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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140502 10:00:00

the entire school. i don t believe there should be any real jail time. and they should be allowed to graduate. adam says vandalism is a crime no matter why you do it. if nothing else it s about respecting things that belong to others. thank tomb who responded. have a great weekend. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning, it s friday, may 2nd, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. this guy was inside the situation room while terrorists were killing americans in benghazi. but just don t ask him for any of those details. maybe, i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this is like two years ago. dude, you really the spokesperson? that interview will have you falling off your couch this morning. hold on to your latte. luckily we re velcroed to this couch. when jay carney can t answer questions on benghazi he goes to the old stand by. blame fox.
we don t know. we re investigating it. do you have a copy of the cia read them all you want. much to your disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. ed henry with more on what happened behind-the-scenes at the white house. wow. did you park your car in the street last night? imagine waking up to this. it is real life. brand new video terrifying moments the earth opened up. ladies and gentlemen, it is friday, and mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends. tgif thank goodness it s fox and tgib, thank goodness elisabeth is back. it s great to be back.
she was out at the big cable show on the west coast. we were in clipper town. we were in los angeles. right after the decision was made there were jerseys every where. great to be back with you guys. had a great time. the thing is if you turned away from the tv you miss ad lot. i can t believe the explosive details we re finding out about benghazi. the networks are now understanding there s a lot of there there. i was stunned to see vitter pop up and sit down. he was the national security spokesman for the white house. he was also the guy who was in the situation room the night of the benghazi attack. and, you know, over the last 20 months we ve wanted to know you know the famous susan rice talking points, who changed those. we heard from mike morell, cia didn t say anything about the video, that was apparently pushed it looks by all intents
and purposes by the white house. as it turns out bret baier had tommy vietor in the chair last night. he wanted to know who changed the talking points. who soft pedalled the language to make the president look better. you know what? turns out tommy vitor may have been the man. did you also change the text to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t snsh dude, this is like two years ago. dude, it s the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about processing editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do all day long. he actually does understand that when you change talking points after an ambassador is killed, three other people are dead in a major military operation led by the united states then that s huge and by the way this is a communications expert. this is a man that is supposed to understand the story more than the guy or woman
interviewing them and for him to come back and dismissively use the word dude in a sentence. that s the most disturbing sound and i think because if you examine the tone by which vietor, tommy vietor responded and credit to bret baier for putting him in his place where he understands the significance why these questions are being asked. four americans savagely taken. they were killed including our ambassador. those questions should have answers. 20 months is a long time for those families to go without answers and a lifetime to go without their loved ones. this is why it matters. i feel after listening to that interview what difference does it make, or dude, it s been two years get over it. right, paraphrase is a tone that s unacceptable. this is how this white house operated. this is the tone they had when people ask the hard questions they try to they use word
salad or try to get you on something else. or blame fox. first they blamed bush then fox. tommy vietor revealed he was in the situation room the night of the benghazi attacks but the president never showed up to the situation room. remember back during the 2008 campaign it was all about, there s trouble in the world, who will pick up the phone. as it turns out the president of the united states was not in the situation room to pick up the phone that night. tommy vietor said he was somewhere in the white house. very unspecific. how you do not remember the president of the united states become with you during a time of crisis or not. how do you let that slip from your mind when you know you ll be asked about it. on top of that. three steps back. why did it take a court order to get these, to get this memo out? why when you were asked over and over again and required to make this public did you not?
now, jay carney goes no big deal it was barely about benghazi which you can t be serious and expect us to digest that. this guy comes out yeah if we can do it again we all wanted this memo out earlier. jay carney didn t get that memo. the memo was changed as this document reveals from an attack to a demonstration inspired some sort of activity going on. so the language definitely changed. tommy vietor can t recall. when you see his tweet. when he knew he was going to be on this show did he prepare to forget. look. guessing bret baier invited me to come on special report to talk benghazi as a tbt thing since it happened in 2012 but tune in. did you just hash tag he wants to talk about four americans being killed and still no answer 20 months. it s less than two years.
they are trying to say that it s so long ago that something only fox covers and the republicans up on the hill. we have all moved on. remember it was hillary clinton who the statute of whatever had run out after four months. four months after benghazi where she said what difference does it make. tommy vietor said it s a throw back thursday 20 months later. jay carney yesterday was a human pinata for day two and, brian, you re right. good the mainstream media are picking up on it. they asked a lot of questions. interestingly enough, as it turns out last night, we had good coverage here on fox. last night nbc and cbs not a word. last night on abc they had 46 seconds even though there was such compelling testimony there was a guy, air force brigadier general robert lovell the deputy director at africom, he was on the hot seat up on capitol hill
yesterday and he made it very clear, we didn t even try to rescue those guys. watch. do you feel like the united states was doing everything it could do to protect the people and its facilities abroad? no, sir. four individuals died. sir, obviously, we did not respond in time to get there. could we have? we may have been able to but we ll never know. we didn t try. that was very compelling. congressman was on with us. i read his pre-interview. this will be explosive. he came out and did every military person we had a chance to talk to said you never leave a man behind, you do everything you can, even if that man is dead in battle, you do everything to get that body out. how does it make sense to have a fight to go on for eight hours and not even try. but many elm were shocked when the general said he s an
unreliable witness and criticized his assertions that troops didn t respond to that attack. martin dempsey said something similar. but logic tells you that you would think that there would be some type of mission to get people out. however, he said he was waiting for an order from the state department. since when does the state department order aircraft. that s what key they had to wait. so there was no order that gave them the go ahead to get in there and do what they could do whatever they could do. we didn t move. the frustration is nothing happened. a lot is happening in the news. for that we turn to heather who is now in her place with headlines. a lot of news going on this morning. let s midwest. he wanted to kill as many people as possible. this morning we re learning more about a teenager who is accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school just like the killers in columbine but police in.
minnesota stopped 17-year-old john ladue in his tracks thanks to a neighbor who saw them near a storage unit he was renting and thought it was suspicious. he shut the door. it doesn t take ten minutes to open up a storage shed. so i called it in. thank goodness she called police. inside police found three bombs, guns and ammunition and then they went to his house and found journals that showed he looked up to the columbine shooters. we ll keep you posted. in the meantime three executives of the veterans hospital in phoenix are on leave this morning after 40 patients allegedly died when they should have lived. the suspensions include hospital director, associate director and a third person who has not been named. the hospital is accused of keeping a secret list of patients who had been waiting for care in order to hide delays in treatment and then purgingei
1.5 million unfinished orders. donald sterling is battling pros state cancer. his racist remarks may have been released by a friend of his girlfriend. the head of the chapter of the naacp just resigned. leon jenkins is his name and he came under fire for the decision to give sterling a lifetime achievement award for promoting civil rights. i ll be back here in just a little bit. looking beautiful. grab your hat. big weekend. get your big hat and throw on your sun best it s the race for the roses, the 140th annual kentucky derby. ainsley earhardt joins us live from the churchill downs. did the race start? reporter: the race has not
begun. the big derby race is tomorrow. today it s all about the females. today is the philly race. it s the 140th year. everyone wears pink in honor of breast cancer awareness. the fillies run today. from thanks to handkerchiefs, everybody dressed in pink. at 1:30 is the fashion show. then after that the breast cancer survivors are allowed to walk the track and then at 5:45 the big filly race. the first prize is a million dollars. going to the race tomorrow, 10:30 the races begin and at 6:24 is the big race the kentucky derby. the number one horse is california chrome. the number two horse just dropped out of the race. we got word of that this morning. the number three race is number
two and his name is wicked strong. we ll be here tomorrow morning covering that live and coming up in about an hour and a half we ll show you the official drink today which is the lily. we ll learn how to make that and show you the favorite foods. back to you. hold off on the. mint juleps until noon. they will sneaking up on you. then there s these bourbon balls people eat. i ll bring you back some. thank you. thanks to samuel hats for all the derby hats. absolutely. great cause. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. a decorated u.s. marine made a wrong turn in mix with a legal gun. now he s chained up in a jail. his mom brings her fight to free him to fox & friends and joins us live next. brand new video of moments when the earth opened up. [ screaming ]
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welcome back. another one of our nation s heroes jailed in mexico. andrew is a decorated u.s. marine who did two tours of combat. he was driving in san diego where he s being treated for ptsd when he made a wrong turn and accidentally crossed into the border in mexico. he s been thrown into jail and been fighting for his freedom. his mom joins us right now. jill, thank you for being with fox & friends. when you got a call on april 1st, from your son andrew, what did he say? he said, mom, i got lost. i made a wrong turn. i need you to know i m at the mexican border and the mexican officials have surrounded by truck. i need you to know in case anything happens to me.
did he sound desperate and what was your reaction? at that point it was matter of fact. i got lost in the dark, 10:00 at night. i m within a mile of the border. i made a wrong turn. i think both of us thought that they would just let him turn around and go back to america. yes, i was concerned. he s lost. now in mexico. what is his status right now? what s his emotional and physical state? i would describe him as being crippled physically, mentally. he s been, for the past he called me on sunday. i got a call on sunday and advised me then he had been chained and in restraints for 25 days. i can only imagine that would feel like to a decorated
sergeant on the battlefield. he s chained, strapped to a cot for 25 days now. uncertain of his future and actually feeling hopeless because of the uncertainty. right. we re in debt to him for his service. did you think as a mom, i mean your son comes home after serving and now is facing this. he tried to escape. that s what he s trained to do. he doesn t feel safe. did you ever think you would be living through this horror when he came home? never. i know the marine corps trained him well and i know that when he was put in that extremely violent situation in his first couple of hours in the la mesa penitentiary his life was threatened and by the grace of god and courage he was able to escape that area and got into a safer part of the jail. when he called me the next day and said mom i escaped. i said what. he said i was able to get into a safer part of the jail and i
feel safer. they were able to put him in a private cell at that point which gave me some peace. and hope too. what s your hope? we re coming upon mother s day. what s your hope for your son? that s my hope. my hope is i know the mexican judicial system is bogled down with cases. however it s been more than 30 days now. the evidence stands for itself that andrew did not intend to go into mexico. i would love to have him home by mother s day. of course. he s your son. he s our nation s son. keep us updated on all of this. thank you. thank you. you got it. up next, no english no problem you can move to the head of the line for disability benefits and president bush has a message for our veterans. [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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we got some quick friday morning headlines. illegals can qualify for in-state tuition rates for college in florida. that s one quarter of what is paid by out of state students. the bill just passed florida state senate. no english, no problem. you probably get fast tracked for disability benefits. the reason a just revealed social security policy considers a person s ability to learn english when deciding if someone is disabled. alabama republican senator jeff session says that makes it a lot easier for non-english speakers to qualify. that s the news.
fourth annual warrior 100 k mountain bike ride kicked off yesterday. president george w. bush 43rd president of the united states and 49 veterans rode 12 miles. our own dr. mark segal was there and got an interview with president bush. he joins us now live from the great state of texas. good morning, doctor. good morning, steve, good morning guys. yesterday was day one. today is day two of the ride. 30 miles today. today really separates the metal from the road. i don t think brian can handle it. today is a real tough day. i spoke yesterday to president bush in an interview and he actually told me some things he hasn t spoken about before. he said the veterans administration is a big bureaucracy and private solutions are needed to help the vets in snifts like this one. he spoke to me about his great relationship with his vets.
they told me it s about his leadership capabilities and his compassion. i talked about the military services initiative that the bush institute initiated right now which is focusing on post-traumatic stress and getting rid of the word disorder. we re helping redefine ptsd to pts. pts post-traumatic stress is an injury it s not a disorder. meaning it can be treated. why that s important because one we want to eliminate stigma, two we want to encourage employers when hiring a vet not to be put off with somebody with pts. it s called a disorder they don t want to hire somebody with a disorder. many say they get inspiration from you. very decisive. when they leave here how do they
take that with them? selfishly i hope they are saying former president bush cares and respects our veterans. you know, we can t have every vet that rides mountain bikes here but we can have enough vets here to say to other vets, you know, there s a better way than, you know, feeling sorry for yourself. every vet here has overcome difficult circumstances and are now riding pretty difficult bike trails. the symbol is that, you know, you can succeed. today for the first time on this ride there s actually someone riding who has no legs and is riding with a cycle that s a hand cycle and as i said there s a focus on post-traumatic stress. it s a very, very exciting day today, magical quality that bush has with his vets. by the way i ll ask him today about his brother running for president. i ll fill you in on that tomorrow. excellent. very good. mark segal joining us live down suit but surely very shortly
he ll be wearing something extremely tight, bike pants and whatnot. stay tuned. great job, great cause and the president looks fitter than he did ten, 15 years ago. how meaningful to have the president there. really too such connection between the troops and president bush. by the way, we should point out second year in a row dr. segal has been there. very nice. meanwhile coming up straight ahead on this show, when jay carney can t answer questions on benghazi he goes to the old stand by not blaming bush, blames fox. hey we just don t know. we re investigating it. do you want a copy of the cia talking points. much to your disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. well, there s more where that came from. ed henry discussed it last night with bill o reilly. they were talking back and forth
about why he feels as though there may be so much pressure on not to ask the question when it comes to benghazi. that s right. coming up. plus coming up they were by each other s sides. this veteran and his dog just reunited. but first happy birthday, david beckham he s 39 years old today. he s really let himself go.
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and a free 30-tablet trial. saudi arabia has launched a website that will accept complaints against the government and send them directly to the king. you can even submit a second complaint if you want using your remaining hand. [ laughter ] the royal family. one handed texting very tough. we have a very special guest talking about the latest on benghazi. it s unfolding like we have not seen it since the day of the attacks. let s go to heather who will tell us what s breaking. we had all that nasty weather all this week. things happening in baltimore, maryland. look at this video we got in from this massive sinkhole in baltimore. look at this. [ screaming ]
oh, my gosh all those cars go right over like it s a cliff right there. a building inspector is now making people leave their homes, actually in that entire area. it s simply not safe. believe they will be out of their homes for 40 days before people are allowed to go back inside. that sinkhole opening up after 24 hours of rain in maryland. what a mess. then a dramatic sight in the gulf of mexico. a coast guard rescue swimmer dives from a helicopter to save two navy pilots. the airman had to tread water for half an hour after their plane plunged into the water. both pilots are hospitalized and are in stable condition. they served together in iraq, hunting for roadside bombs together. but when army sergeant jason boss retired two years ago he had to leave his military dog behind but now the two are back
together. [ applause ] you see him jumping into his arms at chicago airport. nobody could work with this dog. i don t understand why she listens to me. maybe it s my personality. because he s her guy. they are heading back home to the sergeant s home in michigan. those are your headlines. let s go to elisabeth and brian. hi, guys. a little football. we rolled out the turf and ready to go. are you ready for some football in may? it s training day on fox & friends. brian is about to be put to the test by an nfl linebacker. joining me is carolina panthers alum is here to show us how it s done. at 23 years old he s the best
in the league. every day you have to go out and prove you re there. offseason is coming around and great time for us to work on some things. you and the panthers this year, you re not happy the way the year ended but a lot of hope in carolina for another playoff appearance. absolutely. we lost some guys to free agency. we got some new guys. we re excited about the year. everybody is talking about the draft now. yeah. you re obviously doing something right because you got it figured out. brian will put those skills to the test. can you give him some major tips. as you know it s all about tackling. now, i m a soccer player. a lot of kids watching outside. the 16-year-old has to tack tell right way. no head or neck injuries. if you want to tackle me, do it just for now. how do you make impact. basically we re coming at an angle. you stay right here. a lot of it is getting your head
across and up. a lot of guys come down and in. if you can come in and get your eyes up they teach you on the rise. they come in low, hit it and get your arms up and rise up. trying to pick somebody up. we ll come in. you want to get the hand down. oh, gees. hit them low. a little bit faster. hand me the ball. right? here we go. come in. now you carry the ball. your turn now. okay. hike. there it is. all right. you guys forgot to hug. here s the big thing. you can tackle the dummy, tackle me, hang out with elisabeth. can you survive the boston college quiz. cue the music loop. i m nervous.
we ll find out what you know. all right first question goes something like this. what is the name of the school mascot? you know what it is bald eagle. first one which b.c. quarterback threw the famous miracle miami game. a matt hasselbeck, tim hasselbe hasselbeck, doug fluty. doug fluty. boston college campus is known by what nickname? the heights. it s probably one of the most famous water holes for b.c. students, what is it? cambridge s mary ann s.
mary ann s. what is it 3-2? 3-1. just in case you need intimidation i have my game face. that will scare you away. you have a game face. right here. this is me getting ready for today. she has the helmet and everything. this is probably maybe 1998. that s old school. you re scared. we wish you well. we thank you for being with us. real quickly what do you want to get across. old spice. they launched now product line in january. quick way for guys to wake up in the morning, get something in the air and go until the afternoon. it s a good deal. good game plan. designee smells nice. there you go. he smells like a man that wants to tackle. you know because he tackled
you. what s happening inside. thank you very much. that was good to know. i didn t know mary ann s was a bar. my daughter said it was a library. coming up when jay carney can t answer questions on benghazi goes to the old stand by, blame fox. why is it not we just don t know. do you have a copy of the cia talking points. touch disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. wait until you hear what happens behind-the-scenes at the white house, ed henry has that coming up next. we all laughed at videos like this. boom where he runs into something. our next guest a navy s.e.a.l. says this is no laughing matter. how to get your head off your texting machine can be the difference between life and death.
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luckily officials learned of the scheme before anyone ate any of them. as you look at that that s more of what you re not aware. thanks for bringing that to us. were you watching fox news channel yesterday? we had a lot of coverage of what has been going on with the benghazi case. we told you yesterday about how jay carney doubled down, where he said yeah that benghazi talking point memo it wasn t really about benghazi and that s why we didn t include it in that request from congress which is laughable by the way. absolutely. yesterday we laughed at it. yesterday ed henry was able to ask him about why did they, the white house, withhold that from congress for a year. and, you know what? jay carney found that the perfect opportunity to turn it around and blame fox.
why turn it over in a benghazi you have to ask the state department about their process for responding to foia requests then decide for yourself as many people have now said and written. this is a conspiracy in theory on 9-12 you were asked about benghazi whether it was premeditated. you said it s too early for us to make that judgment. it s being investigated. on 9-14 ben rhodes is writing an e-mail that this was inspired by a video. why is it not we don t know we re investigating it. the only thing in that e-mail that refers to benghazi is a cut and paste from the talking points which much to your disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. your boss s disappointment. so dismiss, distract and blame, again.
the benghazi memo there was the emails weren t having anything to do with benghazi even though they requested all benghazi documents, they put forth this one. it said benghazi on it. it s not about benghazi so we re going to shift again and, instead of bringing more truth forward we re going to bring more blame. bill o reilly started talking about the mood. we started asking these questions that it s just a fox story and what about your colleagues. this is what ed said. other reporters will, you know, tease me about the idea that this is a fox story and, you know, what about benghazi, that we re going to shout this at the president randomly and do they really believe that it s a fox story? there are many people in the press corps who believe it is a fox story. really? yes. it s not important that the u.s. military didn t mobilize to save a u.s. ambassador, it s not important that the obama administration misled the world and they still haven t said we
made a mistake? people have to defend their own questions or lack of questions in the briefing room but i would note the last two days, john karl, major garrett of cbs news, jim acosta of cnn asking similar questions of the once you just played and jay carney went after me and fox and said you and your bosses haven t been able to prove a conspiracy theory as if i m personally pushing this which i take offense at which i m not. he s not. he s simply asking the questions. as ed pointed out a number of the other mainstream reporters in the press corps are asking the questions. unfortunately, their bosses are not putting those stories on the air. yesterday whole bunch of them asked questions. last night nbc, cbs nothing about benghazi despite the incredible testimony from the air force general yesterday. abc gave it 46 seconds. and as you look at the morning paper this morning, if you still get a paper, see if there s
anything about benghazi on the front page, second page. is it in the paper at all. this is america s story. it is america s story. by a quick note and most of you watching, ask dana perino if ed henry has an agenda. he tries to get the story and to his credit knowing he s getting attacked rather than getting answers he keeps his composure. unfortunately, a lot of members at the white house press corps you look at the stuff, they feel bad now because they helped the president get re-elected by not asking the critical questions in the last five years. meanwhile from the smoke gun, benghazi e-mail to our secretary of state s outrageous comments about one of our biggest allies, they were some of the biggest stories of the week. how did mainstream media cover them? barely. but why? then we all laugh at videos like this. our next guest a navy s.e.a.l.
says this is no laughing matter. how getting your head out of the phone can make a difference between your life and death.
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us live. good morning. good morning guys. awesome to be here. give people a couple of tips. a lot of people overlook the basics. some people think there s a ninja move they need to learn. you need to get your head out of your phone. lifting your head up. experience your environment to allow you to see things before they happen and pick up on those threats before they come in to your life and hit you head on or worse. right. exactly. it s not just like the videos we re showing where somebody walks into a pool.
you could be walking into a situation where there s some bad guys or bad gals that can take advantage of you. you need to understand when you walk out of your house, you re increased risk of running into criminal activity just went up. why put yourself into a situation where you re not picking up on these things ahead of time. i tell people if you have to use that phone or text you absolutely have to get, find a wall, put your back up against the wall, make sure you re checking your immediate surroundings. these things become common and these attacks come common at your time when you re by yourself. practicing those things help out a lot. you say be aware when approaching your car. why? first thing awareness is key. that comes into play when you are pulling out your phone. you increase that situational awareness. walking to your vehicle or just in general if you don t see it coming you can t do anything about it. by lifting your head up, a lot
of people walk to their car with their head in their phone. now you can scan your car and yointd. there s a simple thing i do, i walk past my vehicle. how many people naturally hit the doubleclick the button to unlock all the doors. if there s somebody waiting on the other try five seconds by going on the other side of the vehicle. those tip are so simple. yet they can make a difference on whether or not you stay safe. don, who is one of the commentsators, thank you very much. all right, sir. couple minutes before the top of the hour. when our blood boils every time we hear hillary clinton s comments about this. the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided to kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? we know a lot of you are bothered by that.
wait until you hear what nancy pelosi just said about four dead americans. and we ve been celebrating this moments for decades and now we re ready to take the next giant leap to mars. go long, look lean, in this season s most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and
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avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it s the nexium you know, now delivered. good morning. today is friday, may 2. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. this guy was inside the situation room while terrorists were killing americans in benghazi, but just don t ask him for any details. maybe, i don t remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. dude, he was the spokesperson and that is just the beginning. get ready. he said dude, right? dude. speak of benghazi, who could forget this? the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest of because of guys out for a walk one night who decide they d go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make?
and if you thought that was bad, just wait until you hear what nancy pelosi said about the same incident. in other news, it s one of the most memorable songs from the 1960s. how does it feel there was something bob dylan left out of the song about the rolling stone. we re going to reveal that and so much more because friday mornings, always better with friends.
wow. cheery start to our day. cheerleading squad on our plaza and they are flipping out over being here. fantastic. over the last week or so, we ve been talking here on fox & friends about how new york state very nice will he done, ladies. how new york state was trying to figure out whether or not cheerleading is a sport. it turns out it is. to show you how athletic it is, we re calling in rocky points, new york high school, where our current executive pubah producer, lauren patterson, once upon a time was head cheerleader. she was? now she s ours. wasn t she starring in field hockey, too? i d like to see footage. i would say they come here for our show. we have to call them in late to school individually. so we re going to be on the phone when not on television. so what are those kids talk
being in high school? they re talking about maybe the big interview bret baier had on special report with the former he broke in with senator obama. he used to drive the van. then little by little, he worked his way up to one of the key communication spots in the administration, only to break off and go into his own business. he came back, was kind of a welcome home thing and he went right to bret baier to explain what happened on 9-11-2012 when it came to the talking points, susan rice s briefing. turns out he played a key role. watch. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talking about dude, it s the thing everybody is talk about. we re talking about talk points. dude? first of all, dependent your math right is what many are saying. it s 20 months ago. and then way too long for those
family to be too long without those killed that at day. sort of a dismisssive tone which has a lot of people up in arms about not getting answers. watching these hearings, this is what we ve been talking about. this is what the country has been zero not guilty on. this is what s happening during the day. this is why michael morell says televise my testimony live and . because this week and the reason tommy was there was to talk about this memo that suddenly popped up after judicial watch sued the administration. keep in mind, the u.s. congress was told here is a complete set of all the e-mail from the white house pertaining to benghazi. it wasn t in there. people wanted to know why wasn t it in will. it looks to some in congress as if that s the memo right there why didn t congress gets that? it looks to some as if the white house was, in addition to conspiring to change the story
from it was terrorism to it s all about the video, to a conspiracy. let s keep this away from congress. what s interesting, though, with tommy vitor who appeared with bret, we got some answers that we hadn t heard before. where was the president? exactly right. so many people have said where was the president that night? was he in the situation room? finally tommy does answer that and the answer is troubleing. i don t know. but let s talk about what actually happened with the attack is there was sort of one phase of the attack, a long period of calm, followed by another. let me give you a sense of what we were thinking that day. we didn t notice that the ambassador was dead until late that evening. but he was missing. absolutely. we were unbelievably nervous about his safety as well as others at that facility. we had witnessed a series of protests throughout the world, where millions of people
literally were taking to the streets, overrunning our embassy in cairo because of this video. there were individuals quoted on the scene that night saying that was the wrong sound bite cued up. interesting. right. it was interesting and bret went for 15 or 16 minutes with him talk being it. but that was where he was talking about just the atmospherics at the time of 9-11 where there were all these demonstrations going on around the world and so when people are talking about, this thing right here, it s all about benghazi. he says no, it wasn t benghazi. it was cut and pasted from something from the c.i.a. where was the president? his answer, in the white house. he wasn t in the situation room, bret said? no. at when point in the evening he was constantly. any point in the evening? it is well-known when the attack was first briefed him, he was in the oval office, he was updated
constantly. we have this photo from the white house in the oval office. so we knew that happened here. there is the chief of staff. exactly. the situation room is where major connections, decisions can be made. so everyone is wondering why the president wasn t there. a way to expedite movement if there needs to be an action taken. not there. he can t recall where he is and he, according to his twitter, he seemed as though he knew he was going to be going to see bret. when you look at tommy s tweet, it says, guessing bret baier inviting me to come on special report to talk benghazi as a #throwbackthursday, saying since it happened in 2012. but down in. did you just hashtag the death of four americans, one of which happens to be our american ambassador there? why would you hashtag that casually? does that bother you out there? let us know. so you have the national security counsel spokesperson in the situation room, but the
president of the united states is not in the situation room. remember that very famous iconic photograph of the night the bin laden raid went down, may 1 three years ago yesterday? i believe that was in the situation room. we all think a when things are hitting the fan, they re all in the situation room. tommy vitor revealed the president of the united states, on the night our u.s. ambassador was killed, the president didn t even show up in the situation room. that s unusual. he talks to hillary clinton about 10:00 o clock to ask the question. where is he? and tommy answers, i don t know. i don t have a tracking device on him in his residence. but you were in the situation room and he wasn t there? he said yes, he was in the white house. and the president was not in the situation room? not in the room i was in. so what what the president did the night of 9-11-2012, he
spoke for an hour with the israeli president and talked to hillary clinton and shortly after the president talked to hillary clinton, i believe around 10:00 o clock that night, she issued the the state department issued a statement that essentially blamed what had happened on the video. right. so it started right there. and they continued to push the video story, even though the federal government knew almost immediately it was terrorism. keep in mind, seven weeks away from a reelection campaign and that s the way it all wound up. you got to wonder if you re better off making decisions in a place that you can instantly have those decisions honored and knowing they could have maybe gotten military assets there in eight hours. why politics has taken such a fronts row instead of protection of troops and the safety and lives of those there. reelection. that s right. heather in and out has the other news.
thank you very much. good morning. police say in minnesota, he wanted to kill as many people as possible. we re learning more about a teen-ager who is accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school just like the killers in columbine. police stopped him, 17-year-old john lad you are e in his tracks, thanks to a neighbor who saw him near storage units he was renting and seemed suspicious. he shut the door and he thought looked funny cause normally we see people come, it doesn t take ten minutes. it s a good thing she called it in because inside that storage units, people found three bombs, guns, ammunition. at his house they found journal that showed he looked up to the columbine shooters. in arizona, three executives of the veterans hospital in phoenix are on leave after 40
patients died when they very likely should have lived. the suspensions include the hospital director, the associate director, and a third person who hasn t been named yet. that hospital is accused of keeping a secret list of patients waiting for care in order to hide delays in the v.a. s treatment of those patients and also purge a million and a half unfinished medical orders. we ll keep watching this story. incredible new video of that massive sinkhole in baltimore that forced a neighborhood evacuation. take a look. no! (screaming). can you imagine that, that ground just giving way as those people stood by and watched? a building inspector now has to make sure the homes in the area are safe before people are allowed to go back in. it could take a while now. that sinkhole opened up after 4 hours of rain in maryland. we all know this song, it is an iconic sound of the 1960s,
bob dylan s like a rolling stone. how does it feel how does it feel to be on your own this is the kind of interesting one because it turns out bob dylan had other lyrics in mind that didn t make the final cut for the song. you can see them here. they re scribbled in pencil there. little example of that. how does it feel, it feels real. how does it feel. shut up and deal. how does it feel? raw deal. the original lyrics are up for auction in june and they could get up to $2 million. how could that? that is good. if i could give bob dylan some suggestions, lined paper. he seems to write he s an artist! i don t like lined paper.
i like a blank. i m still trying to figure out your program that you gave me. i m not going to show you anything. it s top secret program. thank you very much. coming up, did you hear about john kerry s comments on israel and some outrageously racist remarks by democratic politician or two this past week? not if you watched the mainstream media television. why did they ignore the week s biggest stories? we ve got some answers straight ahead. that s right. and note to self, if you re going to rob a store, you want to make sure that the clerk isn t an army special forces soldier.
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according to some it s been a wild week had if comes to media bias. from the rambles of two democratic congressmen and outrageous comments from john kerry. for example apartheid state? how did the major networks cover secretary kerry and other big stories like that? joining us to weigh in is boston herald columnist. apartheid state. that is major news. how is it covered? i cannot believe the major media networks have not covered that and given it more attention. secretary of state kerry s remarks were deeply owe financessive and inflammatory, if not outrageous and israelis
and the jewish comment are really upset about it. clearly it s going to impact negatively the israeli-palestinian peace negotiations. we covered it. cbs covered 30 seconds. nbc and abc avoided it. not a big deal. you look overseas in the israeli newspapers throughout the middle east, it was a huge deal. now let s move on and talk about another major story that took place. everyone is talking about donald sterling and we all reacted to that. what about benny thompson, a congressman, as well as congressman charlie rangel. listen to their comments and i ll give you the reaction. clarence thomas, this man
doesn t even like black people. i have never seen so many confederate flags that represent groups that are proud of the fact that they call themselves the tea party. so some outrageous statements. first, do you think these are big deals? they are big deals. the media should have covered it. it s just so wrong for these men to make these inflammatory racial statements. we can t have two sets of rulings here where if you re in the private sector and you re the owner of the clippers and you make inflammatory, hurtful statements you get persecuted and crucified. you get fined millions of dollars, get your team taken away, but yet you re an elected member of congress, you get away with it. that s not right. you got no coverage on rangel, zero. zero coverage on benny thompson. by the way, he doubled down with cnn yesterday and said he is an uncle tom, what do you want me
to say? 165 minutes and 22 seconds on the owner of the clippers. now, on the benghazi e-mails, by any standard, this is huge news. a court case reveals memos when we were told everything has been exposed. the benghazi coverage. let s look. 6 minutes on the benghazi coverage and three seconds on abc, cbn and nbc. your reaction? it s outrageous. clearly there is a left wing media bias. if you need proof, look at the way they haven t covered benghazi. benghazi is a huge story. the united states ambassador was brutally murdered, two navy seals and another man. and there has been a massive cover-up. now the smoking gun e-mail has surfaced, which ties the white house to the lie of the video. this is huge news. every media outlet should be covering it. what s interesting is i think the press corps understands that. look at chuck todd, jonathon karl and others, they re asking the tough questions and we find out they re not getting on the
air. good luck with your shore and the herald. thank you for joining us. thank you. coming up straight ahead, can the government take your house to build a road? for what s been hers for nearly 70 years. back in a moment at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.

it s time for friday news by the numbers. first, $20 million. that s how much it would cost new york city to put the iconic horse carriages out of business and send the retired horses to horse sanctuaries. $20 million. 50%, that s the percentage of couples who can t agree on money. men and women have different levels of risk tolerance with the majority of women being more conservative than guys. fine low, $5. that s how much this bacon shell
taco at el ray in washington, d.c. will cost you. makes its one day debut on cinco de mayo. that looks delicious. truck carrying plutonium has been hijacked. police chase is in progress. got you! spiderman is bravely crawling back into theaters this weekend full of special effects, spectacle and a whole lot of web spinning here. that looked like an animated batman. while it s filled with action, it also pays homage to great classics. here with his review, kevin mccarthy, fox news contributor and founder of all right. you saw it. you like it? i did. i saw it twice. i paid for it the second time to review the imax version t. pays
homage to great classic actors like buster keaton. there is a really great charlie chaplain moment. my favorite moment is fred astaire moment. there s a great movie from 1951 called royal wedding a masterpiece. they pay homage to that. i talked to the leading aren t about that. but before that, i had to ask andrew garfield the most important question of my career. if there is life on other planets, do they have football? that s the really big question i need to know. okay. so sorry. thank you very much. we re out of time. just kidding. go to the sound bite. i love the fred astaire moment in the film. oh, yeah. how did they shoot that?
it could have been done so many ways. can you explain that? did they build a set? spiderman, every surface is a floor. so i wanted to go up the wall and be on the ceiling. i want to land back in bed and they were like how do we do that? they built a rotating room. it was like a spiderman ride. it was so much fun. like traipsing around that room over and over begun. we did it 18 times. how do pieces of the room not move? they stapled down the bed, everything is really secure, like bolted to each surface. so there is no flapping of paper or anything. that s brilliant the way they did it. you gave 3 1/2 out of five stars. you liked it a lot. i did. the movie has really good action and really good emotional moments as well. the mark webb directsor directed five days of summer where he blended a relationship and blended into a movie. and peter park is dealing with the struggle of being a normal
person and also spiderman. there is two major villains in the film. the action is amazing. it s great do see it in 3d. but skip the imax. they did not shoot it in imax. don t waste your money. they have black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. as i mention every week, when a marvel movie comes out, there is always an extra scene at thend of the film and the credits. the one in this move yes is absolutely terrible. so when the movie ends, just leave. just leave. i gave it 3 1/2 out of five. it s better than the first spiderman, but not near as good as spiderman 2. it s a little too long and cheesy at times. but worth seeing if you re a spiderman fan. by the way, friended to death is opening today. i m interviewing the director next week. and i ll have it on my web site next week.
all right. thank you. our blood boils when we hear hillary clinton say what difference does it make, about the benghazi attacks. but don t even bring it up to nancy pelosi. she s way over it. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren t we talk being something else? oh, nancy. i hope you re watching because oh, yeah. we re going to tell you why coming up next. plus, it s long been debated, should cheerleading be considered a sport? the cheerleaders ready to take on their critics after they got a major victory this week. give me an f! give me an o! give me an x! it s fox! [ male announcer ] a long weekend is just an excuse.
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to many, outrageous to even more. from that to dude, that was like two years ago, who cares? ancient history. those two things tick add bunch of people off. but it s getting worse. listen to nancy pelosi when she was asked about benghazi. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren t we talking about something else? yeah. she met with the press yesterday. she s dismisssive of it, has no interest in investigating it or sitting on a panel and getting to the bottom of it. sure. could we listen to maybe i caught something. can we listen to her say that again? maybe. can we? benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren t we talking about something else? you know what that kind of reminds me of and luckily thanks to our video editing, i ve got this sound bite right here. kind of reminds me of this. marsha, marsha, marsha!
that was brilliant. but the fact had this is so easily dismissed, as you alluded to, and just brushed off. what difference does it make? dude, that was about two years ago, who cares? now this, benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. we ll show you what difference it makes. this is sean smith, one of the victims moms, pat smith. this is why it matters. i could picture his face as he was about to die and why didn t our government, our military go in to help him and all the others that were there? nobody cared enough. they were covering their butts for something. i said please, i ve got to know what happened. they said they promised that it was a video and if they found out any different, they would get back to me and let me know. they did not get back to me. they just disacknowledged my existence. they lied to her face. they said it was all about the video. general hamm could answer that. why he has not testified yet, i d love to know.
a general yesterday said we should have tried. we did nothing. that s right. while nancy pelosi might say benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. the current speaker of the house, john boehner, yesterday said our investigation into the events of that september night is going to continue until this white house owns up to the truth and until these terrorists are brought to justice. right. you can run, but can t hide from the truth. i don t even know what s going on with that investigation. there was one question, i don t know what s going on, and next question. who did it? who perpetrated it. the new york times said the guy having a mimosa next week talk being it. why was the memo changed into a cover-up and why do we not have answers? we re going to stay on this. we re going to turn now to heather nauert. hi. good morning. other news to bring you. 36 minutes after the hour. i guess this guy just couldn t wait. a prisoner in oregon climbed a fence and escapes from prison six days before he was set to be
released and it turns out he s not good at hiding. police found this convicted sex offender at a nearby jack in the box restaurant and he was not going back without a fight. refusing to drop to the ground, eventually this guy surrendered. he s now facing escape charges. if you are going to rob a store, make sure the clerk isn t a former army special forces soldier. watch as a suspect sucker punches the clerk after he tells him to get lost, burr the would be thief is quickly taken down as the fight spills out into the parking lot. one punch, the former soldier has the man hit the pave. to them it s the location. but to this woman, it is her entire life. the city of westfield, indiana, now wants to take away sandra s home to build one of those round about roads. the city is claiming eminent domain, but it s been in the family for 70 years. she says the city s offer to buy
her out simply wasn t good enough. wouldn t sell this for a million dollars. i would have died here. i would have never left this property. the city says they are offering a fair market value for the property. the two sides will meet in court for the first time on monday. we ll keep watching that story for you. nasa unveiling a new prototype that looks right out of a movie tron. remember that one? a movie that brian probable will he liked, the original one. this new suit has been designed for astronauts who will one day colonize mars and it was voted on by the public, one of the coolest features, these glowing lights that can change color so they can tell each other apart. the final version of the suit will be ready for testing in november. those are your headlines. let s go outside to brian and elisabeth. from the side lines of the
center stage to the debate over whether cheerlead something a sport, back flipped its way into the spotlight after new york deemed it a sport earlier this week. but should it be, these are members of the 2014 ucla champions, rocky points eagles cheerleading. congratulations. thank you so much. were you excited when you heard it was officially sport? yeah. it deserved to be a sport. tell me your routine. how long and how hard do you ladies work? we work really hard. we train all season just for a two minute and 30 second routine so we run, we condition on the offseason. then we have practices every day and we train like really, really hard to get this routine solid. what s it like to be national champs? the best feeling. what do you think separates you? i think our ability. we train really hard with something and we want to be perfect with it. is there any way we could see you in action? we would love to see some of
this. how many people are cheer nog in college? about six out here. ready? you ready to spring into action? yes. pun intended. cue the music. will you go to prom with me? no pressure. wow. frank, send us an e-mail, a tweet, something. are you on facebook? let her know, quick. look away. [cheering]
we are rocky point! come on blue! rocky points! fight! rocky point! blue and white! let s go, blue and white! blue and white! we are rocky point! blue and white!
all right! wow. that was unbelievable. that was fantastic! congratulations. how do you feel now? feels great. yeah, awesome. the best feeling in the world. amazing. what trust to be able to catch one of them. give yourselves a round of applause. good job. let them hear you out back. thank you. congratulations. best of luck to you seniors next year. thank you. we ll stand by on the prom invite. we ll follow up on that. meanwhile, steve, tell us what s coming up next. thank you very much. it is a sport and they re good sports. straight ahead, a decorated u.s. marine made a wrong turn into mexico with his legal gun. now he s chained up in a jail in
mexico. his mother now desperately trying to free her son. hear from her next. then it s what made pippa middleton a world wide name. but is her famous feature a fake? plus, the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1972, this wwe star played football at the university of miami. you know the answer to this. be the first.
