a leader can take the crowd and channel their energy in a more positive way. but that is not what we have in the republican party and the conservative movement right now, sadly. instead, again, i don t think donald trump caused this problem, i think he s a symptom of it, and i think he s actually taking amping it up john mccain lost. he did the right thing and lost, i think a lot of republicans, a lot of people in that room don t like john mccain any more, they
want a guy who s a fighter. and if it tears the country apart, that s okay. the country is already the institutions, the media. the other institutions, they believe have already sold them down the river. i need to get to the break. when we come back, i want to talk about the shadow we group spreading dangerous conspiracy theorys and why they showed up last night. sheldon, and i m the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it s great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i ve got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything s pretty much done. it s so much easier so now, we re ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to
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talk about it. matt, dan, and salena are back. so disturbing signs, disturbing signs popped up at the trump radially last night. we have video from it, a group called qanon. the mother of all conspiracy theories identifying a nonexistent person named q. follow along. a nonexistent person named q. reported to be a high-level government official and believe crazy things like this group like president trump against a global elite seeking to murder him. that s just nuts. so how worried should the white house be about attracting these kinds of supporters? those are some of the conspiracy theories that are out there. well, they should be worried. i m positive they re not, because america s most famous conspiracy theorist is donald trump of birther conspiracy fame. and this is something that it s not just donald trump, the entire republican party has
allowed this to go on for a long time. you take donald trump, for example, the racist birther conspiracy theory crusade, that gets debunked, high he sort of waddles off stage in shame. you know, a few months later every republican candidate goes to trump tower, bends the knee, tries to get his endorsement. he stays involved in the republican party. there is an opportunity for leaders to stand up as matt mentioned, to debunk this stuff, to call it out, to say that that is not welcome within our party, but no one does that. they want to have their cake and eat it, too. they want to seem serious, yet still get alex jones supporters, qanon supporters, i think that is problematic not just for politics in the moment, just for sort of the state of society in general. the muslims cheering, that was one, voter fraud, thousands of illegals voting. that sort of thing. so, but matt, we have been operating in the strange kind of space be truth is being devalued. all these kinds of groups. i m wondering if there s a consequence of that.
there are people who are convinced in these groups that everyone put trump is lying to them. yes. this is a really weird thing, right? you used to be able to disagree about politics, you know, obama a socialist, this guy you could do that. that s weird. it s fine. it s fair. but right now, what we re doing is actually questioning reality. like, is did ronald reagan really even die? like, if we can t believe that we watched on tv, they say there was a school shooting, if we can t believe that event actually happened, if someone is saying not only did you have the facts wrong, but, like, it didn t even happen, the shooting, like, if we can t agree on basic reality, like, how am i even here right now, is donald trump really the president? when we start questioning things like that, sanity goes out the window. and that is i mean, i know it sounds like i m being crazy right now, watch some of the videos.
the explainers on this group. they believe that every president since reagan, by the way, they believe that this globalist cabal killed kennedy and every president since reagan, so both bushes, the clintons, the obamas, are all part of this evil, you know, conspiracy to take down america and donald trump somehow has out it s really unbelievable. and this is, like, a you know, a lot of people who were in the shots last night at these rallies. yeah. and a lot of folks have written about it, about that, and we saw we witnessed it with our own eyes. salena, you re shaking your head. my question is, should the president should he reject this administration s support from groups like qanon, with these sketchy histories and people who believe in conspiracy theories that are just outlandish and completely not true? like, like one of the trump rallies, this guy seen wearing
that blacks for trump t-shirt, he once belonged to a violent fringe cult. these are the people who are at the rallies. not all of them, would assume. i m not there. but you certainly see a whole lot of them. well, i mean, i think we should all disavow violent fringe cults and the i ve never even heard of this q thing. qanon. qanon. no. of course you should disavow things like that. it s ridiculous. i was not at this rally. i ve never seen this at other rallies. maybe it s a new thing. but, you know, if it becomes growing, and it becomes dominant as part of the rally, certainly, it s something you should say, hey, hey, hey, we re not part of that. you know, it becomes introduced as part of mainstream. hey, quick a quick answer, if you can, because i m pushing
it here, so if because i know that trump supporters hate to be, you know hate for people to paint them with a broad brush, right? that they re racist or conspiracy theorists, on and on and on. absolutely. shouldn t they be upset about these people making them look bad, shouldn t they be speaking out, we don t want you in our rallies, you make us look back, or, hey, it s all great? of course not. of course, they speak out against it. i was just at a rally for pence the other day in newark, ohio, for the special election in ohio 12th. they, you know, obviously a much different tone rally, right? but they half the tweets they love the results of his presidency but they don t like half the tweets that the president does and certainly call out or are unhappy when people make trump voters look as part of this sort of crazy group of people. these are trump voters who are doing it to themselves but go on.
