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Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20191209 130000

Kick it Out to find those responsible the World Anti-Doping Agency has unanimously decided to ban Russia from all major international sporting events for an unprecedented 4 years wider found that Russian officials said tampered with computer data from a testing laboratory in Moscow to cover up evidence of doping by athletes Moscow s denied the claims the banning close next year s Olympics in Tokyo and the 2022 World Cup a police officer has pleaded not guilty to assaulting the former Aston Villa footballer Daley Annakin sin who died 3 years ago in a hearing at Birmingham Crown Court p.c. Mary Allen Batley Smith denied a charge of assault causing actual bodily harm another officer p.g. P.c. Benjamin Monk was not required to enter a plea to a charge of murder. Warranting Council has come up with a 5 year plan which they hope will lay to ending homelessness in the area the strategy is expected to be approved later and follows a review which highlights the need to move away from a crisis driven approach Maureen McLaughlin The cabinet member for housing public health and wellbeing says they want to focus on people who may be at risk of losing their home both people may be an overcrowded housing they may be knowing that they re about to loose accommodation and they re coming to us and come for support unfortunately some people leave it really late that s right you know fiction and they don t come to see us so we need that information really about when people are at risk of if it didn t come to us so that they don t end up being stuck without a home and then coming to say us and Liverpool manager you re going Clarke is so full Georgina and Adam Lallana will be fit for tomorrow s Champions League game against RB Salzberg they both missed the weigh in of a Bournemouth on Saturday the Rats need at least a point to make the knockout stages of the competition a win would see them go through as group witness the weather mostly dry and bright this afternoon but quite breezy with highs of 10 Celsius dry and clear tonight temperatures falling to around 2 Celsius and then wet and windy tomorrow b.b.c. Radio messy site News. Is measured in months time then it. Caught b.b.c. Medium as the sound fade and l. 807-3113 double 3 or text 813 doublethink start your message with the word menacing text challenged your standard network wait see our previous innocence at b.b.c. Dot com to you can slash local radio pedestal b.b.c. Radio Maisie s it. Will come to call surely one of the comments can be jolly in Bootle says of anyone else realize the get breaks it down . Is an underground world being extorted from a subliminal teach them monkey business as are like the mount to Christmas thing quite a few cars out 50 percent of which feature a Christian thing but by around 8 pm or 25th I m saluted Christmas day out and simply like a few pints or drop it to some like minded souls however finding a pub or pool on Christmas night is very difficult for example there are 4 pubs with them walking distance of modern crops that are always open on Christmas Day into around 4 pm but not afterwards you d think they d be able to arrange some kind of relative between them so one pub is open on the evening of the 25th every 4 years but no business was there or operate in a bubble though the other 3 don t exist in the pub money when stuff is interim time off yes they certainly do but while this particular day one of closer premises on the evenings of Sunday 29th or Monday the $30000.00 stead as regards paying the staff well when I wasn t sure is really a public charge an entrance fee increases noise or proceeds to employees on top of their wages that seem to work well it s ironic the b.b.c. Radio measures on his broadcast in bulletins about those who will suffer from loneliness of the Christmas period when they will be able to access a local man out of the 25th of December I m not suggesting the pub should they open stay open for all of Christmas Day rather they could reopen between 8 to 1030 but the vast majority won t because we ve always done it this way possible British national motto Well if anybody knows when to call them Christmas evening. It was Dacres received them with a night on Christmas Day there was a ring whenever it was a regular It had to something 193 double 3 but right now just present your machine here because 18 John catchable the owner It certainly is thank you praja yes sense can tell what s happened over in November and now it s all very Christmassy at the violence and that our last month an event it was really busy for us and as you know with all celebration we were 21 on the 16th of November. And over the years over 21 years the team has changed quite a lot developed and we ve got an effective team really that has managed thousands of different issues and concerns for our listeners that we ve helped with and as you know we don t just offer this service a phone service or an e-mail service but we put on a variety of events and November was diabetes awareness and we had some nurses here and a nutritionist as well taking people s details down and offering some checks there about 40 people that came in to say yes and several of those actually were referred to the g.p. So what we re going to be doing next year is while is working with the public health team on various health issues because what we have discovered and of chilled This is the case that a lot of people don t necessarily want to go to their g.p. They can t necessarily was appointments and here is much more informal and if we can help in any way that s what we re going to be doing next year says certain times the putting on events and we re talking about them to. I also from time to time to a team talks and last month I did or taught to Cadwell that you ve spoken to them as well about Radio Merseyside and the a team in particular and again it s lovely scout about isn t it to mean some of our listeners. So we ve helped a number of listeners over the month and a few of our stories that we have managed to succeed and so one of them it s to do with overgrown bushes and tree that tend to cause all sorts of issues and it is difficult to get rid if they re not necessarily yours not your garden in this case a listener who uses a disability scooter the bushes were obstructing his pathway to the shops it wasn t his property it was a council property so hay and a lot of other residents got together signed a petition to say you know we need some sort of resolution to this we need the trees and the Bushes cut down nothing happened we managed to get involved we spoke to the council and they came out the next day goodness knows what was really good news for the all these residents now in another case a listener called us regarding a bill that she was receiving that was to her address but a different name and she never used this particular energy company so she contacted she opened the letter she contacted the company concerned and tell them the situation today where it s been resolved and then the next week she received a bill for $404.00 pounds and a letter stating that unless she paid this than a warrant would be that would be applied for for nonpayment obviously things like that are really really worrying that we contacted the company and again we re able to because we can contact the various press offices of these energy organizations they managed to resolve the situation and they gave 100 pounds as a gesture of fluid this was nice so phone issues tends to be the one that we get more and more phone calls about and in this case a listener paid 15 pounds a month by direct debit which was fine and she was happy with that but she then noticed 143 pounds had been deducted and she couldn t really understand why and it was all to do with phoning from what she thought was free internet over the Internet but that s not always the case and you need to make sure that the person you are ringing as well as for Internet anyway she can get a response from the phone company she. Worried about paying this $143.00 pounds and what she should do again we spoke to them and within 24 hours this is will be. So it s we re so worthwhile checking already built isn t it to know coming and going out because it s just and so the last word is not for me it s another phone issue but it s from Joyce in Little Master Hi Joyce you know yes to the help you do these 18 Well they certainly did yes we were having a little trouble with all the supplier. You know are saying you know if we had no phone at all I wasn t aware that we didn t have a phone various friends contacts means that close to you on the phone all the time we ve been ringing in your phones permanently engaged I was so close when I picked it up we had no line so I contacted them and they said oh we ll look into it we ll look into it and then they greet the state send an engineer along because it still wasn t $0.06 an engineer who said it wasn t our fault they said it was our fault because the $65.00 pounds wasn t our fault and the engineers said it ll have to be opened Rachael Kohn So anyway we had the time range and they never came so I rang my provider and they said oh there was a technical problem will be coming on like Inspector So meantime on the Tuesday I rang the opening myself and said What time are you like I m becoming the 2nd Coming I think. So I said you are joking and they said no. They said they hadn t had a think about ourselves but on the toll so I rang the company again and they said oh I don t know what happened because of speaking to a Filipino she didn t understand what I was saying I didn t understand her and we were still when I suppose for 2 weeks in desperation I thought. When we going from here because I was ringing all the time not getting into it on my mobile and eventually I just I was already a team see if they can help I m sure enough they did and the very next day the phone with a sex crime we also received a town off the bill towards the cost of phone calls on my mobile and $40.00 pounds off the bill as a. Sort of sweetener here but the they were going to charge you originally charged. I m not like but I haven t had it absolutely. Kill a good job of the 18 to do. That so I said to them you know I run that I was very very great because I was getting nowhere and they certainly shifted it very very quickly and I m so pleased I mean they are going to do that question a lot it s interesting because you tried your best to sort it out. That the a team will step in not at the beginning but when you ve tried your best and that s when you know her team will come in and rescue that s absolutely right we do need the listener to try themselves and got to the stage that they just can t get it sorted and that that s the time that we can actually help. Thanks a lot from the Judge thanks for being right Ok thank you. But shows a little nest in. One of the most talked about the news that Christmas. Fortune in the a team is closed over with was it is just one of the things I was going to mention as well just before I left is that we ve had a few calls from people saying they want to volunteer and we ve had a few calls from organizations that putting on events over the Christmas and on Christmas Day and we re encouraging you to let us know what is going on because we ll talk about it more you re absolutely right Raj it we take 2 weeks off says the 20th is our last day for 2 weeks it s an opportunity for the a.t.m. It s a voluntary role to just close down for 2 weeks and take stock. In the past we ve given numbers out very subtle members however we ve been told we can t do that anymore because they ve been inundated with so many calls that they ve actually asked us to change the message so in the past we ve left messages saying Call this number call this organization but because we re so busy ourselves all of our calls get passed to these other charities or companies and they can t cope with the demand so I m sorry that we re not here during. Harriet there are the places that will be able to help if people do need to talk but we re here really to resolve issues as opposed to us of some arsons types of this anyway well Ok I m fully and I m thankful and thank you thanks for that jet aircraft and that and the 18 huge. B.b.c. Radio travel yet no change from what I told you about from that which I told you last about half an hour the trains are normal service is suspended between Chester and stop will cause a broken rail at Plum lake but tickets are being exceptional Metrolink and transport for Wales no measurable there s been a trespass incident a bank call as a result relates of up to 30 minutes on most rail between Southport and Holmes cross and if we catch up as. We get that we probably snows in days this Wednesday from 6 o clock poll the thing is you know in like I m failed there s a statue of Bill Shankly isn t on at Goodison you ve got to fix again Staci that is there any plans at the moment for statue of snow and he saved a few people here do you think if you re right and so you can have the statue of snobs with his arms out that Will he make the people happy with. Any plans Paul of my children when sort of a. Match and yet no problem I shouldn t maybe every year that the in snowed in Memorial much or something of it when I left there and start wedding. In days with pull salt Wednesday from 6. Roger Philips b.b.c. Radio my son. On the lawn was always 17313 double 3 just look ahead to Monday the 16th of December and the lovely concert at the Fillmore they called presented by the little Welsh choral Christmas do that with your mother Northrup silver band cracking band and the causes presented by something called our Jones sounds lovely half past 7 bound to the 16th he can get tickets from the food only call for the world s coral Christmas concert presented my Uncle Joe s. And says almost city s of the number the independent press standards organization found that the Jewish Chronicle of the Jewish Chronicle a breach editor s code I was guilty on 4 counts of publishing untrue statements about a cooling supposed old you wife who fronts the clues of bullying and the element would the b.b.c. Own and I want to apologize for saying Mrs Young when was hounded out of office are you continuing with your bias by not with this e-mail Well this will have been out the will Secondly we ve interviewed to watch about it so it s been very clear that the radium is either. Dealt with the issue this is a nightmare and he s. A man don t. Let an I joke if I m talking before about the people the politicians keep and why I m the one big one for Labor if I am not but she is not a lot of anyway and they have a place. To camp all I want about. Him you know to Maisie gay why I do. We don t like it too we don t agree with the child but they got killed that I disagree off with crossly like. Show me songs such as the pipe before we. Say that was a says die after March on the south rim thing to sell so I owe prepaid completely forgot about it when I got back and something on a such a pipe. Picture that Mrs Mrs Philips always asked for the mine to you to pay for. All my work hook off about something for a 1st welcome reply. So little because I got to say to say yes I got this low for you and I explained such a model single you know I want to be she said so don t worry just pay now she later saw. You know the. Hardest on the most brilliant because the takes you along the string about why people don t like the gateway very much so loosely they don t like you the fines are build up. So I chose a filter on the gray with pay in the child. Thank you so much and I will try some time to think if he applies and. Look at acts of accepted the new top of the got anywhere. But you know there was no weather there but the Christmas last night was and it was late November at all you know that they say well if people genuinely to phone up with an effect time or we might have been lucky that it was to be hand so the. 2 main stage at fine stage if you like I didn t go into that with that but I just really it s where people genuinely just like I just gave them a quick wrangle some time on on the good day and she was pretty cool to me pays off all times whatever that the fees whatever you want to buy. And off you get to. No I really did not know that you could be is nice they could be as nice as that woman pleased to hear it thank you Liz Well done you know about some people of course where x. Is low thanks. Larry no phones as real cool on Friday the u.k. Is connected to China by the you who London railway line the distance of 12000 kilometers he s one of several train lines connecting China in your legal regime under bridge reestablishing the Silk Road generation those in a general James yet. I interview before with part of my tribal you know expected didn t change but what I find upset and depressed about. Now the openness about lying information. Dropped any sort of pretense up being. Over them dishonest. Units and lies quite separate from Spain little use of the spent but now it s all been lying. Dead adopting a. Policy philosophy whatever you want to call it Ok we re lying so what we know you re not going to do any Think about it and I think that s been a feature of of this election the open lab probably one of the more if not the most depressing speech of the people in power now. In like well maybe they could then maybe you know. Maybe the electors not just people think maybe the and they will swallow laws will not their full vote for those who lie. On the subject of the electorate pulling me quite a lot because. Clearly I didn t sue. Coven vox pop whatever you call them and. It s always about coven Abraxane the Poco on thing in common I keep it in the same theme all the time I don t like the other Michelob with. The blacks. But no one can tell me what they don t like about either they say we don t like them and then when challenged about exactly what don t you like about this guy we re to hear your goat over to you like about breakfast no one can actually say anything they go off in some sort of. Canyons about democracy and. Taking back control Yeah I m 70 when I say this to the. Us to question the better for you know if it s democracy you name me one low that the e.u. Is imposed on us that s affected your life but the other even if it doesn t affect your life one that you don t like on the subject of sovereignty tell me one low What act of parliament that the e.u. Is imposed on us or stop going to sleep well I will prevail it s your right the greedy No and they certainly does no no those questions please ring them oh if I was the one month. Yes I mean. I were to a lot of these programs needs doing things like that and you just donate it to the bottom of it in on point when people are challenged on them. And they come over the. I haven t had any senators and make any difference now go back to Johnson what they re doing clearly they ve got this. Connection. But I d call it loosely. Palin said to. Say you know the race is racist he said. He wants to go where it will thrive and obviously with the closeness of the 2 the advises the think tanks and things like that they re adult in this strategy and the presently it s very successful looks like it s going to be very successful whereby even sorts of other no free people split it seems to me the people s prejudice is now to imply honesty over their own self interests because one of the. Big issues that get lied about some terrible is the n.h.s. Understanding the evidence. To self around those or our involved. Civil servants of being with. Us negotiators over private health care. The main thing that the the what the the to the n.h.s. . Was going to take. Well don t say it over but the family. Is on drugs data and devices that s the phrase priorities underpin lots and lots of meetings and contact about them. Barring the whole of the n.h.s. That we ve done deal then we have privatisation of the n.h.s. We was not it when the don t. Part of a contract was up that s correct pull over the past serious distinctly for the open creep of I think it was 2018 was lot more us out of the n.h.s. 9200000000. Than ever before the figure that become a figure that gets coated now with all the tech spend that year out of the n.h.s. Posted 7 percent. Well founded 1 the post someone from the London School of Economics of forgotten his name an Easterner said a breakdown to show what lies beyond the figure on the figure is called. For cast out leave the n.h.s. I m a venture Lee finds its way public and private copies in private individuals is about 27 percent because what they do I mean they break it down expenditure on pharmaceutical services doublet Well that s always been their general practice is always been the fullest potential in the social care department they put the expenditures of against genetic sounding 10 had some. Non h.s. Provides is provided by an atheist source is follow the money the full circle and attended oath and. You know and in companies cover where a knock on towards social care all health care for the population. A certain age or social care I mean there are laws written below some as I understand these of homes will be blue had to mention or elderly and they are run by venture capitalist companies just to make money. And probably love the way of. That s not the only We ll know but I mean we don t often just be left any vote at all captains of industry. Just shift all the mom didn t think I think it. Could be my wife. Wishful chemical people taken over not having taken over and it s only complex operation what they ve done they detained in house knowledge by making people consort and things like that and then they ll go on I let s even make anybody basis that we don t. Have enough but still way too late to begin to you know what agree with me it will go to negotiate. Well I don t see that there s any patriotism in the. In the financial system because no union jack flies. Since the non last budget village was run by stagecoach I m glad you re brown small He s next Asif He s an English nobody really and we now have an Italian company m.m.t. Italian and another company combining become one of the only commands we have an Italian come to Rome but it s. Only. After the election we the royal we we re going to negotiate I don t you just don t know. People all over the world well nice trust is our international trade secretary if you will out there have been a Navy shipping up how much have you seen moments listlessness public profile over the past 4 or 5 months. But not in the last couple of weeks not doing the job in the election was a no no no no deal because you spend a lot of the time negotiating in America specifically in America over things like what I ve already mentioned. When they deny. Anything going on you can pick or to open up that on the fly and there s one from a guy called Laurie Ramphele chief executive of optimum to you want health care and the course this week in planting seeds and I would say that we re strong with the n.h.s. I need he told him back in 2016. This particular bill goes on to say official records show. That he had a many homes. Go on it s held meetings with doctors. To tout 17 Now if that s not evidence of people privatized and then I. And the whole is a goalie James thank you for all that disconnecting the remote. James invisible existing when you buy things as you re desperate need to be tough the next John Humphrys led to a poor interview with the Pm You continuously interrupt him we should lead to a dubbed into only interview. The Green Party close knit the whole country carbon neutral by 2030 is promising to tackle the climate crisis with a $100000000000.00 pounds a year investment program over the next decade but the party will also pledge to increase m.h.l. Swimming hole to break that referendum and extend voting to 16 year olds. Radio measures as we talk to the Green Party co-leader John from Bali let s start with your plan to make the whole country carbon neutral by the year 2030 it s ambitious is achievable we believe that it is and we ve set out detailed plans about how we think we can do it across every sector of the economy the financial cost as well as the environmental cost and cost of all our lives are not tackling this doesn t really bear thinking about and we think we need to put the money up front and transform the country if you re going to build a hospital for example you put the money in over a period of time because you know that decades later people are still going to be benefiting from that hospital that you built in the same way you want to borrow money in order to invest in the economy and make sure that we get the benefits for years and years we think we can achieve a better quality of life for everyone by doing as well yeah so the money is the equivalent of a trillion pounds in 10 years so that s what we spend on the education budget in this country so you re going to borrow a large part of that money are you we get we believe that s the right thing to do we ve got a president and era of low interest rates which makes boring very very attractive because the other part is a kind of following in a slightly smaller way in where we lead but if you look at Roosevelt s New Deal if you look at the Marshall Plan if you look at what we did when there was a banking crisis that s how we got through it that s how we tackled the challenges that we faced and there s no bigger challenge than the climate emergency do you think that s going to appeal to voters though borrowing so much money will people not be alarmed by a lot and I think they need to be there s a growing consensus that we need to borrow to invest and that as long as we can service the debt and we ve laid out clearly how we candy then we re going to be. Better off and indeed we re talking about creating 3000000 jobs creating a very very healthy vibrant economy giving more help to small businesses to unleash the creativity and entrepreneurship which we need and also creating a basic income making people secure giving them warm homes cutting transport fares putting on new train lines to places that haven t been served by decent public transport before so it s it s a real upgrade which is going to benefit us all just moving on to 2 breaks it because of course that is dominating the political agenda at the moment you ve put yourself forward as a remain policy is through a danger that you are alienating yourself from those who voted for Levi put your all your eggs in the remain basket I think that the Green Party s always done things because it believes in them rather than for political kind of calculations the joke goes you don t join the Green Party for political ambition and what we ve done is said we want to remain in the European Union because we need to tackle this bigger issue of the climate emergency we believe that by working with other countries in Europe who ve also committed to the Paris Agreement more closely we can achieve what we need to achieve but also protect the environmental safeguards that we put in place as membership of the European Union has given us you ve also come to an arrangement with the Liberal Democrats in a number of seats Why do you think that s the best way forward we have a broken political system which means that you know even though we got 2000000 votes in the European elections that that would translate into maybe 50 seats in the House of Commons if there was a fair voting system but because the voting system is set up for just 2 parties it means that you have to concentrate resources in an area we want to see as many remain M.P. s in the House of Commons in the new parliament which looks like will be a hung parliament so every m.p. Will have additional clout additional sway and by agreeing on a small number of seats with the Liberal Democrats to stand aside for one another it means we can maximise that vote and get those remain M.P. s elected and is part of the problem here the fact that a lot of people may agree with what you re saying agree with a lot of your manifesto but as the. T.v. Debate if you like shows tonight this is a 2 horse race at the end of the day so people will perhaps be put off from voting Green because they see it as being between the Conservatives and Labor more and more people are thinking that they must vote with both their head and their heart and they re not going to be forced into voting holding their noses for the least worst option I think more more people are also seeing the importance of the climate emergency and that the action must be taken me now and so every vote for the Green Party sends a message to Westminster that we have to have a change of direction as a country and of course we saw in the in the local elections where we double the number of councillors in the European elections where we double the number of any peace that we had more and more people are voting for the Green Party in greater in greater numbers and that s very very encouraging and I know you said that that the system is broken one of one of your key pledges is to introduce proportional representation is an end to this country why do you think that would would make a difference some would be a better way of doing things I think because when you look at for example 1XW1X1W disabled people in this country their concerns for example don t really get on the political agenda because their vote is spread out on a proportional system if those 1XW1X1W disabled people voted for what they believed in they d have a massive block in parliament representing the interests of disabled people and it s the same for the climate emergency because people do care passion about the climate mostly but the vote is spread you don t get lots and lots of Green M.P. s if people care passionately about our environmental future securing our future then we need to have that represented in Westminster and having p.r. Would be the best way to do it of clean political leader jobs in part but we re going to do salt Genovese in New Britain. Oh my word yes. So if there was a settlement here about the the abortion that the labor were going to put there would be repeal change decriminalization So if women decriminalize it well he was he was right he was well he was right because they d said they would be criminal not criminalize it s it wasn t right for the 9 months it was still actually what it said was a week before so that you could call this a mental. State. It was in the paper. Which probably I really fail then because to be honest with you I. Had to pursue the I was pretty appalled but being a coward I waited until somebody else would say it and nobody has now I had to look at another. Web site and there was an article about one of these abortion clinics. I can t remember exactly the name so I went to say because if I say well it could be another and it was a it was a lady said she that she was and. It was quite easy actually at the moment to get an abortion which was why she left she was a few months and it really is supposed to have 2 doctors if you go to the dogs. Says And yes I firmly believe that women should be able to have a terminations for what it was various reasons but not because of decided I don t want now if labor to criminalize this. To. Even if it was 678 months we have a baby a baby that would survive over $24.00 weeks a baby will survive. And they say a woman should be able to say what she wants about her own body but if you ve got a woman who suddenly decides that she wants to leave her spin to leave a partner will have you or she finds out she s having a boy or girl or twins or and the size of 6 assessment that is what she wants this means that they could go trotting down and say phoning somebody up and say I want to get rid of me I want to read my pregnancy when can I come down and they go Oh Ok calm down small such and such time now this is what they meant it was and there s no other way to put only 2 options it would sort of always do you think. At the moment I hope not many this was well I hope I won t have any but what this lady said she the clinic she went to. They were. Saying they were over 24 weeks obviously but they were let s be honest you can you can read about babies this abroad and a 24 weeks survived now days this is an amazing work the lawyers write for weeks I mean 190 percent of abortions happened under 13 weeks yes yes Grace. The vast majority above went on a rise because the goal was to try to tell a mother or whatever a very young ages and what time to illness later. Was I m talking about in the future if Jericho gets in and he to criminalize this abortions for over 24 weeks. Then there will be I mean we do know nowadays that some people don t want boys or girls or what have you for whatever reason if it is made so that they don t have to then oh well that s a sign that says whatever of those guesses guess germination know they could find out at 6 months quite by accident I have a photo I took an oh it s Ok whatever and this is wrong yes you have a less people less than women and you say I can do what I like but my body but they have morning after pills I don t get a lot of women and I do believe 2 of them in saying that no I m not saying you would be but you will find some people will say they can do what the women will say they can do what they like to do I m not saying that consumers have abortions like right and center but they will feel that they can do and vote and watch it Jeremy Corbyn is saying I am letting you take responsibility if you re if you want one fine if you don t it s not going to be a criminal case not to have one now at the moment girls have to come over from Ireland to England because in Ireland it is we can t well can I quote you when it says in the manifesto I m the manifesto is what I go on he says this The only reference to abortion policy in the money for this is the Labor Party is one thing we will uphold women s reproductive rights and decriminalize abortions and of course yes no reference to what not reading means any kind of detail anyone with a change would have to go through Parliament as a law and that means 5 pm presumably would have to put you through. If you re going to decriminalize something it is decriminalised you can see its size difficult to get through Parliament. Yes it is. Well that s 2 simplicity because he you know every time abortion has come up there are plenty of Labor and Conservative M.P. s who have very different views so you re with me if you have a Labor d government yes you will have a left wing government to go with whether they think they want to go not true I mean that s just nonsense if you take Mr Coleman himself he voted against Labor Party polls he many many times the replugging name of politicians I know off who would not approve of decriminalization depend what the detail said in the bill but would not approve generally of decriminalization and they would vote against a blanket decon lation and how I would like to know laissez should be $23.00 Let s appoint and I think that would judge the bill on whatever is in detail and all you know it s not saying what the detail would be as just say I think I m being too simplistic but I just think you know trying to avoid the issue tell me what s in the and tell me what s in that money vest Yes the criminal case and no thing else so he can decide what he wanted when he does it well and the Labor Party have got to put fool in government would have to put forward a bill a bill to do this that would have to go through the House of Commons for Secondly firstly be a Secondly the 3rd reading I think go to the House of Lords that it would come back to the House of Commons only then would become law if it was approved it will be amended a monthly certainly So the idea that you know. It will also might still happen and there s no way to say that it. Up to 9 months of bullshit could happen it doesn t say. If you listen to me before I know about all the people who said that was the point I m making Yes I know this is why i Phone because the gentleman phoned up and said up to 9 minutes and I said he s right in one with the specs and wrong in another because if you say not and they could just say 8 minutes they could say 7 a baby after 20 weeks is a baby even even under 24 weeks baby survives when we think about what it takes to get a very few and with terror Well yes but all things are getting you know yourself but things progressing so much in medical for the. Assumption that women want to have more options I ve never yet met a woman who was either heard wants to have an abortion never. Knew there. I have to say to you have met every woman but what I m saying is so many men will be. Bad women I m just saying some women will you know it s got nothing to do with well some women will be raped and they felt Isn t that is what I m saying that I can quite understand as I said to you that many women have good viable reasons but others will certainly find out that they re pregnant and they ll think that my way my husband just once my partner just one boy will help you and they can get with really really worried about this if they have to charge. Whatever they would have a termination agenda I need to elaborate on those calls thank you very much a regular basis thank you to me by Jennifer in New Brighton How does a 1st time caller from with this kind of as good afternoon that you have to mention a photo will have to make because nobody all. Watch shows you talk about the any on the implications of what could happen in an aging population the chances of shrimp it s going to go wrong maybe I m old going to get over the n.h.s. The cost is going to be actually normal cope. With the cyclists. As opposed to having a few steps of a stay in hospital it could be pain time since I m thousands of pounds no they will set of. Well I hope I hope it doesn t. d shock. When you call it a chance to be honest I m nobody s nobody s chosen for the rooftop as far as I m concerned as far as implications are concerned I felt as though I had children you know I understand not because I m a very this story that runs around that says we re going to be sold to America but he says Trump says he wouldn t take the n.h.s. It was offered to those who will plan. Of all the programs you ve been on the answer email program everybody s last trump. Junction you know if you don t believe a word he said well he hasn t faced engineers so we don t know because. No parent in Rome. Well. I want you. To be honest because it s not it s not. Ok since you were you said as civil as becoming another today or tomorrow but thank you very much indeed for that thanks Ok To not a feather from witnesses 1st time caller. B.b.c. Radio travel one good news on the news of freight train services are still suspended on the northern between Chester and stop all because of a broken well a lonely Plumlee but tickets are being exceptional Metrolink and class of wells However there was a translucent interbank hall but that s been resolved so the service is back to normal Israel getting samples and on scrolls. The main evening show is all about local people with interesting stories to tell people like Ian prosecute join me live in the studio to have a chat I mean you mentioned obvious Costello before when we 1st met me from you because can start a world tour in Amsterdam next week let s have Amsterdam in Amsterdam so we paid for all to go out there and do that and we went crazy for 48 hours as you can imagine couldn t do that now too old. Recreating called the band Hawaii. Good shout So joining me to Maine faster weekday evenings 7 till 9. Reminder that we ve got a special election program tonight at 7 o clock where we join up with other local radio stations across England it s one last stop on this campaign trail is taking place in crew. The host of this election special take your calls and tonight the focus is on transport and what the parties are offering to voters to keeping them moving funny number is different from the one we use it s only 201 to 188801 to 1880 we can text 813 double 3 but starting as you Will Englund don t start with the 8 ones. I don t really study buses with England lanes in Cavite our lane. High Lane I m sorry. We missed a shot or a love. Story but. As a name I made a simple in the n.h.s. And I spent inside this morning one month than. I ve been I was held. But now my. That the part of magic the kind of state widows was amazing ride absolutely amazing I ve got a lot of ailments go in on a saucer hell of a lot of weight and he says to me I m 5050 and when you re locked out a problem addict. There s only me. And it s like power plants a man and a breakdown and days. And the lead new. Checkmate and he says what we ve been told to keep more people asked him if possible for. Going on to some well you ve gotta think of families families know that whoever it is and you can see the pace and dissolve in front of you nice if possible no matter what. And. If I want us both in front of me and the boss said the doctor. Says a lot medicine has actually been told to comment on our quarter past 1. Roger and Me This is fresh Now this is really fresh and needs to speak about just. The time it is tell me to come out. And to an overnight back. In the queue or woman of 58 an expectation Why go back now or give our spec a film called Common pick it up the way the n.h.s. Says seriously go through me if course it s me that angels absolutely angels when I broke down in front of the paramedic this morning April is done on the show too. And it was amazing. To look really and Mason I mean there s no question that the individual people who work in the n.h.s. At all levels are brilliant. The fabulous. All the way all the way thought out to say it s like a part of magic I won t mention his name it was amazing absolutely amazing a young lad about safety solar blue lights is a day it took me to while there s a lot of that 111 lot didn t wake up is a plan it s daylight and you know to time out and to go to rust belt it will go in a taxi Yeah yeah a proud man one of them the last people know the best I already know who is now and self and he said to the part of magic the part of magic it missed you too. No names and what you want me to just. Said please take me to hospital with something monk failsafe sign probably no but only the i Pod methink was still a 5050 and that s where I put it and goes on of fake they ve got all that angels. To know and then mention I have to I ve seen a fresh start just the small new election listen to a new and sells for your family friends the next door neighbors listen to whatever s going on I think very problem that state basically I think is very important that the listening aspect that what your dad wanted he listened to Yanni did he listen can you get. That you know we come so good to see him ask a paramedic please I want to go to hospital I m looking down go on that s not my cat says it has a magic of with I m not sure that s the 1st time I ve ever read that line was a situation now how easy. It is tell me to call my. Comment I live in k.b. To do an overnight bag wait for the phone call or what now I m the store and then the families are so unlike. Their go to now tell me to sit and wait I ve got 2 phones on my mobile and do what we can so there s more pressure I don t know will go to jail so I want to be with them on the phone that month. It s difficult in that you ll see you also don t want to be in the way as well if you know exactly exactly Well you know I don t know how long have you been waiting now a name since he went to a I came back for quotes pops monsoons up with the key no door not just right yeah I would give it another out roots in the maybe I haven t heard there s no harm in just ringing up and checking what the state a place I m a couple hours to see what s out. I m trying not to worry that s all I can say trying to have someone you know wot know much about we face a the consequences to get I mean not that yeah any act else to be n.h.s. That s all I can write write at length thank you very much and we wish you all of us wish you the very best and when we should dad the very best of luck to you as well oh yeah and want to thank you so much for taking me call by the way got yet but I plan on it s role stress I understand that at all we re wholly connected what old human I am and like listeners I think very much of doing that I think something like she is a lesson and they give me an anonymous Texas does the previous school banging on about labeling me Marxist think the 945 Labor government will Marxist. Pauline Hines as just listened juries you will Johnson the parrot I m sick of the mounting questions are the same all rhetoric breaks it please Energy Fix that I did that he was non-committal about Liverpool and its unjust cuts and also about visiting Merseyside ideologue says Paul this election goes against the Tories anonymous tax as if your rules how come we have to for an emanation dates for abortions could be they don t rule us just as watching an American program last week and the phrase get it done came out in connection with an election. Sounds familiar so just browsed around and came a little up the Democrats being involved with a big anti semitic slur which started around the last election sound familiar I m not saying for a 2nd there s no anti semitism in the Liberal Party I think unfortunately it s in all of them to one degree or another just a coincidence makes me one of them and just says Tony Blair told lies about the Iraq war given that a Campbell wrote the evidence to support his lawyer but according to you it s a different type of lie sounds like Animal Farm to me going to plagiarise or will only some a more equal than others will ignore Corwin s lie about anti semitism or are 70 x. Labor employees all telling lies and he s not furthermore to cover up his lie about the Queen s Speech going to name a. Supernatural powers he was a Queen s Speech on catch up before he of his name broke us I want to be can do the same still conscious and Julie says it is no way forward in swinging to the sides must be regarded as backward the club will develop ideas to continue with a hung parliament and one that in fact really means progress in the referendum 2016 as it will the ceiling is going to be the result won t know until now. Your music your story. Yes your life. When you see Radio Merseyside. Or as I m going to plug the clock that also means that gearing up you will given 3 at a time for the next couple of hours is generally suburbs think of just a little bit of thanks Roger Good afternoon a serial rapist who attacked 11 women and children across England over a 2 week period is being given 33 life sentences Joseph McCann s victims were aged between 11 and 71 and included 3 who were abducted off the street at knife point his crime started in what for 2 for he moved to London Greater Manchester and Cheshire reporter Sarah Corker is that the judge has said you are a classic psychopath you will never cease to be dangerous he went on to say this was a campaign of rape violence and doctrine of a kind I have never seen and he will serve a minimum term of 30 years in prison police in New Zealand say they don t expect to find any more survivors from a volcano eruption which has killed at least 5 people they say 18 people got away but a number of others are missing after the eruption at White Island in the Bay of Plenty they say it s too dangerous to learn to rescue teams a reporter Samantha Hawley flew over the volcano in a helicopter soon after it erupted it was a great steaming monstrosity the entire crisis was covered and grain and cry Esche urgency Cross cannot get something through tankers we were very lucky to fly out that night and in fact when even when changed you could smell the sulfur before you knew that the cloud was moving it would have to fly away from Boris Johnson has responded to claims made by liveable as mayor that the city is facing its worst financial crisis since the 2nd World War The prime minister was asked by Roger Phillips on b.b.c. Radio. Right if Liverpool under the messy side councils had been Drita fairly by the Tories austerity policies a conservative leader didn t go into detail about how he intended to support local councils struggling in the face of reduced government funding he said there would be additional cash available but didn t say how much away it would come from we will make sure obviously that. Local government gets the support that it needs and I do understand that s where we re putting a lot more money into from the hoping that that will come from social care big support for road improvements a whole 2000000000 pounds pop bottles when we re doing huge What sport local government but as a country we need to to move on Labor s John McDonnell s been outlining what the party would say when the 1st 100 days of office if they win this week s election the shadow chancellor said they d have an anti austerity budget in February and begin the process of bringing water and energy back into public ownership and to livea Coleman Phoebe will abridge and Helena Bonham Carter among the British stars nominated for the Golden Globes Taryn Agatston who played Elton John in Rocket Man is also up for best actor and you weather a fine and dry afternoon cool in that brisk north easterly wind though with a high of 11 Celsius and clear enjoy tonight Frost likely in places that with a low of team Celsius b.b.c. Read him as he sighed news Thank you Jess and thank you. You re listening to Jenny some of this b.b.c. Radio my son. Was.

