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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Tamron Hall 20161026 15:00:00

tamron hall in the house. craig, thank you so much for not dancing. j.t. is a national treasure. thank you for not dance. are you ready? a new round of new polls, including a new national poll out and one from the battleground state of florida. this is a bloomberg poll. a lot of people talking about it this morning. kellyanne conway forced to defend donald trump s schedule this morning which includes promoting his new hotel before hitting the campaign trail. claiming hillary s plans in syria could spark world war iii. also ahead, hillary clinton finally connecting with millennials. a new survey is out this morning. clinton is speaking this hour in florida. we will bring her comments to you live. plus, arizona sheriff joe arpaio is also a donald trump supporter. he s now been charged with criminal contempt in a case
involving racial profiling. what this means for the man with the nickname america s toughest sheriff. good morning, everyone, i m tamron hall. coming to you live from the msnbc headquarters in new york. here s the state of the presidential race. right now, hillary clinton is about to hold a rally in lake worth, florida. donald trump combines business and politics. trump choosing to attend the grand opening his new hotel in washington, d.c. right now that is happening before he heads to north carolina later this afternoon. a new bloomberg poll i mentioned to you is out this morning. it shows donald trump with a slim two-point lead in florida, a state he even admits he much win. a new monmouth university polls shows trump pulling ahead of secretary clinton in arizona by a single point. both polls within the margin of error. we also had headlines from the trump campaign. trump opening up a new line attack against hillary clinton. telling reuters, quote, you ll
end up with world war iii over syria. his campaign pushing back against a washington post report that trump has all but stopped raising money for the republican party. and as trump heads to the battleground state north carolina today, his running mate hits three key states, nevada, colorado, utah. nbc s hallie jackson. when the whole birther statement was supposed to happen, he convinced the media to show up at his hotel and had this event billed as his acknowledgement president obama was born in the united states. that was a one-line sentence at the very end. this is why the question has come up about is this another stunt and why is he using the 13 day mark here to tout his hotel. is it more important to be business donald trump or try to be the president of this country. he s tripping to have it both ways.
i m glad you brought up the last time. it was for that news conference. the acknowledgement of the fact that president was born in the united states. if you remember, that was something touted as sort of this newsy moment and ended up being an infomercial until trump at the very end quote to the point. basically i think a 45-word sentence. seven words of which wallace the actual news of the day if you will. this is being billed differently. this is being touted by the trump campaign as a ribbon cutting. they re not calling it a campaign event. we are here covering it because it is the republican nominee for president choosing to attend the so-called grand opening of his hotel in washington. it is a significant story in that it is just 13 days until the election. there are some fresh questions from critics about whether this is the best use of donald trump s time. that said, hereby is the argument the campaign is making.
donald trump stops off to unveil an incredible hotel and everybody s hair s on fire. so that was their response. let s get to more of the news here with donald trump saying world war iii could be the next thing this country sees if hillary clinton s syria plan goes into place. we still don t know what donald trump s plan is to deal with isis in syria. the event was set to start at the top of the hour so we re now five minutes past. you talked about the attacks on hillary clinton. in a new interview out with reuters, he took aim with her syria party, arguing she could potentially start world war iii. there have been questions raised even from his own running mate. you also look at his other attack line he s been pushing this week on obamacare. hitting, trying to tie hillary
clinton ton these rate hikes some consumers will see. that is a message we expect him to continue to push through the rest of the campaign. all right, thank you very much. now to the headlines from the clinton campaign, she continues to face fallout from e-mails being released by wikileaks alley from the account of her campaign chairman. this will be the 19th releelgs of e-mails. they ve been coming as you know in batches. a big endorsement. she tweeted overnight she s proud to now have the endorsement of secretary of state colin powell who served under both bushes and president reagan. a survey by harvard shows hillary has expanded her lead over trump with young voters. the number now at 28 points. kacie hunt joins us from florida where secretary clinton is holding an event as she also celebrates her 69th birthday. this new batch of e-mails puts
i do think it s something they re worried will last into a potential clinton administration. whether it s because they re sewing division within their own party because of the things they said about progressives in the primary or whether it s republicans who might be looking to follow up on this once we get clear p clear of this election season. let s talk about secretary powell. we ve seen allegedly e-mails from him. he did not dispute whether they were inaccurate descriptions of hillary clinton. some not so kind words that were leaked out from his e-mails. and now he s endorsing he coming around to seeing her as the better candidate here. that s right. there was clearly some frustration on colin part s part about the fact he felt as though hillary clinton was blaming him for using private e-mail because he of course was one of predecessors and had his own arrangement years before the e-mail system evolved to where secretary clinton was using it
so he s been a little defensive, but he s clearly put that aside telling a lunchen in long island pretty firmly he is on hillary clinton s side, having a lot negative things to say about donald trump. hillary clinton made an appearance on univision s talk show. showing, again, a lighter side. some of that confidence you ve been reporting a lot as far as the tone of the campaign at least at this point. this is her on the very popular show on univision. doing a little salsa dancing which i think you can see there. yeah, no, this is part of their outreach to hispanic voters. acontrols t across the country. in florida, an all important state quite frankly for donald trump. hillary clinton would still win if she doesn t win florida. donald trump not so much, tamron. another example something he would not be able to do considering the huge gap in support appearing on a univision show, not an option. thank you very much, kacie.
