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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181030 00:30:00

the people here don t have a clue about that feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in every day looking for justice and equality. under the skin of russia s women starts nov thirteenth on w. . hi everyone welcome to a new week of your romance i m your host meghan lee we ve got an exciting lineup for you today here s a look at what s in store. for colorful creations where french fashion designer simone portia still finds inspiration. in classical cartoon the next adventure of a belgian comic book character who is set in court for east berlin. place of
pilgrimage we discover the spanner city of santiago de compostela. we start off today show with a young french designer who has no doubt become the darling of the international fashion scene simone port made a name for himself already in two thousand and ten at the age of twenty when he started his own label his designs are quintessentially french emphasizing femininity well this year he introduced mini handbags which became a must have after superstars like riana were spotted carrying them we caught up with jacques morris in paris to find out what is next for him. simone needs. the designer has been making waves in paris with his laid back approach with every season he creates new fashion imagery
. for me an image is always the best way to express something even as a young boy i started making films then i went on to design clothes so it s always about creating an image to express something. each of his collections will be flex a part of his life and opens a new chapter in his biography. there was a lot that inspired me to design fashion especially the desire to tell a story this is when i lost my mom i decided to tell the story of all women who were like her. while. one result of that was his fashion film directed by gordon funk steiner it features young cousins walking past very modeling his designs dancing to music.
videos in a single sequence in ten or. although the sunnier climes of the south are a big source of inspiration mrs career took him to the parents of a young age. the self-taught designer soon earned his place in the fashion world winning the special jury l v m h prize in twenty fifteen. paris is the fashion capital par excellence there s no other city like it when i was young or i once heard someone say if you make a name for yourself in paris and the whole world will know your name. i and the french capital was happy to oblige allowing you to showcase his designs
at the city s famous picasa museum it formed a stunning backdrop for his spring twenty eighteen collection. soon. because a. picasso was the first painter that i discovered who really in the. asked me i ve always been a fan of his work i don t know if you can find a lot of picasso in my designs his way of life his colors. cmon. the museum represents the south of france where he is often found new answers to the all important question what is beauty. ever to set up for is a w.t. for me is poetry which can mean many things it s the poetry of a moment when you re taking it in you can t control it you can only perceive it it s very personal. because so also loved the mediterranean thank you guys it s
fine you re revealing. it was in his own city of musée in the south of france that the designer unveiled his first collection of men s fashion on the beach at. his colorful easygoing creations include floral elements the flexing mediterranean paintings which. shocked me is this collection also in capsule eight his particular idea of a masculine image one that he s known since childhood. the gift. should all be devalued it s a dumb q i wanted to talk about this male image that inspired me the typical man from are saying with all the cliches that s what i wanted to talk about it so.
each of his collection tells a specific scheme and artistic idea just twenty seventeen women s collection for example sported a very different look inspired by folks from the performance. you need to fill. i look at the. types of women one may be more of a tease time who is close to nature a spanish work that you might find in south america is well. spent and then there s this woman from the riviera that you might meet in monaco who has a certain cosmopolitan sophistication. kick a couple of the crew are pretty sophisticated. and it s the riviera that was the focus of his latest collection for spring summer twenty nineteen showcased in the gardens of the italian embassy in paris once again the young designer brought a taste of the south to the french capital to see mom pull off
a shock muse is surely destined for greatness. all right from one talented french menchu another look at zach a is an award winning filmmaker whose work is now on display in northern germany more on this latest exhibition at the top of today s express. museum in the german city of braman is offering a spectacular nature experience it s multimedia exhibition on antarctica shows footage and photos by oscar winning filmmaker kid he and his team spent forty five days capturing the extraordinary diversity of this icy continent surrounded by huge video screens and soames recorded directly on site visitors are invited to dive into a unique ecosystem. the czech republic has been
celebrating one hundred years since the founding of czechoslovakia the confederation was formed at the end of world war one after the collapse of austria hungary in one thousand nine hundred ninety three czechoslovakia divided into two new countries the czech republic and slovakia the national museum in prague also reopened in time for this in turn a wreath. after undergoing extensive renovation to festivities ended on sunday with the huge fireworks display in prague. over the weekend the future metro station in downtown berlin was converted into a makeshift art gallery on display were more than thirty five works by german painter christopher dame food for over ten years the artist chronicled the dismantling of former east germany seat of parliament the palace of the republic and the rebuilding of the old berlin city palace and its place the result was
a series of paintings. we turn our attention now to a cartoon classic if you grew up in europe then you are certainly for mayor wispy who a belgian comic book character now he was a originally an elevator operator and a bell boy at the fictional hotel and at some point he became a reporter will now as the comic strip turns eighty years old viru is back on the beat with his latest adventure taking him to nineteen eighties east berlin. east berlin one thousand nine hundred eighty eight east germany is broke but then. to the rescue in a dire emergency it s another case for speed this time the little bell boy from belgium winds up in germany. it s a minor sensation spirit who has never been here before.
felix germann alias flix is the author. he s one of germany s most sought after comic artists he was chosen as the first german ever to create an edition of the franco belgian classic for the eightieth anniversary edition of spiritual. his early in his set just before the fall of the berlin wall in one thousand nine hundred nine a significant time in german history and yet the president wasn t specific enough for what s happening in berlin now is happening in other european cities too but the divided city was something very special and when it all ended and ended peacefully that s worth telling stories about especially nowadays. east germany appears washed out ingrained in oppressive images. it s a personal view that doesn t sugarcoat the reality unusual for a comic book series it s normally full of humor and slapstick. every joke has to be on point. it calls for a highly sensitive touch along with the courage to make mistakes flicks points out
spit was border crossing as an example. in the us and is wrong in the first version i wrote the border patrol officers were always giving funny answers to whatever city home and found. eventually i realized it doesn t work that way it probably wasn t like that so now in the book version they keep their mouth shut and it comes across far more menacing we just don t know if they re taking all this seriously or wonder why they re waving them through something about it is funny and the border crossing is what sets the tone for this book is a. his little helper spits the squirrel and the reporter funtime zero are looking for a missing friend in east berlin they fall into the hands of the communist secret police. manages to escape and meets the tennis playing chimpanzee boris the comic picks up on past motifs with deliberate references to the present like a recent election campaign slogan. it is it is people who are if you watch the
spear who series you can see lots of tributes to secret agent thrillers and science fiction movies and planting these elements in the story is fun if you use germany offer such fertile ground for all sorts of tongue in cheek gags and elements that might seem a bit augie status. east germany and spain who they compliment each other very well out of. school discovers what he believes to be a secret weapon underneath east berlin television tower. east german leader harry shauna hopes it will save his regime from bankruptcy. in the meantime funtime zero is tortured by his own cousin does the officer it s on top feel flicks shows this in a full page illustration and smashes a longstanding taboo. not officially there was no torture in east germany but they did have psychological torture that since no torture may
be shown in a young people s comic book like a good alternative was to show this light torture which actually wasn t supposed to exist either but we can show it in the comic and that gives it a fairly high degree of realism only in the school. flicks has an east german story of his own to tell his mother s family defected to the west in the one nine hundred fifty s. . they rarely spoke about their past in east germany and his mother still has major problems with the fact that flicks now lives in eastern for lent. i ve noticed that it s still hard for her to come to berlin and experience the whole border situation even now with the boarders gone and it s had a lasting effect on her and of course that s had an effect on me and my children as well it s strange when the kids ask why can t i just come and see us and i say oh it s not all that easy for grandma. it s remarkable that felix was able to create
such an accurate picture of east germany even though he only knows it from stories . that also gives the spirit series a new level of quality. in france spiro enjoys cult status now the comic book series could also gain more fans in germany. the first edition was sold out immediately. now sales have passed the thirty thousand mark an unusual for a comic book. and they re still going strong. history of things people who finally getting to make a german speaker who had a lot to do with luck and persistence for the people from the publishers met three and a half years ago and the eightieth anniversary was coming up they had to do something for it so they put their heads together and asked where s people who hadn t ben yet and we came up with germany and germany is associated with berlin and that s when
the title spew who in berlin a volved and everyone thought that sounded awesome on skin guy. spiro in berlin is the current exciting episode of the cult comic book series with a german twist. back to reality now and we are heading to spain thanks to a viewer request from colombia hair myname of the not from cali would like to know more about the spanish city of santiago to come. bustelo now for hundreds of years countless pilgrims have made their way on foot to the city to pay homage to the painter and st james whose remains are believed to be here will now adays travellers of every background head to santiago de compostela to simply explore the region and discover its natural beauty.