Radio-program , Health , Government , Eldr-member-parties , Political-parties-in-the-united-kingdom , Health-care , G20-nations , Subjects-taught-in-medical-school , Political-terminology , Nuts-2-statistical-regions-of-the-united-kingdom , Liberal-parties , Political-systems

Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20191130 140000

Just. Another astonishing Late Late Show from the red cent how many times have we seen that this season and I can tell you with 79 minutes gone and much the city needing a late late show it s Newcastle won the Manchester City acts and changes that said run through the 2 sides feel the pull Alison and go trying to Alex out the Ronald day and a lot of dykes and the robots in a chill. Now listen to me while the album and Alex oxalate shebeen no for being of course they re no for being you know until the new year that is a savage blow for the Reds We knew he was suspended Of course the day after that booking at Selhurst Park but are picked up are an ankle ligaments injury in midweek in there that game in the Champions League a front 3 have Salaf Ameena man a on the bench for the Reds add Rianne James Milner Nabby Katie. Adam Lallana Kiri and a Regi and Brighton have Matt Ryan in goal a back 4 for them of Martin Montoya Adam Webster Lewistown and Dan Band It s a midfield 5 of Pascal gross Davey proper Eve pursue my tale Stevens and Aaron Morey possibly Stevens sitting in front of that back 4 and perhaps more like a 414 want the lone striker not Neil Mo bides arrant Comolli the youngster who s come in and made to a bit of a name for itself has been a Over the past few weeks at Brighton it s only the season and their subs button Duffy Mopar I. Marry she lotto and hours at a referee is Mr Martin Achatz and he s assisted by Lee Betts and Daniel Cooke and of course the all important people at Stuckey park the crate Porson and his assistant at and t. Garrett the staff to me You re listening to Merseyside sport for commentary to come on Liverpool versus Brighton from your 1st station before p.b.c. Radio Merseyside and of course we ve got the football phone in come the end of the 90 minutes we d like your thoughts on what you ve seen from Liverpool so far today and what you ve seen from them also so far this season it has been an absolutely astonishing start to the campaign for the Reds but the. Last few days have been really difficult ones for all of the Pool fans and dreadful ones for the hills pro-family of course yanking club gave us his response to those days that ticked at Preston Crown Court when they can say that all thoughts and all of his with the families and depth of them goes I can imagine it s a big disappointment big big frustration and sadness of course that this is looks like the final verdict and so I m I can understand all 4 years in a stand up so to met not only moderate but moderate more often than other people and I respect a lot whole bunch how much they fought how long they fought and it shows how much it means and meant to them and. So that s. That said but apart from that we have. Better people in the club who send the right messages about that but we are there for them 100 percent. And when expect a full show of support from the Liverpool fans today after the fact at their dick in midweek certainly not going the way of the Hillsborough families and of course everybody connected with the club and the reds have been doubt a blow at that busy December Chad you as I mentioned when we gave you the team used opinio missing until the new year after enjoying a good months in the draw against Napoli on Wednesday he was suspended after calls for today s game with bright now after picking up that booking get sad last park against Crystal Palace a week ago yet in club do you have a number of options to replace the Brazilian Of course that s bad news I think good to say about that so. About a time for frame ah long it will take me on the actual 100 percent but there are with looks pretty sure that he will not be involved. In the Christmas fictious I miss a lot of years so that obviously takes a while we have of course solutions for that position you have to replace him he can replace him with played without him play good without him that s all Ok but now it s important he gets to in the right things and in the movie bag as soon as possible and until then yes we have to find solutions as always we are not the only team that enjoy players so that s what we have to deal with and we will it is something losing for. Me No doubt there s no getting away from it but you have decent players playing in that position before he arrived and it s just a case of trying to maintain those levels but it is an opportunity for some decent That s how it is and of course. Preparation for the novelty game for example of course and I ll be going from last year a little bit too much for the little bit and. And the play the position Cheney plates the position already at Milan applied to position we can change system we can do a different thing so I said losing a player with the quality of a 1000000000 euro speak is myself rated but you want to push that moment as far as possible to the end of the year because always in this period 2 weeks all Jim is 6 games so that s how it is but that s not the case be content any more and we have to find a solution to find a solution and Vidia be exactly like I ll be doing of course not because nobody s like the other one but it will be a good one and then we have to play football and we have to win football games again and that s what you say you know my kid even if you think playing the game do you see that it s a joke won t play get over the game you can. Go make decisions have to see The 3 Bears I mentioned already they played that position plenty of games so that s not a problem in mass a he s nobody s like him and that s true because we are individuals not that nobody s as good as him as different quality for the other players he came on in the game and was brilliant for example. I would not only there but handle played a position as well really really good that s it s not the fault. Of all that we just have to make it work and that s anyway always drop and he could have played up could have played all the games from now until the model that was very clear so it s not cool d but we are in contact with him here we have everything we think a lot about it but not in the case that we all think oh my God how can we deal with it it s just that s to the right thing to puff up and it s right thing for the team and then that s Korea that s carry all indeed I can tell you that much the city have got a 2nd goal just to see Pullman to chop that remaining acts and James s Park Kevin deployed to ask what city to want to front against Newcastle. Interesting is that when you look at Liverpool s options with no for Peano you can go more or less the like for like and dropping James Milner or possibly move around James Milner to come in or or Jordan Henderson can move position the pull have got and Nappy Kater who can play in a more advanced role and also the same with Adam Lallana all possibilities and there will be a lot of changes in the month of December and given how many matches Liverpool have got Liverpool actually made their t.t. Changes between the staff their 1st fixture in December last year and their last fixture in December and they have more games of course during this campaign 30 team changes last December for the Reds so expect something similar this time around you re listening to b.b.c. Radio Sport for comment on the right to come the time now is to 50. Readiness you signed trouble snubs in days every cheese down from 6 o clock just a final word on Robbie Savage your fitness you and yeah you. Do you know that Robbie with which he looks like you very good at it I m also. Really and he must really miss the match they both you and I thought what it is that was going back and. Everything. With pull salt every cheese down from 6. Live at Anfield c.b.c. Radio Mazie site. And featured game in the National League don t Perceptor new chest says Brad Bradford Park Avenue let s get across to the t.v. And they say good afternoon. Good afternoon to you Mike Yeah crack a game a prospect and I really need to be for half a chance to confirm that they re in the position where they need to be where they need to be and still that there s more to come from yes. They re not sitting back on that they ve signed a player who comes with a great pedigree paid in the Scottish Premier League for done day he s been playing in the National League for filed. And he was signed last night he comes straight into the starting lineup so they really are going to make a push for it now they ve got a number of games obviously as every club has coming up in December and they are really looking for a reasonable return points wise and by both sharing the squad like this one of the problem positions which is a left sided midfield player to bring the slot in shows their intent and the fact that they are really going to go for it not just playoff wise possibly who knows a whisper it s possibly the championship as well but that s a long time off did they have that the look and that s it a full Baka of a team that happened within them to to be challenging for their owners that yes they do I mean like every every club that wanted to play is where they need to improve as a say the one major position they had and they haven t been able to fill it successfully has been the left side of midfield so if you can do the business for them there s only in my opinion one position they never really need to sort of sort out and if they can sort that out then they really do have the low marks of a Championship side and certainly a playoff side I mean they ve only had one loss in the last 2 months that was a tone to York City possibly a little bit unlucky to lose that one but they lost by a single goal so they re not in a bad they uniform at the moment and if they can get a few wins back to back wins together then who knows they can certainly be giving a really good account of themselves I m pushing forward about the starting lineup no real surprises rest Gryphus Ingo Jamie Morgan Danny lives the Simon Grande and Joe Taylor in Mayfield Bradley Jackson showed Clendon Gary stopped for. Up top Antony Dudley and of cause he is Santi So quite a strong side and I would expect it to be too strong for Bradford side today who as we are saying before. My bottom of the Northern table at the moment. Thank you Neil Neil will be keeping us updated with how Chester getting on and also Southport again academics there as well this afternoon Liverpool haven t been able to steamroll the teams as perhaps as they were doing last season but their record speaks for itself 12 wins from 13 Premier League games the other one of course that was a draw and former Reds defender Gary glass pieces their ability to find winch in difficult situations to gestate they do have the credentials to go all the way again this season for home in a change that would come when the sure the season is the fact that Liverpool are growing the results which in itself is a great treat the whole of but you can t ticket us no way from them you just look at the results 12 victories one draw defeats and then cities and find themselves in the position that on the got quarter you know it is the pitching quality and it is of the pitch when it really matters and people it can hurt you and I think as long as you just stay in and games and you look as if you re your own games then they ve got the ability to always lay schoolie on as they have proved throughout the course of the season so far I mean there was a disallowed goal I will you did the commentary for lefty t.v. I was yeah what did you what do you make of all 1st and foremost I totally missed that literally because you fall on the ball when you see Tomkins at the far post Putin and to falter in support of an intensive properties I thought was one no for for Crystal Palace but when you look at it again the free kick that crystal power is Gore was for a little shove on Wilford saw by Alexander here on the way. Up and came and pushed him while those contact and you can t deny the fight that those contact there went down like any other player would do it and exactly the same situation was in the box with r.u. On Lauren So for me it s an or brainer the referee s got to give the decision to give counsel the goal just a word on study a man. Because I actually missed a great chance and maybe the old study a man I would let that bother him but now we seems to have that mentality where he can just get it out of his head doesn t he but I think he s I think he s grown up I think he s matured as you do as players and there s no doubt his ability and his call to I think is 21 goals you scored in the calendar year more than anybody at Liverpool I think saw as next year but with 20 or something like that 5 games are always scored against Crystal Palace or you always kinda look to him and not gain a much to be the man to make the difference and again he was and you know is a See that s what Liverpool have goal at this moment tame the people in the pitch where really can make a difference and you know there s teams that like Everton care Aston Villa Newcastle a lot of teams of the looking for players like that of that Canaille and Liverpool have got them in abundance and certainly were for me no money and sell as a main 3 and for me no of course scored which you haven t done for a while don t think anyone was getting too concerned though where they were with his lack of goals I mean I think that was the one thing you would see a bit from you know that he contributes more to the game the maybe just his goals I think if you know more hard Sollars not score nothing you may think that well what else is a given year in the team other than these maybes pieces go up so I don t think there was ever a problem with the fight the wars in school and again for me he has the he is the one player that I allude to thank you nothing he is like absolute top grade probably better than the other 2 players technically and a kiss is what really and bring in everybody else into the game as well. For Liverpool there with it want to play. Ok good let s be talking to salty not to piss on to say that if you haven t had a chance to listen to that just not to this it is an absolutely cracking programme p.p.c. Radio Merseyside every cheesy night between 6 and 7 for souls to last speech and in snow did Liverpool have the opportunity to go and the evidence points clear. I was matched to city in the race for the Premier League title. Castle to Manchester City to the late equaliser from full. Field to Jonjo Shelvey in the 88th minute from a free kick and teed up for him on the edge of the penalty area canning the right foot shot from 20 yards beyond the goalkeeper and into the back of the net city had gone in front 3 were standing before the break Jack show Williams And after 82 minutes Kevin de Bruyne City back in front of that equaliser from Georgia Chelsea. To a piece suit James is par. For last week canceled the 21 for the 7th time this season in the League Cup They sit top of the Premier League table and the Champions League despite not being with their city backs but club legend Mark Lawrenson says the results still speak for themselves greatly you know Gary all know that when you win the league you don t necessarily play well every week you probably play about I don t know maybe 10 maximum rate out the pounding games in the league so you know we don t you know because anything goes with that we keep winning that state and I m so cerebral. Please don t even bring me into this come with. Me should be on the radio that. You would you would. Lower the amount of times he comes in and goes I don t want to talk about it there s a bit of a problem when you re on the radio with us. I mean you know if. A clot knows when he got the players know how good a side they can be but also you can only speak about your own you re playing we also knew how bad we could be so all the stuff about being on beat and everything I don t really play that bothered about that nice thing you draw that you just can t win and all the supporters of the team going are why be. So look you know they re not so lucky they just works a lot against teams that teams lose concentration and when they lose concentration against good very good teams are very good players to get chances to score and you get chances to win and that s exactly what they ve been Laura what about the quality of Liverpool s sent off so obviously this Virgil van Dyke everyone knows about him Joe massive has been great but he s out injured now but then you ve got someone who was a 4th choice hands off Indonesian lover and who s now coming in and doing a good job but dot com is a bit like when you and Alan Hansen you knew you had absolute. Quality breathing down your neck if you made it was all told. In Gary Gillespie you knew you couldn t you can put a foot wrong all right well listen it s absolutely tell the words and I remember went through the door start the season with so I I but I think I always said to me that our family didn t think it played very well the season before he saw that Gary had been signed to replace him and I said I think you re right out. If you just just the fact you ve got outstanding quality everywhere it just keeps you on your toes and you look at the city I mean they re not standing team but no kind of center backs walk through their door like the army and they know if the fit they re going to play and that s why they re not quite as fit for me but not quite as it s a city still makes them an outstanding team but now it s very very important I think the thing with Van Dyke is well I think anyone can play with him but I m glad Le Bron s come back and started to look at Clare and I thought much to the last 3rd the last season I thought he was as good as anybody and then you got Joe Gomez and everybody show it it s all good competition for places is great and if they re all outstanding players a new thing a club in Liverpool hills got an outstanding group not just think quality but I think the dressing room are all together I don t I don t think there s a bad apple or about whatever you want to call it and I just think you ve got the other manager definitely got it no doubt about. At Liverpool legend Mark Lawrenson Liverpool Football Club have unveiled the proposed designs for a new and Field Road stand at the plans involve a new $60000.00 capacity stand increasing the overall capacity of the stadium now 261000 that s an increase of 7000 the club hope to apply for planning permission next spring and applaud the 1st stage of a consultation process the public event started yesterday another 2 will take place in the car park at Anfield Monday between 4 and 8 pm and on Tuesday from 12 till 4 o clock chief operating officer the news has been talking to b.b.c. Radio Murphy said about the plans we re looking to get the overall capacity of them failed stadium up to $61000.00 we re looking at the majority of the saints in the new development been general admission say it s a total of an additional $7000.00 seats in the stadium These are all draft plans at the stage of course so these numbers may change but we re trying to expand on failed and create a bigger more successful venue for people to be able to come and watch the great football that s being played at the mind and in the original outline planning commission that you ve mentioned I think it was an additional $4800.00 seats so what what is calls you should to go from $4800.00 up to $7000.00 with the overall footprint of the building is very similar it s a similar height similar shape a bit women looking at the internal design basically done a lot more work in the original planning application very much focused on the main stand we ve clearly seen an opportunity to get just a little bit more additional capacity into the stadium which we think makes a lot of sense that a regional application and failed as a whole was built around a $60000.00 capacity into. It s a total capacity it s it s just an additional 1000 seats but I think we think that s important and worth going for it and having seen the proposed designs of the new stand will look to follow almost the design footprints of the new main stand That s correct yes. Obviously we want it fit in a similar look and feel the actual footprint is obviously very different to the main stand just in terms of where it s located but it s similar to the plan information that exists at the moment the planning permission lapsed what sort of a makeup of seats are you looking at in terms of regular seats versus hospitality areas Well we are looking at some hospitality in the stand sports bar sports lounge type hospitality but the majority will be General Admission seating and what sort of impact will this have on on the local area in terms of during the building process and then when the standards been completed. Yes So from a bill disruption thing obviously we re going to do everything we can to minimize that there is space behind the on field road stand at the moment to build around the back over the top in similar fashion to the building program that we had on the Main Stand which we think was very successful there is an impact in terms of unfilled road so there s a store section of and failed road right behind the existing on field drug stand between $96.00 Avenue and Skerries that we re looking for a closure. That obviously will have some impact on the residents of the side on that road there are still routes around what we do right now is trying to get some feedback we re conducting a transport survey to understand some of the detailed impacts of on transport of the road closure and overrule what will be the impacts on Liverpool football. To have a ground around $61000.00 capacity personally belief we have one of the best football stadiums in the world it s an incredible atmosphere away for respect to the history of on field and it s an amazing place to watch football I mean some extra capacity a bit more noise bit more support I think will be amazing we re all in hugely excited to gives more access for farms as well which everybody knows is an issue so I think this is an exciting development achieves many goals for the club and for the fans that s Liverpool s chief operating officer and the Hughes talking there to p.c. Radio Merseyside James Madison about the new exciting plans for a new Anfield Road stand and if the proposals are anything to go by it s going to look absolutely fantastic and very very similar but a smaller version of the new main stand at Anfield that s played such a big part in the people s financial revival which of course then enables city to be improved on the field would you believe if it goes everything according to plan the cop stand will be the smallest and Anfield freezing cold it is here I can tell you that sunshine all around really clear day great day for Pull it is cold but then it is nearly December isn t it more there from Liverpool legend Mark Lawrenson who of course moved to Anfield from Brighton Alloa says he s been impressed me what he s seen of Graeme Potters men so far this season so I m quite a lot of the problem. Here in the championship played from the back and say we re really really well and you want kind of the personnel that you have been able to do it and that they re doing so. Little bit more than just the month. Charge. I mean new contracts I mean I ve just I ve just said that low myself the they must be happy with him because he signed an extension a 2 year extension only to come back well it s not a guy was we had a big reunion in Brighton he was thinking near the end of last season when he played Newcastle we went in the boardroom afterwards and they were just saying that they thought they d actually got their recruitment wrong which didn t really help Chrissy and I think looking at them this time their recruitment looks better but obviously the more of interest got more 2nd place it s the boys more Piven for this go along goals in that league I mean I mean just look at the team going forward and I think under crazy they were a little bit kind of negative but what do you do when you come to Anfield you may like to play from the buy are you going to change what s the point of the strength is all about play you don t change then the and I would worry about them a little bit because it s all from 3 get at them I think cause major problems you think that one of the Ses brain or the mid table just no oil but you could easily see them if they go on a bot can run it kind of becomes a little bit of a problem they could easily get something but then it s not relegation zone you know it is I think that I m a bit better here I think so yeah do goalkeepers good the 2 center backs have a kick in your mind that the decent The boys from Bristol city center back as well he s not bad so no I think I think they ve got a bit more to be honest with you and let s be fair looking at some of those teams down at the bottom they are extremely ordinary I think that we are like a relationship. During a fortunate position where they don t know anybody and probably because the old is based in a custom About $160000000.00 so far training grounds $5.00 new ground etc So if they thought in January they needed to bring 2 or 3 players in assuming they could get them I think they do it because they know how much it would cost obviously to leave. Mark Lawrenson film right now and Liverpool defender. B.b.c. Radio might decide coming. Live from and feel it rebuild to kick off the ball vs right for commentary from your 1st taste of football we cover Liverpool the only station to do full common chairman every game home and away on the domestic footballing calendar but disappointment then for Liverpool in midweek they could have secured that qualification to the knockout phase of the Champions League but the one all draw with Napoli and solved by win over again means they now need at least a point from the final game against the Austrian side to guarantee qualification t.d.y. Now them says while they would have preferred to win they ll have plenty of determination to get the right result again solved back the score sheet you wanted to finish with their liver is the situation. Comes the last game so that we can change. About it anymore so we just have to do is to. Deal with the situation and trying to get a good result results in a really good performance when they came here so how difficult will it be for you to go over there is always difficult and I think the games will always be difficult is also the bend how you go into the game I think the game against the restart will . Make it difficult for self after we scored of course. Of course they got a credible this was also because we didn t do the things we did in the beginning so we will see definitely going to be a tough game by the going to be tough for the new came after how much of a blows it without him. This is a big blow for for the whole team of course for him also swear for there s the situation have to do it I think juniors we had a few blows with injury and. You know we just we just have to show that we can deal with the situation I mean I think about that we feel that you have so many options now that you can not know enough or to some are not but you know you can. It s all about loss and in effect to us I think we just have to show that it don t affect us what i just said turn the years we had we had some injuries difficult injuries and difficult decision to go to a less season was than what we ve been ahead or right if and. We just have to deal with it and we will see I was. And that it was flat and. Worse as we were in the stands everyone everyone is worried. Not only about every player because the way we see this every player is important for us as a team so every player in your answer will worry even for your laying down on the ground but also and further when. People Wiley the mighty wa playing on the p.g.a. Here at Anfield part of the pre-match musical ritual with George shafted that brick Liverpool fan had to be wily modest because imagine we ve got a book about 21 minutes to kick off. The ground beginning to fill up here at both sides still down on the pitch doing their pre-match meal but for the next day and for 5 minutes the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year comes to your screens on Sunday the 15th of December well heptathlon champion Catarina Johnson Thompson is one of the 6 nominees for the headline award on the night the gaffer Liverpool debacle Ricky s winning goal against Barcelona to see little pools incredible comeback against the Spaniards is amongst the nominees for the greatest sporting moment of the year and we thought that was the perfect excuse to relive that game again I said to the boys before the game I don t think it s possible but because it s true I think that chance. Because I really meant out of the giants It s unbelievable. And. As. I did the program tonight from you I could close the message was as follows this little pools never stops this little pool never quit. We just do it slowly moves. The bowling ball they come on the ball like they can t stop putting. The to the touch. Just ignorant. Radio seaside travel. Show long weekend and fans you ll know good Friday to play list your chance to get your ultimate sound them played on the radio every Friday we re going to be celebrating the end of the week with a few your songs so whether it s one that always gets you on the dance floor one that was playing at a big milestone maybe in your life or one that just reminds you of a proper good time I want to know e-mail Sean Doc styles at b.b.c. Dr don t you can just tell me why Dr track that marks the weekend for you Sean s weekend and tends to age fleas old. On social media b.b.c. Mazzy spoke b.b.c. Radio Macy site. At the Saturday show coming to live from hand field Liverpool this is right the 1st of 2 Premier League full com a trace of that we can t we can t set habits in a way and the last day tomorrow and a full 30 kickoff Little s a p.p.o. Dated with champions progress in the f.a. Cup against Chester at the Saturday we got a couple of games in the last legal including Cesc their bases back to our cabin you and the others that is it the bank stand the test the team is. Yes a new signing else a new come straight into the starting line up so Chester lined up with Ross Griffis Jamie Morgan Danny lives see Simon Graeme Jol Taylor in midfield Brad Jackson George Blanda and Gary stopped for. A top Anthony Dudley and a quasi a son say the substitute Scott Burton Matty Hughes Danny Elliott George wearing and Chester of how to make one change to the announced substitutes Kevin Roberts was named on the bench but his wife has gone into labor and appropriately his replacement is Matty waters. Excellent nail that gets jealous little bit about as well about the the other game and honestly today academics to be sat. Well are you I expect Southport to win this for a number of reasons Kidderminster of being in free fall recently South who are playing particularly well at their playing well away from home had a good victory in the f.a. Trophy last week last week but Kidderminster got rid of their manager and it was rather a nasty parting if you like words between the board and between John Pemberton the previous manager they ve lost players as well and it seems like a club in disarray so on. I would expect and I hope South who can take full advantage of this and I do expect them to come away with 3 points it s normally a very tough place to go. But certainly today I think with all that s going on down there in the middle I think Liam Watson s plan will come away with a 3 point some possibly I m winning margin by a couple of girls Ok And we ll see what happens over the 90 minutes they will keep us updated on South Poles progress a good image there and of course the game that he s watching this afternoon at Chester says Radford Park Avenue with the big stadium Alec Kennedy alongside me for the big one for Mansfield of a bull versus Brighton kickoff in 10 minutes time the Reds have a chance to go at Levon points clear of the match the city in the Premier League table because city has. Only jaunt to apiece and a castle in the early kick off the Liverpool line up Palace sit in goals shatter Alexander Ronald Diana Lovren Bandai canary Robertson Jordan Henderson g.d. White powder man Alex oxalate Chamberlain at midfield 3 the front 3 of salad for me and on Monday on the bench at 3 am Will neck a test Gomez let alone a chicanery and a Reeky prying. Matt Ryan Nicola back full from their from right to left of Montoya Webster Dunn and. Dampens about 6 foot 4 I really told for a full back. And as Pascal gross profit ethos Suma and Dale Stevens an errand boy fired by midfield or possibly. Even sitting in. The back row spotless Stevenson I gross profit to see the way to slightly further afield Paris finally released a line right on the bench. Thank you but shake me all over. The trash is actually a lot to thank the palace has a wall last time to. If you could clone people could come. To create. A really good knack at sharing the rabbit goals of life in the front ring the likes of that excites me she knew why down the road but since the big day I ve longed for 5 minutes in recent weeks. We also realize we rely so much and all for free and always be well that s. I couldn t care less which course to be honest at the end I m very happy when the ball is in the net in a bag of the net so but yeah that s of course it s good but I still think he could have scored more goals through honest that s the truth as well so makes us a bit more unpredictable for sure but it s not my real there s nothing I really think about it s what I think of on the moment and maybe again we come to that point replay brightened with a very very exciting. Development who honestly knew and see them playing now how they play the way they play the procession they have I think 7 goes on to scope a session in the league. That he and City 48 also play prop of football so a day of really our own plan and that s I respect that a lot Graham is doing a very good job and so that s all I should know and all too scorers or whatever you have to score to win the game but it s just a tough one that s now this last game because from now after that game that everybody has this pretty much everybody has these kind of 3 games a week and they re coming up now with different cup competitions but Brighton had a full week to prepare and. In a way different I think a lot of all football obviously and so devil come here and try to get the points I m 100 percent sure and we have to be read 3 days off all game very intense game against nominees Oh that s the things I think about nothing else incredibly 13 games gone well the intensity of your playing. 2 used to be staggered but how much more difficult has it become to have that intensity in every game as the season progresses if you look at the numbers of the most intense team in the league it s not that big Yeah of course Yeah well. Let s hope for the ball is. Around more than I was Ok and intends runs in his and his friends and so we have been pretty high in the stats bought Brighton for example runs much more of a game like him than we do so it s that we b.b. It s not always the same down games we have to be very very intense and couple of them we played in the last few weeks and other teams where we have to be much better to control the game more and all these things but the most important thing is and that s Brody our biggest strength the moment if you don t feel these kind of things not the numbers we don t feel the 12 games we won and on the 13th I thought again but the point we don t beat a 2 and a half years we don t feel that we are always in this kind of mood Ok we have to be really good 100 percent for the next opponent and these 100 percent they develop course over a season but they re one of us and the way little they have to we always there and other teams have difficult situations of other and beef sometimes you face them that exact in that moment and then it s maybe not the best football you can play in your in your life but it must be still good enough to win a football game but in this woman is no reason to think about that in this moment we want to play the best football we can play and that s usually a pretty good one and we have 2 against Brighton as well because down not only brave good football playing they are good organized as well. On top and less the last week to go on until those go to go and all the games they were really there were that they were in the game and that s all our job to do and not think about intensity or whatever life should always be like this or get up in the morning is your best day then we re best is your 2nd best day than do a 2nd because that s all it is. Telling Liverpool home and away game. Received radio messages. A few sides just about come out in fact. The fuel Henderson leads out the full size. Lightning help our being away to a left hand side led by Lewis done. So many waves of the cup over the place as is the normal case. Just as alongside the mascot and the other candidate with the opportunity after that sexual draw it s a change is path to go I leaven points clear of much society yes that s a great. Performance by Newcastle against you know really top team much a city and you know. I m glad I m glad it s happened now Liverpool have to do it they ve got to be the team who. Do it you know really well in the Premiership and. On the fiction but they ve got to win the game simple is that it s not about the performance it s about within the game and Liverpool quite capable of doing it Jonjo Shelvey company collides it for New Castle with the minutes of normal time left he had his ups and downs during his time but I m feel that he s be talking to the b.b.c. House matches is maybe I can be a Liverpool hero now. Yeah I think he s got so much to walk he had so much from a baby when he was here was a little bit too early in his career at times like that and different times a we you know he s got some spectacular goes a little member I think he scored even against Liverpool for Swansea that particular time but he s going up to Newcastle East taken it all the Newcastle parched door and the strike was absolutely supply me really was given the goalkeeper absolutely no chance but I have to say I paid over the other side on the 2nd he Darvish the stand and everybody everybody. Said water to a goal that was there and it really was a great goal it fit to get there New Castle a point. To NY City when I can to the former Liverpool and New Castle defender of. Cop the security darkly scanned the Amphib road and am amazed h one I thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. 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Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20191105 170000