right, but it s not all trump voters and not everyone should be lumped in that same see that crazy person? that s what all of them are like. that s when we get in trouble. that s how we missed the election because we would see these voters you know, viewers would see these voters and say, that s what they re all like, there s no way he s going to win. yeah. and that s not what they re all like. yeah. and that s our problem. we have a problem with trusting institutions and expertise and i think that s the larger problem that we have in this country that we need to address. i ve got to go. i don t want to be rude and cut you off. thank you, all, i appreciate it. i have to get to the top of the hour. we ll be right back. iphone fr and keep your whole family connected. or keep tabs on them. he skipped orientation for the beach? he takes after me. join t-mobile, buy an iphone 8, get an iphone 8 on us. the new united explorer card hooks me up. getting more for getting away.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20180802 16:00:00

A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man.
mollie s disappearance also contract crime stoppers. that information will be forwarded to enforcement with your identity being protected. if you would like to also donate to the bring mollie tibbetts home safe reward fund, you can go to crime stoppers of central iowa website for further information to make that donation. we are very thankful for all the efforts of law enforcement and our friends in searching for mollie. it s our greatest hope that if someone has her that they would just release her. and claim that money we have raised for her freedom. thank you so much for being here. and i m turning it over to greg wily with the crime stoppers of central iowa. greg? thanks. what i wanted to do and in
police. that being said, we can take a few questions but they have to be pretty much tilted to the reward fund and questions about crime stoppers. do you believe she was abducted? at this time, you know, that is one of the possibilities. how can people donate? i know there is a crime stoppers website. how does it work? if you go to crime stoppers, it will be we have a tab with mollie s name on it. if you click on that, there is a way to wire the money in and a way to receive that and fill out to mail that money in. we are a non-profit 501(c)(3). a lot of times the donations are tax deductible. questions for rob. rob, can you tell us this is your daughter, she has been missing since july 18. can you tell us how the family
is holding up? the family is holding up just fine. we are setting our personal feelings aside. this is a fight for our daughter. we have all the tools that we can use. and i want to thank the media for coming here and helping us to share this story. we are told very little by the authorities for very good reason. they are incredible partners. they have put together incredible investigation. it s large. it s sophisticated. it s aggressive. and they have been nothing but sensitive to our family. to suggest otherwise is wrong. but they are not sharing information with us because they don t need to share information with someone who might be implicated in this. the other part is you, the media. you have been wonderful. you have taken us, the story national and international. and to keep this story and the public conscience is essential. this will be solved by someone
coming forward with information, information they think is trivial and not worth sharing or information they think is going to implicate a loved one or a friend and they are afraid of doing that. i have been telling all of you, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. so come forward. share that information with the authorities. and let s bring mollie home. this is another tool in our arsenal. we are providing this fund to provide financial incentive for someone who is otherwise reluctant to come forward. if you can get the story out, maybe we can bring mollie home and we ll all have a happy ending to this. what do you make of the fact that more than $2,000? it s a testament to the media and your ability to get the story out. it s been incredible the partnership with the media. the national media and the local media to get mollie s
story out and humanize her so people will identify her. she is not that different from your daughters or your sister or your girlfriend. she is just a wonderful, normal, terrific person. and we all can identify with that. so let s bring her home. anything you can do to keep this story in the public conscience is, it s essential. is there a way to determine the further donation you got? is it overseas? how far are the donations coming from? i don t know the details of all of that. i don t know that the amount is essential as much as the incentive is another tool we can use. across the street from here, the community live now is creating collateral, t-shirts and buttons and pins and yard signs and magnets that go on cars with the tip number on. we can only fight that way.