the munty to go solo or hill of joy offers many pilgrims on the way of st james the first glimpse of their final destination santiago de compostela. last year more than three hundred thousand people joined the pilgrimage to this city in northwestern spain. the journey officially ends at the cathedral of santiago de compostela the crypt of the eleventh century building is said to contain the remains of st james the apostle. in one thousand nine hundred five the cathedral and old town of santiago de compostela were declared a unesco world heritage site the pilgrimage attracts people from all walks of life . and i m not how i have a plan it is a little bit of damage it s more learning about myself than the people that we meet in. my stocking i ve got no idea what s been happening in the world for the past month. and that s ok. because these groups have spent the last month walking
and i ve heard nothing about anything else but the world is still here you know. in fifteen zero nine a hospital was opened right next to the cathedral on the plaza to oprah. it was designed to treat exhausted pilgrims today the building houses a luxury hotel. that has four cloisters linking the different parts of the complex. pilgrims who can afford to stay here pay upwards of two hundred euros a night for a double room. it s a far cry from the modest conditions once offered by the hospital in the early sixteenth century. pretty much the first to the pilgrim state in the cathedral but there were a lot of infections. the smell was terrible so the decision was taken to build what
was then one of the most important hospitals to treat the pilgrims and to provide them with accommodation to. come into. the hotel has continued one standing tradition the first ten pilgrims to arrive each day are given a free meal to qualify they have to get a voucher from the pilgrims reception office it s only open to those who ve completed the pilgrimage. the simple lunch is then served in one of the hotels two restaurants. there is a table we re making couldn t. come another but we still have a lot in common it is not easy for us to get there now in a minute or two because we ve all been on coming so we ve got nothing common and nothing to talk about and advice to give each other a future coming. some five kilometers away from the historic city center is the so-called deletion city of culture the huge complex perched on top of monte gaius
was opened in two thousand and eleven although not all the buildings are finished it was designed by u.s. architect peter eisenman. the project has come under fire as its way over budget building work was stopped in two thousand and thirteen. but art and architecture fans will love it nonetheless. the finished parts of the complex include a museum a theater and an archive it s scheduled to be finished in two thousand and twenty. back in santiago de compostela old town locals tourists and pilgrims can choose from hundreds of restaurants bars and cafes. is located in a small side street. here chef conde galvan cooks up traditional delicacies there s no go miles. deletion cuisine has been subject to many different influences.
but it s also very simple. our ingredients are fresh from the sea our from local farms are. not a product and we try to process them as little as possible the kind of. medium a person. one of his specialities his muscles with sea urchin grow in a white wine and onion sauce and those who still have the energy after walking the way of st james entering the city can ply all the evening away in the alleyways of the old town of santiago de compostela. time now for something more to and for this week s series indulging experiments we are taking a look at unusual calling area concepts and first up is the. well one restaurant owner in amsterdam is such a huge fan of those that he has dedicated his entire establishment to it here s a closer look. at.
these dishes are works of art that are feasts for the eyes as well as the palate. the awful condo is the star in this restaurant dedicated to discovering new uses for the trendy fruit the oval condo shows atop foodies paterno amsterdam and since it opened in april twenty seventh teen it s been trending high on social media and is packed with customers every day. we re standing here and there s a thirty year waiting life so that s that s that s new for me like i never wait for a tree or a stroke. for ocado frowns it s a paradise here the green super food is the star of the show. the menu even features green shakes and judging by the prevalence of smartphones every customer seems to be an impromptu food blogger. the avocado show is the. in child of cohen around marketing manager ron sims. but this is
not for budget diners an avocado sandwich will set you back twelve year olds fifty a salad or a burger cost fifty. food bloggers in here really love the fancy this is we have boyfriends that have been tagged along to really meet us translate this you know everyone s welcome here we have young we have old we have all countries in the world. whether you plump for the fancy or the shrines the side of the menu there s no escaping the other condo. this nancy side is when you just love all the cow to say you want to eat so we put those on toast we put them in a salad we made a club sandwich like real food the fancy stuff is all those this is you see people taking pictures of it s the roses it s the bun it s all that kind of stuff which is very food stylee. from simpson focuses on great presentation that s
a key component of his concept of the garden. how s that working out if. you like the way it s presented by kill and really do. the menu is constantly adding new dishes. and they re tried out at a kind of test laboratory the kitchen never claimed chef jamie tonight you. just do i do use avocado pancake they may be coming soon to the avocado show. think what is a really green that s called. who. it was large sweet. because of the sugar savory because of the other cod and there s like this fruity little bit acidic and sweet from the blueberry it s this perfect. now here comes something hearty avocado slices battered and deep fried if you re chewing on the inside and crunchy
on the outside and alternative to french fries. that s really fun for me i think everything i read off gotto and most things everything becomes green and it s pretty cool. experiment number three is a chocolate milkshake topped with whipped cream a perfect these are. the fruit is native to mexico but now it s grown in israel brazil chile and south africa to. get as healthy polyunsaturated fats robert caro s can lower cholesterol and are good for your heart in circulation that adds to the fruits of popularity. these customers from germany are also other cardo fans but lane has decided to have a burger with two of a cow two ounce instead of a bond after all be chilly i mean not so in the combination of meat and avocado and
never would have occurred to me that it s really delicious stuff it s not something i eat every day but i would like some avocado ice cream to follow up with. a new hit on the amsterdam colon r.e.c. . icecream come on all right i wear that we are out of time a before we go we want to let you weigh in on this week s drop we would like to know about the most unusual thing that you have ever eaten well send us an e-mail and tell us about your experience and by doing so you qualify to win an exclusive your own max why. watch all right for me and the rest of the crew here at your remarks as always thanks for tuning and sequencing. the. next time following. the water goes ribeiro and daniela cunt nero have turned their hobby into a career not a sort of first but as hotel owners they converted their mercedes truck into
a global hotel offering space for up to ten guests who know they can take surfers to all the best spots as they tour that portuguese coast camping in style stop on euro max. move.
on to. france s put a house the indian ocean island of my guns. it s a magnet for illegal. the grids and many of them are pregnant. anyone boneheads to claim a french constable. it s not that simple and many end up living in slums. in fifteen minutes w. . the fast pace of life in the digital no shift has the lowdown
on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the wittiest phone lines and interviews with makers and users. shift in forty five minutes. sometimes books are more exciting than real life. graham ready to greet. you know. what if there s no speak. church or a list of one hundred german must treat. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful. after thirteen years of power in some damaging state election results are
going to close all thirty is visibly waning how low can go to find good luck you ll cling on to calm my guess is most gun shy cliques one of the most famous and infamous politicians in germany. conflict zone starts october thirty first on t w. it was a show me the cause of. the first global disaster of the twentieth century. more to end all wars cost millions of lives. world war one. one summer marks the hundredth anniversary of. what his human kind learned from the great war. as it learned anything at all. is really an impossible.

Comic-book-character , Place , East-berlin , Court , Designer , Pilgrimage , Spanner-city-of-santiago-de-compostela , French , Show , Darling , The-international-fashion-scene-simone-port-made-a , No-doubt

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181214 22:30:00

thank you because that on the it will be because of what i have serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there more than once i m going to. want to know their story margaret steer a fine model in farming for margaret s. high we want to welcome to another exciting edition of your remarks with me your host meghan lee as always we are making our way around to all the cultural in europe here s a look at what s coming up. riding the waves the portuguese resort of nazarene is a surfers paradise. telling the tale
a new film for trains on street lim grinned younger years. and taking it to the top featuring an austrian patisserie high up in the alps. we start off the show on the water one of the best surf spots in the world is located off the portuguese coast in here top surfing athletes take to the water like fish and conquer mountain highways for a true adrenaline rush well this fort is not for amateurs the surfers wear special gear in case that the waves overtake them we went along to meet some of these adrenaline junkies and watch them in action. it s known as the beast of nasser a huge waves have pulled many fishermen to their death on this part of the portuguese coast. today those same waves draw the very best of the big waves
surfers from all around the world surface like sebastian story there from germany winter is his favorite time of year he spent the last few months preparing for the surfing singson. one of the one of the more months and months go by where nothing happens but every day you have to work towards your goal to be successful but the reason i do it is because i love it. sebastian is a professional surfer at the age of sixteen he moved to hawaii but he spends the winter months here in portugal on just a few days in winter between november and february the monster waves here on the coast can reach heights of up to twenty five meters money because the answers were to my greatest fear isn t dying i don t worry about sustaining terrible injuries either. let s i think it s the competitor in me that worries. my greatest fear
is missing out on the biggest wave of the mystical surveillance ocean just off the coast of nasa ray this is shoojit undersea canyon that runs five thousand meters deep it causes the water to build up creating towering waves it s thanks to the canyon that nasa ray has some of the biggest waves in the world and that has changed the town which is home to some fifteen thousand people it was once a place of pilgrimage now surfers and tourists from around the world flocked to the town making it an all year round attraction. so they are going to give us a obviously we do miss our old nestle a sometimes but only a bit because actually we re proud. our town is known the world over. at the traditional restaurant. locals and surface come together to swap stories about the wild waves. when they really want to.