Try to. Decide. If you make. Between now and 6 o clock at the story this hour. Taxis and. I hasten to add could be charged for driving through 4. Busiest roads now the authorities looking at setting up a cleaner to reduce emissions. Comply. A charge will be levied similar to London s low emissions now the council s identified 4 areas where there are high levels of nitrogen dioxide Miller s bridge in Hawthorne road in vocal Princess Wei in level and and south road in Waterloo while Dr Gary Fuller is an air pollution scientist that King s College London and is author of the invisible killer the rising global threat of pollution and how we can fight back he advised London on setting up its low emission zone and joins me now very good afternoon to you Dr Fuller Hello Paul Well 1st of all then how big is the threat of air pollution from vehicles. Air pollution is really quite a serious health to those with living in urban areas estimated around 2000 people are dying early here in the u.k. From breathing bad air I mean it s that s actually quite a high number I m sure if the water that was coming out of our taps was you know bringing about the sort of impact on our health there will be outcry but somehow for pollution we seem to accept a bit more yeah why struggling with a little bit with this idea and I know you don t particularly know this area that we re talking about the poor which talking about but why would one road be so much worse than another when they re in such close proximity I live in the area so I it s mystify me a little bit. I don t know about the actual area or the loads but. Loads one vote can be worse than another for reasons that can be because the type of traffic that travels along and this is a road that s going to inform the talks have a lot of heavy goods vehicles it can also be worse than other areas if it s in close stores in an area where the air pollution just doesn t blow away I mean I thought vehicles were going to be getting cleaner are they not oh well we all thought vehicles were getting cleaner and so. So ventilations around Volkswagen a couple of years ago yes vehicles on getting cleaner. And especially the new ones and that we really is what the law emissions are and that s kind of how it works because what you do is you would try to discourage older more polluting vehicles from traveling on the road and encourage their replacement with newer less polluting vehicles so the London low emissions are one is not quite a big part of in the London or is it is not taken on certain roads as well. Yeah the London low emissions uncovers the whole area of greater London but in the sense are a few square kilometers around Westminster and the City Jail is recently introduced it s all true a lot of missions out and the impacts of being really quite dramatic we think the night Sion dioxide which is the pollution you re concerned about there in Bootle and Sefton as well as drops by about 29 percent but it s not just happens it doesn t just happen overnight when the wind starts flee operators and people will you using buses taxis will upgrading their vehicles before hand but 29 percent is really quite dramatic improvement Yeah it is all thank you very much for talking to me I don t follow. My pleasure. Dr Gary full Appalachian scientists at King s College in London one of the roads you mentioned I was south road in Waterloo our reporter has been along there and asked people that if they you know I would think being charge for a clean as own is a good idea I said because the law says and I m sorry have to come down and it s a busy road so yeah I would not any problems with you know worried that perhaps they ll pay it but put the basil also the other. I don t use public transport senses just drive all grown I m from so it s probably I m a little bit biased not respectable I mean ending for the environment so it s a good thing so I believe anyway I m not sure this touches on everything these days is unless to try and reduce things I think there needs to be more responsibility of manufacturers of vehicles to reduce emissions I would be in favor of it because I m a local resident just lives off south road and I know how difficult it is have sent me a pic times when they have your love is come down it s not suitable to have it always sort of a lot because those lorries taxis so forth will just find alternative routes. And stop coming down here so the emissions will be transferred from us they don t drive on their phone they have to got in from a to b. They have to do it somehow if you close this road up or make too expensive go just go another way why is it no good idea how am I supposed streets personality people around here and the. Buses in the taxis the value safest and I don t think if that happens the property wouldn t come along and I think it s a rather good idea I mean there s a lot of pollution just too much pollution I think in the said he especially at weekends as well the kids in this area out of all people so I think we shall improve the environment generally is a good thing I think you re a taxi driver you or your company could be charged extra for coming into South really got to clean a fair fair call like it s not bad light but I don t the diesel saw. Me Cadbury would like to get a cheaper kit. Well the vote could you know say to you your party is going to cost you an excerpt x. Amount more to go this route or these I don t think so enough they re going to be paid more like money is a. Little thing so you think people like you could be put at a disadvantage you could be. You could lose cost them over to really quite a few comments David Crosby imagine all the chaos on the narrow side roads as drivers try to find alternative routes to avoid the proposed tolls Insaf to bail in height and this solution plan is a scam it s purely I m a method of grabbing more money from road users and one hears while filling Crosby says he s seen lots of cars with just one person and can they put in place a car sharing scheme which would mean less cars on the road and less pollution your music your stories your like b.b.c. Radio Mazie some. 16 minutes past fine for a wind the weather wasn t been so bad today I wasn t looking to now I m going I m going the match tonight I m going to be Ok you yeah you should be all right well one thing I would recommend is maybe a scarf or an extra layer cause have you got any of that with you one know what I m going straight there from you couldn t you put it texted me earlier on the Tell Me I thought we were friends I whine Well actually I did say in last night s forecast of the real You ve got me there. And I hope I didn t have to listen back to it now actually just make sure. It is going to be turned in colder this evening if you re heading out at about pole we need an extra layer this is because you re pulling in much colder air from the north at the moment and actually will hang on to this over the coming days it should be mostly dry overnight temperatures getting down to about 3 South us around town so cold with the mist and fog patches forming just the shower here or there a cold start to the day for us tomorrow some of the mist and fog slow to clear we may see a frost in places but tomorrow morning should be dry and actually should brighten up a bit as well with some so. The spells heavy showers are likely to move in from the west then as we head through the afternoon they should clear and it will dry up a bit as we head through towards Thursday but heavy rain is forecast as we move through the 2nd half of those day we re keeping an eye on this one but it does look like we could see the disruption as a result and I will always listen to you from the I m a listener anyway but especially from now on I will always listen to. B.b.c. Radio travel just like we always listen to out for the latest on the roads even salt water on Crosby road north because it is ongoing roadworks now to South roll Valse got works ahead on the floor slowing things down in either direction approaching the traffic lights little bit busy road near an airport road foreclosed there following an accident later Greenfield avenue that does mean there s a diversion for you to follow and still slow northbound of the m 619 and those for through 20 want to craft any rubbish have the number you need on 5 want 794953 and Shepard b.b.c. Radio most He s our travel. Your voice your story I described. It this way. Absolutely. I know you know. How do you. Think you can. Absolutely. 12. With c.b.c. Radio. But more breaking sports news to bring you here at the top them forward as how does red card against have a turn for the challenge on trade go. Overturned by an independent panel so he won t be serving any challenge on question today on this day in 1932 Gillespie Road underground station changed its name what did it become welcome to Kevin and mystic you gain or any An unholy like James in can t. Be in hi Neal and how you don t Brian and I chill Kim in Warrington Dave in chill wall Terry and mostly hail Stephen Weygand David Crosby also and Bill on the email Gillespie Road London Underground station became. London Underground station they changed the name of the station because it was right by a hybrid that you go. To . The. Time. And changes his nearly 24 minutes past 5 b.b.c. Radio Merseyside Let s move on to more the day s news now and it s bonfire and I m sure you re aware of that and while many of us might be wanting to go and enjoy some fireworks and sparklers it s one of the busiest nights of year of course for the emergency services but government figures show the number of firefighters working on Merseyside has fallen to a wreck Orde Low Well joining me in the studio now is Mark Rowe who is the Northwest regional secretary for the Fire Brigades Union a Very Good afternoon Mark and. Just put into context and if you can how bad are the figures well from 2010 to date we ve lost a significant amount of our firefighters we ve gone from 9275 fighters to 6 $142.00 firefighters and that equates to a fair 2 percent course in firefighter numbers. Just to try and put into some context how does that compare with the national picture Well a lot worse off nationally. With the courts as a consequence of the 1st of all the coalition governments and then the Conservative governments. Nationally some have been able to ride the storm a little bit better because their costs to the. Revenue support grants haven t been as severe side o.d.s. Sort of 52 percent cuts to the revenue support grounds which is as I m sure views the listeners with will agree is a significant cause and when when you look at the amount of calls you getting of a they going down is this proportionate at all well the government mislead because what they say is 5 calls are going down henceforth we can cost $5.00 Pfizer numbers but we are a multi rescue agency and if you look at me as you cite for instance we ve got the sports stadiums the theaters the cinemas the nightclubs the most always the train network the airport the docks and ships when we ve got one of the highest densities of elderly persons homes and we ve got the highest student population in the country so we ve got significant risk. Regularly is it not the case though that I mean a lot of services like yourselves are operating with with fewer staff I mean policing will be one that springs to mind is not some some in some ways down to more efficient ways of working Well what we ve done is firefighter now go out and conduct home fire safety visits and we do proactive community fire safety work in the communities but if you caught the amount of firefighters you d also cause in the available amount of firefighters to go out and continue that where fire deaths of 4 and because of the where the fire fights of dawn in the communities we re now seeing an increase in fire fights sorry in deaths in the public a 10 percent nationally bought it increased for instance side significantly from 2000 and Sam and 11 when we had 555 that 220-1516 or 16 fired at him as he sighed You know what s this doing for for morale of the workforce in the press you know I mean obviously. Members are under a great deal of pressure Well morale is an all time low to be honest I mean because of the pay restraints as well $5.00 faces I ve seen a $4000.00 pounds pay course over recent years. It means that we take longer to get to fires because of the course because of the closure the fire stations we see less firefighters on fire engines and as we ve seen 40 fire engines call to to 30 fire engines it means that firefighters when they get there are less able to deal with the fire as the as we used to be and we just seen a report come out over the 1st part of the report on Grand Final Now I know that doesn t concern Merseyside but it kind of has a knock on effect going back to the morale does it not because it makes a lot of people I think feel that the firefighters who braved you know the conditions and I have been criticized Yeah I mean the report itself the union clearly disagree with with some of the find as we want to get to the bottom of what happened we want to find out what happened but our view is that the deregulation building materials standards and also the this pursuit of profit led to ground fell firefighters have been blamed for Graham for well you know in Merseyside we ve seen how the establishment reacts we ve seen how long the talk was to get justice for Hillsborough we ve seen Orgreave as well on the 1st source of response of the establishment is always to blame those involved rather than blame those responsible good speaking with thanks very much for coming in Mark b.b.c. Radio Merseyside 28 minutes past 5 is the time. Sigrid there with don t feel like crying it s 531. News headlines now from Philmont h. T.V. s buses and taxis could soon be charged for driving on certain roads in Sept and it s a proposal to try and cut air pollution along the area s busiest routes a group of M.P. s say they could end up supporting a ban on fireworks sales to the public if the government doesn t take action to tackle irresponsible use That s according to a report released by the Petitions Committee today headed up by Warrington North m.p. Helen Jones 137 stop searches by police following recent shootings across Merseyside last nice and have led to 8 arrests drugs cash and weapons were seized and a special plaque is being unveiled at a Grade 2 listed building in Prescott that was used as a barracks for Liverpool Powells in World War One that s all for now I ll have a full update for you at 6. B.b.c. Radio and I side travel how we doing on those roads Let s find out now with our Chaput even Solti delays if you reckon the journey on through be near the airport road or Manning course because of an accident into greenfields avenue that means a diversion that would sort of slow on the northbound side of the m 6 through Cheshire education 19 in the us for it it s $21.00 aircrafts saw again allowed every dish time to get through there elsewhere most of our route too and I would expect really nothing to out the ordinary just a bit busy around was away on a Court Road north of us on the road works in a to south road and is rubbish have the number you need so 151-794-9538 chap at b.b.c. Radio most trouble. Has been a bit of an afternoon for breaking news has it not James mile for. News on the way of Liverpool s League Cup date away of Aston Villa and what that means for them. The fee for World Club Cup as well but 1st of all this is broken in the last half an hour or so the reg card handed out to top $1.00 strike a song for his challenge on Everton s Andre Gomes at the weekend s been rescinded Gomes was discharged from hospital today following surgery on a broken and dislocated ankle Tottenham appealed against the card handed out by referee Martin Atkinson and the Football Association have upheld a claim of wrongful dismissal for Gomez Everton say he s now under the care of their medical team but they haven t put a timescale on go Mr recovery some meanwhile is now free to play in Tottenham the next 3 games Liverpool face the unusual scenario of fielding 2 different teams within 24 hours for games in 2 continents it s after Liverpool s League Cup quarter final tie away at Aston Villa has been set for Tuesday the 17th of December and that s 24 hours before game in the Club World Cup in Qatar now Liverpool say they were used to separate playing squads for each game they say other dates were discussed but shuttling issues and putting undue strain on the players meant they weren t suitable there is football tonight is the 1st of 2 big home games in the space of 5 days for Liverpool with a Champions League game against the ceiling and then on Sunday of course Manchester City arriving in the Premier League tonight the Liverpool manager you can Klopp says it s vital they focus on the game against the Belgian champions rather than think about the title race the story the boys wrote If you want in the last 3 years it was only possible because we always focus on the next game completely with all we have nobody things in this moment I don t have to tell them I know them city s on Sunday so we have big ambitions in this competition and it s an open group still pretty much everything possible so we have to we have to be 100 percent spot on it s an 8 o clock kick off and Phil will be live from there after 6 o clock tonight the. Other match in the group Seeds Napoli at home to Red Bull Salzburg and go county could return for Chelsea in their group h. Game at home to i.x. Which also starts at 8 earlier today Liverpool s Under nineteen s felt for one mill home defeat to gangs in the u.a.e. For youth league that was played at the Kirby Academy the goal came in the 93rd minute it leaves Liverpool on 7 points after 4 games their level with and Salzburg in their group Napoli have just one point the saving Everton s Under 20 one s go to Crewe in the northern group 8 of the trophy Prescott cables are away at Pickering town in an f.a. Trophy 1st qualifying round replay in Robey league Great Britain have been forced into changing their starting 13 for the 2nd Test against New Zealand in Christchurch on Saturday Ryan Hall misses the game with injury week and Zac heartache will play on the wing for the 1st time in 8 years Warrington Jack Hughes makes his international debut in the centers that s away from his usual back row position and saints forward Luke Thomson misses the game with a rib injury but he s hoping to be ready for the final turn going against New Guinea the new Super League fixtures came out today Warrington Wigan on the opening match of the season which is Thursday the 30th of January sent Hellens begin the defense of their title the following nights there at home to solve 3rd in a repeat of last season s grand final and in round 2 Warrington host Saints at the Harley Well Jones on Thursday the 6th of February a New Zealand star Sonny Bill Williams set to join Super League newcomers Toronto wolves back on a 2 year deal this is interesting because Williams played for New Zealand at the Rugby Union World Cup and he s now agreed a multi-million pound deal to return to rugby league Merseyside sports here from 6 quite a lot to talk about and we re live from field ahead of tonight s action love you Allison will talk to a sports science expert on dray Gomes injury Cheers joins us. Still Dire Straits and money for nothing were talking about fireworks earlier and I said I hate bonfire night and early on Lodge Lane as says I agree with you 110 percent they are dangerous the firework is called the cause of a lot of problems for the elderly and animals last year my brother s dog was terrified to go out I don t know what some people are thinking they are miniature bombs not fireworks and on the car emissions owns Peter and West RB says in a round 2015 they said if people bought ultra low clean output cause they would only be charged $20.00 to $30.00 pounds in tax but when the government realized they were losing out on a lot of road tax they put it back up and we re having to pay 140 quid you can t have it both ways says Peter in West Darby to other matters now and I do your children or grandchildren play enough well it seems as we spend more time maybe collude to our screens our i Pads our phones and with the pressure of exams in schools we re leaving ourselves less time to indulge in silly games while in his book play the former children s laureate and bestselling author Michael Rosen attempts to show us how to put this right I asked him why play is important I think plays important because the world is given to us with a set of rules and we can take 2 attitudes we can take it that that s the way it is that s the way it s got to be or we can take the world as something that we can improvise that we can play with we can ask what if about it and when we do that we see ourselves differently in the world we see ourselves as an agent somebody who can change things and that matters for our well being so that we don t think that somehow or other just because of the way it s been given to us that s where it has to be but it s also important for survival for us as human beings on the planet you know we ve got this whacking great climate changes here that is going to dominate everything we re only going to be able to survive if we play with the possibilities of alternative energy alternative ways of living and so on so I think play is crucial for wellbeing and survival or do you think at the moment there s too much emphasis particularly in schools on children being cooped up in a classroom or doing exams and studying that kind of thing. I think the problem with the way the curriculum is working at the moment is that there is too many exams too much testing which gives us a fear of failure and you can only do things in a particular right kind of way and also I think now the curriculum is overloaded and that means that play gets squeezed out and I don t only mean by play in schools is the stuff of running about in the playground making up games all of which is fantastic but also play in the curriculum where you play with stuff so if I think my son comes home from school and he says he s got a double page spread and he s got to learn about the way you extract metals from rock from or. From or and I saved it did you see any of this rock in the classroom No Have you ever seen any no so what are these 3 things so these 3 things on the page we sit there and we learn them off by heart I help him learn them off by heart like you d be learning a part in a play it doesn t have any meaning until he hasn t done an experiment he hasn t tried things out he hasn t felt what metal it what the metal feels like Oval Office like I did as a little test I asked him Can you see any metal in the room do you know what you know and he pointed to some stuff that was made of plastic that looked like metal so he doesn t he couldn t even that I m not blaming him or the teachers but it s the way the curriculum is he hadn t actually played with the materials so that he knew what it was yeah so I just think that s a weird way of discovering about the world 6 months later I said hey should we see if we can remember those 3 things those 3 ways of getting metal out of a war and he tried me and I tried him and we couldn t we couldn t remember so what was the point of that so was the point of it so so actually I mean we re talking about children here but this extends to all of us doesn t extends to grown ups as well though it does absolutely I mean you know we all have we all daydream now daydreaming is incredibly important it s how we play with our memories and we play with what ifs we say oh well what if the train hadn t turned up at that time what if Granny hadn t. Done whatever she did so we play with those games in our heads and that s fine and I say to about the play aspect I say we ll extend it listen to those day dreams if necessary write them down or draw pictures of them because that way you can think about it more deeply and you can talk about it with others of people other people you trust and that will help you that s about the wellbeing thing you play with your daydreams and your book is all about these kind of activities isn t it you know for both indoor and outdoor It s about the activities and also about the history of it you know we forget you know how important play has been in say oh I don t know if you think about electricity you know people knew that there was electricity in things Ok they knew that you had what we call static electricity but how do people find out that electricity can flow down wires and you can harness it well you had a guy called galvanic where we got word galvanized from you had a guy called Gal Vonnie who put a piece of metal under his tongue another piece of metal on top of it a piece a while when between the 2 and he went all that feels funny I feels a bit salty at that moment he was playing just as a child might play with little bits of stuff you know my mate used to dismantle radios and put them back together again you know it s that kind of play he discovered the beginnings of you know well nowadays how the world is made with electricity you know and that was done with just playing around with bits of metal and wire and what is effectively salty water in your mouth. Your knees in your stories your life b.b.c. Radio Mazie so. How is the weather shaping up for bonfire night and beyond then let s find out now with our wine Hi Paul it s looking all right tonight it should be largely dry there are a few showers around most of these will ease and clear it ll be cold tonight the temperatures down to about 3 or 4 Celsius around town and I think we could see a frost in a few places as well tomorrow morning then it ll be quite Mickie with some mist and fog around. And a cold start to the day but brightening up some sunshine then develop developing we will see some showers moving in from the west later on some of these potentially heavy but hopefully many of us will avoid these if it s dry weather after We ll certainly get a lot of that as we head through tomorrow morning most certainly and tomorrow s temperatures getting to about 7 or 8 Celsius now it s a bit further forward high pressure is in charge for now as low pressure moves away from us so we will see a very cold night tomorrow night but then another area of low pressure moves in as we head through the day on Thursday introducing wetter weather later on we ll keep you posted thank you very much. B.b.c. Radio and I side travel with the latest at Shepherd even insulting. Journey on through head on the Eastlands rule there in either direction a portion of people traffic light wave length laws in operation it s also between here in Manchester on the m 62 because of some roadworks between you and 11 approach wouldn t you can 12 Ackles still take it about 20 minutes to get through that stretch particular on the side of him but from Manchester actually so what 502 Journey plans or traffic also slow across the road north for those longer roadworks near to South Broad and the traffic light for you at all scared means it s low traffic and county roll there for 29 it s a 5 way span is rubbish have the number you need 215-179-4953 extension 8 Shepherd baby safe Radio Merseyside travel. But Daisy kill him or the Lair will open up in performance around lived through since I was like 12 I was a very academic me teachers would describe me as like me has it always be in the clouds and just be singing the way all the time and you ve got another big big coming up as well I think this is probably the homecoming of all gates to get because what are you going to do in November and perform and add the lights with Charlie who was the Christmas tree is less. Than daily x. 8 that s afternoon they generally Somas from 2 o clock here on b.b.c. Radio ads. Paul song I try to time b.b.c. Radio let s start. With you last. Stand of. Every time I guess to. Have it something else let s. Start. With some applause. I really want to say I m sorry. St. Oh so post. Rita All right I m let you love me how Kobe Bryant thank you yes I think I think I m Ok with I was like she said that would be silly absolutely early on is back with me because we re going to take a look at what is on the television the seating for your entertainment. 8 o clock b.b.c. 2 Master Chef The professionals in the 1st of a new role in 6 chefs prepare a signature dish. On the well I mean I ve never watched it I would imagine if you like your food and you re into coke and you d like it would you know like the Master Chef professionals might well be obviously the Propofol as I m living on the other you know you say I mean some of them come in and you think I really do yeah but you know generally And obviously as the competition goes on some of them you know to some really amazing dishes so I do like this one. 8 o clock on b.b.c. 2 for that one channel for 8 o clock interest him on this one I m going to take this go and if you still take things just to get you into one you know he wants to get a. Lot we got used to take me tell you wish you were here well you know I won t be home for work in time he did used to say that we wish you were here with you because I can t work the video and you still are watching Judith Chalmers 58 o clock on Channel 4 It s called How to have your supermarket bill oh now I will live a smoker because every week I always say I can t believe on which our supermarket bellies is I want to these like eat well for less one that might like them is presented by Sabrina Grant and Anna Richardson and they re helping 2 families cook their shopping costs revealing the secrets of the supermarket trade and the truth behind the price comparison of the zoom because I tell you what we do we don t really stick with one supermarket now we vary it because I normally have a moan going I can t believe this bill this week you need to go shopping and it doesn t really make a blind bit of difference to be honest I m not sure there s not much in it now and you see it for convenience I go to the same want to be is a big thing I know and it s dangerous and. There s one near where I live yeah big supermarket which is perhaps at the pricey end of things but by the time you fucked around going somewhere I ll close anything you can is it worth it and anyone who knows where I live is probably knows the supermarket I m really going to begin to that anyway the Pride of Britain Awards are on tonight why did I come from their own to dine here these 20 years old this year yes you re right Carol Vorderman hosts the 20th anniversary Plus a look back at some of the memorable moments from the past now the one thing you can say about the Pride of Britain Awards is that it s a teenager actually it s bound to have you in absolute pits in front of a dozen and something s gone wrong really hasn t it it s very humbling because while listening to it is and it celebre I mean. Party heroes who say their families from death stop motorway pileups battle painful illness to meet people who can sing and dance a natural run and the nation applauds that bravery it says here and you know in the current climate where everyone is probably a bit cheesed off we ve got all kinds of things going on politically it s quite nice to have something to make you think there are some good things about this country and to put things into perspective it is and. It does it does indeed yet and he is a complete it s been going and finally finally Gary got speech not here snobs and days now is tomorrow night because the football is on tonight so we can get him to say Dublin murders in a quaint Scottish accent not to night but I think tomorrow night you need to get him to do well review of what tonight we could do because it s the finale tonight apparently We ll get his take on it tomorrow we caught up with him and I have a no I have no idea you know what can I just say there is too much on the telly I never thought to say that to be something else to start its way through I m a citizen we ve got we ve got Netflix and we ve got a guy writing us a stand I don t know why we got him because I know I can watch what s on the b.b.c. Well I know I ve got the time so I don t know how they have come you know expected me self to watch all these other things but Dublin murders a lesser beast pick what you need to wrap it up tomorrow a thing well and then he s going after them mind a football is going to think of a new pick for next week on glass be playing it right that you lot for most for drive time but don t go anywhere Merseyside sports is on the way next and there s lots happening saunas one is a pale against his red card against Everton as so we ll talk about that and of course Liverpool are going to be in the current up at the same time is there in the Club World Cup What is going on there I hear you cry I will try and get to the bottom of the as well so on the way Merseyside sport between 6 and 7 on b.b.c. Radio Merseyside. And the dog. Just a long. Long That. Should. Show. Your music your stories your life. C.b.c. Radio Mazzy site. Good evening at 6 o clock west got the latest news now from films Good evening buses h.g.v. S. And taxis could be charge for driving through some of Sefton s busiest roads the authorities looking at setting up a clean as own to reduce emissions and if vehicles don t comply a charge would be levied similar to London s low emissions I m the council s identified rates where there are high levels of nitrogen dioxide imputes all little and and Waterloo the scheme still has to go out to consultation and we asked people in the area if they think it s a good idea because a lot of bosses and I m talking to come down as busy roads several are there because those lorries taxis so forth will just find alternative roads the emissions will be transferred from us I think is a rather good idea just too much pollution I think in the city especially at weekends as well the kids in this area of old people still believe that we shall improve being bottom inch here is a good thing I think Dr Gary Fuller an air pollution scientist advised London on setting up its low emission zone he says it s an issue that s a serious health threats estimated around. 2000 people dying early here in the u.k. From breathing bad air that s actually quite a high number I m sure if the water that was coming out of the taps was you know bringing about that sort of impact on our health there will be outcry a group of M.P. s say they ll be forced to support calls for a ban on selling fireworks to the public if the government doesn t take action to tackle those who use them irresponsibly the Petitions Committee headed up by warning to North m.p. Helen Jones released their new report today saying that inconsiderate usage should be considered as socially unacceptable as drink driving these people had their say on the Roger Phillips lunchtime phone earlier I remember going for seats now by no means am I a killjoy Now you can go out by success on the packet stand a 100 meters away display standard and they re being sold over the counter never heard as many Lawlor sinus boil people s fault I might walk by a little box and set them off him again are you going to tell me I can t do that 3 nervous further down you don t like noise Merseyside Police say they ll continue to disrupt serious and organized criminals over the coming days after making 8 arrest last night the action was carried out in response to a number of recent shootings weapons drugs and cash offered by own prego man as he s now been discharged from hospital after surgery was a success we ll hear from one a good list on that and sports research lecturer Alan Chong So on the way between now and 7 o clock. First things 1st let s cross straight to Anfield to where we can speak to our sports editor Ian Kennedy is there 1st the sit in even Ian shouting at well the the breaking news I suppose this afternoon is concerned the carabao Cup in the front the Liverpool are going to be fielding a team on the 17th of December away. Aston Villa and then play in the following day in the world do you make of all one while it s certainly moving into uncharted territory it is a surprise I must admit I thought that they would find some kind of solution to this but clearly not I mean Liverpool have said in their statement that in fact it thanking the f l 4 for their efforts to.

Radio-program , Air-pollution , Climate-forcing-agents , Rugby-league , Oxides , Pollution , Traffic-law , American-male-singers , Artists-from-california , Computer-systems , Information-systems , Windows

Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20191027 120000

The chance of a shower a high if the Celsius b.b.c. Radio news for you just want to thank you very much indeed. a. Cry for help one of the 65 Number One of course in those days many moons ago at the time it s almost Tempest welcome here till later Jade behind the scenes what a number a forgotten Oh I member it s always on the 731 it s 93 double 3 and I m Frankie Connor Frankie dot com I believe you see Doc u.k. With you on the corner and around the world with you on the corner your ears of a whole body so the problem thanks b.b.c. Radio side how about you Frankie but actually they stay young and beautiful love and have a great day Lennon write your groupies and he plays. Groupies honestly you re still nice you just. Can t keep it and I really thank you so much. Pete. Can. Sure. I love the ending catch he was caught in a previous life and I can keep it after Rand for Lynn my group. Maybe smile and actually make Frankie dot com a b.b.c. Doco to you as a happy about the Frankie b. Trans you plenty Yeah but if you re 20 meet like me plenty turn to enjoy the special days on a Sunday and you met my days I get to my ironing everyday people I don t know why people tend to I in my program I do want to make all the color bands No they don t want the eye in gently all that number because salt because I m going to talk of war said on the lowlights forgive your guts. And thanks very much Sheila may be smiling so much for your nice words too I guess she was a bit of a rocker on much you let me give you can I give you a little jingle can. Travel to the rock in 53 b.c. Radio. Just down the aisle Oh. My. God. God. Told you. About. I it s got. A matter of course Buddy Holly Wells and rape of a sheila it was ironing as we speak on the Sunday. B.b.c. Radio travel it s a month of the much trouble Queen often heard tough but seldom seen always straight and on the level sometimes a saint sometimes a devil. Or a sweet yeah it s. Not quite words but it s for you and it s pushable It s very yes . Well in my pretend moustache as we speak. The pretty pictures look. Like I m in a good suit your. Thank you. Thank you I ll be serious now see Helen s has been still partially blocked it s because of flooding from swish street to Woodlands road traffic is coping well and we ve got to act to bridge Acton Lane still closed from Warrington road to Strawberry lane town hall. Frog lane closed for flooding from Rosemarie Road Church Road a mickle traffic picked in Lane still closed due to flooding from the street which would lame now we ve got the Scouse Cat 5 k. Taking place today now the route restrictions and road closures should be being lifted now so any restrictions long Merkle street Hardman Street and the roads around Church Street they should be lifted now racing at Aintree today is the family Halloween Fun day there today the 1st race takes place at 1240 with the last race at 10 past 4 to do expect some extra traffic around Aintree today Liverpool entertain Tottenham at Anfield for 430 there that reminds you don t get caught in the match traffic this afternoon possible delays on mercy Well that s it Ellesmere Port g 2 a broken down train and replacement buses run instead between Chester and drill and between Chester and Holly head today due to engineering works if you can update is further give us a call 115-179-4095 extension 3 some are b.b.c. Radio Merseyside travel somebody. Already about a dozen emails my birthday on Tuesday with more on this old marks the birth I ve got here I stuck a card on chocolates and sweets and gifts and judging a photograph or going to put on social I m going to actually Facebook thing but you may annoy me so much I get all the chocolates this week calm down some up yourself they re all here for you just come out for your dark thoughts of model k. Oh I don t do. I just everything in moderation you except your birthday which last 12 months for my last one. It lasts about 10 days that s all but about a week to 10 days I know you. I have 24 hours this gone there be your. So I got so many cards here today I love me thought of people I m always struggle every year I know it s time for surprise this kind of people to do that really and take the time to. Buy on the color and work alike. With guitars on football like football is like I m 12 years old which is really really nice I love that you know I am going to. You know see you later. See you later but by and by. It s Joe here from the 18 Now if you ve got a problem with your boy what are you running bills too high if that s the case we are here to help the a team and healthy homes are putting on our on your own when to warm up and now it s taking place on the 30th of October 11 till one in our performance space please do join us call the a.t.m. 181-517-9409 extension 842 register your interests we look forward to seeing your. Guests swinging sixty s with Frankie radio magic tricks. To meet you and to recreate. The goals just seen in the expand to. You. Want to. Thank you I wanted. To. Get. Down. To the world. To him and to the sound. Other final song hit for who s the last Did you know that. Young Peter and Gordon Nolan Lady Godiva I noticed the words good song what year 66 of the year one of the last hit for Peter I m calling checking emails from again. Well before your new rhyming jingle for some to get some bias I know I m most up to and I m not going on 3 for weeks on the run amok stuff to get them. Off and ahead I ll do no more I promise but thanks for you made me smile that s lovely thanks i appalling wouldn t have a wonderful day thank you much indeed poleaxe for the kisses on the bottom which is a fine Jimmy a much asked if I counted me for today leave it to myself between now and choke la Cathy thank you but you will tinker and each If your friends vile and old you are so demanding Katha do like that and they go but that s Ok that s fine with you if we stay tuned as ever to the station Bob Jones Frank happy birthday into a special day thanks for the definition give many lip. Both of them Robert thank you very much for your nice words I don t know I ve got that many condom open and caught before and by the amount of a receipt I do thank you I m going to Santa Monica to be recycled I ought to do that when I finish my costume a lovely and lovely it s a little put down for me people so many poems too which is really really nice and do enjoy that I got a call last week off of soup Ronnie and chill Frankie It s so nice we re hearing on the Sunday when you people remember and human people like Kenny Johnson icon the receipt idea we ve lost obviously until I go you hear them on the radio because the local radio there for the local station people at that shouldn t be forgotten Kenny just a lovely guy anyway and what a talent Ken He was as well and if possible a song Piece by the hillside is an ending and in the Kenya will too fine for me and that s for mug a crony and if my friend Hilda I lost touch with Hilda I m going to Samantha while s. And the mischief you done sit with you that s nice but Hilda Hilda listening Golmaal the cronies in chill still I m French will get together to possibly Council was nice to do with the answer remember those great times so Kenny Johnson hillsides us . Just remember Cammy and the boys. every day I am. 64 the whole side of the course. On the. Every minute. And a friend lost touch with cold Hilda obviously finds a hillside as. Grave which of course had once again here on the station and so was my said no really has. Frankie Connor b.b.c. Radio. It s going to they re going to email from. The money was on this Pauline said and if possible. Your choosing my family well of the program want to someday like a sort of breath of fresh air so. About this. They create a mysterious unspoken they re all together Ok The Addams Family The house is a new z. Young when they come to see you they really aren t a spree at a family. Neat. Sweet. Potato. Or with just a broomstick you can mom with a. Family. You know it s. And then moving on the u.k. Which is after 15 years and has not been here for a great singer co-founder Oscar a lead vocalist The Supremes on the real most on diva in Ukraine next year 2020 touring these islands emails trying to make an. Email from John John likes the house words can say that in a while as for that you ve made me smile Hi Linda Sneddon my friend Linda many years ago we were under the radio different stations I was asked to be there says he Linda was with me in those days from Daniel O Donnell of course and to Monaco and big fans of the Irish music as well Linda thanks very much for your nice words to that thanks for the birthday wishes kind of to remember where I am on the wireless on a Sunday here for you would be to say you went there thank you Linda very much for that and you take care I know you miss your mom so much and love to you and your family as well as Linda Sneddon and all in George how about diagnosis doctor leave it to milk or quest for you later in the program George and I you read you want to read anything at all that far leave it to me self no problem it s all there Frank have a good launch Tuesday. Assemble in Huyton. I guess someone say this this is awful you said just say about then that s fine then it was for the comments you re making about my age how dare you my younger brother Methuselah How dare you be like that it s kind of your get is Frankie dot com at b.b.c. Talk about u.k. Off Jade cos behind the scenes wonderful Jade burns on the 807-3193 double 3 so for also the author in Allison only the great John 4 has. How much of. The 60 is. On the Alice and also for Red Sox for 2 massive amounts of fans on this he will be tossing in this country I really do stupid musician turned out to want to pluck me to later email from aniline Ok you one comment Johnny the clown shoes want to great song. Brian hope that you and then so on they ll enjoy very shortly you must made Roger and Jackie thank you nice words to a lot of. My age thank you but the sympathy is very tough it really is. You know I think is you really are I have email from banish what I barely put in brackets Gayle spelled g e l a gale she s like not like a boy she s like a gale. Lovely. I don t like the program when you re here but you play tunes we know but by different artists I m not always impression it was a gale his want to thank you for that kind of. Well equipped with its right. To Goa and all the stuff. Existence on the planet is. Radio travel Samantha greeting this myself. Said Frank you don t embarrass Samantha a little jungles. And move them. Don t worry you sure because on a number. Of. Very hard to embarrass me to be fair. I do like blushing here behind the scenes but I never. Exactly. By the way only roads Well I m $62.00 eastbound one lanes closed slow due to a broken down vehicle so that s from Junction 11 Birchwood to Junction 12 the Eccles into from Warrington out towards Manchester one lane of the 3 is close there in St Helens has been still partially blocked it s due to flooding from Swift street to Woodlands row traffic they re coping well Axim bridge to lane closed because of flooding from Warrington road to Strawberry and tattered whole frog lanes closed from Rosemary road to which road traffic Picton lane that s still closed because of flooding from the street Ashwood lane we ve got racing it again today it s a family Halloween Fun day there so expect some extra traffic around there today and around field later on there s a full 30 kickoff there Liverpool take on Tottenham later on possible delays are mercy well at Ellesmere Port due to a broken down train and replacement buses running between Chester and rail and between Chester and Holyhead due to engineering works if you can update is this afternoon give us a call 151-794-0953 some are b.b.c. Radio Merseyside travel from model and the frog you please play a new song to trim your plea today. Now. Can do can you couldn t face on the wireless just to put a face so you know. I was frightened to do a sound because no I did know this didn t have. It but you bought a smile you know look good. See you. Your voice your own story. Why wait a whole day and. 3 children go read the link about time and. Get me a bunch of well it could be we just want to brag. About that. We really put you down on the record. And I m like a play. My flute like primary school. And. That s a lunchtime thrown in with the wonderful it s weekdays for 12 and. Welcome the book Frankie s musical Time Machine p.c. Radio messy side. Is next this is this is cold. Oh. I have. To go love to you. May you will soon understand that c. Is can be I must agree. That s like I want to explain this thing you don t take this See I m saying. This song it is sad song. But here s the scam the song was named after Simon Sam Sam used. All. Right. Well. That s quite a group you ve got could be you know bigger cause. You re going to. Do things that make the moment tabernacle sound like a trio sandwich believe. Me I m just saying that. Since I m with you. Clyde song Clyde so. You just made melody and I m happy to say it was named after me but he s calling it collides. Catchy as can be no I don t like the beef and I m sorry to say the man is a thief because he s calling it. There s a lot on my mind and I m standing here saying you re being on Congress you re calling him Clyde son. Read. We simply don t seem to be Sam let s compromise here what you say but by that do you mean that you ll do it your way and keep calling it. A. Let s you and I. Don t know class he. Did not. Say. It s not even. Saying. The only thing I know is when this record come out I ve been at Sam s on that oh well she won t get that nasty letter from Cal. And telephone. I think used on a good you know no. Little bit. To fit. You know sound the song Oh was it go. Song. Finds fun to meet 2 great artists of course a talented man of Coast to live on for many many many moons in the. Fall is not lovely not nice well done Janice to you which of course that s why you nice. Also for Jean Jean is my times with Brian fantastic new bride a brilliant. Time 962 Johnny but as a ghost written by p.j. Probably all those years ago when he was Marcus Smith clown shoes I m Alina also for Brian on the show please Brian with the news on gene with a hard. Task so related so. I was Ok to him Hi Liz Liz Kelly Allison and myself listen from a few nice words still an email that s kind of you on there checked off Phil Collins Phil my country gal our Phil thank you for hugs and kisses and put on tons of herbs and tons of kisses I bet they to you thank you filthy a nice word so I notice this is to a blue from a red no no you well it s Ok You know you said Phil thanks so much for your nice words at their priest I will be much too from Tony and his wife as I m sure with so few nice words I do a piece I really tell you been I was a kind and I want to be a chuck a fresh I am amazed I was a huge hideaways and was almost my bass player John shell John was a boy died in Vietnam the American by birth and doctors in 67 sadly he was killed very early days in Vietnam 20 years of age great friend of mine we met we were 16 years old and I was you know were thinking that he would have bought and we think we re not sure was this one John she. Well and much much more. We think. or to see Radio Merseyside. I ve just now want to lose not just a robin s Franky Good afternoon a man s been shot in the leg during a 50th birthday party is a Merseyside pub the masked man entered a function rain with the swamp up in height and just after $1130.00 last night and fired at the victim much aware and has the details the offender described as a white male believed to be in his twenty s came into the party wearing a balaclava and a hooded jacket and shot at the 29 year old victim he self presented at the hospital last night with the injury to his salary he s refusing to cooperate with detectives though police are now hoping to talk to people who were at the party at the time and say they need to take this offender off the streets as he was clearly prepared to fire a weapon in a room full of people and didn t care about the consequences to people from worrying to and arrested in connection with the investigation into the deaths of 39 people whose bodies were found in Essex last week have been released on bail a 38 year old man and a 38 year old woman were arrested in Cheshire on Friday while a 45 year old man from Northern Ireland was arrested at Stansted Airport later the same day is being questioned on suspicion of manslaughter and conspiracy to traffic people the driver is due in court tomorrow after being charged the conservatives have rejected a call from the Liberal Democrats on the s.n.p. For a general election on December the 9th that s 3 days earlier than the government s preferred date the shadow home secretary Diane Abbott insists Labor does want an election but only if Boris Johnson rules out a no deal Bracks it could come to Parliament uncategorically could palm an undertaking that he s not going to come out without a deal but he won t do that because then it becomes not just breakfast but a trump exit opening up the British economy to American multinationals but if he were to come to Parliament at other qualities that that is not going to crash out that it would be satisfied. That president expected to make what the White House is calling a major statement shortly American media reports suggest has been a u.s. Operation targeting the leader of the Islamic state group Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in Syria and a drama portraying the history of Formby during World War 2 being performed later form be a haven for the blitz has been put together by livable John Moore s University students at the National Trust property historian Doug David clamp and has helped come up with the idea of a majority of mostly hard evacuees of course we re going out to North Wales but a small proportion particularly after the bigger raids at the end of August of 914 and again after the big attack of May of 941 like you wait it out for me we should must have been challenging for those evacuees who have been perhaps there on the beach or certainly on the coast and see their home city are under fire in sport little ball in Tottenham meet today for the 1st time since the Champions League Final back in June when fear gun club downfield will see them equal the record for the most points after 10 games of a Premier League season is a full 30 kick off so we ll have commentary here on b.b.c. Radio as he side sports and all the build up from 4 o clock today and you weather largely dry and bright day with sunny spells in the odd chance of a shower a high of 30 in Celsius b.b.c. Radio news just tough on Wales there they did so well I can t believe that $60.00 and then it was just that one panel you re not going to go through to next week and you wouldn t in the 1st ever final 2 teams northern hemisphere and now credible you know think about the domination for years Africans on the whole years ago it s such a shame they did a really good job didn t just for you leave chocolate help yourself thank you and.