that is what we re doing. laura put together this fund. we have been on a separate track trying to work with you to help you get the story out. so we wake up every day at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning to fight. laura s fighting. the boys are fighting. dalton is fighting. everybody in the community is fighting to get her back. you are really helpful. rob, the new sighting, the possible sighting of mollie announced confirmed by the police yesterday. what does that do? i don t know what you are talking about. so there was a sighting. there was a tighting sighting in missouri that could have been someone matching her description. now we are learning it s not her. you raise a good point. people are reluctant to come forward with information because they think it s irrelevant or trivial. nothing is irrelevant and
trivial. the authorities told us as much. they have the resources to sort out what is right or what is wrong. so if you have something trivial or something that either could potentially implicate someone you know or love, come forward with the information. the authorities can sort it out and do it quickly. have you ever had a reward this large? the last one we participated in was oakland murder in 2011. fortunately, in the communities that we live in, we don t get this opportunity and we d rather not have it. the key thing in all of this. they were saying that the money can be an incentive for somebody to step up. especially if they have abducted her and possibly doing other things monetarily. but the key part is that we can guarantee their identity. what i explained before, we couldn t tell you who they were even if we wanted to tell you who they were. that is crucial from what rob says as far as the individuals
out there who don t want to be involved feel like boy, if i say something now they will come after me and want to talk to me or cases in the past we have had mothers turn in sons or family members turn in other family members because they are out of control. they wouldn t have done that unless they were sure that their identity would be protected. that is a crucial part of what crime stoppers does. we are a safety net. law enforcement does a great job. most of the community public is not afraid to get involved. we exist for that small majority of the public that would never participate until they guaranteed anonymity. how often have you seen a case turn into a success, recovery, because of that? locally we haven t had a lot. i served on the board nationally several years ago. there are stories all over the place where the money did get somebody s attention.
and they did come forward because they were confident they could come forward and be protected and nobody would know who they are. there will be dynamics. we are trying to shake the tree. we want somebody to come forward. even if it s not real. at least it started a conversation with somebody. somebody might know that she is being held by somebody but would never say anything. harris: the effort now to appeal to people who are watching both national and local television in brooklyn, iowa. they need the public s help. a huge thank you particularly to all the media for the platform of putting mollie tibbetts image and now story out for the world to see. they had said this family of hers, that they believe she is still alive and they are operating that way. this news conference certainly had a feel of an appeal for someone who might be watching or those around and the individual who might be watching. she is 20 years old. she was out for a run.
and she hasn t been seen since. they want the details out there. even if you don t live in iowa. south grand view near randell place. when she i believe that is the location. nevertheless, they want people to call in to this number. we will put it on the screen. 641-623-5679. on the screen right now for mollie tibbetts. her family is saying this is a fight for our daughter. we are trying to humanize her to get people to call in. we will continue to cover the story as it unfolds. melissa: another fox news alert we are learning special counsel robert mueller responded to a et letter from president trump s legal team about a possible interview as the white house is defending the president s calls to end the investigation. this is outnumbered. i m melissa francis. here today, harris faulkner, of course. fox news network anchor dagen mcdowell. host of kennedy on the fox
business network, kennedy. and host of the five and the greg gutfeld show, greg gutfeld. he is outnumbered. also author of the gutfeld monologues. you bring something new and interesting to say every time that we ve never heard no pressure. greg: thank you. what would you like me to say? harris: all of that is familiar. melissa: there you go. harris: we ll get to it. melissa: sources telling fox news that mueller agreed to reduce the number of the questions from the initial list and the potential interview with president trump. and is willing to take some in writing but wants oral answers to others. in addition, sources say mueller still wants to ask question about obstruction of justice which the legal team opposed. they are still said to be leaning against an interview. greg, when they say they are going to cut it from the initial list of 49 it makes he wonder is he going to know the
questions in advance? greg: there is like, there is like a new angle to the story every day. the world s worst mini series that america is not watching. if you look at the poll numbers they are interested in belly button lint than this topic. it s frustrating. this probe is now longer than a cross country bus ride to see your dad in prison. it s tedious. the thing is, here is the big question. why is it that a politician purchasing information from the russians through a british spy is somehow less important than your staff taking a meeting in the building? you know, everybody takes meetings in buildings. i have done that when i was in magazines. i had meetings with people i didn t know and they always turned out to be skeevy but you didn t know until afterwards. i don t understand taking a meeting is worse than what hillary clinton did. i think americans are tired of this. and it would be good for the country as a whole if we just button this up and kicked it out the door.