good intrigue but i really don t think it s going to move the needle 13 days out from the election. does it, joan, though, amp up some of the tmp support? he saw an opening with this and talked about it on the campaign trail in florida. let me play what donald trump said about these latest hacked e-mails. obama, he had to know that hillary was using an illegal server, but he claimed otherwise. so that means obama is now into the act. and now i understand that despite his hatred of the clintons, because i know one thing, bill hates him, but despite his hatred, now i understand why he pushed her. because he didn t want ton get caught up in the big lie. he s caught up now, folks. again, this is in florida. he s got a slight lead according to bloomberg. how do you process? does this have a staying power? none of those words fit together or made any sense to
me, tamron. not to you but to those people there. i can t speak for those people. the white woman carrying the blacks for trump sign. it s all very confusing. what i will say about what president did or didn t know. tam ron, if you send me an e-mail, i don t know where your server is. i don t know what kind of system you have. she did not send him an e-mail from hillary clinton at. this is my private illegal server. he had no way. that was not proof he had gotten some e-mail, he knew about her server. it s nothing about what he knew about the server. when we look at the electorate, we often hear the statement, it doesn t matter who would run, you d see pretty much a split in this country. the still surprising i think given the awful three weeks donald trump has had. his lack of focus. seemingly on, now, tv, and now this hotel, that it s still a tight race. want to play what a voter in
wyoming told our own jacob soberoff. a part of wyoming county yy in pennsylvania. this is a little glimpse. let s play it. is that your trump sign in front? i have a better one at home. why are there so many trump signs? what is it about that guy? i think he says it as it is. i mean, look at his business. he s a good business man. you going to vote on november 8th? probably not. he s not going to vote. donald trump is a good business man. this man, while rural white male, doesn t fit the stereotype of the older white voter who wants america to be, quote/unquote, great again. but he s not going to show up. is this a result of donald trump s rhetoric in telling his supporters that he s already been defeated in some ways? i think it s very well, actually, it s not very shocking that donald trump is going around saying the election is rigged.
that does have the effect of suppressing voter turnout. also, i think you will see the importance of a ground game is going to come into play. if you haven t had folks out there making multiple contacts with voters and if the people who are supporting you are people who haven t voted in the past, these are folks who need to be, you know, told when to vote, how to vote, where to vote, over and over between. it just doesn t seem like republicans have that ground game prised he said he s not going to vote. first, marie claire has an article that features evangelical voters in iowa who won t admit they want to vote for hillary clinton. there s a headline, the trump supporters who are secretly voting for hillary. one woman says, i don t have the emotional energy to go there especially with other christians. for a long time, the republican party has been viewed as the only acceptable choice. it s just not worth the capital
for me to support clinton in a visible context but secretly these women will go in to vote for hillary clinton. i think that s fascinating. fascinating. i think it is possible we re going to see secret clinton voters whether p rather than these secret trump voters. what i meant by the best for last, megyn kelly/newt gingrich, here it is. if trump is a sexual predator he s not a sexual predator i m not taking a position on it. you cannot defend that statement. people like you using language that s inflammatory that s not true. you want to go back to the tapes your show recently, you are fascinated with sex and you don t care about public policy. me, really? do you want to comment on whether the clinton ticket has a relationship to a sexual predator? we on the kelly file has covered that story as well. i want to hear your words. bill clinton, sexual predator.