Radio-program , Towns-in-cheshire , Northern-europe , Nuts-2-statistical-regions-of-the-united-kingdom , Western-europe , Post-towns-in-the-ch-postcode-area , United-kingdom , Prefectures-in-france , Political-terminology , Medicinal-plants , North-west-england , Liverpool-urban-area

Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20190913 170000

Be able to visit Liverpool s a world famous Strawberry Field this weekend for over 70 years we ve only been able to stand outside but from tomorrow we ll be able to enter the grounds that inspired John Lennon to write his immortal hit song major Alister versed felt mission development officer for Strawberry Fields says they ll be carrying on the legacy of the site we could have just been a children s home but it s lovely now we ve got this new rebuild and new building lovely sweet a building so that actually are going to continue with the sawfish Amy really start with the children s home in helping our young people 18 to 25 with steps to work program will pull is renewing its appeal for owners of faulty tumble dryer has to come forward the manufacturer says it s so far been able to contact 65000 people out of at least 500000 who bought unmodified models from brands including hot points and Indes it in sport level Basia going club says he s not sure when goalkeeper Alison will be back in action but he says he s making good progress he says Nabby Kater is also close to a return but won t be ready for tomorrow s home game with Newcastle there are no new injury problems for Everton as they prepare to take on Bournemouth on Sunday and England have taken the key wickets of Steve Smith in the 5th Ashes Test at The Oval he scored 88 with Australia now all out for 225 trailing England by 69 runs and the weather so he spells for the rest of the day before a dry and clear night the chance of some mist and fog in places with overnight lows of 7 Celsius any Misty patches in the morning were clear to leave a dry and sunny Saturday with highs of 28 degrees Celsius B.B.C. Radio Merseyside news. Thank you Phil and Paul Sultan welcome into the weekend preview on Radio Merseyside sport for. After a 4 nights of international football the Premier League regimes this weekend had a hectic few weeks for our sides and getting everything on the way tomorrow will be Liverpool the Newcastle who needed Anfield in the early kick off to look at that one with me is the chair of spirit of Shankly job lot Reds what changes if any would you make to the starting line up after seeming Jeannine one album playing a more attacking role for Holland would you like to see him you re going quote let him do the same you can texters and you can tweet me as well in email all the usual ways Everton make the 530 mile round trip to Bournemouth on Sunday I ground the yet to win a in the league Blues fans with Moyes a keen still finding his feet in English football is there an argument to bring Dominic Calvert loon back into the lineup and would you stop Bernardin after his bench against Wolves and will be talking video technology after Mike Riley said V.A.R. Failed in overturning 4 decisions in the opening month of the Premier League before 7 o clock we ll hear from you can quote Marco Silva and Tramaine manager Mickey Mellon out of rovers match and Oxford United s tomorrow. I m delighted to say that job loss and David Lowe join me in the studio how are we chaps or I fine thanks ball it s got it s nice to have proper football back would you have any interest in the international break at all DAVID No not really the only interesting how was the Test match and you know no 69 for mills and well just to be honest with a lot of people have said that about the Test match being far more interesting than that on the job for you any interest not really who just usual keep an eye on the injuries and yet it is a players little I mean I think what was the a bit of a concern that you know this break or we say this every year this international break comes very early but it is at the same time every year was the Ranee concern about you know whether it would disrupt momentum at all yeah definitely I think that s what everybody I mean certainly from. From Liverpool s point of view you know 4 wins on the bounce gauche want to carry on but I think even for any other club you ve just come out of pre-season you just got your fitness levels just to a point where the weather OK and then suddenly like here you know you know I ve got a game for for a fortnight and just feel feels like a disruption that s all necessary Yeah and one wise for Everton you know a bit of momentum building that as well and then you ve got the time internationals That s right you just start jelling in you start a course with ourselves with Scott plays learning to play with each other what position and they ll be doing it was just starting to gel and now we re the Volga going to all 4 corners of the world for the old part about our men like Joe keep an eye on really one get injured because I mean for me the worst one recently was that when we Seamus colon got we missed him but I mean not even escalated after he got injured and while with a bit of a blame game going on was and then they tried to bring him back to were Island assess that s why you do start getting a bit annoyed with international Well they have that thing with James McCarthy as well picking him and he wasn t fair to and you know this this is where it does go and I mean to be fair when we go south Kate doesn t seem to be that type of manager I think you have to be fair to Southgate he s very much in contact with the club managers at all times and that makes a difference doesn t seem so and that I mean it s a squad game now is rather than just the problem is that you know virtually every every member I mean OK we had salad and money that didn t go away this time that s more like Unique the than the animal. And I say for every other club now that the majority of players are away and I think. You might think that it s OK for the for the England manager Bill how would be treated by you know the the Egyptian manager or the Croatia you know whatever else it is that the plane and I think nothing will ever some place went into a plane in Panama or we have a child in Brazil. Indeed to Brazil game was very very late was in it there are that to be looking at him probably only got back late last night I think social Seba Liverpool go into tomorrow s game against a game unbeaten rather in $42.00 league games and I m feel that last defeat coming against Crystal Palace on the 23rd of April 27 teen It s an impressive sequence you ve been caught though says it s not something they re going to focus on Don t think about it it s just it s just really it s not a ONE TIME TO BE MENTIONED the last game last 3rd in the last is the last one obviously don t feel to be no as well and I think. The stats are there to be broken so that s how it is don t tell them it s always nice to be the 1st one and after 2 an obviously be the team again do this each team could have done it but in most of the bars we have better and deserved the win or does the other 3 points out a draw or whatever so that s good but the only thing I m concerned about is really how can we be again in a similar. If possible in a better mood and shape as we were against Arsenal because that was attitude wise. Really high but highest level to be honest and that s what we have to do and not about what happened at last when up years it s night you look at it it s a number it s nothing else it s nothing else be it just had to it was clear we had to change things since I came here not only this but this one of you have to make the fault was again it s clear everybody wants to do that but they want stadium because a player most of the time there is 2nd game is there so that makes 100 percent and using your own crowd using the atmosphere as we all want to do that but still it s still difficult and we created a really probably easiest to go there. But it became more difficult for other teams to get something from here but it was all way off for a lot of teams still possible and we have to make sure that the day when it will happen. Will be in the future far. Far away And that s the target but the only thing we really can do is to give everything to morrow and if you do that we have a chance to in the transfer window that we should take it Joe do you think the place of thinking about all these records home obviously we ve got the winning sequence going on at the moment as well. I think so not not any more of a I think they are so well cheery and I m fine tuned in in their mentality now that they just seen some of those again they must win in the same way that they have to win the last game but I don t think they they count them all in the same way that statisticians do the media and fans the. Big games more again get back into saying before about momentum you know they need to start stark and now I think you know that that s what their priority will be not numbers it will be about just getting a victory but any any successful team any team that s going to win a title has to make the home ground a fortress and if that s the underlying point by this going back to 2017 and not being be in our field definitely you know all the good sides of the not that. They pick up those are way points here and then they pick up the that the big wins in against the lower the lower level seems and if you win all your home games you re going to be right up there I think you re right that any team would love to of the record that we ve gone I think it s it s it s wonderful to achieve men s. If we lose one we lose one you know but a main thing is that I think people I think the other teams are fearful of comes around Phil No We saw that with Arsenal you that week they were petrified Yeah I mean and tactically I don t think they knew what to do to know that I mean they were they were they were literally where all over the place and you know I think the really positive thing was as well at the end of the game when they did score. Little holes players were really angry with themselves that they they d let that go in. Because they played them off the park but I think a big part of that I think this is talking earlier aside about you know sort of the T.V. Games again you know it s a half 12 kickoff Yeah straight after the international break. We re just going to play is to get up for it well actually the fans are going to be afraid some out of as well because that was part of a big a big lift I think against Arsenal was that it the celebration of. Number 6 was still there against the top team it blew them away and I think if we can do that again tomorrow then you know there s no living with Liverpool at the moment at home but how much of the whole home atmosphere has changed in those 2 and a bit years do you think because I remember that policy game and I think it was going about people leaving early and all that you know I think it seems to me that he s even even has changed the crowd in the crowd mentality you can clap Yeah totally you know the fans have bought in so you can close approach it s an important approach it s one that s inclusive he seems to get what the fans are about we certainly get what he s about. The whole ground can celebrate as one. It s important that we don t source of our headstone trucker s as a fan if we can if we go go behind because at this seems actually got to the wherewithal to get back yes really but I think I think a couple of years ago maybe a bit longer if Liverpool what the goal behind all that was a straight pass or a ball went back to Minya like everyone was nervous and everyone was going you know it was a day whereas I don t feel like it s going to happen now not so it s only a great and I mean you know those people are still there and you still hear that groan you think are you know it s only 3 minutes just because someone s put a possum or a strat you know get let s let s get on with it but yeah I mean those things happen but you just hope that it s not loud enough to get into the into the heads of the players because that s that s what has happened and it s not just Liverpool and any club is like that and once once that rot sound sets in it s really difficult to get back out of it David Goodison I mean the waltz game I think was a really really good atmosphere wasn t it you just need more again it s the same principle isn t it fortress go to Susan and it will go a long way to Evan having a very very good season that s why I think I agree with Joey and I ve always been more never booed have never booed the team I ve always tried to get behind them and I think I think you remember poll the hardest time I had was when Khalid dice was there yeah everyone was going because it was awful it was just shocking doesn t help the players that it does it doesn t you know but then again I think we have a right at times to complain you know enough is enough and hopefully we did help get rid of that money. But now I always say I want to be entertained I want to have somebody for money but I grew just mean if you go team is on the top of the game and they lose a go after 5 minutes I can say I m old enough to mobile when we used to win trophies you go it was massive it was still win it could be nil nil half time our goal was still be peaceful until it s having that mentality and get behind it well it s. All right saying the plays of got to cope with pressure and adversity actually friends have got to do that as well as they have you going to start panicking every time there s the opposition score early then that panic will spread and all of a sudden it does transmit itself. To the form I mean the was game it was great you know we score they score we got but we still went from there I don t think would have done much to yeah I don t think I would have done it but it is great to watch this and I think also I know it sounds daft the siren thing I wasn t to the flags but it didn t impress me again but you know it still. Has the backing that but I think it s helping the crowd get behind the team and if you lose and you get behind the move more of a play struggling to score and then score for a little while you get behind them even more yeah and that s the thing to do but I feel for to some feel it could change in December because it s 20 years. Ago and it s time we were OK well I m sure we ll be discussing the details probably in the next few few months thank you. Travel and find out the road to doing is. Very good even Sultan all those who get beyond 6 o clock on a Friday bringing you better. Word of an accident south part of the M 6 or Cheshire 17 is somebody to 16 it cross one of the lanes out of the mall and to traffic looking fairly slow on approach to the. Queues west part of the M 60 because of a broken down vehicle earlier had him but from Manchester the road works around 11 I think still fairly pretty that despite the fact that all lanes been real Haydock traffic all struggling to recover because it works on the on the west side of particular needs people traffic lights pretty or anything else 517-4953 Shepard. Trouble. I guess recently and some of them like Chris de Burgh just can t help but sing along. To. The. Little. The late late Beatle show Friday night when she dumped your. Whole song B.C. Radio Maisie said. It s 18 minutes past 6 now Tom Davis got some much needed game time for England Under 20 one s the midfielder kept in his country in the game against Turkey and Marco Silva So it was good to see him get minutes on the rebels think it s important to seem playing. Dementing for me. Nor even for him was that he thought be maybe are not surprised but done with me already a blow to me to feel this was one of the plane that if you ask me free from seeing him like my hold on me to feel that I m not seeing him leave my home my all them if you even if he s with you can t play even if you would begin to dead in the international team because he d be with through central defenders in the in some moments the game but he d also be the for the far back and he said good thing to him is a very good solution for us if you can do all the 2 positions in the feel that way and even if a will be more to put in a position order as office you mean there were plans I spoke with him importantly for us even if you didn t play the season and some of the games like you were nor was not even and eventually the completion will be really tough not just to him will be for the others I answered to the other before the war so much is not because he was working hard because you are really working hard giving his best every day to get used his show has seen the squad enough coursing to India where and also and he s what I want from him yes to work really out of the left in the right moment when comes the dishes to him will be ready to do I said well he s our plan is not just 4th on for all the others but the completion will be tough in that position all full of his if position like you know all these solutions and this is what I want and up to them. Work because at the end I will make the last decision the normal my decision could have come from what they do during the week and of course in the much it does feel now David like it s becoming how to solve a problem like Tom Davis he s not he s not a problem I m finding it increasingly difficult to say wary where he fits in the Marcos Elvis plans I don t think you re not the only one Paul I mean the boy sound said and he s young. But you know we re going to fit in our team books this 38 games I m hoping that we ll have. Time to work out how there s this 30 plus $644.00 anomaly in that kind of broke up and how will this 50 games this season because you ve got to be optimistic and we ve got to go for now 50 games a lot even 38 games a lot but you know Tom Davis will get his chance and I think he s going to keep his head down keep working well the only thing that you know you say that but surely if Tom Davis is going to figure in much in the plans he would have played at Lincoln. Why didn t you also do you think I was even in the squat No and I commend silver for that because I ve been so frustrated of even said it here is we need a trophy you know we won 9 $195.00 since we won something on our best chances are the caliber of the F.A. Cup and I was so glad to sell plus strong team even though it is against Lincoln and even though after the 1st minute I did go out there. But I thought no go look at that team will will will will come back at them. And that s the thing with Tom Davis is keep keep he had down but it won t surprise me if at the end of the season we sell him and and he moves on will it be sad to see because he s a blue when when you look at the way silver price is that not helping him because it s this 4231 And again we re back to where can he play in that system I haven t worked out where it is now I can t because I think there was a no because he s more attack minded than defensemen the world who s going to compete with him there Gomez he s not a number 10. Elise we ve called the 16 number ten s we had on the. You know which leads to another interesting point for me is like bird. I was same with Joe before I ll be tempted tomorrow against Bowman to drop kill few circuits and just try but not him just behind Keane B. And which Allison give that a go but again we re not talking Tom Davis Tom Davis maybe could do that role so this. Is he you know he s a more driving midfield The familiar with the baton please eat this defensively I think he has to work but again when you look I m I m wondering now you ve got the likes of Keiron dowl John Joe Kenny out on loan gaining experience if if you if you didn t really figure that highly in the manager s plans then why wasn t he sent out online it was a good question and that as a said it wouldn t surprise me if at the end of the season Tom Davis moves on and when you think back to that goal against Manchester City it felt like the world was always dead and he did what was same with Look win was Newton and he s no moved on yeah these things happen and they will always be with best wishes and I think most of it s only his world with best wishes if he can t break into the team but you ve got to be realistic we have got to start challenging long term and this is another all of overtones Ukraine s was a it s a game of but a patience we re building the side you know those that you know you ve got bronze and silver there and they ve said this is not an overnight thing it s over the next few years know if you can fit in that plan great but otherwise I can see them building because you ve got to really get top players to break into the top 4 OK well sorry I m on I was quoted this week as saying me how happy is it and failed a lot of the scores of course on long term contracts spurred in the camp seems high as well and you re going to top says it needs to remain a great place to work 1st of all as they have to make sure that the situation stays like this have been all all like this with each other so we have a wonderful atmosphere but inside the group we are full of sensational atmosphere and about what you know what kind of atmosphere we have at Anfield so and if you if you go where we go in the world and the people and I m always really happy to see us at least I was a part of the so that s absolute special that we ve worked hard for that and we have to keep that how can you keep that if you stay trust the same or if you want to always on a focus on the next step to the next step improve try to fight as much as you can around as much far as you can jump as high a sick. And all that stuff that s what we have to do in any country like this yes it s nice to scrub is wonderful but it was always wonderful just as possible it wasn t always like this because of different things now we have quite a good basis and we have to use it and to use it and to improve it and all that stuff and then the boys have no reason to leave if they look like left or right and see the quality of players they have in the dressing room on top they like each other which helps a lot but it s not the most important thing but it helps a lot so that s something of course they want to use the opportunity which this club gave this team and I m happy about that obviously. So he s talking there about the team spirit and again I think we ve probably talked enough about the sala Manet thing from but go to take teams to team spirit dogs seem really really good doesn t it it seems it seems like they all get on even when they re not playing because sometimes players are very very selfish individuals and they will say oh if I m not playing out on the team to do well you don t get my impression a little pulled or not or not a moment no if I think the club has been an absolute genius in terms of you know manager not his leadership is clearly wants inclusive people know who s the boss book but at the same time everyone takes responsibility when they re out on the pitch you know Duckie thing the harping on about the bench issue but you know you saw military control. And it s just really appalling that s what a captain or vice captain those sorted out and it s just this is this is just normal he doesn t fall out with the workmates in their working life for whatever reason you know to. Good purpose or otherwise but the same time you know you get on with it you shake hands and you move on you get because for the good of the same the something something brewing here for Liverpool is never. On the on the back of that all the winds that they ve hot they ve got something even bigger to go for to strive for you know that they just will not supercop they ve got the World Club Championship in December. You ve got the Champions League starts on Tuesday night. Why wouldn t you think this is just the best club to be a part of at the moment well Milne is a very interesting one his name because his contract is up next summer so from January he can talk to all the logs would you be would you be signing them up I mean some people are going Yeah but you know yeah he s really fit the moment look at his age is it not also to do what he does in the dressing room course. He s a leader. And he s still not since a very young age. He s a quality player but equally He s also part of the fabric of what what the scene goes. I wouldn t sell him on respect his wishes if he wants to go back and finish his career at Leeds if they came well that s the obvious step but I could understand I mean whatever he wants if he chose to go I mean. I do wish him really really well because he s just been a fantastic 7 sores in O.E. It s kind of taken the. The veteran level got him McAllister to another level really. Because he s still got it he can do it he could play for the next couple of years in any Premiership Yeah yeah I m sure he could win this for East is the fit is guy a pre-season training and everything and I double what are your thoughts on the front 3 that you know the Sol I m on a in for me now in terms of them being rotated because we are now getting to crunch time in the season where the games are really going to stack up is this a chance for maybe should carry all the ox Tamara. Yeah I mean if there s I mean I think we ve got Napoli on Tuesday that s that s the biggest game of think in the Champions League. For that in that league bit for us this season so ducked we need a strong C.M. Out there are 3 away performances in Europe last year will go for a while from last all 3 for those who may be forgotten yet so you wonder whether that will. Is Mine will probably be a focus on Tuesday I mean I know it s not going to be if you look at the 2 games you d say Napoli is the heart of game definitely yeah but without doubts but I mean to be fair club just seems to think that the front 3 of the front 3. It doesn t rotate one lightly you know maybe I mean no because he s been away with Brazil maybe that s a that s a chance but you know he s he s actually played him 24 hours after before. Because I think those 3 can just rattle any defense and wrap them up in knots we short against Arsenal short against Norwich you know 2 or 3 goals or by our side if you can do that tomorrow then he rushed them for the 2nd Afghani and they re all fit and ready for Napoli on Tuesday she carries an intriguing one isn t it because he s not really have much of a lock and he didn t go away on international duty by his own choice do you see him having much of a role this season or is he always going to be on the periphery I think is going to periphery I think he just if he was going to break into that. Front 3 he done so by now. So I think it is very much a squad player. And probably isn t going to get the not the amount again sign that he probably thought he was going to get when he moved. And that s simply because the replays better than bought 3rd place or he s come out of international play and if that s part of his mindset to say well I m actually going to put me put the graft in so I get to get a game now then fair play to him OK it s just gone half 6 more from Marco Silva Now Alex won t be as hit the ground running in an evident shirt of course he made that cameo at Aston Villa and he s gone to score twice in the last 2 games we need He s working really well of course when one player in his position can score important goals for us and he their coffee does that was for Amy he needs all sort and I was method for us to keep working with him yes many things to work to keep improving the quality high i quality player in my opinion because that we signed with him at many many things to keep improving because he can really help our thing that s across. Until now is improving in one important thing because it s got Ingles And it s something where no was the 1st time we did it with him and the 1st one on the 2nd to share that we He s one of the things I. I told him to learn I will demand from more from him because one player with so many games in primarily playing as a winger or to be on the strike it is that the position he can play yesterday more of course is something that any man sees last season from our wingers of course you have the man from more from bad now to something there now less to improve also and fortunately for us he did the 1st all match against against what 40 something I want from 3 or so and of course from his shots and the shots and as this is easy instinct to score and then I want from the others also to score and it was one of the things I ask him and the other think he. Has to keep improving is our defensive process of course he has to understand better what is our the our 1st as well it is something yes to clear to improve and to keep working because yes yes everything is the improve because when you have quality and Alex has that quality to improve and all these things are you excited by Alex it won t be David from what you ve seen so far yes you weren t here when I was on for the start of the season with the transfer shenanigans that were going on and I did say I was quite excited that we got him rather than saw her. And I think they might be wanted to eyebrows raised when I said that because whenever I ve seen the world we play for Arsenal he s always looked impressive he s young. And I think he s an exciting player and as more of it to come and I think what Marco so was saying there you can see more than you really were talking about Liverpool s from 3 I m not saying we re at that level yet but you can see the potential of the Charlus and Keane they won t be 3 P.C. Players players or rich I was in the world we can swap wings if they want to. You know this is what the payment money for to watch I want to watch some good football . Out of all the signs that we got he was the one I mean apart from keeping gomers I was obviously delighted with that but ones that were. We weren t really expecting that was one X. Item and again it was like the last 2nd of the transfer windows cases in for slam shut there never shuts quietly does and I was just very windy. But you know that that really did excite me and. I just think it s great you know with having been out there. You know. It was he of enthusiasm my voice for once pull I m not doing gloom still optimistic but no it is exciting it won t be when you when you look at him Do you think he s got the potential to be playing as a number 10 as well he s going to have versatility and yeah he has but I wouldn t have a governor s a front as possible from 3 you know that s why I keep it and as I said before I mean I ve never been guilty circuses biggest fan of I ve never knocked him because I ve seen the benefits he s brought to the team. By certainly the Wolves game I saw a better Sigurdsson with those 3 in front of him but I still have a go tomorrow I m not in both down but you know they are one the strongest teams really I d love to see Bernard behind those 3 even if it it doesn t work after half an hour switch it round but you know this is where I think we have our number turns and maybe woods on some days before maybe he could develop into a number 10 role I think we re going off number ten s. So book sleeve 3 as they are front. He the right man to lead the line I thought and maybe I m being a bit harsh I thought he struggled in the 1st half against Wall Yeah I mean a he s 19 he doesn t speak much English I thought I mean some people those cringe worthy what muscle Bruns did well bring his mom but I think that s an important thing we will look after your son is about let him settle down he s in a foreign country but you know I can think back to myself years ago at 19 there was a Foreign Office and I m going to different places it s quite daunting to go to another country but I m going embassy where everyone was speaking English Yeah so but you know really put that into perspective he s also gets all know his teammates but the little touches that I ve seen from him quite exciting if it s not working and it s going to be physical you got dominant coverage live in Spring of the bunch ahead of television. Well you know I Ching towse and that s why I m asking because I you know I wonder whether I ve got I ve got no problem with Calvin living at all but Towson still seems like he s determined to make this work that s what I like about him we Kiri there he wants to he wants to stay and work and I d so love it to work out for Centocelle really world you know as I said you know trips to Turkey I m a go to the shiksas reason and region is great because of herd of efforts and because a chunk Towson It s not about who one of the gold is going to then yeah he s made his mulled over but you know but you ve still got to find the back of the buttons are but I think even against Lincoln that that had really be put across the boxing and he works so hard as well Towson has his work you can t knock it but you know OK so you ve got him all culverts 1st change than if Cain is coming off you saying John get on there are you saying the C.L. Get on that I think if you could still be mo bar put Santos known if it s one where you ve got 3 dogs at the back up put it on the cover it live in a well that s the Sheffield United game and that s back I know. The place to be to . Culture defend yeah OK despite the heavy exertions over the summer I study a man I am Roberto for me now is hit the ground running this season the tree have scored 9 goals between them in league and cup and look fresh as ever Liverpool legend Ian Rush as they ve managed to but they ve been managed rather very well over the campaign got to be careful that they don t go around the Christmas time you know them ultimately the lives of. The Manny s and sellers and then be fitted on their blogs because they re still they re still ticking over so we ve got to be careful are welcome Christmas in January. And you know we ve got to rest them and the Campbell games could ve taken past it s very very difficult. Creates a problem for the manager then you know when know if we can learn how to do which I know we will do and then. States face I think we will be in big competition with Manchester City for the title and a record 13 consecutive top flight wins and if you don t want me saying that s something that even the stars you played in failed to do that that s some achievement Yeah that s why we ve got a great squad they know you know when they play entertaining football as well and not so the good thing about it The entertain the football that they play is something people want to everyone wants to go most liberal and you know because they always They re also a schoolgirl and I think it s it s an achievement that should be proud of being 198990 when we don t that last time and they ve actually so nothing to show up go to the side there s a lot of people lives you know but them and I think that the rest. You know 14 Manchester City the money that they spent Liverpool and spent as much money we ve still got a division of the team. Liverpool Manchester City a way ahead of the rest I don t think people are going to argue with that and as as much as it pains you to admit it don t know don t know don t know it s. Liverpool and Muncie you think it s a 3 Yeah yeah yeah well I m never suppose I m not going to say you know if you can you can if you can still be honest it s fine being honest it s still early in the season if we re in the January and we re 5th or maybe OK are I m still optimistic this is optimism is killing me is not oh you know it s been fun would know when the next Darby matches the GONNA. Do Liverpool now have an advantage in the title race do you think with the injury teleport. Now you ve got an injury So Alison of me which is which is more crucial I suppose well. I think for us I think Alison s be quite frank because. You know that would. Keep in resources but but laid bare when they start the season. I think our dreams come in I think I think he s done well. I think at that one blip which you know Alison at the same time last season funny enough against Leicester. I think with Man City you know the ports are you know it s great player but there s plenty of opportunities to replace And I just think you know goalkeeper now is its significance and it s interesting because when you if you are going to I mean they re not really got a weakness sport if the port being now at Stone s you ll know a lot about Johnstone s I don t think he s he s not overly convinced Manchester City as you know I think you know Johnstone is great to watch if you like football on watching pure football I think I still doesn t seem to be in Johnstone which is a term you ve got to go rows that I m just clear the ball and stop so close it within your 18 yard books trying to play out there s a time just to clear it I think that s a weakness of Johnstone s. But then said I mean I m tongue worker hole Johnstone s is no but since I have seem to flourish around 2720 years of age yeah a little bit later the most outfield players and I think you since you re still going to see the best of Johnstone s but not this season perhaps know that I mean all to man the phone on the phone and Jeannie are going about it in back aren t that I understand the point you re making about Allison and I listen it s got to be a bit of a worry as now because I think proper said again today he doesn t know how long he s going to be out for which is on usual unless he s just being a bit cagey not to have any clue as to how long the players are going to be out really it does normally play those mind games really doesn t know really know so. As pessimistic as what you started with ready diabetes talking about after the instructor break in October that s what he means really and anything else would be an absolute bonus. I think for the I think for Man City as well I think you know I think stones as we link as well but the same time. Teams aren t attacking Liverpool in the way that they used to. Because they know how good the battle is and they know happens at the back to say McMahon city actually you know you can have a fairly weak or weak back for your Man City because people don t attack me and you go to 3 years ago money United I used to for St me the people you know teams would literally go not to get beat not to beat and I think that s you know that s a nice advantage to be in thought so you know that they are frightened and I think I think City will easily cope with the to be quite frank you would expect Newcastle to get up tomorrow when you go not to get beat rather than go to try and win the game yeah I mean I think this disc what is still very much Benita squad if they ve got the tactics that they ve still got you know Bruce is probably going to go as deep as he can. I think Liverpool of obviously got the resources these they Somali s those deep games that you know that it s it s it s not it s not big problem if they re if that if they play that way then you know so be it we ll still break them down but I thought in your way game last season was it round only played from for Newcastle and yeah it s gone now and he s gone now yeah but I mean it actually gave it gave the back of the box a bit of a bit of a rough time to go to Google. And this new play seems to be in the same old Joel. Elmer Yeah. But even then I thought I actually think you are but have got that sorted now as well so. I can t see anything but all of a pull when some are Oh and just on the entry from that Joe what about you know not be cater this is becoming a people as people are constantly saying now when Z. Back was going on you know it s the lesser spotted not be case of it is now I m afraid. I think is probably the reason I was saying your account way from Psystar plane probably for a few games or many did you know we start he started really well. I thought you know you thought he was a look he just before the Champions League finals I thought he was starting to get a bit of game time in a stance that shows his skill set but he s been out a long time now and similarly today is on think there s anything any specific time ever in coming back but yeah I mean the whole point you support him is because the absolute thing a little bit different you certainly offensively I suppose oxalate Chamberlayne to be fair I do is offer a little bit about as wild as me when he goes on but I think for me the Cape this season Sue and swarthy on the last season a key to Liverpool s you know sort of going forward but it s been 15 yo he just brought us the ability that allowed. For Mino in particular not to have to drop all the way back to the other side the other way line he can float around. It does mean the players who are going forward don t have to be as defensive because we ve we ve got you know the lighthouse look at looking after people. And I think yes would have brought a brought forward wrong but Chamberlain can do that she keep he can t do that when it when it when he when he s on form so I think we ve got we ve got all the varieties of players Bill cater was was going to be a class act and looked at and it s a shame we can all go on using the way that we wanted so it was interesting I was in the article with Adam Lallana today who. And in looking at him yeah looks like he s almost trying to reinvent himself as a number 6 as they say and he said the person he studied amongst others is for being oh yeah well yeah I just think he s shown himself to be the World Class player that would we we were told he was to be honest with you. Yeah. Playing a 15 year old in the way personally. I can see him throwing himself into the cycles the way for being No Doz and not. So fine model yourself on him but maybe change a game just a little bit yeah OK but with the guys in the sack and let s just go to waste on the road together. Travel with the latest is that Shepard Fairey good insults are pretty much part of normal and most of all good days of American attorney hall maybe just a bit busy still westbound the M $62.00 clear about from Manchester because it up broken down vehicle through the road worst hit or level. And that once we get beyond 7 o clock I m confident of things will be part of normal on that stretch set about a normal south part of the M 610 had an accident around 17 or so and looking good on the short run head as well where we continue to cast and work need to be peaceful traffic lights and if they don t get 851794953 Shepherd baby safe. Your voice your story I m not going to go into why I want you to. Well go explain go to go into that I want to know about your refer. To my dream when he kissed you. On your cheek he did it a long long long long time ago and sometimes that memory don t. You know she was lovely How did you get that close to put it this way I was never arrested for it so I m not going to tell you. That s a long time thrown in with me wonderful it s weekdays from 12 until 2. Whole self B.B.C. Radio Mazie site. Now Michael Caine was rewarded for his good form for Everton by starting both of England s matches in the last week he struggled to adapt to Everton style of play in his 1st season at the club but excelled alongside could zoom in the last campaign so how much has he improved since Marcos silver arrived at Goodison usually if you remember Michael Keane when he China Everton Football Club I was not a year but of course saying I was open and and that s when I joined the club analyze everything and I saw all the matches or so and using them and. And these. And the Michael did. Very very good work to achieve the level of very good season last season of course we did they help the everybody but us to the idea and us to disappear as well and chemical a single day to finish one and 2 to improve in my opinion was one of the keys when you come here to improve every day and with that came in your mind let s tool what the manager once let s sit in the stand the idea and the I.D. s is that one and he believes really that in that way he can improve and he didn t need it. He deserve the credit of course because he had now it s up to to him to keep working hard. To keep improving learning from not so good things like happened within the last the last game and moments to learn and keep doing now of course when you achieve an important piece when you re on a good level in your club. When you see the national team the eyes are more on on you and you have to when that situation if you do it with things fantastic you do not do things that flatten it out from there and keep working really hard to keep your level because if you want to it s not because when we think you know your level come along again and let s keep. Things on from the bad things that was Marco said without talking about Michael Keenan a few stories mistake for England obviously that s going to get attention is that will knock his confidence you wouldn t thought I don t think so Marilyn say life actually I thought I ll try and catch some of that game I picked the wrong half Yeah yeah you know you want to sack and I was the 2nd half game of football actually yeah I thought some of those plays are from from all. Of Us About were quite exciting. It didn t seem a very strong block for bringing us all that I mean you know I think you know just to single out Michael Kim I did see I was the reply but these things can happen and it s like I said you know it s early on the next thing is fine I want to have time . For want to come home and that s 515 I was the yeah but you know I don t think the bull from Barclay helped him to be honest that was the greatest ball in the world no other thing is in the top Barkley I was like Ross Barkley but I think he s plateaued he s not moved on really since he s gone to Chelsea very much because I want those blues that don t see him as those derogatory terms other blues call him and I was I was hoping he will kick on but with that said I ve looked at Michael Campbell Michael Keane the Burnley he was a really good sense of the. I also played his 1st season with them when he was playing with injury and people must remember that and he played through them I think Zuma was really good along some I think I could be wrong I think Michael Keane needs a more. A boss of a sense a half alongside him you know someone who takes that responsibility I don t think Michael Caine s doing the moment Mina seems to be he s playing well with being the . You know it s quite a decent buck for that we ve got no when when when you say it wasn t the strongest England back for you including Michael Keane in the assessment really to be that it was this joint or is it just didn t it seemed like for players who ve just been out of the car park before the subject for want to be the back for for England Maguire is going to start isn t a trend I don t think too many people can quibble about him being right back on the ice so don t you just it was defensively about again i to our hands of our watching when cricket more on by the way the 70 or phenomenal. So I was always checking but I watch that more rather than England the football team exist does nothing for me. Not that I m being Scouse not English I am English Yeah but it is didn t do much for me never has done but Maguire he s a good player he s great player. I just bring I ll just bring Joe in at this point because we re disappointed in a way that Gomes didn t get a run I know I know even if you re not bothered about England would it not being good for Joe Gomez to get a few minutes in his yeah definitely I mean you need Again sign don t you it s more important than that than sit on the bench and do nothing. So yeah. I think Gomes is it is a really strong prospect that they should be in it a major player with within within England and assistance of 5 Live. On the way back from somewhere on Tues night after I came I think they had they had they had 4 pundits on a ball also that their team for the we ll call all had gone missing and I think that was I think you know I think it s going to go messing McGuire all government came it was a mixture right. It was the it was the key player there the only thing with that. But if it s going massing keen as you get back to your point about a leader Yeah neither of them really I mean if Gomez is playing for Liverpool he s been alongside Van Dyke I d look or I alongside Van Dyke so I wouldn t go above 8 Yeah well there you go. So I think that could be an issue you want on Zuma he s had to tread for start to seize the scene any agenda that he said could you see evident going back in for him to get on your back I don t something s happening that it s just not clicking for me I think the racist abuse again I mean I m sorry I know. This may have been discussed last week whatever but you know what is this the fellas God no goal was given racist abuse and I m not just him I m afraid we re seeing. We ve seen. The Oh the young lad at Chelsea who missed the penalty. I mean Abraham to me Abraham you know. I m sorry but what s this about a player that missed the penalty a place goes in and go it happens how he came I watched on was it missed a penalty was there any racist abuse because he missed a penalty. The whole point plays do miss penalties I just think he s just awful absolutely awful book Zuma you very welcome I think I think most overtones will welcome you back. He seemed happy with those he doesn t seem happy at Chelsea and I think I think you have to have do you feel part of the team do you feel part of this set up does it feel like a family and that something like that you know which is great to watch you have it in the mode again which you listen to you go most as you listen to Dean the you listen to these but they all feel part of a family and I think Zuma felt that he doesn t get it jealousy and it s just just finally on the game on Sunday it s about time you have a performance down that was not really going for 41 for Everton one K. But if citizens the number 10 that s a bird is Number time if it s citizen 3 what you ve been banging the drum of and you know you ve been out for number 10 the wealthy because a lot of Marco if you re listening and just before we go Liverpool Newcastle tomorrow this trademark issue isn t going away is it Joe with your spirit of Shankly hats on you re calling for fans to do something tomorrow on you you know we just by just looking for support and solidarity for for the local traders really where it s called an independent state are asking fans come along to where the Independent is part of the fun culture both at Liverpool and Everton. So did she club culture some are Oh come along support the trader s But when you get new ground absolutely get beyond it seems that this isn t it this is not a protest it s just to show solidarity and support so that the team comes 1st and that s what s most important the only thing is I think most people listening to this will probably be the people who support the independent traders anyway not where the club callers you wonder whether the message is going to because the club support is so worldwide whether or get through and off I mean we try to put it out there we try to. Put the message across that you know that this is I can I can t I can even I might disagree with it but I can understand Liverpool try and search for a model of a Polish C L F C L F C T V All those kind of things that are associated purely with the football club to trademark Liverpool and that affects the 3 of us in this room . And I you know I don t think that s acceptable really so it s not just about for me about the traders want to give Show shot authority to them you know it s all it s also about you know our heritage and everything else that goes with it I m I right in saying that that have the clubs version of the live the bird is trademarked isn t it about Soares it s already trademark Yes that was done a couple of years ago well yeah don t you remember being a bit of a who are about yeah yeah so I wonder why now they ve decided to go a step further I mean I mean I ve got no reason to disbelieve missed the what they re saying as to why they re talking about the massive amounts of counterfeiting that takes place now kids particularly in the Far East but it probably did it did 2 or 3 years ago a lot that s what I think the argument then is flawed because you know there s no difference there and actually the local traders don t counterfeit goods they they they sell unique products they make their own designs. And we ve had them in that brilliant so you know I don t it doesn t square for me. The distrait and standards there s international laws that stock ounce of face in it doesn t have to be a trademark issue it doesn t have to be a football club doing it it certainly doesn t have to be Liverpool. Of difficult topic and intellectual property was very interesting haven t I haven t trademarked I haven t I think they have Yeah that s different evidence not a city it s a district restaurant and I think but it s the way it s written as well yeah so I think that some form within structural properties like capris once again purple Well I m sorry the more the things are purple you know the writing yes right. On the blue live a bird will have a building that s OK thanks very much chaps for argument and before we go trying to go to Oxford some are aside that Ravi set level on points within Lee. Mickey Mantle s might have drawn their last 2 games and had to come from to know down to Prince and park to a point against yelling don t want to have to score 3 goals to do you want to haunt him so we have to hear what card again or this we call one of the things that we know that that s going to make us competitive and League One but it was good to know all the boys will will fade. And a close will get rate the Hayne M F need to be but we want to make sure that we don t have to do it out too often. And all of the credit to them but it s it s been common for the way you know that the temple that what I ask and they play it they can action what I ask of a player because we know they are can play but we have to be League One levels of intensity for longer than to be fear of probably the ducks for the last 3 or 4 games now. And you see that the levels of performance good one because it up but no support consistency of it and the levels of intensity or the team make sure that new jobs come the usual responsibility to the team and you go and you can do your jobs intensity that s what going on in training. Pretty much for this is the start of the season and I think the players are getting used to working at their level. And then you re seen for longer in the games but like I say that is going to be consistent with what you re prepared from the FOS muscle to perform like that we ve been watching the games and for long spells we ve been sure on the necessity. Characteristics that s needed in order to try and get as opes will be sure not for we will know but ultimately games judged on scoring goals and not conceding goals for we have seen and long pass that enough evidence to suggest that we were going to or start to improve definitely it is a game that was going to use the jump to the opportunity when we had games because we have to look at the performance and we always believe we get a performance 3 the school to take care of itself for the performance of again Bill . And I think we ve seen over the last few games but. Be consistent but I m going to talk it with you because of the people that I got was a Mickey Mantle in their head of a game against Oxford tomorrow that should offer me I ll catch in the morning from 9 o clock for the Saturday show never get full exclusive local radio commentary on both games Liverpool and Everton over the weekend stay tuned the sport continues on AM and online Steve Roberts with the rugby league am I here on F.M. And da be Jermaine Foster with the main show have a great weekend your music your stories your life. B.C. Radio mare s inside. The evening at 7 o clock here on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside the latest news now from film on good evening a Southport man has been jailed after killing a Bulgarian National in the town hours after the victim watched Liverpool win the Champions League with his 2 sons Merseyside Police described the attack on 51 year old fences live marking of as nasty and violence and say that his family have been left devastated 32 year old James Peter Gelling has been given 6 years in jail plus an extended 4 years on license for manslaughter a coroner s found the teenager who died from an allergic reaction after eating a burger at the Byron chain had not been made aware of it Singh gradients owing Kerry who told staff he had a dairy allergy had food containing butter milk on his 18th birthday the company is calling for better regulations and the culture is so insistent his death should not have happened and we re calling on the government to change the law on allergen labeling in restaurants we want restaurants to have to display clear allergen information on each individual dish on their menus it is simply not good enough to have a policy which relies on verbal communication This leaves far too much room for error Boris Johnson has been heckled during a speech in rather him in which he insisted the government is working incredibly hard to get a break sit deal but he insisted the U.K. Will leave on the 31st of October. The Braggs a party are visiting Southport as part of a 10 days conference tour Nigel Farage will make his speech this evening as the party parades its parliamentary candidates one of their northwest M.V.P. s Claire Fox says the Merseyside town sums up the political state of the country I would say that no one party owns the electorate of can assume that their base will turn out and vote and so place where politics is so obviously close as South sums up for us why everything s up for grabs Liverpool s world famous Strawberry Fields will open to the public for the 1st time ever this weekend the new sites which inspired John Lennon to write his hit song now includes the original reggae TZ that haven t been net since 2010 major Alister verse felts is the mission development officer for Strawberry Fields he hopes the attraction will be popular with locals as well as tourists we are opening the gates for good and we looking for to seeing all these folks come and to share in what is a cafe a visitor exhibition a beautiful garden space it s not just for international tourists is either this is also for the local community and the wider mostly side and the weather sunny spells for the rest of the day before a dry and clear night the chance of some mist and fog in places with overnight lows of 7 degree Celsius any Misty patches in the morning will clear to leave a dry and sunny Saturday with highs of 20 Celsius B.B.C. Radio Merseyside news. But it s a Friday. Night to the promise of the. World well to. Plan for the weekend hopefully you ve got something fun planned and if not hopefully you ve got something nice planned maybe you ve just got a chill out weekend planned if that s the plan also imply had planned by planned keeping planned but I m glad though I m glad the you start. Weekend here with me here on the evening show and that was Mark that was a song called Marvin Gaye that brought us into night by Charlie proof and Meghan Traina and thanks to those guys up to say thank you to have walked out with a lot thanks to a sports has always put together a fantastic show for us as play usually. It is Friday so that means if you re a regular listening to the show you know how it works by now Friday is when we are joined by a guest someone local with an interesting story to tell and today sketched is no exception I am I ll be speaking to a very shortly a local award winning author and she s also the patron of the Smithtown lit Fest which is going to be going on very shortly they re heading is Margaret maffia The She ll be joining me here in the studio so do stick around to hear from Auburn she s written many books climb met crime mystery she is into that kind of thing so .