use wasn t when we first came here in two thousand and twelve they all thought we were crazy this is a fishing community and folks grew up hearing about all the fishermen who died when their boats capsized. and about death beach and the waves that turned women into widows. now we servers have almost become local heroes and are treated as such going on with marina pereira is the second generation of her family to run the restaurant the place used to cater to fishermen now it s a fixed address to international surf as. sebastian is like a son to me i take care of the guys they turn up here frozen and i serve them hot soup they love it let us open. up until i used to go no one who did to go surfing here it was petro pisco the first realize massah raise
weights could be a hit so he wrote to the big white circus around the world and invited them to come . to see much more of the surf he says something about the attract every single person we all get better you see crazy guy surfing you don t go bring down a model a mountain of water that is chasing you finally the time has come for sebastian story to get out on to the water he can hardly wait to scan the tight image now for the fun part there s no nerves or tension at all just pure pleasure for. wearing an airbag vest which would bore him up in an emergency he heads out to sea ten people are here to assist in doctors lifesavers. away spacek and his jet ski drive is hutto him to the right position he glides easily down the fifteen made to wait as though it were effortless. in the moment the moment i actually surf the wave it s all just instinct i don t think any more it just happens but you know. there are
only around ten people worldwide who surf on waves of this size thousands come to watch for the small town of nazareth it s a gift that big wave surface have transformed the place and given it a new sense of pride. from on the water to in the water and fish in malta received a visit from santa claus more on that and other stories in the spirit of the christmas season coming up in today s express. it seems there s nothing santa con to do he s even dived into a giant aquarium to bring the fish a little holiday cheer he came bearing gifts of fish food for the fish and sharks that swim in the biggest tank of maltose national aquarium in kwara center in vis case it s keeper alex rodriguez is dropping clues feeding the fish anyway whether
or not the sea creatures recognized him in the skies we ll probably never know. the sauna is a part of life in finland even at the christmas market christmas shoppers can stop by to enjoy the high temperatures and to chat. up the boast that i m no. different from everybody is he. and it s very easy musical. saunas in public places used to be commonplace in finland. but as more and more people installed them in their homes they disappeared from view. now the communal saunas are enjoying something of a revival. sarahs and
a bed of belgium has set up a christmas village in his yard and decorated it with thousands of lights that even feature santa claus s office. says his son over early on plays the jolly elf listens to children s wishes the family s been working on the village since september. so john event took a month off work to complete it. turning down to one of the most famous guitarists of all time mark no fleur former front man of dire straits since the band broke up in one nine hundred ninety five no floor has concentrated on a solo career he recently brought out a new album called down the road where ever which includes his typical rock n roll style but also brings in some soul and jazz and hear from him now about how this new album came about. cut. through.
this thing called good on you son is about being at peace with yourself and mark knopfler very much is. a bridge to the like. we visited him at his studio in london this is where he recorded his new album. with an earthy i don t try to interfere with the mystery of it too much the soul is like a child you know in a way you have to let it just grow and be itself for me too me to feel too much you know and it s a bit like choosing the best school if you have a for you for your kid too soon there s schumann s. sky his blue. ribbon. is one. his new songs always turn out best when times almost stand still like in matchstick man which takes
a look back at his beginnings as a musician. what does he see i think i in the middle of nowhere just a matchstick man. you spoke of if there was a sort of a button fastening competition or something i promise you i would be lost i mean there s lots and lots of things that i seem to do slowly i mean walking down the street i get overtaken by old ladies going to the post office and so i don t seem to be able to do anything particularly quick. he was already twenty eight when he co-founded dire straits by that stage he played in countless bands and worked as a journalist and as an english teacher it was nine hundred seventy seven a time when punk and disco were exploding in britain dire straits seemed almost old fashioned at first with their. cool blues rock sultans of swing was their first big
hit. then m.t.v. started out with their increasingly mainstream sound the band fit perfectly to the station s us american music profile. mark knopfler solo career has now lasted longer than his time with dire straits two very different chapters of his life. you can t really compare them i think both and a lot of ways because the first achieved so much of the dream stuff that you want to you know to actually get there. was very important you know that just it was brilliant it was great you know and i loved it. i loved the whole thing it until it became so big that i just stopped enjoying it. in the eighty s the
band rose into the league of mega stars with the album brothers in arms the digitally produced album helped to make the compact disc popular dire straits was the first band to sell more c d s of the album than vinyl over a million and all until they split up in one thousand nine hundred five they played all the world s large stadiums. next year mark knopfler will go on tour again of course with his very own special guitar sound. guitar teacher would say. you know i play guitar like a promise you know but it s too late for me to. to correct. those
mistakes i m afraid it s. definitely worth a listen ok if swedish author astrid lindgren were alive today she d probably be a spokesperson for single mothers not only did she penned the famous pippi longstocking stories she had to work hard to maintain custody of her illegitimate son and that was back in the one nine hundred twenty s. her personal story is full of intrigue and challenge and it s now been brought to the silver screen and the film becoming a straight danish director pair neil christiansen per trey s the writer s lesser known side. of this line comes down to. where did the famous children s book author get her exuberant attitude towards life the movie centers on the three years and young asteroids like
that she only spoke about decades later and only very little she was wild non-conformist and downright rebellious much like her character pippi longstocking . she has i mean she is the most. amazing fantasy and i think that has a lot to do about her childhood to grow up in the countryside in kind of freedom where she could just play around then just. be free. to move to sweden astrid langridge grew up here in the one nine hundred twenty s. in a free but conservative society her father was a tenant farmer. her mother deeply devout. by the time she was eighteen she was eager to experience life. though michael newspaper was looking for a trainee at and she took the job. so i tell ya don t
interest us start the title side machine nothing least so const. i had. to stop and about ask. for her first assignment she boarded a train and discovered her passion for writing but then a young unmarried astrid became pregnant a scandal in sweden at the time. passes to pick out what he had not lost. on the nights he still tells that this kind of almost out of weeks and he had stopped us to go to the undertaker nothing to us about the nice guy so i know who. it better than plans. and telling. someone get cursed me meant that i d let the fun. bloke wound up looking like tom dynamite. then he said he should hide until. the next consumer.
the editor who fathered the child persuaded astrid to leave her baby son last in the care of a boston mother indefinitely. she endured the ordeal of being forced to give up her child because of moral religious and personal constraints. the kind of thank you didn t mean a lesson by us they might just like us. he said as a tattoo he s making. there were so many women that went through the same and there and some of them even worse things and it s just not been easy for those women and that s why it s so important to just remind people of this this history can the many of. us. to listen. astrid visited last as often as she could but he clung to his foster mother
and most muslims. and beneath and what am i. to the best of what he can push the next there can t be. yes a hit and then an actual i knew sort of. what the mugger august shines as lingering . after young astrid leaves the baby s father she plunges into a new life and tries to forget her despair. her sorrow at having to give up her son for a time may have been what drove her to write the stories which have been enjoyed by millions of children. being so lost in the in those things has affected her. and her writing and she had said show empathy for children also and that must have. to do with the loss i think. in other
stories about this lonely kids. becoming astrid tells the highly emotional story of how astrid lingering uses her imagination and knack for storytelling to reconnect with her son and boards a new path for herself. yet the film never resorts to kids her path us rather it s an ode to courage inner strength and finding your own voice. when last as boster mother becomes gravely ill astrid brings her son back to stockholm slowly she wins him over with her love and her stories. interest. and stuff and downcast and i just asked. specially really miss her today us says we need her today because she could say things outloud and she was not so scared i. want to know more about european lifestyle and culture
visit euro max on facebook. you ll find highlights from our programs. three hundred sixty degree videos of the most beautiful places in europe and snapshots taken by our reporters take an exclusive look behind the scenes at how the program is produced and follow us on facebook live. we do love it when fans visit our facebook page and give us their feedback visit d.w. euro max on facebook. time now for some dessert and kaiser shrine is one of australia s most popular sweets it s basically like a pancake that s been all cut up in a served with sugar and cherry sauce on the side now it s quite decadent but it manages to hit the spot on those chilly winter days and what better place to eat it
then on a mountaintop. to pit called lazy it s austria s highest ski resort here the ski season lasts until may three restaurants feed hungry winter sports enthusiasts one atop the glazier that s almost three thousand five hundred metres above sea level and the others at an elevation of almost three thousand metres. after a day on the slopes as can enjoy delicious helping all kinds of snow on the sweet days just as much a part of austrian identity as the alps. wonderful just like my grandma used to make it. nearby you ll find austria s highest participatory stephany s is hard at work here paying pastries and kinds of smarts. you put it everything is produced up here in the bakery we make all the desserts for the two restaurants the bits that in custom and we also supply cafe three for
forty with fresh cake and. eat. every morning that is sent up by cable car to austria s highest coffeehouse cafe three four forty it lies six hundred meters about the bakery aside from the fantastic there s another treat for visitors at the so-called place yes no cake. course on the coconut fine apple very fluffy very large if you get it fresh it s quite magical and certainly recommended. but operating a sky high bakery has it s pitiful it s. about three thousand four hundred forty meters the boiling point is different so if we know that the weather will change will produce the biscuit bases a day early because otherwise they might not be so fluffy and could fall apart on inside us and if so shouldn t. milk eggs flour
sugar that s all. kinds of smarm doesn t require any delicate preparation just mix the milk in flour then separate the eggs and beat the egg white with sugar until stiff. it s coming out now that it s nice and foamy will do the famous test that. it should be like this. at the rest of the act to the mixture. then to give it its airy consistency gently fold in the egg whites nearly all men. on the pits todd glacier we don t use mineral water and. we prefer egg whites. then the stays moist longer the piped in soft. by no.