melissa: kennedy? kennedy: i hope we learn something from this going into the next presidential election season. they don t repeat the mistakes. people are not going to wash up british spies and pay for opposition research. as we learn from the exercise opposition and resistance is not enough. it s not enough to get people to the polls. they want ideas. they want solutions. the good thing about people being so politically engaged and having a president love him or hate him people pay attention to every single thing. that means the voters are more educate and they are not going to listen to the propaganda nonsense about how horable opponent is. there has to be more than that. dagen: president trump and the attorneys need to tell bob mueller we are not talking to you, period. you are not getting an interview. if he calls this a rigged witch hunt this is one of the best messaging campaigns ever. a better slogan than finger
licking good. this guy bob mueller is modern day van helsing. i know witches and vampires, i get them mixed up. don t talk to them. the f.b.i., the investigators will lie to him but he can t lie to them. he doesn t know what 1.5 million pages of documents in this case. if he wants to talk to someone, call up your friend, kim kardashian or tom brady. zen it out. if you pant to yell at somebody call jeff sessions. don t say a word to bob mueller. melissa: it does seem like maybe that is what they are setting up for. we want to talk, we want to talk. but in the end it s not going to happen. never forgotten the emotional ceremony marking the return of dozens of presumed u.s. war dead killed in the korean war. so many decades ago. where it could mark a key turning point in the relations and whether it shows the president s unconventional style gets results.
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vice president mike pence formally receiving the remains at the ceremony in hawaii after arriving from south korea. weeks after that trump got north korean leader kim jong un. here is vincent brooks. for the warriors, a commitment made to one another before going into battle. and pass on from one generation of warriors to the next. and for all, solemn reminder.
no matter how long it takes. i m not president trump says look forward to seeing you soon. it seems that he is employing the same unpredictability that the president have. they have hostages release and back home and he will return remains of the fallen fighters. it appears to be tinkering with the long distance missiles. greg: i said a couple of
days ago, negotiations are going on. don t stop what you are doing. north korea is waiting for the grand gesture. if this were a relationship the part you put the ring on the finger and the grand gesture might be declaration of peace or something bigger than that. you have to compare last night a moving experience that should have been covered by the networks and wasn t. compare it to january 13. which was everyone in hawaii thought they were going to die because of a malfunction and missile system. that was driven in part by the psychological fears over north korea. how has it changed dramatically? compare last night to january 23. january 13. that is monumental. you have to give credit, the weird thing about donald trump, when you are a salesman all things are possible. you look at the past, let me take a shot at that and see what happens. this is the product of the mantra. we ll see what happens. i think what we are seeing.
something is happening. trust the government, you re a hypocrite. you didn t care about the iran-obama change why care about this? if you look at this staff, you have bolton, pompeo, mattis, kelly, trump. murder s row of adults. i trust that group of people in dealing with foreign powers more so than the previous administration. that is why it s different than iran. harris: it must be complicated, too, for some of the president s critics at this point. those who said you gave away legitimacy and you gave away the world stage and you gave away the white house and you gave away this. what did we get back? every network should have covered the homecoming last night. greg: but they couldn t. harris: i think they could have. greg: they felt harris: so when you see the flags over the caskets, over the remaining and they
are working hard to identify, dr. byrd and his team and forensics with the military working hard to match remains with the families and so on and so forth. while the process goes on, you are starting to see what we are getting. you mentioned it. so did you, kennedy. north korea is trying to figure out where is the line in which we get something? so, while the president some of the critics may say we gave too much away, north korea certainly doesn t field that. they are trying to figure out what it takes. kennedy: for people to say the gesture is trivial is incentive to the families. there is a process. there was only one dog tag. harris: absolutely. he has his hand full. dagen: i m often the first in line to be negative about something. this is nothing but positive. and sets in motion harris: and nonpartisan. should be.
dagen: sets in motion an effort to bring home there are 7,700 soldiers still missing. 5,300 of them, the remains are still believed to be in north korea. watching vice president pence whose father served in the korean war and awarded the bronze star, what it meant to him and every single family. it sends a message to every family and every person who served this country. we will treat you with dignity and respect and make sure that you get home. it s a reminder to everybody, freedom is not free. melissa: i m worried about the trump deniers in the situation and the people who deny any positive outcome related to president trump. they look at this, this is a difficult science to go through the remains. they are going to find some without question that aren t americans or aren t what we thought. those people will stand up and declare victory. and they won t respect number one how hard this is.
how hurtful it would be for the families. i think it will happen. i m worried. here you go. kennedy: new e-mails obtained by the conservative group judicial watch showing peter strozk was allowing to keep his power to declassify documents. when he moved to the mueller probe. so did this give mueller s team special capabilities to target the president? we ll debate next. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? your digestive system has billions of bacteria but life can throw them off balance. re-align yourself with align probiotic. and try new align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health.