Radio-program , Association-football-terminology , Polydor-records-artists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Traffic-law , American-baseball-players , Social-psychology , Knights-bachelor , Major-league-baseball-announcers , Fragaria , Group-processes , Philosophical-terminology

Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20190912 070000

2 goals in his 1st 2 starts Jerry says England must build towards regaining the Ashes in Australia in 2021 as they head into today s 5th and final Test at The Oval knowing they can only draw the series level he will likely shell a 269 for 2 in their 1st innings in reply. Is 244 all I was going into day 3 of a county championship match that she latest sports at 830. Now Branford to be seen as the site. Thank you just turned 5 minutes by state Good to have you with us it s breakfast with. B.B.C. Radio messy side whether dry. Today through the morning one or 2 little. Is not going to last for too long the press you re right at the remnants of Tropical Storm Gabrielle that s going to bring some warmer temperatures with it as well quite a human afternoon 20 degrees Celsius 68 fire and hot once we get the odd little showers out the way today is going to be flying tomorrow into the weekend and into the early part of next week is going down so not just at that 25 minutes away let me just tell you that all lanes open that early a broken down vehicle on the M 56 a junction 12 a one of 3 was closed and about half an hour or so ago but the backlog seems to have moved. On the latest on the B.B.C. Weather and online B.B.C. Doco to U.K. . Now every area has its good points and its bad points crime an anti social behavior it affects much about everywhere these days sadly but more and more it seems lower body and people are saying that we just we ve had enough we feel helpless but we ve had enough in a minute we re going to be live in nets and we just touched on it briefly in the news there s a group of people. They ve organized themselves to encourage people to love where they live but woods that tackle antisocial behavior will find out more in a 2nd and St James s Church in West up here in Liverpool it s a Grade 2 listed building and with a history that goes by almost 200 years there s an open day that it s going to be on Saturday when to find out later what s happening then and there they ve got new people move in and the new occupants of the church who they will be and what the churches connection is with a famous line a famous Liverpool line the ill fated R M S Lusitania Steven guy is going to tell us a bit more about that what he does know about West Abbey is not worth knowing and we re back on the track with give me 5 I know it s Thursday we ve only got today and tomorrow to crack this but it was Merseyside 1st to them of Gonna Let You know what they are and we ll try and crack the others in about 50 minutes we ll open those lines of. People who live in Sanford and are organizing themselves to fight anti social behavior and crime where they live it s a new group and they ve started up and now that s And they call themselves the home unity encouraging people just to be proud of where they live and they just want young people to turn their back on crime bill is that an easy ask let s find out more right now with the man in the band who s out forest they sign them off it is inevitable. Yeah hi good morning Tony we re actually next to the never seen tippity Center which is you know it s basically a leisure center library and garden all under one roof which is near the restart for teenagers to do around here rather than running the streets getting both in antisocial behavior and other types of crime but that does still happen and she welcomed to local residents so says the real question is can this new group make the situation much better here with me is the leader of community Chris Kelly and sexting counsellor Kala Thomas Good morning to you both I know you want to have could well be here in any moment college but if I become chief 1st Chris what did you decide to just set up this for a set up a community me and to have around the problems that we see in the community we have and the number of firearms incidents which seems to be on the increase I. Was a resident and they said it s just a you know I just felt that we you know we had to community responds well to so you know when we have problems in the community you know if you look at it and say you know I kills but I have listened people big to communities made Saddam particularly respond amazingly to stuff like that so we we set the community face community me you know to give people an opportunity to respond to the problems that we go I mean let s be fair about this you know talking about setting up a vigilante group you know trying to reach play in the streets in the way say the Guardian Angels day done on the cheap in London years got you doing something radically different from that I mean it s not all like religion on theism I mean I thought that was actually one of the real challenges when you spoke to people within the community that the message that you got back was and we should be forming these vigilante groups and you know when I m around that the police should be locking them up and I m not I looked at the young people of this community and saw that it is not really the best response we ve got to these young people these are kids you know I don t I grew up being raised by pretty much everybody. I have my neighborhoods and we seem to have dropped that responsibility at some points you know we became very focused on on our own little welds without focusing on the currency that we live in I mean you want to make young people proud to live in in no that s and and doing things and taking a pride in their community how do you engage with young people who perhaps are not the best out of life in very disaffected they got themselves into a cycle of and the social behavior and perhaps crime how do you gauge with them and say look you live here you should be proud of the place you live in but at them thinking gaijin with Tim s difficult to be fair you know that I suppose the common complaint is that always hung around the shops and always a They re always there we know where the are and it s how we actually have that conversation with them that s important we it s about getting closer to the city young people in the community I guess and then to say some of the resources that we got available on a Macon an opportunity for them you know that they did the divisions within community at the minute you know with the pushing these young people out and fed sort of faded away and I m looking to kind of frontline services just to solve the problem as well as you know we should be the police s response it s the council s response and you know to the foundations to to create a better community for young people and you know the people in the community is about doing as much as we can put ourselves the city regime right when you raise the idea with local residents they started talking about you know let s just look them up when you explained what you want to do have they both change that now Chris s Prissy s approach is the one to go down Absolutely I mean yeah I think if you look at some of the events that we ve run to you know that Alexa community picnics a little pay X. And you know date these are opportunities we have a butt out there were in the community and you see young people get involved in that and you know actually becoming part of the community with you know will it s a way to welcome them. And back in I suppose you know. And I m going to repeat standing outside the leisure activity center here is that is there more for young people to do around this area it absolutely damning that just to so many like the census community centers to so many places the resource could places where people can engage. That we did not make use of and I think is adults we have a responsibility to kind of welcome them into these places and you know allow them to make it more of their own I rather than the kind of closed door approach of oh we don t want got lucky in here you know we we talk about anti social behavior at home like how the shop and precincts and stuff and we don t like this lot riding up and down a mountain bikes all the time and we don t get them anywhere but to go and you know in the shops these young people I hang around the shelf there s not one shop that employed them. Yeah that question just ability just just have what you say Chris I m just going to bring in council Thomas thanks as well councillor Thomas is with us at the moment Monetary Council. Good morning Tony it is never simple particularly blighted brought by criminal activity or does it just get its fair share like pretty much everywhere else. I think it just gets its fair share like everywhere else you always get and it s somebody who s got not going to play by the rules but I don t think it s anything different any better where else in this he said. Chris talking with Simon getting the message across to the younger members of of of the community it s bridging that gap really isn t it because I don t know what it s like when you grow up silly when I was growing up I always used to complain we always used to complain there s nothing for us to do there s nowhere for us to go there were places for us to go but we didn t see it it s like kind of the cool thing to do it if you like there s an element of that. There there is but again it s. Gauging with the young people to let them know what her titties are available in the local area I mean this absolutely lots of amazing activities and events that been put on in there that in by places like so very example the L. Theater community center yet another team feel good factory and local churches and businesses are engaging and we even have a fantastic community garden project but what about those who will insist on doing we leave the middle of the road all dressed in black in front of cars and the kids who are hanging around outside the shops and want to fight you even if you just say can we get in the shop might I mean are they really going to go on little picks. Yeah probably not but again that s something between all of our services we ve got to work to make sure that we give these people an opportunity of knowing that they can get out of that stuff style and culture. How conserved in council how groups like Christians the call community and I m guessing from what Chris said you know there s a there s a community there who knew you talk to you know constituents all the time you know they just they feel helpless and who are terms for the world to know I m not even going to go out Friday night or Saturday night because there s a gang going around on the corner and we can t really have that can we that needs to change. Absolutely and to be honest it s been an absolute honor and privilege to be part of this story and here obviously sharing a common vision vision of a community where everyone is included and supported and they re trying to give them the same opportunities as everyone else to be the best that they can be and live together in harmony and I mean I do family believe in the one named Robert it takes a village to raise a child and it s people from a driving range of backgrounds working together to create an environment where children and other people can flourish and grow you know what counsel I hear what you say but there s there s a little part I agree with you you know I would love to live in my community in harmony and not worry about I m going to get up from a car being broken into but. It s not just a pipe dream there s always going to be cried the always going to be antisocial behavior it s the amount isn t it that s what we re talking about here it certainly is and it s having ways to discourage antisocial behavior and I think this is where the community group is a group of residents standing together taking pride in their area and encouraging people to join in and become more responsible people it s a going to cost the council any money maybe to help organizations like community increases organization because you know money is tight at the moment. Well we ve certainly seen some devastating because it s in sector but again it s it s not really about funding search it s like using local resources and I think if we can do that we can show people doesn t cost much to be called and you know self-sufficient great. Council we re going to leave it there but thank you for your time this morning counselor account of Thomas also some offered he was there for us this morning talking to what Chris Kelly who is one of the residents down there who is the spokesperson for calm unity that s an organization that got together just to talk about what s happening in the area in that part of Sefton might be something you want to pick up with Roger Phillips is on the phone in from midday today. Good morning 817 Thursday the 12th of September let me just bring you right up to date now the latest B.B.C. News headlines the papers released by the government say there could be riots food shortages and months of disruption at ports if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. Without a deal and the family of a 76 year old with dementia who s been missing from his home in entry has revealed a body found him physically is likely to be his a Northern and transplant on trains they re going to be asked to explain today why their services have been getting worse over the summertime in Sport England go into the 5th Ashes Test at The Oval today trying to avoid losing a home series against Australia for the 1st time since 2001 at the visitors they ve already claims to Evan they ve already insured their winter and help with the ashes regardless of the outcome of that particular much. B.B.C. Radio and I site travel right it s been a fairly busy all morning things have started to move again but the long delays due to earlier overrunning roadworks this is on the M 6 South well before junction 27 the crow this is Standish congestion back to Lakeland junction 28 travel time of the moment is around 35 minutes all lanes have been real. But it s just that button that clearly on the length of the small in the A $588.00 this is hey don t like human traffic on the legs. Between the 858 this is Liverpool Road the pew for traffic lights you might know that as on the M 6 junction 23 Hey Dog anything changes we will let you know but if you can give us a call as well if it s safe and legal to do so give us a ring on the Travel line it s 815-179-4095 extension 3 B.B.C. Radio Merseyside trouble. With $49.00 DAYS TO GO TO BE day October 31st we have no parliament we have no general election we have no deal for breakfast and the prime minister may be going to break the law about asking Europe for an extension just what is going on and what could happen well this Thursday March time we re aiming to answer any questions you may have with a political expert in the studio as well as our political reporter Mika Hamill said what difference joining us from too well is their state how to deal with their I don t imply never thought that was that was showing off was showing off I d always include a Thursday joint as mid day let s say like that if we can do it we ve got to say Joy knows yeah we from 7 I think OK join us we haven t we dissect who s got the message is owed to them I think that s in sync or not the message just come over people know not solution. That s the only cure and even speak at the same time I m going to say this to you Steve. Spiders why the size of tripods from War of the Worlds rolling across me carpet when I catch up with blinders did you not read the article only that I know what the spider article spider weekly spider weekly spider weekly I m going to say my spider senses were slightly Walsh s at the time and time again we don t they just say listen I ve done all I need to do a little web that you walk into of them all. And that you don t see that in all of us and then you fight with the invisible man trying to get it off right he s already feels how it s over time I go in the gallery with today way I mean to the spines or something that you say some of them are as big as your hand are they really big is they re not your very small hands but what you know if you light one of the Lilliputians they were big when no goal of the was big the Lilliputian just fine neither was just close our close far away so he Global was close yeah they were far they were both the same size is that the way it works I think that s what the spell the whole spider thing to they were I mean the very intelligent creatures spiders they are and yes a traveler they are very intelligent very raid but why do they wait you think they all get together and say you know what we can have a little run across the carpet whenever we want but what we ll do we ll wait till everybody sat down and relaxed and then we ll go free so you ve got Stevie spider and his mate Tony agony among going. To see out of the house over at LAX Now look look he s taken his socks off he s roll them into a ball he s hidden them beyond a caution he s relaxed go go go in the spider go and you go there you leap or yeah feet off the floor etc That s it I know I mean I m not massively afraid of spiders and if. There was a time when I would say I was going to bad Yeah and I d go. This is what there is on the wall you know and I couldn t go bad without getting in a call because I never kill spiders get in a company what out the window Yeah but you slide the paper underneath the lens and then you throw out the window to its death no I mean no it is like a legendary door so I let it roll down. The road I put my daughter only but she s going because she killed the spiders that s what that s what she did she kill us and she would know this bullet is in the room so I said what if you didn t have a killed so why did you kill knowledge don t kill kill the spiders not because it s because they come back in the night and they crawl into your ears if you kill them they tell the press here they re angry that s right they come and they say that little girl you know let me more in the night wait till she goes to sleep crawl up and I was in there is minimal I heard him and I m a I am I imagined you then kind of doing it in a sort of a and Wells voice it s all going to. Come back 10. To me Richard Burton who are the world s No one would have believed in the last years of the 19th century that spiders would crawl across the carpeted floor and to be in squished by young and then the revenge the smaller spiders crawled into areas to tend to. That was it was. That was it was very far the new one would have been. A 20 fold giving 5 we didn t do it yesterday because we were riding along on our push bike holding and we are looking for Merseyside firsts 5 Give me 5 to have go home 1st council houses him as he sighed the happened in $869.00 well in the soil heat sink 1st one in the whole of the contrary evidence and go to some path they are called to float credit kind of words I feel that every all the rest of the day they caused because I m only so he was so good what happened was it melted all. The ice and snow and the drainage the water drains couldn t cope so the dog it all began never thought it through they never thought it through this is ever since of course they did not. Come our. Rights we ve got 3 to get one is a club that you could join and it wasn t a night club I play another one is would give you a song back and you go look at that it s a good place for that isn t it it s a good one I like a one is a pain in the neck will give you a pain in neck and the other one is a club that you can join and there s another one on there that I can think of a clue to no water that we can t recall right so Merseyside 1st please give Steve a call. The spider is coming out party to me that I m VERY away 373193 double 3 then why don t you go again with. 087-3193 doubles rate. That is they give me 5 for today now we ve got an incredible story I do I love these stories I really do I m a big fan of local history and if you want to pop over to Liverpool s historic Lusitania church Saturday it s in West it s opening its doors to celebrate and just mark in new era in its history and its history is 172 year history includes exciting plans to extend facilities as a community hope as well will Stephen guy has been a regular guest on the program over the years he s going to be provided tours and some amazing incredible stories for you on the day and night you see the tell us a little bit more about the church now Stephen good to see you hello Tony who knew the Lusitania church tell us more it s a little known German in Liverpool I ve learned all my life I mean but people outside the area the West Avia area don t know if it s a wonderful class memorial it s about 1045. Put a cross near up on the wall it s like a stained glass window. But without the glass if you know what I mean and it has to be seen to be believed why did it come from that s the great mystery and you know what we ve been researching this for a long time it was refurbished 10 years ago I ve been doing research other people have as well with the West stop the society and we don t know who paid for it and we ve discovered that there s one name on this memorial because what makes the memorial unique in Britain is that has an image of the Lusitania on it and no explanation and as we know the Lusitania was Liverpool s favorite line a lot of people of Liverpool whose ancestors worked on the Lusitania and one of the names on this is a young lad a 19 year old called Elliot Joe Elliot which is he was known as Joe but his real name was author and he lived in 61 Moscow drive and he was one of the lookouts on the Lusitania and he went down with the ship and he s only your loved 130 Youngblood and I ve researched him I ve been to the house the house still there it s an ordinary very ordinary house his father s also named author and he was an assessor of water charges whatever that was a terrible job so I don t think they could have paid for it you and I have known each other for a long time and I m guessing this is a real stone in your shoe not being able to find out more about this over the road with the Hudson family they lived in Holly large house I mean so many people listening now a lot of them will of gone to Holly lodge the house that Phyllis such insane was a relative of the Hutchinsons of holly large house she lived in Pittston she was only 24 and she went down on the ship. They are paid for it possibly possibly the Lusitania we see the propeller down of the dark don t weigh Yeah she was she was torpedoed top either by the Germans in 1950 and it was a terrible atrocity and there were 1200 people died. It was awful she sank in 18 minutes so when I sort of went into this I found the family actually lived. The maybe people listening who remember the Elliotts. Murray his mom lived according to the register directories to $955.00 so relatively modern times yeah comparatively I mean I for example if he had to I would be able to remember right here I was only a kid but his father died put to the edge but 945 probably less people might but there may be people list I m trying to find out about the Elliot So you kind of knew when I mean Moscow did say Moscow 61 minutes and I think that s a big old right next to Kremlin Dr Stanley craft yet so there will be families who will know the Elliotts or the Joneses was when he thought sang kind of thing the church now Stephen is used by the same Thomas Indian Orthodox project and they ve got some big plans for and we have big plans I m involved in that as our chairman of the star be society. And. We have a lot of the the main points of it are is obviously the Lusitania want to wait out a study area because it was such iconic ship such as usual and unique monument. And we want to put say a couple a ship models next to it you know that would be great organ lessons concerts and very importantly bell ringing in that band because the we have a lovely set bells that s the same Thomas this is it now is formally of course St James as you know. And there is a shortage of young bell ringers in Britain and also young church or contests and concerts just. By young I mean under 30 so so and the bells at that they re all all ready to go in good condition how do they know they need to reassess what we re going to do in a suspect shortly here before we take that forward we ve involved. At the local schools we re having the open day the young people will do a presentation from St Thomas s the congregation of St Thomas s. From all over a little warm and a lot of them a lot of St Thomas Gratian work in the N.H.S. So they come to the church they re in the process of signing a lease from the Church of England right for 25 years so it s an exciting day for us this is I m Saturday on Saturday any time between 12 noon and 4 o clock this coming Saturday I might be surprised I did the job not so long ago in wholesome. I think it was St St Georges in Holton and they have bell ringing is there so a lot of younger members so it s still a lot of you may not be kicking but if. You need more you know we re in will they learn what s Dobby just by the jolly Miller if you too far and the last tour will be a 4 o clock so to drop in any time there is food for thought wouldn t it be nice if somebody just turned up Stephen and said they re selling your family you re looking for a R for you that s where they were that s why it was called Joe and that s why it was this and that s particularly a photograph of young Joel you re right that we can get that stone out of the shoe but we will be great Stephen always a pleasure to see you thank you very much indeed and the time what time do we need to be there then on. Saturday 12 noon 12 mo will be filled and it s all between 12 and 4 o clock right so. Even thank you thank you Steven guy from the West Historical Society 28 minutes 9 hours to get the latest B.B.C. News history of old Good morning food and medicine shortages long queues it shall crossings in rioting on our streets they re all situations the government s considering is part of it s no deal Breck s it preparations ministers claim the operation yellow How many documents contain the worst case scenarios the family all of a 76 year old from Aintree it posted a message on social media revealing Merseyside Police believe a body found earlier this week is his caravan who had dementia was last seen in July and. Being questioned on suspicion of murder after a baby died hours after being pulled from a river in Greater Manchester the boy who was thought to be almost want was rescued by firefighters in Ratcliff and sea with the region s rail operators will be asked to explain today why their services have been getting worse the latest performance review found more northern and trans Penang trains were late or cancelled this summer compared to last year you whether it ll start a very cloudy day in store expect rain at times 2 is the tail end of Tropical Storm Gabriel arrives on Merseyside 20 Celsius is the tropical storm a fellow because of being called in to Gabrielle all morning. Oh this is it Gabrielle. I don t know how you made me think now we ve got a really good balance with you say Gabriel I d say Gabrielle go OK it s always going to be warmer anyway that s all. B.B.C. Radio travel. This is towards greater Manchester long delays over any road works on the M 6 southbound Standish way congestion back to LA and that s junction 28 travel time of the moment just over half an hour all the lanes are very open but look it s 25 to 9 it s the rush hour it s going to be busy also on the lines as well the A 580 the use like road queue in traffic between the A 58 that s Liverpool Road the pew for traffic lights where it meets the M 6 junction 23 Haydock do give us a call if. You have any more details on anything that s happening now this morning or 151 if it s safe and legal to do so of course 015-171-4095 extension 3. P.C. Radio may sound. Jamie Carragher is talking about is this mind games is it all or was possibly I mean obviously everyone knows he wants Liverpool to win the title but maybe feels that if you actually says Liverpool win the title this season that he might jinx it so there could be an element that I don t know how superstitious he is but he believes Manchester City will be once again lifting the Premier League trophy the X. Reds defender is brain speed. King after playing in Vincent company s testimonial last night and he reckons it will be neck and neck for most of this campaign though just like last season I do feel around Christmas time Liverpool and City probably will have a substantial gaffe to sort of looks like there s a bit of a gap at the small boats I still think city of favorites and City are the best team in the Premier League at the small because they win the Premier League and you know we proved proven that last season so I think it s still for Liverpool through to overtake city you know the more incapable Meanwhile 18 year old Paul glass all signed a new long term contract to Anfield the strike his deal comes as he continues his rehabilitation from long term knee issues suffered in the pre-season friendly a tram A Back in July Marco Silva is challenging Alex to continue providing high quality creativity in goals as the deadline day signing aims to build on an impressive start to his Everton career the 23 year old forward schools in each of his 1st 2 starts for the Blues cricket in England go into the 5th Ashes Test at The Oval later trying to avoid losing a home series against Australia for the 1st time since 2001 the visitors have already insured they ll return home with the end regardless of the outcome of today they lead the series $21.00 so keep the trophy even if England level it up it too will be more Lancashire in a strong position going into day 3 of their county championship match with Darbyshire at Old Trafford the riverside a 269 for 2 in their 1st innings in reply to the visitors 244 all out is a lead of 25 runs goal fun RORY McILROY has been named P.G.A. Tour player of the year for the $21819.00 season it s the 3rd time in his career he s won it meanwhile he might be ranked 13th in the world but South Wales Tommy fleet was recovering from a bruising round of golf where he lost to our very own Ian Snowdon snobs paired with the fellow ever to legend GRAHAM STUART managed to somehow beat the star and his dad during a round of form behold he came on the phone on snobs and is this week and he wasn t happy you don t want to do you and Tommy s confidence I just don t see the girl in these my own what don t always. Do you. Take it well that. It was a meal after the round. From 6 o clock on the podcast. If possible of course it was possible. Celebrating double figures today you ve hit the Big 10. Dad and little sister. And I Lexi I m going to. Spend money and I m going to do this this is a bit of a belated one I m really sorry about this. They were 11 a few days ago at leas and Ruby and that as well. I hope it all went well for you and anybody else who s got a. Cold . Thank you. That s. Just. Something. To take. I m told Brady that type of swift and shake myself no I m just having you having a brief me she can t model for quite some time yeah shaking it off yeah yeah but that s all you got to do all day say nominate one song Happy Days happy days the amount of holes are going to fly morning Sandra morning when the ads will be worried about the spider is just get some conkers put them on the window ledges no spiders simply. Does not was. Because a little fleas live inside Kong because they come out in the night bounce around get back in the day didn t know that. Hot little longer trying to hold on to hope and that trap Oh I remember that well you know what do you remember that you want is a big. For now if not. From Millie from South Africa originally tried she said don t worry me when I was a little girl we used to run she was running across the ceiling. That s why you moved they don t want to you. Know in no way will be brave saying spiders don t bother us raw think that would bother them. It would definitely bother me as well you know the tiny tiny tiny ones people call the money some money supplied to some my mom used to take them and put them in a pass at least mine Would you don t get crushed no idea I think the idea is you know a bit superstitious but the money spot is in and they ll create money in the purchase I don t think you want to scream if it works we ll still be in on Tuesday for everybody we need to get a nice local radio at its best represents. You know you don t get that in Radio 4 I mean we don t and that s why we love it and that s why we look exactly right let s see we ve got this morning on Gimme 5 We ve got Michael is in Wallasey Michael you re on the air don t sweat morning Michael try to avoid up now do you how are you very well help you out so you Michael you give me 5 What you got for us the world s 1st commercial hovercraft. Lisa. And how long did it run for family so to reel just one season it wasn t the reliable. Truth to point it would do it. How long did it how long did it take to get from the cell to real I don t know because I never went on it but yeah you know. I thought about 40 minutes yeah so I got the thing is though if it s a little bit choppy also a bit windy and I suppose not knowing that much about Albatross but the conditions would have to be perfect otherwise it be cancelled Sheila much did the reason make sense would I think it sank a couple of times it really that s a good idea and it s a good reason to cancel it s Council sunk it sunk in real did yeah and that was everybody all right I thought there was anybody on it but. Failing that just felt right you know yet take it out a little bit dry it all. Down with a child yeah go tell it yeah. Yeah yeah right OK Is it on that test before giving 5 This way the 1st commercial of the crap service from least so surreal. To me I. Know that you know why I wish it was still going though that would be because we think need to be improved. Stability improved really well maybe Mail has improved he says we ll have to prove they ve done all the films when there was no real phrase Michael Moore just like coming up the embankment at least so much that it was yeah big big propeller on the back blowing it low paying no do it to propellers and it just sort of came up but now. They are still being concrete but more because that would have been a sight to behold Michael listen thanks for planes and some lovely pictures will raise this money on my to do well in the mind s eye I could say for me Take care and you saw it but I cannot swear in my. What we have the swearing Council yesterday didn t wait but we did the trend started didn t she and then she then she went off every proceeded to tell a friend the actual words she was nearly sad here she went she said she was standing in the background and she went Oh I just said on the air over there I said it would only air now do it again you just said yes in the city center morning I am going to hunt you may go all the way OK All I want to go for is a. Thank you. Although I. Think it s. Right which is in the museum of Liverpool isn t it I think it s there now it was. You re right it s a Ford Anglia it was the 1st one to roll off the production line at Hillwood I think it was in it. And the echo ran it as a giveaway as a competition back in the day and the fellow who couldn t drive so if you so we gave it away all your entering the competition of yeah that s right why did we even enter the competition I think was in the early 6364 something like that was what. We call it. Yeah it was like a beige greenie call it was. OK And if you ve seen the Harry Potter films it s the car that they fly not that one but it s that model that they cling so sought after now I things like that yeah cause I mean then you would have just been like yeah what would you have one you see him on the motorway sometimes going to car rallies you know all that s nice what you have want NOW Not really no good to come to to and from work in the winter is no way I can fall apart you have to wind. That s right yeah you be like that. Yeah that s it little flag on the left little flags and the right is it on there are. All the ones with Snoopy. Of the great ones oh yeah believe you. We were Yeah well I was good on something and I want to greet know if you don t respond Yeah right flight insane. Well it ll be well it s been such a success that and it s been we re all year of culture isn t it part of the maze Mazie region and and you know I do tell you because you know the amount of history they ve got over there and the parks fantastic parks pretty good to talk to you might have a good day don t take my chances I was stymied on May sound like we re not going to get 3 tomorrow while we re not going to get through some of it s not going to way that s twice stymie has been mentioned from the song it was sounds likely some kind of high infection now stymie is he was a goal for wasn t you know the way someone in snoo could well stymie was a golfer and something happened something happened with his with his golf ball and he kind of snoo Could somebody else with his golf ball and it was known as a stymie and being stymied I ve never thought so they are and welcome to Q. On. Its plates. Miley Cyrus a nothing breaks like this is B.B.C. Radio Merseyside it s not a club now the latest B.B.C. News Julie of old Good morning food and medicine show a long queues it Channel crossings and rioting on our streets that old situations the government is considering as part of its no deal breaks it preparations ministers claim the operation yellow How many documents contain the worst case scenarios the Labor M.P. Hilary Benn is chair of the commons breaks it can make a low income you don t have to spend more Thea food and if you re living in Northern all of the government says you don t have to spend more electricity Now why would any government knowingly impose that consequence on people and that proves why it s a really bad idea to say you re going to take us out with no deal the family of a missing 76 year old who has dementia has posted a message on social media revealing Merseyside Police believe a body found in physically his P.C. Care of and was last seen it is highly inane tree back in July in the statement his relatives explain they ve been told the clothing matches his description although D.N.A. Testing will take several days before he can be formally identified a man s being questioned this morning on suspicion of murder after a baby died hours after being pulled from a river in Greater Manchester the boy who saw to be almost one was rescued by firefighters from the river well in Ratcliff residence in methods North Merseyside have told us they ve had enough of violent crime and antisocial times come out 1st 20 balls we ve we ve asked really good questions and everybody in the back quite a lot so don t feel like we re. Our way you weather a dull day lots of cloud right now expected this afternoon highs of 20 Celsius it will clear away overnight so and those winds will ease as it drops to 10 Celsius tomorrow will see the sunshine written though it will feel much cooler B.B.C. Radio messy side nice. Every weekday morning B.B.C. Radio. Great suggestions as ever this week little feature of song after 9 o clock were all the songs are connected in some way songs that you never knew would cover versions nearly what about got my mind set on you which was a big big hit for George Harrison but originally done by James Ray in 1962 George had it in 1987 can you do that one says Alan the cabbie Yes it s on if you ll go today I. Said. But it s still a take.

