president and his cnn host was revisiting the 2020 election. mr. trump refusing once again t admit he lost and repeating his claims that there was widesprea fraud. when you look at that result when you look at what happened during that election, unless yo are very person, you will see what happens may be a couple that don t pay but most people understand what happened. it was a rigged election. the audience made up of registered republicans and undeclared voters and even laughter when he dismissed yesterday s civil jur finding that he sexually abused eugene carroll who accused him of raping her. i have no idea who she is sh is a whack job. on the issues of the day, mr. trump said the biden presidency has been a disaster for the country, especially wit regard to our southern border whereas many others have, he predicted a new flood of immigration with thursday s lifting of pandemic aero restrictions. yet living in central park and new york city. they are swamped lo
conspiracy. now president biden s own energy department finding evidence covid likely leaked from that lab in china. i m harris faulkner. you are in the faulkner focus. presoutlets reporting that the energy department is joining with the fbi in supporting that lab leak origin, based on classified intelligence. the intelligence agency reportedly shared with both the white house and key members of congress. republican lawmakers want answers. we need hearings on this. the chinese used their coercive economic activities to shut people up. we need to extensive hearings. i hope our democrat colleagues in the congress can support that. i know the republicans in the house are certainly supportive of that. they didn t just shut them up. they shut them down. they discredited. even journalists asking questions. i was stickered all over the place for asking the question, along with dr. segal on our team here at fox news. the subselect committee on the pandemic in the hands of house
he has a little guy, they are adjusted for someone who seems like this. and i have spots. and it s the worst day to have spots, because today is a big day, this is a big show. kat, this is our two-year anniversary show! [cheers and applause] yeah, well, this marriage of the three of us is off to a great start with greg forgetting it s our anniversary and running off to germany to make art films like he is lord for quad. yes, look at that, you see it. yep! not my blue buttons! anyways, thanks for nothing, greg. no, but thank you, greg, kat, staff, team, and our amazing fans for making us number 1. [applause] and let s not forget jean who does all of the dancing and singing and annoying things. [applause] but we will not put the camera on him, not even for a second. [laughs] that sounded like greg coming out to the monologue. so if a coward dies a thousand deaths and a soldier dies but once, how many times do they get to attempt to end them? in the case of those going after pre
cover-up and censorship and lies that take place, they want moreh and more power centralized in washington d.c., they want to say over every aspect of younr life and when it comes to themm. doing their duties, they won t do them. probably the greatest source foa incompetence is the american that was a surprise like lollipops. the problem was, there was no rush and collusion. a pushing media propaganda w throwasks and no studies say masks have no consequence. work lockdowns and shutdowns that destroy people s lives, theidownr businesses, their home lives and so forth. o forth now we know lockdowns didn t do anything. we could go on and on. what about natural immunity? we had experts from stanford and rockefeller college in oxford and yale who said natural immunity is what we need, the elderly and those who have other serious issues medically, perhaps they should have vaccines but we don t need vaccines for the entire country, didn t matter. what about the origin? of t
are we using power tools? will: i get the power tool thing. i want someone to show us, this is what i want some tips on, how about cleaning the pumpkin out? everybody shows you how to to make the designs, my least favorite art e part, the kids don t like the part of scooping rachel: really? my kids love that. will: getting it scraped so there s no strings on the edges. everybody likes to do the cutting and the designs, nobody likes the actual manual labor rachel: i bet if you went online, you could find the hack yesterday there was a hack about opening it from the bottom up. will: yes. rachel: i m going to try that this year. kids do love it. will: they don t finish job. i guarantee you sean finishes the job. todd: so this is what i have to look forward to with the little ones? will: you re super excited, and you will do rachel: most of the work. will: 70% of the work. todd: sort of like yesterday. yesterday all about the ponies, i can t wait we take her to the