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we re hearing from the mother of the marine. we hard from her this morning with the very latest. here is what s going on. in early april is when all this went down. 25-year-old marine reservist andrew got lost while heading to san diego and accidentsally crossed into mexico. mexican border guards searched his truck finding three guns he legally bought here in the united states. he says he thought they would just let him turn around and go back to the united states, but mexican police arrested him and threw him in jail. things got more tense when an inmate threatened to kill him. his mother says the death threat forced him to take matters into his own hands. she was life on fox & friends earlier this morning. when he called me the next day and told me, mom, i escaped, i said what? and he said, but i was able to get into a safer part of the jail and i feel safer now. they were able to put him into a private cell at that point. now he s chained by all fours, strapped to a cot for 25 days
now, uncertain of his future and actually feeling hopeless because of the uncertainty. his situation is similar to another florida marine veteran named jon hammer. he was held for four months in a mexican border prison in 2012 before pressure from media and lawmakers got him released. meanwhile, the family in florida is fighting for his release. the u.s. consulate says it s doing all it can to insure his safety. we re really think being that family this morning. no kidding. thank you very much. 11 minutes before the 207 of the hour. miss frank sinatra, this guy s voice will remind you of the rat pack. be a lady tonight luck be a lady that guy performs for us next. i hope he wears that hat. luck be a lady tonight
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okay. how do i look? thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. we had a little audio problem with that video. we hope to have it for you a little later on. in the meantime, look who is back. hello. i feel like i ve been away for a long time. you were doing the apprentice. i was on a major network program that raises money for children. i raised a lot of money, thanks to your help and your help and my fox news colleagues were so superb. i feel a sense of brotherhood and this family. you re the most popular person in the building. i don t know about that. but really. people don t really get a sense i worked at every
network. people don t get sense of the camaraderie and the collegial love really. the 12 years i ve been sitting here or coming from a remote location every friday, and the way you came through for this charity, the generosity, brian, steve. roger ailes, bill o reilly, sean hannity, people came up and gave money to this charity in a way that was so wonderfully life affirming. and the charity is to help the developmentally disabled and the severely autistic and just the way i wish that everybody in this country had a relationship with their colleagues and their employer that i have with fox. and it will become abundantly clear in a couple of months what geraldo rivera is talking about on another network. but you did put out the word, brian and i showed up on a saturday on our days off and then we showed up maybe on a weekday night, a school night because you needed help. i needed help.
it was really amazing. again, the memos will emerge later and we ll find out exactly what happened. we ll talk about a memo that emerged this week causing unbelievable amounts of interest, maybe from other networks for the first time. i want to get your take on tommy vitor s interview with bret baier and what he had to say. this is just a portion of it. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talking about dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about the process of editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do. dudes. dudes. yesterday was the third anniversary of the announcement of the death of osama bin laden. it should have been the day we were celebrating. this was the most i was fortunate, god blessed me that i was on the air live when the announcement came down that we had finally gotten the terror
mastermind that killed so many of our friends and neighbors here in new york and washington and in that field in pennsylvania. the narrative from that day on, from the day three years ago that we got the terror mastermind, the president s narrative was, osama bin laden is dead. general motors is alive. it was a triumphant narrative that he intended to carry to the reelection campaign in 2012. so what happened? a year and a half after this great victory, bin laden being killed, we had a terrorist attack in libya that was contrary to the president s triumphant narrative. it flew in the face of his strongest argument for reelection, that he has been strong on terror. there was and this fellow, the sleazy and gratuitously fellow and his colleagues spun the events, they twisted the events that happened in benghazi to fit
the narrative. they could not admit it was a successful terrorist attack that took down the ambassador and his three colleagues because that flew in the face of the president s triumphant narrative and his march to reelection. so they spun it. here in my opinion, is where we faltered. we should have concentrated on two things. why did we have such a light footprints in such a volatile country to begin with? where was the security? i almost got killed in benghazi. we watched it on the air. and i know these militia. they turn on their mother in a heart bet. these are people with no character, no morals, that today their motivation is islam. tomorrow it s money, weapons, whatever it is. we should have had a much stronger footprints there. the second thing that we should have concentratessed on we re going to get to the second thing. why didn t we have appropriate security there? these are all good points. we re going to continue the
conversation with geraldo rivera on this may 2 here on fox & friends in about two minutes. lot more to go. jeff. hey, scott! this is no time for lollygaggin , lad. the chickweed and the dandelions are wreakin mad havoc! now s the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed & feed, man! it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. feed your lawn. feed it! we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it s evolved to infrastructure. .finance. and military missions. we re constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber bate,
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today. liberty mutual insurance responsibility. what s your policy? good morning. it s friday, may 2, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. he was the guy inside the situation room while terrorists were killing americans in benghazi. but just don t ask him for any of those details. maybe, i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. dude, it does matter. i can t believe you were really a spokesperson. did you park your car in the street last night? imagine if you woke up to this. oh, my god! dude, where is my car? brand-new video of the terrifying moments the earth seemed to open up. thanks, ashton. and it made pippa middleton a
world wide name. but is her famous backside a fake? a fake? you heard me! but i repeats it anyway. mornings on friday, final hour are better with friends. the following takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 9 a.m events occur in real time. that s right. 24 is back. he s going to be in london. coming up later this hour, khloe, crean left will be with be live. in the meantime, geraldo rivera joins us live. we got a couple of bonus minutes with you. i was going to investigate that issue you posed in the tease with pippa, if you want know probe what s the matter with you? he s been off for a couple of months.
inappropriate verb. i trust to you get to the bottom of that. whoa! don t make him the butt of your jokes. on a different note, you left us off with the one thing that we should have focused on and you want to give us the second thing we should focus on when it comes to benghazi. the spinning. there is three phases. pre, during and post. the preand post are where we as a news organization should have focused like a laser after the second. but i ll get to that. lack of security. why did we have such a light footprint and risking an ambassador and his life? the fact that he was killed and his colleagues killed, evidence go to the spinning. what happened after? clearly this memo and others like it corroborate the fact that this white house intent on maintaining the triumphant narrative that the president successfully killed osama bin
laden and quashed al-qaeda, he was marching to reelection. he spun this. this was a failure in terms of security. he covered it up in many ways and spun this narrative that he had succeeded. if you play lieutenant colonel ralph peters sound from last night on bill o reilly, that will set up where i believe we fell short. all right. then let s run it. i can tell from you personal experience, bill, that at state there is a hard core lefty cadre who looks at our military as a bunch of blue collar but even if that s true come on, bill. give me 15 seconds. in a case like this, the military would have wanted to go. the white house would have said stand down. that will still come up because look. that would be huge. the rule is this, even if you do not think there is one chance
in hell you can rescue those americans, you try. you try. you go after it. you have to try. that s when the air force colonel said general said yesterday. admiral mike mullen appointed by president bush, says there was no military assets available. i have investigated this from the air force assets to the special forces in tripoli and in italy and in other places. whatever was available in our fleet resources, there was no u.s. forces that could have intervened. there was no gunship available as the myth suggested. there was no stand down order given by concentrating on the the military is not the swat team. they re not the fire department. they could have buzzed them with a drone. doesn t it go back to the first paints that they should have paid attention i don t know. all i know is that when you, for instance, look at how we rescue the guy from the mirsk boston
marathon or how we go into the camps in somalia, these are precisely planned, daylight operations largely. they involve three days of intense comprehensive we have never, as far as i know, never mounted a rescue operation in the time parameters we had here. so you don t think we should be focusing on this? i think it weakens our real argument that the president is a spinner and a hypocrite and that the president and the state department under hillary clinton failed to adequately secure the facility. that s my frustration. we have an issue that is vital, important issue and by putting, for example, the families of the four who fell and make it about why didn t the military try to save my child, we divert and dilute the real argument. there is a strong argument. the only thing i will say it the military is not built on scripts. they re built on reacting to reality. that s what every war is that you ve witnessed more than anybody else. they have an air base in italy donald rumsfeld has said. admiral mullen, if you read
gates book, president bush and gates had a huge problem with him going off and saying things that they didn t feel were true. he s leading this investigation. you have a brig dear general saying i could have helped. i should have tried. these guys get dead bodies out of battlefields. they go back later. i have been with so many fallen and wounded g.i.s from afghanistan 12 times, iraq 12 times, somalia, i have a lot of african experience. if the jets had scrambled, they would have had to jetison their tanks at night, go to a situation that they could have been taken down. that mission was a suicide mission, it could not have happened. the president spun to win an election. he did. hillary clinton did not have adequate security. but to maintain the myth that we could have saved those live, i think we dilute our argument. your argument about the spinning is absolutely points on
and i m so happy to be back. so glad. now heather with the headlines. a real crisis was averted in minnesota. this kid wanted to kill as many people as possible, according to police. this morning we re learning more about the teen-ager who is accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school just like the killers in columbine. police in minnesota song the 17-year-old in his tracks thanks to a neighbor who saw him near a storage units that he was renting and thought he seemed suspicious. he shut the door and i thought it looked funny cause normally we see people come here and didn t take ten months to open up the storage shed. that s why i called it in. she called police. good thing because inside that storage unit, cops found three bombs, guns and also ammunition. they witness to his house and also found journals that showed
how he had looked up to the columbine shooters. incredible video coming out of that massive sinkhole in baltimore that forced an entire neighborhood to evacuate. look at this. oh, my god! can you imagine how frightening that would be, not knowing if you were going to be next to go down that little cliff there? a building inspector now has to take a look at the area nearby to make sure the homes are actually safe before people are allowed back in. the sinkhole opened up after 24 hours of rain in maryland. here is a story for the guys. it might be that teacher that made pippa middleton a household name, her famous backside. but is it a fake? there is a french royal expert who is claiming that kate middleton s little sister wore a fake butt to the wedding. she served as maid of honor.
you saw her backside a whole lot right there. this lady is saying that it was an optical illusion because pippa knew the entire world would be watching her, because they have those pad butt things. where do you buy throws? all kinds of stores. there is like fake butt stores? i just bring my own backside. heather, thank you. see you later. we have a clue which is coming up next. it s time to place your bets. the 140th annual kentucky derby. the derby is more than just fast horses and big hats and strong cocktails. it s also about great southern cooking and somebody who knows a lot about that, she was raised on it, ainsley earhart. that s right. good to be back in the south with my peeps this morning. hello to everyone at home. here with two chefs, you probably recognize this face from top chef, edward lee. and then we re here with david danielson, the executive chef of churchill downs. lots of pressure this weekend on you. we got a lot of people coming
through here. but it s a fabulous weekend, the weather is beautiful. tell us what folks can buy when they re inside of the concession stands? some great new items. in our grand stand, we ve got a little sweet tea marinaded chicken with a kentucky glaze. then this fabulous pork kabobs, bourbon peach barbecue. our version of a a salad for millionaire s row. our take on cornbread. bread pudding. i go to a lot of sporting events, nothing is this good. it s like hot dogs and hamburgers and pretzels. it s a great day. our expectations are high. edward, you re preparing some of the food for the vips. for the highly vips. we re not welcome there. he was telling me earlier. what are some of the meals? these are things you can find at my restaurant. i m also giving a sample or two
to some of the guests. lamb, braised lamb with grits. our specialties foie gra. salad with corn relish and breakfast tacos for the early risers. that s great. if you live in the area, go visit one of his restaurants in louisville. real quickly, guys in the studio, this is the drink that s popular today called the lily. it was invented for us. cranberry, triple sec. it s pink because we re honoring all the survivors of breast cancer. that s why i have pink. tomorrow is the derby. you know what that drink is. mint julep! very good. ainsley earhart. we ll be drinking a lot of those tomorrow. indeed. thank you very much. looks delicious. it s the story we ve been telling you about. our veterans left to die because of a secret waiting list.
now we re learning more, this could be just the tip of the iceberg. peter johnson, jr. with that coming up next. then the joke is on them. dozens of students take their senior prank way too far. and go to jail. chico s effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and
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the secretary of veterans affairs finally taking action putting three officials at the phoenix v.a., including its director, on administrative leave until further notice over allegations of keeping vets on a secret waiting list. and perhaps 40 died waiting. but there may be more trouble ahead for the v.a.
a new report revealing more than a million and a half vet appointments vanished since last may with no way of knowing if the patients actually got any treatment. where is the accountability? peter johnson, jr. joins us with it. peter, 1.5 million cases vanished. in this culture of death and disability that the federal government and the white house and the v.a. seems to tolerate with regard to veterans, now they ve lost or destroyed 1.5 million consult records. so they said, we had a back log, we re going to figure it out. they figured out about 350,000 of them. they said, but we can t find another million plus. the rest of them, they now we re finding outs there was a policy they would cancel so-called unfulfilled consults. on continue of that, the general accounting office of the government has come up with disturbing figures.
as an example, let s look at this. some consults with your stomach, you re trying to find colon cancer, at one facility, 30% of the vets had an average weight of 140 to 200 days. 140 to 200 days. with regard to physical therapy consults, which are so important for disabled veterans, 40% of the vets had an average wait of 108 to 152 days. you re supposed to get the physical therapy right away. absolutely. at this point, there are 319,000, almost 320,000 pending claims for disability compensation and benefits pending over 125 days. it sounds like if this 1.5 million of these medical record things just disappeared, it sounds like what the government is trying to do is just cook the books, make it look like hey, look at our efficiency rate, it s so much better. obviously the inspector
general is looking at it. i ve said the u.s. attorney should be looking at it. there is an issue with destruction of federal records. where, when, how, why? we know there were two lists in phoenix, the treated and untreated. we know people died as a result. the issue becomes, is this a culture where death, disabilities and pain and suffering are tolerated by the white house and the federal government? so you look at benghazi and then look at the veterans and you say, do we really care about those who are serving and those who are dying without treatment? they re book ends really in a story of tragedy, of untold proportion. this is going forward. we re going to learn more and more and unfortunately, we re going to uncover more and more deaths across the country. where is the leadership? peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. have a good weekend. you, too. very troubling. coming up, after two years apart, a vet and his dog are about to be reunited.
but after so much time, will the dog actually recognize his master? stay tuned and find out. then he s being called the modern modern day frank sinatra. luck be a lady tonight that guy joins us live next.

quick headlines now. all about the trouble with schools. senior prank goes way too far. new jersey, more than 60 students arrested after cops say they broke into their own school, their high school, and trashed the place. here is some of the damage.
vaseline on door knobs. taped hot dogs to lockers and from pranks to pot. students in iowa were under arrest for trying to make marijuana-laced cookies in home ec class. they mixed it into the dough for the next day. officials learned of the scheme before anyone ate any of them. talk about doing your work ahead of time. lady tonight luck be a lady tonight his voice is going to remind you of the rat pack, singer matt goss has dazzled las vegas audiences and now moving beyond caesar s palace and releasing his first cd life you imagined. we re ready to bring you his new song strong .
i love to the highs to the tears in my eyes you amaze me yeah to the joy, to the love to the never giving up that s what made me yeah i felt pain and greatness the deepest pride and even shame and i ve been lost and found i fell apart it feels good to be strong like a rolling, rolling on that s me it feels good to be strong oh, lord and i will never walk alone it feels to be strong
oh, yeah the unknown of every day you amaze me yeah to the hurt, to the lies to the journey, to the prize that s what made me yeah and i felt pain and greatness the deepest pride and even shame and i ve been lost and found i fell apart it feels good to be strong oh, yeah like i m rolling rolling on as only a fool knows
everything it needs to be now cause kindness is king that is the power it feels good to be strong like a river rolling rolling on yeah it feels good to be strong oh, lord and i will never walk alone it feels to be strong strong
wow. very nice. there he is right there. matt goss. coming up straight ahead, he was inside the situation room in the white house during the benghazi attack. but don t ask him for details, dude. chris wallace on that next. and in case you missed it, one of the cheerleaders we just had on asked her boyfriend to prom. check it out. frank, will you go to prom with me? no pressure, frank. that promposal. will he say yes? frank, he s joining us next.
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oh, really? so you asked on tv. you asked frank to the prom. joining us on the phone right now is frank shula. good morning to you. when you saw ashley, your girlfriend since eighth grade, ask about the promposal, what did you think? i was shocked and i was really happy. really? so we need an answer. yes, i ll go to prom with her. all right! that s something to cheer about. it definitely is. i m so happy. i was so nervous trying to find a we to ask him because last year he asked me in a really cute way. so i wanted to top it. what was the cute way last year. he put prom, like with a question mark in christmas lights on the floor and then like bought me up to the roof and had his cousin turn them on. that s all right. this is so much better. anyone can do that. yeah. definitely tops it. they ll be home by 1:00 o clock.
1:00 o clock? on the bus, right? yeah. have a fun night, frank and ashley. congratulations. thank you. while we re at it, girls, anybody else need a prom date while we re at it? we ll work on that. all right. very nice. chris wallis joins us right now from his post in washington, d.c did you go to the prom back in the day? i was just thinking about it. i went to an all boys high school. answer the question. not much of an option. okay. lot of pressure now. a lot of the old boys high school in this area, they ask the all girls schools nearby for dates. you know, that would have been a good idea. i should have thought of that. but it wasn t your responsibilities. but it was your responsibility yesterday, trying to keep up
with the testimony on capitol hill, as well as an interview in your very building as bret baier sat down with tommy vietor on special report. i want to you hear this sound bite and get your candid response. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talking about dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about the process of editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do all day long. have you ever heard that type of casual response? what is your response to his response dude? honestly, i laughed. i thought it was kind of a real moment. i don t think he was trying to be disrespectsful. i think he was reacting the way he did. but look, the significance of the talking points, without getting into did you change this word to that word or whatever, the significance of the talking points is that when susan rice came out and told me and all the other sunday talk show hosts her line that this was all in
response to a video and then it turned out that wasn t true, the white house absolutely, firmly maintained for the last year and a half that they had nothing to do with sending out these talking points that, this all came from the c.i.a., so it was nonpolitical. now we know as a result of this freedom of information lawsuit that they were forced to put this information out, that there was a set of talking points, a separate set of talking tonight s that came from a top white house advisor, there it is. ben rhodes, the deputy security advisor. this was on the friday above before she appeared and it was filled with talking points. but to say it was the result of an internet video, not the result of a broader failure of policy that, is a direct talking point and in the height of the presidential campaign to say that it was the video, it wasn t, because of problems with the administration policy and it wasn t because of al-qaeda was
regenerating inside libya. that obviously would have been a very explosive revelation in the heart and the heat of the presidential campaign. overall, the tone here, when you hear dude, it happened over two years ago, mixed it with, what difference does it make, mix it with nancy pelosi s recent comments of benghazi, benghazi, benghazi, this sort of cavalier approach and callousness is the message that s being sent. so we can talk all we want about the message in the talking points memo switched around, but ultimately do you think the message is they just don t care? four people died. i don t think it s that they don t care. i think it s a political problem and they re trying to manage a political problem. look, they certainly care, although having said that, the fact that people who killed these four americans have never been brought to justice, but despite the protestations of president obama and then secretary of state clinton is deeply troubling and given the fact that one of the people that was said to be a ringleader was
doing interviewsviews with media groups in benghazi, but somehow we couldn t find them, i find that troubling. no kidding. also very troubling is and people have been trying to get an answer for this for 20 months. where was the president the night of the attacks? last night with bret baier, tommy vietor revealed that while he, tommy, the pr guy, he was in the situation room, the president was not. listen. was the president in the situation room? no. where was the president? in the white house. he wants in the situation room? at what points in the evening? any point in the evening. it s well-known when the attack was first briefed to him, he was in the oval office and he was updated constantly. then when hillary clinton talks to him by phone at 10:00 p.m., he s where? i don t know. i don t have the tracking device on him in the residence. but you were in the situation room and he wasn t there. yes. so the pr guy was in the situation room.
the president of the united states was not. i think it s one of those things americans think when it s hitting the fan and there is an attack somewhere in the united states, they always rush to the situation room, but in this case, he never showed up. yeah. it s troubling. i remember some months ago asking one of the president s senior advisors and he couldn t account for where the president was. again, it doesn t really matter. look, if he s in the oval office, he s just as keyed in as he is if he s in the situation room, if he s in the residence it doesn t matter, tellurous it was. let me finish. but the question is, how deeply involved was he? we still have not gotten a full accounting of that. what makes it so interesting is that when there is a success, when it was the bin laden raid, we have pictures. we had minute by minute ticktocks of where the president was. but when it s a terrible failure like this, suddenly the president is we don t know where he is. it s a mystery and they don t really want to pin down how involved he was.
more importantly than where he was is the fact that the secretary of defense, leon panetta, said he never spoke to the president after 4:00 o clock in the afternoon. that i find very disturbing. especially what could he possibly be telling hillary clinton at 10:00 o clock that night if he wants talking to his defense secretary before? and then we heart brigadierrñ?ññ general. it here the general. what s on your show? we re talking with kelly ayotte, the republican senator from new hampshire, who has been one of the people calling for a select committee, and adam shift of the house intelligence committee. it will be very interesting to hear what they have to say. and we re going to see they re going to talk about the economy because we got first quarter gdp and it was nonexistents. the growth, 1%. former head of ubs with 32 advisors. very good.
we thank you very much. we re going to be watching you on sunday. thank you, guys. sorry about that prom. he s happily married now. it all worked out. there is a lot of pressure now. i don t think he s over it. we ll discuss it in the break. hey, heather. did a girl ever say no to you to the prom? apparently so. a lot of controversy. all right. i ll move on. got some news. a decorated u.s. marine who served two combat tours in afghanistan is now chained up in a mexican prison. last month marine reservist andrew got lost while he was driving in san diego and he actually crossed the border into mexico. what they found in his truck, three legal guns. a mexican official arrested him. his mom joined us earlier to talk about this. she says his military training has saved him. i know that the marine corps trained him well and i know that when he was put in that extreme
levi extremely violent situation, his life was threatened and by the grace of god he was able to escape and get into a safer part of the jail. the u.s. consulate says it s doing all it can to ensure his safety. new report out this morning, donald sterling is now battling prostate cancer. this as we ve learned that his racist recording may have been leaked to tmz by a friend of his ex-girlfriend. also in the wake of this scandal, the head of the l.a. chapter of the naacp resigned. he came under fire for that decision to give sterling a lifetime achievement award for promoting civil rights. here is a nice story. they served together in iraq, hunting for road side bombs. but when jason beaus retired two years ago, he had to leave his military dog behind and this is the nice part. now the two are back together.
okay that. is sela jumping into his arms at the airport in chicago. how sweet is that? listen to this. no one could work with this dog, but me. i don t understand why she wants to be with me. maybe it s my inflection or personalities. how sweet is that? they re now headed back to the army sergeant s home in michigan. congratulations. those are your headlines. they never forget. they just never forgets. they don t. coming up, the monthly jobs report just released. nicole petallides live in the new york stock exchange to analyze. that s her live. plus, she s a world class hacker who has taken down terrorists on the hit show 24 . the show is coming back and khloe is here with a preview. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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we are back with a fox news alert. the labor department released its monthly jobs report. nicole petallides joining us live from the new york stock exchange with those numbers. good morning. good morning. so we got our numbers in here for april. they re look good. you have 288,000 jobs added. the unemployment rate dropped to 6.3%. there is so much that goes into this report. so the number of jobs added beat the street. that ultimately is good news. when you see the unemployment rate drop to 6.3%, that seems like good news. however, the labor force participation rate, this number
represents people who are looking for work or are employed and what happened was that now it s 62.8%. that is the lowest level since 1978. what does it tell you? it tells you americans are frustrated. they are discouraged. they stopped looking for work. where did you see the strength in the numbers? we did see construction. that has some growth. manufacturing had some growth. some of the traders are worried that maybe the number is slightly inflated because the government was bureau of labor statistics was guessing some people just became entrepreneurs. i m going to have to look into that part of it. but the futures market looking a little higher for the market. you have pfizer, that s a big news story. linkedin. and the ukraine, that crisis there continues to intensify. that s something the traders keep a close eye on. all right.
linkedin and open table, something a lot of people use. we ll watch the street today. thank you very much. thank you. angela merkel is saying, my corporations like adidas and others o clock they want me to stop with the russian sanctions. i wonder if when angela merkel is in the united states, if she uses open table. i m not really sure. i don t know either. i knee she s on linkedin. coming up. she s world class hacker who has taken down terrorists and saved the world on the hit show 24 . but can khloe hack brian s computer. there is time. hold on! thank goodness. sweating it. khloe is in the house! what happened to tully? first, we are going too check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up at the top of the hour. that was written into the show, wasn t it? yes, absolutely. cause we re running out of time! happy friday. great show this morning. breaking news in all places. benghazi right now. there has been an attack in that
city. details shortly. speaker boehner wants john kerry to testify about those benghazi e-mails. what happens there. who has a role in obamacare and paid? new numbers on that today. three years since bin laden was killed. why is al-qaeda growing at a rapid rate? we ll see you in ten minutes on a friday and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need.

some kind of multi channel override system. ten modules. you were right, jack. the system can commande, r up to ten u.s. drone. the show wrapped up fewer years ago with jack bower as now
a fugitive from justice. but the show is ready for a comeback. that s right. the 9ist season promising to deliver just as much action as the original. and mary lynn rasco joins us now. what was your reaction when you herod it was coming back? i was completely shocked. i had moved on with life. it was a good long i spent the first two years after we wrapped thinking the movie was going to happen because everyone was talking about it. that never happened. i moved on. i started doing stand-up comedy and they announced 24 . i said okay, we ll put that away and let s get serious again. during your comedy routine, mething on 24 ? of course. how could you not? i have to. did you do 23? because people love the show. i m totally stealing that one. in the upcoming episodes on
fox, it s set in london because it s interesting because jack bower, now an outsider, last time we saw, he was going down the train tracks and orants government, too. yes. they started in a really interesting place. jack bower is very questionable right now. has he gone to the dark side? he may or may not be plotting to kill the president. tune in to find out. my character works for a organization similar to wikileaks giving out government secrets and i ve become very disillusioned with the government and i ve suffered a personal tragedy. so i m very tattooed and pierced and lots of black eye radio inner. really? what happened to you? yeah. 12 hours, we re going to see it first. 12 episodes. yes. how can you have 12? i know. let s all take a breath. right. try not to think about it. it still feels the same in terms
of the timing, counting down the clock. it s 24 hours, but we re fudging the time a little bit. don t we all? don t we all? so the way it works now, you re still shooting the episodes, even though it s about to start on fox, you don t know how it ends, right? i don t. i still don t know, is my character going to live or not? i have no idea. should be interesting. yeah. because people love when you they see you in an airport or come up during your comedy routine, what do they say? they call me khloe. they think they re jack bower. i have to break it to them gently, i m really bad at computers. i like kittens and dogs. you solved brian s issue at our break. you know, i can use aggression when i need to. wait a minute. you re khloe from 24 . you re supposed to be great at it. you re bad at computers? i m really bad at computers. my line that i say all the time
which is absolutely true, when all the crap is hitting the fan, really what i m doing is typing affirmations on the computer. like it was really pretty today. really good job acting. that s fantastic. so the new season starts very shortly on fox, right? yes. may 5? yes. thank you. everyone will be there watching. mary lynn, stick around, will you? sure. we want you to work on our computer. let me get involved. she s going to type, she is pretty, 300 times.
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trip. join us. and we ve got the latest from the rocky point cheerleading squad. ladies, give yourselves a round of applause! congratulations. stick around for the after the show show. and the cheerleaders, can they mix? there has been another deadly attack in benghazi. armed militants opening fire in a libyan security headquarters killing at least six. that violence comes as to republicans call for john kerry to testify on the attack that left four americans dead. martha: there is a new fire store today o anew firestorme house reaction to military commanders in what a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160315 10:00:00

that sounds yummy. well-spoken voters there. thank you very much. and let s keep talking about the race for the white house. what are your predictions for super tuesday number two? join the conversation at #keeptalking. a big day, and fox & friends starts right now. have a good day, everyone. bye. join me in the white house to make our country all it should be. we are going to create an economy that works for working people, not just the billionaires. there is only one campaign in a position to beat donald trump and win the republican nomination. we will address our problems right here in our hometown and revive the spirit of america right here. you have to be honest. you have to be correct, and you have to be truthful. you can t say whatever you want to say. get out tomorrow and vote.
think about your children. think about your family. get out tomorrow and vote. okay? well, tomorrow is today, and live from new york city and florida and ohio and all across the country, it s fox & friends. look at the lineup. it s going to be a great show. we have donald and eric trump. we have john kasich, laura ingraham, and we are live with voters in florida. anna kooiman is talking to people in west palm beach, finding out who they re going to vote for. when you say, i d like a table for three, please, and anna sits with you. that s why you have four sides, baby. and she can hop from table to table to get a sense of what s happening in that state. there s so much more than ohio and florida. you got proportional states. but missouri, north carolina, and illinois do matter a lot. we re talking a lot about the republican side. over on the democratic side, hillary clinton is in the fight of her life in three states. supposed to be a cakewalk for her. we ve got a lot to talk about on
this super tuesday, too. by the way, that name is terrible. we like super duper, right? come up with a new name for today. we ll tuesday all morning long. new name for this super tuesday two or whatever it is. how about definitely not monda monday? beware of the ides of march and the anniversary of the debut of eight is enough. very important. donald trump looking for a knockout on this super tuesday part two to push him to the nomination on the republican side. up for grabs for the republicans, you have 99 delegates down in the state of florida. you have 66 in ohio. both of those states, as you know, are winner take all. in illinois, you have 69 delegates up for state. in north carolina, 69. missouri, 52. the democratic side, 246 delegates at stake in florida. 159 in ohio. 182 in illinois.
122 in north carolina. 71 in missouri. they stage it a lot higher on the democratic side. guess what, we have fox team coverage this super tuesday part two. we have more live from hialeah, but we ll start with molly in blacklick, ohio. good morning to you, molly. reporter: good morning, steve, ainsley, and brian. great to be with you today. the suspense is definitely in the buckeye state. as we wait for these dramatic results this evening, donald trump has tweaked his schedule, very interesting. the latest real clear politics poll shows that kasich, john kasich, the governor here, has been up by a slight margin, really within the margin of error. former massachusetts governor and 2012 republican nominee mitt romney has joined him on the campaign trail. for kasich, remember, this is a winner-take-all home state. a must-win. he has yet to win a primary or caucus and trails in the delegate count. donald trump did not let the governor hold all the limelight here. shifting his schedule to make a last-minute hard push, canceling a rally florida to hold a rally
just outside of youngstown, ohio. this is a place i want to win. this is the place, this is going do it. ohio is going to make america great again. [ cheers ] kasich cannot make america great again. can t do it. he can t do it. i am asking you as sincerely as i can, you got to get out with everybody you know and give me a vote so i can continue running for president of the united states. thank you all very much. god bless. reporter: meanwhile, the race is tight for the democrats, as well. secretary hillary clinton leading senator bernie sanders. she was up ahead of the michigan primary, as well. and sanders achieved the upset win there. the question now, will sanders do it again and start racking up victories in the midwest? more than 400,000 voters have cast their ballots here in ohio
via absentee. they close at 7:30 this evening. what a better place to be on election day than at the polls? back to you. that s right. the 604 pulls in to blacklick, ohio. get out of the way! let s hope it s not the 5:58 because then it s late. we have the countdown at the bottom of the screen. last poll closes at 8:00. let s turn to florida. senator marco rubio is feeling the heat. boy is he. phil keating is in hialeah where polls are open in less than an hour. reporter: hey, brian. hialeah, florida, has the state s largest concentration of cuban americans. and fellow cuban and florida senator marco rubio is going to need every single one of these votes. inside this precinct, those are some of the voting booths. we ve got volunteers and workers already on hand. in less than 60 minutes, our first in-person voting will
transpire. already 2.6 million floridians have already voted, voting early in this election which is nearly a record. we ll see how it pans out throughout the day. as for marco rubio, criss-crossing the state yesterday in the north in jacksonville, hitting city after city, rally after rally, ending up in west miami, his hometown, last night. he abandoned the stage, sat on the bed of a pickup truck. when the p.a. system broke, he grabbed a bullhorn to pump up the crowd. consistently, state poll after poll shows donald trump with a commanding lead in florida. 19 points ahead of rubio. in fact, some polls have rubio even behind ted cruz in florida. rubio says don t believe the polls. polls this cycle have been crazy and way off. both in michigan on the democratic side, virginia, and other places on the republican side. those polls are not accurate. there is not a 20-point gap going on.
they re irrelevant. reporter: billionaire donald trump held a rally yesterday afternoon up in tampa, florida. on hand. former alaska governor sarah palin pumping up the crowd there. he won a pretty big endorsement in the state of florida. attorney general pam bonnie, the highest elected female in the state. this as some other groups are running these women ads targeting trump s previous comments. disparaging women. back to you. phil keating live in hialeah where it s noisy in florida, as well. thank you. too early to be that noisy, right? trains coming in. yeah. everyone s got to get to work. let s talk about florida and with marco rubio saying forget about the polls, it doesn t matter because i know it s a lot closer. keep in mind, too, the early polling had marco rubio coming out it a strong start. and in the big picture, if marco rubio falls by the wayside, if he goes down by what the polls say now, i think a lot of go back to the cnn report from a couple of weeks ago.
which said? last week when they said there s a sense amongt higher ups in the rubio camp that hay should disband before they that they should disband before they go to florida. remember, two weeks friar went from a 20-point deficit to an eight-point deficit in a matter of five days. i think the thing that undid marco rubio, i think, was at the debate. he started repeating himself. i mean, he said verbatim the same thing five times. he bounced back from there. marco robot oh thing, that was not helpful, took a while to shake off. he started going after trump like trump would go after somebody. and it simply didn t work for him. and then he apologized. he said, i m embarrassed that i did that, i shouldn t have done it. my kids didn t like it. my wife didn t like it. i almost felt sorry when he said that. as parents, you realize we make mistakes, and your kids see the mistakes. for him, it s so public. he apologized, and he said he he felt bad about that.
and yeah, if he loses today in florida, this would be the worst home turf loss since glore loal lost in 2000. if donald trump takes ohio and florida, he is the winner and the two-man race to cruz. that s what cruz said. that s what cruz wants to happen. cruz has already campaigned for the march 22nd election in arizona and utah. moving forward, planning for the two-man race. by the way, marco rubio says i m going to utah. i don t know what you re talking about. win or lose, i ve got a 50-state strategy. let s talk about the new york times. i give them credit. they wrote yesterday about donald trump. i think they had one intention and conclusion, and i thought they d come out with. it was a much different fact-finding mission that emerged. they printed the article anyway. what did they find? they went to the tampa office that trump had rented there. and they found inside, they found lifelong republicans working it.
they found libertarians and found a number of lifelong democrats, too. they found some immigrants, as well. and these were people across all spectrum, all ages. what they had found in this character of donald trump and the persona of donald trump was somebody who would stand up to washington because as they talked about, they said the great recession had exposed a corrupt, out-of-touch ruling class in d.c. that allows big corporations to outsource jobs while doing nothing to address millions of illegals who compete for jobs and drain government coffers. donald trump is so rich, he s not beholden to anybody. he s going to work for the people. and that s what the people like who work for him, who i should point out, volunteer for him. let s put up a quote, for a campaign prktly depicted as offering a rallying point for the white working class, the people volunteering to help mr. trump are noteworthy for their ethnic diversity. they include a young woman who recently arrived from peru, an immigrant from the philippines. a 70-year-old lakota indian, a teenage son of russian
immigrants, a mexican american. donald trump kept saying he was expanding the party. maybe this is proof that he has done that. at least in florida with the office and who he has. i m curious to see. i know i talked to donald trump jr. he was telling the story about the driver that he had when he was growing up, security reasons. that guy ends up, hispanic guy, ends up running a hotel. the first female foreman in a new york city project, worked on the trump tower. the donald trump all the stories he may have in his coffers that may form the nomination. i haven t heard that, haven t seen the 30-second spot. coming up after the news, we ll hear from a lifelong democrat who has always voted democrat, and this time she s going to pull the lever for donald trump. you ll find out why in two minutes. yeah. all right. in the meantime, more headlines from our friend over there. hey, heather. good morning, everyone. you know, talking about donald trump, sarah palin, of course, endorsed him not long ago. a tragedy took place yesterday.
it is a fox news alert. we are learning how badly her husband, todd, was injured after a snowmobile crash that took place back home. right now he s recovering from surgery. he had a collapsed lung and eight fractured ribs, also injuries to his collarbone and knees. the former governor expressed her thanks during a rally for donald trump in tampa before she had to cancel other campaign stops and then fly home to alaska to be with her husband. listen. thank you guys for your prayers for my husband who is recovering right now in icu after a little wreck on a snow machine. so thank you. gosh. must have so upset. she s so strong in that regard. we sure love todd palin. palin writing on facebook, knowing todd, once he s cognizant, he ll probably ask doctors to duct tape him up, and he ll call it good. he is tough. indeed. another fox news alert. a real tragedy to tell you about here. three chicago police officers shot in the line of duty overnight. their attacker is now dead this morning. officers were investigating a drug report on the city s west
side when they saw two suspicious people. when the officers approached the suspects, a man took off running and then started shooting. one officer returned fire, hitsing that suspects. all of the officers expected to survive. and a virginia man is fighting for isis and surrendered in iraq. he has been identified as 27-year-old muhammad jamal ahmid from alexandria, virginia. a turkish news agency saying he surrendered to the kurds in northern iraq yesterday and now is being held for interrogation. officials say he was carrying a lot of cash, three cell phones, and a u.s. driver s license. those are your headlines. we ll see what happens to that guy next. can t send him to gitmo. not anymore. thank you. thanks. meanwhile, ahead, donald trump not just drawing support from republicans. we ve taken in millions and millions and millions of people. they came out from the democrats. they came as the independents.
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part of donald trump s winning strategy is his appeal across party lines. as voters come out in droves, could democrats be the donald s secret weapon to winning votes in the rust belt? joining us is a democrat her whole voting life, and she s supporting donald trump now. she s also the founder of not before coffee, and joins us from indianapolis. gala, good morning to you. good morning. okay. so i know you took your kids to see hillary talk about barack obama when they were running against each other years ago. at that point, you were squarely a democrat, right? yes, i was. what has happened the last couple of years? the most defining moment for me was katy steinling. the fact that donald trump had acknowledged her multiple times, and our our sitting president has yet to acknowledge her.
okay. and of course, she was murdered in san francisco. she was shot by a bullet out of a gun of a man in an illegal in san francisco. right. and so trump was very clear. anti-sanctuary city. san francisco is sanctuary city. that s when you first said, okay, he s got my vote. but there were other things. you have read his book, and i also understand you ve got family members who are union members, whose jobs have been outsourced. and his approach to jobs is also something that has interested you. right. i ve grown up near anderson, indiana. and which was a big auto industry town. it s become a ghost town because so many jobs have left and gone to mexico. and carrier that donald trump keeps mentioning on the campaign trail. that s hit close to home. we ve watched a lot of the jobs go to mexico.
and it s devastating. absolutely. especially for folks in indiana and ohio and places like that. you have been a democrat your whole life. yes. you re on tv this morning talking about how you re going to vote for this republican guy. what do your neighbors and friends think about this? actually, i ve had a few that have tried to sway me back over to the democratic side. growing up, my grandpa was always a democrat. he threatened family and said if we ever voted anything but democrat, he d come back to haunt us. these right-hand my grandpa s democrats. this party is no longer my party. it s a party of enabling, they enable people to stay weak and poor and full of excuses. it s just not my grandpa s democrats. that s why you re going to vote for donald trump when given
the chance. exactly. thank you very much for joining us from indianapolis. thank you. what do you think about that? ladies, there s a scientific reason you re hitting the snooze button. dr. samadi here with why women need more sleep than guys. (boy) ma, pa - why do we settle for cable?
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you want more. love romance? get lost in every embrace. into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. quick international headlines. glad you re up. a double stabbing at a canadian military center is now being investigated as a possible terror attack. reports say the suspect said allal while attacking two uniformed canadian force members yesterday. he was arrested and is undergoing a mental evaluation. german voters have spoken. german chancellor angela merkel isn t listening. they sided with the party voting against merkel s policies allowing the free flow of syrian refugees into the country.
after recent spikes in terror activity and crime. merkel s response, germans should be patient with her plan because it s not changing. wow. good morning, ladies. if you re hitting the snooze button this morning, there s a scientific reason for that. a new study suggests women need 20 more minutes of sleep than men each night. the question is, why? that s why we brought in the doctor. you don t ask questions like that he s from the fox medical a team, dr. david samadi. is this reality? i knew you asked that. the study from british and also there s one from duke that says that your brain and brian s brain are completely separate. in what way? more complex it s much more complex. and the wiring of the brain i ve been telling you that. it s not one is smarter than the other even though that s where he s going to go with this. it s the wiring of the brain is completely different. when you go shopping, the way you shop for clothing, you go through this is well studied.
you spend about an hour and a half looking for the clothing. you pick up everything. you re more detail oriented. you really dig in extra layers called therapy. that s what it is. and then after three hours, you may walk out with nothing. the way brian and myself, we go shopping, and you know, this company, they know this because they put all the stuff in the first 20 feet of the store. you go in, we know what we want. we want to get out. that s. it our brain works different. you are multitasking, you put more in your brain like a computer that has a lot more windows open. so you need to get an extra 20 minutes or hour of sleep in order to clear everything. lack of sleep is detrimental to everyone s health, including mostly women, and now they re finding out that both physically and psychologically when you don t get your seven hours of sleep, more susceptible to stroke, heart disease, obesity, depression, stress, and on and on. and crankiness. crankiness, which you are not. you get enough sleep. i sleep. really, you want to make sure you get your seven hours of
sleep. and that s really important. now hostility there s no pill for that. or do less shopping. right. so how do you do this? a lot of people have problems sleeping. and the big message is to really invest in a good mattress. make sure you have a nice pillow. room temperature is good, about 65 degrees. get rid of all the tech next to you, iphone, ipads, all of this before you go to sleep can keep you awake. and these are very, very important. for a lot of people who absolutely have tried everything and can t sleep, little supplement like melatonin, small dose, can push them enough to be able to get good, deep realm sleep which is great for your health. women say, we had the same amount of sleep, but i m more tired, there s a reason. they can multitask better. they ve got more on their minds. we do a lot more work. we need extra sleep because we re exhausted. that s what it is. thanks, doctor. thanks, good to see you. the scientific community has spoken. thank you very much. good job. a shocking confession from that uber driver that was
charged in n a shooting spree. the app made me do it. that s what he says. could that actually hold up in court? then, anna is serving up pancakes and politics in florida. we ll find out if that party s happy to see anna. they are. everyone s happy to see anna. reporter: good morning, everyone at home. this whole table, you guys cleaned your plates. you were hungry. politics and pancakes coming up from florida. all eyes the sunshine state. 99 delegates, winner take all up for grabs. we ll be talking to voters. who do they like, who do they not like, and why. first, happy birthday to bret michaels, he is 53 today. happy birthday. red lobster s lobsterfest is back.
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[ cheers ] it s guy gets taken out. did you see this? probably not. a protester ate marco rubio rally gets shoved down. this happened on january 6th. while everybody s talking about the violent supposedly at the violence supposedly at the donald trump rallies, none of the evening shows covered this that night s. there a double standard? is the candidate responsible? that s the question. can you blame the candidate for a supporter inciting violence in the crowd? put it this way, there s no way you can take one incident and compare it to donald trump s myriad of incidents. but the thing, is people who show up for donald trump rallies are there for donald trump. the people who cause an uproar are against donald trump. the question, if you have supporters, and to me they get
excited because their candidate tells them to go crazy, if they leave the donald trump rally and start destroying the starbucks down the street, and the drive-thru at burger king, that s an issue. which they have done. they come together, and what my analogy is, if you re a yankee fan screaming for the yankees in a red sox bark, you ll get beat up. technically that s wrong, but you should not go into a red sox bar as a yankee fan. good analogy. we re showing the double standard. everybody was talking about, oh, look at the thing at the trump rallies. these are outside agitator who s have gone in agitators who have gone in, black lives matter,, the bernie people, whatnot. here s this incident in january, and none of the networks actually covered it. they re showing double standard the supporter at a hillary clinton event, would the mainstream media cover it? i don t think so. many florida voters say the coverage of what the media calls trump violence has made them
even more convinced that they want to vote for him. how will the majority of floridians vote today on this super-duper tuesday? let s ask anna kooiman, live at testa s restaurant in palm beach, florida. good morning to you, anna. reporter: hey, ainsley, brian, steve, good morning to you at home. many are saying this is do or die for senator neighbor his home state. 99 delegates, winner take all up for grabs. what we re noticing here and we are in palm beach which is close to trump headquarters, this is his home second home anyway, not far from here. you see a lot of make america great again hats all over the place. hey, good morning, sir. what s your name? richard bernstein. reporter: i can tell who you re supporting. why do you like mr. trump? lease a businessman. we need someone to make sure we get rid of the debt and clean everything up in washington. make sure that everybody has a say and most important thing is that he ll make our country great again. reporter: you ve been eating the pancakes i understand for 50 years here at testa s. is that right?
that s correct. i went to high school down in west palm beach. been coming for over 50 years. and they re great people. they re the best. they deserve the best, too. reporter: yeah. that s why we re here, too. we hear the food is great. i haven t been able to eat yet. vile to steal some of your pancakes in a bit. are you welcome to. reporter: thank you. your name? candace snyder. reporter: why do you like donald trump? i believe he s the only one equipped to make america safe. we ve been members of the clubs for over 50 years. i believe in him. and as a mom, living i ve been coming here for over 40 years, but i lived in boston also and having gone through the marathon bomber and all of that, i really believe him. i really do. i think america should give him a chance. he is so committed to excellence in everything he does. he s a great dad and reporter: senator rubio made a last swing through the i-95 corridor from jacksonville down
to west miami yesterday. really trying to get his home state. do you funding he doesn t win today he ought to drop out of the race? do you think he ought to stay in? rubio? drop out. i really neil and i don t want them to have a brokerage convention either. i think they should give mr. trump a chance. i think he ll be fabulous. i really do. reporter: thank you very much. another friend here from michigan. and you are a kasich supporter. why? i am. the governor s got that executive experience that i like a lot. i think the senator s challenge is stepping up to being in a position of having to make all those decisions all the time is hard to do. and i also think that he ll bring us where we need to go but at a measured pace. i think you have to you have to understand how much damage has been done, and it s going to take time to turn it around. as soon as you show us a pathway toward those changes, we ll invest against that. great. thank you very much. well, ainsley, brian, steve, the numbers here from the most recent monmouth university poll have trump at 44%, rubio at 27%,
cruz at 17%, and kasich at 9%. back to you. okay. there s anna on one of the main drags in palm beach, florida, at testa s. i ve eaten there a million times. stand by because eric trump, don of donald trump, will be drive being a mile to be with you and talk to some of the folks there a little later on this tuesday, super-duper tuesday morning. might have a tab there to still the breakfast on. thank you. now to heather with the headlines. good morning. good morning. having breakfast so early. showered and out the door. bunch of productive folks. good morning to you all. a couple headlines to bring you now. you know that uber driver who was charged in last month s deadly shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan? he now says that the devil and uber made him do it. jason dalton told cops an artificial presence overtook him when he accepted a fare in the uber app. he also claims he s not a killer but says he knows that he
killed. listen hands up where we can see them! he s been charged with murdering six people and injuring two at an apartment complex, a cracker barrel, and kia car dealership. brand-new 911 calls detail the path of horror. listen. i m at the kmalamazoo cracke barrel. there s been gunshots a n a car. two cars. what s the vehicle that fired the gun? a blue hhr, dark blue. and it drove off as we pulled up. dalton will undergo a psychiatric evaluation before he stands trial. a burning house collapses on firefighters in maryland, and it shows the dangers that they face every single day. take a look at this. whoa! whoa! whoa. [ bleep ] goodness. first responders rush information to help the firefighters.
they were trapped by a wall. the thick, white smoke pours out of the home. eight firefighters were hurt. they re all expected to be okay. thankfully. our heroes. police officers will soon have a new layer of protection against the bad guys. watch. [ gunshots ] ford is unveiling a new line of what they call police interceptors with a critical new feature. the doors can stop bullets that normal bulletproof vests can t. it comes as the departments call for more protection in the wake of recent increased violence against police officers. keep them safe. the military stuff leaving them more naked. they re armoring up the doors. a good idea. thank you very much. now to extreme weather. parts of a town cut off by rising floodwaters after more than two feet of rain fell on the gulf. it s been so much. swollen rivers cutting off the small town of deweyville, leaving people there with
nowhere to go. and severe storms slammed south carolina. hail the size of golf balls dumped on several areas. maria molina is tracking this. reporter: good morning. we could be seeing more severe weather today across parts of the midwest. i want to look at the weather conditions that we re forecasting across the nation with kind of like an election focus. you see that we have some of the highlighted states where people are going to be heading toward the polls and voting today. places like missouri, illinois, and ohio could be a little on the stormy side as the storm system swings through that region. in north carolina and also in florida, things look relatively quiet out there. we re not anticipating any weather-related issues through the afternoon and evening hours. that, of course, is welcome news. across northeastern parts of missouri, also into illinois, you do have the risk for storms today. some of them could bring severe weather in the form of damaging winds, large hail, and even isolated tornadoes. and temperatures, by the way,
across florida are going to be toasty. forecasting a high at 87 degrees in the city of miami. let s head back inside. great day to vote. thank you very much. all right. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. liberal protesters trying to silence donald trump at his rallies. [ cheers ] free speech is protected. hate speech is not protected. isur founding fathers intended when they granted us the right to free speech? judge napolitano is up next. there he is. trugreen presents the yardley s. sfx: leaf blower dad! sorry.
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many of donald trump s opponents and bernie sanders supporters seem to have a different interpretation of freedom of speech. [ bleep ] please step down! please step down! [ chanting ] bernie! bernie! bernie! [ shouting ] free speech is protected. hate speech is not protected. free speech, not hate speech. the city felt that trump didn t reflect what they wanted, then so be it. let the city speak. you ve been having fox news, fox news, fox news. can you say something? fox news. that s college today. [ laughter ] what do some think about that? let s ask judge andrew napolitano. got a laugh out of that. i did at the older fellow saying that s college today. the kids, all they said was fox
news. trying to frustrate jeff who cannot be frustrated. virtually everything we saw of an example of protected free speech in a loud, raucous environment. people can shout out almost anything they want. because donald trump, we re talking about chicago now, his campaign, leased the venue, they have the right to use it for the purpose for which they leased it which is to give a speech. the event sue owned by the government. people have the right to express opinions, different from donald trump s. we have property rights and free speech rights. when the protest reaches such a level that donald trump or whoever leased the space can t speak, that can t use it for the reason for which they leased it, then the people that caused that to happen can be removed. they re not being removed because of their political opinions. they re being removed because their behavior is preventing the the guy who spent the money on the space from using the space. not necessarily violence. could be someone who s too loud. and you can t hear donald trump speaking. yes. the people we saw chanting and
screaming in that loud arena, that occurred before he spoke. at that time period, virtually anything goes. even hate speech at that time period, virtually anything goes. all right. what is the obligation of the police? the obligation of the police is to do a couple of things. to protect the right of the speaker to speak, to deliver his message, to protect the right of the people there to hear him. to hear him, and to protect the right of the protesters to protest without materially interfering with giving the speech. that s great. the first amendment protects all of those protects the right to speak, protects the right to listen. and it protects the right to disagree. a few people can ruin it for everyone. the people that are there to hear donald trump or anyone of the candidates speak, they re there to learn about the candidate. so they can go to the polls and make a good decision. when trump calls for police and says get them out of there, it s the them that are physically preventing people from hearing trump, he s absolutely correct to do it.
what about the issue of violence? trump says, punch them in the stomach, and i ll pay your legal bills. can he be prosecuted if the punch doesn t occur for five minutes or for five hours, he is not liable. he is only liable if there s an immediate reaction to what he says. here s the law all harmless speech is absolutely protected. and all speech is harmless when there s time for more speech to neutralize it. time. time is key. time is the issue. in all of the cases where the violence occurred, none of it was immediately in response to anything trump said. i m saying none of it. i don t know if i ve seen all of it, but i ve seen virtually all that we ve been showing. judge, thank you. love that blue you re wearing. thank you. like the red. it is super tuesday. speaking of trump, he and john kasich are deadlocked in the buckeye state. our next guest says ohio s about to get even uglier, but for who? details coming up next. you can t predict
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it s time to take a closer look. when i win ohio and continue to take this program forward, it going to send such a positive message to the world don t doubt america. it s coming back. if we win florida and we win
ohio, we can go and attack hillary. no more attacking each other. john kasich hoping for a home state advantage, just like ted cruz got in texas and in today s highly contested primary in ohio. no republican primary not winning the white house without taking that primary. how crucial are the results? very. let s ask john mclaughlin, and all eyes are on ohio. first poll we ll pull up is month mouth monmouth, what do you see here? well, monmouth t numbers that they have here right now, they show trump surging, pulling into the closer race. what s happening is john kasich had more of the vote in the earlier polls. early voting in the states and the early voters they stopped taking calls from pollsters so kasich may do better than expected, but trump going in to try to win that state. that s the knockout pun. it appears he s pulling away in florida. right.
a difference, a five point advantage for the governor who has a 73% approval rating for the state. look at the q poll. it s a dead heat. 38-38 with ted cruz taking 16% and marco rubio virtually invisible. right. kasich had a wider lead a week or two ago. now it s closing. some of he s going on is these last the polls change like on a dime right now. because it s so volatile. what s happening is that the occupy wall street, the, that s backfiring and helping trump. so interesting because you see for the first time in a long time, except for the week one at a debate, trump going after kasich saying hey, he was with wall street for a while. when it cops to your state comes to your state he was for nafta and free trade has hurt you in manufacturing. yeah, but kasich is a popular governor. it s not going to work? it s reaffirming trump s
anti-washington credentials. he s an anti-washington vote. i like the governor, the governor doing a good job, but i want to send washington a message and i ll stick with trump. right. you have trump surging in ohio in some the polls. one has him dead even, the other has kasich a little ahead. they could be wrong. as the final 24 hours go in and today is the election day, the polls have been surging to trump. that s why he cancelled his event in florida. he went right to ohio yesterday. let s head to head with hillary clinton and who is struggling throughout the midwest. head to head against trump, hillary clinton with a six point advantage. look at kasich in ohio, not only does he do better in that state, in that state that s so skrietal, 57 to 36 advantage. he s the home court favorite. if trump doesn t beat kasich today in ohio, kasich may become the top leading candidate for vice president for trump. because it s such a pivotal
swing state that you need kasich doesn t have numbers like that necessarily anywhere else. with trump and hillary, nationally last month we had six out of ten voters unfavorable for both. or 60% were unfavorable to trump. it s such an ugly race coming up and ohio is just like that. who do you hate least? it really hurts when governor kasich was hedging on even supporting him should he get that nomination. that ll hurt. he only has to say i ll support the republican nominee. but he didn t. john mclaughlin, thanks so much. we re just getting started on super tuesday 3. donald and eric trump will be here separately. then governor john kasich here live and laura ingraham who not running for office but knows a lot. we ll check back with anna because she s breakfast with just about everybody. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently.