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Upsize with the view in mind that they were going to demonstrate how to play and when local British footballers or British footballers realised what appetite there was for the game over there there suddenly became this trickle and suddenly a real flood of players going over so Hogans rolling go into Holland relies upon that it also relies upon the fact that Chelsea thankfully in $1007.00 went over Tolland and try to ease the political tension between England and Holland because at that time of course we were still in a very tender stage of reconciliation following the Boer War So when he went to Holland it served the political as well as a sporting function and when he when Hogan was in Holland in 19 wasn t so successful the real big turning point for European football a key issue for European football in the moment when it all changes in my in 1012 in Vienna when he sets up the very 1st training program the 1st formal training program in football history alongside Mizen was part of crisis me in that was held there so fast in a moment in time and was successful enough as opposed to be asked to coach the Netherlands that right yeah 1910 but that was a weird point because he was only asked once the manager of the coach of the Never International saying was of course the great Everton player and he had been there and and under Chadwick Paul and were doing some great work I mean they were doing well in the Olympic Games which was the World Cup of the day but the Dutch gave you gave Hogan the drains for one game which was against the Germans and unfortunately even though Holland won they didn t win with the time swagger and the same Breo that. Introduced into the the Dutch national set up over there and so Hogan was was withdrawn from that role meant back to the big club manager in daughter for the rest of the season and you alluded to. Political attentions of the time of course World War one came along and when he was he was interned Orson That s correct year 914 I would went over to Austria here he d actually been able to get the job when he went to the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool you know the famous wedding cake of a hotel you got over here and there was a number of a number of German clubs were seeking to get professional British rulers to go over to Germany in order to help them train for the 1912. Year sort for the 1916 Berlin a limpid games this was in 114 when that meeting 1st place and by by reason of some skullduggery and circumvent its communications the understanding that he wanted a coach over in Germany kind of tension of minds or in Austria and so after coaching in Austria and 12 oakum was taken back to Vienna in 1914 and while he was there was declared a buyout 6 weeks after he 1st arrived and it was such a shock because if you read Churchill s book about the world crisis he makes it quite clear that in 114 you know in the spring and in the early summer of that year there was no notion there was going to be an international conference we didn t realise that there was going to be like a huge global scale. You know military war that was going to take place and unfortunately matters took a turn for the worse after the assassination of President Ferdinand over in Sarajevo and Hogan was called up as a national in Vienna and imprisoned in the local police station there and served out the rest of the rest of that part of the war under house arrest in Vienna helping an English migrant camp or with their children in in the backyard as a sports master for them yeah and then after the war he ends up in Liverpool as connect family connections in the book well yeah now that s one of the big mysteries not a massive mystery but it s a bit of a strange story because he came. Back to Liverpool and stayed in the Knotty Ash area this was about 1919 when he was repatriated into the United Kingdom and he was working at Walker s tobacco company I don t actually know exactly where all the saws I vaguely It was on Scot erode but this is the weird thing to me Hogan to gone from being the manager or the coach coach of N.T. Budapest they had the great Is collection of footballers probably in the world at that time some astonishing star players Schlosser. And you know or brown and then when he came back to England Hogan was was living in Nazi as he was taking you know you know walking over to Scott Road but at no point did he go to own field and no point to go to Goodison and the reason for that was because the great divergence of course between the European conceptualization of football and the British conceptualization of football it was a much more professional set up over in Europe where they respected trainers and they paid trainers a a considerable king s ransom was over in England you know if you sway swag across the muddy pitch with your bucket and you know your rag to to cut a gash in a you re probably going to get paid pittance rogue and thought well look that s not going to pay me so I m just simply going to stay out of football Well I mean England Ashley Hein is my guest on Radio Merseyside sport the south to new and I can tell you that Southport have taken the lead away at York David Morgan with the gold York nail Southport one we ve already told you the Chester A leading Gardley by golds Well what about Tremayne a prince in part Derek. 12 and it s got it was almost ran me one chilling in the 16 minutes David perk it to the club all full to Pall Mall inside the penalty had not turned by him and he killed a shot beyond Jack Barnum in the drilling and gold unforeseeable in the came back up the post and tram it couldn t force the rebound in so almost nearly girl here since then a long career in Spike Scott Davis more than causing problems again inside the penalty area but down under pressure but. Referee Michael Shara how one of the children waved away cars children were concerned when they got a bit of possession certainly but the biggest tension I m so far from along. I don t know can you stay just this 112 minutes and it s. Derek thanks very much indeed I mean the company Hina has written the book to me Hogan the greatest football coach ever to Fascinating story the more you look into it because then he is travelling across Europe again to Switzerland where he had a great deal of success Yeah the that the Swiss at that time of earth just had a bizarre appetite for British coaches of course after the war what happened was that the the Football League decided in in its probably lunacy to increase the number of clubs within the football league so that s where you get the 3rd Division and the the the increased number of teams so I think we went from 22 clubs to 44 clubs and what used to happen before the 1st World War Remember between one in 06 and 914 we had the great period of democracy in British football history you know in English Westry where teams who probably achieve nothing before and certainly nothing or very little since were able to to really gain a real foothold teams are automatic for instance come in with you know a goal or couple of goals of but you never in the 95th they need a championship is a case in point but after 1919 the Football League decided we re going to exponentially increase the number of teams within Europe the problem was over within within England the problem was was that by doing that you robs the old style of transfer and what happened was that the clubs in the 1st and 2nd edition would use a go to the local leagues in Birmingham or go to the northeast and pick the star players and bring them in transition them into 1st same and it we had like an amazing quality of player in this country you know up until say the 1st World War Unfortunately with that increase standard started to drop the Swiss in the. 19 early 1920 S. However saw the English of the old in the old coaches at Hogan and and Teddy Duckworth so I bought these these British coaches over much of the consternation of the European academics and then you had this amazing incredible situation where tiny Switzerland were able to punch above their white in the most classical of the Olympic Games in 9024 in Paris where they won their why all the way over to the gold medal match against the fabulous you acquire and saying they lost that match unfortunately but of course I introduced the great rival of the system of defense it was one of the great tactical. Initiatives of European football and there we were in the midnight in twenty s a time of light La Bella park where like the great football artists were playing and in Switzerland Hogan was part of that story Ashley home with me in the studio on Radio Merseyside sport more from Ashley A more on a very very shortly no goals a prince and part again stealing in Chester leading gallantly by a goal to nail and it s York nail South Pole one. B.B.C. Radio. And we can get the latest on the roads now with Gary King. Good afternoon there the M 62 looking pretty good actually moments no problems with roadworks in there who s interchange on the M 6 the croft interchange Lane had the A 579 home with a kid lane northbound that is looking a little slower the moments between the M 6 and the A $57.00 so that s an Helens a $58.00 on LINQ way west just usual delays there the moment around the Carrington roundabout mercy railroad place from bad service running this weekend between Kirkby and sand hills and that s all because of planned engineering works if you spot any of the problems too because we ll never be safe and legal to do so on 015179. 0953. Nodes in Dave s every day from 6 o clock how on earth could that not have been a red car did you see the one Alastor at that no I didn t it was just the. Ghost of a although they don t do anything about the now and then the one with the villa like Judd Gregg. Everything I want to write anything about it. And it is right but if you know what s on the plate I m sure you have good we do that with this squared when we just really she said Joe But then the new castle with a Navy SEAL and you know you don t like I can only hope that maybe you re on the ground you know that now we ve established as nodes in days with pull souls every cheese down from 6. B.B.C. Radio Maisie sighed. And without further ado let s get over to Princeton park where I believe there s been a gold Eric Jones I m afraid it s gone the way of the jelly get a cold left hand side one and then taken by all the lay it was driven deep and hard towards the far post on the end of it Max aim of the Julian Captain Scott Davis the terrific reaction save kept the ball out but there was the gold poacher Alex Kubiak very closely the line running off it was close to him as well but she could be at forcing it over the line and Julian have the 1st strike in this one illegal for Julian that. Julian was so to try making get back into that what about. 18 minutes gone stir just a still leading by that early goal from a cause he has some say that had to make a substitution Kevin Roberts limping off with what looked like a far injury and youngster Jamie Morgan coming on for his debut for the club the could have easily double or advantage on 10 Hughes having a close range effort blocked on the line following a corner on the left them a couple of little half chances on to James Jones. Another to use but unfortunately both of them just going wide of the upright chest on one guy s lean next nail and Southport still leading by a goal to nil at York just some scores in League One which trust me fans will be interested in Bristol Rovers one stallion Blackpool one Fleetwood leading Oxford by a goal to nil and with him a one up against Lincoln City and latest from the Test match at Old Trafford Australia will 24 for 3 now so England fighting back a little bit here Lobby Shane s gone now for 11 Marcus Harris went for 6 and Warner for a duck so Australia to 24 for 3 they lead by 220 runs my guest at the moment almost beside sport is Ashley Hyde author of Jimmy Hogan the greatest football coach ever is the is the questions being posed and where they re learning a lot about how he was sort of bit of a trail blazer really across Europe in those early days but was he on the radar of English clubs at this stage. The 1st time he got an English contract was in the 1930 S. He went to full I m. Basically John Dean was the the coach of full time the reason why he was born overseas for them was really because he had worked his way through Germany and he was struggling at that point in order to get another contract because he wanted to come back it always wanted to come back to England and the economic situation in Europe because you cannot separate extrapolate Hogan from the political situation that was taking place in Europe at that time what with what he was noticing as he was going through you know continent in Europe from Germany into Paris in the one in the early ninety s thirty s was that his children couldn t find work because particularly in Germany they banged foreigners from from being able to to work given the state of the economy so in 1034 he accepted a contract with full and football club. It was the shortest term contract before I think Felix Magath in the thousands the reason being was because Hogan got appendicitis went to hospital and I was there is a fire in a fire in the club just said well if you re not working for us we won t we won t pay for your so they got rid of him but there was also an interesting aspect to this which was that he had constantly throughout his career a certain animosity that was felt against him by British professionals and the 1st time encountered that was certainly with the full of full employers who were more interested in attending social events in London and going to golf you know going to the golf course rather than playing play in the way and practice in the way he wished for them to practice so you ve got that amazing divergence between Europeans Oregon and drain identified this who are quite happy to be taught and the British who like to learn for example. And therefore there s a great cultural divide so you can t just take Jimmy Hogan the great success in consonant Europe bring into England expect something it didn t happen so after that after $9034.00 he went to rent a became the manager of Aston Villa in 9036 following his is a limp go Olympic silver medal in Berlin going to Austria now I mean when you when you think of some of the great sides in football history the Hungary inside of the 1950 S. We push gas and Co and the Brazilians of Pele in $71.00 there is an argument or is that the influence of Jimmy Olsen can be seen in both of these these teams and the style of plays that Wright has ever was a overstating I think that s really overstated the simple fact is that the great technical architects of the of the funder team of Austrian one in thirty s in the early ninety s and the technical architects of the one go inside of the early ninety s fifty s who have had such a massive impact and impact in Rick. The rifle was played and also the way we look at football in this country and it s still the case today those technical architects could not have achieved what they did without Hogans building blocks and Hogans building blocks really founded upon how to control the ball out of mass of the ball and this isn t something that you can achieve just by Devo in 5 minutes there and then just going back to your game station this is something which you need to almost apply a religious zealous to or ideology to because you re going again again practicing day after day hours after hours until you can actually get the border almost talk and that was what Hogans ability was he was able to implant within that culture and understand in that if you really want to move forward if you will to really develop it to be technically of that that status you need to really devote your time to it and that s probably the difference between why the hunger went stratospheric in the early ninety s fifty s to why the English were still playing a different form of football and that just was looking in a different directions to where that where the successful ties were looking it s a it s it really is a fascinating story I can tell the passion and the research that must have gone into it actually is a must have been but incredible and presumably the book has got a bit of traction across the world because it s it is a world story really isn t it yeah I mean for this and it s interesting because I m a I m a big writer I write tenders for the government etc and for government contracts and part of that role is really to take a piece of writing and to share it with people to make sure they can double check it and make sure that in terms of content it s correct and this was a excellent example of of taking a piece of football research and then sharing it around the world so for the darkest chapter I suspect to the Dutch and then the Germans and the Austrians were there and Hugo Mars was grandson has written the the forward for this book but he was able to. I mean we got so that was really early days in Austria and so and so did the Hungary and so it s a really massive international collaborative effort really and you know and hopefully that that comes across in the way the book has been written but ultimately it s a case of trying to understand why it was doing overseas and of course because we ve been Island rice sometimes it s quite easy for us to just shut our eyes to what s going on overseas certainly was in those days so this is a wire of really trying to challenge what I would see and do and just get into the the nitty gritty of what he was really getting up to so the book is out book is out great work and people get hold of it right it s a it s a very liberal you know book stores I mean it s oh it s with the Stones and on the Internet it s published by electric blue publishing which electric blue being the shirt collar I think and it came out in July so by all means. And just finally actually the question is posed greatest football coach ever What s the. How did you know he and I was going to begin the conversation that I d buy a simple question that was just going to be used the most influential football ever and I know the answer to that but in terms of society he s important whether or not you Chief what everybody said the. Reason is important as everybody says he is that s another thing an hour later open for the reader actually it s great to talk to you thanks so much for coming in sounds a fashion a thing but I m sure a lot of people are going to enjoy it thanks very much indeed Ashley Hein there on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside sport will be around the grounds again very shortly. Give me. The back. To me. Some of. These people are. Crazy because they. Thank you. The best. Thing we. Don t like. Like. The. The. Maybe. The best. So I don t care Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber there s a penalty at the Davis stadium Let s see if we can catch it and it s going to be a cause we re center against a goalkeeper Lloyd Alanson comes santé against Alison. And I should. Take advantage to. The sport being awarded. By Brad Nicholson referee Mr Straw for each other you know alternative but to point to the spot some treatable says I m just as Advantage Chester to the guys we know he s. In some signing as nail pay has been a stunning signing if he can stay injury free this is being the issue if he can stay injury free then they really have got a hot property on their hands here because he s scoring goals for fun at the moment and hopefully as I say he can sort of have a good run of games because I think we re talking before the game actually he s scoring a goal every hour of play at the moment and that s not a bad hit but that s not a bad start to have certainly isn t good news then for Chester and south both still leading at York by Goldson ale as well but we need trauma to find an equalizer any sign of a Derek Jones Well it could have been to nail down actually shortly after you left us last time to spring for a moment as Julien come 40 and down the fast sideboard by the early go jelly get no fullback pass by Karen Barra s and Michael Mandel and to set a good look I had a clear run on goal but decided to see for a bit of an angle not Daves a chance to really welcome in our the angle to the safe by him so that they had been at 30 but that was at the expense of the core and then trying they just did not pick up a big center to find a common over the far post at full stretch he put the ball wide and then trying to settle down could spell the pressure of Morris with a couple of opportunities to cross the road blocks away that s the kind of gentle a volley they went well wide a bonus or left hand post and then pulled in and paying combine in really well in Pullman and of course at the Pogues people Julien to take the lead in another killing effort by him looks as if it s a deflection just to get what the far post referee did in the mid if like tram they went very happy about the mill and again very very close to getting a tranny a goal but then just before you came over person with a cross from the far side Tran they really struggled to get across in this inside and I would imagine inches right getting on the end of it I meant bird with a long throw that his trademark really bangs way beyond the defense of the far post not only have a little bit better it s a drag ball wide of the far post burns being picked as well for a challenge on David Perkins it s quite lively actually for the better which. She says they typically. Still. Thanks Derek and in league wanted to Bristol Rovers one accident in Stanley to Coventry Neil Blackpool one Fleetwood leading Oxford by a goal to nail and Wickham are one up against Lincoln City earlier on today Doncaster to run their own one and M.K. Dons to Wimbledon 135 for 3 is the Australia score so England at least really have a good fist of it so far in the Australian 2nd innings 353 is the Australia score as scores in League 2 Bradford nil Northampton want Cheltenham one Steven age Neil late Nori and nail Swindon one Macas feel one Crawley nail MORCOMBE nail sulphide one and Plymouth one Oldham on the other schools are goals so far and in the National League where there have been goals board leading Dover to walk on a probably want Chesterfield nailed surely to Stockport near all facts Neil Yeovil won and some United leading Notts County by a goal to nil see just about up to date it was a good 3 points for Everton last Sunday with their 32 win over Wolves at Goodison Park Rasha listen got a brace for the blues with new signing Alex or were we also getting on the scoresheet on Tuesday stance and to show and Kennedy and Ian Snowdon spoke about the delight of seeing good attacking full backs on that Merseyside snobs sell it s been enjoyed watching evidence so far this season I think a decent side I think the good players the lead the. But today s last season. But I mean joining now no one I mean when you doing commentary used to go to games and use thing who colleagues aren t were commenting on the Young got much to say we re not going forward we re not I m quite excited not to go to the gay I think we re we re enjoying what we ve seen I think they have attorneys are enjoying what the scene at least we re trying to get forward with pace down both flanks as well getting balls into the box so yeah I think I think some of the football that we re playing at the minute very very cold and it won t be so exciting well he s doing well and I didn t know what to expect from a war we weren t really getting the Yeah Yeah Yeah I thought I would have spent all that money but he might new lease of life he s been an arsenal all these all these career and he s now come to Everton and I think he s play more forward than he were asked now and he s got strength and he s got the odd trick but what he s doing he s got a couple of goals in at the back post a couple of I just saw hopefully he s going to continue that and or you might seem get probably 789 going because even though we are down and what both of our teams have got is attack in full box and we ve got the we ve got the original A I VE GOT THE ARENA. But it s you know I mean a lot of people I m just saying this could get a lot of people would say you were had a good time how much do you enjoy seeing players like Hamdi Robertson or Trent or Luca Di Yes they re just so so such a tight minded player they are but their job 1st of all is to stop players play on and don t let Evan or Liverpool concede any goals that are 1st job 2nd job is to get forward to help the midfield Liverpool have got of Lee 2 of the most outstanding players in those positions and again ever need their full backs to get forward and that s exactly what they do in their supply in the midfield they re supplying the forwards they ve given the with both teams need one. More attacking the I don t know what you re doing since his arrival I think he could play in any team but really month city always a little pool of got a quality left by the selves in Roberts and I think he s a terrific player but I look at Luke to nothing he can play for anybody he s not only scores great goals when you do score him but quality across his He s fantastic people same way he s not the quickest defensively you see in trial Ribeiro or a so I already said no exception is acceptably quick but not for me Luka Dean is one hell of a player there s already a gap between the top 2 and everyone else I mean perhaps we all didn t think it was going to happen this early starts from what you ve seen of the other teams though I mean I m talking about the North London you may not have a chance to see because you obviously do in the game on Sunday those kind of performances the performances of Chelsea as well and Manchester United I mean I haven t got to be looking at those 4 teams and going there s not a lot to worry about here is the really the isn t but then when you watch our performance against Aston Villa all the teams will be saying the M.E. Have. Their kind of thing so yeah I think the top 2 are going to be the top 2 there now months it in Liverpool the prove that last season they are very good sides and pains me to say yeah they are excellent things there s no question about it but I think anybody else the next 2 positions can be anybody s You top marginal man united let s let s do a decent salary. There are no put but there are teams that do you think well can they hold on to be fair I ve been impressed with Leicester I think the players get plenty of pace about them as well so they ll be decent There will be a top 6 I would imagine so. Yeah I m not about what anybody else concentrate and I haven t i m just want to see I want to be entertained I want to see a winning team Everton and people enjoying you know the game have said that would entertained and sometimes I set myself forget about the entertainment it s about the win yeah it is to. The winning listen if you play badly and you win the game so there you go you ve taken the points at the end of the season you count those points and if you ve got more than anybody else you ve won the League East Peace been difficult few years well going to watch 7 if if I m perfectly innocent and fans will tell you that they ve not been entertained in the last few nights OK So I think what we see now is entertainment that enjoying going to the game they re enjoying way the way we playing because it s the likes of the world interesting that we. In the end you ve got to fall back to knew you got. Dean you ve got Seamus Coleman on the right get him forward we get more bodies forward to get more plays in scoring right actions OK Where before we wasn t booed you see him Barton sitting by if we did pour ball into the Hmongs the B. One player in there so at least we scoring goals and we re looking to score goals and we re into different types of goals because you you were a Luton like before about get the balls into the box this it might be slightly longer balls into the box headers or whatever but we ve got we got 2 goals of the day which Allison commingle A Yeah I m one and it will be at the back porch again 2 ideas we re getting bodies in the stats how you score goals get players in the box and over the last few years we probably had warm to win the Boks one border community now we re getting 3 or 4 people in days or I m enjoying what I m seeing in Snowden and now in Kennedy. Yes on snogs and days this week more from them a little bit later on in the program let s go to Prince and Parker think it s bad news again Derek. It is chilling in the last actually threat the 2nd goal in Tremont not looking great at the back this time it was Ben Pringle with a deep cross I get my big gun behind for a gill caper Scott Davis to try to try and collect it one handed lost out then say back save the chilling accounts he just turned it inside the 6 yard box sun and all by himself it s our job to believe what he goes to school he just taps into the back of that and try to find themselves to nail down after that 7 pay has been booked for a foul on the big settle defender of Chile in Qana Ogilvy and Ogilvy with a header as well of the all in the family at box at Davis this time made for safe from the need to get themselves organized to transmit a look in really very very patchy at the back when children do press forward in the Monas tram in Elgin to Odia Derek thank you very much I ll give you the England team very shortly any change of the Deva near 5 and a half minutes to the break no no change at all it could easily have been 3 No a couple of minutes ago Spencer clearing a Hughes header on. Follow your tailor corner for 5 minutes now to the break just 2 guys lean on Southport still living at York by a goal to nil so the England team the carousel skaters picked for the ball Gary again Pickford in goal trip rose Rice McQUIRE Sterling Henderson Kane Barkley and Rochefort that s the starting 11 for England it s a 5 o clock off will keep you up to date with the like to score before we finish at 530 on B.B.C. Radio mostly sideman it s Jimmy McCracken. This is. The. Falling lay on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside spall for a Saturday afternoon trying to nail down a printer policy think get back into that maybe in the 2nd half we re going to have time reporter. From Derek Jones around the door as well in the next few minutes Tramiel jailing them to. Chester though going well with a couple of goals for a quasi a sound say they guys Lee by 2 goals to nil and Southport still one up away at York as well and some of the schools to bring you will have to travel news shortly as well before the half time reports come in and League One Bristol Rovers to act ringtone Stanley to quote a game going on down there Coventry nail Blackpool 2 Fleetwood one Oxford one now so an equaliser for Oxford in that game. Too of course as we know Wickham leading Lincoln now by 2 goals to nil and the results from earlier on today in that division and dons 2 Wimbledon one and Doncaster 2 rather among one final score as well into at least 2 it s Bradford nil Northampton one no goals Cambridge against forest green Carlisle nail Exeter one Cheltenham one Stephen age male culture Esther against wall Saul and Grimsby against Crewe those games a goal this at the moment late Nori at nil Swindon one Michael Steele one Crawley nil Mansfield one Scunthorpe nil SOL for the one up away at MORCOMBE no goals Newport against Port Vale and it s Plymouth one Oldham one that s the latest score in in that warm in the National League no goals all to shot against Barrow Boerum would leading Dover by 2 goals to one Bromley want Chesterfield nail Charlie to stop or nail EPS for one easterly nail Halifax no Yeovil one. No goals Maidenhead against Dagenham and Redbridge Sutton won Notts County mail and talkie nail town one Radio Merseyside sport will be around the grounds for half times in just a moment. B.B.C. Radio missing trouble. In the meantime let s get the latest now with Simon James. Logan. Around livable not too bad in as the city edge lay looking at fairly clear both the tunnels where they are open the all running OK They all see tunnel is fully open reminder the Queens where the back in a tunnel that s closed until Monday Missy s label Paul Brown and you ll find broken into livable Queensway is closing just opened the buses are the trouble after use of the user Kings way but trouble coping too badly in spite of that most of the roadside Lee still keeping fairly well they mostly get away on the move that really heavy traffic through Walton also to from adults to little and who never said seems to have calmed down a little bit now most why still looking falling to be honest the M 53 the 566 all on the move at the moment trains look at the public transport side of things I just remind of engineering work starts today for next that we could say this is a measure of how to run a replacement bus because the engineering work between Kirby and sandhills nothing else happening let me know about it by calling a 1517 and 4 and 53 something James B.B.C. Radio as you sign trouble. It s Joe here from the A.T.M. Now do you know you numbers well these are pretty important ones and it s all to do with your blood pressure we re supporting the no you numbers week with the event here on Wednesday the 11th of September come along to our performance space between 11 and one to have a free blood pressure checked and also a test to look at the rhythm of your heart and the checks a quick that s free and painless and now you numbers could reduce the risk of stroke heart attack or even heart failure do you call the A team on I 151-794-0984 extension 2 register your interest we look forward to seeing. This station the scariest the football game you see radio Mazie side. Thanks a lot of time whistle as present parked Archos halftime a. MIL Jillian says discipline in school and how time to transmit are going to get a look inside just 6 minutes when Perkins fell in a terrific turn by him a lovely killing shot the Came back of the post and Julian escaped in those early stages but after that really chilling of it as he was had the better opportunities but picked up a booking for a challenge on Perkins is on 12 minutes gone 16 they found themselves in the lead only they forcing a coma left on the side which he then took it was drill this was the far post that Captain mass M. Arrive terrific save by David he s got a line but there was the pouch it was on a limb from what for the moment Alex Kubiak to set it in from close range and chilling him had that lead 4 minutes later put it in even worse he remarked with an awful back past my commander and intercepting it I thought it could work straight out go to decide to go on an angle not a scope Daves a chance to come out now or the angle would double sided by Davis sparing he remembers his wishes but from the resultant pull over to the was left go by himself at the far post in the full stretch to the wide and trying to try to get back in to pull him has probably been as lively as anybody in the 1st off a tram it can bang combining the staff and pain building with a shot inches wide look like it s a body flexion but the referee Mr Soltys not pleased everybody in the crowd today was in his decisions didn t get a corner case then burned with a cross in his right arm sinus Tramiel were being stretched again Mandarin inches away from it so much burn with long throws to overload the 1st off as well and lead dragon each shot was the post before in 35 minutes Julian did get the 2nd go this time it was a cross Ben precludes all alone here from Preston last year Pringle surprised the cross in the far side Scott Davis decided to try and catch the ball one handed him up to show it was going out for a goalie getting ready but he informal a ball and in the was able to turn it inside the 6 yard box and Alfie Jones all by himself almost embarrassing all the time in the world a statistical back of the net and telling him how to go lead 7 payments and booty The last is raw. In some of the challenges with Conroe they saw his name in the referee s notebook for the with a header but this time Dave was able to save on his bill line so tram it was sent and while the house being going on on the I mean self-inflicted by tram enough the staff and I m going to take full advantage of it oh. We ll shoot yourself in the foot Why don t. We said we it was a don t change what you think that s the best thing to do because it keeps the sides together and gets the momentum going we saw a pull as as it does it s turned out the team for an away game yes but all in get stuck in what have you put a I think a lot of fans what they re going to say that will look no social media is you want to be a bit more attacking or what have you and I am expecting at least 2 substitutions our time is screaming out for banks we haven t won it we haven t won a 1st head and the 2nd had it for 45 minutes. Ride on the far side looks like he s getting roasted so I can see the new blood maybe it will come on United it making a pain so let s get some guts out something got to give because we ve gifted them 2 goals they ve had a lot of possession just because we ve we ve let him win the ball in midfield so he makes those alterations and maybe just maybe we ll know how to beat you at that possessions as method road was being stretched throughout that 1st off a lot of crosses coming into the transmedia box and you ve got to stop the supply of new and that s because normally when a team with our full backs go up and we press their full backs of the tree just several yards past the halfway line and there s nobody but in 20 yards room and they just pop it in the little spot in the big ball in and then they ve when their foot their fish out of the 2nd ball having said all that I mentioned pull in there I mean really look here early stages traffic play by him and look at the shot came back of the post and then another good turn by him in the box of the bit later in the half an inch as wide as well it just shows that if he can get the ball to things in around that big chill in the back line in Michael s monitor you know and that s what Julian was the beginning of the big number 6 at the minute he s got pain in his back pocket so I m I m I m sorry Paul I ve watched a few balls go into the box on east. He s literally just the last 2nd Michael that sense of issues doing that one step across his chest and he s just blocking a mouse and there s no fight and there s no you know think about what s going on among the high ball continues to come in that s what I was going to happen all games on the floor we all know that and we need to stop passing them in control in midfield as it was case when he gave in and at the moment is telling him it s got the the Bill C. Just as I just said there s no linkage played into the fact that now when Scott Taylor gets the ball the 2 people put their arm of a Mullins and pain and it s as if in midfield doesn t exist well I guess we re doing a game that that s not all games get people on the ball and we ve been we ve got to try and get past these guys and to go let s get to know what the situation is and we ll wait and see about that certainly that said Tran if we start the game pretty well rocked by that early goal and they have really pulled from that really enjoying him in the end taking full advantage half time here plenty the tranny today is trying to read his No 2 Thanks Andy thanks Derek. For York at the end of the 1st time off internationally North York won South Pole. But it s been a good 1st 45 minutes for Chester Neal TURNER Yes it has been a good 1st half for a quasi a Santa as well who s got the 2 chest to go in a 45 minutes that they ve dominated from start to finish they got off to a dream start on 3 minutes a Santa Fe putting Chester into the lead across from Jackson not dealt with by the guys who defends the unmarked a Santa Fe scoring from close range with a side foot effort it could have been to 7 minutes later Hughes having a close range effort blocked on the line following a corner on the left but then good work by Glenda news out an outstanding 45 minutes for the home side setting up a chance for Taylor but the defender s 18 yard efforts going just wide of the guys in the uprights S.M.T. Unlucky on 25 a rasping effort from 20 yards beating Allinson in the in the visitors goal ends up before rattling the post and going to safety but on. 29 just a double Eric vantage a penalty awarded to the home side when Morgan who d come on as a substitute for Kevin Roberts was brought down in the area by Mickelson Santy sending Allison the wrong way with the resulting spot kick but then Chester really dominated Spencer cleared accuse header off the line following a Taylor corner going to couple of chances want to use another trick Glendening just going wide of the uprights and eyelids and making a tremendous save to deny a center his hat trick all in all an excellent 45 minutes of jazz for jazz they need to keep it up in the 2nd period the congregation Incidentally 1900 $99.00 and a half time scoreline Chester 2 guys Leno thanks very much nail half time is confirmed now 8 in the York game against Southport it s $11.00 that s the halftime score in that game a loss trailing a 48 for 4 against England in the 4th Test at Old Trafford 48 for 4 they lead by 244 runs well a V.A.R. Debate rages on in the in the Premier League last weekend so incidents including Yuri Salem and for less than Jack real issue for us them available Paul salt Alan Kennedy any and Snowden discuss the video assistant referee on the Tuesday night s nods and days we ve got to just mention I m sorry snogs I know you re going to go mad I m scared almost of you now V.A.R. I say. Well we re all either players and all that we re going to. Mean the weekend was a bit of a farce there was no relief because it was never used. Use it it s likely it s gone on strike for the weekend about the tackle less than how on earth could that not have been a red card now did you see the want to Lester. Was it yeah yeah no I didn t it was just he doesn t block him ghost of a are they don t they don t do anything about it and now. And then the one the one with the villa like Judd Gregg. Again you know want to know Brian anything about it . And it is right. You know what you watch on the plane OK My show you know did we doing that with this square when we just really she said Joe You know it really is so and so what s happening with it now then where are we with it I don t know because you know the 1st couple of weeks they were used to quiet lot not always correctly admittedly but now is the problem here going to be it s referee backing up or the referees Yes See I don t I think they re right I think the referees have a point but they re making Yes and it will always stand you in good stead to review a situation you know you might want to change your mind if you re a referee you might not want to change your mind bought. You know let the referee mimic that decision if he doesn t want the correct he doesn t want to be a ah he doesn t have to go to a dizzy Well if but the surely the whole idea is that there really is a guru who is in there you know people in the look at the damage in the decision then the referee should be able to. Tell that this is that there s the whole point of it though isn t it the whole point is that if the referee makes a clear and obvious error. That you ve made an error and they overturn a clear and obvious Yeah there s a word you said Yeah well there was a couple at the weekend that were clear and obvious Yeah I was and they weren t overturned which is back to my point what is the point I don t know may I you know what I think of it yeah I mean I said it I said before you came in and said I m scared to what I m about they all come with this move on because it s a farce it is a farce so far just let referee the officials yeah the game and you likely have done for 100 years yes you re the reason they gave for disallowing the goal was because the referee blew his whistle before the ball hit the back of the net to stop play but the if you watch much of the day I actually sounded like a been dropped on the points but it points for the goal he points to the center circle and I think that I think even though I get confused with that yeah and so want to actually Message me the day to say it s now quite refreshing to watch a game that you re not thinking about they are because they are it still isn t in the lower leagues is it and that kind of thing and it s almost like it is a bit refreshing not to have to think about there was one goal that. I thought we might be enough Cyberduck Sigurdsson across the board for a while I didn t know whether to celebrate because I thought yeah. That s right I don t think there was celebrate or I think this might be offside but fortunately it wasn t so you celebrate but yeah you know minority mother to celebrate its life like the Muncie to on the 2 big. Ones against Tottenham still and absolutely score to go. No he s not a guy so that s not for you to the other one the Champions League yeah that s the one in the legal right now interestingly with the one in the league they give the ball and the port doesn t know anything about it but then on the weekend the Newcastle game at unusual and you know you don t I can only hope that maybe you re not playing you know that now we ve established what there was there was an incident in the no rich game at Newcastle where it bounces off the Newcastle fellas Ham Yeah no he doesn t know anything about it but that goal is given so even V.A. Are now is inconsistent yet and I took about a move on I thought it well we re in the handball role. You know that humble rule yeah you know so if it hits any part you know it s a penalty yeah yeah well no all the goals with the attacking team the goals disallowed because it will surely show how balls on deliberate No they re not you can t get out away so much Yeah so you don t know anything about anything as a player not to put your hand anywhere near the ball that s what you got to be thinking that but they re not put there I mean you could literally get to the stage where you have an attacker who s got your the fullback and I m doing that I mean that skin you re on your money well you know that you re the fullback I could be deliberately trying to aim the ball at your own now. I tell you what it s the cause of a bit of trouble isn t it V.A.R. I m sure that s not the last we ve heard of it either on the Monday night show or indeed snorts and days on a Tuesday night here on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside some hard times to bring you in the F.A. Cup 1st qualifying round Newcastle Benfield to run Cornwall on Marine one up at Staley bridge Celtic Warrington town and one city of Liverpool nail and witness Neil with be one in the northern Premier League in the north west of Asian Clitheroe one Prescott cables one run corn limits one working soon won 1st of Asian Cup A.F.C. Liverpool won Shelly one lower Brecht 3 Vauxhall Motors nail and a Northwest counties Premier Division patted him near live a little and Remick a nail Squiers gate to Bootle one wins for United no Roylance 2 I mean 1st of Asia North adverts N L R one and Helen s town one Pilkington nail Emily F.C. 2 I mean 1st of each and south stone cold Allianz and nail. One will bring you full time schools and a bit later on as well on those now England manager Gary Southgate believes they can be a match for any team in the world as they prepare to face Bulgaria in that your 02020 qualify at Wembley tonight he s been talking to John Murray and says that he s blessed with a talented squad and whoever he picks and will reiterate the team with the Shortly starts on ice they ll do a good job they will more than capable of playing at the level. This is the hardest part for me to pick a team in disappointed over half the players I m a working with so that s not not so much fun but. They will understand. This.