means i don t. see where you re coming you know now we can add some raisins on the glacier we put in raisins but you can leave them out if you wish. we sell up to four tons of man in the winter season that s one hundred fifty to two hundred portions a day. should be baked for five minutes on the outside and then it s ready. stephany s i m too low also supply. to restaurants. and clips. to get his name from a pancake that went wrong. during emperor france use if. but when a pancake fell apart due to cooking it was scrambled up and served. the
emperor loved it and the emperor scrambled all kinds of smaller. so now it s just missing the icing sugar on top and up here we serve our kaiser with apples also ending on there. isn t just a favorite to draw it s one of austria s most popular design so. and finally before we go we want to let you went on the winner of this week s draw we asked you to send us a photo of your best moment of two thousand and eighteen and we received some pictures which we ll share with you now they include sailing trip in pro way shot a first communion in el salvador
a marriage proposal at the eiffel tower in paris and this lovely moment from a viewer from india with his children but there can only be one winner of our draw and that is to susanna from argentina with this photo of her grandchild in the first time. you know. her dresses and that you have won an exclusive euro max watch and with that we wrap up the show thanks for watching and we ll see you again tomorrow for the highlights of the. next time on your own max the highlights show japanese and. you know artist john mccormick our updates classic masterpieces with modern day symbol. an annual festival of lights eliminates the french city of long and the top portuguese chef prepares a delicious fish specially for this and more next time on your own max highlights.
from the. small. move. on.
to. the. smooth. movies it s time to go to command and try this college times egypt d.j. has been on stage fright because you don t. and steve still it s hard to figure. we tell the story of these guys to international stardom. office. there seems to.
take it personally. with a little wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true fans. because more than football online. and. a lot of you know this you know five minutes or minutes. as a. beauty. pageant all. the fits in the pantheon of the great tennis certainly he s one for the ages.
up. comes ten or for the ages starts december twenty second on t.w. . red the real trial it resides. i come from get lots of people in fact more than a billion to but not just democracy that s one reason i m passionate about people and aspirations and they can send. to send a mission to put this fight yet in the name to the forward planning one member thinking at the time if the bun in bold can forward. if people come together and unite for a call. but i do the news i often confront difficult situations for conflict between disaster i see despite my job to confront what he does on policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter congo to security question

Tale , Film , Alps , Trains , Patisserie , Top , Street-lim-grinned , Water , World , Coast , Fish , Show

Transcripts For DW Kino - KINO Special TV Series 20181117 22:15:00

so catastrophic. there watching t w news coming to you from berlin we ll be back again at the top of the hour with another update omarion evans teen from all of us in the newsroom thanks for watching. state by state. the liveliest. the most traditional. any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany find state. dot com. and for.
language courses. video. any time. you. lose. hello and welcome to a special and binge of the series edition of q no we are mad about movies but we are also serious series junkies. small screen drama is booming with more serious than ever before being produced in countries all around the world many
are finding global audiences germany has secured its slice of the cake that lavishly produced a bit on palin is just one of a host of german shows enjoying international acclaim. the german capital berlin is being explored as a versatile location by a growing number of productions and it s not just the roaring twenty s the city s more recent past and its present are also being mined for series gold beilin is ready for its close up. seen as a magnet for a visit from all over the world a new series celebrates the city s infamous nightlife it s called feet which is also the name of the main character around the series spence. techno clubs have given germany a brand new image going this is the american market one it s become a real selling point and for berlin the club scene is probably the main source of
revenue after historical sites we have a very open liberal sexually permissive nightlife and club scene which is extremely liberal also when it comes to drugs. and the serious the clubs of the scene of all sorts of heinous crime murder illegal operations on refugees and organ trafficking. immediate recruit speeds and a bit to fight organized crime a series shows an ecstasy fueled darkseid that says here to atlanta to the south to the chasms that open up in everyone a very very deep and that goes for all the people we meet in the series we always said he says the night and emilia is the day and i love the night very much until eleven o clock in the evening i m. a good jew thirds of this series takes place at night and night is full of color and the day is grey but it s doesn t get much sleep. blocks is a series set and
a different island that follows gangland boss and drug lord tony hamadi and the lebanese clan he rules over in a multicultural just part of noise current. figure jobs on. the series is gritty and realistic it even starts some real life locals some with criminal records of their own soldiers and an iconic. number who did. there s a range of george clinton deutschen. four blocks exposes the inner workings of the klan and makes the city look like an older version of the bronx a broken down city where the authorities struggle to cut. him out of this forty second fight in this would. get back to our best humanity and their lives languish and have to really kind of piece it does he feel about. four blocks is one of
the most authentic series on the market right now it s a brutal visually stunning and somewhat terrifying portrayal of life in a problem district of the capital. flight. path in berlin also features in torch on the eighty six that i was if an east german spy in exile in south africa wants to go home with two. hundred folks but i just love to plant god did it and who can get it out but i m completely. it was a chance i had to the ass and stuff so yes that in the first series concentrated on the german german conflict within the cold war even the most we now see more of the global dimension sameem. called it s an action packed series with east and west facing off. the lens behind the wall from the communist perspective as part of the push. is
a political issue so it s additional if you live in the city and the script was written by an american who is having a little distance from the subject may have helped and i m talking. to my friends. and to. stand out as that s not an issue long and i don t think it s far enough in the past yet for german to approach the subject with this light touch tone that i. need and kind. and this is what the notes like in the u.s. production the city as a haven for whistleblowers and money gates pursued by a cia very at home on german soil nobody is safe you claim to speak english common karmas. fighting in the. modern day berlin as a hub for agent and distance alike haps this isn t so far from the truth.