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it s not about the latest soap opera. of donald trump terrorizing some poor hapless reporter. this country is not about us tearing one another down or having fistfights at a campaign rally. being humble is a weakness and being vain and self-absorbed is somehow a virtue. this campaign is telling donald trump and others we will not accept for one second their bigotry and xenophobe ya. the message that love trumps hate. go to your doctor he tells you you ll be dead in three week, doesn t matter. get out tomorrow and vote. think about your children. think about your family. a nice thought. okay. that s an analogy and an image we don t want to think about. taking that image, these are the
guests still coming up today. everybody was talking about donald trump. we have donald trump himself. he ll be joining us from the trail. also his son eric trump is going to be joining us. john kasich who would like to win ohio, his home state, he s going to be joining us. laura ingraham, a great observer of all things political will be dialing in an hour from now. watching the circus last night on showtime, i cannot believe the size of kasich s crowds as he gains momentum. yeah. anna kooiman is live down in florida. she is making breakfast for some of the folks down there. and in palm beach. that s right. good job. you flipped it without spraying the batter everywhere. that s hard to do. i m not sure that s acceptable at wihop. that was a little big. you get more bang for your buck. when anna is there. we told you an hour ago, we have been calling it super tuesday 2 because super tuesday was a couple of weeks ago and
then another super tuesday, actually three. actually for some asking for some suggestions. some say to call it titanic tuesday, one more going down. tell tale tuesday, terminator tuesday. uber tuesday. tumultuous tuesday or after listening to that entire sound bite montage, trump tuesday. what do you like better. tumultuous. i like super tuesday 3. it makes it very easy for me. more a super bowl roman numeral guy. it s too complicated. trump looking for a knockout to push him to the nomination. 367 delegates are up for grabs today. it is very important. florida and ohio the biggest winner take all states. well, we ll start with molly lion. hey, molly. reporter: hey, we re in one of the polling station, many of the stations we are seeing the
lines forming. you know, a lot of action here in the buckeye state. a lot of suspension as well. things have been very close here, a dead heat particularly on the gop side. now, governor john kasich, this is his home state. and he s put a lot of energy in here. also joining him on the trail, 2012 republican nominee, mitt romney. kasich has yet to claim a victory. he has been lagging behind in the delegate count and is depending on a big winner take all win here. donald trump has not allowed the governor to have the state himself. canceling a rally in florida, to hold a rally outside of youngstown, ohio. we are going to win, win, win. we ll win so much. you are going to be so proud of your country again. i love you all, ohio. you can make the difference. you can make the difference. tell your friends, vote for trump. i promise you i am going to do such a great job. you will look back two years
from now, ten years from now, 20 years from now, you ll say that s the single greatest vote i ever cast. i will not take the low road to the highest office in the land. reporter: meanwhile, the race is tight on the democratic side as well. secretary clinton was leading bernie sanders. and the question now will sanders be able to do it again? start racking up some wins here in the midwest. more than 400,000 voters have cast their ballots here in the buckeye state. as you can see the lines are already forming and the polls close tonight at 7:30. back to you guys. all right, molly line in black lick, ohio, thank you. go ahead. it makes sense that donald trump is not going to campaign in florida, because it looks like he s winning that state by a landslide. so he s going to ohio, focusing on that state because he s neck and neck with john kasich.
but remember last week john kasich was ahead, i don t know what happened over the weekend that changed voters mines. a late closer. also, last night in ohio, trump did something different. you have heard him on tv he goes, i go to the places and people say i never voted for i never voted in an election. people in their 60s and 70s. last night, he said how many people have never voted before? 200 hands went up. they were young, old, all across everything. something else he s got going for him is he has got the support of a number of life long democrats. in the first hour of the program we talked to a woman named gala barrett taylor. she s from the rust belt, indiana. this is a different time, calls for a different person and she s switching the party for the rich guy. when i was growing up my grandpa was always a democrat. in fact, he threatened family and if we ever voted anything
but democrat he d come back to haunt us. but these aren t my grandpa s democrats. sure. this party is no longer my party. it s party of enabling, they enable people to stay weak and poor and full of excuses. i m it s not my grandpa s democrat. and that s that s what donald trump obviously hopes for. to get the reagan democrats but the problem is millennials. he s losing support with women. now for marco rubio, so confident is donald trump that he has left florida and he wants to double down in ohio yesterday. cancelled an event to go do that. the latest poll does not look good for marco rubio. he s trailing 46 to 22%. but as and 14% for ted cruz. cruz has taken a bite out of rubio. when he opened up 11 separate offices. the other theefrry is that theories is that we heard from john mclaughlin, the cuban community does not respond to the polls in south florida where
marco rubio is the most popular, because number one, they speak spanish and the early voters don t respond to the polling. if they were going marco rubio s way, they might not respond and it might be closer than people think. marco rubio said yesterday don t believe the polls. the polls this cycle have been way off, both in michigan on the democratic side and other places on the republican side. there s not a 20-point gap here going on. but very relevant. one of the things about florida is it is a big state. you know, people think oh, florida, everybody votes the same. theyn t do. they don t. heather is here. she ll talk about the i-4 corridor. interstate 4 starts on the atlantic coast up high at daytona and goes at a 45 degree angle over tampa. that s right. you have people of different opinions over. there i want to talk about that. ainsley, earlier, you brought up the polls. a new monmouth poll that puts trump 17 points ahead of marco
rubio. he cancelled his event last night in florida, heading to ohio. so that has really us thinking about how in his home state rubio could be nearly 20 points behind the new york thnative. for the most part, the economy and the state of florida, it s come back, but florida families are still hurting there. one-sixth living below the federal poverty line and they re worried about their economic futures and jobs especially among those who live in the i-4 corridor. listen. this country is not a country anymore. it s a business. you know? everybody s on the chopping block. i think that a lot of us are kind of operating out of fear, just trying to figure out who s not going to make the worst decisions for us. right. well, for some money it s simply tight. there s another new poll by bank rate that found most floridians
thought that trump would make them more financially secure. some say they re looking to change their votes as a result. jerry delgado perez, this guy right here, he doesn t speak english. he said there s no work in puerto rico and little work in florida. he shares a room with another guy for $1,000 a month. he says there s nothing left over to help his family. interesting he voted for president obama. this time he says maybe trump. because trump is a business man. but there s another issue affecting marco rubio s poll numbers there. his changing position on the issue of immigration. we first ran when he first ran for senate, he wanted to secure the border and he was anti-amnesty. then that position changed once he got into the senate. he became a leader of the anti-amnesty of the amnesty bill. the floridians who did it the right way, who came in legally, they don t like that one bit. sure. and you know, we have been talking about, you know, if marco rubio lost his home state that would be terrible.
but then again, jeb bush is from florida and he was and donald trump has been very effective in say, you know, i have property, i have employ a lot of people in florida. it s my second home. you brought up jeb bush. republicans i spoke to there was really upset with the fact that he ran against jeb bush. and that he didn t rubio. he wasn t more loyal to his mentor. a lot of issues running for president. from day one, they basically say. a lot of play there. yeah. thanks. meanwhile, if you re looking for anna kooiman we find her in palm beach. what are you seeing down there amongst the voters? where do you find her? around the breakfast again. around the same pancakes and egg. my kind of good morning. good morning to everybody at home. doocy, they are calling for you here. you spend a lot of time down here and everybody at tesla is loving fox & friends and i have kim, joe and justin and heather was talking about how important jobs are to voters. a big issue for them. and these are business owners. you own physical therapy centers
and gyms. why do you like donald trump? he s lent he s relentless, he s a go getter. i believe he ll help make america great again. we see patients every day that come in with co-pays, $30, 40, $50, we need to do something about health insurance. how about you, sir? well, i think donald is a master negotiator and i think america needs a relentless leader right now. i think he has the ability to assemble a dream team of negotiators and business people that can bring the economy back in america. it s now or never. all right. you think he ll surround himself with we have applause here. this is trump country. mar-a-lago is not far from here. you re a u.s. veteran, what do like? i think he s a political soldier. look at everything that s coming
at him and he still walks with the american flag proud, walks ahead of everybody. look at the polls. look at everything that s happening in this country. he is a leader and we need a leader right now. all right. you hear usa being chanted a lot. all right. this is trump territory. ainsley, steve and brian over to you. what about rubio folks? any of them showing up yet? there s not been a single senator rubio fan here, actually, yes. it s early. we have some kasich fans. we have had some people who said that they used to support other candidates, but they have it s all aboard the trump train. don t forget this is very close to mar-a-lago. that s true. a lot of people are voting for the person who think is able to win. they say any of the republican nominees are better than the alternative. right. if you re a republican. right. 12 minutes after the hour. you have heard the story before, illegals released from jail only to commit more crimes. the problem is worse than we
even thought. then it s john kasich against donald trump in a battle for the buckeye state. ohio is going to make america great again. kasich cannot make america great again. both candidates live on fox & friends on this uber tuesday. ! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don t taste chalky. mmm.amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. [engines revving] you can t have a hero, if you don t have a villain. the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars.
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good morning. welcome back. 17 minutes after hour. fox news alert. we are learning how badly sarah palin husband s is. he has a collapsed lung, injuries to his collarbone and his knees. the governor expressed her thanks during a rally for donald trump in tampa yesterday before flying home to alaska to be with her husband. listen. thank you you guys for my husband who is recovering in icu after a little wreck on a snow machine. so thank you. wow. how hard that must have been for the family. she s so strong. palin writing this on facebook, knowing todd once he s cognizant
he ll probably ask docs to duct tape him up and call it good. he s tough. wishing them the very best. well, another fox news alert right know. three chicago police officers shot in the line of duty and their attacker is now dead this morning. the officers were investigating a drug bust on the city s west side when they saw two suspicious people. when the officers approached, the men took off, started running and shooting. one officer returned fire, hitting the suspect. all of the officers expected to be okay. and protests against donald trump in all the headlines this week. i think we have a look at this. that s right. will have that have a response on the primaries? that s right. good morning, matt. reporter: good morning, somewhat of a chaotic weekend for trump. many of us have heard by now that he cancelled a rally here, estimates of 30,000 people showed up.
we have seen some videos, some pushing and shoving, maybe some punches thrown. who s to blame, but in typical donald trump fashion he s seemed to remain unscathed. that only hardened the support and gave him more publicity. now i was at trump s rally in bloomington after the cancelled rally here in chicago. there he told his crowds that, hey, look, you know, the liberal protests of chicago, the voters of chicago don t represent my crowd. they don t represent the entire state of illinois. and one trump supporter we spoke to says he thinks what happened here was unfair to donald trump. take a listen. it just shows there s a polarity going on in the united states right now. and i think that, you know, it s good because people are expressing their view, i think freedom of speech. i think the protesters had their right to say what they wanted to say, but i believe donald trump should have been given the same right to speak. reporter: the average of
polls here still indicate that trump is still the front-runner in illinois. ted cruz has been closing in on the lead. yesterday, the cruz campaign kind of reshuffled the schedule to add five more last minute veentsds events here. we have a polling station over here, and we haven t seen any people show up. we will see if this affects his bid. thank you, matt. everyone is talk about the violence at donald trump s rallies. well, donald doesn t see it. the movement and it s a love fest and we love each other. we ll do so well. that was trump yesterday. governor mike huckabee said we re witnessing a peaceful overthrow of the government. how much will you spend before popping the big? we have the big numbers and it will shock you. when dating becomes marriage.
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all right. now time for news by the numbers. first 124. that s how many illegal immigrants have been charged in 138 american murder cases since 2010. the inmates were released due to court orders or because their countries wouldn t take them back. one of a kind. the metal implants are usually used to treat narrowing arteries preventing heart attack. finally, 20276 bucks, that s how much men and women spend on dating before deciding who to
get married to. that takes 5 1/2 years before men make a decision. hey, ainsley. thank you. the mainstream media might say that the violence is growing but our next guest says we are witnessing a peaceful overthrow of the government. joining us now is former republican presidential candidate and arkansas governor, mike huckabee. good morning. thank you for joining us. my pleasure, ainsley, thank you. you re welcome. so we have seen the protests and a rally being cancelled, punches and pushes, but you wrote an article in newsmax that said trump leads a peaceful overthrow of the government. that do you mean by that? well, this is nothing less than somewhat of a revolution in america where people are so angry at their government, on both sides. democrat and republican. that they re putting forth candidates who say, we re not going to let this system continue. we re going to radically change it. we re going to make it so that it s not rigged anymore. so whether you hear that from bernie sanders or donald trump you re hearing that there s
massive change if they re elected. people want big change. they know this government has rigged the system against them. it s an insular game. a friend of mine just sold his house in the washington, d.c. area a couple of weeks ago. he put it on the market. it sold in less than three days. he had five offerers, every one over list price. where else in america is that happening? nowhere. six of the ten richest counties in america are surrounding washington, d.c. look, get it out here in the rest of america. they re winning, the rest of the country is losing. and so what we re seeing is a disruptive election. i call it a vertical election not horizontal. candidates say i m the most conservative, people don t care. what do you mean by that? they don t care if you re left or right. here s what i mean. people don t care if you re democrat or republican, left or right, will you take us up or keep taking us down? are you going to lead us to the better life, better america, where things work for me? are you going don t this game
where a handful of elites do very well and the rest of america gets gut punched that s what they re saying. have you ever seen an election like this before? no. i wish i hadn t. because if i had known this was coming, you know, it s not a good year for a guy who you know, had been a governor and said, gee, i m experienced and then people said we don t care. if you have any experience, you ll put it to work against us rather than for us. that s what we re seeing. that s why i say it s a disruptive election. every now and then, the country needs something utterly disruptive to shake away from the political class, the ruling class. because we re on the verge of an oligarchy where there s a select, let s class and the rest of the people have to pay for it. the kids are paying for it. they have had enough. let s move on to joel ben
ahsan. and he s saying mathematically there s no way that donald trump can beat hillary clinton. now you have run against clinton before. what s what do you think about this? is it possible for trump to beat hillary clinton? you know, i m not sure what they re smoking over there in the clinton camp but let me tell you something, everyone said donald trump wouldn t come, they said he couldn t get past august or the early controversies. i m sitting as a candidate, well, you know what, he won t last long, but he s outlasted all of us and i think they re underestimating trump s candidacy at their own peril. they hope it s true, hoping to influence the republican voters but their worst nightmare is to have to run against trump who is taking away the traditional democratic votes from them. yeah. and that s why i think they re saying some things like that. totally untrue. the voters are proving the establishment wrong, aren t
they? thanks so much, governor for being with us. thank you. well, donald trump is facing an uphill battle in ohio as you know. we will look back from two years from now, ten years from now, you ll say that s the single greatest vote i ever cast. what is his plan to beat john kasich today? the donald joins us live next to answer that question. and florida is the other big state today and this is where anna kooiman is talking to voters. hey, there, ainsley earhar. we re in palm beach not far from mar-a-lago, so it s trump territory. even this dog boston is a trump fan. he s eating chicken for breakfast. but his dad is an anybody by trump voter. why is that? for a lot of reasons, but the biggest problem i have is him because he s a staunch trump man. we argue every single day over who we re voting for. so he s the one. owner and dog at odds. that s right. more from the voters coming up on fox & friends.
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well, today is take it all tuesday. in ohio and also florida. i like that one. if you look at the brand-new monmouth poll, john kasich is five points over the insurgent donald trump who is joining us on the phone. good morning to you. good morning. what is your strategy to win ohio? because we know it s a run away right now it looks like in florida. but you really want the 66 votes from ohio as well. i do. and i spent a lot time there. i was there last night in youngstown. we had a fantastic crowd. thousands and thousands of people. i think the governor is not so popular like i thought originally. he approved and voted for nafta which took a lot of jobs out of ohio and brought them to mexico.
now he s pushing hard to keep tpp that s worse than nafta. it will ruin the car industry. look at what happens where he s in favor of common core. which is a disaster. he expanded obamacare in ohio. i ll tell you, i don t see his popularity. the steel industry is dying in ohio. the coal industry is practically dead in ohio. a lot of companies are moving out and moving to mexico. so i don t know why he s popular, but, you know, he is. but i think we ll have a big surprise in ohio tonight. well people are not happy. well, the governor has 73% approval rating. he won back-to-back. up until the last week or so, you guys have been extremely civil to each other. are you surprised he s edging on if you get the nominee of him supporting you? are you surprised he s hedging on supporting you? i don t care. i want the people to vote for me the companies are moving left
and right and moving to mexico. i ll stop it. he doesn t know how to stop it. he s lost every single race so far in the presidential. he s 0 for 22. i don t think ohio is going don t forget, he said he was going to win michigan. he said he was going to win new hampshire. he left ohio, he moved to new hampshire. spent more time there than anybody. and he lost new hampshire. i won it in a landslide. i won south carolina and then he moved to michigan and he lost michigan. he said if he lost michigan he won t run anymore. well, he lost michigan and he s still running. i don t know. i can tell you when you vote for nafta, i don t see how it s possible to win. because nafta destroyed ohio. mr. trump, authorities in north carolina they were considering charging you for inciting a riot after a protester was punched at one of your rallies. ultimately they decided they didn t have enough evidence to do that. what was your reaction to that? i think it s ridiculous.
i gave a speech, it was a really good speech. we had 20,000 people there. standing ovation. i ll tell you who they should charge are these horrible protesters that go in there just looking for trouble. and these are people that really i mean, they re agitators, they re not even protesters. they stand up and they scream and they shout and frankly sometimes they start punching. those people really should be charged. you know, we rented an arena, we have great people there. we have people that want to make america great again. that s why they re there. it s make america great again and they re there for that reason and then you have the guys stand up, oftentimes just singles because they can t get enough people with them. it s really a disgrace. i ll be honest. it s a disgrace. everyone s distracted. everyone is agitated. they get very upset about it. and they really should look into it because these people i don t know if they re professional agitators or what. but it s a disgrace that they re allowed to come in and do what they do. right. you know, we don t know exactly
who they are. you know, we have heard organized what went on in chicago on friday night. the bernie people have been at a couple of things. i know you didn t have any protesters last night. but the mainstream media has been making it seem like you know, you go to the donald trump event and you might wind up bloodied. and yet, when you look at something that happened at a marco rubio rally or meeting, a get together, a town hall on january the 6th, here s a guy who was talking out loud while mr. rubio was talking and then he gets it looks like body slammed by a supporter behind him. you know, the mainstream media did not cover this. this was not on any of the newscasts. is there a double standards that was not a big deal and this the things that have followed you are? and do you have any responsibility for what your supporters do? there is a total double standard. i saw that. if that ever took place in my place, i would have been given
the electric chair. it would have been the biggest story in the world. nobody talked about this. nobody is following marco, you know, his campaign is he s done very poorly. look, he doesn t vote. when you re elected senator from florida, you re supposed to go and vote. he never shows up to the senate. so how is he going to do well? if i ever if one of my people ever did that to somebody that was speaking up, it would have been a national story the likes of which you will have never seen. i have 20,000, 35,000 people in alabama last week. you know what, we have virtually no protesters. why did you go to chicago where it s a hot bed of liberal activity, amenable to a left wing audience but never a right wing? you think it was questionable to go there to begin with? people said we shouldn t have. i like to go into the teeth of it. i ll tell you what, a lot of people on my side say that was
horrible what they did. i think i picked up support because of it. but i did the right thing. i made a right decision by not doing it, nobody was hurt. it all disbanded. if i would have done it i think a lot of people would have been hurt so we made a good decision and we were given credit for making the right decision. look i m happy with the way it s going. if we could win ohio, it would be so big. then i can focus on hillary, because we will beat hillary easily in the election. you don t have to take cruz out if you take ohio, and florida, you still don t think ted cruz will be there? i don t think. so look, i won all of the southern states. i won every one of them. i have won with the evangelicals. you look at south carolina, he was supposed to win south carolina. that was his big watershed. i won in a landslide. i won with the military and the vets, won with women. i won with every single category. so i don t see it. now we re headed into new york,
new jersey, pennsylvania. i mean, those states i m going to win. listen, before you go, yesterday around noon we got the news flash that sarah palin s husband todd was seriously injured in a snow machine incident up in alaska. how is he doing today? i know there was some suggestion she was going to leave the campaign events. how is he today? he s doing really well. he s got broken ribs and he s got some you know, broken bones actually. he s a tough cookie. if you know todd he s a great guy and she s so incredible. she was really devastated and worried and yet she got up and made a wonderful speech in front of a lot of people. and then i said, sarah, don t listen to my speech, go home. she went home. and she s she s fantastic. you know, todd is a tough cookie. so he s going to be fine. but he broke some bones, broke son ribs. i heard that s painful. thank you so much, donald.
thank you very much. appreciate it. thank you. so we have eric trump later and john kasich next. indeed. well, we just heard from donald trump about the buckeye state battle. the governor of ohio, john kasich, is going to join brian live, next. allergies with nasal congestion? find fast relief behind the counter with claritin-d. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. they say you shouldn t spoil your kids. but your grandkids?
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re-election again? he joins us now to react. i have watched your crowds grow and your confidence grow. how do you feel on game day? great. we re going to win, brian. i feel you know, look, i have been doing the same thing for a long time. and i think in the last two weeks we got more attention than we got the last seven months. so as people get to hear the message and hear the record and see a positive approach, we have been able to really we have been able to grow. so donald trump was just on. i don t know if you had a chance to hear. he said, how can this governor be that popular, after all he supported nafta, proposed by bush, okayed by clinton. he s pushing for the tpp. how what s your retort to that? brian, we re one of the fastest growing states. up over 400,000 jobs. we re running a $2 billion surplus. our pensions are strong. our credit is strong. i have cut taxes by more than any governor in the united states. it s come on. we re doing very well here. right.
the number that s why you got re-elected overwhelmingly, and you have a 73% approval. but when it comes to free trade, are you having second thoughts about nafta, about tpp? look, just because he talks about it doesn t make it the big debate. we re up over 60,000 manufacturing jobs. we have half a billion dollars investment from china in dayton with a thousand people being hired. we have investments from great britain. we have investments from france. from germany. we have had jobs come back from mexico. ford has brought jobs back from mexico. look, i m for an expedited process when people cheat, but we re not going to have trade anymore? so all of the prices will go up and people will be out of work because there s nothing to make. because the buying has slowed down. come on. that s just silly. so the fact is that we have to have an expedited process when somebody cheats, we need to call them on it. in 2001 i worked with the steel industry to give them a temporary reprieve from imports.
look, we re doing fine. but we re not going to pull down the blinds and lock the doors and call people names and keep people out and all this other nonsense. come on! we re talking about america, my friend. right. you did that s very similar to senator sanders. senator sanders saying that the agreements have destroyed american jobs in manufacturing that s one that donald trump and senator sanders have in common. let s move on and talk about immigration. you said we won t go around kicking peep out. when it comes to illegal immigrations where do you stand on illegals here? a pathway to citizenship? the same place i have stood since i have been talking since i was a candidate. we finished the wall, we create a guest worker program. nobody can come in. no excuse. for the 11.5 million who are here who have not committed a crime, they re going to pay a fine, some back taxes. but never a path to citizenship, but one of legalization. because we re not going to go hunting people down and shipping them out of the country, leaving
their kids on the front porch cry. come on, we re america. remember, reagan he got together with congress, he never finished it. congress never sealed the border, therefore the amnesty was there but no lesson was learned. among the people that are supporting you are george soros and associates gave to the kasich super pac. i know you don t agree with george soros. no, i m not familiar with what what happened here. but if there is somebody who worked in an organization who happens to be a conservative and they wanted to support me, that s fine. right. we got we actually have i bet we have some people that work at fox news who are liberals. most of them, almost half of our viewers are as you know. governor, i was amazed
throughout the entire process you and trump never seemed to lock horns after the first debate. now that s changing. will you ever prevent you guys from teaming up? there s no way i would team up with donald trump. no way. forget it. i m going to be the nominee because we re going to win ohio. we re going to move across this country with the positive attitude of bringing people together. with a record that i have had, both in washington and in ohio. a positive record of peopling bring people together and we re americans before anything else. we ll fix these things that haunt us and bother us today. he wants to win ohio a state he s won twice as governor, governor john kasich, best of luck. thank you. good to talk to you, brian. same here. all right, meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, the clinton camp says trump is not a real threat so why is everyone piling on to keep him from winning the
nomination? peter johnson jr. wants to speak about it so we ll have him on. nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that s nexium level protection.
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the x1 voice remote is here. x1 customers get your voice remote by visiting republicans not the only ones attacking donald trump. now the democrats are jumpingen board too. i was asked why i thought i was in a better position to beat donald trump. i said, you know, other than being on the right side of all the issues, believing that people who run for president ought to unite our country, not divide our country. this campaign is telling donald trump and others that we will not we will not accept for one second their bigotry and
xenophobia. why do they use that rhetoric? are they afraid of donald trump. let s talk to peter john jr. i think they are. they re afraid of the wild card of donald trump and they have gone to great pains we saw the interview with joe bennison, saying, well, donald trump really isn t a threat. at all. we re going to beat him big time. so he went on to say that it s not a real threat at all with regard to donald trump. that they can beat him in the rust belt states. i don t i don t see a threat that trump poses a threat in. what they re facing is a consolidation of voters they had in their camps. in canton, ohio, there was a story about the so-called dirty little secret.
steelworkers who are solidly behind donald trump. union members? even though the union is obviously for the democrats, for hillary clinton, going forward. hillary clinton concerned that to some extent, although they wind up on different sides of the ideological divide, some voters who liked bernie sanders will understand, that hate wall street issue that donald trump will take on in this campaign. if and when he gets the nomination. donald trump is going to say, wall street has hurt america. a lot of bernie sanders supporters believe that really hardly as well. and a lot of the polls we have seen head to head, trump versus clinton it s the republicans on the donald trump side and the democrats on the hillary clinton side, whereas they don t take into account the crossovers. the democrats and the
independents. i have leaved here coming up on 30 years here in the new york city area. i have never heard so many new york democrats say, i m going to vote for the republican guy if it s donald trump. i have met a lot of democrats in new york and in jersey and other parts of the country and down south as well and in the midwest. they say, listen, we have some problems with donald trump on some of these issues. but he reflects our values to the extent that we have had enough of washington. we think we need a change. we need someone that we think that really wants to win hard for america. so even though we have ideological issues with donald trump, we re willing to take a chance on him. they re afraid of the wild card, afraid of the momentum. afraid of a new a new calculation in american politics that donald trump could in fact bring. so move on, black lives, all of the democrat aligned organizations are mounting a hard fight. they don t really want donald trump i don t think. interesting stuff.
all right, peter johnson jr., thank you. all right, meanwhile, coming up donald trump and john kasich made huge news, we spoke to them live on the program. laura ingraham here to react. plus, clay aiken talks politics in about 15 minutes.
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. join me in the white house to make our country all it could be! we are going to create an economy that works for working people. not just the billionaires. there s only one campaign in a position to beat donald trump and win the republican nomination. we will address our problems right here in our hometown and revive the spirit of america right here. you have to be honest, you have to be correct. you have to be truthful, but you can t say whatever you want to say. you could be dead in three
week, doesn t matter. get out and vote, think about your children, think about your family. we are going to win, win, win. we re going to win so much. i m depressed. three weeks. dead in three week, but get out and vote, it s an important day today. today is super duper tuesday. donald trump was talking about his family, his son eric and wife lara will be joining us from testa s in the heart of palm beach. there s anna kooiman who is serving up flat jacks. good morning to you, anna. hi. lucky people. they re waving. beautiful palm beach. yeah. orange juice, no pulp. i have been there, it s the fancy stuff. laura ingraham is joining us from the nation s capital. this super duper tuesday, isn t it? yeah. your interview with john kasich
i m making a big deal of it on the radio show in about an hour. i think on those two questions, you really nailed it. on trade and immigration. john kasich i think is running in to his own past statements and his own past support whether it s for a pathway to citizenship or people can stay here and be normalized, as long as they didn t commit any crimes and the issue of nafta and trade. i think beyond all of the stuff with the rally, people s personalities, jokes on the trails, are the two issues that have done more to change the economic standing negatively for the american middle class which is mass immigration, legal and illegal, and these trade deals. on those two issues, john kasich is squarely in the establishment camp. i happen to like kasich but on the two issues that just isn t working for the rust belt. even though he s brought in some jobs and had he s had success in ohio they re not popular. he can laugh his way through the
question there and say, well, i don t have to worry about trump, he won t say i won t say mean things, i ll take the high road. the two points you made in that interview i think if he loses ohio tonight, those are the two reasons he loses. wow. good job, brian. we had mr. kasich and mr. trump on the program in the last hour. if folks missed that they had to say, trump very confident. but then again so is john kasich. i think the governor s not so popular like i thought originally. he approved and voted for nafta which took a lot of jobs out of ohio and brought them to mexico. now he s pushing hard for tpp which is worse than nafta. it will ruin their car industry. trade deal. yeah, you look at what happens where he s in favor of common core which is a disaster. he expanded obamacare in ohio. i ll tell you, i don t see his popularity. he s in a fight, he s lost every single race so far in the presidential. he s 0 for 22. he hasn t won one. but i think we ll have a big
surprise in ohio tonight. there s no way i would team up with donald trump. no way. forget it. i m going to be the nominee because we re going to win ohio. we re going to move across this country with a positive attitude of bringing people together with a record that i have had, both in washington and in ohio. a positive record of bringing people together and reminding us we re americans before anything else. we ll fix these things that haunt us and bother us today, i can promise you that. what s your reaction? that was a definitive no way. a lot of us last night on special report were talking about the idea of a trump/kasich ticket, that would in many ways take the edge off of trump for people who want to support him, but aren t quite there. but i mean, that s pretty definiti definitive. that s the most definitive on the trail thus far. i know you want people to vote for you, but not a lot of affection between the two candidates at all. so that was also good line.
making a lot of news today. but laura, head to head, he does better than anybody else against hillary clinton and he trounced her in the latest poll in ohio. you have to win ohio, right? you have to win more than ohio. where is john kasich going to win other than ohio? where mitt romney lost. so i keep hearing they do well in head to head polls against hillary, imagine if the party was doing what it traditionally does with front-runners. imagine if the elders weren t trotting around states with those who only won zero states and were instead supporting the front-runner. i think you d see a much different dynamic. imagine if you had republicans not siding with disrupters at rallies who are terrorizing women and children at the rallies. imagine if you have that. i think you might have a different result in some of these head to head polls with hillary. but i ll tell you this. if you have someone going up against hillary who voted for nafta, supports the wto and we know is going to support the
5,500 transpacific partnership, you re going up against hillary clinton, hillary clinton is going to play populous against that. well, looking back on those deals, i think we can say that a lot of mistakes were made and we lost a lot of jobs. she ll go renew the homeland versus the gop establishment figure who says let s do the same things that didn t work for the last 20 years. i think she s going to be relishing the idea of going up against a gop establishment figure. laura, let s travel down to florida. talking about ohio. john kasich doing well in his state, but marco rubio down in florida, look at the latest polls. quinnipiac poll, trump is getting 46% of the votes there. rubio is getting 22% and cruz and kasich falling behind as well. we know what s at stake at marco rubio. is this his last stand? will he get out if the polls are true? if you can t win your home state in a gop primary, i think you have to do some soul searching about your positions, the decisions you made. over the past five years in office. who you teamed up with.
what promises you might have violated and you have to look at yourself in the mirror and say, gosh, i might have made some mistakes here. seems like rather than do that, the more establishment politicians just dig their heels in and say, i m going to do more a of the same thing, i ll go across the country and sell this message of immigration reform. and so forth. he said he made some mistakes and regretted that, regretted going after donald trump. i mean policy though. i m not talking about the trump thing. got it. well, he says that the polls don t matter. take a listen to this and we ll get your reaction. first of all, the polls this cycle have been crazy and way off. both in virginia and in michigan on the democratic side. there s not a 20 point gap going on. but they re irrelevant. now i mean, i just i don t know what to say to that. i mean, at some point, you know,
i guess when the voters vote, i mean, do polls matter then? the people are saying no. no no no no. they keep saying yes to the same policies that the people don t want. they don t want mass this mass incursion into our country from the border. don t want the horrible trade deals that have eviscerated the middle class. they don t want the things and the gop establishment keeps pushing them. that s underlying this discontent. unless the establishment wakes up the party will be divided. that s going to continue to happen. something this is kind of a left turn but it has to do with politics. that is there s a new harvard study out that found out that apparently young women and mothers prefer politicians who are male. and we were talking about it on the couch, maybe it s because they have had so many male politicians in their lives. there s what women are used to. something like that. if that s true, that s not good news for hillary. well, i think it if you think of the howls coming out of
the feminists enclaves at college campuses in seeing that poll, i m sure i m offending the feminists for hillary out there. go ahead. but i want women want protectors. nothing wrong with a woman thinking that a male is a protector. doesn t mean that women can t be great candidates or presidents. i think young women think of their fathers and being taken care of. doesn t mean you can t be strong yourself. i think that goes to biology and primal stuff. i don t think that s anything wrong with that i don t think women can t be successful. are you surprised that women admitted it in a poll? i don t think it means that much. but there s some biology to go on there. gave us something to talk about. laura ingraham joins us once a week, a fox news contributor and of course the editor at hisseth.
hey, i have a couple of news headlines. we start off with a fox news alert. we have information about how badly sarah palin s husband was injured in the snow machine crash. he has a collapsed lung, eight fractured ribs and she had to leave a rally yesterday after she found out her husband was hurt. we spoke to donald trump a few minutes about about how todd is doing this morning. here it is. he s a tough cookie. if you know todd he s a great guy. she s so incredible. and she was really devastated and worried. and yet she got up and made a wonderful speech in front of a lot of people and then i said, sarah, don t listen to my speech. go home. she did. to be by his side. she echoed some of mr. trump s thoughts in a facebook post, knowing todd wince he s
cognizant he ll probably ask the doc to duct tape and call it good. he s tough. we re wishing him the very best. a tragic twist in the shooting death of a maryland police officer. autopsy now finding that he was killed by friendly fire. jacai colson was accidentally shot as his brothers in blue tried to stop the accused gunman michael ford who was shooting outside a police station. ford s two brothers recorded the entire thing on their cell phones. police say that ford wanted to die. they had every opportunity to call 911. they had every opportunity to seek medical help and they did nothing. well, all three brothers are under arrest and they ll face dozens of charges. extreme weather to tell you about, leaving several texas cut off by rising floodwaters after more than two feet of rain falls. swollen rivers cutting off the
small town of deweyville, along the louisiana border. leaving people there with nowhere to go. in the meantime, look at south carolina. ainsley, your parents this morning? frosty conditions there. the roads are slippery. stay home. all right. that s in south carolina, bringing hail the size of golf balls in some parts of that state. she says it s upstate. stay safe. and a rap battle at the rose garden. take a look at this. this is so fun, potus is holding up the signs i m not stunting, oh, my gosh, i can t believe i m here so much more intimidating than in the square that s fantastic. the cast of broadway s smash hit hamilton wowing president obama with a little political freestyling. they stopped by for a theater student workshop. you know how much i love rap. have you seen it yet? no, but everybody else has
though. the ticket prices drop, it s expensive. you can t get a seat. you can for the right price probably. well, you have to scalp them because they re sold out. make it rain, baby. all right, 13 minutes after the hour. did you catch this, hillary clinton says no americans have died in libya. hmm. libya was a different kind of calculation. and we didn t lose a single person. really? well, how can you forget about these four americans murdered in benghazi? and it s almost too close to call in ohio between donald trump and john kasich. what are are the voters saying this morning? we ll be talking to them live coming up next, buckeye state.
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molly line is live inside a polling place in black lick, ohio. voters are nearby. she is talking to the folks. hey, molly. reporter: good morning. you said it near the polling place, it s been busy all morning. we have a lag behind me. but an active race here in ohio. tight race between governor john kasich and donald trump. governor kasich spending a lot of time here on the ground in his home state. he was joined on the trail by the 2012 republican nominee mitt romney of course. this is is really big place for kasich, he needs this winner take all win to keep his campaign alive. trump shifted his schedule around, he held a rally outside of youngstown. and secretary clinton is leading bernie sanders by a tad. but she was leading in michigan and then sanders went on the win there. the question is can he do it again? we had chance to talk to a
couple of the voters. listen to what they had to say. i voted for john kasich because i think he s done a great job in ohio. i believe he ll do a great job when he gets to washington. i voted for hillary clinton. i think she s a strong woman and what we need right now. just her strength is what is so that spoke to me the most today. john kasich. i like his leadership. i think he s the only one with executive experience. reporter: pretty easy to find a few voters here in ohio who were fans of the governor here. more than 400,000 voters voted absentee and we have seen a steady stream today. today is the voters that the decide. the polls close at 7:30 tonight. back to you. molly line, thank you. very impressive that the patriot goes out to vote it was still dark outside there. before work or school. whatever they ll do. this is probably another huge turnout. hopefully a new record. 19 minutes after the hour. remember the knife found on o.j. simpson s property that we
found out about recently? this morning a huge update. the dna results are in. is it trouble for the juice? he faced off with donald trump on celebrity apprentice. tell me why you should become the celebrity apprentice. my mother is here tonight and she sat through me losing once before. i don t want her to sit through me losing again. and clay aiken will explain that next. talking about his mother. hey, clay. can t afford to let heartburn get in the way? try nexium 24hr, now the #1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. that s nexium level protection.
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headlines. start with a fox news alert. three chicago police officers shot in the line of duty overnight and their attacker is dead. the officers were investigating a drug report on the city s west side when they saw two suspicious people. when the officers approached, the suspect, the man, took off running. then turn around and started shooting. one officer returned fire, hitting the suspect. all officers are expected thankfully to survive. a double stabbing at a canadian military center is being investigated as a possible terror attack. witnesses say the suspect shouted allah, while attacking two uniformed canadian force members in toronto. the suspect was arrested and is now undergoing a mental evaluation. well, he is one of american idol s most popular runner-ups, what happened when clay aiken tried to impress donald trump? tell me why you should become the celebrity apprentice? i think i came here with sort
of low expectations and i think i exceeded them and raised the bar a little bit for myself. came in with the people not knowing that i could be productive and be a creative and be a leader and i think that i showed that i can be. if nothing else, my mother is here tonight and she sat through me losing one time before. i really don t want her to have to sit through it again. [ laughter ] great closing line. as it turns out, he was fired that day. but clay aiken says trump still has his mom s vote. unbelievable. yeah. i mean, i think at one point, now she s changed her mind quite a bit. north carolina is voting today so i ll find out how she voted attend of the day. but there was a period of time where she was upset with the establishment piling on him. she s still upset about me not winning. she s one of the late deciders. somebody who decides at the last
day, at the last minute, the 11th hour who not always, but i think she is with this particular with this particular race. what s your number one issue? i think she s an anti-establishment candidate person in the first place. but interestingly the last time i talked to her, she was deciding between she s one of the people who s deciding between trump and bernie. oh, my goodness. wow. she ll decide in north carolina, you can pick up either ballot. a house divided for you? i m a bernie person. i voted for bernie. can i have all your money? yeah. and my brother is a marine. he s voting for bernie sanders too. he was a marine. my mom is kind of you know, i ran as i ran as a democrat in north carolina in 2014. because i m frustrated with t the you know, the typical politiciany crap that people put up with all the time. for years and years. you got a chance to know donald trump, you competed with
him and tried to impress himself. will the donald trump you knew then be a good president? i don t know if anybody knows the real donald trump. you know, i think his kids may know him. to some degree. but i don t think anybody sees him. i think the person who i was with on the show was very nice to me, but the person who i have seen on the stump you re not impressed? you know, i have been trying my best to be very nice, because he s like the uncle who gets drunk at the wedding and embarrasses you, but you still love him even though he says stupid things. i think he loves attention he s forgotten he s running for the most important job in the world. you talked about how bernie. what about hillary though? you know, she is essentially the establishment candidate. it s her turn. why aren t you supporting her? i wouldn t support anybody because it s their turn.
like hillary clinton. i expect i said in a blog yesterday, i expect hillary will be the nominee and i ll be supportive of her then too. i think it s important to keep excitement in the democratic party and i think people want to be enthusiastic. and i ll be on her side when eventually. when and if she gets the nominee. if that s one quality of bernie sanders you could take from him and put in her brain and change her, what would it be? you know, i just am so fed up with money in politics. well, she s taken a lot of it. plenty of people on both sides isn t bernie the equivalent of donald trump for the democrats? absolutely not. why? because he makes sense when he takes. but nothing adds up. trillions in debt. you re okay with that? trump hasn t given you a specific i know he s capitalist. here s the thing. i d rather have someone in
office who i disagree with, than someone i have no idea what they ll do. trump was a democrat for year, he was a republican. then he was a republican. then he was a democrat, i have no idea. bernie will tax you 90%. you have no clue. that should i don t know. look, this clown car that s going on right now, i don t want to get in. do us favor, clay. e-mail us, let us know if your mom wants to reveal who she did vote for today. we ll mention it. that would be great. good luck. what an incredible i don t have to worry about losing this one. meanwhile, on this tuesday, new york times staffer visit a trump campaign office and were blown away by the volunteers they found there. will you be? you ll want to hear it. coming up next. plus, clay aiken just said that maybe donald trump s kids know him best. eric trump and lara trump will
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you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. it is your super tuesdayer titanic tuesday shot of the morning. the internet having fun with this. remember the stage rusher over at the weekend at the trump rally? now that stage rusher is bernie sanders. meanwhile, we have anna kooiman at testa s in the heart of palm beach. anna has eric trump, donald trump s son and his beautiful wife lara, with them at testa s. good morning. good morning. hey. good morning. are you guys excited about this trump support
who wants trump to win? [ cheers and applause ] steve, we have some fans here. mar-a-lago is not far from here. a lot of supporters here. so your father was scheduled to van event have an event in south florida yesterday. but realized the race is tight in ohio, tied at 38% with john kasich. he was on the program earlier. take a listen to this and i ll get your response. there s no way i would team up with donald trump. no way. forget it. i m going to be the nominee because we re going to win ohio. we re going to move across this country with a positive attitude of bringing people together. with a record that i have had both in washington and in ohio. a positive record of bringing people together and reminding us we re americans before we re anything else. we ll fix the things that haunt us and bother us today. i can promise you that. well, i think my father would bring jobs to ohio.
look at kasich he as 63 delegates he s so far behind. and truthfully, i mean all he s doing by campaigning is trying to get to the contested campaign which is sad. we should win ohio. i think we ll win florida based on the support here. then we should move on to take on hillary. that s what it s all about. we need to take her on. my father will beat her. he will beat hillary. yeah. eric, do you have a question? yeah, eric, i have a question for you. you have been on the program, a couple of months ago. we were talking about how what you had started to notice early was the crossover. people who are not republicans but life long democrats and independents. they have been flocking to your father. you know, they were back then. have you found that trend to continue or accelerate as we get closer to the big contest? well, there s no question about it. look what happened in pennsylvania. there was an article that was all over, about the amount of
democrats, independents, that transferred over. also in florida. the amount of registration so people could vote in the republican party here in florida was astronomical. that only bodes to our favor in the general election where you don t have to do the registration. you see tremendous amounts of people. my father is an amazing guy. he will make america great again. he s an incredibly confident person. i love the man to death. i have no doubt we ll win. a lot has been said about us in new york. lara, i wanted to bring you into this. i know you went to nc state university. anna and i are from north carolina. what is it like your? eric is used to watching the success for his father, but what is it like to marry into this family and now be on the
campaign trail? listen, nothing short of an honor to witness history being made week after week. every week we re so thrilled by the response we re getting. as eric said, we have people who come up to us, who say i can t wait until the general election. i can t vote in the primary because i m not a registered republican. we want to vote for your dad. we were in north carolina, in my home state. we have a lot in common. we were there last week at a great rally in fayetteville. the place went crazy when they heard i was from wilmington. i promised my father-in-law i d win north carolina. so the pressure is on. the pressure is on. yeah, we interned at the same tv station in wilmington. eric, a lot of people have said they can t tell who the real donald trump is. some think he s blustery and bombastic.
others like his supporters like ben carson said he s cerebral and kind and the kind of man i want to be friends with and lead america. well, he s truly an amazing father and he s kind. he s one of the most generous people you will ever meet. he s an amazing guy and he s a fighter. he s a guy who has tremendous backbone. if someone hits him he s willing to hit back and america needs somebody who is incredibly kind, who has business savvy, but when someone crosses us is willing to fight back for the nation. we have been use and abused. we have so many things that aren t going right in this country. we need to get back america. that s why he s running and self-funding the campaign. we want to get america back. eric, no doubt about it, when everyone usually it s for anna, so we toss our hat out here. no doubt about it, everyone was stunned on saturday when we saw that guy rush the stage, go after your dad. as a son of a candidate who you
know the events are raucous, what are your thoughts when you see the attacker run on the stage? what are your thoughts that he ll be at rallies for the next four mounths, perhaps? that s no fun to see. the same thing happened to reagan. i saw the same thing, that someone hopped on the stage and go after the candidate. that s the nature of politics. you re at the events you have 30,000 people in a room. you might have one crazy person. i mean, that s the nature of statistic, the nature of the game. if secret service is incredible. i m so glad they re around my father and will keep him safe. that s the nature of the game. a lot of people i go ahead, ainsley. has it changed the way that he handles the rallies? on the one when the protester jumps on the stage, he was in the middle of a sea of people. is he now going i thought that was dangerous to be in the middle of all the people. is he changing the way that the stage is set up going forward? my father is really a person
of the people. he likes to get out there, out front and touch the people. he s so accessible. so accessible to the media and so accessible at the rallies that s the person he is. quite frankly, that s why people love him, because they can see him and touch him and hear him. he s the type of person you want to have breakfast like this with. that s what makes him a different candidate. i don t think he ll change it. he likes to be among the people. critics of your father say he s anti-mexican, anti-muslim, but one of the campaign offices they were blown away by what they were seen. for a campaign offering a rallying point for the white working class, the people volunteering to help mr. trump are noteworthy for their ethnic diversity. they include a young woman who moved from peru, a 70-year-old indian, teenage son of russian immigrants, mexican-american.
is that what people don t see? oh, absolutely. we re winning with the demographic, winning with african-americans and winning the female vote and winning in the male vote. old, young, it s really incredible up. you talked about the independents that were crossing over we re winning all categories of people. i mean, the republican party should embrace that. the republican party is growing because of him. that s what we ll need if we re to beat hillary clinton. what are you hoping for tonight? a big win. we ll have it here in florida. and north carolina and north carolina. we need you. and ohio. fingers crossed. very nice. all right, anna and eric and lara, thank you very much. we should point out, down there at testa s in palm beach, we invited candidates and their representatives from all of the campaigns, but as you can see in the heart of palm beach, mainly trump people showed up.
they did have some for kasich earlier and some on the other side of the well. 19 before the top of the hour. donald trump made headlines because of cancelling a campaign event. will that affect the race coming up? we re live there next. huh. introducing centrum vitamints. a new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint. with a full spectrum of nutrients. new centrum vitamints.