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He held similar ceremonies she says the plans will devastate the local community absolutely devastating to this beautiful peaceful place but actually to the local communities as well the amount of people who use this field for the 2 men from way from school recreation to improve a mental health physical wellbeing their emotional wellbeing and actually it s essential that we save face space so we safe our communities highways England say they re reflecting on the community s views and will review their design scheme for the next round of public consultation in sports after picking up a points and rather in last week Tranmere Rovers are at home to jailing him in League One this afternoon rovers are 19th in the table but with the game in hand on some of the teams around the manager Mickey Mellon says it ll be another competitive game today loads and loads of questions will get asked of as we ll be able to do the same there in the coach and continue the work that we ve done because the end game is a See this is a kitchen is to keep is moving forward to become a competitive team used to playing football of the of this of in every minute of every game in National League north it s the against 4th with Chester at home to guys like Southport who are 12th travel to 2nd place York and Merseyside sports is on yet this afternoon at 2 o clock the weather remaining dry today with a good deal of sunshine and a chance or braise highs of 18 degrees Celsius B.B.C. Radio Merseyside needs. Saturday morning we all felt free B.C. Radio may society. Let s. Just. Can assume. We got this king says to. Run. So keep secrets to yourself. It s come a show. Closer On the set. And. Everybody s got. Me in the. Woods trying to. Get. To this is. So. Let s turn. This. Beautiful. Ed Sheeran on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside that s called Beautiful People It s 10 minutes past 11 Gary Twitter is rejoining me in the studio it s time for our new feature there are more questions than answers you just might run a pump you. Tell you all right now we did we did this a while ago but only as a like a one off so I thought of bringing it back and the idea it s a question if you ve got a question a kind of burning question that you always wanted to know the answer to but never really found out then this is the place for that so an outlandish question related simple would be the one you did a few weeks ago which was oh about the if you re where you travel in a vehicle Yeah faster than the speed of light somebody could actually answer this well that we can give us the answer you want but the outcome of the answer was No I . Oh yes I do know the answer you re in a vehicle traveling faster than the speed of light with your headlights on yes you go faster than the speed of light do you overtake your headlights. Transit I thought was a good question you know why I lose sleep over that and the answer and the AM so I would answer was No because apparently if you re going faster than the speed of light if your headlights are on your headlights to go to the same speed as you Yes So you re headed like so your headlights will still be in front of you because basically they re touched your vehicle so they will still be you so they are going there on a car and explainers they re all. Still don t. Know you know what I mean by that because they are top of the vehicle they go they re going fast in the speed of light as well because they re on their way they ll still be on so that s. An example Gary Carson example of the jibberish from this year to kill a feature Yes So this is your bridge section what we want is for people to help us answer these questions by getting in touch and also if you ve got any of your own questions so many people to ring goes with with a burning question but something that s baffled them for forever well those who can ring in with answers I got is exactly what I ve got I ve recently been on holiday and then when I don t have this this came to me while I was at the airport actually now see what you think of this now and there is of course always the danger that you make a total prats of yourself with the question surely not surely die so the question when I was that you know you ve got you ve got you cases I ve. Seen you take. You take YOU cases and you check them in to go on the plane and the weight of your looking is very important isn t it because it is there s a limit Yeah don t know if it goes over that limit you get chance I got a lot put in the boat yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly put it in the trunk and now you know what I completely get I get that I get why there s a limit because obviously don t want to overload the plane Exactly yeah and also they want to make money are you let s be honest but anyway so so the limit is say I did it was it $2.00 it was 20 I think for argument s 20 kilograms right 20 kilograms so if you go over if you go over that you got a charge so I get that but I was thinking why is it that they put such a lot of importance on the weight of the look age and not on the weight of the passengers because surely if you re worried about with me on this if you hurry if you re worried about overloading the plane having lots of people that are heavy on the plane is going to have more impact than just a couple of cases being overweight. So why don t they weigh the passengers is what I m saying I mean I know that will be embarrassing for some of us but there s got to be because they know how many seats are on the plane and you know they obviously allocate like a weight to all those seats which is going to basically even out you know you want and I know right now I ve reached WHITE Yeah and the passengers because they got the fuel as well remember to take into account and your plane has got to get off the ground yeah you know it s all about what you if you re saying that just be an average weight for the passengers then why can t you guys maybe don t marry for the look at each. Why why is so much importance placed on the look at the why is it just purely money making we need somebody who works at the airport to bring us up on this because all the while he s you know. No disrespect to anyone but you could have someone who s 6 stone went through on a plane and then you could have someone in authority of you could have someone who s 25 stone Well there s a massive difference more than I do but then they probably took the average between those 2 people who say you but why do the other cases then you don t have to wait for it to a very argumentative I don t know if you can it s so it s not it s I ve not made a complete promise off of it this is a good point oh no way could be right there is going to be a reason I suppose why they must have law in the cabin there must be like a a kind of an average weight thing in the cabin I would think because I ve been on a plane before now maybe do you think if they if they say maybe what they decided for is because they don t want people to go over 20 kilograms because especially women they could be no disrespect to you ladies but you do like you do like to take a lot of stuff analogy with careful collect from reception you don t know what. Still it s still a valid point I might want to take like 3 suitcases you know where is so but basically we got to get today the one on the traveler but the last thing I ll say is I ve been on a plane before now where it s our name on the plane you have to be spaced out to balance it. I go to you and over to your left over to leads I wrote a letter saying good wages and we really. So so why if anyone that s the 1st question on our new feature why is it that they don t weigh the passengers and why is there not more emphasis put on the weight of passengers charging John Lennon Airport when they re going to go by the way we ve got 873-1003 double 3 if you think you know the answer to this one. B.B.C. Radio and I said travel in the meantime to more important matters and here s Dave Whelan M 6 north by broken down vehicles gone north of 17 in San. As a result. Between. A Lol. Class to. Am really Sunday the. That s called Shine it s nearly 25 minutes past 11 o clock on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside. Right so the question that we that I posed earlier on was about the weight of your luggage and they took they take great sort of the great importance on how much your luggage weighs when you go on a plane but they don t care how much you weigh and they got I think it s just to get extra money out so what is it just money then probably so I don t want to go there probably they probably think 20 kilograms of luggage is enough for anybody on a 10 day holiday or something like anything over that is excess so you pay for that excess nobody s actually phoned me to answer that one as well they might have done what the law has been going Modern up in the week chatting to Big Mick and to dog for moral park I mean I have I have had one come in here and I know it basically it is to do with it all being a money making exercise and someone said the fairest way to do it would actually be to weigh people and then charge them accordingly but obviously then you ll get people saying well that s not fair on on big and no I don t think so they would combine your body weight with your back weight and that s how much you would pay extra to go on the plane can you imagine Dr White in the queue Well no. I mean for me you don t think you d have to go the day before when you re going out you know I m not I m not being funny that I m no Kate Moss you know you certainly know I m carrying a few extra pounds so I m not sure that I d want everyone know me way anyway no I don t think I would be a fair way of doing it OK I think they re doing it the right way they re saying everybody takes the right the the same amount of luggage that s that s the fair way of doing it it is what it is it is if you I mean anyone who s been slightly. That luggage will know that it is also a money making exercise I don t think it s anything really to do with the amount of the out shore weight in the boot conifer Right right OK so we ve sort of answered that but not really yet anyway if you ve got you ve got some I ve got right you can go through probably all of these what we re going to do is we ll save them and do them week. We re going to I ve got a couple here Big Mick from being on and he says if you re if you re on an open boat wagon right and you re standing on the back I would nod to the right all right you go along the dock road I don t research is not specific to the Dock Road 30 miles an hour and then you let go of the rial you jump up in the air Yeah well when you land do you land in the same spot on the back about wagon Benyam on the wagon still moving and you ve jumped up in the air so you ve stopped do you land back in the same spot on the wagon or if you standing near the back do you land on the road in a heap. When you re you know what if the wagon still moving you would like you would London a different but what I think because your body has got a forward motion as you re going along this is what mimics just been talking about this is this is fair game for this isn t something that I was it s not tomorrow s world on the radio kind of how can I tell you I got an A in science at school absolutely hopeless sign explains a lot. In science classes I regret it to this day kids out there pay attention as well and book I think there s something that I can t think what it s called now but there s not some of the some can look forward motion thing that is the word for a scientific word can t recreate it in a family because if you could run fast but you ve got to be on our person on the chair. That there could be a big bang and you jump on I ll keep moving with the chair do you think are you moving the table and no. This could end all horribly I m on the chair and he is on the chair the chairs. Joke. Well you end up on a heap on the floor. Of the I did end up on the floor so I m not sure but I wasn t pushing the chair you so you know I was trying to move the chad and then jump Well I think I think if you were on the back of a wagon and you would go along with 30 miles an hour your body is moving at 30 miles an hour as well so when you re Joe So when you jump up you ve got that forward momentum in your body so you therefore you would land in the same I think I would think you would land you would land virtually in the same spot as what you took off from. If anyone knows the you come around with an open but we re going to . Break out the front row get along the dark road. And I think I ve got things to do that. I didn t realize this would involve experimenting after this. So anyway over a 100 that will now we re leaving about well for now yeah he questions. World will do them you know if not this week that in future. If you re in the wagon and you jump up and you don t want the wagons moving OK So you land in the same spot as you jumped from or do you just walk and keep moving and you land in a different spot or even worse if you re standing near the back do you end up in the road on a in a heap. You came up with this. OK 173933 just easy when you play rock with. So. Allen. We ve. Just. Lives. slope in the is whole one modems Told my class. Right OK So the question that we had. That the 2nd question we ve had this morning Gary was as follows Yes sah big break from Bootle rangin and I want to take make Thanks for the science MC Yeah thanks a lot and. So on an open box wagon doing 30 miles an hour on the Dock Road you re standing on the back I m going on to the right and then you jump you like go the route you jump up in the air when you come down do you land in the slime spot ole US of been moved on. You basically land on the road yeah my instincts said you would land on the road but that s not applying the science behind this is it and I ve had several messages here Gary To be honest OK now one here from Bell in Huyton who starts his email by saying Gary is right surprisingly that s all going down just not very often. Let s start with the closed doors he says and then there s a very very long I explained I mean very very long the closed balls Yeah he says you are going along at the same speed as the boss asteroid say 30 miles an hour you jump or they stab some upward motion but doesn t do anything to change the fact you re moving sideways 30 miles an hour gravity does its thing your OP would movement slows down stops and goes into reverse you are still going along with the boss you land your still moving with the boss so you land at the same place on the Bourse as you started but both you and the bus floor have moved along relative to the pavement. And that much. And then he s got a larger say Wall. Coming on the right that is going on about Newton s laws of motion and more. Moorings as have I just tuned into tomorrow s world. Happy John in blue can size No the wagon would move on because although you d start at 30 miles an hour when you jumped and stopped having the drive of the wagon average distance and gravity would slow you down no Charlie Oh No rejoined this season take your spirits Charlie from has been on and said When you re travelling a lot like the bull story when you re traveling forward you get your body is has got forward momentum so if you jump up while you re doing 30 miles an hour your body so forward momentum is still making you go 30 miles an hour so you re still in a. Move travel in the same speed as forward as the vehicle you ve jumped up from so when you land you should lung virtually in the same spot a lesser drive has been a little but able to push for down so it s not the answer as you have an answer for what forward momentum I think comes into play in this scenario basically I think if you were traveling along and you jumped up your still actually traveling at 30 miles an hour to give out a thing then all would get out of date given that it didn t thank you very much and day that we are it s as simple as that really. Well can I just say that we ve had a lot of questions coming in now I m we re just getting very educational Yes Sure well. So I would like to say that we are reading the whole of should we call into the more than one go but keep in common and you can email me them as well your own AMSA questions pulled out so want to be. And then over the next few weeks will try and get through them with the help of you out there given. That these are things that keep people like absolute like this so we need to you know we need so a lot yes resolve these issues that way I didn t start worrying about my look at John actually able to guide the next few weeks thank you very much for all your questions so far. B.B.C. Radio. First on the road. Let s be honest and west a bit busy through new ferry due to road works up around Hollyfield road slow through has a long Telegraph Road on the A 540 and you ve got the Churchill with fly over closed. Down as a result of demolition work from. To great cross all straight and Dale Street got restrictions on Dale Street as a result of that we also find the Birkenhead tunnel flows into town. That isn t it ever the OS thankfully fairing quite well just public transport way the replacement buses between Kerby and sandhills due to engineering works anything else would appreciate you call a 1517 line for. Travel. And I m so excited to talk to you because you re in town to talk about this beautiful cookbook Richard got in front of me. Cookbook with a little bit of a difference in style is the idea to the cookbook basically is a sort of celebration of all the places of a visit it s a voyage of discovery from the American south as a plate as through all of the countries at the bottom of the page that you can access it goes like tomorrow on on that you kind of sign up to get a look for the new South known attorney because it all in a particular order as well as it flows while you re cooking join they generally so miss each weekday afternoon between 2 and full. You. Know goal. You know you can see. 30 minutes to midday time for Close but no cigar the part of the show where we play you a song that got Tony number 2 in the charts missed out on number one today we re going back to 1969 and a song that I m fairly famously only got to number. 2 number one in a lot of other countries including on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States of America only go to number 2 in the U.K. Though it s John Denver leaving on a jet plane what I want to know from you is what kept it off number one spot any idea is dropped as a taxi 3 double 3 just put mercy the Stasi a message. All Through to. Next week a song that got to number 2 even if the song that we sometimes play as well on B.B.C. Radio Merseyside that s just about you lot. For me thanks the company over the last 3 hours lovely to be back with you on a Saturday morning we will do it all again from 9 until 12 next Saturday but join me Monday afternoon from 4 for drive time where we round up all the day s news replay some great music do a couple quizzes as well by kind of thing and then from 6 o clock on Monday the football phone in is back make sure you get you calls in even though there s no games for Little Paul or Evan this week and the still plenty to talk about trauma in action as well I m Merseyside sports will be covering all violence between 2 and 530 this afternoon stay tuned Roger Lyon will keep you entertained he s on the way next Whatever you re up to have a great weekend I m going to leave you with the Thompson Twins. Slowly slowly slowly. Slowly slowly. With. Radio Mazzy site. Good morning it s midday Let s get the latest news now for film on Good afternoon a cross policy group of M.P. s is preparing legal action if Boris Johnson refuses to seek a further breaks it to like a bill which requires the Prime Minister to ask Brussels for an extension is about to get Royal Assent is designed to stop a no deal breaks it s at the end of next month the full met Labor M.P. Liverpool way victories Lucy on a budget recently joined the Liberal Democrats. That the even discussing it is tragic reflection of where we find ourselves so I could pass Boris sadly not only have to see the actions that. The advice of his advisors has taken a course of just the past few weeks in that I don t think there s any depths to which he won t stoop there s been looting by armed gangs on grates a Barco in the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian crowds have been trying to flee the island which was one of the worst hits 43 people have been confirmed dead but that number is expected to go up the children s commissioner for England says opening schools for 7 days a week could help protect people from violent crime and gangs and Longfield says in some areas it would provide a safe environment for them a Merseyside woman is hoping that she can help stop plans for a bypass through her country park by marrying a tree groups have been formed against the plans Sefton s rim Rose Valley Country Park and Kate Cunningham has taken inspiration from female activists in Mexico who have held similar ceremonies the wedding is today next to a newly created wildflower meadow she s going to change her name to elder after the ceremony and isn t worried people will think she s bonkers Ella best people.

Radio-program , Concepts-in-physics , Sociological-terminology , Mechanics , Light , Finance , Human-geography , Community , Popular-culture , Liverpool-urban-area , Mass , Velocity

Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20190704 060000

God will leave it to Good morning welcome along Thursday the 4th of July it is Tony Snow is the break for his team we re here till half past 9 good to have you with us . Chilly as it was yesterday morning going to be driving out spells of sunshine that sunshine will be coming increasingly hazy this morning that into the afternoon as well that s going to start feeling warm though those temperatures are going to start to go up as the day goes on I m 22 degrees Celsius 72000 the way it looks. Like winds as well as the U.V. Is high on the pollen count if you serve with the hay fever that s very high on latest on the beach. And on line. You can. Pull. Songs all the way down to 17 minutes before Good morning let s do the 7 and 7 what we re after. You know those little sayings that people have that involve animals like every dog has it s day and another want to come think of giving horses for courses there s another one that s what we re after $7.00 and $7.00 you go to these oh a 2 173113 double straight give us a ring let us know yours if you want to text them we love you text we love it when you call away 20731138 wonderful 3 on the text text with the word message so we re after those little saying that involve involve animals I m going to give you 2 freebies every dog has its day most of these mean every dog has its day and of course Rodney it s also so there s 2 free ones want to be gone from a we ll share them out about 15 minutes taught 080731133 top. Your stories you ll like B.B.C. Radio. This sounds as though it s going to be an absolute blast should have put me name down for this one other Gone with the 300 mile trek on your bike it s a fund raising ride it s from. The pay ahead this morning here in Liverpool it s a native north west cancer research the destination they re going to be bubbling in Dublin going to talk more about this in a 2nd and a community café you may remember this we talked about this on the program when it was going through its our head in the hands moments of which they had a few It s a community cafe it was forced to leave its home in St Helens because it kept getting flooded out and then the insurance company said well knock on wood sure you anymore it s finally reopened in a new location B.B.C. Radio as he saw Jim McCracken as ordered to break in both Tina compensate them for a visit we re going to hear from him before half past 7 and gymnasts from across messy saga preparing to fly out to Austria this weekend to take part in the world s largest gymnastics best of all former seaside clubs will be represented as we re going to be talking to one of the coaches just before 8 o clock we ll track on we got a lot to get to. The scene a G.M. As you. Know your film is down at the waterfront for the pay ahead I m sure once or twice in all of our lives we ve taken on a challenge for charity or at least you have made a donation to one because it s something that s close to your heart maybe it s affected you re a family member or or somebody you know and you quite gladly say yes of course I would be delighted to donate for that will in a couple of hours a group of cyclists will set off on a 300 mile challenge it s going to last 4 days they say it s called the cycle of hope and the idea is to raise money for Northwest cancer research and each cyclist who s taking part has their own story really whether they ve had their own battles themselves with cancer or maybe a family member or a loved one or somebody that that s close to them as a saint films is down on the waterfront with some of the riders photos of the P. Have a small amount of felt. Good morning Tony I m just around the back of the queue not building at the moment Liverpool very much just waking up you ve got the blue skies just about poking through that there tended to come out I m sure the sunshine will be later on just around the back of course right behind me is the river which in the great weather is obviously absolutely glorious and a spot that I always think is great for a runner Warco or even a ride on your bike which is why we are of course here today it s the cycle of hope and I m here with a couple of keen cyclists who are up before the crack of dawn to help get everyone else ready and they re also going to be heading off themselves within a couple of hours going to come 1st of all to Martin Newton Good morning to you Martin morning fell so tell us about this route then you going to be ending up in Dublin That s right yeah so we kick off from Liverpool here outside the glorious alive a building and then we trekked all the way down to you town Boyles then on to Fishguard then over on the ferry gladly We don t have to swim. From 2 and a score 3 and then I score 3 open to Dublin so bit of a trek so it s for Northwest cancer research tell us why your taking part personally both my parents have been affected by cancer over recent years and been treated through obviously the ongoing research through Northwest cancer research so yeah absolutely when I was asked to do it. I could see to raise funds for a great charity and how is it to be able to fundraise alongside hundreds of people who are in a similar situation to you how does it help you share your experiences. It s just amazing when you see the different people raising funds in different ways when my partner 1st asked me to do this local to Dublin I thought yeah I ll just go down to Holyhead jump over the ferry and up to Dublin but when I found I was the whole of Wales realised that I really had to get some training in. Bike so to speak. MARTIN I wish I was coming with you because this sounds like an absolutely brilliant brilliant gig I m going to make Jeff in in a 2nd as well you know the night before you do the right side I m going to how many things you actually putting in your bag of your books that with all the stuff in there I think I think Phil might have to answer that question now because he s the one with headphones fell. We both got headphones on so we saw I ll give that one to Jeff more nationally Oh are you made Sorry Jack I was just on a little chat with you mate Martin that same question to you you know when you get ready to go on a big track like time is it a big checklist that you throw in in your bag oh yeah I was like a woman last night. Going to be sure too much stuff and I thought it was only 4 days this was so nice normal stuff and leave it. You like it why. It s going to go . So we ve been buying it all for what we ve been buying feed bag. All sorts on the youth s off everything I mean I mean it s a cyclist that just didn t really are all that good I don t need it for 4 days of these events one off days but not sort of fall on the lawn so I ll just basically just start from scratch of course on new stuff so far and it looked at me and was like other weather for as well how many of you are going to go. How many. Are Not only. Are many of us are going 12 as well as OK Are you sure you guys are you sure you are in the right place this morning I m just wanted that you have a really bad. Spirit early morning amaze us so it starts Who are you when you re going to be doing this this this track and we had about the route before you know down through what whales and fish caught and all that. Is going to be at the forefront of your mind when when you do that because there s a serious side to this isn t there you know that the phone lines inside who you re going to be thinking about. Yeah definitely I mean up the ship originally family loads where colleagues friends of all suffered you know unfortunately you know lost with the disease both see people in particular. Is brilliant she survived to see the treatment in the set and also with the best friend John Williamson 88 years of age absolutely inspiration seeming what is being 3 and still goes out and plays golf and everything gets done see people in particular have really just made me realize I just got to go out and do something and raise money recently doing the 300 miles you said you re into the cycle anyway. What s your regular race an hour off and you go out and how far do you go. Well a cycle I sold because last year saw cycle everywhere basically 3 only 4 which chance for so I moved over to the dark side of the Weddell years ago so you cycle from speaking of a filter to rebel being going through the tunnel to get the hills I mean it s good practice going to community so I know it s really cool for Dalek s but it s nice to go there on the fields and. Just popping out of hours before where most days of hours afterward and just being put in some really long days as well who picked. The last stop on the journey who picked Dublin because you could have ended up in a nice little sleepy village they re open in Scotland or downing. Whose idea was it to go boldly in Dublin because it sounds as though you can have a bit of whale of a time in yeah definitely I m not complaining I mean a lot somewhere excites me to think I m just getting a ferry straight or was it over and so well I m just a I ve just made off with that I m going to I m very proud of myself because I ve never done it like this before and he should be he should be as well so there s this 12 years there s 12 of you go in and that was the 1st thing that that went into my mind there is well you know go to Dublin just going to go straight on the ferry and straight over there but it s a hell of a try well listen as the bells at St Nick starts to chime because it s exactly a quarter past 7 on the waterfront there give our best to everybody give our best to Martin is there with you Jeff and everybody is going along and look at you and all you need. Yes Thanks very much like to source in Iraq and you might best to look thanks very much indeed to buy shares thanks to Jeff and Martin into films as well just with some of the rod is going to be 12 how many are going how many go and tell him this well there s 12. Going all the best it looks like you ve got the weather as well and it s going to be a great time you live your lives on the phone Your Love Away live it s on you really well and of course the serious side of it is is just to raise awareness and just to do it for well we had Jeff tell the stories in me and there s many many stories like that but yeah stay safe have a great sign thanks for talking to. Me of today with the latest news headlines as the bells at St Nick start to chime down on the waterfront just turned 715 hundreds of complaints were submitted against it that the team behind an addiction recovery center in Liverpool insist their residents wanted to be a central part of the local community when it opens later this month and the R.S. P.C.A. Is expecting a surge in calls about don t or unwanted Pats over the summer as they took more than 3000 reports in the north west last year and 1500 children will take part in the Merseyside school games later on today you know the mile they do a mile a day a lot of the schools will out as 1500 kids doing 1500 miles sounds good in sport little pools can scope see interest in one that s going to more later on and as part of J.P. Smith through its around 2 of Wimbledon while his brother Neil gets his tone a month on the way later with Jamie Murray in the men s doubles of course the scope s keeper This used to play together and we re going to hear from from one of them a bit later on and now they re not playing together they haven t had a fall out but they say feels like a little bit of a divorce. B.B.C. Radio and I saw travel how we doing well got a few things to look out for a start off of the most ways we have got heavy traffic on AM 6 southbound from Junction 20 chief in Italy when I was 21 A for the cruft interchange staying at the cross. Interchange on the M $62.00 through the roadway exit is eastbound towards Manchester there are no problems reported however is taking you at least 20 minutes already to get through that stretch of road which which are on the M 62 traveling eastbound towards Manchester more locally more delays expected today on Queens Drive we ve got a series of road works which kicked off yesterday and they really did start to slow you down yesterday so expect more of the same today we ve got one lane closed due to gas main way actually on the A 57 Prescott road in both directions but it s on the junction of Queen s drive so the navigate the traffic lights obviously very very busy stretch for a lot of people travelling through Liverpool and I say it slowed you down quite a lot yesterday so if you do you take Queen s drive anywhere near the navigator traffic lights and expect some added delays speak road have got some gas main work just at the junction of speak whole row that s if you travel in away from Liverpool looking a little bit slow there because that lane closure and some additional road works in rock ferry which have been slowing you down this is an old Chester Road junction of Bedford road but looking go through the tunnels no issues on public transport if you can let me know of anything else you spot keep people s comin in if it s safe and legal 101-517-9409 extension 53 B.B.C. Radio messy side trouble write them we were talking about the servants by the way we re talking about the little sayings of people have every dog. You know don t you everyone has their chance counted Yeah yeah you know might be going very very well all of a sudden and yeah I think it s a little ways low Corp s sort of thing yeah. Go horses for courses what does not actually mean. Not sure I think I know what it means to explain it is it just like that I would go yeah yeah. You know I like that you can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead. Way because you know the reason for it is that way because. You can lead. The horse to water but a pencil must be lead. As many times as it talks yet we know that you referred to me Frances and this wad I don t know whether you want to explain this one not to show that male was the most not so I don t know I don t know you know may know what I mean did somebody well I m not too sure of that but yes a is that make them go to animals involved all in a china shop and people who work here a like that yeah think of any god it is bomb pasted in particular just not truly a little bit clumsy yet. Say nothing catches the worm Yeah that s a good one. Thanks for all from brutal I m a reader and AG birth this is just the Liverpool but no way you guys are going to get out of this one she s got to go but like a robber s dog. You ve been so you not to mention been told no one know what s the phrase and I would like to rub his dog Yeah I don t like a dog s dinner. See him if you don t like a dog s dinner is that a positive omen or you look like a dog so you look like pigs in the other No I feel like it s like you ve made an effort but it s not where I felt very well so you don t know if it s a compliment overly good explainer never look a gift horse in the mouth he s got to do so many the elephants in the room Oh yes another one well not one trick pony Thanks for the pole who s working this morning at work up time to send a text on the sly cats on Hudson river beds of a feather stick together. Plays with animals one trick pony or elephant in the room Bowl the mike from show will thank you very much Nic for that I want to look at Mike tells us he s bolting to my we have a few this we ve a group really bold you might really all of us like a little fun. Have an early night with late night one of the Perry cameras regular customers age 14 the barbershop Greek coffeehouse that includes a barbershop area and asked him Would you like to take over that portion of the show so it s only. After moving to the coffeehouse you have to hire another tube opposite to help with this and his customers mainly worked at the nearby steel mills and enjoyed Perry Como course in their 40 while singing additional songs. For. Perry came over. Seemingly did very very weird to join me in into Maclin late night life on B.B.C. Radio much the site 722 Roy Bowman is with us it s been a little while but he s back today he s looking at the papers for his role as the director of the Sefton Park palm house Good morning Senator chilly and there are some of the 41 degrees. And you know it looks wonderful in that at the moment to actually say yes sure it s a yes or the papers say it was a mixed bag today it is different headlines NO NO seems to be no lead story in the mall but the Guardian is leading with a article about the massive burden of alcohol on the N.H.S. And it s saying that one in 10 people in hospital beds alcohol dependent and as many as 5 people 15 people are doing harm to themselves by drinking and it is a huge problem with drinking in the N.H.S. And it s costing them 3500000000 pounds a year and he says that of 1600000 hospital in patients 20 percent revealed that they had alcohol problems and I think it s quite a worrying thing really if you ve been beamed into into hospital recently I was in the I was to be in the Royal and I went to live to a new vodka bottles on the right in that yeah. It s a real big problem I don t really know what the answer is alcohol seems to be readily available. I think taxes what is it. It s an illness so it is you know what do we say do we say well we can t treat you all you need to go somewhere else you know it s a difficult situation so I think I think the should be support but whether it s through hospitals and their actions I don t know but there s also so many cutbacks sure there isn t the support in place there will be. Well I m going to need you know this is self-inflicted there is indeed but still it s a huge huge problem it s a huge burden and I don t really know what the answer is but it s but it s frightening OK OK The Daily Mail they ve got a lead piece about how Boris is going to put 20000 bodies back on the Beat Within 3 years doesn t say what kind of policemen if they re community policemen or if their community support is going to cost a $1000000000.00 pounds a year and apparently is going to be either borrowed or come from a $20000000000.00 pound head room set aside in case there s no deal for drugs it which I didn t know it was a transition at and the little pot of money I think that was a money tree and that s the reason why I used to say there s there is no money trail sort of how much the parents put trying to put one side 26000000000 pounds headroom in case of a no deal breaker so 20000 extra extra extra policemen they re expecting civil unrest or something I don t know but they also reckon that they have a reason for is there s a 19 percent rise in violent crime and it s actually destroying lives and in fact over the last 3 years this and even 500 new policemen Anyway it s it s easy to get carried away in a campaign trail isn t it you know and make make promises you know but people are not soft you know they they will remember the promises that you made if you don t deliver Absolutely you out and it s interesting actually because both Boris and Gerry hope they re appealing to grassroots or is with very basic things and they re using words like Wild West Britain which you know it s quite provocative really is no one else we re OK And then also on the front page of The Times this piece about bosses not allowing workers to take smartphones into work saying that posting updates on social media and texting your friends at work could soon be a thing of the past as bosses a confiscating the smartphones to keep you know nose to the ground stone. It really if you re a to me when I go anywhere particular catering and reach out what I see stuff on the phone do you see that I do see it I actually saw it recently at somewhere in town here and I actually complain it s a problem I have with stuff. KING In the front line but you know you can t take the throne of people it s and apparently prospects are saying the union prospects are saying that it s against human rights to remove a phone from somebody so it s a very difficult one but it is becoming more and more of a problem and it s saying why phones happen refused from youngsters some of us had panic attacks and anxiety because the say used to holding a holding a smart phone that s a hold of the story really isn t it you know on the phone the tendency is well you got to have one quick last one. Very sad front page of Sarah Palin can t believe it s 20 years since young Sarah Palin was murdered apparently there s a documentary tonight just very very sad. Terrible world we should watch them but it s very difficult to watch these these documentaries I find the very hard to know the answer come back a little later on we ll talk some All right thanks very much indeed Roy Bowman is the director of 7 park palm house where it was 41 degrees however they do it in the windows and go in have a look at those wonderful things going in that they go 726 morning to get. These scenes made you may see something. Now this started off as a simple coffee shop momos in St Helens is now much much more than that after a series of floods it just have to close in the end it was like one thing you know lead into the other and the people of the town said we don t want this to go they rallied round and they helped it relocate and it finally reopened last month to McCracken stuck his hand up he said I don t mind going off to a cafe he s going to the new momos and he went on the day the ladies of the woolly well being knitting club weather why does that just Mike of a Monte Python sketch that we gave in one piece of advice don t call them Woolies Let s find out if you remember not so owner and director Claire Rigby told him how the business is just kind of reinvented itself over the past 6 months I think all he said Oakley Yes So we decided to change you. So it s a day to clear. Company because we are all about the currency there s a reason that we do nobody in the crazy gets left out of the customs all came together they brought the whole town with them for the money for the deposit for this new place then he started raiding the houses in the brought me down all the paints all the wood tables chairs So what are you doing apart from the bullies over there but I can call them what is a puff and then this is over the. Story Golden State of the power from the next is over there yet what else happens here so Monday s it s all about the Coalition for disabled people so we betrayed the people would learn difficulties how to work at Hospitality and how to cook food from scratch so as to go into independent living they can support themselves and stay after that if we have kids autism club Tuesdays we have told them on incentive baby messy play Wednesdays we have done since dragons in the. Media and people who are socially isolated quite lonely night is creative writing not a real sense of that it s not real to us yeah could be going going to take a deep breath and a 2nd to go over Meet the new fish but before I m going to be somebody else you can share yet again I m going to Denise she came enough to St in absolute tears from that point on to become quite good friends and she was able to have to support her daughter. Where doing stuff comes here more than she did a show how often do you come in the main offices and it s. An ever actually every day now that I stumbled on the play. With Phil Well I come in here when. It s just. For me. It s quite relaxed and I. Really. Really don t know how much of a difference is it may choose your little girl because she s living with her which is mission should be it s made a lot of difference she comes in. Like Shawn s a class now really is brilliant are listening to me all the best you re delusional she again thank you all right then well I m going to take a chance going to speak to the. Club yes yes yes the really well being Morning ladies mortgage you know all right what s your name I m Sally why do you think it s important that we have a group like this for us all to get together it s just neighbors people who maybe struggle in social situations come together and we ve all got a common interest so there s a basis for everyone to start conversation with do things for the community as well because people are speak since this lady talked looks very intricate. Crocheting a Call the Midwife blankets very skillful How long have you been a member of this club well they succumb when it was their. Salai and Sally told me to crochet so she introduced me to this. Day I don t live in Las So there s nothing like this in the south and what you get out of a lot of fans here and daughter to some of the groups and holiday slime Aiken and things like that so she gets a lot of us as well so a lot of the ladies are very chatty and some were very shy of the yes some of them are yeah I m a terribly shy. Think. My niece and Cheri you are the shyest of the Shi a believers that I am the most shyest person you ever me. As completely changed my life before coming here East Islip myself I and I thought nothing would ever become of me life was just going to be over I discovered when I met Sally I made the decision to quit smoking so instead of spending all my money on cigarettes I spent my money and wall and crochet classes so I am now addicted to it will increase shares opposed to cigarettes which is much healthier. I ve made so many friends like this whole thing I see as my family because I m on my own my family down south come in here just make me feel like I ve actually got like a family around me I m personally special here it just feels amazing it s just time my whole life around and I feel like loss worth livin. That s a great little place that really isn t momos was recently applied for funding to provide a small garden as well like a sensory garden at the venue as we have more information they ve got their own website you can email them as well momos cafe in coffee momos cafe in coffee you ll get it fine I m on Facebook get up there as well thanks Jamie and thanks to everybody down my good looks nice to know you got on the way again. Just term have . The 4th of July the latest B.B.C. News now to Leopold good morning the team behind an addiction recovery center in Liverpool have told us they hope to prove critics of the scheme wrong by making a valuable contribution to the local community the 17 bed unit on Wavertree High Street was approved earlier this year despite hundreds of objections clean is out the offices on Merseyside to go on strike in a dispute over their pay members of the P.C.S. Union who work in Bootle and Liverpool will walk out for 48 Hours later this month they are a species is expecting a surge in calls about dumped unwanted pets over the summer the charities revealed there were more than $3000.00 reports of abandoned animals in the north west last year and $1500.00 pupils will take part in the Merseyside school games later this year s event includes a record attempt for the most number of children running the daily mile in the same place you weather dry this morning with some hazy sunshine a bright warm afternoon highs of 22 Celsius if you have a sense of angry mail and then regretted it if you have a. Question. You know what not. Just you do it. You d like to complain that I think you ve gone I should have thought about that a little a little bit more you know. It depends what went wrong yeah it s if I regret it if it s like that. Then I think you re well within your rights to kick off a little when you can t you can do it. Not so angrily and you ll know they re the best worked on it yourself you know it s one little word that makes a difference so you send the email to someone in work or someone who s cheesed you off or whatever and instead of putting Kind Regards you just put regards. The carrier drop the car that says he will never notice that I m still looking at my out with. A kindly gods or if you just get regarding you know the really cheesed all know they are so. B.B.C. Radio travel goes is it your I think it s mine Oh yeah I m on well they ve got no issues on the motorway so far which is some any congestion on the M $62.00 really nothing out the ordinary local roads all looking all right the big one which is going to affect you is on Queens Jiver going to have more delays there today I m sure because of a series of road works which kicked off yesterday so we ve got one length lows due to gas main way on the A 57 that s Prescott road it s him both directions at the junction of Queen s drive just by the navigator traffic light so obviously that s a very busy stretch around Liverpool and it really did slow you down it was back you know all along Queens Drive around the area yesterday said just expect some delays there as we head into rush hour but otherwise we re moving no issues on the motorways tunnels looking fine as is public transport but if anything changes I ll update you again at a quarter to. C.B.C. Radio as the sound schools tell you all this must have been a kind regards all regards conversation between the school. Skee prove that yeah maybe a little awkward but it s been OK at Liverpool s Ken scopes he claims he feels like he s back on the markets after a divorce after breaking up with his partnership with his brother it s all been really amicable there was no falling out the reason they don t play tennis together now is because Neil was offered the chance to pair up with Jamie Marie now Cemex Plains has been a strange feeling for him in recent months was following the end of a marriage or are. Now back on the market it s a strange one I mean it s made me a little bit of time to get used to what we ve had a few weeks now to sort of pick a play want. To have a little bit of a. Combine well together today hopefully we can go well in the potential of those US Also if they were in our section Well Ken and J.P. Smith came through their 1st round match in straight sets to go into round to start his doubles campaign they sound to me you know all the S.W. 19 headlines though are about 15 year old golf the American qualifier beat magdaléna rubric over in straight sets to make it into the 3rd round not a good day for the Brits though Heather Watson lost as did Kyle Edmund who blew a 2 set lead levels Nabby Kate is still expected to take part in the Reds pre-season tour of the United States despite aggravating a thigh injury while with Guinea at the Africa Cup of Nations Everton had to Kenya tomorrow for that opening friendly of the summer while the blues unveiled their new kit at 9 am this morning the Netherlands are through to face the USA in the final of the Women s World Cup after they beat Sweden $1000000.00 extra time Sweden will face England in 3rd place playoff which Alison s revealed he s surprised how quickly is recovered from mumps it took him just 5 days and he now hopes to play for Brazil in the cup America final against Peru journalist you and McKenna is out reporting on the tournament he s told us why he thinks the link up with Liverpool s for Mino may mean the blue star will stay on the bench like Terry probably the more likely player attacking Moyes in their opening 2 games he was running a players which others weren t He was full of enter. But it just isn t working with for me now so I think Chichi the coach to say that at this point and it s more to do with the dynamics within their attack rather than Richardson s on far it looks like Chelsea have got their new boss after Frank Lampard was photographed at Stamford Bridge last night Aaron Smith hasn t recovered in time for sin hell and Super League fixture at Hull tomorrow so Adam swift comes into the squad I would Morgans promising his team a few days off have to England s killed a place in the semifinals of the Cricket World Cup Well James Anderson hopes the cough injury which saw him limp off during languishes match at Durham isn t too serious it ended in a droll silence take 11 points that are 3 behind the latest Morgan with a game in hand don t forget most the side sports back tonight is the 10 of try time from 6 of. Your music your stories your life B.B.C. Radio. It s the 4th of July and this is where we. Set up some some competitions and some conversations about American code number 2 and then the 4th of July got to do with those those will do with those for the July Yeah I got a message actually a friend of mine he s a New Yorker you know yeah and he said have a 4th of July and I was like why independent I don t know I sent him a. Union Jack back I don t think we re very well on Independence Day No they celebrate the independence from was not exactly something yeah I think we should we should have had a theme if we were quick it s a day we should have a theme and and called it bored on the 4th of July instead of. The keyboard on the 4th of July when I could be every day with this program Steve I just thought I d get in there and say that before you did a whole lot you could have gone if you were going to do that you could decide board on the 4th of July just go back to the i Player or sounds any show became. Doesn t have to be on the 4th of July I said it will be appropriate Excellent well done that s why we didn t do it it s 20. Minutes away you re ready Steve I m ready quiz with no name here we are bound to make a pen Oh right I got a green highlights I think it s going to be the I knew everybody she has a lot of paper everybody is used to green highlights when they couldn t find a pen before so I m going for a go for. About It can t be that you know got a pair bond. Buying junk drawer and country in the southern hemisphere but it was all when I saw Northern Hemisphere them well I just don t want to do Hamish feable I ll go for it I m trying to do it you do know it s fine it s fine it will. Really nail it today but I m being told you re going to nail it to the nail it OK name it today s want to go 1st or 2nd go 1st OK 1st I m going to give you band Jag Yeah. Right away I was going to say. The jocks don t fall Jimi required that s a good morning I said to him OK you jump through all you fine. Jake off. Is not covered under the saying. Well when I say that. You my all right what about where you like to live a little and just put things in random places in the house jewelry in the junk image you draw because it s not real jewelry it s jogged jewelry says jewel be a image only kind of that that necklace that somebody bought your way. To the big time so you don t put in the junk drawer in case you get broken into and the thieves don t find it no not well they can have it OK I ll leave it as it s already been. Job jewelry country in the southern hemisphere I m going to just say this it s not a contrary Yeah I m sure of it. It s a place does it sound like you think it s in India Jakarta most in Pakistan. OK I ll give it to you. Well don t no idea Hello B.B.C. Yes we re looking for a new travel show presenter yet no problem I ve got the very man for you when and where you show we re going to somewhere beginning with you in the southern hemisphere OK I m going to give you the letter G. The letter J The band would be Genesis to easy while you gave me the letter No I m disappointed in myself all right Jemera quite the tribute band jam member jam I require the tribute band for Hell fair or just draw would be. Green they are. Green little why it s what s let me get there sorry little green no green that will cause it begins with green little wire tags that used to be on the bread you know remain Oh yeah you know twisty why yelling at all the little green plastic times that used to be on the bread that used to pull through there you know haven t I. That was just a descriptive word green is something that you put in the NOW YOU CAN NEVER dream Felton We might for now kiss felt or have a color it s descriptive. I m being a taskmaster Jemera quiet CD No no listen to. The mayor throw that one away fair enough OK I have failed place in the song. And Sylvan place in No it s a country isn t it oh yeah country. I had to carry on the work. How. You know I m going to give you that you gave me the not countries I m sure I will but they sound legal rely on it sounds as though it s in the Southern Hemisphere as well OK OK Joe graffiti choose to have it into school and I don t own. It is this the B.B.C. I know all right what was the other what was your go is my go carry. A bomb beginning we can t yeah would be so hot that. On a minute craftwork all. Very good. But any. Do you is that told a friend told the front what about this one FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR that was caused by what was I. Doing so chin just gross rightly on its head you re OK yeah well all of us the obvious one is keen because everybody s got keys in the joint show your friends are like this one I m going to go fall. Should ve just said Can t you see you re saying it was going to say cool back but spelled with a K. Account of that count as in cool and the gang in the get cool in the Ganguly going see they know the band The pipes are in your basement. Really and. You go and play on the banks of the summons in the SO might have done in the souvenir going to say yeah. No I don t know is there a place for them is for. Beginning with K. Gives a contributor Will. Come on. To. Keep Keeley . But. The phone you now are in where you literally was the one you didn t get to draw which will. Draw OK throw it out yes Excel writes out there give us a ring 08731 nice 3 double sale of the fact that you when you re well you know I don t say the obvious one kid you know and then couldn t come up with. The get your music your story your life B.B.C. Radio. Break you know how to do or is it imagine the conversation when you were you and your brother you ve worked together for years one gets a call about a promotion Well Liverpool scope ski brothers are at Wimbledon again for the 1st time not playing as a pair How does this going to work that Neil has a new doubles partner in Jamie Morey brother of surround the of course they start their tournament the SAF to know and can scopes came through his 1st match with his partner J.P. Smith yesterday he s been talking to Mark shard low how the split with his brother actually felt it s always nice to get off the mark especially with. First time playing together it was great to get off of 3 sets about that transition to a new partner because obviously you ve been playing doubles with so long to make a change after all those must be quite difficult almost the end of a marriage are. Now back on the market it s a strange one I mean it makes me a little bit of time to get used to we ve had a few weeks now to sort of prepare in a play want to. Play 3 matches together so we had a lot. A bit of a lot under our belt and we will obviously combine well together today and hopefully we can go well in the next round is potentially as house and they also if they win their sins and are such a margin it s also helps with the place you know in your comfortable playing. Thing you always sort of get yourself up even more socially for Wimbledon I mean all the grandsons are important but Wimbledon is very special and it s always something I look to when I was a kid at the time that I wanted to win so you may see things a bit maybe extra pressure. But you drive on it as well and I thought the performance today sort of prove that any family watching on a friends disc and of curious as to what might happen today within the party it s a bit strange considering I was watching my brother in the crowd so that s unusual things but they re all very much behind us and ourselves support him tomorrow we ve got Falls full clan down in a couple of 3 kids somewhere around here at the moment but it s great fun to have the net all share the winds it s nice that Neil still wants to follow you probably kind of was torn over that decision but he was there watch the courtside that was nice to have a particular want to watch him for 5 hours a father to the long match to the know he s got to play tomorrow and see how he does well until maybe we face each other but it s one of the things with we re very close to a brother and I and even though obviously decision for him to play with someone else was it was the right decision and it was it was a tough decision at the same time it will never change in the way we are with each other it was a. Search you know that was a lot discussions about how you felt how we felt we have to weigh up many different things for the fact that the the new A.T.P. Cup The new Davis Cup and next year being an Olympic year that was very much part of our decision making and Jaymes up here next one player so he s got a pedigree a pretty grand slams and that s sort of where we both want to get to. Maybe the fact that I m 36 and older now that maybe there s not as many years in my tank and personal it was a decision that we both thought very hard about it was a decision that we both thought with the right decision for the love of. I mean when you get any. Better of winning I mean I m 36 now people say you know why you still love the sport now as much as I ever did. Professional tennis group yeah let s hope so nice lads my family as well we ve tracked their career over the years I think the from both way think they both say Yep all of them if they meet each other what a team that would make and what a game that makes as well good morning 12 minutes to a let s bring you up to date with that line. Behind an addiction recovery center in Liverpool have told us they hope to prove critics of the scheme wrong by making a valuable contribution to the local community cleaners and H M R C offices on Merseyside to go on strike in a dispute over pay and the conservative leadership contenders Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt they ve been challenged to spend billions of pounds on reforming Social Care as we ve just been hearing little pools can scope see is through to round through Wimbledon with his new doubles partner J.P. Smith his brother Neil now plays with Jamie Murray at the both in action in the 1st round Wimbledon the. B.B.C. Radio travel. Obvious suggestions that Stephen I couldn t think of on the quiz with no name coming through Sorry about that you see but your intelligent think is too short one you never know they all may of RAM so they are not little. We doing on the road you don t want not bad at all no issues on the motorways which is good Hopefully it stays that way but one thing I would say to look out for today is Queen s drive on the Prescott Road area of Liverpool and there was a series of road works which kicked off yesterday and they definitely slowed you down hopefully you ll be more aware of them today but we ve got one lane closed gas main where only a 57 Prescott road both directions acquiesence drive just by the navigator traffic lights as it s a busy junction that at the best of times when you ve got a length closed expected delays it was backing up all the way along Queens Drive yes. And aside from that speak road eastbound So traveling away from Liverpool still got that lane closure because of gas main work there at Speak whole road that one s already have an impact on the traffic this morning but that s about it if you know anything else to give us a bow on I want 517-940-0953. B.C. . Now we ve got a bit of a legacy when it comes to gymnastics in this part of the world that legacy continues this Saturday 4 Merseyside clubs will fly to Austria to represent Great Britain at World gymnast hopefully of pronounce that right is the largest global gymnastics festival Spartak Jim club and one of the teams will be travelling to the event now the club is based in ormskirk it provided opportunities for young people to just get involved in gymnastics regardless regardless of their ability at dawn reserve as head coach and she s on the line now wanted to draw on Good Morning and tell us about. Getting involved in gymnastics regardless of of their ability that that s an interesting look at it isn t it. Is we revert to the a very unique to our sticks club. We primarily run. For gymnasts ways disability of all ability we also include mainstream general So you ll see around which club so it s very inclusive but there s a real family feel to the clubs and the ace great camaraderie brilliant. And you re off to a good only pronouncing the right why is it called gymnast rather OK to me started the world to Miss Trotter enough straight ally How long has not been been going for . It s been going for a long time just fortunately it s not really very well publicized up till now. What does it mean to you and the rest of the people involved to be go I mean even have a great time but there s a job to be done as well as now there s a series. Yeah as far as a coach is an ascot looking certainly certainly not a holiday however. To be honest there s an awful lot of stress and organize ocean that goes on before hand especially with a chain like ours we ve worked very closely with but just you know that sort of helped us immensely get as upset so as it should be. Put our gymnasts absolutely love it they love being a part of the event they love the attention that they get because people from all over the world of recognise that cinema and lashed in a strong part of the one before and they purposely common find them and say OK when he is the full may well when can we see you where you perform it so beloved that as well as the so many different people the T. Shirt back to you and also gives them so much independence as well and that. It s really important because it is what kind of a change have you seen in some of the people who ve who ve come to you some of the gymnastics come to you and they may may be shy at 1st and they just blossom to they just let it all go. Yes You know it doesn t always come naturally. However when did you pass walks into that our gym regardless of ability they are all equal they will all sit right there turn on the trampoline of the P.M.O. The balls and they will all have to go quite often we get we have to get lots of help is it to make sure that they all have a go. And that s important and speaking from firsthand experience my son has Down s syndrome and if it wasn t for what we do with the gym I don t believe I d got him into a mainstream school any tip progressed sociably as well as he has done that sounds cry and well done you want what you son s name Sam Ok Sam and everybody else have a great time but we re almost out of time but where and when and have a safe journey where is it going to be and. Yes we fly out Saturday morning. We fly since you re right for the whole event if they don t but Austria will take a look on Facebook we ll have a look online as well but listen Don thanks very much indeed for talking to his good looks to everybody in including Sammy as well Cheers thank you very much indeed well done 5 minutes to 8 now we ll take a look at the inside stories of today s papers really Bowman is with us director of the septum pot bomb house you ve been flipping through the pages will have found I have yeah this is an interesting article in the Echo which is on all the local news yesterday regarding the city s status with UNESCO. As a heritage site and what they re saying is that the talks could be snatched for the next 12 months to all the new developments in town that s quite interesting really because I remember in 2004 I was very proud when Liverpool got the status from UNESCO However I really don t think it should actually hold the city back you know you can t keep things held in the aspic there are other towns I know in Britain and cities where really the kind of preserved as museum pieces and I don t really think we d want that for the poor really particularly that end of the cities I m very young jobs we develop but it s not just about evidence ground it s about the areas where there s not so that in and the regeneration and the things and and I was just reading what Joe I understand said yesterday he s quite right people don t necessarily come for Bradley docs that come for all sorts of different reasons into Liverpool so I mentioned see what happens over the next couple of years it s been there quite famous on social media has very very emotive as well. There s a piece in The Telegraph about the Burnham who said Norton has faced discrimination in the capital he s given an interview to cause he s embarrassed he s given an interview to G.Q. Man magazine and he said that there s a different mentality mentality between northerners and southerners that he feels that northerners face discrimination in all walks of life in London. A guy called Paul Sweeney who works for the center of cities. Responded by saying actually one of the problems is there s been a recent devolution of powers to some cities in the north but it s not it s not going far enough yet that the next prime minister really should that she make it one of the priority is to give more power to the north Mississippi a hang over of generations gone by a couple streets and flat caps and whip each thing I think it is I think T.V. T.V. You know perpetuates that too but what is interesting in this article is written and or is given to G.Q. Magazine and I think Andy Burnham is right he s saying that parliament of Westminster is a living nightmare and that the place is and equated and basically dysfunctional and I think what we saw over Bragg s it has really proved that actually so maybe there is some some reason to give more power to the city it s all moved parliament to Bamiyan right in the middle of the canal. Slap bang or maybe even a little I know you said you live but there s an article about Christmas in the Daily Mirror really. An interesting one on happy Breck s message says it says that no deal could mean no presents at Christmas no food on the shelves no no presents for children the same reason Tesco has a saying that the the possible tailbacks unfair is not running and things will make sure that we have a very miserable Christmas all crystal ball and then. There s another another piece in quite a lot of papers that actually made me laugh out loud some lady in Norfolk knitted 60 Live Saif life size figures of what our nation with the Queen and all the courtiers it just looks really striking doesn t it it looks like it looked almost like animation it looks very very strange with the 60 of them on it just shows how eccentric The British are it looks a little bit like Tales of the elect specter that it doesn t you know for those who remember that they re almost out of time what s happening in your place and we re very busy actually we ve got our summer season and we ve got this year we ve got some new out Nashik spare not messy issue and things cafes a brand new cafe so the farmhouse is looking really good day and as ever really thanks very much. Very appreciative thank you there s Roy Bowman the director of the Sefton Park house we did the quiz with no name earlier on as we head into the 8 o clock news and we really Stephen I really struggle on this you know because I don t know what it is it s because maybe we re on the spot kind of you re saying. We re not highly intelligent creatures but we re not thick was somewhere in the middle we might sound flick on the air sometimes but it s the pressure of the job sit near talking rubbish and pushing buttons it is it s really difficult but you come up with the goods this morning we were looking for junk drawer Jay globe yes glue this normally gonna thank you Keith globe classes golf balls glasses repackage Thank you Chris and logically when you join draws in glasses glue and glitter says bride of Melissa thanks for that I will do some more from our news is next. Your music your stories your life. D.C. Radio mare s the site. Says day July the 4th It s 8 o clock now the latest B.B.C. News Chili Bowl good morning the team behind an addiction recovery center in Liverpool say they want it to be essential parts of the local community when it opens its doors later this month the 17 bed units home Wavertree High Street was approved by the Council earlier this year but hundreds of complaints were submitted with people claiming it was the wrong location for vulnerable residents however Jackie Johnston Lynn choose running it insists they ll be working hard to improve the local area and not damage exactly want to have a sense of community activism and citizenship so you know if no response down the road kind of falls over in the wind there are lots will go around and put a bucket for us so we really want to be part of the key. Unity and not like there s a little rose garden down the road we also want to get involved with help from with anything we can do to help in the community we really really want clean as Revenue and Customs officer he sided to go on strike in a round over there pay members of the public ounds Commercial Services Union who work in Bootle and Liverpool will walk out for 48 Hours later this month the unions campaigning for a minimum wage of 10 pounds per hour. They are S.P.C.S. Expecting a surge in calls about dumped unwanted pets and over the summer after revealing 85 percent mole a dumped compared to in the winter with them taking a report every 6 minutes there were more than $3000.00 reports of abandoned animals across the north west between June and August last year Stephen Wickham is an officer with the charity and has they said layer keeping the heat in is was going to feel warm this afternoon and it will continue to be fine with gentle winds as well 22 degrees Celsius that s just up into the into the low seventy s if you suffer with the hay fever the pollen count is very high on latest on the B.B.C. Weather and online B.B.C. Documentary U.K. Slash little Paul. Good to have you with us good morning now a controversial drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is about to open its stores on a busy Liverpool high street B.B.C. Radio Merseyside political reporter Claire Hamilton has been to say there s been a lot of talk about this and we re going to hear from her in a moment and netball swimming tennis of course football as well just some of the events that hundreds of school kids will be competing in over the next couple of days at the annual Merseyside school games summer festival B.B.C. Wrecked films as Lake did with a button Don t drop it is that the Wavertree Sports Park or is this more as you know those buttons in sports they like the metal album in your or whatever it was kind of steel choose that was always somebody who dropped that school and a pub and now it s going to be a recovery center local councillor Clare McIntyre says she understands why residents were worried but thinks it s right to give the center a chance where we had several publicly since the last war we had to start come and speak with the residents It was a really positive meeting what a different view. It some people agree to go and help our volunteer which is lovely Some people have still got concerns about you know what will happen I think it s just a case of waiting to see now when the 1st people comment and I hope that they feel that this is their home and that you know that they can you take part of our community activities there s a year of the project that was what it was given to planning to denounce the right decision then give it a year see how it goes you know there was a lot of concerns raised in the community.