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powers allowed mueller special access to target president trump. watch this. it sure did. strozk wouldn t have asked for it if he didn t think it would be useful in the new job. he wanted the authority to issue national security letters which are secret request for information that fall short of needing court approval. he also wanted and he said this was essential, which was unusual. he wanted the ability to declassify information. dagen: strozk was pulled from the probe with text messages with the f.b.i. lawyer and his girlfriend at the time lisa page came to light. greg, this is starting to make more and more sense of what was he up to and why did he position himself on the mueller team? this drives me crazy. everything he does is suspect suspect subject to
interpretation. i believe he is out for trump and biased but the text could be interpreted differently. you see this and his interpretation is i need clearance for my job. you could interpret it as no, you are out to destroy trump. but they cancel each other out an its a waste of energy. you won t get anything on him when it s an interpretation. harris: senator rand paul, which is how i imagine him. i told you remember when he was trying to press the point that security clearances were in place for people. he had written to the f.b.i. and they wouldn t talk with the specificity of the clearances but senator paul was on to something saying the access they retain even after they move around and not fired is complicated and something we should be aware of and dig deeper on. kennedy: not just peter strozk. harris: or his paramour.
kennedy: they use this vague and a broad umbrella to read information from the other intelligence agencies thanks to president obama is shared essentially across the board. they don t need warrants to partake in what is spying. the f.b.i. has the capability because the powers are so broad and so vague. and they are even more emboldened now. so even under 702, if a bunch of operatives on the trump campaign had talked about someone from russia, using this national security guide, peter strozk can now read all the e-mails and the texts. broad surveillance powers unchecked because they can be abused by people like this who have a personal and political axe to ground. melissa: makes me wonder how many are out there. we hear about peter strozk. every day is a new thing, a deeper level and something he brought from the past. people say a few bad apples but you wonder how many people
there are or the investigators out there doing the same thing. given that it appears to have been so easy to do. greg: i have a security clearance but it s for arbees. you wouldn t believe what i know. you get to go in the kitchen. greg: anytime i want. curly fries, know how they make it curly. harris: are they preseasonned or put on after? greg: if i divulge that, they d probably kill me. harris: this is something i can t get past. dagen: you interviewed congressman gates about this. bob mueller when he kicked peter strozk off the team. when he found text messages were revealed by the inspector general, robert mueller never asked strozk about the bias. he never asked what do the text messages mean? i don t want to speculate too much but he didn t want to know if it s obtainable harris: plausible deniability.
do they ask everyone else if they are biased? melissa: what was the insurance policy? dagen: we ll stop it? the american people? that was a great answer. kennedy: stinking ones at walmart? dagen: hogwash. new questions over the direction of the democratic party after former president obama puts out an initial list of endorsements and leaves off a rising left wing star. more on that ahead. if you feel like you spend too much time in the bathroom
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for progressive candidates. d.n.c. chief tom perez hailed the 28-year-old startup and upstart as the future of the party. we should note that obama s press office says this is his first wave of endorsements with more to come. does that manes she is on the next list? we don t know. republicans are fundraising off of it and the candidate vying to take darrell issa s seat when he retires sent an e-mail saying obama endorses my opponent to flip the seat to take back the house and stop conservatives like me to fix the mess he made of our country. i need your help to stop obama coming in to california and stealing the seat. exclamation point. greg: i don t blame obama for returning. he is yesterday s lesson on the chalk board. and trump is the new teacher.