i dare you. say bill clinton, sexual predator. evangelical women, all of them, clutching pearls. what happened? i mean, newt gingrich had a complete meltdown. i don t know if it s because he doesn t like it when a one stands up to him and speaks her mind. it was very disturbing to watch. again, we ve seen this pattern oe over and over again of republican men sort of bullying these women and yelling over them and talking over them. and, you know, really the irony of newt gingrich bringing up this topic. really. is that why go back to that marie claire article that some of these evangelical women who say i don t have the patience to argue with it at church but i know what i m going to do. when you have newt gingrich, rudy giuliani, chris christie, as the three men telling them what to do. they re taking this attitude toward women like megyn kelly who are incredibly intelligent, incredibly accomplished. once relatable to conservative women and is herself, you know, on
a conservative station but is still treated like she knows nothing and like she s fascinated by sex. can you think of anything more creepy than to have to talk to newt about sex, i mean, please. nope. please, she s doing her job, and yet she s stigma titzed, she s the one with the sex problem. daniela, thank you, joan walsh as well, thank you. coming up, trump s controversies could cost him a victory in the solid red state of utah, home state to majority of mormons. we ve been talking a lot about utah because it is a reliably red state. up next, we ll talk with a mormon family who says they can t decide between hillary clinton and evan mcmullin who s been rising in the polls. what does that do to trump? plus, live to the battleground state of florida. early voting already smashing numbers from 2012 but exactly who is turning out? we have some new insight for you to digest. that s next. an opening nightn broadway is kind omac. i m beowulf boritt and m a broadw set digner.
when i sta designing bronx tale: the sical, i came . .with idea of four towerstha. i ll build a lite model in otosp and add these.. .detai in with a pen. i ll build a lite model in oti could never do that with mac. i feel ke my job is. ..manation to fillin allhe. .to t out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. this windows pc is azing hang .right at my finger tipss incredible.
woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn t raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share. woman: .to prevent new education cuts. man: .and keep improving california s schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive.
hillary clinton will be having an event later this afternoon. people coming to polling stations like this one ton my right if you can catch it here behind this car. there are more than 300 polling stations like this one across the state. we ll been seeing people trickle in all morning especially latinos because latinos know the fastest growing segment of a population here. you would think that s good news for hillary clinton. there s more to it than that. as you said in that new bloomberg poll today, trump showing a slight edge with hispanics in miami where there s a higher concentration of cuban-american voters. trump really hardening his stance. even meeting with bay of pigs veterans. the deciding factor for a cuban-american voter who we spoke with earlier today. let s hear him. it was very good that he did have that because that was part of the whole history. it was very good for him. actually going to get a lot of cuban votes because of that.
trump really targeting that cuban vote because immigration is not a big issue for that community. and every single vote is going to count for him here in florida. it may all boil down to this date and this county where i am now. it s incredible, thank you develop. greatly appreciate that report. turning now to the unexpected story playing out in utah. donald trump may be the first republican to lose that state since 1964. the polls there extremely tight. between trump and clinton. and the third party candidate, evan mcmullin. utah s mormon voters are also divided closely on who they will vote phone p for november 8th. they are of course the key voting democratic for utah. vice presidential candidate tim kaine targeted mormon voters with his op-ed yesterday on the importance of religious mission service. of course he was a missionary. part of our up for grabs series. now, in salt lake city where he
spoke with some of the voters in the state. it s back to a refrain we heard during the primary election. anybody but donald trump. who would have thought we d be back here in utah ahead of the general election but as you said for the first time since the 1960s, a republican could lose the race for the white house. it comes down to these mormon voters. i spent some time with a young mormon republican family who never voted for anybody but the republican candidate and this is what they told me. republicans, both of you? traditionally, yes, always voted republican. did you guys caucus in the republican good catch, in the republican primary? yes, you ve been a delegate. twice. so here we are pretty close to election day. wow, what are you guys going to do? we battle back and forth. for a little while, i looked at hillary clinton. right now i m really excited about the momentum in the mcmullin campaign.