now to a series actor who has made the german capital his home when he s not jetting around the world on a variety of very different assignments tom for the show up will be familiar to many juju a key role in u.s. series game of thrones now he s starring in a new german series based on both parents and oscar nominated one nine hundred eighty one movie thus but we caught up with the serious star in belle it. is not too well known on the streets of berlin but tom daschle has already made a name for himself a bald. he s played in no less than three u.s. productions to critical acclaim. now he s starring in a t.v. version of the classic film dust pool to set in the german submarine and world war two little. clique russia is chilling as an s.s. officer. often shocks much as to who s
a cohort of course. the actor loves playing baddies. does it a sebastian s you have to have this or. ever like them or unfortunately i ve experienced too often that the goodies of boring so i don t have anything against playing more ambivalent characters and be violent to concoct a it s a sheer change in the most expensive series of all time scale of thrones place you can have a secretive killer a man without a face. he was might find. he was noble. if you are. the system for knowing. you were still someone. this marks. a maternity to me because i really like series because you have the possibility to
explore a character and a role in more detail and more depth so you re off you know for certain. whether in hollywood or germany tom daschle has gives one hundred percent every time a serious task on the way out. and finally a look behind the scenes of the international series world where all the news stories coming from and with increasingly intense competition between streaming services will it be continued boom or bust for the series we ve got ten on a summit of series movers and shakers to try and find some answers. the european t.v. drama lab in. a meeting place for independent produces television stations as well the so-called show runners to not only script series but to read does well. go wrong carlson michael romanoff he said he was of ronald chipping in for romanoff
i m from a lot more more serious a flooding the market and networking has become. the premium portions in this overheated high caliber world which devours both money and manpower. the biggest trend in american television is is just but there s a lot of it right now in twenty seven here in america there were four hundred maybe seven scripted television series which was last year at all time high is probably growing and when i love to see people used to look down on series it wasn t so long ago that they reclaim their status as the pinnacle of what t.v. can do. to them in europe started with nordic high quality crime drama from scandinavia which was dark and disturbing. sash and desolate landscapes nordic more focused on martha s twisted characters broken families and human despair the genre became hugely popular around the world
. we just told our stories from the point of view that is very danish and they were true true who we are i think we are still trying to find stories that comes from within our country and for the you know nature of. southeastern europe the german remaining in co-production hackable centers on hackers and organized cybercrime across several european countries hackers and barely out of bed diapers but already hacking german banks. streaming sites complaint to get the best european stories. the central european countries like poland for example have this huge deserve war of stories that were never told and i m not political world historical topics but you know legend smith s also what s happening right now the transformation of life
in eighty nine the u.s. of course still has stories to tell how the bad man is a fair appears to. treats returning soldiers homecoming and using a safe space to process your knowledge your experience and in fact what comes next . the latest amazon crew is a show with hollywood a lister julia roberts who was reluctant at first to do a series this year a number of series an amount of money involved means the market is under a lot of strain where you re seeing in america is a lot of consolidation some of the bit bigger companies are starting to merge and unify resources so i think the number of the big players make it smaller but i do think that will breed more independent studios to the prints and it s not on impossible to keep up with all the new series you do see tile flipping as are of course welcome back at cinemas for stories with satisfying endings. i. back to the movies well that wouldn t be too
bad i thought that s it for series special join us next time so then happy binge watching with or without popcorn. choose. your own max this week cylons. can make any judgment theatre troupe reenacts paintings by car but. edible exhibits a sourdough library in belgium. and nimble fingers new cars took a new order guitar virtuoso and you to stop. the romantics next.
you can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. it s worthless for the rich but for many good people it offers their only chance of survival. our reporters travel to nairobi and new york and meet people who know the true value of garbage. the rich the poor and the trash. in sixty minutes long d.w. . a continent is reinventing itself. as africa s tech scene discovers it s true potential. inventors entrepreneurs and high tech professionals talk about their visions successes and day to day business to present. its

Countries , Many , Screen-drama , Series-junkies , All-around-the-world , Berlin , Germany , Bit , Cake , Audiences , Shows , Acclaim

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181220 00:30:00

biodiversity species nontraditional exploitation. human rights displacement. march. three thousand. hello and welcome to another edition of your own max coming to you from so let s see what s making the headlines in today s show. let there be light creative paper from profit. centers village visits call the christmas at home in finland and. treasure hunt
how experts of foods time and again by faith finds. and we begin by shedding some light on the subject of lumps to french artists based near bodo specialize in lamb so with paper mushy figures they both put their own creative input into them she brings the a to stick sides to the scotus and he takes care of the more technical aspects my colleague meghan lee met up with them for a closer look. these figures are light as a feather that s because they re sculpted out of paper into feminine forms which resemble dancers. they re called man was and are the work of french artists sophie muito and frederick di bruni frederick structures the paper and so she adds her touch to it by creating the various figures.
and the pieces the put the electric parts inside depleted section of the lamp and turning lighter to. focus i think and sophie works on the personification of each character when he gets you do you. who do we both work on the concept of each lamp. of our own range of skill and expertise if you. please give. sophie uses a paper maché technique to sculpt the figures this includes the use of different types of paper and glue to hold it all together. she prefers paper to other sculpting materials because of its flexibility. the made in france label doesn t come cheap but their clients are willing to spend seven hundred euros and upwards for a ham sculpted lamp. move. plumb so that there are many different
kinds of paper i started out using old newspapers that i gathered up you can use recycled paper so it s a good paper to start with and it s also very light. do they think you can lodge a freedom to work at home there s also a paper that s very valuable or there s a transparency to it or is it more of their papers that have a quality that makes a nice to work with and to touch and to mold. further england about three to paper in their sculptures are a mix between art and technology and have made it to some of paris is best known addresses or book portray on the cover you we ve worked on some beautiful projects for over but i knew we made and that was sells according to the ballets in operas doing i created ballerinas and dancers for the different performances the took place there. so we also liked working for one hundred seventy people which
is linked to the museum of decorative arts. as it is of the there we were commissioned twice to decorate their windows both projects that were really close to our hearts because we were a part of a specific place and we had to create works the connected with that place. of experience. are those are expanding their repertoire to include neon like they outsource the creation of the to your glass blower their signature figure is of course included in. the liner elements come in different form. somewhere shorter and wider than this. more and we have others that are much larger. than the biggest we have measures one hundred fifty centimeters. with christmas just around the corner so she and frederick are busy making and shipping off lamps and other paper figures to clients
all over the globe. our american clients are buying lots of pieces like this one to put on top of their christmas trees. no clear. we ll clear our australian clients like our little rabbit figures like this one. woman all colors if we want. and our french clients of whom there are also many really like these little characters either in a white or painted little. home but oh it isn t that without our top seller other modern most of us. all know you sold about a thousand of them so far. whatever the time of year these decorative lamps shut a cosy light on any space. and maybe just the thing if you re still looking for that special christmas gift moving on now for a quick look at some other cultural highlights in today s express.
chester s to near liverpool england has unveiled its top ten baby animals of twenty eight. among them. this is superstar and the first son bear to be born in a british zoo her pictures were an internet sensation. and this is baby elephant and john born three months later than expected zoo officials and visitors were a little worried about that but things turned out fine. this year visitors were also excited about the birth of a silvery given baby to proud mother to. each christmas dinner as england starters home in reykjavik iceland turned into christmas wonderland. she starts decorating in november then it has so many
festive decorations and learns that she needs a shed just to store them all after the holidays. she s especially proud of the christmas decorations on pouted. santa claus turned up at the paris aquarium on tuesday with goggles and swimming fans he spent a few minutes handing out food to some of the fish. just don t believe it we re glad we re here today we got to see santa feed the fish it s great to do something like this right usual christmas and now we re really in a holiday mood. when. the paris aquarium covers an area of thirty five hundred square meters it features ten thousand fish and invertebrates in more than forty tanks.
certainly a strange place to meet in this week s series home for christmas we are exploring the roots of christmas traditions in today s episode we re tracking down this mysterious figure who is known by so many names santa claus father christmas saint nick where the jolly man in the red suit really come from which travelling way up north to the finish provence of lapland where the region s capital on uni has its very own santa claus village and the man who claims to be the real deal well the locals call him a you ll know pokie we set off to the active circle to find out is that really use .
deep in the magical snowy landscapes of finnish lapland near the glistening city of rovaniemi is the place this santa calls. visitors from all over the world make the pilgrimage to santa claus village up in the arctic circle every year since one thousand nine hundred five santa has welcomed thousands of guests young and old right here in his own living room he listens to all their wishes hello i m santa claus. quite real we are right now here at the arctic circle. k. twelve to the north but it s also a world of. tree and wonderful place to make a worse place is one place where no one doubts the existence of santa claus i don t think you re ever to all. fifth major hood. guy.