Radio-program , Geography , Community , Sociological-terminology , Popular-culture , Musical-trios , Hemispheres-of-the-earth , Human-geography , Rural-community-development , Cities , Streets , Traffic-law

Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20190702 160000

Nabby case here will be able to return to play for his country in the African Cup of Nations Kerry who was injured playing for Guinea but his national coach has told the B.B.C. That he s hopeful he ll be back for the knockout stages and on day 2 of Wimbledon reigning women s champion Angelica made a successful start to her defense of the title should be Tatiana Maria in straight sets while British number one you had a concert it s also safely through to round 2 the weather plenty of sunshine Sue and the staff the news as we head into the saving staying dry and clear overnight temperatures falling to around 9 Celsius sunny tomorrow with highs of 22 B.B.C. Radio messy side News. From the thanks a lot Phil welcome back into our 2 of drive time on the way a Merseyside company and one of its directors have been fined more than half a 1000000 pounds after work has suffered life changing injuries when she got her head trapped in a machine will meet the high school students who ve been sworn in as mostly sarges newest detectives as part of a new scheme to raise awareness of criminal exploitation I will have all the build up from Leon wiring going to get him ready to take on the USA in the women s World Cup semi final and for a quiz today we re asking you who is this famous celebrity Have a listen that s the 1st time anyone had ever said that that that was their job if you think you know who it is 080731003 double 3 or text your answer across starting with the word mercy it s 813 double 3. Drive time B.B.C. Radio maze inside. Plz . Long as you out so the love level when lessons in love we have been talking about the B.B.C. Salaries that been reached again today at Steven Chu Brook has been on he says poll I ve always had this role the idealistic notion that working for the BE and gender is such loyalty that negative emotions such as envy and jealousy don t exist so I m certain that today when the top is at the B.B.C. Were revealed comments such as Won t I wouldn t pay her in washes or I could do his job standing on my head or cold I m presented as was surely not good in the offices of B.B.C. Radio in the seaside please don t spoil my rose tinted view of the B.B.C. . Well everyone had a look of course to be honest to soon as it was revealed we all are the lot what are people who are earning books now I m not saying from a personal point of view I m not saying I could do any of those people s jobs not at all I know I couldn t I m merely asking you Do you think they re worth it that s the thing do you think they are value for money the money that they re being paid to do the jobs that they do. Call self B.B.C. Radio Mazie said. I m quite happy doing this one for as long as they ll have me it s 11 minutes past 5 I m a news story this hour a young woman who suffered catastrophic injuries after getting her hair trapped in a machine I demurred he sayit factory has been praised for dealing with her injuries with great fortitude 29 year old at Carolina. Was injured at Cheshire moldings instant Howland s back in June 26th seen today the company in one of their directors will find over half a 1000000 pounds Tim Beasley from Le Vine solicitors represents Miss Lubin anchor he spoke to our reporter Jessica Robbins outside Liverpool Crown Court and just a warning some of what you re about to hear you may find upsetting Well the court has marks this very serious misconduct by the company with quite significant fines the company has received a fine oh well over 460000 in the directors got to pay 50000 pounds this is going to hit their profits but they would have been better advised to taking better care of their health and safety for their workers rather than finding themselves in court today tell me a bit about the incident and what happened to miss living it it was a truly horrific incident she was just doing some cleaning in close proximity to a machine the machine had been shut down but part of it was still moving and as she was bending over her hair came into contact with a rotating part of the machine dragging it in. And she made frantic attempts to get free and lost a thumb as well and it just ripped off her hair and she s lost a 3rd. Part of one Aaron and another as well I mean it sounds absolutely dreadful and you know sort of how many years on now she s still suffering isn t she how is she right now well it s just over 3 years from the accident she is still having surgical procedures she travels regularly to down to London Birmingham she s in the care of some of the finest surgeons in the world in this area you can never restore properly what she s lost everything is being done to try and help Byron and she s a remarkable woman who s born this with great fortitude other people have crumbled but we ve given her as much support as we can and she s doing remarkably well in spite of everything this is the 5th conviction now for this company as far as health and safety breaches concerned I think it s quite extraordinary that a company is going to be so lapse in their health and safety they appeared before the very same judge that sentenced them to die just 2 years ago over a previous incident where a lady lost a number of fingers from a hand and they didn t do enough to put things right and the same thing is happened again what would you say to the company if you could about these sort of issues because obviously you know your client now is going to be having a lifetime of agony because of this instance Well it s interesting the judge today is given them a couple of years to pry. I dare say they ll stay in business they will pay these fines and then they ll forget about it but for my client Carolina she s going to be living with this for the rest of her life. Your music your stories your life B.B.C. Radio Mazie side. It s quarter past 5 let s have a look at the weather for the saving then we re going to get some plenty of late afternoon sunshine on the way as. We head into this evening it s going to stay dry and clear overnight as well got to get a bit chilly chilly as it has been of late in the evenings we have 9 Celsius overnight and then as we start tomorrow we re going to get some dry sunny spells again with highs of 22 degrees Celsius. B.B.C. Radio travel. And with all the latest travel news here s our Chaput. On the journey around speak I m afraid to speak with those at length closures down toward speed called Roll particularly on the. Congestion back the name shopping park it s also busy. Has been an accident. Prox in the Strand Road junction slower than what you might normally expect destruction around the region but the fire caused a bit of a spectacle down towards that wall to straight north bound the M $57.00 approaching switch Island picking accuse me I m 62 in either direction now from tannic me to the M 6 for 12 Ackles if you are anything else they can be an 851794953. Trouble. 10 metres away that s all they are Blake often brings in met I m a seller who takes some stuff in and goes to our with the feel of the old ball didn t old if they get a scratch try price and good with his broken chip didn t fail them but I got installed I warrant your not only 6 survive the pressure but go on to tell your 10 point lead to believe the summer. B.B.C. Radio may so. Now in the courts to quiz today we re asking you who is this the 1st time anyone has ever said that that that was their job it wasn t Daniel. Desmond immune it went for that one Jimmy and Burke and I had Alfie and vocal Jimmy and physically Gene rad you know that in Adrian and Hailwood row on the donkey common as well you all got it right it was this fire life apply you an extended clip you should get a made a very important state and he said well his job was to take people like myself and . People like writers and another creative people and put them together. And I know that sounds again very simple but that s the 1st time anyone had ever said that that that was their job yes it was just but carrot too of course was on the show not that long ago well done if you said just but Carol we re going to be talking many detectives who have been enlisted with Merseyside Police today I mean reading Book in and see. The board see them on. a cold. George airstrip. 521 so we ve been talking about this this Payless that there s been released today women enter the list of top paid B.B.C. Presenters for the 1st time Gary Lineker is number 11750000 Chris Evans is number 2 is laugh now but it was 1250000 Graham Norton his 3rd 610000 runs says Graham Norton was recently replaced by Jack Whitehall for one episode on the programme was much better Gary Lineker could easily be replaced by Alex Scott Jackie only and was recently presented by an Asian Englishwoman Richard ask him is equally capable she goes on to say the brakes at Party members should not have attended the opening of the European parliament rather than make such a stupid protest we are already the laughing stop stock of Europe says his right to keep the comments coming in on any of those things now if you thought the police are getting younger these days you could possibly be right because most the side police assigned a group of secondary school pupils as trainee detectives as part of a programme involving teenagers from schools in communities where young people are vulnerable to criminal exploitation as more gay or report says a visual record taking place on Tuesday the 7th of July from the media to a lot of you know this interview is being conducted in the interview in Curry station I B M Because any given evidence if your case is going to trial these a 14 year old trainee detectives Kira who attends little and high and Harry from Savio Silesian college in Bootle they re interviewing a man suspected of stabbing a 16 year old boy in the leg and they re asking some tough questions to ask I have in your life was is. What you mean you hear that you were kicked out but we can t tell for most of the continent and call really and this is the 2nd weeklong series organized crime inside program developed by Merseyside police in conjunction with the charity Everton in the community where youngsters of current through their pay . It is at the Merseyside forces detective training academy and since Helen s Detective Chief Inspector Steve ridden explains what the program hopes to achieve what we are hoping and ensure happens is that they go away and they talk to their friends they talk to the family they taught communes and then the actors as multipliers the actors mentors to the friends and certain loss program to go back and do presentations in school we want to talk about knife crime we want to make sure it s factual and the utopian on the quick but those facts are realize the impact that crime can have participants have listened to a hard hitting talk on the damage knives can cause from Rob Jackson and this clinician at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital they visited the trauma suite at Alder Hey hospital where young knight bit into treated and later in the course will meet with the parents of Sam Cooke who was murdered in Liverpool city center while out celebrating his 21st birthday for the actor you heard earlier playing the suspect this has special meaning 20 year old Michael Moran was a close friend of Sam s permits on this project lost on Sons mom dad when involved it was it was just Evan in a community please comment together and to see after the crime that we are the lost city not just with son but with other people last year and the last couple of months as well it s got to be able to sort of get everyone of all ages or platforms to 1 o clock down on that No So what lessons are trading detectives Kira and Harry learning from this course I got like issues a knife crime and Siobhan how that can affect not just the victim but the family and not just at the town you ve been injured bull the whole life and how challenging was it for both of you to have to think like detectives to try and get the suspect it is to say things that will help you form a charge against him it s not just like speak and it s like creating a puzzle in much of going to Life thing 2 steps ahead of gravity if I get this quote. And then he could give me these answers and whatever sponsor either the answers and becomes easy when you get into more of like a flower conversation and when you know that way you re going to go with the conversation in question. For this when you go back to school you spread the message amongst your friends is that message you can spread and you think many people in your school will listen although just sing out there just please grass almost I think we ve got beyond the inner I mean life for most of my life kids I go to lots and other Frink that their friends even involved in my farm in the fish place or think it be motivational. Book and ends like passion as well despite her impressive interview technique kid isn t sure if she s cut out for a career with the police but Steve ridden admits his job could be under threat. From the shame we would have to say in cable just ensued the suspect was upset from subs that the questions she was asking in the way should go on a par with really really cold ones and she s been on this course before after watching one of our courses absolutely excellent Now the suspect s been charged he ll be facing a trial and part of the program will include a visit to Liverpool Crown Court a talk from a judge and a chance to see the criminal justice system in action with a mock trial of the alleged knifeman. With the mini detective sounds good doesn t it. The. Long and. Long long. Well he s I. Think I was in the midst of Mr Bean movie I think you know I may say it s a good in its own right obviously. At the time now it s 530 Let s get the latest news from Phil Cooper thanks Paul a solicitor representing a woman who suffered catastrophic injuries when her hand got trapped in a machine at a Massey side factory has slated the company and that lapse health and safety policies 29 year old Carolina Lavinia SCO lost an error in a thaw and is now partially sighted after the accident at Cheshire moldings incent Helens in June 26th day in it s understood UNESCO committee has agreed that Liverpool s World Heritage status is still in danger but its annual review meeting the organization decided that Liverpool hasn t done enough to allay fears over future developments along the waterfront the B.B.C. Has defended the large amounts of money paid to many of its presenters and corporations annual reports list 75 on a staff who are paid at least 150000 pounds 3 women are in the top 10 and as for the 1st time police have released images of 16 Addison fans suspected of being involved in brawls with mobile supporters after their F.A. Cup match in January a mess described the violence as some of the worst they ve witnessed for a very long time that s the basis to have a full news update at 6 o clock. Radio travel and now the real roads have been reasonably kind to us is that still the case then is that. Yeah it is to be honest. With the census for you nothing to watch or any concern really have a look at the water where network is has been I expect or slightly better in places the only concern I have got is a director general approach was to allow a closure on rules Rob because of the accident strand draws that will cause a bit of disruption of course some additional journey times you factor in the diversion but everywhere else looking fine if you cannot do it mate then of units on 5 want 794953 baby say Radio Merseyside travel. I ve. Had this big game for the England women s team tonight without the rest of the sport s Philcon salary has more from the England captain coming up here but we ll start with the injury news about Liverpool s not be Kaisa the midfielder recently returned to the club after playing for Guinea at the African Cup of Nations he returned for treatment on an injury suffered during the tournament but the guinea coach Paul Porter told B.B.C. He s hopeful Kato will return for the knockout stages of the competition I hope to get back towards. The cost of fuel because in this. So yes one solution. That will make decisions. Will be positive Tonight s the night for England win the World Cup semifinal with the USA It s the 1st chance for the women to reach a welcome final and if they do it it will be the 1st time an England team of any carnival of reached a welcome final since 1966 but the USA will star favorite Some have been talking up their chances of getting through Name one captain step forward and says she s confident her team will rise to the challenge only when you play in these big games we need all step up its not just about me and my form it s about Lucy bronze Jill Scott Nicky house L M Y just to name a few we are to step up but our fellows are we did that the other day reports from Spain the softer Nuna suggesting that the evidence strikers son drove could be. About the Parkinson park he s reportedly set to sign for a rail valued Alida he spent last season also in the league at Real Sociedad the Bulls women will embark on their 1st of a pre-season tour of the USA later this month the Jepson squad will join up with him tops men s team as they build for the preparations for the women Super League season which starts in the 1st weekend in September day 2 of Wimbledon and the British number one Johanna concert is safely through to the 2nd round she s beaten and a ball down 7562 the defending women s champion Angelica Kerber made a winning start should be touch Ana Maria in straight sets and Roger Federer dropped the 1st set against Africa s Lloyd Harris but he s gone through by 3 sets to warm to the British or the British players in action today what wins for Dan Evans Harriet dark Jade Clarke and Cameron Nori But James Ward was beaten in 5 sets by the Ukrainian Nick last push believe in today s game of the Cricket World Cup It looks like India who will be picking up the winning points they batted 1st made $314.00 for 9 and in reply Bangladesh only won $79.00 for 6 after $34.00 overs a win for India would secure them a place in the final 4 and day 3 of Lancaster County Championship much has been overshadowed with the news of change sounds and had to leave the field because of a calf injury he won t Bowl again in the match England of course have an Ashes series coming up in exactly 4 weeks time as the court s going again like you had a 1st innings lead of 56 over Durham but in the 2nd innings they ve struggled a bit there 145 that s a lead of 196 that s a spur of the moment to measure size 4 coming your way from 6 o clock thanks very much Phil and on the way next we re crossing over to Leon to preview that big World Cup semifinal. HOLMES be enough for getting the range of posts and that s just the way it is more comments coming in regarding salary Jane in Kensington says surely carried in a cause an agent to push the fee as far as it can go I m sure at the B.B.C. Should have said no before he got to that much and said On you go Well of course Gary Lineker doesn t work exclusively for the B.B.C. Either he does much of the day but he also works for BT too in the European coverage. As well as Chris brothers and he want can do their job if they re like football says Jane in Kensington filling Crosby says if you can t get the cricket live you can do what I do and record the highlights which are on channel 4 each night yeah and they are great as well but it s still not the same as watching it live as it really. But thank you very much for going in such without one and Jules in our turn Hi Paul with regards to Gary Lineker doesn t he also present the BT Sports coverage as he does so he can be short of a few bob agree with road in relation to the breaks at party petty minded politicians let s turn our attention to football because there s a big game on tonight s England s women s football team will play the USA in just a few hours in a fake F.A. Cup what I m on about women s World Cup semifinal now the USA ranked number one in the world and have an impressive tournament so far but can the Lionesses overcome them to become the 1st England team to make it to the final of a World Cup since 1966 Well our reporter Jane Prendergast is in Leone where the game is being played I caught up with her before we came on air she began by explaining how both teams have got where they are so far and overcame Scotland Argentina and Japan to top Group D. With 3 wins before consecutive 3 know victories over Cameroon and Norway and Norway game is their last Thursday seemed a lot longer. So that was 5 wins 11 goals scored and anyone conceded against Scotland the USA began the defense of their title with a 13 nail win over Thailand before further victories against Chile and Sweden and then narrow wins over Spain and France they beat France 21 last final day so they ve conceded one more goal but scored more to with that route over Thailand and of course there are number one they have in their history won 3 World Cup finals England haven t made it to the final of the World Cup at all and are ranked 3rd in the world but of course it is all about what. Happens on the night actually though the USA are favorites I think the 2 teams are quite evenly matched in this tournament and it will be a tight close game and England coach Phil novels that knowledge the USA the best team in the world but he s not worried Izzy No he says you know they are without a shadow of a doubt the best but that doesn t mean England can t beat them and he says he s game planning how to get the World Cup final and factoring in the USA I m sure since he took the job of England coach coach on 18 months ago and he thinks his players are more than a match for the USA they have Meccan Rypien know in their squad who scored 4 in their last 2 matches and tonight she will go head to head with England s Lisi bronze we re expecting who never has also described as the best in the world and as Rypien a place on the left for America a bronze on the right for England this is being set up as one heck of a battle one pundit has put it and it s potentially a battle which could win or lose the game both a strong competitive and very physical players there s also of course the battle for the Golden Boot going on Ellen White for England scored 5 so have repeat no and Alex Morgan for the U.S.A. Given that never has no injury or illness worries to concern himself with all players if it came to play he s confident that his team are very much a match for the Americans and of course the last time they met was back in March in the she believes Cup and it was a $22.00 draw and of course that was a cup that England went on to win I know we are expecting a full stadium in LI on the sea evening. You know we are close to 60000 the stadium here and by all accounts ticket sales have been doing really well there are a lot of Americans in town here in New York and I was speaking to quite a few of them last night they were part of you my hotel he decided to take a big holiday and followed the women s team with the confidence of course that they can book far ahead to the semifinals sure that their team would be there some England fans in evidence to this supporter I found in Central Leo a little while ago as long as we keep talking to the bot cannot do the silly mistakes have been doing before look at every chance we re playing really well at the minute laid out a few rocky games I ve played before and then they came up against Norway smashed a can believe I would say and I was really proud of them I know Holland be is in the your eyes but I think if we get free We re going to want to sing everything scary for as we ve got no dodgy reference decisions everything s going our way on the page even when we ve done but passes the fall into our players it s just in the stars and her point there is a good one say we do beat America and make it to the final on Sunday we will face the Netherlands all sweet enough course the Netherlands as she says be to your race and both are doing well to be in the semifinal but neither are as daunting a prospect as the USA and you know either of them would be the only thing standing between us and the women s Well Cup trophy if we win tonight that is quite an exciting thought. Your music your story your life B.B.C. Radio Maisie s. 46 is the time the weather for tonight plenty of light shone shine kickin around as we head into the city evening study in dry dry and clear overnight feeling a bit nippy throw. You Marshall the wind and I reckon lows of knowing Celsius tomorrow will be dry with some sunny spells in the high use of 22 degrees Celsius. B.B.C. Radio my seaside travel says the problem. You see out the window. And then the birds in the morning. Favor as well all right. But you have my sympathy how are we doing on the road. Not too bad thankfully soul to destroy human senses forget the main issue that we have is a. Diversion to follow which is slowing things down slot or whatever else if anything a little bit lot of the normal it has to be. Paying for us to be a bit busy on the M 62 but I m certain it works over to Manchester from Crofton to change to. Speak speak. In the next half an hour before the minutes. To be an 8. 794953. Trouble. You can email me out to me this week I ll play some great music we ll talk about what s happening locally it will have live music plus I ll put you to the test with . Join me to tell full week days on B.B.C. Radio meses. So. The time with some P.C. Phrase you may see some. Weed in. See the new month for the shoes. That. Are Missing month seem old of the floor. You. know 6 Louis Capote and that is cold holy while you wait on B.B.C. Radio side what else we got coming in here one of the FROM does who says using mini detectives to reduce the problem of crime back to that pay is what a trip to referring to and a good example of thinking outside the box excellent. And on the football Brian says I thought I would watch being low moments and I and take advantage while I can now that sky and BT have realised its potential I doubt it will be on terrestrial television next time around. And John and I both salty you said no England team has won the World Cup since 1966 What about the under 21 in 2017 I did think not when I read it John and I think the implication there is that they mean senior team rather than at youth level but it s a very good point that you ve raised so well done to you brownie points to you John and I both thank you very much right as significant song time it is the birthday of pizza K. Today still probably the funniest of a comedy gig I ve ever been to was Peter Kay out the summer pops in Liverpool I m talking I think it s probably around 20022003 before the arena was of a bell you know and they had the tent over that down the waterfront and I went to see Peter Kay I never like crying often so because Peter Case 46th birthday today we re going to play a song with Peter I am. I am. Little. PETER CAVE 46th birthday today that s Tony Christie and is this the way to Amarillo Merseyside sports is on the way Next we got a we ve got a packed show for you we ve got the B.B.C. Africa reporter Nick Cavill coming on who s going to be talking about the African Cup of Nations so far Nabby case of course is currently back in Liverpool having is injury a SAS So we ll talk about that also on the show Willie Kirk we haven t seen ladies manager talking of course about what s going on in the women s World Cup This evening keeping a close eye on those events As for sure Amrani godless will be on to pay tribute to the very sad news this weekend that the Reverend Harry Ross has died at the age of 78 of course the vicar salutes church next to Goodison and it was sad news to hear about that he was 33 years he was there and he was club chaplain as well for 25 years so we ll say what Ronnie s got to say on that one it s all on the way Merseyside sport between 6 and 7. And. You know. I used. And you. Radio Mezei. A very good evening a 6 o clock let s get the latest B.B.C. News read by Feel Good evening they solicit her representing a woman who suffered catastrophic injuries when her hang out trapped in a machine and him as he signed factory a slice of the. Company and their lapse health and safety policies 29 year old Carolina Levin Mansker lost an error in a thumb and is now partially sighted after the accident at Cheshire moldings incent Howland s In June 26th seen today the company and one of their directors were fined over half a 1000000 pounds at Liverpool Crown Court Tim basically is from Levine solicitors I think it s quite extraordinary that a company is going to be so lapse in their health and emergency crews have been called to Saturn park in Liverpool following reports of a grass fire part of the hill drive is being blocked off close to wood rose Whirlpool has admitted that as many as 800000 of its tumble dryer is in homes around the U.K. Could be faulty in June the government said it would issue a recall notice for up to half a 1000000 Dryas which posed a fire safety risk but when pressed by M.P. s The company executives said the number could be higher. The former deputy prime minister Lord hassle sign says Liverpool s Metro Man should be given more powers from Westminster to help boost the region s economy the former minister from the side says the region would benefit from a similar agreement in Greater Manchester where the government has devolved responsibility for health and social care and Mr Hazell sign has rejected criticism over the current system where Liverpool has a city and regional man I think of her Anderson the approval of done a good job he has identified with the spokesman for Liverpool and he s helped drive the agenda forward of the Vokoun is now the man for a greater move as I ve been moved to feeling the agenda relevant about job an England manager Phil Neville says his team will need to step up their game as they take on the USA in the women s World Cup semifinal this evening millions of people are expected to watch the match on T.V. Novel says the squad are in confident mood sometimes before these games you can a fierce trepidations but I just I just smile not in book told people freedom happiness and excitement from the players and that s what it felt like we were setting the Alltel after training today and I heard one of the players sate just.

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