that is like slowly fading. and he didn t endorse ocasio-cortez. harris: or dianne feinstein. greg: ocasio-cortez is not liberal enough. that is why. melissa: he didn t endorse claire mccaskill. harris: i m being corrected. it happened previously. this was not on the list. greg: trying to trick us. harris: no. i was just wrong. melissa: previously endorsed. i see what you are saying. not on this list but i don t know if it means this time around and this round. i read that the same way. that dianne feinstein wasn t on this list. i don t know if she will make the list. dagen: remind people who he did endorse and campaign for. hillary clinton. she lost. so again, what does his endorsement do for these people? melissa: it was lukewarm. he said america needed a new car smell. kennedy: didn t he say do it for me? talking about hillary clinton
vote for her for me. guess what? they didn t. harris: that is an excellent question. kennedy: she didn t excite his coalition. the sleight against alexandria ocasio-cortez is important. because they are still very much fighting for the soul of the democratic party and there isn t a leader of the democrat party. and president obama harris: it s not chuck schumer? kennedy: president obama doesn t want to do it. he comes out to give speeches. melissa: he likes to be a king. kennedy: he likes being king-maker but he doesn t like the political side and grunt work. he will have to hit the trail come november. but she represents the chasm in the party. he is on one side. and bernie sanders on the other. dagen: she brags about her economic degree. harris: i have question
for you. when it comes to exacting the payback for the endorsements what do you for barack obama? what is he looking for at this point? greg: you mean exact revenge on trump? harris: what does he get from the candidates? dagen: pete souza. was the white house photographer in the obama administration and released a book of the photographs from the presidency and he has a new book coming out. it s called shade. based on his instagram account where he posted awesome photo of president obama and throwing shade at president trump. greg: we are only endorsing my book today. what is the problem with you people? harris: we are awaiting the start of a white house press briefing. we got news today that the special counsel robert mueller s team sent a letter to the legal team with a
potential sit down interview. will they do it? when it begins we take you there live. the guy in the center seat a book out. the gutfeld monologues the classic rant from the five published tuesday. we have rants. can you slide us in on the back cover? greg: absolutely. harris: all right. we like this. i ll never find a safe used car. start at the new show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new when you barely clip a tpassing car. minor accident - no big deal, right?
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melissa: greg gutfeld out with a new book the gutfeld monologues. classic rants from the five. came out on tuesday and the collection of the memorable moments on the show covering everything from politics to pop culture. i am a giant fan. so i brought my favorite quote. the country is no longer a melting pot. we are just a giant wallet waiting to be picked. greg: that is good. melissa: i brought one of my own. going on facebook is like walking around outside naked. there is no upside to the exposure unless you re kardashian. greg: i like that. i m thinking of the book where you are completely wrong. i know you go back and score predictions. greg: this has 200 monologues.
hay go by fast so i put them together to read them and enjoy them slowly. i read them and there is a lot of stuff i got wrong. i was wrong on bernie sanders in the sense i mocked him a lot and i realize that that is that is equivalent of mocking trump. you are overlooking the appeal, the specific appeal to an audience. i sat there he is an old socialist from vermont which is accurate but i realize i m not giving him credit he deserves. there are other clichés. the most mistakes were because of emotional decisions. when you write and think about a topic you have to think about it with the persuasion in mind and not emotion. that is what i have learned. the stuff i get wrong is when you inject too much emotion into something. that is my feeling. dagen: that is why people love you, because you inject emotion in what you do.
with the monologues i have to stop and rewind. they are brilliantly written. greg: thank you. dagen: you have to stop and rewind. wait. melissa: it s true. i love these things together. i love how hard you work. some people say the same thing about one day to the next of a topic be you always think of original point of view and bring something new to it so to have it in one place is fun. greg: that is the goal. by 5:00, everybody has said everything. i have to find a way to say it that nobody said it before. i pretend i m drunk. every segment you do you take notes in sharpie. greg: i have 60 pages of notes for the five. ridiculous. probably weird and obsessive. dagen: i type mine and now i feel normal. if i tweet a lot would you book me? greg: i would love to.
you don t have to do that. melissa: do you annoy people do analogies? greg: only if they re bad. if they are good i m impressed. melissa: buy the book. more outnumbered in a number. greg: thanks guys girls! , what matters to you? you got a1c, heart, diet, and exercise. slide em up or slide em down. so let s see. for most of you, it s lower a1c. but only a few of you are thinking about your heart. fact is, even though it helps to manage a1c, type 2 diabetes still increases your risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease, significantly reducing the risk of dying from a cardiovascular event and lowering a1c, along with diet and exercise. this really changes things. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration.
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