it s caused me to explore my own political beliefs. i think traditionally at least i ve kind of toed the party line becau that s everybody around here has traditionally been a republican. will this be the first time you haven t voted republican for president ever? correct. yeah, yes. for you both? yes. so does it i mean, what s the primary motivating factor in not voting for donald trump? is it your faith, your religion? it s like a core belief of, like, look at these two guys riding around. yeah. we hold the presidency in a really high regard. it s important to us to know who that person is and what they stand for. for months now, it s been very, very clear. long before any newly released published foot only of horrific things. it s been pretty obvious to us that he s not that representative we want. right now, you re in you re going to vote for who if it was today? if it was today, mcmullin.
today? probably mcmullin. and if you re faced with the choice of going for mcmullin, donald trump as the winner in utah, hillary clinton? sure. i really even though i don t want my vote to be driven as an anti-this is one case where i feel like it s important. tam ron, in a sign of how close things are here, republican vice presidential candidate mike pence will be in utah today. that is something that you normally wouldn t see at this stage of the presidential campaign. but the six electoral votes in utah could make the difference in the race to 270. wow, all right, jacob, it is always great to just hear some insight and understanding, with these 13 days out, especially in utah, where you have a third party candidate that may result in votes. coming up, is donald trump s campaign damaging his brand and his business?
there s a piece p petition to g name removed from a residential building here in new york. what about people staying in his hotels? and did singer and actor justen timberlake brake the law with this selfie? we ll have the answer after the break and a lesson for anyone else who plans to take a selfie at the polling place. so what s your news? i g! i ll be progmming at ge. oh got job too, at zazzies. (frien gasp) the p whe you pufruit on imals? i love that! guysi ll be writing code that helpsachines communicate. (ierptg) i ju zazzied you. hone vibrates) (friends giggle) i can dogs, hamste, guinea pigs. you me it. i m going to traform the way the wod work (proudly) i prrammed that hat. and i n do casaba melons. i ll be helping turbines por citi. i put a turbine on a cat. (frie) cake hospitalsun meficitly. is i t aompetion! i benarnold, the infamous titor d i know a thing or t about trading. platfo that has all the.on e get off the comper traitor!
i won t. (cann sound) once i left the hospital after a dvt blooclot. i won t. what about my wi. .what we re buil together. .and could this happen again? i was given warfar ithe hospital, but wondered, is t best treatfor me? i spoke to my doctor and she ld me about eliquis. eliquis treatsvt and pe blood clot and duces the risk of themhappe. i spoke to my doctor and she ld me about eliquis. not on doeeliquis treat dvtand s
but iquis also had signifantly less major bleeding than e standard treatment. knowing eluis had both. .turned around my thinking. e standard treatment. dot stop eliquisnls you do tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, a in rare ses, fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have artificial het valve or abnormal bleeding. if you h a spil injectionwhilons artificial het valve call ydoctor rway ifyoveining, nune, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquisyou may bruise moreasily. and it may take longer thansual for bleeng to stop. seek immediate medical carfor sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquimay increase your bleeding risk if you take ain medicines. tellour doctor about all plned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliis right fome. ask your doctor if it s right for you.