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any traces of dna are gone. in 2002, after it was demolished, the contraction worker gave it to the cop and he kept it all the years before turning it over. hillary clinton defends her time as secretary of state on an msnbc town hall. but her memory seems fuzzy. libya was a different kind of calculation. and we didn t lose a single person. oh, what about these four americans who lost their lives in 2012? and in the terror attack in the american consulate in benghazi? she likes to change the subject. protests against trump stole the headlines at the end of the last week. will they have an effect on today s primary and late deciders? matt finn joins us live with how the voters are reacting there. reporter: good morning, ainsley. we are at a polling place on the northside of chicago. it s been open for 90 minutes and organizers tell us 50 people
have voted so far. we have seen the foot traffic picking up. a nice, quiet organized morning here today, contrast to the kind of chaotic weekend over with trump here in chicago. we know by now he was forced to cancel that rally, about 40,000 people showed up. pushing and shoving and shoving, and who was to blame? donald trump addressed a crowd, hey, the liberal protesters, the democratic voters don t represent the entire state and they don t represent his crowd. show up to the polls, make your voice heard today. we spoke to some people who have mixed opinions about donald trump here in chicago. i like some of his views. i m a little afraid of him. i m a little afraid he might get us in some trouble. i believe in what donald plans to do for this country fiscally. i think it s great he s willing to speak his mind and not trying to be politically correct. he brought up a lot of the issues that are forcing others to respond. now, the average of polls
still indicate that donald trump is still the front-runner here in chicago. back to you guys. matt finn live thank you so much. meanwhile, next on our rundown. anna is serving up pancakes because we asked her too. and petting dogs. and petting dogs. they re voting for trump, even the dogs are. what s on the mind of the voters? we re about to find out. but first, let s check in with martha maccallum who i have a feeling is getting some o.t. tonight. yeah. a game-changing night in this race. after tonight, there may be a clear winner but there might not be. we ll talk to senator marco rubio of florida.
he ll be here to talk about a very big day for him and what is at stake. we ll talk to the trump and kasich campaigns as well and ted cruz hopes to see another upset on this super tuesday. where might that be? we ll look at the numbers and brit hume joins us on whether trump can get more presidential. that prompted a lively debate last night between bill o reilly and charles krauthammer. we ll show you that this morning when bill and i see you at the top of this hour. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
first of all, polls have been way off. both michigan on the democratic side and in virginia on the republican side. those polls are not accurate. there is not a 20-point gap here going on.
but they re irrelevant. okay, marco rubio he wants to believe the polls are wrong because florida is a winner take all state with 99 delegates up for grabs today. so that had us wondering what are voters really looking for? it s about the i-4 corridor and heather is looking at this. the i-4 corridor it starts on the east coast over by daytona. then goes up to down by tampa. thank you. thank you. you have a place there. so the corridor on either side of that, it s important. it s a really diverse area so we started to think what is at play here for marco rubio? and for the most part, steve and i talked about a bunch, the economy has come back, but a lot of families are still hurting there. one-sixth living below the federal poverty line. they re worried about their economic future, their jobs, especially those who live in that area we just talked about. this country is not a country
anymore. it s a business. everybody s on the chopping block. i think that a lot of us are kind of operating out of fear in this election cycle. trying to figure out who s not going to make the worst decisions for us. right. listen to that. well, for some, they say money is tight and they believe that trump would make the more financially would make them more financially is secure. one jerry delgado perez says there is no work for him in puerto rico. and little work in the state of florida. he says he shares a room with another man for $1,000 and there s nothing to left over to help his family after this. last time he voted for president obama. but this time, he says maybe trump because trump is a business man. but there s another issue at play in florida and this is a lot of folks say that they do not like marco rubio s changing political position on the issue of immigration. remember when he first ran for senate, he wanted to secure the border and he was anti-amnesty, then that position changed. once he went to the senate he became the leader of the amnesty bill. florida immigrants who came here
the right way and did it legally they resent that. yeah. immigrants all over the country do. there s not playing well. and in puerto rico as they look to get out of puerto rico because that economy is collapsing, they have to run to florida and that could give that could change everything. not only in the primaries but in the general. then there s the whole jeb factor. republicans in the state a lot say they do not like the fact that he ran against his former mentor. and that he should have spent more time in florida and and the senate issue. jeb never came back and endorsed anybody. then they had attack ad against anybody. tomorrow at this time we ll know how it shapes up. we ll be better people for it. we ll be closer and closer to the election. as you two reflect on today i m going to look forward to what s next on our rundown. anna continues to serve panca pancakes. no eggs. politics in florida which are on the minds of those voters. why is she always in a good mood? she s walking the trump dog towards the beach. nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling
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you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. anna kooiman live down in florida, palm beach. what s going on there, anna? ainsley, we are so close do mar-a-lago and you have seen the poll numbers, that donald trump is beating marco rubio by double digits. who are you voting for? the business man. but his owner isn t for trump. why? with the wall supposedly being built, i doubt bit it will be built. there s no way i ll vote for donald what s going on. he has to make a lot of serious changes. the statements made about china, i deal with china all the time
with the wealthiest people in the the world. you re the odd man here. bye. thank you very much, anna. great to hear the people of florida. it will be a big day. absolutely. we ll see you back here tomorrow. keep watching fox. we ll be back at 6:00 a.m. with the results. bill: good morning. it s make or break in the race for the white house. this is the winner-take-all edition. by this time tomorrow the republican field could look very different, as we say good morning. 3:15, ides of march. martha: i m martha maccallum. you have ohio and florida, the first winner-take-all states. donald trump and ted cruz looking to pull away from the rest of the pack and make this a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141127 11:00:00

we talk about the friends, the family we lost. donna says avoid anything that might suggest slipping the channel away from the game. to our families, we love you. happy thanksgiving. fox & friends starts now. hi everybody. good morning. happy thanksgiving. today is thursday, the 27th of november 2014. i m anna kooiman. shocking images emerge of ferguson, missouri before and after the darren wilson decision. buildings leveled. but hopes rising from the ashes. a woman whose business was looted gets a $200,000 thanksgiving miracle. i m so grateful. if i could have arms big enough, i would hug each and every last one of them. more as we are live in ferguson this morning. you plan on shopping today?
no! anna! a list of stores that are open and a list of stores that are closed. the great shopping debate will unfold here on fox & friends. retailers should take a back seat to family time? we ll ask that question. good morning. what if this happens to you? last-minute tips and tricks from a butterball expert. no matter what happens today in your kitchen, mornings are better with friends. wishing everybody a healthy and happy thanksgiving. thank you, joel. [turkey gobbling] i didn t know a turkey could jump that high. good morning. welcome to fox & friends on this thursday morning.
we re getting all festive. what is that smell? it smells amazing. deep fried turkey in the studio this morning. turkeys can fly. can they? they can jump and fly. rick is here this morning. nice to see you. brian, elisabeth and steve are enjoying their thanksgiving. we ve got a jam-packed show. rick, are you a little bit sad you re not at the parade? i ve done it for eight years, it s one of my favorite things. but i am grateful and happy to be here. this is the 88th year for the macy s thanksgiving day parade. what an american tradition. it wouldn t be thanksgiving without the big parade, so there she is. good morning. rick, maybe you can meet me here for a little bit. we re not too far away from you. we re on 77th and central park west, the starting point of the parade, the
macy s thanksgiving day parade. we expect a nice day. temperatures a little bit on the chilly side. we had a nor easter move from the northeast. we re not looking at too much in the way of precipitation. however it is a chilly day. current wind chill temperatures in the 20 s. 28 degrees is what it feels like. as far as the parade goes, we re expecting six new balloons. we re looking at five new floats that will be marching in the parade. that is in addition to marching bands, cheerleaders, dancers, singers and clowns that will be joining us. the temperature when the parade starts should be about 35 degrees. factor in the wind chill and it should feel like the low 30 s out here. in new york city we had hundreds of thousands of people show up last night because balloons are blown up. they are going to be flying. the winds will not be an issue today.
sometimes you hear winds can be a concern gusting over 30 miles an hour. weather conditions across the rest of the country, not bad. a relatively quiet thanksgiving day for many americans. we did have a clipper system move through portions of the midwest. that system is gone. behind it you re looking at temperatures that are chilly. 20 for chicago. teens for the city of fargo. out west across parts of the rockies, especially the northern rockies, that s where you could be looking at areas of snow. overall take a look at this weather picture. sunny conditions across parts of the south and also the southwest. a quiet thanksgiving day, something to be thankful for. let s head back to the studios. thanks, maria. everybody today is on the road and you want the weather to be looking good for 3,000 flights canceled yesterday. unbelievable the amount of people that were hampered by that big storm yesterday. favorite balloon? spiderman or
sponge bob is awesome. i live right where the balloons are blown up. it happens where i live. the day before thanksgiving about 300,000 people come up there, and it is one of the worst days to live right there. but you get to see all the balloons and sponge bob square pants, held down by a net. can t wait until he gets to fly. he wants to be let loose. a lot big stores open tonight. you ve eaten all the turkey, hung out with the family and maybe you want to get up and go to a store. now more and more retailers are getting on to the band wagon of opening their doors on thanksgiving day. we ve got a list of 14 major retailers that are open if you re one of those folks that as soon as the pie has settled you re ready to hit the retailers. target, macy s, kohl s, j.c. penney s, best buy, toys r us. and the list goes on. it was just a couple of years ago when the first big department store decided to be open on thursday and so many have come in line right after. some of them are saying
we re not going to do this. some who are not going to be open, the american girl store, barnes & noble, bed, bath and beyond and dillard s. dillard s made a point to say we are not going to be open. they basically said we think this is going to make our employees feel very valued. they re going to be better employees to us. treat the customers better. wield the spokesperson for dillard s we had the spokesperson for dillard s on yesterday. this is what she had to say. this is the right thing to do for them, allowing them this time off with their families on this special day to take a breather before things get really busy. we just believe that if we honor our associates, in the long run they will honor our customers as well. some retailers on the other end are saying thanksgiving is falling late this year, which always shortens their season because black friday being the busiest shopping day of the year, if that falls late in november that shortens their peak time.
every year that thanksgiving falls late, they re praying it s going to be a good year. are your parents open today? they re not. tomorrow will be you spend all day with the family and get the in laws in by the way, we have great tips on how to survive that later on in the show this morning. but you re crammed in there, cabin fever all day. i know the feeling. when i was growing up just want to get out of the house a little bit. a lot of places are going to be open. there s also some states that are saying maybe we should put some rules in place and set some laws up. an ohio congressman decided to introduce a bill. he thinks they should not be allowed to. but if they re going to, there should be some monetary incentive. so he says that he believes there should be triple pay. triple pay that s why a lot of people like to work on the
holidays. double pay. what is it? time and a half? time and a half. i m looking at our camera guy. the congressman in ohio that wants to do this he basically met a woman and her mother last year, an 82-year-old mother, both of them had to work on the holiday and felt bad about it. he said can t there be just one day that s carved out of this consumer, imperialistic society that we re living in? there is one day. it s called christmas. on the other hand, people love black friday. it has become a family tradition. they map out which store they re going to hit. i think my wife hit target at midnight one year. i said really? door busters. there was no one there. she got all her shopping done. let s check in with
ainsley. have you done all your shopping? i ve done a lot of it. while y all are talking i m offense at the computer. shopping. while you re at the mall you can shop for obamacare this year. black friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. malls in eight different states will see health care navigators handing out fliers trying to get people to enroll. certain websites will be pushing insurance. even though there are massive deals on other products, obamacare, however, will still come at a full price. extreme weather heading out this thanksgiving, which is great news. prayers are answered for that. flights are back on track and roads are cleared after a nasty nor easter caused travel nightmares for millions of americans. nearly 700 flights were canceled and thousands more delayed. the snow, sleet and rain also causing hundreds of accidents across several state including about 200 accidents in new jersey and more than 100 in
connecticut. new overnight, passengers sent into panic mode when their plan is forced to make an emergency landing on the busiest travel day of the year. the united flight was heading to chicago when the indicator light went on in the cockpit. there was a problem with the landing gear. pretty scary. the pilot turned that plane around to wichita where it landed safely. the 42 people on board were able to get on another flight to their designation. a different kind of executive action making headlines at the white house this thanksgiving. today i m taking an action fully within my legal authority, the same kind of action taken by democrats and republican presidents before me, to spare the lives of two turkeys. president obama pardoning the two turkeys. he names them mack and cheese. cheese took the top honor in an on-line poll. sasha and malia joined
their dads but they kept their distance from the turkeys. the turkeys will live out the remainder of their days at a place called turkey hill in virginia. and those are your headlines. they ve got shuffle board there. lovely. new video out of los angeles. a massive mob of ferguson protesters filling the streets in los angeles. police arresting 100 people there. we re live in ferguson where protesters were a bit calmer last night. good morning, dominick. no major confrontations last night on what was a majorly cold evening. we saw just two arrests which is an extreme change in the environment we saw just two nights ago. i m standing in front of the ferguson market and liquor. about an hour ago we had the national guard standing outside here. they moved off. nobody has come. i think that is an indication of how calm
things have become here. we can show you new video what happened precisely during the second looting of this store a rioters fled inside the building. they started a fire and believe it or not, a woman inside the store, a customer there, grabbed a carton of milk, poured it over the flames preventing the market from being burned down. we can show you what happened to businesses that were burned down during the rioting. one is a beauty parlor. another is an auto parts store. another is a title loan store. authorities here are gearing up for more protests on thanksgiving day because people are actually off. but you get a sense that it s going to be a much calmer, a much more tamer day or so ahead of us. one of the reasons for that is is it s going to remain cold. people also a sense of fatigue. we re going to see warmer weather over the weekend, about 54 degrees.
the sense is more people could come out and there could be more confrontation then. back to you guys. thanks, dominick. it is a stunning reversal. senator chuck schumer says his party blew it when it comes to obamacare. should the president be admitting the same? we ll see if that happens. it s a thanksgiving surprise. we have a winner. holiday fliers making off with a lot more than their bags. it s an awesome story. stick around. i want to wish my family and friends in new orleans, louisiana, happy thanksgiving and i ll be thanksgiving and i ll be home with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let s review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you.
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that s all i crave.e that s where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that s why i only choose nicorette. welcome back. 17 minutes past the hour. one of the top democrats changing his tune about obamacare at a speech this week, senator which you can schumer senator chuck schumer said democrats made a mistake after they passed the 2009 stimulus. democrats blew the opportunity the american people gave them. we took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem. health care reform. it wasn t the change we were hired to make. americans were crying out for the end to the
recession, for better wages and more jobs. not changes in health care. schumer s remarks on obamacare getting backlash from the left. but is there truth to his comments? let s ask republican strategist and former congressional candidate from georgia westin wallop. why is chuck schumer saying this now right before thanksgiving? i think thanksgiving, republican or democrat, we ought for thankful for anyone willing to break the script. i think on this specific issue this is what he feels like. i think there are people like senator schumer who want to be relevant beyond the president s political career and are willing to call a spade a spade now. anything out of a politicians mouth is always to me calculated. he s reading off notes as he s standing at the
national press club. he was on the front lines in 2008 and 2009 praising obamacare. what changed? i think he s one of the few people in washington i mean this who is willing to admit a mistake. i wish on my side of the aisle that speaker boehner would admit that last year it was probably a mistake not to allow a vote on the house floor on the senate version of the immigration bill. i think we probably would have never seen executive action from the preresident had speaker boehner done this. it is a healthier refresh for american politics for people at the top every once in a while to admit they might have made a mistake. he s really saying the president missed an opportunity to go after the recession straight on. when americans were calling for jobs, jobs, it was the president s mistake to be focusing on health care, health care; right? where senator schumer deserves some credit is he apparently hears from the american people even in the state of new york things that the president is not yet hearing. that is for six years the vast majority of the mimgdz
mimgdz middle class feels this administration is focused on small minorities. they spent six years spending a tremendous amount of energy to give health care coverage to nine million people. hundreds of millions of middle class, or tens of millions of middle class americans feel sort of lost and like they ve got no support in the administration. nancy pelosi disagrees. she says there are 14 million reasons why chuck schumer is wrong on this now that they have insurance. thanks for getting up early with us. coming up, the president grants millions of illegals amnesty. now they may be taking our jobs. the incentive to hire them over americans that will have you furious. today we give thanks. it turns out it s not only good for your soul but it could save your life. dr. ratcliff is here to explain.
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thanksgiving day is a time to reflect and count our blessings. whether you re thankful for family and friends may be more important than you thought. we re talking about our health now. dr. nina radcliff, good morning. these tips on being grateful could help us save our lives. that s why it s important. what are some ways we can make sure we re thankful and grateful. it s about perspective. you want to see the glass as being half full instead of half empty. instead of focusing on what you do not have, think about what you do have. if you re going my dog died and my sweet potato casserole is burned and you go on and on and on you want to say maybe i ll love
the memories i have. and we need to express gratitude to those helping us. it is like having a gift you don t give to somebody. people need to know you appreciate them. the people who serve you, even the people who serve our country, they re giving up time with their family and risking their lives to protect our country. we should write things down before we go to bed at night or when we wake up in the morning. how does that help us get a better night s rest. if you re having trouble getting your z s write it down before you go to sleep. studies have shown this helps you go to sleep more quickly and staying asleep longer. instead of counting sheep, count your blessings. it can help prevent heart attacks. how does that work? when we have more positive emotions we decrease our stress. studies have shows people who have a more grateful attitude about life in general take better care of
themselves and are more likely to eat healthy, exercise and see their physicians. those things help us have a better immune system, fight off the flu. when you decrease stress our body is able to better suit itself against invaders like germs. smile more often and be more pleasant to be around keeps depression away. absolutely. when we feel positive we increase our levels of dopamine and serotonin. those are the hormones released when we take antidepressant medication. so we can incorporate this in overall treatment when we are depressed. we can create the same chemicals we would be taking in a pill, we can do it in our mind? absolutely. change your attitude. it s also a brain booster. this goes from high schoolers up to the elderly. for elderly americans thinking about your blessingsant counting what you re grateful for can help decrease dementia.
teenagers, it shows they have higher g.p.a. and you can shift to the head of the class. then you can get into a great college and mom and dad will be happy too. attitude of gratitude, good tip. 28 after the top of the hour. coming up, how does this sound? calories thrown in your face? you can thank the government for that. the wave of new regulations about to go into place. prayer jirls threatened by eight vigils threatened by atheists. the story ahead. first happy birthday to actor jalil white. he turns 38 today. of course you know him as steve urkel.
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good morning everybody. happy thanksgiving. you can tell the holiday season is upon us. sixth avenue all lit up with the lights and christmas ornaments. a one-day transition. snap your fingers. the christmas balls, the lights go up here on sixth avenue. happy thanksgiving everyone. we want to say what we re thankful for this morning. my producer i want to say we have a fantastic production team here on fox & friends. my producer, meghan, i am so thankful for you is she speaking in your ear right now? i m a puppet. we are thankful for them. i m thankful for my lovely family and working with you guys this morning. you have a big monument. my parents are here
visiting for thanksgiving week. i m thankful for that. also, i paid off my student loan this week. i am 45 years old and finally paid it off. you ve been talking about this for a long time. i am so incredibly thankful that now that is done. the first time really as an adult i will have no debt. can you believe the younger generation. you re 45 and you were paying like triple every month. i m thankful for being able to get home weekends ago. one of my friends got married. she married a sailor and is being deployed. we had an early thanksgiving with family. as we get older thanksgiving don t necessarily happen on those days. they happen when you re able to be home with the family. we want to know from you what you re thankful for. go to our facebook page and
share your thoughts. mark tweets my beautiful fiancee, my family and the green bay packer. so thankful for my dog charlie. dottie tweets i m thankful for my granddaughter. i m thankful for our troops who for many will not be home with their family this thanksgiving. go to our facebook page, you can also find us on twitter, and send your thoughts as well. i m thankful for delicious deep fried turkey this morning. it is about to happen. if you re heading out to the stores this thanksgiving there are no better deals than those at bass pro shops. professional bull rider luke is here with us. thanks for having us again. obviously tomorrow is black
friday but we want everyone to know we are open today. you re one of those stores? absolutely. and we have great deals. beef jerky, beef jerky is all the rage. absolutely. before we get to this stage you ve got the grinder. for all the hunters out there and nonhunters you can do anything with this. it will grind, pump it out. you get this under $80. this is under $50. you can make jerky, make your deer into jerky, whatever you want, do apples, anything. it all comes as one package? right. we sell these at the store. obviously this is professionallally done but you can do this at home. this is under 60 bucks. amazing. more than that, if you buy all three of these together it is $230. that is awesome. it is $150 actually so you save a lot. we ve got the turkey and
obviously we have one made right here. as we get to this, i want to give you a piece of this to let you know oh man! grab these. amazing. this is a butterball indoor turkey fryer. when i say indoor, there is no open flame whatsoever. you have a timer and you can set this so you don t get in a bind. this is you can t screw it up. this goes in there? yes. we have to be honest. it is potentially dangerous deep frying turkey. potentially it is a dangerous thing but this one you say is a safer version of it? that s exactly right. as we are lowering this turkey in, inject the marinade right here. we have all these seasonings. after you do that, sprinkle this on. you can never be too generous with that. the more you get on it, the better it tastes. we have all these rubs and
spices at bass pro. you drop that in there. while you re dropping that in i m going to eat more turkey. you see these gloves but it s very z as long very eass long as you re careful. when you re doing these turkeys lower down like so. beautiful. it s nice to see they re making these safe. if anybody is at home and you re making these. beautiful. we can t wait to eat this, but we have one already. clayton and anna over to you. this is breakfast, lunch and dinner for me. i left my breakfast at home. i did steal cheese and venison meat. 37 minutes after the hour. do you have any idea how many calories you re about to consume today? wait because you re about
to face a barrage of nutrition information just about everywhere you eat. a new wave of federal regulations on all of these calories. doug has already eaten 1,000 calories this morning. good morning. these new regulations do not affect the thanksgiving dinner you serve at home, at least not yet. we ll start talking about calories because today is thanksgiving. this is leftover business from obamacare. these new regulations were timed to come out after the midterm election. this requires just about every restaurant, even small chains to analyze every menu item and provide calorie counts. movie theaters are included. bowling alleys are included. convenience and grocery stores are included as well as restaurants. basically all the chains that you know and love and frequently dine at will now be required to list calories on the menu. more information but that will come at a cost. from calories we ll move to
ozone and what could be the most expensive environmental regulations in u.s. history. the obama administration with new proposed rules to reduce air pollution to improve health but they could also cost up to $15 billion. finally, we ll talk about the internet. there s been a lot of talk about net neutrality and whether the internet should be treated like a utility. the f.c.c. will have to decide but the president has weighed in favoring more regulation. one thing to keep in mind, when you look at your phone bill and see those charges, taxes and fees and so on, these are the kinds of fees you may soon see from your internet provider as well if these new regulations go through. back to you guys and happy thanksgiving. universal service fund. who knows what this stuff is? doug, great to see you. happy thanksgiving. for a look at your headlines, ainsley earhardt is here. happy thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving. i m thankful to work with
you wonderful people. we re glad you re watching. an accused terrorist back on the streets. when no one was looking 18-year-old abdul yousef slipped out the door of a minneapolis courthouse. the teen was arrested in may trying to board a plane to turkey to go fight with isis. he is the first terrorist suspect in minnesota to be released before trial shocking even his own attorney. president obama s executive action put illegal immigrants at the front of the job line? a shocking new report reveals this, that businesses have a $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over american citizens. that s because they say of a kink in obamacare. businesses will not face a penalty for not providing illegals with health care because they re ineligible for the president s health care plan. do they have a prayer? a d.c. based atheist group suing a florida city over
organized prayer groups. the suit comes after okala officials invited the community to pray after a drive-by shooting. the atheist group claims that violates separation of church and state. the city s attorney slamming the suit saying the vigil is open to all religions. fliers at jfk airport getting an awesome thanksgiving surprise. oh my god, that s my bag. we have a winner. one round trip ticket courtesy of jetblue. jetblue and zappos turning baggage claim into a prize game. one family winning a trip to bermuda. those are your headlines.
fact. when you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. wherever it is. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil. yyou would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. then i ll use a bunch of them. what are you doing? dish issues? . . get cascade complete. one pac cleans better than six pacs
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hi everyone. happy thanksgiving. some quick consumer headlines. talk about mean-spirited, spirit airlines is raising baggage fees just for the holidays. it will cost you $2 more to check bags between december 18 and january 5. 69% of companies are turning a blind eye to their employees on-line
shopping at work. good news, ainsley. they claim a quick ten minute break to browse items will keep employees satisfied. a behind the scenes look at how the u.s. and its allies won world war ii. the imitation game is in theaters this week. it shows how a group of code breakers changed the course of the war and stopped the nazis. let s step into the fox light with michael tammero. he spoke with the stars of the film. happy thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving guys. it is a little known story about a group of super geniuses during the war that helped crack the impenetrable nazi code that helped turn the war. i recently sat down with them. not much to learn about him really, although he s
an historical figure. it is where awld code workers are. you need me a lot more than i need you. dennison was surrounded by people who were far brighter than he was. isn t that a fantastic voice? the movie, it is a fantastic movie. it s won a ton of film festival awards. you ll be hearing a lot about it as we get closer to the oscars. the screenplay, a fantastic job of three distinct periods of his life, his boarding school years and later years where he was persecuted for being different. you can catch more of the interviews this weekend by tuning in to the fox business network where they ll be run being back to back war stories at 8:00
and more of my interviews including the director and the star will be playing throughout the evening. people should know about him. he was a nerd but we wouldn t have computers if it wasn t for him. yeah. amazing. thanks, michael. president obama and attorney general eric holder calling for social justice in ferguson. but why this case? colonel allen west joins us live. what if this happens to you today? the latest with tips and tricks in a few minutes. stay with us.
good morning. get ready, it s thanksgiving. are you about to cook that big dinner? don t worry, don t panic. we have got you covered here. it s one of my favorite
moments of the year, marks the turning of the holidays. here are last minute tips from our butter ball turkey. here is our expert. nice to see you. thanks. if people are panicking and realize, oh, wait a second, i still have a frozen turkey, what do you do? we re going to get them through it. can do you it? absolutely. we have our cold water thaw it, fill it with cooled tap water, still in the package. not warm. change the water every 30 minutes and we can get it defrosted. let s say off 15-pound turkey, it will take seven hours. but because you ve already had it in the refrigerator, it will take 2, 2 1/2 hours because it s already jump started. if not, you can cook them partially frozen, too. do you suggest deep friesing a frozen turkey?
no. not unless you re look for a lot of fireworks. incredibly dangerous. you want to get your turkey out and look nice and golden brown. doesn t always happen. we want it to taste good, but you also want it to look good. what s the trick? everybody wants the magazine ready turkey. all you have to do is put it in open shallow roasting pan. vegetable oil on it. not butter. vegetable oil works the best. it gets the golden, crispy skin. salt and pepper. 325 in the end. tinting it? that s good. in the end. last half hour, you re going to put a little piece of tin foil over the breast portion so it doesn t dry out. we don t want that. when you pull the bird out of the oven, everybody is going nuts about it. you can t carve it right away.
how long do you wait? wait 20 minutes to a half hour, even 40 minutes. people worry about when am i going to make my side dishes. some of them only take 30 minutes. let the turkey rest. keep foil on top of it? just let it sit and it s perfect. a lot of these questions if they can t get through to us, we have a great option on our site called butter ball it. just type in your question, hit butter ball it and answers come back from 30 years of experience. you have a hot line? absolutely. we re open. 1-800-butterball. you are going to be here all morning answering questions for everybody who has a question. go to our facebook page, twitter, send an e-mail and you ll answer the questions and you ll be brack in an hour to answer some questions. good. because i have a few more for you. thanks. coming up here, the new stocking stuffer this year.
obamacare. the big health care sales pitch coming to a mall near you this black friday. plus, he grew up having to support his family. but the hard work certainly paid offment he s now a successful businessman that s giving back in a big way this thanksgiving. next hour. i m an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know.
always look for the grown in idaho seal. i m d-a-v-e and i have copd. i m k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don t want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that s why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days
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it s black friday at verizon! hurry to snap up our best deals of the year! like the incredible samsung galaxy s5, now free! get any verizon ellipsis tablet free, like the new ellipsis 8! and get a $150 credit for every smartphone you switch! get these deals early online thursday! hurry and get it all on america s largest, most reliable 4g lte network! verizon. hi, everyone. good morning, happy thanksgiving. today is thursday, the 27th of november, 2014. i m anna kooiman. you re not throwing down. protesters angry over the decision not to prosecute darren wilson shut down city hall. new developments from overnight. are you getting ready to meet your family for a big
thanksgiving feast? brace yourself because the white house wants you to put obamacare on your menu. when you re making a meal for your entire family, sometimes disasters are hard to avoid. don t let cook the turkey be one of them. a butterball expert here with the last minute tips and tricks to help you out. fox & friends hour two on this thanksgiving starts right now. this is robert davi and you re watching fox & friends. happy thanksgiving, everyone. new york, new york i want to wake up in a city that never sleeps good morning, everyone. happy thanksgiving. the 88th macy s thanksgiving day parade is about to kick off here at new york city. a lot of our viewers have a real
distaste for new york. but on this day, absolutely not. it s americana. many of our viewers love bass pro shop. they re in the house, they decked out our studio. they ve got fantastic deals this morning. we re going to show you all of those greateals. you can head over there tonight when you get tired of cooking. if you woke up and think oh, no, my turkey is still frozen, we have a butter ball expert here who can answer all of your questions. go to facebook, twitter or e-mail us and she ll be there and coming up on the show. she can save you. it may have snowed last night here in new york city, but the parade must go on n maria molina is live outside in the cold to give us a sneak peek of the 88th annual macy s thanksgiving day parade. it s a great gig. how is it going out there? it looks really good out hire. we have a couple of snow showers moving through. so there is some precipitation, a lot of cloud cover. it could be a lot worse. yesterday we had a nor easter and that storm system is long gone. like you mentioned, live here at
the 88th annual macy s thanksgiving day parade. this will be viewed live. so 3.5 million people and more than 50 million people will be watching at home. it s going to be kick off right here on 77th and central park west. you can see right on your screen that map. the route will take you south and eventually down 6th avenue and ending at macy s. it s going to feature more than 8,000 marvers, giant balloon, marchers, several floats, clown, cheerleaders, dancers, and singers. during the overnight hours, more than about several hundred thousand people showed up to watch the balloons filled with air. thankfully the wind will not be an issue, so they will be flying. this is going to be six new giant balloons featured. five new floats featured. that s in addition to last year. and something very interesting as well. there will be a free parade app that fans can download and this actually gives them some information. they can interact with the
parade and get some information. so this is going to be really interesting. a bit of a blend using tradition and technology. like i mentioned, the weather conditions not expected to be an issue here in new york city. a little on the chilly side. we have windchill temperatures in the 20s climbing to 31 out there. that s what it feels like here. farther west, take a look at that. minneapolis, it feels like 14 below zero. 12 below in fargo. and precipitation across the country, it is a relatively quiet day. so we are thankful for that. there is some snow falling across parts of the northern rockies. that will be something to watch for. let s head back inside. rick, i saw some snow totals from yesterday s nor easter, we had more than a foot of snow across parts of virginia, all the way up to new england. a very significant storm. absolutely. especially for this time of year. it s hard to get home in the snow, but a lot of people love snow. inside your house and there is snow outside, it s incredible. it s beautiful.
3,000 delays yesterday, over 700 flights canceled. so it was a real pain. maybe that s what you should be talking about when you sit down and finally get around the thanksgiving table. thank goodness we re here, we re so thankful to be here. new study out this morning on what conversations you should actually avoid at the dinner table. scientists, wearing hats, got together and figured out these are the ones you want to avoid. we ll let you weigh in on this. do you agree or disagree? sex and relationships. maybe that s one you should start off with. how is it? what about when the food is bad? oh, yeah. avoid that. just cover it with a roll or something and pretend like you ate it. who made this side dish? this is interesting. religion. that should seem obvious. stay away from religion. we ll talk father john has a different take. we ll get o that in a minute. stay away from saying things like somebody is hungry.
oh, you know, you sure are filling up that plate. aunt janis is hungry. she went back for her third helping. somebody is hungry. the rolls are the ones everyone fights over. a lot of people say that you shouldn t talk about politics and money. avoid those conversation. we had a panel on the show over the weekend. part of jonathan morris and a couple of relationship experts. they have some ideas on what you should and shouldn t do. take a listen. it is a religious holiday. george washington, the declaration this is one line. president george washington proclaimed thursday, the 25th of november, 1789, a day of public thanksgiving and prayer devoted to the service of that great and glorious do you think you can have a conversation about anything,
that you have to bring compassion and empathy to the table and make sure you are giving the respect to the people around you. iit s a couple hours of your life. it s not going to change your world if aunt tilley doesn t agree with you. if you can t talk about sex, relationships, what someone is eating, politics, religion, the only thing left to talk about is football or the weather. football, the weather, and the food. that s all you re allowed to talk about. weather is always safe. could you talk about obamacare this weekend? on thanksgiving morning, this might be something to gather around your table. the white house is doing a big obamacare push on black friday, on line, you ll go on line to push for the enrollment period right now, as well as going out to the malls. a whole group of malls, westfield shopping menopauses rallying these other obamacare health care workers to hand out flyers. as you re shopping for all those door busters, you ll be getting bombarded with these flyers. they created these partnerships with certain malls and stores.
but also if you go on to facebook, they know who you are and they can target certain ads, they re doing that also. so on line, they re targeting specific people for this and putting those kinds right. you mention anything about your health, if you had said that on facebook, they might say, oh, you have a sore back? why not get a better premium. you might see an ad for obamacare popping up right in your news feed on facebook. also partnering with web sites like the, because these events in women s lives in particular, trigger maybe it s time to get new health care. what are you going to talk about today at the dinner table? let us know. you can e-mail us and give us some ideas. will it be obamacare? give us some safe words. new overnight, a massive mob of ferguson protesters filling the streets of los angeles. police arresting more than 100 people. dominic denatale joins us live in ferguson where protests were a bit calmer last night.
i guess some of the weather had something to do with that? reporter: yeah. dropped to 22. the forecast is saying it felt more like 16. that s an incentive for people not to come out. i want to show you the scene here. the corner of fluorescent and west ferguson. three cop cars at the moment, that s an extra car that appeared in the past hour. we re starting to see police move up and down. a bit more national guard. there were national guard on patrol here two hours ago. they vanished. i think that s a sign of really how things are going to be calm this thanksgiving morning. this is a mile long stretch that s been closed since monday when those hundreds of rioters stormed down here to start looting and burning down those buildings. it s going to be a while before any of those businesses actually open up again. no indication whatsoever just what the financial cost to these businesses is. not just the physical damage,
but of course tomorrow we have black friday. you guys were just talking about that. of course, a lot of business there. we re hearing about donations by the community being given to local businesses. i think it shows just how the people of ferguson really are now starting to come together with this. we ve got this long weekend coming up. the weather is going to improve. that might bring people back out to the streets. that s something the authorities are very concerned about. back to you. thanks. warm up out there. gets get it over to ainsley earhart who is watching the other headlines this morning of the good morning. good morning. let s talk about the weather. extreme weather alert, a nor easter caused travel nightmares for millions of americans. yesterday was the busiest travel day of the year. nearly 700 flights were canceled across the country. 4,000 more were delayed. the snow, sleet, all the rain, also causing hundreds of a stunning new report shows-
drones nearly hit commercial planes 25 times in the past six months. in one incident at jfk, a drone came within just one foot of slamming into the wing of a packed plane. the faa says that they do plan to propose regulations on drones before the end of the year. but it could be years before the rules are made final. talk about a special delivery, this texas mom had her newborn baby girl on the highway. the family ran into some serious road construction on the way to the hospital. they hit a road block and then the baby, who she couldn t wait. luckily officer robert scott was there to lend a hand, literally. get in, get my hand behind the head and just do a quick inspection, something not everybody is involved with with a life coming into the world. so it s very cool. thank goodness he was there. he is actually a former emt. a football feast on the
gridiron today. three nfl games to look forward to. first the chicago bears will travel to detroit to play the lions for the early game. then at 4:30 eastern time, the battle between the top two teams in the nfc east, cowboys and seattle. but before you watch the games, help clean up the kitchen. i m always in the kitchen with my mom. the guys are in the den. honey, can you get me a beer? right! football starts around noontime. there is no way you re skipping the the eagles-cowboys game, battle for first place? move the tv into the kitchen. president obama and eric holder calling for, quote, social justice in ferguson. but why this case? colonel allen west says they re only in it for political points. he s here next to explain. plus, it s a hard sight to look at.
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there are issues in which the law too often feels as if it is being applied in a discriminatory fashion. long after this tragic story no longer sees this level of attention, the justice department will continue to stand with ferguson. we will continue the conversation this incident has sparked about the need for trust building between law enforcement officers and the communities that they serve. president obama and attorney general holder calling for social justice in ferguson, missouri. but why this case? why now? colonel allen west says it s all about scoring political points. good morning and thanks for being with us. good morning and howdy from college station, texas: happy thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving.
so what do you mean this is all about politics? well, there is no doubt that it is. as a matter of fact, when you look at all the other cases out there in the reverse, you can go right down to virginia where four black gang members brutally carjacked a reserve police officer by the name of captain kevin quick and killed him, but yet eric holder said the death penalty had to be taken off of that case. we saw out in spokane, washington where two black teen-agers bludgeoned to death a world war ii veteran. nothing said there. in oklahoma, the australian baseball player killed by two biracial teen-agers. the black teen-ager who shot a toddler in the face. nothing done there. and in new jersey, a person killed by a black man stating he was a jihaddist. no emphasis there. the georgia democratic party
used mailers to say if you voted for a republican person, you could possibly have a ferguson in the state of georgia. this is all about politics. you mentioned it being about politics. we saw al sharpton, many saying he was just agitating the situation and fanning the flames. but people said he was doing that to stay relevant, this is how he makes money. why does the president need to do this? why does eric holder need o do this? because for one thing, eric holder said that he is very fine with being an activist and this is their definition of social justice. this is once again being a part of the grievance industry and the race baiting industry that continues to keep the black community in a situation of economic servitude and also it is about lectural votes. the unfortunate thing is that no one is looking at the and the consequences of michael brown, his actions and what it resulted in, ragicly, his death. we really need a discussion in the black community about families, about families being together, about education, about
young black men having respect for authority and better jobs and education opportunities. the left, progressive socialist, barak obama, eric holier, they don t want that discussion. what also seemed ironic about this is on tuesday, the president spoke out in chicago about the situation going on in ferguson. the violence in chicago, we all know, there has been a huge problem there for quite some time. we have data between through october, there were 331 homicides, just from january to october of this year. january to september, 135 homicides between the ages of 17 to 25-year-olds. so what s the problem? why wasn t this mentioned at least for one or two sentences? because that does not fit the narrative. you know that. that does not help them in prom mull gating a message of victimhood. and jesse jackson lives in
chicago. where is he on that issue? barak obama is from chicago. where is he on this issue? speaking out about it. it does not help their political agenda whatsoever. so therefore, when you have a trayvon martin case, when you have a michael brown case, that falls into their lap and that gives them that opportunity instead of really focusing on what ails the inner city and the black community, which is the failure of progressive socialist policies. colonel, thank you so much for your time today and happy thanksgiving. thank you. happy thanksgiving. coming up on fox & friends, a minneapolis man tried to board a plane to fight with isis and this morning he s walking free? plus, he grew up having to help support his family, and now he s a successful businessman giving back in a big way this thanksgiving. you ll meet him next ame s louis,
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time for news by the numbers. turkey day edition. first up, 16 pounds. that s the average weight of turkeys bought for thanksgiving dinner. that feeds about ten people. next up, $35,000. that s how much a thanksgiving meal will cost you at old homestead restaurant in new york city. the nine course dinner includes a roasted farm-raised organic turkey stuffed with filet minyon. and sweet potatoes topped with $16,000 caviar. that s where rick is going tonight.
finally, 300,000. that s the total cubic feet of helium used by balloons in the macy s thanksgiving day parade. that s enough to fill half a million mylar birthday balloons. they canceled it during world war ii because they needed it for the war effort. over to you, rick. growing up in tv and bussed tables to help his single mom support her family of six. he didn t go to college. he tried to start a business and filed for bankruptcy twice. with a lot of hard work, he was able to turn his bad fortunes upside down and now one of the most successful restaurant owners in fellow there and giving back to his community in a big way. the program is called helpings from the heart. eric is here to tell us what it is all about. eric, this is such a great story. how did you get this idea? how long have you been doing it? how many meals will you serve told? happy thanksgiving, rick. today we re going to serve 25,000 meals. that s what we re prepared to
serve. this is our 22nd year at the salvation army downtown orlando. it s presented by golden corral. i read that one year when you were in high school, you went to salvation army for your thanksgiving dinner. how does it feel to be a recipient of the kindness of others and now able to give back to so many? yeah, very humbling being able to give back at this size of a thanksgiving feast. but when we were children, that thanksgiving meal at salvation army meant an awful lot to us. we are thankful that we can give back like this today. i m always amazed by people who come from humble beginnings and then can turn their life into something like you ve done. you own 32 restaurants now. how did you do that? you start out with one and if that s successful, go on to two. after that, you start
multiplying it to four, six, eight, ten, 12. we re up to 32 now. golden corral has been an excellent chain to be able to develop and build a wonderful business in. when you think about all the opportunities that you have to give back to people, so many people don t have as many means, but what can the average person do today to help others? you can give your time, sort of like at our thanksgiving feast, we ll have it where 1,000 volunteers today that make this meal possible for those that are less fortunate than we are. we are very thankful for all these volunteers. many of them have been here for a very, very long time. our chef, jason, has been there for 20 years leading the chef team to prepare this meal. i tell you what, congratulations on your success. but thank you today for all you re doing. there will be 25,000 people in florida who will have something extra to be thankful for today.
thank you very much and happy thanksgiving to you. happy thanksgiving to you, too. coming up, a minneapolis man tried to board a plane to fight with isis. this morning he s walking free. plus, today we give thanks and it turns out it s not only good for your soul, but it could save your life. we ll explain that next.
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take aand. aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion. ahhh-ahhhhhh. liberate your spine. ahhh-ahhhhhh.aflac! and reach, toes blossoming. not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. see why speed matters, at welcome back on this
thanksgiving morning. we asked you what you were thankful for. a lot of men and husbands writing in with pictures of their wives this morning. how sweet. one tweet, i m thankful for my wife, a five-year survivor of breast cancer as of this november 15. congratulations. another tweet, i m thankful for my beautiful wife tammy of 25-plus years. tracy tweets us, thankful for these two beautiful kiddos. sydney and hudson. adore annual. and on facebook, i m thankful for the family, freedom, food, friends and i love this one, fox & friends. you get two for the price of one. we are honored you re inviting us into your home and letting us spend time with you. i always love doing this thanksgiving show because we have great food, get to enjoy great friends and i know our viewers are waking up this morning preparing with their family. it s comforting to know they re out there watching this morning. they can do nothing else but hang out with their family this morning.
really true. being thankful is one of those things. we have adiaphora it that we talk about it. but there is a lot of studies coming out that talk about how being thankful is a great way to having a happy and healthy life. right. and so the tips for being grateful came from our dr. ratcliffe. she says look at the glass as half full. so if you re struggling with something, count your blessings instead and write them down. she said expressing gratitude is a great thing to do, especially before you go to bed at night. you ll fall asleep faster and have a restful night. it will prevent heart attacks. taking the time to pray, to do meditation, to sit quietly and be thankful. we try to ask our son and daughter now when we sit down, what are you thankful for? if they have nothing to say about their day, we ll say, what are you thankful for? that cookie i had earlier. that works. they also say it prevents heart attacks. the mental state you have about gratitude can actually have
physical healthful benefits. and help boost your immune system. especially important during flu season. try to stay happy. get rid of depression, anxiety can reduced and ptsd. also boosts your brain when you spend that time being thankful and quiet and reflective. you can actually you find you remember things more, have better mental acute. right. in the elderly, it helps strengthen their memory n. high schoolers, there have been studies that show you have higher gpas if you re having an attitude of gratitude. and the people you like are always happy. here is a pleasant person, she s always sweet and nice, mar know. she s live at the maria molina is live at the parade. it s a much different scene on 77 and central park west than an hour ago. very quiet an hour ago. we just saw the floats getting ready, the balloons all set up.
now we have a lot of people here. i made a friend with a band i found. the drum major, you guys are from utah, right? yes. and how many members are there in your band? there is about 230 of us with us here today. how were you able to travel from utah to new york city? well, first of all, it s a blessing and opportunity to be here. but we had to send an application and be selected by the community to be chosen from here. how did you physically get here? we took five different flights. wow. so here you go. so we re going to start to hear you play. you re going to play a song for us and so you re the drum major. here is the band and i was a majorette in high school. so i m going to twirl the baton while you play. what s the song? 76 trombones. let s listen.
i had no idea she had that hidden talent. and she s doing that in gloves. i always felt nervous for the baton twirlers. because you knew there was that moment they were going to throw them in the air and there was always going to be one that dropped. it always made me nervous. that s why we watch it. that s amazing. we could never do that. let s check in with ainsley earhart. she s going to be playing the saxophone. yeah, right. i have no talent. she was just getting started. i wanted to see her. let me tell you about the headlines. accused terrorist back out on the streets. when no one was look, the 18-year-old slipped out of a side door of a minneapolis
courthouse after being released to his parents. he was arrested in may by the f.b.i. trying to board a plane to turkey to fight with isis. he is the first terror suspect in minnesota to be released before trial. shocking even his own attorney. creed sold 40 million albums world wide. but now the front man says that he s homeless. a rambling new video, he says he s pennyless and the government is after him. now i m living in a holiday inn. by the grace of god, because there has been a couple weeks where i had to sleep in my truck. i had no money, not even for gas or food. during that video, the singer says unnamed people stole his money. the video comes just days after his wife, a former beauty queen, filed for divorce. car lovers, look away.
you might find these images very disturbing. a dallas man crashing his brand-new vehicle worth more than a million dollars. the 27-year-old driver losing control after hitting a wet spot and he did not even own that car for 24 hours. ouch. it s a video that will warm your heart on the holiday. they became instant best friends. veteran tanya mancini and her new service dog, venus, meeting for the first time. i m super excited. i heard this dog is going to change my life and i know it is. mancini spent a year in afghanistan in 2003 and said during her tour of duty, she lived in constant fear. more than a decade later, she still suffers from ptsd. she was chosen by the healing heros program to receive a free service dog. venus is trained to notice if she s about to have a panic attack and can help her calm
down. very sweet. those are your headlines. over to you, rick. thank you. today kicks off bass pro shop s huge five-day sale and professional bull rider luke snyder is here to show us what you re going to find. welcome back. happy thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving. had you have a lot of great deals. starting with this. you bet. we re open today and we have a huge five-day sale. bass pro shop, these are $10. we have them in every size, youth, ladies, men. ten dollars for hoodies? can t beat it. north face jacket. absolutely. north face, great product. we sell these here at the store. you ll get that jacket for under 70 bucks. you got to hurry. very good. parka. this is great for skiing and anything outdoor. you got leather going on? absolutely. all our pros on our fishing team use it. i personally use it. it s a great rain suit. it will handle everything you got. you get there early, you re going to get both of the jacket
and the bibs for under 200 bucks apiece. wow. cheap. archery. this is a great way to introduce your youth to the outdoors. great for the whole family. this comes with the rest, arrows, a quiver and everything. so this is great. you re going to get that for under 40 bucks. i m giving a test to anna later on to see what the parts are. what else is there? spinning rod and wheel? two different options for you. this is actually the turning special. this is a great little rod right here. you re going to save $50 on that and then this rod here is the real deal. you got a spinning base. you ll get this for under 50 bucks, saving $70. we re known for our fishing. awesome stuff. we ll have more coming up in the next hour. right now, back over to clayton and an ma. thanks. school bans the word christmas because one family complained. one of the thousands of parents fighting to bring it back joins
us next. i want to wish my family and friends in oklahoma, fort sill, happy thanksgiving. i love my family bells don t miss all the amazing deals at bass pro shops s 5 day sale. like ladies thermal crews for only $10. save $50 on these ariat men s sahara boots. and save $100 on this ascend fishing kayak. that s all i crave.e that s where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that s why i only choose nicorette.