you. know but only three a lot but that s where i came here santa claus actually could speak but yes yes. i think he is polyglot things like this. and every year about five hundred thousand letters and cards with wish lists arrive at his official post office of course father christmas can t answer that many letters himself but he has a host of busy else who can lend a helping hands. if. we are open all year round every day and this is like a normal post office here in feel. it s possible. buys nice stamps and of course this is the place where all those letters to the clouds comes to what people and children are right. it is like to send postcards stamped with an
arctic circle postmarked to their friends and family as santa claus gives every letter his full attention but some a moment marbled and others sometimes i letters. girls tell that they have everything they need but they know somebody who is in need and they ask me to remember them. this kind of letters are very dear to my heart. the whole theme park based on christmas in santa claus village visitors can experience the entire spectrum of the christmas season every day. for lovers of christmas village near rovaniemi has been the place to get into the spirit for thirty years now but legend has it that santa is real home is much fun to know. we were always told that santa is fun for about on three that is the moment in
called air moment in because sound that good to hear all the way up the kids around the world. in a very remote their reality very closed if you know russian border and it s hard to get in there that s why basically santas relates was being it for the travelers to meet in a more easier way santa claus village is open all year round fact it feels most genuine in the winter months when the temperature drops to minus twenty degrees celsius perfect for a little jaunt with the dogs a. great beer full slaves and a more steak effects so how do santa manage to deliver so many gifts just so many children. tara. it s all relative. and that s it you just have to go how to be in the millions of different places around the same time and after practicing it so well a couple of centuries i think i might it s quite well. the atmosphere gets really
cozy in the evening with glowing campfires and entertaining music shops even the most stubborn scrooge succumbs to the holidays in charge. and for those who want fortunate enough to visit him santa has this message. i wish you all a very very happy christmas. and if that s got you into the fast so spirit visit our website to let us know how you like to spend christmas and what you really need to make it perfect send us a photo and don t forget to explain why you like to celebrate this way and if your entry is chosen you could win an exclusive whist watch now how can you be successful on social media the young people who grew up with it might be able to answer that question so the logical step would be for them to pass on this
knowledge to others who are looking for the past to the perfect online presentation and that s exactly what one young man from bell and is doing. spot i always liked sports even when i was in school. today stardom and popular you tube videos tell little stories from his life visualized with sketches. and this is this latest one today s donovan s you tube channel has more than two hundred fifty thousand subscribers has been producing clips since the age of fourteen a few years ago he started earning a living from them. tulsa thousand clicks earns me one euro two thousand clicks that s not so much this one i only got five thousand views of this when i got the thirty thousand times so what earned me thirty four euros. i would have but sometimes my videos went viral and i made two thousand euro. i would have liked. but today shadowman is switching gears after he helped
a friend on social media. two years ago i coached a friend of mine and that worked out really well. with and after so i realized i have know how that can help other people become a success on youtube. cacio bozeman is his latest client she s developed a range of big and beauty products but she still need some advice on marketing them on social media and instagram in particular. was the ad of the facebook era instagram this is into graham to me it s like wizardry i have no idea how it works or why people use the platform and you know if i don t so i did them in the shift again. so i still need to learn all the ins and outs by bringing think how does i believe social media is the future and i m an expert in this field . entertaining content for you tube and that s fun but helping others make it on
social media and helping companies that have a good mission and deliver real added value that s even more fun but luckily no high end equipment is needed to make social media clips. ok can you like talk something true it s a cover. up coming because this. is a come of it because i think whenever i visited my grandparents they d say don t you want to find a proper job. but my parents were always very supportive and my father s a photographer so i helped him get more followers on instagram. so called today s start a man is not in it to get rich he s happy to pick and choose whom he wants to help . i get takes i m not always presented with an ideal scenario sometimes they are faced with great ten inches but every problem has
a solution as in the case of this family from. out in the south of germany they found a building plot for their new family home but in fact it was just a rather narrow passageway nevertheless they managed to come up with a rather clever solution as they explained in today s. the finke family had been looking for years for an affordable building site near stuttgart. and then just one turned up. the plot of land was really inexpensive because it was unusually narrow. it s left over from a larger piece of property. you know it s just not like you in the properties around here are quite expensive. but we found this site in a sling and. used to be
a driveway here but it wasn t being used so we got a good deal. and that s how it all started. if you subtract the required minimum distance to the next lot the property measures four point seven zero eight. why fourteen readers long. i had to ask my husband you really think we can build a house here and he said i ve got a plan and i said ok go for it the basic the law. for architect thomas fink this was an exercise in how to save space. we used the world s thinnest walls he s probably covered up panels such as six said to me just pick six in the middest i ll get. polycarbonates or thermal plastic polymers that are used in a wide variety of applications there durable and in some grades translucent i don t ask i m talking during the first couple of days the sun was shining and the front of the building kept making these popping noises because the material kept
expanding and contracting. and if yes it s kind of spooky at first but we got used to it pretty fast. to. think family home as a total floor space of one hundred forty seven square meters private rooms on four levels we kept construction costs low. to the essentials. that meant no expensive windows on the long side walls and no expensive interior construction just concrete and cement based flooring it looks like a work in progress but it s no use the polycarbonate to frame the surrounding countryside so the landscape is like a big old decoration and the scenery changes with the seasons. at the front of the house they have a nice view and in the back a small garden the color scheme is just white and grey except when they light up
the polycarbonate panel. you know my husband likes it i don t use it a lot except when we have company. so on a narrow plot of land the finks manage to put a house that lights up their life. believe it or not fake news has been around for a very long time throughout history experts have repeatedly come across find which they believe to be a sensation until they were taught otherwise now an exhibition in the german town of hit is time is dedicated to some amazing fault lines and sometimes they are just as exciting as we treasure. it was in archaeological sensation in one thousand nine hundred sixty school diarra was offered to the louvre in paris it had supposedly just been discovered and was sent to date from the third century
b.c. the museum paid to record some for the artifact at first it seemed like a good investment the singer tavernise drew large numbers of visitors about ad homs what i don t like then a couple of archaeologists said the way the depictions i ranged is a bit unusual but awards. the status quo and one day a man from a desk named israel rushkoff ski came and said excuse me but i made that it will destroy the past and they thought of he s crazy he s just a guy from the countryside some kind of craftsman seeking attention and they get the stuff. unfortunately for the louvre the goldsmith was able to prove his talents by reproducing part of the tiara. to art dealers had commissioned him to make the piece based on historical drawings the louver quickly removed the object from its display and was subjected to much derision today the tiara of so you re toughening
this is regarded as the most famous fake in archaeological history. there were. museum in here this time is now devoted an exhibition. into stories like these. the show on errors and forgeries in archeology features more than two hundred exhibits their history is often amusing and whitening and now more relevant than ever official us that we cannot spot in the fog trees a clearly a very exciting topic fake used every day we deal with fake news or not fake news what is facts and what isn t and it s a topic which people in politics science but in culture as well have to deal with all the telling and that s the most. so it s hardly surprising that mistakes are made. like in eight hundred thirty eight when these metal pieces from an old bucket were mistaken for a priceless royal crown. and there was clearly some wishful thinking
involved when bones allegedly belonging to the skeleton of the unicorn of peddling board were discovered in the hearts mountains in six hundred sixty three. using bones and tusks from mammoths researchers reconstructed the mystical creature in that they clearly wanted to believe in man had nothing at all about math they kept thinking about what it could look like because of course no one had ever seen one in the side. so they were different considerations that it looked like a host with a hole and all something else entirely that s you of us with what we see here is a replica based on bones that really have been found though they weren t from just one animal but from several and. even got played vinum bly planets including the drawing of the find in his standard work on paleontology the polymath fell victim to a hype that began in ancient times and peaked in the middle ages it continues to this day it seems that unicorns never go out of fashion.
this isn t an archaeological error but it is the most famous forgery in post-war west german history they could learn diaries. in one nine hundred eighty three down magazine fell for these fakes. the weekly news magazine paid an art forger a huge nine million dollars marks for the diaries before going public with their seemingly sensational find and he doubts as to their authenticity were simply dismissed until the diaries were exposed as fakes. the diary of an exhibition comes from germany s federal archives just one of the sixty volumes forged has been loaned out the scandal surrounding the fake their diaries certainly made one thing clear if it seems too good to be true it probably is. even though new facts are produced every day you have to deal with them in
a critical way you need to consider whether the great story of being told is actually a fact. though sometimes fakes are at least as interesting as originals as this exhibition in hindu sime clearly shows. well the saying goes to humans and with that we wrap up the show for today thanks for joining in and hopefully we ll see you again tomorrow and of course in the meantime you can follow us on social media until we meet again from me and they can try out your balance they can and i find out. next time on your own mix the tenth edition of race are clearly festival is now underway at a ski resort in the french alps the festival is widely respected in the film industry and attracts not so famous faces. cinema in the snow
next time on your own max. from.
the. movie. when it s so cold the foam freezes on top of the waves. that s one am time as a model so far only a few know about come chaka but anton has friends believe the mushroom surf from revolution lobby high surfers huff come childhood mozzies to.