trump hotels in new york, vegas and chicago were also down by more than 58% during the first half of this year. and just blocks from trump s own manhattan apartment, more than 400 residents of trump place are petitioning to, quote, dumb the trump name. it s all the negative connotations that bring things up from misogynist to racist to homo phobe, tax evader. joining me now, scott galloway, professor of marketing at nyu stern school of business. thank you for your time. thank you for having me. looking at the trump statement from the business versus the numbers that are coming in, which is a clearer picture of what s happening? i m going to go out on a limb here and say mr. trump may not be accurately reflecting what is actually happening here. i think that the bottom line is
he s on a downward momentum so it s easy to be critical of the brand but what you have here is a brand that s incorrectly positioned. it caters to the affluent. as a whole, the affluent are probably theroup most turned off by trump now. the brand is still strong. perhaps stronger it s just his current properties aren t positioned properly. there s opportunity but there s down market. geography, when you look, down 58%. yes, it s sectiessentially h brand equity as it relates to the business related to the household income. the brand is never going to be weaker than it would be in manhattan. it will be very strong in
certain rule areas where the household income is lower. there s been discussion of how much of his wealth comes from licensing his name. it was announced last week the that trump hotels would have the title sky inn, not trump. if you don t have the trump name, how does he get the money from licensing? he s purchase p pursued a pretty intelligence strategy where he doesn t put up his own money. he puts his name on it and takes a portion of the proceeds. the problem is if the brand no longer attracts that demographic that the people putting the capital into the hotel can say it s attracting people. i think what you ll see is actually more trump hotels. they re just going to be they re just going to be more kind of midtier hotels. which is the opposite of what he said he built this brand to be. building at the end of our block has been associated with great luxury. that s not what he worked on for
the past 60 years. less trump hotels in manhattan, more in middle america and red states. interesting. really appreciate it. developing now, we re traveling with defense secretary ash carter who just made an annou e announcement over the military forcing veterans to return enlistment voters. outraged so many of you. now secretary ash carter is speak out about what happens to these veterans told to pay back bonuses. plus, one of america s most controversy sheriffs joe arpaio formally charged. we ll have the latest on what this means for arpaio. thatedexas helped us we cld focus obigger issues, environmen le we re not passive aggressi. hey, hey, hey, there e no bad suggestions here. noatter w lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always mired you just say what s in your head, thout thng. well said, ann. bra. gooint ted. re livinproof at looks aren t erying. thanyou. e-commer businsx helped sr anth is noa ssive agessi eironment. justanted to say yoys areoioi great jo
what shat t ppedmean dex. [dance music playi] [music stops] woman: looks ke it s done. [whistle] [dance music playing] [cord scratch] [whistle] nouncer:on t let saonel get funky yurcken.aying] on averageen amans keour family saf e
ameran express open cas can lp you take on a new j, or fa bide nd out hmerinexprescardanservics n help ppa you for gr at open.c. we have exclusive reporting on the fight to take out isis. defense secretary ash carter telling nbc news this morning that an offensive to push isis from its capital of raqqah in syria will begin in weeks. this, a week into the su p offensive to take back mosul.
carter says resources are available for simultaneous operations on both mosul and raqqah. secretary carter suspended efforts to collect bonuses once paid to california national guard members. let me bring in on the phone from brussels nbc s hans nichols traveling with secretary carter. let s start off with the developments about this new offensive in the capital in raqqah that will begin in weeks. what does secretary carter say? well, he said just that, tamron, this is going to start weeks, not months. we think about the calendar on that. that means we could have an offensive in raqqah during election day. it likely means you ll have offenses taking place in mosul and raqqah in syria, well into the next year. that means the next president could be inheriting two active campaigns. they re saying u.s. forces are not on the front lines. he s been meeting with officials
in iraq, turkey, abu dhabi, u.s. troops are not special operatives, are not on the front lines. they re also embedding. that means they re up there with the peshmerga, with iraqi counterterrorism forces. they re working closely but they re insisting they won t be part of a holding force in mosul, tamron. the other story you were able to get secretary carter to respond to is one we ve reported, l.a. times has for some time now, veterans who signed up for wars in iraq and afghanistan, they received bonuses. and then suddenly were told they needed to pay back that money. outrage from both republicans and democrats on this. what did secretary carter say? well, here in brussels, he s just announced he s going to be suspending the payback of these bonuses. that doesn t, however, mean this is totally in the clear. they have a process in place. as secretary carter told me this morning, they do think there may have been a little bit, at least
some cases, of fraud taking place. what they don t want is the majority of national guardsmen being caught in the cross-fire. he s outraged by the situation. well, of course i m outraged. this is a case where we have a trust with service members who have served us. they have made a commitment to us. we need to keep our commitments to them. with respect to whether it s california, we don t know the full extent of it yet. do you need to do it with congressional authorization? is this something you can we re going to do everything we possibly can without waiting for any change in the law. tamron, we re now in brussels. it s the end of secretary carter s trip. the subject here on everyone s mind, russia, their new posture and just what they re doing in eastern europe as well as the baltic seas. the man nicknamed america s
toughest sheriff is vowing to fight new criminal contempt charges against him. he says tooth and nail. sheriff arpaio of arizona s maricopa county was charged last night for ignoring a judge s order in a racial profiling case. arpaio is up for re-election going for his seventh term. prosecutors said two weeks ago they would prosecute arpaio and in a statement then arpaio said, quote, it is clear the corrupt obama justice department is trying to influence my re-election. it is blatant abuse of power and the people of maricopa county should be aso outraged as i am. let s go back to the charges and what they stem from for the sheriff here. sure, they are all rooted in a long-running case going on for nine years now. in late 2011, the judge before the trial even happened, the judge said that sheriff arpaio s
deputies needed to stop enforcing federal immigration law. meaning if they pulled somebody over and they happened to be hispanic, they had to either arrest them for a state charge or release them. what arpaio s deputies were doing were taking them over to i.c.e. or to the border patrol and what happened was even after the judge issued that preliminary injunction, arpaio s deputies ended up doing that for at least 18 months thereafter. sheriff arpaio will not be arrested. he s real choired required to n court. this is costing taxpayers $48 million to defend arpaio and his office. the cost could reach $72 million. he says it s politically motivated. he s been one of the most controversial sheriffs in recent memory certainly. for sure. it is important to note, though, that 72 million isn t even related to this case, to the criminal contempt case.