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pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don t wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu. we re live here in new york city. hello, everybody. welcome back to fox & friends. we re live here for the new york city macy s thanksgiving day parade. the 88th annual. joining me this morning is a very special guest.
we have meghan trainer with us. she s well-known for her breakout single all about that bass. good morning. how are you? i m amazing. how are you doing? doing good. you re going to be participating in the parade and performing, correct? yeah. how is it going to go? what are you going to perform? are you going to be on a float? yeah, i ll be on a float. it s amazing. i m with a bunch of kids. it will be adorable. i m singing my new single. you ve had incredible success. you made it to number one and beat out taylor swift. what does that feel like? incredible. i had no idea that would ever happen. but yeah, this year has been like christmas every single day. and your whole life, you always wanted to sing. did you have another career path in mind? it was only music forever. i was a song writer. then this song happened and i was signed and now i m singing on floats at the macy s day parade. what s your song about?
what inspired it? all about the bass was about me loving my body, trying to get comfortable in my own skin and it just hit people in a personal place. it spread like fire. meghan, thank you for joining us this morning and congratulations on all that you ve accomplished at such a young age. now back to the studio. thanks so much. no more christmas vacation. one massachusetts school district has been ban they just banned the term from every school calendar after one family s complaint. emotions ran high as parents packed the odd store yum, furious over the vote to change the name of the christmas vacation to holiday break. for us in all the town, we want christmas back on our school calendar if even one student or family is made to feel excluded, even one, we have not done right by them as a haunts. more than 4,000 people signed the petition urging the
committee to reconsider. school officials said too bad. elaine taylor is the resident behind that petition and she joins me now. elaine, nice to see you. welcome to the show. thank you. nice to be here. so what were you fighting for the other night in front of that school board? well, i was fighting for a voice to be heard. i was called right before i came here and a woman asked me, she said to me, you are the voice, you re our voice. at this school board meeting the other night, there was no consideration for the voice of those 4,241 signatures that we got. so one family complained about the term, christmas break. what was their overall complaint? it wasn t a complaint. it was a request. it was just a simple request asking if the school committee could change the name from christmas vacation to holiday break. they said that the name
christmas was archaic. with that one request, within just a little over a month, they put it on the school agenda and it was voted on and it was done. so you have some of these people now sort of jumping on the band wagon with this one family, saying well, the change to this calendar really symbolizes inclusiveness and diversity. it s not just christians celebrating this break. you have people of the jewish faith celebrating hanukkah. and you have many others celebrating this time of year. why just call it christmas break. that s what they say. what do you say to that? well, because it s about diversity. diversity is allowing people to be who they are. it s not to wipe them out. it s allowing them to celebrate and to express their faith. others should be allowed to do the same. it s not to make us clones so that nobody has their heritage, nobody has their traditions anymore. i m here to hold to those
traditions. they re important to us. they re of value to us. it s what our town was built on and it s important. well, the school committee chairmanwoman disagrees with you about what your town is built on. i ll read her quote. she said supposedly our whole country is based on religious freedom. i certainly appreciate when people feel very strongly about their religious background, but as a school committee member, my job is to make decisions i believe are in the best interest of our town. what do you say to that? well, where is our freedom? where is our freedom in this? we re not having the freedom to express our faith in this. it s being censored out of the community. i feel all too often the elected officials feel like they re elected into position and forget who they serve. they serve the people of marshfield and where was the voice of these people, 4231 people, it wasn t heard at the school board meeting. you collected more than 4200
signatures right now. they did keep the word christmas on the day of christmas on the 25th. at this hour, they still have removed christmas break. what s the update? are they going to change their mind or sticking with it? well, right now they voted no. so the next thing that we could do is to vote no to them as they re trying to be elected again at the in may, when their elections come up. good luck to you and thank you for joining us this morning. happy thanksgiving to you and have a great christmas as well. thank you. thank you so much and it is a tradition, thanksgiving is also a tradition that s something that we hold dear to our hearts. thank you so much. absolutely. we appreciate you. coming up here, not sure what to do with your bird? we re talking turkey with the people who know all the tricks. butterball expert answering your questions next. there she is. first on this day in 1901, u.s. army war college was established.
in 1924, the first macy s thanksgiving day parade was held in new york city. and in 1983, all night long by lionel richie was the number one song in the country. that s joel s favorite song. i m an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s
go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
while you re prepping your thanksgiving dinner but facing last minute problems? back to answer your questions is our butter ball expert. have you been getting a lot of questions? i have been. there are a lot of common questions. what s the number one common question? is my turkey thawed? they re worried it s not. they ve had it in for the proper amount of time. they feel like it still might be
cold. if you just kind of move it around, pick it up, you ll hear the juices and you re good to go. we had an e-mail that says i have heard you should cook the turkey breast facing down in the pan for the first hour. is this true? we don t recommend it. i ll tell you why. first of all, it doesn t change the flavor at all. we got so many requests through the year on that. i thought i got to try this out. it s really challenging to flip an 18-pound hot turkey out of the oven. it was going to be a whole family vacation thing gone awry. because you have to flip it while it s hot. it s not easy to do. another question says my wife uses a turkey bag. it cooks in half the time and stays juicy. are there any down sides of using the turkey bag and i wond better the bpas. they re absolutely safe. people love them.
it s a moist piece, so you re getting a moister approach, but not the crispy, golden skin. if you re okay with that, then that s great. but some people really want that crispy golden skin. you won t get that with the bag. this was a question i had. she wants to know do you suggest cooking the stuffing inside the turkey or separately? i cook it inside. that s the way i like it. but you want to make sure if you do choose to cook it inside, use your meat thermometer and take a registered reading off of that stuffing. you ve got the raw juices going into the stuffing and you want to make sure it s 165 degrees. we do some of the turkey and everybody loves it so much. absolutely. you re going to continue answering questions. i am. thank you very much. you ll be back next hour. iz+mt will. first the president grants millions of illegals amnesty. now they may be taking our jobs. the incentive to hire them over americans that will have you furious. plus, will you stuff your belly and then go shopping
today? we ve got the list of stores that are open and the stores that are closed. the debate over whether retailers should take a back seat to family time at the top of the hour. weigh in. is designed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core technology stopping headaches and other tough pain. fast. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil. okay patrick, let s go base,. shark, blitz. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to their game day communication. abort! abort! he s keeping it. duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition.
(holiday mhey! is playing) i guess we re going to need a new santa (the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before.
see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month s payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today. happy thanksgiving, everyone. today is thursday, the 27 of november, 2014. i m anna kooiman. a town ravaged, shocking images of ferguson, missouri before and after the darren wilson decision. buildings leveled. but hope is rising from the ashes. a woman whose business was looted gets a $200,000 thanksgiving miracle. i am so thankful and i m so grateful. if i could have arms big enough, i would hug each and every last one of them. more as we are live in ferguson this morning. when you stuff your bell then go shopping today? we ve got the list of stores that are open and closed. and the debate over whether
retailers should take a back seat to family time. and what if this happens to you? the last minute tips and tricks from a butterball expert no matter what happens to you today in your kitchen. mornings are better with friends. happy thanksgiving. you re watching fox & friends. all the people are pushed off to the side. yes, they are, for the 88th annual macy s thanksgiving day parade and what a joyous occasion it is. in here and our studios, bass pro shop. mar where is at the parade and all of the turkey tips are here. what s your favorite balloon? i love sponge bob square
pants. felix the cat was the first one and i learned in 1928, they let him fly up into the air and they exploded. then a few years they got valves put on them. they would sew in the mailing address so if people found it in their yard, they could mail it back. it s become a big deal, shopping not just on the friday after thanksgiving, but also on the thursday. it s this big question now, should stores be open on thanksgiving to kick off holiday shopping season? here are some of the big retailers that are open tonight. so once your belly is full and you re thinking i got to get out, head to target, macy s, of course, you can go to wal-mart, k-mart, sears, dollar general, big lots, and walgreen s. radio shack. if you need dollar items, go to family dollar. how much does everything cost there? about 3.99. also there are a lot of retailers that are going to be closed. they re making a point of telling everyone.
we re doing this for a reason, so our employees can feel thankful this holiday. we ve got a list of them. costco, crate and barrel, dillard s, vfw, game stop, hobby lobby. we had the spokesperson for dillard s on fox & friends earlier this week talking about why they made the decision to keep their doors closed. take a listen. this is just the right thing to do with them, allowing them this time off with their families on this special day, to kind of take a breather before things get really busy. and we just believe if we honor our associates in the long run, they re going to honor our customers as well. black friday really is getting this cloud hanging above it by people hating on it. i m not somebody who likes to go out there on black friday or thanksgiving and go shopping and deal with the crowds. but it s become a family tradition for a lot of people. mom and daughter will look at the circulars and hop on line and map out their plan of attack for their shopping schedule. we were watching, i think it
was charlie brown thanksgiving, it s a tradition now. my kids love it. i was struck by thinking, is this like a new thing, this shopping on thanksgiving night? it s starting to trickle it. but the complaints about christmas starting back in september now. and even in the charlie brown thanksgiving special, charlie brown is talking about christmas items being out in september and october. it s like 40 years ago that thing came out. there are a lot of people who like to work holidays when they can because they get paid a little bit more money. and that makes a big difference for a lot of people. there is a ohio democrat, state rep there who is saying he believes that they should pay more and make it a law. in fact, he s saying they should be paid triple time if you re going to work. yeah. he said that last year around thanksgiving, he met a woman and her 82-year-old mother, both had to work. and he said i was offended. can t there be one day that s carved out of this consumerist
materialistic society we re living in? i would love to know if he was out shopping on that day. that s how he met her. here is your bag and receipt. by the way, i m offended by this. but there are a lot of people who have to work the holidays. if you re in a winter community, that gets a lot of snow, you got snowplowers going, you got hospital workers. to regulate and have a contract saying we re going to regulate and have this business have to pay you triple time, many businesses pay double time or time and a half to work on holidays. let us know what you think about that. you can weigh in on our web site. here is somebody work double time. ainsley earhart standing by with the headlines. it s such a pleasure. it s so fun. thank you. let me tell you what you missed while you were sleeping. a fox news alert. a major terror plot foiled. security officials in israel confirming hamas militants were planning car bombs and kidnappings, even an attack on the soccer stadium in jerusalem. police arrested more than 30
militants and confiscated a large cache of weapons. it started to fall apart after a failed road side attack at the end of august. an extreme weather alert. most flights back on track. roads are pretty much clear after the nasty nor easter caused travel nightmares for millions of americans yesterday. the busiest travel day of the year. nearly 700 flights were canceled across the country and 4,000 more delayed. the snow, sleet, all the rain also causing hundreds of accidents across several states. new overnight, passengers sent into panic mode when their plane is forced to make an emergency landing on the busiest travel day of the year. the united flight heading to chicago when the indicator light came on inside the cockpit. there was a problem with the landing gear. the pilot turned that plane around, went to wichita, where it did land safely. the 42 people on board were able to get on another flight to their destination. from humble beginnings to feeding the masses, businessman
eric holme is giving back to his community in a mighty way. he grew up with a single mom helping her bussing tables throughout high school. he didn t go to college, but he said he never gave up. now he owns one of the most successful restaurant chains in florida. he joined us earlier to talk about paying it forward with the helping from the heart program. very humbling being able to give back at this size of a thanksgiving feast. but when we were children, that thanksgiving meal at the salvation army meant an awful lot to us. and we are thankful that we can give back like this today. we are thankful for him. golden corral is the restaurant he owns. today they plan to serve 25,000 meals with help from 1,000 volunteers. those are your headlines. we had an opportunity to talk to him earlier. such a great story. wonderful guy. thanks so much. we have breaking news from
overnight. a massive mob of ferguson protesters filling the streets of los angeles. police arresting more than 100 people. dominic denatale joins us where protests were calmer last night. reporter: yeah. we saw a few dozen people protesting outside one of the gallerias here. they moved on pretty swiftly. we had the state troopers turn out. they re shifting out, turning around the shift with the county police that have been here for much of the night. the big difference we re noticing today is there is no national guard here on west fluorescent which we seen, having a significant presence here. they have been standing outside ferguson market and liquor here. images emerging of what actually happened two nights ago, three nights ago when rioters pulled down those boards and actually started storming in. the security footage shows how they stream through the door and started just grabbing whatever
they could. one of them started a fire and managed to find fluid to ignite a fire inside this store. the woman running a milk carton pulled it out. amazing of what was going on there that night. also some pictures emerging, wall street journal of what happened to businesses here. the clean-up certainly starting this thanksgiving morning as weapon come down here to see precisely what happened to their businesses. clearing up debris, also just trying to assess how much does this cost. no official estimate at this time. despite it being three days since the riots took place and more than two dozen buildings were torn down. we can not take for granted that the tension is being defused in any shape or form. it was a quiet night. it is a quiet morning so far. before the weekend, if you think about it, there is no indication yet of how many protesters will return and how much indeed there is still deep anger that this
turns into violence again. we ll see what happens today. back to you guys. wow. cold out there. great job out there and thanks. we ll check back with dominic a little later. meanwhile, we want to get to the 88th annual macy s thanksgiving day parade with a huge star, maria molina is live with a huge star this morning. hey, maria. hi, good morning. it s really tough to hear you because energy is picking up. we have a band playing. we have the balloons up and we have a very special guest with us this morning. welcome, good morning. how are you? happy thanksgiving. i m good. very happy to be here. you re a tony award winning actress and singer and best known for your role in frozen. the animated film that everyone knows about and that song, that everyone knows the lyrics to and sings along. so it s letting go. how are you today? how does it feel to have so much success? really thankful for this incredible year. it s just been wonderful to share the whole frozen
experience. i m here on broadway in new york and i m glad to be back in new york city. this is a great way to kind of pull all that together and then i have this holiday album coming out. so i ll sing some things from that. ill love seeing everybody s youtube videos of let it go. that was the most amazing thin is listening to other people outside of myself. their own renditions. and what will you be singing for the parade? i m singing all i want for christmas is you. will you be on a float? i will be on a float. the chocolate float. i ve had a lot of chocolate in the last couple weeks, which i don t need. please share. i will. is this your first time at the thanksgiving day parade? it s not, because i ve done a lot of theater, we come and perform at macy s. with wicked and rent . so great to talk to you this
morning. let s send it back to the studio s. happy thanksgiving. love her. my little girl sings repeatedly let it go. coming up on the show, first the president granted millions of illegals amnesty. now they may be taking our jobs. the incentive to hire them over americans that will have you furious. and the new stocking stuffer this year, obamacare. the big health care sales pitch coming to a mall near you this black friday. i m in afghanistan, i want to give a shout out to my friends and family in new york city. keep warm and happy thanksgiving it s the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection.
nexium level protection™ ha-ha john! john and horace dodge launched their first car in 1914. but they were not only business partners,
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good for the economy. we keep on hearing that they re bad. but a report by my council of economic advisors put out last week shows how the actions we re taking will grow our economy for everybody. the president promising that illegal immigrants will bring a boost to our economy. but there is a disappointing down side. they may be taking our jobs as well. you can thank obamacare for that. a loophole in the health care
law gives businesses a 3,000 per employee incentive to hire illegals over native born workers. that s because employers aren t required to provide illegals with health care. therefore, they re exempt from penalties and fines. so will this cost u.s. citizens their jobs? joining me is he wants entwhistle and film maker dennis michael lynch. you ve known about this for a while. this isn t new news, right? no. i ve been scream about this for a year. and unfortunately, it s only coming to the surface now. let me explain how this works using my own company. i used to have 250 employees. 50 of them would be front office workers, sales, marketing, et cetera. i give them insurance. my guys in the back, though, lower skilled, lower wage, i can t afford to give them insurance. so as you said, if i don t give them the insurance, i get hit with a fine. that could be between 2,000 and 5,000. not 3. so if you look at the higher range, if i don t get insurance, i have to pay a million dollars fine. but now because obamacare is not given to anybody but legal u.s.
citizens or legal aliens, the illegal aliens, 5 million, or are like ten million who just got the work permits from president obama, i could now hire them legally and rid of my u.s. citizen employees and give myself the million dollars. the critics will say, the obama administration is not promoting that you do it this way. in fact, this may even be a loophole. would you say a loophole? no. i tell you what, i ve been asked this question, do you think he knows? i do think he knows. and i find something ironic. he gave the other day after ferguson, he gave the speech in chicago about how it is that there are so many hardships in the black community and then he goes on and talks about amnesty. anybody who is familiar with this knows that amnesty of this kind throws the black community under the bus. we ve got 22% unemployment for young black males. highest in this country. in some cities, it s 50%. so now what happens is that these people are all going to go
in and take those jobs. employers are going to be forced to hire the illegal alien, if you think about it, because the obamacare businessman, the employee mandate suffers you. it pins the employer versus the employee in a way that s like the hunger games. so you bring in the illegal aliens and that s it. i think he knows exactly what he s doing. it s devastating for the economy because you re going to look at the 200 employees i had, where are they going? to welfare. to the ebt cards. when he says it will be good for the economy? it s going to be devastating. we talk to maria bartiromo about jobs. this will be the big frontier term unemployed people notng look for jobs. this will help or hurt them? n it will crush them. right now we ve got 92 million people out of the work force. we ve got over 50 million people on welfare. let s go back to those 200 employees. when they leave, where are they going to find a job? and don t think just for one moment that the illegal alien who just got this work permit who might be picking crops or hanging sheetrock is going to
say now i can do that legally. they re going to be able to start going uváq+er had a thanksgiving like this? turkey on the floor with the dogs running. don t sweat t. we have a butterball expert here to help you with your questions. go to our facebook and janis is answering all your questions. we ll be right back. i m an idaho potato farmer
and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes
and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. we are about to make more gooddeliveriesverybody. to more places than anybody on earth. we have the speed. we have the technology. and we have the team. we made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year. 15 billion! football has a season. baseball has a season. this is our season.
are you getting ready to tackle thanksgiving dinner and facing last minute jitters? back to answer more of your questions is expert janis. thank you. absolutely. inundated with questions on our facebook page. here is one, bill writes on facebook: my family will be several hours late and well after the turkey is finished. what is the best way to keep it warm or reheat it? obviously a lot of this travel, 3,000 flight delays, 700 flights canceled. so this may affect a lot of people. absolutely. that s a question i answer on facebook, too. we get that a lot. super easy. if it s only three hours or less, you can actually wrap the turkey in foil, lower it into a cooler, put some towels on top of it, shut the lid, it will
keep it warm for three hours. why towels? insulates it. keeps it all nice and warm. yeah. works phenomenal. people call us back and say thank you for that. that s great. good one. next, another says, what size turkey is best to cook in a smoker? 20 pounds. there are several smokers on the market. you have to look at your direction, see where you re at. more than likely you re fine. a lot of different flavors of the chips and everything. smoked turkeys are phenomenal. one from judy, it s just my husband and me. i bought a butterball breast and i m not sure how to roast it. any tips? super easy. put that in a little pie rex type dish, a glass dish. if you ve defrosted it, doesn t take more than an hour and 45 minutes to two hours at best. use a meat thermometer.
you re going to come up to 165 degrees. easy enough. janis will be answering more questions on facebook. we thank you. you re welcome. we want to get out to the macy s thanksgiving day parade because maria molina is with a very special guest. she s got the band, kiss, there with her live. hey, maria. hey, good morning. i found a new way to stay warm. from here in new york city, we have windchills in the upper 20s, low 30s, and i found kiss. good morning. good morning. friends of fox & friends. you ve been together for 40 years. you re celebrating it s our anniversary. a big year for us. rock and local hall of fame. did a vegas residency, which was amazing. just did a tour, 650,000 people. it s amazing. it s just getting started. the parade, this is americana. kids is americana. we re celebrating what we are and what this parade is all about.
this is your debut at the parade, right? yes. , yes. what a debut. we have quite a line - up of great looking cheerleaders who were part of our celebration. and what is it like spending 40 years together, because that s longer than most marriages, right? that s very true. there is a little give and take and also prioritizing what s important and what s important for us is delivering a great show to the fans and to living up to our history. so as long as we can do that, we re on the sameñn-ev page. okay. sounds good. so you guys are all friends of the show. here we go. how is this armor wearing today? how old are you? 12? this. i m too young. well, so what s going on? what s going on with this? he s giving me a hard time. once he started talking to
gene, we knew it was going to be trouble. maria, i said you look really tiny next to him. i m going to go into the electric you can and cry a little bit after that. we love these guys. i m not going to lie, as a kid, kiss was one of miff biggest fears. other people said that i was afraid i would see them on the street and it was the scariest thing in the world to me. you don t recognize them without the face mask. put yourself in maria s shoes. 28 minutes after the hour. happy thanksgiving. here is what s coming up on fox & friends. a minneapolis man tried to board a plane to fight with isis. this morning he s walking free. then a school bans the word christmas because one family complained. hear from one of the thousands of parents fighting to bring christmas back next.
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happy thanksgiving, everybody. look at the crowds packing into the macy s thanksgiving day parade. this is the 88th year for them. 3 1/2 million live spectators will be watching and 5 million television viewers will be watching from home. 1924, they had a quarter of a million people watch that day and said this is a big turnout. we ll do it again next year. look at all these people. i just saw like a guy, like cave diving back here.
he looks like i saw elmo a few minutes back here. this crowd is packed. how are we going to get out of here today? i don t even know. you re looking live at 6th avenue. it s thanksgiving and we are a thankful nation. here is what some of you are saying today that you are thankful for today. jail said i m most thankful that michigan was upset. i haven t heard the end of it until this year. my wife i m a michigan man. a rough marriage. tough. billy writes, no matter how bad it steams to be, i am thankful to be born in the greatest country, america. richard on facebook says, i m thankful i am alive after 13 years of a double lung transplant and still going and thank you, god, for the gift of life. and another says, my four daughters and i are thankful to have their daddy home for a short time from his deployment.
it makes this thanksgiving extra special. isn t that the truth? good for them. you can e-mail us and go to our facebook friends and send us what you re thankful for. how does this sound for a stocking stuffer? obamacare. the government trying to take advantage of the biggest shopping day of the year, black friday, by bringing obamacare to a mall near you. leeland vittert is live in washington with the gift. good morning. happy thanksgiving to you. good morning. in addition to the great deal on a tv or clothing at the mall, you re going to be inundated with flyers on obamacare while you scurry around trying to find the best deals. malls in a number of states are allowing the health care navigators to hawk obamacare around the country. not sure how you hawk anything in those crowds you re seeing. the move comes during open enrollment version 2.0, which appears to at least be going a little smoother than the disastrous web site rollout that
happened last year. the new program focuses more on outreach than it does the celebrity advertising. still at least one democrat is now having second thoughts about pushing obamacare through after president obama s win in 2010. wasn t the change we were hired to make. americans were crying out for the end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs. not changes in health care. reporter: if you are wondering if there are any door buster deals on health care or perhaps on obamacare, no dice. it appears even on black friday, you, too, anna, will be paying full price, as will all of the taxpayers. all right. thanks. rick is standing by because he is already doing his shopping this morning. hey, rick. exactly. one of the biggest sales of the year. it only lasts six hours. bass pro shop s black friday. we re back with professional bull rider luke. amazing. how did you get this gig?
right time, i guess. that s it. we ve been talking about great deals that bass pro shops has today. tell us about more. we re happy to be open today and happy to help you. redhead jeans right here. ten dollars. what? you can t ever find a great pair of jeans like this for that price. absolutely awesome. and you go right up here to the fleece. got our that s ten bucks as well. ten bucks. yeah. you get a whole outfit for under 20 bucks. yeah. what s next? p.j. pants for the ladies right here. come in assortment of colors. these are five. okay. it s crazy. they fly off the shelf in a hurry. you got to hustle and get there fast. bass pro hoody for men here. this is great. everybody loves a good hoody. this is redhead. that s $14. okay. and these are incredible deals you have going now. absolutely. ammo cartridge. yep. everybody knows ammo is kind of scarce here now adays.
but we have this box of shells here. this is under $20 and a commemorative box that it comes in. cool. and then camera and viewer? yep. wild game innovations camera here. this is actually allows you to look at your pictures in the field. so you don t have to take the card out and go home. you can look at them right there and put it back on your tree. one last thing you ve got. right here. this is absolutely amazing. under $20. you can see here, it folds up into this small little deal right here and you can do just about anything with this. like i said, it s under 20 bucks. basically you get this for free. very good. we really appreciate it. bass pro shops open tomorrow. let s go to ainsley for the headline. thank you. he wanted to leave the u.s. to fight with isis. now he s back on the streets. when looking issues the 18-year-old slipped out of the side door of a minneapolis
courthouse after being released to his parents. he was arrested back in may trying to board a plane to turkey to fight with isis. he s the first terror suspect in minnesota to be released before trial. shocking even his own attorney. a stunning new report shows drones nearly hitting commercial planes 25 times in the past six months. in one incident at jfk airport, a drone came within just a foot of slamming into the wing of a packed flight. the faa says they do plan to propose regulations on drones before the end of this year. but it could be years before those rules are made final. and no more christmas vacation. a massachusetts school district banning the term from the school calendar after just one family s request. it will now be called holiday break. 4,000 people in the marshfield community signed a petition, but officials said too bad. elaine taylor started that petition and she joined us earlier.
where is our freedom? it s being censored out of the community and where was the voice of all these people 4241 people? it wasn t heard at the school board meeting. the school board chairwoman saying the change was in the best interest of all the students and the town. back over to you. thanks. it can be one of the trickiest parts of your thanksgiving dinner, carving the turkey. coming up, we are taking on the challenge, it s our carve-off. did one last year. speak of turkey, these ones won t fit on your thanksgiving table. we re breaking down the top political turkeys of the year. stick around. s
great sales are cookin at bass pro shops this black friday. get this redhead skeleton hoodie for only $14. save on a johnny morris carbonlite baitcast reel plus get a tech t shirt free.
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time tore news by the numbers. first up, $2. that s how much extra spirit airlines is charging for checked bags. it s just for the holidays, by the way. the company says it s trying to urge flyers to pack lighter. the fee hike running december 18 through january 5. merry christmas to you. and 69%. that s about how many companies are turning a blind eye to their employees on line shopping at work. they claim a quick ten-minute break to browse will keep employees satisfied. i can vouch for it. ainsley was very happy this morning. finally, two. that s how many turkeys president obama pardoned for thanksgiving. he named them mac and cheese. they re going to live out the remainder of their days at turkey hill in virginia. anna? thanks so much. in the world of politics, it s always turkey day, isn t it? we re taking a look back at this
year s top political turkeys. that means they either had the biggest gaffes, most controversial statements, or left you wondering, what were they thinking? the fox news contributor and political editor joins us now with his top five list. good morning. happy thanksgiving. great to see you. happy thanksgiving. thank you very much. the first turkey you have for us is the debbie wasserman schultz for this. scott walker has given women the back of his hand. and there is no i know that s stark. i know that is direct. but that is reality. and many said that she was acting as if he was okay with domestic violence somehow. yeah. sort of very graphic comparison there. kind of an odious attack. it didn t work. walker went on to win again for the third time in four years. i think for debbie wasserman schultz, the bigger problem is it furnished her own party with an opportunity to sound off publicly about her performance at the dnc. there have been long knives coming out for her for a number
of months now. her days are numbered in that position. days are numbered, you say. our next turkey, number four, is michelle bachman for saying this. millions of unskilled illiterate foreign nationals who can t speak the english language will all likelihood vote democrat is what she s saying. right. and look, i m fully willing to concede that when it comes to the president s executive amnesty, it s quite controversial, there are some serious constitutional and policy issues at play. so to sort of rant about ill little rates in a proposed statement no less, is just about the least helpful messaging for republicans that i can possibly imagine. congresswoman bachman is retiring in december. i think your number three is something most people will have a hard time disagreeing with. beau sides of the aisle. president obama going golfing shortly after the foley beheading and held that news conference in martha s vineyard. let s look at this one. you remember this shot. it was just minutes later. seven minutes later, he s saying
fore. yeah. i think there have been a number of optics issues that the white house has grappled with this year, whether it was the golf game after the beheading, whether it was the president moving forward with a pair of fundraisers just after that jet liner is blown out of the sky over ukraine, or whether it was the white house releasing a statement about a lavish presidential party while ferguson was burning earlier in the summer, i think that even democrats would look for a little bit more situational awareness from the political team at the white house. these mid terms got pretty nasty and senator mary landrieu in louisiana still battling for reelection. remember her saying this about the south being sexist and racist? very, very honest with you. the south is not always been the friendliest place for african-americans. it s been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. it s not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves.
why is she your number two turkey? that clip is just so frustrating to me. these are the words of an embittered woman and incumbent who thinks she s going to lose and probably will in the runoff on december 6. they elected her. it s so falsifiable. she s saying the problem with louisiana voters and just it s usually not a good idea to insult the people whose votes you re asking for. i know it s hot take on my part. this state three times elected her as a woman, and twice elected bobby jindal, an indian american as governor. in his reelection campaign, bobby jindal won every single parrish in the state of louisiana. yes. sometimes when you get desperate, you start grasping at straws. number one turkey, this happening quite recently. it was the architect of obamacare. jonathan gruber basically calling americans stupid. lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. basically call it the stupidity of the american voter or
whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting this thing to pass. we re idiots and that s how this got through. this guy, right? not only is he one of the top architects of obamacare, i should point out did the same thing for romneycare. and what we ve seen now is the series of videos where he concedes that the core substantive arguments against obamacare were correct and short of gleefully telling friendly audiences that he and his ill o clock pro-actively lied about these things to the stupid american people for our own good and the kicker is that we, the taxpayers, have paid this guy $400,000 for his work on the federal side of this alone. i would just argue that if we look at what happened in 2010 and again this past november, perhaps american voters aren t quite as stupid as mr. gruber thinks. that s why the health care officials are having to go out to the shopping malls and hand out flyers. that s a tough sell. we thank you so much for that. happy thanksgiving.
happy thanksgiving to you. send us your top turkeys. here is what s coming up, which one of us can carve up the perfect turkey? it s a fox & friends thanksgiving battle coming up next. it s the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ two weeks later. look, credit karma
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that might be the final step before you enjoy your thanksgiving meal. the pressure is on. your guests are hungry. can you carve up the perfect
thanksgiving turkey? here is master butcher with master purveyors, this is it, this is the man s job in the house and the last thing that s got to be done. absolutely. every man i m sure can t wait to get it over with once he starts. a few tips on this. this is always my dad s job. it s now fallen to me in the family to do it. what s the tip? most important, let it rest. 15, 20 minutes. the meat will absorb back the juices like a sponge instead of running all over the platter. and you want it to be cool enough where you can do it with your hand and not pierce it with a fork. you start with the back leg. alongside the body, push toward the block lightly. you don t want to tear the meat. the joint opens up. you can t cut through the bone. then just run your knife through the space and that takes the leg off. the v shape of this leg is where the next joint is that you can cut through that separates the drum and the thigh. you take your bone out of the
thigh you and slice that. then take your wing tip off. not the whole wing. just this wing tip. you can put it on your platter. you leave the drum on. it gives you more stability when doing your breast. then you got to slice that? then you got to slice the top part. i would take the skin off. it will dull your knife. really? after, slice the skin and put it on the platter. we have one minute on the carving. one minute, start the clock. ready, go. okay. you know what, i don t think we should be racing when doing things with knives. let ser honest. we have to do both sides? you got to cut the v. the v? you want to take the breast off in a whole piece so you can
cut it safely on a cutting board. not off the bone. slice down. at the joint. my dad does a great job with this. rick, you re right about that. the speedier you go, the hour you re hacking into this. there we go. four seconds left. clayton wins again. the perfect one eighth of an inch slice. with just the right amount of skin. there you go. when we come back, more of what you re thankful for. keep sending them in on our facebook page today. (vo) nourished.
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thank you so much for sending your pictures. yeah thankful for you this morning. one tweet said i m thankful for the sweet after of these two miracles. my children. sherry says, i m thankful for my family. we had an early thanksgiving because some are out of town to be with other family members. mark tweets, my beautiful fiance, my family. and alec says, so thankful for my dog, charlie. she makes bad days good days. and another says thankful for those two beautiful kids, sydney and hudson. and mike sent me this picture. they re on their way right here.
oh! harold square. somebody gave my mom that coat. happy thanksgiving. thanks to bass pro shop. log on to our web site for our after the show show. a fierce storm hitting the east coast snarling thanksgiving travel as folks try to get home in time for the holidays. i m ed henry in america s newsroom. heather: i m heather childress. bill and martha are off. the storm stranded travelers for hours and the delays had ripple effects all across the country. i started down

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160503 10:00:00

gala. best dressed goes to our megyn kelly and her handsome husband. doug we have a picture of them right here. instagram. they look fantastic. classiest couple of the night. we love them. fox & friends starts right now. have a good day. go out and vote everyone. did we win in indiana it s over with folks, boom boom boom. we re knocking them out like cornflakes. civilized people don t scream and yell at each other. you ll find out tomorrow indiana don t want you. let s see indiana have the largest voter turnout in their history. this primary is coming down to the midwestern common sense, to the judge judgment of hoosiers. if you vote for me i will stand up and fight for you through this campaign and into
the white house. hi everybody. welcome to the indiana edition of fox & friends. indiana matters and today might be the most consequence sent shall day of the primary season. where is steve doocy? steve is at a restaurant at a diner in indiana called shapiro s. today, it s not pancakes and politics. it s pa strami and politics. i m right at home here at shapiro s which has been in the heart of indianapolis for 110 years. steve, you keep hearing that the people of indiana are really juiced up. that they actually matter. much like new york had that adrenalin going, that people are running to the polls. you ve been there for a day and
a half do you get the sense that people are pumped up and will show up? absolutely. keep in mind they all showed up good morning, are you excited to vote? they have only had one cup of coffee. trust me they are. they have already set some early voting records in a couple of states and so that s why so many people are thinking this could really this could i was talking to one guy who said a couple of weeks ago, it looked like it was going to be cruz but now the guy i talk to this morning it could be a blow-out for trump. meanwhile, hillary was ahead for a very long time and i went to a rally over memorial circle here in downtown indianapolis last night and there were thousands of people and they were so excited to go into the polls and the polls open here in indianapolis minutes ago to vote for bernie so the electorate here is motivated. you should know that john kasich even though they had that alliance kasich and cruz kasich is still on the ballot.
you got to come into the polling photo i.d. and right there at the door, they will say do you want the r ballot or the d ballot and you can take whichever one but be forewarned our next guest coming up andy downs tells me in some polling places somebody will actually challenge you, if you ask for a d ballot and somebody says you are an r, you got to work it out right there. it s a winner-take-all for the democrats. guess what. you have to have i.d. in new york they didn t even ask me for i.d. thank you so much steve. enjoy that coffee. we ll check back with you a lot. look forward to hearing from some of those voters in indiana. we just heard from steve in indianapolis now we re heading west to a place called terre
haute. that s where we have matt. analysts have been debating many say this is ted cruz s last chance to show he is still in the game this morning the numbers are not looking good for me. the polls show donald trump have a clear lead some polls showing trump with a double digit advantage. indiana is considered the last prize state with 57 delegates up for grabs today. analysts say trumps message of frustration with the economy and restoring job is resonating here in the hoosier state. trump and cruz have said it s all come down to this take a listen. if we win in indiana, it s over with folks, it s over with and then we focus on hillary clinton. we focus on hillary and that s going to be fun, but remember we began with 17 and wi by one by
one, they went off, a governor a senator, a senator, a governor. they didn t know what the hell happened but they went out, so now we re down to two and they are hanging by their fingernails. and on the republican side the primary has done its job, it has narrowed this field, there are two candidates who have any plausible path to winning the republican nomination. me and donald trump. we re here in vigo counties it s considered one of the most accurate bellwether counties in the nation. steve, back to you. i don t know if you ve had a chance to see this video. a move by ted cruz relatively controversial and certainly bold. he has a chance to hop in his car and just leave an event. instead, he notices a group of trump supporters across the street and he walks over there
and he ted cruz seems to be very happy the way this went. i think the protester should have reason to believe that he got the best of ted cruz. let s watch. lying ted. sir, actually civilized people don t scream and yell each other. you are the problem, politician. can i ask you something? no. no. you are the problem. of all the candidates name one who had a million dollar judgment against him for hiring illegal immigrants? where s your goldman sachs jacket at? we know your wife works there. you know donald trump had a million dollar judgment against him for hiring illegal aliens. he brings in hundreds of foreign workers instead of hiring americans. donald trump is receiving you. he is playing you for a chump.
you ll find out tomorrow indiana don t want you. sir, america is a better country. without you. thank you for those kind sentiments. let me point out i ve treated you respectfully the entire time and a question that everyone here should ask are you canadian? are you canadian? oh, my word. this is getting nasty but a lot is at stake in indiana. what did you think of that steve? well, here s the thing, ted cruz you got to give him props for going up to those guys in the sunglasses and addressing them directly but then the other guy he almost seems like a plant. he had all the sound bites ready. he had the goldman sachs thing. he had the canadian thing. ted said yesterday it is a choice between crudeness or desense si and a couple of days ago he was talking about goodness over evil he was trying to take the high road.
politics ain t bean ball and yesterday you saw it nose-to-nose face-to-face. it remind me of blue collar america against ivy league america. when you deliver a speech you can have these pauses to create drama. those pauses were filled with quick-qitd regular guy reactions. i don t think he was a plant. the guy was just informed. you understand he was ready. he was ready. you know with his lying ted and everything else. you get that two adults might disagree but have you seen this steve? the kids getting involved. so you have a group of veterans. you have two trucks several trucks driving down the street. everyone is hanging out, holding their trump sign. you have people protesting on the side of the road and kids are getting involved flipping them off and saying awful things.
watch this. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. yeah. where is that? jimmy kimmel does this thing calls it unnecessary sensorship. that was necessary kren sership. the thing that s striking for molecular is the age of the kids. what about for you? well that is that is stunning for me and for you as parents to see that kind of behavior but also didn t the
red truck say something like vets for trump or something like that? people who have fought for our country. where s the respect forget about whether or not they are for trump, they are veterans for our country, which is big and important and that is i m glad you can t really look at that. i m glad you can t really see their faces because i m embarrassed for them. i think it s fine to teach your kids that you can disagree with someone but you have to be respectful especially to adults. i think that s taking it too far. the kids are screaming like that. they have that type of reaction and they are holding the mexican flag. that s not going to win too many americans, thinking in their mind it s mexico first. stay right there. i know you are hungry. i know you are really bothered by this. i got my pastrami omelet. we re a little jealous as we toss to heather nauert.
good morning to you heather. we have disturbing and tragic news coming in from overseas. we have learned that an american service member has been killed in iraq. defense secretary ash carter making this announcement just moments ago in germany. it happened near erbil in the northern part of the country. historically that has been a safe place. not so anymore. carter didn t realize any other details about what happened to the service member. it s a very sad loss. our thoughts and prayers go out to his or her family. we ll keep you posted as we get more. the search is intensifying for a mother and air force veteran. trisha todd disappeared from her home in south florida. her car were found in the ignition. her wallet and cell phone are gone. the iphone is raising new
legal questions. a judge ordered a woman to open her phone with fingerprint. this comes after apple was at odds for the fbi to unlock the phone with one of the san bernardino terrorists. apple declined in that case. and kids in detroit be could be out for a second day as teachers extend their sick-out. watch. they are protesting after finding out the district will run out of money to pay their already-earned salaries in june. the sick-out closed more than 90 schools yesterday. they are urging state lawmakers to pass a $715 million package to rescue that district. a lot of financial problems in that state, the state of michigan and this is the latest
one. coming up a woman turns the tables on a peeping tom. do you remember running into me in the grocery store? no hey, where are you going, come back? get this guy. stop him. well, it didn t stop there. she chased him all the way to the parking lot. wow. and most polls put donald trump winning in indiana, but another poll finds ted cruz winning in double digits. let s break it down and find out who has the best science behind the polls.