more. than one into unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. returned to. to visit friends i don t think i d ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don t know so i m not sure. bearing witness global news that matters. made for mines. her first day of school in the jungle. first clueless and. then doris grand moment arrives. join during a taping on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. tore up
the reputation returns home on t w dot com among its hangs. natural riches. precious resources. and a rewarding investment. in a foreign land it has been called ethiopia s gringo and. the country has an abundant supply and leases it to international preferred giants government to hide export revenues to corporations high profit margin. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. would give when i saw the bulldozers clearing the land i was devastated can give me how could they bulldoze the land without my permission if they knew it belonged to me one object creation environmental destruction starvation. the price for government

Biodiversity-species-nontraditional-exploitation , Meghan-lee , Stick-sides , A , Aspects , Input , Lamb , Care , Paper-mushy , Scotus , Paper , Man

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181214 16:00:00

i want to know their story. verify you were born from a former french. news live from berlin another victim of the. diocese of the french that inmates of subdued return to no money to a fourth person to comes to injuries suffered in choose to attack that s up to police gunned down the suspected culprit last night also coming up the british prime minister to resume a defense of bread strategy after a humbling summit in brussels european officials they had demands were unclear she thinks concessions to win over open ends of a breakfast do back home. and imagine finding yourself up against this the atlantic
talent of germany s mixed martial arts one and. if you can keep up with a non can veto in the featherweight division. i m. another victim of the straws book attack has died french prosecutors say the victim had been in critical condition since the shooting when choose day it s a tragic end to a frantic forty eight hours in the city last night police there found and killed twenty nine year old suspect. tipple from a member of the public what do you say he opened fire on them as they attempted to question him residents there received many questions remain. our correspondent helen humphrey has been following these events as they have unfolded. here in
strasbourg a sense of normalcy is now starting to return off to a tense couple of days you can see here that the christmas markets have now been reopened albeit with heightened security last night the chief suspect sheerly schick out the man accused of opening fire in this very area was shot dead in the west of the city in an area called doff we traveled to that area following police vehicles which sped through the streets and it s there that we understand that police offices had come into contact with a man much in his description they try to apprehend him when they did he opened fire on them they returned in kind neutralizing him and shooting him dead local residents then started to emerge they told me of their relief after a tense couple of days some of them opening their houses to offices sharing refreshments nevertheless here in strasbourg questions remain over seven hundred offices were mobilized in this country to search for sure cats he ended up turning
up in the very area he was last seen some fifty hours ago. for more let s bring in malta russian ski he is a security consultant and a managing director of planned forest in. some of the thank you for joining us to pick up where helena left off seven hundred police officers deployed to find one man and somehow he was able to evade capture how did that happen well that s a very very good question i think he was apprehended in a place that he actually grew up in place that he. belonged to his friends and family are so he has had the advantage of terrain he has had. intimate knowledge of this area plus you could maybe draw on the support networks investigated now and in fact some people have been arrested already and questioning but that doesn t explain you know. his knowledge of the area how he was
able to go through the cracks it s understood that he was on a french list of possible security risks so how did this happen well he was listed as a possible threat to national security and he was amongst the more than twenty five thousand. other people who understood likewise the same category on top he was one of about ten thousand potential jihad is that france tries to keep track of the thing is that no state has the capacity of the of the staff the policeman that can actually follow a person like this the whole time and he was primarily a criminal though not necessarily is necessarily the hardest so it was difficult to kind of single him out as a potential target so given what you re saying ah the police then fighting a losing battle when it comes to suspected terrorists not necessarily losing battle
of course there are mechanisms and place to collect data on these suspects and in many cases there are arrests and there are plots that are being disrupted so the police work is generally successful but there will always be the cases that slip through the through cracks. potential attacks that cannot be averted because there are so difficult to detect beforehand right now sheriff should katz former lawyer came to us today that he actually wasn t aware of his client s background when he represented him because she cat had somehow managed to cross country lines with his crimes what does that tell us about how europe. how about europe s information sharing when it comes to suspected terrorists that has indeed been an ongoing issue the security cooperation cooperation between different states between even within states the secure. actos the security or storage fees and that is
a massive challenge because obviously in europe the different states within the different nation states run on different software systems for example the legal definitions of who is a potential jihad is for example differ from country to country so there are no common standards across the u. therefore it is very very difficult to exchange the information about such people and that hampers the collaboration between the states alter your at the head of planned for risk and as the name suggests you you know teaching people how to prepare for such situations but how can one of such a crisis as we saw in france well in general it is difficult for states of we just discussed to. prevent every single crime of course every single crime like this from a personal perspective if one is in a situation like in strasburg where you hear gunshots and there was attack
obviously active an active shooter if you write this it is necessary to really run first to see distance and then try to hide if that s not possible this is what you can do on an individual level and of course tell the authorities as the taxi driver has done who was caught up in all this what you ve seen and where the attacker has gone because that actually helps to track these suspects down security consultant thank you you thank. to brussels now and day two of the last year opinion summit of the year migration and eurozone reform are on the agenda but britain s departure from the block is still dominating conversation on thursday leaders rebuffed u.k. prime minister to these amazing leaves for changes to have read the deal they were united in saying the existing deal could not be. be renegotiated and to resume gave
a statement a short time ago let s have a listen i know it s the it s been reporting that the e.u. is not willing to consider any further clarification the e.u. is clear as i am that if we are going to leave with a deal this is it but my discussions with colleagues today have shown that further clarification discussion following the council s conclusions is in fact possible there is work still to do and we will be holding talks in coming days about how to obtain the further assurances that the u.k. parliament needs in order to be able to approve the deal. as being in our correspondence max hoffman who is at the european council in brussels and shot a child some people in on its way in london welcome to you both max let s begin with you we just had to be as a man bashing still believes of there s room for clarification or reassurance is a view shared in brussels. exactly she s not saying the go she ation it if she s
saying clarification and that s a big difference because had she said negotiation that would have meant opening up the withdrawal agreement again the divorce agreement something that i m going to tackle the german chancellor and the manner in the call the french president completely excluded in their closing press conferences here the european summit and that means that withdrawal agreement will contain the backstop the now infamous backstop meaning the insurance that there won t be a hard border between northern ireland which is part of the u.k. and ireland which is part of the european union it also means that this backstop could possibly be permanent if they cannot negotiate their future relations so what can they give or what can they give or if they re not going to open up the withdrawal agreement well they can give or clarifications meaning that they really don t see the backstop as a trap that they want to keep it as short as possible if possible not trigger it at
all meaning that they will negotiate future relations in earnest and as quickly as possible so to sum it up it is they re not talking about the christmas present here anymore that has been bought it s not on exchangeable they re talking about the wrapping to make it shine year and pretty year for the people back in london so shallum here in london if tourism a comes back with a shiny new package is it going to get the momentum is it going to give have it rather the momentum that she needs to move forward with the current abraxane deal. but he did to put it bluntly to critics or to reason may s deal at this summit in brussels has been. absolute disaster they wanted some concrete concessions from the union particularly on the irish border issue and as you just heard from max that doesn t look like they re going to get it series in may essentially is going to be coming back to the u.k. as far as that concerned empty handed what that means of course then that nothing has really changed since monday and that is when to reason may thought she might
this breaks a deal to parliament they re the ones who need to approve it in order for it to go ahead but cooled it off simply because she knew it just wasn t popular enough now nothing has changed as far as the critics are concerned and she really faces an almost impossible task of selling not very same deal going forward but it s there are some minor changes that do need to be taken into account first of all there has been the vote of confidence in the prime minister this week what that means is that the euro skeptics within her in party cannot challenge to reason may for at least two years so she will be able to turn it around to them and say look this is my deal you either accept it or you don t and then going forward it looks like the vote in parliament is going to be put forward in january what that means is that it s just roughly two weeks before the u.k. is meant to be leaving the european union on march twenty ninth there will be some nerves here in the u.k. and in the about the u.k. crashing out of the e.u.
without a deal if there is a maze deal isn t passed whether that s enough to convince parliaments that they have to accept to resume a c.e.o. well we ll have to see in january. some people in london and max hoffman in brussels thank you both. that s a look at some of the other stories making news around the world was parliament has voted to create a standing army the move comes to comes ten years after kosovo declared independence from serbia serbia does not recognize kosovo and strongly opposes the creation of an army last week serbia s prime. suggested the move could provoke military intervention. iran has welcomed the cease fire in yemen sports city of data agreed on by the two sides in yemen civil war yemen s foreign minister and a top rebel leader shook hands on the deal at u.s. sponsored talks in sweden but data is a vital entry point for the humanitarian aid needed by millions of yemenis. sri
lanka s disputed prime minister raja rajapaksa is to step down it s hoped the move to end a political crisis that began seven weeks ago when his predecessor was abruptly sacked a court decision suspending rajapakse there and his cabinet has left the country without a functioning government for nearly two weeks. amid daya warnings from scientists delegates from almost two hundred countries are today due to the un talks in poland on stopping irreversible climate change but negotiators remain deadlocked on key issues including what to target to work towards and what science to agree on let s have a look at what s happening the stated goal for the talks was to agree on rules on how to implement the twenty fifteen paris climate accord that deal produced a commitment to limit global warming to below two degrees celsius but that target has since been declared insufficient a panel of leading u.n.