the 72 million is for everything else. he will and should be paying for the criminal charges on his own as will the three others that may stand for them as well. but so far, arpaio is the only one facing criminal contempt charges. yes, this has been i m sorry, go ahead. he was saying he was talking about the people of maricopa county not standing for this. what is his standing with the county at this point? he has supported donald trump. is he still popular there? it s hard to say. we took a poll a couple weeks ago right when the charges were coming outnd the doj announced they would be pursuing them. it shows he s about 15 points below his democratic opponent. so that shows that his support may be slipping. help has other polls that say differently.
i guess we re just going to have to wait and see. he does have a really big strong hold in some of the communities here. great reporting, we really appreciate you joining us. a super pac linked to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is out with a late ditch multimillion-dollar effort to keep vulnerable republicans from losing their senate seats and it s focusing on six states including four battleground states. mark murray is up next. chs make in right. firs all customers w havebe im wille lly fued co, we loaelsendyou a iron fory third,e eliminated productard . les goals foreta banrs. eure yo intes are put firs wee takingction. renengur commiento you. wee takingction. t e best place tan be f awe start is ithfost : i spsomethg giing wi. s
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we re not going to find out until after the election once the disclosure reports come out. this is all about trying to help republicans in key senate contests like nevada. in north carolina. in new hampshire. pap pa, missouri. in indiana. and, tamron, you know, republicans have to pretty much run the table in those contests to keep control of the united states senate. that is why republicans are try to flood and spend so much money in these states. i ve heard a number say that the only way republicans should worry is if hillary clinton has a ten-point lead. that s not what the numbers show. but it s clear they believe this lead is significant despite some of the battleground maps that show it as a tight race. so there are two realities. we have seen republican down ballot candidates overperform donald trump in these battleground states. that s some good news if you re a kelly ayotte in new hampshire or a joe heck in nevada.
but the downside is this is kind of marginal and we re talking two or three percentage points and if, you know, hillary clinton ends up winning, say, a new hampshire or a nevada, chances are the democrats are going to probably end up winning those senate contests as well as other down ballots. because turnout ends up mattering so much. i m just not sure there are a lot of ticket splitters. thank you so much, greatly appreciate it. coming up, justin timberlake s selfie taken inside a polling place has people asking if he broke the law. up next, we re going to look into where you can get your selfie on while voting where you probably don t want to do it.