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the polls just opened here in indiana, a state that has been called do or die for ted cruz. one recent poll shows ted cruz leading with 45%, nearly 16 points ahead of donald trump. but that s a stark contrast in nearly every other poll in indiana. like this one, which has trump ahead by 15 points. so which one should we believe? let s talk to andrew downs. good morning to you. good morning. thanks for having me. we should point out the center mike downs was your
father a proud tradition in indiana politics. people are scratching their heads. did you see that poll where ted cruz is on top? it s understandable why they were. one out of 20 might be wrong. we start with that. that s included in the press release but beyond that we didn t weight the responses. in other words, we don t know who is going to show up. indiana turnout is usually very low in primaries. this year we know it s going to be very different and we don t know who is going to show. we don t know the percentage of female versus male. we didn t weight the results and we put them out there. last night, i was watching the local new and between the ted cruz and the anti-trump attack ads on the local tv they were talking about record turnout in indiana? we ve had early voting for about a month now. 29 days beforehand we do early voting. if people look at 2012 it s a
bad comparison we re way ahead of that. 2008 depending on the county you are in you actually have seen a lot of turnout higher than 2008. throughout the morning we re going to talk to some of the diners turning up here in shapiros. the people who voted for donald trump, why do they vote for him? they actually like him because he s not the establishment. he s someone new. they like his business experience. in our polling that matches very much the narrative we re hearing. what about ted cruz? they like him in terms of his values. why are people voting for bernie sanders? i was at a rally last night and there were thousands of people there and they were motivated. there seems to be a real enthusiasm gap between him and hillary? remember he has been coming around the state and she hasn t. believe it or not, the number one category was surprisingly not sure and we think it s not
that people don t know it s just that if they can t sort of articulate it very quickly when someone on the phone says why. is trump going to win today in indiana? i think most of the polls say that. ours says something else but a lot of the others say him. this is andy downs. he will not be answering his phone as of 7:00 tonight. i ll still answer it. thank you. coming up live from indiana, chaos erupts inside a stadium. fans throwing flares sparring fires on the field and this before the game got started. and then he is the definition of a hero. surviving a 12-hour fire fight against the taliban, wounded. outnumbered, 6-to-1 but still manage to save lives and earn the medial of honor. retired army sergeant clinton
ramishad joins us next. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i ll give you everything i ve got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i m confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you ve never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i m feeling you. yeah you do! let s do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la. quinta! yeah!
i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure.but don t get just any one. get one inspired by dentists with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b s rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you re getting a superior clean. i m never going back to a manual brush.
quick headlines caught on camera. look at this. real life political punches. the gloves were off in turkey as parliament there brawled over proposed changes to the country s constitution. you can see members launching themselves over the tables while others were throwing punches and throwing water. the fans going wild at a championship soccer match in poland. all of this before the match even started. kick-off was delayed for 12
minutes. thankfully no one was hurt. pinned down under taliban fire for 12 hours in a remote valley in afghanistan, one man seized the moment and helped take down the taliban on that day directing air strike and helping many other fellow soldiers to health and survival. those actions earned clinton romesha the medal of honor. he recounts the battle in his brand-new book red platoon. he joins us now. congratulations on putting this altogether and putting it to paper. this incident happens in 09. you get the medal in 2013. how difficult was it to recount what took place then for this book? as part of doing the book i didn t want to do a book that clint romesha did that or that.
it took a lot of collaboration talking to the guys i served with and to hear that accounts and perspective. you might be three feet away from another guy and what i remember and he remembered was totally different at the time. so to hear those perspectives and be able to give those guys a voice, to see and speak, was a great process to be part of. just to run through it and through everybody s mind there s an outpost that the military decided we should have an american outpost to try to stop those afghan taliban fighters from going back and forth and rearming and refueling. the outpost was isolated you are always under attack. it s that willingness to go and do and serve for those many that don t and to put that burden upon themselves is a beautiful thing to watch.
absolutely. and, sergeant to recount, we can t go into great detail. that s what the book is for. the taliban decides we re taking these guys out now. they are going to flood in and overrun your base. what happened that day? bright and early, 6:00 in the morning, we ve got 52 americans sitting in the bottom of this toilet bowl essentially they hit us with approximately 300 fighters and enforce. these were well trained fighters they knew what they were doing. in the matter of an hour they breached our perimeter, overran our offenses. we were isolated in three buildings and all we had left in our control. with the great team members that i had there, the guys there that day and knowing if roles were reversed if i was stuck in that humvee he was going to come get me. we had to get him. it s estimated you saved around 30 guys while calling in air strikes at the same time. military decided to abandon the
outpost, that doesn t mean you weren t going to fight for everything you had. you wanted to bring up this excerpt from the book. you don t want this to be about you, sergeant. you want this to be about everyone that fought that day and continues to fight. so here s the excerpt we brought forward. you know what follows is not the story of one man but an entire platoon. if we qualified as heroes then the heroism we displayed that day was cut from a more ragged grade of cloth. a fabric whose folds concealed the shortcomings and failings of exceptionally ordinary men who are put to an extraordinary test. and you stood up to that test. did you know you had this inside of you as a young man before you signed up for the military? did you say i want a chance to prove the courage i have? you know i think, as you look back i think the things that kind of separate heroes from others is having courage for about five more minutes longer than the other guy. everyone has courage, but it s just being a little more
courageous for a little longer time. in a situation like that i had no idea what i was going to do. i just knew, like i said, if the roles were reversed. we had to do our job. do it one step at a time those great men around me were going to do the same. couldn t let them down. what s the reaction of you putting the book together amongst the family and friends? the book kind of came about because of the families of the eight guys we lost and the guys that served with the idea of having the attention and being able to tell the story in a firsthand perspective, you know there s nothing like that firsthand perspective to tell it and to make sure these guys get brought home and immortalized in print. clinton romesha has penned a new book red platoon.
you ll see a lot about clinton talking about this book and story on his book tour. and walking and texting has become dangerous but one city has a solution to this problem. crossing signals in the ground. we ll tell you where that s happening. and pastrami and politics. steve doocy says they mix. happy birthday to eric church. he s excellent and he s 39. i m sure he s watching. now i have to get him something. how are you supposed to choose one? simple. you don t. at red lobster s create your own seafood trios, you get to pick 3 of 9 all-new creations for just $15.99. and with this many new flavors trust me you ll be glad you can try three.
like creamy baked lobster alfredo and grilled chimichurri shrimp and panko-crusted crab cakes bursting with crabmeat. because some choices are hard, but this one, this one s easy. so hurry in before it ends!
i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure.but don t get just any one. get one inspired by dentists with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b s rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you re getting a superior clean. i m never going back to a manual brush. ted cruz is s running mate
carly fiorina was introducing him. the next president of the united states ted cruz. she s fine she s fine. whoa! she s fine. although i believe that s the second time she s dropped out of the race. [ laughter ] did you see that steve? it looked like they had one of those doors on the stage where you just fall down into it. bless her heart. they say she s okay. good. absolutely. i am here at shapiro s dell ka test san in downtown indianapolis. a whole bunch of people have shown up before they go to work and start their day. what is your name?
alan. did you early vote or vote later today? i vote when i leave her. who are you voting for? trump. why. for the economy. i think he s best suited to restructure our trade deals. what do you do for a living? i m a business owner. ladies good morning to you. what do you and who do you support? yeah i m a sophomore at butler and i m voting for trump. and i m pharmaceutical sales. i m also going to vote for trump. would it be safe to say this would be a trump stable? yes. we came down to pastrami omelets because we heard it was on steve. i had one and it was delicious. as a college student, bernie sanders real it seems like they are a bernie students. isn t that the vibe?
we re for bernie it s free for anything? i see all that but i definitely don t think that s the right thought process at all. let s come on over here. this is somebody i i can t figure out who she might be supporting today. laura. they are thrilled with their mother they did wind up with a free bagel. you are going to vote for ted cruz today? yes, i am. when this all started about a year ago, who was your candidate? it was probably ted most of the time although i really did like carly so that was a bonus for me this week as he picked her as a running mate. boom she went yesterday. it was tough. second time she dropped out of the race jimmy fallon said. you got to go to school. soon. noon?
soon. noon, soon. sounds the same. tony what does it look like? so many people seem so motivated to get out to the polls? they opened 45 minutes ago. i just ordered by brian kilmeade book. 1976 has been since indiana mattered to republicans. you are either for trump or you want to see a contested convention and if you do you are voting for cruz. about a month ago, it did seem like ted cruz had the mo here in indiana but things started to change. how big of a factor was bobby knight coming out and lou holtz? if bobby knight is deciding elections in indiana, we ve got
serious problems in indiana. talk about the ted cruz and kasich thing. people were bothered by that. if you want nonestablishment you go with trump, which is peculiar because cruz made his entire basis being nonestablishment. tony whoi are you here? i heard this is where the weinsteins were having their reception. a very busy morning. everybody is excited to go out and do some voting brian. how hungry is tony. he s already taken the plate away from you on live television. this is incredible. tell him we said hello. will do. we re going to hand it over to heather now who has some headlines for you and your family. good morning to all of you. i hope you are off to a great
day. manhunt for two brothers wanted for cold blooded murder. police getting flooded for tips saying that john blaine reed has been spotted in mexico they are accused of killing a former army ranger patrick sean and his wife over some sort of land dispute. authorities are trying to access their iphone data to track their movements. a woman turning the tables on a peeping tom. do you remember running into me in a grocery store? she called him out. that is jeffrey paluzi he served time for taking photographs of women in dressing rooms. thanks to this video, dozens of women are coming forward saying he did the same thing to them. the woman who shot this video will share her story live with us. you won t want to miss it. look up people one city
trying to prevent texting and walking disasters like this one from happening today. a german city now put traffic lights in the ground. they flash red when a train is approaching. so you don t get hit. we cannot spend more tax dollars on people s bad choices. we re tracking rain across the eastern u.s. did you remember to bring your umbrella brian, that s another question? because we re going to be dealing with that rain across new york city and surrounding areas and even down into parts of florida. pretty widespread area looking at very messy weather today. you ll be dealing with delays
out there and likely also seeing some delays at the airports if you are doing any traveling. the other concern out there across southern parts of the mid atlantic and extending down to florida is a threat for isolated severe weather today. we have threats for damaging wind isolated winds and large hail. chilly out there this morning, across the plains great lakes and northeast. widespread temperatures in the 40s and 50s. back inside. my weather app is totally wrong. it says sunny all day today. i don t know what to believe. we ve got to tell you about the bad news we told you about 20 minutes ago. this is an alert. an american service member killed by enemy fire in iraq. breaking details are coming to us straight ahead and we ll share them with you. and it is do or die for ted cruz s campaign in the state of indiana. what could the race look like this morning this time tomorrow morning.
we ll break down both scenarios if trump wins or cruz wins. exciting day. so you like to walk. but not just walk. speed walk. or you like to bike. in place. next to these strangers. or you want to know your heart rate. when you re doing this steady. this. and a little bit of this. which means you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivosmart hr from garmin.
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hoosiers had heading to the polls today to vote in the state s primary and ted cruz and donald trump think the delegate math is on their side. i believe where we re headed is a contested convention in cleveland. i m going to have a ton of delegates, donald is going to have a ton of delegates. in a contested convention he can t win the support of the majority. they have no path. where i have an easy path. we ll win it in the first ballot. who is right and what does the delegate math look like tonight? let s ask scott rasmussen. thanks for being with us.
great to be here ainsley. if donald trump does win today, what do the numbers look like going forward? if he wins tonight, he s the presumptive nominee. right now he s at 996 delegates. he wins 51 of the 57 delegates in indiana. in indiana, you get 30 for winning the state. three each for winning each congressional district. there s nine of them. trump, if he wins the state will pick up 51 delegates. nebraska is a state we thought would go to ted cruz. if there s enough momentum coming out of a big trump win, this could be a place where trumps numbers get bigger. west virginia 34 delegates at stake. trump will do well there. washington and oregon don t know what s going to happen but their proportional delegate allocation. come to this final day, donald trump, if he wins tonight, will be expected to do very well i m
estimating about 133 delegates in california he s going to win the winner-take-all state in nung. right now we new jersey. right now we think he would lose these other three states. if things go well for him that could be another process. i m estimate donald trump gets what he needs. that s the minimum. 1297. 60 more than he needs. it all depends on today. he wins today. the race is over. donald trump is the presumptive nominee. what about ted cruz? he says he s going to win today. and the prediction gives him a 5% chance. let s start with the basics. if ted cruz wins tonight, there s going to be shock throughout the political and media world. we ll have to rethink everything else. first thing that happens, ted cruz picks up the 51 delegates
in indiana, he would then certainly win nebraska. he could do well in west virginia. this is a state where delegates are elected directly. would probably do well in washington and oregon and on the final day of the season well, then ted cruz could i want to be clear in this if ted cruz wins indiana, we have to rethink everything we know about the race and give him the possibility of winning california. he could end up with 199 delegates on that last day. what would it look like then? we would be headed to a contested convention because ted cruz would have won most of the last ten states and he would be within a couple hundred delegates of donald trump. in fact down the stretch, if all of these things happened if cruz wins tonight, he would probably pick up about 71% of the remaining delegates. he s pulling out all the stops. in your opinion, what s going to happen tonight? you know i have to look at all the numbers and what you see, donald trump is the heavy favorite. a year ago i wrote a column
saying that people didn t understand people in washington didn t understand that americans were more afraid of a bush-clinton match-up than a trump sanders match-up. you predicted that this is the important state. here we are on this tuesday. coming up it is one of the most iconic images in u.s. military history but now we re learning that history could be wrong. wait until you hear what has just been uncovered about the marine memorial. and the u.s. open is coming to fox and the trophy look at it. there it is. brian is shining it. a little white glove treatment over there. it s coming to fox & friends before it goes anywhere else. holly sonders joins us live. welcome, holly. good to see you.
sfx: climbing sounds duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live.
seaworld. real. amazing
the 116th u.s. open tees off next month. it will be on fox. we re getting ready for the green and we hope it will be nice at that point. we hope it will be really great. we re getting a history lesson about the event as the countdown ticks down. here to talk about all this is fox sports holly sonders and u.s. open historian michael troesal. thank you for being with us, guys. hey, happy to be here. we wish it was a little better with weather so we could be outside as planned.
we called an audible. if you don t mind me using the sports reference. talk about trophy, it dates back to 1895. this is what we re vying for. yeah, oakmont country club this is what we re playing for. as you can see beautiful silver sterling silver cup. bringing it around to the northeast is part of the tour powered by lexus. jordan spieth won it last year. we re looking to see who will bring it home. what are your predictions? holly is more qualified. but i think rory mcilroy and jordan spieth played well. always is asking do you think that jordan will get over that? jorld jordan is fine. he spent a week in the bahamas with rickie fowler. 98% of the people will put two in the water at and to be young, and so good he has a great career. but these are the best in the world. still the pressure gets to them.
got to mcilroy gets to spieth under pressure. gets to ernie els where he how many times, six tries to hit one single putt. nobody at home will understand and there s no way to simulate what the guys feel. we played oakmont last monday during media day. if you get above the hole it s an automatic three-putt. don t you agree? yeah. the greens are extremely slick. doesn t take much to have that pressure kick in. the gravity of the situation. anything can happen. all right. holly, let s talk about what the guys are doing to unwind. you said the guys are going to be fine. they re hanging out together. they went the bahamas. we have some pictures that they have been posting because is this okay with you? who s in the shot? rickie fowler. jordan spieth. i believe smylie kaufman in the final pairing with spieth. that s great. let s talk about the lexus, we have it out on the plaza. you re using this car to travel with the trophy? oh i m not.
i think you are. you have that privilege, right? yeah. we re bringing it around. so the trophy tour powered by lexus, we re going to different fox affiliates different ballparks. we re bringing the people s trophy out to everyone. they get to keep the trophy for the year. the winner will get it for a year. do you think tiger is going to be out there? he s hitting it pretty well. april 25th was the first time he played a golf hole, an actual golf hole since august. so he s been practicing in his backyard. who knows what to expect from tiger. he is registered to play as of right now at the u.s. open. doesn t mean he has to show up if he s not feeling up to it. but he is rumored to have secured housing at the players that would be great. thank you for bringing in the trophy. appreciate it. good job. coming up ted cruz says he
has a shot at the nomination but don t tell that to the trump supporter. indiana doesn t want you. sir, america is a better country without you. donald trump s going to join us live right after the break. stay with us. that will be great. i have asthma. .one of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma
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did we win in indiana, it s over with, folks. we re not going to you know like corn flakes. once again, lyin ted. don t just scream and yell at each other. i m not yelling at you. you ll find out tomorrow. indiana don t want you. let us see indiana have the largest voter turnout in their history. this primary is coming down to the midwestern common sense, to the good judgment of hoosiers. but you will go and vote for me, i will stand up and fight for you. through this campaign and into the white house. we are live from indiana.
oh, it s happening. big day today. polls opened at 6:00 a.m., and they re open until 6:00 p.m. they ll have 57 delegates at stake today. it s a winner take all on the gop side. for the democrats 92 delegates, including nine super delegates at stake. ifd throw in the towel, yesterday, steve, he was demanding the transcript to be released for those wall street speeches. so no one told him to throw in the towel yet. i m sure she d much rather i m sure that hillary would much rather pivot to donald trump or whoever it is. absolutely. but bernie sanders is still in there. the cover of the indianapolis star makes it clear, indiana decides today. i was talking to somebody who showed up here at this morning at shapiro s delicatessen in the heart of indianapolis, which has been in business for 110 years. i said, well, you know this year you actuallyget to be part of the process.
he said we have been on the back burner. actually we have never been on any front burner. this is unchartered territory. it could come down to what the people of indiana say about who s going to wind up being the nominee on the republican side. all right. we now want to bring in trump on the phone with us. we want to ask you, mr. trump, about the video we were showing earlier. you have these protesters there on the side of the road and they have trump signs. ted cruz comes over and he has a confrontation with some of your supporters. let s listen and then get your reaction. okay. well sir, you know actually he ll take down isis. civilized people don t just scream and yell at each other. you are the problem. you are the problem, politician. donald trump is deceiving you. he s playing you for a chump. you ll find out tomorrow. indiana don t want you. sir america is a better country without you. thank you for those kind sentiments. let me point out, i have treated
you respectfully the entire time. and a question that everyone here should ask are you canadian? well, donald, what do you think of that confrontation between your supporter and ted cruz? well they know he s lying. they have been watching him lie. that s what he does. that s why we call him lyin ted. the people are smart people. and they haven t been taken properly care of. you know by the government. you know these are smart people and they have it s very sad. you know middle income people haven t had a pay raise in 18 years effectively. 18 years and they re very upset and very angry and they have a lot of spirit. what s going on now is an amazing thing and we re going to stop china and all these countries from ripping us off and i mean so many things wrong with government that could be solved so easily. but he told that man, that trump supporter, you re being played by a as a chump by trump. yeah. i mean that s just another
lie. they understand it. he look him right in the eye and they said you know we know. he also said, donald trump said he s not going to build the wall. he makes stuff up. it just comes out his mouth. marco rubio called him a liar during the debate and i said well that s great because he really does. then that sort of opened it up. i never heard that before. when another senator says it it opens it up. but these guys have become very famous the way they handled him so easily. it was incredible. you never told the new york times you weren t building the wall? absolutely not. absolutely not. okay. steve? hey, mr. trump, i m in indianapolis right now. i know you have been spending a lot of time out here in the hoosier state. a lot of people that we have talked to here in the deli here are very excited about your candidacy and they have already voted for you. early voting. a lot of them had the little stickers that said i voted so far this morning. but i was watching the local news last night and it seemed like with the local affiliates
during every commercial break, it was a cruz ad then an anti-trump ad then a trump ad and then another cruz ad. it seems like the establishment and ted cruz are throwing everything they can at you to try to stop you today here in indianapolis and indiana. steve, they re spending tens of millions of dollars on ads that are a lie. just like in florida where i won in a landslide. it s just like in other states. they re spending millions of dollars and the ads are a lie. one of the groups that did the ad they asked me for $1 million i said no thank you. and they went out and did negative ads on me. that s called club for growth. they re a bunch of extortionists. they came in wanted money from me and when i said no they started a negative ad campaign and they re up now in indiana and the ads are lies. and it is just disgraceful. but, you know i think people are wise to it. like the guys that were you know talking to cruz yesterday. they get him and they understand what s going on. and i don t think he s got thor the the temperament to be
president to start off with. i think people are tired of what s happening with the politicians and they re just tired of seeing our country get ripped off. mr. trump, there is an influential community of evangelicals there in indiana known as deep conservative state. and rafael cruz who is the father of ted cruz is really reaching out to that crowd and saying i m for every i m imploring every member of the body of christ to vote for my son. i think we have a sound bite and i want to get your reaction. i implore, i exhort every member of the body of christ to vote according to the word of god and vote for the candidate that stands on the word of god and on the constitution of the united states of america. and i am convinced that man is my son ted cruz. the alternative could be the destruction of america. does that resonate with the folks here in indiana? i think it s a disgrace that he s allowed to do it. i think it s a disgrace that he s allowed to say it. you know, i m backed by you
look at jerry falwell jr., look at so many of the ministers that are backing my and they re backing me more so than cruz. i m winning the evangelical vote. it s disgraceful that his father can go out and do that. and just so many people are angry about it. and the evangelicals are angry about it the way he does that. you know, there s a whole thing and you know his father was with lee harvey oswald prior to oswald s being you know, shot. i mean the whole thing is ridiculous. what is this right prior to his being shot, and nobody brings it up. they don t even talk about that. that was reported and nobody talks about it. but i think it s horrible. i think it s absolutely horrible that a man can go and do that. what he s saying there. right. there was a picture out there that reportedly shows rafael cruz standing with lee harvey oswald what was he doing with lee harry oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting?
it s horrible. well, one thing i don t think you think is horrible is rasmussen came out with a poll the presumptive nominee seems to be hillary clinton and you. if things are to stay the same after today and you both stay on a roll, you ll be head to head shortly. and right now, rasmussen in terms of a popular poll has you up by two points. that is dramatic shift. what s behind that? i know you re happy about the number. but what do you think the reason is? well because number one, people are listening to me they re listening to me on the military, they re listening to me on my policies on china and all of these countries that are just killing the united states. they re taking their jobs. people haven t had a pay increase in many many years as we discussed. i mean effectively they re making less now than they made 18 years ago. and we re losing our jobs. look at indiana where carrier is leaving for mexico. carrier air conditioning corporation, leaving for mexico. i have been talking about it for months and it s a disgrace. they re going to go to mexico. they ll make equipment, sell it
back into the united states. there won t be any tax to pay, there s nothing and we re losing our jobs. our manufacturing is way down. so i m not surprised to see this poll. i ll beat hillary. cruz can t beat hillary. don t forget i beat her with all the negative ads they re doing. if kasich ever had a negative ad, he d drop like a rock and the same thing frankly with cruz. you see the negative ads in indiana and they re all i mean, they re lies these ads. it s horrible they can do it but they do it. hopefully we ll make america great again. our whole concept and theme is to make america great again. and we can do that. donald funny you should mention carrier because i went to the bernie sanders rally last night. and one of the big things he talked about was united technologies pulling their carrier unit out of indianapolis and they re going to go to mexico. so you and bernie are on the same page on that also regarding hillary clinton, i
don t know if you heard the sound bite donald trump, but she said if given the nod by the american people she s going to bring her husband, bill clinton, out of retirement to help her in the white house. listen to this. i told my husband that if i m fortunate enough to be president i want him to do nothing but work as hard as he can because he did a pretty good job when he was president. he created a lot of jobs. said i wanted him to really take this on. you ll get sick of seeing him. still has some pep in his step. yeah, pep in his step. this gets him excited because there s nothing he wants to do more. mr. trump, what do you think about that? how big a role do you think bill clinton would have in a hillary clinton white house? well, here we go again. if you ll remember all of the scandal that they had, all of the problems with not only monica, that was, you know, one. but whitewater and all of the things that went wrong. it was a mess. you know a lot of people don t
remember, he signed one of the worst economic bills probably the worst in the history of this country. it s called nafta. he signed it and nafta has it has drained our country of jobs, it s drained us of manufacturing. you look at indiana, you look at all of these companies that have left. i mean, take a look what s going on with it and it s still to this day just a disaster for the united states. that was a bill take a look at new england, the factories there drained of their jobs and their people. and we re going to turn it around. no the last thing we need now again is the mess we had before with bill clinton and hillary. donald trump, i know you always say that america has got to take on china and one of the the the president of the united states there s an editorial out today, urging the american senate to take up the tpp because china is forming their own regional comprehensive partnership with 13 other nations that includes australia.
he said tpp must go forward. to make sure that america isn t holding the bag, but holding the pen. what s your reaction to our tpp that would take on china as opposed to one the regional compact that would be with china? tpp is a disaster for our country. it will be worse for our country than nafta was. why? because it s going to drain our job, take so many out of the country. it will take what we have left after the disaster of nafta. one of the things that they don t even mention in tpp is the devaluation of currency. what they have done to this country through devaluation is disgraceful. we don t even cover it. it s the single biggest tool that the different countries we re talking about. china is not in the tpp but they ll come in at a later date at my opinion if the deal is great and if it s phenomenal for them. they don t talk about devaluation which is the biggest single tool. it is a disaster for our country.
and it should not be signed. all right, donald trump, thank you for being with us this morning. good luck today. okay thank you very much. coming up imagine you re outside, you re cooking, when the grill explodes into flames. your hands get burned very badly. you only have minutes to react. coming up we continue our series five minutes to live with dr. marc siegel who is live from the emergency room. the instant advice straight ahead. and former president george w. bush back in the headlines and the reason awesome. why this little girl got such a special surprise visit, straight ahead. (cat meows) flea bites can mean misery for your cat. advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. advantage® ii. fight the misery of biting fleas.
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so you like to walk. but not just walk. speed walk. or you like to bike. in place. next to these strangers. or you want to know your heart rate. when you re doing this steady. this. and a little bit of this. which means you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivosmart hr from garmin.
a fox news alert. brand-new details coming in about the american service man killed in iraq. a defense official blaming isis fighters for his death saying that service man was assisting kurdish forces. when isis fighters breached the front lines and shot him. after that breach the u.s. launched more than 20 air strikes to support the kurds. right now no other casualties. it s one of the most iconic photos of all time, but the marine corps might have to rewrite its history.
it is investigating claims that one of the marines raising the flag here at iwo jima was misidentified. the man circled in red was named as john bradley. in 2014, two historians looked at hundreds of other photos from iwo jima. they say that it couldn t have been bradley based on the discrepancies in the clothing and his equipment. all right. today s the crucial indiana primary. but hillary clinton is looking to west virginia already. and tensions are mounting in the mountain state after clinton was confronted over comments she made about coal mining. she seems to be against everybody all about it. rich edson has more live. reporter: and hillary clinton is campaigning in coal country, hosting events in west virginia kentucky and ohio. it is somewhat unfriendly territory for clinton. the coal industry is shrinking, the department of energy says
coal production was expected to fall 10% last year. declining most in appalachia. in march she said we ll put a lot of coal miners and companies out of business. now with clinton campaigning in west virginia, she is facing protesters and one unemployed coal miner confronted her about that comment. i just want to know how you re going to say you re putting coal miners out of jobs and telling us how you ll be our friend. what i said was totally out of context. it was a misstatement because i said the way that things are going now, we ll continue to lose jobs. reporter: government statistics blame low natural gas prices and federal environment regulations for the decline. and republicans have criticized the democrats for the new regulations. senator sanders has a significant lead over secretary clinton, but she has an
advantage in delegates and polling in the other eremaining primary states. west virginia votes in one week. ainsley and brian, back to you. i don t know how many people she went over there, but it took guts to show up, i guess. rich edson, thank you. just about every democrat is against coal except joe man khon. imagine your hands get burned pretty badly after your grill blows up. dr. siegel has more coming up next. would you pay $17,000 for this dining table? one university did. they used your tax dollars. the table, trouble straight ahead.
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all right. time for the news by the numbers. it s the indiana primary edition. first, 57. that s how many republican delegates are up for grabs in indiana today. three awarded to the winners in each of the state s nine congressional districts. the other 30 given to whoever wins the most votes statewide. next up, 270,000. that s how many people have cast their ballots in indiana. a new record for early voting. good job, people. even higher turnout expected in the republican leaning districts. and five. that s how many times indiana has supported a democrat for president. here s a live picture from the polls in terre haute, indiana. all the other presidential elections the gop strong hold has supported a republican. good looking group of people. speaking of good looking thank you, brian. well imagine this you and your family enjoying a summer bash yard barbecue and suddenly the grill goes up in flames.
more than 70,000 people ended up in the emergency room because of grill injuries. how do you make smart decisions when your life is on the line? dr. marc siegel is here, here to help us all as we continue with our brand-new series five minutes to live. good morning, dr. siegel. thank you. are you looking at the lines to see if gas is leaking out? are you cooking too many fatty foods, so what happens if you create a fire and you get burned? can you take care of it yourself north? i m joined by the assistant professor of emergency medicine here at nyu medical center. first question, dara, what do you do if you get a burn and how do you know if you had to go to
the e.r.? most of us have had a burn. what if i had blisters by the way. let s show you the sign of the burn you need to worry about. so first thing is if the burn is anything smaller than the palm of your hand. you probably can start treating it at home. make sure it s clean and dry. okay you apply some sort of antibiotic cream. this is silvodene. but don t use it on your face. what do you use on your face? use a triple antibiotic treatment. this can cause discoloring on your face. you can put a dressing and wrap it. now, if you have a blister like you asked about, you want to make sure not to pop it. okay. now, that s not necessarily what you d expect. why wouldn t i pop it?
unfortunately the body s natural bandage is that blister cover. make sure that you leave it on top so that you don t expose that skin to any higher risk of infection. how about risk how about the idea that infection can get worse and worse? right. so once you have this covered, you re not necessarily going to check it all the time. how do you know there s an infection underneath? one of the best ways to show an infection is if you see streaking. if you see up your arm or down your arm okay redness going up or down or it getting bigger harder swollen, that actually is concerning for infection. you d want to make sure to be seen by the emergency department or in the hospital. when else would you go to the hospital? any time you re at risk for an infection. if you re diabetic on any medications that suppresses your immune system, if you have infections that don t heal very well you should be immediately
evaluated by the emergency department. how do i avoid scars? that s what everybody wants to know. i think early and aggressive treatment is the best way to avoid a scar. any time you start to get treated it s better than waiting any longer. when would i need an intravenous line? when would i lose so much fluid? so your body s skin is the best defense against fluid losses. if you have a burn, you lose fluid at a higher rate than you normally would. so we give intravenous fluids to those with a large amount of burns. let say you re roasting a marshmallow and your sweater catches fire. if you have a burn up your entire arm which can be dangerous, get to the hospital. how about aic surgeon? that s a good person to follow up with after a burn to make sure you heal just fine. great answers. i m glad to be on with you.
back to you, ainsley. dr. siegel thank you so much. dr. siegel s five minutes to live continues tomorrow. and a woman turns the tables on a peeping tom. look at this. do you remember running into me in the grocery store? no, hey, where you going? come back. stop this guy! stop him! it didn t stop there. she chased him all the way into the parking lot. and pastrami and politics. where are you? i m glad you asked. right now at aim the corner of meridian and mccar did street where it s a little on the dreary side today. but as we just saw from the live report a lot of people in there voting. if you re in the area of shapiro s come on by. i m going to buy you breakfast. have a bagel. we ll talk to the folks inside next.
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ted cruz is determined he says it isn t over by a long shot. even though it is over indeed by a long shot. the power brokers want this race to be over. the washington lobbyists want this race to be over. everybody wants this race to be over. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy kimmel last night, having a good time. steve doocy at shapiro s delicatessen, indianapolis. steve, what s the mood there? it seems like you re getting more people. the mood is festive because we re buying them free breakfast. everyone likes that. as you can well imagine. at least a bagel. i have to point out, in the 6:00 hour, half the people we talked to said they were cruz supporters and the other half
were trump. let s see how it goes at 7:25. what s your name? dave. what s your issue this time? the economy. who did you vote for? trump. what line of work are you? i work in health. what about bobby knight, did that have anything to do with your decision? i m originally from ohio so no. good enough. what s your name? paul kelly. what do you do for a living? i have a computer training school. what s your issue this time? i like trump, he can negotiate and he ll protect the borders. he ll make america great again. i think i saw it on that man s hat over there. steve, you have already voted today. yes. why was trump your guy? well, if romney had kept his mouth shut it certainly sealed my decision, but i like him for his foreign policy actually because it s time that america would be strong rather than weak against some people in the world
that really mean us harm. all right. and how many times did you vote today? you re only allowed once. i m sorry, i thought we were in chicago. what s your name? dan. what s your issue this time? border. the money that we owe. that s why you voted for hillary? oh no. okay. no more obama policy. i m voting for trump. so you re a trump man right there. oh, yeah. let s come over to this lady. can i ask you a quick question? how was the breakfast? it was good. i got my free bagel. what s your name? melanie. do you want to talk about your pick for politics? today was politics and pastrami here at well i stopped in to listen and to hear what s going on here. i haven t voted yet. i will be doing that later today and i m still i m still thinking. she s still shopping. let s come on over to this guy. what s your name? rick earnest.
what s your issue? i wanted somebody who was completely out of the system and had some strength wasn t milquetoast. what kind of work are you in? in transportation. i do express delivery. so of the many men and women who are running who are you going to vote for today? i voted for trump. he was my man. he was the guy. okay. we re not find many ted cruz. anybody for ted cruz? what s your name? jeff. jeff why is ted cruz your guy? because i m for the constitutional conservative values. i believe we have to get back to the basics of the constitution. okay. what kind of line of work are you in? i m a tax attorney. oh okay. and i know that he s going to have a flat tax and probably kill my job, but you had a good run. yeah, i know. how did you like that alliance with cruz and kasich and cruz saying, hey, don t vote for john kasich, vote for me? it didn t bother me. i have been for cruz since the beginning so it doesn t really
affect me that much. all right. very good. why is it you have eaten all the eggs, but hardly touched your rasher of bacon? can i have some? all right. ainsley and brian, i m bringing this home to you. don t bother. you took a man s bacon. crunchy. it s bacon! it s delicious. bacon! all right. thanks, steve. great job out there. you bet. meanwhile, heather has got the latest breaking news including disturbing video about a skyscraper bursting into flames. yeah but first, i love that place where steve is. it reminds me of growing up in the midwest with all the smorgasbord places of getting rice pudding and liver. what do you mean? but whose liver? a chicken s liver?
i don t know. they d make you everything and you see that, that means they want me to take it away and do my real job. good morning, a skyscraper bursts into flames. it s climbing all the way up the side of the building. this happened in china. no injuries reported. the fire is believed to be out. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a woman turning the tables on a convicted peeping tom at a target store. watch this. do you remember running into me in the grocery store? no hey, where are you going? come back! hey, get this guy. stop him, stop this guy! stop that guy! wow. he runs off. jeffrey polizzi served time for taking photographs of women in the dreadssing rooms at stores. thanks to this, dozens of women are now coming forward saying that he did the same thing to them. coming up tomorrow on fox & friends the woman who shot this video will join us to share her story live. you won t want to miss it. this one is one costly mistake. what do you think about this.
the university of new hampshire admits it paid way too much for a custom table at their dining hall. look at that. how fancy does that look to you? the price tag? nearly $18,000. that s more than a year s tuition. so why is that just a simple looking table so expensive? it has a lightup display on the tops. they plan to keep it despite the uproar. seem like a good use of money? a big surprise awesome story for a pint sized history buff. 6-year-old macy hensley met former president george w. bush at his dallas library. the ellen show made it happen for macy who is known as the presidential expert despite the fact she s only 6. the whiz kid is said to be anything but shy. she told laura bush she was the best first lady because she never embarrassed her country or president bush. she s a lovely lady. all right. those are your headlines. she s adorable. we ll get you some rice
pudding an liver. and the way they interact is magical. meanwhile, 21 minutes before the top of the hour straight ahead, most polls have donald trump leading the pack, but another puts ted cruz ahead by double digits. who s right? larry sabato has his own crystal ball and he ll rub it next. you know her as running for the vice president on scandal. and right there that s the problem. what? you re a know it all. so what is actress bellamy young thinking of the actual presidential election? there she is! welcome to fox. or get far away from it. because it s all about striking. the perfect form. beat yesterday with fenix 3 hr. from garmin.
if you ve gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. try clarispray. new, from the makers of claritin. with the #1 prescribed ingredient. and nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world with clarispray. (charge music) you wouldn t hire an organist without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. some quick headlines for you. could bit the return of live with regis and kelly? after the news broke of michael strahan s departure, reports have that abc has reached out to the possibility of regis philbin returning. however, he s been heard in the past saying he does not want to
return to daytime tv. we ll see. and hulk hogan is suing gawker once again. he is claiming they leaked audio of a racist rant to the national enquirer. he was awarded $140 million in damages earlier this year after the site posted a sex tape of him online. brian? all right, which republican candidate is slated to win in indiana? it depends on which poll you believe. nbc news/ wall street journal /marist has donald trump up by 15 points. but one by the center for indiana politics something to do with purdue has cruz in a 15-point lead. what do we believe? we turn to dr. larry sabato from the virginia center for politics. larry, what do we believe? well good morning, brian. you know there are a lot of fly by night polling organizations out there. there s one i want to warn people about. it s called the steve doocy breakfast diner poll.
[ laughter ] that one should ignore that one completely. the guy biases people by taking bacon off their plate and this kind of thing. as to the serious question you asked, the truth is you never really put all of your stock in one poll. even if you really like the news organization or you like the person conducting it. you use polling averages. go for example to the real clear politics website. it s easy to use. easy to read. and just look up the polling average for the indiana primary and you will see as they average together all of the polls that have been taken from all of these different sources and organizations, trump has a decent sized lead in indiana. it s not overwhelming but it is decent sized. and so that s a pretty good indication that he ll win. let me add this. this season, i have seen the polling averages not just individual polls be wrong too. so in a way it s good to know
that everything and everyone is fallible. good. except of course me. andrew downs except you. thank you. if you don t mind. i wanted to correct the record there. andrew downs who put together the poll that has ted cruz winning joins steve at the diner. he said this went into my polling, why i believe ted cruz will take this thing. let s listen. there are a couple of things to remember. first in the world of public opinion polling one out of 20 can be wrong. beyond that we actually didn t weight the responses. in other words, we don t know who s going to show up. indiana turnout is very low in primaries. this year we know it will be different. we don t know the percentage of females versus male. we didn t weight the results. anything wrong with that science? well, he said one thing that was significant. other than the fact that he didn t weight and we don t have an hour to discuss weighting. but he did say something people should know.
for purely statistical purposes only one out of 20 well conducted polls have results that are outside their own stated margin of error. and that s because again you re getting a relatively small sample of human beings in any particular state or locality and you re projecting those individuals as representing everybody. well it s not always easy to do and things can happen in the process. right. all right, so i have to say, it looks like trump will take tonight because he s trending by double digits and now he s up by about ten. but what if donald trump loses tonight and cruz walks away with the majority of the 50-plus delegates, what changes? well, what changes is the punditocracy does not shut down the race. if trump wins then the contest is over. if trump loses and cruz wins
then this is clearly to go all the way through the primaries and maybe to the convention. and so we ll have a much longer playing field. right. i m just getting word now is this true? we have we are going back to the diner where you dissed steve doocy a short time ago. the bacon poll was ridiculed earlier. do you have a reaction? first of all, as it turns out it was beef bacon. and you know larry sabato can be on tv talking hypothetically about the people in indiana, but he doesn t know dan. that s right. dan is from indiana. what do you have to say about larry sabato? wait a second. try again. wow. a little confrontational. even ted cruz said back off a little, steve. all right. hey, i m sorry about that. i have no idea when breaking news, thanks for rolling with that. no, look, i m going to stay above it all. there s no way steve can t.
but i m going to stay above it all. by the way, over the last eight months you were the only person to ever stay above it all. i don t know if you have been watching but dr. larry sabato, this is the first time anyone has taken the high road in about ten years so congratulations. thanks for doing that. someone on the road high and he s lonely. up next on our show you know her as the former first lady, running for president, on the hit show scandal. highway trust fund be run out of money. right there, that s the problem. what ? you re a know it all. what does bellmyamy young think of the election? we ll ask her next. there she is. she can t back out. we ve locked the door behind her.
she mys political drama to the silver screen. you come off as aloof, out of touch. i m neither of those things. how much does gas cost? $2.02. that s right. of course it s right. i can give you the average price of every state if you d like, regular or diesel. i can tell you if we keep the gas tax at 18 cents a gallon the highway fund will run out of money. that s the problem. what s that? you re a know it all. we love her on the show. bellamy young plays a former first lady running for president who comes across as out of touch with americans and it sounds a lot like the 2016 election. but it s one of the many plots of scandal. what s more outrageous, the
stories of their show or our show. welcome. thanks for having me. you were at the white house correspondents dinner. we were there as well. you were the celebrity. all i worried about that night was not tripping on my dress. beautiful dress. i think it was a rookie mistake to wear that dress. who made that? george hibaka. he s good. [ laughter ] he s good. i don t know. all right. so bellamy, what is crazier? your stories or our stories? i think our writers have had a field day being so inspired by the madness of this race. you know every time we d show up to the table read it would be something more extraordinary and by the time we shoot it, real life would have complete live completely usurped that glory and something more fantastic would have happened. so we have had a wild ride this season. did you know anything about
politics before this show? did you like politics? i think i was a proud member but not a fair and balanced member. now i have to pay attention in a more comprehensive manner. i love that. it s not plausible for a first lady to run for president. i m not plausible at all. are you kid, it s the 21st century. right. we re living it. do you think the writers are looking at the headlines and trying to mesh it in or could they not care less? no, they re definitely inspired by. but as i say, i think some narrative they have crafted have been absolutely real life has gone further than before we could even enact it. so it s been a case of real life being made crazier than art. is that really what wonders in the white house? i know. i think it could be. in certain white houses. you re here for a product that everybody needs except for
me, migraine headaches. trexamet is a migraine headaches. yeah i have had migraines for a long time trying to find home remedies trying other things that were accessible to me in north carolina when i lived here in new york. i finally, finally talked to doctor and found a drug that cleared my life. and just like kareem abdul-jabbar. three times more women than men are affected. the my grapes don t affect you in the middle of a brownout as i like to term it. you re also always worried about accepting an invitation or going somewhere because you might have a migraine come on. like you said you re out of a game. you can t play you re shut down. but i have teamed up with them now. it s freed my life. bellamy young i want to direct everyone to relief within reach. . i talked to my doctor and found
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if we win in indiana it s over with folks. boom boom boom. we re not going to like corn flakes. lyin ted. people don t just scream and yell at each other. you ll find out tomorrow. indiana don t want you. let us see indiana have the largest voter turnout in their history. this primary is coming down to the midwestern common sense, to the good judgment of hoosiers. but you will go and vote for me i will stand up and fight for you through this campaign and into the white house. i thought we d get a howard dean after this. we re looking live at the voters lined up in beautiful terre haute, indiana. they re pumped up. a long line folks are going out to have their opinions, their voices heard. we are live from the diner there
where steve will join us in a second to talk about folks going to the polls. some have been to the polls already. it s do or die, maybe for both hillary and for donald trump. they could put away their opponents today. why? 57 delegates at stake for the republicans and over 90 for the democrats. and bernie sanders is within the margin of error on most polls. for ted cruz a state he was winning by double digits, he s now trailing on the average by double digits, steve. i can see the crowd, the murmur. unless you piped in a murmur sound is growing behind you. no, our sound effects guy is not working hard here. the cover of the indiana star, indiana decides today. hillary clinton hasn t had much of a presence in the last 48 hours here in indiana. bernie sanders i went to a rally last night, thousands of people. they love him, especially the young people. ted cruz is at it again today. his dad has been out and about. john kasich is actually still on the ballot. even though he and kasich and
cruz have teamed up and donald trump has certainly gotten some great endorsements here in the hoosier state with bobby knight, got digger phelps and lou holtz. if you re a sports fan and that matters, trump s got the all-star team on his side. he does. he can field any sport at any time or get a great coach behind i. joining us is laura ingraham a woman who could be a great coach. she was a great athlete. we think your athleticism is still it s still present, am i right, laura? oh, come on. the worst thing to hear was once a great anything okay? give me a break. all right. let me try it again. kilmeade, you ll get that pull-up bar next time in new york, let gets to the pull-up bar and see who can do more of the military style pull-ups. let me try this again. joining us now is laura ingraham, she s a star field hockey player and when she has
some time she looks at politics. yeah. can we look at ted cruz? how do you think he s handling these last few days from going with the kasich collusion, of course going ahead and naming a running mate. then doing a lot of confrontations on the sunday shows and then this with the protester who didn t confront him. he confronted a trump supporter. listen. lyin ted. sir, you know actually take down the whole normal people don t scream and yell at each over. i m not yelling at you. you are the problem. you are the problem, politician. can i ask you something? no. out of all the candidates name one who had a million dollar judgment against him for hiring an illegal immigrant. he s self-funded. donald trump that s right. not you not you. you like rich people yes s your goldman sachs jacket at? we know your wife works there. you know donald trump had a million dollar judgment against him for hiring illegal aliens do you know what he s doing in
friday? he brings in hundreds of foreign workers instead of hiring americans. sir, with all respect, donald trump is deceiving you. he s playing you for a chump. you ll find out tomorrow. indiana don t want you. sir, america is a better country without you. thank you for those kind sentiments. let me point out i have treated you respectfully the entire time and a question that everyone here should ask are you canadian? do you want what s your reaction? that was painful. and i think in the final final days of a campaign like this and we might be at the final days, it is hard. i mean, it has been a difficult couple weeks for ted cruz and trump has had his difficult weeks where it seems like you can t get out of your own way and this happens. this kind of stuff happens. i m not going to pile on ted cruz, but i think what happens
in these scenarios is especially when you re someone like cruz who is so smart, he s a champion debater. you feel like if you just debate that person it s going to work out, but we don t elect champion debaters. we elect people on the basis of a whole bunch of different factors. and it was very interesting to see harvard law and princeton versus kind of a working man. just in that little microcosm it was an interesting i think it was an interesting moment because you get the sense from those trump supporters they think this is their last stand. maybe this is their last fight for america, and with cruz he thinks the same thing. look if i don t win, donald trump he believes is going to do all this liberal stuff. and the country is going to go down the tubes anyway. so while it was painful, it was a little bit instructive too. but you generally don t want to get into the debate with a protester or a heckler. that generally doesn t work out so well. he was just really a trump supporter that ted cruz chose to
engage. of course, yeah. let s look ahead, because the rasmussen poll it shows trump actually beating hillary clinton now, 41% to 39%. what do you make of that? because those haven t been the numbers in the past laura. i ve said for a long time whether it s cruz or trump, once the party starts to unify behind one person you re going to see these numbers get much closer than they were. i think even in california, a state that has seen its party battered over the last really 18 20 years almost things perhaps are beginning to shift. people think that we have gotten so close to the edge of fiscal insolvency open borders, bad trade deals, unresponsive government that we whatever we do, we have to shake things up. so i think hillary is you know obviously comes off to a lot of people as not very likable. trump has problems in that arena as well. in that area as well. so i think it s you know a friend of mine was joking he doesn t like trump or hillary, this is the first presidential race that an unpopularity
that is an unpopularity contest. i don t know if i buy that. but i think the numbers will be close. that doesn t surprise me. when it comes to the electoral map, let s see if trump can flip anything. he was on with us earlier. they re listening to me on the policies with china and all the countries that are killing the united states. if you look at indiana where carrier is leaving for mexico carrier air conditioning corporation, leaving for mexico. i have been talking about it for months. so i m not surprised to see this poll. i ll beat hillary. cruz can t beat hillary. if kasich ever had a negative ad he d drop like a rock. laura? yeah, i think that it is true that trump has gotten more negative ads, he s gotten more press time probably than a lot of the candidates in the past.
but he s also been hammered. he s been the subject ofmonstrations. the front page of the washington post today there s a piece, trump bid raises prospect of nasty general election. i mean, as if the clintons don t know nasty. i mean, they re the ones who came up with the war room, remember in 1992. because trump is in there it will be nasty. for all my pals out there that said trump is a big liberal, he ll do liberal stuff, well, clearly the liberals don t think he s a liberal because they re going to fight him with everything they have. he better be ready for it. steve? laura, it s interesting because hillary clinton said yesterday if the match-up is trump/hillary, what s going to happen there. she said she ll bring her husband, the former president, out of retirement to give her a hand at the white house. listen to this. i told my husband that if i m so fortunate enough to be president, i want him to work as
hard as he can because he did a pretty good job as a president. i said i wanted him to really take this on. you ll get sick of seeing him because that s still has some pep in his step. yeah he has some pep in his step and this gets him really excited because there s nothing he wants to do more. wait a second wait a second. i thought trump i thought that trump was so easy to beat? i thought trump was the easiest candidate, the one they wanted to beat. now she looks a little nervous. i mean, the damsel in distress. she got to bring bill off the bench. well, last time bill came off the bench it didn t end up so well for him. i don t i don t think that s going to be that difficult. i think if hillary is trying to argue that the 90s economy is the kind of economy she s going to have well i think that s going to be a difficult lift because we know we have had flat gdp under the obama/hillary regime in washington recently. i think she s going to try to resurrect the obama magic from the 90s. i just don t see that playing
all that convincingly. well, let s reinvent the internet and get a tech bubble and let it burst four years afterwards after what happened in the 90s. so much to discuss, but sadly we are out of time. and steve s hungry given. let s toss to heather. let s go over to heather with the headlines. and we start off with a fox news alert. an american service men has been killed by isis in iraq. a defense official now telling fox news that that service man was assisting kurdish forces. isis fighters breached the front lines and then they shot him about two miles behind that line. after that breach we re told the u.s. launched more than 20 air strikes in support of the kurds. defense secretary ash carter making this announcement this morning in germany. listen. that shows you the serious
fight that we have to wage in iraq and our thoughts and prayers are with that service member s family. he was killed just outside of irbil. traditionally a safe place. not now. this is the third u.s. service member killed by isis since october alone. our prayers go out to that person s family this morning. a plane full of passengers forced to divert after a man reportedly died while 30,000 feet in the air. headed to mexico city from chicago, making an emergency landing in houston. everyone on board remained calm during that ordeal. we are working to learn more details about that person s death. kids in detroit expected to be out of class for a second straight day as teachers extend what they call a sickout. they re continuing to protest after finding out the district will run out of money to pay their already earned salaries in june. the district s emergency manager is now urging state lawmakers to
pass a $715 million package to rescue that school district. and brian, listen up to this one. the bikini bombshell, you know kate upton. she s officially off the market. the sports illustrated model turned actress announcing her engagement to detroit tigers pitcher justin verlander. she sported a giant rock last night. self-proclaimed baseball fan, she says the two met years ago. just take a nice look. they have been inseparable ever since. we re all about bringing you bikinis in the morning. i know you re heartbroken. oh wait what s her name? who s the girl who loves you? my wife. other than your wife. who s the supermodel who loves you? do you have the list? giselle. petra. petra. i m letting her date
celebrities in los angeles. we figured it was our time apart. have a wonderful day. there she. did you hear that too? yeah. they have been dating for a long time for a supermodel. she is so pretty. women can appreciate a pretty girl too. she s gorgeous. yeah. coming up the polls are open right now in the hoosier state. they opened at 6:00 a.m. and the lines are out the door guys. we are live on the ground there, coming up next. and the saga i love this story. surrounding kelly ripa takes another turn. could regis be back? he didn t like the job last time and he left without saying good-bye. how do you say hello without saying good-bye? that s deep. what a dilemma. good morning, brian. this is your friend petra. speed walk. or you like to bike. in place. next to these strangers. or you want to know your heart rate.