scientists released a damning report in october stating a strict cap of one point five degrees is the only chance of getting disaster and they say the new target can only be achieved if countries drastically cut for so fuels and slash greenhouse gas emissions to a net zero by mid century the vast majority of countries want this science to inform the rule book but for don t the us saudi arabia russia and kuwait refused to even welcome the report they say the only take note of it and that has overshadowed the summit and distracted from working out other major sticking points these include. whether developing nations should have to follow the same rules as rich countries how they should be monitored and of course the question of funding. well in light of this deadlock at the summit our reporter maximilian asked in germany is environment minister savannah short whether conferences like this can really make a difference when it comes to combating climate change. there are
a lot of members of states i think we have twelve thousand members of the states and the does really important that we have space to negotiate that we have space to have an exchange between the states and that is what the series of focused on the in this conference and we need this time there s nothing you could do on the world to way you need these direct contact and these direct negotiations to bring it to or really in a successful way. with you at the forefront germany s one of the most support no should negotiate just germany has always been considered a climate change pioneer at the same time there s some criticism that germany is not doing enough for example an exiting coal energies when will germany do that we are on the way and that a lot of people see that we do here early lot we are the only industrial country that get a hold of nuclear power that get out of coal it face a adult in a very social just way and that increased. renewable energy
one third of our energy is now renewable and that in the industrialized that is so really a good way we are going here and we really alst as. experienced negotiator that it s important to we ve building bridges between small island so the developing countries the developed ones. in the europa league german side transferred finished the group stage with a perfect record frankfurt beat two one in rome to become the first one to speak a team to win all six games in the europa league group stage but the match was overshadowed by fan violence inside and outside the stadium five front foot fans were arrested just like front foot by a live across and also top to their group thanks to a five one win against the aca dominic of course scored twice of life s ish
meanwhile crashed out of the conceding a late tying goal against of norway that in turn allowed scottish club celtic to advance despite their defeat to group winners sol s bug seven time european champions ac milan exit to the competition after losing to olympiakos meanwhile last year s finalist must say finished at the bottom of frankfurt s group having picked up just a single point. rugby now and new zealand coaching legend steve hansen says he s stepping down after next year s world cup to eight he is in charge as unguided the all blacks to world cup glory in twenty fifteen years he might have dominated global rugby during his time in charge he has a win rate of nearly ninety percent and the all blacks have always been top of the world rankings. now to a sport of mixed martial arts male dominated sport where germany s yulia dorney has
emerged as both an inspiration for young female athletes and a world champion in the featherweight division we caught up with dorney when she returned from a wildly successful season. it was everybody knows now yulia is a world champion. this is yulia dorney but a few weeks ago she became the featherweight world champion in mixed martial arts she s back at the spitfire gym and berlin for the first time since her victory usually she trains here every day boxing wrestling jujitsu judo they re all part of an m.m.a. fight his skill set. because of all of them told me it was the reigning european champion when she travelled to the world championships in bahrain. in the final she was the dominant fighter forcing her opponent to tap out in the second round crowning dormy as the world champion. it was
a long journey from her beginnings as a judo fighter in germany s youth national team. was. this title means everything to me and i finally got it and that s been working for the so hard thanks to my team has been high gentoo the edinburgh s everybody on the way to both who supported me thanks guys i love you yeah here it is this is what you train so hard for. the gold medal has brought me fame and glory but as an amateur she doesn t receive any money for her success. i like her enthusiasm for the sport she s a great ambassador for m.m.a. . unfortunately as a female fighter she s still a rare breed. i hope she can inspire other girls to take up m.m.a. or other martial arts. she s not the only woman who trains at the spitfire gym
but she s a class above the rest the head coach says she has a bright future. he s achieved everything there is to achieve as an amateur. we re looking ahead we re steadily preparing her for professional fights and i think there is still a lot to come from yulia. she already trains like a professional six times a week with up to four gym sessions on top of that it s what it takes to be a champion. and facilities here which means it s time for business it s a good day because there s deescalation in the u.s. china trade tensions beijing pulling the punches in this case backing down somewhat again it s suspending additional tariffs on american made cars and it s confirmed its first big purchase of u.s. soybeans since this whole trade war broke out the chinese finance ministry says it hopes to china and the united states can speed up negotiations to remove all
additional tariffs on each other s goods. chinese consumers will soon be able to afford cars from the u.s. again. beijing is reducing current import duties on u.s. vehicles from forty to fifteen percent tariffs will also disappear for a number of other u.s. products the regulations apply to the first three months of twenty nine nine hundred ninety agricultural products energy automobiles except her are among the items that china in the u.s. have reached consensus on. the new regulations are music to the ears for u.s. soybean farmers storage facilities for the soybeans are bursting at the seams china s been one of the us is most important agricultural customers but during the recent trade dispute china stopped importing u.s. soil farmers held on to their crops now trade is blossoming again since china resumed importing soybeans chinese businesses as well as chinese consumers welcome the move that. soybeans are one of the most important products china
imports from the u.s. . there s a big domestic demand. to trade dispute has weighed on china s growth as the latest figures show in november retail and industrial production fell well short of expectations the new economic ceasefire between the world s two largest economies gives both sides the opportunity to find additional win win solutions. richard branson spaceflight company virgin galactic has carried out. this time it reached an altitude of eighty two point seven kilometers which space begins the companies that make such flights for tina and economically viable. to space and back for upwards of two hundred fifty thousand dollars its latest test right from the mojave desert marks another step forward in opening up space travel to the paying public i think
back to the early years of commercial aviation and you know a flight across the atlantic actually cost in adjusted dollars around one hundred thousand dollars at one point and now you can buy a ticket across the atlantic for about five hundred dollars so you know often these products will start off at a somewhat higher price point but those higher price points are really helped drive the market forward so that we can eventually reduce the cost over time and enable more and more people to experience the wonder of space. the fourth test flight of the space ship two passenger ship follows years of setbacks for the project including a fatal crash in twenty fourteen despite the accident british billionaire richard branson remains confident of being the first to send tourists into space we now have a space ship is capable of going to space we ll do more test flights and we ll learn something from each of those test flights then the whole program moves to new mexico to a beautiful spaceport we have there i will go up and then after i ve been up.
paying passengers who want to become astronauts will will follow branson says he s aiming to achieve his dream of being on board the first commercial spaceflight as soon as next march. flowers only hold their beauty for a limited time so getting them to market quickly is crucial in the capital of the world the dutch town of flower grows and trade is a worry that breaks it could with the way their business. starting at dawn every day a fleet of forklift trucks carries crates of phrases chewed lips and twenty two thousand other flower for righties through the world s largest flower markets and right. workers saw plants arriving from all over the world before sending them off to destination. across europe and north america. this well oiled operation efficiency meets natural beauty and color is facing a challenge that could make even the hardiest flower welt bricks it. it s not my
sort of recollections to impress times on quality charts and the harbor authority because i love it is a free market right now and there will. have to stop its use along the way. disturbances the time consuming and speed is key in this business. but when britain breaks away from the european union things could slow down considerably and costs could increase. dutch flower exporters faith that fresh claims will spoil in shipment as they wait in line for customs clearance. we are working together on a solution where i sort of paper money i think clearance to get a customs and when you reach the harbor there. was little i like to get on the ball. so i was a big business and they play an important role in the dutch economy sales of
flowers to the u.k. alone total around almost a billion euros a year it s the third largest markets off to germany and france. but the political chaos surrounding brics it has left many businesses him unsure what kind of arrangements if any will follow despite talks on so many different levels. flower growers in traders are worried that that business with the person will wither away . shares in starbucks fellow most four percent after the company lowered its long term growth or cost the company in the midst of slashing its global workforce and it hopes that teaming up with will help drive sales delivering coffees and brings true on to cross the united states starbucks has been struggling against the competition to get dinah s into their stores. and a reminder of the top stories we re following for you. french prosecutors say go for the person has died got attack on
a christmas market stress spoke earlier this week obstructed the main suspect in the attack last night after a train on. the british prime minister to resign may has failed to persuade e.u. leaders to make changes to the brakes a deal the british prime minister was hoping to secure reassurances about plans opposed by skeptics in the u.k. to prevent a high. on the island of ireland the beatles say they re willing to renegotiate the deal. now watching the w. news from berlin or nextel. legislative. bodies.
on. the back. kickoff like. football is a simple game football a simple game. not really cutting twenty two majors a ball for ninety minutes. mr mexico let s talk about what s going on there a lot of it. it s difficult to understand we will give you the answers every easter . that s why i just wish double wave. europe. what unites.
what defines. the books trojan horse. what binds the continent together the bright answers and stories of plum trees the a. spotlight on people. sixty minutes on d w. earth. home to millions of species a home worth saving. those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas that protect the climate used to clean energy solutions and

Home , Breakfast , The-atlantic , Germany , Talent , Mixed-martial-arts , Featherweight-division , Non , One , Attack , Victim , French