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announcement courtesy of justin timberlake. he voted in tennessee, his home state. turns out it is illegal to take a selfie while voting in that state and in many others. officials in shelby county where justin timberlake voted say his actions will not be investigated. he s a national treasure. and he won t face charges. officials are thrilled he, quote, can t stop the feeling. that s what they said. for legal advice, ari melber. i will take the selfie. do it. what s the deal? first of all, as you reported because there was confusion on the internet. at first you don t have to cry me a river for justin. i can t. i got it out of the way. i need a drink. i m listening, go ahead. it is illegal in most states. why? great question. there is so much concern in other areas around any pressure,
tampering, interference that a lot of states don t want recording devices or even talking on the phone once you are inside the polling place. if you are home watching you can ask if you are in most of the country you probably can t use your phone to record anything. you can ask as you walk in and find out so you don t break rules. having said that, i will tell you the states are on the wrong side of the first amendment here. unconstitutional people are saying. the tennessee law does say flatly you can t do what justin did. they are not going to investigate. it says you cannot use your phone as a recording device or a photographic device in the polling place. more interestingly, there is a federal appeals court, the first circuit that struck down the exact same kind of law in new hampshire. they found there is a first amendment right so selfie. they said there is a strong first amendment right to communicate and laws against voter selfies unfairly restrict voters core political speech. the idea that you are saying
something. the court ruled you are saying two things. number one, i voted. which in this world means you are telling you friends today is the day. and you could be showing who you are voting for and that s political speech that s protected. interesting. where does it go? other states may test it and the supreme court may want to take a circuit split. with one court in part of the country saying yes you can do this. and the first circuit said you can t. that s what could lead to the supreme court. this is how people communicate. we think of selfies as silly. but it may be an important way for young people to say, get out and vote. i love a good selfie. we didn t have this problem when polaroid was around. i don t know. did we? polaroids? thank you. happening now, hillary clinton is set to speak in lake worth, florida. we ll bring you the comments, of course. we ll be right back. an opening night on broadw is kind of magic.
whentarted digng a bronx ma bro. tale: the musical, i camup. ..ith th idea four towers th were fi escapes. .essentially. i bui a little del photoshop and add these. .detai in with a pen i coulvedo twi c. i feel likejob . .iginaon to fill .tinll the enough detail to spur t audiences. this wdows pis amazing, ving all of my tools. .rig at m[music]ips iincredi. jess: y look, it s those guys. shawn: look athosos pearly whites, man. usic] bu whoa, cu! n: sh-up. ss are you good bu to drive? whoa, cu! i fi. [music]
[policsiren] jess: how many did you have? shn: i should be fine. jess: hyou should be? did you have? shn: i should be fine. office si go ahead and step out of the vehicle for me. awn: yes, sir. bud:shn: i should be fine. office si go ahead and step out of thsee ya, toda sha s got a hearing, we ll see how it . good luck! , itur o buzzed driving and unk drivin they re e sa tng and it cost. so wortht.
thank you for watching this hour of msnbc live. we ll see you back here tomorrow. i m tamron hall. turning it over to andrea mitchell who is in lake worth, florida, where hillary clinton is set to speak live. andrea? thank you, tamron. now on andrea mitchell reports, 13 days out. which candidate will have a lucky 13? we are live in florida where hillary clinton is rallying for a second day in a row. she s about to take the stage where donald trump detours to washington for another opening of a luxury hotel. what does it mean that donald trump is spending any minutes promoting his own brand as opposed to asking people for their votes? it shows americans the tangible accomplishments of donald trump. he s somebody who builds things, fixes things. hillary clinton went from being dead broke to being a quarter of a billionaire. how?

Tamron-hall , Hillary-clinton , Clinton , World-war-iii , Millennials , Survey , Donald-trump , Florida , Joe-arpaio , Case , Plus , Comments

Tick season: Protect yourself with these tips

Tick season is starting across the U.S., and experts are warning the bloodsuckers may be as plentiful as ever.

United-states , New-york , Wisconsin , Colorado , Maine , Syracuse , Connecticut , Rebecca-eisen , Saravanan-thangamani , Scott-williams , Susanna-visser , Chuck-lubelczyk

Dock Street to release hazy IPA to benefit PAWS

Dock Street Brewery is brewing a a beer designed to benefit dogs and cats in Philadelphia shelters. Found Friends is a 6.5% ABV hazy IPA that will arrive at the end of the month. For every four-pack sold, Dock Street will donate $1 to the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society.

Bustleton , Pennsylvania , United-states , Point-breeze , Philadelphia , Mark-russell , Lauren-hanak , A-dog-co , Philadelphia-animal-welfare-society , Dock-street-brewery , Dock-street-found-friends , Dock-street

Rattlesnake avoidance classes for dogs offered

If you enjoy hiking or biking on the many trails around the Grand Valley, it is possible that you have encountered a rattlesnake before. These snakes, known for their characteristic

Nicole-busk , Grand-valley , Canyon-country-animal-hospital , Country-animal-hospital , Rattlesnake , Og , Animal-training , Nake , Oology , Nimals-and-humans , Nimals