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their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. we are back with the latest on the battle for the state of indiana. polls are now open across that state. yep. and we have the latest on what senator ted cruz could have could be for cruz his last stand. matt? good morning, guys. yeah we are in vego county. it is considered one of the most
accurate bellwether county who they vote for goes on to become president. they only got it wrong twice since 1888. we have seen at least 200 people vote so far. we ran into janet. janet is about to vote. what are some of the most important issues to you guys here in vigo county? i think looking for change. i think the country is looking for change. i think there are times that many people including myself get tired of being politically correct. and sometimes we just want to say what s out there. i think it s important to value every person as an individual and who they are and what they want. but sometimes we sacrifice a greater good for the minority. indiana is considered a blue collar hard working state. restoring jobs and restoring the economy, is that important to you? it is important.economy, i think, you know here in vigo county we lost the pfizer plant. that was devastating to the county. i think jobs and job creation in
the country as a whole is important. who might be you be voting for? now, because i get behind the closed curtain i won t say that. but i do think it s important that every person get out and vote. fair enough, janet. thank you for your time. the polls are open until 6:00 tonight. we ll keep you update on what the voters are saying in indiana. i got some bad news i d like to share with you. you cannot buy any alcohol drinks till the polls close today. i don t know how that affects your work day. brian, fair enough. to be fair there are some nonalcoholic beverages just behind us here. so we re not trying to focus on just the beer here in indiana. i love the state of indiana. voting in the grocery store, you can grocery shop and vote at the same time. but you can t buy alcohol. but they re standing in the alcohol aisle. right. pretty tempting. maybe you can buy o doul s. great to see you this morning. a fox news alert.
this is serious. a u.s. service member killed by isis in battle in iraq. we have breaking details that have happened overnight. pete hegseth he was deployed in iraq and he weighs in on the tragedy next. we re still getting details. do you live in a floodplain area? the federal government wants to help you move with the help of u.s. taxpayer dollars. how to be a so-called climate refugee. yeah, that s next. look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk.
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fox news alert now. we woke up with this today. new details about a u.s. service member killed in iraq this morning. isis is responsible for the
brutal attack. pete hegseth is a fox news contributor, combat veteran of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. and before we talk about your book that s out today, pete the theater where you used to work in irbil we re in advise and assist how does this happen? we re not supposed to be near the front lines but apparently that didn t happen on the front lines. it sounds like it was a direct fire on this u.s. service member. it s a murky difficult business especially when you re telling your war fighters they can t be engaged in leading the fight. they re doing the best they can to support the peshmerga, the kurdish forces but something unfortunate what needs to change? we need to stop the slow drip surge. it s a drip without a real mission or without the capabilities brought to bear. you need to unleash rules of engagement that allow our war fighters to unleash hell on isis. then you need to destroy their capital. you need to unleash total war.
this president is not going to do it. you re seeing the litigation of it on the campaign trail and thankfully so. we re fighting politically correct wars and we shouldn t be. the government shouldn t be standing too much longer. a penetration of the green zone and the security forces stood by. this government could be overthrown by somebody even less friendly. that s right. because we politically disengaged, because we abandoned iraq we sent the wrong signals and isis moved in. joe biden returns, he hasn t been there for five years, suddenly he shows up and thinks he ll solve everything. they went awol in iraq. who do you think is the most pro military? a lot on the republican side are pro military. i think both ted cruz and donald trump would unleash on isis and destroy them which i think our military wants. you have done a lot of work with veterans you re a veteran and now in the reserves and tv host. it went into in the arena the
book out today. what it is about? it s about the need for gritty leadership and fight for the country we believe in. i wrote it for people who want to be inspired. want to be reminded. want to get in the arena and fight for this country. we need citizens, active it iscitizen citizens more than ever. the smaller our citizens get, the bigger our government gets. no more wimpiness and be adamant to fighter foyt in the arena and then it talks about foreign policy. my experience in iraq and afghanistan and let s win the wars we fight. we should talk about the surge, it s an example. are you able to talk about the entire experience yeah, it s not about me it s not a biography, but i talk about when america leads the world is a safer place. when we retreat it s anarchy. you get in the game things happen you don t fault a man
who gets in the arena. it s not the critic who counts. you ll fail and fail again. i failed many times in my life. but you have to enter the arena and america needs that right now. the people out there watching, if you believe in this nation, in your community, you don t have to carry a rifle. whatever it is. you can be involved. that s what this book urges people to do. people think you enter the military because you don t have options. you ve graduated from princeton, you were a basketball player. people like to label that. you meet the guys they re the best of the best. they re going back to their community, they re going to lead city council and watchdog if the curriculum in the school. because the progressive elites who think they know better than us are running out and writing rules for us and the way we should live our lives. in we don t fight back at the local level and as proud americans we give away who we are. that s what the book is all
about. preach it. thank you so much, pete. thanks for serving our country. appropriate socks. i love them. you re such a great dresser. coming up, a woman turns the tables on a peeping tom. do you remember running into me in the grocery store? no, hey, come back. get this guy. stop this guy! it did not stop there. she chased him all the way to the parking lot. plus it is the 50th anniversary of twister, maria is getting warmed up for a challenge. looks like brian is going to join her. we ll talk to the guy who invented the game that gave us all those back problems years ago. we ll try to play again. go maria. but first, steve is talking to voters at shapiro s delicatessen in indianapolis. i am. thanks ainsley. i m behind the line here at shapiro s. i m going to get some biscuits and gravy, corned beef hash. get a close-up of this.
how good does that look? we ll talk to those people, see those people right there? they all voted today. we ll talk to them next live from indianapolis. who wants eggs? yeah! we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i m spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web s leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates.
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amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing ted cruz s running mate carly fiorina was introducing cruz at a rally and i think she left the stage earlier than expected. take a look at this. and the next president of the united states, ted cruz! she s fine. she s fine. [ laughter ] whoa! she s fine. she s fine.
although i believe that marks the second time she s dropped out of the race. [ laughter ] i love the reaction of the band. she is okay. hey, steve. that s good. absolutely. i m here at shapiro s delicatessen in the heart of indianapolis where for 110 years people have come for some fantastic food. and we re going to talk to people. just get a little where i polled the audience it s pretty much split down the middle. about half the folks voted for cruz, the other half voted for trump. what years name? andrea. because we are in indiana, this is the question i m going to ask everybody. who s your candidate? oh, nice one. i voted for trump this morning. why? i really liked his national defense. i really like he s creating jobs and i like that he is tired of america apologizing all the time. very good. right over here who s your candidate? i think it s ted cruz.
why? mainly just for his 10% tax across the board. it sounds good doesn t it? it does. i will be voting for ted cruz as well. i didn t ask who s your candidate yet. how did you feel about that alliance, ted cruz and john kasich? um, i was okay with it. i had mixed feelings but i see why they did what they did. all right. what s your name? good morning, i m kelly. who s your candidate? ted cruz. why? because i believe in the constitution and our government was founded on it. and that s what he stands for. very good. let s come back over here. right over here. looks like everybody we re talking to so far for ted cruz. oh, camera guy on the other side. what sio what s your name? rodney davis. who s your candidate? cruz. why? he s more of an outright constitutional conservative like i believe. i worry that i will still vote for trump. but i worry about the executive actions that obama has taken and i worry with trump used to being
the primary ceo if he doesn t get his way would he do the same way? i believe in constitutional conservatism. thank you very much. who s the one person who wants to talk to us? right here. i say kid. how old are you? 21. close enough. who s your candidate? it was donald trump. okay. why? donald trump is a business man. and as a young person in college, i don t want a national debt left behind to me. i think he can fix our country s finances. okay. and you re a young person. seems like a lot of the young people i went to the bernie sanders rally yesterday. can you figure out why so many people are for him? i ask people every day. i can t understand. college is not free. it shouldn t be. we pay to go to college. we get an education. i don t understand where the free stuff comes from. i try to understand it but i can t. too bad you didn t say that your candidate was bernie,
because if it was, i was going to give you free breakfast. sorry. i work hard for my money. i ll pay for it. that s the way it breaks down here. half and half cruz and trump. cruz are the later arrivals. they re sleeping in. so the cruzs are up and ready to vote. an interesting day. thanks so much. over at the shapiro s delicatessen. meanwhile, our reports have yeah. we have headlines for you. while you were sleeping a skyscraper burst into flames. see the fire climbing all the way up one side of the building with the thick, black smoke billows into the sky in china. no deaths reported. the cause is still under investigation. a woman turning the tables on the convicted peeping tom at a target. take a look at this. do you remember running into me at the grocery store? no hey, come back. get this guy, stop him!
well, that guy is jeffrey polizzi. he already served time for taking photographs of women in dressing rooms. thanks to this video, dozens of women are now coming forward saying that he did the same thing to them. coming up tomorrow on fox & friends, the woman who shot this video will join us live to share her story. you won t want to miss it. millions of tax dollars going to louisiana to help climate refugees. it s the first move of its kind. here s what s going on. the community is receiving $48 million to relocate. they have been struggling with flooding over the past few years. a $1 billion grant was announced back in january for 13 states to combat climate change by building stronger infrastructure including better dams and drainage systems. and here s the new thing for your alarm clock. you need some motivation to get up in the morning? a lot of us do. well, the rock is now here to help you out. check it out. beep beep beep beep beep beep. i can do this all morning.
beep beep beep. that would make me one. a little annoying there. the rock just launching a new alarm clock app. it has 25 different ringtones that will send you a motivational video and a message messagemessage every day from the rock himself. you can t hit the snooze button though. there isn t one. the rock says life doesn t have to be a snooze button. those are your headlines. gang let s head on back to you. well thank you, heather. okay it is time to add twist to the plot of today s show because we are celebrating the game twister s 50th anniversary. i cannot believe how it was invented, it s 50 years old. to celebrate we have the inventor of twister and the author of right brain red . tell us how this game came to be. well, the idea of people being the players was what started it all. and i was developing a premium
for a client. all of a sudden i realized wait a minute. people being the players isn t done. and so we put together a team and the team came up with this and about seven other ideas that we went on with. three million sold. johnny carson made this popular. what was your thought when johnny carson was playing this on his show? the team the whole game had been pulled from the market by milton bradley because the retailers were afraid it was a little risque. [ laughter ] and they kept but they kept the time with johnny carson and eva gabor on the show. next thing you know they were standing 50 deep at abercrombie & fitch the next day. 50 years ago it s still going on. and you invented the nerf ball. my goodness. can i spin here? maria against ainsley.
the goal is not to fall over correct? whoever falls over loses. she wins already. she s doing it in high heels. keep my thumb out of the way. here we go who s going first? you both go. we both go at the same time, right? i guess so. all right. the right hand on purple? no. no purple. oh my goodness. [ laughter ] green green green. there you go. left hand on red. left hand on red. i m hitting it too hard. we are going right foot on yellow. right foot on yellow. all right. blue, blue. left hand on blue. oh, wait, how do just move your hand. there you go. make an error, slap him. left hand on red. left hand on red. one more spin. all right. okay.
that s right hand on green. right hand on green. now it s getting challenging. here we go. my left leg right foot on red. right foot on red. oh. this is hard. here we go. hold on. stop complaining, ainsley. there, i got it. thankfully we have more than one mat. and right foot, blue. right foot on blue. oh, my gosh. ainsley, you went over there. that s interesting. you could have went right there. are you allowed left hand red. left hand on red. it s already on red. okay. last one. right hand, blue. okay, it s a tie. but that s why this game is great. because if you do fall, some people good job, my friend. all right.
thank you so much for inventing this game. we had so many great memories at our household. used to torn hamstrings. thank you. thank you. if you don t want twister, buy the nerf ball. or my book right brain red. it s a great american story. coming up is this the tolerance liberals are preaching about? [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. kids cursing donald trump supporters on the street. is this a new low? answer at home. to you, they re more than just a pet. so protect them with k9 advantix ii. it kills fleas ticks and mosquitoes. k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog.
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side effects include increased blood pressure. .common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection. .and headache. it s time for you to make the calls, so call your doctor to see if .myrbetriq may be right for you. visit to learn more. left wing protesters hitting a whole new low as children are
caught giving the finger and cussing out donald trump supporters and veterans. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. in this disturbing scene, these kids are joined by clearly consenting adults. here to react is fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. i watched this yesterday, and how this can be? is this america in 2016? those are american children for the most part. those are children that are born in america and should be suffused with the american ethic, the american value. and that s not the way we engage in the first amendment, with the middle finger, with dropping your pants, with shouting and cursing out veterans. when i grow up and i don t want to sound like a terribly old fogey, but the notion that you get out in a public place and then curse people who proclaim that they are veterans that
they re standing up for some particular candidate, that s just wrong. then make it on national television. yeah it s totally wrong. but it s the parent s fault. and the children see what they see on television. they see people trying to terrorize rallies. they see people trying to close down rallies. they see people trying to integrate themselves into political rallies and then shut it down. whether it s moveon, whether it s black lives matter, whether it s an anarchist group, any kind of group at all. and so when american children who are of hispanic ancestry see that they re seeing an example that america doesn t want to fall in love with. we had to bleep it. we had to look at that. all pix alated. all clouded up. i saw the video. and little boys are holding their finger up and yelling the f word. they look like 10 years old.
repeatedly. i d like to see them holding the american flag. if they want to protest donald trump or ted cruz they do so. and they do so in a peaceful way that brings credit to who they are as americans. exactly. these are american children. i understand assimilation, i understand immigration. i am a great product of the immigration. i m proud to be from immigrants, but at the same time there needs to be an understanding that they are americans now. they need to act as such. those veterans gave them the right to live in this country. totally wrong to do. thank you so much for being here this morning. she blew everyone away on dancing with the stars and on grease live. was she a good student growing up? julianne hough is getting personal with us. she s walking into the studio. come on in. let s first check in with martha to see what s coming up at the top of the hour. hello there, ainsley.
so we know that the hoosier state will be deciding tonight. there s a lot on the line for ted cruz today after the vp pick, the kasich deal, the battles with the protesters. voters head to the polls and it could be do or die today for ted cruz. and hillary confronts her own joe the plumber on the campaign trail. but this time it is bo the miner. and they talk in coal country. we ll show you what transpired there. and a new poll shows that ohioans believe it s time for john kasich to get out. we ll show you those numbers. we ll talk about it when bill and i see you a couple minutes away.
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julianne hough is a triple threat entertainer. she s an actress, singer and dancer who has knocked our socks
off in grease live and dancing with the stars. yep. she s giving us a lesson in giving back in honor of teacher awareness week she s joining sonic to help raise money for public schools across the country. julianne hough is back on the coach with us. she s not only beautiful but giving back. a heart of gold too. which is perfect. you say it with a bit of anger. no, i love you! i have ever since your first episode of dancing with the stars. thank you. thank you. i m so happy to be here too. i really appreciate you guys taking the time, because teachers are in my family. and i have friends that are teachers and i feel like teachers go underappreciated a lot. of course it s not just teacher awareness week but we re celebrating teachers around the country. i m teaming up with sonic because they re giving up to $1 million for every time somebody retweets or uses the #thanksteach. that s what we here for today.
thanks teach. you cite your teacher? yeah. what ever you want. as long as you use the hash tag, thanks teach. they spend a lot of their open money, they don t make enough. they spend a lot of their own money to provide supplies for the classroom. there s what the whole campaign is about. it s amazing how much they put in out of their own pockets. they re so influential on us, as kids. i m so grateful for my teachers and what they taught me. and just encouraged me with all of my dreams. it is important to appreciate our teachers. that s what we re doing. universal thing, if i walk down the street, who are your first five teachers everyone can name them. but for you, the student, julianne do you have a report card with you so we can see what kind of student you are? were you someone who studied or were you julianne hough i wasn t a very good person with my homework. but i don t know. i feel like i was always in the
vocational classes. so i feel like my academic classes, they let me get away with a couple of things and maybe turn in homework late. that was pretty good. i know as a kid, your mom and dad had you out there early performing. yeah. we danced and sang and we were in plays growing up. and so academically i loved my teachers. even vocationally too they transformed your life changed. you were on dancing with the stars and then that led into grease. what was that like to perform live? that was the most fun. why? it starts with our people, it starts with our director tommy kill and then the cast was so fun. it felt like we were literally back in high school. we got to do everything we love we got to sing dance and act. and do it all live. was that on a loop in your house too? oh yeah. that was the first movie i watched that i thought, oh my goodness you can sing and dance and act?
i have to be olivia newton-john. right. i feel very blessed and fortunate i got to recreate sandy. what about this appearance on this show? this is the top of the line. so i m super excited. thank you again. no a great program. thanks so much. it s #thanksteach. yes. more with steve in indiana when we come back. allergies can distract you. so when your symptoms start. doctors recommend taking non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. with claritin you get powerful non-drowsy relief, 24 hours a day, day after day. and with fewer symptoms to distract you. you can focus on the extraordinary things you do. every single day. live claritin clear. introducing clarispray nasal allergy spray. new from the makers of claritin© with a different ingredient.
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bill: another american serviceman killed in iraq behind enemy lines with isis. he was working with kurdish forces near irbil. some 5,000 u.s. forces in total are on the ground. today s critical primary in indiana. voters are hitting the polls. tonight could have a big impact on how this race moves forward. could it be the end of the road

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160822 10:00:00

would pray. and violation of speech and people wonder why america is where it s at. if you take god out of the country watch what happens. some good responses. fox & friends starts right now. have a good day. have a good monday. bye. good monday morning to you teen your family. it s august 22nd. donald trump has hit the battleground state of ohio today what his campaign is calling his best week ever. will this week be even better. we re live on the trail. then the women sitting down with me sits down with governor mike pence to talk politic, family and faith. donald trump and i talk every day and sometimes several times a day. i think the american people know the person that s running donald trump s campaign for president is donald trump. more from governor mike pence
and life on trail with trump coming up. then this story. colin powell thrown under the busby hillary clinton. we ll give the details this morning saying hillary is not telling the truth. shocking. stunning. give me a second. morning is better with friends. baby you ve seen nothing yet i know we re in the back nine of august but it does feel already like fallout there. it s 70 degrees in new york city. it s beautiful. we got a full slate of fantastic guests on this mont. we have governor mike pence, eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle. tucker carlson will join us as well. a big show. also what s going on in virginia
allowing hispanics they ve worked together for about 18 years but yet they were not in sync this morning. almost in the kitchen sink. the sorry will be what happens in the break today when where s our boxing ring. thank very much for joining us on this busy monday. joel you re okay? he s fine. he s not. let s go ahead and start this. let s light this candle. let s start with the race to the white house. donald trump battleground bound. republican nominee heading to ohio today as his campaign praises his quote best week yet. last week best week yet. john roberts is live with us outside of trump tower in new york city with what s next. i assume they would like this to be a week without dismissals and
more positive messaging. they would like to keep things on track and hillary clinton is the only person that donald trump has to talk about. good morning. steve, your daily weather report, beautiful out here today. you should be out here on the streets for this. donald trump has a full week of campaigning ahead of him. but the big event is likely on thursday. that s when he s expected to deliver a policy address on immigration in colorado. now there are some signals that donald trump may be backing off just a little bit, just a very small bit on his hard-line stance on what to do about the 11 million people illegally in this country. he talked about shipping them all out of the country, creating a deportation force to do that. yesterday on the sunday shows his campaign manager said the status of a deportation force is to be determined but she dismissed any notion there s any big changes in policy coming. here she is. we need a quote fair end quote humane way of dealing with
what s estimated to be 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. it was a very robust discussion. very far reaching conversation. nothing was said yesterday that differs from what mr. trump said previously. reporter: now we ve said this before but i think it bears saying again donald trump has spent an entire week entirely on message. he s been using these prepared remarks and teleprompters at these rallies,ed a libbing a little bit. it s being reflected in the polls. take a look. the latest numbers from the l.a. times/usc dornsife poll, hillary clinton is leading trump 45 to 44. it s been a great week. he s shown maturity as a candidate.
he s getting into a groove. i think what you ll see these polls will begin to tighten in the next couple of weeks and by labor day or thereafter you ll be back to an even race. reporter: donald trump just with one campaign event today one today in akron, ohio. the trump campaign expected to go very hard on hillary clinton and the clinton foundation. they will call it the most corrupt organization in political history, and, again, will renew calls for the transcripts of her fbi testimony to be released to the public. what a sue pperlative that . donald trump is on top according to the west coast poll. he hasn t closed the gap. we re anxious to see after the polls settling in he hasn t closed the polls in battleground
states. i think it s interesting huffington post and governor rendell both said the same thing, enough with the foundation. get rid of the foundation. either give it to somebody else or disband the thing. stop talk about the clinton foundation. not stop talk about it, get rid of it. transfer to it somebody else. it s destroying your campaign. kelly brings a woman s touch to this campaign. so tell us about your thursday, friday and saturday. i was in indiana on thursday. my phone was blowing up with people with his camp saying you re here to interview pence we appreciate that but he s going to baton rouge so the interview will be postponed. we stayed in indiana. interviewed him on saturday. it was great. we got to talk to him about his experience in baton rouge. it worked out beautifully for everyone. where were you in the house? in the governor s mansion. it s not a mansion they call it
the residence. let s take a look what we got with him. governor, you re just back from baton rouge. how was it? it was heartbreaking to see the devastation, the flooding and how it s impacted that community. so inspiring to see the determination and the resilience of those families and also to see the way people are coming alongside. volunteering time. and really helping people put their lives back together. president obama announced he ll be paying a visit to that area this week. what s your reaction, the fact that hillary clinton hasn t gone, there president obama hasn t, they spent the weekend in martha s vineyard? i think donald trump made it clear yesterday. we were there to help. people can make their own judgments about other leaders. i m frankly glad the president is going next week. this may well be the worst natural disaster since hurricane sandy, but it hasn t seemed to get the level of attention that it deserves.
the enormity of this is evident. lot of have changed within the past few days within the campaign. paul manafort resigning. what s your reaction? i think he did a great job during the primaries and convention. we appreciate his service. why did he resign? i think paul didn t don t a distraction going forward. we got a little more than 80 days left in this campaign. we saw a couple of great new additions to the campaign. i ve actually known kelly ann for a number of years. to see her step into the roll. steve brings energy. what you have seen this week is a campaign that s on a roll. has he been including in these decisions? donald trump and i talk every day and sometimes several times a day. the person running donald trump s campaign is donald
trump. look how much african-american communities have suffered. what do you have to lose? donald trump is telling the african-american community i am the guy for you and he says by 2020 he s going to have 95% of the african-american support. why are you laughing? well, that s donald trump. look, he has a heart for every american and he s a truth teller. he speaks the truth. it s the failed policies of democrat politicians that have harmed people living in the cities, in this country now for generations. and it s had special impact on the african-american community. he s speaking the truth but also he s also doing what a leader should do and saying as john f. kennedy said we ll advance policies to cause all ships to rise, to create opportunities for every american. and his optimistic view about 2020 when he s running for
re-election, that s pure donald trump. look, we re going to deliver for every american and when the american people including african-americans in this country see the new jobs, new opportunities, the new educational choices that they will have under a trump administration i have no doubt in my mind that support will grow. judicial watch. there s a judge that s associated with the e-mail scandal who now said hillary clinton has to answer questions under oath. what do you think about that? it s time for theory go on the record. hillary is hiding and donald trump is every where. she s gone more than 250 days without a press conference. it s time for her to step forward and answer these questions. not just these questions but kbes the clinton foundation. now we hear they will stop fundraising for the clinton foundation if she becomes president. the american people wonder why wasn t it a conflict of interest when she was secretary of state,
third ranking constitutional officer in charge of our foreign policy. good questions and interesting answers. we ll hear more of that interview at 7:30 and tomorrow we ll introduce to the family. he loves his wife so much. it s really cute to see them together. tim kaine. we contacted tim kaine and offered him the same opportunity. they declined. what i thought was interesting is that he s been the guy to bridge the traditional conservative republican to donald trump. going over with marco rubio, meeting with paul ryan, using those friendships to bring them together. he was in congress for 12 years. he has that experience. he s now a governor. has that experience. extremely faithful, evangelical. tomorrow more of the pence people. we ll learn about his faith too. 6:11 in new york city and time for a fox news alert. good morning to all of you.
we start with a fox news alert and this is a very troubling story. we have some chilling new images of a child who was planning kill for isis. police in iraq arresting a boy wearing an explosive belt around his waist. you see it right there. he s believed to be 12 or 13 years old. this comes after another child bomber as young as 12 years old attacked a wedding in turkey. at least 51 people are now dead from that blast. isis is now being blamed for that bombing in turkey. terrorism is on the agenda when joe biden visits turkey on wednesday. colin powell denying hillary clinton s claims that he advised her to use a private e-mail. hillary s bomb shell allegations part of the fbi s notes that were given to congress when the agency was questioning her back in july. powell telling people magazine quote her people have been trying to pin it on me.
the truth is she was using the private e-mail server a year before i sent her a memo telling her what die. ryan lochte could get kicked off the u.s. swim team for good. he will be punished for lying about his robbery. no word exactly on what discipline will be put in place but ban is a possibility. lochte claimed he and his teammates were held at gunpoint. he s now apologizing for not telling the truth. listen. if i did overexaggerate the story and if i told the entire story none of this would have happened. i was coming from a friend s house, i was highly intoxicated. and i made immature calls. immature calls. those are your headlines. see you back here in 25 minutes. he s done anyway. he s too old. he dyed his hair back. i like his hair like this anyway.
it was nice of him to apologize. still ahead donald trump sat down with hispanic leaders and the media claims he s flip flopping on deportation. our next guest was there and said that s not true. she will take us inside that meeting coming up. can t wait. siriusxm. road happy.
yes, dear? hey, honey? you re washing that baked-on alfredo by hand,right? yes, dear. dish issues? cascade platinum. powers. through. your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. this turned out great. cascade.
(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard s on. siriusxm. road happy. . donald trump meeting with hispanic leaders over the weekend and according to the liberal left wing media he apparently is thinking about
changing his imgrace feed. buzz media read in reversal trump indicates to hispanic leaders openness to legalization for immigrants. the trump campaign calls it click bait journalism. the republican party s hispanic communications director was in the meeting. she joins us live now from our nation s capital. buzz feed and other places were making it sound like trump was flip flopping. nope. i am hoping to do something with these people. mr. trump was top listen to all kind of ideas from the hispanic leaders. there were business, civic and faith-based leader that met with him. there were a lot of, i that were discussed that hispanics are, you know, very concerned about. jobs, economy. religious freedom. trade. and immigration. so, he was open to listening to all of the ideas. you know, steve, he gave no
indication what i had policy would be. it s incorrect to say he s changing his position. we don t know. so the headline from univision that said trump says he plans to legalize some undocumented immigrants that s just wrong. that s not correct. i mean he was open to listening to everybody. immigration reform is a very complex issue. but what we re seeing today was happening on the border and all of the hispanic leaders agreed that border security is important. i don t know you re seeing immigration today. what you re seeing is a type of human trafficking going through across our borders and we need to stop that. why is it you like donald trump? why your supporting him? donald trump is an extraordinary man. you know, number one it s important to find the right person who can defeat hillary clinton and stop the obama-clinton poilgs that have left for example the hispanic community in greater poverty, 2.1 million more hispanics are
in poverty today than eight years ago. but i think he s also a leader who has the man on the street and hind. he s the voice for those who never get addressed. so many political the politicians, the professional politicians like hillary clinton, you know, they court you and they get your vote and then they forget about you and that was one of the things we have seen on this campaign trail that people are tired of being forgotten and they want to be respected. i understand. listen we thank you very much. you were in the room over the weekend. thank you very much for telling us what happened. 6:20 here in new york city. hillary clinton s top aide connected to a journal that blamed the united states for september 11th. coming up how the clinton campaign is responding on this monday morning. a texas judge kobasewed for starting each session with a prayer. but that judge not backing down. he s here next to defend his tradition on fox & friends .
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strike against the u.s. but then again they do that every time there are military exercises. a fight for faith in the courtroom. a texas judge could be sued for starting every court session with a short prayer. the freedom from religion foundation says the invocation is unconstitutional. the state attorney general says he supports the judge. the foundation is considering a lawsuit. so joining us now montgomery texas justice of the peace judge wayne mack and his lawyer. thank you for being with us. good morning. thank you. thank you for having us. j-i ll start with you. tell us how you feel about this. well, it s very disappointing. the u.s. supreme court and the texas supreme court all start their opening sessions with an invocation and we re just following in their foot steps and our attorney general has ruled everything we re doing is constitutional. so you read on this, am i correct, judge?
yes, sir. i ran with the idea of starting the chaplaincy program to respond to the needs. in my court ideal with misdeamnor and i m also the coroner. i get be on some very unsightly scenes and deal with tragedy and with people in their darkest hour. having this chaplaincy program was very important to me. freedom from religion foundation says this, complainants felt coerced to participate in the prayers and participated against their conscience out of fear of prejudicing the judge. did you force people to take part in the prayers and sit through it? no, sir. we ve never forced anybody. we give everybody the opportunity and they choose to be in the courtroom. they do not have to be in the courtroom when this opening ceremony takes place so if they dhoobs offended it s because they dhoobs in the courtroom while it s going on. legally can this group from wisconsin tell you guys down in texas what you should and
shouldn t be doing in your courtroom? absolutely not. the supreme court and the texas supreme court bolt open their sessions with a brief invocation as well. the supreme court has ruled on this twice before that prayers and invocations are perfectly constitutional for opening session and if it s constitutional for the supreme court it s constitutional for judge mack. judge let me ask you something. how do you geebt coroner and a judge. how much school did you go to? that s a long story, brian. they told me i only got 30 second answers. we re the highest volume court in texas. the justice court system is. so we have a coroner system and in our county all five justices perform those duties and we get to help people every day. what a responsibility. thank you, judge and god bless you both. thanks for being here. we wish you the best with this
case. thank you very much. coming up next, donald trump continues to make his case to black voters. i m asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen in this country who wants to see a better future. when was the last time you heard a republican say that. is that plea working? our panel here to analyze next. unbelievable video as a suspect flies out of a police cruiser look at that during a crash. we re going to tell you why it s his fault. okay. but first happy birthday to todd burrell. he s 49 years old today. i had no idea. happy birthday.
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an amazing tribute to our police. georgia farm named corn dogs designed this corn maze with the message back the blue. their maze from last year honored american sniper kris kyl. it will be cut on thursday. opens to the public on september 16th. so let s move on. donald trump over the last few days making a direct pitch to the african-american voter. look how much african-american communities have suffered under democratic control. i m asking for the vote of every sing si single african-american citizen who wants to see a better future. with those words people
wonder if it would resonate with the black voter, with the black commune and can he cut into hillary clinton s major lead in that category. camille foster is here. democratic strategist and author of state guide, is here. and republican strategist john burnett. welcome, guys. camille were you surprised to hear donald trump do what delast week? nothing surprises me with donald trump these days. i don t think the prediction that he will be able to get 95% of black votes after four years is at all believable. that would be a complete reversal, completely unprecedented in the era of modern politics or any sort of politics. the truth of the matter is it s not just that black voters aren t interested in republican ideas there s an actual antipathy to the republican
brand. but is this a start? you know, there s a few things i could say donald trump has done right and he s worked really hard on reaching the faith community. but he has to work equally as hard as reaching the black community. how? i think one of the things he could do is show up to some of these shooting, show up to some of these places where it needs strong leadership. no one is doing that. i think if trump were to show up and show he really cares that would stand out as someone that s doing something different. as you know he came over to milwaukee and did show up there but you want him according to your notes you want him to talk to a black audience. he did a town hall with mainly white people. he needs to do something with african-americans. one of the things we would love to see even here in new york, most diverse city in the world he should come here and meet with african-americans, latinos, have a serious discussion. deyesterday. that would make a difference.
john, do you think -er talked about school choice and how democrats have let your one down for years. look where you are today. donald trump has never been short on thinking big. 95% is a bit of a stretch. i think president ford reached 12% of the vote. if donald trump can focus on reaching 12%, that will being a great. the key point here what does he need do? like pastor said he needs to show up to a couple of conferences, meet with some community leaders, engage the community. but even go beyond that. he has to start talking more about school choice. how does it benefit, you know, individuals that are locked and trapped in these cities that are run by democrats. you know, malcolm x said in 1964 that blacks are purposely pushed into one party to be controlled. so we need to think more
strategically and less emotionally. steven a.smith really made news and got some backlash in 2015 when he told a group of vanderbilt student who came to see him speak about sports, he said you folks should vote republicans because the democrats take you for granted and republicans don t try four vote. at least he s trying for the vote. i would say more important than voting with your group is voting for ideas that actually work. and there is something to be said for the fact that if you ve had a democratic local government, a democratic state government and things have not improved markedly over a very long period you should try something else. the principle problem for democrats is they have ideas that don t work. principle problems for republicans they run on one thing and deliver on another. when you personally no, one handed you anything, you were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth. tell people your story. my family is from jamaica. when i approach politics i do it
on an individual basis. the racial stuff doesn t work for me. quite frankly i don t think it will work for republicans. look you need to demonstrate that your ideas work. if free markets work then you go out there and prove it. actually implement those policies. if we need to reduce spending, get the entitlement programs fixed let s do that and demonstrate that those things work. pastor, you are also somebody who did some time in prison. you are doing the better thing. can a politician help a guy like you? i think something that trump can really do that i think would stand out to a lot of people that would be helpful is if he read a book like street god, if he would go out there and sit across the table from people that think differently from him and we want to see, african-americans want to see that on television, on a place like fox where trump is handling
hard core questions. he s going to have to face put swrin. putin. he has to face world leaders. before putin we have to talk about america. trump should don t talk about school choice why it benefits black america, also talk about criminal justice reform, that s critical. also talk about be a leader in terms of community policing. how that change in that will actually garner more support for the republican party. if it stops here it s a problem, falls short but maybe a first step. we know one thing this campaign is all about surprises. guys great job. appreciate it. good morning to all of you. 36 isis fighters executed overnight, all of them accused of killing more than 1,000 iraqi soldiers back in 2014. that s when jihadists attacked a base near saddam hussein s home town of tikrit. those terrorists released pictures and video of the
horrific killing. when the iraqi government recaptured the area they found hundreds of graves. those isis terrorists now executed. they had been sentenced to death earlier this year. a bomb shell new report exposing the shock political and personal beliefs of hillary clinton s top aide huma abedin. the new york post says huma abedin worked for a radical muslim journal that once blamed the u.s. for the 9/11 terror attacks. she was reportedly an editor at the journal of muslim minority affairs for 12 years, overlapping her time as clinton s white house intern. huma abedin s mother remains the editor-in-chief of that journal today. clinton s spokesperson responded to the article in the post saying my understanding is that her name was simply listed on the masthead in that period. she did not play a role in edything at the publication. an inmate gets out of his handcuffs in the back of a cop car when the car crashes and tosses him outside of that rear
windshield. the teenager in arkansas then tries running away from the scene. he was caught just moments later and taken to jail where he s being held on charges including escape and also public intoxication. i guess you thoofb drunk to do that. those are your headlines. see you back here in a little bit. what a picture. right through the back window. and keeps on going. to extreme weather. heavy rains are pounding the south once again. several areas down in texas are under water getting nine inches of rain in just four hours. that equals flooding. the system heading to louisiana where people there are still picking up the pieces from last week. in central california a wind driven wildfire forcing more evacuation there s. more than 30 houses have already been destroyed. thousands have to run to safety. in the fire s path the history hearst castle. we start this monday with a look at the weather ahead.
good morning. it feels like the weather is continuing from last week so the same weather pattern in place with dry conditions out west and meanwhile across parts of the gulf coast we re still dealing with showers and thunderstorms. we had heavy rain across portions of texas. now looking at the threat for some of that activity across portion of louisiana. out west multiple wildfires ongoing and fire danger remains elevated yet against today. a number of red flag warnings and fire watches in effect from oregon and northern california, extendsing in to parts of the high plains. back to you inside. meanwhile we got another fox news alert. a child isis bomber stripped of his explosives hours after another young 12-year-old boy is accused of blowing himself up at a wedding in turkey. how can we defeast an enemy willing to sacrifice their children? good question. the man who killed bin laden has an i.d.. he s here next. virginia s governor set to
announce plans today to give thousands of felons the right to vote in november. is this just a way to help his friend hillary clinton. oh, no that would never be. (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. time now for your news by the numbers. welcome to monday. first up 10,000, that s how many tanning salons have closed down because of obamacare. they say they have been burned get it by 10% tax. next, $7 million. how much it would cost you to be buried beneath the church. st. patricks is opening its crypt for the first time. and 10-foot snake. campers in maine are on the look out after someone spotted this snake skin at a park.
a fox news alert dramatic images show an isis suicide bomber probably just about 12 years old stripped of his explosive belt moments before he planned to it is off in the country of iraq. just hours after terror strikes in turkey once again at a wedding, the bomber there also is as young as 12. how do we defeat an enemy willing to send their own children to die. let s speak to the man who killed osama bin laden. the story out there regarding the wedding is this 12-year-old kid they sent in. they may have detonated it remotely. he was wearing the belt and someone pushed the button. that s a possibility. he being so young he might not go through with it. but he did it as they were dancing in the street. most of the victims were under 18. a lot of them under 14 and were kurdish children celebrating a
wedding. they sent the kid in to blend within them and he got in there and blew himself up. how do you fight a religion that s asking you to sacrifice your children? it s tough one. when i m talking off camera to my friend, while we re teaching our children about safe zones, trigger words and microgressions they are teaching their kids to kill our kids. they teach them at a very young age. we have an issue with isis being where they are having an islamic state, having a community, there s no borders. they have hotels and money, banks and schools. so they are teaching kids at a very young age this. they are not teaching real history or science they are teaching them about koran and sha extremist islam. that s what it is. they are so afraid not is going heaven this is the stuff they do. they don t care how old anyone is. they use women and children. i you know personally have been
in instances where you face both of them. i ve seen it before. i was in an instance in iraq where i was on the outside of a building shooting through the window and i shot the guy. the woman got up to get his gun. i said don t do it. stop now. she understood. she knew there was an american voice and turned around and looked and sat back down. she picks up the gun she s a combatant. children same way. they continue the fight. age isn t a lot to them. doesn t mean too much. just another person with a someone else fighting. let s be honest, i know we say radical islam. islam itself is a warriors religion. not necessarily a religion of peace. they conquer people. this is what they do. not that a lot of muslims aren t peaceful but that s what we need to help us. the military fighting the men in syria there s no way to bring
them back. we need to kill them. our friends in jordan, saudi arabia they need to step up and realize, let s all set our watches ahead about 1400 years, we put people on the moon, the world was flat in the time of mohamed. not any more. reminds me of that scene from american sniper . shouldn t surprise us. they are recruiting little kids. it s a lot different over there than here and people knew a lot of stuff that was happening what the islamic state is doing and i want needs dealt with now. this 12-year-old with a bomb at the wedding got our attention. thank you very much. coming up on this monday donald trump s campaign calls this past week the best ever but is the best yet to come? his son and america s mayor, kimberly guilfoyle here with a new phase in the race. virginia s governor set to announce plans today to give thousands of felons the right to
vote in november. is this just a way to help his friend hillary clinton? there s something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it s whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
later today, virginia governor that man right there, terry mcauliffe is set to announce the rest race rights of 15,000 felons with restoring rights to 200,000 felons in the commonwealth of virginia. and he says it s ail about fairness, but critics say it s an attempt to help his good friend hillary clinton at the
polls. here to weigh in is evangeline gomez. thanks so much for join us. the state supreme court said this is invalid but the governor said this is valid. so 200,000 convicted felons will is have a chance to vote. how significant is this? well, the supreme court didn t say it s invalid, but the way he did it, but giving a blanket order was invalid. because he doesn t know about each of the cases. exactly. the concern with the supreme court they wanted him to look at every person oncation by case basis. is he? yeah. do you think he ll go through the case and say, okay, this guy, yes, this guy, no. he plmay not, but other peop will go through it. many are saying he s playing politics because he s good friends with hillary clinton. the majority of people feel like those convicted felons will go to the polls and vote for her. well, that s a very good point, ainsley.
but this is the reality right now. one, you have a poll i think in another year, that may carry a lot of weight. the argument may carry a lot of weight. but this year right now we have polls that show, various polls that show that clinton is ahead of her republican competitor by 11 or 12 points so it s not actually a close race. number two, the order that originated this came from the prior governor. this is a part of criminal justice reform that had been taking place in the united states since the mid 1990. because it s not as political as people are making it out to be. number three, it won t have i don t think, in my analysis is going to have a significant impact in this year s election if the polls continue the way they are. why is he doing it? because the prior governor had the order and had put this into play and he s continuing it. and the prior governor was taking a look at other states across the country. historically as a trend. there are lifetime bans, as a
felon you never get to vote. the majority of states now allow ex offenders to vote in some way. and here by the way is that poll you re talking about. right now, the real clear averages has clinton up significantly in that battleground state of 49 to 37%. especially with tim kaine on the ticket. from virginia, yes. if all the felons were to go out and vote exclusively for one or the other it wouldn t really matter. as it looks right now. but what do you think as a law and order person? i think ex offenders should regain the right to vote. how do you become reintegrated if you cannot vote? great point. thank you very much for getting up early and coming in. wait a second. i m hungry. i want a doughnut. have you ever watched me read before? next on the rundown, kirstie alley, the latest to slam
president obama for playing golf instead of visiting louisiana. what does eric trump think of that? he s here live as you re watching fox & friends. come on in, you re next on fox & friends. come on, evangeline, let s get a doughnut.
don t just eat. mangia! bertolli. for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer
with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. good morning to you and your family. it is monday, august 22nd, i m ainsley earhardt. republicans hope that trump is turning the corner starting with what some say a flip-flop on immigration. i don t think the message is changing at all. i think people are just getting to know donald trump better. more from an exclusive interview with mike pence and his family. plus, donald trump s son, eric, he s sitting on the curvy couch. he ll be here in just moments. he is. can you hear him breathing? right there. then, former secretary of state and four-star general colin powell thrown under the bus by hillary clinton over her private e-mail server. now the general s fighting back
saying that hillary is not telling the truth. yeah. oh, my. meanwhile, she spent 25 years serving our country, and for ten of them she carried this letter from a little boy who promised to share a pizza with her when she returned home. that boy now grown just made good on his promise. oh. there you see it. let me remind, every morning is better with friends. yep, there he is. okay. i don t know couldn t hear him breathing. now you can see him. how you doing? okay. you had a good week. we had an amazing fire. my father was talking about the isis, and african-american youth left behind in this country. he had an amazing week. should he is have been on the teleprompter earlier? no, my father is larger than life. he s fun.
that s why you have 15, 20,000 people coming to the rallies and you look at the clinton rallies, you have two people there. it s so different than the standard politician. he s finally made politics exciting again. you know some of the some have speculated until he saw a dip in the polls, he wasn t going to change. when the polls clearly were starting to go against you, that s when he said, i have to i have to shake things up and change. and he did. yeah, listen, he s a great agent of change. he gets momentum and he gets everything else. listen, polls go like this. we re back in the lead. you probably saw the l.a. poll times yesterday and we re two points ahead. which is exciting. he s doing great. he is doing incredibly well. you know, we re proud of him. the energy out there and the ground swell of support we have all over the country is incredible. your dad and governor pence they decided thursday night to go to baton rouge and to meet those families, shake hands with the victims and provide some relief effort. the president and hillary clinton we have seen the images all weekend he was in golf, and
she was in martha s vineyard for fund-raising events and in nantucket. then the president is going to baton rouge on tuesday. did you have dad did he force his hand? listen no question about it. to me it s awful. to me as a civilian it is horrible that here i mean, not even that the president could have done anything down there. but just the optics of it. here you are in martha s vineyard playing golf for a week on end while people s houses are under water, while their lives are destroyed, cars are under water. you have coffins floating down the street. the optics of it is horrible. we live in america. your government should be there in a natural disaster and it wasn t. the fact that hillary was fund-raising while my father and mike pence were off loading supplies is a big difference. and particularly what president obama said about president bush regarding katrina. amazing. all turned around. what s interesting though
before your dad and mike pence went down, the governor bel edwards says i hope it doesn t turn into the photo-op or something like that. which was regarded as criticism. after your dad came and went, he thanked your dad for bringing attention to the flood. yeah, it was a nice statement he made. no one is paying attention, again, you have the optics of the president playing golf as opposed to focusing on this gulf state that s in total disarray, in total ruin. people s lives are turned upside down. thank you for coming down and putting real attention on it. if my father didn t go down there and didn t put the pressure on him, obama wouldn t be down there. he ll show up in new jersey and right after sandy, and mitt romney, everybody suspended their campaigns do this. because he was running for re-election. and kirstie alley said this, the famous actor from cheers said my point is, do you think the usa wants to see you this is a message to the president. playing golf while louisiana is 20 feet under water and people
are dying? yeah. she tweeted that after she put out a video from barack obama criticizing george bush. it speaks to the lack of leadership in this country. listen, i can tell you as a guy who s been around my father his entire life. when there is a problem, when there is a natural disaster, when there is an issue, my father will be the first person there. he will be the first person there. and the american people can count on that. there was some headlines after a meeting i believe it was over at trump tower over the weekend with hispanic leaders. buzzfeed s lead, in reversal, trump says openness to legalization for immigrants. sounds like he s doing a 180. listen, i don t me where the article came from. my father has been speaking about immigration all week, so i won t steal his thunder and fire. but it s pretty simple. he wants to secure borders. you can t let people come in
unchecked. we have 100 million people in this country tar out that are out of the workforce. manufacturing jobs have gone down one-third since 2000 and we re losing jobs across the board. people are walking in unchecked. we don t know who they are. so secure the border, but what about the illegals in the country right now? you know, your dad had talked about a deportation force. sure. in the last year. now that s to be determined. and he ll be speaking about this this week, so i ll leave it to him. he wants americans to have jobs. they should come first. you were born in this country. you were born here legally. you here legally. i mean, wages have been stagnant for the last 15 years and it s because you have, you know, syrian refugees coming in. because you have, you know, thousands of people coming over the border. i mean, americans are suffering because of it and that s his point. so he s speaking to hispanic and latino leaders. he is also speaking to law enforcement and to border patrol
and he ll formulate a plan that s great and ethical. what s your response to the critics who said it s a flip flop? that s 11 million illegals and he wants mass deportations and conway said last week we ll address this issue in a fair and humane way. my father hasn t flip-flopped on anything. this was one article that came out that didn t really wasn t grounded in any substance. but again my father will give a big speech on this on thursday so he ll be talking about the specifics. so the shakeup or the change happened at the beginning of the week. then on friday, coming off a very successful speech most even critics would say from your dad, paul manafort said i handed in my resignation. was part of the reason that manafort is not there, is it the belief that he was going to leak the story to the new york times about disarray within the organization? no, not at all.
not at all. in fact, paul is an amazing guy and i have tremendous respect for paul and the job he did with the delegates which is why he came into the campaign which is amazing. kellyanne is doing an amazing job. could they have coexisted? could they have? i think so. i don t think my father or paul wanted the distraction of things he s dealing with. and kellyanne is amazing and paul i hold him in high regard. she s doing a good job. clearly she had the best week of his campaign last week. it was a great week. i was with him in north carolina. i was with him in a bunch of cases and you were in louisiana with them. it was an amazing week. they were spot on message. i tried to go to louisiana. they said we don t want this to be a photo opportunity. we re going to help the people. so you stay in indiana. you did a great interview with governor pence. it s interesting a couple of stories out this morning that says that republican leaders are worried that donald trump doesn t get it, that he needs to
make this a referendum on hillary clinton because ever since the dnc she s made it a referendum on her father. does he have the judgment or the temperament to be president of the united states and to a certain extent that has worked. will this campaign going forward be a referendum on hillary? listen, it will be both. my father the last several weeks the only thing he s speaking about is specific issues, whether it s isis, how to defeat them, how to revive these inner cities. yet, you hear nothing from hillary. she hasn t had a press conference in what, 270 because your dad has been positive and not been making news, there s been unbelievable scrutiny on her foundation. on the e-mails. i could not believe how the scrutiny over this weekend. well, look at so many things. so the e-mails and everybody knows about the e-mails. that is truly one of the worst things. look at the $145 million that comes into the clinton foundation from effectively, you know, the business people behind the uranium deal with russia.
we gave 20% of the stockpile of the united states to russia. they bought it. on her watch. and the clinton foundation gets $145 million. why are we giving uranium to russia? american uranium. coming out of the united states. it is absolutely insane. i mean, just the levels of corruption and benghazi and the e-mails and i mean, go down the list. but here s the secretary of state between 2007 and 2014 made $141 million. she s supposed to be representing the interests of the united states of america. she made $141 million while people were dying in benghazi. you know, she s out giving speeches. i mean, it s unbelievable. it is truly unbelievable. supplying bomb making materials to another country. there you go. all right. eric, i know you have a busy week. thank you for dropping by. thank you. great to see you. all right. it s 7:10 here in new york city. time for more news and we re talking about zika again. aren t we? and kids going back to school and that s a big issue for
parents and health officials as well. a fox news alert. zika is such a fear in south florida that officials are now passing out bug spray to the students there. children in miami headed back to school this morning. officials encouraging kids to dress in long sleeve shirts and pants to try to avoid those mosquitos. it will be nearly 90 degrees there today. at least five people in total have been infected in miami beach and at least 36 people have been infected along the coast of florida. so wrap up your kids, dress them up, put on the bug spray when headed back to school. the former secretary of state and four-star general colin powell denying hillary clinton s claims that he advised her to use a private e-mail account. hillary s bombshell accusations part of the fbi s notes given to congress from the agency s questioning of her back in july. well powell now telling people magazine, quote, her people have been trying to pin it on me. the truth is, she was using a private e-mail server for a year before i sent her a memo telling
her what i did. ryan lochte was already in hot water for lying about getting robbed in rio and now he could get be taken out of the pool for good. u.s. olympic committee says he will be punished. no word on the exact discipline just yet, but ban we are told is a possibility. lochte claimed he and his teammates were held at gunpoint, but this surveillance video tells a bit of a different story. well now he says he s trying to set the record straight. listen to this. didn t overexaggerate the entire story. i was highly intoxicated and i made immature calls. well, the committee says that lochte and his teammates let america down. the rio olympics ending with a spectacular carnival inspired closing ceremony. watch this.
boy, that is something else. billions of people around the world watched the parade of athletes as fireworks lit up the sky. gymnast simone biles carrying the u.s. flag. the basketball team won the last gold medal for the united states. the united states racked up 46 gold. for an untouchable 121 total medals. great britain, 27 gold medals. the next summer olympics will be in tokyo in 2020. see you in tokyo. those are your headlines. all right. thank you very much. thank you. it was a good couple of weeks. coming up, guys, the one-on-one with mike pence, governor mike pence, demanding that hillary clinton answer questions about her e-mail scandal. the time has come for hillary clinton to come out of hiding. part two of my interview in
just a few moments. plus it s the dnc you didn t see. the bad lip reading edition. look at this. sometimes people that like to smoke the pot use an etch-a-sketch. as you know, i m tied to one of those people. (music playing) push it real good. (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. soon, she ll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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to extreme weather this morning. hundreds of thousands of people where live like that. they re picking up the piece that very hour from the devastating and deadly floods in louisiana. now a new system is headed their way. we have a report from louisiana with more. reporter: yeah, this is going to be a massive clean-up effort that will stake take some time because the crews are making their way across the 20 parishes that have been declared a disaster area due to the recent flooding. right here there s eight large piles of debris, anything from homes and businesses here and now they ll clean up livingston par parish today. this is to protect the citizens from the hazardous materials that oftentimes in these debris
piles. the state estimates about 16,000 homes were damaged during the flooding. tomorrow, crews will start in three different parishes. the state wants to start this clean-up as soon as possible because of the health concerns. officials they rodents often take refuge in these debris piles and the smell creates an issue for people living in the area as well. now, no telling how long this clean-up will take because parts of ascension parish to the west of us, homes are still dealing with the flooding. live in louisiana. you can see all the trucks in the background too. yeah. meanwhile, maria molina is tracking the latest. tell me that those folks aren t going to wind up with more rain. unfortunately the forecast is for more showers and more storms to be expected out there across
portions of louisiana. and yesterday this storm system brought some very heavy rainfall across parts of texas. you can see for now we have a bit of a break, but heavier rain is moving in across texas and eventually this afternoon we can see more storms across portions of louisiana. and taking a look at our forecast model, out there across louisiana, there is some rain in the forecast. however, the rainfall accumulation are forecast to be relatively light. some of the heavier totals are across parts of louisiana, but it will take days for those floodwaters to recede in some areas. still reports of some standing water out there and a number of warnings that are still in effect. let s head back inside. thank you. it is 7:20 here in new york city. donald trump reaching out to black voters who are looking to break free from the smug democrats. to those i say the following. what do you have to lose? our next guest is life long democrat who says she left the party because it left her behind. so is it time for her to back
donald trump? plus, hillary clinton s top aide connected to a journal that blamed the u.s. for 9/11 and that s just scratching the surface. coming up how the clinton campaign is responding this morning. huma, i see you. what s up guys? make sure you check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic. it s the one hunting show and sale of the year you don t want to miss. this week at the classic get extra trade-in savings up to $40 on hunting boots. and, $100 on game cameras. plus, free kids activities this weekend. therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it s whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
marie starts her fettucini with tender white meat chicken and freshly-made pasta mixed in an alfredo sauce made-from-scratch. because she knows that the most comforting thing about comfort food, is who you re sharing it with. marie callender s. it s time to savor.
we have got a fox news alert at 24 minutes after the top of the hour. chilling images of the isis child bomber. look at that young man right there. police in iraq catching a 12-year-old boy moments before he planned to detonate an explosive belt. this comes hours after another child bomber killed 51 people at a wedding in turkey and injured
the new york post reporting clinton s top aide huma abedin worked for a radical muslim journal that once blamed the united states for september 11th. her mother is the editor-in-chief. clinton s spokesperson says quote, my understanding is that her name huma s, was simply listed on the masthead in that period. she did not play a role in editing at the publication. and the democratic nominee is having trouble finding a stand-in donald trump to help her prep for the debate. it s very hard to find someone to mimic the reckless instincts of donald trump. hilarious. the first debate is september the 26th. all right, brian, over to you. the inner cities of our country have been run by the democratic party for more than 50 years.
their policies have produced only poverty, joblessness, failing schools and broken homes. it s time to hold democratic politicians accountable for what they have done to these communities. at what point do we say enough? trump making his pitch to the black community saying that the democratic party has left their communities worse off. our next guest is a life long democrat and still is one. who agrees and says that the party became smug and left her behind. joining us right now is nicky johnson houston. thanks so much for joining us. thanks for having me. this column appeared in the huffington post. you haven t left the democratic party, but you re disappointed. why? i m disappointed in the direction we re going because one of the thins that attracted things that attracted me to the party is we were for little guy, about giving people opportunities for education. most importantly diversity of
the opinion. and one of the things that i m really concerned about is the language that we re using and the vilification that i believe i see of how we speak about the poor and the working poor and the working class. in what way? this is how you grew up, right? you said you were you had a very tough upbringing. absolutely. i grew up in poverty. i experienced homelessness as a child, but i was fortunate enough to have access to the good education. really what my concern is about the language we re using we re focused on political correct language. being positive to each other is important, but i m more concerned about what the outcome is. and my community is suffering. you talk about the education. when asked about the school vouchers the charter schools the black community wants to support the voucher program. but right now the democrats do not want to do that. because a lot of people
speculate it s about teacher s union. look, i don t know about the politics of it but i know did you but you know about the education. but i know about the reality of being one of those kids in schools that may not be performing up to snuff and the reality is if black kids aren t achieving you re leaving a lot of potential, talented future leaders behind that s not just bad for my community but for the entire country. absolutely. look at the employment numbers this was cited by donald trump on the stump. the african-american community right now who has been glued to the democratic party, the unemployment rate in may is 8.4%. for whites 4.3%. the results aren t there. he said let me have a shot at it. look, i appreciate any outreach that donald trump is doing and the republican party is doing. but the reality is is that the republican party has not effectively talked about our issues. and not only have they not talked about african-american
issues but from this election you re not effectively talking to the issues of white working class voters. this isn t just about the democratic party. this is about the elites of both parties that have lost contact with what the reality is for the everyday working person and they re dividing us. the truth is we have more in common with everybody other than divides us. as an african-american i want access to the american dream. and that s education, that s good jobs, that s security. the same thing that the people in your audience want. so we really need to look at each other for solutions to come together. and i m willing to talk to anybody that can do that. but the truth is is that there has to be trust and the trust has not been bridged yet between african-americans and the republican party. but it s possible. they haven t even tried. yes. at least he s trying. paul ryan has a program also. but you have to come out and be in the community every four years. you can t criticize us if you re
not with us every day. i hear you. thanks so much. we have this coming up. we knew that mike pence was a politician. we knew him as a politician, but what about mike pence the parent, the family man? i mean, what you see is what you get with the pences. we re pretty typical indiana family. although we have been very blessed. yep. the governor opens up in part two of ainsley s one-on-one. that s coming your way next. next also, it s the dnc you didn t see. the bad lip reading version. two cheers for all the tears of my man servant. they sort of can smile and always get me the sugar packet. there s an accepted way to plan for the future.
sometimes people that like
to smoke the pot use an etch-a-sketch. as you know i m tied to one of those people. we ladies know how a player is. but when they go hello, we go hey. yeah. what? it s beautiful. love it. that is yeah, that is your shot of the morning and your daily dose of humor. that is so great. it s called bad lip readings. parody of the dnc obviously. they take a bunch of clips and create a bunch of voiceovers and it s nothing short of brilliant. you re looking at trump force 1 getting ready to head to the battle ground state of ohio today. there it is.
and over the weekend, i got a chance to go to indiana and sit down with vp nominee mike pence. here s what he had to say about being on the trail with donald trump. a lot has changed within the campaign. paul manafort resigning. why did he resign? i think paul didn t want to be a distraction going forward. we have a little more than 80 days left in this campaign. we saw a couple of great new additions. has he been including in you the decisions? donald trump and i talk every day. sometimes several times a day. the person that s running donald trump s campaign for president is donald trump. last week in charlotte he said that he regrets some of the comments that he made. he s really been sticking to the teleprompter. why do you think he s changing and is he sincere? i don t think the message is changing at all. i think people are just getting to know donald trump better. i know you have said that you regretted some of the negative ads in the past. what do you make of donald trump with the latest with his only negative ad? hillary clinton s america,
the system stays rigged against america. look, elections are about choices. and making sure the american people know the choice that we face in this election, and that the failed leadership that barack obama and hillary clinton have brought to the national stage with the consequences of that for the country will be very, very important as we continue to go forward. judicial watch, there s a judge that s associated with the e-mail scandal who has now said that hillary clinton has to answer questions under oath. what do you think about that? it s time for her to go on the record. look, hillary is in hiding and donald trump is everywhere. i mean, she s gone more than 250 days without a press conference and, you know, it s time for her to step forward and begin to answer these questions. you re just back from baton rouge. how was it? it was heart breaking to see the devastation, the impact to the community was so sad but it was inspiring. to see the determination and the resilience of those families.
what was most humbling to us was to see the way that the volunteers were showing up. particularly from the faith community. people pouring their lives, their resources, their hearts into total strangers. we were driving through the neighborhood at one point. and donald trump made the decision to get out of the car unscheduled stop. we walked on to the driveway and we met the family where almost all of their earthly possessions were piled in the front yard. and they were starting to piece their life back together. we not only met that family, but a family that had arrived from tennessee to help them put their lives back together. and to see total strangers coming alongside hurtle families and hurting americans it just it s very humbling and it was humbling for both of us. and just such a reminder of what a great country this is. many people said you re very relatable, you have movie and
pizza night. you have student loan debt, so you re so relatable. a lot of people can t relate to donald trump because he s a billionaire. they like some of the things that he says and they can relate to his messaging, but as far as real life experience people like that about you. do you feel like you re extremely relatable to the american people? what you see is what you get with the pences. we re pretty typical indiana family. although we have been very blessed. we have been very blessed to be able to serve in public office. representing my home state in washington, d.c. and the great privilege of being governor of the state of indiana is very humbling to me. we ve made the decisions that other families have made. raising three kids, putting our kids through college, making the sacrifices that are necessary to do that. governor and father. seems like a great dad. he loves his wife so much. we ll show you that tomorrow because we heard some great stories. what they re like as a family. their traditions.
there were some tears that were shed too because they were talking about his dad and how meaningful his relationship with his dad was and how great of a wife she is which brought her to tears. right. i can t believe the student loan how many years did he go to school? no, for all three of his kids. i thought they were for him. we reached out the tim kaine, we wanted to do the same thing with him, make it fair and balanced and they declined it. maybe after they see it they ll do it. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. down in virginia. this story is raising some eyebrows. thousands of convicted felons are hours away from getting their right to vote. virginia governor terry mcauliffe making the move with less than months to go until the election. his ultimate goal restoring the rights to more than 200,000 felons. the governor says it s all about fairness. but critics say it s an attempt to help his good friend and
political ally hillary clinton win the state of virginia in november. a fight for faith in the courtroom. a texas judge under fire and could be sued for starting every court session with a short prayer. the freedom from religion foundation says it s unconstitutional. judge wayne mack says not everyone has to listen. no, sir, we never forced anybody. we give everybody the opportunity and they choose to be in the courtroom. they do not have to be in the courtroom when in opening ceremony takes place. if they choose to be offended it s because they choose to be in the courtroom while it s going on. well, the state s attorney general supporters the short prayer session. the meeting with putin, that s just some of what lindsay lohan wants in order to appear on a talk show in russia. the actress will reportedly talk about the split with her russian fiance. if her laundry list of demands are all met, including taking
pictures with president putin. what do you think about that? would you walk across this? it s the worldest tallest and longest glass bridge. 1,000 feet high and 1,400 feet long. yikes. it crosses the canyon that divides two mountain cliffs in china. 8,000 people are allowed on it each way, each day, rather. it holds 800 people at a time. no selfie sticks they say. and lady, no stilettos in case you wanted to wear those to walk across the bridge. it costs more than $2 million to build. i would expect it cost more than $2 million to build that. when they first opened it, they gave people hammers and they were trying to knock a hole in it. they couldn t do it and they drove a car full of people across it. you get to the end, you re like thank goodness. that s enough. heather, thank you. coming up on a monday, violent protesters kicking and spitting on trump supporters in minneapolis.
[ bleep ]. why doesn t ask hillary clinton to condemn this? where s the outrage from the left? the woodhouse brothers will have a debate, fair and balanced next. but first a trivia question for you. born on this day in 1973, this comedienne got her start that s what you call a female comedian, she got her start on snl before starring in hit films like bridesmaids. be the first to e-mail with us the correct answer. that s an easy one. you better get it. allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start. doctors recommend taking
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some quick headlines. caught on camera, look at this, the four suspects on the run after letting crocodiles loose at a school in australia. they dropped them through the window. why? nobody knows. and a gorilla rocking it out. look at this. sounds like that is so amazing. that s cocoa the gorilla jamming out on the bass with flea from red hot chili peppers. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. oh, my violent protesters
kicking and throwing punches, spitting at donald trump supporters at the end of last week. main stream coverage nonexistent. but what about hillary clinton, why hasn t she spoken out yet against the violence? here to debate once again, we have the brothers woodhouse, that s brad, screen left appropriately enough. he is the president of correct the record and a hillary clinton supporter. his brother, dallas woodhouse who s the executive director of the north carolina republican party. he s on the right as you can see. good morning. good morning. brad, let s start with you. you cannot possibly defend what those people were doing. heck no, steve. i want you know, i m from the left. i run a super pac on behalf of hillary clinton. i ll certainly condemn any violence in the political arena. steve, hillary clinton has said the same thing and we saw something similar occur in california some months ago. she came out immediately and said that you have to condemn any and all violence in the
political arena. i m sure she had the opportunity she would do the same thing here. you know what, brad though, what s troubling to me, if this were at a hillary rally and you had people from the right doing this to them, it would be the lead of every newscast. but instead, you know, we re talking about it. it s online. it seems to be a mainstream media blackout on this. well, i don t know what the circumstances is in minneapolis, i think you said it was a fund-raiser. if it s in a rally, all the cameras are there. the press pool is there. i think there s a different at a fund-raiser, just not that much coverage. in fact, most of those camera shots didn t look like they were from news coverage. so i think if it did happen at a rally, i think it would get just as much attention as the violence that occurred at the trump rallies. dallas, what do you make of this? well, we have seen this issue right here in north carolina that when donald trump had a
rally down in the fayetteville area a few months ago, a relatively small skirmish became the biggest news out of here you can imagine. i do think that s a double standard. i think the larger problem that we have is that hillary clinton is so rocked with scandal, but the press has seen it for so many years that they get bored of it. i mean, people like brad are out there, you know, attacking colin powell who s now come out and fought back and said that the things that hillary clinton has said about him are not true. and that her e-mail up scandal was hers and hers alone. and we really need to get the press to focus on those type of things and of course the candidate, donald trump, can help with that by having a laser like focus on the long and continuing record of hillary clinton which is scandal ridden as the day is long. but the problem is that the press has a an attention span
of a gnat so they don t want to keep talking about her scandals. the side complaining about the press coverage is on the losing side. the press is all on your side, so we is hillary going to keep saying lies about a great american hero in colin powell? first of all i feel like i m in a woodhouse family reunion. bald faced lie. no one is attacking colin powell. people say that colin powell said he did the same thing when he didn t. are they still talking and yelling at each other? no, they aren t. good, in the greenroom. thank you very much. coming up on a monday, an amazing reunion a decade in the making. a little boy who promised to share a pizza when she returns home they re having that slice of pie. there they are. they join us next.
wbr id= wbr66935 /> wbr id= wbr66635 /> /b>
now for the answer to the fox & friends trivia question. kristen wiig, she s 43 years old today and our winner is joe from louisiana. you re going to be getting a copy of the newest book, this is brian s latest book, thomas jefferson and the tripoli pirates. well, ten years ago a little boy wrote a letter to a soldier for his second grade class. with the offer of pizza should show ever make her way back to his hometown for a visit. they remained pen pals and now they meet after the lieutenant colonel sought out the new 17-year-old boy remember he wrote that letter in second
grade. his name is colin martin. joining us is lieutenant colonel piig, who served our country for 25 years. and mr. colin martin. thank you both for joining us. thank you. thank you. good morning. good morning. all right, colin, i ll start with you. tell me how you met lieutenant piig. well, she came to our class and was talking about the military. and so you followed up with the letter? yes. what did you, you wrote her a letter when you were in second grade? yes, i wrote her a letter because our teacher mrs. torch was teaching us about the value of hand written letters. and colonel, when you got his letter, what was your reaction? well, i had been asked by a friend to speak to the kennesaw elementary. she was a second grade teacher and ended up ultimately speaking to all the second graders. when i received the letter it
was all of them combined and it was a bunch of thank yous and well wishes. and return home soon. so i was very touched. it was a great inspiration to the troops when we receive those. so sweet. so what stuck out about his letter? well, ultimately what stood out with colin s letter was the personal invitation. he had invited me to please come and join his family for a pizza, so here i am. so here you are, colin, you re 17 years old. you got to meet face to face. what was that like? that was an amazing experience. i never thought she d actually come in and meet me. do you remember writing that letter? i do not, but i do remember her coming to speak to my class. so sweet. well, thank you both for joining us this morning and sharing that touching story. and colonel pigg thank you for
serving our country for as long as you did. god bless you both. thank you. rudy giuliani he is here live at the top of the hour. there he is out there on our plaza with the boys. (climbing sounds)
when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. (duracell slamtones) therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it s whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
good morning to you and your family. it s monday, august 26th, 2016. it feels so good out here. i m ainsley earhardt. thank you for joining us. hillary clinton s e-mail problems all colin powell s fault? she says that he is told her to use that he told her to use that private server and this morning he s telling a much different story. the governor of flood-ravaged louisiana calling out america s mayor. i believe that mayor giuliani got it completely wrong. perhaps for the same reason that you did. i have not been critical of mr. trump s visit. rudy giuliani sitting right here will respond in less than a minute. all right. i ll read right now, ryan lochte not out of hot water yet.
that s why i m taking full responsibility for it. because i overxag rated that overexaggerated that story. you know it s serious when you change your hair color. why that apology may not be enough. your mornings are better with friends. watch this animation. you know you re serious when you change your hair color. according to brian. well, ryan lochte went from bright white to gray. it s serious when you change your location. it s absolutely stunningly beautiful. 72 degrees right now, feels like fall. so we decided to spend the last hour out in front, in front of the lyndonwood heating and air conditioning truck. so they re our sponsor this hour. here is rudy giuliani. best time of the year. august, september, october. beautiful. you know why? u.s. open weather.
u.s. open weather. and everyone comes back to the city. a lot of people go out to the hamptons or go away. i love the fall in new york. mr. mayor, you have been the mvp for mr. trump. but let s talk about colin powell. all of a sudden he s in the eye of the storm. colin powell it turns according to the new york times was the one who told hillary clinton to use the private e-mail. but upon further review he said, wait a second. she was using it a year before i mentioned it. i don t remember mentioning it. right. we add that to the book of clinton lies. that s like the new play next year. book of mormon. book of clinton lies. except that will be a one week long play. i mean, i can t count them by now. i mean, i try to keep track of them. she lies every day. every day. here s what he said about the server. her people have been trying to pin it on me. he says.
the truth is, she was using private e-mail server for a year before i sent her a memo telling her what i did. here s the thing though. powell did not use a personal server. he used a separate private e-mail account just to talk to people when it was not confidential stuff or not top secret stuff. she used the unsecured thing for everything. that s exactly the way you should do it. right. if you want to for you and your children and your wife, then you have a phone for you and your children and your wife, but then you don t use that phone for top secret information as well. and what she did is outrageous. it s criminal. the only way only reason she got away with it is because we have a politicized justice department, not a real justice department. looks like it. just like we have a state department that s pay for play. i mean, the obama administration is a disgrace. they have disgraced the justice department with their decision
not to prosecute hillary clinton and now if they re not investigating the clinton foundation we ve got a justice department like it used to be during the teapot dome scandal. the clinton foundation is yelling out for an investigat n investigation. money goes to the clinton foundation. ubs pays $1.5 million in speaking fees to clinton. hillary gets the number and names to turn over to the irs to cut down to $4,900. in the old days when i was a prosecutor we used to call that bribery. when you repeat it as they have done, with clinton cash over 12 times it starts to become something else i used to do, called a rico case. a racketeering enterprise. but the clinton foundation is a straight out and out racketeering enterprise. at least 12 situations in which
hundreds of millions of dollars flowed through that clinton foundation. on the other side in the state department hillary, huma abedin, all the people close to her were doing favors for the people paying the money. that s why they call it pay for play. and the justice department is not investigating that, then the justice department is a disgrace. mr. mayor on top of that you have the huffington post asking them to shut it down. governor rendell said what are you doing here? some democrats are saying snap out of it. and in a couple of weeks they ll have the big meeting like they have every september. where it all where all the big companies i mean, you know the people that have donated to them? countries where women can t drive. saudi arabia. a convicted money launderer got one of the biggest favors, a visit with the ambassador to lebanon. that was sadari. one after the other.
there were some problems. ethical problems. they give them hundreds of millions and hillary on the other end, has her or one of the lackeys like huma abedin do the favors. let s talk about louisiana. we have seen the images. i talked to trump s team. i know why they went to baton rouge, they were tied of tired of seeing the images. the coffins floating down. the president not there, in martha s vineyard and hillary clinton not there. this is what the governor of louisiana said. i believe that rudy giuliani got it completely wrong. perhaps for the same reason that you did. i have not been critical of mr. trump s visit. i have tried not to comment, because i don t want to get tied up in the politics of whether it s the president, whether it s hillary clinton or whether it s donald trump. i have tried not to comment and the comments that i have made have been very reserved and so i think he was off base there with that comment. what s your reaction? well, what he said was he
didn t want anyone to come and politicize it. didn t want to turn it into the photo-op. that s what he said. and that was directly related to the press release that donald trump put out that donald trump was coming. right. and i think he also made some statements that he didn t necessarily think it was necessary to the president and anyone else to come. so all of a sudden, donald went. he changed his tune. he did. you know what he said? it helps shine a spotlight on louisiana and he appreciated the good phone conversation he had with pence and he thought it was sincere and genuine. so good. i m willing to congratulate him on changing his mind. if i offended him in any way, i m sorry, but we got the right result. the president still hasn t gone. the president is still on hold i don t know.
on hold there are only 18 holes in golf. i don t know how many he played. and plus remember what barack obama said about george bush about katrina. why aren t people outraged about this? they lambasted bush for less than this. this guy has been playing golf for four or five days and people are dying in louisiana and they need assistance. and hillary clinton took off the weekend and is now doing fund-raisers on the west coast all week. i think hillary is tired. when i saw hillary at the press conference, sitting down with the police with the democrat appointed police chief pretending she s pro police, one of the most pathetic press conferences i have ever seen. what do you mean? first of all, she looked sick. number two, she looked completely uncomfortable saying anything pro police. number three, it was a complete joke because she s surrounded by four or five democratic appointed political police chiefs. we know just go ask any cop right out there, we know who the
police are supporting. they know she s anti-cop. she s the one who found the police officers in baltimore guilty before the judge, african-american, found them not guilty. all of them. all of them. and she s never apologized to them. and she s supposed to be a lawyer? didn t have any police officers i remind you it s possible she doesn t understand the presumption of innocence because she failed the bar exam the first time. she did? the liberal press will never tell you that. she failed the bar exam in washington, d.c., and then she passed it in arkansas. didn t you say at the convention she didn t want any police officers on the floor she had no police officers on the floor of the convention. she never liked having new york city police officers around her. she doesn t want uniforms around her. doesn t want you knuniforms aro here. we have breaking news. donald trump called the control room and he wants to be on.
he ll be on in 21 minutes. a good idea to put him on. are you outraged by this? he s trying to big foot you? i am honored that my that my appearance here got his attention and he s going to be on. i m going to take credit for him coming on. all right. congratulations on your son s engagement. thank you very much. oh, how wonderful. 28 years old. this woman you approve of her? i absolutely approve of her. we approve of her. actually, we talked about that the other day. they re working on going back and forth, should it be a big one or little one. here or destination wedding. they want my advice, of course you could marry them. you know i could. except save money. except they re both catholics and i think they d rather be
married by a monsignor or by a cardinal. rudy, thank you very much. thank you. wish him all the best for us. all right. it is ten minutes after the top of the hour. let s gone side to heather. she s got some headlines. i do. good morning to you. we start off with some serious news right now. a fox news alert. these images will give you chills. a would-be child homicide bomber recruited by isis stopped just moments before carrying out a deadly attack in iraq. police there catching the 12-year-old wearing an explosive belt. well, this coming hours after another child bomber killed 51 people at a wedding in turkey. rob o neill, the former navy u.s. u.s. navy s.e.a.l. who killed osama bin laden joined us earlier on the show and said this kind of enemy is hard to beat. i m talking off camera to my friends, while we re teaching our children about safe zones, trigger words and microaggressions they re training our kids to kill our
kids. you know they re teaching them at a very young age. terrorism will be on the agenda when vice president joe biden visits turkey this week. and a federal judge blocked the obama administration s transgender bathroom order for american schools. now, this directive would have affected children as young as kindergarten age. the judge is one of many people challenging the changes that would allow kids to use bathrooms or locker rooms that align with their gender identity. now the directive won t go into effect until that plays out in the courts. ryan lochte s olympic sized lie could get him kicked out of the pool for good. the u.s. olympic committee said he ll be punished for lying about getting robbed in rio. no word on the exact discipline, but a ban is a possibility. he claimed he was robbed at gun point but this surveillance video paints a different
picture. he opened up in a new interview saying that he is ashamed. i overexaggerated that story. and if i never did had done that, we wouldn t be in this mess. i was immature and i made a stupid mistake. i m human. i made a mistake and i definitely learned from this. well, the olympic committee says that lochte and his teammates let down america. those are your headlines. let s back outside to you. thanks, heather. okay. a little fire action here, there it goes right there. the guy who doesn t blink an eye is rudy giuliani. i have to take a little video around with me to go to sleep at night. when i go to rural areas. rudy, thanks again for joining us. hey, let me tell you what s coming up next. how s this for transparency. why hillary clinton is keeping the press behind these bushes.
don t fence me in. rudy, thank you. americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that s why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you
we have got a fox news alert for you. zika is such a fear in south florida that officials there are now passing out bug spray to the
kids. the students. the kids in miami are headed back to school this morning. yep. that s where we find brian enson, live with details. hey, brian. reporter: hey, you know, it is an interesting time to being coming back to school. the first day of school in the miami area. over 5,000 kids, they go to school in a zika zone. we have now two zika zones in the miami area. we have the one in the wynnewood area, north of downtown. then another zone announced on friday in miami beach. nine schools are in those zika zones and they have had to take p precautions. really scrambling over the weekend. they have to give out uniforms for the kids, now they have kids with long sleeved shirts, long pants on also.
mosquito repellent. given out the mosquito repellent so they can put on that before the kid goes to school. we have 36 cases of locally transmitted zika in this area. it was likely spread by a mosquito and that number is expected to rise in the coming days. thank you very much. of course with high temperatures in the 80s and 90s and now they have to put on the bug spray and put on the long pants. and it s hot. mike levine said despite all that, you can find a lot of bikinis and the packed beach on south beach over the weekend. people weren t overreacting to zika. he s based in tourism. right. but heze a bikini when he sees one. what do you do the sunscreen and put deet over that? does that work? i guess you say to yourself, tan or zika? i m going for the tan. you have choices in life. one or the other. some things are more important than the others, i guess. hillary clinton facing new trouble and donald trump said
there s more to come. he s going to join us shortly. an unbelievable video shows the suspect being flung from the back of a police cruiser during a nasty crash and we ll tell you why it was all his fault.
all right. a sailor convicted of mishandling classified information got a reduced sentence from 78 weeks to 12 at 78 months possibly maximum by taking a page from hillary clinton hand book. saucier was sentenced to just one year.
the lawyers for saucier argued that if hillary got a pass with 113 classified e-mails, shouldn t their client get a pass or leniency? the attorney for christian saucier is join us right now. craig, you think that played a role in the fact she had 113 classified e-mails that she sent around on her own server played a role with your client? absolutely. we do believe it played a role in our client s defense while also there was a lot of other mitigation for our client. but absolutely i do believe it played a role. tell me what christian did. i understand he just took pictures of the nuclear sub he was on. he sent it back to the family to let them know, this is what i m doing, this is where i ve been. well, he took photographs. he never actually sent any of the photographs. he took photographs on a cell phone. he actually took the photographs nine years ago. the cell phone wasn t found until a few years back in a
garbage dump. so that happened, they went back after him. he was facing up to 78 months. did he didn t want to sell this to the russians. to the chinese, al qaeda. no. he just took them, right? that s right. he just took these photographs because he wanted to have some sort of a memento he could pass on and show his kids. tell me how you presented this in your case, with the hillary clinton precedent. basically what we put in the sentencing memo was the fact that this is becoming a politicized prosecution where one individual that has name recognition and connections is not prosecuted. then they go after someone like my client and it s unfair. you know, it sends a message to the rest of america that justice depends on who your name is. and the judge says it didn t play a role, but you believe it did? absolutely. the judge made some comments during sentencing that selective
prosecution don t play a role, wasn t helpful in this case. however, i think that the timing of our case, the timing of the decision not to prosecute hillary clinton i think absolutely did play a role. there s some more cases in the pipeline including one from afghanistan and others. they re saying going to use the hillary clinton defense as well, because the precedent has been set. what took place mattered and obviously you did not have somebody looking to hurt america by taking pictures of the sub he was on. thank you very much. we re curious to see how this plays out in other cases. hillary clinton facing new trouble this morning and donald trump says there s more to come. donald trump joins us next. and people at one popular destination urged to be on the lookout for a giant python. a story that will send chills up your spine.
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we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
i want to ride to the ridge where the west commences well, it s your shot of the morning. hillary clinton loves to speak out against building a wall on the mexican border but she apparently has no problem fencing out reporters. an associate press reporter tweeted out her view of the clinton fund-raiser. hillary said there were 8,000 people attending in massachusetts with a minimum contribution of $45. another reporter, margaret caleb who s a senior white house correspondent tweeting a similar shot saying the bit she overheard sounded like sanders
stump speech. there you go. all right. it s now 29 minutes before the top of the hour. we believe that donald trump is going to be phoning in in just a moment or two. he s busy with his empire. in the meantime, we go to heather nauert who joins with us the news. good morning. 30 minutes past the hour, and i have some jaw-dropping video that you have to see. there is a guy arrested in the back of a police cruiser and he somehow manages to get out of handcuffs and out of the back of the cop car when that car suddenly crashes and tosses him outside the rear windshield. take a look at this. it happened to a teenager in arkansas. watch as he blows right out the back of the windshield and he tries to run away from the scene. he was caught just moments later and he was eventually taken to the pokey where he s being held on charges including escape and perhaps no surprise, public intoxication. well, the actress kirstie alley slamming president obama for continuing to play golf
during the devastating floods in louisiana, linking a video of the president himself criticizing president bush back in 2008. well, she added a tweet saying my point is do you think the u.s. wants to see him playing golf while louisiana is under 20 feet of water and while people are dying? and the black lives matter, the group also coming under fire for not helping the catastrophic flooding. there s an online video that says that the group has only promoted a company offering free family photos to victims. we ll get you more on that one later. a giant snake is on the loose. police in southern maine warning campers to watch out after someone spotted this snake skin at a park. there are several reported sightings of that snake dubbed westy. while police try to figure out what kind of snake it is. police are asking people to keep a safe distance from wildlife and to report any sightings. back to you guys outside. all right, we ll bring in trump who promised to call in and he has.
donald trump, welcome back to fox & friends. good morning. good morning. good morning to you. let s talk about the clinton foundation. among the people saying it s problematic and shut it down is huffington post. you also agree with that premise. well, not the one that number one, they should shut it down and give the country back the money they shouldn t be taking money from. countries that influenced her totally and countries that discriminated against women and gays and everybody else. i mean, that money it should be given back. they should not take that money. honestly, do you think that will happen? it should happen. whether or not it will, very greedy people, so maybe it won t. but it should happen. i see that your campaign just sent out a statement a few minutes ago regarding this, and you write, it is now clear that the clinton foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. there are a lot of people who
are not up to speed on what the clinton foundation has been doing that you feel is illegal. well, i think it s been really well documented in the book and the book has been absolutely approved by so many people. you had accounting firms go in there, you had so many people going in and it s pay for play. i mean, if you look at it, it s pay for play. so many things happen, money is paid, and then all of a sudden, lots of good things very, very bad situation. so you say shut it down. oh, i say shut it down. it s interesting because the campaign was asked yesterday, hey, why don t you just shut it down now rather than wait until we find out whether or not she s elected president of the united states. and the spokesperson couldn t really answer that. yeah. i don t know why we don t shut it down. he didn t say that, but clearly that s the message. look, these are very greedy people. these are people that have skirted the law for a long time. hard to believe that, you know,
somebody like this has a good chance, you know a fairly good chance of being president. although if you look at the most recent polls i think things are turning. i think they re turning rather rapidly. it s hard to believe she can be running. to be honest with you, with the e-mails and the crimes she s committed she shouldn t be allowed to rubble for president. let s talk about the e-mail scandal. she totally threw colin powell under the bus and she was meeting with the fbi and she said that powell said to use the personal e-mail server. he was in the hamptons over the weekend and he said that s a total lie. he said she was using that e-mail for one year before he told her that he had been doing the same thing. well, look, she s a liar. she lies. she lied about the e-mail, she lied about colin powell. i saw that, he was not happy. and it s the whole thing is a scam with them. everything is a scam. like grifters. there was a column over the
weekend about huma abedin and her mom and evidently they had a journal of muslim minority affairs going. it s a it s a journal. she had a title with the journal. she wrote for this journal and you know basically their message is anti-woman as you can get. you understand they were talking about they were talking about how it s better for a woman to be subservient for to a to a man. and then her campaign said she had no role on the radical journal. you know it s interesting because of course that s terrible. it shouldn t happen. it s a lie, another lie they tell. but what about the fact that huma abedin who knows every single thing about hillary clinton she knows more about hillary than hillary knows and she s married to a pervert sleaze named anthony weiner who will send anything out over
twitter. she s married to anthony weiner. she knows everything that hillary clinton is doing. she s married to a guy who has no control over himself. of course, this was the story that involved somebody with trump, it would have been a big story in the mainstream media. if this was trump, it was so big, you d call up and say, i m so sorry for you, that s so sad. let s talk about your weekend. you had a meeting with hispanic leaders and then buzzfeed had a headline, in reversal, trump talks about openness for legalization to immigrants. have you changed your mind? are you open to leaving the 11 million or so illegals in this country right now well, first of all what s going on? let me tell you, these are great people. highly respected people in them. unbelievable people. just to tell you about buzz
feed, they guaranteed that i wasn t going to run and the writer said he ll take a year s salary off if i run. and i ran. so, you know, buzzfeed, they re about as accurate on this but i ll tell you, we are dealing with people. we have to be very firm. we have to be very, very strong when people come in illegally. we have a lot of people that want to come in through the legal process and it s not fair for them. we re working with a lot of people in the hispanic community to try and come up with an answer. so you re not flip flopping? no, i m not flip flopping. we want to come one a really fair, but firm answer. that s it has to be very firm. but we want something fair. the new york times did a story sunday saying that your companies they looked at 30 trump properties have $650 million in debt. what s your reaction? well, the value if the value is $11 billion it s a very small amount of debt. i have very little debt relative to the assets. i guess they said the two assets they were talking about they went out and did an appraisal.
$3.7 billion. that s put down on the little line. compared to my assets, i think i have less than 5% or so in debt. which is a very low debt. now, the smart people that read that story thought it was a good story. some people didn t understand the story, but when you get to $300 million or $600 million, but you have massive buildings and big assets that s a very small amount of money. i have very little debt. all right. mr. trump, thanks for joining us. i know you re headed to austin for another town hall and i ll be there. thank you for joining us. all right. that s great. see you tomorrow. coming up next, i went one-on-one with his running mate, mike pence, in indiana. look, hillary is in hiding and donald trump is everywhere. more from that exclusive interview with his family. that s coming up next. plus, what happens when bullying gets physical? the moves that can help your kids. how to bully proof your kids coming up on fox & friends.
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get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. well, we re back in new york city. but you had a very busy weekend in indiana. i did. we went to indiana on thursday night. hoping to get this interview and we re definitely getting the interview with mike pence and his family. then they called when i got off the plane, my phone was blowing up with messages saying we re going to baton rouge to help the families that, you know, need our care. so can you stick around, so we did the interview over the weekend which actually worked out. i got to talk to him about his experience in baton rouge and meet his family. we spoke about policy for 30 minutes before we met his family. so thhere s that sit down with him. you re back from baton rouge, how was that? it was heart breaking to see
the flooding and the impact it s had, but it was so inspiring to see the determination and the resilience of those families and also to see the way people are coming alongside. volunteering time and really helping people put their lives back together. president obama just announced that he is going to be paying a visit to that area this week. what s your reaction, to the fact that hillary clinton hasn t gone there, president obama hasn t. they spent the weekend in martha s vineyard. i think that donald trump made it clear yesterday we were there to help. people can make their own judgments about other leaders. i m glad that the president is going next week. this may be the worst natural disaster since hurricane sandy. but it hasn t seemed to get the level of attention that it deserves. the enormity of this is it is evident when you re on the ground there. a lot has changed over the last few days in the campaign.
paul manafort resigning. what was your reaction? i thought that paul manafort did a great job during the primaries and during the convention and we all appreciate his service. why did he resign? i think i think paul didn t want to be a distraction going forward. we more than 80 days left in the campaign. we saw a couple of great new additions to the campaign. i have actually known kellyanne conway for many years. to see her step into the role of campaign manager, steve bannon who brings an extraordinary vision and energy to this. i think what you see this week is a campaign that s an a roll. has he been including you in some of the decisions? donald trump and i talk every day and sometimes several times a day. i think the american people know the person that s running donald trump s campaign for president is donald trump. look at how much african-american communities have suffered. what do you have to lose? donald trump is telling the african-american community i am the guy for you. and he says by 2020 he s going
to have 95% of the african-american support. why are you laughing? well, that s donald trump. look, look, he has a heart for every american. and he also he s a truth teller. he speaks the truth. it s been the failed policies of democratic politicians that h e have that have harmed people living in the cities. in this country now for generations. and it s had special impact on the african-american community. he s speaking the truth. but he s also he s also doing what a leader should do. as john f. kennedy says, we re going to create opportunities for every american and his optimistic view about the 2020 when he s running for re-election, that s pure donald trump. look, we re going to deliver for every american and when the
african-americans and others see the opportunity all they have under a they ll have under a trump administration i have no doubt that will grow. there s a judge associated with the e-mail scandal who s now said that hillary clinton has to answer questions under oath. what do you think about this? it s time for her to go on the record. look, hillary is in hiding and donald trump is going ever where she s gone more than 250 days without a press conference. it s time for her to answer these questions. not just these questions but questions about the clinton foundation. i mean, now we hear that the clintons are going to stop fund-raising for the clinton foundation if she s elected president. presumably because that s a conflict of interest. well, if the american people wonder why wasn t it a conflict of interest when she was secretary of state, the third ranking constitutional officer in charge of our foreign policy. this is what happens when you don t get a step on the message. mike pence is on the offensive, so is trump about hillary clinton. yeah. tomorrow you ll meet the family. i m so excited about that.
because they were so sweet and so nice. you ll get to see the inside of what the residence looks like. the governor house. they ll talk about their faith. getting some funny stories about what he s like as a person. i know you spent time in indiana and you would have preferred to have been home, but you did great. how was the mall? i did do some shopping so thanks for asking, brian. we did reach out to tim kaine. we hoped they would take us up on the interview, but they passed. okay, what happens when bullies gets physical? what your kids needs to do to defend themselves. but first, martha maccallum. i hear your ride coming. uh-oh. better talk fast. thanks. so good morning. as you have been talking about the trump campaign is in overdrive now to change the tide amid reports that hillary is prepping for the white house. we ll dig into the very latest polls which do appear to be tightening a bit and while louisiana suffers, president
obama has a very different response to them than he did to those hit by sandy when he was running for re-election in 2012. governor bel edwards speaks out in a surprising way. you will hear that. john sununu and michael goodwin here as well. see you at the top of the hour. ? the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that s who. we re working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. helping you save money and reduce emissions. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. . 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day women s gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need. .plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies.
did you know this, 160,000 kids a day, they miss school because they are being bullied. well, now martial arts athletes are teaming up to put an end to bullying. what are some of the moves your kids need to do and know before heading back to school. some of the kids are doing it back there.
you can hear and them and jo you can hear them and you can see them. so i hear that the kids are being bullied regularly. you said 150,000 kids miss school every single day and we want to make sure that parents around kids are educated about bullying as we get back into the back to school time. as we talk about the kids going back to school in south florida, what are some things we can teach our kids or have the professionals teach our kids so they won t get bullied? so first is education. parents think oh, my kid isn t being bullied. statistics show that actually only 20% of time does it actually turn into the physical confrontation. we want to educate our parents and the kids on what bullying looks like, as well as what you confrontation how to protect yourself. can i have mr. ryan come to the front? in a physical confrontation, the
first thing to do is to protect ourselves. there s three things. we want to protect, get away and then report it. report it to our parents and then to teachers as well. this is something you can practice at home with your kids or, you know with the families. go ahead and put your hands up. if you want to practice it with us, all right perfect. so the first thing to do, get a natural position, okay? so put your favorite leg in the back and so you have a comfortable stance. we want to go and put our hands up and open. this is preventing a confrontation. this isn t going to stop this, but it shows distance, and shows, i don t want to fight. you re not the aggressor in this situation. we want to protect our head, the most important part of the body. creating a shield from here. creating the shield. from here, he s going to put his targets up. take your hands and open them back up again. push straightforward with a palm strike. one and two. one and two. one good, perfect. as we re doing that, there s a
couple of things to do. we can push with the body to push somebody away from us. as we push to the face, obviously creating the eyes to water, to be able to get away. this is defensive. absolutely. absolutely. now you have three young men and women over here. going to show us something. right what martial arts athletes are, they re incredible advocates for their community as well. we have three performers here. top athletes. go ahead. you see what they re incorporating in their martial arts athleticism, speed and power. this is really martial arts taken to the highest level. go ahead, guys. and through all of their practicing they become some of the top level athletes. wow. i think what everyone can do to practice and to get ready for back to school, you can visit our website, and download a bully defense kid and get access
to over 1,000 different bully defense workshops around the country. you re doing them all around the country and if you go to our website, you can find out more information on thank you so much. thank you for being advocates against bullying. no one is going to bully these guys. we ll be right back. we will, in two minutes. if you have medicare
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well, such a beautiful day we came out for the entire 8:00 hour. it s about 72 and great. i hope you have a wonderful monday. we have a huge show tomorrow. don t we? yes. we go inside the pence family and kellyanne conway will be with us. the inside story on the trump family. dolly parton? dolly parton is coming in tomorrow? kellie pickler is coming in too. right. these two bonded.
we re very jealous. i love dolly. we love kellie. and the milwaukee sheriff. in the after the show show we ll talk to the young martial artists and we have a hundred people here in front of the world headquarters. we ll talk to them in the after the show show. log on right now to martha: we start with a fox news alert. donald trump set to go on the attack, ready to call for hillary clinton to shut down the controversial clinton foundation now is his plea. good morning. i m martha maccallum in america s newsroom. eric: it s been a rough couple weeks in the strum campaign and has many pundits predicting donald s demise. they claim hillary clinton has some major house cleaning to do. we expect a major announcement from in trump about

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